ḥtj (111130)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma ḥtj, "Rauch" (for more info check AED link: 111130 & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec1878-9
(PT 267 / 〈Südwand〉), [476]
- oraec5228-4
(PT 267 / 〈Südwand〉), [P/A/S 5]
- oraec7122-4
(PT 463 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/F-A/N 17 = 156]
- oraec1110-5
(PT 684 / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 9 = 958]
- oraec3305-4
(PT 463 / 〈Südwand〉), [N/F-A/S 20 = 786]
- oraec152-57
(pRam III, Fragment A / pRam III (recto)), [A19]
- oraec155-121
(53,1-55,1 = Eb 305-325: "Heilmittel gegen Husten" / Papyrus Ebers), [54,23]
- oraec155-93
(53,1-55,1 = Eb 305-325: "Heilmittel gegen Husten" / Papyrus Ebers), [54,9]
- oraec184-47
(93,6-94,22 = Eb 783-807: Erster gynäkologischer Abschnitt / Papyrus Ebers), [94,5]
- oraec184-55
(93,6-94,22 = Eb 783-807: Erster gynäkologischer Abschnitt / Papyrus Ebers), [94,8]
- oraec4514-12
(20.13-21.3 = Vso 3.13-4.3: Heilmittel für Menstruationsprobleme / Papyrus Edwin Smith), [21.3 = Vso 4.3]
- oraec7-184
(〈London Medical Papyrus (BM EA 10059)〉 / London Medical Papyrus (BM EA 10059)), [8.3 (= alt 12.3)]
- oraec57-121
(The Sporting King / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Sporting King)〉), [E2, 2]
- oraec178-43
(Die Lehre des Cheti / 〈13. 〉tLouvre N 693), [vso, 3]
- oraec59-59
(〈Verso: 〉 Magisch-Medizinische Texte / Papyrus Deir el-Medineh 1), [vs. 8,6]
- oraec363-14
(Vso. 6,5-8,12: Zaubersprüche / pChester Beatty V = pBM EA 10685), [Vso. 7,4]
- oraec1397-18
(Tb 032 / pLondon BM 10793), [22,16]
- oraec2342-26
(Tb 032 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [5]
- oraec53-108
(Handbuch des Sachmetpriesters / pFlorenz PSI inv. I 73 + pCarlsberg 463), [11]