ḫnt (118790)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma ḫnt, "Stirn; Gesicht; Vorderseite" (for more info check AED link: 118790) appears in these sentences:
- oraec7994-1
(PT 329 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [T/F/W 33 = 30]
- oraec12599-2
(PT 328 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [T/F/W 32 = 29]
- oraec743-2
(PT 520 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/C ant/W 47 = 436]
- oraec3866-2
(PT 328 / 〈Südwand〉), [P/A/S 22]
- oraec12422-2
(PT 1076 / 〈Westwand - nördl. des Verschlußsteins〉), [P/D ant/W 76]
- oraec1709-2
(PT 520 / 〈Ostwand〉), [M/C med/E 95 = 650]
- oraec13-129
(1.1-9.18: Wundenbuch, Kopfverletzungen (Fall 1-27) / Papyrus Edwin Smith), [3.18]
- oraec106-154
(Verso: Die Prophezeiungen des Neferti / pPetersburg 1116 B), [65]
- oraec129-41
(Tb 172 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [13]
- oraec21-505
(Admonitions = Ipuwer / pLeiden I 344 Recto), [16, 1]
- oraec5-382
(1. Großes Dekret, das betreffs des Gaues von Igeret erlassen wird / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), 14,8
- oraec3-139
(4. Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [23,18]
- oraec3-973
(4. Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [30,21]