qbḥ.w (160360)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma qbḥ.w, "Wasservögel" (for more info check AED link: 160360) appears in these sentences:
- oraec19-156
(Der beredte Bauer (Version B1) / pBerlin P 3023 + pAmherst I〈 (Bauer, B1)〉), [144/alt 113]
- oraec178-15
(Die Lehre des Cheti / 〈13. 〉tLouvre N 693), [rto, 6]
- oraec99-60
(Ein Nilhymnus / oDeM 1675), [Vso 6]
- oraec117-7
(Der große Nilhymnus / oDeM 1176), [Rto 3]
- oraec430-8
(Recto 1-5: Der große Nilhymnus / pChester Beatty V = pBM EA 10685), [2,4]
- oraec1645-8
(Der große Nilhymnus / oGolenischeff 4470), [4]
- oraec355-7
(〈Kol. 7-12: 〉Der große Nilhymnus / pAnastasi VII = pBM EA 10222), [8, 1]
- oraec431-7
(〈Kol. 11-14: 〉Der große Nilhymnus / pSallier II = pBM EA 10182), [11, 9]
- oraec177-25
((Vso.) 12,1-13a,7: Der Landsitz des Raja / pLansing = pBM EA 9994), [12,8]
- oraec1268-16
(Tb 169 Pleyte / pLeiden T 31), [10]