dwꜣ.yt (178120)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma dwꜣ.yt, "der Morgen; das Morgen (morgiger Tag)" (for more info check AED link: 178120 & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec139-26
(PT 273 + PT 274 / 〈Ostgiebel〉), [512]
- oraec498-11
(Szenen der Landwirtschaft (Sz. 20) / Südwand), [T90]
- oraec1328-2
(PT 504 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/C med/E 11 = 244]
- oraec1052-2
(PT 504 / 〈Westwand〉), [M/C med/W 22 = 466+1]
- oraec1308-3
(PT 569 / 〈Ostwand〉), [M/V/E 43 = 744]
- oraec1308-3
(PT 569 / 〈Ostwand〉), [M/V/E 43 = 744]
- oraec876-2
(PT 504 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/C post/W 1 = 1056]
- oraec973-2
(PT 758 / 〈Ostwand, oberes Register〉), [Nt/F/E sup 39 = 696]
- oraec1187-2
(PT 504 / 〈Ostwand〉), [Nt/C/E 23 = 841]
- oraec19-246
(Der beredte Bauer (Version B1) / pBerlin P 3023 + pAmherst I〈 (Bauer, B1)〉), [214/alt 183]
- oraec55-161
(pKahun VI.1 (London UC 32057) / Papyrus Kahun VI.1 (London UC 32057)), [3.11]
- oraec55-22
(pKahun VI.1 (London UC 32057) / Papyrus Kahun VI.1 (London UC 32057)), [1.12]
- oraec55-44
(pKahun VI.1 (London UC 32057) / Papyrus Kahun VI.1 (London UC 32057)), [1.22]
- oraec55-68
(pKahun VI.1 (London UC 32057) / Papyrus Kahun VI.1 (London UC 32057)), [2.3]
- oraec3735-5
(Brief des Ii-em-iat-ib an den Tempelvorsteher / pUC 32198), [20]
- oraec24-103
(36,4-44,12 = Eb 188-220: "Erfahrungswissen zum Magenleiden" (das "Magenbuch") / Papyrus Ebers), [40,4]
- oraec24-158
(36,4-44,12 = Eb 188-220: "Erfahrungswissen zum Magenleiden" (das "Magenbuch") / Papyrus Ebers), [41,17]
- oraec24-5
(36,4-44,12 = Eb 188-220: "Erfahrungswissen zum Magenleiden" (das "Magenbuch") / Papyrus Ebers), [36,11]
- oraec24-82
(36,4-44,12 = Eb 188-220: "Erfahrungswissen zum Magenleiden" (das "Magenbuch") / Papyrus Ebers), [39,11]
- oraec2285-6
(Harfnerlied / unbekannter Besitzer (Privatsammlung)), [x+7]
- oraec7-365
(〈London Medical Papyrus (BM EA 10059)〉 / London Medical Papyrus (BM EA 10059)), [12.5 (= alt 6.5)]
- oraec57-44
(The Sporting King / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Sporting King)〉), [B2, 9]
- oraec434-93
(Tb 169 / pParis Louvre 3092 + Frgm. Montpellier (pNeferubenef)), [571]
- oraec1137-10
(Mittelkolumne / Decke), [A.8]
- oraec522-6
(Harfnerlieder Text B / 〈Harfnerlieder Text B: 〉Neferhotep (TT 50), Lied 1), [4]
- oraec21-505
(Admonitions = Ipuwer / pLeiden I 344 Recto), [16, 1]
- oraec238-1
(〈vso. 13,2-15,10: 〉 Magischer Text / Papyrus Chester Beatty 8 (BM EA 10688)), [vs. 13,3]
- oraec238-2
(〈vso. 13,2-15,10: 〉 Magischer Text / Papyrus Chester Beatty 8 (BM EA 10688)), [vs. 13,4]
- oraec377-11
(Gruppe B: Liebeslied Nr. 21 / 〈Liebeslied Nr. 20-21 (alt: 20-27): 〉oCairo CG 25218 + oDeM 1266), [21]
- oraec1884-3
(Tb 015 A I c / pLeiden T 2), [19]
- oraec308-4
(Qadesch-Schlacht Bulletin (L1) / 〈Ostturm〉), [2]
- oraec1438-8
(Harfnerlieder Text I / 〈Harfnerlieder Text I: 〉Panniut (TT 331)), [6]
- oraec1641-9
(Harfnerlieder Text K / 〈Harfnerlieder Text K: 〉Piay (TT 263)), [6]
- oraec1009-4
(Brief des Djehuti-mesu an Hafy / pBM 10419), [7]
- oraec5359-4
(Brief des Djehuti-mesu an einen hohen Tempelbeamten(?) / pBM EA 75025 (Bankes)), [7]
- oraec47-13
(Recto: Die Reise des Wenamun / pMoskau 120), [1,12]
- oraec56-237
(Recto: Die Lehre des Ani (Version B) / 〈02. 〉pBoulaq 4, Rto〈 (B)〉), [21.15]
- oraec735-24
(Tb 017〈1〉 / pLondon BM 10793), [3,7]
- oraec735-27
(Tb 017〈1〉 / pLondon BM 10793), [3,8]
- oraec442-3
(Die rechte Seite / Stelentexte), 21
- oraec1314-4
(Qadesch-Schlacht Bulletin (L2) / Ostwand und Südwand (Aussen)), [2]