List of all collocations of Wn.t, "Wenet (Ort im Jenseits)" (851566)
Statistical overview
Number of occurrences: 15
Number of collocation partners: 34
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:
Alphabetical overview
- =j, "[Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]" (AED link: 10030) - 5 Cooccurrences
- =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" (AED link: 10050) - 1 Cooccurrence
- =n, "[Suffix Pron. pl.1.c.]" (AED link: 10070) - 1 Cooccurrence
- =s, "[Suffix]" (AED link: 10090) - 2 Cooccurrences
- =sn, "[Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.]" (AED link: 10100) - 3 Cooccurrences
- =ṯ, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.f.]" (AED link: 10120) - 2 Cooccurrences
- =ṯn, "[Suffix Pron. pl.2.c.]" (AED link: 10130) - 1 Cooccurrence
- ꜣḫ, "Ach-Geist; Verklärter (seliger Toter); Würde als Geist" (AED link: 203) - 3 Cooccurrences
- j, "oh!; [Interjektion]" (AED link: 20030) - 8 Cooccurrences
- j, "sagen" (AED link: 500024) - 3 Cooccurrences
- jꜣ.t, "Stätte; Hügel" (AED link: 20120) - 12 Cooccurrences
- jꜥ, "der Wäscher (von Gold)" (AED link: 21560) - 1 Cooccurrence
- jw, "[aux.]" (AED link: 21881) - 3 Cooccurrences
- jwi̯, "kommen" (AED link: 21930) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jm.j, "befindlich in (lokal); befindlich in (temporal); darunter (soziativ); seiend als" (AED link: 25130) - 12 Cooccurrences
- wnn, "existieren; sein" (AED link: 46050) - 2 Cooccurrences
- wr, "der Große" (AED link: 47280) - 3 Cooccurrences
- bꜣ, "Ba (Seelenkraft als Teil der Persönlichkeit)" (AED link: 52840) - 2 Cooccurrences
- pri̯, "herauskommen; herausgehen" (AED link: 60920) - 1 Cooccurrence
- m, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 64360) - 5 Cooccurrences
- n, "[Negationspartikel]" (AED link: 850806) - 1 Cooccurrence
- n.j, "gehörig zu" (AED link: 850787) - 3 Cooccurrences
- nṯr, "Gott" (AED link: 90260) - 9 Cooccurrences
- Rʾ-sṯꜣ.w, "Rosetau" (AED link: 93110) - 3 Cooccurrences
- rḏi̯, "geben; veranlassen" (AED link: 851711) - 1 Cooccurrence
- ḥnꜥ, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 850800) - 1 Cooccurrence
- ḥtm, "vernichten; vergehen" (AED link: 111600) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḫnt.j, "vorn; befindlich vor; [lokal]; [temporal]" (AED link: 119050) - 3 Cooccurrences
- sḫr.y, "Ratgeber" (AED link: 142890) - 1 Cooccurrence
- sṯj, "Duft; Gestank; Geruch" (AED link: 148990) - 2 Cooccurrences
- sṯj-nṯr, "Weihrauch" (AED link: 149070) - 1 Cooccurrence
- š, "See; Revier; Garten (mit Teich); Becken; Opferschale" (AED link: 854557) - 1 Cooccurrence
- šnṯ, "streiten; kämpfen; schmähen" (AED link: 156400) - 1 Cooccurrence
- twy, "diese [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" (AED link: 170301) - 6 Cooccurrences
Sorted by frequency
oraec138-205, oraec138-205, oraec138-209, oraec357-170, oraec357-170, oraec357-173, oraec357-174, oraec1936-10, oraec220-198, oraec220-198, oraec220-202, oraec1937-10
oraec138-199, oraec138-205, oraec138-209, oraec357-165, oraec357-170, oraec357-173, oraec357-174, oraec1936-10, oraec220-192, oraec220-198, oraec220-202, oraec1937-10
oraec138-209, oraec138-209, oraec357-173, oraec357-174, oraec1936-10, oraec101-70, oraec220-202, oraec220-202, oraec1937-10
oraec138-199, oraec138-205, oraec138-209, oraec357-165, oraec357-170, oraec101-70, oraec220-192, oraec220-198
oraec138-199, oraec138-205, oraec357-165, oraec357-170, oraec220-192, oraec220-198
oraec138-205, oraec357-170, oraec357-174, oraec101-70, oraec220-198
oraec138-205, oraec357-170, oraec101-70, oraec114-196, oraec220-198
oraec138-209, oraec357-173, oraec220-202
oraec138-209, oraec357-173, oraec220-202
oraec138-199, oraec138-205, oraec101-70
oraec138-199, oraec357-165, oraec220-192
oraec138-205, oraec357-170, oraec220-198
oraec138-205, oraec357-170, oraec220-198
oraec138-199, oraec357-165, oraec220-192
oraec138-205, oraec357-170, oraec220-198
oraec357-173, oraec220-202
oraec357-174, oraec114-196
oraec1936-10, oraec1937-10
oraec1936-10, oraec1937-10
oraec1936-10, oraec1937-10
oraec138-209, oraec220-202
oraec138-205, oraec220-198