rwḏ (93840)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma rwḏ, "beaufsichtigen" (for more info check AED link: 93840 & VÉgA entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec204-14
(〈Stele des Mentuhotep (Florenz 2540)〉 / Stele des Mentuhotep (Florenz 2540)), [C.9]
- oraec1650-7
(Briefantwort (Rubrum) / pBerlin 10018), [VS;8r]
- oraec726-6
(Brief des Minmose an Sobekhotepu / oBM 5627), [11]
- oraec317-2
((Rto.) 8,7-10,10: Soldatencharakteristik / pLansing = pBM EA 9994), [9,1]
- oraec340-17
(Die Lehre des Ani (Version G) / 〈12. 〉pGuimet 16959 = pLouvre E 30144〈 (G)〉), [2.1]
- oraec56-253
(Recto: Die Lehre des Ani (Version B) / 〈02. 〉pBoulaq 4, Rto〈 (B)〉), [22.3]