dp.t (179020)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
Coptic successor: ϯⲡⲉ
The lemma dp.t, "Geschmack" (for more info check AED link: 179020) appears in these sentences:
- oraec5282-2
(PT 34 / 〈1. Register〉), [15]
- oraec3745-2
(PT 34 / 〈1. Register〉), [P/F/Ne I 58]
- oraec12473-4
(PT 34 / 〈1. Register〉), [P/F/Ne I 26]
- oraec1581-5
(PT 34 / 〈1. Register〉), [Nt/F/Ne AI 15 = 79]
- oraec3995-5
(PT N 1350+75-81 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/V/W 80 = 1350+80]
- oraec17-37
(Sinuhe / pBerlin P 3022 und Fragmente pAmherst m-q (B)), [23]
- oraec36-18
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep / pPrisse = pBN 186-194〈 (Ptahhotep, Version P)〉), [5,1]
- oraec91-46
(〈Verso: 〉Sinuhe / pBerlin P 10499 aus Theben-West (R)), [48]
- oraec229-19
(21.9-22.10 = Vso 4.8-5.10: Verjüngungsmittel / Papyrus Edwin Smith), [21.21 = Vso 4.21]
- oraec314-58
(97,15-98,18 = Eb 840-853: Mittel gegen Schädlingsbefall / Papyrus Ebers), [98,17b]
- oraec50-183
(The Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Pleasures of Fishing)〉), [C3, 18]
- oraec64-19
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep (Version L2+L2G) / pBM EA 10509〈 (Ptahhotep, Version L2+L2G)〉), [1,6]
- oraec773-19
(Verso: Die Lehre des Ptahhotep (Version C) / tCarnarvon 1), [vso,3]
- oraec554-25
(Tb 039 / L.Kairo J.E. 96810 (L.Ahmose-Henut-Tjemehu)), [61]
- oraec688-16
(Tb 136 A / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [7]
- oraec21-157
(Admonitions = Ipuwer / pLeiden I 344 Recto), [5, 2]
- oraec21-487
(Admonitions = Ipuwer / pLeiden I 344 Recto), [15, 2]
- oraec34-45
(Sinuhe / oAshmolean Museum 1945.40 aus Deir el Medineh (AOS)), [18]
- oraec59-49
(〈Verso: 〉 Magisch-Medizinische Texte / Papyrus Deir el-Medineh 1), [vs. 6,6]
- oraec2498-11
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep / pTurin CGT 54024), [6]
- oraec3171-4
(〈Zl. 3-7: 〉Die Lehre des Ptahhotep / oDeM 1232), [6]
- oraec73-2
(〈Kol. 1-7: 〉Die Lehre des Cheti / 〈11. 〉pAnastasi VII = pBM EA 10222), [x+1, 1]
- oraec102-15
(Rto 1.11-3.9: Brief mit Loblied auf Piramesse / pAnastasi III = pBM EA 10246 (Miscellanies)), [2.3]
- oraec102-41
(Rto 1.11-3.9: Brief mit Loblied auf Piramesse / pAnastasi III = pBM EA 10246 (Miscellanies)), [3.6]
- oraec9-362
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [19.7]
- oraec9-465
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [25.2]
- oraec317-21
((Rto.) 8,7-10,10: Soldatencharakteristik / pLansing = pBM EA 9994), [10,1]
- oraec322-45
(〈Recto 〉Sinuhe / oKairo CG 25216 aus dem Grab des Sennedjem TT 1 (C)), [8]
- oraec40-66
(Recto: Der Streit zwischen Horus und Seth / pChester Beatty I), [3,8]
- oraec766-13
(Tb 136 A / pLondon BM 10793), [29,19]
- oraec1-97
(Textfeld / Siegesstele des Piye), [Vs 26]
- oraec83-4
(Recto: Meryre und Sisobek / pVandier = pLille 139), [1,4]
- oraec83-5
(Recto: Meryre und Sisobek / pVandier = pLille 139), [1,4]
- oraec455-30
(Tb 039 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [7]
- oraec455-30
(Tb 039 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [7]