Basic Egyptian Vocabulary
The 1000 most common words in hieroglyphs
This website offers the 1000 most common words of the Egyptian language, arranged in thematic groups, ideal as a learning aid for beginners and excellent for those interested in getting an overview.
The Egyptian words are presented in scientific transliteration with common hieroglyphic spellings and translated into the three scientific languages of Egyptology, namely English, German and French.
The words and the hieroglyphic spellings are linked to our ORAEC corpus, so that common uses of the words can be easily determined.
The thematic groups follow the categorization of the UCREL Semantic Analysis System (USAS) in order to allow a computerized evaluation of the semantics of Egyptian. The categories are listed below. If a word from the basic vocabulary is classified in a category, you can click on the category. The link will take you to the page belonging to that category. All words in the basic vocabulary that belong to that category are listed there. They are sorted by frequency. The most common word is listed first.
The CC-0 license allows completely free reuse of this site. You can simply copy this site, translate the words into any other language (Arabic, Chinese, etc.) and publish everything on your server.
If you prefer to learn with Anki flash cards, you can download them here:
- A1 General And Abstract Terms
- A1.1.1 General actions / making
- A1.1.1- Inaction
- A1.1.2 Damaging and destroying
- A1.1.2- Fixing and mending
- A1.2 Suitability
- A1.2+ Suitable
- A1.2- Unsuitable
- A1.3 Caution
- A1.3+ Cautious
- A1.3- No caution
- A1.4 Chance, luck
- A1.4+ Lucky
- A1.4- Unlucky
- A1.5 Use
- A1.5.1 Using
- A1.5.1+ Used
- A1.5.1- Unused
- A1.5.2 Usefulness
- A1.5.2+ Useful
- A1.5.2- Useless
- A1.6 Concrete/Abstract
- A1.7+ Constraint
- A1.7- No constraint
- A1.8+ Inclusion
- A1.8- Exclusion
- A1.9 Avoiding
- A1.9- Unavoidable
- A2 Affect
- A2.1 Modify, change
- A2.1+ Change
- A2.1- No change
- A2.2 Cause&Effect/Connection
- A2.2+ Cause/Effect/Connected
- A2.2- Unconnected
- A3 Being
- A3+ Existing
- A3- Non-existing
- A4 Classification
- A4.1 Generally kinds, groups, examples
- A4.1- Unclassified
- A4.2 Particular/general; detail
- A4.2+ Detailed
- A4.2- General
- A5 Evaluation
- A5.1 Evaluation: Good/bad
- A5.1+ Evaluation: Good
- A5.1- Evaluation: Bad
- A5.2 Evaluation: True/false
- A5.2+ Evaluation: True
- A5.2- Evaluation: False
- A5.3 Evaluation: Accuracy
- A5.3+ Evaluation: Accurate
- A5.3- Evaluation: Inaccurate
- A5.4 Evaluation: Authenticity
- A5.4+ Evaluation: Authentic
- A5.4- Evaluation: Unauthentic
- A6 Comparing
- A6.1 Comparing: Similar/different
- A6.1+ Comparing: Similar
- A6.1- Comparing: Different
- A6.2 Comparing: Usual/unusual
- A6.2+ Comparing: Usual
- A6.2- Comparing: Unusual
- A6.3 Comparing: Variety
- A6.3+ Comparing: Varied
- A6.3- Comparing: Unvaried
- A7 Probability
- A7+ Likely
- A7- Unlikely
- A8 Seem
- A9 Getting and giving; possession
- A9+ Getting and possession
- A9- Giving
- A10 Open/closed; Hiding/Hidden; Finding; Showing
- A10+ Open; Finding; Showing
- A10- Closed; Hiding/Hidden
- A11 Importance
- A11.1 Importance
- A11.1+ Important
- A11.1- Unimportant
- A11.2 Noticeability
- A11.2+ Noticeable
- A11.2- Unnoticeable
- A12 Easy/difficult
- A12+ Easy
- A12- Difficult
- A13 Degree
- A13.1 Degree: Non-specific
- A13.2 Degree: Maximizers
- A13.3 Degree: Boosters
- A13.4 Degree: Approximators
- A13.5 Degree: Compromisers
- A13.6 Degree: Diminishers
- A13.7 Degree: Minimizers
- A14 Exclusivizers/particularizers
- A15 Safety/Danger
- A15+ Safe
- A15- Danger
- B1 Anatomy and physiology
- B2 Health and disease
- B2+ Healthy
- B2- Disease
- B3 Medicines and medical treatment
- B3- Without medical treatment
- B4 Cleaning and personal care
- B4+ Clean
- B4- Dirty
- B5 Clothes and personal belongings
- B5- Without clothes
- C1 Arts and crafts
- E1 Emotional Actions, States And Processes General
- E1+ Emotional
- E1- Unemotional
- E2 Liking
- E2+ Like
- E2- Dislike
- E3 Calm/Violent/Angry
- E3+ Calm
- E3- Violent/Angry
- E4 Happiness and Contentment
- E4.1 Happy/sad
- E4.1+ Happy
- E4.1- Sad
- E4.2 Contentment
- E4.2+ Content
- E4.2- Discontent
- E5 Bravery and Fear
- E5+ Bravery
- E5- Fear/shock
- E6 Worry and confidence
- E6+ Confident
- E6- Worry
- F1 Food
- F1+ Abundance of food
- F1- Lack of food
- F2 Drinks and alcohol
- F2+ Excessive drinking
- F2- Not drinking
- F3 Smoking and non-medical drugs
- F3+ Smoking and drugs abuse
- F3- Non-smoking / no use of drugs
- F4 Farming & Horticulture
- F4- Uncultivated
- G1 Government and Politics
- G1.1 Government
- G1.1- Non-governmental
- G1.2 Politics
- G1.2- Non-political
- G2 Crime, law and order
- G2.1 Law and order
- G2.1+ Lawful
- G2.1- Crime
- G2.2 General ethics
- G2.2+ Ethical
- G2.2- Unethical
- G3 Warfare, defence and the army; weapons
- G3- Anti-war
- H1 Architecture, houses and buildings
- H2 Parts of buildings
- H3 Areas around or near houses
- H4 Residence
- H4- Non-resident
- H5 Furniture and household fittings
- H5- Unfurnished
- I1 Money generally
- I1.1 Money and pay
- I1.1+ Money: Affluence
- I1.1- Money: Lack
- I1.2 Money: Debts
- I1.2+ Spending and money loss
- I1.2- Debt-free
- I1.3 Money: Cost and price
- I1.3+ Expensive
- I1.3- Cheap
- I2 Business
- I2.1 Business: Generally
- I2.1- Non-commercial
- I2.2 Business: Selling
- I3 Work and employment
- I3.1 Work and employment: Generally
- I3.1- Unemployed
- I3.2 Work and employment: Professionalism
- I3.2+ Professional
- I3.2- Unprofessional
- I4 Industry
- I4- No industry
- K1 Entertainment generally
- K2 Music and related activities
- K3 Recorded sound
- K4 Drama, the theatre and show business
- K5 Sports and games generally
- K5.1 Sports
- K5.2 Games
- K6 Children’s games and toys
- L1 Life and living things
- L1+ Alive
- L1- Dead
- L2 Living creatures: animals, birds, etc.
- L2- No living creatures
- L3 Plants
- L3- No plants
- M1 Moving, coming and going
- M2 Putting, pulling, pushing, transporting
- M3 Vehicles and transport on land
- M4 Sailing, swimming, etc.
- M4- Non-swimming
- M5 Flying and aircraft
- M6 Location and direction
- M7 Places
- M8 Stationary
- N1 Numbers
- N2 Mathematics
- N3 Measurement
- N3.1 Measurement: General
- N3.2 Measurement: Size
- N3.2+ Size: Big
- N3.2- Size: Small
- N3.3 Measurement: Distance
- N3.3+ Distance: Far
- N3.3- Distance: Near
- N3.4 Measurement: Volume
- N3.4+ Volume: Inflated
- N3.4- Volume: Compressed
- N3.5 Measurement: Weight
- N3.5+ Weight: Heavy
- N3.5- Weight: Light
- N3.6 Measurement: Area
- N3.6+ Spacious
- N3.7 Measurement: Length & height
- N3.7+ Long, tall and wide
- N3.7- Short and narrow
- N3.8 Measurement: Speed
- N3.8+ Speed: Fast
- N3.8- Speed: Slow
- N4 Linear order
- N4- Nonlinear
- N5 Quantities
- N5+ Quantities: many/much
- N5- Quantities: little
- N5.1 Entirety; maximum
- N5.1+ Entire; maximum
- N5.1- Part
- N5.2 Exceeding
- N5.2+ Exceed; waste
- N6 Frequency
- N6+ Frequent
- N6- Infrequent
- O1 Substances and materials generally
- O1.1 Substances and materials: Solid
- O1.2 Substances and materials: Liquid
- O1.2- Dry
- O1.3 Substances and materials: Gas
- O1.3- Gasless
- O2 Objects generally
- O3 Electricity and electrical equipment
- O4 Physical attributes
- O4.1 General appearance and physical properties
- O4.2 Judgement of appearance
- O4.2+ Judgement of appearance: Beautiful
- O4.2- Judgement of appearance: Ugly
- O4.3 Colour and colour patterns
- O4.4 Shape
- O4.5 Texture
- O4.6 Temperature
- O4.6+ Temperature: Hot / on fire
- O4.6- Temperature: Cold
- P1 Education in general
- P1- Not educated
- Q1 Linguistic Actions, States And Processes; Communication
- Q1.1 Linguistic Actions, States And Processes; Communication
- Q1.2 Paper documents and writing
- Q1.2- Unwritten
- Q1.3 Telecommunications
- Q2 Speech
- Q2.1 Speech: Communicative
- Q2.1+ Speech: Talkative
- Q2.1- Speech: Not communicating
- Q2.2 Speech acts
- Q2.2- Speech acts: Not speaking
- Q3 Language, speech and grammar
- Q3- Non-verbal
- Q4 The Media
- Q4.1 The Media: Books
- Q4.2 The Media: Newspapers etc.
- Q4.3 The Media: TV, Radio and Cinema
- S1 Social Actions, States And Processes
- S1.1 Social Actions, States And Processes
- S1.1.1 Social Actions, States And Processes
- S1.1.2 Reciprocity
- S1.1.2+ Reciprocal
- S1.1.2- Unilateral
- S1.1.3 Participation
- S1.1.3+ Participating
- S1.1.3- Non-participating
- S1.1.4 Deserve
- S1.1.4+ Deserving
- S1.1.4- Undeserving
- S1.2 Personality traits
- S1.2.1 Approachability and Friendliness
- S1.2.1+ Informal/Friendly
- S1.2.1- Formal/Unfriendly
- S1.2.2 Avarice
- S1.2.2+ Greedy
- S1.2.2- Generous
- S1.2.3 Egoism
- S1.2.3+ Selfish
- S1.2.3- Unselfish
- S1.2.4 Politeness
- S1.2.4+ Polite
- S1.2.4- Impolite
- S1.2.5 Toughness; strong/weak
- S1.2.5+ Tough/strong
- S1.2.5- Weak
- S1.2.6 Common sense
- S1.2.6+ Sensible
- S1.2.6- Foolish
- S2 People
- S2- No people
- S2.1 People: Female
- S2.1- Not feminine
- S2.2 People: Male
- S3 Relationship
- S3.1 Personal relationship: General
- S3.1- No personal relationship
- S3.2 Relationship: Intimacy and sex
- S3.2+ Relationship: Sexual
- S3.2- Relationship: Asexual
- S4 Kin
- S4- No kin
- S5 Groups and affiliation
- S5+ Belonging to a group
- S5- Not part of a group
- S6 Obligation and necessity
- S6+ Strong obligation or necessity
- S6- No obligation or necessity
- S7 Power relationship
- S7.1 Power, organizing
- S7.1+ In power
- S7.1- No power
- S7.2 Respect
- S7.2+ Respected
- S7.2- No respect
- S7.3 Competition
- S7.3+ Competitive
- S7.3- No competition
- S7.4 Permission
- S7.4+ Allowed
- S7.4- Not allowed
- S8 Helping/hindering
- S8+ Helping
- S8- Hindering
- S9 Religion and the supernatural
- S9- Non-religious
- T1 Time
- T1.1 Time: General
- T1.1.1 Time: Past
- T1.1.2 Time: Present; simultaneous
- T1.1.2- Time: Asynchronous
- T1.1.3 Time: Future
- T1.2 Time: Momentary
- T1.3 Time: Period
- T1.3+ Time period: long
- T1.3- Time period: short
- T2 Time: Beginning and ending
- T2+ Time: Beginning
- T2- Time: Ending
- T3 Time: Old, new and young; age
- T3+ Time: Old; grown-up
- T3- Time: New and young
- T4 Time: Early/late
- T4+ Time: Early
- T4- Time: Late
- W1 The universe
- W2 Light
- W2- Darkness
- W3 Geographical terms
- W4 Weather
- W5 Green issues
- X1 Psychological Actions, States And Processes
- X2 Mental actions and processes
- X2.1 Thought, belief
- X2.1- Without thinking
- X2.2 Knowledge
- X2.2+ Knowledgeable
- X2.2- No knowledge
- X2.3 Learn
- X2.3+ Learning
- X2.4 Investigate, examine, test, search
- X2.4+ Double-check
- X2.4- Not examined
- X2.5 Understand
- X2.5+ Understanding
- X2.5- Not understanding
- X2.6 Expect
- X2.6+ Expected
- X2.6- Unexpected
- X3 Sensory
- X3.1 Sensory: Taste
- X3.1+ Tasty
- X3.1- Not tasty
- X3.2 Sensory: Sound
- X3.2+ Sound: Loud
- X3.2- Sound: Quiet
- X3.3 Sensory: Touch
- X3.4 Sensory: Sight
- X3.4+ Seen
- X3.4- Unseen
- X3.5 Sensory: Smell
- X3.5- No smell
- X4 Mental object
- X4.1 Mental object: Conceptual object
- X4.1- Themeless
- X4.2 Mental object: Means, method
- X5 Attention
- X5.1 Attention
- X5.1+ Attentive
- X5.1- Inattentive
- X5.2 Interest/boredom/excited/energetic
- X5.2+ Interested/excited/energetic
- X5.2- Uninterested/bored/unenergetic
- X6 Deciding
- X6+ Decided
- X6- Undecided
- X7 Wanting; planning; choosing
- X7+ Wanted
- X7- Unwanted
- X8 Trying
- X8+ Trying hard
- X8- Not trying
- X9 Ability
- X9.1 Ability and intelligence
- X9.1+ Able/intelligent
- X9.1- Inability/unintelligence
- X9.2 Success and failure
- X9.2+ Success
- X9.2- Failure
- Y1 Science and technology in general
- Y1- Anti-scientific
- Y2 Information technology and computing
- Y2- Low-tech
- Z0 Unmatched proper noun
- Z1 Personal names
- Z2 Geographical names
- Z3 Other proper names
- Z4 Discourse Bin
- Z5 Grammatical bin
- Z6 Negative
- Z7 If
- Z7- Unconditional
- Z8 Pronouns
- Z9 Trash can
- Z99 Unmatched
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