ḥḏ (112340)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma ḥḏ, "Kapelle" (for more info check AED link: 112340 & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec958-23
(PT 262 / 〈Südwand〉), [469]
- oraec2340-9
(PT 475 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 25 = 184]
- oraec861-21
(PT 600 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 23 = 669]
- oraec886-9
(PT 665A / 〈Ostwand, oberes Register〉), [Nt/F/E sup 3 = 660]
- oraec1875-4
(PT 611 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 64 = 1328]
- oraec2256-5
(PT 665C / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 13 = 735]
- oraec2781-9
(PT 475 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/A/W inf 12 = 897]
- oraec2782-6
(PT 665C / 〈Südwand, östl. Partie, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/Se II 45 = 626]
- oraec103-57
(〈Stele Neferhoteps I. aus Abydos (Kairo JE 6307)〉 / Stele Neferhoteps I. aus Abydos (Kairo JE 6307)), [Z. 19]
- oraec57-121
(The Sporting King / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Sporting King)〉), [E2, 3]
- oraec86-75
(Stele Louvre C 284 ("Bentresch-Stele") / Stele Louvre C 284 ("Bentresch-Stele")), [24]
- oraec8-138
(1. Ritual(handlungen) des 'Großen Sitzes', die während der Feste der Erde vollzogen werden / pBrooklyn 47.218.50 ("Confirmation du pouvoir royal au nouvel an")), [3,7]