bꜣbꜣ (53420)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
Coptic successor: ⲃⲏⲃ
The lemma bꜣbꜣ, "Loch; Höhle" (for more info check AED link: 53420 & VÉgA entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec662-2
(PT 230 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [312]
- oraec6313-5
(PT 1035 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/A/E 28 = 232]
- oraec55-110
(pKahun VI.1 (London UC 32057) / Papyrus Kahun VI.1 (London UC 32057)), [2.22]
- oraec55-38
(pKahun VI.1 (London UC 32057) / Papyrus Kahun VI.1 (London UC 32057)), [1.20]
- oraec126-13
(〈Kamose-Stele II (Luxor Museum J.43)〉 / Kamose-Stele II (Luxor Museum J.43)), [Z.9]
- oraec314-11
(97,15-98,18 = Eb 840-853: Mittel gegen Schädlingsbefall / Papyrus Ebers), [97,19]
- oraec314-14
(97,15-98,18 = Eb 840-853: Mittel gegen Schädlingsbefall / Papyrus Ebers), [97,20]
- oraec314-7
(97,15-98,18 = Eb 840-853: Mittel gegen Schädlingsbefall / Papyrus Ebers), [97,18]
- oraec314-8
(97,15-98,18 = Eb 840-853: Mittel gegen Schädlingsbefall / Papyrus Ebers), [97,18]
- oraec668-9
(90,14-91,1 = Eb 761-763: Heilmittel gegen Schnupfen / Papyrus Ebers), [90,17]
- oraec138-121
(Tb 149 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [50]
- oraec357-99
(Tb 149 / pKairo CG 24095 (pMaiherperi)), [319]
- oraec1159-20
(Tb 151 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2,4]
- oraec1159-31
(Tb 151 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2,8]
- oraec1159-38
(Tb 151 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2,11]
- oraec1159-46
(Tb 151 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2,14]
- oraec2214-5
(Tb 038 B / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [3]
- oraec220-115
(Tb 149 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [907]
- oraec713-15
(Tb 151 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [386]
- oraec713-21
(Tb 151 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [389]
- oraec713-26
(Tb 151 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [392]
- oraec713-8
(Tb 151 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [382]
- oraec238-48
(〈vso. 13,2-15,10: 〉 Magischer Text / Papyrus Chester Beatty 8 (BM EA 10688)), [vs. 15,10]
- oraec512-7
(〈vso. 1,1-2,4: 〉 Magischer Text / Papyrus Chester Beatty 8 (BM EA 10688)), [vs. 1,4]
- oraec402-27
(Rto 1a.13-2.4: Text über Sumpfwirtschaft, Vögel und Pflanzen / pAnastasi IV = pBM EA 10249 (Miscellanies)), [1b.12]
- oraec2213-5
(Tb 038 B / pLondon BM 10793), [14,15]
- oraec310-2
(T 26: PT 230 / 〈unteres Register〉), [10]
- oraec2471-5
(Tb 038 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [1]
- oraec3-651
(4. Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [28,8]
- oraec53-62
(Handbuch des Sachmetpriesters / pFlorenz PSI inv. I 73 + pCarlsberg 463), [2]