List of all collocations of Nfr-ḥr-n-Ptḥ, "Nefer-her-en-Ptah" (703474)
Statistical overview
Number of occurrences: 13
Number of collocation partners: 56
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:
Alphabetical overview
- =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" (AED link: 10050) - 12 Cooccurrences
- Ꜣbd-n-Sꜣḏ, "Monatsfest des Sadj" (AED link: 450443) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jꜣwi̯, "alt sein" (AED link: 20480) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jm.j-rʾ-qd.w, "Vorsteher der Maurer" (AED link: 401207) - 1 Cooccurrence
- jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher jeder Arbeit des Königs" (AED link: 401164) - 1 Cooccurrence
- jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Unteraufseher der Totenpriester" (AED link: 550339) - 1 Cooccurrence
- jm.j-ḫt-ḥmw.tjw, "Unteraufseher der Handwerker" (AED link: 401232) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Versorgter beim großen Gott" (AED link: 850380) - 1 Cooccurrence
-, "westlich" (AED link: 26150) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens" (AED link: 95740) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jr.jt-jḫ.t-nswt, "Verwalterin des Königsvermögens (auch Rangtitel)" (AED link: 95750) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jri̯, "machen" (AED link: 851809) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Wꜣḥ-ꜥḫ, "Aufstellen des Feuerbeckens (ein Fest)" (AED link: 400988) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Wꜣg, "Wag-Fest (Totenfest)" (AED link: 43510) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Wp-rnp.t, "Neujahrstag (Fest); Neujahrstag (Monatsname)" (AED link: 45600) - 2 Cooccurrences
- wꜥb-nswt, "Wab-Priester des Königs" (AED link: 44590) - 2 Cooccurrences
- wr.t, "sehr" (AED link: 450161) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Pr.t-Mnw, "Heraustreten des Min (Fest)" (AED link: 400933) - 2 Cooccurrences
- pr.t-ḫrw, "Totenopfer" (AED link: 850238) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Ffj, "Fefi" (AED link: 701721) - 4 Cooccurrences
- Mri̯-Ptḥ-ꜥnḫ-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Meri-Ptah-anch-Meryre" (AED link: 702132) - 1 Cooccurrence
- m, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 64360) - 5 Cooccurrences
- mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt-m-pr.wj, "Baumeister des Königs in den zwei Häusern" (AED link: 401206) - 1 Cooccurrence
- n, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 78870) - 2 Cooccurrences
- nb, "jeder; alle; irgendein" (AED link: 81660) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit beim großen Gott" (AED link: 850695) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nfr, "gut; schön; froh" (AED link: 400458) - 2 Cooccurrences
- nswt, "König von Oberägypten; König; König (Thronname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 88040) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nḏs, "Kleiner, Geringer; der Jüngere; Kleiner (Apposition bei Personennamen)" (AED link: 91770) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Rkḥ, "Brand (Fest); Brand (Monatsname)" (AED link: 96460) - 2 Cooccurrences
- rꜥw-nb, "jeden Tag; täglich" (AED link: 93320) - 2 Cooccurrences
- rn-ꜥꜣ, "großer Name (Hauptname)" (AED link: 850237) - 4 Cooccurrences
- Ḥꜣb-wr, "Großes Fest (ein Totenfest)" (AED link: 450442) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḥꜣb, "Fest" (AED link: 103300) - 1 Cooccurrence
- ḥm.t, "Frau; Ehefrau" (AED link: 104730) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḥm-nṯr-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Priester des Mykerinos" (AED link: 850719) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḥm-nṯr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Priester des Chefren" (AED link: 850894) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḥm-kꜣ, "Totenpriester" (AED link: 104990) - 3 Cooccurrences
- ḥnꜥ, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 850800) - 1 Cooccurrence
- Ḫw.n-Ptḥ, "Chuen-Ptah" (AED link: 705502) - 1 Cooccurrence
- Ḫw.n-Ḥr.w-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Chuen-Hor-Meryre" (AED link: 713613) - 1 Cooccurrence
- Zꜣ.t-mr.t, "Zat-meret" (AED link: 706138) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Zzj, "Zezi" (AED link: 706397) - 1 Cooccurrence
- zꜣ, "Sohn; Enkel" (AED link: 125510) - 2 Cooccurrences
- zꜣb-sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreiber" (AED link: 450125) - 1 Cooccurrence
- zwn.w, "Arzt" (AED link: 130260) - 1 Cooccurrence
- zmy.t, "Wüste; Begräbnisstätte" (AED link: 134780) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Sꜥnḫ-Ptḥ, "Seanch-Ptah" (AED link: 400790) - 1 Cooccurrence
- smr-wꜥ.tj, "einziger Freund (des Königs)" (AED link: 400142) - 2 Cooccurrences
- sḥḏ-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Aufseher der Totenpriester" (AED link: 550338) - 2 Cooccurrences
- šps.w-nswt, "Vornehmer des Königs" (AED link: 400432) - 2 Cooccurrences
- qrs, "bestatten" (AED link: 161940) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Tp.j-ꜣbd.w, "Erster des Monats (Fest zum Monatsanfang)" (AED link: 450444) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Tp.j-smd.t, "Tepi-Semdet (Halbmonatsfest am 15. Tag des Monats)" (AED link: 450445) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Tp-rnp.t, "Jahresanfang (ein Fest)" (AED link: 171190) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Ḏḥw.tyt, "Thot-Fest" (AED link: 185300) - 2 Cooccurrences
Sorted by frequency
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