ḥm (104630)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma ḥm, "Feigling" (for more info check AED link: 104630) appears in these sentences:
- oraec510-18
(〈Uronarti-Stele Sesostris' III. (Khartum Nr. 3 = Inv. 451)〉 / Uronarti-Stele Sesostris' III. (Khartum Nr. 3 = Inv. 451)), [Z.8]
- oraec1091-18
(〈Große Semna-Stele Sesostris' III. (Berlin ÄM 1157)〉 / Große Semna-Stele Sesostris' III. (Berlin ÄM 1157)), [Z.10]
- oraec235-24
(Die Lehre des Amenemhet / pMillingen), [2, 3]
- oraec81-184
(Qadesch-Schlacht Poem (K1) / Hypostyl (Außen)/Südwand), [50]
- oraec9-477
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [25.7]
- oraec198-26
(〈Kol. 1-3: 〉Die Lehre des Amenemhet / pSallier II = pBM EA 10182), [2, 2]
- oraec112-182
(Qadesch-Schlacht Poem (L1) / 〈Ost und Westturm〉), [58]
- oraec192-187
(Qadesch-Schlacht Poem (L2) / Ostwand und Südwand (Aussen)), [55]