List of all collocations of Snfr.w, "Snofru" (650011)

Statistical overview

Number of occurrences: 10
Number of collocation partners: 63
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:

Alphabetical overview

Sorted by frequency

m, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 64360) - 8 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec319-44, oraec30-87, oraec30-87, oraec30-154, oraec30-154, oraec106-1, oraec106-1, "König von Ober- und Unterägypten; König von OÄg. u. UÄg. (Thronname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 88060) - 7 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1, oraec319-44, oraec30-90, oraec30-154, oraec30-156, oraec106-1

1...n, "[Kardinalzahl (ganze Zahlen und Brüche) in Ziffernschreibung]" (AED link: 850814) - 7 Cooccurrences

oraec6326-1, oraec30-156, oraec30-156, oraec30-156, oraec30-156, oraec30-156, oraec30-156

rḏi̯, "geben; veranlassen" (AED link: 851711) - 6 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1, oraec30-87, oraec30-156, oraec30-156, oraec30-156

ḥm, "Majestät" (AED link: 104690) - 5 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec30-87, oraec30-90, oraec30-156, oraec106-1

n.j, "gehörig zu" (AED link: 850787) - 5 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec30-90, oraec30-90, oraec30-156, oraec106-1

mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Gerechtfertigter (der selige Tote)" (AED link: 66750) - 5 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-90, oraec30-154, oraec30-156, oraec106-1

=f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" (AED link: 10050) - 4 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec30-90, oraec30-90, oraec106-1

=k, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.]" (AED link: 10110) - 4 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-87, oraec30-154, oraec30-154

Nb-mꜣꜥ.t, "[Horusname Snofrus]" (AED link: 400275) - 4 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

ḫpr (m-sꜣ), "jmd. verfolgen" (AED link: 858535) - 3 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-154, oraec106-1

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-ḥr.j-tp, "oberster Vorlesepriester" (AED link: 850117) - 3 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-154, oraec30-156

n, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 78870) - 3 Cooccurrences

oraec30-90, oraec30-156, oraec30-156

wnn, "existieren; sein" (AED link: 46050) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec106-1, oraec106-1

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t, "Aktenschreiber" (AED link: 144470) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-154, oraec30-156, "die beiden Herrinnen (Nebtiname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 400065) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

Ḥr.w-nbw, "Goldhorus (Goldname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 400069) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

=tw, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.c.]" (AED link: 170100) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-156, oraec30-156

Snfr.w, "Snofru" (AED link: 650011) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "der große Gott (Gott); der große Gott (König)" (AED link: 90360) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

wꜣs, "Herrschaft; Wohlergehen" (AED link: 43300) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

ḏd, "Dauer; Stabilität" (AED link: 400140) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

ꜥnḫ, "Leben" (AED link: 38540) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

snb, "Gesundheit; Wohlergehen" (AED link: 136950) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

ꜣw.t-jb, "Freude" (AED link: 42) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

ḏ.t, "ewig, ewiglich" (AED link: 181401) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

Ḥr.w, "Horus (Horusname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 400034) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec3127-1, oraec3127-1

pꜣḏ, "Kugel (von Weihrauch)" (AED link: 59470) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-156, oraec30-156, "Tat; Zeremonie" (AED link: 28590) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-154

snṯr, "Weihrauch" (AED link: 138670) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-156, oraec30-156

jtj, "Vater; Großvater" (AED link: 32820) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-154

rk, "Zeit" (AED link: 96390) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-154

ḥnq.t, "Bier" (AED link: 110300) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-156, oraec30-156

bjꜣ.yt, "Staunenswertes; Wunder; Orakel" (AED link: 54480) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec30-87, oraec30-154

nswt, "König von Oberägypten; König; König (Thronname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 88040) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec106-1

mnḫ, "trefflich; vorzüglich" (AED link: 400110) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec106-1

tꜣ, "Erde; Land (als Element des Kosmos); Land (geogr.-polit.); Ägypten; Erdreich (stofflich); Ackerboden; bebaubares Land; [ein Flächenmaß]" (AED link: 854573) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec106-1

pn, "dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" (AED link: 59920) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec106-1

r-ḏr, "ganz; gesamt" (AED link: 92500) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec319-44, oraec106-1

jwꜣ, "Langhornrind; Ochse (allg.); männliches Tier" (AED link: 22160) - 1 Cooccurrence


=j, "[Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]" (AED link: 10030) - 1 Cooccurrence


sḏm, "hören" (AED link: 150560) - 1 Cooccurrence


ds, "[ein Krug]; [ein Hohlmaß (für Getränke)]" (AED link: 180600) - 1 Cooccurrence


tʾ, "Brot (allg.)" (AED link: 168810) - 1 Cooccurrence


mꜣꜥ.w, "Produkte (fremder Länder); Dargebrachtes" (AED link: 66780) - 1 Cooccurrence


ḥnꜥ, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 850800) - 1 Cooccurrence


sꜥḥꜥ, "aufstellen; aufrichten" (AED link: 129190) - 1 Cooccurrence


jmi̯, "gib!; gebt!; veranlasse (dass)!" (AED link: 851706) - 1 Cooccurrence


šns, "[ein Gebäck]; [ein Kuchen]" (AED link: 156230) - 1 Cooccurrence


jsṯ, "[Partikel]" (AED link: 851440) - 1 Cooccurrence


jr, "[Partikel (nachgestellt zur Betonung)]" (AED link: 28170) - 1 Cooccurrence


dbn, "rund sein; (um einen Ort) herumgehen; umrunden; (etwas) umgeben" (AED link: 854585) - 1 Cooccurrence


ꜥ.t, "Teil (von etwas)" (AED link: 854495) - 1 Cooccurrence


nb, "jeder; alle; irgendein" (AED link: 81660) - 1 Cooccurrence


pr-nswt, "Königshaus; Königspalast; königliche Verwaltung" (AED link: 400419) - 1 Cooccurrence


ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "lebend, heil, gesund (Abkürzung: l.h.g.)" (AED link: 400004) - 1 Cooccurrence


ḏwj.w, "[ein Krug (aus Ton)]" (AED link: 183020) - 1 Cooccurrence


r, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 91900) - 1 Cooccurrence


ḥjḥj, "suchen" (AED link: 101930) - 1 Cooccurrence


s.t-qb.t, "Erheiterung" (AED link: 125490) - 1 Cooccurrence


swt, "[enkl. Partikel]" (AED link: 130840) - 1 Cooccurrence


m, "siehe!; [Partikel]" (AED link: 64440) - 1 Cooccurrence


ꜥḥꜥ.n, "[aux.]" (AED link: 40111) - 1 Cooccurrence
