rw.t (93420)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma rw.t, "Tor; Tür" (for more info check AED link: 93420 & VÉgA entry & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec174-15
(biographische Inschrift / Ostwand), [10]
- oraec1746-3
(Opferformel / Südteil), [2]
- oraec6306-1
(linker Außenpfosten / Scheintür), [1]
- oraec658-8
(pBerlin P 11301 (80 A) / pBerlin P 11301 (80 A)), [3]
- oraec8198-2
(PT 360 / 〈Nordwand〉), [T/F-A/N 17 = 201]
- oraec561-38
(PT 665D / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 66]
- oraec626-10
(PT 690 / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 83]
- oraec771-11
(PT 667A / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 75]
- oraec850-9
(PT 483 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 49 = 204+4]
- oraec1547-3
(PT 692A/PT 691E / 〈Ostwand - nördl. des Verschlußsteins〉), [P/D ant/E 44]
- oraec2813-15
(PT 1003 + PT 1004 / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 51]
- oraec8056-2
(PT 594 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/F/E 38]
- oraec584-8
(PT 610 / 〈Südwand〉), [M/V/S 3 = 700]
- oraec3558-2
(PT 594 / 〈Ostgiebel〉), [M/F/E sup 40 = 170]
- oraec257-10
(PT 690 / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 37 = 986]
- oraec279-40
(PT 665D / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 35 = 757]
- oraec419-9
(PT 483 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [N/A/W sup 30 = 850]
- oraec723-10
(PT 690 / 〈Südwand, östl. Partie, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/Se II 3 = 584]
- oraec779-8
(PT 610 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 56 = 1320]
- oraec1639-9
(PT 685 / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 21 = 970]
- oraec2876-11
(PT 667A / 〈Südwand, westl. Partie〉), [Nt/F/Sw 39 = 488]
- oraec3810-11
(PT 667A / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 57 = 779]
- oraec6102-1
(2. Person v.l. / Handlungsbeischriften), [2]
- oraec8199-2
(PT 360 / 〈Südwand〉), [N/F-A/S 25 = 791]
- oraec12386-3
(PT 692A/PT 691E / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 69 = 1016+2]
- oraec12698-2
(PT 594 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 10 = 656]
- oraec518-7
(〈Stele des Heny (Moskau I.1.a.1137 a,b)〉 / Stele des Heny (Moskau I.1.a.1137 a,b)), [3]
- oraec274-13
(〈Stele des Abkau (Louvre C 15)〉 / Stele des Abkau (Louvre C 15)), [x+5]
- oraec285-6
(〈Stele des Antef, Son des Tjefi (MMA 57.95)〉 / Stele des Antef, Son des Tjefi (MMA 57.95)), [6]
- oraec315-15
(〈Stele des Khety-ankh (Heni) (Heliopolis)〉 / Stele des Khety-ankh (Heni) (Heliopolis)), [7]
- oraec19-283
(Der beredte Bauer (Version B1) / pBerlin P 3023 + pAmherst I〈 (Bauer, B1)〉), [248/alt 217]
- oraec36-202
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep / pPrisse = pBN 186-194〈 (Ptahhotep, Version P)〉), [10,10]
- oraec2442-2
(Brief des Imi-ra-schenet / pUC 32212), [8]
- oraec82-124
(〈Stele des Montuhotep (Kairo CG 20539)〉 / Stele des Montuhotep (Kairo CG 20539)), [I.b.15]
- oraec395-16
(〈Dahshur, Mastaba des Chnumhotep, 〉Ostwand: Biographie / Dahshur, Mastaba des Chnumhotep), [4R]
- oraec395-4
(〈Dahshur, Mastaba des Chnumhotep, 〉Ostwand: Biographie / Dahshur, Mastaba des Chnumhotep), [1R]
- oraec1042-6
(Briefkopie von Imeni-senebu an einen Vorgesetzten / pBerlin 10096), [12]
- oraec1126-5
(Liebeslied (?) / pDeM 43), [Rto. 3]
- oraec57-140
(The Sporting King / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Sporting King)〉), [E3, 4]
- oraec361-24
(Harfnerlieder Text J / 〈Harfnerlieder Text J: 〉Neferhotep (TT 50), Lied 3), [11]
- oraec1425-2
(Satirischer Brief pAnastasi I, 23.9-24.3 / 〈23. 〉oDeM 1073), [2]
- oraec35-4
(Text / Südhälfte), [29]
- oraec453-40
(Harfnerlied / Djehutimes (TT 32)), [25]
- oraec9-440
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [24.1]
- oraec9-440
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [24.1]
- oraec1131-9
(Königshymnus auf Ramses III. / oDeM 1222), [Vso. 4]
- oraec3315-23
(Tb 017〈2〉 / pLondon BM 10793), [4,12]
- oraec3-544
(4. Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [27,12]