ḫbs (113860)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
Coptic successor: ϩⲏⲃⲥ
The lemma ḫbs, "Lampe; Docht" (for more info check AED link: 113860) appears in these sentences:
- oraec608-6
([vs. 1-13]: Brief des Ini-heret-chau an den Wesir Chay / oToronto A 11), [11]
- oraec445-4
((Rto.) 7,6-8,7: Empfehlung, Schreiber zu werden / pLansing = pBM EA 9994), [7,7]
- oraec888-4
(Satirischer Brief pAnastasi I, 1.3-6 / 〈02. 〉oTurin CGT 57539 = Suppl. 9747+9749), [2]
- oraec1232-8
(Brief an den Wesir von Hay und ... / oBM 65933 (oNash 11)), [A.vs.8]
- oraec83-308
(Recto: Meryre und Sisobek / pVandier = pLille 139), [7x,4]
- oraec2-135
(Mythologisches Handbuch für Unterägyptische Gaue / pBrooklyn 47.218.84 ("Mythes et Légendes du Delta")), [x+8,1]