Alphabetical list of all lemmata in ORAEC

=j, "[Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]" | "I; me; my, mine (suffix pron., 1st per. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 25; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; ENG §§ 59-64; JWSpG § 216)

=w, "[Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.]" | "they; them; their (suffix pron., 3rd per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 243.12-14; Schenkel, Einf., 105; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53; ENG §§ 77-81)

=wj, "[Admirativendung]; [Admirativpartikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1, 270; EAG § 834; GEG § 49; Schenkel, Einf., 104)

=f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" | "he; him; his (suffix pron., 3rd. per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 572.1; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; ENG § 69; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=fj, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m. nach Dual]" | "his; its (suffix pron., 3rd per. masc. sing. after dual nouns)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 572.2; EAG § 165b; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

=fj, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m. (Verbaladj.)]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG §§ 680-83; GEG §§ 363-64; ENG § 446; Junge, Näg. Gr., 21; JWSpG § 2110)

=n, "[Suffix Pron. pl.1.c.]" | "we; us; our (suffix pron., 1st per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 194; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; ENG § 75; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=nj, "[Suffix Pron. dual.1.c.]" | "we two; us two; both our (suffix pron., 1st per. dual)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 200.13-14; EAG §§ 159, 162; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

=s, "[Suffix]" | "she; her; hers (suffix pron. 3rd per. fem. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 1.4; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; ENG §§ 70-74; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=s, "[Suffix Pron. pl.3.c] (Nebenform?)" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG § 164)

=sj, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.f. nach Dual]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 28.13; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

=sj, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.f. (Verbaladj.)]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG §§ 680-83; GEG §§ 363-64; ENG § 446; Junge, Näg. Gr., 210; JWSpG § 211)

=sn, "[Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.]" | "they; them; their (suffix pron., 3rd per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 147.11; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53; ENG §§ 77-81)

=sn, "[Suffix Pron. pl.3.c. (Verbaladj.)]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG §§ 680-83; GEG §§ 363-64; ENG § 446; Junge, Näg. Gr., 210; JWSpG § 211)

=snj, "[Suffix Pron. dual.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 156.1; EAG §§ 159, 162; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

=st, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (ENG §§ 70-74; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=st, "[Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (ENG § 79; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=k, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.]" | "you; your; yours (suffix pron., 2nd per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 83.2-3; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; ENG §§ 65-67; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=kj, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.m. nach Dual]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG § 165b; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

=tj, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG § 462; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

=tw, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.c.]" | "one; one's (suffix pron., 3rd per. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 245.3-11; EAG §§ 159, 462; Schenkel, Einf., 105 (5))

=tw, "[Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (ENG § 63; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=tn, "[Suffix Pron. pl.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=ṯ, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 337.4; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; ENG § 68; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=ṯn, "[Suffix Pron. pl.2.c.]" | "you; your; yours (suffix pron., 2nd per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 371.14-16; EAG § 159; Schenkel, Einf., 105; Junge, Näg. Gr., 53)

=ṯn, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG §§ 159-60 (bb))

=ṯnj, "[Suffix Pron. dual.2.c.]" | "you two (suffix pron., 2nd person dual)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 372.1; EAG §§ 159, 162; Schenkel, Einf., 105)

1...n, "[Kardinalzahl (ganze Zahlen und Brüche) in Ziffernschreibung]" | "[cardinal number in writing whole numbers and fractions]" [numeral: cardinal] (-)

1...n, "[Maßzahl Heqat, Oipe und Teile („Horusaugenbrüche“)]" | english translation missing [numeral: cardinal] (-)

Ꜣꜣj, "Aai" | "Aai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 259.1)

Ꜣw.t-jb, "Aut-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.11)

Ꜣw.t-jb-n-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Aut-ib-en-Cheops" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.7; RPN II 336)

Ꜣw.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Aut-ib-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (KÄT, Lehre des Djedefhor, 3; Posener, RdE 9, 1952, 112)

Ꜣw.ty, "Auti (geheime Kammer eines Tempels)" | "Awety (hidden chamber in a temple)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 5.14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 3)

Ꜣw-jb-Ḥr.w, "Au-ib-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 414.1)

Ꜣw-ꜥ, "Der mit ausgestrecktem Arm" | "He-with-outstretched-arm" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 189; II, 66)

Ꜣw-š, "Der mit den beiden langen Federn" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 5)

Ꜣwr.t, "Auret" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 2)

Ꜣwtwkrtr-Kysrs-Tmtyns-mr-Ꜣs.t, "[Eigenname Domitians]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Lembke, Iseum Campense, 212)

Ꜣb, "Ab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.15)

Ꜣb.t-jb, "Abet-ib" | "Abet-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.19)

Ꜣb-tʾ, "Ab-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.18)

Ꜣbw, "Abu" | "Abu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.22)

Ꜣbw, "Elephantine" | "Elephantine" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 7.18-20; GDG I, 3; vgl. LÄ I, 1217 ff.)

Ꜣbb, "Abeb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.25)

Ꜣbbj, "Abebi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.26)

Ꜣbd, "Abed" | "Abed" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 1.28)

Ꜣbd.w, "Abedu (Fest am 2. Tag nach Neumond)" | "Abedu (festival on the 2nd day of the lunar month)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 65.10; KoptHWb 483)

Ꜣbd-w, "Abed-u" | "Abed-u" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 2.4)

Ꜣbd-n-Sꜣḏ, "Monatsfest des Sadj" | "Month-festival-of-Sadj" [entity_name: artifact_name] (WbZ: DZA 20563990-4070; vgl. LÄ II, 179; VI, 646.11)

Ꜣbdj, "Abedi" | "Abedi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 2.2)

Ꜣbḏ.w, "Abydos" | "Abydos" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 9.1; GDG I, 3; LÄ I, 29 ff.)

Ꜣpd.w-n-Rꜥw, "Die Vögel des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 15)

Ꜣpd-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Das Geflügel des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Fowl of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (11))

Ꜣpd-nb-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Jegliches Geflügel des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Every-fowl of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (8))

Ꜣpd-nb-šdw-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Jegliches gemästetes Geflügel des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Every-fattened-fowl of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (16))

Ꜣms, "Ames (Ort in Nubien)" | "Ames" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 5; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 71)

Ꜣms, "Zepter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 20)

Ꜣny, "Any" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 2.10)

Ꜣny, "Any" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 2.11)

Ꜣlksntrs, "Alexander der Große; Alexander IV." | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, Argeaden 1.3)

Ꜣhd, "Der Erschöpfte" | "Exhausted-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0052)

Ꜣḥ.t, "Das Feld (Domäne)" | "Field (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

Ꜣḫ, "Ach-Geist" | "Akh-spirit" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 35 ff.)

Ꜣḫ=s, "Aches" | "Akhes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 3.9)

Ꜣḫ.w-n-Jmn-Rꜥw, "Die Ach-Geister des Amun-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. IV.2)

Ꜣḫ.w-n-Jgr.t, "Die Verklärten der Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (vgl. LGG I, 3c)

Ꜣḫ.w-šḫ.t-Wsjr, "Die verehrungswürdigen Verklärten, die aus der Halle des Osiris herauskommen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 46; vgl. Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 1.12)

Ꜣḫ.t, "Achet (Göttin des Fruchtlandes)" | "Akhet (goddess of arable land)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 18.10)

Ꜣḫ.t, "Achet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (CT III, 143c)

Ꜣḫ.t-ꜣr.w, "Achet-Aru" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 69)

Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Horizont des Aton (Tell el-Amarna)" | "Akhetaten (lit. Horizon-of-Aten, modern Tell el-Amarna)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 17.23; LÄ VI, 309 ff.)

Ꜣḫ.t-jnr-r-gs-Bꜣ-ḏsr, "Der Horizont von Stein neben dem heiligen Ba" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 52 a)

Ꜣḫ.t-nḥḥ, "Horizont der Ewigkeit (bildl. für Palast, Tempel, Grab, Nekropole)" | "Horizon-of-eternity (metaph. for palace, temple, tomb, necropolis)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 17.19-22)

Ꜣḫ.t-ḥtp.w, "Achet-hetepu" | "Akhet-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.26)

Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Horizont des Cheops (Pyramidenkomplex von Cheops)" | "Horizon-of-Cheops (pyramid complex of Cheops)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 5; VII, 288; WbZ)

Ꜣḫ.tjw, "Die Horizontischen" | "horizon-dwellers" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 18.2; LGG I, 56)

Ꜣḫ-ꜣw-rʾ, "Verklärter mit aufgesperrtem Mund" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 36)

Ꜣḫ-bj.t, "Chemmis; [Name des Pehu-Gebietes im 19. o.äg. Gau]" | "Chemmis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 13.3-4; Montet, Géographie I, 92; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 111 ff.; GDG IV, 171; Montet, Géographie II, 184)

Ꜣḫ-bj.t, "das von Chemmis (Gewässer)" | "Of-Chemmis (a canal)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 13.6)

Ꜣḫ-bj.tjt, "Die von Chemmis (Himmelskuh)" | "She-of-Chemmis (a heavenly cow)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 13.5)

Ꜣḫ-bjt.t-sꜥḥ.t-nṯr, "Die von Chemmis, die den Gott in Binden wickelt (eine der sieben Himmelskühe)" | "She-of-Chemmis-who-envelops-the-god-in-bandages (one of the 7 heavenly cows)" [entity_name: gods_name] (WbZ)

Ꜣḫ-mn.w, "Ach-menu" | "Akh-menu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 2.25)

Ꜣḫ-mrw.t-nswt, "Ach-merut-nisut" | "Akh-merut-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 414.4)

Ꜣḫ-n=j-mw.t, "Ach-eni-mut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 3.6)

Ꜣḫ-n-Jtn, "Echnaton" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Ꜣḫ-nb=j, "Ach-nebi" | "Akh-nebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 414.5)

Ꜣḫ-s.wt, "Achsut (Grabanlage Mentuhoteps II., Deir el Bahri)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ IV, 67; Gomaà, Besiedlung, I, 112)

Ꜣḫ-sw, "Ach-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LEM 10.6; vgl. LGG I, 26)

Ꜣḫꜣḫ, "Achach (Sterne eines Sternbildes)" | "Akhakhu (a constellation)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 19.1)

Ꜣḫj, "Achi" | "Akhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 3.7)

Ꜣẖb.y, "Der Verschlinger" | "Swallower" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0086; WbZ)

Ꜣẖ, "Die Verschlingerin" | "Swallower" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat I, 215)

Ꜣz, "Der Az-Geier" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 61; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 7)

Ꜣzb, "Brennender (u.a. Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | "Radiant-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 79; Meeks, AL 78.0090; Meeks, AL 79.0051)

Ꜣzb.t, "Brennende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 80)

Ꜣzb-ḥr-pr-m-ḫtḫt, "Der mit sengendem (?) Gesicht, der rückwärts herausgeht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 80)

Ꜣs.t, "Isis" | "Isis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 20; 4, 8.11-13; LGG I, 61 ff.)

Ꜣs.t, "Aset; Isis" | "Aset" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 3.18)

Ꜣs.t=f, "Asetef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10026, 2, 5)

Ꜣs.t-y, "Aset-y" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 4.13)

Ꜣs.t-m-Ꜣḫ-bj.t, "Aset-em-Ach-bit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 4.3; LÄ VII, 355)

Ꜣs.t-nfr.t, "Aset-neferet" | "Aset-neferet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 4.7)

Ꜣs.t-Ḥsꜣ.t, "Isis-Hesat" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 75)

Ꜣs.t-Ḥdd.t, "Isis-Hededet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 76)

Ꜣs.t-Spd.t, "Isis-Sothis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 76 f.)

Ꜣsb.t, "Asbet (eine Schlangengöttin)" | "Asbet (a serpent goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 20.19-20; LGG I, 80)

Ꜣš, "Asch (Gott der Libyer und Name des Seth)" | "Ash (a god of the Libyans and a name for Seth)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 20.21; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 23)

Ꜣšb, "Verschlinger (?) (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 81c-82a)

Ꜣqdqd, "Schläfer (?); Grimmiger (?)" | "Sleeper (?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 22.3; 2, 345.2; LGG I, 82)

Ꜣkr, "Aker (Erdgott)" | "Aker (the earth god)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 22.6; LÄ I, 114 f.; LGG I, 82 f.)

Ꜣkr.yw, "Akeriu (Schlangen als Erdgötter)" | "Akeriu (serpents as earth gods)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 22.7; KoptHWb 491; LGG II, 83)

Ꜣgb.w, "Flut" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 84)

Ꜣgb.w-wr, "Große Flut (göttliche Wesen)" | "Great-flood" [entity_name: gods_name] (MedWb 14,1; LGG I, 84 f.)

Ꜣgb.t, "Flut" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Jéquier, Pepi II, pl. XV, Fragment 4, 3)

Ꜣtf.t, "Atfet (12. o.äg. Gau und seine Hauptstadt)" | "Atefet (capital of the 12th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 13; Helck, Gaue, 100 ff., Gomaà; Besiedlung I, 256 f.)

Ꜣtf.tjt, "Ateftit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 406.3)

Ꜣtf-wr-n-Rꜥw, "Die große Atefkrone des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 86)

Ꜣtf-pḥ.wj, "Atef-pehui (späterer Name des 14. o.äg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 150; Beinlich, ZÄS 115, 1988, 105 f.)

Ꜣtf-ḫnt.j, "Atef-chenti (späterer Name des 13. o.äg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 143; Beinlich, ZÄS 115, 1988, 105 f.)

Ꜣṯ.t, "Atjet" | "Atjet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 4.17)

Ꜣṯ.t-kꜣ.w, "Atjet-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 414.7)

Ꜣṯ.t-kꜣ.w=s, "Atjet-kaues" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 259.26)

Ꜣd.j, "Adi" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 90)

Ꜣd.w, "Der Wütende" | "Furious-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 90)

Ꜣdm.w, "Ademu (ein göttliches Wesen)" | "Ademu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0116; 79.0066; LGG I, 90)

ꜣ, "Geier; Vogel (allg.)" | "vulture; bird (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 1.1)

ꜣ, "doch (zur Verstärkung); [Partikel]" | "[enclitic particle with exclamatory force]" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 1, 1.2-7; EAG § 819; GEG § 245)

ꜣ, "[Negationspartikel]" | "[negative particle]" [particle] (EAG § 820)

ꜣ.t, "Zeitpunkt; Augenblick; Zeit (allg.)" | "moment; instant; time (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 1.12-2.2; Ogdon, GM 164, 1998, 79 ff.)

ꜣ.t, "Kraft" | "strength" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 2.3-4)

ꜣꜣ, "Ruine (o. Ä.)" | "mound (of ruins?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 2.6)

ꜣj.wj, "Doppelverband, Kreuzverband (?) (med.)" | "pair of bandages (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 2.8; MedWb 1 f.; vgl. KoptHWb 290)

ꜣjw, "[atmosphärisches Phänomen (Windstoß?)]" | "[atmospheric phenomenon (a gust of wind?)]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 10)

ꜣjs, "Gehirn; Eingeweide" | "brain; viscera" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 2.10-11; MedWb 2; Walker, Anatom. Term., 265)

ꜣyt, "blass sein (des Gesichtes)" | "to blanch" [verb] (Blackman, JEA 16, 1930, 65 (6); Wb 1, 2.9)

ꜣꜥ, "Angst haben (?)" | "to be afraid (?)" [verb] (Habachi, Kamose, 39, Z. 23)

ꜣꜥꜥ, "bauen; verputzen" | "to coat with plaster; to repair" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 2.13; Gardiner, JEA 34, 1948, 18)

ꜣꜥꜥ, "beschuldigen; verklagen" | "to injure; to blame" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 2.14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 2)

ꜣꜥꜥ.t, "Gefäß (allg. Bez.)" | "container; jar (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 3.6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 3)

ꜣꜥb.t, "Schädigung; Bedrückung" | "oppression" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 3.10)

ꜣw, "Länge" | "length" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 4.10-14)

ꜣw, "Todesfall" | "death" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 5.15-16)

ꜣw, "lang" | "long" [adjective] (Wb 1, 3.12-4.6; FCD 1)

ꜣw, "tot sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (pBremner-Rhind 8.2; vgl. Osing, Nefersecheru, 53, Anm. bf)

ꜣw.t, "Länge; Spanne" | "length; span" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 4.15-5.1)

ꜣw.t, "Spende; Darreichung" | "gift(s); offering(s)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 5.2)

ꜣw.t-jb, "Freude" | "joy" [substantive] (Wb 1, 4.17-19)

ꜣw.t-jb, "Freude (ein Amulett)" | "Joy (an amulet)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 4.20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 2)

ꜣw.t-jb, "Rauschrot (rotes Arsensulfit)" | "realgar (a pigment)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 5.1; Harris, Minerals, 141 f.)

ꜣw.t-ꜥ, "Geschenk; Opfergabe" | "gift(s)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 5.7)

ꜣw.t-ꜥ, "die mit ausgestrecktem Arm (Nechbet)" | "with outstretched arm (Nekhbet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 5.6; LGG I, 5 f.)

ꜣw-ḥr, "der Frohe (?); der Weitsichtige (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 1)

ꜣw-ḏr.t, "freigebig" | "generous" [adjective] (Wb 5, 582.11; Doxey, Epithets, 253)

ꜣwi̯, "weit sein; weit machen; ausstrecken" | "to extend; to be extended (in width, in length)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 3.12-4.9; 5.4-11)

ꜣwr, "zittern" | "to tremble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 5.17)

ꜣb, "Fingernagel" | "fingernail" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 7.21; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 5)

ꜣb, "aufhören; (sich) trennen; meiden; verweilen" | "to cease; to avoid; to tarry" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 6.2-8; FCD 2; vgl. ONB 90)

ꜣb.w, "Wunsch; Gelübde" | "wish(es); vow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0019)

ꜣb.w, "das Aufhören (zu tun)" | "cessation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 6.9-17; FCD 2)

ꜣb.wt, "Gestalt" | "appearance; aspect" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 8.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 6)

ꜣb.wt-nṯr, "Gewand; [Reliquie]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 4 f.; Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.8 f.)

ꜣb.t, "Brandstempel" | "brand" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 7.9; FCD 2)

ꜣb.t, "Familie" | "family" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 7.8)

ꜣbꜣb, "entzückt sein; sehr wünschen" | "to be delighted" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 8.3; FCD 2)

ꜣbꜣb-n-Nb.t-ḥw.t, "der von Nephthys Begehrte (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 11)

ꜣbj, "Panther (Leopard)" | "leopard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 7.11-14)

ꜣbj.t, "weibl. Panther (Leopardin); Pantherfell" | "leopard" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 7.11; Meeks, Mythes, 53, Anm. 40)

ꜣbj-šmꜥ, "Leopard" | "leopard" [substantive] (Wb 1, 7.12; 4, 474.6)

ꜣbi̯, "wünschen; sich freuen" | "to wish for; to covet" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 6.24-7.7)

ꜣbw, "Elefantenzahn; Elfenbein" | "tusk; ivory" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 7.16-17)

ꜣbw, "Elefant" | "elephant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 7.15)

ꜣbw, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 7.22; DrogWb 4)

ꜣbw.j, "der von Elephantine" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Jéquier, Pepi II, N 580)

ꜣbu̯, "brandmarken" | "to brand (cattle, slaves)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 6.18-22; FCD 2)

ꜣbb, "trennen; auseinanderhalten" | "to separate; to move away; to keep apart" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 8.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 6; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 4)

ꜣbḫ, "Verschränker; Vermischer" | "linker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 2, 25)

ꜣbḫ, "(sich) vermischen; verbinden" | "to mix; to join; to be merged with" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 8.8-20; FCD 2)

ꜣbḫ.t, "[Flüssigkeit (offizinell)]" | "[a med. liquid]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 8.21)

ꜣbd, "Monat; Monatsdienst" | "month" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 8.22; 65.5-9)

ꜣbd.w, "Abedu (2. Tag nach Neumond)" | "Abedu (2nd day of the lunar month)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Parker, Calendars, § 36; KoptHWb 483)

ꜣbḏ.w, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 8.23-25; DrogWb 4; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 27 ff.; LÄ II, 225)

ꜣbḏ.w-wꜥb, "der heilige Abedju-Fisch" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 13)

ꜣpd, "Vogel (allg.); Geflügel (koll.)" | "bird (gen.); fowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 9.5-8)

ꜣpd, "herbeieilen" | "to rush forward" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 9.12-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 7)

ꜣpd-ꜥšꜣ, "(gewöhnliche) Vögel" | "(common) birds" [substantive] (WbZ)

ꜣfꜣf, "zujubeln" | "to adore; to praise" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 9.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 8)

ꜣfy.t, "Wärme; Hitze" | "warmth; heat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 10; Meeks, AL 78.0036)

ꜣfi̯, "(gierig) essen" | "to gorge oneself" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.0035; Wb 1, 9.17)

ꜣfꜥ, "Gier" | "gluttony" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 9.17)

ꜣfꜥ, "Gieriger" | "glutton" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 9.17)

ꜣfr, "(etwas) erhitzen; kochen; sieden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 9.18-19)

ꜣfd, "[Teil des Beines]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 5; Walker, Anatom. Term., 265)

ꜣm, "brennen; verbrennen; vernichten" | "to burn; to burn up" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 10.1-3)

ꜣm, "vernichten; verstümmeln" | "to mutilate; to destroy" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.0046; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 5)

ꜣm.w, "Glut" | "(scorching) heat; flame" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 10.4)

ꜣ, "der Verbrannte (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 16; Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 43)

ꜣmj, "(etwas) mischen" | "to mix" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 10.10-13; MedWb 5 f.)

ꜣmꜥ, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a perching bird]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 10.15)

ꜣmꜥ.t, "krallenförmiger oder gegabelter Knochen" | "ramus (of the lower jaw); forked bone" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 10.16; MedWb 6)

ꜣmꜥ.t, "Türangelpfanne" | "socket (for a door hinge)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0040)

ꜣmꜥ.t, "[Brei]" | "[a mash (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 10.16; MedWb 8)

ꜣmm, "ergreifen" | "to seize; to grasp" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 10.17-21)

ꜣmm, "Griff; Faust" | "grip (?); grasp" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 10.22)

ꜣmm.w, "[eine Frauenkrankheit]" | "gripings; spasms (gynaecological term)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 11.2; MedWb 9)

ꜣmm-mꜥbꜣ=s, "die ihren Speer ergreift" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.16 f.; vgl. LGG I, 19)

ꜣms, "[ein keulenartiges Zepter]" | "club; ames-scepter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 11.3-6)

ꜣms, "das Ames-Zepter schwingen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 552)

ꜣms.y, "zum Ames-Zepter gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 94)

ꜣms-jb, "sich freuen; fürsorglich sein (univerbiert)" | "to make glad; to be glad" [verb] (Wb 1, 11.7; vgl. Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, 137-38; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 11)

ꜣms-n-nbw, "Zepter von Gold (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 20b)

ꜣms-n-Gb, "Das Zepter des Geb" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.11)

ꜣr, "verdrängen; bedrängen" | "to drive away; to oppress" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 11.9-16; EAG § 256)

ꜣry.t, "[ein Stab]" | "[a staff]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 12.1)

ꜣh, "elend sein; elend machen" | "to be miserable; to make miserable" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 12.2-3)

ꜣh.w, "Schmerz" | "misery; pain; injury" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 12.4-6; FCD 3; vgl. MedWb 9)

ꜣh.w, "Leidender; Bekümmerter" | "sufferer; anxious one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 12,7)

ꜣh-rn=f, "dessen Name elendig ist (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 22)

ꜣhd, "schwach sein; erschöpft sein" | "to be weak; to be exhausted" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 12.9)

ꜣhd, "Schwäche" | "weakness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 12.9; MedWb 9; FCD 4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 8)

ꜣḥ, "Acker" | "field" [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 9; KoptHWb 54)

ꜣḥ, "[Brei]" | "[a mash]; [dough (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 12.11-15; MedWb 10; DrogWb 5 ff.)

ꜣḥ.t, "Acker; Ackererde" | "field; arable land" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 12.17-18)

ꜣḥ.t-š, "Feld des Sees" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10037 A-C, 4, 11)

ꜣḥ-ḥ.t, "Schacht (des Grabes)" | "tomb shaft" [substantive] (Wb 1, 12.16)

ꜣḥꜣḥ, "unter die Erde bringen" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 13.1; Sethe, Dramatische Texte, 214)

ꜣḫ, "wirkungsmächtig sein; verklärt sein; herrlich sein" | "to be glorious; to be beneficial; to be useful" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 13.7-14.25)

ꜣḫ, "Ach-Geist; Verklärter (seliger Toter); Würde als Geist" | "akh-spirit; glorified spirit (the deceased)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 15.17-16.10)

ꜣḫ, "herrlich; nützlich; verklärt" | "glorious; beneficial; glorified" [adjective] (Wb 1, 14.7-18)

ꜣḫ=f-n-nswt, "der nützlich für den König ist" | "one useful to his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 5a)

ꜣḫ.y, "Pflanzen" | "plants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 18.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 15)

ꜣḫ.w, "[eine Feldfrucht (?)]" | "crops" [substantive: substantive_masc] (WbZ; AEO I, 93*)

ꜣḫ.w, "Macht; Zauberkraft" | "(magical) power; mastery" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 15.4-9)

ꜣḫ.w-m-rʾ=sn, "die durch ihren Spruch Verklärten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 930c)

ꜣḫ.t, "Achet-Jahreszeit (Überschwemmungszeit)" | "akhet-season (inundation)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 13.2)

ꜣḫ.t, "Herrlichkeit; Nützliches" | "what is glorious; what is beneficial" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 15.10-16)

ꜣḫ.t, "weibl. Ach-Geist; die Verklärte (selige Tote)" | "akh-spirit; glorified spirit (the deceased)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 16.15-17)

ꜣḫ.t, "die Zaubermächtige (von Göttinnen)" | "glorious ones (gods)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 16.16; LGG I, 27 f.)

ꜣḫ.t, "Uräus; Diadem" | "uraeus; diadem" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 16.18-19)

ꜣḫ.t, "Glanzauge (eines Gottes)" | "eye (of a god)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 17.1-2; vgl. LGG I, 46 f.)

ꜣḫ.t, "die Glänzende (Hathorkuh)" | "shining one (esp. Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 17.3-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 16; LGG I, 48 f.)

ꜣḫ.t, "Flamme; Feuer" | "flame; fire" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 17.6)

ꜣḫ.t, "Horizont; Lichtland" | "horizon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 17.12-23)

ꜣḫ.t, "Acker; Fruchtland" | "field; arable land" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 18.9)

ꜣḫ.t, "Ibis" | "(crested) ibis" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 18.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 16 f.)

ꜣḫ.t-špss.t-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-zmy.t, "Die Verklärte, die prächtig ist vor dem großen Gott, dem Herrn der Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 12)

ꜣḫ.t-špss.t-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Die Verklärte, die prächtig ist vor dem großen Gott, dem Herrn des heiligen Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 12)

ꜣḫ.tj, "der Horizontbewohner" | "horizon-dweller" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 18.1-2; LGG I, 53 ff.)

ꜣḫ.tj, "horizontisch" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1.18.3)

ꜣḫ.tj, "Achet-zeitlich (?)" | english translation missing [adjective] (Griffith, pKahun and Gurob, pl. 2 (l.17))

ꜣḫ.tj, "die beiden Glanzaugen" | "both eyes (of a god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1,17.1-2; vgl. LGG I, 46 f.)

ꜣḫ.tj, "erster Tag der Achet-Jahreszeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 51 f., Anm. aa)

ꜣḫ-jy-nfr, "Ach-iy-nefer" | "Ach-iy-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (Curto, Ghiza, 60, fig. 19, pl. 15)

ꜣḫ-jm.j-ḏndr.w, "Ach in der Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 36)

ꜣḫ-jqr, "treffllich Verklärter (Verstorbener)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 16.3)

ꜣḫ, "der von Chemnis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Lapp, Pap. Nu, pl. 34; vgl. Wb 1, 13.3-4)

ꜣḫ-m-rʾ=f, "ein durch seinen Mund Verklärter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 930a)

ꜣḫ-Rꜥw, "Ach-re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, fig. 41)

ꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr, "Ach-Geist vor dem Gotte" | "akh-spirit before the god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 9)

ꜣḫ-špss-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Prächtiger Ach vor dem großen Gott" | "glorious akh-spirit before the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 10)

ꜣḫꜣḫ, "grün sein; grün machen" | "to be verdant; to grow green" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 18.16-21)

ꜣḫꜣḫ-r-nḥḥ, "der auf ewig Erblühende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 58)

ꜣḫi̯, "grünen; gedeihen; überschwemmt sein" | "to grow green; to flourish; to be inundated" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.0077; 79.0045; WbZ)

ꜣḫf, "Esslust (?)" | "fever (of appetite?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 19.4; FCD 5)

ꜣẖꜥ, "kratzen; einritzen" | "to scratch; to carve" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 19.6-11)

ꜣẖꜥ.t, "Kratzwunde" | "scratch; scar" [substantive] (Wb 1, 19.13)

ꜣẖb, "verschlucken" | "to swallow" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.0085; 79.0048)

ꜣz, "[Geier]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 7)

ꜣzb, "brennen; glühen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 552; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 8; vgl. FCD 5)

ꜣzḫ, "sicheln; ernten" | "to reap; to harvest" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 19.15-16)

ꜣzḫ, "Gemähtes; Ernte" | "harvest" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 19.17)

ꜣzḫ, "Sichel" | "sickle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 19.18)

ꜣs, "eilen; fließen; (jmdn.) eilen lassen" | "to rush; to make rush" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 20.1-6)

ꜣs, "eilig; eilends" | "quickly; in haste" [adverb] (Wb 1, 20.7-8; GEG § 205.4; ENG § 595; CGG 134)

ꜣs.t, "Splitter (von Feuerstein, Holz)" | "splinter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 20.15; DrogWb 7 f.; KoptHWb 277)

ꜣs.t-nṯr.jt, "Isis, die göttliche (Isis, Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 73 f.)

ꜣš, "[eine Eigenschaft (durchdringend (?) vom Auge)]" | "[a characteristic (of the eye)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0094)

ꜣšy.t, "[krankhafte Erscheinung an Wunden]" | "[worsening condition of a wound]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 21.3; MedWb 12)

ꜣšr, "grillen; rösten" | "to roast" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 21.4-7)

ꜣšr, "Gegrilltes" | "roast meat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 21.8-9)

ꜣšr.t, "Grillklein" | "roast joint" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 21.10)

ꜣq, "umkommen; zugrunde gehen" | "to perish; to come to naught" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 21.11-20)

ꜣ, "Verlust" | "loss" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 21.22; KoptHWb 5)

ꜣq.w, "Verwüstung; Ruin" | "devastation; ruin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 21.21)

ꜣqꜣq, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 108a)

ꜣqs, "[ein Gewand (?)]" | "[a garment (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 10; Meeks, AL 78.0098; 79.0056)

ꜣqd (jb), "wütend sein (o. Ä.)" | "to be angry (?)" [verb] (James, Hekanakhte, 77-78, pl. 19A)

ꜣk, "gekrümmt sein (vom Oberarm); biegen" | "to be bent; to bend (the elbow)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 22.3)

ꜣk.wt, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[a symptom of illness]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 22.5; MedWb 13)

ꜣg, "pflanzen" | "to plant" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 22.8; Allen, Inflection, 544)

ꜣgb.w, "Flut; Fülle" | "flood; abundance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 22.10-14)

ꜣgbgb, "schaudern (?); sehr überfließen (?)" | "to shudder (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 1, 22.17; Allen, Inflection, 586)

ꜣgg.t, "[Pflanzenteil (offizinell)]" | "pulp (of the nebit-reed) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 22.18; DrogWb 8)

ꜣgg.t, "Garbe (von Flachsstängeln)" | "sheaf (of flax stalks)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0107)

ꜣt, "(einen Ort) betreten (?)" | "to enter (?) (a place)" [verb] (Wb 1, 1.8-9; vgl. Berlev, RdE 23, 1971, 32, Anm. 1)

ꜣtj, "Ati (Bez. für Sonnenschiff)" | "[(a part of) the solar bark]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 22.20; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 240 (1))

ꜣtf, "Atef-Krone (Krone der Götter)" | "atef-crown" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 23.2-3)

ꜣtf, "gekrönt sein; versehen sein (mit Gaben)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 23.4-5)

ꜣ, "der des 12. oberägyptischen Gaues" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 86)

ꜣ, "zum 12. oberägyptischen Gau gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 1358d)

ꜣṯ.yt, "Amme; Wärterin" | "nurse; attendant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 23.10; 288.15)

ꜣṯ.w, "Verwaltungsleiter; Aufwärter; Erzieher" | "administrator (gen.); foreman; tutor (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 23.14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 14; Ward, Titles, no. 1)

ꜣṯ.w, "Verwaltungsleiter; Aufwärter; Erzieher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 23.14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 12)

ꜣṯ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-nʾ.t, "Hauptverwalter der Stadt" | "chief administrator of the town" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 288.12; Ward, Titles, no. 695; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 14)

ꜣṯ.w-n-mšꜥ, "Verwaltungsleiter der Armee" | "army-quartermaster" [epitheton_title: title] (Chevereau, Cadres Militaires, 229)

ꜣṯ.w-n-nʾ.t, "Verwalter der Stadt" | "administrator of the town" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 698)

ꜣṯ.w-n-ztj.w, "Kommandant der Nubier" | "administrator of Nubians" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 701)

ꜣṯ.w-n-ṯ.t-ḥqꜣ, "Aufwärter des Speisetisches des Herrschers" | "attendant of the ruler's table" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 13; Chevereau, RdE 43, 1992, 23 ff.)

ꜣṯ.t, "Bahre; Bett" | "bed; bier" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 23.11-12)

ꜣṯi̯, "(ein Kind) warten; aufziehen; sorgen (für)" | "to mind (a child); to rear (a child)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 23.9; Allen, Inflection, 568; vgl. FCD 6)

ꜣṯp, "[ein Kasten]" | "[a box]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 24.10; FCD 7)

ꜣṯp, "(ein Schiff) beladen" | "to load (a ship)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 23.15-24.3; FCD 6)

ꜣṯp.w, "Last; Fracht" | "load; cargo" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 24.4-6)

ꜣṯp.wt, "Last; Ladung" | "load; cargo" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 24.7-9; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 12)

ꜣd, "wüten; angreifen" | "to be aggressive; to be angry; to anger" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 24.12-17)

ꜣd, "ausschmieren (eines Topfes mit Ton)" | "to smear (a vessel with clay)" [verb] (Wb 1, 25.1; MedWb 14)

ꜣd, "matt werden (des Herzens)" | "to fail (of the heart)" [verb] (Wb 1, 25.2-3; MedWb 15)

ꜣd.w, "Wut; Aggression" | "anger; agression" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 24.18-19)

ꜣd.w, "Ausschmierung (eines Topfes mit Ton); Glättung" | "smoothing; lining (of a pot with clay)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 14)

ꜣd.w, "Wütender" | "aggressor (lit. furious one, of a crocodile)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 24.20-21)

ꜣd.t, "[eine Augenkrankheit (Pterygium)]" | "[an eye ailment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 24.25; MedWb 15)

J-bzj, "Ibezi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

J-ḫwi̯=f, "I-chuief" | "I-khuief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 260.7)

J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w-ꜥnḫ.w, "Ikau-hor-anch" | "Ikau-her-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 649)

Jꜣ, "Ia (Ort in Nubien)" | "Ia" [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 72)

Jꜣ.wtjw, "Die Anbetenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 97 f.; vgl. LGG I, 183)

Jꜣ.t, "Iat (Milchgöttin?)" | "Iati (milk goddess?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 26.16; LÄ III, 114; LGG I, 96)

Jꜣ.t, "Iat" | "Iat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 260.8)

Jꜣ.t, "Iat (im Deltagebiet ?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I,2, 296)

Jꜣ.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Hügel des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 384)

Jꜣ.t-pgꜣ, "Iat-pega (11. u.ä. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 25; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 37; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 17)

Jꜣ.t-mn, "Iat-men" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Siedlungen, 17 f.)

Jꜣ.t-n.t-Bw-Jgꜣ.j, "Hügel von Oxyrhynchos" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 129, Anm. 431; Osing, in: Fs Dreyer, 517 ff.)

Jꜣ.t-n.t-pr-bḫḫ, "Der Hügel vom Feuerhaus" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 63 f., Anm. 94)

Jꜣ.t-rḥ.wj, "Hügel der beiden Rivalen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 120, Anm. 386)

Jꜣ.t-ḫn.w, "Leontopolis (11. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 31; Montet, Géographie I, 133)

Jꜣ.t-H̱r.j-ꜥḥꜣ, "Nilometer von Babylon" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 87, Anm. 219; Montet, Géographie I, 165)

Jꜣ.t-sḫ.tjw, "Iat-sechtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Hayes, Pap. Late MK, 72, 83, pl. VI)

Jꜣ.t-šps.j-m-Rw.t-js.t, "Verehrungswürdige Stätte in Rut-iset" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 94)

Jꜣ.t-šmꜥ.yt, "Der oberägyptische Hügel (Domäne)" | "Mound-of-Upper-Egpt" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 303)

Jꜣ.t-kꜣkꜣ, "Iat-kaka" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvii.5)

Jꜣ.t-Ṯꜣ-Mw.t, "Hügel von Tja-mut (heiliger Ort bei Giza); Djeme (Siedlung in und um Medinet Habu)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Zivie, Giza, 295 ff.)

Jꜣ.tj, "Zwei Hügel; Zwei Hügel (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 22 f.; Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Jꜣ.tj-Ṯy, "Die zwei Hügel des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Jꜣ.tjw, "Iatiu (Standartengötter?)" | "Iatu (gods on standards)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 79.0076; LGG I, 91 f.)

Jꜣ.tjw, "Die zu den Stätten Gehörigen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 95 f.)

Jꜣꜣ, "Iaa (in Syrien/Palästina)" | "Iaa (in Syria-Palestine)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 15)

Jꜣꜣ.w, "Der Aufsteiger (?); Der Angreifer (?)" | "Ascender" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0130; LGG I, 96)

Jꜣꜣt, "Iaat (Ort in Nubien)" | "Iaat" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 15, IV, 208; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 72)

Jꜣw, "Iau" | "Iau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 6.4)

Jꜣw, "Der Greis" | "Old-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 190-191; II, 67; LGG I; 98)

Jꜣw, "Jau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 6.5)

Jꜣw, "Jau (ein Weideplatz)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Meir I, pl. 84)

Jꜣw-jꜣw, "Der sehr Alte (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 4 (4c))

Jꜣw-Ptḥ, "Iau-Ptah" | "Iau-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 6.9)

Jꜣb.t, "Der Osten" | "East" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 105; WbZ: DZA 20164830)

Jꜣ, "Ostgau (14. u.äg. Gau)" | "East-nome (14th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 399 f.)

Jꜣḥ.tj, "Hinterer Ostgau" | "Hinder-east-nome" [entity_name: place_name] (Lopez, RdE 19, 1967, 51, Fig.1; LÄ II, 399)

Jꜣp.w, "Iapu (im Delta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Lapp, Pap. Nu, pl. 53)

Jꜣm, "Iam" | "Iam" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 25.8)

Jꜣm, "Yam (Land in Unternubien)" | "Yam (in Lower Nubia)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 81.8; LÄ III, 242)

Jꜣm.w, "Jamu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 414.11)

Jꜣm.w, "Iamu (Hauptstadt im 3. u.äg. Gau, Kom el-Hisn)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 70; AEO II, 170* f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 80 f.)

Jꜣm.w, "Iamu (Kom el-Hisn)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (AEO II, 170*; GDG I, 70; LÄ III, 673 f.)

Jꜣm.t, "Jamet" | "Iamet" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, pl. 2a, 8a, fig. 3b)

Jꜣm-ꜥꜣ-n-jmn.tjt, "Die große Laube des Westens (Stationsheiligtum für Osiris)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 9.8 u.a.)

Jꜣm-Mnw, "Iam-Min" | "Iam-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El Hawawish VI, fig. 21b)

Jꜣm-Nj.t, "Iam-Neith" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza IV, 204, fig. 152, pl. LVI)

Jꜣm-Ṯy, "Der Jam-Baum des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Jꜣr.w, "Die Binse (Personifikation des Binsengefildes)" | "Rushes (personification of the Field-of-reeds)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 32.9; LGG I, 107)

Jꜣr.w, "Binsengewässer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 19)

Jꜣrr.wt-Jj-mr.y, "Der Wein des Ii-meri (Domäne)" | "Wine-of-Ii-meri (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 457)

Jꜣrr.wt-Zšzš.t, "Wein der Zeschzeschet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 415)

Jꜣrr.wt-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Wein des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Jꜣrr.wt-Ṯy, "Der Wein des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 361)

Jꜣrt, "Iaret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 7.1)

Jꜣḥs, "Iahes (Gott von O.Äg.)" | "Iahes (a god of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 33.1; LGG I, 107)

Jꜣḫ.w-ḥr.j-jb-ḥw.t-ꜥẖm.w-ḥmw-nfr-n-p.t-jmn.tjt, "Sonnenglanz, der in der Domäne der Götterbilder residiert, schönes Ruder des Westhimmels (eines der vier Himmelsruder)" | "Radiance-residing-in-the-domain-of-divine-images, beautiful-oar-of-the-western-heavens (an oar)" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 110)

Jꜣz.t, "Iazet" | "Iazet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 260.14)

Jꜣzn, "Iazen" | "Iazen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 7.4)

Jꜣs.w, "Kahler (Platz) (eine Himmelsgegend)" | "Bald(place) (a region of the heavens)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 33.11)

Jꜣkw, "Iaku (Ort oder Gebiet? südwestlich vom Gebel el-Ahmar)" | "Iaku (place? region? southwest of Gebel el-Ahmar)" [entity_name: place_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 2, 5; Koch, Sinuhe, 16; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 204 ff.)

Jꜣkb, "Trauender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 113)

Jꜣkb.y, "Der Trauernde" | "Mourner" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 34.13; LGG I, 114)

Jꜣkb.t-ḥr, "Trauergesicht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 115)

Jꜣg.t-Jzzj, "Iaget des Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 307)

Jꜣg.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Iaget des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Jꜣg.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Iaget des Kakai (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Malek, GM 13, 1974, 22)

Jꜣg.t-Ṯy, "Iaget des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Jꜣṯj, "Iatji" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Jꜣd, "Iad (Stern oder Sternbild)" | "Iad (a star? a constellation?)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 35.4)

Jꜣd.w, "Iadu (Ort in der Unterwelt)" | "Iadu (in the nether world)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 35.8)

Jꜣd.tyt, "Jadtyt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 117)

Jꜣdj, "Jadi (mythischer Ort, wo man gereinigt wird)" | "Iady (myth. site of purification)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 35.7)

Jj, "Ii" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 7.14)

Jjj, "Iii" | "Iii" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 55.7)

Jjw, "Iiu" | "Iiu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 7.28)

Jjw-rs=f, "Iiu-resef" | "Iyu-resef" [entity_name: person_name] (Weigall, Lower Nubia I, pl. LVIII (38))

Jy, "Iy" | "Iy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 7.17)

Jy, "Iy" | "Iy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 8.11)

Jy, "Iy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 8.8)

Jy.t, "Iit (Kultplatz in Letopolis)" | "Iit (Letopolitan sanctuary)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 36.17, 38.13; GDG I, 38; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 41; Montet, Géographie I, 52; AEO II, 165*; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 128, Anm. 182; Meeks, Mythes, 47 ff., Anm. 28), "Iyti" | "Iyti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 11.10)

Jy-jw, "Iy-iu" | "Iy-iu" [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun, pBerlin P 10038 A)

Jy-jb, "Ii-ib" | "Ii-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 8.12)

Jy-ꜥpr, "Ii-aper" | "Iy-aper" [entity_name: person_name] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 104, no. 211)

Jy-m-mr.y, "Iy-em-mery" | "Iy-em-mery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 260.24)

Jy-m-ḥtp, "Imhotep" | "Imhotep" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.2)

Jy-mw, "Ii-mu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.12)

Jy-mr.y, "Ii-mery" | "Ii-mery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.16)

Jy-mr.w, "Ii-meru" | "Ii-meru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.18)

Jy-mr.t, "Iy-meret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.20)

Jy-mrw-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Ii-meru-Neferkare" | "Ii-meru-Neferkare" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.19)

Jy-n=j, "Ii-eni" | "Ii-en-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 9.25)

Jy-n=j-ꜥnḫ, "Ii-eni-anch" | "Ii-eni-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 648)

Jy-n=j-Ḥr.w, "Iy-eni-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 260.28)

Jy-n=j-kꜣ=j, "Ii-eni-kai" | "Ii-eni-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 648)

Jy-n-ẖn.t-j, "Iy-en-chent-i" | "Ii-en-khent-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 32; vgl. RPN I 9.24)

Jy-n-ẖn.t-nḏs, "Ii-en-chent der Jüngere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 32)

Jy-nfr, "Iy-nefer" | "Ii-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.5)

Jy-nfr.t, "Iy-neferet" | "Ii-neferet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.7)

Jy-nḫn-mw.t, "Iy-nechen-mut" | "Ii-nekhen-mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.9)

Jy-rn, "Iy-ren" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (CG 34182)

Jy-ḥr-sꜣ, "Iy-her-sa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.14)

Jy-ḥtp, "Iy-hetep" | "Ii-hetep" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.16)

Jy-ḫr-ḫrw=j, "Iy-her-heruef" | "Iy-her-heruef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 261.3)

Jy-zꜣṯ=f, "Iy-zatjef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 261.6)

Jy-sn=f, "Iy-senef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.19)

Jy-šmꜣ, "Iy-schema" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.22)

Jy-šmꜣ-j, "Iy-schema-i" | "Ii-shema-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 10.23)

Jy-šrj, "Iy-scheri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Helck, Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit, 68)

Jy-kꜣ, "Iy-ka" | "Iy-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 11.1)

Jy-ky, "Iy-ky" | "Ii-ky" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 261.7)

Jy-ky-kꜣ, "Ii-ky-ka" | "Ii-ky-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Jy-Ṯnt.t, "Iy-Tjentet" | "Ii-Tjentet" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza 4, 34; fig. 44)

Jy-ḏfꜣ, "Iy-djefa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 11.4)

Jꜥ.t, "Iat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 11.22)

Jꜥ-jb, "Ia-ib" | "Ia-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 11.19)

Jꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "Die, die aufsteigt zu Re (Säule)" | "Ascending-to-Re (a column)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 549-552)

Jꜥy, "Iay" | "Iay" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 12.2)

Jꜥꜥr.w-n-mꜣs.t, "Jaaru-en-maset (8.-10. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 298 f.)

Jꜥnꜥ, "Der Pavian" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 136-138)

Jꜥr=wj-sw, "[Name eines Boten des Atum]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 2165a)

Jꜥ, "Iartu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10021, 2, 6)

Jꜥrw.w, "Iaruu (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

Jꜥḥ, "Iah (Mondgott)" | "Iah (a moon god)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb, 1, 42.8; LÄ IV, 192 ff.; LGG I, 146 ff.)

Jꜥḥ-ms.w, "Iach-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 12.19)

Jꜥḥ-ms.w-nfr.t-jr.j, "Ahmes-Nefertari (Frau des Ahmose)" | "Ahmose-Nofretari (a queen of Ahmose)" [entity_name: person_name] (Troy, Queenship, 18.3)

Jꜥḥ-ḥtp, "Iah-hetep" | "Iah-hetep" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 13.8)

Jꜥḏm, "Jadjem (Ort in Nubien)" | "Jadjem" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 38; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 73)

Jw, "Hund (ein Name des Thot)" | "Dog (Thoth)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 48.4; LGG I, 157)

Jw, "Iu" | "Iu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 16.8)

Jw=f, "Iuef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Giza I, 53 (2))

Jw=f-ꜥnḫ, "Iuef-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 14.5)

Jw=f-n=j, "Iuef-eni" | "Iuef-eni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 14.7)

Jw=f-n-Jmn, "Iuef-en-Imen" | "Iuef-en-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 14.13)

Jw=f-n-ꜥnḫ, "Iuef-en-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 414.19)

Jw=n-mn.wjn, "Wir sind dauerhaft (ein Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Rößler-Köhler, Kapitel 17, 214, Anm. 2)

Jw=s-n-zn.tjw, "Iues-en-zentiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157; vgl. RPN I, 15.5, 296.21)

Jw.y-Bꜣ, "Die beiden Inseln des Bockes von Mendes (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 230)

Jw.y-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die beiden Inseln des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 229)

Jw.y-H̱nm.w, "Die beiden Inseln des Chnum (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231)

Jw.w-ḥr.w-jb, "das Mittelgebiet (zwischen den Nilarmen des Deltas)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 47.10)

Jw.t-n-ḥꜣb, "Iut-en-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 33, pl. 6, 6A), "Das keinen Anfang hat (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 7 (10)), "Iutu" | "Iutu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 48.16)

Jw-Mṯṯ, "Insel des Metjetj (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 255)

Jw-m-ḥtp.w, "Der in Frieden kommt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 154)

Jw-n-Jtn, "[Bezirk in Amarna]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 25; Assmann, JNES 31, 1972, 150 f.)

Jw-n-bꜣ.wj, "Insel der beiden Seelen (myth. Ort)" | "Island-of-the-two-ba-souls (myth.)" [entity_name: place_name] (Hornung, Himmelskuh, 22, 45, Anm. 155)Ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Insel des Königs Cheperkare" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 17)

Jw-nsrsr, "Flammeninsel" | "Island-of-fire (region of the nether-world); Island-of-fire (locality associated with Hermopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 336.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 47; Ryhiner, Lotus, 197 f.)

Jw-nšꜣ, "Die Insel des Laichkrautes (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231)

Jw-rd, "Pflanzeninsel (Domäne)" | "Island-of-plants" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272; vgl. GDG I, 47; vgl. LÄ VII, 289)

Jw-rd, "Iu-red (in OÄg)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 47, vgl. LÄ VII, 289)

Jw-ḥm.t, "Insel des Hemat-Tieres (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 230)

Jw-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Insel des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 269)

Jw-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Insel des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Island-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 457)

Jw-zn.t, "Die Insel Zenet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien, 21.38)

Jw-Sbk, "Insel des Sobek (südl. von Theben)" | "Island-of-Sobek (south of Thebes)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 48; WbZ)

Jw-Snfr.w, "Insel des Snofru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272; vgl. GDG I, 48)

Jw-Snfrw, "Insel des Snofru (Gezira in Nilnähe beim alten Giza)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 58 f.)

Jw-Šd=f-wj, "Insel des Schedef-wi (Domäne)" | "Island-of-Shedefwy (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ VII, 289; WbZ)

Jw-Ṯy, "Insel des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 363)

Jw-dbw, "Iu-debu" | "Iu-debu" [entity_name: place_name] (Allam, ASAE 71, 1987, 20, 22 n.(m), pls.V-Va)

Jwꜣ, "Iwa" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 7)

Jwy, "Iuy" | "Iuy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 16.15)

Jwy-ꜥnḫ, "Iuy-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. VIII)

Jwi̯=f, "Iwief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 15.25)

Jwi̯=f-n-ptḥ, "Iuief-en-Ptah" | "Iuief-en-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 15.27)

Jwi̯=s-ꜥꜣ=s, "Iusaas (heliopolitan. Göttin)" | "Iusaas (a Heliopolitan goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 45.6; LÄ III, 217 f.; LGG I, 152)

Jwi̯-nfr, "Iwi-nefer" | "Iwi-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 15.21)

Jwi̯-sw, "Iwi-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 84-85)

Jwi̯-snb, "Iwi-seneb" | "Iu-seneb" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 15.22)

Jww, "Iuu" | "Iuu" [entity_name: person_name] (Habachi, Heqaib, 181)

Jww, "Iuu" | "Iuu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 16.25)

Jwp.y, "Iupy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner/Cerny, Hierat. Ostr., 13, pl. 42 (4))

Jwf, "[ein Affe (als Verkörperung des Atum)]" | "[the label for a baboon as a manifestation of Atum]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 77.0195; 78.0222; 79.0135; Meeks, Mythes, 87 f., Anm. 224)

Jwf, "Iuf" | "Iuf" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 17.3)

Jwf-j, "Iuf-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 17.6)

Jwf-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Das Fleisch des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (2))

Jwf-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Das Fleisch des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Meat of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (2))

Jwn.j, "Hermonthis (Armant)" | "Hermonthis (Armant)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 54)

Jwn.y, "Iuny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 17.22), "Esna (Latopolis)" | "Esna (Latopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 54)

Jwn.w, "Heliopolis" | "Heliopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 54, GDG I, 54; LÄ II, 1111 ff.)

Jwn.w-mḥ.wj, "Nördliches Heliopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 55; Montet, Géographie I, 156)

Jwn.w-Rꜥw, "Heliopolis des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 56; AEO II, 144* ff.)

Jwn.w-Šmꜥ.w, "Südliches Heliopolis (Hermonthis/Armant); Südliches Heliopolis (Theben)" | "Upper-Egyptian-Heliopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 54.6; 4, 473.5; LÄ I, 435 ff.; AEO II, 24*)

Jwn.t, "Dendera" | "Dendera" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 54; GDG I, 56; LÄ I, 1060 ff.)

Jwn.t, "Iunet" | "Iunet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 17.26)

Jwn.t, "Der Bogen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 192)

Jwn.tjw, "Bogenvolk; Nomaden (aus Nubien oder Sinai)" | "Bow-people; nomads (from Nubia, from Sinai)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 55.3-7)

Jwn.tjt, "Iuntet (Göttin von Dendera)" | "Iuntet (a goddess of Dendera)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 54.5), "Die Pfeiler (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248; vgl. CAA Wien, 21,38), "Iuntet" | "Iunetet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 18.4)

Jwn-wnš.w, "Die Insel der Schakale (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205)

Jwn-Rꜥw, "Iun-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza, VI.3, 31)

Jwn-kꜣ, "Iun-ka" | "Iun-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 17.17)

Jwnr, "Iuner" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 38.7)

Jwnry, "Iunery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 38.10)

Jwnry, "Iuenery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Sabek, ZÄS 129, 2002, 76 ff., Anm. 19; 83; vgl. RPN I 38.7; 38.9-10)

Jwrj, "Iueri" | "Iueri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 18.9)

Jwrrj, "Jurri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Martin, Garantsymbol, Abb. 9a)

Jwt, "Iut" | "Iut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 18.20)

Jwtj, "Iuti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 18.22)

Jwṯw, "Iutju" | "Iutju" [entity_name: person_name] (Insr. Sinai, 223)

Jwṯw, "Jutju (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Usu" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 62 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 195)

Jwd.w, "Iudu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 19.3)

Jwdj, "Iudi" | "Iudi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 19.2)

Jb, "Ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 19.15)

Jb, "Ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 19.16)

Jb, "Ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 93.8)

Jb, "Ib" | "Ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 262.11)

Jb, "Ib (Ort in Nubien)" | "Ib" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 63; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 74)

Jb=j-jꜥ.w, "Ibi-iau" | "Ibi-iau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 19.4)

Jb=j-nḏm, "Ibi-nedjem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, 59)

Jb.w-nḫn, "Eingefriedeter Hain" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 136, Anm. 460)

Jb-n-gjf, "Herz der Meerkatze" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 210)

Jb-nb.w-Nj.t, "Ib-nebu-Neith" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, Taf. 5 + 57)

Jb-hr.w-m-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Das Herz ist zufrieden in Abydos (Tempel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 52.9)

Jb-šrj.t, "Ib-scherit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 19.22)

Jbꜣ.yt-ꜥnḫ.t, "Der lebende Kiebitz" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 10; Meeks, in: Fs Brovarski, 274 ff.)

Jbj, "Ibi" | "Ibi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 20.10)

Jbj, "Ibi" | "Ibi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 20.7)

Jby, "Iby" | "Iby" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 20.17)

Jbw, "Das Böckchen" | "[a young male goat (?)]; [a calf (?)]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0249; LGG I, 211)

Jbw, "Ibu" | "Ibu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 20.23)

Jbb, "Ibeb" | "Ibeb" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 21.6)

Jbb.j, "Ibebi" | "Ibebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 21.8)

Jbr, "Iber" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 262.21)

Jbhꜣ.t, "Ibhat (in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 64)

Jbsqb, "Abisigub (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 65; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 47)

Jbṯ, "Fänger" | "Fowler" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 339; II, 230)

Jp, "Upe (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 53; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 193 f.)

Jp.w, "Achmim (Panopolis)" | "Akhmim (Panopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 69; GDG I, 67)

Jp.t, "[Fest]; [Monatsname]; Epiphi (3. Monat der Schemu-Jahreszeit)" | "Ipet (festival of Epiphi, 3rd month of the shemu-season)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 68.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 63)

Jp.t, "Frauenhaus (Name des Luxortempels)" | "Ipet (Luxor Temple)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 1, 68.2)

Jp.t, "Ipet" | "Ipet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 22.6)

Jp.t-wr.t, "Ipet, die Große" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 218)

Jp.t-mḥ.twt, "Die von der nördlichen Opet" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 4.8 ff.)

Jp.t-nḥb.wt, "Haus (?) der Lotosblüten (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 303)

Jp.t-rs.jt, "[Luxortempel]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 68.3; Otto, Topographie, 40)

Jp.t-rs.wt, "Die von der südlichen Opet (Chor bei den Osirismysterien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 4.8 ff.)

Jp.t-s.wt, "Die heiligsten Plätze (Karnak-Tempel)" | "Most-sacred-of-places (Karnak Temple)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 1, 66, 4; FCD 17; LÄ III, 342)

Jp-ꜣw, "Ip-au (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Badawy, Iteti, 8,, fig. 13, pl. 9)

Jp-ḥm.t=s, "[Fest]; [Monatsname]; Ipet-Hemetes (Ersatzbezeichnung für den Monat Epiphi)" | "Ipet-hemetes (3rd month of the shemu-season)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 66.21; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 62)

Jpꜣṯj, "[ein Gott]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 221)

Jpj, "Ipi" | "Ipi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 22.13)

Jpj, "Ipi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 22.12)

Jpj, "Ipi" | "Ipi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 22.15)

Jpj-ꜥꜣ.t, "Ipi die Ältere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 67)

Jpj-wr.t, "Ipi die Ältere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 33)

Jpj-wḏꜣ.w, "Ipi-udjau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Hemet-Ra, pl. 12A)

Jpj-nḏs.t, "Ipi die Jüngere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 33)

Jpjp, "[Fest]; [Monatsname]; Epiphi (3. Monat der Schemu-Jahreszeit)" | "Epiphi (3rd month of the shemu-season)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 69.4)

Jpy, "Ipet (Nilpferdgöttin)" | "Ipet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 68.8-9; LGG I, 18)

Jpy, "Ipy" | "Ipy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 22.24)

Jpy, "Ipy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 23.2)

Jpw, "Ipu" | "Jpu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 23.6)

Jpw-..., "Ipu-..." | "Ipu-..." [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 23.23)

Jpw-wr, "Ipu-wer" | "Ipu-wer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 23.7), "Ipu-resti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 23.13)

Jpwt, "Iput II." | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXIV Ae)

Jpp, "Ipep" | "Ipep" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 24.5)

Jpp, "Apophis" | "Apophis" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XV 5)

Jf-jrt, "If-iret" | "If-iret" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish V, fig. 10b)

Jfj-mr.y, "Ifi-mery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza 2, fig. 210; vgl. PM III, 261)

Jft, "Ifet (Ort in Nubien)" | "Ifet" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 69; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 78)

Jm, "Im" | "Im" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 25.3)

Jm, "Im" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 34)

Jm.j-jb, "Imi-ib" | "Imi-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 263.13)

Jm.j-wt, "Imiut (Symbol von Anubis)" | "Imiut (Anubis "fetish")" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 73.15)

Jm.j-nhd=f, "Der in seinem Grimm ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 239)

Jm.j-nṯr, "Der in Gott Befindliche" | "He-who-is-in-god" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 240; vgl. Hornung, Amduat III, 848)

Jm.j-nṯr.w, "Das, in dem die Götter sind (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 11 (14))

Jm.j-rʾ-šn.t, "Imi-ra-schenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 138-39)

Jm.j-rʾ-ṯ.t-j, "Imi-ra-tjet-i" | "Imi-ra-tjet-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Grunert, TLA, Grab des Mehu; vgl. RPN I 25.18-20)

Jm.j-ḫ, "Mechenti-en-irti" | "Mekhenty-irty" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 132.6-7; vgl. LGG III, 394 ff.; vgl. LÄ I, 926 f.)

Jm.j-s.t-kꜣ=j, "Imi-set-kai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VI, 209 ff., Abb. 83)

Jm.j-sḫr, "Imi-secher" | "Imi-sekher" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 415.4)

Jm.j-kꜣr, "In der Kapelle Befindlicher" | "He-who-is-in-the-chapel" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 75.16; 5, 108.10-11)

Jm.j-ṯpḥ.t=f, "Der in seiner Höhle Befindliche" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 256)

Jm.j-ḏr.w-nʾ.t=f, "Der im Bereich seiner Stadt ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 258)

Jm.j-ḏr.ww, "Der in den Grenzen Befindliche (im Jenseits)" | "One within the borders" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 586.11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 34; vgl. LGG I, 258, 288)

Jm.jw-ꜣḫ.t, "Die sich am Horizont befinden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 259 f.)

Jm.jw-ꜣgb, "Die in der Überschwemmungsflut sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 260)

Jm.jw-Jnb.w-ḥḏ-r-gs-ḥw.t-Zkr, "Die in Memphis Befindlichen zu Seite des Sokartempels" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 262 b-c)

Jm.jw-jꜣ.wt=sn, "Die in ihren Hügeln sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 260 f.)

Jm.jw-jꜣb.tjt, "Die im Osten sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 261)

Jm.jw-jmn.tjt, "Die im Westen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 262)

Jm.jw-p.t, "Die im Himmel sind (Pl.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 266)

Jm.jw-mḥ.tjt, "Die im Norden sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 269)

Jm.jw-msk.tjt, "Die in der Abendbarke sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 269)

Jm.jw-rs.j, "Die im Süden sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 272)

Jm.jw-hṯt, "Die im Jauchzen sind" | "Those-in-a-state-of-exultation (baboons who "praise" the sun)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 74.18; 2, 504.12)

Jm.jw-Ḥꜣ.w-nb.w, "Die in den Nordländern sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 273)

Jm.jw-ḫꜣ-bꜣ=s, "Die unter den Sternen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 275)

Jm.jw-ḫb.t, "Die in der Richtstätte sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 275)

Jm.jw-ḫt-Jtm.w, "Die im Gefolge des Atum sind (Götterneunheit?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 279)

Jm.jw-zꜣ.ww, "Die unter den Wächtern sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 280)

Jm.jw-kꜣr.w=sn, "Die in ihren Kapellen Befindlichen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 284)

Jm.jw-tꜣ, "Die auf der Erde sind (Pl.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 285)

Jm.jw-tꜣ-ꜥnḫ.t, "Die im Lande des Lebens (Westen) sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 285)

Jm.jw-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Die in der Nekropole sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 285)

Jm.jw-dm.wt, "Die mit den Messern versehen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 287; Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 37)

Jm.jw-Ḏsr.t-tp, "Die in der mit erhabenem Haupt sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 288 f.)

Jm.t, "Imet (Buto, Tell Nebescheh/Tell el-Fara'un, Ostdelta)" | "Imet" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 78.12; AEO II, 171*; LÄ III, 140 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 210 ff.; Montet, Géographie I, 180 f.)

Jm.t, "Imet (ein Weideplatz)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Meir I, pl. 84)

Jm.t-wꜣj, "Imit-wai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Jm.t-pḥ.wjt, "Imet-pechet (19. u.äg. Gau)" | "Imet-pehet (19th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 401; Montet, Géographie I, 180 ff.; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 65)

Jm.t-ḫnt.jt, "Imet-chentet (18. u.äg. Gau)" | "Imet-khentet (18th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 401)

Jm.tjt, "Die von Buto" | "She-of-Buto" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 78.13; LGG I, 298)

Jm-ppw, "Im-pepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. VI)

Jm-ḥtp, "Im-hotep" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 25.5)

Jmꜣj, "Imai" | "Imai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 25.12)

Jmꜣḫ.w-šẖr.t-nṯr, "Die verehrungswürdigen Ehrwürdigen in der Nekropole (Götter o. Geister der Verstorbenen)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 305 b)

Jmꜣḫ-Ṯy, "Die Würde des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Jmꜣḫw, "Imachu" | "Imakhu" [entity_name: person_name] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 93, no. 161)

Jmj, "Imi" | "Imi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 25.17)

Jmy, "Imy" | "Imy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.2)

Jmw, "Imu" | "Imu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.4)

Jmbj, "Imbi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.6)

Jmby-š, "Imby-sche" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 263.16)

Jmp.j, "Impi" | "Impi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.11)

Jmpy, "Impy" | "Impy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.13)

Jmm, "Imem" | "Imem" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.14)

Jmmj, "Imemi" | "Imemi" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 648)

Jmn, "Amun" | "Amun" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 84.15-85; LGG I, 305 ff.)

Jmn, "Amun (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 21.11 ff.)

Jmn.y, "[Eigenname Amenemhets I.]; [Eigenname Amenemhets II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 3)

Jmn.w, "Der Verborgene (alter Gott der Pyramidentexte)" | "Hidden-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 85.8)

Jmn.w-ḥꜥ.w-n-Wsjr, "Die den Leib des Osiris verbergen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 354)

Jmn.t, "Amaunet (fem. Gegenstück zu Amun)" | "Amaunet (counterpart of Amun)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 85.3-7)

Jmn.t, "Der Westen" | "West" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 268; vgl. LGG I, 362 f.)

Jmn.t-nfr.t, "Schöner Westen" | "Beautiful-west" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat I, 190; vgl. LGG I, 365 f.)

Jmn.tjt, "Der Westen; Der Westen (Totenreich)" | "West" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 87.9; LGG I, 363)

Jmn.tjt, "Der Westen (3. u.äg. Gau)" | "West (3rd nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 394 f.; Montet, Géographie I, 57 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 78 ff.)

Jmn-Jtm.w, "Amun-Atum" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 337 f.)

Jmn-jp.t, "Amenope" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 309)

Jmn-ꜥ, "Der mit verborgenem Arm" | "He-with-hidden-arm" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 661; vgl. Wb 1, 83.23)

Jmn-ꜥꜣ, "Amun-aa" | "Amun-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 26.26)

Jmn-Wsjr, "Der Osiris verbirgt" | "He-who-hides-Osiris" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 342 f.; Piankoff, Wandering of the Soul, pl. 11.4)

Jmn-wr, "Der große Verborgene" | "Very-hidden-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat III, 717; LGG I, 342)

Jmn-wr, "Großer Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 313 f.)

Jmn-wsr-ꜥ, "Imen-user-ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 27.7)

Jmn-wsr-ḥꜣ.t, "Amun der User-hat-Barke" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 315)

Jmn-pꜣ-nfr, "Imen-pa-nefer" | "Imen-pa-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 27.11)

Jmn-m-Jp.t, "Amun von Luxor" | "Amun-in-Ipet (Amun of Luxot Temple)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 68.5)

Jmn-m-Jp.t, "Amun-em-Ipet" | "Amun-em-Ipet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 27.18)

Jmn-m-Jp.t=f, "Amun in seinem Heiligtum" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 310)

Jmn-m-jp.t-nḫt.w, "Imen-em-ipet-nachtu" | "Imen-em-ipet-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 27.21)

Jmn-m-jn.t, "Imen-em-inet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 27.22)

Jmn-m-Wꜣs.t, "Amun in Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 313)

Jmn-m-wjꜣ, "Amun-em-wia" | "Amun-em-wia" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 28.1)

Jmn-m-Ḥꜣb-Jp.t, "[Fest]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (JWIS II, 341.8)

Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Amenemhet" | "Amenemhat (personal name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII, 1, 3, 6, 7; XIII, 4, 7, 15)

Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Amenemhet" | "Amenemhat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 28.8)

Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t-jṯ-Tꜣ.wj-ḏ-ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t, "Itji-tawi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Faulkner, JEA 38, 1952, pl. 1)

Jmn-ms.w, "Amun-mesu" | "Amun-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 29.8)

Jmn-Npyt, "Amun von Napata" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 318)

Jmn-Ns.wt-Tꜣ.wj, "Amun der Throne der beiden Länder" | "Amun of the thrones of the two lands" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 319)

Jmn-n-Mn-s.t, "Amun von Men-set (am Tempel von Achmes-Nefertari)" | "Amun of Menset" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 317)

Jmn-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "Amun des Ramses-mery-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 326)

Jmn-n-ḥw.t-nṯr.w, "Amun des Tempels der Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 333)

Jmn-nb-Ns.wt-Tꜣ.wj, "Amun, Herr der Throne der Beiden Länder" | "Amun, lord of the thrones of the Two Lands" [entity_name: gods_name] (Goedicke, in: Fs Kákosy, 197 ff.)

Jmn-nḫt.w, "Amun-nachtu" | "Amun-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 29.21)

Jmn-Rꜥw, "Amun-Re" | "Amun-Re" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 85; LGG I, 320 ff.)

Jmn-Rꜥw-Jtm.w-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Amun-Re-Atum-Harachte" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 331)

Jmn-Rꜥw-Ptḥ, "Amun-Re-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 325)

Jmn-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Amun-Re-Harachte" | "Amun-Re-Horakhty" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 327; LÄ VII, 309)

Jmn-Rꜥw-Gm-Jtn, "Amun-Re von Kawa" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 330)

Jmn-rn, "Der mit verborgenem Namen" | "Hidden-of-name" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 84.1)

Jmn-ḥꜥ, "Der den Leib verbirgt" | "He-who-conceals-the-body" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Anbetung II, 158)

Jmn-ḥr-wḏ-n=f-pꜣ-qn.t, "Amun überweist ihm die Kraft (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 7.14)

Jmn-ḥr-ḫpš=f, "[Horusname Ramses' V.]; [Horusname Ramses' VI.]" | "[Horus-name of Ramesses V]; [Horus-name of Ramessses VI]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 4-5)

Jmn-ḥr-ḫpš=f, "Amun-her-chepeschef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 30.9)

Jmn-ḥr-ḏ-n=f-pꜣ-ḫpš, "Amun gibt ihm den starken Arm (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 19.4)

Jmn-ḥtp.w, "Imen-hetepu" | "Imen-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 30.12)

Jmn-ḥtp.w, "Amenhotep (vergöttlichter Sohn der Hapu)" | "Amenhotep (deified son of Hapu)" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ I, 219-220; VI, 990)

Jmn-ḥtp.w, "Amenophis" | "Amenhotep" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 1, 7, 9, 10)

Jmn-ḥtp.w, "Amenhotep (vergöttlichter König Amenophis I.)" | "Amenhotep (Amenhotep I, deified)" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ VI, 990)

Jmn-ḥtp.w-nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w, "Amenophis-netjer-heka-Iunu" | "Amenhotep-netjer-heka-Iunu (Amenhotep II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII, 7)

Jmn-ḥtp.w-nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t, "Amenophis-netjer-heqa-Waset" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Jmn-ḥtp.w-nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t-ꜥꜣ-m-ꜥḥꜥ.w=f, "[Eigenname Amenophis IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Jmn-ḥtp.w-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w, "Amenophis-heka-Iunu" | "Amenhotep-heka-Iunu" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII, 7)

Jmn-ḥtp.w-ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t, "Amenophis-heka-Waset" | "Amenhotep-heka-Waset" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII, 1, 7, 9)

Jmn-ḫꜥ.w, "Imen-chau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 30.18)

Jmn-ḫpr.w, "Imen-cheperu (Sanktuar)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 157, Anm. 564)

Jmn-H̱nm.t-Wꜣs.t, "Amun vom Ramesseum" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 335)

Jmn-H̱nm.t-nḥḥ, "Amun von Medinet Habu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 335 f.)

Jmn-štꜣ.w, "Der mit verborgenem Mysterium" | "He-of-hidden(-religious)-mysteries" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 288; II, 202)

Jmn-qnj, "Amun-qeni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 31.5)

Jmn-kꜣ.w, "Der mit dauernden Kas" | "Fixed of Kas" [entity_name: gods_name] (Allen, Pyramid Texts, 430 (Glossary); vgl. LGG I, 351)

Jmn-kw, "Imen-ku" | "Imen-ku" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 77 F)

Jmn-tꜣ-mj.t, "Amun des Weges" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 317)

Jmn-Ṯꜣm.t, "Amun von Djeme" | "Amun of Djeme" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 338)

Jmn-ṯḥn-nfr, "Amun des schönen Begegnens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 338)

Jmn-ḏ=f-pꜣ-ḫpš, "Amun gibt Stärke (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 9.10)

Jmn-ḏ.w=f-nḫꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-ḏ-ꜥnḫ, "Amun wird dem König User-Maat-Re-setep-en-Re, dem Leben gegeben wird, Siege geben (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 129.5)

Jmn-ḏi̯=f-nḫꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-zꜣ-Rꜥw-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-s, "Amun wird dem König User-Maat-Re-setep-en-Re, l.h.g., Sohn des Re Ramses-mery-Amun, l.h.g., Siege geben (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 15.15)

Jmn-ḏfꜣ=s, "Imen-djefaes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.27)

Jmny, "Imeny" | "Imeny" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 31.13)

Jmny-wꜣḥ.w, "Imeny-wahu" | "Imeny-wahu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 31.19)

Jmny-snb.w, "Imeny-senebu" | "Imeny-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 32.2)

Jmnḥ.y, "Schlächter" | "Butcher (a demon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 87.17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 433; LGG III, 304)

Jmnḥ.yw, "Schlächterdämonen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 305)

Jmr, "Amurru" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 70 f.; LÄ I, 251 f.; AEO I, 187* ff.)

Jmr=f, "Imeref" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 37; LGG III, 334)

Jmrw, "Imeru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Jmḥ.t, "Imhet (mythischer Quellort des Nils bei Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 133, n. 213)

Jmḥj, "Imehi" | "Imehi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 32.11)

Jmḥḏ.t, "Imhedjet (Nekropole von Letopolis im Delta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 77; Meeks, Mythes, 59, Anm. 72), "Amset" | "Amset" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 88.11-13; LGG I, 367 ff.)

Jmš, "Imesch" | "Imesch" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 25.21)

Jmtwy, "Imtuy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, Papyri, 18, pl. 15-16)

Jmṯj, "Imetji" | "Imetji" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 32.18)

Jn, "In" | "In" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 33.19)

Jn, "In" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 32.20)

Jn.j, "Ini" | "Ini" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.13)

Jn.y, "Iny" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXII A 8)ḫnt, "Init-net-chenet" | "Init-net-khenet" [entity_name: place_name] (Habachi, Kamose, 33 (Z. 4))

Jn.w-sn=j, "Inu-seni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 18 (C2.14))

Jn.t, "Init" | "Init" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 264.25)

Jn.t-Jy-mr.y, "Dorf des Iy-meri (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

Jn.t-jtj=s, "Init-ities" | "Jnit-ities" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.3)

Jn.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Das große Wüstental (Örtlichkeit bei Abydos)" | "Big Wadi" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 87)

Jn.t-ꜥnḫ-n-Wnjs, "Die dem Unas das Leben bringt (Domäne)" | "She-who-brings-Unas-life (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 458)

Jn.t-ꜥg.t-Ṯy, "Die das Röstgetreide des Tjy bringt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364)

Jn.t-Wp, "Dorf des Wep (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien, 21.38)

Jn.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Dorf des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 385)

Jn.t-Mnw, "Inet-Min" | "Inet-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish I, fig. 15)

Jn.t-mw-n-Ṯy, "Die das Wasser des Tjy bringt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 363)

Jn.t-mw-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die das Wasser des Kai-em-neferet bringt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 288)

Jn.t-Nb.j, "Dorf des Nebi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 250; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Jn.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Dorf des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231)

Jn.t-Ḫn.wt, "Dorf der Chenut" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 396)

Jn.t-H̱nm.w, "Das Dorf des Chenemu (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 317)

Jn.t-Snfr.w, "Dorf des Snofru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Jn.t-kꜣ=s, "Init-kaes" | "Init-kaes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.7)

Jn.t-tʾ-Ttj, "Die das Brot des Teti bringt (Domäne)" | "She-who-brings-bread-of-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 458)

Jn.t-Ṯy, "Das Dorf des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364), "Inti" | "Inti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.9)

Jn-ꜥ=f, "Der seinen Arm bringt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 371 f.)

Jn-ḥr, "Der das Gesicht hervorbringt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 377 f.)

Jn-ḥr.t, "Onuris" | "Onuris" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 91.11; LGG I, 378 f.; LÄ IV, 573 f.)

Jn-ḥr.t-Ḥr.w, "Onuris-Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 380)

Jn-ḥr.t-ḫꜥi̯.w, "Ini-heret-chaiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Helck, Verwaltung, Index, 4)

Jn-ḥr.t-Šw, "Onuris-Schu" | "Onuris-Shu" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 380 f.)

Jn-ḥtp, "Der die Opfergabe bringt" | "He-who-brings-offerings" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 432)

Jn-ḥtp, "[Goldname Dedumoses]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 37)

Jn-snb.w, "In-senebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 265.2)

Jn-kꜣ=f, "In-kaef" | "In-kaef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.1)

Jn-ḏ=f, "Der seine Gabe bringt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 383)

Jn-ḏ=f-jy.n=j, "Ini-djief-iyeni (?)" | "Inj-djief-iieni (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 415.20)

Jnj, "Ini (Bez. der Roten Krone)" | "Ini (Red Crown)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 92.4; LÄ III, 812)

Jnj, "Ini" | "Ini" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 33.4)

Jny, "Iny" | "Iny" [entity_name: person_name] (oAshmolean Museum 1 Col.2 Z6)

Jny, "Iny" | "Iny" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 33.10)

Jny, "Iny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 33.16)

Jny, "Iny" | "Iny" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.15)

Jny, "Iny" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LEM 89.7)

Jny.t, "Inyt (ein Krankheitsdämon)" | "Inyt (demon bringing illness)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 93.17; MedWb 56)

Jni̯=s, "[Bez. eines Festes]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 207 f.)

Jni̯=s.wj, "[Bez. des Neumonds]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. III.5)

Jni̯-jtj=f, "Intef" | "Inyotef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 34.1)

Jni̯-jtj=f, "Intef" | "Inyotef (personal name of Dyn. XI and Dyn. XIII kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 2, 3, 4 u.a.)

Jni̯-jtj=f-jqr.w, "Intef-iqeru" | "Inyotef-iqeru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 34.7)

Jni̯-jtj=f-ꜥꜣ, "Intef-aa" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 2, 3)

Jni̯-jtj=f-nḫt, "Intef-nacht" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 34.14)

Jni̯-nb=f, "Ini-nebef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 35.6)

Jni̯-ḥtp.t, "Ini-hetepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 34)

Jni̯-sn=j, "Ini-seni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 9 (B1.11))

Jnw, "Inu" | "Inu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.18)

Jnb, "Ineb" | "Ineb" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 36.23)

Jnb.w, "Memphis ("Die Mauer")" | "Memphis (lit. Wall, abbrev. for White-wall)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 95.8; GDG I, 81; LÄ IV, 24 ff.)

Jnb.w-jtj=j, "Die Mauern meines Vaters (Befestigungsanlage im Wadi Tumilat)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Koch, Sinuhe, 17; vgl. Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 129 f.)

Jnb.w-ḥqꜣ, "Die Mauern des Herrschers (Befestigungsanlage im Wadi Tumilat)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 2, 5; Koch, Sinuhe, 17; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 129 f.)

Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "Memphis ("Weiße Mauer")" | "Memphis (lit. White-wall)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 95.6-7; GDG I, 82; LÄ IV, 24 ff.)

Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "Weiße Mauer (1. u.äg. Gau)" | "White-wall (1st nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 95.6-7; GDG I, 81)

Jnbꜣ, "Stummer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 2137b (Faulkner, Suppl.))

Jnp.w, "Anubis" | "Anubis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 96.7; LGG I, 390)

Jnp.w-pr-m-swꜣ.w-n-wꜥb.t, "Anubis, der aus dem Bereich der Balsamierungshalle getreten ist (Anubis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 18.15, 18.16-19.1; Haikal, Nesmin, 51)

Jnp.w-nḫt.w, "Inpu-nechtu" | "Inpu-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 37.16)

Jnp.w-ḥtp.w, "Inpu-hetepu" | "Inpu-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 37.19)

Jnp.w-ššj, "Inpu-scheschi" | "Inpu-scheschi" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 181)

Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f, "Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist" | "Anubis-who-is-upon-his-hill" [entity_name: place_name] (Luft, Illahun 1, Indices, 6)

Jnp.wt, "Gau des Anubis (17. o.äg. Gau, Hundegau, Kynopolis)" | "Anubis-nome (17th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ VII, 289; II, 391; GDG I, 84; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 48)

Jnpw, "Inpu" | "Inpu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 37.4)

Jnn, "Inen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Jnnꜣ, "Inna" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (LEM 5a, Anm. 10a)

Jnny.wt, "Die Inenit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Piankoff, Wandering of the Soul, 70 f.; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 18, 7; vgl. LGG IV, 250)

Jnr.ty, "Gebelein (Pathyris)" | "Gebelein (lit. Two-cliffs)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 98.8; LÄ II, 449-452)

Jnrṯ, "Ullaza (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Ullaza" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ VI, 842 f.; RITANC I, 34)

Jnḫj, "Inechi" | "Inekhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 38.15)

Jnz, "Inez" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 56.9)

Jnz.t, "Inzet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Princess Hemet-Ra, 71)

Jns, "Alzi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Edel, in: Fs Brunner, 94 f.)

Jntj, "Inti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 38.23)

Jnḏb.w, "Inedbu" | "Inedbu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 102.19; LGG I, 402)

Jr, "Das Sehen (personifiziert als Gott)" | "sight (personified)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 108.3; LGG I, 438; LÄ IV, 982)

Jr, "Jal (Name eines Berges)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LESt 35.13)

Jr.j-ꜥꜣ, "Iri-aa" | "Iri-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 41.24)

Jr.j-pr=sn, "Iri-persen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Papyri, Letters, 89)

Jr.j-Mw.t, "Iri-Mut" | "Iri-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny, LRL 8.10)

Jr.j-n-ꜥnḫ, "Irj-en-anch" | "Iri-en-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 102, no. 200)

Jr.jw-jꜣḫ.w, "Die zum Lichtglanz gehören" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 413 f.)

Jr.jw-nh.wt, "Die zu den Sykomoren gehören" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 418 f.)

Jr.jw-sjp.w, "Die Prüfenden (Totenrichter)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 36.2; LGG I, 420)

Jr.jt-Mw.t, "Irit-Mut" | "Irit-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 266.11)

Jr.y, "Iry" | "Iry" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 41.6)

Jr.y-n-Ptḥ, "Iry-en-Ptah" | "Iry-en-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 14(.5)), "Iryt" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 134)

Jr.w, "Iru" | "Iru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 42.22)

Jr.w-jt, "Abgabe des Getreides (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 267)

Jr.w-kꜣ, "Iru-ka" | "Iru-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 40.21)

Jr.w-kꜣ-Ptḥ, "Iru-ka-Ptah" | "Iru-ka-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 40.22)

Jr.n=j-sw, "Das ich gemacht habe (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Jr.n-ꜣḫ.tj, "Iren-achti" | "Iren-akhti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 39.24)

Jr.n-Bꜣ, "Iren-ba" | "Iren-ba" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 265.26)

Jr.n-Ptḥ, "Iren-Ptah" | "Iren-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 39.25)

Jr.n-Rꜥw, "Iren-Re" | "Iren-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 39.26)

Jr.s, "Jres (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 40.15)

Jr.t, "Iret" | "Iret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 40.26)

Jr.t=j-Mnw, "Ireti-Min" | "Ireti-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 21b)

Jr.t=w-j:r=w, "Iretu-iru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 42.10; DNB I, 70)

Jr.t-j, "Irti" | "Irti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 40.29)

Jr.t-jꜣḫ.w, "Die, die Licht schafft" | "She-who-creates-light" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 576 f.)

Jr.t-jr.ww, "Die die Gestalten schafft" | "Creator-of-forms" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 577)

Jr.t-jt, "Das Bringen des Getreides (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 303)

Jr.t-wḏ.t-Jzzj, "Das was Isesi zu tun befohlen hat (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Malek, GM 13, 1974, 23 (27), vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 413)

Jr.t-Ptḥ, "Das, was Ptah gemacht hat (Domäne)" | "What-Ptah-made (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 458; Wb 1, 114.7)

Jr.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Das, was Ptah-hetepu gemacht hat" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 385)

Jr.t-nb.w, "Iret-nebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 265.31)

Jr.t-Rꜥw-wr, "Das Werk des Ra-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 269)

Jr.t-H̱nm.w, "[eine Barke]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Pyr 1227d)

Jr.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Tat des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Jr.t-Ṯy, "Das was Tjy gemacht hat (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 365)

Jr.t-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Das, was Djedefre gemacht hat (Domäne)" | "What-Djedefre-made (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 459; vgl. Wb 1, 114.6-7), "Ireti" | "Ireti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 266.23), "Augen des Zwerges" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 437)

Jr.ty, "Irty" | "Irty" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 416.2), "Irtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 43.25)

Jr-ꜣ.t=s, "Ir-ates" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. VII)

Jr-jḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Iri-ichet-Re" | "Iri-ikhet-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 73, Taf. XV)

Jr-js, "Ir-is" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 39.18)

Jr-nfr, "Ir-nefer" | "Ir-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 39.28)

Jr-rw, "Iri-ru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, fig. 53)

Jr-rn=f-ḏs=f, "Der seinen Namen selbst geschaffen hat" | "He-who-created-his-name-himself" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 471)

Jr-ḫtm, "Ir-chetem" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 2137c (Faulkner, Suppl.))

Jr-sḫ.w, "Ir-sechu (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VII, fig. 55)

Jr-kꜣ, "Der den Ka erschafft" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 498)

Jr-tm-jb, "Ir-tem-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 265 f.)

Jr-ṯw, "Irtju" | "Iretju" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 31 (6))

Jrj, "Iri" | "Iri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 41.1)

Jrj, "Iri" | "Iri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 39.8)

Jrj.t, "Irit" | "Iriet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 41.3)

Jry.t, "Iryt (Ort in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Peust, Das Napatanische, 221)

Jry-mr-Jmn, "Aryamani" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, K c; Peust, Das Napatanische, 222; Zibelius, "Nubisches" Sprachmaterial, 54 ff.)

Jri̯=f-ꜥnḫ-sqr, "Irief-anch-seqer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 40.11)

Jrw, "Iru" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 864c; GDG I, 92; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 49)

Jrwnn, "Arwanna" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 92)

Jrb-rꜥ, "Ireb-ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 43.6; Schneider, Personennamen, 34 f.)

Jrp, "Irep (Gewässer im Gau von Elephantine, d.i. Irep-Hesep)" | "Irep (body of water in the 1st nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 115.14-15; GDG I, 93)

Jrp-mw.t-nswt-zšzš.t, "Der Wein der Königsmutter Seschseschet (Domäne)" | "Wine-of-the-king's-mother-Sesheseshet (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 459)

Jrp-nw, "Irep-nu (Domäne)" | "Irep-nu" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 72)

Jrp-Ḫn.wt, "Wein der Chenut" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 396)

Jrp-H̱nj, "Wein des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Wine-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Jrp-Sšm-nfr, "Wein des Seschem-nefer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 274)

Jrp-Ṯy, "Der Wein des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Jrnm, "Arnam" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 94)

Jrnṯ, "Orontes" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 95)

Jrr, "Irer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 43.12)

Jrr.t-j, "Jreret-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 131; vgl. RPN II, 266.21)

Jrr-t, "Jreret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 11 ff.)

Jrrpḫ, "Arrapha (Stadt am Tigris, heute Kirkuk)" | "Arrapha (Kirkuk)" [entity_name: place_name] (Urk. IV, 1344.7; AEO II, 273*)

Jrrḫ, "Alalach (Tell Atchana, am Orontes)" | "Alalakh (town, East of Orontes)" [entity_name: place_name] (AEO I, 149*; LÄ I, 130, II, 273*)

Jrs, "Alasyia (Zypern)" | "Alasiya (Cyprus)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 96 f.; LÄ VI, 1452 f.; Goren et. alii., AJA 107.2, 2003, 233 ff.)

Jrkrk, "Irekrek (Ort in Nubien)" | "Irekrek" [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 87)

Jrtwg, "Ardukka" | "Ardukka" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 98; RITANC I, 33; Edel, SAK 3, 1975, 69)

Jrtqn, "Elteqon" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 99; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 92 f.)

Jrṯ.t, "Irtjet (Gebiet in Nubien)" | "Iretjet (in Nubia)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 117.7; GDG I, 100; LÄ VII, 262)

Jrṯ.t-Zšzš.t, "Milch der Zeschzeschet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 415)

Jrṯ.t-Ṯy, "Die Milch des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Jrṯw, "Arzawa" | "Arzawa" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 99; LÄ I, 455; RITANC I, 33)

Jrd, "Ired (Ardana, ein Land in Asien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 100)

Jh.t, "Ihet (Himmelskuh)" | "Ihet (heavenly cow)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1.117.10-11; LÄ III, 124 f.; LGG I, 537 f.)

Jhꜣm-ḫrw, "Seufzerstimme (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Imouthes, Col. 7.16; vgl. LGG I, 22a)

Jhwjw, "Ihuju" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 102)

Jhbw, "Ihebu" | "Ihebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 43.34)

Jhpy, "Ihepy" | "Ihepy" [entity_name: person_name] (Edwards, JEA 68, 1982, 128 (Z.10))

Jhrj, "Iheri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Wsr-Mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-n-ẖnw, "Großer Stall des User-Maat-Re-setepen-Re-meri-Amun, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 29.10-15)

Jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Wsr-Mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-mr.y-Jmn, "Großer Stall des User-Maat-Re-setepen-Re-meri-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (KRI II, 29.7-9)

Jḥ-p.t, "Stier des Himmels (Sternbild)" | "Bull-of-heaven (star, constellation)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 119.20)

Jḥ-nḫt, "Ih-necht" | "Ih-nakht" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 18)

Jḥꜣ, "Iha" | "Iha" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 649)

Jḥꜣ, "Jha" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.6)

Jḥꜣ.t, "Ihat" | "Ihat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.18)

Jḥj, "Ihi" | "Ihi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.20)

Jḥjj-ns, "Ihii-nes" | "Ihii-nes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.26)

Jḥy, "Ihy" | "She-with-hair-caught-up-in-a-net (a protective deity)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 77.0427)

Jḥy, "Ihy ("Musikant")" | "Ihy" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 121.9-17; LÄ III, 125 f.; LGG I, 542)

Jḥy, "Ihy" | "Ihy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.22)

Jḥy, "Ihy" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 542 f.)

Jḥy-m-zꜣ=f, "Ihy-em-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.24)

Jḥy-nfr, "vollkommener Ihy (meist Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 546)

Jḥy-ḫnt, "Ihy-chent" | "Ihy-khent" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.27)

Jḥw, "Ihu" | "Ihu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.4)

Jḥ, "Ihemti" | "Ihemti" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 123.1; LGG I, 549)

Jḫ.t, "Ichet" | "Ikhet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 125.8-9)

Jḫ.t-wt.t, "Ichet-utet (göttliche Schlange)" | "Ikhet-wetet (divine serpent)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 125.10)

Jḫ.t-nb.t-bnj.t-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Jedes süße Ding des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Every-sweet-thing of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (9))

Jḫ.t-nb.t-nfr.t-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Jedes gute Ding des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Every-good-thing of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 114 (1))

Jḫ.t-Ṯy, "Der Besitz des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Jḫ-tꜣj, "Ich-tai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 267.9)

Jḫ-trj-pꜣ, "Ich-teri-pa" | "Ich-teri-pa" [entity_name: person_name] (Edwards, JEA 68, 1982, 128 (Z.8))

Jḫj, "Ichi" | "Ikhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.10)

Jḫy, "Ichy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 267.10)

Jḫy, "Ichy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 267.11)

Jḫw, "Ichu" | "Ikhu" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish V, fig. 8)

Jḫm-jw.t, "Der das Iut nicht kennt" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 49.4; LGG V, 732)

Jḫm-wrḏ, "Nicht-Ermüdender (Zirkumpolarstern)" | "Unwearying-one (star)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 125.15-16)

Jḫm-sk, "Nicht-Untergehender (Zirkumpolarstern)" | "He-who-does-not-set (circumpolar star)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 125.14; vgl. LGG V, 736 ff.)

Jḫmꜥ-wp.wt-jm.j-kḥꜣ.w, "Scheitelpacker, der im Kessel ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 401a)

Jḫrqyn, "Icherqyn (Land in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 103; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 91)

Jḫḫ.w, "Die Dämmerung" | "Twilight" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 126.5; LGG I, 550)

Jḫḫj, "Ichechi" | "Ikhekhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 416.6)

Jḫssf, "Ichesesef" | "Ikhesesef" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 550)

Jz.t-wjꜣ, "Mannschaft der Barke" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 551)

Jz.t-wjꜣ-(n)-Rꜥw, "Die Mannschaft der Barke des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 551, 552)

Jz.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Silo des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Jz.t-Rꜥw, "Mannschaft des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 553 f.)

Jz.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Silo des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Jzꜣ, "Iza" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.14)

Jzj, "Izi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.15)

Jzj-ꜥnḫ.w, "Izi-anchu" | "Izi-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.17)

Jzy, "Izjj" | "Izy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.18)

Jzy, "Izy (Gebiet im Südwesten von Anatolien)" | "Izy" [entity_name: place_name] (Helck, ZÄS 110, 1983, 29 ff.; RITANC I, 32)

Jzr.tjw, "Die der Tamariske (Götterkollegium)" | "People-of-the-tamarisk" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 77.0462; 78.0484)

Jzzj, "Djedkare-Isesi" | "Djedkare-Isesy" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 8)

Jzzj, "Isesi" | "Izezi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.20)

Jzzj-ꜥnḫ.w, "Isesi-anchu" | "Isesy-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.21)

Jzzj-bꜣ=f, "Izezi-baef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.22)

Jzzj-mr-nṯr, "Isesi-mer-netjer" | "Isesy-mer-netjer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 45.23)

Js.wj-ꜥnḫ-j-wḏ=s, "Iswi-anchi-udjes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 46.16)

Js-ḫꜣ, "Is-cha" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza IV, 148)

Jsj, "Isi" | "Isi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 46.7)

Jsw, "Isu" | "Isu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 46.14)

Jsw.y, "Isuy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 267.17)

Jsr, "Asiru" | "Asiru" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 105; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 73; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 199 f., Anm. k)

Jsr.y, "Isery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 46.24)

Jsḫry, "Ishara" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 230.7-8)

Jss, "Ises (Stätte des Totenreichs)" | "Ises (region of the nether world)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 133.2)

Jsṯwy, "Isetjuy" | "Isetjuy" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 649)

Jsdn, "Isden" | "Isden" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 134.9; LGG I, 558; LÄ III, 184 f.)

Jsdrktjw, "Isderektiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 15.1)

Jsdz, "Isdez" | "Isdez" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 134.10-12; LGG I, 560; LÄ III, 185)

Jš, "Isch (Ort in Nubien)" | "Ish" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 61; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 93)

Jšj, "Ischi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.3)

Jšpt, "Ischepet" | "Ischepet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.5)

Jšfj, "Ischefi" | "Ishefi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.6)

Jšr.w, "Ascheru (heiliger See, bes. am Muttempel von Karnak)" | "Asheru (Mut's sacred lake and precinct at Karnak)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 135.6)

Jšḫr, "Ischchara" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 562)

Jšd.t-Ṯy, "Die Ischedet-Frucht des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364)

Jšd-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Die Isched-Frucht des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 385)

Jšd-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Die Isched-Frucht des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Ished-fruit of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (15))

Jšd-H̱nj, "Die Isched-Frucht des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Ished-fruit-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Jšd-Špsj-pw-Ptḥ, "Die Isched-Frucht des Schepesi-pu-Ptah (Domäne)" | "Ished-fruit-of-Shepses-pu-Ptah (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 459)

Jšd-Ṯy, "Die Isched-Frucht des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Jšd-[Sšm-nfr], "Die Isched-Frucht des Seschem-nefer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Jqw, "Iqu" | "Iqu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.0)

Jqwpt, "Ukuptaflussland" | "Ukupta riverland" [entity_name: place_name] (RITANC I, 32; Edel, SAK 3, 1975, 60 f.)

Jqn, "Iqen (Festungsanlage Mirgissa)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ IV,143)

Jqr, "Iqer" | "Iqer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.16)

Jqr, "Iqer (6. o.äg. Gau)" | "Iqer (6th nome of Upper Egypt]" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 388)

Jqr.w, "Iqeru" | "Iqeru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.25)

Jqrj, "Iqeri" | "Iqer-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 47.23)

Jqh, "Ikeh" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 567)

Jqqn, "Iqeqen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 569)

Jkj, "Iki" | "Iki" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 48.3)

Jkw, "Iku" | "Iku" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 48.9)

Jkw, "Iku" | "Iku" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 48.10), "Ikenti (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 570)

Jknj, "Ikeni" | "Ikeni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 48.17)

Jknš, "Akanosch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 48.19)

Jkrjt, "Ugarit" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 110; LÄ VI, 838 ff.)

Jks.t, "Ikeset (Stätte des Totenreichs)" | "Ikeset (region of the nether world)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 140.9)

Jksp, "Achschaf" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 112, 159; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 48 f.)

Jkt, "Iket" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 110; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 95 f.)

Jgꜣ.j, "Igai" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 140.13; LGG I, 570 f.)

Jgp.wj, "Der der Wolken" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Jéquier, Pepi II, pl. XV, Fragment 4, 4)

Jgr.w, "Die Schweigenden" | "Silent-ones" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 141.8)

Jgr.t, "das Schweigen (Totenreich, Krypta)" | "Silence (realm of the dead, the necropolis)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 141.3-6)

Jgr.t, "Igeret (Göttin der 5. Tagesstunde)" | "Igeret (goddess of the 5th hour of the day)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 141.7; LGG I, 573)

Jgr.t-ḫnt.jt-s.t=s, "Die Schweigende, deren Platz vorn ist (Himmelskuh)" | "Silent-one-who-is-in-front-of-her-place (a heavenly cow)" [entity_name: gods_name] (WbZ: DZA 20768060-8080; 21336630-6720)

Jt, "It" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 49.1)

Jt(?)-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Korn des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Jtꜣ, "Ita" | "Ita" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 49.3)

Jtj, "Iti" | "Iti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 49.15)

Jtj, "Itj" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 50.13)

Jtj, "Iti" | "Iti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 50.2)

Jtj, "[Name eines Kanals bei Heliopolis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG I, 113; Raue, Heliopolis, 530)

Jtj=j-m-šꜣs.t, "Itii-em-schaset" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (von Beckerath, ZÄS 119, 1992, 105, Anm. i)

Jtj=f-Jmn, "Itief-Imen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 51.9)

Jtj=f-sn.nw=f, "Itief-senenuef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 51.5)

Jtj=s-snb, "Ities-seneb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 51.16)

Jtj=sn, "Itisen" | "Itisen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 49.26)

Jtj-nfr, "Iti-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 50.22)

Jtj-nṯr, "Gottesvater (Osiris)" | "God's-father (Osiris)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 142.7; LGG I, 580)

Jtjw, "Itiu" | "Itiu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 268.9)

Jtjtj, "Ititi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10021, 2, 8)

Jty, "Ity" | "Ity" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 49.18)

Jty, "Ity" | "Ity" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 49.21)

Jty, "Der Herrscher" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 588 ff.)

Jtfꜣ-wr, "Itfa-wer (ein Osirisheiligtum im Gau von Heliopolis)" | "Itefa-wer (a sanctuary of Osiris)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 144.3; Goyon, BIFAO, 65, 1967, 133, n. 210; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 120f.)

Jtm, "Adamma" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 611)

Jtm.w, "Atum" | "Atum" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 144.5; LGG VII, 411 ff.)

Jtm.w, "Atum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.12)

Jtm.w-m-H̱r.j-ꜥḥꜣ, "Atum in Babylon" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 421 f.)

Jtm.w-Rꜥw, "Atum-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 419)

Jtm.w-Ḫpr.j, "Atum-Chepri" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 421)

Jtm.w-šꜣꜥ, "Atum des Anfangs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Grimal, Quatre stèles, 37)

Jtm.t, "Itemet" | "Itemet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 144.7)

Jtn, "Aton" | "Aten" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 145.4-7; LGG I, 611)

Jtr, "Iter (Ort in Nubien/Punt)" | "Iter" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 114; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 96 f.)

Jtr.w-Jmn.tjt, "Fluss des Westens (Gewässer der Unterwelt); Fluss des Westens (3. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 118; Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 9.14)

Jtrmjw, "Atalmo (Ort in Nubien)" | "Atalmo" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 115; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 97)

Jttj, "Djoser-Teti" | "Djoser-Teti" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III 3)

Jttj, "Iteti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 52.16)

Jttw, "Itetu" | "Itetu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 52.17)

Jṯ-ḥr=f, "Gesichtsloser" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 631 f.)

Jṯ-Tꜣ.wj, "Itji-tawi (Hauptstadt Amenemhets I.)" | "Itjtawy (Middle Kingdom capital, from the time of Amenemhat I)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 150.6; LÄ III, 211)

Jṯꜣj, "Itjai" | "Itjai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 52.24)

Jṯj, "Itji" | "Itji" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 52.29)

Jṯj, "Itji" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, in: Fs Wente, 392)

Jṯw, "Itju" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.2)

Jṯw, "Itju" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.4)

Jṯf, "Itjef" | "Itjef" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza X, Abb. 38)

Jṯn.w-sw, "Der, dem man klagt (?) (heiliger Baumes als Ort oder Personifikation?)" | "He-about-whom-one-laments (?) (sacred tree personfified?)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0569; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 61)

Jṯn-wr, "Großer Itjen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 639)

Jṯr, "Itjer" | "Itjer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.7)

Jṯṯ, "Itjetj" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.11)

Jd, "Id" | "Id" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.12)

Jd, "Id" | "Id" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.17)

Jd.w, "Idu" | "Idu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.10)

Jd.w, "Idu" | "Idu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.9)

Jd.wt-j, "Idut-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 90)

Jd-jqr, "Id-iqer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.13)

Jdj, "Idi" | "Idi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.25)

Jdj, "Idi" | "Idi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 53.23)

Jdy, "Idy" | "Idy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.1)

Jdy, "Idy" | "Idy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.3)

Jdy, "Idy" | "Idy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.6)

Jdw, "Idu" | "Idu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.8)

Jdw.t, "Idut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 268.19)

Jdw-jwn.t, "Idu-iunet (?)" | "Idu-iunet (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 64)

Jdb.w, "Uferländer des Mittelmeeres" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 153.9; ITE I/2, 668 ff.)

Jdb.w-rḫ.tj, "Die Ufer der Wäscher" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 127)

Jdb.wj, "Die beiden Ufer (bild. für Ägypten)" | "the two banks (Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 153.5-6)

Jdb.wj-rḫ.tj, "Die beiden Ufer der Wäscher" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 127)

Jdb.wj-Ḥr.w, "Die beiden Ufer des Horus (Ägypten)" | "the two banks of Horus (Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 153.7; GDG I, 127)

Jdb-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Uferacker des Cheops (Domäne)" | "River-plot-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 459)

Jdm, "Edom" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 128)

Jdmm, "Adumim" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 114, 125; GDG IV, 211; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 53 f.; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 181, Anm. k)

Jdn.w-n-(pr)-Jmn-n-zꜣ-2-n.w-4-n.w, "Bevollmächtigter des Amun(tempels) der zweiten und der vierten Priesterphyle" | "deputy-of-Amun-for-the-second-and-the-fourth-phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.2; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographische Inschriften der Spätzeit, 188, Anm. 11 (Nr. 30))

Jdn.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Getreidespeicher des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Jdr-grg.t, "Das mit der Gründung Verbundene (?) (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 256)

Jdrn, "Aduruna (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 126; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 90 f.)

Jdḥ.y, "Der zum Delta gehört" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG I, 646)

Jdḫ.w, "Idechu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 268.20)

Jddqn, "Adidagan" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 125; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 52)

Jḏj, "Idji" | "Idji" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 54.23)

Jḏy, "Azaya (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 130 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 73)

j, "[Blatt des Rohres]" | "[a flowering reed]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 25.5)

j, "oh!; [Interjektion]" | "oh! (vocative interjection)" [interjection] (Wb 1, 25.7; EAG § 860; GEG § 258; KoptHWb 46)

j, "sagen" | "to say" [verb] (Wb 1, 89.7-11)

j.j, "Anrede; Name" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EAG § 747.3)

j.jr.t, "bis dass (mit folgendem Infinitiv); [Terminativ]" | english translation missing [particle] (CGG 603, 607; Junge, Näg. Gr, 103 f. 203; Winand, Études de néo-égyptien, 292 ff.)

jꜣ, "oh!; wahrlich!; [Interjektion]" | "oh!" [interjection] (Wb 1, 25.7-9 ; EAG §§ 859, 861; GEG § 258)

jꜣ, "schreiten" | "to stride" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 26.1-2)

jꜣ.w, "Lobpreis" | "praise" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 28.1-5)

jꜣ.wt, "gepriesen" | "price" [adjective] (Osing, Pap. Ox, 155 ff.; vgl. Wb 1, 28.6; Edel, ZÄS 79, 1954, 88; KoptHWb 42)

jꜣ.wt-Stš, "Die Hügel des Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 32)

jꜣ.t, "Rückgrat; Rücken (als Körperteil)" | "spine; back (of a human being, of an animal)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 26.3-6; MedWb 16 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 265)

jꜣ.t, "Standarte (für Götterbilder)" | "standard (for a divine emblem)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 26.7)

jꜣ.t, "[Substantiv (ein Ort)]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 26.8)

jꜣ.t, "Stätte; Hügel" | "place; mound" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 26.9-15)

jꜣ.t, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 27.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 29)

jꜣ.t-wr.t, "weit Ausschreitende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 26.2; LGG I, 91)

jꜣ.tjt, "[ein milchiges, fermentiertes Getränk]" | "[a milky, fermented beverage]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 27.1-4; LÄ II, 586)

jꜣ.tjt, "Kataster (?)" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 34.20; Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 230, Anm. e)

jꜣꜣ, "[ein Mineral (Bleiglanz?)]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 27.8; Harris, Minerals, 163; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, Index, 16)

jꜣꜣ, "[eine Nutzpflanze (Wein?)]" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 27.9; vgl. LÄ V, 286 f.)

jꜣꜣ, "Stütze (?)" | "support (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kaplony, Orientalia 41, 1972, 202)

jꜣꜣ.t, "Zweig; Rute" | "twig; rod" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 27.11)

jꜣꜣ.t, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 27.12)

jꜣꜣ.t, "[Baum]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F-A/S 20)

jꜣj.w, "[Bezeichnung des Haarzopfes ("Tänzer")]" | "tresses (dancers)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 27.14)

jꜣy.wt, "die Greise (auch für Götter)" | "old ones (also of gods)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 29.4)

jꜣi̯, "preisen; anbeten; beten" | "to praise; to adore" [verb: verb_3-inf] (vgl. Wb 1, 28.6; Edel, ZÄS 79, 1954, 86 f.; FCD 7)

jꜣw, "Greis" | "old man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 29.1-2)

jꜣw, "das Alter" | "old age" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 28.11-12)

jꜣw.t, "das Alter" | "old age" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 28.13-14)

jꜣw.t, "Greisin" | "old woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 29.3)

jꜣw.t, "[ein Kultgegenstand]" | "[the emblem of Min's cult]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 29.5)

jꜣw.t, "Funktion; Amt; Würde" | "office; rank; function" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 29.7-13)

jꜣ, "Würdenträger" | "office holder" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 29.14)

jꜣwi̯, "alt sein" | "to grow old; to be old" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 28.8,10)

jꜣb, "[vom Geruch (übelriechend?)]" | "[of smell (stinking?)]" [verb] (Wb 1, 29.19)

jꜣb, "zurückweichen (vor); meiden" | "to pass by; to cease; to avoid" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 29.19; ONB 90, Anm. 429; Allen, Inflection, 552)

jꜣb, "Abgestandenes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 9 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 417)

jꜣb.j, "linke Seite; linker Arm" | "left side; left hand (or arm)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 30.5-6, 9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 32)

jꜣb.j, "links; östlich" | "left; eastern" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 30.1-4,7-8)

jꜣb.w, "Osten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1246d)

jꜣb.t, "Osten" | "east" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 30.15)

jꜣb.t, "linkes Auge" | "left eye" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 30.11)

jꜣb.t-n.t-Jtm.w, "das linke Auge des Atum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 103 f.)

jꜣ, "östlich; links" | "eastern; left" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 30.16-31.1)

jꜣ, "Ostwind" | "east wind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 31.5)

jꜣ, "östlich bis" | english translation missing [preposition] (JWIS III, 137.11)

jꜣb.tjw, "die Ostbewohner" | "easterners" [substantive] (Wb 1, 31.4)

jꜣb.tjt, "Osten" | "east" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 31.7-9)

jꜣm, "[ein Laubbaum mit Früchten]; Jam-Baumholz" | "[a tree and its timber]; jam-timber" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 79.3-8; Keimer, BIFAO 31, 1931, 196; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 235 f.; Germer, Handbuch, 25 ff.)

jꜣm, "angenehm sein; freundlich sein" | "to be kindly disposed to; to be amiable" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 79.10-13, 17-19)

jꜣm, "Annehmlichkeit; Liebenswürdigkeit; Opfer" | "charm; graciousness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 80.7-8)

jꜣm, "schöne Gestalt" | "pleasing form" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 80.10)

jꜣm, "freundlich; beliebt" | "friendly; charming" [adjective] (Wb 1, 79.14-16, 20-23)

jꜣ, "die Liebliche (Hathor)" | "charming one (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 80.13; vgl. LGG I, 301)

jꜣm.w, "Glanz der Sonne" | "(solar) brilliance" [substantive] (Wb 1, 80.9)

jꜣm.w, "[rote Farbe]; [ein rotes Mineral]" | "(the color) red; [a red mineral]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 80.16-17)

jꜣm.w, "Zelt; Zeltlager" | "tent; camp" [substantive] (Wb 1, 81.1-7; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 33)

jꜣm.wtj, "der Liebenswürdige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 151.5)

jꜣm.wtj, "Liebenswürdiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, KÄT, 35)

jꜣm.t, "Weibchen (vom Steinbock u.a. Wild)" | "female (ibex and of other game animals)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 79.1-2)

jꜣm.t, "Liebenswürdigkeit" | "graciousness; charm" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 80.1-6)

jꜣm.t, "[Frucht des Jam-Baumes]" | "[fruit of the iam-tree]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 21)

jꜣm.t-mw.t=s, "Liebling ihrer Mutter (Anukis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 302)

jꜣm-ꜥ, "der angenehm an Arm ist" | "gracious of arm" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 81.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 39; Doxey, Epithets, 256)

jꜣ, "Beliebter der beiden Schwestern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 13.26)

jꜣr, "Trauer" | "sorrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 32.2)

jꜣr, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 32.4; DrogWb 10)

jꜣr.w, "Binse (ein Zyperngras)" | "rushes (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 32.5-8; vgl. Germer, Flora, 248)

jꜣr.t, "[eine Kopfbedeckung ("Haarflechte"?)]" | "[a headcovering (braid of hair?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 32.3; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 12, 33)

jꜣr.t, "[Ausscheidung (eines Tieres)]" | "[discharge (of an animal, med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 32.10; MedWb 19-20)

jꜣr.t, "[ein Zepter]" | "[a scepter]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 32.11)

jꜣrr, "schwach sein (vom Herzen); trüb sein (vom Auge)" | "to be dim (of eye); to be weak (?) (of heart)" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 1, 32.1; MedWb 19)

jꜣrr.wt, "Weinstock; Weintrauben; Rosinen" | "grape vine; grapes; raisins" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 32.12-14)

jꜣḫ, "glänzen" | "to shine" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 33.6; vgl. Jansen-Winkeln, SAK 23, 1996, 205 ff.)

jꜣḫ.w, "Glanz; Licht" | "(sun)shine; radiance (esp. of Re)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 33.3-5)

jꜣḫ.w, "Lichtglanz; Leuchtender" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 107 ff.)

jꜣḫ.w-n-p.t, "Lichtglanz des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 109)

jꜣḫ.w-n-ḥḥ, "das Licht für Millionen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 15, B, Z. 11)

jꜣḫ.w-n-tꜣ, "Lichtglanz der Erde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 110)

jꜣḫi̯, "überschwemmt sein" | "to be flooded" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1. 33.2)

jꜣḫi̯, "(die Ernte) zusammenfegen" | "to sweep (the harvest) together (after winnowing)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 18.7; vgl. EAG § 691)

jꜣs, "kahl sein" | "to be bald" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 33.8)

jꜣs, "der Kahle (ein Hathor-Priester)" | "bald one (a priest of Hathor)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 33.9)

jꜣq, "emporsteigen" | "to climb up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 33.15-18; ONB 206; Allen, Inflection, 598)

jꜣq.t, "Lauch, Porree; Gemüse (allg.)" | "leeks; vegetables (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 34.1-2; vgl. DrogWb 12; vgl. KoptHWb 47)

jꜣk, "Alter (erfahrender Mann)" | "old (experienced) man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 34.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 34 f.)

jꜣk.t, "das Alter" | english translation missing [substantive] (vgl. Wb 1, 34.4)

jꜣkb, "trauern" | "to mourn" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 34.5-8)

jꜣkb, "Trauer" | "mourning" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 34.9-12)

jꜣ, "Klageweib" | "mourning woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 34.14-15; FCD 9)

jꜣkb.ty, "die beiden Klagefrauen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 21.13-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 35; LGG I, 115)

jꜣkz, "[Name eines Hundes]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Junker, Giza V, Abb. 18)

jꜣg.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 34.19; DrogWb 13)

jꜣg.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Iaget des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 228)

jꜣṯ, "schmerzen; verletzt sein; verletzen" | "to injure; to be injured" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 34.21-22)

jꜣṯ.w, "Verstümmelung; Entwendung" | "mutilation; theft" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 35.3; FCD 9)

jꜣṯ.w, "Richtstätte" | "place of judgment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 35.2; FCD 9)

jꜣṯ.t, "Verletzung" | "injury" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1. 35.1; MedWb 20 f.; vgl. FCD 9)

jꜣṯrn, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VII, 95w)

jꜣd, "erklettern" | "to climb" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 35.5; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 598)

jꜣd, "elend sein; quälen" | "to suffer; to make suffer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 35.9-12)

jꜣd, "Elender; Armer; Frevler" | "sufferer; a miserable person; evildoer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 35.13-15)

jꜣd.w, "Pest" | "plague" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0171, FCD 9)

jꜣd.t, "Mangel; Unheil; Pest" | "lack; need" [substantive] (Wb 1, 35.16-17; Lesko, Dictionary I, 17)

jꜣd.t, "Viehweide; Feld" | "meadow; field" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 35.19-20)

jꜣd.t, "Tau; Duft; Wasser" | "dew; (pleasant) scent; (pouring) rain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 36.1-7; FCD 9; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 129; vgl. KoptHWb 53)

jꜣd.t, "Netz (allg.)" | "net (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 36.8-11; FCD 10)

jꜣd.t-rnp.t, "Notjahr" | "epidemic" [substantive] (Wb 1, 35.18; 2, 431.1)

jj, "Spruch (?); sagen (?)" | "spell (?)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 36.14)

jj, "[vom Verletzen des Auges]" | "[verb relating to injury of the eyes]" [verb] (Wb 1, 36.16)

jjr, "Hirsch (?); Bock (?); Widder (?)" | "stag (?); ram (?) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 38.16; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 1)

jy, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 38.8)

jy.wj, "willkommen!" | "welcome!" [verb] (Wb 1, 38.2-4)

jy.t, "das Kommende (euphemist. für Böses)" | "what comes (euphemism for trouble)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 38.9-10), "willkommen!" | "welcome!" [verb] (Wb 1, 38.5-6)

jy-ms.y, "[Bez. der Stiefmutter]" | "stepmother" [substantive] (Wb 1, 37.36)

jyḥ, "[eine Sumpfpflanze]" | "[a swamp plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 39.1)

jꜥ, "Waschnapf; Waschgeschirr" | "bowl; basin (for washing)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 39.20-22)

jꜥ, "Grab" | "tomb" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 40.3)

jꜥ, "der Wäscher (von Gold)" | "(gold) washer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 39.18; Lesko, Dictionary I, 19)

jꜥ.w, "Waschung; Frühstück" | "washing; washing (the mouth) (breakfast)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 39.24)

jꜥ.w-rʾ, "Frühstück ("Waschung des Mundes")" | "breakfast (lit. washing the mouth)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 39.23; vgl. de Meulenaere, BIFAO, Suppl. 81, 1981, 87-89)

jꜥ.t, "Perlenkette; Perlennetz" | "string of beads; net of beads" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 11)

jꜥ-nbw, "Goldwäscher" | "gold washer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 39.19)

jꜥꜣ, "Umhang; Schurz (?)" | "cloak; kilt (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 40.4; Walsem, in: Fs Quaegebeur, 1479-85)

jꜥꜣ, "Esel" | "donkey" [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 1, 165.6-11; ONB 438, Anm. 100)

jꜥꜣ, "fremde Sprache sprechen; dolmetschen" | "to speak a foreign language; to interpret" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Gardiner, JEA 34, 1948, 17)

jꜥꜣ, "verdecken; (dem Blick) entziehen" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 1, 27.16)

jꜥꜣ.w, "Fremdsprachiger; Dolmetscher" | "a person who speaks a foreign language; interpreter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ I, 1116)

jꜥꜣ.t, "Eselin" | "she-ass" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 40.5)

jꜥy.t, "[Bestandteil von Bier (offizinell)]" | "[a med. liquid, related to beer]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 40.2; DrogWb 13 f.)

jꜥi̯, "waschen" | "to wash" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 39.2-17)

jꜥꜥ, "[ein Getreide (Gerste)]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0162; Edel, QH II, 1, 2, 21 (2))

jꜥb, "(zusammen)harken; kämmen" | "to rake (?) together; to comb (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 40.8)

jꜥb, "[ein Napf]" | "[a bowl (for incense, for water used by a scribe)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 40.9-11)

jꜥb, "(sich) vereinigen; (jmdm. etwas) übergeben; beschenken" | "to unite; to be united; to hand over to" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 40.12-41.2; Allen, Inflection, 552; FCD 11)

jꜥb.t, "Gebinde (als Opfer); Speisenzusammenstellung" | "bunch (?) (of offerings); heap (?) (of offerings)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0189; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 18)

jꜥb.t-ẖꜣ.t-m-tꜣ, "Bestattung ("Vereinigen des Leichnams mit der Erde")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 10; Koch, Sinuhe, 55)

jꜥf, "(etwas Feuchtes) auspressen" | "to wring out (clothes); to press out (grapes)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 41.3-4; Edel, Jahreszeitenreliefs II, 178 f.)

jꜥf, "Ausgepresstes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 81 f.)

jꜥf, "Presse" | "press" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 57, Anm. aw)

jꜥn.w, "Wehe!; Achtung! (Ausruf)" | "grief; woe!" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 41.10-12; FCD 11; James, Hekankhte, 109)

jꜥnꜥ, "Pavian" | "baboon" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 41, 5-6; vgl. FCD 11; LÄ IV, 917)

jꜥnꜥ, "der Pavian (Thot)" | "baboon (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb, 1, 41.7)

jꜥnꜥ.t, "weiblicher Pavian" | "baboon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 41.9; vgl. FCD 11)

jꜥr, "aufsteigen; berühren" | "to mount up; to touch; to bring up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 41.14-25; vgl. EAG § 428 bb)

jꜥr.t, "Schlange; Uräus" | "(divine) serpent; uraeus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 42.1-4)

jꜥḥ, "Mond" | "moon" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 42.7-9)

jꜥḥ-wr, "Vollmond (meist Chons)" | "great (full?) moon" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 42.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 45; LGG I, 149)

jꜥḥ-n-tꜣ.w-nb.w, "Mond aller Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI I, 6.15)

jw, "[aux.]" | "[auxiliary]" [particle] (Wb 1, 42.12-43.10; EAG §§ 880 ff.; GEG 551 (Index); CGG 603 (Index); Junge, Näg. Gr., 384 (Index))

jw, "[ein Fährmann am Himmel]" | "[(heavenly) ferryman]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 43.12)

jw, "Insel; Inselfeld" | "island" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 47.4-11)

jw, "abtrennen" | "to separate" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 48.1-2)

jw, "Hund" | "dog" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 48.3; FCD 12)

jw, "Böses; Unheil" | "wrongdoing; evil" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 48.5-10; FCD 12)

jw, "klagen; beklagen" | "to wail" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 48.17-19)

jw, "böse sein" | "to be evil" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Edel, ZÄS 81, 1956, 8; WbZ: DZA 20432520), "Böses" | "wrongdoing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 48.11-13; FCD 12), "Wehklagen" | "mourning" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 49; Hayes, Ostraka, 31)

jw.w, "Wehgeschrei" | "wailing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 48.20)

jw.w, "[ein Fährmann am Himmel]" | "[(heavenly) ferryman]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 48.21; vgl. LGG I, 158)

jw.w, "Schiffsloser" | "boatless man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 47.13)

jw.t, "[ein Gerät (Pfosten?)]" | "[an instrument (post?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 43.13)

jw.t, "[Negationspartikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1, 45.12; EAG § 1027; Schenkel, Einf., 289; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, §§ 98-100; Allen, Inflection, § 440)

jw.t, "Hündin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. IV.2)

jw.t-m-ẖnw-tꜣ, "die aus dem Innern der Erde kommt (Tefnut)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pSalt 825 (Derchain) VIII.7)

jw.t-zp, "niemals (Negation)" | "never" [substantive] (Wb 1, 45.14; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, § 100), "welcher nicht (neg. Rel.Pron)" | "who not; which not (neg. rel. adj.)" [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 46.1-5, 9-10; EAG §§ 1067-1072; GEG § 202; Schenkel, Einf., 284; JWSpG § 246), "Nichtseiender; Habloser" | "non-existent one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (ENG § 799; JWSpG § 246; Meeks, AL 78.0202; 79.0117), "ohne" | english translation missing [preposition] (EDG 25), "Besitzloser" | "one who has nothing" [substantive] (Wb 1, 46.7)ꜥꜥw=f, "der nicht schläft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 158), "der nicht vergesslich ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Doxey, Epithets, 255), "Besitzloser" | "having nothing" [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 46.8)ḫ=f, "den man nicht kennt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 162)ḫsf=f-m-p.t-m-tꜣ, "der dessen Abwehr im Himmel und auf Erden nicht möglich ist (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 163), "einer, ohne seinesgleichen" | "one who is without his equal" [epitheton_title: title] (Doxey, Epithets, 255), "einer ohne seinesgleichen" | "one who is without his equal" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 163)

jw.tjw, "die Nichtseienden (die Toten)" | "those who are not (the dead)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0176)

jw.tjt, "das Nichtseiende" | "what does not exist" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 47.1), "welcher nicht (neg. Rel. Pron.) (Nebenform, meist ohne Bezugswort)" | english translation missing [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (GEG § 202)

jw-m-ṯꜣw, "der als Windhauch kommt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 129)

jwꜣ, "Langhornrind; Ochse (allg.); männliches Tier" | "steer; ox; cattle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 49.9-11)

jwꜣ, "fortnehmen; rauben; ersetzen" | "to rob" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 49.16)

jwꜣ, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 49.18)

jwꜣ.yt, "Ersatzarbeiterin; Helferin" | "helper" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 49.17)

jwꜣ.w, "Wegnahme; Abtransport" | "removal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0186; 78.0213)

jwꜣ.w, "Ersatzarbeiter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10021, 2)

jwꜣ.t, "Kuh" | "cow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 49.13)

jwꜣ.t, "Rindvieh (coll.)" | "cattle" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 49.14)

jwꜣy.t, "Kehle" | "throat" [substantive] (Wb 1, 49.19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 49)

jwjw, "Hund" | "dog" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 50.1; FCD 12)

jwjw, "klagen" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 1. 50.2)

jwjw, "Hund" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 170 f.)

jwy, "bewässern; ausgießen" | "to irrigate" [verb] (Wb 1, 49.1-2)

jwy.t, "Haus; Sanktuar; Stadtviertel" | "house; sanctuary; quarter (of a town)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 49.5-8; FCD 12)

jwi̯, "kommen" | "to come; to return" [verb: verb_irr] (Wb 1, 44.1-45.6; EAG § 456; FCD 11)

jwi̯, "abtrennen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (CT VI, 323s)

jwꜥ, "[Fleischstück (Keule mit Knochen)]; Oberschenkel (?)" | "meat on the bone; haunch (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 50.3-5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 23; Walker, Anatom. Term., 265; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 223)

jwꜥ, "erben; beerben" | "to inherit" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 50.8-10)

jwꜥ.yt, "Garnisonstruppe; Besatzung" | "troops" [substantive] (Wb 1, 51.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 22)

jwꜥ.w, "der Erbe" | "heir" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 50.11-16)

jwꜥ.w, "Belohnung (spezielles Armband); Erbe" | "bracelet (for the upper arm, part of the Gold-of-favor); reward" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 51.9)

jwꜥ.w, "das Erbe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 23)

jwꜥ.w, "Erbe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 171)

jwꜥ.w-wr, "ältester Erbe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 172)

jwꜥ.w-wr-n-Gbb, "ältester Erbe des Geb (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 173)

jwꜥ.w-mnḫ, "vortrefflicher Erbe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 174 f.)

jwꜥ.w-n-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Erbe des großen Gottes (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 179)

jwꜥ.w-n-kꜣ-ṯꜣ.y, "der Erbe des männlichen Stieres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16,12)

jwꜥ.w-n-Gbb, "Erbe des Geb" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 180 f.)

jwꜥ.w-Tꜣ.wj, "der Erbe der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 181)

jwꜥ.wt, "das Erbe" | "inheritance" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 51.1-7)

jwf, "Fleisch; Körper" | "flesh; meat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 51.14-52.5)

jwf, "das Fleisch" | "meat; flesh" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 51.17)

jwf-dr, "eingepökeltes Fleisch" | "pickled meat (?)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 475.2)

jwms, "Unwahrheit" | "untruth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 52.7-9)

jwn, "Farbe; Wesen" | "color" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 52.10-18; FCD 13)

jwn, "Nest (?)" | "nest (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 53.1)

jwn, "vereinigen" | "to unite" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 53.3-6)

jwn, "Stütze (Bez. des Windes, als Stütze des Himmels)" | "support (wind, as a support of heaven )" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 53.7-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 53; LÄ VI, 1267 ff., Anm. 35)

jwn, "Pfeiler; Säule" | "pillar; column" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 53.10-18)

jwn, "der Pfeiler (Osiris u.a. Götter)" | "pillar (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 53.19-20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 51; LGG I, 193 f.), "Säulensaal; Säulenhof" | "columned hall; columned court" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 54.2; vgl. Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 63 ff.)

jwn.w, "Leichenhaufen" | "heap(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 54.4)

jwn.w-Ḥr.w-sj, "[Stab]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 312 (PT 67))

jwn.wj, "Heliopolitaner" | "Heliopolitan" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 54.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 25)

jwn.wj, "der Heliopolitaner" | "Heliopolitan" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 54.8; LGG I, 189)

jwn.wj, "heliopolitanisch" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 207e)

jwn.wt, "die Heliopolitanerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 54.9)

jwn.t, "[ein Bogen (Waffe)]" | "[a bow (weapon)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 55.2)

jwn.t, "[etwas aus Stoff (Beutel?; Kleidung?)]" | "[something made of cloth (bag?) (clothing?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 55.11), "Bogenmann" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Sadek, Wadi el-Hudi I, 84)

jwn.tjt, "[Personengruppe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 55.8)

jwn-ꜥ.wj-ꜥḥ-znḥm, "Stütze der beiden Arme dessen, der die Heuschrecken (Feinde) fängt" | "support of the two arms of the one who captures locust (the enemy)" [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, ASAE 49, 1949, 213 f.; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 21)

jwn-mw.t=f, "Pfeiler seiner Mutter (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 53.15; LGG I, 197 ff.)

jwn-n-p.t, "der Himmelspfeiler (Mond)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 145, Anm. 502; LGG I, 196)

jwn-n-fnḏ, "Obeliskenkante" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 53.14)

jwn-n-mz, "Belagerungsgerät" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (JWIS II, 341.5)

jwn-sḏm.t-dšr.t, "Pfeiler des Hörens der Wüste" | "pillar of hearing the desert" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 17)

jwn-šmꜥ.w-m-pr-nswt, "oberägyptischer Pfeiler im Palast des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schäfer, Denksteine, CG 20538 (I.c.8-9); vgl. Doxey, Epithets,)

jwn-knm.wt, "Stütze der Kenmut (Leopardenfell-Leute?)" | "support of the kenmut (people of the leopard skin?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 53.18; 5, 132; Jones, Titles OK, no. 22; Ward, Titles, no. 18a)

jwn-knm.wt-mꜣꜥ, "wirkliche Stütze der Kenmut (Leopardenfell-Leute?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 23)

jwnn, "Sanktuar (allg.)" | "sanctuary (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 55.12-13; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 99 ff.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 54)

jwr, "empfangen; schwanger sein; schwängern" | "to conceive; to become pregnant" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 56.1-7; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 552)

jwr, "Schwangerschaft" | "pregnancy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 56.10)

jwr, "[eine Fleischspeise (als Opfer)]" | "roast meat (as an offering)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 56.13), "Langbohne" | "beans" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 56.14-15; Germer, Flora, 87 ff.)

jwr.t, "Schwangere" | "pregnant woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 56.8)

jwh, "tragen; beladen" | "to load; to carry" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 56.18-22; FCD 14)

jwḥ, "begießen; bewässern; durchtränkt sein; befeuchten" | "to sprinkle (with water); to moisten" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 57.1-8; FCD 14; MedWb 33 f.)

jwḥ.w, "Überschwemmung" | "inundation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 57.9; FCD 14)

jwḥ.w, "kleinwüchsiger Tierführer (von Hunden und Affen)" | "keeper (?) of animals (dogs, monkeys)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 57.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 29)

jwḥ.w, "[Frucht (offizinell)]" | "[an edible fruit (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 57.16; DrogWb 18 f.; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 230)

jwḥ.t, "nässende Stelle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 34)

jws.w, "Waage" | "balance (scales)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 57.18-19; FCD 14)

jwsw, "wahrlich" | english translation missing [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (EAG § 858)

jwšš, "[Teig]" | "[mash (med.)]; [dough (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 58.2-3; MedWb 34-35)

jwg, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Pyr 1067c)

jwt.j, "der Übeltäter (Seth)" | "wrongdoer (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 48.14; LGG I, 157)

jwt.w, "Verwestes" | "what is putrified" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 48.15)

jwd, "(sich) trennen; scheiden; zuteilen; beladen (mit)" | "to separate; to lie between; charged to" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 58.11-59.6; FCD 14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 26)

jwd.t, "Trennung" | "parting (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 59.7; FCD 14)

jwdnb, "[ein Räucherwerk]" | "[a kind of incense]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 59.9)

jb, "Herz; Verstand; Charakter; Wunsch" | "heart; mind; wish; character" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 59.10-60.11)

jb, "[ein Laubbaum]" | "[a tree and its leaves]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 60.17-18)

jb, "Böckchen; Ziegenbock" | "kid; goat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 61.7)

jb, "Durstiger" | "thirsty man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 61.11)

jb, "denken; vermuten; wünschen (zu tun)" | "to wish; to suppose" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 60.12-13; 61.15; FCD 15; GEG § 292)

jb, "[Teil des Vogelnetzes]" | "[part of a net for trapping birds]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 61.17)

jb.w, "Reinigungszelt; Schutzhütte" | "purification booth; refuge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 62.5; FCD 15; Junker, Giza VII, 120-123)

jb.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 61.3)

jb.t, "[ein Weg (?)]" | "[a path (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 61.2)

jb.t, "Durst" | "thirst" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 61.12-14)

jb.t, "[Teil der Sut-Pflanze]" | "[the fibrous part of the sewet-plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 62.2; DrogWb 19)

jb-n-Rꜥw, "Herz des Re (Thot, Chons)" | "heart of Re (Khons, Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 59.16-17; LGG I, 208 f.)

jb-n-dnrg, "[Teil einer Pflanze]" | "[a part of the denreg-plant]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 60.14)

jb-nb, "jedermann" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 31)

jbꜣ, "tanzen" | "to dance" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 62.8-11,13)

jbꜣ, "Tänzer" | "dancer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 62.14; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 30)

jbꜣ.yt, "Kiebitz" | "dancer (a bird? an insect?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0254; Meeks, in: Fs Brovarski, 274 ff.)

jbꜣ.yt, "die Tänzerin (bildl. für ein Ruderlager)" | "dancer (the butt of an oar?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0255; Jones, Naut. Titles, 152 (5))

jbꜣ.w, "Tanz; Vergnügung" | "dance; entertainment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 62.12)

jbꜣ.w, "Mähnenschaf" | "maned sheep" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 62.18; LÄ III, 1123)

jbꜣ.t, "Tänzerin" | "dancer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 62.15)

jbj, "[ein Griff (?) eines Netzes]" | "[grip (?) of a net]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0257; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 26)

jbjb, "Liebling ("Herz-Herz")" | "darling; heart-heart" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 63.1-2)

jbi̯, "dürsten" | "to be thirsty" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 61.8-10)

jbw, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 62.3-4; DrogWb 20-22)

jbw-Mḥ.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 21)

jbn.w, "Alaun; [verschied. Salze]" | "alum; vitriolic salts (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 63.8; Harris, Minerals, 185 ff.; LÄ I, 130; DrogWb 22 f.)

jbr, "[ein Öl (Ladanum?)]" | "[an unguent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 63.10-14; Koura, Öle, 204 ff.)

jbr, "Hengst" | "stallion (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 63.15; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 3)

jbrḏj, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 28), "Gneis" | "gneiss" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.1; Harris, Minerals, 96 f.; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, 247, Anm. d)

jbḥ, "Zahn" | "tooth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.2-4)

jbḥ, "lachen ("die Zähne entblößen")" | "to laugh (lit. to bare the teeth)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 64.5)

jbḥ, "feucht sein; überflutet sein" | "to be suffused (with blood); to stream (with liquid) (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 64.6-7)

jbḥ.w, "Libierender" | "libationer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 64.8-9; Ward, Titles, no. 19; Fischer, Titles, no. 20a)

jbḫ, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb] (Wb 1, 64.10)

jbḫ.j, "[Flüssigkeit (offizinell)]" | "[a med. liquid]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.11; DrogWb 26)

jbz, "[ein Schiffsteil]" | "[part of a boat (bow-timbers?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.13; Jones, Naut. Titles, 153 (7))

jbzꜣ, "[ein ätherisches Öl (aus Pflanzen)]" | "[an (ethereal?) oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.14; DrogWb 26 f.; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 233 ff.; Koura, Öle, 206 f.)

jbzꜣ, "[eine Ölpflanze (ätherisch)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.15-17; DrogWb 26 f.; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 233 ff.; Germer, Handbuch, 24 f.)

jbsn, "[eine Krankheit (?)]; [ein Krankheitsdämon (?)]" | "[an illness (?)]; [a demon (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 64.19)

jbšt, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread or biscuit (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 64.20; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 5)

jbkꜣ, "Schwangere (Bez. einer Sau)" | "sow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0268; 79.0169)

jbt, "[semitisches Wort]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 6)

jbṯ, "(mit der Falle) fangen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 27; Lapp, Pap. Nu, pl. 45)

jbṯ.t, "Vogelfalle" | "bird-trap" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 65.1)

jbṯrs.w, "[ein Tier (Lieferant von Öl)]" | "[an animal whose fat was used medicinally]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 65.4)

jp, "zählen; zuweisen; (jmdn.) erkennen" | "to count; to assess; to be cognizant of" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 66.1-13)

jp, "[eine Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 156)

jp, "Buchführung; Beurteilung" | "accounting; estimation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 16)

jp.w, "Abgaben; Steuern" | "account; inventory; list" [substantive] (Wb 1, 67.1)

jp.w, "Steuerakte; Inventar ("Gezähltes"); Liste" | "account; inventory; list" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 67.2; FCD 16)

jp.t, "Zählung; Abrechnung; Zahl" | "number; census" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1. 66.22-24)

jp.t, "Oipe (Hohlmaß); [ein Messgefäß]" | "oipe (a dry measure); [a measuring vessel]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 67.6-11; LÄ III, 1201)

jp.t, "[verschließbarer Gebäudeteil]; [transportabler Schrein]" | "[(secret? lockable?) chamber]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 67.12)

jp.t, "Frauenhaus; Innenräume" | "women's apartments; inner chamber" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 67.13-68.6)

jp.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 68.12; DrogWb 28 f.)

jp.t, "Flusspferd" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 100, Anm. 282)

jp.t-nswt, "Frauenhaus des Königs" | "quarters for women associated with the king" [substantive] (Wb 1, 67.14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 30)

jp-jb.w, "der die Herzen prüft (Anubis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 216)

jp-ḥḥ.w, "der Millionen prüft (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 217)

jpꜣ, "[roter pflanzl. Farbstoff (Krapp)]" | "red dye (madder)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 68.13-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 28)

jpꜣ=s-ḫnn=s, "Fliegt sie auf, so schwebt sie nieder (Bez. einer Fähre)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pyr 494b)

jpw, "diese [Dem. Pron. pl.m.]; [Zweinomen (zweigliedriger NS)]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 69.6-7)

jpwj, "diese beiden [Dem. Pron. du.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 69.8; EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jpp, "durchforschen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (EAG § 433; Allen, Inflection, 549)

jpp.t, "Kügelchen; Pille (runde Medikamentform)" | "pellet; pill (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 69.10; MedWb 45 f.)

jpf, "jene [Dem.Pron. pl.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 69.11; EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jpfj, "jene beiden [Dem.Pron. du.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jpn, "diese [Dem.Pron. pl.m.]" | "these (demons. pron., masc. pl.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 69.13; EAG § 182; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jpnj, "diese [Dem.Pron. du.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 182)

jpḥ, "[ein Schwein]" | "[a pig]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 69.14; LÄ V, 764)

jpšnn, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a med. preparation]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 69.16; DrogWb 29)

jpt, "[ein Gebäck]" | "[a kind of baked goods (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 70.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 7)

jpt, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (pChester Beatty IV Recto 11.10)

jptw, "diese [Dem.Pron. pl.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 182; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jptwj, "diese beiden [Dem.Pron. du.f.)" | "these two (demons. pron., fem. dual)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 70.3; EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jptwtj, "diese beiden [Dem.Pron. du.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jptf, "jene [Dem.Pron. pl.f.]" | "those (demons. pron., fem. pl.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 70.5; EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jptn, "diese [Dem.Pron. pl.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 70.6; EAG § 182; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 111; JWSpG § 230)

jptnj, "diese beiden [Dem.Pron. du.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jptntj, "diese beiden [Dem.Pron. du.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 182; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

jpd.w, "Möbel (allg.)" | "furniture (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 70.10; FCD 17; Lesko, Dictionary I, 30)

jf.t, "[Knochenmark]" | "(beef) marrow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 70.12; DrogWb 29)

jfn, "(sich) umwenden; zuwenden" | "to turn round; to turn to" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 70.14; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 599)

jfd, "die Vier (Seiten, Ecken); die Vier (Himmelstützen); die Vier (Himmelsrichtungen)" | "(the) four" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 71.1-4)

jfd, "davonrennen; (durch)eilen" | "to flee; to move quickly" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 72.1-2)

jfd.j, "Viergewebe; viereckiges Leinenstück" | "sheet; garment (of linen)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 71.14-17; FCD 17)

jfd.w, "vier" | "four" [numeral] (Wb 1, 582.13)

jfd.nw, "vierter; der Vierte" | "fourth" [numeral: ordinal] (Wb 1, 583.1-3)

jfd.t, "Vierzahl; Vierheit" | "four (in number)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 71.5-8)

jfdi̯, "vervierfachen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 62, Anm. m)

jm, "da; dort; davon; dadurch; damit" | "there" [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (Wb 1, 72.4-8; EAG § 751b; GEG § 205.1; ENG § 592; CGG 130 f.)

jm, "wehklagen" | "to groan" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 77.12-13; FCD 17)

jm, "Seite; Rippenseite" | "side; side of ribs" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 77.16-17; Walker, Anatom. Term., 266; vgl. FCD 17)

jm, "Ton; Lehm (Material für Götterfiguren)" | "mud; clay" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 78.2-3; Harris, Minerals, 200)

jm, "Klagender (ein Vogel)" | "mourner (a bird)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 78.5; Edel, Jahreszeitenreliefs II, 99)

jm, "[Teil eines Wagens]" | "[a chariot part]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 78.6)

jm, "Haut" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 78.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 66)

jm.j, "Inneres; Inhalt; Bewohner; Innenseite" | "what is within; who is within" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 72.13-15)

jm.j, "befindlich in (lokal); befindlich in (temporal); darunter (soziativ); seiend als" | "being in" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 1, 72.16-17)

jm.j-Ꜣbḏ.w, "der in Abydos ist (Osiris)" | "one who is in Abydos" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 224)

jm.j-ꜣbd, "Monatspriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 228)

jm.j-ꜣbd=f, "monatlich diensttuender Priester" | "one who is in his month(ly service) (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 65.6; 1, 72.21; Jones, Titles OK, no. 228)

jm.j-ꜣḫ.t, "der im Horizont ist" | "one who is in the horizon" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Amduat II, 572; LGG I, 224 f.)

jm.j-ꜣḫ.tj=fj, "der in seinen beiden Horizonten ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 225)

jm.j-Jwn.w, "der in Heliopolis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 226)

jm.j-jꜣb.tjt, "der im Osten ist (Sopdu)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 226)

jm.j-jb, "Liebling" | "favorite (lit. one who is in the heart)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 72.18)

jm.j-jb-n-jtj=f, "Liebling seines Vaters" | "confidant of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 230)

jm.j-jb-n-nb=f, "Liebling seines Herrn; im Herzen seines Herrn Befindlicher" | "confidant of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 231)

jm.j-jb-n-nb=f-m-mrr.t=f-nb.t, "Liebling seines Herrn in allem, was er wünscht" | "favourite of his lord in all that he desires" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 232)

jm.j-jb-n-nb=f-m-Tꜣ.wj, "Liebling seines Herrn in den Beiden Ländern" | "confidant of his lord in the Two lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 234)

jm.j-jb-n-nb=f-mꜣꜥ, "wahrhaftiger Liebling seines Herrn" | "true confidant of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Doxey, Epithets, 264; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 231)

jm.j-jb-n-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "Liebling seines Herrn tagtäglich" | "confidant of his lord every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 233)

jm.j-jb-n-nswt, "Liebling des Königs" | "confidant of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 235; WbZ: DZA 20492750, 20492790)

jm.j-jb-n-nswt-m-jdb.wj=f, "Liebling des Königs an seinen beiden Ufern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 236)

jm.j-jb-n-nswt-m-s.t=f-nb.t, "Liebling des Königs an jedem seiner Plätze" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 239)

jm.j-jb-n-nswt-ḫnt.j-jdb.wj=f, "Liebling des Königs, der auf seine beiden Ufern residiert" | "confidant of his lord presiding over his two banks" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 238)

jm.j-jb-nswt-m-kꜣ.t=f-nb.t, "Liebling des Königs in jeder seiner Arbeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 129 (3))

jm.j-jb-Ḥr.w, "Liebling des Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Siut I, 221), "Kapitän" | "ship's captain" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 72.22), "Kapitän" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 72.22)ꜥpr.w-wjꜣ, "Kapitän der Schiffsmannschaften" | "captain of a ship's crew" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 243; LÄ VII, 429)ꜣ, "Kapitän der Barke" | "ship's captain" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 242)

jm.j-jz, "Diensttuender im Büro (Priester oder Beamter)" | "councillor (lit. one who is in the bureau)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 73.1; 1, 127.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 247)

jm.j-jz-Nḫn, "Diensttuender in Nechen (Hierakonpolis)" | "councillor in Nekhen (Hierakonpolis)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 248)

jm.j-jtn=f, "der in seiner Sonnenscheibe ist (Sonnengott, Amun)" | "one who is in his disk (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 73.2; LGG I, 228 f.)

jm.j-Ꜥnḏ.tj, "der in Anedjti ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 229)

jm.j-ꜥ, "Dienstmann" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 24)

jm.j-ꜥ, "Widersacher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1484e)

jm.j-ꜥ.wj, "Widersacher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1484e)

jm.j-ꜥfḏ.t, "der im Sargkasten ist (?) (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.16, p. 46, n. 105)

jm.j-ꜥnḫ, "der im Leben ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 229)

jm.j-ꜥḥ, "der im Palast ist" | "one who is in the palace (the king)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 1, 73.4)

jm.j-Wnw-mḥ.tj, "der im nördlichen Unu ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 231)

jm.j-Wnw-rs.j, "der im südlichen Unu ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 231)

jm.j-wjꜣ=f, "der in seiner Barke ist (Sonnengott)" | "one who is in his bark (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 73.5; 271.12)

jm.j-wnw.t, "Stundenbeobachter (Priester und Götter)" | "hour watcher (a priest; of gods)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 316.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 69 f.)

jm.j-wr.t, "Westen; Steuerbordseite; rechte Seite" | "west (side); starboard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 73.6-13)

jm.j-wr.t, "Imi-weret (Phyle von Totenpriestern und von Arbeitertrupps)" | "Imi-weret (a phyle of priests, of workers)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 73.8; 3, 413.10)

jm.j-wr.t, "steuerbordseitig" | "starboard" [adverb] (Wb 1, 73.7)

jm.j-wr.t, "Steuerbordseitiger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 542c)

jm.j-wsḫ.t, "der im Opferhof ist" | "he who is in the broad hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 252)

jm.j-wt, "Imiut (Anubis)" | "imiut (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 73.14; LGG I, 232-234)

jm.j-bꜣḥ, "befindlich vor; früherer" | "in front of; before (temp.)" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 1, 73.16-17)

jm.j-bꜣḥ, "Vorfahr ("der vor jmdm. Befindliche")" | "ancestor" [substantive] (Wb 1, 73.18-19)

jm.j-bꜣg, "der in Müdigkeit ist (Osiris)" | "one who is in weariness (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 431.13)

jm.j-p.t, "der im Himmel ist (allg. von Göttern im Himmel)" | "one who is in heaven (gen., of gods)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.0256; 79.0194; WbZ: DZA 20654580-5810)

jm.j-pr=f, "der in seinem Hause ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 236)

jm.j-mw, "Wassertier ("der im Wasser ist")" | "what is in the water (aquatic fauna)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.7)

jm.j-mḥn=f, "der in seiner Mehen-Schlange ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 237)

jm.j-mšr.w, "der im Abend ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 237)

jm.j-mḏ.t, "Stallrind ("der im Stall ist")" | "what is in the byre (cattle)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 185.5)

jm.j-nʾ.t-š.w, "der in der Stätte der Seen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 238)

jm.j-nꜣw.t, "der im Naut-Busch ist (Bezeichnung einer Schlange)" | "what is in the nawet-bush (a snake)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 200.7; LGG I, 238)

jm.j-nꜣw.t=f, "der in seinem Naut-Busch ist (Bezeichnung einer Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 245a; Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 29; vgl. Wb 2, 200.7; vgl. LGG I, 238)

jm.j-nfr.t, "Imi-neferet (Phyle der Totenpriester oder Arbeitertrupps)" | "Imi-neferet (a phyle of priests, of workers)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.8)

jm.j-rʾ, "Zunge" | "tongue" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.11)

jm.j-rʾ, "Vorsteher" | "overseer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 74.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 255)

jm.j-rʾ, "Ausspruch" | "utterance" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.12)

jm.j-rʾ, "Vorsteher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 74.13)

jm.j-rʾ-Ꜣbw, "Vorsteher von Elephantine" | "overseer of Elephantine" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 257)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜣḥ.wt, "Vorsteher der Äcker" | "overseer of fields" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 259; Ward, Titles, no. 29)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜣḥ.wt, "Vorsteher der Äcker" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 259; Ward, Titles, no. 29)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜣḥ.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Äcker des Palastes" | "overseer of fields of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 260)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜣḥ.wt-n-nʾ.t-rs.jt, "Vorsteher der Äcker der südlichen Stadt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 31)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nb-nswt, "Vorsteher jedes Frühstücks des Königs" | "overseer of every repast of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 265)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nb-nswt-ḏḏ.w-p.t-qmꜣ.w-tꜣ, "Vorsteher jedes Frühstücks des Königs, das der Himmel gibt und die Erde erschafft" | "overseer of every repast of the king which heaven gives and the earth creates" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 267)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nswt, "Vorsteher des Frühstücks des Königs" | "overseer of the king's repast" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 39.23; Jones, Titles OK, no. 263)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nswt-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "Vorsteher des Frühstücks des Königs an allen seinen Plätzen" | "overseer of all the king's repasts in all his places" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 266)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der fremdsprachigen Truppe" | "overseer of foreign mercenaries" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 159.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 327)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der Esel" | "superindendent of asses" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gardiner, JEA 38, 1952, 31)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥꜣ.w-nb.w-n.w-ḫꜣs.wt nb.wt, "Vorsteher aller fremdsprachigen Truppen aller Fremdländer" | "overseer of all foreign mercenaries of all foreign lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 332)

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥꜣ.w-Zꜣṯw, "Vorsteher der Fremdsprachigen von Satju" | "overseer of interpreters of Satju" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 333)

jm.j-rʾ-jwꜥ.yt, "Vorsteher der Garnisonstruppe" | "Garrison-commander" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 23)

jm.j-rʾ-jwḥ.w, "Vorsteher der Iwehu-Zwerge" | "overseer of the Iwehu-dwarfs" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 268)

jm.j-rʾ-jp.t-nswt, "Vorsteher der Privatgemächer des Königs" | "overseer of the royal (private) chamber" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 271; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 36; Taylor, Titles, no. 95)

jm.j-rʾ-jp.t-nswt-n-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t, "Vorsteher der königlichen Privatgemächer der großen königlichen Gemahlin" | "overseer of the royal apartment of the king's great wife" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 97)

jm.j-rʾ-jp.t-nswt-n-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Vorsteher der königlichen Privatgemächer der großen königlichen Gemahlin Teje" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 6)

jm.j-rʾ-jm.j-ḫt-pr, "Vorsteher und Unteraufseher des Haushaltes" | "steward and under-supervisor of the household" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1031; Fischer, Varia nNova, 16, n. 23, 249)

jm.j-rʾ-jm.jw-jz.wt-ḥꜣ.tj-m-stp-zꜣ, "Vorsteher der Mannschaftsmitglieder, der ersten des Palastes" | "overseer of those who are in the crews, foremost of those in the court" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 273)

jm.j-rʾ-jnb.w-ḥḏ, "Vorsteher des memphitischen Gaues" | "overseer of the memphite nome" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 277)

jm.j-rʾ-jr.w-ꜥn.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Nagelpfleger des Palastes" | "overseer of manicurists of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 280)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w, "Vorsteher der Rinder" | "overseer of cattle" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 119.21; Jones, Titles OK, no. 286)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w-wr-n-Jmn, "Obervorsteher der Rinder des Amun" | "chief overseer of the cattle of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 43)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w-wr-n-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Obervorsteher der Rinder des Amunrasonther" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 102.3)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w-n-Jmn, "Vorsteher der Rinder des Amun" | "overseer of the cattle of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 106)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w-n-ꜥw.t-nḏs.t, "Vorsteher der Kleinviehherden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, 117)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w-n-ꜥw.t-ḥḏ, "Vorsteher der Schafherden des westlichen Kanals" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, 116)

jm.j-rʾ-jḥ.w-n-pr-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Rinder des Tempels des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 117)

jm.j-rʾ-jḫ.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher aller Angelegenheiten des Königs" | "overseer of all property of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 726)

jm.j-rʾ-jḫ.t-nb.t-ḏḏ.t-p.t-qmꜣ-tꜣ, "Vorsteher jeder Sache, die der Himmel gibt und die Erde erschafft" | "overseer of everything that heaven produces and earth creates" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 728)

jm.j-rʾ-jz, "Vorsteher der Werkstatt" | "overseer of the workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 127.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 290)

jm.j-rʾ-jz, "Vorsteher der Werkstatt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 127.2)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wj-n.wj-pr-ḥr.j-wḏb, "Vorsteher der beiden Büros der Verwaltung des Leiters der Zuwendungen" | "overseer of the two bureaus of the department of those in charge of reversion(s) (of offerings)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 304)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wj-n.wj-mr.wt, "Vorsteher der beiden Büros der Hörigen" | "overseer of the two bureaus of meret-serfs" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 305)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wj-n.wj-ẖr.j-ḫtm.t, "Vorsteher beider Kammern der versiegelten Akten" | "overseer of the two bureaus of the registry" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 307; vgl. Wb 3, 396.6; 4, 379.21)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wj-n-nswt, "Vorsteher der beiden Büros des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 306)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wj-n-ẖkr.w-nswt, "Vorsteher der beiden Handwerkerstätten des Königsschmucks" | "overseer of the two bureaus of royal regalia" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 401.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 310)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wt, "Vorsteher der Mannschaften" | "overseer of crews" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 313)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wt, "Vorsteher der Mannschaften" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 313)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.wt-ꜥpr.w-nswt, "Vorsteher der ausgebildeten Arbeitertruppen des Königs" | "overseer of the professional workers of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 315)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.t, "Vorsteher der Mannschaft" | "overseer of the crew" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 313; Ward, Titles, no. 46)

jm.j-rʾ-jz.t-ẖn.ww, "Vorsteher der Mannschaft der Ruderer" | "overseer of the crew of rowers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 314)

jm.j-rʾ-jz-n-zẖꜣ.w, "Vorsteher des Büros der Dokumente" | "overseer of the bureau of records" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 301)

jm.j-rʾ-jt-Šmꜥ, "Vorsteher der oberägyptischen Gerste" | "overseer of Upper Egyptian grain" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK., no. 319)

jm.j-rʾ-jt-Šmꜥ-m-spꜣ.wt, "Vorsteher der oberägyptischen Gerste in den Provinzen" | "overseer of Upper Egyptian grain in the provinces" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 320)

jm.j-rʾ-jd.ww, "Vorsteher der Jünglinge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 322)

jm.j-rʾ-jd.ww-n-ẖnw, "Vorsteher der Jünglinge der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 325)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥ-n-nswt, "Vorsteher der Königsakte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 335)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥ-ẖn.wtj, "Kabinettsvorsteher" | "chamberlain" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 227.1-2; Ward, Titles, no. 72)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥꜣ-gꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der engen Türöffung (?)" | "overseer of the narrow doorway (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Eichler, Expeditionswesen, 68, 124)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥw.t, "Vorsteher von Kleinvieh" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 60)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥb, "Vorsteher des Hornviehs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 173.13; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 128; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 338)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥb.w-wḥm.wt-šw.wt-nšm.wt, "Vorsteher von Horn- und Huftieren, Federvieh und Fischen" | "overseer of horned, hoofed, feathered and scaled animals" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 64; Wb 1, 340.12)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥb-nb, "Vorsteher allen Hornviehs" | "overseer of all cattle" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 338)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥpr.w-m-bꜣḥ-nṯr, "Vorsteher der Ausstattung in Anwesenheit des Gottes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 72.4)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥrr.wt, "Vorsteher der Empfangshalle" | "overseer of the vestibules" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 344)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥrr.wt-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Empfangshalle in den beiden Verwaltungen" | "overseer of the vestibules in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 345)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥḥ, "Vorsteher des Palastes" | "overseer of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 347)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥḥ-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher des Palastes des (Pyramidenkomplexes) Groß ist Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 348)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥḥ-nṯr-Šmꜥ.w, "Vorsteher des Gottespalastes von Oberägypten" | "overseer of the god's palace of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 349)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥḥꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der Waffen" | "overseer of the arsenal" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 350)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥḥꜣ.w-ꜥ-nswt, "Vorsteher der Waffen durch königliche Weisung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 336)

jm.j-rʾ-ꜥḥꜥ.w-wr-m-pr-nswt, "großer Vorsteher der Schiffe im Königspalast" | "chief overseer of the ships in the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 68)

jm.j-rʾ-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher von der (Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chephren" | "overseer of the (pyramid complex) Great-is-Chephren" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 419)

jm.j-rʾ-w, "Verwalter des Landbezirkes" | "overseer of the district" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 94)

jm.j-rʾ-wꜣ.t-Ḥr.w, "Vorsteher des Horusweges" | "overseer of the way of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 357)

jm.j-rʾ-wꜥb.w-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Wab-Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 363)

jm.j-rʾ-wꜥb.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Wab-Priester des Palastes" | "overseer of priests of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 364)

jm.j-rʾ-wꜥb.t, "Vorsteher der Balsamierungsstätte/Werkstatt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 370)

jm.j-rʾ-wꜥ, "Vorsteher der beiden Schmuckwerkstätten" | "overseer of the two workshops" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 284.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 374)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt, "Vorsteher der Aufträge" | "overseer of apportionments" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 303.14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 375)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ꜣḥ.wt-mr.wt, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Felder und der Hörigen" | "overseer of apportionments of fields and meret-serfs" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VII, fig. 30; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 377)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ꜣḥ.wt-mr.wt-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Felder und der Hörigen in den beiden Häusern" | "overseer of apportionments of fields and meret-serfs in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 2; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 377)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-jd.w, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Jungmannschaften" | "overseer of commissions of young men" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 381)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Aufträge des Palastes" | "overseer of commissions of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 387)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ-nswt, "Vorsteher der Aufträge des Palastes des Königs" | "overseer of apportionments of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 133 (Nr. B), fig 130, pl. LX (A))

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Aufträge in den beiden Häusern" | "overseer of apportionments in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 388)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-mr.wt-ꜣḥ.wt, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Hörigen und der Felder" | "overseer of apportionments of meret-serfs and fields" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 392)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-mr.wt-ꜣḥ.wt-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Hörigen und Äcker in den beiden Häusern" | "overseer of apportionments of the meret-serfs and fields in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 393)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-mr.wt-[ꜣḥ.wt]-ḥtp.w-nṯr-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Hörigen, (der Felder) und der Gottesopfer in den beiden Häusern" | "overseer of apportionments of meret-serfs, fields and god's offerings in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 394)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-n.wt-ꜥš, "Vorsteher der Aufträge des Asch-Holzes" | "overseer of apportionments of Ash-wood" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 382)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-nb.wt-n.wt-nswt, "Vorsteher aller Aufträge des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 397)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Totenpriester" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 400)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḥtp.w-nṯr, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Gottesopfer" | "overseer of apportionments of the god's offering(s)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 303.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 402)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḥtp.w-nṯr-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Gottesopfer in den beiden Häusern" | "overseer of apportionments of the god's offering(s) in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 403; vgl. Wb 1, 303.16; 3, 185.18)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḥtp.w-nṯr-m-tꜣ-Mḥ.w-Šmꜥ.w-ḏr, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Gottesopfer in ganz Unter- und Oberägypten" | "overseer of apportionments of the god's offering(s) in all of Lower and Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 406)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḥtp.w-nṯr-m-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Gottesopfer im ganzen Land" | "overseer of apportionments of the god's offering(s) in the entire land" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 407)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḫnt.j-š, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Chentuschi" | "overseer of apportionments of land-tenants" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 408)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḫnt.j-š-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Chentischi von (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepi dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 408)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-ḫnt.w-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Aufträge der Chentuschi des Palastes" | "overseer of apportionments of land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 409)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.wt-Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Vorsteher der Aufträge an der (Pyramide) 'Es dauern die Plätze des Teti'" | "overseer of apportionments of the pyramid of Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery III, 56; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 376)

jm.j-rʾ-wpw.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher eines jeden Auftrages des Königs" | "overseer of all commissions of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 397)

jm.j-rʾ-wn.wt, "Vorsteher der Wenet-Festungen" | "overseer of wenut-settlements" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 418; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 123; vgl. Wb 1, 315.2)

jm.j-rʾ-wrḥ.w, "Vorsteher der Salber" | "overseer of anointers" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 85)

jm.j-rʾ-wḥꜥ.w, "Vorsteher der Fänger von Fischen und Vögeln" | "overseer of fowlers and fishermen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 350.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 421)

jm.j-rʾ-wḥꜥ.w, "Vorsteher der Fänger von Fischen und Vögeln" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 350.3)

jm.j-rʾ-wḥꜥ.w-ꜣpd.w-n-sḫmḫ-jb, "Vorsteher der Fisch und Vogelfänger zur Unterhaltung" | "overseer of fowlers of heart's delight" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 424)

jm.j-rʾ-wḥꜥ.t, "Vorsteher des Fangs (von Vögeln und Fischen)" | "overseer of fowling and fishing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 350.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 425)

jm.j-rʾ-wsḫ.t, "Vorsteher der breiten Halle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 428)

jm.j-rʾ-wšꜣ, "Vorsteher des Mästens" | "overseer of fattening (animals/birds)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 430)

jm.j-rʾ-wt.w, "Vorsteher der Balsamierer" | "overseer of embalmers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 379.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 431)

jm.j-rʾ-wḏ.t-mdw-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher jedes Befehls des Königs" | "overseer of every command of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 396.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 436)

jm.j-rʾ-wḏ.t-mdw-nb.t-štꜣ.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher jedes geheimen Befehls des Königs" | "overseer of every secret command of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 439)

jm.j-rʾ-wḏꜥ-mdw-n-ḥw.t-wr.t-6, "Vorsteher des Richterkollegiums der sechs Gerichtshöfe" | "overseer of determining cases in the six great courts" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 443)

jm.j-rʾ-wḏꜥ-mdw-nb-sštꜣ, "Vorsteher jedes geheimen Richterkollegiums" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (ÄIB I, 170; Ward, Titles, no. 129; Fischer, Titles, 48)

jm.j-rʾ-wḏꜥ-mdw-nb-sštꜣ-n-ḥw.t-wr.t-6, "Vorsteher jedes geheimen Richterkollegiums der sechs Gerichtshöfe" | "overseer of determining every secret case in the six great courts" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 444)

jm.j-rʾ-Bꜣ-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Pyramide des Neferirkare" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 256)

jm.j-rʾ-bꜥḥ.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher jeglichen Überflusses des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 448)

jm.j-rʾ-bnj.wt-nb.wt-nbs-nb.w, "Vorsteher aller Süßigkeiten (?) und Nebes-Früchte" | "overseer of benerut-stone (?) and nebes-fruit" [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, Hammamat, 54; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 450)

jm.j-rʾ-bnr.wt, "Vorsteher des Benerut-Gesteins (?)" | "overseer of benerut-stone" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 452 (vgl. auch no. 450))

jm.j-rʾ-bḏ.tjw, "Vorsteher der Metallhandwerker" | "overseer of metalworkers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 455; Drenkhahn, Handwerker, 40 ff.)

jm.j-rʾ-bḏ.tjw, "Vorsteher der Metallhandwerker" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 455; Drenkhahn, Handwerker, 40 ff.)

jm.j-rʾ-pr, "Hausvorsteher; Gutsvorsteher" | "overseer of the house; steward" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 514.10-13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 461)

jm.j-rʾ-pr, "Hausvorsteher; Gutsvorsteher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 514.10-13)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.w-ms.w-nswt, "Vorsteher der Häuser der Königskinder" | "overseer of the houses of the royal children" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 513)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-ꜥḥꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der beiden Waffenhäuser" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 520)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-wr.wj-m-pr-nb=f, "Vorsteher der beiden großen Häuser im Hause seines Herrn" | "steward of the great double house in the house of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 521; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 152a)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-nbw, "Vorsteher der beiden Goldhäuser" | "overseer of the two houses of gold" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 517.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 522)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-ḥḏ, "Vorsteher der beiden Schatzhäuser" | "overseer of the two treasuries" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 524)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-ḥḏ-Pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der beiden Schatzhäuser des Pharao" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 144)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-ḥḏ-pr.wj-nbw, "Vorsteher der beiden Schatzhäuser und der beiden Goldhäuser" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (CG 20539)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-ḥḏ-n-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t, "Vorsteher der beiden Schatzhäuser der großen königlichen Gemahlin" | "overseer of the double treasury of the king's great wife" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 167)

jm.j-rʾ-pr.wj-ḥḏ-n-ẖnw, "Vorsteher der beiden Schatzhäuser der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 525)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ꜣpd.w, "Vorsteher der Verwaltung des Geflügels" | "overseer of the department of fowl" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 463)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 469)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ꜥḥꜣ.w, "Vorsteher des Waffenhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 470)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ꜥḥꜣ.w-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher des Waffenhauses in den beiden Häusen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 470)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ꜥš, "Vorsteher des Hauses des Asch-Holzes" | "overseer of the house of Ash-wood" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 471)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-wr, "Obergutsverwalter" | "high steward" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 514.14; Ward, Titles, no. 141)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-wr-m-Wꜣs.t, "Obergüterverwalter in Theben (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kákosy, SAK 22, 1995, 213, Fig. 2 (Kol. 9))

jm.j-rʾ-pr-wr-n-nswt, "Obergutsverwalter des Königs" | "great steward of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Inscr. Sinai, 229; WbZ: DZA 22413410 (u.a.))

jm.j-rʾ-pr-Mnw, "Vorsteher des Mintempels" | "overseer of the house of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 477)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-m-pr-mw.t-nswt, "Hausvorsteher im Haus der Königsmutter" | "steward in the house of the king's mother" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 206)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-m-pr-mw.t-nswt-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Hausvorsteher im Haus der Königsmutter und großen königlichen Gemahlin Teje" | "steward in the house of the king's mother and king's great wife, Tiye" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 207)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-m-pr-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Hausvorsteher im Haus der großen königlichen Gemahlin Teje" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Bouriant/Legrain/Jéquier, Culte d'Atonou, 60)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-m-pr-tꜣ-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Hausvorsteher im Haus der großen königlichen Gemahlin Teje" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 2)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-Jmn, "Vorsteher des Amuntempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 178)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-Pr-Ꜣḫ-n-Jtn, "Hausvorsteher des Tempels des Echnaton" | "steward of the temple of Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 204)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-Pr-Bꜣ-n-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn, "Tempelvorsteher des Per-Ba-en-Re-mer-Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 1.5)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-pr-Jtn, "Vorsteher des Atontempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (ÄIB II, 121)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Gutsverwalter des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 149)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-pr-Nb-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "Hausvorsteher des Tempels des Nebmaatre" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 164)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-mw.t-nswt-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Hausvorsteher der Königsmutter und großen Königsgemahlin Teje" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 16)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Hausvorsteher des Herrn der Beiden Länder" | "steward of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 225)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-rw.t, "Vorsteher des Torhauses" | "overseer of the portal" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 484)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-Ḥtp-Z-n-wsr.t-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Vorsteher des Tempels (der Pyramidenstadt) Sesostris, der Gerechtfertigte, ist zufrieden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10045, 2, 5)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t, "Hausvorsteher der großen königlichen Gemahlin" | "steward of the king's great wife" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 241)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Hausvorsteher der großen königlichen Gemahlin Teje" | "steward of the king's great wife, Tiye" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 244)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-ḥtp-nṯr, "Hausvorsteher des Gottesopfers" | "steward of the god's offerings" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 169)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-sm, "Hausvorsteher des Sem-Priesters" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK., no. 499)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-n-ḏ.t, "Vorsteher der Totenstiftung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 510)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-nw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher des Per-nu(?) des Palastes" | "overseer of Per-nu (?) of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 479)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-nswt, "Vorsteher der königlichen Verwaltung" | "overseer of the king's domain" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 482)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-nswt-nb-stp-zꜣ, "Vorsteher jeder königlichen Verwaltung (und) des Palastes" | "overseer of every king's domain and the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 483)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Vorsteher des großen Gutes" | "steward of the great estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 3.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 486)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥwꜥ.w, "Vorsteher des Hauses der Huau-Boote" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 485)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥsb-jt, "Vorsteher des Hauses der Getreidezählung" | "steward of reckoning barley" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 161)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥsb-jt-mḥ.j, "Vorsteher des Hauses der Zählung des unterägyptischen Getreides" | "steward of reckoning barley of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 163)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥts.wt, "Vorsteher des Hauses der Weberinnen" | "overseer of the house of weavers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 464; Fischer, FS Simpson, 273 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥts.wt-n.wt-ẖnw, "Vorsteher des Hauses der Weberinnen der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 466)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥḏ, "Vorsteher des Schatzhauses" | "overseer of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 489)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥḏ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher des Schatzhauses des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI VI, 518.12; vgl. LÄ V, 538)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥḏ-n-ꜥpr.wj-wjꜣ, "Vorsteher des Schatzhauses der beiden Boots-Mannschaften" | "overseer of the treasury of the two boat-crews" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 491)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-šy, "Vorsteher des Hauses von Schy (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 500)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-šnꜥ, "Vorsteher der Magazinverwaltung" | "overseer of the department of stores" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 501; Ward, Titles, 179)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-šnꜥ, "Vorsteher der Magazinverwaltung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 508.24-25)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Vorsteher des Verwaltungsrates" | "overseer of the tribunal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 507)

jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḏbꜣ.t, "Vorsteher des Bekleidungshauses (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 508)

jm.j-rʾ-pḥ.w, "Vorsteher der Sumpfgebiete" | "overseer of marshlands" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 538.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 526)

jm.j-rʾ-fnḫ.w-wꜥb.t, "Vorsteher der Zimmermänner der Werkstatt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK,no. 530)

jm.j-rʾ-Mn-s.wt-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Pyramidenanlage des Niuserre" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 256)

jm.j-rʾ-mnj.ww, "Vorsteher der Hirten" | "overseer of herdsmen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 535)

jm.j-rʾ-mnfꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Menfat-Truppen" | "overseer of menfat-troops" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 80.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 536)

jm.j-rʾ-mnfꜣ.t-mšꜥ, "Vorsteher der Kampftruppe des Heeres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 7)

jm.j-rʾ-mnn.ww, "Vorsteher der Festungen" | "overseer of the fortress" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 82.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 537)

jm.j-rʾ-mnn.ww-nswt, "Vorsteher der Königsfestungen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 538)

jm.j-rʾ-mr, "Vorsteher der Weberei" | "weavers; weaving" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 96.15; FCD 111; Fischer, Titles, no. 199)

jm.j-rʾ-mr, "Leiter der Viehweide" | "overseer of the pasture" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 97.15)

jm.j-rʾ, "Vorsteher des Hafen; Vorsteher des Uferdamms" | "overseer of the shore" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 200)

jm.j-rʾ-mr.w, "Vorsteher der Hausdiener" | "overseer of servants" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 199)

jm.j-rʾ-mr.wt, "Vorsteher der Hausdiener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Illahun 2, JE 71583, 5, 7; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 199)

jm.j-rʾ-mr.t, "Vorsteher der Meret-Leute" | "overseer of weavers" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 199)

jm.j-rʾ-mr.t-pꜣq.t, "Vorsteher der Feinleinenweber" | "overseer of weavers of fine linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Oikumene 3, 1982, fig. 40)

jm.j-rʾ-mḥnk.w-nswt, "Vorsteher der Vertrauten beim König" | "overeseer" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 548)

jm.j-rʾ-msṯ.tjw, "Vorsteher der Lastträger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 550)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ, "Vorsteher der Expedition; Vorsteher des Heeres" | "overseer of work-gangs (i.e. expedition leader)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 155.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 551; Ward, Titles, no. 29)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-wr, "Generalissimus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 207; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 275)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-wr-n-Mꜣ-ḥḏ, "Generalissimus von Ma-hedj" | "generalissimo of the oryx-nome" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 208)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-wr-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "Generalissimus von Oberägypten und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Chevereau, Cadres militaires, 18)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "General des Pharao, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL, 34.8, u. ff.; vgl. LÄ II, 524 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "General des Herrn der Beiden Länder" | "overseer of the army of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 278)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-n-tꜣ-s.t-pꜣ-mšꜥ-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "General des Heerlagers des Pharao" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pChester Beatty I, Tf. 28)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-nfr.w, "Vorsteher der Armee der Rekruten" | "overseer of the army of young recruits" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 552)

jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ-ḥr-Zꜣṯw, "Vorsteher der Expedition durch Satju" | "overseer of the expedition to Satju" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 554)

jm.j-rʾ-md.t-m-gꜣw=s, "Vorsteher der Rede, wenn sie fehlt (?)" | "overseer of speech when it is lacking (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 568)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ, "Vorsteher der Zehn" | "overseer of ten" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 557)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ, "Vorsteher der Zehn" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 184.2)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ.t, "Vorsteher des Rinderstalls" | "overseer of the cattle stall" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 185.7)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ.t, "Vorsteher des Rinderstalls" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 573)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ-wjꜣ, "Vorsteher der Zehn der Barke" | "overseer of ten of the bark" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 560)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Zehn des Palastes" | "overseer of ten of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 563)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏ-smn.tjw, "Vorsteher der Zehn der Prospekteure" | "overseer of (a crew of) ten prospectors (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 567)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏḥ.w, "Vorsteher der Zimmerleute" | "overseer of carpenters" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 190.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 571)

jm.j-rʾ-mḏḥ.w-jz-pr-nswt, "Vorsteher der Zimmerleute der Kammer des Königshauses" | "overseer of carpenters of the chamber of the king's house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK. no. 572)

jm.j-rʾ-n-wdp.ww, "Vorsteher der Aufwärter" | "overseer of the buttlers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 432)

jm.j-rʾ-n-pr-Jmn, "Vorsteher des Amuntempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LÄ VII, 430)

jm.j-rʾ-n-pr-ḥr.j-wḏb, "Vorsteher der Verwaltung des Leiters der Zuwendungen" | "overseer of the house of those in charge of reversion(s) (of offerings)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 488; vgl. Wb 3, 139.5)

jm.j-rʾ-n-ḏd-jḫ.t, "Vorsteher für das Ansagen von Dingen" | "overseer of announcing matters" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1011)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.wt, "Vorsteher der Dörfer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 95, Taf. 9)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.wt-mꜣ.wt, "Vorsteher der neuen Siedlungen" | "overseer of new settlements" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 582)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.wt-mꜣ.wt-n.wt-Nfr-Jzzj, "Vorsteher der neuen Siedlungen der (Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen ist Isesi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 584)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t, "Vorsteher der Stadt" | "overseer of the town" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 212.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 577)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t-Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Vorsteher der Pyramidenstadt Horizont des Cheops" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 578)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der (Pyramidenstadt) 'Groß ist Chefren'" | "overseer of (the pyramid town) 'Chephren is great'" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 575)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t-Mn-s.wt-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Pyramidenstadt Die Plätze des Niuserre dauern" | "overseer of the pyramid town of Neuserre" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 579)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t-Nfr-Jzzj, "Vorsteher der Pyramidenstadt Vollkommen ist Isesi" | "overseer of the pyramid town of Izezi" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 581)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t-Nṯr.j-s.wt-Mn-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Vorsteher der Pyramidenstadt Göttlich sind die Plätze des Menkauhor" | "overseer of the pyramid town of Menkauhor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 580)

jm.j-rʾ-nʾ.t-Nṯri̯-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Stadt (namens) Göttlich ist Mykerinos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 2, 18, fig. 20, 28; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 580)

jm.j-rʾ-nw.w, "Vorsteher der Jäger" | "overseer of hunters" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 218.21; Jones, Titles OK, no. 586)

jm.j-rʾ-nwd.w-šps.jw, "Vorsteher der prächtigen Salben" | "overseer of precious unguents" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 229)

jm.j-rʾ-nb.yw, "Vorsteher der Goldschmiede" | "overseer of goldsmiths" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 241.6; Ward, Titles, no. 230)

jm.j-rʾ-nbw, "Vorsteher des Goldes" | "overseer of gold (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 592)

jm.j-rʾ-nfr, "Getreidevorsteher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 29 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-nfr.w, "Vorsteher der Kadetten" | "overseer of recruits" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 596)

jm.j-rʾ-ns.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Throne des Palastes" | "overseer of the thrones of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 601)

jm.j-rʾ-rʾ-pr, "Vorsteher des Tempelsanktuars" | "overseer of the tempel sanctuary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 611)

jm.j-rʾ, "Vorsteher der Ruit-Halle" | "overseer of the ruit-hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 407.14; Ward, Titles, no. 236)

jm.j-rʾꜣ.wj, "Vorsteher der Ruit-Halle des Herrn der Beiden Länder" | "overseer of the law court of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 297)

jm.j-rʾ-rmṯ, "Vorsteher der Menschen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Fischer, Titles, no. 236a)

jm.j-rʾ-rr.jw, "Vorsteher der Schweine" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 372)

jm.j-rʾ-rḫ.tjw, "Vorsteher der Wäscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 238)

jm.j-rʾ-rs.wj, "Vorsteher der beiden Wachen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 238a; Fischer, Titles, 49)

jm.j-rʾ-rtḥ.w, "Aufseher der Sperren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza III, 172, Abb. 27, 28; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 617)

jm.j-rʾ-Ḥw.t-jḥ.wt, "Vorsteher von Hut-ihut" | "overseer of Hut-ihut ("Cattle Town," capital of the 3rd nome of Lower Egypt)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 623; vgl. LÄ VII, 476)

jm.j-rʾ-Ḥtp-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher des Sonnenheiligtums des Neferefre" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 256)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥꜥb-ꜥpr.w, "Vorsteher des Spiels der Mannschaften" | "overseer of the play of the crews" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no 622)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t-6, "Vorsteher der sechs großen Hallen" | "overseer of the six great law-courts" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 247 (248))

jm.j-rʾ-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Vorsteher der großen Halle" | "overseer of the great law-court" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 4.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 628)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥw.t-wr.t-6, "Vorsteher der sechs großen Hallen" | "overseer of the six great law-courts" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 4.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 630)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥw.t-wr.t-6-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Vorsteher der sechs großen Hallen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 631)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Vorsteher des Tempels" | "overseer of the temple" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 5.3-4; Ward, Titles, no. 250)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥw.t-nṯr-n-Ḥqꜣ.t, "Vorsteher des Tempels der Heqat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 201 (Index))

jm.j-rʾ-ḥwn.w-nfr.w, "Vorsteher der Rekruten" | "commander of recruits" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 258)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr, "Vorsteher der Priester" | "overseer of priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 89.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 651)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Wp-wꜣ.wt, "Vorsteher der Priester des Wepwaut" | "overseer of god's-servants of Wepwawet" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 262)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Vorsteher der Priester" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Siut I, 222)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-mꜣꜥ-n.j-Wp-wꜣ.wt, "wirklicher Vorsteher der Priester des Wepwaut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Siut I, 223)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Jnp.w, "Vorsteher der Priester des Anubis" | "overseer of god's-servants of Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Siut I, 234)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Wsjr, "Vorsteher der Priester des Osiris" | "overseer of god's-servants of Osiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 263)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Bꜣ-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Der Ba des Neferirkare" | "overseer of the priests of Ba-Neferirkare (pyramid complex of Neferirkare)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 656)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Nmt.j, "Vorsteher der Priester des Nemti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 662)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-nṯr.w-nb.w, "Vorsteher der Priester aller Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 280; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 329)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-nṯr.w-rs.j, "Vorsteher der Priester der Götter des Südens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 140)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Vorsteher der Priester der Hathor" | "overseer of the priestes of Hathor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1238)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Jwn.t, "Vorsteher der Priester der Hathor, der Herrin von Dendera" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 268a)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-n.w-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Qjs, "Vorsteher der Priester der Hathor, der Herrin von Qus" | "overseer of the priestes of Hathor, Mistress of Cusae" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 669)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher der Priester des Re" | "overseer of priests of Re" [epitheton_title: title] (Smither, JEA 28, 1942, 16 ff.)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Sṯj.t-nb.t-Ꜣbw, "Vorsteher der Priester der Satet, Herrin von Elephantine" | "overseer of priests of Satet, mistress of Elephantine" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 279)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-nṯr-ḎḥḪmn.w, "Vorsteher der Priester des Thot, Herrn von Hermupolis" | "overseer of god's-servants of Thoth, Lord of Hermopolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 280)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Vorsteher der Totenpriester" | "overseer of ka-priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 673)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-kꜣ-mw.t-nswt, "Vorsteher der Totenpriester der Königsmuttter" | "overseer of ka-priests of the kings-mother" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 675)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-kꜣ-ḥm.t-nswt, "Vorsteher der Totenpriester der Gemahlin des Königs" | "overseer of the ka-servants of the kings wife" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 676)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥm.w-kꜣ-ḏ.t, "Vorsteher der Totenpriester der Totenstiftung" | "overseer of ka-priests of the funary estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 679)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥmw.t-n-pꜣ-ḫpš-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Werkstätte in der Waffenschmiede Pharaos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 308)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥmw.tjw, "Vorsteher der Handwerker" | "overseer of craftsmen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 85.11-13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 680)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥmw.tjw-wꜥb.t, "Vorsteher der Handwerker der Wabet" | "overseer of craftsmen of the Wabet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 681)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥmw.tjw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Handwerkerschaft des Palastes" | "overseer of craftsmen of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 684)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥmw.tjw-n.wt-mr, "Vorsteher der Handwerker des Webens" | "overseer of craftsmen of weaving" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 682)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥn.t, "Vorsteher der Henet-Gewässer (Sobek)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 242)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥs.ww, "Vorsteher der Sänger" | "overseer of the singer" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 286)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥs.ww, "Vorsteher der Sänger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.12)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥs.ww-n-Ptḥ-nb-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Vorsteher der Sänger des Ptah, des Herrn der Maat" | "overseer of the singer of Ptah, lord of truth" [epitheton_title: title] (Martin, Paser and Ra'ja, pl. 1)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥs.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Sänger des Palastes" | "overseer of singers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 164.22; Jones, Titles OK, no. 686)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥsb-jt, "Vorsteher der Getreidezählung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 287)

jm.j-rʾ-ḥtp.wt-nb.wt-n.wt-nswt, "Vorsteher aller Opfer des Königs" | "overseer of all offerings of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 690)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣ, "Vorsteher der Tausend" | "overseer of a thousand" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 692)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣ.w, "Leiter der Kornmesser" | "overseer of (grain) measurers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 693)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt, "Vorsteher der Fremdländer" | "overseer of foreign lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 694)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt, "Vorsteher der Fremdländer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI II, 113.6 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt-jꜣb.tjwt, "Vorsteher der östlichen Fremdländer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Urk. VII, 25.17)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt-nb=f-Jꜣm-Jrṯ.t-Wꜣwꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Fremdländer seines Herrn in Yam, Irtjet und Wawat" | "overseer of foreign lands of his lord in Yam, Irtjet and Wawat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 696)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt-nb.wt, "Vorsteher aller Fremdländer" | "overseer of all deserts" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 291)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt-nb.wt-jmn.tjt-jꜣb.t, "Vorsteher aller westlichen und östlichen Fremdländer" | "overseer of all western and eastern foreign lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 695, 698; vgl. Fischer, BiOr 59, 2002, 23)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.wt-rs.jwt, "Vorsteher der südlichen Fremdländer" | "overseer of the southern foreign lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 372)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫꜣs.t-n-Kꜣš, "Vorsteher des Fremdlandes von Kusch" | "overseer of the foreign land of Kush" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 343)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫw.wt, "Palastvorsteher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (CT I, 405e)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫbs.w, "Vorsteher des Ackerlandes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 256.14; Ward, Titles, no. 294)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫm.wt-ḫnr.w, "Vorsteher der Kühe und Zwangsverpflichteten" | "overseer of cows and conscript labourers" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 333.2; Ward, Titles, no. 295)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫnr.wt(?)-nswt, "Vorsteher der Musikanten des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 126 f. (e), pl. 8; vgl. Ward, Titles, nos. 299-301)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫnr.t, "Vorsteher des Cheneret-Arbeitslagers" | "overseer of the fortress (prison?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 302)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫnt.jw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher derer, die führend im Palast sind" | "overseer of those who are foremost in the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 708)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫnt.jw-š, "Vorsteher der Chentuschi" | "overseer of land-tenants" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 311.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 709)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫnt.jw-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Chentuschi am Palast" | "overseer of land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 710)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫ, "Vorsteher der Schlachtung" | "overseer of sacrificial animals" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 322.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 720)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm, "Festungskommandant" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 352.11; Ward, Titles, no. 309; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 352; Taylor, Titles of the 18. Dyn., no. 384)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm, "Vorsteher der Festung" | "overseer of a fortress" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 309)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm.w-nṯr, "Vorsteher der Gottessiegler" | "overseer of the god's sealers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 51)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm.t, "Vorsteher der versiegelten Sachen" | "overseer of sealed goods (i.e. the treasury)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 637.11-16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 733)

jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm.tjw, "Vorsteher der Siegler" | "overseer of sealers" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 639.2; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 367)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖꜥq.w, "Vorsteher der Barbiere" | "overseer of barbers" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 365.5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 735)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖnw, "Vorsteher der Residenz" | "overseer of the residence" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 370.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 738)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖnw.w, "Vorsteher der Ruderer" | "overseer of rowers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 739)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖr.j-ḫtm.t, "Vorsteher der versiegelten Akten" | "overseer of the registry" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 746; vgl. Wb 4, 379.21)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖr.jw-ꜥ-ꜥ-n-nswt, "Vorsteher der Gehilfen für die Akten des Königs" | "overseer of the assistants (for) documents of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 741)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖkr.w-nswt, "Vorsteher des Königsschmuckes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 750)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖkr.w-nswt-m-jz.wj, "Vorsteher des Königsschmuckes in den zwei Kammern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 751)

jm.j-rʾ-ẖkr.w-nswt-nb, "Vorsteher allen Königsschmuckes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 755)

jm.j-rʾ-4-wjꜣ, "Vorsteher der Vier der Barke" | "overseer of four of the boat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 532)

jm.j-rʾ-zꜣ.w-Šmꜥ.w, "Vorsteher der Phylen von Oberägypten" | "overseer of phyles of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 759)

jm.j-rʾ-zꜣṯ.w, "Vorsteher der Böden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 32, Anm. 85)

jm.j-rʾ-zwn.w, "Vorsteher der Ärzte" | "overseer of the physicians" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 333)

jm.j-rʾ-zm.wt, "Vorsteher der Wüstenregion" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 764)

jm.j-rʾ-zm.wt-jmn.tjwt, "Vorsteher der westlichen Wüsten" | "overseer of the western deserts" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 765)

jm.j-rʾ-zr.w, "Vorsteher der Schafe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 345)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww, "Vorsteher der Schreiber" | "overseer of scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 769)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜣḥ.t, "Vorsteher der Ackerschreiber" | "overseer of field-scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 770)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-jp.t-nswt, "Vorsteher der Schreiber des königlichen Harems" | "overseer of scribes of the king's (private) apartment (harem?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 777)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥ-n-nswt, "Vorsteher der Aktenschreiber des Königs" | "overseer of scribes of the king's documents" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 780)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥ-n-s.wt-šps.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Aktenschreiber der ehrwürdigen Plätze des Palastes" | "overseer of document scribes of the august places of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Teti Cemetery VII, 31, Tf. 44; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 826)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥpr.w, "Vorsteher der Mannschaftsschreiber" | "overseer of scribes of the crews" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 783)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-pr.w, "Vorsteher der Schreiber des Hauses" | "overseer of scribes of the house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 788)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-pr-ḥr.j-wḏb, "Vorsteher der Schreiber des Hauses des Leiters der Zuwendungen" | "overseer of scribes of the house of those in charge of reversions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titels OK, no. 790)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-mr.wt, "Vorsteher der Schreiber der Hörigen" | "overseer of scribes of the meret-serfs" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 795)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Vorsteher der Schreiber des (Pyramidenkomplexes) Horizont des Cheops" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 775)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-ꜥ, "Vorsteher der Aktenschreiber" | "overseer of document-scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 28; fig. 41; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 780)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-ꜥpr.w-m-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der Truppenschreiber in den zwei Häusern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK., no. 784)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-nswt, "Vorsteher der Schreiber des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 416)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Vorsteher der Schreiber der großen Halle" | "overseer of scribes of the Great Court" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 804)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Vorsteher der Tempelschreiber" | "overseer of temple scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones Titles OK, no. 805)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ẖr.j-ḫtm, "Vorsteher der Schreiber mit Siegelberechtigung" | "overseer of scribes of the registry" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 806)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ẖr.j-ḫtm-ꜥ-n-nswt, "Vorsteher der Schreiber der gesiegelten Akten des Königs" | "overseer of scribes of the sealed documents of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 807)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-ẖr.t-ꜥ-nswt, "Vorsteher der Schreiber der königlichen Schreibutensilien" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 808)

jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-qdw.t, "Vorsteher der Umrisszeichner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 359a)

jm.j-rʾ-zš, "Vorsteher des Teiches" | "overseer of the pond" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 484.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 767)

jm.j-rʾ-zš.wj, "Vorsteher der beiden Teiche" | "overseer of the two ponds" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 484.14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 816)

jm.j-rʾ-zš.wj-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Vorsteher der beiden Teiche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 817)

jm.j-rʾ-zš.wj-n-sḫmḫ-jb, "Vorsteher der beiden Teiche des Vergnügens" | "overseer of the two ponds of recreation" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 11 (10); vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 818)

jm.j-rʾ-zšp-bjꜣ, "Vorsteher der Metallpolierer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, I, pl. 64)

jm.j-rʾ-S.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher des Sonnenheiligtums des Neferirkare" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 256)

jm.j-rʾ-Sḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher des Sonnenheiligtums des Sahure" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 256)

jm.j-rʾ-s.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher aller Palastplätze" | "overseer of the places of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 14; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 826)

jm.j-rʾ-s.wt-ḥtp.w-ḏfꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der Plätze der Opfer und Zuteilungen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 827)

jm.j-rʾ-s.wt-šps.wt, "Vorsteher der edlen Stätten" | "overseer of the august places" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 825)

jm.j-rʾ-s.wt-šps.wt-n.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der edlen Stätten des Palastes" | "overseer of the august places of the palace" [substantive] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 826)

jm.j-rʾ-s.wt-štꜣ.wt-n-ẖn.t-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Vorsteher der geheimen Plätze im Inneren eines Tempels" | "overseer of the secret places of the interior of the temple" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 829)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t, "Vorsteher der Stätte (Hausmeister?)" | "overseer of the storehouse (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 2.17-18; Ward, Titles, no. 313)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t-n-ꜥbꜣ-jḫ.t, "Vorsteher der Stätte des Darbringens der Dinge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 318a)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Stätte des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 877)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t-nb.t-n.t-ẖnw, "Vorsteher jedes Platzes der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 880)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t-ḫnt.w-š, "Vorsteher des Platzes der Chentuschi" | "overseer of the place of land-tenants" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 881)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t-ḫnt.w-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher des Platzes der Chentuschi des Palastes" | "overseer of the place of land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 882)

jm.j-rʾ-s.t-ḏfꜣ, "Vorsteher der Speiseverwaltung" | "overseer of the place of provisions" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 884)

jm.j-rʾḏfꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der zwei Speiseverwaltungen" | "overseer of the two places of provisions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 884)

jm.j-rʾ-sꜥnḫ-n-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Vorsteher der Bildhauer der großen Königsgemahlin Teje" | "overseer of the portrait sculptors of the king's great wife, Tiye" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 391)

jm.j-rʾ-sw.tjw, "Aufseher der Kolonisatoren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 603)

jm.j-rʾ-sbꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der Lotsen" | "overseer of steering (?) (or pilots?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 85.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 833)

jm.j-rʾ-sbꜣ.w, "Torvorsteher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 334; Fischer, Titles, 52)

jm.j-rʾ-sbꜣ.w-n-ms.w-nswt, "Vorsteher der Lotsen der Kinder des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 835)

jm.j-rʾ-sbꜣ.w-n-ms.w-nswt-n-ẖ.t=f, "Vorsteher der Lotsen der leiblichen Kinder des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 836)

jm.j-rʾ-spꜣ.t, "Vorsteher des Distrikts (?)" | "overseer of the district" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 838; vgl. Fischer, BiOr 59, 2002, 25)

jm.j-rʾ-smn.tjw, "Vorsteher der Prospekteure" | "overseer of prospectors (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 846)

jm.j-rʾ-smr.w, "Vorsteher der Höflinge" | "overseer of companions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 848)

jm.j-rʾ-sr.w, "Vorsteher der hohen Bamten" | "overseer of officials" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 849)

jm.j-rʾ-sr.w-wḫr.t-nswt, "Vorsteher der hohen Beamten der königlichen Werft" | "overseer of officials of the royal workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 850)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.wt, "Vorsteher der Felder" | "overseer of fields" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 230.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 852)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.wt-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Vorsteher der Felder des Cheops" | "overseer of the fields of Cheops" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no 855)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.t-nb.t, "Vorsteher jedes Feldes" | "overseer of each field" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 853)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.tj-n-pr-Jmn, "Vorsteher des Geflügelhofes des Amuntemples" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Seyfried, Djehutiemhab (TT 194), 103 f.; vgl. Helck, Materialien I, 40)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.tj-ḥtp.t, "Vorsteher der beiden Opferfelder" | "overseer of the two fields of offerings" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 856)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.tjw, "Vorsteher der Feldarbeiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 347)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫ.tjw-n-pr-nswt, "Vorsteher der Feldarbeiter des Palastes" | "overseer of field-workers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 348)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫmḫ, "Vorsteher der Unterhaltung" | "overseer of amusement" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 857)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫmḫ-jb-nb, "Vorsteher jeder Unterhaltung" | "overseer of every amusement" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 858)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫmḫ-jb-nb-nfr, "Vorsteher jeder schönen Unterhaltung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza II, fig. 234)

jm.j-rʾ-sḫmḫ-jb-nb-nfr-m-ẖnw-štꜣ.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher jeder schönen Unterhaltung in der Residenz und im Verborgenen des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 860)

jm.j-rʾ-ssm.wt, "Vorsteher der Pferde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 376)

jm.j-rʾ-ssm.wt-nb.wt-n.wt-ḥm=f, "Vorsteher aller Pferde Seiner Majestät" | "overseer of all horses of his majesty" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 404)

jm.j-rʾ-sšm.w, "Vorsteher der Schlächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, pl. 70)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w, "Vorsteher der Melker" | "overseer of milkers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Munro, Unas Friedhof NW I, 74)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w, "Vorsteher des Leinenzeugs" | "overseer of linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 296.4-5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 864)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w, "Vorsteher des Leinenzeugs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 296.4-5)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w-m-Pr-wr, "Vorsteher des Leinenzeugs in Per-wer" | "overseer of linen in the shrine of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 360a)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w-n-ḫtm.t-nṯr, "Vorsteher des Leinenzeugs des Gottesschatzes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, I, pl. 60; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 864.865)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w-nswt, "Vorsteher des Leinenzeugs des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 866)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w-sms.w, "ältester Vorsteher des Leinenzeugs" | "senior overseer of linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 870)

jm.j-rʾ-sšr.w-km, "Vorsteher des schwarzen Leinenzeugs" | "overseer of black linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Quibell/Spiegelberg, Ramesseum, Taf. XXXVI)

jm.j-rʾ-sqbb.wj, "Vorsteher der beiden kühlen Räume (?)" | "overseer of the two cool rooms (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 27.12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 873; Fischer, Or 29, 1960, 175 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-sqbb.wj-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der beiden kühlen Räume (?) des Palastes" | "overseer of the two cool chambers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 874; vgl. Fischer, Or 29, 1960, 175 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-sḏm.t-wḏꜥ.t, "Vorsteher des Verhörs und des Urteils" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, JARCE 38, 2001, 12 f.)

jm.j-rʾ-sḏm.t-nb.t, "Vorsteher aller Verhöre" | "overseer of all that is judged" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 388.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 887)

jm.j-rʾ-sḏm.t-nb.t-sštꜣ.t, "Vorsteher jedes geheimen Verhörs" | "overseer of every secret judgement (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 888)

jm.j-rʾ-Šmꜥ.w, "Vorsteher von Oberägypten" | "overseer of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 474.4; Jones, Titles OK, nos. 895, 896)

jm.j-rʾ-Šmꜥ.w-m-spꜣ.wt-mḥ.tjwt, "Vorsteher von Oberägypten in den nördlichen Provinzen" | "overseer of Upper Egypt in the northern provinces" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 900)

jm.j-rʾ-Šmꜥ.w-m-spꜣ.wt-ḥr.jwt-jb, "Vorsteher von Oberägypten in den mittleren Provinzen" | "overseer of Upper Egypt in the middle provinces" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 901)

jm.j-rʾ-Šmꜥ.w-mꜣꜥ, "Wirklicher Vorsteher von Oberägypten" | "true overseer of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 898)

jm.j-rʾ-Šmꜥ.w-n-bw-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Vorsteher von Oberägypten" | "true overseer of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 897)

jm.j-rʾ-Šzp.w-jb-Rꜥw, "Vorsteher des Sonnenheiligtums des Niuserre" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 256)

jm.j-rʾ-š, "Vorsteher des Sees (?); Vorsteher der Steinbrucharbeiten (?)" | "overseer of the pool (?); overseer of the quarrywork (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 398.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 889)

jm.j-rʾ-š.wj-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der beiden Seen des Palastes" | "overseer of the two pools (?) of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 398.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 890)

jm.j-rʾ-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher des Sees (?) des Phrarao; Vorsteher der Weberei (?) des Pharaos" | "overseer of the canal (?); overseer of the weaving-shed (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Title OK, no. 890)

jm.j-rʾ-šps.w, "Vorsteher der Noblen" | "overseer of noblemen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 893)

jm.j-rʾ-šmꜥ.ww, "Vorsteher der Sänger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 34-35)

jm.j-rʾ-šn.w, "Vorsteher der Bäume" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 498.11)

jm.j-rʾ-šnj-tꜣ-nb, "Vorsteher aller Pflanzen" | "overseer of all vegetation" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 501.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 904)

jm.j-rʾ-šnꜥ, "Vorsteher des Schena (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 504.2)

jm.j-rʾ-šnꜥ.w, "Vorsteher des Magazins" | "overseer of the storehouse" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 508.14; Ward, Titles, no. 381; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 410)

jm.j-rʾ-šnꜥ.w, "Vorsteher der Polizei" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 506.9; Ward, Titles, no. 379)

jm.j-rʾ-šnꜥ.w-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nswt, "Vorsteher des Magazins für das Frühstück des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 906)

jm.j-rʾ-šnꜥ.w-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher des Magazins für das königliche Frühstück (im) Palast" | "overseer of the storehouse of the king's repast in the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 907)

jm.j-rʾ-šnw.wt-n-šnw.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Vorsteher der Scheunen der Scheunen(verwaltung) des Pharao, l.h.g." | "overseer of the granaries of the administration of the granaries of the pharao, lph" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles, no. 372)

jm.j-rʾ-šnw.wt-nswt, "Vorsteher der Scheunen des Königs" | "overseer of the royal granaries" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 920)

jm.j-rʾ-šnw.t, "Vorsteher der Scheune" | "overseer of the granary" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 510.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 916)

jm.j-rʾ-š, "Vorsteher der beiden Scheunen" | "overseer of the two granaries" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 510.14-15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 923)

jm.j-rʾ-šḥtp.w-nṯr, "Vorsteher der beiden Scheunen des Gottesopfers" | "overseer of the two granaries of the god's offerings" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 924)

jm.j-rʾ-šnṯ, "Vorsteher der Polizei" | "chief of police" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 498.1; Ward, Titles, no. 390)

jm.j-rʾ-šnṯ, "Vorsteher der Polizei" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 498.1)

jm.j-rʾ-šnṯ.t-nb.t, "Vorsteher von allen Disputen" | "overseer of all disputes" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 389a)

jm.j-rʾ-šs, "Vorsteher des Alabasters" | "overseer of alabaster (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Anthes, Hatnub, 21, Taf. 10, 10a)

jm.j-rʾ-šsr.t-n.t-Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Vorsteher der Schlachtung am (Pyramidenkomplex) Horizont des Cheops" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 872; vgl. GM 176, 2000, 59 ff., Fischer, Varia Nova, 192 ff.)

jm.j-rʾ-šd.w-ꜣpd, "Vorsteher der Vogelmäster" | "overseer of poultry-feeders" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 933)

jm.j-rʾ, "Vorsteher der Bildhauer" | "overseer of sculptors" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 958)

jm.j-rʾ, "Vorsteher der Bildhauer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 958)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w, "Vorsteher der Maurer" | "overseer of builders" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 74.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 935)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Vorsteher der Maurer in Amarna" | "overseer of builders in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 470)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-m-mn.w-nb-n-ḥm=f, "Vorsteher der Maurer aller Monumente Seiner Majestät" | "overseer of builders on all monuments of his majesty" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 473)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-n-wꜥb.t, "Vorsteher der Maurer der Werkstatt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 936)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der Maurer des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 937)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-n-pr-dwꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Maurer des Morgenhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 938)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Vorsteher der Maurer des Herrn der Beiden Länder" | "overseer of the builders of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 474)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-n-ẖnw, "Vorsteher der Maurer der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 940)

jm.j-rʾ-qd.w-n-sḫ.wt-nb.wt, "Vorsteher der Erbauer aller Felder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 941)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Arbeit" | "overseer of works" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 944)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Arbeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 944)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-wr.t-m-Pr-Jmn, "Vorsteher der großen Arbeit im Tempel des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 447)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-wr.t-m-ḫnt-Wꜣs.t, "Vorsteher der großen Arbeit in Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI III, 298.9)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Vorsteher der Arbeit in Amarna" | "overseer of works in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 479)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher der Arbeit des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 949)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-nb.t, "Vorsteher jeder Arbeit" | "overseer of all works" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 101.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 945)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-nb.t-n.t-pr-nswt, "Vorsteher aller Arbeiten des Königspalastes" | "overseer of all works of the kings palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Schäfer, Denksteine, CG 20538 (I.c.5))

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Vorsteher jeder Arbeit des Königs" | "overseer of all works of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 101.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 950)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt-m-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Vorsteher jeder Arbeit des Königs im ganzen Land" | "overseer of all works of the king in the entire land" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 951)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣ.t-nb.t-n.t-ẖnw=f, "Vorsteher aller Arbeiten seiner Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 234, Anm. 8)

jm.j-rʾ-kꜣn.w, "Vorsteher der Weingärtner" | "overseer of vintners" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 943)

jm.j-rʾ-gs, "Vorsteher einer Seite (von Handwerkern)" | "overseer of a side (of workers)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 962)

jm.j-rʾ-gs.w-pr.w, "Vorsteher der Wirtschaftsbetriebe" | "overseer of administrative districts" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 412)

jm.j-rʾ-gs.wj-pr, "Vorsteher der Wirtschaftsbetriebe der beiden Seiten" | "overseer of the administration of the two sides" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 976)

jm.j-rʾ-gs.wj-pr.wj, "Vorsteher der beiden Wirtschaftsbetriebe (von O.Äg. und U.Äg.)" | "overseer of the two domains (of Upper and Lower Egypt)" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 976)

jm.j-rʾ-gs.wj-pr.wj-mꜣꜥ.wj, "Vorsteher der beiden wirklichen Wirtschaftsbetriebe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 978)

jm.j-rʾ-gs-jm.j-wr.t-ꜥꜣ-ḥr.j, "Vorsteher der Westseite des Pyramidenplateaus" | "overseer of the west side of the pyramid plateau" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 961)

jm.j-rʾ-gs-pr, "Vorsteher der Arbeitsverwaltung; Vorsteher des Wirtschaftsbetriebs" | "overseer of the troop-house (of workers)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 198.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 969)

jm.j-rʾ-gs-pr-mꜣꜥ, "Vorsteher der wirklichen Arbeitsverwaltung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 973)

jm.j-rʾ-gs-pr-n-nswt, "Vorsteher der Arbeitsverwaltung des Königs" | "overseer of the royal domain of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 413)

jm.j-rʾ-gs-dp.t-jm.j-wr.t, "Vorsteher der rechten Bootsseite" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Grunert, GM 199, 2004, 5-6; vgl. Altenmüller, SAK 9, 1981, 44; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 961, 975)

jm.j-rʾ-Tꜣ-mḥ.w, "Vorsteher von Unterägypten" | "overseer of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 224.14)

jm.j-rʾ-ṯz.t, "Vorsteher eines Trupps (von Arbeitern oder Tieren)" | "overseer of a group (herd of animals, contingent of workers)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 403.8)

jm.j-rʾ-ṯz.t, "Vorsteher eines Trupps (von Arbeitern oder Tieren)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 403.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 992)

jm.j-rʾ-ṯz.t-n.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Vorsteher der Ziegenherde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 60; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 995)

jm.j-rʾ-ṯz.t-n.t-pr-ḏ.t, "Vorsteher des Trupps der Totenstiftung" | "overseer of a group of the funerary estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 994)

jm.j-rʾ-dj.wt, "Vorsteher des Fünfertrupps" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 420)

jm.j-rʾ-5-wjꜣ, "Vorsteher der Fünf (?) der Barke" | "overseer of five (?) of the boat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 998)

jm.j-rʾ-ḏ.t, "Vorsteher des Djet" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, I, pl. 63; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 510.3112)

jm.j-rʾ-ḏbꜥ.w, "Vorsteher der Siegelung" | "overseer of the sealing" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1009)

jm.j-rʾ-ḏfꜣ-nb, "Vorsteher jeder Speise" | "overseer of every (kind of) sustenance" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1003)

jm.j-rʾ-ḏḏ.t-p.t-qmꜣ.t-tꜣ, "Vorsteher dessen, was der Himmel gibt und die Erde erschafft" | "overseer of what heaven gives and the earth creates" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1002)

jm.j-rʾ-6-ḫnt.w-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vorsteher der sechs Chentuschi des Palastes" | "overseer of six land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 823)

jm.j-rn=w, "Namenliste" | "list (of names)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 242, Anm. 32)

jm.j-rn=f, "Namenliste" | "list (of names)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.15)

jm.j-rnp.t, "im Jahresdienst befindlicher Priester" | "one who is in the year (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1012; Meeks, AL 77.0264)

jm.j-rd, "Widersacher" | "adversary" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.17)

jm.j-rd.wj-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Widersacher im Totenreich" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 244)

jm.j-hꜣw=f, "der Derzeitige (Diensttuender)" | "one who is in his time (of the reigning king, of priests on duty)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 478.10)

jm.j-hrw=f, "der in seinem Tagesdienst ist" | "one who is on duty for the day" [substantive] (Wb 2, 500.20)

jm.j-hh=f, "der in seiner Feuerglut ist (Hefau-Schlange)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 244)

jm.j-ḥꜣ.t, "vor etwas/jmdm. befindlich" | "in front of" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 1, 74.19; 3, 22.15-17)

jm.j-ḥꜣ.t, "früher (temp.)" | "earlier" [adverb] (Wb 1, 74.20)

jm.j-ḥꜣ.t, "Vorbild; Anführer" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 19; Lesko, Dictionary I, 31)

jm.j-ḥꜣb-sd, "der im Fest ist (von Aton)" | "one who is in jubilee (Aten)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 74.22; 3, 60.3)

jm.j-ḥw.t-wr-kꜣ.w, "der im Haus des Großen der Stiere ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 245)

jm.j-ḥw.t-Srq.t, "der im Haus der Selqet ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 246)

jm.j-ḥmw.w, "Obersteuermann" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1013)

jm.j-ḥ, "der in seinem Dienst ist" | "one who is in his service" [substantive] (Wb 3, 122.1)

jm.j-ḥnw, "der in der Henu-Barke ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 246)

jm.j-ḥr.t, "der im Himmel ist" | "He-who-is-in-the-sky (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 78.0301; LGG I, 246)

jm.j-ḥḏ-pꜣꜥr, "der im Hedj-paar ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 247)

jm.j-Ḫmn.w, "der in Hermupolis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 283.2; LGG I, 247)

jm.j-ḫnt, "Kammerherr; Vorsteher" | "chamberlain (lit. one who is in the forecourt) (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 75.1; 2, 132,6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1015)

jm.j-ḫnt, "Kammerherr; Vorsteher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 75.1; 2, 132,6)

jm.j-ḫnt-ꜥꜣ-m-Ꜣbḏ.w, "großer Kammerherr in Abydos" | "great chamberlain in Abydos" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 426)

jm.j-ḫnt-ꜥꜣ-m-tꜣ-ḏsr, "großer Kammerherr in der Nekropole" | "great chamberlain in the necroplois" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 427)

jm.j-ḫt, "Unteraufseher; Gefolgsmann" | "under-supervisor" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 75.5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1017; Ward, Titles, no. 429)

jm.j-ḫt, "Gefolgsmann; Nachkomme" | "follower; successor" [substantive] (Wb 1, 75.3-4)

jm.j-ḫt, "befindlich hinter" | "following after" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 1, 75.2; 3, 347.2-6)

jm.j-ḫt-J, "der im Gefolge des I ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 15, A2, Z. 9)

jm.j-ḫt-jꜥꜣ.w, "Unteraufseher der fremdsprachigen Hilfstruppen" | "under-supervisor of Egyptian-speaking foreigners" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1018)

jm.j-ḫt-pr.w-ḥts.wt, "Unteraufseher der Häuser der Weberinnen" | "under-supervisor of the houses of weavers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1038; vgl. Fischer, in: Fs Simpson, 273 f.)

jm.j-ḫt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Unteraufseher des Palastes" | "under-supervisor of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1032)

jm.j-ḫt-pr-mḏꜣ.t, "Unteraufseher des Archivs" | "under-supervisor of the archive" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1034)

jm.j-ḫt-pr-nswt, "Unteraufseher des Königshauses" | "under-supervisor of the king's house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1035)

jm.j-ḫt-pr-ḥḏ, "Unteraufseher des Schatzhauses" | "under-supervisor of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1037)

jm.j-ḫt-Mnw, "Gefolgsmann des Min (Priester)" | "attendant of Min (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1041)

jm.j-ḫt-mšꜥ, "Unteraufseher der Truppe" | "under-supervisor of the contingent (of workers)" [epitheton_title: title] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 93, no. 161; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1044)

jm.j-ḫt-n-sqbb, "Unteraufseher des Kühlraumes (?)" | "under-supervisor of the cool storeroom (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1088)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr, "Unteraufseher der Priester" | "under-supervisor of priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1047)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr, "Unteraufseher der Priester" | "under-supervisor of priests" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1047)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Unteraufseher der Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chephren" | "under-supervisor of priests of (the funerary temple) Great-is-Chephren" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1047)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mn-ꜥnḫ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Unteraufseher der Priester an (der Pyramidenanlage) Das Leben des Neferkare dauert" | "under-supervisor of the priests of the pyramid of Neferkare" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1050)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Unteraufseher der Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepi dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1047)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mr.t-Ttj, "Unteraufseher der Priester des Meret-Heiligtums des Teti" | "under-supervisor of priests of the meret-temple of Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1052)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-nṯr-Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Unteraufseher der Priester an (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Teti dauern" | "undersupervisor of priests of (the pyramid complex) Enduring-are-the-places-of-Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1066)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Unteraufseher der Totenpriester" | "under-supervisor of ka-preists" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 347.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1067)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Unteraufseher der Totenpriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 347.4)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥm.w-kꜣ-n-sbꜣ.tjw-nswt, "Unteraufseher der Totenpriester der Königszöglinge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1069)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥmw.tjw, "Unteraufseher der Handwerker" | "under-supervisor of craftsmen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1071)

jm.j-ḫt-ḥmw.tjw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Unteraufseher der Handwerker des Palastes" | "under-supervisor of craftsmen of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1072)

jm.j-ḫt-ḫnt.w-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Unteraufseher der Chentuschi am Palast" | "under-supervisor of land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1077)

jm.j-ḫt-zꜣ.w-pr, "Polizeiunteraufseher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 431)

jm.j-ḫt-Srq.t, "Gefolgsmann der Selqet" | "attendant of Selkis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1086)

jm.j-ḫt-smn.tjw, "Unteraufseher der Prospekteure" | "under-supervisor of prospectors (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1084)

jm.j-ḫꜥꜣ, "Unteraufseher der Bildhauer des Palastes" | "under-supervisor of sculptors of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1090)

jm.j-ḫt-Ḏḥ, "Gefolgsmann des Thot" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 100.3)

jm.j-ẖ.t, "was im Leib ist" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 75.7-9)

jm.j-ẖnw, "im Inneren befindlich" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Pyr 597b)

jm.j-zꜣ, "Mitglied einer Phyle" | "phyle-member" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 413.21-22; Jones, Titles OK, no 1091; Ward, Titles, no. 440)

jm.j-zꜣ, "Mitglied einer Phyle der Distriktsverwaltung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 126-27)

jm.j-zḥ-nṯr, "der im Gotteszelt ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 251)

jm.j-Sꜣḥ, "der im Orion ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 250)

jm.j-Spd.t, "der in Sothis ist (u.a. Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 251)

jm.j-s.t-ꜥ, "Gehilfe; Diensthabender" | "helper; functionary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 75.12; 157.4; Jones, Titles OK, no 1093; Ward, Titles, no. 433; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 33)

jm.j-s.t-ꜥ, "Dienstplan" | "schedule" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 666)

jm.j-s.t-ꜥ.wj, "Gehilfe; Diensthabender" | "helper; functionary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 150e)

jm.j-s.t-ꜥ-ḫnt.j-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Gehilfe des Chentischi des Palastes" | "functionary of tenant-landholding of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1094)

jm.j-sꜣ, "der im Rücken Befindliche (ein Mann)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 140, fig. 113)

jm.j-swḥ.t, "der im Ei ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 250)

jm.j-swḥ.t=f, "der in seinem Ei ist (Sonnengott)" | "one who is (yet) in his egg (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 75.15; 4, 73.11)

jm.j-sḥ.tj, "Imi-sehti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 251)

jm.j-Šn.wt, "der in Schenut ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 252; vgl. LGG V, 244 f.)

jm.j-Šzm.t, "der in Schezemet ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 253)

jm.j-šꜣ, "Sumpflandbewohner; Landmann" | english translation missing [substantive] (KÄT, Die Lehre des Dua-Cheti, II, 90, 92)

jm.j-š, "das in der Doppelfeder Befindliche (Horusauge als Sonne und Mond)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.11)

jm.j-šms.w, "Begleiter ("der im Gefolge jmds. ist")" | "one in the following (of someone)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 487.9-10)

jm.j-šš, "der im Nest ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 252)

jm.j-šṯy.t-ḥn.wt-m-pr-Ḫmn.w, "der in der Krypta der Herrin im Tempel von Hermupolis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.18 f.)

jm.j-qꜣ.yt, "der im Urhügel ist (Amun, Sonnengott)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 253)

jm.j-qrr.t=f, "der in seiner Höhle ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 253)

jm.j-kꜣp, "der in der Räucherung ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 254)

jm.j-kꜣr=f, "der in seiner Kapelle ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 254)

jm.j-tꜣ, "der in der Erde ist (Bez. der Schlangen)" | "what is in the earth (snakes)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 75.17)

jm.j-tꜣ=f, "der in seiner Erde ist" | "one who is in his earth" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 167)

jm.j-tꜣ-mw, "in der Erde und im Wasser Befindlicher (von Schlangen)" | "what is in the earth and water (snakes)" [substantive] (WbZ)

jm.j-tp, "vor etwas befindlich; an der Spitze befindlich" | "in front; foremost" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (WbZ)

jm.j-Dp, "der in Dep ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 257 f.)

jm.j-dwꜣ.t, "der in der Unterwelt Befindliche (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 256 f.; vgl. Wb 5, 415.12-13)

jm.j-ḏnj.t=f, "Imi-djenitef" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sawi/Gomaà, Panehsi, 67)

jm.j-ḏr.w, "im Bereich von; befindlich bei" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (vgl. Wb 5, 586.10)

jm.j-ḏr.t, "Handbuch; Manual" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 49; vgl. Schott, Bücher, 12 (19))

jm.jw-jn.t, "die im Tal sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 262)

jm.jw-wjꜣ, "die in der Barke sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 264)

jm.jw-wjꜣ=f, "die in seiner Barke sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 29.26 f.)

jm.jw-bꜣgj, "die todesmatt sind (die Toten)" | "ones in a state of weakness (the dead)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 431.4)

jm.jw-bꜥḥ, "die im Überfluss leben (Tote)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LGG I, 266)

jm.jw-nm.t, "die in der Richtstätte sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 270 f.)

jm.jw-ḥꜣ.t, "die Vorfahren" | "ancestors (lit. earlier ones)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 22.20)

jm.jw-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "die im großen Haus sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 273)

jm.jw-s.t-jb=f, "die an seinem Lieblingsplatz Befindlichen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 45)

jm.jw-dwꜣ.t, "die in der Unterwelt Befindlichen (von Göttern und seligen Toten)" | "ones who are in the nether world (gods, blessed dead)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 415.13-14; LGG I, 286 f.)

jm.jt, "Inneres; Inhalt; was in ... ist (meist in Komposita)" | "insides; content" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Sadek, Wadi el-Hudi I, 110; vgl. Wb 1, 72 ff.)

jm.jt, "Bett (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 50)

jm.jt-wp.t=f, "die an seinem Scheitel ist (Uräusschlange)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 48.11)

jm.jt-pr, "was das Haus ausmacht" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 73.20-74.5; Mrsich, Fragen zum altägyptischen Recht, 435)

jm.jt-n.t-šs, "Pulver von Alabaster" | "(alabaster) powder (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 76.2; Harris, Minerals, 78; vgl. DrogWb 32 f.)

jm.jt-nḏs.t, "Schiffsheck" | "stern" [substantive] (Wb 1, 74.9; Jones, Naut. Titles, 153 (8))

jm.jt-rʾ-jbꜣ.w-n-nswt, "Vorsteherin der Tänzer des Königs" | "(female) overseer of dancers of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1098)

jm.jt-rʾ-jz-pr-nswt, "Vorsteherin der Kammer des Königshauses" | "(female) overseer of the the king's house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1101)

jm.jt-rʾ-pr, "Hausvorsteherin" | "(female) overseer of the house" [substantive: substantive_fem] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 461; vgl. Wb 2, 94.13; WbZ: DZA 20691710)

jm.jt-rʾ-pr, "Hausvorsteherin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 461; vgl. Wb 2, 94.13; WbZ: DZA 20691710)

jm.jt-rʾ-pr-ḥts.wt, "Vorsteherin des Hauses der Weberinnen" | "(female) overseer of the house of weavers" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, in: Fs Simpson, 273 f.; Jones, Titles OK, no. 464)

jm.jt-rʾ-ḥm.w-kꜣ-mw.t-nswt, "Vorsteherin der Totenpriester der Königsmutter" | "(female) overseer of Ka-priests of the king's mother" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1104)

jm.jt-rʾ-ḥts.wt, "Leiterin der Weberinnen" | "(female) overseer of female weavers" [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza VI, 201.4; vgl. Jones Titles OK, no. 276; vgl. Fischer, Varia, 71.21)

jm.jt-rʾ-ḫnr, "Vorsteherin der Musikantentruppe" | "(female) overseer of a troupe of musical performers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 297.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1106)

jm.jt-rʾ-ḫnr-n-Jwn-mw.t=f, "Vorsteherin der Musikanten des Iun-mutef" | "(female) overseer of musical performers of Iun-mutef" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1107)

jm.jt-rʾ-ḫnr-n-nswt, "Vorsteherin der Musikanten des Königs" | "(female) overseer of musical performers of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1109, vgl. Baud, Famille royale, 656)

jm.jt-rʾ-zwn.wwt, "Vorsteherin der Ärtzte(-innen)" | "(female) overseer of the female physicians" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza I, 83, fig.143; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1111)

jm.jt-rʾ-sḫmḫ-jb, "Vorsteherin der Unterhaltung" | "(female) overseer of entertainment" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1112)

jm.jt-rʾ-sḫmḫ-jb-nb-nfr-n-nswt, "Vorsteherin jeder schönen Unterhaltung des Königs" | "(female) overseer of every goodly entertainment of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1112)

jm.jt-rʾ-sšr, "Vorsteherin des Leinenzeuges" | "(female) overseer of cloth" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 864)

jm.jt-ḥꜣ.t, "das Frühere; das Vordere" | "earlier; foremost" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 3, 22.18-19)

jm.jt-ẖ.t, "Gedanke" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CG 20543)

jm.jt-kꜣp, "Dachlatte (?); Sparren (?)" | "rafter (?)" [substantive] (Kaplony, Orientalia 41, 1972, 201)

jm.y, "der gestaltet ist" | "one who is formed" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 298; Meeks, AL 77.0282; Hornung, Amduat II, 64)

jm.y, "gehörig zu (in der Verbindung n=...-jm.y)" | "belonging to" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 1, 76.9; GEG § 113 (3))

jm.y-s.t-ꜥ, "die Diensthabenden" | "functionaries" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 666)

jm.w, "Eiter ("Inhalt")" | "pus (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 76.1; MedWb 50)

jm.w, "Klage; Wehgeschrei" | "lamentation; wailing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 77.14-15)

jm.w, "Unsinnigkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 52, (D 454), 155 (comm.); vgl. Burkard, TUAT 3, 213 (Anm. 454a.))

jm.wtj, "inmitten; zwischen" | "in the midst of; between" [preposition] (Wb 1, 76.3-8; EAG § 759; GEG § 177)

jm.wtj-nj, "inmitten von; zwischen ihnen" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 76.6; GEG § 177)

jm.wtj-nj.j, "befindlich zwischen" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (MedWb 51)

jm.wtjj, "befindlich zwischen" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (MedWb 51), "der Butische (eine Weinsorte)" | "Butic (a vintage)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 78.14-15), "Zögling" | "child; stripling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 78.16)

jm.tjt, "die von Buto" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 28)

jmꜣḫ, "Rückgrat; Wirbelkanal" | "backbone; spinal canal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 81.11-12; Walker, Anatom. Term., 266)

jmꜣḫ, "versorgt sein; geehrt sein; (jmdn.) ehren" | "to be provided for; to be revered; to revere" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 81.13-15)

jmꜣḫ, "Versorgung; Würde" | "provision; dignity" [substantive] (Wb 1, 81.16-24)

jmꜣḫ, "der Würdige (von vielen Göttern)" | "revered one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 82.17-20; LGG I, 302)

jmꜣḫ.w, "Würdiger; Versorgter" | "revered one; one who is provided for (the deceased)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 82.1-12)

jmꜣḫ.w-mꜣꜥ, "wahrhaft Versorgter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 43)

jmꜣḫ.w-mꜣꜥ-mꜣꜥ-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-jmn.t, "wahrhaft und wirklich Versorgter beim großen Gott, dem Herrn des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 47)

jmꜣḫ.w-mꜣꜥ-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-Ḏd.w, "wirklicher Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn von Busiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 44)

jmꜣḫ.w-n.j-mrw.t-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Der beliebte Versorgte bei dem großen Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawat/Abder-Raziq, Unis Cemetery II, 22, pl. 43)

jmꜣḫ.w-n-Jnp.w, "Versorgter des Anubis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 56)

jmꜣḫ.w-n-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Herr der Nekropole" | "revered with Anubis who is upon his hill, lord of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 75)

jmꜣḫ.w-n-nb=f, "Versorgter seines Herrn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 129)

jmꜣḫ.w-n-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Versorgter des großen Gottes" | "revered with the means of the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza VII, Abb. 86; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 42, 142)

jmꜣḫ.w-rꜥw-nb-ḫr-nswt, "täglich Versorgter beim König" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 26)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jmn.t, "Versorgter beim Westen" | "revered with the West" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 53)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w, "Versorgter bei Anubis" | "revered with Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 56)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-jm.j-wt, "Versorgter bei Anubis, dem Imiut" | "revered with Anubis, the imiut" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 57)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "Versorgter bei Anubis an allen seinen Plätzen" | "revered with Anubis in all his cult-places" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 71)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-nb-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, dem Herrn der Nekropole" | "revered with Anubis, lord of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 61)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-nb-zmꜣ-tꜣ-r-jmn.t-nfr.t, "Versorgter bei Anubis, dem Herrn der Beisetzung im schönen Westen" | "revered with Anubis, lord of burial in the beautiful west" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 64)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-nb-Spꜣ, "Versorgter bei Anubis, dem Herrn von Sepa" | "revered with Anubis, lord of Sepa" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 63)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-nb-qrs-nfr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, dem Herrn des schönen Begräbnisses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 38, pl. 49)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, dem Herrn des heiligen Landes" | "revered with Anubis, lord of the sacred land" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 65)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw, "Versorgter bei Anubis Chontamenti" | "revered with Anubis Khentyamentiu" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titels OK, no. 66)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-zḥ-nṯr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der vor der Gotteshalle ist" | "revered with Anubis who presides over the divine booth" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 68)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-zḥ-nṯr-tp.j-ḏw=f, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der vor der Gotteshalle und auf seinem Berg ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, I, pl. 37; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 76)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist" | "revered with Anubis who is upon his hill" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 72)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-jm.j-wt-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Imiut, der Herr der Nekropole" | "revered with Anubis who is on his hill, Imiut, lord of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 73)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Herr der Nekropole" | "revered with Anubis who is upon his hill, lord of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 75)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-jm.j-wt, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Herrn der Nekropole, der Imiut" | "revered with Anubis, the one upon his hill, the lord of the necropolis, the imiut" [epitheton_title: title] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 126, fig. 90)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-ḫnt.j-zḥ-nṯr-jm.j-wt-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgter bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der vor dem Gotteszelt ist, der Imiut und Herr der Nekropole" | "revered with Anubis, the one upon his hill, who presides over the divine booth, the imiut, the lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 77)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Jzzj, "Versorgter bei Izezi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 81)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-jtj=f, "Versorgter bei seinem Vater" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 82)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-jtj=f-nswt, "Versorgter bei seinem Vater, dem König" | "revered with his father, the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 83)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-jty-nb-stp.n=f-zꜣ-r=f, "Versorgter bei jedem Herrscher, für den er Schutz(dienste) geleistet hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 84)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wnjs, "Versorgter bei Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 87)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr, "Versorgter bei Osiris" | "revered with Osiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 89)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "Versorgter bei Osiris an allen seinen Orten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 105)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-m-Ḏd.w, "Versorgter bei Osiris in Busiris" | "revered with Osiris in Busiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, 11, fig. 3; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 98)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn von Abydos" | "revered with Osiris, lord of Abydos" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 92)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-jmn.tjt, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 93)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-p.t, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn des Himmels" | "revered with Osiris, lord of heaven" [epitheton_title: title] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 231)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn der Nekropole" | "revered with Osiris, lord of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 94)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-qrs-m-ẖr-nṯr, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn des Begräbnisses in der Nekropole" | "revered with Osiris, lord of the burial in the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 95)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn des heiligen Landes (Nekropole)" | "revered with Osiris, lord of the sacred land (necropolis)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 97)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-Ḏd.w, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn von Busiris" | "revered with Osiris, lord of Busiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 98)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-Ḏd.w-nb-jmn.t-nfr.t, "Versorgter bei Osiris, dem Herrn von Busiris, dem Herrn des schönen Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Lloyd (et al.), Saqqara Tombs III, 28, Taf. 24)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-ḫnt.j-Ḏd.w, "Versorgter bei Osiris, der an der Spitze von Busiris ist" | "revered with Osiris, foremost of Busiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 103)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-ḫnt.j-Ḏd.w-nb-jmn.t, "Versorgter bei Osiris, der an der Spitze von Busiris ist, dem Herrn des Westens" | "revered with Osiris, foremost of Busiris, lord of the west" [epitheton_title: title] (Davies (et al.), Saqqara Tombs I, pl. 88)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Wsjr-tp.j-ḏw=f, "Versorgter bei Osiris, der auf seinem Berg ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Deir el-Gebrawi II, pl. XII)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Bꜣ-nb-Ḏd.t, "Versorgter bei Ba, dem Herrn von Mendes" | "revered with Ba-neb-djedet" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 107)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ppy, "Versorgter bei Pepi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, 19, Taf. 55)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ppy-ḫr-Ttj, "Versorgter bei Pepi und Teti" | "revered with Pepy and Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 110)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Versorgter bei der großen Neunheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 111)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ptḥ, "Versorgter bei Ptah" | "revered with Ptah" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 112)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ptḥ-rs.j-jnb=f, "Versorgter bei Ptah, der südlich seiner Mauer ist" | "revered with Ptah, south of his wall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 113)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ptḥ-Zkr, "Versorgter bei Ptah-Sokar" | "revered with Ptah-Sokar" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 114)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Versorgter bei Maat" | "revered with Maat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 117)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mꜣꜥ.t-nb.t-zmy.t, "Versorgter bei Maat, der Herrin der Wüste" | "revered with Maat, the mistress of the desert region" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 118)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mꜣꜥ.t-ḫnt.jt-zmy.t-jmn.tjt, "Versorgter bei der Maat, die vor der westlichen Wüste ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 119)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mꜣtj.t, "Versorgter bei Matit" | "revered with Matit" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 47; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 116, 120)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mꜣtj.t-nb.t-Jꜣkm.t, "Versorgter bei Matit, der Herrin von Iakmet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 120)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mnw, "Versorgter bei Min" | "revered with Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish I, 29, fig. 20; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 122)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Mnw-nb-Jp.w, "Versorgter bei Min, dem Herrn von Achmim" | "revered with Min, lord of Akhmim" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 122)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-mw.t=f, "Versorgter bei seiner Mutter" | "revered with his mother" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 121)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Versorgter bei Niuserre" | "revered with Neuserre" [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 3, 27; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 171)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nb=f, "Versorgter bei seinem Herrn" | "revered with his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 129)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "ein täglich bei seinem Herrn Versorgter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 130)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nb.w-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Versorgter vor den Herren der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 131)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nswt, "Versorgter beim König" | "revered with the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 135)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫ, "Versorgter beim König von Ober- und Unterägypten Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 133; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 137)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫꜣ=f, "Versorgter beim König von Ober-und Unterägypten Userkaf" | "revered with the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Userkaf" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 64; LD II, 41a)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Versorgter beim König von Ober-und Unterägypten Mykerinos" | "revered with the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Mycerinus" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 64; LD II, 41a)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫḤr.w-nbw-wꜣḏ-Wnjs, "Versorgter beim König von Ober- und Unterägypten Goldhorus Wadj, Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 138)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫḪꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Versorgter beim König von Ober-und Unterägypten Chephren" | "revered with the king of Upper and Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 64; LD II, 41a)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Versorgter beim König von Ober-und Unterägypten Sahure" | "revered with the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Sahure" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 64; LD II, 41a)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫŠpss-kꜣ=f, "Versorgter beim König von Ober-und Unterägypten Schepseskaf" | "revered with the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Shepseskaf" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 64; LD II, 41a)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nswt-rꜥw-nb, "der täglich beim König Versorgte" | "revered with the king every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 136)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr, "Versorgter beim Gott" | "revered with the god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 141)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr=f, "Versorgter bei seinem Gott" | "revered with his god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 151)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr=f-rꜥw-nb, "der täglich bei seinem Gott Versorgte" | "revered with his god every day" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 151, 209)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr.w-nb.w, "Versorgter bei allen Göttern" | "revered with all the gods" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 155)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr.w-nb.w-jmn.tjt, "Versorgter bei allen Göttern des Westens" | "revered with all the gods of the west" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 154)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Versorgter beim großen Gott" | "revered with the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles, OK, no. 142)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-jmn.t-nfr.t, "Versorgter beim großen Gott des schönen Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, GM 201, 2004, 53, fig.3)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-jmn.t, "Versorgter beim großen Gott, dem Herrn des Westens" | "revered with the great god, lord of the west" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 145)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-p.t, "Versorgter beim großen Gott, dem Herrn des Himmels" | "revered with the great god, lord of heaven" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 146)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Versorgte(r) beim großen Gott, dem Herrn der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 148)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-zmy.t-jmn.tjt, "Versorgter beim großen Gott, dem Herrn der westlichen Wüste" | "revered with the great god, lord of the western desert" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 149)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-qrs-m-ẖr-nṯr, "Versorgter beim großen Gott, dem Herrn des Begräbnisses in der Nekropole" | "revered with the great god, lord of burial in the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 150)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-qrs-m-zmy.t-jmn.tjt, "Versorgter beim großen Gott, dem Herrn des Begräbnisses in der westlichen Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 25, pl. 49)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-rꜥw-nb, "Der täglich beim großen Gott Versorgte" | "revered with the great god every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza V, 126)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-rmṯ.w, "Versorgter bei den Menschen" | "revered with the people" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 159)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Versorgter bei Cheops" | "revered with Cheops" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 171)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw, "Versorgter bei Chontamenti" | "revered with Khentimentiu" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 172)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw-nb-Tꜣ-wr, "Versorgter bei Chontamenti, dem Herrn von Ta-wer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 174)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-H̱nm.w, "Versorgter bei Chnum" | "revered with Khnum" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 178)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-zmy.t-jmn.tjt, "Versorgter bei der westlichen Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 180)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Versorgter bei Sahure" | "revered with Sahure" [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson; Giza Mastabas 3, 27)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-sr.w=f, "Versorgter bei seinen Ser-Beamten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 181)

jmꜣḫ.w-ḫr-tp.j-ḏw=f, "Versorgter bei dem (Anubis), der auf seinem Berge ist" | "revered with him who is upon his hill" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 62, Anm. 290, pl. 68; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 185)

jmꜣḫ.ww-ḫr-nb=sn, "Versorgte bei ihrem Herrn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 45; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 129)

jmꜣḫ.wt, "die Ehrwürdige; die Versorgte" | "revered one; one who is provided for (the deceased)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 82.13-16)

jmꜣḫ.wt-mꜣꜥ.t, "wirkliche Versorgte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 43)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Jn-ḥr.t, "die Versorgte bei Onuris" | "revered with Onuris" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 198)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Jnp.w, "die Versorgte bei Anubis" | "revered with Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IX, fig. 34c)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Jnp.w-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgte bei Anubis, dem Herrn der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, pl. 67)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-zḥ-nṯr, "die Versorgte bei Anubis, der über der Gottehalle ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 68)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f, "die Versorgte bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist" | "revered with Anubis who is on his hill" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 196)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Versorgte bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Herr der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Unis Cemetery II, pl. 61; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 75)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-jtj=s, "Versorgte bei ihrem Vater" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 82)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Wsjr, "die Versorgte bei Osiris" | "revered with Osiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 199)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Wsjr-m-s.t=f-nb.t, "die Versorgte bei Osiris an jedem seinem Platze" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 202)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-qrs, "die Versorgte bei Osiris, dem Herrn des Begräbnisses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 200)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Wsjr-nb-Ḏd.w, "Versorgte bei Osiris, dem Herrn von Busiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Unis Cemetery II, pl. 61; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 98)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Ptḥ, "die Versorgte bei Ptah" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 112)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Ptḥ-Zkr, "die Versorgte bei Ptah-Sokar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 114)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Mꜣtj.t, "die Versorgte bei Matit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, I, pl. 57)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Mꜣtj.t-nb.t-Jꜣkm.t, "Versorgte bei Matit, der Herrin von Iakmet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 120)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Mnw, "die Versorgte bei Min" | "revered with Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, 60, fig. 28a; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no 122)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Mnw-nb-Jp.w, "die Versorgte bei Min, dem Herrn von Achmim" | "revered with Min, lord of Akhmim" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IX, 11, fig. 2a; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 122)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Mnw-nb-Jp.w-ḫr-Ptḥ-Zkr, "die Versorgte bei Min, dem Herrn von Achmim, und bei Ptah-Sokar" | "revered with Min, lord of Akhmim, and with Ptah-Sokar" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish III, 40, fig. 27; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 122)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Nj.t, "die Versorgte bei Neith" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 205)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Nj.t-wp.t-wꜣ.wt, "die Versorgte bei Neith, die die Wege öffnet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 206)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nb=s, "die Versorgte bei ihrem Herrn" | "revered with her lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 203)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nswt, "die Versorgte beim König" | "revered with the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 204)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr, "die Versorgte bei Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 207)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr=s-rꜥw-nb, "die täglich bei ihrem Gott Versorgte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza II, fig. 228; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 216)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr.w-nb.w-ẖr-nṯr, "Versorgte bei allen Göttern der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Unis Cemetery II, pl. 61; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 154)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr.t=s, "die Versorgte bei ihrer Göttin" | "revered with her goddess" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 216)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "die Versorgte bei dem großen Gott" | "revered with the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 210)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-jmn.t, "die Versorgte bei dem großen Gott, dem Herrn des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery I, 20, pl. 40; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 147)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-p.t, "die Versorgte bei dem großen Gott, dem Herrn des Himmels" | "revered with the great god, lord of heaven" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 213)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "die Versorgte bei dem großen Gott, dem Herrn des Totenreiches" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 214)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-rꜥw-nb, "die täglich bei dem großen Gott Versorgte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 209)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-hj=s, "die Versorgte bei ihrem Ehemann" | "revered with her husband" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 217)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-hj=s-rꜥw-nb, "die täglich bei ihrem Ehemann Versorgte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 218)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "die Versorgte bei Hathor" | "revered with Hathor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 219)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Nh.t, "die Versorgte bei Hathor, Herrin des Sykomorenheiligtums" | "revered with Hathor, mistress of the sycamore" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 221)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-ḥn.wt=s, "Versorgte bei ihrer Herrin" | "revered with her spouse" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 167)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-Zkr-rꜥw-nb, "die täglich bei Sokar Versorgte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 226)

jmꜣḫ.wt-ḫr-tp.j-ḏw=f, "die Versorgte bei dem, der auf seinem Berg ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 227)

jmꜣḫ.t, "Versorgtheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 36)

jmjm, "stark werden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 577)

jmi̯, "nicht sein; nicht sollen; [Negativverb]" | "not be (negative verb)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 76.10-13; EAG 608 (Index); GEG § 342; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, 51 ff.)

jmi̯, "gib!; gebt!; veranlasse (dass)!" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 76.14-77.8)

jmw, "Schiff (allg.)" | "boat (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 78.8-10)

jmn, "verbergen; verborgen sein" | "to hide; to be hidden" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 83.12-18)

jmn, "der Verborgene (von mehreren Göttern)" | "hidden one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 84.4-5; LGG I, 339 f.)

jmn, "rechts; westlich" | "right (hand); western" [adjective] (Wb 1, 85.11-14)

jmn, "verborgen; versteckt" | "hidden; concealed" [adjective] (Wb 1, 83.19-22)

jmn, "Aufenthalt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 83.5-6)

jmn=f-m-nbj.t, "er verbirgt sich in der Flamme" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 343)

jmn.y, "der sich Verbergende (Sonnengott mit Widderkopf)" | "one who hides himself (ram-headed sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 85.10), "Dauerndes (Opfer)" | "what endures (daily offerings)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 83.7-11)

jmn.w, "Dauernder (Kampfstier)" | "enduring one (bull)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 85.9)

jmn.t, "Verborgenes; Geheimnis" | "secret; what is hidden" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 84.8-9)

jmn.t, "verborgene Stätte (besonders von der Unterwelt)" | "hidden place (of the nether world); secret place" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 84.10-12)

jmn.t, "der Westen; rechte Seite; Westen (Totenreich)" | "right side; west; land of the dead" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 86.1-14)

jmn.t, "[Amulett]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 55 (PT 752))

jmn.t-rs.j, "Südwesten" | "southwest" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 667; vgl. Wb 2, 452.17), "westlich" | "western" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 86.15-16), "Westen" | "west" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 86.17-19), "Westwind" | "west wind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 86.23), "der Unterweltliche" | "nether-worldly ones" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 124), "Westlicher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 21; vgl. Wb 1, 86.20-21), "westlich bis" | english translation missing [preposition] (JWIS III, 137.11)

jmn.tjw, "Westvölker; die Westlichen (im Westen ruhende Tote)" | "westerners; the dead" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 86.20-21)

jmn.tjt, "Westen" | "west" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 87.1-13)

jmn-jb, "Verstockter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (WbZ: DZA 25630300)

jmn-jmn.w, "Verborgener der Verborgenen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 341)

jmn-ꜥ, "der mit verborgenem Arm (Priester der Bastet)" | "hidden of arm (a priest of Bastet)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 83.23)

jmn-nn-rḫ-sw-rḫ.yt, "der Verborgene, den die Rechyt-Leute nicht kennen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 347)

jmn-rn=f, "Imen-renef (Amun)" | "he whose name is hidden (esp. Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 84.2-3; LGG I, 343 ff.)

jmn-rn=f-r-nṯr.w, "dessen Name vor den Göttern verborgen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 346)

jmn-sšm.w=f, "dessen Gestalt verborgen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 350)

jmn-ḏ.t=f-m-šṯy.t-ꜥꜣ.t-m-Jwn.w, "der seinen Leib verbirgt im großen Sanktuar in Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 353)

jmnnws, "Amummines (hurritischer Souverän in Fenchu)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Schneider, Ägypten und Levante 12, 2002, 269)

jmr, "taub sein" | "to be deaf" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 87.18; FCD 21)

jmr, "[Organ]; [Körperteil]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Beck, Samanu, 139)

jmr.w, "[Substanz als Verbandsmittel (Mineral?)]" | "[a substance (mineral?) (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 87.19; DrogWb 33 f.)

jmḥ.t, "Imhet (Höhlen in der Unterwelt, myth. Ort, Grabeshöhle)" | "Imhet (nether world, myth. region)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 88.1-4; GDG I, 76; LÄ V, 307; Meeks, Mythes, 74 f., Anm. 157)

jms.t, "Dill" | "dill" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 88.9; DrogWb 34)

jmskꜣ, "Nilbarsch" | "[a fish (mullet)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 88.10; LÄ II, 224; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 25)

jmš.t, "[eine Alterserscheinung]" | "[a symptom of aging (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 88.14; MedWb 52)

jmk, "verwesen" | "to putrefy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 88.15-16; Allen, Inflection, 553)

jmk, "Verwesung" | "putrefaction" [substantive] (Wb 1, 88.16)

jmti̯, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Berlev, BiOr 40, 1983, 356 f.)

jmḏr, "Schutzwall" | "rampart" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 88.19; FCD 22)

jn, "durch; seitens (jmds.)" | "by (of agent)" [preposition] (Wb 1, 89.1-5; EAG 614 (Index), GEG 553 (Index); CGG 103)

jn, "[Negationsverstärkung nach bn]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1, 90.1; Junge, Näg. Gr., 119, 122)

jn, "heute (?)" | "today (?)" [adverb] (Wb 1, 92.21)

jn, "[Partikel (zur Hervorhebung)]" | english translation missing [particle] (EAG §§ 843 ff., vgl. 614 (Index); GEG § 227; Schenkel, Einf., 276; Junge, Näg. Gr., 385 (Index))

jn, "wenn (Einleitung einer Bedingung)" | english translation missing [particle] (Spiegelberg, Dem. Gr. § 497; EDG 32)

jn, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 94.1; Tacke, Verspunkte, 61 f., Anm. w), "Refrain (?) (eines Liedes)" | "refrain (?) (of a song)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 92.9; FCD 22)

jn.w, "Abgaben; Gaben; Lieferungen" | "gifts; produce; tribute" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 91.12-18)

jn.w, "Bote; Lieferant" | "messenger; supplier; bearer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 91.19-92.1)

jn.w, "[ein Mattenbelag (beim Bauen)]" | "matting (used in building)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 92.5; FCD 23)

jn.w, "[etwas Süßes]" | "[something sweet]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 94.2)

jn.wt, "Schiffsladung (?)" | "freight (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 92.3)

jn.wt, "Fähre" | "ferry" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 92.7)

jn.wt, "[eine (schmerzhafte) Krankheitserscheinung]" | "(physical) pain (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 93.16; MedWb 57 f.)

jn.wtj, "der zum Fischnetz Gehörige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 15)

jn.t, "[ein Kleidungsstück]" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Janssen, Prices, 230.119; Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 11)

jn.t, "Nilbarsch" | "tilapia (Nile perch)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 92.12-15; LÄ II, 224; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 24)

jn.t, "Tal; Wüstental" | "(desert) valley" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 93.2-14)

jn.t, "Bringende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 384)

jn.t-rd, "Verwischen der Fußspur (als Zeremonie)" | "remove the footprint (rituell)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 91.7)

jn.t-dšr.t, "[Gewand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 16)

jn-jw, "[Partikel zur Einleitung der Frage]" | "[interrogative part.]" [particle] (Wb 1, 89.14; EAG 614 (Index); GEG § 492; Silverman, Interrog. Constructions, passim)

jn-m, "wer?" | "who? (interrog. pron.)" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 96.11-13; GEG §§ 227.3, 496; ENG § 743; JWSpG § 247)

jn-n.tjt, "weil (Konj.); es ist der Fall, daß ..." | english translation missing [particle] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 186; vgl. GEG § 494)

jnj, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 93.20; DrogWb 35 f.)

jnj, "verweilen; verzögern" | "to tarry; to delay" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 92.18-19; FCD 23)

jnj, "[ein Seil (am Schiff)]" | "cordage (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 93.18-19; FCD 23; Jones, Naut. Titles, 154 (10))

jnj.w, "[eine Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Germer, Handbuch, 27)

jnj.t, "Samen (?); Kern (?)" | "seed (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 94.4-5; DrogWb 36 f.)

jnjn, "zerschneiden" | "to cut up" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 94.10)

jni̯, "bringen; holen" | "to bring; to bring away; to buy" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 90.2-91.10)

jnꜥ.t, "Kinn" | "chin" [substantive] (Wb 1, 94.13; FCD 23; MedWb 57)

jnwn, "[Pflanze (in einem Verband)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 94.14; DrogWb 37 f.)

jnb, "Luchs" | "lynx" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0330)

jnb, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 11)

jnb, "Mauer; Zaun" | "wall; fence; enclosure" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 94.15-95.9)

jnb, "ummauern" | "to surround (with walls)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 95.11)

jnb, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 95.13-15; DrogWb 38)

jnb.t, "Sperre; Festung; Zaun" | "fortification; fence" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 95.10; FCD 23)

jnbꜣ, "stumm sein" | "to be mute" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 96.2; MedWb 58; KoptHWb 97)

jnp, "(auf dem Bauch) liegen (?); hinlegen (?)" | "to be laid down (?); to lie down (on the stomach) (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 11; Meeks, AL 77.0334; 78.0364)

jnp.w, "königliches Kind (Prinz, Prinzessin)" | "royal child" [substantive] (Wb 1, 96.5-6; Feucht, Kind, 503)

jnp.w, "Prinz (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.16; vgl. Wb 1, 96.5-6)

jnf.w, "Ausfluss (aus den Augen)" | "discharge (from the eyes) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 96.10; MedWb 59)

jnm, "Haut (von Mensch und Tier); Färbung" | "skin (of a man); hide (of an animal); skin color" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 96.14-20)

jnn, "wenn; außer; wenn nicht (vor Hauptsätzen)" | "if" [particle] (Meeks, AL 77.0340; 78.0371; 79.0258; ENG § 688; CGG 149; Depuydt, JEA 77, 1991, 69 ff.)

jnn, "[eine Salbe]" | "[an unguent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0374)

jnn, "wir [Selbst. Pron. pl.1.c.] (NÄg)" | "we; of ours" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 97.5-6; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109; ENG § 99; Junge, Näg. Gr., 175; CGG 11; vgl. Quack, LingAeg 10, 2002, 335 ff.)

jnn, "Träger (von Opfergaben)" | "bearer (of offerings)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 260 f., 269 note s)

jnn-ẖkr.t-nswt-m-ḫꜣs.wt, "Der den Königsschmuck aus den Fremdländern bringt" | "one who brings the royal treasure from foreign lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1117)

jnnk, "Konyza (?)" | "[a plant (thyme?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 97.10-11; DrogWb 39 ff; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 497; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 85; vgl. Germer, Flora, 176)

jnnk, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [root]

jnr, "Strick; Band" | "noose; rope" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.0343; 79.0261; KoptHWb 554; ONB 888)

jnr, "der Stein (Apophis)" | "stone (Apophis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 78.0376)

jnr, "Stein (Material); Steinblock" | "stone; (block of) stone (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 97.12-98.6)

jnr, "[ein Holzwurm]" | "[a woodworm]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 98.10)

jnr-n-ꜥyn, "Kalkstein" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 191.5; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 47 f., Anm. 180)

jnr-n-bjꜣ.t, "Quarzit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 439.3; Harris, Minerals, 75 f.)

jnr-n-mꜣṯ, "Granitstein" | "granite" [substantive] (Wb 2, 34.13-14)

jnr-n-hꜣw.t, "[ein Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Harris, Minerals, 84)

jnr-nfr, "Baustein ("guter Stein")" | "good stone (suitable for building)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 253.5)

jnr-ḥḏ, "weißer Stein (Kalkstein; Sandstein)" | "white stone (sandstone, limestone)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 97.12-13; Harris, Minerals, 69-72)

jnr-ḥḏ-nfr, "guter Baustein; Kalkstein" | "good white stone (building block)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 253.6; Harris, Minerals, 69 ff.)

jnr-ḥḏ-nfr-n-rwḏ.t, "Sandstein" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Harris, Minerals, 71 f.)

jnr-zmꜣ, "Steinplinthe (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM, 268)

jnr-spd.w, "[offizinell]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 97.16; Harris, Minerals, 25; DrogWb 41 f.)

jnr-km, "schwarzer Granit" | "black granite (lit. black stone)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 97.15; 5, 123.4; Harris, Minerals, 74; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, 702)

jnrn, "Eiche" | "oak (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 98.12; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 11)

jnhꜣ.t, "Kapellenmauer (?)" | "wall of a chapel (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 6)

jnhmn, "Granatapfel" | "pomegranate (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 98.14-15; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 12)

jnḥ, "Augenbraue" | "eyebrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 99.1-2)

jnḥ, "umgeben; einschließen; umzingeln" | "to surround; to enclose; to border" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 99.3-13)

jnḥ, "[umgeben; einschließen; umzingeln]" | english translation missing [root]

jnḥ.w, "Einfassung (eines Bildes)" | "border" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 99.14)

jnḥ.w, "[kleines Nagetier (?)]" | "[a small rodent]" [substantive] (Habachi, Kamose, 34 (Z. 8))

jnḥ.t, "[ein großes Gefäß (für Bier)]" | "[a large beer jug]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 99.15; Janssen, Prices, 434; LÄ III, 1203, 1206)

jnḥꜣs, "Hüllblätter (der Lotosknospe)" | "leaves (of lotus buds)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 99.16; vgl. FCD 24)

jnẖꜥb.t, "Ockererde (?)" | "ochre (?)" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 6)

jnz.t, "[Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Kaplony, Or 41, 1972, 219)

jns, "das Rote (Blut)" | "red (blood)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 100.4)

jns, "Hoden" | "testicles" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 100.15; Walker; Anatom. Term., 266; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 41)

jns.j, "hellroter Leinenstoff; hellrote Binden" | "red(-dyed) linen; red(-dyed) bandages" [substantive] (Wb 1, 100.6-13)

jns.t, "Unterschenkel mit Fuß" | "lower leg (calf); shin" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 99.18-20; DrogWb 43 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 266)

jns.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 100.1-2; DrogWb 44; Germer, Flora, 139)

jnq, "umfassen; zusammenfügen" | "to encompass; to embrace; to unite" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 100.19-101.7; vgl. EAG § 426; ONB 564)

jnq, "Blei; Zinn; Onyx" | "onyx; lead; tin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 14)

jnq.t, "Netz ("das Umfassende")" | "net (lit. encloser)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 101.10), "der im Netz ist (von Osiris)" | "one who is in the sack (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 101.11)

jnqj.w, "[Seile am Schiff]" | "[cordage (naut.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 101.9; Jones, Naut. Titles, 154 (12))

jnqfqf.t, "[ein Teil des Wagens (aus Holz)]" | "[a wooden part of a chariot]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 101.12; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 15)

jnk, "ich [Selbst. Pron. sg.1.c]" | "I [indepen. pron., 1st per. sing.]" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 101.13; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109; ENG § 99; Junge, Näg. Gr., 175)

jntj, "zurücktreiben; weichen" | "to drive back; to withdraw" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 102.2-7)

jntf, "er [Selbst.Pron. sg.3.m.]" | "he (indepen. pron., 3rd per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 356.3-5; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109; ENG § 99; Junge, Näg. Gr., 175)

jntn, "wir [Selbst.Pron. pl.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Schenkel, Einführung (2005), 117; Quack, LingAeg 10, 2002, 335 ff.)

jntnt, "zurückhalten" | "to hinder" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 1, 102.9-11)

jnts, "sie [Selbst.Pron. sg.3.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 356.14; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109; ENG § 99; Junge, Näg. Gr., 175)

jntsn, "sie [Selbst.Pron. pl.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 356.15-17; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109; ENG § 103)

jntk, "du [Selbst.Pron. sg.2.m.]" | "you (indepen. pron., 2nd per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 357.2-3; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109)

jntṯ, "du [Selbst.Pron. sg.2.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 357.7; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109)

jntṯn, "ihr [Selbst.Pron. pl.2.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 357.8; EAG § 172; GEG § 64; Schenkel, Einf., 109)

jnṯ.t, "Fessel" | "fetter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 102.14; EAG § 427, Anm.)

jnd, "betrübt sein; krank sein" | "to be vexed; to be sad; to be sick" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 102.16; FCD 24)

jnd, "Trauer" | "misery" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 102.17; FCD 24)

jnd, "Betrübter" | "afflicted man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 102.18; FCD 24)

jnḏw, "[Maßeinheit für Holzkohle (Sack?)]" | "[measure of capacity, for charcoal (sack?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0389; Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 11)

jr, "Ir (Unterabteilung einer Phyle der Totenpriester)" | "Ir (phyle of mortuary priests)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.0386; vgl. Kaplony, Rollsiegel, 323, Anm. 622)

jr, "[Partikel (nachgestellt zur Betonung)]" | "[emphatic enclitic part.]" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 1, 103.6-9; EAG § 821; GEG § 152)

jr, "Löwe (?); wildes Tier (?)" | "lion (?); wild beast (?) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 106.4; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 17)

jr, "[satzeinleitende Form der Präp. r]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 103.1-5, 11-17; EAG §§ 847 ff.; GEG §§ 149 ff.; ENG §§ 813 f.; CGG 561 f.)

jr.j, "Zugehöriger; Genosse" | "fellow; companion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 105.5-8)

jr.j, "zugehörig [Adjektiv zur Präp. jr/r]" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 1, 103-105.4; GEG §§ 79, 113)

jr.j, "Glossar" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, CdE 88, 2013, 18 ff.)

jr.j-jꜥḥ, "Hüter des Mondes (?)" | "keeper of the moon (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1137)

jr.j-jḫ.t, "Verwalter des Vermögens" | "custodian of property" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 104.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1200)

jr.j-jḫ.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Verwalter des Palastes" | "custodian of property of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1203)

jr.j-jḫ.t-n-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1211)

jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens" | "custodian of the king's property" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2078a)

jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens" | "custodian of the king's property" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 446.9-447.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1206)

jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt-mꜣꜥ, "wahrer Verwalter des Königsvermögens" | "true custodian of the king's property" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1214)

jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt-Nr.t, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens im Neithgau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1218)

jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt-n-ẖnw, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens in der Residenz" | "custodian of the king's property in the residence" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1220)

jr.j-jḫ.t-nswt-Ḥsb.w, "Verwalter des Königsvermögens im 11. u.äg. Gau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1219)

jr.j-jḫ.t-sšr, "Verwalter der Getränke (?)" | "custodian of beverages (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1229)

jr.j-ꜥ, "Opponent" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2291c)

jr.j-ꜥ.t, "Verwalter der Kammer" | "hall-keeper" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 104.2; 160.4-5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1145)

jr.j-ꜥ.t-n.j-ꜥ.t-ḥnk.t, "Kammerherr der Gabenkammer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 458)

jr.j-ꜥ.t-n-jw-r-mw-n-š-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Verwalter der Voliere (?) des Gartens des Palastes, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10021, 3, 7)

jr.j-ꜥ.t-n-ꜥḥ, "Kammerherr des Palastes" | "hall-keeper of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (WbZ; Ward, Titles, no. 459)

jr.j-ꜥ.t-n-pr-ḥḏ, "Verwalter des Schatzhauses" | "hall-keeper of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 477; WbZ)

jr.j-ꜥ.t-n-ḥnk.t, "Kammerherr der Gaben" | "hall-keeper of the kitchen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 119.5)

jr.j-ꜥꜣ, "Pförtner; Hauswächter" | "doorkeeper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 104.3; 164.17; FCD 25)

jr.j-ꜥꜣ, "Pförtner; Hauswächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 104.3; 164.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1140; Ward, Titles, no. 61)

jr.j-ꜥꜣ-n-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Türhüter des Tempels" | "doorkeeper of the temple" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 502)

jr.j-ꜥꜣ-n-ḥw.t-nṯr-n.t-Sbk, "Türhüter des Tempels des Sobek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 4, 10)

jr.j-ꜥꜣ-n-ḫnr.t, "Türhüter der Cheneret-Anlage" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 504)

jr.j-wḫr.t, "Werftangehöriger" | "keeper of the dockyard-workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1149)

jr.j-p.t, "Vogel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 104.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 92)

jr.j-pꜥ.t, "Nobler; Fürst" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 665)

jr.j-pꜥ.t, "Nobler; Fürst; Kronprinz (im Neuen Reich)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 415.15-416.6)

jr.j-pꜥ.t, "Iri-pat (Rangtitel); Nobler" | "hereditary prince; nobleman" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 415.15-416.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1157)

jr.j-pꜥ.t-jr.j-ḥḏ-n-Gbb, "Nobler, der zur weißen Kapelle des Geb gehört" | "prince connected to the white chapel of Geb" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 209.5; Ward, Titles, no. 851)

jr.j-pꜥ.t-m-pꜣ-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Kronprinz im gesamten Land" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1324)

jr.j-pꜥ.t-n-pꜣw.t-tp.jt, "Nobler der ersten Urzeit" | "hereditary prince of the first primordial time" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 853a)

jr.j-pꜥ.t-nṯr.w, "der Edelste der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 665 f.)

jr.j-pḏ.t, "Bogenträger ("zum Bogen Gehöriger")" | "bowman" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 569.15; Ward, Titles, no. 516)

jr.j-mrḥ.t, "Hüter des Merchet-Öls" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1163)

jr.j-mrḥ.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Öls am Palast" | "keeper of unguent of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1164)

jr.j-mḥꜥ, "Hüter des Flachses" | "custodian of flax (?) bundles (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1166)

jr.j-mḫꜣ.t, "Hüter der Waage" | "keeper of the scales" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 104.5; LÄ VI, 1083)

jr.j-mḏꜣ.t, "Schreibergehilfe; Sekretär; Archivar" | "scribe's assistant; letter carrier; keeper of documents" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 188.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1167)

jr.j-mḏꜣ.t, "Schreibergehilfe; Sekretär; Archivar" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 188.2)

jr.j-n-ꜥḥꜣ, "Gegner; Prozessgegner" | "adversary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 46)

jr.j-n-ꜥḥꜥ, "Zugehöriger zur Opposition (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Borghouts, in: Demarée/Janssen, Gleanings, 75, Anm. 7)

jr.j-n-wp, "Widerpart; Prozessgegner" | "adversary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI I, 58.5; RITA I, 50)

jr.j-n-ḥḏ-ḥnꜥ-nbw, "Hüter des Silbers und des Goldes" | "keeper of silver and gold" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 532)

jr.j-nbw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Goldes am Palast" | "keeper of the gold of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1179)

jr.j-nbw-ẖkr.t-nswt, "Hüter des Goldes des Königsschmuckes" | "keeper of the gold of the kings ornament" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1181)

jr.j-nbw-ẖkr.t-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Goldes des Königsschmuckes des Palastes" | "keeper of the gold of the kings ornament of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1182)

jr.j-nfr-ḥꜣ.t, "Hüter des Diadems" | "keeper of the diadem" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 104.6; 2, 266.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1183)

jr.j-nfr-ḥꜣ.t-m-s.t-n.t-nswt, "Hüter des Diadems am Königssitz" | "keeper of the diadem in the place of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1189)

jr.j-nfr-ḥꜣ.t-m-sẖkr-Mnw, "Hüter des Diadems beim Schmücken des Min" | "keeper of the diadem in adorning Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1185)

jr.j-nṯr, "[Gerät]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 326 (PT 71I))

jr.j-rd, "Behinderer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2291b)

jr.j-rd.wj, "Begleiter" | "fellow; colleague; attendant" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.7)

jr.j-rd.wj-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Begleiter des Herrn beider Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 610)

jr.j-rd.wj-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj-n-s.t-nb.t-mr=f, "Begleiter des Herrn der Beiden Länder zu jedem von ihm gewünschten Ort" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna III, 6)

jr.j-rd.wj-n-stp-zꜣ, "Begleiter des Hofstaates" | "palace attendant" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1195)

jr.j-rd.wj-ḥm=f-m-bw-nb, "Begleiter seiner Majestät an jedem Ort" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gestermann, Überlieferung, 35)

jr.j-ḥꜣ.t, "Pilot (des Schiffes); Frontmann" | "pilot (of a boat); prowman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 104.8; Ward, Titles, no. 528)

jr.j-ḥꜣ.t, "Pilot (des Schiffes); Frontmann" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 104.8-9; Ward, Titles, no. 528)

jr.j-ḥmw, "Steuermann" | "helmsman" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.10; 3, 80.17)

jr.j-ḥr.j-ꜥ.wj, "Hüter des Taschentuches" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1199; Jones, Varia Nova, 181)

jr.j-ḫtm.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Gesiegelten des Palastes" | "keeper of what is sealed (of) the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1231)

jr.j-zẖꜣ.ww, "Schreibergehilfe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 587)

jr.j-sḥḏ, "Hüter des Lampenöls (?)" | "keeper of fat for lamps (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 228.6; Ward, Titles, no. 543; Fischer, Titles, no. 543)

jr.j-ssf, "zur Asche Gehöriger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pSalt (Derchain), pl. IX)

jr.j-sšr.w, "Verwalter des Leinenstoffs" | "keeper of the linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1238)

jr.j-sd, "Hüter des Sed-Gewandes" | "keeper of the sed-garment" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 364.11; Ward, Titles, no. 546)

jr.j-šzp.t, "Verwalter der Kammer" | "keeper of a chapel" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 535.15; Ward, Titles, no. 550)

jr.j-gif, "Hüter des Affen" | "custodian of monkeys" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1243)

jr.j-tꜣ, "irdisch" | "mortal (a priest)" [adjective] (CT VII, 32; Meeks, AL 77.0378)

jr.j-ḏꜣ.y, "Passagier; Mitreisender; Fahrgast" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 1.3)

jr.j-ḏd, "Prozessgegner" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quack, Ani, 103, Anm. 61)

jr.jt-jp.t-n.t-smd.t-nb.t, "Hüterin der Haremsdamen des gesamten Personals" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10068, 2 ff.; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 451)

jr.jt-jḫ.t-nswt, "Verwalterin des Königsvermögens (auch Rangtitel)" | "custodian of the king's property" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 447.4-5; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1206)

jr.jt-ꜥꜣ, "Pförtnerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1440e)

jr.jt-pꜥ.t, "Fürstin" | "hereditary princess" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 416.7-9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1247)

jr.jt-n-ḥms, "Wohngenossin (Ehefrau)" | "living companion (wife)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 105.10; 3, 97.12), "Tat; Zeremonie" | "act; ceremony" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 113.6-7; ONB 82, Anm. 398), "Milchkuh" | "milch cow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 114.18), "Korn-Abgabe" | "assessment (in grain)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 114.19; ONB 82, Anm. 398; FCD 48)

jr.w, "Augenzeugen" | "eye witness" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.0388; 79.0292)

jr.w, "Handelnder; Verfertiger; Macher (in Berufsbez.)" | "maker (of ...); trader (in ...)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 113.1-2; FCD 27)

jr.w, "Pflicht; Vorschrift; Zeremonie ("zu Tuendes")" | "duty; rite" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 113.8-9; ONB 82, Anm. 393)

jr.w, "Geschöpf; Gestalt, Gemachtes (als Produkt)" | "creation; form" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 113.12-114.3; ONB 82, Anm. 393)

jr.w, "Abgabe; Viehsteuer" | "delivery; cattle tax" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 114.4-5; ONB 82, Anm. 393)

jr.w, "Schöpfer (Re)" | "creator (Re)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 111; II, 108)

jr.w, "Schiffsmannschaft (Matrosen)" | "crew of boat" [substantive] (FCD 25)

jr.w-jbḥ, "Dentist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1119)

jr.w-jḫ.t, "Arbeiter ("der die Dinge tut")" | "worker (lit. doer of things)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 124.10)

jr.w-ꜥn.t, "Nagelpfleger" | "manicurist" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 188.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1121)

jr.w-ꜥn.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Nagelpfleger am Palast" | "manicurist of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1122)

jr.w-ꜥn.t-nswt, "Nagelpfleger des Königs" | "manicurist of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 176; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1122)

jr.w-ꜥḥꜣ.w, "Pfeilmacher" | "arrow-maker" [substantive] (Wb 1, 216.15)

jr.w-bnj.t, "Hersteller von Süßigkeiten; Konditor" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 559)

jr.w-p.t, "Vögel ("die zum Himmel Gehörigen")" | "birds (lit. ones belonging to the sky)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 92)

jr.w-ḥtp, "Korbmacher" | "basket maker" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 591)

jr.w-sm.yw, "Gemüsegärtner" | english translation missing [substantive] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 11)

jr.w-sr.w, "der die Beamten erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 19)

jr.w-šnj, "Friseur" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1131)

jr.w-šnj, "Friseur" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1131)

jr.w-šnj-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Friseur am Palast" | "hairdresser of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 500.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1132)

jr.w-šnj-nswt, "Friseur des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1135)

jr.wj, "die beiden Augen" | "pair of eyes" [substantive] (Wb 1, 108.1-2; FCD 25)

jr.wt, "die Handelnden (Frauen)" | "doers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 114.15)

jr.n-nb-Tꜣ.wj-m-kꜣ=f, "den der Herr der Beiden Länder durch seinen Ka geschaffen hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna I, pl. 38; vgl. Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 643)

jr.t, "Wasser (?)" | "water (?)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 106.3)

jr.t, "Auge" | "eye" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 106.6-107.20)

jr.t, "Auge (einer Gottheit); Auge (des Himmels, d.i. Sonne und Mond)" | "eye (of a god); eye (of heaven, metaph. for the sun and moon)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 107.7)

jr.t, "Zugehörige; Genossin" | "companion" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 105.9-10)

jr.t, "Zugehöriges; Pflicht" | "purpose (of something); duty" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 105.12-18)

jr.t-p.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a med. ointment]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 114.12; DrogWb 47)

jr.t-m-jr.t, "Auge in Auge" | english translation missing [adverb] (Lapp, Pap. Nu, pl. 37)

jr.t-mrr.t-jtj=s-rꜥw-nb, "die täglich tut, was ihr Vater wünscht" | "(she) who does what her father desires every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1272)

jr.t-nb.t, "jedermann ("jedes Auge")" | "everyone (lit. every eye)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 107.3-4)

jr.t-nṯr, "Gottesauge (Bezeichnung eines Bootes)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 124e)

jr.t-Rꜥw, "Auge des Re (von Hathor u.a. Gottheiten)" | "eye of Re (esp. Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 107.9-10; LGG I, 426 ff.)

jr.t-Rꜥw, "Auge des Re (Bez. der Sonne)" | "eye of Re (the sun)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 107.8)

jr.t-Rꜥw, "Auge des Re (Bez. des Mondes)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. VI.7)

jr.t-Ḥr.w, "Auge des Horus" | "eye of Horus" [substantive] (Wb 1, 107.12-19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 98 f.)

jr.t-Ḥr.w, "Auge des Horus (von Göttinnen)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 432 f.)

jr.t-Ḥr.w-wḏꜣ.t, "das unversehrte Horusauge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Burkard, Papyrusfunde Asasif, 66; vgl. LGG I, 434)

jr.t-ḫḫ.w, "Halsband ("was zum Hals gehört")" | "necklace (lit. what belongs to the neck)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.12)

jr.t-šnb.t, "Brustbehang ("was zur Brust gehört", Schmuck)" | "chest ornament (lit. what belongs to the chest)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.15)

jr.t-ḏ, "Armband ("was zur Hand gehört")" | "bracelet (lit. what belongs to the hands)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.11), "Täter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 421; CT VII 95c)

jr-jmn.tjt, "der den Westen geschaffen hat (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 9.2)

jr-jz, "Grabbauer" | "tomb maker" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1120)

jr-jz, "Schiffsmannschaft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 711a.c)

jr-ꜥb, "zusammen mit" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 779)

jr-m-ꜥ.wj=f, "der mit seinen beiden Armen handelt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 444)

jr-m-ḫft.j, "der als Feind agiert (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 479)

jr-m-ḫt, "danach (vorangestellt)" | "then" [adverb] (Wb 3, 346.8)

jr-n.tjt, "Schöpfer des Seienden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 466 f.)

jr-n.tjt-nb.t, "Schöpfer alles Seienden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 467)

jr-n.tjt-nb.t-ḥr.y-mw.t=f, "der alles Seiende außer seiner Mutter erschuf" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Kheruef, pl. 14-15, N2-4)

jr-npr, "der das Korn erschuf" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 462)

jr-rnp.wt, "der die Jahre erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 472)

jr-hy, "Verursacher des Jubels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 473)

jr-hrw.w, "der die Tage erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 473)

jr-ḥn.w, "der die Nilarme erschaffen hat (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, col. 28.12; vgl. LGG I, 475)

jr-ḥtp, "Korbmacher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM, 202)

jr-ḥtp.w, "Opferbereiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 476)

jr-ḥtp.t, "Opferbereiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 477)

jr-sj, "Schöpfer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 489)

jr-sw, "der ihn erschaffen hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Himmelskuh, 4)

jr-šꜣ.w, "der das Schicksal bestimmt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 495)

jr-tm.w, "der die Menschheit erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 504)

jr-ḏ.t, "der die Ewigkeit erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 506)

jr-ḏw, "der Übeltäter (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 506)

jr-ḏr, "sobald (satzeinleitende Konjunktion)" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 5, 593.10; MedWb 1006; vgl. ENG § 810; vgl. Junge, Näg. Gr., 242)

jrj, "Widder" | "ram (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 106.5; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 18)

jrjr, "Führer (auf dem Wege)" | "guide; leader (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 115.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 19)

jri̯, "machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 108.5-112.11)

jri̯, "[für jw des Futur III. (m. nominalem Subjekt)]" | english translation missing [particle] (CGG 248; Winand, Études de néo-égyptiennes, 495)

jrbb, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 166)

jrp, "Wein (Getränk)" | "wine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 115.5-8)

jrp, "Weingefäß" | "wine jug" [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 1, 115.5-7)

jrp.j, "zum Weinstock gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (EAG § 286 N, vgl. Wb 1, 115.11)

jrp.y, "Weinbereitung (?)" | "wine (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 115.13)

jrp-Ḥꜣm.w, "Wein von Hamu" | "wine of Hamu" [substantive] (Wb 3, 32.5)

jrp-šd, "[eine Weinsorte (als Opfergabe)]" | "[a kind of wine (as an offering)]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 566.20)

jrm, "zusammen mit" | "together with" [preposition] (Wb 1, 115.17-20; Lesko, Dictionary I, 47; KoptHWb 93; ENG § 620; CGG 109 f)

jrm.j, "Bewohner von Irem" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM, 444)

jrr, "(gegen jmdn.) Handelnder; Widersacher; Machender" | "adversary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 27; Gardiner/Sethe, Letters to the Dead, pl. VI)

jrr.w-ḥzz.t=f, "die tun, was er lobt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 45; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1263)

jrr.wt-nb.wt, "irgendwelche schlechte Taten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Guilhou, BIFAO 98, 1998, 201 f., Anm. i2)

jrr.t, "(gegen jmdn.) Handelnde; Widersacherin; Machende" | "adversary" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Gardiner/Sethe, Letters to the Dead, pl. VI)

jrr.t-mrr.t-nṯr=s, "die tut, was ihr Gott wünscht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1256)

jrr.t-ḥzz.t, "eine die tut, was lobenswert ist" | "(she) who does what is praisworthy" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1262)

jrr-wḏ.t, "der das Befohlene tut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 44; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1249)

jrr-wḏ.t-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "der täglich tut, was sein Herr befielt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1249)

jrr-mrr.t-nb=f, "der tut, was sein Herr wünscht" | "who does what his lord loves" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1250)

jrr-mrr.t-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "der tut, was sein Herr täglich wünscht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1249)

jrr-mrr.t-nṯr=f, "der tut, was sein Gott wünscht" | "who does what his god desires" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1256)

jrr-mrr.t-nṯr=f-rꜥw-nb, "der tut, was sein Gott täglich wünscht" | "who does what his god desires every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1259)

jrr-mrr.t-nṯr-nʾ.tj-rꜥw-nb, "der tut, was der Stadtgott täglich wünscht" | "who does what his local god desires every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1257)

jrr-ḥzz.t, "der tut, was gelobt wird" | "he who does what is praiseworthy" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1262)

jrr-ḥzz.t=f, "der tut, was er lobt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1263)

jrr-ḥzz.t=f-mrr.t=f, "der tut, was er lobt und was er liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Meir I, Taf. 75 (d))

jrr-ḥzz.t-nb=f, "der tut was sein Herr lobt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no.1265)

jrr-ḥzz.t-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "der tut, was sein Herr täglich lobt" | "who does what his lord favours every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1266)

jrr-ḥzz.t-nṯr=f-rꜥw-nb, "der tut, was sein Gott täglich lobt" | "who does what his god favours every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1268)

jrḥnn.t , "[Tier (offizinell)]" | "[a bird (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 116.3; DrogWb 51; Westendı͗rf, Handbuch Medizin, 495)

jrḫ, "[ein Halbedelstein (durchscheinend, Bergkristall ?)]" | "[a translucent semi-precious stone]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 6; Harris, Minerals, 99 f.)

jrs, "Zypriot" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, 90, Anm. 49)

jrqbs, "Bergkristall" | "(rock) crystal (?) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 116.4; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 22; Harris, Minerals, 110)

jrt.w, "[eine Pflanze (in Verbänden)]; [ein Pflanzenfarbstoff]" | "[a plant (med.)]; [a vegetal (blue) dye]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 116.8-9; DrogWb 51 f.; Germer, Textilfärberei, 129 f.)

jrt.w, "[ein blau-rotes Leinenzeug]" | "purple cloth" [substantive] (Wb 1, 116.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 99 f.)

jrt.w, "Beschaffenheit; Verfärbung (krankhaft); Farbe" | "condition; (bluish) discoloration (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 116.13; MedWb 96; Germer, Textilfärberei, 129 f.)

jrt.w, "Jammer" | "distress" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 116.14; FCD 28; GEG 554 (Wortindex))

jrtḏr, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 116.16)

jrṯ.t, "Milch (der Mutter, der Tiere, der Sykomore)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 117.1-6)

jrṯ.t-jḥ, "Kuhmilch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 54 ff.)

jh.w, "Feldlager; Viehhürde" | "camp; pen (for livestock)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 118.5-8; KoptHWb 142)

jhꜣ, "Knospe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 54, Anm. a)

jhj, "[Interjektion]" | "Oho!" [interjection] (Wb 1, 117.12-14; EAG § 862; GEG § 258)

jhj, "Klagelaut rufen" | "to express aloud (a strong emotion)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 118.2)

jhj, "Klageruf; Ach!; Schmerz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 118.3-4)

jhy, "Freude; Jubel" | "joy; rejoicing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 117.15-118.1)

jhy, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 49; Caminos, LEM, 228; Tacke, Verspunkte, 65, Anm.d)

jhb, "tanzen" | "to dance" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 118.12)

jhb, "Tanz" | "dance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 118.13)

jhm, "langsam gehen; zurückhalten" | "to move slowly; to restrain" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 118.19)

jhm, "trauern; leiden" | "to mourn; to suffer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 118.20-22; MedWb 562)

jhm, "Leid; Schmerz" | "suffering; pain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 481.3; FCD 28: Lesko, Dictionary I, 49)

jhm.t, "[ein Harz oder Balsam]" | "[an aromatic resin]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 119.2-3; DrogWb 59)

jhm.t, "Leid" | "suffering" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 12.8)

jhhj, "Jauchzen" | "jubilation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 119.7-12)

jhhj, "Fest (des Jubels)" | "festival (of jubilation)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 119.13; FCD 28)

jhhn, "[ein Holz]" | "[a kind of wood]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 119.14)

jḥ, "Rind" | "ox; cattle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 119.15-120.4)

jḥ, "Komm!; Auf!; Geh!" | "hey!" [interjection] (Wb 1, 120.11-12; GEG § 258)

jḥ, "[Interjektion]" | english translation missing [interjection] (Wb 1, 120.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 103; Kurth, Einführung, § 159)

jḥ.w, "[Frucht oder Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a fruit (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 120.9; DrogWb 60 f.)

jḥ.w, "Altersschwäche" | "senility" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 121.1; FCD 29)

jḥ.w, "Stall; Viehhürde" | "stable; pen (for livestock)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 121.4-6; FCD 29)

jḥ.t, "Kuh" | "cow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 120.5-6; FCD 28)

jḥ.t-ḫnt.jt-Gsꜣ, "die Kuh an der Spitze von Qus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.11)

jḥ.tj, "Oberschenkel" | "thighs" [substantive] (Wb 1, 120.16-17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 105)

jḥjḥ, "[ein Geräusch im Wasser (plätschern?)]" | "[a noise in the water (bubble?)]" [verb] (Wb 1, 122.13)

jḥy, "sich verdunkeln (?) (von Sternen)" | "to darken (?) (of stars)" [verb] (Wb 1, 121.8; Allen, Inflection, 599)

jḥy, "musizieren" | "to make music (?); music (?)" [verb] (Wb 1, 122.1-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 103)

jḥy, "Sack; Netz; Seil" | "sack; net; rope" [substantive] (Wb 1, 122.12)

jḥy, "Musikant (ein Priester)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 121.14)

jḥy.t-n-Jmn-Rꜥw, "Sistrumspielerin des Amun-Re" | "sistrum-player-of-Amun-Re" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.8)

jḥy.t-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Qjs, "Sistrumspielerin der Hathor, Herrin von Qus (Priesterin)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 9.8 u.a.)

jḥw, "Metallmaß (Kupferbarren?/Goldstücke?)" | "[unit of measure for metal (copper ingot?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 121.3; FCD 29)

jḫ, "ach! (Interjektion); damit doch; dass; [Partikel]" | "[interjection]" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 1, 123.5-11; EAG § 863; FCD 29; GEG §§ 40.3, 228,)

jḫ, "[Fragewort]" | "what? [interrog. pron.]" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 123.12-124.1; FCD 29; GEG § 501; CGG 557; KoptHWb 15, 18)

jḫ, "verehren; bejubeln" | "to revere" [verb] (Wb 1, 125.12)

jḫ.wt-bnj.wt, "Süßwaren" | "sweets" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 667)

jḫ.t, "Sache; Besitz; Speisen; Opfer; Reliquie" | "thing; goods; offerings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 124.2-125.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 105 f.; Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 132 f., Anm. 18)

jḫ.t-wr.t, "Ichet-weret" | "Ikhet-weret" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 125.9; LGG V, 613)

jḫ.t-nhp.w, "zeitiges Frühstück" | "early morning meal" [substantive] (Wb 2, 284.11)

jḫ.t-nṯr, "Tempeleigentum; göttliche Angelegenheit" | "divine property; divine matters" [substantive] (Wb 1, 124.17-18)

jḫ.t-nṯr, "heilige Handlung; Ritual" | "god's ritual" [substantive] (Wb 1, 125.1-3)

jḫ.t-ḥꜣ.t, "Kopftuch (des Königs)" | "headdress (of the king)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 125.11)

jḫ.t-ḫꜣwj, "Abendopfer; Abendmahlzeit" | "night offerings" [substantive] (Wb 1, 125.5)

jḫ.t-dwꜣ.t, "Morgenopfer" | "morning offerings" [substantive] (Wb 5, 424.2)

jḫm.t, "Ufer" | "bank (of a river, of a fortress)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 125.17; FCD 29; ONB 258, 835, Anm. 1118; KoptHWb 558)

jḫr, "also; denn; und ferner; [Partikel]" | "and; further" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 1, 125; 3, 321.6; EAG §§ 849, 1029; GEG §§ 229, 239)

jḫr, "Gestalt; Bild" | "form; image" [substantive] (Wb 1, 126.1; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 61; Parkinson, ZÄS 130, 2003, 131 f.)

jḫḫ.w, "Dämmerung; Dunkelheit" | "twilight (morning and evening); darkness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 126.2-3; FCD 29)

jz, "Grab" | "tomb" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 126.18-24)

jz, "Kammer (in der Verwaltung); Werkstatt" | "workshop; (council) chamber" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 127.2-6)

jz, "alt" | "(to be?) old; (to be?) used" [adjective] (Wb 1, 128.7-8; FCD 30)

jz, "alt sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 128; vgl. FCD 30)

jz.y, "[ein Gewässer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. LXXIX.3)

jz.ywt, "alte Kleider; Lumpen" | "rags; old clothes" [substantive] (Wb 1, 128.15)

jz.w, "die Alten (die Vorzeitigen)" | "old (primeval) ones" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 128.9)

jz.w, "Schilfrohr" | "(common) reed" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 127.21-22; DrogWb 61)

jz.wj, "die Bösen" | "evil ones" [substantive] (Wb 1, 129.3)

jz.wt, "Altes; alte Schriften; alte Zeiten" | "the old; ancient writings; ancient times" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 128.10-13)

jz.t, "Grenzstein" | "boundary stone; landmark" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 126.17; FCD 29)

jz.t, "Palast; Palastbereich; Küche" | "palace; palatial precinct" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 127.7-9)

jz.t, "Truppe; Mannschaft" | "crew; gang (of workmen)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 127.11-19)

jz.t, "Alter; Verfall" | "age; decline" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 128.16)

jz.t, "Mannschaftsmitglied (Matrose)" | "crew member" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Wb 1, 127.11-20; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 67, nos. 75-76)

jz.t, "Mannschaft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 551)

jz.t-mnš, "Matrose des Menesch-Schiffes" | "crew member of a menesh-ship" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 67, no. 76), "Mannschaft (der Götter)" | "boat crew (of the gods)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 127.20; LGG I, 551; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 113)

jzj, "leicht sein" | "to be light (of weight)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 128.4; FCD 30)

jzj-jb, "Leichtfertiger" | english translation missing [substantive] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 209)

jzy, "Bewohner des Landes Izy" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (oDeM 1266, 22)

jzp, "hauen" | "to hew (wood)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 129.6-7)

jzp, "Böschung" | "with a slope (of a ramp)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 129.8; Reineke, AoF 2, 1975, 6, Anm. 9)

jzf.t, "Unrecht; Böses; Chaos" | "disorder; chaos; wrong-doing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 129.9-14), "Sünder" | "evil-doer; enemy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 129.15-16; FCD 31)

jzn, "riegeln (öffnen und schließen); wegziehen; öffnen" | "to bolt (open and closed)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 546, 553; EAG § 555a; vgl. Wb 3, 454.1-13)

jzn.w, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 129.17)

jzn.wt, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 129.18)

jzr, "Tamariske" | "tamarisk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 130.1-5; Germer, Flora, 125; LÄ II, 1265)

jzr.t, "Tamariskengehölz" | "tamarisk wood" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 130.6), "Netz" | "clap net (for fowling)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0487; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 54)

jzzj, "fangen (mit dem Vogelnetz)" | "to catch (in the bird net)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 130.7; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 578)

jzkn, "[eine Gegend (am Himmel)]; Zenith (?)" | "[a region of the sky]; zenith (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 130.8)

js, "[Partikel]" | "[encliltic part.]" [particle] (Wb 1, 130.9-13; EAG §§ 822 ff., 858; GEG § 247; ENG § 676; CGG 151; vgl. KoptHWb 52)

js, "der Alte (?) (Priester der Hathor)" | "old one (?) (priest of Hathor)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 131.1)

js, "ruinieren; schlecht ergehen" | "indisposition" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 129.1; MedWb 105)

js, "rufen" | "to summon" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Hornung, Anbetung II, 87, Anm. 460)

js.t, "Berechnung; Abschätzung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 128.3)

jsw, "Gegenleistung; Lohn" | "payment; equivalent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 131.2-10)

jsw, "wahrlich" | english translation missing [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 1, 131.13; EAG § 858; GEG § 232)

jsw.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1091c)

jswt, "[ein Brett (aus Zedernholz)]" | "long plank (of coniferous wood) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 132.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 27)

jsb.t, "Sitz; Thron; Untersatz" | "seat (gen.); chair; base (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 132.2-8; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 30)

jsbr, "Peitsche" | "whip (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 132.10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 28)

jsbr, "[eine syrische Pflanze (Busch, Gestrüpp)]" | "[a Syrian plant (juniper?) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 132.11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 29)

jsp, "Hunger leiden" | "to ache with hunger" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 132.13; Lesko, Dictionary I, 54)

jsp.t, "Köcher" | "quiver (for arrows) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 132.14-16; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 34)

jsmꜣ.t, "[Gewand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 16)

jsmr, "[ein Mineral (eisenhaltig, aus Syrien und Nubien)]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 132.18-19; Harris, Minerals, 163-165)

jsr, "Rohr (Binsenart)" | "rushes" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 132.20; Germer, Flora, 201)

jshꜣ, "[Streifen von Leinen (?)]" | "[strips of linen (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 132.21)

jshb, "[Bez. eines ausländischen Hundes (Schakal?)]" | "[foreign word for dog (or jackal?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 132.22; Lesko, Dictionary I, 55)

jsḥm, "[ein Gewässer (?)]" | "[a body of water (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 133.1)

jsḫry, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 55; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 191)

jsš.tj, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F-A/N 6)

jsq, "zögern; verweilen; zurückhalten" | "to linger; to wait; to hold back" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 133.6-12; Lesko, Dictionary I, 55; KoptHWb 294)

jsk, "[Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1.133.13-15; EAG §§ 852 ff.; GEG § 230)

jstn, "umschnüren (?)" | "to strap up; to bind" [verb] (Wb 1, 133.16; FCD 31)

jstn, "Gehänge, Waffengurt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 56)

jsṯ, "[Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1.134.1-5; EAG §§ 829, 852 ff.; GEG §§ 231, 248)

jsd, "[Verb (sitzen?)]" | "[verb (to sit?)]" [verb] (Wb 1, 134.6)

jsd, "Speichel" | "spittle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 134.7-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 113)

jš.w, "Ausgespucktes; Speichel" | "expectoration" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 134.19; MedWb 107)

jš.w-jnb, "Ausgespucktes der Mauer (Bezeichnung einer Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LGG I, 561)

jš.tt, "Speise; Mahlzeit" | "food; meal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 134.18)

jšf, "verbrennen; versengen" | "to burn; to scorch (a town) (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 1, 135.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 35)

jšf, "Hefe (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 134.21; DrogWb 63; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 495)

jšnn, "Kriegsgeschrei" | "war cry" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1. 135.4; FCD 31)

jšr.t, "Breithacke" | "hoe" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0504; Sabek, in: Fs Endesfelder, Priese, Reineke, Wenig, 436)

jšst, "was?" | "what? [interrog. pron.]" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 135.7-12; EAG §§ 203, 1007 f.; GEG § 500)

jšš, "Speichel" | "spittle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 135.16)

jšš, "herausbefördern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 135.14-15, 136.1)

jštpn, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 136.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 56)

jšd, "[ein Baum mit Früchten (Balanites-Baum?)]" | "ished-tree (Balanites aegyptiaca?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 136.5-8; Germer, Flora, 99)

jšd, "[Frucht vom Isched-Baum]" | "ished-fruit" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 136.9-11; DrogWb 63-65)

jšd.t, "[ein heiliger Baum in Heliopolis]" | "ished-tree (sacred tree in Heliopolis)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 136.13)

jšd.t, "Frucht (allg.); [Frucht vom Isched-Baum]" | "ished-fruit; fruit (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 136.14-15; DrogWb 66 f.)

jqm.w, "Traurigkeit (o. Ä.)" | "saddness; sorrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 136.18)

jqr, "trefflich sein; fähig sein" | "to be excellent; to be (trust)worthy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 137.16)

jqr, "der Vortreffliche (Thot)" | "excellent one (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 138.1)

jqr, "trefflich; nützlich" | "excellent; useful" [adjective] (Wb 1, 137.1-15)

jqr, "ordentlich; sehr" | "orderly; very" [adverb] (Wb 1, 137.17-19; EAG § 750.2a)

jqr, "Vortrefflicher" | "trustworthy man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 32)

jqr (s.t) (ns), "vortrefflich an Rede sein" | "excellent of speech" [adjective] (Doxey, Epithets, 53, 275)

jqr.w, "die Vortrefflichen (die seligen Toten)" | "worthy ones (the blessed dead)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 137.21; LGG I, 566)

jqr.w, "Tüchtigkeit; Vortrefflichkeit" | "virtue; excellence" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 137.20, 22-24)

jqr.w, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 138.3)

jqr.w, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 138.5; DrogWb 67)

jqr.t, "die Vorteffliche (Wadjet)" | "excellent lady (Wadjet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 138.2)

jqr.t, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 138.4)

jqrt, "[ein Lebensmittel]" | "[a food]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.0517)

jqh.t, "[eine Fähre]" | "[a ferry-boat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 445a)

jqḥ, "betreten; gehen (nach)" | "to enter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 138.8-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 116 f.)

jqḥ.w, "Beil; Streitaxt" | "battle-axe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 138.18; FCD 32; LÄ I, 587)

jqd.w, "Maurer; Töpfer" | "builder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 138.20; FCD 32)

jqd.w, "Maurer; Töpfer" | "builder" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 616)

jqd.w-nḏs.t, "Töpfer (einfacher Waren ?)" | "potter" [substantive] (Wb 2, 385.16; FCD 32; AEO I, 72* f.)

jk, "Sesam" | "sesame" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 139.9; Koura, Öle, 208; KoptHWb 528)

jk.y, "Steinmetz" | "stonemason" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 139.10; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1279)

jk.w, "Potentat" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 94)

jk.w-tꜣ, "der zur Erde Gebeugte (?) (Osiris)" | "one who bends (?) to the earth (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 139.5)

jk.w-tꜣ, "[ein Tier (Käfer oder Wurm)]" | "[a beetle (?) (med.)]; [a worm (?) (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 139.6-7; vgl. DrogWb 68 f.)

jk.t, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 139.4)

jkjk, "[rhythmische Muskelkontraktion (Wehen)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wresz., Atlas, III, Tf. 29)

jki̯, "angreifen; (sich) beugen; herausfordern" | "to attack; to bow" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 139.1; Allen, Inflection, 568; Meeks, Mythes, 272, Anm. 779)

jkw, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 139.3)

jkm, "Schild (Schutzwaffe); Schutz (bildl. )" | "shield; protection" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 139.13-15; FCD 32; Lesko, Dictionary I, 58)

jkm-ꜥꜣ, "großes Schutzschild (Amun der Throne der beiden Länder)" | "great shield" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Cerny, LRL 14.8)

jkn, "ergreifen" | "to seize; to take hold of" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 139.19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 117 f.)

jkn, "Schöpfnapf" | "cup; jar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 140.1)

jkn, "[eine schlechte Eigenschaft (von Herz und Zunge)]" | "[a negative characteristic (of the heart, tongue)]" [verb] (Wb 1, 140.4-5)

jkn, "schaufeln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 139.18; James, Hekanakhte, 40)

jkn, "Gräber (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT V, 282f)

jkn.w, "Breitblatthacke (aus Holz)" | "hoe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 140.3; FCD 32)

jkn.t, "Vertiefung; Höhle ("Aufgehacktes")" | "hole; hollow (demon's habitation?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0530; Meeks, Mythes, 81 f., Anm. 191)

jkn-hj.w, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LGG I, 570)

jgp, "Regenwolke; Wolke" | "rain cloud" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 140.20-21)

jgg, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 57)

jt, "Gerste; Korn (allg.)" | "barley; grain (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 142.10-20)

jt-mḥ.j, "unterägyptische Gerste ("volle Gerste")" | "Lower Egyptian barley" [substantive] (Wb 1, 142.13)

jt-šmꜥ, "oberägyptische Gerste ("schmale Gerste")" | "Upper Egyptian barley" [substantive] (Wb 1, 142.14; 4, 474.9)

jtꜣ, "Säge" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 298.13-14; FCD 298)

jtj, "Vater; Großvater" | "father" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 141.10-19)

jtj.wj, "[ein Gewebe]" | "[a kind of cloth]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Edel, ZÄS 102, 1975, 21; Scheele, Stofflisten, 10 ff.; vgl. Wb 1, 143.1)

jtj-jtj.w, "Vater der Väter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 575 f.)

jtj-Mnw, "Vater des Min (ein Priester)" | "father of Min (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (WbZ; Helck, Beamtentitel, 50)

jtj-nṯr, "Gottesvater (Priester)" | "god's father (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 142.1-6, 8; Jones, Titles OK no. 1283; Ward, Titles, no. 570 e)

jtj-nṯr, "Gottesvater (Priester)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 142.1-6, 8)

jtj-nṯr.w, "Vater der Götter (Amun u.a. Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 580 ff.)

jtj-nṯr.w-nb.w, "Vater aller Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 583)

jtj-nṯr-n-Jwn.w, "Gottesvater von Heliopolis" | "God's father of Heliopolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 687)

jtj-nṯr-n-Jmn, "Gottesvater des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 142.2; Ward, Titles, no. 570 (f); Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 688;)

jtj-nṯr-n-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Gottesvater des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 28)

jtj-nṯr-n-Jn-ḥr.t, "Gottesvater des Onuris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 28)

jtj-nṯr-n-Mnṯ.w, "Gottesvater des Month" | "gods-father of Month" [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL, 55.10 (Nr. 36))

jtj-nṯr-n-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t-m-Jwn.w, "Gottesvater des Großen Tempels von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Caminos, Woe, Tf. 3.1)

jtj-nṯr-ḥm-nṯr-n-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Gottesvater und Priester des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | "gods-father-and-prophet-of-Amun-Re-king-of-the-gods" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.1)

jtj-ḥꜥꜣ, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 142.9)

jty, "König; Herrscher; Patron; Herr" | "sovereign; ruler; lord" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 143.3-14)

jty.t, "Königin; Herrscherin" | "sovereign" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 143.15-18)

jty-(n)-nṯr.w, "der Herrscher der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 597 f.)

jty-m-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Herrscher in Abydos (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 591)

jty-m-spꜣ.wt, "der Herrscher in den Gauen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 600)

jty-mnḫ, "vortrefflicher Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 596)

jty-nfr, "vollkommener Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 597)

jty-tꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Herrscher von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications, 17 ff., pl. 5-6)

jtw, "diese [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 183)

jtm, "verstopft sein; übervoll sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (CT IV, 163c; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 58)

jtm.w, "Atemnot" | "breathlessness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 144.9-10; FCD 33)

jtm-wḥm.w-kꜣ.t=f, "der seine Arbeit nicht wiederholt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 424)

jtn, "Sonnenscheibe; Mondscheibe" | "disk (of the sun, of the moon)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 145.1-8)

jtn, "Sonnenscheibe (ein Spiegel)" | "sun disk (a mirror)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 145.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 121)

jtn, "scheinen (von der Sonnenscheibe); beleuchten" | "to shine; to illuminate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 145.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 122)

jtn, "Delfin" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 145.13; Meeks, RdE 25, 1973, 209 ff.)

jtn, "Erdboden; Schmutz; Staub" | "ground; earth; dust" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 145; vgl. MedWb 109; KoptHWb, 53)

jtn, "sich widersetzen" | "to oppose" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 145.15-16; FCD 33; ONB 79)

jtn, "diese [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (EAG § 183)

jtn.w, "Schwieriges" | "obscurities; riddles" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 146.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 60)

jtn.w-Pḏw.t, "Widersacher der Neunbogenvölker (Chnum)" | "opponent of the bow(folk) (Khnum)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 146.4)

jtn-jb, "Widerspenstiger" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 4 (27), pl. 1)

jtr.w, "Iteru (ein Wegemaß); Meile" | "iteru (a measure of distance); mile" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 147.2-4; FCD 33; Beinlich, MDAIK 43, 1987, 1-5)

jtr.w, "Fluss; Kanal; Nil" | "river; the Nile; canal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 146.10-147.1; FCD 33)

jtr.w, "Jahreszeit(en)" | "season(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 147.7-8; FCD 33)

jtr.w-ꜥꜣ, "großer Fluss (Nil, Hauptarm des Nils, Tempelkanal)" | "Great-river (the Nile, main arm of the Nile, temple canal)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 146.17; 162.11)

jtr.t, "Götterschrein; Kapellenreihe" | "shrine (for images of the gods); row of chapels" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 147.10-148.10; FCD 33; Gardiner, JEA 30, 1944, 27 f.)

jtr.t-mḥ.t, "Schreinreihe von Unterägypten (Reichsheiligtum)" | "Shrine-row-of-Lower-Egypt" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 147.16)

jtr.t-šmꜥ.t, "Schreinreihe von Oberägypten (Reichsheiligtum)" | "Shrine-row-of-Upper-Egypt" [substantive] (Wb 1, 147.15; 4, 476.1), "die zwei Reihen von Schreinen (Ägypten als Gesamtheit ägypt. Heiligtümer)" | "the two rows of shrines (Egypt, as the totality of shrines)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 148.1-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 124), "beide Seiten; (jmds.) Umgebung" | "both sides; vicinity (of someone)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 148.6-9)

jtrn, "[eine Holzart]" | "[a kind of wood]" [substantive] (Habachi, Kamose, 37 (Z. 14))

jtrr, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 61; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 37; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 36)

jtḥ, "ziehen" | "to tow" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 148.12-23)

jtḥ, "Befestigung; Gefängnis" | "fortress; prison" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 148.24-25)

jtḥ, "Gefängnisinsassen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Allam, ASAE 71, 1987, 20, 22 n.(m), pls.V-Va)

jtḥ.t-šsr.w, "die die Pfeile herauszieht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 626)

jtḥ-jnr, "Steinziehertruppe" | english translation missing [substantive] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10024 A, 2, 5)

jtt, "[Gewebtes (am Schiff)]" | "[woven equipment (?) (naut.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 149.1; Jones, Naut. Titles, 156)

jtt, "[ein Gebäck]; [ein Kuchen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 9.6)

jṯ, "wer?; welcher?" | "which; where" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 150.10-11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 61)

jṯ.w, "Dieb; Eroberer" | "thief" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 150.8; FCD 34)

jṯ-jwꜥ.t, "der das Erbe übernimmt (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 627)

jṯ-m-ꜥwꜣ.j, "der gewaltsam fortnimmt (Apophis, Sobek-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 628)

jṯ-m-nḫt=f, "der mit seiner Kraft erobert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 630 f.)

jṯ-m-ḥr=f, "der zupackt mit seinem Antlitz (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 631 f.)

jṯ-Nfr-ḥḏ.t, "der die Krone von Oberägypten ergreift" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Schade-Busch, Königsideologie, 213)

jṯꜣ, "nehmen; stehlen; (jmdn.) fortführen" | "to steal; to capture; to carry off" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 150.12-23; FCD 34)

jṯꜣ, "Dieb" | "thief" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 151.1; FCD 34)

jṯi̯, "nehmen; ergreifen; erobern" | "to take; to seize" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 149.3-150.7)

jṯm, "[ein Teil der Peitsche]" | "[metal part of a whip (ferrule?) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 151.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 39)

jṯn, "sich widersetzen" | "to resist" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 145.15-16; 151.3)

jṯn.w, "Widersacher" | "opponent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 145.17; FCD 33)

jṯn.t, "[ein Kasten]" | "[a chest]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 151.4)

jṯṯ, "fliegen" | "to take wing" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 151.6)

jṯṯ.t, "[etwas Krankhaftes (Flattern?)]" | "[a symptom of illness]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 151.7; MedWb 111)

jd, "[Bez. für ein Rind (Bulle?)]" | "bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 152.2)

jd.w, "Jüngling; Knabe" | "male child; youth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 151.8-11)

jd.t, "Spende; Duft; Tau; Ausschwitzung" | "(pleasant) scent; perfume; dew; exudation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 152.7-12; 36.1-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 129; vgl. KoptHWb 53)

jd.t, "Kuh; weibl. Tier (allg.)" | "cow (also gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 76.4-14)

jd.t, "Gebärmutter; Scheide; Mutterleib" | "uterus; womb" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 76.1-3; KoptHWb 142)

jdꜣ, "glattstreichen (?) (bei der Töpferei)" | "to smooth" [verb] (Wb 1, 152.16; FCD 35)

jdꜣ.t, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 152.17)

jdꜣm, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 57 (PT 753))

jdy.t, "Mädchen" | "girl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 151.12)

jdi̯, "untertänig sein; untertänig machen" | "to be subjugated; to subjugate" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 152.4)

jdi̯, "taub sein; taub werden lassen" | "to be deaf; to deafen" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 151.13-15)

jdi̯, "spenden" | "to cense; to libate" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 152.5-6)

jdw, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird (or insect?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 152.3; DrogWb 76)

jdb, "Ufer; Uferland; Acker; Flur" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 153.2-10)

jdm.j, "wertvoller Leinenstoff" | "high quality linen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 153.14-16; Germer, Textilfärberei, 130)

jdm.jt, "wertvoller Leinenstoff" | "high quality linen" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 153.17-18;)

jdn, "Ohr" | "ear" [substantive] (Wb 1, 154; LÄ IV, 559)

jdn, "vertreten; ersetzen; beherrschen" | "to replace; to act as deputy; to have sway over" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 154.1-4)

jdn, "Rückstand (vom Proviant)" | "arrears (of provisions)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. XXVI.1-XXVIA.1; vgl. Meeks, AL 79.0390)

jdn.w, "Vertreter; Stellvertreter" | "deputy; lieutenant (mil.); adjudant (mil.)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 154.6-9; Ward, Titles, no. 573)

jdn.w, "Vertreter; Stellvertreter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 154.6-9)

jdn.w-m-pr-Jmn, "Stellvertreter im Hause des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 706)

jdn.w-n-jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm.w, "Stellvertreter des Siegelverwalters" | "deputy of the overseer of sealers" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 576)

jdn.w-n-jz.t, "Vertreter der Arbeitertruppe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca I, pl. LXVII (1))

jdn.w-n-pꜣ-mšꜥ, "Stellvertreter der Truppe" | "deputy of the army" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 155.19; vgl. Inscr. Sinai, 230)

jdn.w-n-Nfr-ḥtp-n-pꜣ-4-zꜣ, "Bevollmächtigter (des Hauses) des Neferhotep (aller) vier Priesterphylen" | "deputy-of-Neferhotep-for-the-four-phylai" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89 f., 5.6-7)

jdn.w-n-tꜣ-n.t-ḥtr, "Vertreter der Truppe der Streitwagen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 673)

jdn.w-n-Ṯkw, "Stellvertreter von Tjeku" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 675)

jdn.t, "Stellvertreterin (Nephthys)" | "deputy (Nephthys)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 154.10)

jdn.t-n-kꜣ.t=s, "Stellvertreterin, die keine Vulva hat (Nephthys)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 645)

jdnjw, "[eine Matte]" | "[a mat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 154.11)

jdr, "Knoten (des Gürtels); Verbindung" | "belt; girdle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0590)

jdr, "Herde" | "herd" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 154.12-14)

jdr, "Verband; Verbandsmaterial; Naht (chirurgisch)" | "bindings; (surgical) seam" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 154.17; MedWb 112 f.; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 127)

jdr, "zusammenbinden; nähen (einer Wunde)" | "to bind together; to stitch (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 154.18; MedWb 113), "Strafe" | "punishment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 155.4; vgl. Ward, Roots, § 335)

jdr-wnw.t, "Stundendienst-Vergütung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Brovarski, Giza-Mastabas 7, 105; vgl. Goedicke, Königl. Dokumente, 95 ff.)

jdḥ.y, "der Deltabewohner" | "man of the Delta" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1. 155.9)

jdḥ.w, "Sumpfgebiet des Deltas; Papyrus" | "marshes of the Delta" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 155.5-8)

jdḫ.w, "[eine Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 155.12)

jdz.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 155.13; Tacke, Verspunkte, 28, Anm. f)

jdg, "[ein Kopftuch]" | "kerchief" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 155.14; Janssen, Prices, 282 ff.)

jḏmn, "[ein Teil der Eingeweide]" | "[part of the intestines (?) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 155.15; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 44)

jḏrt, "[ein Ölgefäß]" | "[an oil jar (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 155.16; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 46)

jḏḥ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/E 32)

Yꜣ, "Ya (Land in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Smith, Buhen Inscriptions, 39)

Yjy, "Yjy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 55.12)

Yy, "Yey" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 55.13)

Yꜥn, "Yanu (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 196)

Yꜥr, "Yar (ein Toponym?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Cerny, LRL, 81 (Index))

Yw, "Yu" | "Yu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 55.15)

Ybb, "Ybeb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gayet, Stèles, Taf. 28)

Ypw, "Joppe (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 121)

Ypwy, "Ypwy" | "Ypwy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 268.25)

Ypsr, "Ypsil" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (KRI II, 226.8)

Ynꜥm, "Yanuam (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 198 ff.)

Yrmt, "Jarmuth (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 122; RITANC I, 20)

Yrdn, "(Fluss) Jordan" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG I, 100; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 123)

Ygdy, "Yagadiya (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 172; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 197)

y, "[Interjektion der Anrede]" | "[vocative interjection]" [interjection] (Wb 1, 36.12; EAG § 650; KoptHWb 46)

ybꜣ, "Vernichter (Apophis)" | "yba (Apophis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 60.16; LGG I, 646; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 6)

ybn, "Yben (Bez. für Apophis)" | "yeben (Apophis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 63.6; LGG I, 646)

ybr, "Fluss" | "stream (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 63.16; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 49)

ybr, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 111; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 50; Vittmann, WZKM 87, 1997, 281)

ypgdd, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Massart, OMRO 34 Supplement, 1954, 86, Anm. 2)

ym, "Meer" | "sea (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 78.11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 52)

ynb, "[ein Getränk (?)]; [ein Öl (?)]" | "[a beverage (?)]; [an oil (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 96.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 38)

ynr, "[eine Schale (für Wein oder Öl)]" | "bowl (for wine, for oil)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 98.9)

ynktwn, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[an ingredient (resin?) in incense (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 101.15; DrogWb 46; LÄ III, 903)

ydꜥ, "klug" | "skilled" [adjective] (Wb 1, 153.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 64)

2...10000.nw, "[Ordinalzahl in Ziffernschreibung mit Bildungselement -nw]" | english translation missing [numeral: ordinal] (GEG § 263)

Ꜥ.t-jꜣḫ.w, "Sonnenlichtkammer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Burkard, Papyrusfunde Asasif, 67)

Ꜥ-m-mw-nn-š-j, "Ammu-nansi (Amurritischer Name)" | "Ammu-nansi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 270.2; Koch, Sinuhe, 23; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, 491)

Ꜥ-n-Wꜣḏ.t-Ssj-sw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Gebiet von Wadjit von Sesi-su, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Vgl. GDG I, 146)

Ꜥꜣ, "Aa" | "Aa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 57.2)

Ꜥꜣ.y, "Aay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 58.18)

Ꜥꜣ.w, "Aau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 58.20)

Ꜥꜣ.w, "Aaw" | "Aau" [entity_name: person_name] (Weigall, Lower Nubia, 113)

Ꜥꜣ.t-m-ꜣḫ.t-nb.t-dšr.t, "Die groß im Horizont ist, Herrin des Blutes (Torwächterin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 15.11; vgl. LGG II, 55)

Ꜥꜣ-jb, "[Horusname Psammetichs I.]; [Horusname Nepherites' I.]" | "[Horus-name of Psammetichus I]; [Horus-name of Nepherites I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, 143)

Ꜥꜣ-jmn, "Aa-Amun" | "Aa-Amun" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 57.7)

Ꜥꜣ-wsr-Rꜥw, "[ein Thronname Apophis']" | "Aauserre (a throne name of Apophis)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XV 5)

Ꜥꜣ-bꜣ.w, "[Horusname Amenemhets III.]" | "[Horus-name of Amenemhat III]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 6)

Ꜥꜣ-pḥ.tj, "[Nebtiname Thutmosis' I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 3)

Ꜥꜣ-pḥ.tj-Jzzj, "Groß ist die Kraft des Isesi (Transportschiff)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 38)

Ꜥꜣ-mk.t, "Aa-meket" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 416.20)

Ꜥꜣ-nfr-Jzzj, "Groß an Vollkommenheit ist Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 308)

Ꜥꜣ-nr.w=s-m-nšn.j, "Deren Schrecken groß ist in der Wut" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 31)

Ꜥꜣ-nrj, "Aa-neri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny, LRL, 56.7-8 (Nr. 36))

Ꜥꜣ-nḫt.ww, "Groß an Siegen (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 14.14)

Ꜥꜣ-nḫt.ww, "Piramesse (Ramsesstadt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ V, 128 ff.)

Ꜥꜣ-nṯr, "Esel Gottes" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 70)

Ꜥꜣ-ḥr-ḫsf-ꜣd.w, "Großgesichtiger, der den Wütenden abwehrt (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 35c-36a)

Ꜥꜣ-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenophis' II.]" | "Aakheperure (throne name of Amenhotep II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, 143)

Ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Thutmosis' I.]" | "Aakheperkare (throne name of Tuthmosis I)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, 143)

Ꜥꜣ-ḫrw, "Stimmgewaltiger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 41)

Ꜥꜣ-sdꜣdꜣ, "Der, der groß ist im Erzitternlassen (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 31 (52))

Ꜥꜣ-kꜣ, "Aa-ka" | "Aa-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 58.13)

Ꜥꜣb-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Lattich (?) des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Lettuce(?)-of-Khnumhotep (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 141 (28))

Ꜥꜣpp, "Apophis (Schlangengott, Götterfeind)" | "Apophis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 167.14-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 137 f.; LGG II, 72 ff.)

Ꜥꜣm, "Aam" | "Aam" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 59.2)

Ꜥꜣh, "Aah (Ort in Nubien)" | "Aah" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 132 f.; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 98)

Ꜥꜣḏ.wj, "Kanal der zwei Meeräschen (im 2. u.äg. Gau); Kanal der zwei Meeräschen (im 20. o.äg. Gau); Kanal der zwei Meeräschen (im 17. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Edel, DE 16, 1990, 31 ff.; GDG IV, 204; vgl. Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 72 f.)

Ꜥyn.w, "Aynu (ein Kalksteinbruch)" | "Aniu (limestone quarry)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 191.1-3; Harris, Minerals, 70; AEO II, 128)

Ꜥyn-Šꜣs.w, "Nomadenquelle (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 57 f.; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 164 f., Anm. p)

Ꜥynn, "Aynan (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 57)

Ꜥꜥn.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Der lebende Aanet-Vogel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 77)

Ꜥꜥn.t-Ḥr.w, "Der Aanet-Vogel des Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 77)

Ꜥb.w, "Abu (Domäne)" | "Abu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 235)

Ꜥb-kꜣ.w-nḫn, "Ab-kau-nechen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 59.23)

Ꜥbb.t-Mnw, "Abebet-Min" | "Abebet-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, pl. 7a, fig. 3a)

Ꜥbḫn.w, "Frösche" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 90)

Ꜥbš-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Abesch-Krug des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Ꜥpr, "Aper" | "Aper" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 60.12)

Ꜥpr, "Aper" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 141)

Ꜥpr=f, "Aperef" | "Aperef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 60.19)

Ꜥ, "Aperti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 60.20)

Ꜥpr-jr, "Aperel (Stadt in Ägypten)" | "Aperel" [entity_name: place_name] (Bakir, Epistolography, pl. 28)

Ꜥpr-bꜥr, "Aper-bar" | "Aper-Baal" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 60.15)

Ꜥf.tjw, "Die Pressenden" | "Brewers" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 183.8)

Ꜥfn.wtj, "Der mit dem Kopftuch" | "He-with-the-headcloth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0707; LGG II, 107)

Ꜥfḏ.t-štꜣ, "Der geheime Sargkasten, der in Heliopolis ist (Sarg des Osiris)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 30.2)

Ꜥm.w, "Der Verschlinger" | "Devourer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 184.7-9; LGG II, 108 f.)

Ꜥm.t-mwt-n.t-Jmn.tjt, "Die Totenfresserin des Westens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 115)

Ꜥm-ꜥꜣ, "Der die Tür kennt" | "He-who-knows-the-door" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 147; II, 45)

Ꜥm-mwt, "Der die Toten verschlingt" | "Devourer-of-the-dead" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 184.9; 186.17)

Ꜥmm.t, "Ammet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Piankoff, Wandering of the Soul, 77; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 18.19)

Ꜥn, "An (3. u.äg. Gau); An (8. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 144)

Ꜥ, "Anti (?)" | "Anti (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 15)

Ꜥn-ḥtp.w, "An-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 61.26)

Ꜥny-twn, "Any-tun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (KRI VI, 519)

Ꜥnw, "Anu" | "Anu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 62.10)

Ꜥnw, "Anu" | "Anu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 270.14)

Ꜥnw-sw, "Anu-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Eichler, MDAIK 54, 1998, 256)

Ꜥnp.t, "Anepet (alter Name oder Bezirk von Mendes)" | "Mendes" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 192.6-7; GDG I, 147; LÄ II, 400, IV, 44; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 249 f.)

Ꜥnnḫj, "Anenechi" | "Anenkhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 270.4; Edel, QH II, 1.2, 47)

Ꜥnḫ, "Anch" | "Ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 62.19)

Ꜥnḫ=j?-m-ꜥ-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Anchi-em-a-Djedefre" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 64.5)

Ꜥnḫ=f, "Anchef" | "Ankhef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 67.2)

Ꜥnḫ=f-n=j, "Anchef-eni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 67.11)

Ꜥnḫ=s, "Anches" | "Ankhes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 67.13)

Ꜥnḫ=s-m-ꜥnḫ.w, "Sie lebt von den Lebenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 138)

Ꜥnḫ=s-n-Jtn, "Anches-en-Aton" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, Taf. 18B)

Ꜥnḫ=s-n-pꜣ-Jtn, "Anches-en-pa-Aton" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 67.18)

Ꜥnḫ.y, "der Lebendige" | "living one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 201.5-8; LGG II, 131 ff.)

Ꜥnḫ.w, "Anchu" | "Ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 68.6)

Ꜥnḫ.w-Jzzj, "Die Lebenskraft des Isesi (Domäne)" | "Life-force-of-Isesy (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 460)

Ꜥnḫ.w-jr.j, "Anchu-iri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 68.12)

Ꜥnḫ.t, "Anchet" | "Ankhet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 68.14)

Ꜥnḫ.t-ḥr, "Die mit lebendigem Gesicht" | "Alive-in-respect-to-the-face" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat III, 688)

Ꜥnḫ.tj, "Anchti (Osiris)" | "Ankhty (Osiris)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 205.17)

Ꜥnḫ.tj=f, "Anchtief" | "Ankhtief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 68.22)

Ꜥnḫ-Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t-ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t-r-nḥḥ, "Es lebt Amenemhet, der in alle Ewigkeit lebt (Totentempel Amenemhets III.)" | "Amenemhat, living-forever-and-ever, lives (pyramid temple of Amenemhat III)" [entity_name: org_name] (GDG I, 148; II 167; LÄ V, 6; VII, 290)

Ꜥnḫ-jb-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Sobekhoteps IV.]" | "[Horus-name of Sobekhotep IV]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 24)

Ꜥnḫ-jm.j-jm.jw-bꜣḥ, "Der Lebende, der sich unter den Vorfahren befindet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 136)

Ꜥnḫ-js.wj-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Anch-iswi-Djedefre" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 63.2)

Ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ, "Anch-udja" | "Ankh-wedja" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 270.26)

Ꜥnḫ-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Leben des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Ꜥnḫ-pꜣ-ẖrd, "Anch-pa-chered" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 63.17)

Ꜥnḫ-Mnw, "Anch-Min" | "Ankh-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 270.29)

Ꜥnḫ-m-Jwn.w, "Anch-em-Iunu" | "Ankh-em-Iunu" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 55)

Ꜥnḫ-m-Jp.w, "Anch-em-Ipu" | "Ankh-em-Ipu" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 21b)

Ꜥnḫ-m-ꜥ=s, "Anch-em-aues" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 81, fig. 32)

Ꜥnḫ-m-ꜥ-nb=s, "Anch-em-a-nebes" | "Ankh-em-a-nebes" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 89)

Ꜥnḫ-m-ꜥ-nṯr, "Anch-em-a-netjer" | "Ankh-em-a-netjer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 270.28)

Ꜥnḫ-m-ꜥ-Rꜥw, "Anch-em-a-Re" | "Ankh-em-a-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 64.1)

Ꜥnḫ-m-ꜥ-Ḥr.w, "Anch-em-a-Hor" | "Ankh-em-a-Hor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 64.2)

Ꜥnḫ-m-fnṯ.w, "Der von Würmern lebt (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 142b-143a)

Ꜥnḫ-m-zꜣ=f, "Anch-em-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 64.7)

Ꜥnḫ-m-znf-n-sḫd.w, "Der vom Blut der Gefällten lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 159)

Ꜥnḫ-mnḫ, "Anch-menech" | "Ankh-menekh" [entity_name: person_name] (Lopez, RdE 19, 1967, 53, fig. 6)

Ꜥnḫ-msw.t, "[Horus-, Nebti- und Goldname Sesostris' I.]" | "[Horus-, Nebty- and Gold Horus-name of Senwosret I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 2)

Ꜥnḫ-Nfr=f-Rꜥw, "Anch-Neferefre" | "Ankh-Neferefre" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.4)

Ꜥnḫ-n=j-nb=f, "Anch-eni-nebef" | "Ankh-eni-nebef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 64.26)

Ꜥnḫ-n=f, "Anch-enef" | "Ankh-enef" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 2, 27)

Ꜥnḫ-n=f-Jnp.w, "Anch-enef-Inpu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.1)

Ꜥnḫ-n=f-jtj=f, "Anch-enef-itief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 38 ff.)

Ꜥnḫ-n=s, "Anch-enes" | "Ankh-enes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.10)

Ꜥnḫ-n=s-Ppy, "Anch-enes-Pepi" | "Ankh-enes-Pepy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.12)

Ꜥnḫ-n=s-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Anch-enes-Merire" | "Ankh-enes-Merire" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II, 271.11; L. Troy, Queenship, 6.7)

Ꜥnḫ-nḏm.w, "Anch-nedjemu" | "Ankh-nedjemu" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 44 (Nr. 20))

Ꜥnḫ-Rꜥw, "Re lebt (Name des Re, Amarnazeit)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Barns, Sinuhe, vso. 22)

Ꜥnḫ-rn, "Anch-ren" | "Ankh-ren" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.20)

Ꜥnḫ-rd.wj-nswt, "Anch-redwi-nisut" | "Ankh-redwi-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Ꜥnḫ-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Anch-Hathor" | "Ankh-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.24)

Ꜥnḫ-Ḥr.w, "Anchhor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 66.1)

Ꜥnḫ-ḥꜣ=f, "Anch-haf" | "Ankh-haf" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 65.22)

Ꜥnḫ-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Es lebt Cheops (Domäne)" | "Cheops-lives (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 460)

Ꜥnḫ-kꜣ=j, "Anch-kai" | "Ankh-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 649)

Ꜥnḫ-kꜣ=s, "Anch-kaes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 271.23)

Ꜥnḫ-kꜣ.w=s, "Anch-kaues" | "Anch-kaues" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 66.18)

Ꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "Anch-tawi (Kultort bei Memphis)" | "Ankh-tawy (lit. Life-of-the-Two-Lands, cult place of Ptah at Memphis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 203.13; LÄ I, 266 f.)

Ꜥnḫj, "Anchi" | "Ankhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 68.3)

Ꜥnḫj, "Anchi" | "Ankhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN 0.0)

Ꜥnḫy, "Anchy" | "Ankhy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 68.4)

Ꜥnq.t, "Anukis" | "Anukis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 206.4; LGG II, 172 f.)

Ꜥnt.j, "Anti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 111; vgl. Wb 1, 206.5)

Ꜥnt-m-ḥꜣb, "Anat-em-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Thirion, RdE 34, 1982-83, 108)

Ꜥ, "Anat ist zufrieden (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 7.14)

Ꜥnḏ.tj, "Anedjti (Gott von Busiris)" | "Anedjti (god of Busiris)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 207.12; LGG II, 175 f.)

Ꜥr, "Der Ziegenbock" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 177)

Ꜥrq-ḥḥ, "Das, was die Unendlichkeit umschließt (heilige Stätte in Abydos)" | "That-which-embraces-infinity (sacred place at Abydos)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 213.4-6; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 93)

Ꜥhr, "Aher (Ort in Nubien)" | "Aher" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 140; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 100; Edel, SAK 4, 1976, 79 ff.)

Ꜥḥ.t-n-sgr, "Palast des Schweigens (des Osiris) (Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 13.9)

Ꜥḥꜣ, "Der Kämpfer (Dämon in Besgestalt)" | "Fighter (Bes-like demon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 217.3; LGG II, 183 f.)

Ꜥḥꜣ.w-m-Jwn.w, "Kämpfer in Heliopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 186)

Ꜥḥꜣ.w-ḥr, "Die mit kämpferischem Gesicht (Pl.)" | "Those-belligerent-of-face" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 186 f.; Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 286; II, 201)

Ꜥḥꜣ.w-kꜣ, "Ahau-ka (?)" | "Ahau-ka (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.15; II 344, Anm. 44.15)

Ꜥḥꜣ-nfr, "Aha-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.9)

Ꜥḥꜥ, "Der Stehende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 188 f.)

Ꜥḫi̯-p.t, "Achi-pet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 71.3)

Ꜥẖn-jr.t, "Der mit geschlossenen Augen (Schlange der Unterwelt)" | "Shut-eyed (serpent in the nether world)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 273; II, 190)

Ꜥztr.t, "Astarte" | "Astarte" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 227.3; LGG II, 212)

Ꜥztr.t-n-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Ḫt, "Astarte des Landes Chatti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 212)

Ꜥq-ḥr-jm.j-wnw.t=f, "Der eintritt bei dem, der in seiner Stunde ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 229 f.)

Ꜥkꜣ, "Akko (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Acre" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 137; LÄ I, 116 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 48)

Ꜥg.t-Jj-mr.y, "Das Röstgetreide des Ii-meri (Domäne)" | "Roasted(grain)-of-Iy-mery (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 460)

Ꜥg.t-jt-Ḥtp-n.j-Ptḥ, "Das Röstgetreide des Hetep-ni-Ptah (Domäne)" | "Roasted(grain)-of-Hetep-ni-Ptakh (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon; Domaines, 301)

Ꜥg.t-jt-Ṯy, "Das Röstgetreide des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Ꜥg.t-štw.j, "Das Röstgetreide des Schetui (Domäne)" | "Roasted(grain)-of-Schetui (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 320)

Ꜥgw, "Agu" | "Agu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0820; LGG II, 237)

Ꜥgm, "Agem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 72.1; Schneider, Personennamen, 75 f.)

Ꜥḏ.tjw, "Die Schlächter" | "Executioners" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.0829)

Ꜥḏꜣ, "Adja" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 164)

Ꜥḏn, "Adjen (ein Krankheitsdämon?)" | "Adjen (demon associated with illness)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 241.16; MedWb 159)

Ꜥḏ, "[Krankheitsdämon]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 242.1; LGG II, 240)

Ꜥḏr, "Adjer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 417.15)

ꜥ, "Portion; Stück" | "portion; piece" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 158.5-12)

ꜥ, "Deichsel; Holzstange" | "shaft; pole" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 159.3; FCD 36; Lesko, Dictionary I, 66)

ꜥ, "Spur" | "trace; track" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 159.4-5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 66)

ꜥ, "Deich; Flußbett" | "dyke" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 159.7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 67)

ꜥ.wj, "Klappern (in Form von Händen)" | "hand-shaped clappers" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 79.0398)

ꜥ.t, "Teil (von etwas)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 160.1-161.1; Meeks, AL 77.0557; 79.0411)

ꜥ.t-jrp, "Weinkeller" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 67)

ꜥ.t-n.t-ḫt, "Garten; Baumgarten" | "orchard; arbor" [substantive] (Wb 1 160.13; 3, 341.4-5)

ꜥ.t-ḥnq.t, "Bierhaus; Gelage (bildl.)" | "beer house; feast (metaph.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 160.10-11)

ꜥ.t-sbꜣ.w, "Schule" | "school" [substantive] (Wb 1, 160.12; 4, 85.7; FCD 37)

ꜥ.tj, "Gelenk" | english translation missing [substantive] (MedWb 119 ff.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 27 ff.)

ꜥ-mḥ.tj, "Unterägypten" | "Lower Egypt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 157.20; Lesko, Dictionary I, 66)

ꜥ-mḥ.tj, "unterägyptisch" | "Lower Egyptian" [adjective] (Wb 2, 125.12)

ꜥ-Nmt.j, "Arm des Nemti" | "arm of Nemti" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1295)

ꜥ-n-jḫ.t-nṯr, "Räucherarm" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 6)

ꜥ-n-ꜥš-ḏḥꜥꜥ.t, "Radachse (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

ꜥ-n-ḥtr, "Pferdegespann" | "team (of horses)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 200.5)

ꜥ-n-sẖꜣ, "[Schiffsbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Dürring, Schiffbau, 139)

ꜥ-n-Šw-sms.w, "[Lanze ("Arm des älteren Schu")]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 122 f., Anm. 397)

ꜥ-rs.j, "südliche Provinz; Oberägypten" | "the southern, region; Upper Egypt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 157.19; FCD 36; Lesko, Dictionary I, 66)

ꜥ-rs.j, "oberägyptisch" | "Upper Egyptian" [adjective] (Wb 2, 452.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 66)

ꜥ-ḥqꜣ.t, "Arm des Heqat-Zepters" | "arm of the Heqat-scepter" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1298)

ꜥ-ḫꜥ-Ztj, "Beauftragter in Nubien" | "the king's agent of Nubia" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 585a)

ꜥ-ẖn.w, "Wedel ("rudernder Arm")" | "fan (lit. waving arm)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 226.15; Junker, Giza, IX, 44 ff.)

ꜥ-ẖn.wtj, "Kabinett; Audienzhalle" | "inner appartments (of the palace)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 226.16-227.2; AEO I, 44* ff.)

ꜥꜣ, "der Große; der Ältere; der Vornehme" | "great one; elder; leader" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 162.18-163.7)

ꜥꜣ, "das Große; die Größe" | "greatness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 163.9-10)

ꜥꜣ, "hier; hierher; von hier" | "here; there; yonder" [adverb] (Wb 1, 164.7-9; EAG § 753; GEG § 205; ENG § 594)

ꜥꜣ, "Säule; Stab; Balken" | "column; pillar; beam" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 164.10)

ꜥꜣ, "Türflügel; Tür" | "door; leaf (of doube doors)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 164.12-165.1)

ꜥꜣ, "Pförtner; Torwächter" | "doorkeeper" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 165.2-3)

ꜥꜣ, "groß; viel; lang; alt; erhaben" | "great; large; rich; senior" [adjective] (Wb 1, 161.3-162.12; ONB 143)

ꜥꜣ, "Dollenbalken (am Steuerruder)" | "columns (?); vertical timbers (?) (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 164.11; Jones, Naut. Titles, 156 (21))

ꜥꜣ, "Leinen; Geweberohstoff ("Grobes"?)" | "linen; cloth (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (ONB 426; Edel, ZÄS 102, 1975, 13 ff.)

ꜥꜣ, "der Große (verschiedene Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 163.3-4; LGG II, 9 ff.)

ꜥꜣ, "Helfer; Assisstent" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 165.4)

ꜥꜣ.w, "in hohem Maße; sehr" | "very" [adverb] (Wb 1, 163.15-164.4; EAG § 750.1; FCD 37; GEG § 205.4)

ꜥꜣ.w, "die Größe" | "greatness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 163.11)

ꜥꜣ.w, "Eselslast (?)" | "donkey sacks (?); donkey-loads (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.0421)

ꜥꜣ.t, "die Große (viele Göttinnen)" | "great one (goddesses)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 163.8)

ꜥꜣ.t, "das Große; die Größe; das Schwierige" | "great thing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 163.12-14; Wb 1, 164.2-4)

ꜥꜣ.t, "Edelstein; wertvolles Material" | "precious material (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 165.13-21; Harris, Minerals, 21 f.)

ꜥꜣ.t, "Steingefäß" | "stone vessel" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 166.1-2)

ꜥꜣ.t, "Geschwulst" | "swelling; tumor" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 166.3; MedWb, 123-129)

ꜥꜣ.t, "Leinen; Leinengewebe" | "linen; cloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 166.6; KoptHWb 505; ONB 426)

ꜥꜣ.t, "sehr" | english translation missing [adverb] (CT VII, 112m)

ꜥꜣ.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem]

ꜥꜣ.t-m-ꜥḥ, "Große im Palast (Nofretete)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 19)

ꜥꜣ.t-mrw.t, "die groß an Liebe ist (Nofretete)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 19)

ꜥꜣ.t-nṯr.jt, "Gottesgestein (wertvolles Gestein)" | "god's stone" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 12; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, 329 ff.)

ꜥꜣ-jm.j-Jwn.w, "der Große, der in Heliopolis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 12)

ꜥꜣ-jr.w, "Der mit großer Gestalt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 13 f.)

ꜥꜣ-pḥ.tj, "der groß an Kraft ist" | "great of strength (the king, gods)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 539.19-21; LGG II, 22 ff.)

ꜥꜣ-pḥ.tj-m-ḥꜣ.t-wjꜣ-n-Rꜥw, "Kraftvoller an der Spitze der Barke des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 25)

ꜥꜣ-m-ꜥḥꜥ.w=f, "der groß in seiner Zeit ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

ꜥꜣ-m-nʾ.wt-spꜣ.wt, "der Große in den Städten und Gauen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 29)

ꜥꜣ-m-sꜥḥ=f, "der groß in seiner Würde ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1307)

ꜥꜣ-mrw.t, "groß an Beliebtheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 737)

ꜥꜣ-mrw.t, "Vielgeliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 28)

ꜥꜣ-n-jz.wt, "Großer der Truppe (Vorarbeiter)" | "chief workman" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 127.18)

ꜥꜣ-n-jz.wt-m-s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Großer der Truppe an der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 727)

ꜥꜣ-n-jz.wt-n-pꜣ-ḫr, "Vorarbeiter der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 689)

ꜥꜣ-n-ꜥ.t, "Abteilungsleiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 693)

ꜥꜣ-n-bꜥḥ.w, "Überschwemmungsmeister" | "chief of inundated lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 448.4; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 697)

ꜥꜣ-n-p.t-n-tꜣ, "Großer des Himmels und der Erde (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 21)

ꜥꜣ-n-pr, "Majordomus" | "major-domo" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 514.7; vgl. LÄ II, 153)

ꜥꜣ-n-pr, "Majordomus" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 514.7; vgl. LÄ II, 153)

ꜥꜣ-n-šmm.t, "Stallmeister" | "chief of stable" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 700)

ꜥꜣ-n-št, "Steuereintreiber (?)" | "chief taxing master (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 550.12-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 69)

ꜥꜣ-n-št, "Steuereintreiber (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 550.12-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 69)

ꜥꜣ-n-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Großer des ganzen Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wildung, MDAIK 37, 1981, 505 f.)

ꜥꜣ-n-twhr, "Großer der Teher-Krieger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schulman, Military Rank, 49 f.)

ꜥꜣ, "der groß an Königtum ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 33)

ꜥꜣ-rʾ, "Türflügel" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 164.15)

ꜥꜣ-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Aa-Hathor" | "Aa-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 58.1)

ꜥꜣ-ḥ, "groß an Schrecken" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 36b)

ꜥꜣ-ḥtp.w, "der groß an Opfergaben ist (Sobek)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 37)

ꜥꜣ-ḫꜥ.w, "groß an Erscheinungen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 38)

ꜥꜣ-ḫpr.w, "groß an Gestalten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 39)

ꜥꜣ-sḫm=f, "dessen Macht groß ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 43)

ꜥꜣ-sk, "der Große, der untergeht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 44)

ꜥꜣ-skm, "der mit langem grauen Haar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 1820b)

ꜥꜣ-sdꜣdꜣ, "der groß ist im Zittern-lassen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 44)

ꜥꜣ-šꜥr.t, "groß Angesehener bei Naret (20. oäg. Gau)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 74 f., 66, 91, n. 26; vgl. LGG II, 44 ff.)

ꜥꜣ-šḫnt.j-Nꜥr.t, "groß Angesehener in Naret (20. oäg. Gau)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 74 f., 66, 91, n. 26; vgl. LGG II, 44 ff.)

ꜥꜣ-kꜣ=s, "Aa-kaes" | "Aa-kaes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 58.14)

ꜥꜣ-kꜣr=f, "dessen Schrein groß ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 49)

ꜥꜣ-50, "Zugführer" | "great of fifty" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 704)

ꜥꜣ-Dwꜣ.w, "Assistent (?) des Duau" | "assistant of Duau" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1308; vgl. Wb 1, 165.4)

ꜥꜣi̯, "groß sein; groß werden; viel sein; reich sein" | "to be great; to become great; to be rich; to grow up" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 162.13-17; ONB 911 (Index))

ꜥꜣꜥ, "Wasserloch; feuchtes Gelände" | "water hole; wet ground" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 166.15)

ꜥꜣꜥ, "ergießen; ejakulieren; erzeugen" | "to ejaculate; to beget" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 166.17)

ꜥꜣꜥ, "Same (Sperma); Giftstoff" | "semen; poison" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 166.18; MedWb 129-133)

ꜥꜣꜥ, "[eine Krankheit]; [krankheitsverursachende Einwirkung]" | "[an illness (?)]; [an influence causing illness (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 167.2-4; MedWb 129-133 (§7); FCD 38)

ꜥꜣꜥ, "[eine Krankheitserscheinung mit Haarausfall]" | "[a symptom of illness relating to hair loss (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 167.5; MedWb 133)

ꜥꜣꜥ, "Tapferkeit" | "valor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gardiner, JEA 34, 1948, 12-18)

ꜥꜣꜥꜣ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Simpson, Pap. Reisner II, pl. 7, 7A)

ꜥꜣb, "[ein Baum (?)]; [eine Pflanze (?)]" | "[a tree (?)]; [a plant (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 167.6; DrogWb 78 f.)

ꜥꜣb, "wohlgefällig sein" | "to be pleasing" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 167.7)

ꜥꜣb, "schenken; darbringen" | "to offer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 167.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 137)

ꜥꜣb.t, "Spende" | "offerings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 167.10-12)

ꜥꜣb.t, "Waschkrug" | "jug" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 167.9)

ꜥꜣp, "Vorwurf (o. Ä.)" | "reproach" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 167.13; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 67)

ꜥꜣm, "Asiat" | "Asiatic" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 167.19-21)

ꜥꜣm.t, "Asiatin" | "Asiatic" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 168.1-2)

ꜥꜣg, "(gewaltsam) bearbeiten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 168.7-8)

ꜥꜣ, "Ausscheidung; Harz (in Salbmitteln)" | "secretion; resin (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 168.10-11; DrogWb 80 f.; MedWb 134)

ꜥꜣg.t, "Huf (des Rindes und Esels)" | "hoof (of an ox or donkey)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 168.5-6; DrogWb 79 f.)

ꜥꜣg.t, "Schlag" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT VI, 92b)

ꜥꜣḏ, "bleich werden (vom Gesicht)" | "to be pale; to turn pale" [verb] (Wb 1, 168.15; MedWb 134)

ꜥꜣḏ.w, "Meeräsche (Mugilide)" | "mullet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Edel, Jahreszeitenreliefs II, 155; vgl. Wb 1, 168.14; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 39 ff.; LÄ II, 224)

ꜥj, "Napf" | "cup; bowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 158.13-18)

ꜥjꜥj, "jubeln; sich freuen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 612 (PT 675))

ꜥjn, "mit Kalkstein verkleiden" | "to face with limestone" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 191.6; Harris, Minerals, 70; AEO II, 128*)

ꜥy, "einen Rechtsanspruch haben; beanspruchen" | "to have a right to" [verb] (EAG § 817 aa)

ꜥꜥ, "Königliche Barke" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 38; Jones, Naut. Titles, 131 (11))

ꜥꜥ.t, "Anklage" | "accusation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 169.3)

ꜥꜥꜣm, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 169.4; DrogWb 81; Germer, Handbuch, 39)

ꜥꜥj, "[von angsterfüllten Menschen (jammern?)]" | "to be fearful" [verb] (Wb 1, 169.5; FCD 38)

ꜥꜥj.w, "[etwas Schlechtes]" | "[something bad]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 169.7)

ꜥꜥw, "schlafen (nur in Negation)" | "to sleep (invariably negated)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 169.8-11; FCD 38)

ꜥꜥw, "aufgeregt sein; flattern (vom Herzen)" | "to be fearful; to flutter (of the heart)" [verb] (Wb 1, 169.12; MedWb 135; FCD 38)

ꜥꜥw, "Schlaf" | "sleep" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0587; 78.0647; CT II, 120j)

ꜥꜥf.t, "Feldertrag" | "yield" [substantive: substantive_fem] (James, Hekanakhte, 23 (c))

ꜥꜥfs, "[Heilmittel]" | "[an illness]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 169.14; MedWb 135)

ꜥꜥn.t, "[ein Vogel (Schwalbenart)]" | "[a bird (swallow?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0652; LÄ V, 755)

ꜥꜥnj, "einsperren" | "to enclose" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 170.2; FCD 39)

ꜥw, "grauer Kranich" | "crane" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 170.3; LÄ III, 756)

ꜥw.t, "Zepter; Hirtenstab" | "crook (of a shepherd); scepter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 170.6; FCD 39)

ꜥw.t, "Kleinvieh; Herde" | "herds (gen.); flocks" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 170.7-171.1; vgl. ONB 293)

ꜥw.t-nḏs.t, "Ziegen" | "(herd of) goats" [substantive] (Wb 1, 170.12; LÄ VI, 1400)

ꜥ, "Schäfer; Zepterträger" | "shepherd; scepter bearer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 6)

ꜥwꜣ, "[verächtlicher Ruf (?)]" | "[a contemptuous shout (?)]" [interjection] (Wb 1, 172.2)

ꜥwꜣ, "faulen; verderben" | "to rot; to spoil" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 172.3-5)

ꜥwꜣ, "Faulen; Fäulnis" | "foulness" [substantive] (Wb 1, 172.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 141)

ꜥwꜣ, "das Rauben" | "robbing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 171.5)

ꜥwꜣ.y, "Der Räuber (Dämon)" | "Robber (a demon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 171.14-15)

ꜥwꜣ.y, "Räuber" | "robber" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 171.13)

ꜥwꜣ.yw-jm.jw-grḥ, "Die Räuber, die in der Nacht sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 80)

ꜥwꜣ.yt, "Räuberin" | "robber" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 171.16)

ꜥwꜣ.yt, "Gegorenes, Fermentiertes" | "fermented substance (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 172.8; DrogWb 82 f.)

ꜥwꜣ.t, "Raub" | "robbery" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 171.17)

ꜥwꜣ.tj, "Räuber; Feind" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 136)

ꜥwꜣi̯, "erledigen (o. Ä.); beseitigen (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 171.3-12; 171.18-172.1)

ꜥwj.t, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 172.9; ONB 739)

ꜥwbb.w, "[Fische]" | "[a fish(es)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 172.10)

ꜥwn, "betrügen; plündern" | "to rob; to deceive" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 172.11-18)

ꜥwn.w, "Betrüger" | "plunderer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 172.19; FCD 40)

ꜥwn.t, "[ein Baum]; [ein Holz]" | "[a tree and its timber]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 173.2-3; DrogWb 83)

ꜥ, "Habgieriger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 337)

ꜥwn-jb, "Habgieriger" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 23, 41 (D 91, 315))

ꜥwn-jb, "Habgier" | english translation missing [substantive] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 72; FCD 40)

ꜥwg, "(Getreide) rösten" | "to parch (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 173.8; MedWb 136)

ꜥb, "Horn (vom Huftier); Stachel (vom Skorpion)" | "horn (of hoofed animals); sting (of a scorpion)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 173.12-174.1)

ꜥb, "Feind; Opfer" | "enemy; victim" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 174.13)

ꜥb, "rein sein; reinigen" | "to purify; to be pure" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 175.4-10; vgl. ONB 97)

ꜥb, "Reiniger (Priester)" | "purifier (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 175.11-12; ONB 97)

ꜥb, "verunreinigen; besudeln" | "to dirty; to pollute" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 176.1; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 81; vgl. MedWb 137)

ꜥb, "[ein Mineral]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 6; Harris, Minerals, 84 f.)

ꜥb, "Bogen (aus Horn)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 40)

ꜥb, "Mahl" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 40)

ꜥb.j, "gehörnt" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (CT IV, 130b)

ꜥb.w, "Unheil; Sündhaftes; Schmutz; Infektion" | "impurity; taint" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 174.15-18; ONB 97, 573; Quack, ZÄS 128, 2001, 174, Anm. 61)

ꜥb.w, "Reinigung; Reinheit" | "purification; purity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 175.13-20; ONB 97)

ꜥb.w, "Lattich" | "lettuce" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 176.10-14; Germer, Flora, 185 f.)

ꜥb.w, "Kornaufhäufer (?)" | "pitchfork wielder (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 176.15)

ꜥb.w-rʾ, "Frühstück ("Reinigung des Mundes")" | "breakfast (lit. purification of the mouth)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 175.19; LÄ III, 1164)

ꜥb.wj, "Die beiden Hörner" | "Two-horns" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 413)

ꜥb.wt, "Gabel; gabelförmiges Zepter" | "staff of office; pitchfork" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 176.16; FCD 41)

ꜥb.wtt, "die Gehörnte (Reichsgöttin von O.Äg.)" | "horned one (tutelary goddess of Upper Egypt)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 174.4)

ꜥb.t, "[eine Körnerart]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 176.7)

ꜥb.t, "[ein Utensil zur Mundöffnung]" | "abet-utensil (for the Opening-of-the-mouth ceremony)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 176.8)

ꜥb.t, "Blumenstrauß (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 176.9; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 236)

ꜥb.t-zmy.t, "Heiligtum der Nekropole (Osirisheiligtum in Abydos ?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 32 f.)

ꜥbꜣ, "[ein Zepter]" | "aba-scepter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 176.17-18; FCD 40)

ꜥbꜣ, "Opferstein; Altar" | "offering table; altar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 177.7-9)

ꜥbꜣ, "funkeln; leuchten; etwas erleuchten" | "to shine (on); to glitter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 177.11-13; Harris, Minerals, 85; MedWb 137)

ꜥbꜣ, "Leuchtender (Horus)" | "shining one (the king, Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 1, 177.15)

ꜥbꜣ, "Taube" | "pigeon" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0686; LÄ VI, 241 f.)

ꜥbꜣ, "einwirken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 177.1-6)

ꜥbꜣ (rʾ), "beredt" | "eloquent" [verb] (Wb 1, 177.6)

ꜥbꜣ.yt, "Lenkseil; Fessel" | "rope" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.0612; 78.0684; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 70; ONB 726 f., Anm. 862)

ꜥbꜣbꜣ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Munro, Pa-nedjem II., Tf. 23 (Kol. 22.7))

ꜥbꜥ, "sich rühmen; prahlen" | "to boast" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 177.16-20)

ꜥbꜥ, "Prahlerei" | "boasting" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 177.18-20; FCD 41)

ꜥbꜥb, "prahlen; aufgeregt sein" | "to boast; to become excited" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 178; FCD 41)

ꜥbꜥb, "scheinen; glänzen" | "to appear; to shine" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 178.4; FCD 41; KoptHWb 20)

ꜥbꜥb.t, "Reinigung (?)" | "purification (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 178.3; Faulkner, PT, 69 (Pyr 316c))

ꜥbw, "[Name eines Hundes]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Junker, Giza V, 18)

ꜥbb, "glattstreichen (?) (beim Töpfern)" | "to make shiny (?); to smooth (?)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 178.7)

ꜥbb, "harken; (mit der Gabel) ernten (?)" | "to use a pitchfork" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 178.9; FCD 41)

ꜥbb, "der Geflügelte (geflügelter Käfer, Horus)" | "winged one (winged scarab, Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 178.10-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 148)

ꜥbḥ, "(einen Krug) vollschöpfen; füllen" | "to fill (a jug) to the brim" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 178.14; Allen, Inflection, 554)

ꜥbḫn, "Frosch" | "frog" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 178.15-17; FCD 41; LÄ II 335)

ꜥbẖbẖ, "Hochmut" | "pride (?) (negative character trait)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 472.15; FCD 84; Quack, Merikare, 127, Anm. 19)

ꜥbš, "[ein Weinkrug]" | "[a wine jug]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 179.1)

ꜥbš, "ertränken" | "to drown" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 179.2; Allen, Inflection, 554)

ꜥbš, "Abesch (Sobek, heilige Schlange)" | "abesh (a sacred snake, Sobek)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 179.4-5)

ꜥp.y, "Flügel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 151)

ꜥp.w, "das Durchschreiten (u. Ä.)" | "striding" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 179.16)

ꜥpi̯, "durchschreiten; vorbeigehen" | "to stride (through, by)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 179.7-15)

ꜥpi̯, "fliegen" | "to fly" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 179.17-21; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 149 f.)

ꜥpnn.t, "Wassermolch (?); Schnecke (?)" | "water newt (?); slug (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 180.6-7; DrogWb 84-86; FCD 41)

ꜥpr, "ausstatten; ausgestattet sein" | "to equip; to be equipped" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 180.8-23)

ꜥpr, "Hapiru (ethn. Gruppe, Hebräer?); Räuber" | "Hapiru; robber (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 181.17; LÄ II, 952 ff.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 70)

ꜥpr.w, "Schiffsmannschaft; Arbeitertrupp" | "crew (of a ship); gang (of workmen)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 181.6-11)

ꜥpr.w, "Ausrüstung" | "equipment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 181.1; FCD 41)

ꜥpr.t, "Opferausstattung" | "equipment (of offerings)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 181.5; FCD 42)

ꜥpr.t, "[ein Krug (auch als Backform)]" | "[a jar, also used as a bread mold]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 181.14)

ꜥpr-ꜥnḫ, "Aper-anch" | "Aper-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (Green, PSBA 31, 1909, 321 (Wadi Hammama 32))

ꜥpr-wjꜣ, "Schiffscrew" | "crew of a boat" [substantive] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1311; Eichler, Expeditionswesen, 163 ff.)

ꜥpšꜣ.y, "[ein Käfer]" | "[an insect]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 181.18)

ꜥpšꜣ.yt, "[ein Käfer (Heuschrecke? Kakerlake?)]" | "[an insect (grasshopper? roach?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 181.19; DrogWb 86)

ꜥf, "dort [Ortsadverb]" | "[adverb of place]" [adverb] (Wb 1, 182.3)

ꜥ, "Brauer" | "brewer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 183.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1312)

ꜥfꜣ.y, "[eine Pflanze (Klee?)]" | "[a plant (clover?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 182.7-8; FCD 42; DrogWb 87; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 218 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 151; Germer, Handbuch, 40 f.)

ꜥfꜣ.y, "Lagerplatz (der Beduinen)" | "encampment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 182.9; FCD 42; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 152)

ꜥfj, "Biene" | "bee" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 182.10)

ꜥfi̯, "auspressen" | "to squeeze (out)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 41.3-4; KoptHWb 297; Edel, Jahreszeitenreliefs II, 178 f.)

ꜥfꜥ, "Gieriger (Bez. des Krokodils)" | "greedy one (crocodile)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 182.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 152)

ꜥff, "Fliege" | "fly" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 182.14-16; FCD 42)

ꜥfn, "umhüllen; umhüllt sein" | "to cover; to be covered" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 183.1-3)

ꜥfn.t, "Kopftuch ("Umhüllung")" | "headcloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 183.4; FCD 42)

ꜥft.j, "Afti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 108; vgl. Wb 1, 183.6)

ꜥft.t, "Spruchsammlung (das Leben im Jenseits betreffend); Jenseits" | "collection of spells (relating to the hereafter)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Schott, Bücher, 32 f.; vgl. Wb 1, 183.7; Otto, in: Gs Otto, 12)

ꜥfd, "führen (auf dem Wege)" | "to lead" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 183.11)

ꜥfd, "Nagel; Stift" | "nail; peg" [substantive] (Wb 1, 183.14; KoptHWb 53, 297)

ꜥfḏ.t, "Kasten; Sargkasten; Kajüte" | "chest; cabin (of a ship)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 183.15-18; FCD 42; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 75)

ꜥm, "verschlucken; verschlingen" | "to swallow; to devour; to absorb" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 183.19-184.15; MedWb 138 f.; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 152 f.)

ꜥm-jb, "Versäumnis" | english translation missing [substantive] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 114)

ꜥm-ꜥ=f, "der seinen Teil (?) verschlingt (Verstorbener)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 109)

ꜥmꜣ, "sauer werden (des Bieres)" | "to turn sour (of beer)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 185.1; Allen, Inflection, 54)

ꜥmꜣ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (a very juicy fruit?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 185.5; DrogWb 88-90)

ꜥmꜣ.t, "[ein Körperteil (bes. des Osiris)]" | "[a part of Osiris's body]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 185.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 153)

ꜥmj, "Schmiere, Paste (med.)" | "ointment (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 185.8; MedWb, 140)

ꜥmj, "verschmieren; versiegeln" | "to smear; to seal" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 185.7; vgl. ONB 597, Anm. 550)

ꜥmꜥ, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[verb]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 185.10)

ꜥmꜥ, "Unbeschnittener (?); Jüngling (?); Unreiner" | "uncircumcised (?) person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 185.13; Westendorf, GM 206, 2005, 103 ff.; Quack, in: Menschenbilder und Körperkonzepte, 589 ff.)

ꜥmꜥ.t, "Jungfrau" | "virgin (in "urine of a virgin" (med.))" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 185.15-16; DrogWb 91)

ꜥmꜥ.t, "Schmiere; Lehm; Nilschlamm" | "mud; muddy ground" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 185.17; FCD 42; Harris, Minerals, 200 f.; AEO I, *10 f.; KoptHWb 144)

ꜥmꜥꜣ, "(das Wurfholz) werfen" | "to throw (a throw stick)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 186.1; FCD 42)

ꜥmꜥꜣ.t, "Wurfholz; Wurfnetz; Klangholz" | "throw stick; casting net" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 186.2; FCD 42; Meeks, Mythes, 69, Anm. 124)

ꜥmꜥꜥ, "Korn (des Getreides); Kern (der Dattel)" | "kernel (of grain); (date) pip (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 186.3-4; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 255 ff.; DrogWb 91 ff.)

ꜥmꜥm, "(Füße) frottieren" | "to rub (feet)" [verb] (Wb 1, 186.5)

ꜥmꜥm.w, "Spitzmaus" | "shrewmouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 186.10; LÄ V, 1160 f.)

ꜥmꜥm.t, "Schmiere; Lehm; Nilschlamm; lehmiger Ackerboden" | "mud; muddy ground" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 186.12; Lesko, Dictionary I, 76; vgl. AEO I, *10 f.)

ꜥmm, "[Körperteil von Tieren]" | "[some part of an animal (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 186.14-16; DrogWb 95 f.)

ꜥ, "Milchkuh (Göttin Anat)" | "milch cow (Anat) (Sem. loan word)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 187.4; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 73)

ꜥmd, "matt sein (Herz, Glieder)" | "to be weak (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 187.6-7; MedWb 140)

ꜥmdy, "Stützen (Teil des Wagens)" | "supports (chariot parts) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 187.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 77)

ꜥmḏ, "sich (von etwas) abwenden" | "to turn away" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 187.10; KoptHWb 292, 554)

ꜥn, "hier" | "here" [adverb] (Wb 1, 187.11)

ꜥn, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 187.12)

ꜥn, "Schreibtafel (aus Holz oder Metall)" | "writing board; writing tablet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 187.13-14; FCD 43, Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 153)

ꜥn, "wiederum; noch einmal; ferner" | "again; already" [adverb] (Wb 1, 189.8-16; EAG § 753.2a; ENG § 595; CGG 134)

ꜥn, "Guter" | "a pleasant man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 190.7)

ꜥn, "schön; freundlich" | "beautiful; kind" [adjective] (Wb 1, 190.13-18)

ꜥn, "klagen; Klagegeschrei erheben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Herbin, BIFAO 88, 1988, pl. VII)

ꜥn, "Prolapsus" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 141)

ꜥn.w, "Kalksteine (?); Kieselsteine (?)" | "limestone (?); pebbles (?)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 189.18; Harris, Minerals, 26; LÄ III, 301 f.)

ꜥn.w, "Schönheit" | "beauty" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 77; KoptHWb 8)

ꜥn.wt, "Schönheit" | "beauty" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.0654; Lesko, Dictionary I, 77)

ꜥn.t, "Queraxt (Dechsel)" | "adze" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 187.17)

ꜥn.t, "Nagel; Kralle; Daumen" | "claw; talon; thumb" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 188.1-7)

ꜥn.t, "[kleinste Zeiteinheit]" | "[smallest unit for measuring time]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 188.11)

ꜥn.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 79)

ꜥn.t-m-Wn.t, "die Schöne im Hasengau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 125)

ꜥn.t-m-š, "Schöne mit der Doppelfeder (Nofretete)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 19)

ꜥn.t-n-sḫt.j, "Kralle des Vogelstellers (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. V.7)

ꜥn-m-mꜣꜣ=f, "der schön anzusehen ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 119)

ꜥn-nb-m-ḫpr.w=f, "in dessen Erscheinung jegliche Schönheit ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 120)

ꜥni̯, "schön sein; freundlich sein" | "to be beautiful; to be kind; to be pleasing" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 190.1-18; ONB 61)

ꜥnꜥn, "zurückweisen" | "to refuse" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 191.11)

ꜥnꜥn, "(sich) beschweren" | "to complain" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 191.12)

ꜥnꜥr.t, "[Wurm (im Wasser lebend)]" | "[a worm that lives in water (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 191.15-17; DrogWb 96 f.)

ꜥnw.t, "[Geschwulst]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 189.20; MedWb 143)

ꜥnb, "Halfagras" | "alfa-grass (?) (used for matting)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 192.1; LÄ II, 879)

ꜥnb, "(den Mund) verschließen; umschließen" | "to close (the mouth)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 192.3-4; ONB 249)

ꜥ, "Bündel; Korb (Maß für Papyrus und Brot)" | "bundle (of papyrus); basket (of bread)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.0660; FCD 43; KoptHWb 498, ONB 249)

ꜥnn, "(sich) umwenden; (etwas) umwenden; zuwenden" | "to return; to turn back" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 188.13-189.7; Allen, Inflection, 549; FCD 43; Lesko, Dictionary I, 77)

ꜥnn.t, "[ein Körperteil (Hintern)]" | "hinder-parts (term of abuse)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 192.11)

ꜥnn.t, "Seil ("Gewundenes")" | "rope (lit. what is coiled)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.0663)

ꜥnnw, "[ein Baum (mit Früchten)]" | "[a fruit tree (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 192.12; DrogWb 97 f.)

ꜥnnw.t, "Frucht des Anenu-Baumes" | "fruit of the anenu-tree" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 21)

ꜥnḫ, "leben" | "to live; to be alive" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 193.8-198.10)

ꜥnḫ, "Leben" | "life" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 198.11-200.8)

ꜥnḫ, "Eid; Schwur" | "oath" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 202.11-203.4)

ꜥnḫ, "Blumenstrauß; Gebinde" | "garland; bouquet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 204.3-5)

ꜥnḫ, "[ein Schnellkäfer] (Sonnenkäfer)" | "ankh-beetle (solar beetle)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 204.7-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 158; Meeks, in: Fs Brovarski, 288 f.)

ꜥnḫ, "das Leben (Bez. der Überschwemmung)" | "life (the inundation)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 204.9)

ꜥnḫ, "Spiegel" | "life (a mirror)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 204.11-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 160)

ꜥnḫ, "[ein anchförmiges Gefäß (zur Libation)]" | "ankh-vessel (for libations)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 204.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 158)

ꜥnḫ, "Lebensunterhalt" | "livelihood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 205.8)

ꜥnḫ, "Ziegenbock; Kleinvieh (allg. Bez.)" | "goat; herd (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 205.13-14)

ꜥnḫ, "Lebender; Einwohner; Mitglied (einer Gruppe); Soldat" | "living person; inhabitant; member (of a group); soldier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 200.9-201.4; FCD 44; Berlev, RdE 23, 1971, 27 ff.)

ꜥnḫ, "Anch (Symbol des Lebens)" | "ankh (symbol of life)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 193.2-7)

ꜥnḫ.w, "die Lebenden" | "the living" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 201.10-202.2)

ꜥnḫ.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Anchu-Chephren" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.15)

ꜥnḫ.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Lebenskräfte des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 230)

ꜥnḫ.wj, "die zwei Ohren" | "(pair of) ears" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 204.18-205.4)

ꜥnḫ.t, "Lebende" | "living (Hathor-Isis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 201.9; LGG II, 166)

ꜥnḫ.t, "Auge (eines Gottes)" | "living eye (of a god)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 205.5-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 161)

ꜥnḫ.t, "Getreide ("Das Lebendige")" | "grain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 205.9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 161)

ꜥnḫ.t, "Ziege; Kleinvieh; kleines Rind" | "goat; herds (gen.); flocks (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 205.11-12; Janssen, Prices, 165)

ꜥnḫ.t, "der Westen ("(Platz) des Lebens")" | "the west (lit. (place) of life)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 205.16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 161)

ꜥnḫ.t, "[ein Produkt]" | "[a product]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 12)

ꜥnḫ.t-m-znf, "die vom Blut lebt (Mut)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 168)

ꜥnḫ.t-n.t-nʾ.t, "Städterin ("die von der Stadt lebt")" | "citizen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 201.1; Ward, Titles, no. 615)

ꜥnḫ-jm.j, "[Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 203.6-9; DrogWb 98; Germer, Handbuch, 42 f.)

ꜥnḫ-wꜣs, "das Anch-Was (Fayenceobjekt in Form der beiden Hieroglyphen)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 1,9, p. 86, n. 25)

ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "lebend, heil, gesund (Abkürzung: l.h.g.)" | "living, prosperous, healthy (abbrev. lph)" [adjective] (Wb 1, 196.10-17)

ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Leben, Heil, Gesundheit; L.H.G. (Abk.)" | "life, prosperity, health (abbrev. lph)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 197.1-4)

ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "(möge er) leben, heil und gesund sein; l.h.g. (Abk.)" | "to live, be prosperous and healthy" [verb] (FCD 43; vgl. Wb 1, 196.10-17)

ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t, "der von der Maat lebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 144 f.)

ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t, "der von der Maat lebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 88)

ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t-rꜥw-nb, "der täglich von der Maat lebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 145)

ꜥnḫ-m-ḥwꜣꜣ.t, "der von Verfaultem lebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 154)

ꜥnḫ-m-Ṯnn.t, "Anch-em-Tjenenet" | "Ankh-em-Tjenenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 64.10)

ꜥnḫ-n-jtj=f, "Leben seines Vaters (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 137c)

ꜥnḫ-n-nʾ.t, "Städter; Bürger" | "townsman; citizen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 200.9-10; Ward, Titles, no. 604)

ꜥnḫ-n-Rꜥw, "Leben des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Kurth, Dekoration, 154, Anm. 13)

ꜥnḫ-n-ṯ.t-ḥqꜣ, "der vom Tisch des Herrschers lebt; Angehöriger der Truppe des Herrschers" | "one who lives from the table of the ruler" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 339.2; Ward, Titles, no. 611; Berlev, RdE 23, 1971, 27 ff.)

ꜥnḫ-nb=f, "Anch-nebef" | "Ankh-nebef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 271.12)

ꜥnḫ-ḫꜥw, "[Horusname Merenres I.]" | "[Horus-name of Merenre I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 4)

ꜥnk=f, "Anekef" | "Anekef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 69.10)

ꜥnt, "Anat" | "Anat" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 206.6; LGG II, 174; LÄ I, 253 ff.)

ꜥnt.w, "Myrrhenharz (für Salböl und Weihrauch)" | "myrrh" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 206.7-207.3; Germer, Flora, 106 f.; Koura, Öle, 214 f.)

ꜥnḏ, "[Teil des Flügels]" | "[part of a falcon's wing (tip?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 207.6)

ꜥnḏ, "wenig sein; mangelhaft sein" | "to be few; to be diminished" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 207.7-8; FCD 44)

ꜥnḏ, "wenig; mangelhaft" | "few; deficient" [adjective] (Wb 1, 207.7-8)

ꜥnḏ.yt, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 208.2; MedWb 145)

ꜥnḏ.w, "Sonnenglanz; Morgenrot" | "light of the sun; dawn" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 207.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 164 f.)

ꜥnḏ.w, "[eine Salbe]; [ein Öl]" | "[an unguent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 208.1; DrogWb 104; vgl. Koura, Öle, 216 f.)

ꜥnḏ.w, "Sonnenglanz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 176; vgl. Wb 1, 238.13)

ꜥnḏ.t, "die Wenigen (kleine Anzahl von Menschen)" | "the few (people)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 207.9)

ꜥnḏ.t, "Anedjet (Kanal im Gau von Busiris)" | "Anedjet (canal (or Nile arm?) in the 9th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 207.11; Cauville, Dendera III, Index, 91)

ꜥnḏ.t, "Beutel (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (MedWb 145)

ꜥnḏ.tj, "Anedjti (9. u.äg. Gau von Busiris)" | "Anedjti (9th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 207.10; LÄ II, 397; Montet, Géographie, I, 97 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 136 f.)

ꜥr, "Treppe" | "stairway" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 208.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 165)

ꜥr, "Binse; Schilfrohr" | "reed" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 208.4-7; Germer, Flora, 201; KoptHWb 11)

ꜥr, "Ziegenbock" | "goat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 208.10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 82)

ꜥr, "Kiesel; Stein" | "pebble" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 208.11; Harris, Minerals, 26 f.; KoptHWb 3)

ꜥr, "Ziege (weibl. Tier: Geiß) (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 208.14)

ꜥ, "Türbalken; Türsturz" | "lintel (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 209.5; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 185)

ꜥ, "die Aufsteigende (Flut)" | "ascender (the flood)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 209.8)

ꜥr.w, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 210.9-11; DrogWb 105 ff.)

ꜥr.w, "Nähe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 45; GEG 551 (Lexikon))

ꜥr.wyt, "Schleppnetz" | "trailing net" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0755; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 75)

ꜥr.wt, "[Krankheitsstoff (Inhalt von Geschwüren)]" | "[diseased substance (in a boil or tumor)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 210.18-19; MedWb 147 f.)

ꜥr.t, "Stängel (Lotos, Schilf)" | "(lotus) stalk; stem" [substantive] (Wb 1, 208.8-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 166)

ꜥr.t, "Buchrolle (aus Papyrus oder Leder); Rolle" | "scroll (of papyrus, of leather)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 208.17-19; FCD 45)

ꜥr.t, "Unterkiefer" | "jaw" [substantive] (Wb 1, 209.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 168 f.)

ꜥr.t, "der Hintere; der After (Körperteil)" | "hinter parts (of humans); hindquarters (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 209.4)

ꜥr.t-hrw, "Annalen ("Buchrollen des Tages")" | "daybook (lit. scroll of days)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 209.1)

ꜥ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Simpson, Pap. Reisner II, pl. 7, 7A)

ꜥrꜥr, "(etwas) ausführen; herstellen" | "to accomplish (something); to supply" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 209.15-18; Lesko, Dictionary I, 83; KoptHWb 78)

ꜥrꜥr, "hinaufsteigen (meist von der Überschwemmung)" | "to rise up (of the inundation)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 210.1-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 166)

ꜥrꜥr, "[ein Gegenstand (Korb)]" | "[a receptacle (basket?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 210.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 83)

ꜥrꜥr, "Kinn" | "chin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 210.6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 83)

ꜥrꜥr-pr-m-sjn, "Spitzmaus, die aus dem Ton hervorging (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 178)

ꜥrf, "Beutel" | "bag" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 210.20-22)

ꜥrf, "einpacken; umhüllen" | "to pack (up); to wrap" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 210.23-211.2)

ꜥrm, "Knorren (am Stock)" | "gnarl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 211.6)

ꜥrr.wt, "Tor; Halle; Torhalle (Wache und Empfang); [Sitz einer Verwaltung]" | "gate; (center for) administration" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 211.8-14; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 147 ff.)

ꜥršn, "Linsen" | "lentils (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 211.15; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 84; KoptHWb 12)

ꜥrq, "Fußgelenk ("Gekrümmtes")" | "ankle (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 211.18)

ꜥrq, "vollenden; aufhören (etwas zu tun)" | "to complete; to stop (doing something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 212.3-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 167)

ꜥrq, "schwören; beschwören" | "to swear (an oath); to abjure" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 212.17-213.3; FCD 45)

ꜥrq, "Sack" | "sack" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 213.8)

ꜥrq, "[Teil des Wagens (Sack oder Korb?)]" | "[an item of chariot equipment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 213.9)

ꜥrq, "Ende; Extremität" | "end" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0709)

ꜥrq, "umbinden; biegen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 211.16-17, 211.19-23)

ꜥrq, "Schwur" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 84)

ꜥrq.y, "letzter Monatstag" | "month's end (i.e., the last day)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 212.8; KoptHWb 4)

ꜥ, "Klugheit" | "cleverness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 212.16)

ꜥrq.w, "Striemen (med.)" | "welts (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 212.1; MedWb 149)

ꜥrq.t, "Ende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Quack, WdO 24, 1993, 18, Anm. 81)

ꜥrq-jns, "Schärpenträger (Priester)" | "wearer of the sash (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 211.20)

ꜥrq-rnp.t, "Letzter (Tag) des Jahres" | "year's end (i.e., last day of the year)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 212.9)

ꜥrqwr, "Silber" | "silver" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 213.10; Harris, Minerals. 43; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 167 f.)

ꜥrḏ, "(den Feind) erschrecken; festhalten" | "to terrify (Sem. loan word); to hold on to" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 213.14; KoptHWb 294; vgl. aber Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 87)

ꜥhꜣ, "Aha (Ort in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 154 f.; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 100)

ꜥḥ, "Docke; Seil; Docht" | "cord; rope; wick" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 213.15-16)

ꜥḥ, "einfangen; umspannen; einschließen (mit dem Netz)" | "to capture; to catch (e.g., game, with a net)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 213.17-19)

ꜥḥ, "abwischen" | "to wipe away" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 214.2-3)

ꜥḥ, "Palast" | "palace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 214.10-21)

ꜥḥ.wtj, "Feldarbeiter; Pächter" | "cultivator; tenant" [substantive] (Wb 1, 214.7-9; Ward, Titles, no. 627)

ꜥḥ.t, "bestelltes Feld" | "cultivated land" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 214.5-6)

ꜥḥ.t, "Palast" | "palace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 214.22; Lesko Dictionary I, 84; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 169)

ꜥḥ-zmy.t, "Palast der Nekropole (Osirisheiligtum in Abydos ?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 32 f.)

ꜥḥꜣ, "kämpfen; bekämpfen" | "to fight" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 215.1-19)

ꜥḥꜣ, "Kampf" | "fighting; battle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 215.20-216.1)

ꜥḥꜣ, "Kämpfer" | "warrior" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 216.2-9)

ꜥḥꜣ, "schlecht; vorsichtig (von Kalendertagen); kämpferisch" | "unfavorable; inauspicious (of calendar days)" [adjective] (Wb 1, 216.10-11; LÄ VI, 154; vgl. KoptHWb 403)

ꜥḥꜣ, "Nilbarsch" | "Nile perch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 217.4-5; LÄ II, 224)

ꜥḥꜣ.w, "Waffen (allg.); Pfeile" | "weapons (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 216.12-15)

ꜥḥꜣ.wj, "die beiden Kämpfer (Horus und Seth)" | "the two fighters (Horus and Seth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 216.6)

ꜥḥꜣ.wtj, "Kämpfer; Krieger; Mann" | "fighter; warrior; man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 217.8-16)

ꜥḥꜣ.wtj, "männlich (vom Geschlecht)" | "male" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 217.11; KoptHWb 404)

ꜥḥꜣ.wtj, "sich streiten" | "quarrelsome" [verb] (Wb 1, 218.1-2)

ꜥḥꜣ.t, "Kampfplatz" | "battleground" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 217.1)

ꜥḥꜣ-ꜥ, "der mit kämpfendem Arm" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 184)

ꜥḥꜣ-ꜥ.w, "das Kämpfen; der Kampf" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 215.21)

ꜥḥꜣ-ꜥꜣ, "Aha-aa" | "Aha-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 44.8)

ꜥḥꜣ-mw, "Stakstange (naut.)" | "sounding (or punting?) pole; anchor (?)" [substantive] (Gardiner, JEA 9, 1923, 17; Wb 1, 216.16; Jones, Naut. Titles, 197 (1))

ꜥḥꜣ-rʾ, "der mit streitbarem Ausruf" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pEbers 92.14)

ꜥḥꜣ-ḥr-rd.wj, "Fußsoldat" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI II, 145.11)

ꜥḥꜥ, "Mastbaum" | "mast" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 218; Jones, Naut. Titles, 157 (25))

ꜥḥꜥ, "Position (eines Sternes)" | "position (of a star)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 220.3)

ꜥḥꜥ, "mangeln; fehlen; warten" | "to lack; to be lacking; to wait" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 220.4-6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 86)

ꜥḥꜥ, "Betrag; Zahl; Menge" | "quantity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 221.3-7)

ꜥḥꜥ, "Menge (von Menschen)" | "multitude (of people)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 221.8-10)

ꜥḥꜥ, "Schiff (allg.)" | "boat (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 222.4-8)

ꜥḥꜥ, "Schatz; Magazin; Vorratshaus" | "treasure; storehouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0731; KoptHWb 17; Budde/Kurth, in: Edfu: Studien zu Vokabular, 7)

ꜥḥꜥ, "aufstehen" | "to stand; to get ready to do (something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 218.3-219.20)

ꜥḥꜥ.y, "Mittag ("Stand" der Sonne)" | "midday" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 223.8-9)

ꜥḥꜥ.yt, "die Diensthabende ("Aufgestellte")" | "attendant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 222.3; Ward, Titles, no. 626)

ꜥḥꜥ.yt, "Mittag (6. Tagesstunde)" | "midday (6th hour of the day)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 223.10)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Haufen; Fülle; Reichtum; Größe (math.)" | "heap(s); quantity (math.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 220.15-221.1)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Standort; Stellung; Stillstand" | "station; position" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 220.7-9; FCD 47)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Denkstein; Stele" | "stela" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 221.11-13)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Nacken" | "nape (of the neck); spinal ridge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 222.10; Walker, Anatom. Term., 267)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Reiher" | "heron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 222.11; LÄ VI, 9 f.)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Stehender (Schlangengott)" | "stander (a sacred snake)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 222.12-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 174 f.)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Hindernisse (?)" | "obstacles (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 222.17)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Lebenszeit; Zeit" | "lifetime; duration" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 222.18-223.7)

ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Flotte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI VI, 333.14)

ꜥḥꜥ.n, "[aux.]" | "[auxiliary]" [particle] (Wb 1, 219.21-26; GEG §§ 476-82; CGG 452)

ꜥḥꜥ-n-wrḏ.n=f, "Der steht, ohne zu ermüden" | "He Who Stands and Does Not Become Weary" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 190)

ꜥḫ, "Feuerbecken" | "brazier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 223.13-16)

ꜥḫ, "[Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 224.10; DrogWb 108)

ꜥḫ.w, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[an illness]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 224.13; MedWb 152; LÄ III, 1154, Anm. 30)

ꜥḫ.wt, "Feuerbecken (Koll.)" | "braziers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 224.1)

ꜥḫ.t, "Anstauung (von Flüssigkeit)" | "accumulation (of fluid) (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 224.8; MedWb 151)

ꜥḫ-ꜥꜣ-n-sbj.w, "Das große Feuerbecken für Feinde" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 31.4)

ꜥḫy, "[ein Vogel (Schwan?)]" | "[a bird (swan?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 224.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 88)

ꜥḫi̯, "verbrennen; verdunsten" | "to burn; to evaporate" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 223.18; MedWb 151; KoptHWb 491)

ꜥḫi̯, "hochheben; sich erheben" | "to raise up; to rise up" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 224.2-7; KoptHWb 53)

ꜥḫw, "[unklar (ein Gewässer?)]" | "[unclear]" [undefined] (Wb 1, 224.14)

ꜥḫm, "löschen; versiegen" | "to quench; to extinguish" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 224.15-19; KoptHWb 296)

ꜥḫm, "[ein Brennmaterial (Docht)]" | "[a combustible material (wick?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 225.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 89, KoptHWb 16, 296)

ꜥḫm, "hereingehen" | "to walk (in)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 225.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 179)

ꜥḫḫ, "Greif (bildl. für den König und Götter)" | "griffin (the king, gods)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 225.6)

ꜥẖ, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 225.13)

ꜥẖi̯, "fliegen; wegfliegen" | "to fly (away)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 225.7-11)

ꜥẖm, "Falkenbild; Götterbild (allg.)" | "(cult) image of a falcon; (cult) image (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 225.15-226.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 178)

ꜥẖm, "Schauder erwecken; Ehrfurcht erwecken (von kämpferischen göttl. Wesen)" | "to cause to shudder; to inspire fear" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 226.6;)

ꜥẖm, "Schauriger (Dämon in Krokodilsgestalt)" | "Horrifier (crocodile demon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 226.8-10)

ꜥẖm, "Falke; Adler" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 226.2; EDG 70; KoptHWb 17)

ꜥẖm.w, "Blätter; Zweige (einer Pflanze)" | "leaves; twigs" [substantive] (Wb 1, 226.12-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 178; KoptHWb 82)

ꜥẖm-ḥr.j-jb-wjꜣ=f, "Götterbild, das in seiner Barke ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 208)

ꜥẖn, "(die Augen) verschließen" | "to shut (the eye(s))" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 226.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 79; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 179)

ꜥš, "rufen" | "to summon" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 227.4-13; FCD 48; KoptHWb 140)

ꜥš, "Ruf; Anrufung; Ankündigung" | "call; summons; anouncement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 227.14-15; KoptHWb 140)

ꜥš, "libanesische Tanne; [Koniferenholz (des Libanon)]" | "fir tree; coniferous wood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 228.1-6; Germer, Flora, 7)

ꜥš, "Bierkrug" | "jug (as a measure for beer, for meat)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 228.7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 90)

ꜥš, "Harz; Öl (von Koniferen)" | "resin; oil (of a coniferous tree)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 228.3-4; Germer, Flora, 7; Koura, Öle, 217 ff.)

ꜥš.wt, "Geschrei (eines Kindes)" | "crying (of a child)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 227.16)

ꜥš-ḥꜣ.t, "Pilot (des Schiffes)" | "pilot (naut.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 227.10; Jones, Naut. Titles, 71 (90))

ꜥš-sḥn, "Angelegenheit (?); Auftrag (?)" | "matter; affair; commission" [substantive] (EDG 446.2-447; Posener, Pap. Vandier, 49)

ꜥšꜣ, "viel sein; zahlreich sein; reich sein" | "to be numerous; to be rich" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 228.8-13; Lesko, Dictionary I, 91; KoptHWb 15 f.)

ꜥšꜣ, "viel; zahlreich; gewöhnlich" | "numerous; common" [adjective] (Wb 1, 228.14-24; FCD 49)

ꜥšꜣ, "Menge; Vielheit" | "quantity; multitude" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 229.1-4; FCD 49)

ꜥšꜣ, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird (dove?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 229.11)

ꜥšꜣ, "Eidechse; Gecko" | "lizard" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.0804; KoptHWb 16)

ꜥšꜣ, "sehr; oft; vielfach" | "very; often" [adverb] (Wb 1, 228.25-26; FCD 49; GEG § 205.4)

ꜥšꜣ, "Diverses (?)" | "miscellaneous" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 229.5; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 669)

ꜥšꜣ, "abscheulich" | "obnoxious" [adjective] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 42)

ꜥšꜣ.wt, "Menge; Masse; Volk" | "multitude; the many (people)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 229.6-8; ONB 586, Anm. 509)

ꜥšꜣ.wt, "übermäßiges Schreien (eines Kindes)" | "crying fit (of a child, med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 229.10; MedWb 154; ONB 64)

ꜥšꜣ.t-ḥr.w, "die mit vielen Gesichtern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 226)

ꜥšꜣ.t-ḫpr.w, "die Gestaltenreiche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 227)

ꜥšꜣ.tj, "viel" | "abundant" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 229.9)

ꜥšꜣ-ꜣpd.w, "steinreich (bildl., "reich an Vögeln")" | "well-to-do (lit. rich in birds)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 12)

ꜥšꜣ-jꜥr.wt, "der zahlreich an Uräen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 213 f.)

ꜥšꜣ-mꜣw.t, "der mit zahlreichen Strahlen (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 215)

ꜥšꜣ-mrw.t, "Liebreicher (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 216)

ꜥšꜣ-mšꜥ, "der mit vielen Leuten (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 216)

ꜥšꜣ-rʾ, "Schwätzer" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), pl. 9)

ꜥšꜣ-ḥfn.w, "der mit vielen Hunderttausenden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 218)

ꜥšꜣ-ḫpr.w, "der zahlreich an Erscheinungen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 220)

ꜥšꜣ-ḫrw, "der Vielstimmige (meist Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 53.8; vgl. LGG II, 221)

ꜥšꜣ-zp.w, "der mit vielfältigem Charakter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 221)

ꜥši̯, "ächzen" | "to moan" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 227.19; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 568; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 79; MedWb 154)

ꜥšꜥš, "Kehle" | "gullet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 229.14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 91)

ꜥšq, "bedrücken" | "to oppress" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 230.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 92; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 38)

ꜥq, "eintreten; betreten; (etwas) hineinführen; untergehen (von den Gestirnen)" | "to enter; to have entrée; to usher (someone) in; to set (of sun)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 230.3-232.9; FCD 49 f.)

ꜥq, "[Verb (von Geschwülsten)]" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb] (Wb 1, 233.3; MedWb 155 f.)

ꜥq, "Vertrauter ("Eintretender")" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 40, 85 (D 306); vgl. FCD 50)

ꜥq.y, "feierlicher Einzug (des Königs)" | "ceremonial entrance (of the king)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 232.10)

ꜥ, "Dienerin ("eine, die eintritt")" | "servant (lit. one who enters)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 232.13-14)

ꜥq.w, "Freunde; Vertraute" | "friend(s); confidant(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 232.11)

ꜥq.w, "Einkünfte; Brot" | "loaves (of bread); income" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 232.16-233.1-2)

ꜥq.t, "Zugang (zum Westen)" | "entry (to the nether world)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch II, 58)

ꜥ, "[dämonische Einwirkung]" | english translation missing [substantive] (MedWb 526)

ꜥq-jb, "Eingeweihter; Vertrauter" | "confidant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 231.18-19)

ꜥq-n-wnm, "gewöhnliches Brot" | "ordinary bread" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 12)

ꜥq-rʾ, "(plump) vertraulich Sprechender" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 6 (22), pl. 2)

ꜥq-kꜣ, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 107 (15); vgl. Koura, Öle, 163)

ꜥqꜣ, "richtig; genau" | "correct; exact" [adjective] (Wb 1, 233.5-9)

ꜥqꜣ, "richtig sein; richtig machen" | "to be accurate; to make accurate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 233.5-12)

ꜥqꜣ, "der richtig Handelnde" | "one who is correct; one who is straightforward" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 233.13)

ꜥqꜣ, "genau; richtig" | "precisely; correctly" [adverb] (Wb 1, 233.14-15; ENG § 595; CGG 134)

ꜥqꜣ, "das Richtige" | "correctness; straightness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 233.16-17)

ꜥqꜣ, "gegenüber von; angesichts von" | "opposite; in view of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 234.4-5; KoptHWb 498)

ꜥqꜣ, "Schiffstau (besonderer Art)" | "ship's cordage; tow rope" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 234.7-8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 157 f. (26))

ꜥqꜣ.y, "[ein Transportschiff]" | "[a transport ship]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 234.15)

ꜥqꜣ.yt, "Richtigkeit" | "true balancing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 234.6; FCD 50)

ꜥqꜣ, "Rechtschaffender des Königs von Unterägypten" | "straight-dealer of the king of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 759)

ꜥqꜣꜣ, "Glück (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 234.16; vgl. Burkard, TUAT 3, 215 (Anm. 506a.))

ꜥqꜥ, "zusammenschnüren; zusammenbinden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 234.17)

ꜥqꜥq, "betreten; erreichen" | "to enter; to penetrate" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 234.18-19)

ꜥqn, "(Gesichts-)Umwender (?) (Fährmann im Jenseits)" | "He-who-turns-his-face-around (ferryman in the hereafter)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 235.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 183; LGG II, 237)

ꜥkk, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 235.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 93)

ꜥ, "[Teil der Wam-Pflanze]" | "[part of the wam-plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 235.7; DrogWb 112)

ꜥg.t, "Röstgut (von Getreide)" | "roasted (of grain)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 235.5)

ꜥgꜣ, "kentern; ertrinken; ertränken" | "to capsize; to drown" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 235.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 93)

ꜥgꜣ, "[eine Ölsorte (zur rituellen Salbung)]" | "[an ointment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 236.2; Koura, Öle, 164)

ꜥgꜣ.t, "Kralle (Löwe, Vogel)" | "talon; claw" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 235.10-12; Lesko, Dictionary I, 93)

ꜥgꜣ.t=f-n-ḥmt, "Mietpreis (für Vieh) ("Huf-Wert"); Leihvieh" | "value for hired cattle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 235.8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 93; Römer, SAK 19, 1992, 258, Anm. 8)

ꜥgn, "Kruguntersatz" | "ringstand (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 236.5-6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 98; KoptHWb 492)

ꜥgrywb, "Ageryub (Apophis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 49)

ꜥgs, "[ein Brot (?)]" | "[a kind of baked goods (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 236.11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 101)

ꜥgsw, "Gurt (?) (aus Leder)" | "belt (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 236.10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 102)

ꜥtḫ, "durchseihen; auspressen" | "to sieve; to press" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 236.13-237.3)

ꜥtḫ, "Brauer" | "brewer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 237.4)

ꜥdn, "[ein Körnerfrucht (Weizen?)]" | "[a cereal (wheat?) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 237.7; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 104)

ꜥdd, "bedrängen" | "to (op)press" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 237.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 95)

ꜥḏ, "Nadel; Spule (aus Holz)" | "spool; reel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 237.10)

ꜥḏ, "wohlbehalten sein" | "to be whole; to be safe" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 237.11-238.12)

ꜥḏ, "wahrnehmen (mit Ohr, Nase)" | "to perceive" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 238.14; FCD 51)

ꜥḏ, "aufhacken; aufwühlen; niedermetzeln" | "to hack; to slaughter" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 238.17-22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 187)

ꜥḏ, "Randzone; bewässertes Land (am Wüstenrand)" | "edge; margin (of cultivated land, of the desert)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 239.6; FCD 51; KoptHWb 41; ONB 791)

ꜥḏ, "Fett (vom Tier)" | "pieces of fat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 239.8-16; vgl. Koura, Öle, 216 f.; KoptHWb 295; DrogWb 112 ff.)

ꜥḏ.yt, "[Gebäudeteil (Architrav?)]" | "[part of a building (architrave?)]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 12; Meeks, AL 78.0833; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 189)

ꜥḏ.w, "erfreuliche Sache" | "joyous one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer, in: Fs Dunham, 66, Anm. f)

ꜥḏ.t, "Gemetzel" | "slaughter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 239.1-4; KoptHWb 489)

ꜥḏ.t, "Fettmasse (des Herzens)" | "muscle (?) (enveloping the heart) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 240.1; MedWb 159)

ꜥḏ-ꜥš, "Harz (von Koniferen)" | "resin (of coniferous trees)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 239.14)

ꜥḏ-mr, "Verwalter" | "(district) administrator" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 240.7-10; FCD 51)

ꜥḏ-mr, "Gebietsverwalter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 240.7-10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1316)

ꜥḏ-mr-wḥꜥ.w, "Aufseher der Fischer und Vogelfänger" | english translation missing [undefined] (Jones, Titles OK, 1323)

ꜥḏ-mr-ḫꜣs.t, "Verwalter des Fremdlandes" | "administrator of a foreign land" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1336)

ꜥḏ-mr-zmy.t, "Verwalter der Wüste" | "administrator of the desert region" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1339)

ꜥḏ-mr-Sbꜣ-Ḥr.w-ḫnt.j-p.t, "Güterverwalter von (der Anlage) Stern des Horus, Erster des Himmels" | "administrator of (the domain) Star-of-Horus, foremost-of-Heaven" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titels OK, no. 1331)

ꜥḏ-mr-grg.t, "Verwalter der Siedlung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1342)

ꜥḏ-mr-ṯn.w, "Verwalter des Wüstenrandes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1346)

ꜥḏ-mr-ṯn.w-rs.j, "Verwalter des südlichen Wüstenrandes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1347)

ꜥḏ-mr-ṯn.w-rs.j-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Verwalter des südlichen Wüstenrandes von (der Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza III, 175; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1347)

ꜥḏ-mr-Dp, "Güterverwalter von Dep" | "administrator of Dep (Buto)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 240.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1348)

ꜥḏ-mr-Dp.w, "Güterverwalter der Leute von Dep" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1349)

ꜥḏ-kꜣ, "Rinderfett; Talg" | "suet" [substantive] (Wb 5, 95.1; DrogWb 114 II)

ꜥḏꜣ, "Unrecht; Unwahrheit" | "falsehood; guilt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 240.14-241.5; FCD 51)

ꜥḏꜣ, "schuldig sein; Unrecht haben" | "to be guilty of" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 241.6-7)

ꜥḏꜣ, "der Frevler; der Schuldige" | "guilty man; wrongdoer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 241.8-10; FCD 51)

ꜥḏi̯, "sieben (Korn von Spreu)" | "to sift; to pick over" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 240.3)

ꜥḏꜥḏ, "jauchzen; sich laut freuen" | "to rejoice; to exult" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 241.11-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 189)

ꜥḏmm, "[ein Salböl]" | "[an unguent]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 241.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 97)

ꜥḏn.t, "[ein Armband]" | "[an armlet]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 242.2; FCD 51)

ꜥḏn.t, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 242.4; vgl. Koura, Öle, 216 f.)

ꜥḏn.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 242.3; MedWb 159 f.)

ꜥḏr, "Helfer" | "helper (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 242.5-7; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 108)

ꜥḏr, "[Teil des Streitwagens]" | "[part of a chariot (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 242.8; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 109)

ꜥḏrn, "[unbekannte Substanz (in Augenmittel, aus Byblos)]" | "[an ingredient (med.) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 242.9; DrogWb 122, Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 110)

ꜥḏt, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 1, 242.10)

ꜥḏd, "Jüngling; Diener" | "youth; boy (also in the sense of servant)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 242.11-17; Feucht, Kind, 515 f.)

ꜥḏd, "kindlich sein; knabenhaft sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 98)

ꜥḏd.t, "Mädchen; Jungfrau" | "young woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 242.18-19; Feucht, Kind, 516 f.)

ꜥḏd-ꜥꜣ, "Wahrsager (des Fürsten von Byblos)" | "seer (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 242.17; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 106)

W-ꜣ, "Bezirk des Geiers" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Quibell/Spiegelberg, Ramesseum, Taf. 34)

W-Pqr, "Gebiet von Peqer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 561.9; Wb 1, 243.7; EDG 87; KoptHWb 481)

W-n-ṯꜣr.t, "Gebiet des Speichers" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 121, Anm. 392)

W-Ḥr.w, "Gebiet des Horus (Bezirk bei el-Lahun); Gebiet des Horus (Bezirk im 15. u.ä. Gau); Gebiet des Horus (Bezirk im 14. u.ä. Gau); Gebiet des Horus (Bezirk im 2. u.ä. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 110; Montet, Géographie I, 137 ff.; Meeks, Mythes, 119 f., Anm. 385)

Wꜣ.t, "Der Weg (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien, 21.38)

Wꜣ.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Pfad der Wahrheit" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LESt 56.1)

Wꜣ.t-Ḥr.w, "Horusweg (Befestigungsanlage und -ort an Nordostgrenze Ägyptens)" | "Way-of-Horus" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 248.3-4; GDG I, 174 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 224 f.; LÄ III, 62 f.)

Wꜣ.tt-Ḥr.w, "Watet-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 12)

Wꜣ-Mnw, "Wa-Min" | "Wa-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 24)

Wꜣwꜣ.t, "Wawat (nubisches Grenzland)" | "Wawat (in Nubia)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 250.7)

Wꜣm.wt, "Wamut" | "Wamut" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, Althieratische Liste, 100)

Wꜣ, "Wamemti (Schlange als Totenrichter); Wamemti (Götterfeind)" | "Wamemty (serpent of Apophis)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 251.15; LGG II, 245)

Wꜣḥ, "Wah" | "Wah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 72.26)

Wꜣḥ-jb-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Psammetichs I.]; [Eigenname Apries]" | "Wahibre (throne name of Psammetichus I)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 1; XXVI 4)

Wꜣḥ-ꜥnḫ, "[Horusname Intefs III.]; [Horusname Rahoteps]; [Goldname Amenemhets III.]" | "[Horus-name of Inyotef III]; [Horus-name of Rahotep]; [Gold Horus-name of Amenemhat III]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 3; XVII 2; XII 6)

Wꜣḥ-ꜥḫ, "Aufstellen des Feuerbeckens (ein Fest)" | "Setting-out-the-brazier (a festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 254.4)

Wꜣḥ-n-ḏꜣ.t, "Wah-en-djat (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (CAA Wien 21,38; vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249)

Wꜣḥꜥw-m-p.t, "[Nebtiname Thutmosis' III.]; [Nebtiname Piyes]" | "[a Nebty-name of Tuthmosis III]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 6; JWIS II, 351.10)

Wꜣḥ-kꜣ, "Wah-ka" | "Wah-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 73.23)

Wꜣḫ, "Überschwemmter (Ort in der Unterwelt)" | "Fresh-water (a canal in the nether world)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 259.11; vgl. GDG I, 177; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 197)

Wꜣḫ-Jzzj, "Frisches Grün des Isesi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 401)

Wꜣḫ-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Frisches Grün des Userkaf (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Wꜣḫ-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Frisches Grün des Chephren (Domäne)" | "Fresh-plants-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 225)

Wꜣḫi̯-Jkꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Es gedeiht Jkau-Hor (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 296)

Wꜣḫi̯-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Frisches Grün des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 252 (5))

Wꜣs.t, "Waset (4. o.äg. Gau)" | "Waset (4th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 259.19; GDG I, 177 f.)

Wꜣs.t, "Theben" | "Thebes" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 259.20-260.2; GDG I, 178; LÄ VI, 465)

Wꜣs.t, "Waset (Theben)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 253)

Wꜣs.t-nḫt.t, "Das siegreiche Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 260.1-2; 2, 314.23-24; LGG II, 255)

Wꜣs.t-nḫt.t, "Siegreiches Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 179)

Wꜣs-n-Jzzj, "Wohlergehen des Isesi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Malek, GM 13, 1974, 22)

Wꜣs-ḥr.t, "Was-Stütze des Himmels (Stützender der Himmelskuh)" | "Was-support-of-heaven (one of those who supports the heavenly cow)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Himmelskuh, 31)

Wꜣš-bꜣ.w-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Angesehen sind die Bas des Neferirkare (Domäne)" | "Esteemed-are-the-bas-of-Neferirkare (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 460)

Wꜣš-bꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Angesehen sind die Bas des Kakai (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 296)

Wꜣš-Ptḥ, "Wasch-Ptah" | "Wash-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 74.10)

Wꜣš-kꜣ, "Wasch-ka" | "Wash-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 74.12)

Wꜣš-kꜣ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Wasch-ka-Kakai" | "Wash-ka-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Wꜣš-Dwꜣ.w, "Wasch-Duau" | "Wasch-Duau" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza IX, 49, fig. 18)

Wꜣg, "Wag-Fest (Totenfest)" | "Wag-festival (funeray festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 263.1-5; LÄ VI, 1135-1139)

Wꜣḏ, "Der Papyruspfeiler" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 258)

Wꜣḏ.yt-n-Stẖ.y-mr-n-Ptḥ, "Wadjyt von Seti-mer-en-Ptah (Name einer Festung)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI I, 10.2; RITANC I, 15)

Wꜣḏ.w, "Wadju (ein Weideplatz)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Meir I, pl. 84)

Wꜣḏ.t, "Wadjet (Schlange von U.Äg.)" | "Wadjet (cobra goddess of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 268.17; LGG II, 269 ff.; LÄ VI, 906 ff.)

Wꜣḏ.t, "Wadjet (10. o.äg. Gau und seine Hauptstadt)" | "Wadjet (10th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 269.5; GDG I, 180)

Wꜣḏ.t, "Wadjet" | "Wadjet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 74.29)

Wꜣḏ.t, "Wadjet (Personifikation des 10. o.ä. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 18, x+1,8)

Wꜣḏ.t-m-Dp, "Wadjet in Buto" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 275)

Wꜣḏ.t-rnp.wt, "Wadjet-renput" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 75.4)

Wꜣḏ-ꜥꜣb=f, "Dessen Aab-Baum grünt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 259)

Wꜣḏ-ꜥn, "[eine Barke]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 269.10; Jones, Naut. Titles, 241 (12))

Wꜣḏ, "Wadj-wer-imenti" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 108, Anm. 319)

Wꜣḏ-wr-Ḥꜣ.w-nb.wt, "Ägäisches Meer" | "Aegean Sea" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 11.10; LÄ III, 1278)

Wꜣḏ-pḫ=s, "Wadj-peches" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 273.10)

Wꜣḏ-hꜣw, "Wadj-hau" | "Wadj-hau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 74.24)

Wꜣḏ-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Dedumoses]; [Nebtiname Sobekhoteps IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 37; Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 24)

Wꜣḏ-ḫpr-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Kamoses]" | "Wadjkheperre (throne name of Kamose)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 15)

Wꜣḏ-ḫpr-Rꜥw-nḫt, "[Thronname Kamoses]" | "Wadjkheperre the strong (throne name of Kamose)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 15)

Wꜣḏ-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Sahure möge gedeihen (Domäne)" | "May-Sahure-flourish (domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 460)

Wꜣḏ-kꜣ.w=s, "Wadjkaues" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 74.27)

Wꜣḏy, "Wadjy" | "Wadjy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 75.14)

Wjꜣ-(n)-Rꜥw, "Die Barke des Re (göttl. Personifikation, auch von einer Sonnengöttin)" | "Bark-of-Re" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 278)

Wjw, "Uju" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 76.7)

Wꜥ, "Wa" | "Wa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 76.14)

Wꜥ.tjt, "Watet (Tierschwanz am Königsschurz)" | "Watet (animal tail as an element of the king's regalia)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 279.10)

Wꜥ.tjt-ẖ.t-Ḥr.w, "Watit-chet-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 76.22)

Wꜥ-m-ḥww, "Wa-em-Huu-Gau (7. u.äg. Gau); Wa-em-Huu (Pehu im 5. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 396 f.; GDG III, 87 f.)

Wꜥ-m-ḥww-gs-jꜣ, "Östlicher Wa-em-huu-Gau (8. u.äg. Gau)" | "Eastern Wa-em-huu (8th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 397; Helck, Gaue, 172 ff.)

Wꜥ-m-ḥ, "Westlicher Wa-em-Huu-Gau (7. u.äg. Gau)" | "Western Wa-em-huu (7th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 396 f.; Helck, Gaue, 167 ff.)

Wꜥ-mꜣꜥ.t, "Einzig an Wahrheit" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LESt 39.4)

Wꜥꜣ.w, "Schmähender (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | "slanderer" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 290a; Meeks, AL 78.0893)

Wꜥi̯-rḥ.w, "Wai-rehu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 417.18)

Wꜥi̯-ḏd=f, "Wai-djedef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 417.20)

Wꜥb, "Das Reine (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 212; CAA Hildesheim, 3, 182)

Wꜥbw.t, "Wabut (?)" | "Wabut (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 273.23)

Wꜥr.t-ꜥꜣ.t-hmhm.t, "Waret-aat-hemhemet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Lichtheim, Autobiographies, 113, Anm. 4)

Wꜥr.t-nb.t-ꜥnḫ, "Waret-nebet-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 82.21)

Wꜥr.t-nb.t-ḥtp.t, "Waret-nebet-hetepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 82.21)

Wꜥr.t-rḏ.t-ḥtp.t, "Waret-redjet-hetepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (TPPI, § 20.B5)

Wꜥr.t-ḥtp.t, "Waret-hetepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Lichtheim, Autobiographies, 88, Anm. 4)

Wꜥḥ.w-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Erdmandeln des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 283)

Wꜥḥ-Ṯy, "Die Erdmandel des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Wbꜣ, "[ein Kanal]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 16)

Wbꜣ.t-sp.t, "Ubat-sepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 104)

Wbꜣ-wḫyḫ, "Uba-wechich" | "Weba-wekhikh" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 355.6; LGG II, 297)

Wbꜣ-tꜣ, "Der die Erde auftut" | "He-who-opens-the-earth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat I, 116)

Wbn-kꜣ, "Weben-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 57)

Wbnw, "Webenu" | "Webenu" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 18b)

Wbd.t-sbj.w, "Die die Feinde verbrennt (Torwächterin der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 339)

Wp, "Wep" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 77.16)

Wp.w, "Wepu ("Leichenöffner"?)" | "Wepu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 302.5; LGG II, 340 ff.)

Wp.w-mꜣꜥ.t-r-jzf.t, "Die Wahrheit von Lüge trennen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 358)

Wp.t, "Wepet" | "Wepet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 78.4)

Wp.t-rnp.t, "Wepet-renpet" | "Wepet-renpet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 78.5)

Wp.t-š, "Fayumeingang" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 195 f.; AEGD 187; vgl. Montet, Géographie II, 207)

Wp-wꜣ.wt, "Wepwaut ("Wegeöffner")" | "Wepwawet (lit. Opener-of-the-ways)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 304.16; LÄ VI, 862 ff.; LGG II, 342 ff.)

Wp-wꜣ.wt-Mḥ.w, "Wepwaut von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 345)

Wp-wꜣ.wt-m-ḥꜣ.t-nṯr.w-pꜣw.tjw, "Wepwaut an der Spitze der urzeitlichen Götter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 346)

Wp-wꜣ.wt-Rꜥw, "Wepwaut-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 346)

Wp-wꜣ.wt-Šmꜥ.w, "Wepwaut von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 346 f.)

Wp-m-nfr.t, "Wep-em-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 78.3)

Wp-mꜣꜥ.t, "[Nebtiname Neferhoteps I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 22)

Wp-rnp.t, "Neujahrstag (Fest); Neujahrstag (Monatsname)" | "New-year's-day (festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 305.1-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 222 f.; Leitz, Tagewählerei, 428 f.)

Wp-rḥ.wj, "Up-rechui" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 137 ff.; Meeks, Mythes, 119 f., Anm. 385)

Wp-šnj.wj, "Dessen Haarhälften geteilt sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 355 f.)

Wpj.w, "Wepiu" | "Wepu (opener of the corpse?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 302.12; LGG II, 362 f.)

Wpw.tjw-n-Rꜥw, "Boten des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 366)

Wps.t, "Die (die Feinde) verbrennt" | "She-who-burns-up(-enemies) (a fire-breathing goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 305.9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 227; LGG II, 367)

Wpš.t-bjꜣ-sqb.t-ḥjp.wt, "Die das Himmelsgewässer erleuchtet und die die Ruder kühlt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 371)

Wpš.t-sbꜣ.w, "Die mit leuchtenden Sternen" | "Shining-with-stars" [entity_name: gods_name] (WbZ; Hornung, Amduat III, 688)

Wn.w-Mnw, "Wenu-Min" | "Wenu-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish III, fig. 26)

Wn.t, "Hasengau (15. o.äg. Gau)" | "Hare-nome (15th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 99; LÄ II, 390 f.)

Wn.t, "Wenet (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 199)

Wn-Jmn, "Wen-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 78.21)

Wn-n=j-Jmn, "Wen-eni-Imen" | "Wen-eni-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.1)

Wn-nn, "Wen-nen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.2)

Wn-ḥr, "Wen-her" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.5)

Wn-ḥr-ꜣḫ.t, "Wen-her-achet" | "Wen-her-achet" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, fig 119)

Wn-kꜣ=f, "Wen-kaf" | "Wen-kaef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 273.30)

Wn-tw-[?], "Wen-tu-?" | "Wen-tu-?" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 78.20)

Wn-ḏs=f, "Der selbst öffnet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 386)

Wnj, "Weni" | "Weni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.10)

Wnjs, "Unas" | "Unas" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 9)

Wnjs-ꜥnḫ.w, "Unas-anchu" | "Unas-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 63.8)

Wny, "Weny" | "Weny" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.11)

Wnw, "Hermupolis magna" | "Hermopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 315.15; GDG I, 196 f.; LÄ II, 1137 ff.)

Wnw.t, "Stunde" | "Hour" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 118; II, 111)

Wnw.t-n.t-Tꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Unut von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 392), "Wenwenyt (Ort im Jenseits)" | "Wenwenyt (region of the hereafter)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 318.13)

Wnm.t, "Die Rechte" | "She-who-belongs-to-the-right(-eye?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 413 f.; Hornung, Amduat II, 575)

Wnm-wꜣḏ.w, "Frischfleischfresser" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 407)

Wnm-m-rʾ=f, "Der mit seinem Mund isst" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 408)

Wnm-ḥwꜣꜣ.wt-n.t-pḥ.wj=f, "Der die Exkremente seines Hinterteils isst (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 409a-b)

Wnn-nfr, "Wenennefer (Onnophris)" | "Wenennefer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 311, 1; LGG II, 375 f.)

Wnn-nfr.w, "Wenen-neferu" | "Wenen-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.19)

Wnn-nfr-j, "Wenen-nefer-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 79.20)

Wnn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Wenennefer, der Triumphierende (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 376 f.)

Wns, "Wenes (19. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 198; Montet, Géographie II, 182)

Wnš, "Wenesch" | "Wenesh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.4)

Wnš.t, "Wenschet" | "Wenschet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.5)

Wnš.tj, "Der zum Schakalweibchen Gehörige" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 325.4; LGG II, 418)

Wng, "Weneg" | "Weneg" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 325.11), "Wengyt" | "Wenegyt" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 325.12)

Wnḏj, "Wendji (eine Domäne)" | "Wendji (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 13; Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 204)

Wr, "Wer" | "Wer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.13)

Wr, "der Große (Seth als Nilpferd)" | "Great-one (hippopotamus, as a manifestation of Seth)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 331.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 243)

Wr=n-rʾ.y, "Weren-ray" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 83.4)

Wr.j, "Weri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 417.29)

Wr.y-tꜣ-tj, "Wery-ta-ti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.19)

Wr.w, "Die Großen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 471 f.)

Wr.w-Jwn.w-jm.jw-ḥw.t-Zkr-mꜣꜣ-jmn.w-m-šty.t-ꜥꜣ.t-Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "Die Großen von Heliopolis, die im Sokartempel sind und die Verborgenes sehen in der großen Krypta von Memphis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (vgl. LGG II, 473; III, 204)

Wr.w-ꜥḥ.t, "Die Großen des Palastes" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 474 b)

Wr.w-bdš.t, "Die Großen der Machtlosen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 474)

Wr.w-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Die Großen in der Nekropole" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 476)

Wr.w-n.w-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Die Großen von Abydos" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 472 f.)

Wr.w-n.w-Ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Die Großen des Großen Hauses" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 475)

Wr.w-n.w-Ḏd.w, "Die Großen von Busiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 478)

Wr.wj-Ḥr.w-Kꜣ-ẖ.t, "Wie groß ist Horus Ka-chet (ein Arbeitertrupp)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Junker, Giza X, 71, Abb. 34.1,)

Wr.t, "Weret-Kanal" | "Weret-canal" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Junker, Giza V, 73; LD II, 101 b)

Wr.t, "Die Große (Uräusschlange)" | "Great-one (uraeus)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 332.1-2; LGG II, 478 ff.)

Wr.t, "Das Große (Gewässer im Gau von Latopolis)" | "Great (a body of water in the nome of Latopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 332.10; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 243)

Wr.t, "Weret" | "Weret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 82.7)

Wr.t-bꜣ.w-dšr.t-gmḥ.w, "Die groß an Macht ist und rot an den Schläfenlocken (Torwächterin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.12; vgl. LGG II, 485, VII, 573)

Wr.t-ḥkꜣw, "Weret-hekau ("Zauberreiche")" | "Weret-hekau (lit. Great-of-magic)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 328.8)

Wr.t-kꜣ, "Weret-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 82.19)

Wr.t-kꜣ, "Weret-ka (Domäne)" | "Weretka (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

Wr-ꜣḫ.tj, "Wer-achti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.14)

Wr-jmꜣḫ-Jzzj, "Groß an Würde ist Isesi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 399)

Wr-bꜣ.w, "Wer-bau" | "Wer-bau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.25)

Wr-bꜣ.w-Ptḥ, "Wer-bau-Ptah" | "Wer-bau-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 80.27)

Wr-bꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Wer-bau-Kakai" | "Wer-bau-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Wr-bꜣ.w-[-]-Rꜥw, "Groß sind die Bas des [-]-Re (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Wr-Ptḥ, "Wer-Ptah" | "Wer-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 81.1)

Wr-pḥ.tj-sꜥnḫ-tꜣ.wj-jty-hr-ḥr-Mꜣꜥ.t-sḥtp-Tꜣ.wj, "[Goldname Ramses' XI]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX.10)

Wr-mrw.t=s-dšr.t-šnj, "Deren Beliebtheit groß ist, die Rothaarige (eine Himmelskuh)" | "She-the-love-of-whom-is-great, red-haired-one (heavenly cow)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, 113 f.), "Wer-Nemti" | "Wer-Nemti" [entity_name: person_name] (Bakir, Epistolography, pls. 19-20, XXV-XXVI)

Wr-n.j-Rꜥw, "Wer-ni-Ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 417.25)

Wr-nw.w, "Wer-nuu" | "Wer-[?]" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 335.8)

Wr-nb-mꜣꜥ.t, "Wer-neb-maat" | "Wer-neb-maat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 274.18)Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "[Nebtiname Amenophis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Wr-nṯr, "Wer-netjer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, fig. 212)

Wr-nḏw, "Wer-nedju" | "Wer-nedju" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Wr-rwḏ.w, "Wer-rudju" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 274.19)

Wr-ḥꜣb.w-sd-ꜥꜣ-nḫt.w, "[Nebtiname Ramses' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (pTurin 1889)

Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Groß ist Chephren (Pyramidenkomplex des Chephren)" | "Great-is-Chephren (pyramid complex of Chephren)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ IV, 1232, 1234; V, 5)

Wr-ḫpš-hd-ḥfn.w, "[Nebtiname Ramses' XI.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX.10)

Wr-zꜣ=s, "Wer-zaes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 15)

Wr-sšm, "Wer-seschem" | "Wer-seschem" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 81.24)

Wr-skꜣ.t, "Wer-sekat" | "Wer-sekat" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 316.13; vgl. LGG II, 461)

Wr-šps.w=f, "Der Große seiner Herrlichkeit" | "He Whose Nobility is Great" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 462)

Wr-kꜣ, "Wer-ka" | "Wer-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 81.26)

Wr-kꜣ=f, "Dessen Ka groß ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 466)

Wr-kꜣ.w-bꜣ, "Wer-kau-ba" | "Wer-kau-ba" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 417.27)

Wr-kꜣ.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Groß an Kas ist Chephren (Domäne)" | "Great-of-Kas-is-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 228)

Wr-kꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Wer-kau-Kakai" | "Wer-kau-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Wr-tʾ, "Wer-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 82.3)

Wr-ḏdd-Ptḥ, "Wer-djeded-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (McFarlane, Mastabas at Saqqara, 69)

Wrj, "Weri" | "Weri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 82.20)

Wrnz, "Wernez (myth. Gegend oder Gewässer im Jenseits)" | "Wernez (a body of water in the hereafter)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 333.9)

Wrr.t-nb.t-Pwn.t, "Die Große, Herrin von Punt (Name von Hathor?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, 80, pl. 12)

Wrš.ww, "Die Erwachten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 510)

Wrš-šnj, "Weresch-scheni" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 156, Anm. 560)

Wrḏ.w, "Müder" | "Weary-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 338.8; vgl. Hornung, Amduat II, 518)

Whm-kꜣ, "Wehem-ka" | "Wehem-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 83.23)

Wḥ.wt-Rꜥw, "Dorf des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 177)

Wḥꜣ, "Uha" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 83.26)

Wḥꜥ, "Weha" | "Weha" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 83.29)

Wḥꜥ.t-sḏb, "die Unheil Lösende" | "She-who-unleashes-evil" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 577)

Wḥꜥ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Fang des Kai-em-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Wḥꜥ.t-Ṯy, "Der Fang des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 363)

Wḥꜥ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Weha-Kakai" | "Weha" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, pl. 13 (1a))

Wḥꜥ-tꜣ, "Uha-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 252; Meeks, Mythes, 66, Anm. 107)

Wḥm.t-ds, "Die das Schneiden wiederholt (Torwächterin der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 526)

Wḥm-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Einer, der das Leben wiederholt ist Isesi (Domäne)" | "Isesy-is-one-who-repeats-life (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 461)

Wḥm-mn.w, "[Nebtiname Kamoses]" | "[Nebty-name of Kamose]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 15)

Wḥm-msw.t, "[Horusname Amenemhets I.]; [Nebtiname Amenemhets I.]; [Goldname Amenemhets I.]" | "[Horus- and Nebty-name of Amenemhat I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 1)

Wḥm-msw.t-sḫm-ḫpš-dr-pḏ.wt-9, "[Nebtiname Sethos' I.]" | "[Nebty-name of Sethos I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Wḥm-ḫꜥ.w-wsr-pḏ.wt-m-tꜣ.w-nb.w, "[Goldname Sethos' I.]" | "[Gold Horus-name of Sethos I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Wḫ, "Uch (Gott von Kusae)" | "Wekh (god of Kusae)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 352.2; LGG II, 527; vgl. LÄ III, 864)

Wḫ-m-zꜣ=f, "Uch-em-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 84.6)

Wḫ-ḥnn, "Uch-henen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 84.8)

Wḫ-ḥtp, "Uch-hetep" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 84.9)

Wḫ-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Die Säule des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 233)

Wḫw, "Wechu" | "Wekhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 84.1)

Wḫd.w, "Krankheitsauslöser (Dämon)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 528)

Wsj-n-p.t, "Himmelsfenster" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 109, Anm. 326)

Wsjr, "Osiris" | "Osiris" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 359.5; LGG II, 528 ff.)

Wsjr, "Osiris (Totentitel des Verstorbenen)" | "Osiris (the deceased)" [epitheton_title: title] (LGG II, 531 h)

Wsjr-Jꜥḥ-Ḏḥ, "Osiris-Iah-Thot" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 537)

Wsjr-Wnn-nfr, "Osiris-Wenennefer" | "Oriris-Wenennefer" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 541)

Wsjr-Wnn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Osiris-Onnophris, der Trumphierende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 542)

Wsjr-ww, "Osiris-uu (Erscheinunsgsform des Osiris in Xois)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 541)

Wsjr-m-wnw.wt, "Osiris in den Stunden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 542)

Wsjr-nswt-ḫꜥ-m-dwꜣ.t, "Osiris, der König, der in der Unterwelt erscheint (Name des Osiris)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Imouthés, Col 10.4-5)

Wsjr-rḏ-ḥr-psḏ-n-jꜥꜣ, "Osiris, der auf den Rücken des Esels gesetzt wurde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. V.9)

Wsjr-Ḥp, "Serapis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 554 f.)

Wsjr-Ḥr.w, "Osiris-Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Burkard, Papyrusfunde Asasif, 63; vgl. LGG II, 556)

Wsjr-Ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw, "Osiris-Chontamenti" | "Osiris-Khentiamentiu (Osiris-foremost-of-the-westerners)" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ I, 964 f.; LGG II, 557-558)

Wsjr-ḫnt.j-jmn.t, "Osiris, befindlich vor der Unterwelt (Gott Nr. 255)" | "Osiris-who-is-in-the-forefront-of-the-nether-world" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat I, 308)

Wsjr-ḫnt.j-jmn.tjt-Wn-nfr, "Osiris-Chontamenti-Onnophris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 558c-559a)

Wsjr-Zkr, "Osiris-Sokar" | "Osiris-Sokar" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 563 f.)

Wsjr-Spꜣ, "Osiris-Sepa" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 562)

Wsy, "Usy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 84.18)

Wsr, "User" | "Weser" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 85.6)

Wsr.t, "Wosret" | "Wosret" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 363.8-12; LGG II, 579 f.)

Wsr.t-kꜣ, "Useret-ka" | "Weseret-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 86.24)

Wsr-jb, "[Horusname von Chephren]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 4)

Wsr-jb-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Userib-Chephren" | "Userib-Chephren" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 4)

Wsr-bꜣ.w, "[Goldname Sobekhoteps IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 24)

Wsr-Ptḥ, "User-Ptah" | "Weser-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 85.13)

Wsr-pḏ.wt, "Mit wirkungsvollen Bögen (Name einer Armeetruppe)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (KRI I, 13.11)

Wsr-pḏ.wt-m-tꜣ.w-nb.w, "[Goldname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Wsr-Mnw, "User-Min" | "Weser-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, pl. 10a, fig. 26a), "[Nebtiname Chephrens]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV.4)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses' II.]; [Thronname Ramses' IV.]; [Thronname Amenemopes] (u.a.)" | "Usermaatre (throne name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 3; XX 3; XXI 4; XXIIA 4, 5, 6; XXV 3)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn, "[Thronname Ramses' III.]; [Thronname Scheschonks IV.]" | "Usermaatre-meryamun (throne name of Ramesses III, of Sheshonq IV)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 2; XXIII 3)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-nḫt.w, "User-maat-re-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 85.16)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-sḫpr-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses' V.]" | "Usermaatre-sekheperenre (thone name of Ramesses V)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 4)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Jmn, "[Thronname Ramses' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX, 3)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses' II.]; [Thronname Scheschonks III.]; [Thronname Pemus]" | "Usermaatre-setepenre (throne name of Ramesses II, Shoshenq III, Pami)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 3; XXII 6, 8)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw, "[Tempel Ramses' II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI III, 562.1)

Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn, "[Thronname Ramses' VII.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 6)

Wsr-nsyt-m-Jp.t-s.wt, "[Nebtiname Amenophis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII.10)

Wsr-rnp.wt, "[Nebtiname Rahoteps]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 2)

Wsr-rnp.wt-ꜥꜣ-nḫt.w, "[Goldname Ramses' II.]" | "[Gold Horus-name of Ramesses II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Wb 1, 361.23; Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 3)

Wsr-rnp.wt-m-tꜣ.w-nb.w, "[Goldname Ramses' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (pTurin 1889)

Wsr-rnp.wt-mj-Ꜥnḏ.tj-wr-nsyt-dr-pd.t-9, "[Goldname Ramses' IX.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX.8)

Wsr-ḥꜣ.t, "User-hat" | "User-hat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 85.24)

Wsr-ḥꜣ.t-Jmn, "Die mit mächtigem Bug des Amun (Amunbarke)" | "Mighty-of-prow-of-Amun (bark of Amun)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 362.2; Jones, Naut. Titles, 232 (9))

Wsr-ḫꜥ-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-mr.y-Jmn, "[Thronname Seth-nachtes]" | "Userkhaire-setepenre-meryamun (a throne name of Seth-nakhtes)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX.1)

Wsr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw-mr.y-Jmn, "[Thronname Sethos' II.]" | "Userkheperure-meryamun (a throne name of Sethos II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 6)

Wsr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sethos' II.]" | "Userkheperure-setepenre (a throne name of Sethos II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 6)

Wsr-ḫpš-sꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "[Nebtiname Ramses' IX.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX.8)

Wsr-ḫpš-dr-Pḏ.wt-9, "[Goldname Thutmosis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 8)

Wsr-Sṯj.t, "User-Satet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 86.10)

Wsr-kꜣ, "User-ka" | "Weser-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 86.12)

Wsr-kꜣ=f-ꜥnḫ.w, "Userkaf-anchu" | "Userkaf-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 86.17)

Wsrj, "Useri" | "Weseri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 86.21)

Wsrkn, "Osorkon IV." | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXIII 2)

Wsḫ-kꜣ, "Wesech-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 87.5)

Wss, "Weses" | "Weses" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 275.20)

Wšb.wj, "Weschebui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 87.12)

Wgm, "Wegem (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (van de Walle, in: Fs Capart, 563 ff.)

Wt.j, "der Gefesselte" | "Fettered-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 378.3)

Wt.t, "Die Älteste (Schlangengöttin)" | "Oldest-one (a serpent goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 378.4-6; LGG II, 596)

Wt.t, "Die Älteste (Schlangengöttin als Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 208 f.)

Wt-kꜣ, "Wet-ka" | "Wet-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 88.1)

Wty, "Wety" | "Wety" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 52)

Wtnt, "Wetenet (Gebiet in Punt)" | "Wetenet (in Punt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, AL 79.0788; Edel, SAK 4, 1976, 92)

Wtt-ḥzz.t, "Wetet-hezezet" | "Wetet-hezezet" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VII, pl. 9b, fig. 36a)

Wṯ-sw-mꜣ, "Wetj-su-ma" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Meir I, 20, Anm. 120)

Wṯn.t, "Wetjenet (Herkunftsland der Sonne)" | "Wetjenet (sun's place of origin)" [entity_name: place_name] (Hornung, Anbetung II, 71, Anm. 190)

Wṯ, "Der von Wetjenet" | "He-of-Wetjenet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 78; II, 71, Anm. 190)

Wṯz.t-Ḥr.w, "Der Thron des Horus (2. o.äg. Gau, Name für Edfu)" | "Throne-of-Horus (nome and town of Edfu)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 384.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 273)

Wṯz-nfr.w, "[Name eines Palastes]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Helck, Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit, 21)

Wṯz-Rꜥw-m-Jwn.w-Rꜥw, "[Atontempel in Heliopolis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Raue, Heliopolis, 311)

Wṯz-rn-n-Jtn, "[Goldname Amenophis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Wṯz-ḫꜥ.w-m-Jwn.w-Šmꜥ.w, "[Goldname Amenophis IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Wṯz-ḫꜥ.w-sḥtp-nṯr.w, "[Goldname Tutanchamuns]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 12)

Wd.t-ḏw.t, "Die Vergelterin des Bösen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 40 f.; vgl. LGG II, 626)

Wdn.t-Jhy, "Ihy-Opfer (Opferfest)" | "Ihy-offering (a festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 552 f.)

Wdn-sḫm=f, "Der dessen Kraft stark ist" | "He-whose-power-is-strong" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 389.7)

Wḏ-ḥtp, "Der die Opfergabe zuteilt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 634)

Wḏꜣ, "Udja" | "Wedja" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 88.14)

Wḏꜣ-jb, "Udja-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 644)

Wḏꜣ-rn=f, "Udja-renef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 88.21)

Wḏꜣ-ḥꜣ-Ttj, "Udja-ha-Teti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 275.24)

Wḏꜣj, "Udjai" | "Wedjai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 89.6)

Wḏꜣw, "Udjau" | "Wedjau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 89.7)

Wḏꜥ, "Udja" | "Wedja" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 89.8)

Wḏꜥ.w-mdw, "Die Richter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 655)

Wḏꜥ-nṯr=f, "Wedja-netjeref" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 275.28)

Wḏrṯt, "Udjertjet (Ort in Nubien)" | "Udjertjet" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 212; Peust, Das Napatanische, 209; vgl. Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 146)

w, "Bezirk; Gebiet" | "district; region" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 243.1-7)

w, "[Negationspartikel]" | "[particle of negation]" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 1, 243.8; EAG §§ 1100 f.; GEG § 352A; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, 65)

w-jḥ.w, "Rinderweide" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LEM 111.14)

wꜣ, "Strick; Schnur" | "cord" [substantive] (Wb 1, 244.1-3)

wꜣ, "[Verb]" | "[verb (to resist?)]" [verb] (Wb 1, 244.6)

wꜣ, "grübeln; (Böses) planen; konspirieren" | "to conspire; to brood" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 244.10-13; vgl. KoptHWb, 265; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 191)

wꜣ, "[ein Transportboot]" | "[a barge]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0846; Jones, Naut. Titles, 133 (18))

wꜣ, "fern; abgelegen" | "far; remote" [adjective] (Wb 1, 245.13)

wꜣ.j, "der zum Strick Gehörige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 124)

wꜣ.y, "Unheil sinnender (ein Krankheitsdämon)" | "[a demon associated with illness]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 249.2; MedWb 161; LGG II, 244)

wꜣ.w, "wehe!" | "woe! (interjection)" [interjection] (Wb 1, 245.1; Cerny, CED 209; KoptHWb 268)

wꜣ.w, "seit langem; von fern (in der Ferne)" | "long ago; far away" [adverb] (Wb 1, 245.14-246.4; GEG 559 (Index); ENG § 595)

wꜣ.w, "Brandung; Flutwasser" | "wave (of the sea); flood water" [substantive] (Wb 1, 249.3-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 192)

wꜣ.w-jtr.w, "der den Fluß ersonnen hat (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 241)

wꜣ.t, "Strick; Band" | "cord" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 244.4-5; FCD 52)

wꜣ.t, "Böses" | "evil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 244.14)

wꜣ.t, "Weg; Seite" | "road; way; path; side" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 246.17-248.13)

wꜣ.t-nṯr, "Tempelstraße; rechter Weg" | "sacred (processional) way; correct path" [substantive] (Wb 1, 248.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 100)

wꜣ.t-rd, "betretener Weg" | "footpath" [substantive] (Wb 2, 461.13)

wꜣ.t-šwy, "Fußmatte" | "runner (mat woven from grass)" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 101)

wꜣi̯, "dörren (des Getreide)" | "to parch (grain); to burn" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 244.9; MedWb 161)

wꜣi̯, "fern sein; sich entfernen" | "to be far (away from); to remove oneself" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 245.3-13; KoptHWb 266)

wꜣwꜣ, "planen; überlegen (negativ)" | "to plan (often with neg. connotations)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 249.6-15; FCD 53; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 192)

wꜣwꜣ, "böser Plan (?)" | "plot" [substantive] (Wb 1, 249.16)

wꜣwꜣ.w, "Glanz (der Sonne)" | "sunlight" [substantive] (Wb 1, 250.3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 101; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 192 f.)

wꜣwꜣ.t, "Strick" | "cord" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 250.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 193 f.)

wꜣwꜣ.t, "Feuer; Glut (o. Ä.)" | "fire" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 250.4; FCD 53)

wꜣwꜣ.tjw, "Bewohner des Landes Wawat" | "inhabitants of (the land of) Wawat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 250.8)

wꜣb, "Wurzel; Sockel; Ansatz (der Zähne, des Auges, des Oberschenkels)" | "root; socket" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 250.9-11; MedWb 161)

wꜣb, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (MedWb 162)

wꜣb.t-n-šꜥ, "Sanddüne" | "dune" [substantive] (Wb 1, 251.5)

wꜣp.t, "Schaf" | "sheep" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 251.8)

wꜣm, "[eine Pflanze]; [eine Frucht (essbar)]" | "[a plant (med.)]; [an edible plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 251.12-13; DrogWb 123 f.; Edel, QH II, 1.2, 22)

wꜣnb, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 251.16; DrogWb 124)

wꜣr, "(den Sack) zusammenschnüren" | "to tie up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 252.2)

wꜣr, "Rohrflöte (?); Rohr" | "reed flute; reed" [substantive] (Wb 1, 252.13; KoptHWb 270; Cerny, CED 211)

wꜣr.w, "[ein Gürtelband]" | "[a bracelet]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 252.9; Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 177, Anm. ba; Meeks, Mythes, 272)

wꜣr.t, "Schnur; Strick" | "rope; cord" [substantive] (Wb 1, 252.3-8; FCD 53; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 195)

wꜣḥ, "legen; dauern; opfern; zurücklassen" | "to lay down; to offer; to endure" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 253.1-257.6)

wꜣḥ, "Kranz; Girlande (aus Blumen, Gold)" | "wreath; garland" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 257.13-15)

wꜣḥ, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 257.17)

wꜣḥ, "[ein Mineral]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 7; Harris, Minerals, 166)

wꜣḥ.yt, "Niederlassung" | "precinct" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 258.5-6)

wꜣḥ.yt, "Ertrag der Ernte; Getreide" | "yield (of the harvest); grain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 258.7-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 197)

wꜣḥ.wt, "Spende (o. Ä.)" | "oblations" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 258.2; FCD 54)

wꜣḥ-jb, "der Freundliche" | "kind one; patient one" [substantive] (Wb 1, 256.18; Doxey, Epithets, 281)

wꜣḥ-jb, "Freundlicher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 246)

wꜣḥ-nḥb.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 124)

wꜣḥ-ḏꜣ.t, "[Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, Faltblatt, x+13)

wꜣḥwꜣḥ, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_6-lit] (Wb 1, 258.12; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 600)

wꜣḫ, "Überfluss; Flut" | "flood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 54; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 84)

wꜣḫ.tj, "[Bezeichnung des Verstorbenen]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 252)

wꜣḫy, "Säulenhalle" | "pillared hall; columned forecourt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 259.12-13; FCD 54)

wꜣḫi̯, "überschwemmt sein; gedeihen; sich freuen; im Überfluss vorhanden sein" | "to flood; to make verdant; to rejoice" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 258.13-259.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 197 f.)

wꜣs, "[ein Zepter]" | "was-scepter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 259.16)

wꜣs, "Herrschaft; Wohlergehen" | "dominion; power" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 260.6)

wꜣs, "herrschen; mächtig sein; glücklich sein" | "to possess power; to have dominion; to be happy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 260.7-8)

wꜣs, "Was (Unterabteilung einer Phyle der Totenpriester)" | "Was (subdivision of a phyle)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.0827)

wꜣ, "thebanisch" | "Theban" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 260.3-4)

wꜣ, "Thebaner; Bürger (allg.)" | "Theban; citizen (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 260.5; FCD 55; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 200)

wꜣ, "Thebaner" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 255)

wꜣsi̯, "verfallen sein (von Gebäuden); zu Grunde gehen" | "to be ruined; to be fallen down" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 260.9-261.7)

wꜣš, "mächtig sein, angesehen sein; (jmdn.) ehren" | "to be powerful; to worship" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 261.9-262.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 200)

wꜣš, "Ansehen; Ehre" | "honor; respect" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 262.9-11)

wꜣš, "Angesehener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 256)

wꜣš.wt, "die Geehrten (?) (weibl. Wesen)" | "honorable ones (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 262.14)

wꜣšš, "Bluterguss; Hämatom" | "bruise; hematoma (?) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 262.16; MedWb 163)

wꜣg, "jauchzen (vor Freude); sich freuen" | "to shout (for joy)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 262.18; FCD 55; vgl. EAG §§ 473, 691)

wꜣgi̯, "(Proviant) verteilen (für ein Fest); sich freuen (?)" | "to provision (for a feast)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 262.17; Allen, Inflection, 580; vgl. EAG §§ 473, 691)

wꜣd.w, "[Pflanze, offizinell]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 125)

wꜣḏ, "Papyrus (auch als Symbol für U.Äg.)" | "papyrus (also as a symbol for Lower Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 263.7-264.4)

wꜣḏ, "Spross; Sohn" | "child; son" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 264.5-7)

wꜣḏ, "Papyrussäule" | "papyriform column" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 264.8-9)

wꜣḏ, "[ein papyrusförmiges Amulett]" | "wadj-amulet (papyriform)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 264.10; FCD 55)

wꜣḏ, "grün sein; gedeihen; gedeihen lassen" | "to be green; to flourish; to cause to flourish" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 264.12-266.9)

wꜣḏ, "der Glückliche" | "fortunate man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 266.10)

wꜣḏ, "frisches Getreide" | "grain" [substantive] (Wb 1, 266.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 203 f.)

wꜣḏ, "grüner Stein (allg.); Malachit" | "green stone (gen.); malachite" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 267.3-8; Harris, Minerals, 102 ff.; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, 543)

wꜣḏ, "Wadj (Unterabteilung einer Phyle)" | "Wadj (a subdivision of a phyle)" [substantive] (Kaplony, Rollsiegel, 323)

wꜣḏ, "grün; frisch; jung" | "green; fresh; young" [adjective] (Wb 1, 264.12-266.9)

wꜣḏ.y, "grüne Pflanzen" | "green plants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 266.11)

wꜣḏ.yt, "Säulenhalle" | "columned hall" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 269.6-9)

wꜣḏ.w, "grüne Schminke; grüne Farbe" | "green eye paint; green pigment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 267.9-15; vgl. Harris, Minerals, 102 ff.)

wꜣḏ.w, "Erfolg; Gedeihen; Glück" | "success; happiness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 55)

wꜣḏ.wt, "Rohes (von ungekochten Lebensmitteln)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 176; vgl. Wb 1, 268.5-6; vgl. FCD 55)

wꜣḏ.t, "Gemüse; Grünzeug" | "greens; vegetables" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 266.13; Cerny, CED 217)

wꜣḏ.t, "[eine Frucht]" | "[a fruit]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 267.2)

wꜣḏ.t, "grüner Kleiderstoff" | "green cloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 268.10-12)

wꜣḏ.t, "Wadjet (Phyle von Totenpriestern und von Arbeitertrupps)" | "Wadjet (a phyle of priest, of workers)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 268.15)

wꜣḏ.t, "die Grüne (Krone von U.Äg.)" | "Green-one (crown of Lower Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 268.16; LÄ III, 812)

wꜣḏ.t, "grüner Stein" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 89, vgl. 188)

wꜣḏ.t-Tꜣ.wj, "die die beiden Länder gedeihen läßt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 265)

wꜣḏ.tj, "Gemüsegärtner" | "vegetable gardener" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 267.1)

wꜣḏ.tj, "die beiden Uräusschlangen; die beiden Kronen" | "the two uraei; the two crowns" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 269.1-4)

wꜣḏ-wr, "großes Grünes (Meer (allg.), Gewässer)" | "sea (lit. great green); Fayyum Lake" [substantive] (Wb 1, 269.12-16; 18; FCD 56; vgl. LÄ VII, 456)

wꜣḏ-n-Sḫm.t, "Sprössling der Sachmet (meist Horus); Papyrusamulett der Sachmet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 257 f.; vgl. Goyon, BIFAO 74, 1974, 76)

wꜣḏ-ḥꜣ.t, "[eine Ente ("mit grüner Brust")]" | "[a duck (lit. green of breast)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 270.1)

wꜣḏꜣḏ, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 270.3)

wꜣḏwꜣḏ, "grün sein; grün machen" | "to become green; to be green" [verb: verb_6-lit] (Wb 1, 270.4-5; Cerny, CED 217)

wꜣḏwꜣḏ, "grüne Pflanzen" | "green plants" [substantive] (Wb 1, 270.6-7; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 107)

wꜣḏḏ.t, "Vegetation; grüne Pflanzen" | "green plants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 270.11; FCD 56)

wj, "ich; mich [Enkl. Pron. sg.1.c]" | "I; me (depen. pron., 1st per. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 1, 270.12-271.6; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; ENG § 87)

wj, "Mumienhülle" | "mummy case" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 271.7; FCD 56)

wjꜣ, "Schiff; Prozessionsbarke" | "ship; processional bark" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 271.8-272.2; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 241 (13))

wjꜣ, "(etwas) zurückweisen; absondern" | "to push aside; to reject" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 272.3-4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 105; vgl. KoptHWb 279)

wjꜣ.t, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 272.6; DrogWb 128)

wjꜣ.t, "[krankhafte Erscheinung am Herzen]" | "[a symptom of a heart ailment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 272.7; MedWb 166)

wjꜣ-n-ḥḥ, "Barke der Millionen (im Jenseits)" | "Bark-of-the-millions (in the hereafter)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 271.11; 3, 153.15; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 243 (22))

wjꜣ-n-Stẖ, "Barke des Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16, 21)

wjꜣ-n-kꜣp, "Überdachte Barke" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 32.4)

wjꜣ, "Altersschwäche (des Herzens)" | "age (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 272.8; MedWb 167)

wjꜣwjꜣ, "erfolglos sein; ohnmächtig sein" | "to be helpless; to be confused" [verb: verb_6-lit] (Wb 1, 272.9-10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 105)

wjꜣwjꜣ, "Hilflosigkeit; Schwäche" | "helplessness; weakness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 105)

wjn, "zurückweisen; ablehnen" | "to push aside; to reject" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 272.12-14; FCD 56; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 210 f.)

wjṯ, "[Substantiv (Schleuderer?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 273.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 87)

wy, "wehe!" | "woe!" [interjection] (Wb 1, 272.11; Cerny, CED 209; KoptHWb 268)

wꜥ, "Einer; Einziger" | "one; sole one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 275.10-17)

wꜥ, "Harpune" | "harpoon" [substantive] (Wb 1, 273.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 211 f.)

wꜥ, "eins (Zahl); einzig" | "one; sole" [adjective] (Wb 1, 273.3-276.9; GEG § 260)

wꜥ, "einer (von mehreren); etwas (von e. Material)" | "one (of many); sole" [adjective] (Wb 1, 273.10-274.16; ENG § 242; CGG 69)

wꜥ, "ein [unbestimmter Artikel sg.c.]" | "a; an (indef. article)" [pronoun] (Wb 1, 276.8-9; ENG § 183; CGG 66-68; Junge, Näg. Gr., 54)

wꜥ, "der Einzige; der Einsame" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 275.10; LGG II, 280 f.)

wꜥ.w, "Soldat; Matrose" | "soldier; sailor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 280.3-8; FCD 57; Jones, Naut. Titels, 72 (94))

wꜥ.w, "Soldat; Matrose" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 280.3-8; FCD 57; Jones, Naut. Titels, 72 (94))

wꜥ.w-ḥr-ḫꜥ.w, "Segelmeister" | "officer in charge of the tackle" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 74 (104))

wꜥ.t, "das Einzige (Sonnenauge)" | "Sole-one (solar eye)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 278.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 217)

wꜥ.t, "die Einzige (Hathor von Dendera)" | "sole one (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 278.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 217)

wꜥ.t, "die Eine; das Einzige" | "(sole) one" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 278, 5-8; Sethe, Zahlen, 18)

wꜥ.t, "Palast" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 278.4)

wꜥ.tj, "einzig; allein" | "sole; single" [adjective] (Wb 1, 278.9-279.5)

wꜥ.tj, "Ziege" | "goat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 279.7-8; DrogWb 128)

wꜥ.tj, "Einziger; Einsamer ("Einer, der allein ist")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener, L'Enseignment loyaliste, 38 (§10.5); vgl. Wb 1, 278.9)

wꜥ.tj, "einseitig" | english translation missing [adverb] (Westendorf, Med. Gramm., § 333.3)

wꜥ.tjw, "die Einer (Zahlbegriff, koll.) (neben Hunderte, Zehner)" | "one (numerical concept)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 279.6)

wꜥ-jqr, "einziger Vortrefflicher" | "unique and excellent one" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 786)

wꜥ-wꜥ, "jeder einzelne" | "each one" [adjective] (Wb 1, 276.6; FCD 56)

wꜥ-wꜥ.w, "Einzigster; Einsamer" | "the one and only" [substantive] (Wb 1, 275.15-16; LGG II, 282; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 211)

wꜥ-wr.w-ḥꜣb, "Einziger der Großen vom Fest" | "unique one of greatest of the festival" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1353; Fischer, Titles, no. 638c)

wꜥ-wr.w-šnp.tjw, "Einziger der Großen der Schenepet-Leute" | "unique one of the greatest of the Shenepet-people" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 638d; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1356)

wꜥ-m-wr.w-ḥꜣb, "Einziger unter den Großen vom Fest" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1353)

wꜥ-mn, "einzig Dauerhafter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 284)

wꜥ-n, "ein [unbestimmter Artikel]" | english translation missing [pronoun] (Wb 1, 276.8-9; ENG § 183)

wꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "Einziger des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, 304 (Index))

wꜥ-nb, "jeder einzelne" | "each one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 276.7; FCD 56)

wꜥ-nṯr.j, "der göttliche Einzigartige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (JWIS III, 61.18)

wꜥ-rnp, "einzig Jugendlicher (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 284)

wꜥ-ḥz.yn-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Einziger, den der Herr der Beiden Länder gelobt hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna I, pl. 38)

wꜥ-zꜣ-wꜥ, "Einer nach dem Anderen; Generation auf Generation" | "one after the other; generation after generation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 274.10; Jansen-Winkeln, GM 123, 1991, 53 ff.)

wꜥꜣ, "schmähen" | "to curse (someone)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 279.14-17; FCD 57; ONB 524 f., Anm. 313; Lesko, Dictionary I, 106; KoptHWb 265)

wꜥꜣ, "Kerze; Fackel" | "candle; torch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 280.1)

wꜥi̯, "allein sein; einzig sein" | "to be alone; to be (the only) one" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 277.1-14; Allen, Inflection, 568; ONB 180, 203)

wꜥꜥ.w, "Alleinsein; Einsamkeit" | "loneliness; solitude" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 277.15-278.3; FCD 57)

wꜥwy.t, "[ein Wurm (im Kot)]" | "[a worm]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 279.12-13; DrogWb 129)

wꜥwꜥ, "(Feinde) niedermachen" | "to cut down (an enemy)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 280.9-11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 107)

wꜥb, "rein" | "pure" [adjective] (Wb 1, 282.6-7)

wꜥb, "reinigen; rein sein; frei sein (unbenutzt sein)" | "to purify; to be pure" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 280.12-282.5)

wꜥb, "Reinheit; Reinigung" | "purity; purification" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 282.8-9)

wꜥb, "der Reine; der Freie; der Freigestellte" | "pure one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 282.11-12; Franke, GM 167, 1998, 33 ff.)

wꜥb, "Wab-Priester" | "wab-priest" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 282.13-283.12)

wꜥb, "reine Stätte" | "pure place" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 284.8-9)

wꜥb, "[ein Wasserstrom (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quack, Merikare, 42 f., 179 (E75); Van der Molen, Lexikon of Coffin Texts, 88)

wꜥb, "Wab-Priester" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 282.13-283.12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1360)

wꜥb, "Reiner" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 290)

wꜥb.w, "reines Gewand (für Götter und Tote)" | "pure garment (for the gods, the dead)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 283.17-18)

wꜥb.wt, "Priesterdienst (monatlich)" | "priestly duty (for the month)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.0860)

wꜥb.t, "Wab-Priesterin" | "wab-priestess" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 283.13-14; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1360)

wꜥb.t, "reine Stätte (Balsamierungsstätte, Werkstatt); Heiligtum; Grab" | "pure place (workshop for crafts, for embalming); tomb" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 284.1-7; FCD 57)

wꜥb.t, "Fleischstück; Fleischopfer" | "meat; flesh (for offerings)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 284.11-12)

wꜥb.t, "Opferspeisen (das Reine)" | "food offerings (lit. what is pure)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 284.15)

wꜥb.t-ꜥ.wj, "die mit reinen Armen" | "pure of arms" [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 190)

wꜥb.t-n.t-ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Balsamierungsstätte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, ZÄS 96, 1969, 4 ff.)

wꜥb-200, "Wab-Priester der Zweihundert" | "wab-priest of the 200" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 283.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1401)

wꜥb-200-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Wab-Priester der 200 des Palastes" | "Wab-priest of the 200 of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1402)

wꜥb-200-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Wab-Priester der Zweihundert der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepj dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1401)

wꜥb-ꜥ.wj, "mit reinen Händen" | "pure of hands" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 281.15-16)

wꜥb-ꜥ.wj-n-ḥm=f, "der mit reinen Händen für seine Majestät" | "pure of hands for his majesty" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 865)

wꜥb-ꜥꜣ, "Oberwabpriester" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 645)

wꜥb-ꜥꜣ-m-Tꜣ-wr-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Oberwabpriester im Thinitischen Gau und in Abydos" | "chief priest in the Thinite Nome and Abydos" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 661)

wꜥb-ꜥꜣ-n-Wsjr, "Oberwabpriester des Osiris" | "chief priest of Osiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 648)

wꜥb-ꜥꜣ-n-Mnw, "Großer Wab-Priester des Min" | "great wab-priest of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1364)

wꜥb-ꜥq-n-Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "Wab-Priester mit Zugangsberechtigung bei Horus-Behedeti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 216)

wꜥb-Mn-s.wt-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Wab-Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Niuserre dauern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1376)

wꜥb-Nfr-s.wt-Wnjs, "Wab-Priester von der (Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen sind die Plätze des Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1380)

wꜥb-n-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Wab-Priester von Abydos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 640)

wꜥb-n-Pr-Rꜥw-tp-ḥw.t-n-pr-Jmn-ḥr-zꜣ-2-n.w, "Wab-Priester der Re-Domäne vom Dach des Amuntempels in der zweiten Priesterphyle" | "wab-priest-of-the-chapel-of-Re-of-the-roof-of-the-temple-of-Amun-attached-to-the-second-phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.3)

wꜥb-n-pr-Jmn, "Wab-Priester des Amuntempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 753)

wꜥb-n-pr-Ḥr.w, "Wab-Priester des Horustempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 756)

wꜥb-n-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Priester der Maat" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca I, pl. LXVII (1))

wꜥb-n-Ḫns.w, "Priester des Chons" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 680a; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 855; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 765)

wꜥb-nswt, "Wab-Priester des Königs" | "wab-priest of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 283.5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1382; Ward, Titles, no. 671)

wꜥb-nswt, "Wab-Priester des Königs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 283.5)

wꜥb-nswt-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Wab-Priester des Königs des Palastes" | "wab-priest of the king of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1385)

wꜥb-nswt-n-sḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Wab-Priester des Königs im Sonnenheiligtum des Sahure" | "wab-priest of the king in the sun-temple of Sahure" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza IV, 204, fig. 152, pl. LVI)

wꜥb-ḥꜣ.t-Jmn, "Wab-Priester der vorderen Priesterreihe des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 88.18)

wꜥb-ḥr.j-zꜣ, "Leitender Wab-Priester der Phyle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 676)

wꜥb-Ḫꜥi̯-Bꜣ-Sꜣḫ.w-Rꜥw, "Wab-Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Der Ba des Sahure erscheint" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1397)

wꜥb-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Wab-Priester des Sahure" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1399)

wꜥb-Sḫm.t, "Wab-Priester der Sachmet" | "wab-priest of Sakhmet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1400)

wꜥb-Sḫm.t, "Wab-Priester der Sachmet" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1400)

wꜥf, "(etwas) niederbeugen; niederwerfen; krumm sein; zurechtbiegen" | "to be bent; to bend down (something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 285.1-14; FCD 57; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 215; Budde/Kurth, in: Edfu: Studien zu Vokabular, 9)

wꜥn, "Wacholderbaum" | "juniper tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 285.16-286.5; DrogWb 129-32; LÄ VI, 1087 f.)

wꜥr, "fliehen; eilen" | "to flee; to move quickly" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 286.8-20)

wꜥr, "Flüchtling" | "fugitive" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 286.21)

wꜥr, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0903)

wꜥr.w, "Hast" | "hastiness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 287.3; FCD 58)

wꜥr.t, "Flucht" | "flight" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 287.1-2)

wꜥr.t, "Bein" | "leg" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 287.4-8)

wꜥr.t, "Teil; Abteilung; Verwaltungsbezirk" | "part; department; administrative district" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 287.9-288.1)

wꜥr.t, "[eine Region des Himmels]" | "[a celestial region]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 288.5)

wꜥr.t, "[ein Gewässer im Jenseits]" | "[a body of water in the hereafter]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 288.6-7; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 216)

wꜥr-jb, "[Krankheit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 286.20; MedWb 169; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 114)

wꜥr-Ḥr.w, "[Berufsbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jäger, Berufstypologien, 212 f., Anm. v)

wꜥḥ, "Erdmandel (Rhizomknollen)" | "chufa (sedge with edible tuber)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 289.1-9; Germer, Flora, 245 f.; Edel, QH II, 1.2, 22)

wbꜣ, "öffnen; bohren; erschließen; einfallen" | "to open; to drill (stone)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 290.1-291.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 217 f.)

wbꜣ, "(offener) Vorhof" | "open court (of a temple)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 291.10-14; FCD 58)

wbꜣ, "Mundschenk; Aufwärter" | "butler; servant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 292.1-6)

wbꜣ, "Mundschenk; Aufwärter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 292.1-6; Ward, Titles, no. 702)

wbꜣ.yt, "Vorhof (des Tempels)" | "open court" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 291.15)

wbꜣ.yt, "Aufwärterin" | "female butler; servant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 292.7-8; FCD 58; Ward, Titles, no. 706)

wbꜣ.t, "Öffnung" | "opening" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 291.9)

wbꜣ.t-tꜣ, "Netz; Falle" | "net; trap" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.0880; 78.0918; ONB 680; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 89)

wbꜣ-jdb.w, "der die Ufer heimsucht (Apophis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 297)

wbꜣ-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Aufwärter des Pharao, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 133.10)

wbꜣ-n-šnꜥ, "Aufwärter des Magazins" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 705)

wbꜣ-nswt, "Aufwärter des Königs" | "royal butler" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 780)

wbn, "Quelle ("das was hervorkommt")" | "spring (what comes forth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 294.13)

wbn, "[eine Pflanze (aus dem Wadi Natrum)]" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 295.3)

wbn, "aufgehen; überquellen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 292.9-294.3; 294.13)

wbn.j, "der Leuchtende (Sonnengott)" | "shining one (the sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 294.4; LGG II, 301 f.)

wbn.w, "Sonnenstrahlen" | "rays of the sun" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 294.7)

wbn.w, "Osten ("Sonnenaufgang")" | "the east" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 294.8-9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 111)

wbn.w, "Wurzel des Schwanzes ("Herauskommender")" | "root of the tail (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 294.14)

wbn.w, "offene Wunde; Verletzung" | "wound; injury" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 294.15-295.2; MedWb 172-178)

wbn-r-nw=f, "der zu seiner Stunde aufgeht (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 312)

wbnn.j, "der Leuchtende (Sonnengott)" | "shining one (the sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 295.8; ONB 298)

wbḫ, "leuchten; erhellen; hell sein" | "to be bright; to brighten" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 295.12-20; FCD 59; KoptHWb 267)

wbḫ.t, "[ein Mineral (aus Kleinasien)]" | "[a mineral from Asia Minor]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Harris, Minerals, 166)

wbs, "Kraut; Grünes" | "plants; greenery" [substantive] (Wb 1, 296.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 219 f.)

wbs, "Anschwellung (von Wasser); Flut" | "swell (of water, of the inundation)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0930)

wbs, "heraustreten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 296.6-10; 296.13)

wbg, "leuchten; erhellen" | "to shine; to illuminate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 296.14-15)

wbd, "brennen; verbrennen; erhitzen" | "to burn; to heat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 297.1-6; FCD 59)

wbd, "Ruß (?) (offizinell)" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 297.9; DrogWb 135 f.)

wbd.t, "Brand; das Brennen" | "burning; burn" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 297.7-8; vgl. MedWb 179-81)

wbd.t, "Verbrennende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 337)

wbd.t-ḫft.j=s, "die ihren Feind verbrennt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 338)

wp, "Enthüllung; Spezifikation" | "disclosure" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 111-112)

wp.w, "Messer ("Trenner")" | "double-bladed knife" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 302.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 112)

wp.w, "Richter" | "judge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 302.7-8)

wp.w, "Fest (allg.); festliche Stimmung" | "festival (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 304.12-13; Lesko, Dictionary I, 111 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 224 f.)

wp.w, "der Richter (meist Thot)" | "judge (esp. Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 302.9-11; vgl. LGG II, 340 f. und 362 f.)

wp.w, "erster Monatstag ("Eröffner")" | "Opener (1st day of the lunar month)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 7; Meeks, AL 77.0897)

wp.w-n-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "Richter von Ober- und Unterägypten (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.23)

wp.wt, "Einzelangabe; Liste; Inventar" | "inventory (?); entry (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 303.1-2; FCD 59)

wp.wt, "Angehörige des Haushalts; Hausstandsliste" | "household" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 303.4-6; FCD 59)

wp.wt, "Schar von Frauen (zur Begrüßung u. Ä.)" | "crowd (of women)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 303.7)

wp.t, "Gehörn; Scheitel" | "horns; brow; top (of the head)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 297.10-298.5)

wp.t, "richterliche Entscheidung; Gericht" | "judgement" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 302.13-16)

wp.t-wꜣ.wt, "die die Wege öffnet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 359)

wp.t-rʾ, "Mundöffnung (Zeremonie)" | "Opening-of-the-mouth (ceremony)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 300.6)

wp.t-Tꜣ.wj, "die die beiden Länder trennt (Wadjet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 361)

wp.t-tꜣ, "äußerster Süden" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 298.3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 113)

wp-mꜣꜥ.t, "der eine gerechte Entscheidung fällt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 348 f.)

wp-nṯr.w, "der die Götter richtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 350)

wp-rḥ.wj, "Richter der zwei Rivalen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 351 f.)

wp-ẖ.t, "Erstgeborener ("Öffner des Leibes")" | "first-born child (lit. opener of the womb)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 356.11-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 225)

wp-ẖ.t, "Erstgeborener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 354)

wp-sn.wj, "der die beiden Brüder trennt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 354)

wp-st, "im Detail (in Abrechnungen, Term. technicus)" | "thus" [substantive] (Wb 1, 302.1-2)

wpi̯, "trennen; richterlich trennen; öffnen; entscheiden" | "to divide; to open; to judge" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 298.7-301.12)

wpw, "außer; sondern" | "except for; but" [preposition] (Wb 1, 301.13-22; Lesko, Dictionary I, 113; ENG § 640)

wpw.t, "Botschaft; Auftrag; Angelegenheit (allg.)" | "message; task" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 303.8-304.5), "Bote" | "messenger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 304.6-11), "Bote" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 362 f.), "Bote des Atum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (LGG II, 364)ꜣ-tꜣ-n-Ḫt, "Bote des Landes Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 226.7), "Bote des Königs" | "royal messenger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 304.9; Ward, Titles, no. 709)ḫꜣs.t-nb.t, "Bote des Königs in jedes fremde Land" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Seidlmayer, MDAIK 57, 2001, 250, Abb. 2)Ḫt, "Bote zweiter Klasse des Landes Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 226.7)

wpw-r, "abgesehen von, außer; sondern" | "except for" [preposition] (Wb 1, 301.13-14; EAG § 815)

wpw-ḥr, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 301.15-18; EAG § 816; GEG § 179; ENG § 640; CGG 122)

wps, "(den Bösen) verbrennen" | "to burn up (enemies)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 305.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 227)

wpš, "(Natron, Gips) ausstreuen; erhellen" | "to scatter (light); to illumine" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 305.11-19; FCD 60)

wfꜣ, "Lunge" | "lung(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 306.3; MedWb 183)

wfꜣ, "beistimmen; diskutieren" | "to discuss; to support" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 306.4; FCD 60)

wfj, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 306.5)

wft, "durchbohren" | "to bore through (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 306.7; MedWb 184)

wmt, "dick sein" | "to be thick; to become thick" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 306.9-14)

wmt, "Dicke (als Dimension)" | "thickness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 306.15-16)

wmt, "Dichte (der Feinde)" | "the thick (of the enemy)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 306.17)

wmt, "Mauerdicke; Laibung; Torweg" | "thickness (of a wall); reveal (of a doorway); gateway" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 307.1-2)

wmt, "dickes Gewand; dicker Stoff" | "thick garment; thick cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 307.3-4)

wmt, "Befestigungsmauer; Umwallung" | "wall of a fortification" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 307.5)

wmt.t, "Umwallung" | "enceinte" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 307.6-7)

wmt.t, "Dicke (vom Menschen)" | "thickness (?) (human characteristic)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 307.8)

wn, "[Substantiv (Wesen o. Ä.)]" | "[noun (essence?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 307.11)

wn, "öffnen; sich öffnen" | "to open" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 311.2-312.11)

wn, "Öffnung (der Tür)" | "opening (of a door)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 312.12)

wn, "Fehler; Schuld; Tadel" | "fault; blame" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 314.7-13; FCD 61)

wn, "kahl sein" | "to be stripped of" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 314.15-16; FCD 61)

wn, "[aux.]" | "[auxiliary]" [particle] (Wb 1, 309.7-11; EAG §§ 894-98; GEG 561 (Index); Schenkel, Einf., 367 (Index); CGG 166; Junge, Näg. Gr., 169 ff.)

wn, "[Partikel zur Einleitung des Existenzsatzes]" | english translation missing [particle] (Spiegelberg, Demot. Gramm., § 441)

wn.jn, "[aux.]" | "[auxiliary]" [particle] (Wb 1, 309.10; GEG §§ 470 ff.; ENG § 513; Junge, Näg. Gr., 294 ff.)

wn.w, "Torwächter" | "doorkeeper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 312.13)

wn.w, "Reichtum (?) ("was (bei jemandem) ist")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, Ani, 88, 101 f., Anm. 54)

wn.ḫr, "[aux.]" | "[auxilliary]" [particle] (GEG § 471-474)

wn.t, "Schnur; Seil" | "rope; cord" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 314.18-19)

wn.t, "[ein Sanktuar (im Tempel)]" | "sanctuary (of a temple)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 315.1; FCD 61)

wn.t, "tatsächlich (Betonung nach unabh. Pr.); [enkl. Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_enclitic] (EAG 835; GEG § 249; OMG § 38)

wn.t, "[Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (EAG §§ 836, 924, 1018; GEG §§ 187, 233; Schenkel, Einf., 283, 289)

wn.t-ḥr, "der das Gesicht offenbart (Bez. des Spiegels)" | "what reveals the face (a mirror)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 313.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 230 f.), "der die Augen öffnet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 382)

wn-m-Wꜣs.t, "der in Theben ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 374)

wn-mꜣꜥ, "Wahrheit; Richtigkeit ("es ist Wahrheit")" | "reality; correctness" [substantive] (Wb 1, 310.7-12)

wn-rʾ, "Loch; Öffnung" | "opening; hole" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 13)

wn-rʾ, "Wenra-Priester" | "wenra-priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 323.5-7, Jones, Titles OK, no. 1410)

wn-rʾ, "Wenra-Priester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 323.5-7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 95)

wn-rʾ-n-pꜣ-4-bꜣ.w-ꜥꜣẖr.t-nṯr, "der den Mund der vier Großen Bas öffnet, die in der Nekropole sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 384)

wn-rʾ-n-pꜣ-4-nṯr.w-ꜥꜣẖr.t-nṯr, "der den Mund der vier Großen Götter öffnet, die in der Nekropole sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 384)

wn-ḥr, "Enthüllung des Gesichts (festl. Ritual)" | "Revealing-the-face (a festival, a ritual)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 313.6)

wn-ḥr-ḏ.t=f, "der auf seinem Leib läuft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 389)

wni̯, "eilen; vorbeigehen; nicht beachten" | "to hurry; to pass by; to neglect" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 313.10-314.6)

wni̯, "treideln; binden" | "to tow (a boat with the tow rope)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.0972)

wnw, "Nachtruhe (?)" | "night's rest (?)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 315.13)

wnw.j, "Hermopolitaner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 315.15)

wnw.t, "Stunde" | "hour" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 316.1-317.2)

wnw.t, "Dienstleistung; Stundendienst" | "service; task" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 317.3-8)

wnw.t, "Stundengöttin (Bez. der Uräusschlange)" | "hour goddess (uraeus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 317.11-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 239; LGG II, 390 f.)

wnw.t, "Stunden-Stern" | "stars" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.0975; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 93)

wnw.t-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Stundenpriesterschaft des Tempels" | "hour-priesthood of the temple" [substantive] (Wb 1, 317.8), "Stundenbeobachter (Priester)" | "hour-watcher (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 317.9-10; FCD 61)

wnwn, "[ein kleiner Vogel]" | "[a small bird]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 317.15)

wnwn, "sich hin und her bewegen" | "to move to and fro; to traverse" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 318.1-9)

wnb, "Blume; Blüte; Schößling" | "flower; blossom" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 319.1)

wnp, "erstechen; fesseln" | "to stab" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 319.3-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 234; Meeks, Mythes, 116, Anm. 364)

wnpj, "(Flachs) ausreißen (?)" | "to harvest (flax)" [verb] (Meeks, AL 78.0983)

wnf, "froh sein; frohlocken" | "to be glad; to rejoice" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 319.11-20; FCD 61)

wnm, "essen" | "to eat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 320.1-321.12)

wnm, "Essen (Nahrung); Einnehmen (von Medikamenten)" | "food; appetite" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 321.13-14; MedWb 185)

wnm, "Masttier (?)" | "fattened ox (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 321.20; FCD 62)

wnm.j, "rechts" | "right (side)" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 322.1-4)

wnm.j, "rechte Hand" | "right hand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 322.13)

wnm.j, "rechte Seite; die Rechte" | "right" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 322.5-11), "Verzehrendes (Feuer)" | "devourer (fire)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 321.21-22; FCD 62; Lesko, Dictionary I, 117), "die Fressende (Flamme)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 412 f; vgl. Wb 1, 321.22)

wnm.w, "Nahrung" | "food" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 321.19; EAG § 236)

wnm.w, "der Esser; der Verschlinger" | "devourer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.0988)

wnm.t, "Nahrung; Futter" | "food; fodder" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 321.15-18; FCD 62)

wnm.t, "rechtes Auge (einer Gottheit)" | "right eye (of a deity)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 322.14-15)

wnm.t, "Rechtes Auge (meist Nechbet als o.äg. Krongöttin)" | "Right-eye (Nekhbet, as the crown of Upper Egypt)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 323.1-2; LGG II, 414; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 236)

wnm-znf, "Blutfraß (Krankheit)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 356 f.; MedWb 762; MedWb 189, § 4)

wnn, "existieren; sein" | "to exist; to become" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 308.1-309.11)

wnn.yw, "die Seienden" | "those who exist" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 310.1-3)

wnn.w, "Kind (im Mutterleib)" | "child (in the womb)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 315.10-11; ONB 166; KoptHWb 552)

wnn.t, "Seiendes; Erzeugnisse" | "that which exists" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 310.4-6)

wnn.t, "tatsächlich (Betonung nach unabh. Pr.); [enkl. Partikel]" | "indeed; really (enclitic part.)" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 1, 309.14; EAG § 835; GEG § 249; OMG § 38)

wnr, "[Gebäude]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI V, 646.7)

wnrḫ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Mathieu, Poésie, 49, Anm. 128)

wnḫ, "kleiden; umhüllen" | "to clothe; to be clothed; to loosen (hair, cord)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 323.9-324.2)

wnḫ, "Ausrenkung; Verschiebung" | "dislocation (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 324.9-12; MedWb 194)

wnḫ, "(sich) verschieben; (sich) lockern; (sich) lösen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (CT VI, 363q; Graefe, SAK 7, 1979, 53 ff.)

wnḫ.yt, "Mumienbinde" | "mummy-cloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 324.7; FCD 63)

wnḫ.w, "Kleidung" | "clothing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 324.4; FCD 63)

wnḫ.wj, "Stoffstreifen-Paar" | "two strips of cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 324.3; vgl. FCD 63)

wnḫ.t, "Kleidung; Binde" | "clothing; strip of cloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 324.5-6)

wnz, "[ein Gewässer (im Gau von Aphroditopolis)]" | "[a body of water in nome of Aphroditopolis]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 324.15)

wnš, "Schakal" | "jackal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 324.16-18; vgl. KoptHWb 274)

wnš, "schakalköpfiger Schlitten" | "jackal-headed sled" [substantive] (Wb 1, 325.2)

wnš, "Weintraube; Rosine" | "grape; raisin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 325.5-7; DrogWb 136 f.; Germer, Handbuch, 54 f.)

wnš.t, "weibl. Schakal" | "jackal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 325.3)

wntj, "der Eroberer (meist Apophis, und andere Götter)" | "Wenty (Apophis serpent)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 325.14; LGG II, 418 f.)

wnḏ.w, "[ein Kurzhornrind]; Rindvieh (koll.)" | "short-horned cattle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 326.2)

wnḏ.w, "[ein Ziege]" | "goats" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 326.3)

wnḏ.ww, "Einheiten (von Menschengruppen und Sachen)" | "units (of produce, of things, of people)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 326.7-9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 119)

wnḏ.wt, "Herde; Vieh" | "cattle; herd" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 326.4; Franke, Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen, 294)

wnḏ.wt, "Schiffsbauch; Höhlung" | "hold (of a ship); cavity" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 326.1; KoptHWb 274)

wr, "der Ältere (nach Personennamen)" | "the elder (qualifying personal names)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 327.8-9)

wr, "Schwalbe" | "swallow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 326.11; FCD 63; LÄ V, 754)

wr, "groß; viel; reich; bedeutend" | "great" [adjective] (Wb 1, 327.1-328.12)

wr, "der Große" | "great one; magnate" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 328.14-329.18)

wr, "die Größe" | "greatness" [substantive] (Wb 1, 330.7-11)

wr, "sehr; schnell" | "very" [adverb] (Wb 1, 330.15; EAG § 750.2a; GEG § 205.4)

wr, "wie viel? (Interrogativpartikel)" | "how much? how many? (math.)" [particle] (Wb 1, 331.4-5; GEG § 502; ENG § 746; CGG 136; KoptHWb 275)

wr, "großes Stück; Quantum" | "large amount of; quantity of" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 331.7-9)

wr, "der Große (ein Rind)" | "great one (bull)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 331.12; LÄ V, 258)

wr, "[Ölgefäß (?)]; [Ölqualität (?)]" | "[a vessel for oil?]; [a quality of oil?]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 331.13)

wr, "der Größte (verschiedene Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 420b-421c), "[ein Gebäude als heilige Stätte (Grabkammer, Balsamierungshalle)]" | "[a sacral building]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 332.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 245), "Tuch (zum Durchseihen)" | "cloth (for straining liquids)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 332.15; FCD 64)

wr.w, "großes Wasser (Wasserstelle, Teich)" | "great waters" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 332.11)

wr.w, "der Große" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (ONB 188; Schenkel, Nominalbildung, 94 f.)

wr.t, "sehr" | "very" [adverb] (Wb 1, 331.1-3; EAG § 750.3a; GEG § 205.4)

wr.t, "die Große (verschiedene Göttinnen)" | "great one (various goddesses)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 330.1-6; LGG II, 478 ff.)

wr.t, "Großes; Größe" | "great thing; greatness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 330.12-14)

wr.t, "die Große (weibl. Rind)" | "great one (a divine cow)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 331.15)

wr.t, "die Große (Krone von U.Äg.)" | "Great-one (crown of Lower Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 332.3; LÄ III, 812)

wr.t, "das Große (Horusauge)" | "Great-one (eye of Horus)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 332.5-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 246)

wr.t, "[eine heilige Barke]" | "[a sacred bark]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 332.8; FCD 64; Jones, Naut. Titles, 135 (22))

wr.t, "[ein heiliges Gewässer (?)]" | "[noun (sacred body of water?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 332.9)

wr.t, "die Große (Herrscherin, vornehme Frau)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 330.6; Gardiner, Admonitions 63 (8.8))

wr.t-ꜥꜣ.t-n-Ḫt, "Großfürstin von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 257.13)

wr.t-fꜣ.w, "die mit großem Ansehen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 487)

wr.t-n-Ḫt, "Große von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 232.9)

wr.t-n-ḫnr, "Große des Harims" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 864), "die große Königliche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 490)

wr.t-nsr, "die mit großer Flamme" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 490 f.)

wr.t-ḥzw.t, "die groß an Gunst ist (Königin)" | "great of praise (the queen)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 158.8-11; LÄ III, 473)

wr.t-ḥkꜣ.w, "die Zauberreiche (Göttinnen)" | "great of magic (goddesses)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 328.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 241 f.; LGG II, 493 ff.)

wr.t-ḥkꜣ.w, "Zauberreiche (Krone)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 328.6)

wr.t-ḥkꜣ.w, "[Amulett]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 63 (PT 755))

wr.t-ḥkꜣ.w, "Zauberreiche (Uräusschlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 44 ff. (PT 749))

wr.t-ḥts, "Große des Hetes-Zepters (Königin)" | "great one of the hetes-scepter (the queen)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 202.9-12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1481; LÄ VII, 435)

wr.t-ḥts-Nb.wy, "Große des Hetes-Zepters der Beiden Herren" | "great favourite of the Two Lords" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1482)

wr.t-ḥ, "Große des Heret-Zepters der Beiden Herrinnen" | "great favourite of the Two Ladies" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1483)

wr.t-ḫnr.t-n-pr-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "die Große des Tempelharims des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LÄ IV, 1102; vgl. ebd. II, 1240)

wr.t-ḫnr-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "die Große des Harims des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | "the great of the harim of Amon-Re, king of the gods" [epitheton_title: title] (LRL 60.9; vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 868)

wr.t-ḫnr-n-Ḥr.w, "Große des Harims des Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 328)

wr.t-kꜣp, "Dachträger (Säule); Dachtempel" | "column; roof temple" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Archiv d'Abousir, pl. 31(B), 32)ḥkꜣ.w, "die beiden Zauberreichen (Uräusgöttinnen)" | "the two great-of-magic (uraeus-goddesses)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 328.7; LGG II, 503)

wr-jr.w, "der mit großer Gestalt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 428)

wr-jd.t, "Großer der Räucherung" | "great of censing" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 152.12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1417)

wr-ꜥ, "Großer der Sänfte (ein Priester)" | "great one of the carrying chair (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 327.20; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1420)

wr-ꜥ, "Großer der Sänfte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 332.17)

wr-ꜥ, "Großer der Sänfte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 428)

wr-ꜥꜣ, "Großfürst (im Delta, im Fremdland)" | "ruler (of a foreign land); prince" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 329.19-20)

wr-ꜥꜣ-n-jmn.tjt, "Großfürst des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 340.4)

wr-ꜥꜣ-n-Mꜥ, "Großfürst der Ma" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Chevereau, Cadres Militaires Basse Époque, 226 f.)

wr-ꜥꜣ-n-Ḫt, "Großfürst von Chatti" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI II, 226.8)

wr-wr.w, "Größter der Großen" | "greatest of the great" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 328.16; vgl. Fischer, Titles, no. 716a)

wr-bz.t, "Großer an Bezet (Schatzhausbeamter)" | "great(est) of the Bezet (treasury official)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 472.18; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1423)

wr-pḥ.tj, "der groß an Kraft ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 437 ff.)

wr-m-jꜣw.t=f, "groß in seinem Amt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1411)

wr-m-Nṯr.w, "Großer in Netjeru" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 338.2)

wr-m-š, "der durch sein Ansehen groß ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 464)

wr-m-Ḏd.w, "der Große in Busiris (meist Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 471)

wr-mꜣ.w, "Größter der Sehenden (Priester)" | "greatest of seers (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 329.7-10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1428)

wr-mꜣ.w-Jwn.w, "Größter der Sehenden in Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1429)

wr-mꜣ.w-pꜣ-Jtn, "Größter der Sehenden des Aton" | "greatest of seers of the Aten" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 821)

wr-mꜣ.w-n-pꜣ-Jtn-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Größter der Sehenden des Aton in Amarna" | "chief of seers of the Aten in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 918)

wr-mꜣ.w-n-pꜣ-Jtn-m-Pr-Jtn-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Größter der Sehenden des Aton im Atontempel in Amarna" | "chief of seers of the Aten in the temple of the Aten in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 919)

wr-mꜣ.w-n-pꜣ-Jtn-m-Pr-Rꜥw, "Größter der Sehenden des Aton im Tempel des Re" | "chief of Seers of the Aten in the temple of the Aten in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 921)

wr-mꜣ.w-n-Rꜥw-m-Wꜣs.t, "Größter der Sehenden des Re in Theben" | "Greatest of seers of Re in Thebes" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 830)

wr-mꜣ.w-n-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj-ḫꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t-m-rn=f-m-Š, "Größter der Sehenden des Aton" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, 63, 96, fig. 18.1)

wr-mnḏ=f, "dessen Brust groß ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 443)

wr-mnḏ.wj, "der mit zwei großen Brüsten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/N 61)

wr-mr, "der Große mit dem Bündel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. II.8)

wr-mrw.t, "Vielgeliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 443 f.)

wr-mrw.t, "Vielgeliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (ÄIB II, 128)

wr-mḏ-Jwn.w, "Großer der Zehn von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 445)

wr-mḏ-ꜥḥ, "Großer der Zehn des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 445)

wr-mḏ-ḥw.t-ꜥnḫ, "Großer der Zehn des Lebenshauses" | "greatest of the tens of the mansion of life" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1435)

wr-mḏ-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Großer der Zehn der großen Halle" | "greatest of the tens of the great mansion" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1436)

wr-mḏ-Šmꜥ.w, "Großer der Zehn von Oberägypten" | "greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 329.13; 4, 473.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1437)

wr-Np.t, "Großer von Nepet (Priester)" | "great one of Nepet (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 247.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1441)

wr-n-jmn.tjt, "Großer des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 338.2)

wr-n-Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Größter der großen Neunheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 441)

wr-n-Mꜥ, "Großer der Ma" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 339.19)

wr-n-mšꜥ, "Großer der Armee" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK , no. 1431)

wr-n-mḏꜣ.yw, "Großer der Medja-Leute" | "great one of the Medjai" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 186.13)

wr-n-nswt-ꜥꜣ, "Größter des Königs von Oberägypten, Großer des Königs von Unterägypten" | "magnate of the king, great one of the king of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 725)

wr-n-ẖ.t, "Größter der Körperschaft (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 457)

wr-nṯr.w, "Ältester der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 449)

wr-rm.w, "der reich an Fischen ist (Sobek)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 451)

wr-ḥꜣb, "der mit großem Fangertrag (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 452)

wr-ḥkꜣ.w, "der Zauberreiche" | "great of magic" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 328.3-5; LGG II, 454)

wr-ḥkꜣ.w, "das Zauberreiche (Kultgegenstände)" | "Great-of-magic (of cult objects)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 328.4-5)

wr-Ḫmn.yw, "der Älteste der Achtheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 456)

wr-ḫrp-ḥmw.t, "Größter der Leiter der Handwerker (Hohepriester von Memphis)" | "greatest of the directors of craftsman (high priest of Memphis)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 329.12; 3, 86.1-2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1450)

wr-zꜣ-šnꜥ-ẖr.j-ꜥ-zꜣb, "Großer der Scheunenwache unter der Leitung des Verantwortlichen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2907)

wr-zwn.w, "Oberarzt" | "chief physician" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 329.11; 3, 427.13-15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1462)

wr-zwn.w-n-Mḥ.w-Šmꜥ.w, "Oberarzt von Unter- und Oberägypten" | "chief of physicians of Lower and Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 427.14; WbZ: DZA 28583120)

wr-snḏ-m-ꜣtf, "der großen Respekt genießt durch die Atef-Krone" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 460)

wr-šꜥ.t, "der großen Schrecken verbreitet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 462)

wr-š, "der mit großem Ansehen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 458.23-24; LGG II, 462 f.)

wr-š, "der mit großem Ansehen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 92.5)

wr-dj.w, "Größter der Fünf" | "greatest of the five" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 329.14; 5, 420.11-12; Ward, Titles, no. 734)

wr-dj.w-pr-Ḏḥ, "Großer der Fünf des Tempels des Thot" | "greatest of the five of the temple of Thoth" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1471)

wr-5-pr-Ḏḥ, "Großer der Fünf des Tempel des Thot" | "Greatest of the Five in the temple of Thoth" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1471)

wr-ḏ.t, "Großer der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 470)

wrm, "sich aufrichten; hochsteigen" | "to draw oneself up; to mount up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (ONB 44, Anm. 228)

wrm, "Aufgerichter (hochragende Figur)" | "raised-up one (lofty figure)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 333.1), "[eine Krankheitserscheinung]" | "[a symptom of illness]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 333.7; MedWb 179)

wrm.w, "Windung" | "windings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 333.5-6; MedWb 197)

wrm.t, "Laube; Dach" | "awning; roof" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 333.2-3; FCD 64; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon; 244)

wrm.t, "Aufgerichtete; Figur" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 135)

wrr, "groß sein" | "to be great; to be large" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 326; 328.13)

wrr.w, "die großen Wasser (Schöpfstellen)" | "great waters" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 334.4)

wrr.w, "die Großen" | "[noun]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 78.1035; vgl. LGG II, 471)

wrr.t, "die Große (Krone von O.Äg.)" | "Great-one (crown of Upper Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 333.11-12; LÄ III, 812)

wrr.t, "die Große (Draht an der Roten Krone von U.Äg.)" | "great one ("spiral" at the front of the Red Crown)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 333.14), "Wererti" | "Wererty" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 333.15)

wrry.t, "Wagen; Streitwagen" | "wagon; chariot" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 334.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 121)

wrḥ, "aufstreichen; salben" | "to annoint; to smear" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 334.8-335.3)

wrḥ, "Salbe" | "ointment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 335.4-5)

wrḥ.j, "zur Salbe gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 132)

wrḥ.w, "Salber (ein Priester)" | "annointer (a priest)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.0985; FCD 65; Goyon, BIFAO 70, 1970, 75 ff.)

wrḥ.t, "Salbmittel" | "ointment (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 335.6-7; FCD 65; MedWb 199 f.)

wrs, "Kopfstütze" | "headrest" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 335.9)

wrš, "Wache; das Wachen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 875a; CT I, 287d)

wrš.y, "Wachender; Bewacher" | "keeper of the daily watch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 336.7-12)

wrš.ww-pj.jw, "die zu Pe gehörigen Wächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 795d, 1013b; vgl. LGG I, 232; vgl. LGG II, 511)

wrš.ww-nḫn.jw, "die zu Hierakonpolis gehörigen Wächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 795e, 1013b; vgl. LGG I, 232; vgl. LGG II, 511)

wrš.t-Mnw, "Die Betrachterin des Min (Priesterin)" | "watcher of Min (a priestess)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 336.14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1473)

wršu̯, "den Tag zubringen; wachen; verweilen" | "to spend the day; to be awake" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 335.10-18; ONB 493, Anm. 170; vgl. KoptHWb 170)

wrd, "[ein Wasservogel (Ente? Gans?)]" | "[a kind of waterfowl]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 336.17-18; Lesko, Dictionary I, 122)

wrḏ, "müde sein; ermatten; niedersinken" | "to be weary; to grow weary" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 337.1-338.7; KoptHWb 552; Meeks, Mythes, 100, Anm. 279)

wrḏ.w, "Ermüdeter" | "weary one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 338.8)

wrḏ.w, "Müdigkeit" | "weariness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 338.10; FCD 65)

wrḏ.w-jb, "Herzensmüder (Osiris)" | "weary-hearted (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 338.7; LGG II, 512 f.)

wrḏ.w-ḥꜥ.w=f-m-nwḥ=f, "dessen Leib in seiner Bandagierung schwach ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 513)

wrḏ.t, "Müdigkeit" | "weariness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 338.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 122)

wrḏ-ḥꜥ.w, "der mit müden Gliedern (Bezeichnung des Verstorbenen)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Sandman, Texts from Akhenaten, 136)

wh, "Sünder" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 97)

wh.t, "Mißerfolg" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 65)

wh-zp=f, "der Erfolglose (Seth)" | "one who fails at his time (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 339.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 248; LGG II, 514)

whj, "Misserfolg" | "failure" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 339.16)

whj, "Diarrhoe (blutiger Durchfall)" | "diarrhoea (?) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 340.4; MedWb 201 f.)

whi̯, "entgehen; entkommen; verfehlen" | "to escape; to miss; to fail" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 339.1-15)

whb, "durchbohren" | "to pierce" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 340.5-7)

whb, "Durchbohrung, Loch (med.)" | "hole (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 340.8; MedWb 202)

whn, "niederreißen; zerfallen" | "to overturn; to fall (into ruin)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 345.6-13)

whnn, "Scheitel (des Kopfes)" | "crown (of the head) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 346.1-2; MedWb 203)

whnn.wtj, "[Bez. eines Falkenpaares]" | "the two who are on the crown of the head" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 346.4; LGG II, 515)

whs, "lässig sein; matt sein" | "to slacken; to be worn out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 346.7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 123)

wḥ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 600)

wḥ.yt, "Familie; Stamm" | "kin; tribe" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1. 346.9-11; FCD 66; vgl. AEO II, *205)

wḥ.wt, "Niederlassung; Dorf" | "settlement; village" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 346.12-14; FCD 66; KoptHWb 481; vgl. AEO II, *205)

wḥꜣ, "brechen; ausreißen; pflücken" | "to quarry (stone); to cut down" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 346.15-347.5)

wḥꜣ, "[eine Krankheit (Hautausschlag)]" | "[a skin disease (rash?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 347.7-10; MedWb 203 f.)

wḥꜣ.t, "[eine Augenkrankheit]" | "[an eye disease]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 347.11; MedWb 204 f.)

wḥꜣ.t, "Kochkessel" | "cauldron" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 347.12-17)

wḥꜣ.t, "Oase" | "oasis" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 347.18-23; FCD 66)

wḥꜣ.tjw, "die Oasenbewohner" | "oasis dweller" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 348.1; FCD 66)

wḥꜥ, "(etwas) ablösen; heraussondern; erklären; gründen; heimkehren" | "to loosen; to explain" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 348.3-349.15; FCD 66; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 123 f.)

wḥꜥ, "opfern" | "to offer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 349.16-18)

wḥꜥ, "Fischer und Vogelfänger" | "fisher and fowler" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 350.1-6)

wḥꜥ, "fischen und Vögel fangen" | "to fish and fowl" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 350.7)

wḥꜥ, "stechen (vom Skorpion)" | "to sting (of scorpion)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 351.3)

wḥꜥ, "Fischer und Vogelfänger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 350.1-6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1486)

wḥꜥ, "Fischer und Vogelfänger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Altenmüller, in: Fs Dreyer, 1 ff.)

wḥꜥ, "Fischer und Vogelfänger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 517)

wḥꜥ.w, "Fiederbartwels" | "catfish (Synodontis schall)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 350.12-14; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 32 f.)

wḥꜥ.t, "Skorpion; Skorpiongift" | "scorpion; scorpion venom" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 351.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 125; DrogWb 139 f.)

wḥꜥ.t, "Vorräte; Proviant" | "supplies; provisions" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1004)

wḥꜥ.t, "Nilhecht" | "Nile pike" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 21, 30 f.)

wḥꜥ-ꜣpd, "Vogelfänger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny-Gardiner, Hierat. Ostr., pl. 81-82)

wḥꜥ-jb, "Verständiger; Intelligenter" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 9 (8), pl. 4)

wḥꜥ-rm.w, "Fischer" | "fisherman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 350.5; Ward, Titles, no. 740; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1486)

wḥꜥ-tꜣ, "der die Erde begründete (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 66, Anm. 107)

wḥwḥ, "verschwinden; verblassen (der Inschrift)" | "to disappear" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 351.9)

wḥwḥ, "bellen" | "to bark (of a dog)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 351.10; KoptHWb 30, 285)

wḥf, "brennen" | "to burn" [verb: verb_3-lit] (KÄT, Lehre des Dua-Cheti II, 101, 102 (b); Seibert, Charakteristik, 177, Anm. c)

wḥm, "wiederholen (allg.)" | "to repeat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 340-343.15; 351.11)

wḥm, "ferner; wiederum; des weiteren" | "further; again" [particle] (Wb 1, 343.1-7)

wḥ, "Wiederholung" | "repetition" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 344.5; FCD 67)

wḥm.w, "Sprecher; Übermittler" | "herald; transmitter (of orders) (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 344.7-13)

wḥm.w, "Sprecher; Übermittler" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 344.7-13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1488; Ward, Titles, no. 741)

wḥm.w-n-ꜥ, "Sprecher der Gerichtshalle" | "herald of the tribunal" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 344.11; Ward, Titles, no. 744)

wḥm.w-n-nʾ.t, "Sprecher der Stadt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gayet, Stèles, Taf. 53)

wḥm.w-n-nʾ.t-rs.jt, "Sprecher der südlichen Stadt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward,Titles, no. 746)

wḥm.w-n-ṯꜣ.tj, "Sprecher des Wesirs" | "herald of the vizier" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 753)

wḥm.w-nswt-tp.j-n-ḥm=f, "Erster königlicher Sprecher Seiner Majestät" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 897)

wḥm.w-tp.j-n-nswt, "Erster Sprecher des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 956)

wḥm.wtj, "Wiederholer" | "equal; peer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT I, 233b; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 100; Gardiner, in: Fs Grapow, 1)

wḥm-ꜥ, "wiederholen" | "to repeat" [verb] (Wb 1, 341.13; FCD 67; Junge, Näg. Gr., 347 (Index))

wḥm-ꜥnḫ, "der wieder lebt" | "one who lives again (lit. repeats life)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 341.3-7; FCD 67; Doxey, Epithets, 288 ff.)

wḥm-ꜥnḫ, "das Wiederkehrende (Überschwemmungswasser)" | "flood water (lit. that which returns)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 344.1-2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 253)

wḥm-ꜥnḫ, "Frosch ("der das Leben wiederholt")" | "frog" [substantive] (Osing, Nefersecheru, 66, 71 Anm. af, Tf. 18; vgl. Wb 1, 344.3)

wḥm-ꜥnḫ-n-rs-wḏꜣ, "der das Leben des unversehrt Erwachten wiederholt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 520)

wḥm-msw.t, "Erneuerung; Renaissance" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 126)

wḥm-mdw.t, "Berichterstatter (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 522)

wḥm-ḫꜥ.w, "der die Erscheinungen wiederholt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 524)

wḥs, "abschneiden; beseitigen" | "to cut (off, down)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 351.13-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 259)

wḫ, "dunkel sein" | "to be dark" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 352.3-4; vgl. ONB 99)

wḫ, "Dunkel; Nacht" | "darkness; night" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 352.5-10)

wḫ.t, "Dunkelheit" | "darkness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 352.11; FCD 67)

wḫꜣ, "Säulenhalle" | "columned hall" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 352.17; FCD 67)

wḫꜣ, "ausleeren; ausschütteln" | "to empty out; to shake away" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 353.1-11)

wḫꜣ, "suchen; holen; begehren" | "to seek; to take; to want" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 353.14-354.7; FCD 68)

wḫꜣ, "Törichter" | "fool" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 354.11-12; FCD 68)

wḫꜣ, "Torheit" | "foolishness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 354.13)

wḫꜣ, "töricht sein" | "to be foolish" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 354.14; FCD 68)

wḫꜣ, "amtliches Schreiben; Erlass" | "dispatch; edict; receipt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 354.15-19)

wḫꜣ, "Säule; Stützpfeiler" | "column" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 355)

wḫꜣ, "die Säulenhalle (eine Tanzstellung)" | "Columed-hall (a figure in dancing)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 355.1)

wḫꜣ, "[vom Bearbeiten einer Matte (?)]" | "[relating to working a mat (?)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 353.12)

wḫꜣ.yt, "Säulenhalle" | "columned hall" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 352.17; AEO I, 210)

wḫꜣ.w, "Klauen (?)" | "talons (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 355.4)

wḫꜣ.t, "[ein Gebäck]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 355.2)

wḫꜣ.tj, "[Bez. der Sandalen (Dual)]" | "[a kind of sandals]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 355.5; LÄ V, 379)

wḫꜥ, "[Gebäude oder Gebäudeteil (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, pl. 49)

wḫr, "(jmdn.) erhören (?)" | "to listen to (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 355.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 255; KoptHWb 286)

wḫr, "(Holz) bearbeiten; (sich) abmühen; sorgen (für jemanden)" | "to work wood; to trouble oneself for" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 355.8-9; KoptHWb 286, Anm. 7; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 255)

wḫr.t, "Zimmerei; Werft" | "carpenter's workshop; shipyard" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 355.10-12; vgl. FCD 68)

wḫd, "(er)leiden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 356.1-6)

wḫd.y, "Leidender; Duldsamer" | "sufferer (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 356.15; MedWb 215)

wḫd.w, "Schmerzstoff (med.); Krankheitsauslöser" | "pain (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 356.9-12; MedWb 207 ff.; Kolta/Tessenow, ZÄS 127, 2000, 38 ff.)

wḫd.t, "Krankheitsauslöserin" | "(emotional) suffering" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 356.13-14)

wzf, "träge sein; (etwas) vernachlässigen" | "to be idle; to neglect (something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 357.2-9; FCD 68)

wzf, "Faulsein" | "idleness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 357.10-11)

wzf, "[Bez. der Fischer (?)]" | "[a fisherman (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 357.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 101)

wzf.w, "Fauler" | "idler; sluggard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 357.12; FCD 68)

wzf.t, "Nachlässigkeit; Trägheit" | "neglect; sloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Helck, Amenemhet I, 58 (VIIIe))

wzm.w, "[Körperteile des Menschen (Innereien?)]" | "[a part of the human body]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 357.15)

wzš, "harnen; ausscheiden" | "to urinate; to discharge" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 357.16-20; MedWb 218-22)

wzš.t, "Harn" | "urine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 358.1-3)

wzṯ, "verfallen; verwüstet sein" | "to be dilapidated" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 358.5)

ws, "beenden; mangeln; leer sein" | "to make stop; to want; to lack" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 358.6-9)

ws.t, "Sägemehl (offizinell)" | "sawdust (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 358.15; DrogWb 140 ff.)

wsj, "Fenster; Luke" | "(small) window; chink" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 359.2)

wsy, "sehr; wie sehr" | "very; how (emphatic)" [adverb] (Wb 1, 359.3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 127)

wsi̯, "sägen; zerschneiden" | "to saw; to cut" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 358.10-14)

wsfꜣ.w-š, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 357.14; DrogWb 142)

wsn, "begatten; befruchten" | "to procreate; to fertilize" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 359.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 257)

wsr, "User (Unterabteilung einer Phyle der Totenpriester)" | "Weser (subdivision of a phyle of funerary priests)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1035)

wsr, "mächtig; stark" | "strong; powerful" [adjective] (Wb 1, 360.7-362.9)

wsr, "Mächtiger" | "powerful one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 363.5-7)

wsr, "Ruder" | "oar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 364.1-4; FCD 69)

wsr, "mächtig sein; stark sein; stärken" | "to be strong; to be powerful" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 360.7-362.9)

wsr, "der Mächtige (viele Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 363.5; LGG II, 570 f.)

wsr.w, "Macht; Reichtum" | "strength; wealth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 362.10-363.2)

wsr.wt, "Macht" | "power" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 363.3-4)

wsr.t, "Nacken; Hals" | "neck" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 360.1-2; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

wsr.t, "Pfahl (im Jenseits); Kanidenkopfsymbol" | "stake (in the hereafter)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 360.3-5)

wsr.t, "Mächtige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 579 f.), "die beiden Uräen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 363.15; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 258)

wsr-pḥ.tj, "der mit mächtiger Kraft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 573)

wsr-n.j-nṯr.w, "der Mächtigste der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 575c)

wsr-ḥꜣ.t, "der mit starker Stirn (Amun, Ihi)" | "mighty of brow (Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 362.3; LGG II, 575 f.)

wsr-ḫpr.w, "mächtig an Gestalten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 576)

wsr-ḫpšꜣ-p.t-ḥr.j-tp=f, "der mit mächtigem Arm, der den Himmel über sich hält (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. IV.4)

wsḥ, "verbrennen; erhitzen" | "to burn; to heat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 364.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 259)

wsḫ, "weit; stolz; berühmt" | "broad; proud; famous" [adjective] (Wb 1, 364.11-365.2)

wsḫ, "weit sein; breit sein; ausdehnen" | "to be wide; to be broad" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 364.11-365.3; KoptHWb 282)

wsḫ, "Breite; Weite" | "breadth; width" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 365.6-12)

wsḫ, "breiter Halskragen" | "broad collar" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 365.16; FCD 69)

wsḫ, "Lastschiff" | "barge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 366.1-2; Jones, Naut. Titles, 135 (23))

wsḫ.t, "Breite (als Maßangabe)" | "breadth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 365.13-15)

wsḫ.t, "Transportschiff; Götterbarke" | "barge; sacred bark" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 366.3-4; Jones, Naut. Titles, 135 (24); vgl. ders. 244 (30))

wsḫ.t, "breite Halle; Hof; Kapelle" | "broad hall; court" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 366.5-367.2)

wsḫ.t-n.t-Mꜣꜥ.tj, "Halle der doppelten Maat (Ort des Jenseitsgerichtes)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 366.15)

wsḫ.t-ḥꜣ, "Festhof des Tempels" | "festival courtyard (of the temple)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 366.10; 3, 60.13)

wsḫ.t-ḥwꜣ.t, "die mit weitem Fäulnisgestank (?) (Isis)" | "wesekhet-hewat (Isis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 51.9; LGG II, 589)

wsḫ.t-ḥḥ, "weite Stätte der Unendlichkeit (Totenreich)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.14)

wsḫ.t-tp.t-n.t-jmn.t, "die erste Halle des Westens" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 2.5)

wsḫ.tj, "Hofdiener (Priester)" | "one of the broad hall (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Meeks, AL 77.1045)

wsḫ-ḥꜣ.tj-r-ḥn-pꜣ-tꜣ-jšzp=f, "der weitherzig ist, das Land zu versorgen, das er in Besitz genommen hat (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.6; vgl. LGG II, 587)

wsḫ-ḥr, "Weitgesichtiger" | "Farsighted" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 587)

wstj, "amtliches Schreiben" | "official writings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 367.4-5)

wsṯn, "ungehindert schreiten" | "to stride unhindered" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 367.9-368.4; FCD 69)

wš, "leer sein; zerstört sein; zerstören" | "to be destroyed; to destroy; to be empty of" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 368.5-14; KoptHWb 282)

wš, "sich durchdrängen" | "to push one's way through" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 368.16; Lesko, Dictionary I, 103)

wš, "(freier) Platz; Lücke; Unterbrechung" | "(vacant) place; space; interruption" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 79.0767; ONB 501; KoptHWb 282)

wš.t, "Zerstörung (evtl. Bruch)" | "destruction (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 670; Sperveslage, in: Fs Grunert, 153 f.)

wšꜣ, "mästen" | "to fatten (animals)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 369.2-5)

wšꜣ, "Mäster" | "feeder (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 369.6-7)

wšꜣ, "ausschütten; äußern" | "to pour out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 369.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 264 f.)

wšꜣ, "(Zahn) ausstopfen" | "to treat (a tooth) (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 369.13; MedWb 222)

wšꜣ.w, "tiefe Nacht; Dunkelheit" | "darkness; darkest part of the night" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 370.2-5; FCD 70)

wšꜣ-jḥ.w, "Rinderknecht" | "fattener of cattle" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 904)

wšꜣ-n-rnp.t, "Rest des Jahres" | "remainder of the year" [substantive] (Wb 1, 369.14; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 131)

wšꜣꜣ.w, "Masttiere" | "fattened animals (bovids)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 369.8)

wši̯, "zerkleinern; entleeren" | "to reduce to bits" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.1108; 79.0768; vgl. EAG § 428 bb; vgl. KoptHWb 282)

wšꜥ, "kauen; verzehren" | "to chew; to utter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 370.6-13; Lesko, Dictionary I, 131; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 265 f.)

wšꜥ.w, "Jucken ("Fressen", als Krankheit)" | "itching (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 370.14; vgl. MedWb 223)

wšꜥ.t, "juckende Körperstelle ("Fraß-Stelle", med.)" | "itching spot (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 370.15; MedWb 224, IV)

wšwš, "zerschlagen; aufbrechen" | "to strike; to break into" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 370.17-371.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 131; KoptHWb 283)

wšb, "sich nähren (von etwas)" | "to feed on (something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 371.3-4; Allen, Inflection, 555)

wšb, "antworten; (sich) einsetzen für; rächen" | "to answer; to answer for" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 371.6-372.1; FCD 70; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 267)

wšb, "Antwort" | "answer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 372.4-10)

wšb, "Kampfstier" | "fighting bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 373.4; FCD 70; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 266 f.)

wš, "Antwort; Aussage" | "answer; statement" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 372.11-14; FCD 70)

wš, "Darlehen ("Antwort")" | "loan" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1065; KoptHWb 282)

wšb.t, "Klageweib" | "mourner" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 373.1; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 267)

wšb.t, "die kämpfende Kuh; Klagefrau (?) (Isis)" | "fighting cow; mourner (Isis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 373.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 266 f.; vgl. LGG II, 593; Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 36)

wšb.t, "[ein Mineral zur Wundbehandlung (kobalthaltiges Alaun ?)]" | "[a mineral (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 373.7; Harris, Minerals 188 f.; DrogWb 143; Kaczmarczyk, JEA 77, 1991, 195)

wšm, "anrühren; vermengen" | "to stir (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 373.9-10; MedWb 224; KoptHWb 282)

wšm, "(das Herz) prüfen (?)" | "to test (?) (the heart)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 373.12; FCD 70)

wšm, "schlachten; töten" | "to slay" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 373.13-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexion, 267 f.)

wšm, "[ein Krug (aus Metall)]; Maß (für Bier)" | "[a metal vessel]; [a measure for beer]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 374.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 133)

wšm, "Granne (der Ähre)" | "awn (of an ear of grain)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 374.4-5; FCD 70)

wšn, "(Vögeln den Hals) umdrehen; opfern" | "to wring (the necks of birds); to offer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 374.6-7)

wšn.w, "Beute (des Vogel- und Fischfangs); Opfer" | "the catch (of fishing and fowling); offering" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 374.8-9)

wšr, "Dürres; Trockenes" | "dry land; dry area" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 375.1)

wšr, "trocknen; verdorren; fehlen; mangeln; kahl sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 374.10-19)

wšr.t, "trockenes Land (?)" | "dry land (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Roccati, JEA 54, 1968, 17)

wšk, "[ein Edelstein (?)]" | "[a (semi-)precious stone]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 7; Harris, Minerals, 166)

wšt.t, "[eine Augenkrankheit (Trockenheit?)]" | "[an affliction of the eyes (dryness?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 375.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 133)

wšd, "anreden; befragen; begrüßen" | "to address (someone); to question; to greet" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 375.7-15; FCD 71), "Gekautes; Geschwätz (?)" | "twaddle; twaddler" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 376.6; vgl. FCD 71)

wg.wt, "Unterkiefer" | "(lower) jaw" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 376.3-5; FCD 71; MedWb 225 f.)

wgj, "Brett; Planke" | "plank (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 376.7-8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 160 f. (40); KoptHWb 288, Anm. 2)

wgi̯, "kauen" | "to chew" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 376.1-2; KoptHWb 288, Anm. 2)

wgp, "zerstoßen; zerstören; zerbrechen" | "to crush; to destroy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 377.5-8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 133; KoptHWb 288)

wgm, "(Korn) mahlen (o. Ä.)" | "to grind (grain)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 377.9)

wgm, "Pulver; Mehl" | "powder; crushed grain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 377.10; FCD 71; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 270)

wgs, "aufschneiden; (Tiere) ausnehmen" | "to cut open; to gut (animals)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 377.12-15)

wgs, "(ausgenommener?) Vogel" | "(gutted?) bird" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 377.17; vgl. FCD 71)

wgs, "[ein Seil]" | "[tow-rope (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1082; Jones, Naut. Titles, 161 (42))

wgs.w, "Schlachtung (von Fischen und Vögeln)" | "slaughter (fish and fowl)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 377.16)

wgg, "Mangel; Hungersnot (?); Schwäche" | "weakness; misery; famine (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 377.18; FCD 71; MedWb 226)

wgg, "schwach sein" | "to be weak" [verb: verb_2-gem] (MedWb 226)

wgg.t, "Schädliches; Klage" | "harmfulness; complaint" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 376.15-377.4)

wt, "[Substantiv (Gebrüll?)]" | "[noun (roaring?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 377.19; Faulkner, PT, 97 f., Anm. 5 (Pyr 497c))

wt, "einwickeln; verbinden; fesseln" | "to bandage; to bind" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 378.7-379.3)

wt, "Mumienbinde; Verband" | "(mummy) bandages; bandages (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 379.4-6; MedWb 230)

wt, "innerster Sarg" | "coffin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 379.7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 134)

wt, "Balsamierter" | "embalmed one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1135)

wt.j, "Bandagierer (von Wunden)" | "bandager (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 379.8; FCD 71; MedWb 231 f.; Lesko, Dictionary I, 134)

wt.j, "Balsamierer" | "embalmer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 379.9-12)

wt.j, "Balsamierer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 379.9-12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1492)

wt.j-Jnp.w, "Balsamierer des Anubis" | "embalmer of Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 379.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1493)

wt.j-Jnp.w, "Balsamierer des Anubis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 379.13)

wt.y, "der Balsamierer (Anubis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 595)

wt.w, "ältester Sohn" | "eldest son" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 377.21)

wtꜣ.w, "die Eingewickelten (Götter im Totenreich)" | "those who are wrapped (like mummies)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 380.6)

wtjw, "[Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 145; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 601, Anm. 77; vgl. Wb 1, 289.15)

wty.t, "[Pflanzenteil (offizinell)]" | "[part of a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 380.7; DrogWb 144), "ältester Sohn" | "eldest son" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 378.1)

wtmt, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb] (Wb 1, 380.8)

wtmtm, "schlaff werden (?); taumeln (?)" | "to collapse (?); to stagger (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 1, 380.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 135)

wtn, "durchbohren; durchbrechen" | "to break through" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 380.10-11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 135)

wtn, "Durchbruch; Bohrung; Tunnel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 135; ONB 764 f., Anm. 928)

wtn.wjw, "[Personengruppe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2037b)

wtḫ, "fliehen" | "to flee" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 381.6; FCD 71)

wtḫ.w, "Flüchtling" | "fugitive" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 381.7; FCD 72)

wtt, "alt sein; groß sein" | "to be old; to be great" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 377.20)

wtṯ, "der Erzeuger (?) (Osiris)" | "Begetter (?) (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 381.9; Faulkner, PT, 130 (Pyr 650b))

wtṯ, "erzeugen; zeugen" | "to beget; to create" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 381.10-382.9; FCD 72)

wtṯ, "Samen" | "semen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 382.14; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 139)

wtṯ.w, "Erzeuger; Vater" | "begetter; father" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 382.10-12; FCD 72; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 272)

wtṯ-ḫpr.w-n-nḥḥ, "der die Gestalten erzeugt für die Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Parkinson, in: Assmann/Blumenthal, Literatur und Politik, 182, n. 33; vgl. LGG II, 602)

wtṯ-sw, "der sich selbst erzeugte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 603)

wṯz, "Tragstange" | "standard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 670; Wb 1, 384.4)

wṯz, "hochheben; tragen; erheben; rühmen" | "to lift up; to carry" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 382.16-383.17; EAG § 426)

wṯz, "Tragsessel" | "carrying chair" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 384.5-6)

wṯz.w, "Ankläger (der (die Klage) erhebt)" | "accuser" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 384.3; vgl. FCD 72)

wṯz.w, "das Hochheben" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 106)

wṯz.wt, "Verrat; Vorwürfe" | english translation missing [substantive] (pWestcar, XII.16; vgl. Parkinson, Tale, 119)

wṯz-wr, "große Stütze (Leiter oder Teil davon)" | "great lifter (part of a ladder (rungs?))" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 384.12)

wṯz-wr, "großer Hochgehobener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 609)

wṯz-nfr.w, "der die Schönheit erhebt (heilige tragbare Barke)" | "He-who-elevates-beauty (processional bark)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 383.10-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 273)

wṯz-ḥḏ.t-twꜣ-n=f-wsr-wr.wt, "der die weiße Krone trägt (und) sich (damit) die Macht der Uräen aufsetzt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.5-6; vgl. LGG II, 611)

wd.t, "Verlagerung (von Krankheitsstoffen, Infektion?)" | "shift (of infection, of a symptom)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 388.1; MedWb 234 f.)

wd-nšn, "der Unheilstifter (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 619)

wd-ḫrw.y, "der Unruhestifter (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 619)

wdi̯, "legen; setzen; stoßen; werfen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_irr] (Wb 1, 384.15-387.25)

wdp.w, "Aufwärter" | "butler; attendant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 388.2-10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1494)

wdp.w, "Aufwärter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 388.2-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 107)

wdp.w-jr.j-Jꜥḥ, "Aufwärter, der zum Jah (?) gehört" | "butler, keeper of Jah (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 101.18; Ward, Titles, nos. 756, 1285)

wdp.w-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufwärter des Pharao" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI VI, 734.12)

wdp.w-ḫnt.y-wr, "Aufwärter des großen Kellers" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1497)

wdf, "Frist; Verzögerung" | "period (of time); delay" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 389.6; FCD 73)

wdfi̯, "zögern (u. Ä.)" | "to delay" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 388.12-389.5; FCD 73; Allen, Inflection, 580)

wdn, "Opfer; Opferhandlung" | "offering" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 392.1-6; FCD 73; Lesko. Dictionary I, 137)

wdn, "niederwerfen; niederlegen; einsetzen; schwer sein; opfern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 389.10-390.15; 391.1-16; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 555)

wdn.w, "Last" | "burden" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 390.16)

wdn.t, "schwerer Steinblock" | "heavy block of stone" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 390.18; FCD 73)

wdn.t, "Opfer" | "offering" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 392.7-9)

wdn.t, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 393.1)

wdn.t, "Opferständer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Saad/Manniche, JEA 57, 1971, pl. XXI)

wdḥ, "schütten; gießen; (Metall) schmelzen; (Glas) herstellen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 393.6-13)

wdḥ, "Einlauf (med.); Einguss" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 237)

wdḥ.w, "Altar; Opferständer" | "altar; offering stand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 393.15-394.1)

wdḥ.w, "Opferkrug" | "offering jug" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1113; 79.0804; KoptHWb 553)

wdḥ.w, "Ausschüttung (von Opferspeisen)" | "offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 393.14; FCD 73; MedWb 237)

wdḥ.w, "Opfer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Edfou VII, 17.7)

wdd, "Gallenblase" | "gall bladder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 394.2-5; DrogWb 145 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

wdd, "kochen" | "to cook (med.); to burn" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 394.6-8; MedWb 237)

wḏ, "befehlen; zuweisen" | "to command; to commit" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 394.10-395.22)

wḏ, "Stele" | "stela" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 398.15-399.4)

wḏ, "[ein Gewässer (?)]" | "[a body of water (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 399.11)

wḏ.yw, "die Lotsen (?) (der Sonnenbarke)" | "pilots (of Re's solar bark)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.0812)

wḏ.yt, "Reise; Feldzug; Expedition" | "journey; expedition; campaign" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 398.6-12; FCD 74)

wḏ.yt, "Mehlgehalt des Brotes (?)" | "flour content of bread (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 399.13)

wḏ.w, "Befehl; Erlass" | "command; decree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 396.11-23)

wḏ.w-nswt, "Königsbefehl" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 396.19-21; Blumenthal, ZÄS 100, 1973, 72 ff.)

wḏ.t, "Befehl" | "decree" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 397.1-10)

wḏ.t, "Ständer vom Steuerruder" | "post (for the steering-oar)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 399.12; Jones, Naut. Titles, 162 (44))

wḏ.t, "Stele" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 255 f., Anm. 77)

wḏ.t-mdw, "Befehl" | "command" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 396.9-10)

wḏ-mrw.t, "der Liebe befiehlt" | "Love Commander" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 631)

wḏ-mdw, "Befehlshaber" | "giver of orders" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1498)

wḏ-mdw.t, "Befehl" | "command" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 108)

wḏ-mdw.t, "Befehlshaber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT IV, 121c)

wḏ-mdw-mꜣꜥ-n-ḥr.jw-wḏb.w, "wirklicher Befehlshaber der Leiter der Zuwendungen" | "true giver of orders to those in charge of reversions (of offerings)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1502)

wḏ-mdw-n-ḥr.j-wḏb.w, "Anweiser des Obersten der Verteilung" | "giver of orders to those in charge of reversions (of offerings)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 396.4; 3, 139.4; Jones, Titles OK, no 1500)

wḏꜣ, "unversehrt sein" | "to be whole; to be intact" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 399.14-401.2)

wḏꜣ, "Wohlergehen" | "wellbeing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 401.3-8)

wḏꜣ, "Vorratshaus" | "storehouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 402.10-15)

wḏꜣ, "gehen; dahingehen (sterben); (sich) fortbewegen; (in der Prozession) schreiten" | "to proceed; to go in procession" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 403.2-19; FCD 75)

wḏꜣ.w, "Rest" | "remainder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1142; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 670)

wḏꜣ.w, "Amulett; Schutzspruch" | "amulet; protective spell" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 401.10-11; FCD 75; MedWb 238)

wḏꜣ.w, "die Dahingeschiedenen (die Toten)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. ram. (Barns), 12, pl. 7)

wḏꜣ.wt, "Rest" | "remainder" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 418 (54 c))

wḏꜣ.t, "Udjat-Auge (Horusauge); Auge" | "Wedjat-eye (lit. Intact-one)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 401.12-402.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 286 f.)

wḏꜣ.t, "Udjat-Maß (Teile des Udjat-Auges als Kornmaß)" | "wedjat-measure (for grain)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 402.3-4; GEG § 266.1)

wḏꜣ.t, "Rest; Rückstand (von Lieferungen)" | "remainder" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 404.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 140)

wḏꜣ.t-n.t-Rꜥw, "Udjat-Auge des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 648)

wḏꜣ-r-spꜣ.t-jgr.t, "der zur Nekropole fortgegangen ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 649)

wḏꜣ-r-tꜣ-ḏsr, "der zum heiligen Land fortgegangen ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 649)

wḏj, "Barsch" | "bulti-fish (tilapia nilotica)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 399.7-8; LÄ VI, 593; vgl. Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 25)

wḏi̯, "aussenden; abreisen" | "to send; to depart" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 397.11-398.4; Lesko Dictionary I, 137)

wḏꜥ, "Abgetrenntes; Bruchstück" | "piece; fragment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1135)

wḏꜥ, "(ab)trennen; richten; zuweisen" | "to separate; to judge; to appoint" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 404.3-406.12)

wḏꜥ, "Urteil" | "decision" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 407.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 141)

wḏꜥ, "der Gerichtete (Seth)" | "one who is judged (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 407.2; FCD 75)

wḏꜥ, "Jungfernkranich" | "demoiselle crane" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 407.14; LÄ III, 756)

wḏꜥ, "Richter" | "judge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1140)

wḏꜥ.yt, "Süßwassermuschel" | "freshwater clam" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 407.7-9; DrogWb 147 f.; FCD 76)

wḏꜥ.w, "[Teil oder Verarbeitungszustand von Datteln (offizinell)]" | "[a part of a date (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 407.5; DrogWb 147)

wḏꜥ.w, "Absonderung" | "[a discharge (pus?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 407.10; MedWb 239)

wḏꜥ.wt, "Schreiberpalette (aus einer Muschel?)" | "ink-shell (scribe's utensil)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 407.12; vgl. FCD 76)

wḏꜥ.t, "Ration; Abgetrenntes" | "ration; piece" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, pl. 73 D)

wḏꜥ.t, "Richterspruch" | "judgement" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 407.3; FCD 75)

wḏꜥ.t, "geschiedene Frau" | "divorced woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 407.4)

wḏꜥ-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Richter der Maat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 650 f.)

wḏꜥ-mdw, "Schiedsrichter" | "arbitrator" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 405.10-13; FCD 76; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 110 f.)

wḏꜥ-mdw, "Entscheidung; Urteil" | "judgement; litigate" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 110)

wḏꜥ-mdw-m-hꜣy.t, "Schiedsrichter in der Hayt-Halle" | "arbitrator in the Hayt-hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1510)

wḏꜥ-mdw-m-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Schiedsrichter in der großen Halle" | "arbitrator in the Great Court" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1511)

wḏb, "[ein gefalteter Zeugstoff]" | "folded cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 408.2; FCD 76)

wḏb, "umwenden; zuwenden" | "to turn back; to fold over; to revert" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 408.3-15; KoptHWb 280)

wḏb, "Ufer; Uferbank" | "shore; river bank" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 409.2-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 290 f.)

wḏb.w, "Zuwendung (von Naturalien)" | "donation (of produce)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 409.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 111)

wḏb-jḫ.t, "Umlaufopfer" | "reversion offering" [substantive] (Wb 1, 408.14; FCD 76; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 290)

wḏb-rd, "das Umlaufen (des Opfers zu jmdm.)" | "reversion (of offerings to someone)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 409.1)

wḏn.w, "Flut" | "flood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 409.10-12; FCD 76; KoptHWb 418)

wḏnj, "[eine Flöte (Oboe?)]" | "[reed instrument (oboe?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 409.9; LÄ IV, 548)

wḏḥ, "(den Säugling) entwöhnen" | "to wean" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 409.14; FCD 76; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 581)

wḏḥ, "gerade entwöhntes Kind" | "weaned child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 410.1-3; FCD 76)

wḏḥ, "Frucht tragen (?); reifen (?); bepflanzt sein" | "to bear fruit (?); to ripen (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 410.5)

wḏḏ.t, "das Befohlene" | "what is commanded" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 395.5)

B, "Be (Name des Seth)" | "Be (Seth)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 410.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 293; LGG II, 658)

Bꜣ, "Ba (heiliger Bock von Mendes); Widdergott" | "Ba (sacred ram of Mendes)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 414.9-14; LGG II, 658; vgl. Ward, Roots, § 222 ff.)

Bꜣ=j-ḏw-wj, "Bai-dju-wi" | "Bai-dju-wi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Mereruka I, pl. 52b)

Bꜣ.w=f-Rꜥw, "Bauef-Re" | "Bauef-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 89.23)

Bꜣ.w-Jꜣb.tjt, "Die Bas des Ostens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 713)

Bꜣ.w-Jwn.w, "Die Bas von Heliopolis (Göttergruppe)" | "Bas-of-Heliopolis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 413.6; LGG II, 713 ff.)

Bꜣẖr.t-nṯr, "Die wirkungsvollen Bas, die in der Nekropole sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 718)

Bꜣḥtp-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Die wirkungsvollen Bas, die in der Nekropole ruhen (Verstorbene, Götter)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 717)

Bꜣ.w-P, "Die Bas von Pe (Göttergruppe)" | "Bas-of-Pe" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 413.7-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 297; LGG II, 721 f.)

Bꜣ.w-pr.w, "Die hervorkommenden Bas" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 722 f.)

Bꜣ.w-Nḫn, "Die Bas von Hierakonpolis (Göttergruppe)" | "Bas-of-Hierakonpolis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 413.9-10; LGG II, 724 f.)

Bꜣ.w-nṯr, "[Eigenname Hetepsechemuis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, II 1)

Bꜣ.w-nṯr.w, "Bas der Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 725 f.)

Bꜣ.w-nṯr.w-ḫpr.w-m-ꜥ.t-Wsjr, "Die Bas der Götter, die aus einem Körperteil des Osiris entstanden sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 727)

Bꜣ.w-Ḫmn.w, "Bas von Hermupolis (Göttergruppe)" | "Bas-of-Hermopolis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 413.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 298)

Bꜣ.w-tꜣ, "Die Bas der Erde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 731)

Bꜣ.wj, "Bawi" | "Bawi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 3)

Bꜣ.t, "Bat (Name der Hathor)" | "Bat" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 412.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 305 f.; LÄ I, 630-632; vgl. LGG II, 735)

Bꜣ.t, "Bat (7. o.äg. Gau)" | "Bat (7th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 416.14-15; LÄ II, 388)

Bꜣ.t, "Bat" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 7)

Bꜣ.tj, "Die beiden Büsche (Bez. für Ägypten)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Blackman/Fairman, JEA 36, 1950, 67, Anm. 19)

Bꜣ.tjw, "Batiu (Hauptstadt im 7. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 179 f.)

Bꜣ-jꜣb.tjt, "Der Ba des Ostens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 662)

Bꜣ-jww, "Ba-iuu" | "Ba-iuu" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 66 (Nr. A/3))

Bꜣ-jmn, "Ba, der verbirgt" | "Ba-who-conceals" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 664)

Bꜣ-ꜥnḫ-n-Wsjr-ḫꜥi̯=f-m-Jꜥḥ, "lebender Ba des Osiris, (wenn) er als Mond erscheint" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 671)

Bꜣ-ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Ba-ahau (?)" | "Ba-ahau (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 45 (Nr. 25))

Bꜣ-wr-ḏd.w, "Ba-wer-djedu" | "Ba-wer-djedu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 82.6)

Bꜣ-pf, "Jener Ba" | "That-ba" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 265; II, 117; LGG II, 680)

Bꜣ-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Ba des Neferirkare (Pyramidenkomplex von Neferirkare)" | "Ba-Neferirkare (pyramid complex of Neferirkare)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 5; VII, 291)

Bꜣ-n-Ꜥnt, "Ba-en-Anat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Caminos, LEM, 469)

Bꜣ-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Merenptahs]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 4)

Bꜣ-n-Rꜥw-m-wjꜣ-n-ḥḥ, "Ba des Re in der Barke der Millionen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 690)

Bꜣ-n-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn, "[Thronname Merenptahs]" | "Baenre-meryamun (throne name of Merenptah)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 4)

Bꜣ-n-Tfn.t, "Ba der Tefnut" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 705)

Bꜣ-nb-ꜥnp.t, "Ba, Herr von Anpet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 682)

Bꜣ-nb-Ḏd.t, "Ba, Herr von Mendes (heiliger Bock von Mendes)" | "Ba-neb-Djedet (ram of Mendes)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 414.9; LGG II, 683 f.)

Bꜣ-nfr.w, "Ba-neferu" | "Ba-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 418.9)

Bꜣ-nk, "der begattende Ba (Osiris und Ba-neb-Djedet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 686)

Bꜣ-Rꜥw, "Ba des Re (viele Götter)" | "Ba-of-Re (manifestation of Re)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 688 ff.)

Bꜣ-ḥꜣ.t-j, "Ba-hat-i (?)" | "Ba-hat-i (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 66 (Nr. A/4))

Bꜣ-sꜣb.w, "Ba-sabu" | "Ba-sabu" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 45 (Nr. 29))

Bꜣ-šw, "Ba des Schu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 697 f.)

Bꜣ-šps.j, "der verehrungswürdige Ba" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 698 f.)

Bꜣ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ba-Kakai (Pyramidenkomplex von Neferirkare)" | "Ba-Kakai (pyramid complex of Neferirkare)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ VII, 291)

Bꜣ-tꜣ, "Ba-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Vgl. Wb 1, 416.1)

Bꜣj, "Bai" | "Bai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 89.17)

Bꜣbꜣ.wj, "Bebon (Dämon)" | "Bebon (a demon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 419.10-13; LÄ I, 675; LGG II, 736 ff.)

Bꜣbꜣ.t-Zšzš.t, "Babat-Frucht der Zeschzeschet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 415)

Bꜣbꜣ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Babat-Frucht des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Bꜣbꜣ.t-Ṯy, "Die Babat-Frucht des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 363)

Bꜣẖ.w, "Bachu (in Libyen); Westgebirge" | "Bakhu (in Libya); western mountains" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 422.8-13; 423.2; LÄ I, 594; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 302 f.)

Bꜣẖ.w, "Bachu (myth. Ort im Osten, wo die Sonne aufgeht)" | "Bakhu (myth. locality in the east where the sun rises)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 422.9-13, 422.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 302 f.)

Bꜣs.t, "Bubastis (Tell Basta)" | "Bubastis (Tell Basta)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 423.6; GDG II, 75; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 208 f.; LÄ I, 873 f.)

Bꜣ, "Basti" | "Basti" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.1245; LGG II, 739)

Bꜣs.tjt, "Bastet" | "Bastet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 423.7; LGG II, 739 ff.)

Bꜣs.tjt-m-šꜣ-n-Bꜣs.tjt, "Bastet im Sumpfland von Bubastis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 743)

Bꜣq, "Baq" | "Baq" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 90.8)

Bꜣqq, "Baqeq" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 90.11)

Bꜣk.j, "Baki" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 98.26)

Bꜣk.t-Jtn, "Baket-Aton" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 92.8)

Bꜣk.t-Mw.t, "Baket-Mut" | "Baket-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 92.15)

Bꜣ, "Bakti (Dekansterne)" | "Bakti (decanal stars)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 430.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 304)

Bꜣk-Jmn, "Bak-Imen" | "Bak-Amun" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 90.14)

Bꜣk-wr=n-rʾ, "Bak-weren-ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 90.16)

Bꜣk-n-Jmn, "Bak-en-Imen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 91.1)

Bꜣk-n-bꜣy, "Bak-en-bay (?)" | "Bak-en-bay (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 276.11)

Bꜣk-n-Ptḥ, "Bak-en-Ptah" | "Bak-en-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 91.6)

Bꜣk-n-Mw.t, "Bak-en-Mut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 91.9)

Bꜣk-n-nf, "Bak-en-nef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 91.10)

Bꜣk-n-Ḥr.w-j, "Bak-en-Hor-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 91.12)

Bꜣk-n-Ḫns.w, "Bak-en-Chonsu" | "Bak-en-Chonsu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 91.13)

Bꜣky, "Baky" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 92.2)

Bꜣg-Stẖ, "Machtlosigkeit des Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 123, Anm. 401)

Bꜣtꜣ, "Bata (Stiergott)" | "Bata" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ I, 632 ff.; LGG II, 747)

Bj.t, "Bit (uäg. Kronengöttin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 755)

Bj.t, "[Schlangengöttin]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (MedWb 243; Borghouts, Mag. Texts, 36), "Biti-neferu" | "Biti-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (Green, PSBA 31, 1909, 320, pl. LIII)

Bjꜣ, "Bia" | "Bia" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 46 (Nr. 32))

Bjꜣ.j, "Der zum Himmel Gehörige" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 756)

Bjm, "Bim (Ort in Nubien)" | "Bim" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 1; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 106)

Bjk, "Der Falke" | "Falcon" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 758 ff.)

Bjk.t, "Falkenstadt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 14)

Bjk-Ḥr.w-ꜥḫ-m-ḏnḥ.wt=f-r-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "der Horus-Falke, der sich mit seinen Flügeln erhebt zum Gau von Igeret (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthes, Col. 11.4; vgl. LGG II, 206 und 770)

Bꜥr, "Baal" | "Baal" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 447.10-12; LÄ I, 290 f.)

Bꜥr.t, "Baalat" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 778)

Bꜥr-Ḏpn, "Baal-Saphon" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 778)

Bꜥḥ, "Bah (Baklija, einer der Namen der Hauptstadt des 15. u.äg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 137 f.; Helck, Gaue, 190 f.; LÄ I, 606)

Bꜥḥ.t, "Überfluss" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 784)

Bꜥḥ.t-Jzzj, "Der Überfluss des Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 309)

Bꜥḥ.t-Wnjs, "Der Überfluss des Unas (Domäne)" | "Abundance-of-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 461)

Bꜥḥ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Der Überfluss des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Abundance-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 461)

Bꜥḥ.t-Ḫwi̯-wj-nfr, "Der Überfluss des Chui-wi-nefer (Domäne)" | "Abundance-of-Khui-wi-nefer (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 147)

Bꜥḥ.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Der Überfluss des Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 309)

Bꜥḥ.t-Ṯy, "Der Überfluss des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 361)

Bꜥḫ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Überfluss (?) des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 288)

Bꜥk, "Bak" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 418.15)

Bw-Jgꜣ.j, "Ort des Igai (19. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Osing, in: Fs Dreyer, 517 ff.; Montet, Géographie, II, 180 ff.; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 348)

Bw-nfr, "Bu-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 94.6)

Bw-th-Jmn, "Bu-teh-Imen" | "Bu-teh-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 94.20)

Bb-jb, "Beb-ib" | "Beb-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 95.11)

Bbj, "Bebi" | "Bebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 95.16)

Bby, "Beby" | "Beby" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 96.3)

Bbw, "Bebu" | "Bebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 96.6)

Bbw.t, "Bebut" | "Bebut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 96.9)

Bn.w, "Phönix (Benu)" | "Phoenix (benu-bird)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 458.3-5; LÄ IV, 1030 ff.)

Bn.w, "Benu (Hauptstadt im 14. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 188; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 219 ff.)

Bn.w-nṯr.y, "göttlicher Phönix" | "divine Phoenix" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 797 f.)

Bn.ty, "Benti (Pavian als Sohn des Sonnengottes)" | "Benti (baboon as a son of the sun god)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 464.9-12; LGG II, 807; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 320)

Bn-nḫt=f, "Ben-nechetef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Allam, MDAIK 37, 1981, 9, Anm. 5, fig. 1, Taf. 2)

Bnj.t, "Benit" | "Benit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 97.8)

Bnbn, "Benben-Sanktuar in Heliopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. III.1)

Bnn.t-n-bw-wr, "Der Same des Ortes des Großen" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 173, Anm. ai)

Bnq, "Panaga" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 97.20; Schneider, Personennamen, 93; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 325)

Bnḏ.t-Sšm-nfr, "Das Gurkenbeet des Seschem-nefer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Bnḏ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Gurkenbeet des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 288)

Bnḏy.t, "Bendjyt" | "Benedjyt" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 97.25)

Brj, "Beri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 97.29)

Brbrt, "Berberet (Ort in Nubien)" | "Berberet" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 24; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 107)

Brg, "Bereg (Stadt in Nordsyrien)" | "Barga" [entity_name: place_name] (RITANC I, 32 f.)

Brt, "Beirut" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 25; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 75)

Bhn, "Buhen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 26; LÄ I, 880 f., VII, 250 (Index))

Bhks, "Behekes" | "Behekes" [entity_name: place_name] (Anthes, Hatnub, 23, Taf. 12, 12a)

Bḥwt, "Behut (Domäne)" | "Behut (a domain?)" [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 211; CAA Hildesheim, 3, 182)

Bḥn-zmꜣy.w=f, "Zerstückelung seiner Komplizen (Name einer Spruchfolge)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Bḥ, "Behezti" | "Behezti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 277.14)

Bḥz-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Das Kalb des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Calf of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (4))

Bḥd.t, "Edfu (Haupstadt des 2. o.äg. Gaues); Behdet (Tell el-Balamun, Hauptstadt vom 17. u.äg. Gau); Behdet (17. u.äg. Gau); Behdet (am Ostufer, gegenüber von Naga el-Hisaja)" | "Edfu" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 470.6-8; LÄ II, 400; LÄ VI, 319 ff.; GDG II, 27 ff.; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 43 ff.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 165 ff.; ITE I/2, 408, Anm. 3)

Bḥd.t-jꜣb.tjt, "Das östliche Behdet (Nag el-Mescheich, im 8. o.äg. Gau bei Thinis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie, II, 101 f.; AEO II, 36* f.; LÄ IV, 107)

Bḥd.t-mḥ.tjt, "Das nördliche Behdet (andere Bez. des 17. u.äg. Gaues und seiner Hauptstadt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 136, n. 228; vgl. Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 166 f.)

Bḥ, "Behdeti" | "Behdety (winged sun disk)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 470.9)

Bḫn, "Bechen" | "Bekhen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 98.9)

Bḫn.t, "Bechenet" | "Bekhenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 98.10)

Bḫnj, "Becheni" | "Bekheni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 98.11)

Bḫtn, "Bachtan" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 31 f.)

Bz.t, "Bezet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Bs, "Bes" | "Bes" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 476.8; LGG II, 834 f.)

Bs.y, "Flammender" | "Flaming-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 365; II, 257; WbZ: DZA 22930450)

Bs.t-Ṯy, "Beset-Brot des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Bkk, "Bekek (Ort in Nubien)" | "Bekek" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 19 f.; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 112)

Bt-Ꜥnt, "Bet-Anat (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Beth-Anath" [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 75)

Bt-šr, "Bet-Schean (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 78 f.; GDG II, 9 f.)

Bt-ṯpr, "Bet-Sopher (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 10; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 80)

Btb.t, "Betbet (Schlangengott)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 840)

Btn, "Tebtynis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LGG II, 840; Rondot, Temple, 88 ff.)

Bṯ.w, "[unheilbare Krankheit (als schlangengestaltiger Krankheitsdämon)]" | "[an incurable illness]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 485.13; FCD 86; MedWb 254 f.)

Bṯḥ, "Betjeh" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 842)

Bd.w, "Der Natrongott" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 487.13; LGG II, 842)

Bd.t-Ṯy, "Der Emmer des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364), "Bedeti (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II, 736)

Bdš.w, "Bedeschu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 35)

Bdš.t, "Die Ermattete" | "Weary-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 488.2-4; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 339 f.; vgl. LGG II, 844)

bꜣ, "Ba (Seelenkraft als Teil der Persönlichkeit)" | "ba(-soul); manifestation; might" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 411.6-412.10; vgl. LGG II, 658 (Kol. c. B.))

bꜣ, "Panther; Leopard" | "leopard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 415.4-6; FCD 77)

bꜣ, "Leopardenfell" | "leopard skin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 415.7-9; FCD 77)

bꜣ, "Leopardenfellschurz" | "leopard-skin garment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 415.10-11)

bꜣ, "aufhacken; zerhacken" | "to hack up (the earth); to open up" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 415.12-17; ONB 248, Anm. 1081, KoptHWb 492)

bꜣ, "[Krankheit am Kopf (kahle Stelle, Loch)]" | "[bald spot? (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 416.4; MedWb 239; vgl. aber Ward, Roots, § 204 ff.)

bꜣ, "ba-mächtig sein; ba-mächtig machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 411.1-5)

bꜣ.y, "Fußwaschkrug" | "foot-ewer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 417.13; FCD 77)

bꜣ.y, "Loch" | "hole" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 417.15-16; ONB 819, Anm. 1081; KoptHWb 492, 562; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 113)

bꜣ.w, "Ruhm; Ba-Macht" | "might; ba-power (of a god made manifest)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 413.12-414.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 300)

bꜣ.w, "ein Frachtschiff" | "cargo-boat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 418.5-6; Jones, Naut. Titles, 135 f. (26); FCD 77)

bꜣ.w, "[Topf]" | "[a jar (for medicine)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 418.7; MedWb 240)

bꜣ.w, "Ba-Seelen (Göttergemeinschaft, als Ortsgötter)" | "ba-souls" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 413.2-11; FCD 77; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 297)

bꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "die Bas des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 727)

bꜣ.wj, "die beiden Bas (für Götterpaare)" | "the two souls (pairs of gods)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 412.12-13; Ward, Roots, § 157 ff.)

bꜣ.wj=fj-ḥr.j-jb.wj-ṯꜣ.wj=fj, "der mit seinen zwei Bas, der inmitten seiner zwei Kinder ist (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 711; vgl. Wb 1, 412.14)

bꜣ.t, "Busch; Gebüsch" | "bush; shrub" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 416.5-10; KoptHWb 634; Lesko, Dictionary I, 145)

bꜣ.t, "[eine Körnerfrucht]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 416.11)

bꜣ.t, "[ein Zepter der Hathor]" | "Bat (Hathor scepter)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 416.12-13; vgl. LÄ I, 630-32)

bꜣ, "Bati-Repit (?) (Osiris)" | "Bati-Repit (?) (Osiris?)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 417.3-4; Ward, SAK 5, 1977, 265 ff.)

bꜣ-jꜣ, "östlicher Ba" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 1478c; vgl. LGG II, 662)

bꜣ-jtj-rpw.t, "Ba-iti-reput" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Ward, SAK 5, 1977, 265 ff.; LGG II, 736)

bꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "lebender Ba" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 668-670)

bꜣ-bꜣ.w, "Ba der Bas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 678)

bꜣ-psḏ-m-wḏꜣ.tj=fj, "der Ba, der in seinen Udjat-Augen erscheint" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 680)

bꜣ-mnḫ, "der wohltätige Ba (Osiris u.a. Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 681)

bꜣ-mnḫ-jm.j-Nn-nswt, "der wohltätige Ba, der in Herakleopolis weilt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 681)

bꜣ-n-jm.j-rʾ-ꜣḫ.t, "Ba des Feldervorstehers" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.10)

bꜣ-n-p.t, "Heiliger Bock des Himmels (Amun)" | "sacred ram of heaven (Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 414.13; vgl. ONB 431)

bꜣ-n-ḫmt, "Ba von Chemet (?) (Sonnengott)" | "ba of Khemet (?) (solar deity)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 283.12)

bꜣ-šf-ḥꜣꜣs.t, "der widdergesichtige Ba, der in Theben ist (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. IV.3; vgl. LGG II, 702)

bꜣ-šmꜥ, "oberägyptischer Leopard" | "Upper Egyptian leopard" [substantive] (Wb 1, 415.5)

bꜣ-dmḏ, "der vereinigte Ba (verschiedene Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 708)

bꜣꜣ, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Meeks, AL 78.1212; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 114)

bꜣꜣ.j, "Lochbewohner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 432a-b; vgl. LGG II, 736; Borghouts, OMRO 51, 1970, 101, Anm. 184)

bꜣꜣ.wt, "Manneskraft" | "virility" [substantive] (Wb 1, 417.6; vgl. Ward, Roots, § 238 ff.)

bꜣjry, "[Vogel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 146)

bꜣy, "[ein süßer Kuchen]" | "[a kind of sweet baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 417.8; vgl. Ward, Roots, § 269 ff.)

bꜣy, "Malz (eingeweichtes Getreide)" | "malt (soaked grain)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 417.9-10; DrogWb 148; vgl. Ward, Roots, § 183 ff.)

bꜣi̯, "feucht sein" | "to be moist" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 417.11-12; FCD 77; Ward, Roots, § 278)

bꜣw, "Hügel" | "[noun (hill?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 418.9; Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 284, Anm. i)

bꜣwj, "Kampfplatz (der Stiere)" | "battlefield" [substantive] (Wb 1, 415.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 146)

bꜣbꜣ, "Loch; Höhle" | "hole; cavern" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 419.1-5; FCD 77; MedWb 240)

bꜣbꜣ, "verteilen; ausgießen" | "to distribute; to pour out" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.1230; Ward, Roots, § 182)

bꜣbꜣ, "Lanze" | "lance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 418; KoptHWb 26)

bꜣbꜣ.t, "[eine Körnerfrucht]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 418.14)

bꜣbꜣ.t, "frisches Flutwasser; Uferströmung; Strudel" | "inshore eddy (?); whirlpool (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 419.6-8; FCD 77; Ward, Roots, §§ 195 ff.)

bꜣni̯, "schlummern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Allen, Inflection, 581)

bꜣḥ, "Phallus" | "phallus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 419.14-16; MedWb 240)

bꜣḥ.yt, "Unterschurz (?) (als Phallusschutz); [Stoffbezeichnung]" | "under-kilt (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 422.5)

bꜣẖ, "einsinken; untergehen" | "to sink" [verb: verb_3-lit] (James, Hekanachte, 37; Hornung Anbetung I, 36; II, Anm. 87)

bꜣẖ.t, "das Weiße des Auges (?)" | "white of the eye (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 13; Meeks, AL 78.1243)

bꜣz.t, "[ein Schiffsteil (Ruderlager?)]" | "[part of a ship]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 423.3)

bꜣs, "[ein Gefäß (für Salbe)]" | "[a jar for unguent)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 423.4-5; ONB 781, Anm. 978; Koura, Öle, 108 f.)

bꜣs, "herausschneiden; verschlingen" | "to devour" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.1180; 78.1244; ONB 782; KoptHWb 563)

bꜣš, "[ein Gefäß (Ölmaß?)]" | "jar (for unguent)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 13)

bꜣq, "Moringa-Baum (?); Olivenbaum (?)" | "moringa tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 423.9-15; Germer, Flora, 58; Germer, Handbuch, 56 ff.; Quack, in: Fs Spalinger, 275 ff.)

bꜣq, "Moringa-Baum-Öl (Behenöl) (?); Olivenöl (?)" | "oil of the moringa tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 424.2-9; Germer, Flora, 58; Koura, Öle, 221; Quack, in: Fs Spalinger, 275 ff.)

bꜣq, "hell sein; klar sein; wohlbehalten sein (lassen)" | "to be bright; to be clear (of character); to be well" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 424.12-425.17)

bꜣq.t, "[ein Ölgefäß]" | "[a jar (for oil)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 424.11)

bꜣq-n-qmy.t, "[Öl]" | "oil of Qemit (?)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 39.11; vgl. Koura, Öle, 157 ff, 223; LÄ II, 921)

bꜣk, "arbeiten; bearbeiten; (Abgaben) leisten; (Dienst) leisten" | "to work; to render (services)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 426.3-427.11)

bꜣk, "Diener; Untergebener" | "servant; underling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 429.6-430.3)

bꜣk, "Plattform, Rampe; Tribüne" | "[a device used during a siege (stone thrower?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 430.13; Darnell, in: Gs Behrens, 73 ff.; Vittmann, P. Rylands 9, 470)

bꜣk.w, "Arbeit; Arbeitsleistung" | "task; labor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 427.13-428.5)

bꜣk.w, "Steuern; Lieferungen; Lohn" | "taxes; deliveries; pay" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 428.6-15)

bꜣk.w, "die Arbeiter" | "workers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 430.4)

bꜣk.wt, "Dienerschaft" | "staff (of servants)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 430.11)

bꜣk.t, "Abgaben; Erzeugnisse (der Arbeit)" | "revenue; (results of) work" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 428.16-429.5; FCD 78)

bꜣk.t, "Dienerin" | "servant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 430.5-10)

bꜣk-jm, "der Diener da (Selbstbezeichnung des Sprechers)" | "the servant there (speaker's reference to himself)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 72.10; 429.8)

bꜣk-n-pr-ḏ.t, "Diener der Stiftung" | "servant of the funerary estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 429.9-10; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1521)

bꜣk-tp.j-n-Jtn-m-Pr-Jtn-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "erster Diener des Aton im Atontempel in Amarna" | "first servant of the Aten in the house of the Aten in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 998)

bꜣk-tp.j-n-Jtn-m-tꜣ-ḥw.t-pꜣ-Jtn-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "erster Diener des Aton im Atontempel in Amarna" | "first servant of the Aten in the temple of the Aten in Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1000)

bꜣg, "gerinnen (?) (med.)" | "to coagulate (?) (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 431.12; MedWb 241 f.; FCD 79)

bꜣg, "Schwäche; Mattigkeit" | "weakness; weariness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1261; FCD 79; vgl. Wb 1, 431.13)

bꜣgi̯, "müde sein" | "to be weary" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 431.2-11)

bꜣgs, "[eine Pflanze (Dornbusch?)]" | "[a plant (thorn-bush?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 432.2-3; DrogWb 153)

bꜣgs, "erdolchen" | "to stab" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 432.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 305)

bꜣgs.w, "Dolch" | "dagger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 432.4-5)

bꜣd.t, "[ein Topf (als Maß)]" | "[a (measuring) vessel]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 432.9; MedWb 242)

bꜣḏ, "[Bez. der Myrrhe o.ä.]" | "[noun (myrrh?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 432.7)

bꜣḏ.t, "Haarlocke (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/S 57)

bj, "Grütze (grob gemahlenes Getreide)" | "groats (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 432.10-11; DrogWb 154 f.)

bj.t, "Prozessionsbarke" | "[transport ship]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.1268; Jones, Naut. Titles, 136 (29))

bj.t, "[ein Fladenbrot]; [ein Brotlaib]" | "[a flat loaf of bread]; [a loaf]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 433.1-10; FCD 79; DrogWb 155 f.)

bj.t, "Kalzitgestein (Alabaster aus Hatnub)" | "(Egyptian) alabaster (of Hatnub)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 433.11; Harris, Minerals; 77 f.)

bj.t, "[ein Gefäß (aus Silber)]" | "[a vessel (of silver)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 433.12)

bj.t, "Biene" | "bee" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 434.1-5)

bj.t, "Honig" | "honey" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 434.6-12)

bj.t, "Bit (Rote Krone von U.Äg.)" | "Bit (Red Crown of Lower Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 435.21-22; FCD 79; LÄ III, 812)

bj.t, "Honig" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KoptHWb 32), "Bienenzüchter; Honigsammler" | "beekeeper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 434.13-15), "König von Unterägypten" | "King of Lower Egypt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 435.1-15; FCD 79), "unterägyptischer König (von verschiedenen Göttern)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 748 f.)ḥ.w, "der König von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 750)

bjꜣ, "Erz (allg); Metall; Meteoreisen; Kupfer" | "ore (gen.); metal; copper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 436.1-438.5; Harris, Minerals, 50 ff., 62)

bjꜣ, "Meteor-Gestein (allg.); Erzgestein" | "mineral of meteoric origin (gen.); ore" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 438.8-11; Harris, Minerals, 166-168)

bjꜣ, "ehernes Himmelsgewässer; Firmament" | "heaven; sky" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 439.6-9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 117)

bjꜣ, "Vorbild" | "example" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 441.14-15; vgl. FCD 80)

bjꜣ, "[Inhaltsstoff des Eies]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 309m)

bjꜣ.j, "kostbar; ehern; metallen" | "valuable; consisting of bronze (?)" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 439.14-18; FCD 80)

bjꜣ.yt, "Staunenswertes; Wunder; Orakel" | "wonders; marvels" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 440.7-441.11; FCD 80; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 308; Graefe, Untersuchungen, passim)

bjꜣ.ytj, "Wunderbarer (Amun)" | "marvelous one (Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 441.12-13; FCD 80)

bjꜣ.w, "wunderbare Dinge" | "wonders" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 440.4-6; FCD 80; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 309)

bjꜣ.w, "Bergwerk" | "mine; mining region" [substantive] (Wb 1, 438.12-13)

bjꜣ.wt, "Firmament" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 118)

bjꜣ.t, "Bergwerksregion" | "mining region" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 438.14; vgl. Harris, Minerals, 75; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, Index, 19)

bjꜣ.t, "kristalliner Sandstein (Quarzit)" | "quartzite" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 438.16-439.5; Harris, Minerals, 75)

bjꜣ.t, "Charakter; Stimmung" | "character; mood" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 441.16-19; FCD 80)

bjꜣ.tj, "Erz (allg.); Kupfer" | "ore (gen.); metal; copper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Barbotin/Clère, BIFAO 91, 1991, 17, Anm. 67, Abb. 3)

bjꜣ-n-p.t, "Eisen" | "iron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 436.14-17; Harris, Minerals, 59 f.)

bjꜣi̯, "sich entfernen" | "to be far from; to remove oneself from" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 439.10-13; Allen, Inflection, 581)

bjꜣi̯, "freudig staunen; (Zeichen) vollbringen" | "to marvel (at)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 440.1-2; FCD 80; Graefe, Untersuchungen, 122 ff.)

bjbj, "Jauchzen; Beifall" | "acclamation" [substantive] (Wb 1, 442.9; FCD 81)

bjbj, "[ein Insekt (Wespe? Drohne?)]" | "[an insect (wasp?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 442.11; DrogWb 169)

bjbj, "[krankhafter Zustand in den Gliedern]" | "[numbness (?) (med.)]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 442.10; MedWb 243 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 118; vgl. Osing, JEA 64, 1978, 187)

bjf, "weinen (?)" | "to cry (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 442.12-14)

bjn, "schlecht sein; böse sein" | "to be bad; to be evil" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 442.15-443.17)

bjn, "schlecht; böse" | "bad; evil" [adjective] (Wb 1, 442.15-443.17)

bjn, "der Böse" | "evil one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 443.19-20)

bjn, "Böses" | "bad things" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 444.1-9; vgl. FCD 81)

bjn, "der Böse (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 758)

bjn.t, "Böses" | "evil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 444.10; FCD 81)

bjn.t, "Harfe" | "harp" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 444; KoptHWb 21)

bjr, "[ein Schiff (Lastschiff)]" | "transport ship" [substantive] (Wb 1, 465.8-9; Cerny, CED 42a; Jones, Naut. Titles, 136 (30); Dürring, Schiffbau, 139, 143 ff.)

bjk, "Falke" | "falcon" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 444.13-445.8)

bjk, "[Götterstatue]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (JWIS III, 131.12)

bjk.t, "Falkenweibchen" | "falcon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 445.9-13)

bjk.t, "das Falkenweibchen (Hathor u.a. Göttinnen)" | "falcon (esp. Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 445.10-13; LGG II, 774 f.)

bjk-ꜥnḫ, "der lebende Falke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 762 f.)

bjk-n-Ḥr.w, "der Falke des Horus (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 770)

bjk-nṯr.j, "göttlicher Falke" | "Divine-falcon" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Amduat II, 638; LGG II, 767 ff.)

bjk-nṯr.j, "göttlicher Falke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 139.10)

bjk-šps.j-ḥr-mꜣ-ḥḏ, "der angesehene Falke auf der weißen Säbelantilope" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 771)

bjdj, "[eine Augenkrankheit]" | "[an affliction of the eye]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 445.18; MedWb 244)

bꜥ, "[eine Frucht (Getreidekorn)]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 445.19; Lesko, Dictionary I, 152)

bꜥ, "wehe! (Verwünschung); pfui!" | "ugh! pfui! (expletive)" [particle] (Wb 1, 445.20)

bꜥ, "nimm dich in Acht!; pass auf! (Interjektion)" | "watch out! (interjection)" [particle] (Wb 1, 446.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 152)

bꜥ, "missachten; nicht beachten" | "to refuse" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 446.6; vgl. Quack, Ani, 87 ff, Anm. 10)

bꜥ, "blubbern; sprudeln; baden" | "to bathe; to bubble" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Ne III 80)

bꜥj, "Palmenrippe" | "rod of palm" [substantive] (Wb 1, 446.9-10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 152)

bꜥbꜥ, "blubbern; sprudeln; baden" | "to bathe; to bubble" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 447.1-4; Allen, Inflection, 577; KoptHWb 20)

bꜥbꜥ.t, "Wasserstrom; Bach (Strudel)" | "inundation (lit. that which bathes the fields)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1224; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 119)

bꜥn, "[ein Gewässer am Himmel]" | "[a body of water in the heavens]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 447.6)

bꜥn.t, "Hals; Kehle" | "neck; throat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 447.7-8; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

bꜥr, "See; Fluss" | "sea; river (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 447.13; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 114)

bꜥr, "kämpfen" | "to fight" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 447.14-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 311)

bꜥr-šnt, "Akazien-Teich" | english translation missing [substantive] (Urk. IV, 1344.18)

bꜥḥ, "bewässertes Ackerland" | "inundated land" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 450.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 153)

bꜥḥ.w, "Wasserfülle; Überschwemmung" | "flood; inundation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 448.1-8; KoptHWb 284; Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 75)

bꜥḥ.w, "Überfluss" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 778 f.)

bꜥḥ.t, "Überfluss" | "abundance" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 448.9-10)

bꜥḥi̯, "überflutet sein; überfluten; Überfluss haben" | "to flood; to inundate; to be flooded" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 448.11-449.25)

bw, "Ort; Stelle" | "place" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 450.8-452.4)

bw, "[Negationspartikel]" | "[negative particle]" [particle] (Wb 1, 453.1-2; ENG §§ 767-75; CGG 204 ff.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 385 f. (Index))

bw.t, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 453.4)

bw.t, "Abscheu; Frevel" | "abomination" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 453.7-454.7)

bw-ꜣḫ, "das Nützliche" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quack, Merikare, 82 f., 200)

bw-jqr, "Trefflichkeit" | "excellence" [substantive] (Wb 1, 137.10)

bw-ꜥꜣ, "(etwas) Großes; Größe" | "(something) large; largeness" [substantive] (Helck, Lehre Amenemhets I., 34 (Vc))

bw-wr, "große Menge; Brot" | "a great amount (of offerings); bread" [substantive] (Wb 1, 452.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 313)

bw-bjn, "Böses" | "evil" [substantive] (Wb 1, 443.13)

bw-pw, "[Negationspartikel]" | "[negative word]" [particle] (Wb 1, 453.3; ENG 445 (Index); CGG 607 (Index); Junge, Näg. Gr., 386 (Index))

bw-mꜣꜥ, "Richtigkeit; Gerechtigkeit" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 14.12-19)

bw-nb, "jedermann; die große Masse; die Profanen" | "everyone; masses" [substantive] (Wb 1, 452.6-8; FCD 81)

bw-nb-nfr, "Bestes" | english translation missing [substantive] (Luft, Illahun 2, JE 71581, 3, 4, 6)

bw-nfr, "Gutes (abstr.)" | "good" [substantive] (Wb 2, 254.25-32)

bw-nfr, "gute Sache; Brot" | "good things; bread" [substantive] (Wb 1, 452.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 313)

bw-rḫ=j, "Unbekannter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, Ani, 114 f., Anm. 114)

bw-rḫ=w, "Unbekannter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI VI, 392.5)

bw-rḫ=f, "Unbekannter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, WdO 24, 1993, 19, Anm. 85; vgl. Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 158)

bw-ḥꜣ, "Verlegenheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 41)

bw-ḥwr.w, "Schlechtigkeit" | "evil" [substantive] (Wb 3, 56.1)

bw-ḏw, "Böses" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 546.18-19)

bw-ḏsr, "heiliger Raum (im Tempel)" | "sacred room (in the temple)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 452.4; 5, 611.7)

bwꜣ, "hoch sein; angesehen sein" | "to be high; to be esteemed (of persons)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 454.10-14; MedWb 246)

bwꜣ, "Vornehmer" | "magnate; notable" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 454.15-16; FCD 82; Lesko, Dictionary I, 154)

bwꜣ.t, "Hügel; Sumpfdickicht" | "hill (?); covert (?); swamp thicket (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 454.17; KoptHWb 29, Anm. 1)

bwi̯, "verabscheuen" | "to abominate" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 453.5-6)

bwn, "Speerspitzen (des Fischspeeres)" | "points (of harpoon)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 455.2)

bb, "[Verb (eine Art zu sterben?)]" | "[verb]" [verb] (Wb 1, 455.12)

bb, "Halsband" | "collar" [substantive] (Wb 1, 455.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 315 f.)

bb, "eindringen (?)" | "to tread in" [verb] (Meeks, AL 78.1313; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 120; vgl. Osing, JEA 64, 1978 187), "Schlüsselbeinregion (?)" | "region of the collar bones" [substantive] (Wb 1, 455.4; MedWb 246; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

bb.wj, "die zwei Schlüsselbeine" | "collar bones" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 455.3; MedWb 246 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

bb.t, "[Gerät beim Harpunieren des Nilpferdes]" | "[an implement used in hunting hippopotami]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 455.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 315)

bb.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 455.8-9; DrogWb 169; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 262 f.)

bbn, "sich entlang schlängeln" | "to wriggle (of a snake)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 455.14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 316)

bfn, "bellen" | "to bark" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 456.3; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 155)

bn, "[Negationspartikel]" | "[negative particle]" [particle] (Wb 1, 456.6-12; ENG § 445 (Index); CGG 607 (Index); Junge, Näg. Gr., 386 (Index))

bn, "Bachstelze; Reiherart" | "[an aquatic bird (white wagtail? heron?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 457.2-4; vgl. FCD 82)

bn, "Tasche (?); Beutel (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 298)

bn.wt, "Entzündung; Schwellung" | "swelling (med.); sore" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 458.8-11; MedWb 248 ff.), "Brustwarzen; Brüste (Dual)" | "nipples; breasts" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 457.11-14; FCD 83; MedWb 247 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

bn-pw, "[Negationspartikel (neg. Perfekt)]" | "[negative word]" [particle] (EDG 116)

bnj, "süß" | "sweet" [adjective] (Wb 1, 462.7-463.6)

bnj, "Dattel" | "date" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 461.12-16)

bnj, "süß sein" | "to be sweet" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 462.7-463.6; Schenkel, MDAIK 20, 1965, 115)

bnj, "angenehm" | english translation missing [adverb] (Urk. I, 76.8)

bnj.w, "Dattelsaft" | "date juice (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 462.4-5; DrogWb 177 ff.; KoptHWb 25)

bnj.w, "Süßigkeit; Beliebtheit" | "sweetness; charm (metaph.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 463.8-10)

bnj.t, "Dattelpalme" | "date palm" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 462.1-3; vgl. Germer, Flora, 233)

bnj.t, "Dattelwein" | "date wine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 462.6)

bnj.t, "Süßigkeiten" | "sweets" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 463.13-15)

bnj.t, "Beliebtheit" | "sweetness; charm (metaph.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 463.11-12; vgl. FCD 83), "Konditor" | "confectioner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 463.16; Lesko, Dictionary I, 156; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1524)

bnj-ꜥmꜥ, "Dattel in unbekanntem Zustand (offizinell)" | "date pulp (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 185.14; DrogWb 90, 175)

bnj-mrw.t, "Vielgeliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 802 ff.)

bnj-tp-mw.t=f, "unreife Dattel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 550, Anm. 5)

bny, "[eine Frucht (Getreidekorn)]" | "[a plant (fruit?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 445. 19; Lesko, Dictionary I, 155)

bnw, "[ein Körperteil (Taille? Gesäß?)]" | "[a part of the body (waist? buttocks?]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 459.1)

bnw.t, "Mühlstein" | "quern; hard stone" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 458.12-14; KoptHWb 42; vgl. LÄ IV, 212)

bnw-zj, "[ein pflanzliches Öl (?)]" | "[a vegetable oil]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.1248; vgl. Kaplony, IÄF I, 307; Koura, Öle, 225)

bnu̯, "entkommen; abgehen" | "to escape; to depart" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 456.13; Allen, Inflection, 569; KoptHWb 493)

bnbn, "Benben (heiliger Stein); Obelisk" | "Benben (sacred stone); obelisk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 459.5-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 318)

bnbn, "[spitzes Brot]" | "[a conical loaf of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 459.12)

bnbn, "[ein Balken (aus Zedernholz)]" | "yard; spar (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 459.16; vgl. FCD 82; Jones, Naut. Titles, 163 (48))

bnbn, "ausfließen (vom Nil); anschwellen" | "to make flow (of the Nile); to swell" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 459.19-20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 317 f.; KoptHWb 147)

bnbn, "(wie der Benben-Vogel) rufen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 30)

bnbn.t, "Pyramidion (Spitze von Pyramide und Obelisk)" | "pyramidion" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 459.13-14)

bnbn.t, "[ein Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Quirke/Collier, Lahun Pap., Letters, 9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 121)

bnbn-jd.t, "Begatter der Kuh" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 800)

bnf, "Galle" | "gall-bladder (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 460.1-2; DrogWb 170 f.)

bnn, "überfließen (der Scheune); anschwellen" | "to overflow (of a granary); to swell" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 460.5; KoptHWb 495; vgl. Baines, Orientalia 39, 1970, 390 ff.)

bnn, "[Bez. des Phallus (?)]" | "[phallus (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 460.7; vgl. Baines, Orientalia 39, 1970, 398, n.2)

bnn, "Kügelchen (von Myrrhe); kleine Perle" | "globule (of myrrh); bead" [substantive] (Wb 1, 460.9-10)

bnn.wt, "Zeugungskraft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Barns, Sinuhe, 19)

bnn.t, "Kugel" | "ball; seed pod (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 460.11-13; FCD 83; DrogWb 171)

bnr.w, "das Außen; Außenseite" | "outside" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 461.1-11; KoptHWb 23)

bnš, "Türpfosten" | "doorpost" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 464.3; FCD 83)

bng, "Überfluss haben (an Speisen) (?)" | "to abound in (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 464.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 157)

bnd, "übel daran sein" | "to fare badly" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 464.14-16; Lesko, Dictionary I, 157)

bnd, "einwickeln; bekleiden" | "to wrap; to clothe" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 465.2-3; KoptHWb 494; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 121)

bnd, "Kleidung; Gewand" | "clothing; garment (belt?)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.1270; 78.1335; ONB 187; KoptHWb 494)

bnd.t, "Gurkenbeet; Gurke" | "cucumber garden; cucumber" [substantive: substantive_fem] (AEO II, 220*; vgl. KoptHWb 25)

bnḏ, "ausscheiden (vom Körper)" | "to discharge (from the body)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.1336)

br, "Augapfel; Auge" | "eyeball; eye" [substantive] (Wb 1, 465.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 321 f.)

br, "[eine Meeräsche]" | "[a mullet]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 465.10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 157; Gamer-Wallert, Fische 41; LÄ II, 224)

br, "Schwanzbüschel" | "tuft (of an ox's tail)" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 7)

br, "[Pigmentkügelchen (?)]" | "[a pellet of pigment (?)]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 7; Meeks, AL 77.1278; Harris, Minerals, 168)

brr.y, "[ein Holz (für einen Wagen]" | "[a kind of wood (ash?) used for chariots (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 466.6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 158; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 125)

brq, "glitzern" | "to sparkle (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 1, 466.7; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 126)

brk, "Gabe" | "gifts (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 466.10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 159; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 129)

brkt, "Teich" | "pool (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 466.11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 131)

brt, "Vertrag (zur Dienstpflicht)" | "agreement; pact" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.1342; 79.0918; Lesko, Dictionary I, 158; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 124)

brtj, "[ein Halbedelstein (Türkis?)]" | "[a semi-precious stone]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 7; Harris, Minerals, 168)

bhꜣ, "Wedel" | "fan" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 467)

bhꜣ, "kehrt machen; fliehen" | "to flee; to make turn back" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 467.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 322)

bhꜣ.w, "Flüchtling" | "fugitive" [substantive] (Wb 1, 467.9; FCD 83)

bhꜣ.w, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 16)

bhn, "[Kleidungsstück]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fox, Song of Songs, 58, Anm. f)

bḥ, "[Stoff zur Behandlung von Leder]" | "[a tanning agent]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 468.5)

bḥ, "frondienstpflichtig sein; zwingen" | "to be obliged to do compulsory labor" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 468.7)

bḥ.w, "Frondienst" | "compulsory labor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 468.8)

bḥbḥ, "Lapislazuliperle" | "beads" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 160; Helck, in: Fs Brunner, 219 f.)

bḥn, "Zerstückelung (als Strafe)" | "dismemberment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 468.18)

bḥn, "Hund ("der Bellende")" | "barker (dog)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 468.20; vgl. LÄ III, 79)

bḥn, "bellen" | "to bark" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 469.1; LÄ III, 79)

bḥn.t, "Messer" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 468.19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 324)

bḥni̯, "zerschneiden; bestrafen" | "to cut (up, off); to punish" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 468.10-17; FCD 83; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 581; EAG § 580)

bḥḥ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant whose roots were used med.]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 469.3; DrogWb 179; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 367)

bḥz, "Kalb" | "calf" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 469.4-10)

bḥz.t, "Kalb (weibl.)" | "calf" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 469.11; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 161)

bḥs, "jagen" | "to hunt" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 469.13-17; FCD 84; Lesko, Dictionary I, 160)

bḥd.w, "Thron" | "throne; seat" [substantive] (Wb 1, 470.3-5; Lesko, Dictionary, 161; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 325 f.)

bḥd.w-n-ꜣḫ.t, "der Thron des Horizontes" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthés, Col. 29.1)

bḥ, "der von Edfu (Horus)" | "one of Edfu (Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 470.10)

bḥ, "der von Edfu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 354.2)

bḫb, "[ein Baum (?)]" | "[a tree (?) (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 470.12; DrogWb 179 f.)

bḫn, "Grauwacke (dunkelgrauer kristalliner Sandstein)" | "greywacke" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 471.1-5; Harris, Minerals, 78 ff.; Aston, Stone Vessels, 28 ff.)

bḫn, "befestigtes Haus; Festung" | "castle; country mansion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 471.6-8; FCD 84)

bḫn, "wachen; spähen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (ONB 833, Anm. 1116)

bḫn, "[ein Sichtschirm aus Flechtwerk]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 470.14; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 86, Anm. 321)

bḫn.t, "Torgebäude; Pylon" | "pylon; gateway" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 471.9-11; FCD 84; Lesko, Dictionary I, 161)

bḫḫ.w, "Gluthauch" | "fiery breath" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 471.16)

bẖs.w, "[ein Brot (Ration für Arbeiter)]" | "[a kind of bread (workers' ration)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 472.16; vgl. LÄ I, 375)

bz, "Geheimnis; Initiation" | "secret" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 473.19-21; FCD 84)

bz, "geheimnisvolle Gestalt (Kultstatue)" | "secret image (cult statue)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 474.1-4; FCD 84)

bz, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 137 (31))

bz, "Flamme; Brand" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 476.1-5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 162; Cannuyer, ZÄS 117, 1990, 110)

bz.w, "Schwellung; Geschwollenheit (des Bauches)" | "swelling (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 475.3; MedWb 252; KoptHWb 277)

bz.t-m-Rꜥw, "die aus Re hervorgekommen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 831)

bz-m-jr.t=f, "der in seine Aufgaben Eingeweihte (oberster Ritualist)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 82 f., 95 n. 64)

bz-nw, "Eingeweihter in das Nu-Sanktuar" | "one who has access to the nu-sanctuary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1527)

bz-štꜣ, "Mysterium; geheime Einführung" | "mystery; secret induction" [substantive] (Wb 1, 473.21)

bzꜣ.t, "die Schützerin (Isis)" | "protectress (Isis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 475.6)

bzi̯, "(jmdn.) einführen; eintreten; hervorquellen; hervorquellen lassen; hervorkommen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 473.1-18; 474.5-18)

bzn, "Gips; Natronkristalle (alkalische Salze)" | "natron; gypsum" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 475.11-14; Harris, Minerals, 190 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 332)

bs.w, "Resultat; Folge" | "result; consequence" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1311; FCD 84)

bs.t, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 671; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 123; vgl. Wb 1, 476.10)

bsy, "[nichtenklitische Partikel (Irrealis)]" | "[non-enclitic particle]" [particle] (CGG 565 f.; Meeks, AL 77.1307)

bsbs, "[Pflanze oder Frucht (offizinell)]" | "[a plant or fruit (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 477.2-4; DrogWb 180 f.)

bsn.t, "Grabstichel" | "burin" [substantive] (Wb 1, 477.5-6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 162)

bss, "[Substantiv (etwas Schlechtes)]" | "[noun (something unpleasant)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 477.8)

bsk, "Eingeweide; Herz" | "entrails; heart" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 477.10-11)

bsk, "ausweiden" | "to cut out; to eviscerate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 477.12-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 332 f.)

bsk.w-jb, "Gaunergesindel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Barbotin/Clère, BIFAO 91, 1991, 20, Anm. 94)

bš, "das Erbrechen" | "vomiting" [substantive] (Wb 1, 478.8; MedWb 253)

bš-rʾ, "der, dessen Mund (ein Geheimnis) ausspuckt" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 8 (13), pl. 3)

bšꜣ, "[Gerstenmalz (zur Bierherstellung)]" | "[malted barley (?) (for making beer)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 478.10-11; FCD 85; vgl. KoptHWb 29)

bšꜣ, "Axt; Beil (als Werkzeug oder Waffe)" | "ax (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 478.12-13; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 138)

bšꜣ.t-šmꜥ.t, "[ein o.äg. Öl (?)]; [Gerstenmalz (?)]" | "[an oil of Upper Egypt (?)]; [malted barley (?)]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.1321; vgl. Koura, Öle, 225)

bši̯, "speien; erbrechen" | "to spit out; to spew" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 477.14-478.4; MedWb 253; FCD 85; Lesko, Dictionary I, 163)

bšw, "[ein glänzender Feuerstein]" | "[a variety of (shiny?) flint]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 478.9; Harris, Minerals, 139)

bšṯ, "aufrührerisch sein" | "to rebel" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 479.1-5; FCD 85)

bšṯ.w, "die Empörer" | "rebels" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 479.7-10; FCD 85; Lesko, Dictionary I, 163)

bšṯ.w, "Empörung" | "rebellion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 479.6; FCD 85; Lesko, Dictionary I, 163)

bq, "widerspenstig sein; feindlich sein" | "to be hostile" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 479.11; Lesko; Dictionary I, 164)

bq, "erblicken" | "to catch sight of" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 426.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 124)

bqꜥ, "Pool" | "depression (where flood water collects and stagnates)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Koenig, CRIPEL 7, 1985, 71 ff.)

bqbq, "Widerspenstigkeit (?)" | "recalcitrance (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 479.12; FCD 85)

bqn, "[Substantiv (im Zauber)]" | "[noun (in a magic spell)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 480.1)

bqr, "[Gegenstand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pChester Beatty V Recto 8.11 f.)

bqs, "[Eisenerz]" | "[an iron ore]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 480.6-7; Harris, Minerals, 168 ff.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 334)

bqs.w, "Wirbelsäule" | "spine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 480.8-12; Walker, Anatom. Term., 268)

bqs-ꜥnḫ, "[Eisenerz]" | "[an iron ore]" [substantive] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 334; Harris, Minerals, 168 ff.)

bk, "[ein Mineral]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 8; Harris, Minerals, 171)

bk, "Locke (des Haares)" | "lock (of hair)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.1378; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 335)

bkꜣ, "schwanger sein; schwängern" | "to be (become) pregnant; to make pregnant" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 481.1-11; FCD 85)

bkꜣ, "das Morgen; der Morgen" | "morning; morrow" [substantive] (Wb 1, 481.17-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 334)

bkꜣ.t, "Schwangere" | "pregnant woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 481.12-13)

bkꜣ.t, "Mutterkuh (milchende Kuh)" | "mother cow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 481.14)

bkꜣ.t, "Sprößling (einer Binse); Embryo (?)" | "shoot (?) (of a rush)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 124; Lesko, Dictionary I, 164)

bkj, "[ein Baum (Birnbaum?)]" | "[a (pear?) tree (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 482.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 164; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 141)

bkn, "Exkremente (offizinell)" | "excrement (of small domestic animals) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 482.6; MedWb 254)

bg.t, "[eine Meeräsche]" | "[a mullet]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 482.10; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 42; vgl. LÄ II, 224)

bgꜣ, "[ein magisches Schutzmittel (am Finger angebunden)]" | "[a kind of magical protection]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 64)

bgꜣ, "schiffbrüchig sein" | "to be shipwrecked" [verb: verb_3-lit] (ONB 50, 789; vgl. KoptHWb 30; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 165)

bgꜣ, "aufschreien; aufheulen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 38, Anm. h)

bgꜣ.w, "Geschrei" | "shouting" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 482.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 165)

bgꜣ.w, "Schiffbrüchiger" | "shipwrecked man" [substantive] (Wb 1, 482.12-14; FCD 85; KoptHWb 30)

bgb, "[Verb der Bewegung (den Weg gehen?)]" | "[verb of movement (to make one's way to?)]" [verb] (WbZ: DZA 22950040; Lesko, Dictionary I; 165)

bgs, "schaden; illoyal sein" | "to injure; to be injured; to be disloyal" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 671; ONB 687 f., Anm. 783; vgl. KoptHWb 29)

bgs.w, "Schaden; Aufruhr" | "wrongdoing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 483.4-5; FCD 85; vgl. KoptHWb 22, 29)

bgs.w, "Schiffsteil (?)" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 483.3; Jones, Naut. Titles, 163 (49))

bgs.w, "Rebell" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KoptHWb 22)

bt, "[ein duftendes Öl (des Salbkegels)]" | "ointment; [an oil (in ointment cones)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 483.7; vgl. LÄ V, 367, Anm. 1; Koura, Öle, 226)

bt, "[ein Teil des Streitwagens]" | "[chariot part or equipment (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 483.8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 166; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 145)

bt, "[Form zur Herstellung der Osirisfigur]" | "[a mold for making figures of Osiris]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 483.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 336; Cauville, Dendera III, Index, 161)

bt.t, "Gebärmutter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Sauneron, RdE 15, 1963, 57 ff.)

btꜣ, "(sich) schuldig machen" | "to make (oneself) guilty" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 484.12; ONB 65, 67)

btꜣ, "Verbrecher" | "wrongdoer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 484.13; FCD 85)

btꜣ.w, "Verbrechen; Vergehen" | "wrong; crime" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 483-484.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 166)

btjn, "[Fische?]" | "[fishes (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 484.16; Lesko, Dictionary I, 167)

bty.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 166)

btk, "Aufrührer (o. Ä.)" | "rebel (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 485.2)

btk, "bekümmert sein (?) (vom Herzen)" | "to sink (of the heart)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 485.3; FCD 86)

btktk, "entschlüpfen (o. Ä.)" | "to escape (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 1, 485.5; FCD 86)

bṯ, "laufen; (jmdn.) verlassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 484.15; 485.6-10)

bṯ.y, "(Schilf-)Rohrarbeiter" | "reed worker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 485.15-16)

bṯ.w, "Giftschlange; Schlange (Bez. für Apophis)" | "(poisonous) serpent (Apophis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 485.11-12; vgl. MedWb 254 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 337; LGG II, 841)

bṯn, "sich widersetzen" | "to resist; to disobey" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 485.17-18; FCD 86)

bṯn.w, "Rebell" | "rebel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 486.1-2; FCD 86; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 337 f.)

bṯn-jb, "Unverschämter" | "insolent man" [substantive] (Wb 1, 485.18; FCD 86)

bd, "Natron (granuliertes Soda)" | "natron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 486.5-9; Harris, Minerals, 190 ff.)

bd, "(mit Natron ) reinigen" | "to purify (with natron)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 486.10-13; Allen, Inflection, 545)

bd, "leuchten; beleuchten" | "to illumine; to shine" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 487.9-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 338 f.)

bd.t, "Emmer" | "emmer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 486.14-487.7; LÄ II, 586-588; VI, 1209 f.)

bd.t-ḥꜣwr.t, "[eine Natronart]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 188 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 498)

bdš, "ermatten; schlaff werden" | "to be weak; to be inert" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 487.15-23)

bdš.w, "Ermattung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 126)

bdš.t, "Ermattung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 126)

bdd, "Wohlgeruch" | "savor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.5)

bdd, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.6; Germer, Handbuch, 67)

bdd.w-kꜣ, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.7; DrogWb 189 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 498)

bḏ, "Ball; Kugel" | "ball; pellet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.8)

bḏꜣ, "[eine Ente]" | "[a duck]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.10)

bḏꜣ, "Backform; Gussform (Topf aus gebranntem Ton)" | "bread mold; mold" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.11; MedWb 255; FCD 86)

bḏꜣ, "Mastspitze" | "mast-head (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.12; Jones, Naut. Titles, 163 f. (50))

bḏꜣ, "Stoffschiene; Polster (med. verwendet)" | "stiff roll of linen (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 488.13; MedWb 255; FCD 86; KoptHWb 502)

bḏꜣ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 28)

bḏn, "Stock; Keule (zum Prügeln)" | "stick; cudgel" [substantive] (Wb 1, 489.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 149)

P.t, "Himmel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 3)

Pꜣ.yw, "Die Fliegenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 18)

Pꜣ.wt-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Pat-Brote des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 283)

Pꜣ-(n)-by, "Pa-(en)-by" | "Pa-(en)-by" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 280.2)

Pꜣ-Jtn-m-ḥꜣb, "Pa-Aton-em-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 102.7)

Pꜣ-Jtn-hru̯, "Aton ist zufrieden (Name eines Zeltes)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 86)

Pꜣ-jw, "Pa-iu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 100.8)

Pꜣ-jw-n-Jmn, "Insel des Amun (Tell el-Balamun)" | "Island-of-Amun (Tell el-Balamun)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 44; LÄ VI, 319 f., VII 289 (Index))

Pꜣ-jwtn, "Pa-iuten (?)" | "Pa-iuten (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 100.13)

Pꜣ-jwtn, "Erde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.10)

Pꜣ-jm.j-rʾ-šn.wtj, "Pa-imi-ra-schenuti" | "Pa-imi-ra-schenuti" [entity_name: person_name] (Edwards, JEA 68, 1982, 128 (Z.4))

Pꜣ-jr.j, "Pa-iri" | "Pa-iri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 101.17)

Pꜣ-jḥ, "Pa-ih (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 101.24)

Pꜣ-jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-Wsr-Mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-n-ẖnw, "Großer Stall des User-Maat-Re-setepen-Re-meri-Amun, l.h.g in der Residenz" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (KRI II, 29.11-15)

Pꜣ-jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Bꜣ-n-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn-n-ẖnw, "Großer Stall des Ba-en-Re-mer-Amun der Residenz" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LEM 3.5 f.)

Pꜣ-jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Großer Stall des Ramses-Meri-Amun, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LEM 133.2 f.)

Pꜣ-jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-n-ẖnw, "Großer Stall des Ramses-Meri-Amun, l.h.g., in der Residenz" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LEM 87.7)

Pꜣ-jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr-Jmn-n-ẖnw, "Großer Stall des Ramses-Meri-Amun der Residenz" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LEM 3.4 f.)

Pꜣ-jsḥmw, "Pa-isehemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 105)

Pꜣ-ym-ꜥꜣ, "Großes Meer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.10)

Pꜣ-ꜥꜣ-ẖ.t, "Pa-aa-chet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 418.27)

Pꜣ-ꜥꜣ-ḏꜣḏꜣ, "Pa-aa-djadja" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 102.20)

Pꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Pa-anch" | "Pa-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 103.1)

Pꜣ-w-nḏm, "Pa-u-nedjem" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 191)

Pꜣ-wꜣḥ, "Pa-wah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 103.19)

Pꜣ-wnš, "Pa-wenesch" | "Pa-wenesch" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 104.3)

Pꜣ-wrm, "Pa-werem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 104.8)

Pꜣ-wḥm, "Pa-wehem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 104.11)

Pꜣ-wḫd, "Pa-uched" | "Pa-uched" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 104.13)

Pꜣ-bꜣk, "Pa-bak" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 104.20)

Pꜣ-by, "Pa-by" | "Pa-by" [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny, LRL 1.3; 8.9)

Pꜣ-bḫn-n-by.w, "Pa-bechen-en-byu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 30; Montet, Géographie I, 37; AEGD 259; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 127 f., Anm. 391)

Pꜣ-bḫn-n-Ssj-sw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Das Schloss des Sesi-su, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 15.6)

Pꜣ-bḫn-sgꜣ, "Das befestigte Schloss" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 252 f., Anm. 64)

Pꜣ-mjw, "Pa-miu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 105.7)

Pꜣ-mw-n-pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Das Wasser des Re (Pelusischer Nilarm)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Bakir, Epistolography, pl. 28)

Pꜣ-mw-n-ḥqꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Das Wasser des Herrschers, l.h.g" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Mathieu, Poésie, 71, Anm. 187)

Pꜣ-mr-n-mšꜥ, "Kanal des Heeres" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 243, Anm. 38)

Pꜣ-mktr-n-Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "Der Befestigungsturm des Men-maat-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI I, 10.1; RITANC I, 14)

Pꜣ-mgr, "Höhle (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 10; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 133)

Pꜣ, "Pa-neti-eni" | "Pa-enti-eni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 114.5)

Pꜣ-n-Jmn, "Pa-en-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 106.8)

Pꜣ-n-Bs, "Pabasa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 107.10)

Pꜣ-n-pꜣ-wn-ḥr, "Pa-en-pa-wen-hor" | "Pa-en-pa-wen-hor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 107.15)

Pꜣ-n-pꜣ-mḫ, "Pa-en-pa-mech" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 107.21)

Pꜣ-n-pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Pa-en-pa-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 107.19)

Pꜣ-n-pꜣ-ḫnt.j, "Pa-en-pa-chenti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 107.22)

Pꜣ-n-nʾ.t, "Pa-en-nat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 108.20)

Pꜣ-n-nbw, "Pa-en-nebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 109.2)

Pꜣꜣ.wj, "Pa-en-nesti-tawi" | "Pa-en-nesti-tawi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 109.10)

Pꜣ-n-ḥꜥpj, "Pa-en-hapi" | "Pa-en-hapi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 110.2)

Pꜣ-n-ḥr.w-šfy.t, "Pa-en-hor-schefyt" | "Pa-en-hor-shefyt" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 110.9)

Pꜣ-n-Sḫm.t, "Pa-en-Sachmet" | "Pa-en-Sakhmet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 111.4)

Pꜣ-n-tꜣ-wmt.t, "Pa-en-ta-wemetet" | "Pa-en-ta-wemetet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 111.16)

Pꜣ-n-tꜣ-wr.t, "Pen-ta-weret" | "Pen-ta-weret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 111.17)

Pꜣ-n-tꜣ-bḫn.t, "Pa-en-ta-bechenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 111.19)

Pꜣ-n-tꜣ-ḥw.t-nḫt.w, "Pa-en-ta-hut-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 111.23)

Pꜣ-n-tꜣ-ḥw.t-rs.w, "Pa-en-ta-hut-resu" | "Pa-en-ta-hut-resu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 111.24)

Pꜣ-n-dwꜣ, "Pa-en-dua" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 112.9)

Pꜣ-nb, "Pa-neb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 112.17)

Pꜣ-nb-ꜥq.w, "Pa-neb-aqu" | "Pa-neb-aqu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 419.7)

Pꜣ-nfr, "Pa-nefer" | "Pa-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 113.1)

Pꜣ-nfr-m-Ḏd.w, "Pa-nefer-em-Djedu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 113.6)

Pꜣ-nfr-nfr, "Pa-nefer-nefer" | "Pa-nefer-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 113.9)

Pꜣ-nḥsj, "Pa-nehsi" | "Pa-nehsi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 113.13)

Pꜣ-nḫ.w-mw.t, "Pa-nechu-mut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (LEM 95.7; Caminos, LEM, 359)

Pꜣ-nḫt.w-n-Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-jwꜥ.w-Rꜥw, "Die Befestigung des Men-maat-Re-iwau-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI I, 8.3)

Pꜣ-nḫt.w-n-Stẖ.y-mr-n-Ptḥ, "Die Befestigung von Seti-mer-en-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 101; KRI I, 7.6; RITANC I, 15)

Pꜣ-nḫt-m-jp.t, "Pa-nacht-em-ipet" | "Pa-nakht-em-ipet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 113.18)

Pꜣ-nṯr-n-Nnt, "Gott von Ninutta" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 427)

Pꜣ-nṯr-n-Ḫbt, "Gott von Chebat" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 437)

Pꜣ-nṯr-n-Ḫrpntrys, "Gott von Harpantallijas" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 438)

Pꜣ-nṯr-n-Krt, "Gott von Kulitta" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 444)

Pꜣ-nṯr-n-Krḏs, "Gott von Karzis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 444)

Pꜣ-nṯr-n-Ḏtḫrry, "Gott von Zitharrija" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 446)

Pꜣ-nḏm-mr-Jmn, "Pinodjem I." | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXI a)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Per (Ortsname oder Name eines Brunnens) (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Bakir, Epistolography, pl. 18)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Pre (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 22.1 ff.)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw-ms-sw, "Pa-Re-mesi-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 114.14)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw-n-Jrnn, "Sonnengott von Arinna" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 641)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw-n-dmj-n-Jrnn, "Sonnengott von Arinna" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 641)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Re-Harachte (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 26.16)

Pꜣ-Rꜥw-ḥr-wnm=f, "Pa-re-hor-wenemef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 114.17)

Pꜣ-rwḏ, "Westufer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 133)

Pꜣ-rwḏ-n-pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Ufer des Re (östliche Deltagrenze)" | "Bank-of-Re (eastern border of the delta)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 134; vgl. Inscr. Sinai, 193 (note f))

Pꜣ-rn-nfr, "Pa-ren-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 114.24)

Pꜣ-rhnj, "Pa-reheni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 109.18)

Pꜣ-hn, "Pa-hen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner, RdE 6, 1950, 125, 133 (Z.1); vgl. RPN I, 229.18)

Pꜣ-ḥꜣḏ.j, "Pa-hadji (?) (Toponym?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LRL 73.12; 80 (Index))

Pꜣ-ḥr, "Kanal (ein Gewässername)" | "canal (Sem. loan word)" [entity_name: place_name] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 322; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 46)

Pꜣ-ḥr, "Pella (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 39; LÄ IV, 924 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 153 f.)

Pꜣ-ḥr.j-pḏ.t, "Pa-heri-pedjet" | "Pa-heri-pedjet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 115.27)

Pꜣ-ḥr-n-tꜣ-ḥꜣ.t-nḫt, "Pa-her-en-ta-hat-nacht" | "Pa-her-en-ta-hat-nakht" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 115.22)

Pꜣ-ḫrj, "Pa-cheri (der Syrer)" | "Pa-cheri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 116.17)

Pꜣ-ẖ, "Das Kind, das in Medenit ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 251 f.)

Pꜣ-zꜣ-nswt, "Pa-za-nesut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 116.25)

Pꜣ-sjp, "Pa-sip" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XVI)

Pꜣ-sbꜣ-ḫꜥ-n-nʾ.t, "Pa-seba-cha-en-nat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 117.1)

Pꜣ-sny, "Pa-seny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 282.29)

Pꜣ-sr, "Pa-ser" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 117.12)

Pꜣ-sḫr-ḥr-ꜥ=f, "Pa-secher-her-aef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Müller, in: Fs Junge, 465)

Pꜣ-sg, "Pa-seg (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 283.1)

Pꜣ-sṯꜣ-n-nꜣ-sn.wt, "Flaggenmastgang" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 299)

Pꜣ-š-n-sḫ.t, "Der Teich des Feldes" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LESt 56.5)

Pꜣ-š-Ḥr.w, "Der Horussee" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 124 f.)

Pꜣ-šw-wbn, "Pa-schu-uben" | "Pa-shu-uben" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 118.1)

Pꜣ-šd.w, "Pa-schedu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 119.13)

Pꜣ-qry, "Pa-qery" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.6)

Pꜣ-Knꜥn, "Pa-Kanaan" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 83 ff.; GDG V, 187 f.; LÄ III, 309 f.)

Pꜣ-kꜣy, "Pa-kay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 44-45)

Pꜣ-kꜣmn, "Pa-kamen" | "Pa-kamen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 120.7)

Pꜣ-gs.wj, "Pa-gesui" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 7.5)

Pꜣ-trꜥ, "Pa-tera" | "Pa-tera" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 283.26)

Pꜣ-ṯꜣ.w-m-dj-Jmn, "Pa-tjau-em-di-Imen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 121.9)

Pꜣ-ṯꜣ.w-m-dj-mḥ.yt-m-ḥꜣb, "Pa-tjau-em-di-mehyt-em-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, Papyri, 12, pl. 9-10)

Pꜣ-ṯꜣw, "Wind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.11)

Pꜣ-ṯnf, "Pa-tjenef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 121.14)

Pꜣ-db.w-n-ꜥꜣ-nḫt.ww, "Das Ufer von Piramesse" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 22.8 f.)

Pꜣ-dmj-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "[Ort in Palästina]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 14.8)

Pꜣ-dmj-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "[Ort in Palästina]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 14.9)

Pꜣ-Ḏmr-n-Ssj-sw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Simyra von Sesi, l.h.g" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 105)

Pꜣ-ḏ-Ꜣs.t, "Pa-dji-Aset" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 121.18)

Pꜣ-ḏ-Jmn, "Pa-dji-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 121.23)

Pꜣ-ḏ-Jmn-nb-nswt-Tꜣ.wj, "Petemestous" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 122.6; DNB I, 284 f.)

Pꜣ-ḏ-Ḥr.w-zmꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "Pa-dji-Hor-zema-Taui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 125.15)

Pꜣ-ḏw-n-Mnṯ.w, "Mentjuberg" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 77.13)

Pꜣj-pn.w, "Pai-penu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, Papyri, 21 f., pl. 21-22; vgl. RPN I 108.1)

Pꜣj-nb-n-ꜥḏd, "Pai-neb-en-adjed" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 127.1)

Pꜣy, "Pay" | "Pay" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 129.4)

Pꜣy=w-snfr, "Payu-senefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Müller, in: Fs Junge, 465)

Pꜣy=f-ṯꜣw-m-ꜥ.wj-Bꜣs.tjt, "Peftjauemawibastet" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXIV Aa)

Pꜣy=sn-nb, "Paysen-neb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Müller, in: Fs Junge, 465)

Pꜣw.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Kuchen des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Pꜣw.t-tp.jt, "Die erste Urgötterschaft" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 20)

Pꜣw.t-Ṯy, "Kuchen des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364)

Pꜣwj.t, "Pawit (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10037 A-C, 6, 9 f.; vgl. Crum, CD 21b)

Pꜣḫ.t, "Pachet" | "Pakhet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 498.14-15; LGG III, 28)

Pꜣḫꜣty, "[ein Land (in Syrien-Palästina)]" | "[a land (in Syrian-Paleastine)]" [entity_name: place_name] (Urk IV, 1344.3)

Pꜣq-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das Paq-Brot des Chephren (Domäne)" | "The-Paq-Bread-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 228)

Pꜣṯṯ, "Patjetj (Pavian)" | "Patjetj (baboon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 500.6; LGG III, 29)

Pj, "Pe (Buto)" | "Pe (Buto)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 489.8-9; GDG II, 35; LÄ I, 887)

Py, "Piye" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXV 3)

Py-mr-Jmn, "[Eigenname Piyes]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXV 3)

Pyꜣ.y, "Pyay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 129.25)

Pys, "Pijas" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 130.12; Schneider, Personennamen, 106; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 325 f.)

Pw, "Dieser" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT III, 336h)

Pwjwn, "Pujun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 255 f.)

Pwy, "Jener" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 35)

Pwn.t, "Punt" | "Punt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 506.15-16; GDG II, 45 f.; LÄ IV, 1198 ff.)

Pbḫ, "Pabachchi" | "Pabakhkhi" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 37; RITANC I, 31 f.; Edel, SAK 3, 1975, 51 ff.)

Ppj, "Pepi" | "Pepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 131.12)

Ppy, "Pepi" | "Pepy" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 3, 5; vgl. Fischer, JEA 75, 1989, 214 f.)

Ppy, "Pepi" | "Pepy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 131.18; vgl. Fischer, JEA 75, 1989, 214 f.)

Ppy-jꜣm.w, "Pepi-iamu" | "Pepy-imau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 131.19)

Ppy-ꜥnḫ.w, "Pepy-anchu" | "Pepy-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 131.20)

Ppy-nfr, "Pepi-nefer" | "Pepy-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 132.6)

Ppy-ḥꜣ-jš.t=f, "Pepy-ha-ischetef" | "Pepy-ha-ishetef" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 46 (Nr. 37))

Ppy-snb.w, "Pepi-senebu" | "Pepy-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 131.17)

Ppy-snb.w, "Pepi-senebu" | "Pepy-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 132.11)

Ppy-snb-j, "Pepi-seneb-i" | "Pepy-seneb-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 286.2)

Pn, "Pen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 132.19)

Pn, "Dieser" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT II, 119d)

Pn.j, "Peni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 132.20)

Pn-jwi̯=f-nrj, "Pen-iwief-nerj (ein Feldname)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Cerny, LRL 55.9-10 (Nr. 36); AEO 12*)

Pn-mrw, "Pen-meru" | "Pen-meru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 132.18)

Pnj, "Peni" | "Peni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 132.21)

Pnjꜣt, "Peniat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Glanville, JEA 14, 1928, 294 ff.)

Pny-nꜣ-jwꜥꜥ, "Peny-na-iwaa" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 49; Montet, Géographie I, 37; AEGD 260; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 127 f., Anm. 391)

Pnꜥ.t, "Penat (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 250; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Pnw, "Penu" | "Penu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 133.6)

Pntj, "Penti (Verstorbener als Gott)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 37)

Pnṯw, "Penetju" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 133.15)

Pndn, "Penden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 511.6; LGG III, 38)

Pr.w-mꜣn.w, "[Stadt im Delta]" | "Per-manu (in the delta)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 29.17-18; GDG II, 82)

Pr.w-ḥnꜥ-ms.w-mw.t=j, "Die, welche zusammen mit den Kindern meiner Mutter hervorgegangen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 20, 20)

Pr.t, "Peret (26. Tag des Mondmonats)" | "Peret (26th day of the lunar month)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 525.15)

Pr.t, "Peret" | "Peret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 134.18)

Pr.t-Mnw, "Heraustreten des Min (Fest)" | "Appearance-of-Min (a festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 525.11)

Pr.t-ḫrw-Ṯy, "Das Totenopfer des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 365)

Pr-Jmn, "Haus des Amun (Tempel)" | "house of Amun (temple, domain)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 513.11)

Pr-Jmn-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "Amuntempel von Ramses-mery-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 361.10)

Pr-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "[Karnaktempel]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Otto, Topographie, 17)

Pr-Jtm.w, "[Atumtempel von Heliopolis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG II, 59)

Pr-Jtn, "Atontempel" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ I, 542; Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, 62 f.)

Pr-Jtn-m-Jwn.w-Šmꜥ.w, "Atontempel in Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Vgl. Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, 63)

Pr-jr, "Per-ir" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 58 f.)

Pr-Ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Palast des Thutmosis I." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 62)

Pr-Ꜥꜣ-ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥw-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Palast des Thutmosis I." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Urk. IV, 2031.15)

Pr-Wsjr, "Haus des Osiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 68 f.)

Pr-Wsjr-nb-Ḏd.w, "Busiris (9. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 70 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 142; Montet, Géographie I, 98; AEGD 283)

Pr-Wsr-Mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-m-Pr-Jmn, "Tempel des User-Maat-Re-mer-Imen, l.h.g, im Tempel des Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 25, Anm. 111)

Pr-wr, "Per-wer (o.ä. Reichsheiligtum in Elkab )" | "Per-wer (sanctuary of Upper Egypt); Per-wer (room in a temple)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 1, 517.2-3; LÄ IV, 934 f.)

Pr-Bꜣ-nb-Ḏd.t, "Mendes (16. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 74; Montet, Géographie I, 144; AEGD 287 f.)

Pr-Bꜣs.tjt, "Bubastis" | "Bubastis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 423.8; GDG II, 75)

Pr-bnr, "Per-bener" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Bakir, Epistolography, pls.7, IX; vgl. Allam, die Welt des Orient, Bd. XIV, 1983, 25, Anm. 17)

Pr-Ptḥ, "Haus des Ptah (Ptah-Tempel in Memphis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (GDG II, 79; vgl. Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 128, n. 176)

Pr-Ptḥ-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "Ptahtempel von Ramses-mery-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 361.10)

Pr-Ptḥ-rs.j-jnb=f-nb-Ꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "Tempel des Ptah, der südlich seiner Mauer ist, des Herrn von Memphis" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LEM 134.15 f.)

Pr-psḏ.t, "Tempelbezirk der Götterneunheit" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG II, 78)

Pr-pgꜣ, "Per-pega" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 78; AEGD 292; Peust, Toponyme, 20)

Pr-Ffj, "Per-Fefi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 53 f.; LÄ I, 638)

Pr-Mw.t, "Muttempel" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG II, 83)

Pr-Mtn, "Per-Meten" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 82)

Pr-mꜣw, "Per-mau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 286.11)

Pr-mḏd, "Oxyrhynchos (19. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 83; Montet, Géographie II, 183; AEGD 304)

Pr-Nb.t-Ḥtp.t, "Tempel der Nebet-Hetepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Caminos, LEM, 284 f.)

Pr-Nmt.j, "Per-Nemti" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà; Besiedlung I, 258; Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 138)

Pr-nw, "Per-nu (u.ä. Reichsheiligtum)" | "Per-nu (sanctuary of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 1, 517.5-6; vgl. LÄ III, 322)

Pr-nb.t-Tp-jḥ.w, "Aphroditopolis (22. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 94; AEGD 308)

Pr-nbw, "Goldhaus (im Westdelta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 91; AEGD 305; Yoyotte, Delta, 55)

Pr-nzr, "Per-nezer (u.äg. Reichsheiligtum)" | "Per-nezer (sanctuary of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 1, 518.1-2; vgl. LÄ III, 322)

Pr-Rꜥw, "Tempelbezirk des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 361.11)

Pr-Rꜥw, "Tempel des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG II, 100 f.)

Pr-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "Piramesse (Ramsesstadt)" | "Piramesse" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 103 ff.; LÄ V, 128-147, VII, 227)

Pr-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥꜣ-nḫt.ww, "Piramesse (Ramsesstadt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 102)

Pr-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-pꜣ-kꜣ-ꜥꜣ-n-pꜣ-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Piramesse (Ramsesstadt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 103)

Pr-hꜣꜣ, "Per-haa (südlich von Theben)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 6-8, 131; GDG II, 108; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 129)

Pr-hh-m-rʾ=f-r-sbj.w, "Der, aus dessen Mund der Gluthauch gegen die Frevler kommt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 73)

Pr-Ḥꜥpj, "Per-Hapi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 110; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 197 f.; Montet, Géographie I, 163 f.)

Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Haus der Hathor (Gebelein); Haus der Hathor (im Delta)" | "House-of-Hathor (Gebelein)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ VII, 292; II, 449)

Pr-Ḥr.w, "Per-Hor (Tempel des Horus im 12. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 19, x+2,14)

Pr-Ḥr.w-Ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj, "Tempel des Horus-Chentechtai" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 116; AEGD 334)

Pr-ḥꜥj, "Per-hai" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ I, 530; Egberts, Quest, 318 f., Anm. 7)

Pr-ḥby.t, "Per-hebyt (Behbeit el-Hagar)" | "Per-hebyt (Behbeit el-Hagar)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 270; LÄ VII, 292)

Pr-ḥm, "Haus des Dieners (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Pr-ḥnw, "Sanktuar der Sokarbarke (im memphitischen Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 174)

Pr-ḥnw, "Per-henu (Sanktuar des Osiris im 21. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Yoyotte, RdE 13, 1961, 92 ff.)

Pr-Ḫnm.w, "Haus der Acht" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 348)

Pr-ẖn.y, "Per-cheny" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 120)

Pr-Zkr-nb-sḥḏ, "Tempel des Sokar, des Herrn des Lichts" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 130 f.; Montet, Géographie II, 198; AEGD 350)

Pr-Sbk, "[Sanktuar des Tempels des Sobek in Tebtynis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 14, Z. 5)

Pr-Spd.w, "Haus des Sopdu (Saft-el-Henne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 127 f.; LÄ V, 351 f.; Montet, Géographie I, 206 f.)

Pr-Sḫm.t, "Haus der Sachmet" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 90 f., Anm. 238)

Pr-Sḫm.t-nb.t-Jst, "Haus der Sachmet, der Herrin von Eset (2. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 130; Montet, Géographie I, 53; AEGD 349)

Pr-Sḫm.t-nb.t-Rʾ-ḥzꜣ, "Haus der Sachmet, der Herrin von Ra-heza" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 130; AEGD 349)

Pr-Sḫm-ḫpr-Rꜥw, "Haus des Osorkon I." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 130; Montet, Géographie II, 207; AEGD 349)

Pr-sḥtp-Jtn, "Haus des Befriedigens des Aton (Teil des Tempels)" | "The House of propitiation of the Aten (part of the temple)" [entity_name: org_name] (Davies, Amarna II. (reprint 2004), 27)

Pr-šꜣq, "Per-schaq" | "Per-shaq" [entity_name: place_name] (Gardiner, JEA 3, 1916, 95 ff.)

Pr-qꜣ.w, "[Tempel der Hathor in Abydos]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 210 f.)

Pr-qrr, "Haus des Frosches (im 13. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 137 f.; AEGD 357)

Pr-Kmkm, "Haus des Kemkem" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 137; Meeks, Mythes, 161 f., Anm. 586)

Pr-Ḏḥ, "Haus des Thot (Bez. v. Hermupolis magna); [Hauptort des 15. u.ä. Gaues]" | "House of Thoth (Hempupolis magna)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 141; LÄ II, 1137; Montet, Géographie I, 137 ff.; Meeks, Mythes, 119 f., Anm. 385)

Pr-Ḏḥ, "Haus des Thot (Thottempel in Hermupolis magna)" | "House of Thoth (temple of Thoth)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ II, 1142)

Pr-Ḏḥḥ.wj, "[Hauptort des 15. u.ä. Gaues]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 137 ff.; Meeks, Mythes, 119 f., Anm. 385)

Pr-ḎḥḪmn.w, "[Thottempel in Hermupolis magna]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG II, 142; Montet, Géographie II, 148 f.; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 72, Anm. 175)

Pr-ḏd-qn, "Per-djed-qen" | "Per-djed-qen" [entity_name: place_name] (Habachi, Kamose, 32)

Prj, "Peri" | "Peri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 134.12)

Pri̯-ꜥnḫ=s, "Peri-anches" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 286.13)

Pri̯-n=j-ꜥnḫ, "Peri-eni-anch" | "Peri-eni-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 133.24)

Pri̯-n=j-kꜣ=j, "Peri-en-kai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 133.25)

Pri̯-nb, "Peri-neb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 133.26)

Pri̯-ḥr-nfr.t, "Peri-her-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 134.1)

Prw, "Peru" | "Peru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 134.28)

Prw-nfr, "Peru-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 517.12)

Prrṯ, "Pereretj" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 147; vgl. Schneider, Personennamen, 111 f.)

Prṯ, "Peretj" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 135.17)

Pḥ.w-Bḥd.t, "Das hintere Behdet (Ort/Gebiet im unteren Bereich des 17. u.äg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Bietak, Tell el-Dab'a II, 124, Anm. 502)

Pḥ.w-n-Ptḥ, "Pehu-en-Ptah" | "Pehu-en-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 136.1)

Pḥ.wj-nfr, "Pehui-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 135.29)

Pḥ.wj-kꜣ.t, "Pechui-kat" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (pSalt 825 (Derchain) 163, Anm. 54; vgl. Schott, Bücher, 76 (131))

Pḥn, "Pehen" | "Pehen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 135.31)

Pḥr, "Pahel" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 39)

Pḥts, "Pehetes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 286.24)

Pḫꜣ, "Pecha" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 42)

Pẖr.t-nfr.t, "Pecheret-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 136.5)

Pẖr-wr, "[ein Meer nördl. Ägyptens]; Euphrat" | "primeval sea" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 548.14-16; LÄ II, 47)

Pzj, "Pezi" | "Pezi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 286.26)

Pzn-Ṯy, "Das Pezen-Brot des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364)

Psmṯk, "Psammetich I.; Psammetich II.; Psammetich III.; Psammetich" | "Psammetichus" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 1; Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 3; Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 6)

Psš.w, "Peseschu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 137.7)

Psš.t, "Peseschet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 137.8)

Psg-rʾ, "Peseg-ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 152)

Psḏ.t, "die Leuchtende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 558.5; LGG III, 129 f.)

Psḏ.t, "Götterneunheit" | "(divine) ennead" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 559.2-15; LGG III, 133 f.)

Psḏ.t-jm.jw-ḫt.w-Rꜥw, "Die Neunheit derer, die im Gefolge des Re sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 138 f.)

Psḏ.t-jm.jt-Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ptḥ, "Neunheit, die sich in Memphis befindet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 138)

Psḏ.t-jmn.w-ꜥ, "Die Götterneunheit derer mit verborgenem Arm" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 18, 13; vgl. LGG III, 140)

Psḏ.t-jmn.w-Wsjr, "Die Neunheit derer, die Osiris verbergen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 140)

Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Die große Neunheit (Götterkollegium)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 559.5; LGG III, 141 ff.)

Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-jm.jt-Jwn.w, "Große Neunheit, die in Heliopolis ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 144 f.)

Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-jm.jt-ḥꜣ.t-wjꜣ-n-Rꜥw, "Große Neunheit, die an der Spitze der Barke des Re ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 146)

Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-tp-wjꜣ, "Die große Neunheit auf der Barke" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 150)

Psḏ.t-m-Pr-psḏ.t, "Neunheit aus Per-pesedjet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 152)

Psḏ.t-nb.w-Wꜣs.t, "Die Neunheit der Herren von Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 153)

Psḏ.t-nb.w-nḥḥ, "Die Götterneunheit der Herren der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 15, A2, Z. 17)

Psḏ.t-nḏs.t, "Die kleine Neunheit (Götterkollegium)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 559.6; LGG III, 155 f.)

Psḏ.t-rs.w-ḥr-Wsjr, "Die Neunheit derer, die über Osiris wachen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Vgl. LGG III, 157)

Psḏ.t-Ḥqꜣ-jmn.tjt, "Die Neunheit des Herrschers des Westens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 159)

Psḏ.t-zꜣ.ww-jm.jw-tꜣ, "Die Götterneunheit der Wächter derer, die in der Erde sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Vgl. LGG III, 160)

Psḏ.t-tꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Neunheit von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 161)

Psḏn.tjw, "Neumondfest" | "new moon; festival of the new moon" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 559.21-23)

Pqr, "Peqer (Grabbezirk des Osiris in Abydos)" | "Peqer (precinct of Osiris at Abydos)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 1, 561.6-9; FCD 95; GDG II, 153)

Pqsn, "Peksen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Beck, Samanu, 110)

Pgꜣ, "[Bez. des Erdgottes (?)]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 562.10; LGG III, 164)

Ptpt-ḫꜣs.wt, "Der die Fremdländer niedertrampelt (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 20.16)

Ptn, "Peten (Gebiet am Ausgang des Wadi Tumilat)" | "Peten" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 155; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 130)

Ptr, "Schauender" | "Beholder" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 565.5; LGG III, 167)

Ptr=j-pꜣy=j-nb, "Peteri-payi-neb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, Papyri, 11, pl. 7), "[eine Gegend am Himmel]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1138c)

Ptr-sw-m-ḥꜣb-sd, "Peter-su-em-Hebsed" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 138.8)

Ptḥ, "Ptah" | "Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 138.9)

Ptḥ, "Ptah" | "Ptah" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 565.9-10; LGG III, 168 ff.)

Ptḥ, "Ptah (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 23.1 ff.)

Ptḥ.w, "Ptahu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 287.25)

Ptḥ-jw, "Ptah-iui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 138.12)

Ptḥ-ꜥꜣ, "Ptah-aa" | "Ptah-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 138.18)

Ptḥ-ꜥꜣ, "Ptah, der Große" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 171)

Ptḥ-ꜥpr.f, "Ptah-aperef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 420.15)

Ptḥ-ꜥnḫ.w, "Ptah-anchu" | "Ptah-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 138.20)

Ptḥ-Wsjr, "Ptah-Osiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 172)

Ptḥ-wr, "Ptah-wer" | "Ptah-wer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 139.6)

Ptḥ-bꜣ=f, "Ptah-Baef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 139.8)

Ptḥ-my, "Ptah-my" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 140.6)

Ptḥ-mr-ḥmw.w=f, "Ptah, der seine Künste liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 173)

Ptḥ-ms.w, "Ptah-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 140.9)

Ptḥ-Nwn, "Ptah-Nun" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 173)

Ptḥ-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "Ptah von Ramses II." | "Ptah of Ramses II." [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 174)

Ptḥ-nb-nfr.t, "Ptah-neb-neferet" | "Ptah-neb-neferet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 287.18)

Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Ptah-hetepu" | "Ptah-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 141.5)

Ptḥ-ḥtp.w-wr, "Ptah-hetepu-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 15 (D4, 46))

Ptḥ-Zkr, "Ptah-Sokar" | "Ptah-Sokar" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 175 f.; LÄ VII, 322)

Ptḥ-Zkr-Wsjr, "Ptah-Sokar-Osiris" | "Ptah-Sokar-Osiris" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG II; 176 f.; LÄ VII, 322)

Ptḥ-sꜣb.w, "Ptah-sabu" | "Ptah-sabu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 141.12)

Ptḥ-špss.w, "Ptah-schepsesu" | "Ptah-shepsesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.19)

Ptḥ-Tꜣ-ṯnn, "Ptah-Tatenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 228.4; LGG III, 178 ff.)

Ptḫp, "Puduchepa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 142.12; Schneider, Personennamen, 119)

Pṯw, "Petju" | "Petju" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 142.17)

Pds, "Pidasa" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG II, 44 f.)

Pḏ, "[Ortsbez.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 569.3; vgl. GDG II, 158)

Pḏ.w-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Pedju des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Pedju (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (14))

Pḏ.wt-9, "die Neun-Bogenvölker (neun feindliche Völker, Fremdvölker)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 570.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 385; vgl. FCD 95; vgl. LÄ IV, 472 f.)

Pḏ.tjw-Šw, "Bogenschützen des Schu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 185)

Pḏ-ꜥḥꜥ, "Pedj-Aha (Bogenständer?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 571.10; LGG III, 186)

p.t, "Himmel" | "heaven(s)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 490.10-492.1)

p.tjw, "die Himmlischen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hornung, Himmelskuh, 13)

pꜣ, "[Dem.Pron., Artikel]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 492 f.; GEG § 110; ENG § 118)

pꜣ-jb, "[Flüssigkeit (offizinell)]" | "[a liquid (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 497.17; DrogWb 191)

pꜣ-jr-wnn.t-nb.t, "der alles, was existiert, erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG I, 451)

pꜣ-wn, "denn; [Satzkonjugation (vor selbst. Sätzen)]" | "because" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 1, 498.6; ENG § 679; CGG 152; Junge, Näg. Gr., 91, 349 (Index))

pꜣ-n, "der des [Possesivpräfix sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 492.7-493; ENG § 127; CGG 45-47; Junge, Näg. Gr., 54; EDG 128; KoptHWb 143)

pꜣꜥ-r-ky-tꜣ-r=tn, "der in ein anderes Land, fern von uns, geht (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.15; vgl. LGG III, 13)

pꜣḥnzk.t-m-nbw, "der, dessen Haarlocke aus Gold ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 14)

pꜣ-n-pꜣ-jh.y, "der des Lagers (?)" | "one of the camp (Amun of el-Hiba)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 3; Ryholt, JEA 79, 1993, 196; LGG III, 10)

pꜣ-nb-n-pꜣ-tꜣ, "Herr des Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 768)

pꜣ-nb-n-tꜣ-p.t, "Herr des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (KRI II, 229.13 f.)

pꜣ-nb-n-tꜣ-nb, "Herr jeden Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 771)

pꜣ-nḫ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Km.t, "großer Beschützer Ägyptens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 67.7-10)

pꜣ-nkt, "Sache; Angelegenheit" | "thing; matter" [substantive] (Wb 2, 347.14)

pꜣ-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "großer Gott" | "great god" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 395 ff.)

pꜣ-hrw, "Heute" | "today" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 499.11; Lesko, Dictonary I, 169)

pꜣ-hrw, "heute" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 499.11; CDD h, 70; EDG 278; KoptHWb 403)

pꜣ-ḥqꜣ, "der Herrscher (allg. Bez. für König, in Kartusche)" | "the ruler" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Allam, ASAE 71, 1987, 6, pl. I)

pꜣ-ḥqꜣ-ꜥꜣ-n-Km.t, "großer Herrscher von Ägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 226.13)

pꜣ-ḥqꜣ-n-tꜣ-p.t, "Herrscher des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 505)

pꜣ-šw=f, "der in seinem Licht ist (Amun)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Gardiner/Cerný, Hier. Ostr., pl. 90)

pꜣ-šr, "der Jüngere" | "the younger" [substantive] (Wb 4, 526.6)

pꜣ-šrj-n-tꜣ-jḥ.t, "Pschentohe" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 119.9; Demot. Nb. I, 4, 262)

pꜣ-kꜣ-ꜥꜣ-n-pꜣ-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "der große Ka des Re-Harachte (Piramesse)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 100.5)

pꜣj, "[Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 493.3-5)

pꜣjs, "[Granulat (?) (Droge)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 257 f.)

pꜣy, "begatten" | "to copulate with; to fertilize" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 497.13-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 169; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 345)

pꜣy=, "[Poss.artikel sg.m.]" | "[poss. adj., masc. sing.]" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 493.1; GEG § 113; ENG §§ 179-82; CGG 43)

pꜣy.t, "Vögel ("das, was fliegt")" | "birds (lit. what flies)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 494.13-14)

pꜣy.t-ḫnn.t, "Vögel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 494.14; Meeks, Mythes, 95, Anm. 255)

pꜣi̯, "fliegen" | "to fly" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 494.1-12; ONB 168)

pꜣꜥ.t, "Wachtel" | "quail" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 87; vgl. KoptHWb 63)

pꜣꜥ.t, "[eine Himmelsgegend]" | "[a region of the sky]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 497.19)

pꜣꜥr.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 498.2; DrogWb 191)

pꜣw, "Lüge (?); Geschwätz (?)" | "anything unseemly" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 498.3; FCD 87)

pꜣw, "dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (ENG §§ 120-1; CGG 43)

pꜣw.t, "Brot; Kuchen (als Opfer)" | "bread; cake (as offering)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 495.6-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 344)

pꜣw.t, "Urzeit" | "primeval times" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 496.1-9; FCD 87)

pꜣw.t, "Last (bildl. für Leiden, Krankheit)" | "burden (metaph.) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 498.4; MedWb 258)

pꜣ, "Urgott" | "primeval god" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 496.14-497.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 343 f.)

pꜣ, "urzeitlich" | "primeval" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 496.12-13)

pꜣ, "Urzeitlicher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 20 f.)

pꜣꜣ.wj, "Urzeitlicher der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 23 f.)

pꜣ, "der erste Urzeitliche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 24)

pꜣṯr.w, "erster Urzeitlicher der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 25)

pꜣw.tjw, "Urzeitgötterschaft" | "primeval ones" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 496.10-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 343 f.)

pꜣwꜥ, "[offizinell]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 498 f.)

pꜣwr, "[ein Getränk minderer Qualität]" | "[a kind of drink (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 498.7-9; DrogWb 192 f.; Lesko, Dictionary I, 170)

pꜣu̯, "(etwas) getan haben (mit Infinitiv); [aux./Vergangenheit]; urzeitlich sein" | "to have done (something in the past)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 494.18-495.2; EAG § 903; GEG § 484; pBremner-Rhind 28.21)

pꜣḫ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 498.12; DrogWb 193; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen)

pꜣḫ, "(Augen) auskratzen" | "to scratch out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 498.13; Allen, Inflection, 556)

pꜣḫ.t, "Löwin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 91, Anm. 239)

pꜣḫ-sr.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 498.12; DrogWb 193)

pꜣḫd, "umgedreht sein; herabhängen" | "to be turned upside down; to be turned over" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 499.1; FCD 87)

pꜣz, "leiden" | "to suffer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 499.2; Allen, Inflection, 556)

pꜣz.wt, "Ohnmacht (o. Ä.)." | "death (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 499.3)

pꜣz.wt, "Brauerinnen (Pl.)" | "brewers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 499.4)

pꜣs, "Wassernapf des Schreibers" | "(scribe's) water-pot" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 499.5; FCD 88)

pꜣq, "[ein dünnes Gebäck]" | "[a thin biscuit]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 499.9-10)

pꜣq.t, "feiner Leinenstoff" | "fine linen" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 499.11-15; KoptHWb 146)

pꜣq.t, "Scherbe; Schale (des Schädels)" | "potsherd; flake (of stone); carapace (also metaph., for the skull)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 500.1-3; FCD 88; MedWb 258)

pꜣq.t, "Leiter (?)" | "ladder (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 500.4)

pꜣqi̯, "dünn sein" | "to be thin" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 499.6-7, ONB 55, 601, Anm. 567; vgl. KoptHWb 145)

pꜣqr, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a fish]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 500.5)

pꜣg, "kauern" | "to squat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.1422; FCD 88; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 129)

pꜣd, "knien; laufen" | "to kneel; to run" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 500.13-501.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 383)

pꜣd.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 501.7; DrogWb 195)

pꜣḏ, "Knie; Kniescheibe" | "knee; kneecap" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 501.8; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269; vgl. MedWb 259)

pꜣḏ, "Kugel (von Weihrauch)" | "pellet (or cone) (of incense)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 501.9-11; FCD 88; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 129)

pꜣḏ, "[ein rundes Brot]" | "[a round loaf]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 501.12-13; FCD 88)

pꜣḏ.tjt, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 501.14; DrogWb 196)

pꜣḏ-mꜣs.t, "Kniescheibe" | "kneecap" [substantive] (Wb 1, 500.7-8)

pj, "Untersatz; Sockel; Thron" | "base" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 489.5-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 341)

pj, "[Dem.Pron. sg.m]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 501.15-502.1)

pj.j, "butisch" | "of Buto" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 127)

pj.j, "der von Buto" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 79)

pj.jt-dp.jt, "die von Pe und Dep" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 2 f.)

pj.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 502.5; MedWb 260)

pjpj, "(Lehm) kneten" | "to make (bricks)" [verb] (Wb 1, 502.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 170)

pjpj.t, "Kiel (?); Standarte" | "keel (?) (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 502.8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 170; Jones, Nautical Titles, 164 (52); Meeks, Mythes, pl. VII.6)

pjs, "eintreten; einstampfen" | "bring in; tread in" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 130)

pjṯꜣ, "verhöhnen" | "to mock" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 503.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 171)

py, "Floh" | "flea" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 502.2; FCD 88; vgl. LÄ II, 267)

py.t, "[Krankheitsphänomen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 502.4; MedWb 260)

pꜥ.w, "Feuer; Flamme" | "flame(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 503.13; FCD 88; KoptHWb 530)

pꜥ.t, "Menschheit; Volk; (soziale) Oberschicht" | "(the) people; humankind; patricians" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 503.2-11; KoptHWb 144)

pꜥ.t, "[ein Gebäck]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 503.12; FCD 88)

pꜥ.t, "[eine Frucht (?)]; [ein Getreide (?)]" | "[a fruit (?)]; [a cereal (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 22 f.)

pꜥpꜥ, "gebären" | "to bear; to be born" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 504.3-5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 171; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 346)

pꜥpꜥ.yt, "Ausgespienes (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 504.9; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 700)

pꜥn, "klug (o. Ä.) sein" | "clever (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 504.10-13)

pw, "wer?; was?" | "who?" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 506.2-8; FCD 88; GEG § 498)

pw, "[Dem Pron. sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 505.2-7)

pw-nn, "dieser hier; dieser da" | english translation missing [pronoun] (Wb 1, 506.1; vgl. EAG § 963)

pw-tr, "wer ist?; was ist?" | english translation missing [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 506.3-7; GEG § 256)

pwy, "[Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 506.9-11)

pwr, "wachsen (?)" | "[verb]" [verb] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 159; Quack, WdO 24, 1993, 16, Anm. 68; KoptHWb 155)

pp.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 507.2-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 348; DrogWb 197)

pf, "jener [Dem.Pron. sg.m]" | "that (demons. pron., masc. sing.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 507.4-8; EAG § 182; GEG §§ 110, 112; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

pf, "Jener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 507.7; LGG III, 36)

pfꜣ, "jener [Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" | "that (yonder)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 507; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 112; ENG § 116)

pfj, "jener [Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (GEG § 110; ENG § 116; JWSpG § 231)

pn, "dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.]" | "this (demons. pron., masc. sing.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 507.10-508.3; EAG § 182; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 111; ENG § 114; CGG 40; JWSpG § 230)

pn.w, "Maus" | "mouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 508.6-10; FCD 89; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 132; Lesko, Dictionary I, 173)

pnꜥ, "(sich) umdrehen; kentern; umwenden; (sich) krümmen" | "to turn upside down; to be turned upside down" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 508.11-509.9; FCD 88; Lesko, Dictionary I, 173; KoptHWb 148)

pnꜥ.yt, "Schwelle; Türschwelle" | "[post (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 509.14-15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 173; KoptHWb 149, 531)

pnꜥnꜥ, "mehrmals umdrehen; (sich) herumwälzen" | "to turn over and over" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.1397; FCD 88)

pnn, "(Pulver) streuen" | "to strew (powder) (med.)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 510.2; MedWb 266)

pnz, "abschneiden; ausziehen" | "to pull out; to cut off" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 510.4-5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 173; KoptHWb 152)

pnz, "verdrehen; ausziehen" | "[transitive verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 510.7; MedWb 266 f.; Ward, SAK, 5, 1977, 280 f.)

pns, "Erde ("Umgewendetes", als Material)" | "earth (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 510.9; FCD 89)

pns.t, "Kloß (Form eines Heilmittels)" | "clump (of medication)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 510.10; MedWb 267)

pnq, "schöpfen; ausschöpfen; gießen" | "to empty" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 510.11-15; MedWb 267)

pnt, "ausquetschen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 511.3)

pnd, "[ein Eingeweidewurm]" | "[an intestinal worm (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 511.4; MedWb 267 f.)

pnd, "fruchtbar machen" | "to make fruitful" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.1457; vgl. Wb 2, 249.3), "[Bezeichnung des Verstorbenen]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 511.5; LGG III, 38)

pr, "Spielfeld (beim Brettspiel)" | "square (on a game boarrd)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pieper, ZÄS 66, 1931, 22 f.; Pusch, Senet-Brettspiel, 394)

pr, "Haus; Palast; Tempel; Grab; Verwaltung" | "house (gen.); temple; tomb; container" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 511.7-516.1; vgl. ONB 261)

pr, "Ausgabe; Ausgabestelle(?)" | "outlay" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 13)

pr, "der [Artikel sg.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (ENG § 172; CGG 45)

pr.j-ꜥꜣ, "einer der zum Palast gehört" | "one who belongs to the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 517.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1537)

pr.y, "Einzelkämpfer ("der Heraustretende")" | "hero" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 526.1; FCD 91)

pr.y, "Außendienstler" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM, 388), "Häuser; Liegenschaften; Niederlassung" | "houses" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 518.12-13; FCD 90; ONB 843)ꜥ, "Strandhäuser" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Mathieu, Poésie, Pl. 10)

pr.w, "Herausgehen; Auszug; Prozession" | "motion; procession" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 526.4-10)

pr.w, "Lieferungen ("Herausgegangenes")" | "deliveries" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 526.13)

pr.w, "das Hinausgehen über; Überschuss" | "surplus; excess" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 526.14-527.4)

pr.w-n-rʾ, "Ausspruch" | "utterance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 526.11-12)

pr.wj-nbw, "Verwaltung der beiden Goldhäuser" | "administration of the two houses of gold" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 517.10)

pr.wj-ḥḏ, "Verwaltung der beiden Schatzhäuser" | "administration of the two treasuries" [substantive] (Wb 1, 518.6-8)

pr.t, "Proviantausgabestelle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 518.11)

pr.t, "Auszug (eines Gottes)" | "procession (of a god)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 525.7-14)

pr.t, "Peret-Jahreszeit (Winter)" | "peret-season (winter)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 530.7-8; KoptHWb 150)

pr.t, "Frucht (einer Pflanze); Saatkorn; Nachkommenschaft (bildl.)" | "fruit; seed; posterity (metaph.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 530.9-531.4; KoptHWb 32)

pr.t, "Trauer" | "mourning; sadness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 531.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 358)

pr.t, "Dienerin" | "domestic servant (fem.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1434; Ward, Titles, no. 783)

pr.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "[Fest bei Osirismysterien]" | "great procession (a festival associated with the mysteries of Osiris)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 525.8)

pr.t-Wp-wꜣ.wt, "[Fest des Wepwaut]" | "procession of Wepwawet (festival)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 525.10)

pr.t-m-jr.t-Ḥr.w, "die aus dem Horusauge hervorgegangen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 93)

pr.t-m-Nḫb, "die aus Elkab hervorgegangen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 94)

pr.t-m-ḏfḏ-m-jr.t-Jtm.w, "die aus der Pupille im Auge des Atum hervorgekommen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 97)

pr.t-nṯr, "Gottessprössling" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 531.3)

pr.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "[heiliger Baum von Sebennytos]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 134 f., Anm. 456)

pr.t-ḫrw, "Totenopfer" | "invocation offering" [substantive] (Wb 1, 528.11; 529.7-530.5)

pr.t-spd.t, "Siriusaufgang" | "the going forth of Sothis (i.e., the heliacal rising of Sirius)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 525.12)

pr.t-sm, "[4. Tag des Mondmonats];" | "[fourth day of the lunar month]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 525.13-14; Parker, Calendars, § 36)

pr.t-šnj, "Pinienkern (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Germer, Flora, 9)

pr.t-tp.jt, "[Fest bei Osirismysterien]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 525.9; 5, 278.5), "erster Tag der Peret-Jahreszeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 51 f., Anm. aa)

pr.tjw, "[ein Frauentitel]" | "[a female title]" [epitheton_title: title] (LD, Ergänzungsband, Taf. XXIV)

pr-jb, "Unbeherrschter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 198)

pr-ꜥ, "Held" | "hero" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 527.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 175)

pr-ꜥ, "Tapferkeit" | "prowess (in battle); might" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 527.14)

pr-ꜥ-jb, "kühn, tapfer" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 1, 528.1-3)

pr-ꜥ-jb, "Held" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, KÄT, 155)

pr-ꜥꜣ, "Palast; Pharao ("großes Haus")" | "palace; pharaoh (lit. great house)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 516.2-12)

pr-ꜥꜣ, "der Pharao (verschiedene Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 39)

pr-ꜥnḫ, "Haus der Schriftgelehrten ("Lebenshaus")" | "scriptorium; school (lit. house of life)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 515.6)

pr-ꜥq.t, "[Speicher für Früchte]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 232.15)

pr-wꜥb, "Statuenschrein; Schreinkasten" | "statue shrine; shrine-shaped box" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1412; Brovarski, in: Fs Wente, 46)

pr-wr, "Kapelle; tragbarer Schrein" | "portable shrine" [substantive] (Wb 1, 517.3-4)

pr-wr, "großes Haus (Bez. für den König)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 3 (12), pl. 1)

pr-wr.w, "Vestibül (im Tempel)" | "columned vestibule (in a temple)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 79.0988; vgl. Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 24)

pr-wḏꜣ.w, "Haus der Vorräte; Magazin" | "house of provisions (admin.)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.1415)

pr-bꜥḥ.t, "Haus des Überflusses" | "house of surpluses" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Urk. I, 177.15)

pr-pḏ.t, "Bogentasche (Köcher)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Demarée, Papyri, 16, pl. 15-16)

pr-m-ꜣḫ.t, "der aus dem Horizont hervorkommt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 49 f.)

pr-m-jd.t-tn-sjwr.n-nṯr.w, "der aus diesem Mutterleib hervorgekommen ist, den die Götter geschwängert haben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 6.16)

pr-m-mꜣꜣ-sḏm, "der aus dem sehend Hörenden hervorging (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 9.18)

pr-m-Nw.w, "der aus dem Nun herauskam" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 65 f.)

pr-m-nn.t, "der aus dem Himmel hervorgegangen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 69)

pr-m-Rꜥw, "der als Re hervorging" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 71 f.)

pr-m-ḥꜣy.t, "der aus der Balsamierungshalle herausgekommen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 19, x+3.20)

pr-m-ḥꜥ.w-nṯr-m-nṯr, "der aus dem Gottesleib als Gott hervorkommt (Sopdu)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.8)

pr-m-ẖ.t-jꜥr.t-m-tp=f, "der aus dem Leib mit der Uräusschlange an seinem Kopf hervorkam" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 79)

pr-m-swḥ.t=f, "der aus seinem Ei hervorkommt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 82)

pr-m-qbḥ.w, "der aus dem Wassergebiet kommt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 85)

pr-m-tp-nṯr, "der aus dem Haupt des Gottes hervorgekommen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 301 f.)

pr-mꜣ, "Villa" | "villa" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 515.10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 174)

pr-mnꜥ.t, "Geburtshaus (Mammisi); Haus der Ammen" | "birth house (mammisi)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 78.6; LÄ II, 462 ff.)

pr-ms, "Geburtshaus" | "birth house (mammisi)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 515.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 353; GDG II, 89)

pr-mḏꜣ.t, "Bücherhaus; Archiv" | "house of books; archive" [substantive] (Wb 1, 515.12; 2, 187.8; FCD 89; Lesko, Dictionary I, 174; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 353)

pr-nbw, "Sanktuar des Goldes" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 517.9; Cauville, Dendera X, Index, 173)

pr-nfr, "Balsamierungsstätte" | "funerary workshop" [substantive] (Wb 1, 517.11)

pr-nswt, "Königshaus; Königspalast; königliche Verwaltung" | "king's house; palace; royal administration" [substantive] (Wb 1, 513.3-5; FCD 89; Lesko, Dictionary, 174; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 353)

pr-nṯr, "Sanktuar" | "[name of a sanctuary at Athribis]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1468; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 134)

pr-nḏm, "Haus der Annehmlichkeiten (Ort, wo schöne Dinge hergestellt werden)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Junker, Giza VII, 79, Fig. 32, Taf. XVI b)

pr-ḥr.j, "oberes Stockwerk" | "upper part (storey) (of a house)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 511.9-10; FCD 90)

pr-ḥr-ḫꜣs.t=f, "[offizinell]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 202)

pr-ḥts.t, "Weberei" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer, Fs Simpson, 273 ff., vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 464)

pr-ḥḏ, "Schatzhaus" | "treasury" [substantive] (Wb 1, 518.3-5)

pr-ḫnr, "Harem" | "harem (as an economic institution)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 297.3-7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 175)

pr-ẖr.j, "Erdgeschoss" | "ground floor (of a building)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 511.11; FCD 90)

pr-sḫp.t, "[Vorratshaus]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 240.3)

pr-sḏ.t, "Haus der Flammen" | english translation missing [substantive] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 28 (A3.1))

pr-šꜥ.t, "Büro der Schriften" | "office of writing(s)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.1428)

pr-šnꜥ, "Arbeitshaus; Verwaltung der Magazine" | "storehouse (administration); labor establishment" [substantive] (Wb 4, 508.21-25)

pr-šnty.t, "[ein Sanktuar für Osirismysterien]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Cauville, Dendera X, Index, 176)

pr-dwꜣ.t, "Haus des Morgens (für Reinigungs-u. Ankleidungszeremonien)" | "house of the morning" [substantive] (Wb 5, 425.10-14; FCD 90; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 355 f.)

pr-dšr, "Schatzhaus (von U.Äg.)" | "treasury (of Lower Egypt)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 518.9)

pr-ḏ.t, "Totenstiftung" | "funerary foundation (lit. house of eternity)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 510.5)

prj, "Bohne" | "beans (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 531.12; vgl. ONB 380; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 150)

prj, "Schlachtfeld" | "battlefield" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 532.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 176)

prj.t, "Fessel (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 531.10)

pry, "Binde; Streifen (aus Leinen)" | "strip (of linen)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 531.13-15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 176)

pry.t, "[Bez. des Harems]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 518.14)

pri̯, "herauskommen; herausgehen" | "to go forth; to come forth" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 518-525.3)

pri̯.n, "[aux.]" | "[auxilliary]" [particle] (Wb 1, 525.5; GEG § 483.1)

prw, "[ein Getränk]" | "[a beverage]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 531.9)

prḫ, "aufblühen; hinbreiten; ausbreiten" | "to blossom; to unfurl (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 532.7-11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 177; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 151)

prḫ, "Blüte" | "blossom; sprout (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 532.12; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 152)

prst, "Philister" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ IV, 1029 f.)

prš, "[roter Ocker oder ockerhaltige Erde (offizinell)]; Wacholderbeeren (?)" | "[fir tree cone (?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 532.13-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 360; DrogWg 203 f.)

prš, "zerschlagen; zerreißen" | "to split open (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 1, 533.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 177; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 153)

prk, "[eine Rinderart]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1487; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 154; vgl. Fischer-Elfert, Lesefunde, 70)

prṯ, "[Verb]" | "[a laceration (?) (Sem. loan word)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 533.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 177; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 155)

phr.t, "[ein Gewässer im Delta]" | "[a body of water (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 533.6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 178; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 156)

pḥ, "erreichen; angreifen" | "to reach; to attack" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 533.12-535.12; KoptHWb 157)

pḥ.w, "Marschland; Hinterland" | "marshland; hinterland" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 538.8-11)

pḥ.w, "äußerste Nordgrenze; Endland" | "the far north" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 538.12-539.4; FCD 92)

pḥ.wj, "Hinterteil; Ende" | "end; back" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 535.14-537.1)

pḥ.wjt, "Hinterteil; Ende" | "end; back" [substantive: substantive_fem] (CG 20543)

pḥ.wjt-r, "nördlich bis" | "northward to" [preposition] (GEG § 179)

pḥ.wyt, "After; Rektum" | "anus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 537.3; FCD 92; Lesko, Dictionary I, 179; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 361; MedWb 273 ff.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 221 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 205 ff.)

pḥ.ww, "die Enden (des Landes); Ende (der Welt)" | "ends (of the country, of the earth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 538.4)

pḥ.ww, "nördliches Ende" | "northern end" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 538.5-6)

pḥ.wt, "Ankertau des Schiffes" | "stern-rope (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 538.2-3; FCD 92; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 137; Jones, Naut. Titles, 164 f., no. 54)

pḥ.wt, "Marschland" | "marshland" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Barbotin/Clère, BIFAO 91, 1991, 22, Anm. 104)

pḥ.t, "Garbe (des Korns)" | "sheaf (of grain)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 533.10-11)

pḥ.tj, "körperliche Kraft" | "physical strength" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 539.5-540.9; KoptHWb 157)

pḥ.tj, "stark" | "strong" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 1, 540.10-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 179)

pḥ.tj, "Löwe" | "lion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 540.16-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 363)

pḥ.tjt, "Kraft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 539.22-23)

pḥrr, "laufen" | "to run" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 1, 541.2-13; FCD 92)

pḥrr, "Läufer" | "runner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 541.14-18; Lesko, Dictionary I, 180)

pḥtj, "stark sein" | "to be strong" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 540.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 362 f.)

pḥḏ, "trennen" | "to split (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 542.1-3; FCD 93; MedWb 281 f.)

pḫ.t, "[ein kleiner Vogel (Huhn? Felsentaube?)]" | "[a small bird]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 542.6; vgl. LÄ II, 504)

pḫ.t-jꜥꜣ, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 542.7; DrogWb 204 f.; Sauneron, Ophiologie, 85; Germer, Handbuch, 72)

pḫꜣ, "[eine Körnerfrucht]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 542.8-11; FCD 93)

pḫꜣ, "[Getränk aus der Pecha-Frucht (Bier?)]" | "[a beverage made from pekha-fruit (beer?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 542.11; FCD 93)

pḫꜣ, "abspalten; öffnen (med.); teilen" | "to open (med.)" [verb] (Wb 1, 542.12-543.7; FCD 93; MedWb 282; KoptHWb 156)

pḫꜣ, "ausstatten" | "to equip" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 543.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 365; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 180)

pḫꜣ, "Platte; Schiffsplanke" | "plank" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 543.10-13; Jones, Naut. Titles, 165 (55))

pḫꜣ, "Holzscheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 543.14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 180; Caminos, LEM, 207)

pḫꜣ, "Vogelfalle (aus Holz)" | "(wooden) bird trap" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 543.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 180)

pḫꜣ.t, "Fußfessel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 543.17; Lesko, Dictionary I, 180)

pḫꜣ.t, "[Name des Uräus]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 544.2; LGG III, 104 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 365 f.)

pḫpḫ, "Unwetter (o. Ä.)" | "tempest (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 544.5)

pẖr, "umhergehen; umwenden; zirkulieren; umgeben; durchziehen" | "to turn round; to go around" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 544.12-547.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 366 f.)

pẖr, "Umkreis; Gegend; Landbezirk; Landgut (?)" | "rural area (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 548.4)

pẖr, "Opferumlauf; Opferspeisen" | "reversion of offerings; offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 548.11-12; LÄ IV, 596)

pẖr, "Umlauf, Umgang (Gebäudeteil)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Budde/Kurth, in: Edfu: Studien zu Vokabular, 11)

pẖ, "Umlaufzeit der Gestirne; Periode" | "course (of the stars); period" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 548.6-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 370)

pẖr.w, "Spülung (des Wassers) (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 548.13; Sethe, Kommentar PT III, 298)

pẖr.w, "Gefühle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fox, Song of Songs, 57 f., Anm. g)

pẖr.t, "Grenzwache" | "frontier patrol" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 548.17; FCD 94)

pẖr.t, "Heilmittel (allg.)" | "remedy (often med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 549.1-12; FCD 94; MedWb 284 ff.; Lesko, Dictionary, 181; KoptHWb 157)

pẖr.t, "[ein Schurz]" | "[a kilt]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 549.14; Sethe, Kommentar PT IV, 359 f.)

pẖr.t, "[Ortsbez.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 549.15)

pẖr.t, "Reise" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 139)

pẖ, "Reisender (o. Ä.)" | "traveller" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 548.18; FCD 94)

pẖr-ꜣḥ.t, "[ein Kultobjekt]" | "[a cult object]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 13)

pẖr-mḥ-m-šw.t, "[ein unklarer Titel]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1538)

pẖr-n-nbw-m-gs.w-pr.w, "der von Gold umgeben ist in den Tempeln" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 108; Wb 1, 549.13)

pẖr-šw.t, "Mittagsstunde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 432.7)

pzn, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 549.18-21; FCD 94)

pzḥ, "beißen; stechen" | "to bite; to sting" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 550.1-10; FCD 94; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 139; Lesko, Dictionary I, 182; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 371)

pzḥ, "Biss; Stich" | "bite; sting" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 550.11-15; MedWb 296 f.)

pzḫ, "verwirrt sein; verwirren" | "to be in disarray; to be distraught" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 550.16-18; vgl. FCD 94; GEG 566 (Index); KoptHWb 156)

pzz, "Bemühung" | "undertaking" [substantive] (Wb 1, 550.21; Lesko, Dictionary I, 182)

ps, "Koch; Bäcker" | "cook; baker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 552.12-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 181)

ps, "[Maß für Kraut]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 553.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 182)

ps.w, "Verkochung (Back-/Brauverhältnis)" | "ratio (of grain to the product, for baking, for brewing)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 552.8-11; Verhoeven, Grillen, 86-89, 99 f.)

ps.t, "das Kochen; Gekochtes" | "cooking" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 552.6-7; FCD 94; Verhoeven, Grillen, 86 ff.)

ps-sgnn, "Salbenkoch" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Peet, AAA 17, 1930, 88, pl. XXIII)

ps-šꜥw.t, "Kuchenbäcker" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 552.12)

psi̯, "kochen; backen; erhitzen" | "to cook; to bake; to heat" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 551.5-552.5; Verhoeven, Grillen, 86-89)

psš, "[ein Kultmesser (beim Mundöffnungsritual)]" | "[a fishtail-shaped knife of flint, used in the Opening-of-the-mouth ritual]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 164, 672)

psš, "teilen" | "to divide; to share" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 553.6-554.1; FCD 94; KoptHWb 155)

psš, "Hälfte; Teil; Verteilung" | "share; portion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 554.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 139 f.)

psš.w, "Schiedsrichter; Teilhaber; Partner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 554.2; FCD 95; Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 37)

psš.t, "Hälfte; Teil; Verteilung" | "share; portion" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 554.4-16; KoptHWb 155)

psš.t, "Rohrstängel; Matte" | "carpet; matting" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 555.1; FCD 95)

psš-rʾ, "der mit spaltendem Mund (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), pl. 7)

psš-kꜣf, "[ein Kultmesser aus Feuerstein]" | "[a fishtail-shaped ritual instrument of flint]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 555.2; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 164, 672)

psš-tꜣ, "der das Land teilt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 117)

psg, "speien; anspucken" | "to spit on; to spit at" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 555.4-14; FCD 95; MedWb 298; vgl. KoptHWb 159)

psg, "Speichel" | "spittle" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 555.15; KoptHWb 159)

psg, "Spucknapf" | "spitoon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 555.17; Lesko, Dictionary I, 185)

psḏ, "leuchtend" | "shining" [adjective] (Wb 1, 558.1)

psḏ, "Rückgrat; Rücken" | "back; backbone" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 556.1-9; MedWb 299; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

psḏ, "leuchten" | "to shine" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 556.14-558.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 374)

psḏ, "Licht" | "light" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 558.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 374)

psḏ, "Schote" | "pod (?) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 558.7-8; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 500)

psḏ, "neun" | "nine" [numeral] (Wb 1, 558.10; FCD 95)

psḏ, "Kielbogen ("Rückgrat", Schiffsrumpf)" | "hogging-beam (?) (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1523; Jones, Naut. Titles, 165 (56))

psḏ, "der Leuchtende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 118)

psḏ.j, "[Leinen ("Neun-Faden-Gewebe")]" | "nine-strand linen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 558.11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 140; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 374 f.; Scheele, Stofflisten, 59 f.)

psḏ.y, "Helfer (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 558.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 183)

psḏ.t, "Neunheit (Zahlenabstraktum)" | "ennead" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 558.12)

psḏ.tj, "Leuchtender" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 558.6; LGG III, 133)

psḏ.tj, "Pelikan" | "pelican" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 559.16-17; LGG III, 163)

psḏ-m-ꜣḫ.t, "der am Horizont Leuchtende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 118 f.)

psḏ-m-ꜥnḫ, "der als Lebender am Himmel leuchtet (Osiris und Haroeris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 120)

psḏ-m-dwꜣ.w, "der am Morgen leuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 129)

psḏ-ḥr-wbn-ḥtp, "der leuchtet beim Aufgehen und Untergehen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 121)

psḏi̯, "sich entfernen (von); den Rücken kehren" | "to distance onself from; turn the back" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 1, 556.12-13; Allen, Inflection, 581; Faulkner, PT, 247, Anm. 7 (Pyr 1656))

psḏn, "Tenne" | "threshing floor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 559.18-19; DrogWb 208; Westendorf, GM 155, 1996, 111 f.)

psḏn.tjw, "Tag des Neumondes" | "new-moon-day" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 559.20)

pšn, "(sich) spalten" | "to split" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 560.3-7; FCD 95; Lesko, Dictionary I, 184)

pšn, "Spalt" | "fissure; fracture (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 560.8; MedWb 300)

pšn, "[Bez. für Widersacher]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 560.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 184)

pšn.j, "[Gefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (JWIS III, 132.7)

pšn.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance used med.]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 560.10; DrogWb 209)

pšn-ꜥḥꜣ.wj, "der die beiden Kämpfer trennt (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 164)

pšš, "ausbreiten" | "to spread" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 560.13-561.3; FCD 95; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts 142; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 184)

pgꜣ, "ausbreiten; öffnen" | "to unfold; to open up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 562.1-7; FCD 96; KoptHWb 157)

pgꜣ, "(den Feind) schlachten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 562.18)

pgꜣ, "Schale; Napf" | "bowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 563.1-4; FCD 96)

pgꜣ, "[ausländ. Gerät (Stäbe?)]" | "[a chest (?) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 563.6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 185; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 157)

pgꜣ, "Öffnung; Kampfplatz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (WB 1, 562.11-17)

pgꜣ.w, "Waschgerät" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 563.5)

pgg.t, "Frosch" | "frog (amulet) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 563.8; FCD 96; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 378)

ptpt, "betreten; niedertreten" | "to tread; to trample" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 563.9-16; FCD 96)

ptpt, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2260)

ptr, "sehen; erblicken" | "to see; to behold" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 564.1-19; vgl. KoptHWb 151)

ptr, "siehe!; [Interjektion]" | "behold!" [interjection] (Wb 1, 564.20-23; GEG § 566; ENG §§ 364, 686; CGG 148 f.)

ptr, "wer?; was?" | "who? what?" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 1, 565; 506.8; GEG §§ 256, 497)

ptr, "Himmelsfenster (Guckloch im Himmel)" | "the two windows of heaven" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 565.1-2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 142 f.; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 380 f.)

ptr, "[ein Gewässer]" | "[a body of water]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 565.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 186; GDG II, 156)

ptr, "Schnur (?); Verband" | "strip (of cloth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 565.8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 186; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 41; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 158)

ptr, "Blick" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT I, 266f)

ptḥ, "öffnen" | "to open" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 565.12-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 382)

ptḫ, "(jmdn./etwas) niederwerfen" | "to throw down" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 565.16-566.3)

ptt, "[Zustand des bestellbaren Ackers]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 1, 566.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 186)

pdr, "[Maß für Früchte]" | "sack (or measure) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 566.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 187; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 159)

pds, "Kasten (für Kleider, Schriftstücke)" | "box (for clothing, for documents)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 566.13-15; KoptHWb 154)

pds, "breitdrücken; zerstören" | "to destroy; to flatten" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 566.16-19; FCD 96; MedWb 301 f.)

pds.t, "kleine Kugel; Pille" | "small ball (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 567.2-4; FCD 96; MedWb 302)

pdsw.t, "Deltaküste" | "delta coast" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 567.5-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 382 f.; vgl. FCD 96)

pḏ, "ausspannen; (sich) ausstrecken" | "to stretch out; to spread out" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 567.8-568.13)

pḏ, "räuchern" | "to cense" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 568.17-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 384)

pḏ, "[Teil des Fischnetzes (?)]" | "[part of a fisher's net]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1556; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 144)

pḏ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT IV, 330f; CT VII, 62t)

pḏ.w, "[Opferspeise ("Ausgebreitetes")]" | "food (as an offering) (lit. what is spread out)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 571.7)

pḏ.w, "weites Gelände; [Kultstätte des Sokar]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 571.8; GDG II, 158 ff.)

pḏ.t, "[Bez. für den Himmel]" | "expanse (of the sky)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 569.2)

pḏ.t, "Bogen" | "bow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 569.7-18; KoptHWb 154)

pḏ.t, "Barbarenstamm ("Bogenvolk")" | "bow-people" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 570.1-3)

pḏ.t, "Truppe (von Soldaten)" | "troop (of soldiers)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 570.10-571.6)

pḏ.tj, "totes Opferrind ("Ausgestrecktes")" | "(slaughtered) ox (an offering)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 569.6)

pḏ.tj, "Barbar ("Bogenmann")" | "barbarian" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 570.4)

pḏ.tj, "Bogenschütze" | "bowman" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 1, 570.8-9)

pḏ.tjw-šw.w, "Pedjtu-Schu (ethn. Bez. eines der Neun-Bogen-Völker)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 570.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 386)

pḏ-ꜥḥꜥ, "Bogenständer (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 571.10)

pḏ-nmt.t, "der Weitauschreitende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 181 f.)

pḏ-nmt.t, "Weitausschreitender" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Grimal, Quatre stèles, 37)

pḏi̯, "wetzen; schärfen" | "to sharpen" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 568.14-15; FCD 97)

pḏpḏ, "(sich) ausdehnen (vom Geruch)" | "to be diffused (of perfume)" [verb] (Wb 1, 571.11; Allen, Inflection, 577)

Fꜣ.yw-ḥr.jw=sn, "Die Träger derer, die auf ihnen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 189 f.)

Fꜣ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Auftragen der (Speisen) des Kai-em-Neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Ffj, "Fefi" | "Fefi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 142.8)

Fnf..., "Fenef ..." | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 142.11)

Fnḫ.w, "Fenchu (syrische-palästinensisches Volk)" | "Phoenicians" [substantive] (Wb 1, 577.3-4; FCD 98; LÄ IV, 1039)

Fs, "Fes" | "Fes" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 14 (A4))

Fktt, "Feketet" | "Feketet" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 32 (15))

Ftk, "Fetek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 287.29)

Ftk-tʾ, "Fetek-ta" | "Fetek-ta" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 142.26)

Ftk-tʾ, "Fetek-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (WB 1, 581.8; LGG III, 194)

fꜣ.y, "Träger" | "bearer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 574.5-6; Lesko, Dictionary I, 189)

fꜣ.y-wḫꜣ, "Träger der Erlasse" | "dispatch carrier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 354.19)

fꜣ.w, "Lieferung von Speisen (u. Ä.)" | "deliveries (of offerings)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 575.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 145; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 387)

fꜣ.w, "Macht; Ansehen" | "magnificence" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 575.3-15)

fꜣ.w, "Bedrohung" | "threat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 575.16)

fꜣ.t, "Auftragen der Speisen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 574.4)

fꜣ.t, "Last (eines Schiffes); Ertrag (o. Ä.)" | "freight (of a boat); yield (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 574.9-12)

fꜣ.t, "Staub (?)" | "dust (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 575.17)

fꜣ-jwꜥ, "Opferträger (von Fleischgaben)" | "offering bearer (with fish)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 53 A; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 672)

fꜣ-jwf, "Opferträger von Fleisch" | "offering bearer (with meat)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 658)

fꜣ-ꜥ, "der mit erhobenem Arm" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 187 f.)

fꜣ-mhr, "Milchkrugträger" | "milk-jug carrier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 115.8; AEO I, 66*)

fꜣy.t, "Trägerschaft (Trägergruppe des Götterbildes)" | "bearers (of a divine image)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1. 574.8; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 189)

fꜣy.t, "Tragbahre (für Götter); tragbarer Götterschrein" | "portable shrine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 574.13; FCD 97)

fꜣy.t, "Hebung" | "coughing fit" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 574.14; MedWb 303)

fꜣi̯, "hochheben; tragen; (sich) erheben" | "to lift; to carry" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 572.6-573.14)

fꜣk, "kahl sein" | "to be shorn" [verb] (Wb 1, 575.19; FCD 98; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 147)

fꜣk, "Kahler" | "man with a shaved head" [substantive] (Wb 1, 575.20-21; FCD 98)

fꜣg, "auslösen (des Schenkels)" | "to cut off (the foreleg)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 576.1)

fjw, "sich ekeln (?)" | "to be revolted at" [verb] (Wb 1, 576.3; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 548, 600)

fꜥy, "Haare" | english translation missing [substantive] (KoptHWb 345)

fn, "schwach sein" | "to be weak" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 576.10-12; FCD 98)

fnn.wj, "Fenenui" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 576.14; LGG III, 191)

fnn.t, "[ein Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1936f)

fnḫ, "Tischler; Schreiner" | "carpenter; joiner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 576.15)

fnḫ, "klug sein (o. Ä.)" | "to be acute" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 577.1-2; vgl. FCD 98)

fnṯ, "Wurm; Schlange; Made" | "snake; worm; maggot" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 577.5-7; FCD 98; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 146; Lesko, Dictionary I, 190; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 389)

fnḏ, "Nase" | "nose" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 577.10-15; MedWb 304 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

fnḏ, "zürnen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 578.4-5)

fnḏ.j, "der mit dem Schnabel (Thot)" | "long-beak (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 578.3; LGG III, 193 f.)

fnḏ-nb, "jedermann" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 577.13)

fḫ, "(sich) lösen; fortbewegen; zerstören; aufhören (zu tun)" | "to loosen; to leave" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 578.6-15; FCD 98; Lesko, Dictionary I, 191; KoptHWb 339 f.)

fqꜣ, "Kuchen (o. Ä.)" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 579.1-3; FCD 98; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 147; MedWb 306 f.)

fqꜣ, "belohnen" | "to reward" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 579.4-4bis; FCD 98; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 389 f.)

fqꜣ, "Geschenk; Belohnung" | "reward; gift" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 579.5-9; FCD 98; Lesko, Dictionary I, 193 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 389)

fqꜣ, "(Pflanzen) abreißen; (ein Volk) ausrotten" | "to uproot; to eradicate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 579.11-12)

fk, "leer sein; wüst sein; kahl sein" | "to be empty; to be wasted" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 579.14-580.2; FCD 99; Lesko, Dictionary I, 192; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 147)

fk.ty, "Kahler (Priestertitel)" | "one with a shaved head (a priest)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 580.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 192)

fgꜣ, "(jmdm. den Mund) aufreißen (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 580.5)

fgn, "harnen; sich entleeren" | "ro defecate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 1, 580.6-7; FCD 99; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 147)

ft, "sich ekeln; überdrüssig werden" | "to turn away from (in disgust); to show dislike" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 580.8-13; FCD 99; Lesko, Dictionary I, 192; MedWb 308)

ftft, "springen; hüpfen; sprießen (Pflanzen)" | "to leap (med.)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 1, 581.3-6; FCD 99; MedWb 308; Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 179, Anm. f)

ftt, "(Inschrift) auslöschen; abwischen" | "to obliterate" [verb] (Wb 1, 580.14)

ftt, "[pflanzlicher Faserstoff (Faserbausch, gezupftes Leinen)]" | "[fibrous veg. matter (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 581.9-14; FCD 99; MedWb 308; DrogWb 210 ff.)

ftt.w, "Springer (Bez. der Fische)" | "fish(es)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 581.15; FCD 99)

fd, "schwitzen" | "to sweat" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 1, 582.12; FCD 99; MedWb 308 f.)

fd, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1563; vgl. Koura, Öle, 188)

fd, "[von der Bearbeitung von Metallwaffen]" | english translation missing [verb] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 193; Osing, BiOr 60, 2003, 569)

fd.t, "Schweiß" | "sweat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 582.6-11; FCD 99; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 147; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 390 f.; MedWb 309)

fdi̯, "ausreißen" | "to uproot (plants etc.)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 1, 582.1-4; FCD 99; KHWb 345 ff.; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 569)

fdq, "zerteilen; zerhacken; ausreißen" | "to sever; to hack into pieces" [verb] (Wb 1, 583.6-15; FCD 99)

fdq, "Teilstück; Portion" | "slice; portion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 583.16-17)

fdqdq, "(völlig) zerhacken; zerstören" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wresz., Atlas, III, Tf. 29)

M-wn.wt, "Em-wenut" | "Em-wenut" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VII, fig. 28 ff.)

M-pw, "Em-pu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 420.18)

M-rn=f-m-Rꜥw-jtj-jy-m-Jtn, "In seinem Namen Re, der Vater, der als Aton gekommen ist (Aton)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Anthes, ZÄS 90, 1963, 6)

M-rn=f-m-Š, "In seinem Namen Sonnenlicht, das in der Sonnenscheibe ist (Aton)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10ter)

M-zꜣ=f, "Em-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 143.9)

Mꜣ.w, "Mau" | "Mau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 288.11)

Mꜣ.t-nfr-Ttj, "Die, die sieht, dass Teti vollkommen ist (Domäne)" | "What-sees-that-Teti-is-perfect (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 462)

Mꜣ-m-ḥr=f, "Der mit seinem Gesicht sieht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 202)

Mꜣ-ḥꜣ=f, "Der hinter sich schaut (Fährmann am Himmel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 6.5; LGG III, 201 f.)

Mꜣ-ḥr=f, "Ma-heref" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 10)

Mꜣ-ḥḏ, "Weiße Antilope (16. o.äg. Gau)" | "Gazelle (16th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 121.12; LÄ II, 391)

Mꜣ-ḥḏ-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Weiße Säbelantilope des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Gazelle of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (19))

Mꜣꜣ, "Maa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 143.19)

Mꜣꜣ=s, "Maas" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 197)

Mꜣꜣ.n=j-nḫt.w=f, "Maaeni-nachtuef" | "Maaeni-nachtuef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 143.23)

Mꜣꜣ.t-bꜣ.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die die Seelen des Cheops schaut (Domäne)" | "Beholder-of-the-ba-souls-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 462)

Mꜣꜣ.t-Ḥr.w-nfr.w-Rꜥw, "Maat-Hor-neferu-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Troy, Queenship, 169; Gardiner, RAD, 23)

Mꜣꜣ.tw=s, "Maatues" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 197)

Mꜣꜣ-jt=f, "Der seinen Vater erblickt" | "Beholder-of-his-father (8th day of the lunar month)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 10.1-4; LGG III, 199 f.)

Mꜣꜣ-wꜣ.w, "Der von Ferne schaut (Schlange)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 200)

Mꜣꜣ-m-grḥ-jn.n=f-m-hrw, "Der in der Nacht sieht, was er am Tage geholt hat" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 203 f.)

Mꜣꜣ-Ḥr.w, "Horusblick" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 11.1)

Mꜣꜣ-ḥꜣ=f, "[Fährmann am Himmel]" | "He-who-looks-backwards (heavenly ferryman)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 10.5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 152 f.; LGG III, 201 f.)

Mꜣj, "Mai" | "Mai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 144.1)

Mꜣj, "Mai" | "Mai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 143.25)

Mꜣj-ḥr, "Löwengesichtiger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 210)

Mꜣj-ḥzꜣ, "Mahes ("Wilder Löwe")" | "Mahes" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ IV, 163; LGG III, 211 f.)

Mꜣj-Stẖ, "Mai-Seth" | "Mai-Seth" [entity_name: person_name] (Allam, ASAE 71, 1987, 6-7)

Mꜣj-sḫm.w, "Mai-sechemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 73, Taf. XV)

Mꜣꜥ, "Der Richtige (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 214)

Mꜣꜥ.j, "Der Leitende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 1306c; vgl. LGG III, 231)

Mꜣꜥ.t, "Maat" | "Maat" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 20.10-13; LGG III, 222 ff.)

Mꜣꜥ.t, "Maat (Barke der Sonne)" | "solar barque" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 25.11-12; Jones, Naut. Titles, 245 (40); vgl. LGG III, 233)

Mꜣꜥ.t, "Maat" | "Maat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 144.24)

Mꜣꜥ.t-Ptḥ, "Maat-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 144.26)

Mꜣꜥ.t-nfr.t, "Maat-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 145.4)

Mꜣꜥ.t-ḥp, "Maat-hep" | "Maat-hep" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 145.6)

Mꜣꜥ.tj, "Die beiden Wahrheiten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 21.1-3; LGG III, 228 f.)

Mꜣꜥ.tj, "Maati (ein Kanal beim Giza-Plateau)" | "Maaty (canal at the Giza plateau)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 25.7-10; vgl. Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 56 f.)

Mꜣꜥ-jdb, "Der Führer (am) Ufer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Vgl. LGG III, 214)

Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Maa-cheru" | "Maa-kheru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 144.19)

Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "[Goldname Amenemhets II.]; [Nebtiname Nechos II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 3)

Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw.w, "Die Triumphierenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 220 f.)

Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw-m-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "[Goldname Amenemhets II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 3)

Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenemhets IV.]" | "Maakherure (throne name of Amenemhat IV)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 7)

Mꜣw, "Der Erneuerte" | "Renewed-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 28.6; LGG III, 233)

Mꜣfd.t, "Mafdet (löwenköpfige Schlange; von Göttinnen)" | "Mafdet (a lion-headed snake)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 29.5-6; LÄ III, 1132; LGG III, 235 f.)

Mꜣt, "Mat (Ort in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 3.6; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 118)

Mꜣtj.t, "Matit (Göttin des 12. Gaus von O.Äg.)" | "Matit (goddess of the 12th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 34.1; LGG III, 213)

Mꜣṯr.t, "Matjeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 239)

Mꜣd.w, "Medamud (bei Theben)" | "Medamud" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 35.6)

Mj, "Mi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 146.1)

Mj, "Komm!" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 240)

Mj.t, "Mit" | "Mit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 145.24)

Mj-pw, "Mi-pw" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Barbotin, RdE 50, 1999, 15)

Mjꜥm, "Miam (Aniba, in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 11, LÄ I, 272 ff., VII, 270, 292 (Index))

Mjw, "Miu (Ort in Nubien)" | "Miu" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 11; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 118 ff.)

Mjw, "Kater" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 240 f.)

Mjn.t, "Pflock" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 296)

Mjn.t-wr.t, "Großer Landepflock (Isis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 74.11-13; LGG III, 296; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 167)

My, "My" | "My" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 146.10)

Mꜥꜣ.t, "Maat (Region im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 13; Rößler-Köhler, Kapitel 17, 216, Anm. 7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 162)

Mꜥm, "Mam" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 146.25)

Mꜥr-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Erfolgreich sein des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Mꜥsw, "Masu (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Pap. Reisner II, pl. 7, 7A)

Mw.w-š-ḫꜣnṯj, "Muu-schi-chantji" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Mw.t, "Mut" | "Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 147.3)

Mw.t, "Mut (eine Göttin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 53.11; vgl. LGG III, 251)

Mw.t, "Mut" | "Mut" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 53.16-17; LGG III, 251 ff.)

Mw.t=f-pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Mutef-pa-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 26)

Mw.t=f-Rꜥw, "Mutef-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 28)

Mw.t-jr-ḏ-sj, "Mutirdis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 147.10)

Mw.t-m-jp.t, "Mut-em-ipet" | "Mut-em-ipet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 420.21)

Mw.t-m-wjꜣ, "Mut-em-wia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 147.17)

Mw.t-nfr.t, "Mut-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 148.5)

Mw.t-nḏm.t, "Mut-nedjmet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 148.8), "Mut-herti (Name eines Pferdes)" | english translation missing [entity_name: animal_name] (KRI II, 82.1 ff.)

Mw.t-ḥ, "Mut-hetepti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 148.12)

Mw-ḥms-n-sḫm.w, "Mu-hemes-en-sechemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 92.1)

Mbṯ, "Mebetj (Ort in Nubien)" | "Mebetj" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 33 f.; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 123)

Mm.w, "Memu (Domäne)" | "Menu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 235)

Mm-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Memi-Getreide des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 289)

Mmj, "Memi" | "Memi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 149.18)

Mmj.t, "Memit" | "Memit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 149.24)

Mmj-km, "Memi, der Schwarze" | "Memi-the-black" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 149.20)

Mmy, "Memy" | "Memy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 149.25)

Mmṯ, "Memetj (Ort in Nubien)" | "Memetj" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 35; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 124)

Mn, "Men" | "Men" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 149.29)

Mn.t, "Menet" | "Menet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.28)

Mn.t, "Menet (löwengestaltige Göttin)" | "Menet (lion goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 68.5-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 440; LGG III, 286 f.)

Mn.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Die lebende Schwalbe" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 286)

Mn.t-Ṯy, "Die Schwalbe des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Mn-Jḥy, "Men-Ihy" | "Men-Ihy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.4)

Mn-jr.t-Ptḥ-n-Ttj, "Es dauert das, was Ptah für Teti macht (Domäne)" | "What-Ptah-does-for-Teti-endures (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 43 (13))

Mn-ꜥnḫ.w, "Men-anchu" | "Men-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Mn-ꜥnḫ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Das Leben des Neferkare dauert (Pyramidenkomplex von Pepi II.)" | "The-life-of-Neferkare-endures (pyramid complex of Pepy II)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ IV, 1253; V, 5)

Mn-pḥ.tj-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses I.]" | "Menpehtyre (throne name of Ramesses I)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 1)

Mn-pḥ.tj-Rꜥw-tj.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 1)

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sethos I.]" | "Menmaatre (throne name of Sethos I)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2 (T1))

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-jwꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (KRI I, 16.3; vgl. Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2 (T9))

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-nḫt.w, "Men-maat-Re-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.7)

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w, "[Thronname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t, "[Thronname Sethos I.]" | "Menmaatre-ruler-of-Thebes (throne name of Sethos I)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2 (T5))

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ḥqꜣ-mꜣꜥ.t, "[Thronname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Ptḥ, "[Thronname Ramses XI.]" | "Menmaatre-chosen-of-Ptah (throne name of Ramesses XI)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 10)

Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-tj.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Mn-mrw.t, "[Goldname Neferhoteps I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 22)

Mn-n-qd=j, "Men-en-qedi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 91.13)

Mn-nfr, "Memphis" | "Memphis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 63.6-7; GDG III, 38 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II 26 ff.; LÄ IV 24 ff.)

Mn-nfr, "Men-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 15; vgl. RPN II, 289.9)

Mn-nfr, "[Pyramidenanlage von Pepi I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/D ant/E 12)

Mn-nfr-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Die Vollkommenheit des Meryre dauert (Pyramidenanlage von Pepi I.)" | "Memphis; The-perfection-of-Meryre-endures (pyramid complex of Pepy I)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ IV, 1252; V, 5)

Mn-nfrw, "Men-neferu" | "Men-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Mn-ḥꜣb.w, "Men-habu" | "Men-habu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.10)

Mn-ḥtp.w, "Men-hetepu" | "Men-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.12)

Mn-ḥtp.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Men-hetepu-Kakai" | "Men-hetepu-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Mn-ḥtp.wt, "Men-heteput" | "Men-heteput" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 650)

Mn-Ḫwi̯=f-wj-ḥr-s.t-Ḥr.w, "Es dauert Cheops auf dem Thron des Horus (Domäne)" | "Cheops-endures-on-the-throne-of-Horus (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 462)

Mn-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Menkauhors]" | "[Horus-name of Menkauhor]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 7)

Mn-ḫꜥ.w-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Senaaibs]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII j)

Mn-ḫpr, "Men-cheper" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.13)

Mn-ḫpr-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Thutmosis III.]; [Thronname von Pije]" | "Menkheperre (throne name of Tuthmosis III); Menkheperre (throne name of Pije)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 6; XXV 3)

Mn-ḫpr-Rꜥw, "Men-cheper-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.14)

Mn-s.wt, "Men-sut (im 19. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 24.12; Haikal, Nesmin, 83)

Mn-s.wt-jtj-nswt, "Men-sut-iti-nisut" | "Men-sut-iti-nisut" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza V, Abb. 60)

Mn-s.wt-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Die Plätze des Niuserre dauern (Pyramidenanlage des Niuserre)" | "The-places-of-Neuserre-endure (pyramid complex of Neuserre)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ IV, 1247; V, 5)

Mn-s.t, "Men-set (Tempel von Achmes-Nefertari)" | "Meniset (temple at western Thebes associated with Ahmose-Nefertari)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 2, 63.10; GDG III, 40 ff., LÄ I, 103 ff.)

Mn-kꜣ, "Men-ka" | "Men-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 150.19)

Mn-kꜣ.w, "Men-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 42)

Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Mykerinos" | "Mycerinus" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 6)

Mn-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Menkauhor" | "Menkauhor" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 7)

Mn-kꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Men-kau-Kakai" | "Men-kau-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 289.14)

Mn-ṯb.wt-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Festen Fußes ist Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 230)

Mn-ḏfꜣ, "Men-djefa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 97 C)

Mn-ḏfꜣ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Men-djefa-Kakai" | "Men-djefa-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mn-ḏfꜣ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Die Nahrung für Kakai möge dauern (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 401)

Mn-ḏfꜣ-Ttj, "Die Nahrung für Teti möge dauern (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Mnj, "Meni" | "Meni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.2)

Mnj.w, "Meniu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.5)

Mnj.w-pw, "Meniu-pu" | "Meniu-pu" [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner/Sethe, Letters to the Dead, 26, pl. 9)

Mnj.w-nfr, "Meniu-nefer" | "Meniu-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.6)

Mny, "Meny" | "Meny" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.4)

Mnꜥ.y, "Ammensee (am Himmel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 352a)

Mnꜥ.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Amme des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Mnꜥ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Amme des Cheops (16. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 319 ff.)

Mnꜥ.t-Zšzš.t, "Amme der Zeschzeschet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 415)

Mnw, "Min" | "Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.14)

Mnw, "Min" | "Min" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 72.11; LGG III, 288 ff.)

Mnw.j, "Menui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 152.13)

Mnw-Jmn, "Min-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 290 f.)

Mnw-jn.w, "Min-inu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.16; vgl. RPN II 265.5)

Mnw-jr.t-n=s, "Min-iret-enes" | "Min-iret-enes" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 17)

Mnw-ꜥꜣ, "Min-aa" | "Min-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.17)

Mnw-wn, "Min-wen" | "Min-wen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.18)

Mnw-bꜣ=f, "Min-baef" | "Min-baef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 289.18)

Mnw-m-rʾ-pr-Mnw, "Min-em-ra-per-Min" | "Min-em-ra-per-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IX, 58, fig. 29)

Mnw-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Min-em-hat" | "Min-em-hat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 151.19)

Mnw-ms.w, "Min-mesu" | "Min-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 152.4)

Mnw-nfr, "Min-nefer" | "Min-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 152.5)

Mnw-nfr.w, "Min ist vollkommen (Phyle der Totenpriester)" | "Perfection-endures (a phyle of funerary priests)" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 673)

Mnw-nnj, "Min-neni" | "Min-neni" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 14)

Mnw-nswt, "Min, der König" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 291 f.)

Mnw-Ḥr.w, "Min-Horus" | "Min-Horus" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 293 f.; LÄ VII, 318; LGG III, 293 f.)

Mnw-Ḥr.w-nḫt, "Min-Horus, der Starke" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 293 f.)

Mnw-ḥtp.w, "Min-hetepu" | "Min-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 152.9)

Mnw-Gbtw, "Min von Koptos" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 294)

Mnws, "Menus" | "Menus" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 37; RITANC I, 32)

Mnn, "Menen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 152.16)

Mnḥy.t, "Menhit" | "Slaughteress (uraeus goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 84.3-9; LGG III, 305 f.)

Mnḫ.t, "Bekleiden (Fest); Bekleiden (Monatsname); Paophi (2. Monat der Achet-Jahreszeit)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 88.4; FCD 110)

Mnzꜣ-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Krug des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Mnzꜣ-Ḏd-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Menza-Djedkare-Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 56)

Mns.t, "Menset" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 88.11-13; GDG III, 41)

Mnsjw, "Mensiu (Ort in Nubien)" | "Mensiu" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 40; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 124)

Mnq.t, "Menqet" | "beer goddess" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 90.9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 437 f.; LGG III, 317 f.)

Mnqb-Wnjs, "Der Fächer des Unas (Domäne)" | "Fan-of-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 462)

Mnqb-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Der Fächer des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Fan-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 462)

Mnṯ.w, "Month" | "Montu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 92.2; LGG III, 319 ff.)

Mnṯ.w, "Mentju (Nomadenstämme im NO von Ägypten)" | "Mentju-nomads" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 92.4-6; LÄ IV, 473, 524; V, 1108)

Mnṯ.w-wsr.w, "Month-useru" | "Montu-weser" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 153.27)

Mnṯ.w-m-Wꜣs.t, "Month in Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 321)

Mnṯ.w-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Month-em-hat" | "Montu-em-hat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 154.7)

Mnṯ.w-m-ḥꜣb, "Month-em-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 154.8)

Mnṯ.w-m-zꜣ=f, "Month-em-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 154.11)

Mnṯ.w-m-Tꜣ.wj, "Month in Beiden Ländern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (LEM 12.14)

Mnṯ.w-nḫt, "Month-nacht" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 154.18)

Mnṯ.w-r-ḥꜣ.t=f, "Month-er-hatef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (LEM 94.5)

Mnṯ.w-rḫ, "Month-rech" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner, Theban ostraca (Toronto), pl. b-c, g-k (rt.28))

Mnṯ.w-ḥtp.w, "Mentuhotep" | "Mentuhotep" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 1, 5, 6, 7; XIII; XVII)

Mnṯ.w-ḥtp.w, "Month-hetepu" | "Montu-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 154.21)

Mnṯ.w-sw, "Month-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 155.4)

Mr, "Mer" | "Mer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 155.13)

Mr.y, "Mery" | "Mery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.1)

Mr.y-ꜣḫ, "Mery-ach" | "Mery-ach" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.4)

Mr.y-Jmn, "Mery-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.6)

Mr.y-Jmn, "[Thronname Merenptahs]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (LEM 14.16)

Mr.y-Jmn, "Geliebter des Amun (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 136.8)

Mr.y-Jzzj, "Mery-Isesi" | "Mery-Isesy" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti-Cemetery VI, 14)

Mr.y-j, "Meri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.3)

Mr.y-jb, "Mery-ib" | "Mery-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.5)

Mr.y-jtj=f, "Mery-itief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.8)

Mr.y-ꜥnḫ.w, "Mery-anchu" | "Mery-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 18, pl. XXXVIIb, fig. 31)

Mr.y-Ptḥ, "Mery-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.14)

Mr.y-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Mery-Maat (Palast des Merenptah)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LEM, 15.9)

Mr.y-Mnw-ꜥnḫ-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Mery-Min-anch-Meryre" | "Mery-Min-ankh-Meryre" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 53)

Mr.y-Mnṯ.w, "Mery-.Month (Name eines Pferdes)" | english translation missing [entity_name: animal_name] (Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, 90, Anm. 62; Quack, in: Fs Spalinger, 284, Anm. 110)

Mr.y-mr.y, "Mery-mery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.20)

Mr.y-ms.w, "Mery-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.21), "Mery-nebti" | "Mery-nebti" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Teti Cemetery VIII, 40, pl. 8)

Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Meryre (Thronname Pepis I.)" | "Meryre (Pepi I.)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 3)

Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Mery-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.23)

Mr.y-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ.w, "Meryre-anchu" | "Meryre-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 160.24)

Mr.y-Rꜥw-nfr.w, "Meryre-neferu" | "Meryre-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.2)

Mr.y-Rꜥw-nḫt.w, "Meryre-nachtu" | "Meryre-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 54)

Mr.y-Rꜥw-snb.w, "Meryre-senebu" | "Meryre-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.3)

Mr.y-rmṯ=f, "Mery-remetjef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.5)

Mr.y-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Mery-Chufu" | "Mery-Khufu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.8)

Mr.y-ẖ.t, "[Nebtiname Pepis I.]" | "[Nebty-name of Pepy I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 3)

Mr.y-Sḫm.t, "Mery-Sachmet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.10)

Mr.y-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Merikare; [Thronname Aspeltas]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IX/X.f)

Mr.y-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Pepis I.]" | "[Horus-name of Pepy I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 3)

Mr.y-Ttj, "Meri-Teti" | "Meri-Teti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.12; II, 291.18)

Mr.y-Ḏḥ, "Mery-Djehuti (Name eines Arbeitslagers)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Wente, Late Ramesside Letters, 74, n. y), "Meryt" | "Meryt" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.14)Ꜣs.t, "Meryt-Isis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (ANOC 9.1), "Merit-Aton (Tochter Amenohpis' IV.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.18; Troy, Queenship, 167), "Meryt-ities" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 161.17)Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Meryt-Hathor" | "Meryt-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (Inscr. Sinai, 65 (no. 19))

Mr.w, "Meru" | "Meru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.7)

Mr.w-kꜣ, "Meru-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.11)

Mr.wt, "Merut" | "Merut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.14)

Mr.n-Rꜥw, "Merenre" | "Merenre" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 4, 6)

Mr.t, "Meret" | "Meret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.13)

Mr.t, "Meret" | "Meret (divine songstress personified)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 107.2-6; LGG III, 330)

Mr.t, "Meret (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Mr.t-Jzzj, "Meret-Heiligtum des Isesi" | "Meret-temple-of-Isesy" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ VII, 11 ff.; vgl. Zibelius, Siedlungen, 100)

Mr.t-j, "Meret-i" | "Meret-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 159.20)

Mr.t-jb, "Meret-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.14)

Mr.t-jt, "Meret-it" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.17)

Mr.t-jtj=s, "Meret-ities" | "Meret-ities" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.18)

Mr.t-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Das Meret-Heiligtum des Userkaf" | "Meret-temple-of-Userkaf (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Zibelius, Siedlungen, 100 vgl. LÄ VII, 11-13)

Mr.t-Ptḥ, "Meret-Ptah" | "Meret-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.22)

Mr.t-Mnw, "Meret-Min" | "Meret-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 159.1)

Mr.t-Mḥw, "Meret von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 330 f.)

Mr.t-Nj.t, "Meret-Neith" | "Meret-Neith" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 159.5)

Mr.t-n-Nfr-zꜣ-Ḥr.w, "Meret-Heiligtum des Nefer-za-Hor (Pepi I.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Zibelius, Siedlungen, 101)

Mr.t-nsr.t, "Die mit schmerzender Glut (Göttin der 8. Nachtstunde, auch Name des 8.Tores)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 95.16-17; LGG III, 326 f.)

Mr.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Meret-Heiligtum des Cheops" | "Meret-temple-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 464; vgl. LÄ VII, 11 ff.)

Mr.t-Snfr.w, "Meret-Heiligtum des Snofru" | "Meret-temple-of-Snofru" [entity_name: org_name] (Zibelius, Siedlungen, 101; LÄ VII, 11 ff.)

Mr.t-Špss-kꜣ=f, "Meret-Heiligtum des Schepseskaf (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 269)

Mr.t-Šmꜥ.w, "Meret von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 331)

Mr.t-tꜣ.w, "Die die Hitze liebt (Torwächterin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 351), "Die beiden Meret-Göttinnen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 107.16; LGG III, 332 f.)

Mr-(n)-Rꜥw, "Geliebter des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 340)

Mr-Jwnw, "Mer-Iunu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 155.16)

Mr-Jtm.w, "Meidum (21. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 48; Montet, Géographie II, 197 f.; AEGD 416)

Mr-jy, "Mer-jy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 421.5)

Mr-jb, "Mer-ib" | "Mer-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 155.17), "Mer-irtifi (?)" | "Mer-iretifi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 155.25)

Mr-jtf, "Mer-itf (?)" | "Mer-itef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 155.27)

Mr-ꜥnḫ=f, "Mer-anchef" | "Mer-ankhef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 290.17)

Mr-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Isesi ist einer, der das Leben liebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacques-Gordon, Domaines, 297)

Mr-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Mer-Userkaf" | "Mer-Userkaf" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mr-wr, "Mer-wer (Moiris, Kom Medinet el-Ghurab in Mittelägypten)" | "Lake Moeris" [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Gégraphie II 214 f.; LÄ II, 922 f.; vgl. alt Wb 2, 97.13 und GDG III, 50)

Mr-wr, "Mnevis" | "Mnevis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 106.4-6; LGG III, 328 f.)

Mr-Ptḥ, "Mer-Ptah" | "Mer-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 156.9)

Mr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Mer-Maat" | "Mer-Maat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 290.21)

Mr-mnꜥ.j, "Ammenkanal (am Himmel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 78.16)

Mr-n-Ptḥ, "[Eigenname Sethos I.]; Merenptah" | "Merneptah" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2, 4)

Mr-n-Ptḥ-ḥtp-ḥr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Merenptah-hetep-her-Maat" | "Merenptah-hetep-her-Maat" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 4)

Mr-n-ptḥ, "Mer-en-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 156.22)

Mr-nʾ.t, "Mer-nat" | "Mer-nat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 156.28)ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Mer-nebti-anch-Teti" | "Mer-nebti-ankh-Teti" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Teti Cemetery VII, 39, pl. 8)

Mr-nb-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Mer-neb-Maat" | "Mer-neb-Maat" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mr-nfr, "Mer-nefer" | "Mer-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 157.2)

Mr-nfr.t, "Mer-neferet" | "Mer-neferet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 157.3)

Mr-nfr.t, "Mer-neferet (16. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 321)

Mr-nfr.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Sahure ist einer, der die Schönheit liebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 401)

Mr-nḫꜣ.wj, "Zweimesserkanal" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, T 390 (8); Altenmüller, ZÄS 92, 1966, 86 ff.)

Mr-nswt, "Mer-nisut" | "Mer-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 421.9)

Mr-nsrsr, "Feuerkanal" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, T 390 (11); vgl. Altenmüller, ZÄS 92, 1966, 86 ff.)

Mr-Rꜥw, "Mer-Re" | "Mer-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 157.8)

Mr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Mer-Hathor" | "Mer-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mr-Sbk, "Kanal des Sobek (Kanal bei Illahun)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (pBerlin P 10447a; vgl. GDG III, 124 f.)

Mr-Snfr.w, "Mer-Seneferu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 17, 44, pl. 30)

Mr-sw, "Mer-su" | "Mer-su" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 157.18)

Mr-sw-jtj=f, "Mer-su-itief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 157.19)

Mr-šn.w, "Kanal der Bäume" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 251 f., Anm. 62)

Mr-Kꜣkꜣj, "Mer-Kakai" | "Mer-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mr-ky, "Mer-ky" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 291.27)

Mr-tkꜣ.w=s, "Deren Flamme schmerzhaft ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 326)

Mrj, "Meri" | "Meri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 159.21)

Mrj, "Meri" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 333)

Mrj.t, "Merit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 159.29)

Mrj-nn, "Meri-nen" | "Meri-nen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 159.27)

Mryn, "Maryannu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 15.1)

Mri̯=f-nb=f, "Merief-nebef" | "Merief-nebef" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mri̯=s, "Meries" | "Meries" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.5)

Mri̯=s-Jḥj, "Meries-Ihi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 421.10)

Mri̯=s-j, "Meries-i" | "Meries-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.12)

Mri̯=s-ꜥnḫ, "Meries-anch" | "Meries-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.6)

Mri̯=s-gr, "Meresger ("Sie liebt das Schweigen") (Göttin der thebanischen Nekropole)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 104.19; 5, 180.8; LGG)

Mri̯=s-tḫ, "Meries-tech" | "Meries-tekh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 158.11)

Mri̯-ꜣḫ-jr.wt-Ttj, "Der Ach-Geist liebt das, was Teti tut (Domäne)" | "The-akh-spirit-loves-what-Teti-does (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 462)

Mri̯-jb-Rꜥw, "Meri-ib-Re" | "Meri-ib-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (de Morgan/Bouriant/Legrain, Monuments, 36, no. 136)

Mri̯-Wꜣḏ.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Wadjet liebt Chephren (Domäne)" | "Wadjet-loves-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 228)

Mri̯-Wp-wꜣ.wt-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Upwaut liebt Userkare (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Mri̯-Wḫ-ꜥnḫ=f, "Meri-Uch-anchef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 156.4)

Mri̯-Bꜣ-Ḏd.t-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Der Bock von Mendes wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "The-ram-of-Mendes-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 463)

Mri̯-Bꜣs.tjt-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Bastet wünscht, dass Isesi lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 297)

Mri̯-Bn.w-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Phönix wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "The-phoenix-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 463)

Mri̯-bꜣ.w-Jwnw-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Die Bas von Heliopolis wünschen, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "The-bas-of-Heliopolis-wish-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 463)

Mri̯-bꜣ.wj-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Die beiden Bas wünschen, dass Isesi lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 400)

Mri̯-Ptḥ-ꜥnḫ-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Meri-Ptah-anch-Meryre" | "Meri-Ptah-ankh-Meryre" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 156.12)

Mri̯-Ptḥ-ꜥnḫ-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Ptah wünscht, dass Niuserre lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacqes-Gordon, Domaines, 292)

Mri̯-Mꜣꜥ.t-Jzj, "Maat liebt Izi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 383)

Mri̯-Mꜣꜥ.t-Jzzj, "Maat liebt Isesi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 400)

Mri̯-Mꜣꜥ.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Meri-Maat-Kakai" | "Meri-Maat-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mri̯-Mꜣtj.t-J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Matyt liebt Ikau-Hor (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 309)

Mri̯-Mnw-ꜥnḫ-Wnjs, "Min wünscht, dass Unas lebt (Domäne)" | "Min-wishes-that-Unas-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 463)

Mri̯-Mnw-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Min wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "Min-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 463)

Mri̯-Mnw-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Min liebt Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Mri̯-Mr.t-Ḥr.w-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Die Meret-Horus wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "Meret-Horus-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 43 (8); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 187 (IIIA2C, 1R6/20))

Mri̯-Nḫb.t-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Nechbet wünscht, dass Izezi lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jqacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 301)

Mri̯-Nḫb.t-ꜥnḫ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nechbet wünscht, dass Kakai lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Mri̯-nṯr.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Meri-netjer-Chufu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 268.6)

Mri̯-nṯr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Gott liebt Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Mri̯-nṯr-Sꜣḫ.w-Rꜥw, "Gott liebt Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Mri̯-nṯr-Kꜣkꜣj, "Meri-netjer-Kakai" | "Meri-netjer-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mri̯-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Re wünscht, dass Izezi lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 308)

Mri̯-Rꜥw-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Re liebt Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,38)

Mri̯-Rꜥw-Kꜣkꜣj, "Meri-Re-Kakai" | "Meri-Re-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mri̯-rḏi̯=s, "Meri-redjies (ein Affe)" | "Meri-redjies (name of a monkey)" [entity_name: animal_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 17)

Mri̯-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-Jzzj, "Hathor liebt Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 307)

Mri̯-Ḥr.w-ꜥnḫ-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Horus wünscht, dass Userkaf lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Mri̯-Ḥr.w-Msn-ꜥnḫ-Wnjs, "Horus von Mesen wünscht, dass Unas lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 319)

Mri̯-Ḥr.w-Msn-ꜥnḫ-Ḏd-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Horus von Mesen wünscht, dass Djedkare lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 319)

Mri̯-Ḥr.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Horus liebt Chephren (Domäne)" | "Horus-loves-Chepren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 228)

Mri̯-Ḥkꜣ-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Heka wünscht, dass Isesi lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 299)

Mri̯-ḥtp-Rꜥw, "[Thronname des Ini]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 28a)

Mri̯-Ḫnt.j-ṯnn.t-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Der Chenti-tjenenet wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "Khenty-tjenenet-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 42 (1); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 172 (IIIA2c, 7R5/25))

Mri̯-H̱nm.w-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Chnum wünscht, dass Teti lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Mri̯-H̱ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Cherti wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Mri̯-Zkr-ꜥnḫ-Wnjs, "Sokar wünscht, dass Unas lebt (Domäne)" | "Sokar-wishes-that-Unas-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 464)

Mri̯-Spd.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Meri-Sopdu-Kakai" | "Mer-Sopdu-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mri̯-Sšꜣ.t-J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Seschat liebt Ikauhor (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jaquet-Gordon, Domaines, 299)

Mri̯-Sšꜣ.t-ꜥnḫ-Wnjs, "Seschat wünscht, dass Unas lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 123)

Mri̯-Sšꜣ.t-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Seschat wünscht, dass Teti lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Mri̯-sw-ꜥnḫ, "Meri-su-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 421.12)

Mri̯-šd.t-nr.w-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Die Bewahrerin vor dem Schrecken wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "She-who-takes-away-fear-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti-Cemetery VI, 44)

Mri̯-Qjs-ꜥnḫ-Jzzj, "Qis wünscht, dass Izezi lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 308)

Mri̯-Ḏḥꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Thoth wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | "Thoth-wishes-that-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 464)

Mri̯-Ḏḥꜣkꜣj, "Meri-Djehuti-Kakai" | "Meri-Djehuti-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mrw, "Meru" | "Meru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.8)

Mrw jdw, "Meru-idu" | "Meru-idu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.9)

Mrw.t-n=s, "Merut-enes" | "Merut-enes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 291.21)

Mrw.t-š, "Merut-schenti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Brunner/Brunner-Traut, Ägyptische Sammlung, 86)

Mrw.t-Ṯy, "Die Liebe des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359), "Meruti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.1785; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 172), "Meruti-Neith" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.1)

Mrr, "Merer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.17)

Mrr=f-jrr=f, "Will er, so tut er" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 335)

Mrr.t-Jzzj-Ḥw.t-kꜣ, "Das was Izezi liebt ist das Haus des Ka (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 309)

Mrr-jb, "Merer-ib" | "Merer-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza X, Abb. 90)

Mrr-qd, "Merer-qed" | "Merer-qed" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.20)

Mrr-kꜣ, "Merer-ka" | "Merer-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VII, fig. 7b)

Mrrj, "Mereri" | "Mereri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.22)

Mrry, "Merery" | "Merery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 162.24)

Mrrwy, "Merruy (syll.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.5)

Mrzr, "Murschili" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.8; Schneider, Personennamen, 129)

Mrqšt, "Merqeschet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.9)

Mḥ, "Mah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.13)

Mḥ, "Mah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.14)

Mḥ, "Meh (Ort in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 126 f.)

Mḥ.y, "[göttliches Wesen in Schlangengestalt]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 127.5-6; vgl. LGG III, 378)

Mḥ.yt, "Mehyt (die "Packende") (Löwengöttin von This)" | "Mehyt (lion goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 127.7-9; LGG III, 371 f.; LÄ IV, 5 f.)

Mḥ.w, "Unterägypten" | "Lower Egypt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 123.12-124)

Mḥ.tj, "Mehti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner, JEA 4, 1917, Taf. IX)

Mḥ-n.t, "Das Nördliche (Kapelle für Osiris im Neithtempelkomplex von Sais)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 126.9; GDG III, 57; LÄ IV, 393)

Mḥꜣ, "Meha (in Nubien, bei Abu Simbel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 17, 56; vgl. LÄ III, 23)

Mḥj, "Mehi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.23)

Mḥy, "Mehy" | "Mehy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.25)

Mḥy.t-wr.t, "Methyer" | "Great-flood (personification)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 122.16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 455; LGG III, 375 ff.)

Mḥw, "Mehu" | "Mehu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.0)

Mḥw, "Mehu" | "Mehu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 163.27)

Mḥw.t, "Mehut" | "Mehut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 422.1)

Mḥwy, "Mehuy" | "Mehuy" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 651)

Mḥwn, "Mehwen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 128.3)

Mḥn, "Umringler (eine Schlange)" | "Encircler (a serpent)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 128.12-13; LGG III, 383 f.)

Mḥḏm, "Mehedjem (Ort in Nubien)" | "Mehedjem" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 58 f.; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 127)

Mḫꜣ.y, "Waage (kurz für Waage der beiden Länder) (Memphis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Cerny, LRL, 2.3)

Mḫꜣ.t-Tꜣ.wj, "Waage der beiden Länder (Memphis)" | "Balance-of-the-two-lands (Memphis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 130.13; GDG III, 9; LÄ IV, 26)

Mḫw, "Mechu" | "Mekhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 164.12)

Mḫw-j, "Mechu-i" | "Mekhu-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 35; vgl. RPN I 164.12)

Mḫn.w, "Mechenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VII, fig. 72)

Mḫr.w, "Speicher (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 402)

Mẖn.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Fähre des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Mzḥ, "Das Krokodil" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 433 f.)

Mzḥ.t, "Mezehet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 164.16)

Ms, "Mes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 164.18)

Ms, "Masa" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 9), "Abendbrot (ein Fest)" | "supper (a festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 143.1-2; FCD 117)

Ms.w, "Mesu" | "Mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 165.11)

Ms.w-Bdš.t, "Kinder der Ermatteten (meist Schlangen)" | "children of the Weary-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (FCD 86; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 339 f.; LGG III, 422 f.; Meeks, Mythes, 199 ff.)

Ms.w-Ḥr.w, "Horuskinder" | "children of Horus" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 139.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 460; LGG III, 425)

Ms.wt-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Abendbrot des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Ms.n=j, "Meseni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Taf. LXXXVI)

Ms-n=j, "Mes-eni" | "Mes-eni" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 47 (Nr. 48))

Ms-ḥmw.w, "[Nebtiname Inys] (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXII A 8)

Ms-zp.t, "Mes-zepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 412)

Msj, "Mesi" | "Mesi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 165.7)

Msy.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Der lebende Mesit-Vogel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 430)

Mspr.t-Ṯy, "Der Zufluchtsort des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 363)

Msn, "Mesen" | "Mesen (cult place of Horus of Edfu)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 145.2; GDG III, 60)

Mshrt, "Meseheret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 165.22)

Msḥt, "Mesehet (Ort in Nubien)" | "Mesehet" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 61; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 128)

Msḫꜣ.t-kꜣ.w, "Die die Kas erfreut" | "[a sacred beetle]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 147.16; LGG III, 436)

Msḫꜣꜣ.t, "Landanweiserin (?); Die sich freut (?)" | "[a sacred beetle]; clearing goddess" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 147.17; vgl. LGG III, 436)

Msḫn.t, "Mesechenet (Geburtsgöttin)" | "Meskhenet (goddess associated with birth)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 148.11-13; LGG III, 437)

Msḫt.jw, "Mesechti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat III, 764; WbZ; LGG III, 441)

Msḫt.jw, "[Sternbild des Großen Bären]" | "Plough (constellation)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 149.3-4; FCD 118; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 465 f.; LGG III, 441)

Mss-jꜣ, "Meses-ja" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 165.5)

Msq.t, "Mesqet (myth. Ort, Himmelsgegend); [(Teil einer) Nekropole]" | "Mesqet (a region of the heavens); [(a sector of) a necropolis]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 149.15-17; GDG III, 61; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 467)

Mst, "Meset (Ort in Nubien)" | "Meset" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 61 f.; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 129)

Msd.t, "Tell Mustai (9. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 62; Montet, Géographie I, 100 f.; AEGD 433; Peust, Toponyme, 67)

Msḏr=j-sḏm.w, "Mesdjeri-sedjemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 91.11)

Msḏr.wj-n-mꜣj-zḫz-dwꜣ.t, "Ohren des Löwen, der die Unterwelt durcheilt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pSalt 825 (Derchain) IX.5; Drioton, ASAE 41, 1941, 124 ff.)

Msḏr-jtj=f, "Mesdjer-itief" | "Mesdjer-itief" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza IV, pl. XVII (H))

Msḏḏ=f-n-jri̯.n=f, "Will er nicht, so tut er nicht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 446)

Mšꜣ, "Mescha" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 165.31)

Mšwš, "Meschwesch (libyscher Stamm)" | "Meshwesh (a Libyan tribe)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 157.3; LÄ VII, 467)

Mšnṯ, "Muschnatu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 32 f.)

Mšr, "Mescher" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 448)

Mšṯ, "Meschetj" | "Meshetj" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 166.8)

Mšd.w, "Meschedu" | "Meschedu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 166.9), "Meqeryt (Schlangengöttin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 448; Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 186-187; II, 65)

Mk.t-Jtn, "Meket-Aton" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 166.22)

Mk.t-ḫfꜥ, "Schutz der Faust (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.7)

Mk.tjw-n.w-ꜥb.t, "Die Schutzkräfte des Abatons" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 57, vgl. LGG III, 457)

Mk-Km.t-wꜥf-ḫꜣs.wt, "[Nebtiname Ramses' II.]; [Nebtiname Sethos' II.]" | "[Nebty-name of Ramesses II]; [Nebty-name of Sethos II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Wb 2, 160.18; vgl. Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 3, 6)

Mk-Km.t-wꜥf-ḫꜣs.wt-Rꜥw-ms-nṯr.w-grg-Tꜣ.wj, "[Nebtiname (2) Ramses' II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 3)

Mkw.t-Sṯ.t, "Schutz vor Asien" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 156, Anm. 561)

Mkt, "Megiddo" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 20 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 139 f.)

Mgꜣ, "Maga" | "Maga" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 164.8-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 472 f.; LGG III, 459; Meeks, Mythes, 146, Anm. 506)

Mtj, "Meti" | "Meti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 422.8)

Mtjw, "Metiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 292.24), "Giftiger (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.17)

Mtwn.y, "Meteweny (bei Medum?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 64; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 424 f.)

Mtf-kꜣ, "Metef-ka (Domäne)" | "Metef-ka" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 72)

Mtrj, "Metri" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 357)

Mttj, "Meteti" | "Meteti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 167.13)

Mṯꜣdwtjw, "Metjadutiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Wb 2, 175.9; Schneider, Personennamen, no. 296)

Mṯn, "Metjen" | "Metjen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 167.19)

Mṯn, "[Türhüter im Himmel]" | "warden (of a portal)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 176.11; vgl. LGG III, 464)

Mṯn.w, "Metjenu" | "Metjenu" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 35)

Mṯn.w-j, "Metjenu-i" | "Metjenu-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 35)

Mṯn.w-ꜥꜣ, "Metjenu der Ältere" | "Metjenu the elder" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 35)

Mṯn-Jnj, "Metjen-Ini" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 55)

Mṯn-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Weg des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Path-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 464)

Mṯn-sw, "Metjen-su" | "Metjen-su" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 167.20)

Mṯnr, "Muwatalli" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 167.21; Schneider, Personennamen, 136 f.)

Mdw-nfr, "Medu-nefer" | "Medu-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 167.27)

Mdw-ẖkr-m-nṯr.w, "Der Zeremonialstab mit Gotteskleidern" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 465)

Mdw-ḏꜥm-m-zš, "Medu-djam-em-zesch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II. 1972 und 1973, Tf. 45)

Mdnj.t, "Medenit (22. o.äg. Gau)" | "Medenit (22nd nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 65; LÄ II, 393 f.)

Mds, "Scharfer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 469 f.)

Mds.w, "Messerträger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 473)

Mds-ḥr, "Der mit schneidendem Gesicht" | "Violent-of-face" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 535; LGG III, 472)

Mdd.j, "Mededi" | "Mededi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, fig. 15)

Mddw.y, "Mededwy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 167.32)

Mḏꜣ, "Medja (Gebiet in Nubien)" | "Medja (in Nubia)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 186.1-2; vgl. LÄ I, 676)

Mḏꜣ.w, "Widersacher" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 475)

Mḏꜣ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Das große Buch (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 99 (175))

Mḏꜣ.t-n.t-rḫ-ḫpr.w-n.w-Rꜥw-sḫr-Ꜥꜣpp, "Buch zur Kenntnis der Entstehung des Re und zur Niederwerfung des Apophis (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 102 (189))

Mḏꜣ.t-n.t-hrw-wrš, "Buch von der Tageszeit (?) (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 102 (191))

Mḏꜣ.t-n.t-sḥm-Ꜥꜣpp-ḫft.j-wr-jr-m-tr-dwꜣ.w, "Buch zur Vertreibung des Apophis, des großen Feindes, das zur Morgenstunde vollzogen wird (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 105 (200))

Mḏꜣ.t-n.t-sḥtp-nṯr.w-nb.w, "Buch zum Zufriedenstellen aller Götter (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (202))

Mḏꜣ.t-n.t-sḫr-Ꜥꜣpp, "Buch zu Niederwerfung des Apophis (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Mḏꜣ.t-n.t-sḫr-ḫft.j-n-Rꜥw-m-ẖr.t-hrw-n.t-rꜥw-nb, "Buch zur Niederwerfung des Feindes des Re im täglichen Zyklus (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 107 (204))

Mḏꜣ.t-nb-r-ḏr, "Buch des Allherrn (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 108 (214))

Mḏꜣ.t-štꜣ.t-n.t-sḫr-Ꜥꜣpp, "Geheimes Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Mḏꜣ.t-tp.jt-n.t-sḫr-Ꜥꜣpp-ḫft.j-n-Rꜥw, "Erstes Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis, des Feindes des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 f. (203))

Mḏd, "Medjed" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (WbZ; LGG III, 476)

Mḏd.t-jtj, "Medjedet-iti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 192.13; LGG III, 477)

Mḏdw, "[Horusname von Cheops]" | "[Horus-name of Cheops]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 2)

m, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 2, 1.2-2.6; EAG § 758; GEG § 162; ENG § 603 ff.; CGG 92 ff.)

m, "[Hervorhebungspartikel (jn-Konstruktion)]" | "[emphatic particle]" [particle] (Wb 2, 3.1-2; ENG 446 (Index); CGG 159; Junge, Näg. Gr., 92, 189 f.)

m, "nicht (Imperativ des Negativverbs jmi̯)" | "[imperative of the negative verb]" [verb] (Wb 2, 3.3-8; GEG § 340)

m, "wer?; was?" | "who?; what?" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 4.3-13; EAG §§ 203, 1006; GEG §§ 227.3, 496; JWSpG § 247; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 392, 410)

m, "siehe!; [Partikel]" | "behold!" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 2, 4-5.19; EAG 609 f. (Index); GEG § 234; CGG 147)

m-jm.wtj, "inmitten von; zwischen" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 76.5; GEG § 177)

m-jm.wtj-n, "inmitten von; zwischen" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT II, 298-9a)

m-jri̯, "[neg. aux. (Neg. Imperativ)]" | "[negative auxilliary]" [particle] (Wb 1, 112.7; 2, 3.3-4; ENG §§ 787, 789; CGG 356 ff.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 82)

m-ꜥ, "in der Hand von" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 773a; GEG § 178; ENG §§ 622-23; Junge, Näg. Gr., 351 (Index))

m-ꜥ-n.tjt, "weil" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 46.4; GEG §§ 178.4, 223)

m-ꜥb, "zusammen mit; in" | "in the company of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 174.5-9; EAG § 778; GEG § 178)

m-ꜥqꜣ, "gegenüber von; auf jmdn. (schießen)" | "on equality with; (to shoot) at (someone)" [preposition] (Wb 1, 233.18-20; GEG § 178)

m-wꜣ.w, "von Ferne (lok.); fern (lok.); fern (temp.); seit langem (temp.)" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 1, 246.2-3)

m-wḥm, "wiederum" | "again" [adverb] (Wb 1, 343.4-6; FCD 67)

m-wḥm-ꜥ, "wiederrum; nochmals" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 343.7; FCD 67)

m-wḥm-zp, "wiederum" | "again" [adverb] (Wb 3, 436.5)

m-bꜣḥ, "vor (lokal); in Gegenwart von; vor (temporal)" | "in the presence of; in front of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 420.1-17; EAG § 781; GEG § 178; ENG § 641; CGG 115)

m-bꜣḥ, "[Adverb]" | english translation missing [adverb] (EAG § 781; GEG §§ 178, 205; ENG § 641; CGG 115)

m-bꜣḥ-ꜥ, "vor (lokal); in Gegenwart von; vor (temporal)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 421.7-10)

m-bꜣḥ-ꜥ.wj, "vor" | english translation missing [preposition] (Pyr 1189b; CT IV, 300a; EAG § 781; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 115)

m-bꜣḥ-ꜥ-n, "vor (lokal); in Gegenwart von; vor (temporal)" | english translation missing [preposition] (JWSpG § 298)

m-bjꜣ.t, "im Gegenteil; keineswegs" | "on the contrary; no; not" [adverb] (Wb 1, 442.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 196)

m-bw-wꜥ, "zusammen; insgesamt" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 1, 452.2)

m-bnr, "außerhalb; von außen" | "outside" [adverb] (Wb 1, 461.1; FCD 83; ENG § 591), "gegenüber von" | "in opposition to" [preposition] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 108, Anm. jj)

m-pẖr, "im Umkreis von; um ... her" | "in the vicinity of; in the course of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 547.8-12)

m-m, "unter (einer Anzahl von); mit, [modal]; als, wie" | "among (a number of)" [preposition] (Wb 2, 2.9-16; EAG § 761; GEG § 178)

m-m, "davon; darunter" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 2.17; GEG § 205.1)

m-mj.tjt, "auch; ebenso; gleichermaßen" | "likewise; similarly; thus" [adverb] (Wb 2, 40.17-41.5; FCD 104; GEG § 205.3; ENG § 591; CGG 139)

m-mj.tjt, "wie" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 41.1-3)

m-mj.tjt-jr.j, "ebenso" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 41.5; vgl. GEG § 205.3)

m-mj.tjt-pw, "auch; ebenso; gleichermaßen" | english translation missing [adverb] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. IV.2)

m-mj.tjt-n, "wie; entsprechend" | english translation missing [preposition] (CGG 116)

m-mjn, "heute" | "today" [adverb] (Wb 2, 43.6; GEG § 205.3)

m-mn.t, "täglich" | "daily" [adverb] (Wb 2, 65.9-11; GEG 568 (Index); CGG 136)

m-nwḥ.t-ḥ, "wider Willen (wörtl. "gebunden an Hörnern")" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 223.17)

m-rʾ-ꜥ, "auch; ebenfalls" | "also; likewise" [adverb] (Wb 2, 395.6-8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 198; ENG § 683; vgl. CGG 139)

m-rʾ-pw, "oder; anderenfalls" | "or; otherwise" [adverb] (Wb 2, 397.1-4; ENG § 678; CGG 140)

m-rw.t, "außerhalb von; ohne" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 404.12-14)

m-rw.t, "nach außen; außerhalb; von außen" | "outside" [adverb] (Wb 2, 405.1-5)

m-rk, "neben (jmdm., lok.); um (jmdn., lok.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 458.3)

m-rḏi̯, "lass nicht zu!; verhindere! (aux./modal)" | "let not! do not!" [verb] (Wb 2, 468.12; GEG § 340)

m-hꜣ.w, "in der Nähe von (lokal); zur Zeit von (temporal)" | "in the vicinity of; at the time of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 477.4-7, 478.7-9; GEG § 178)

m-ḥꜣ, "hinter" | "behind" [preposition] (Wb 3, 10.1; JWSpG § 303)

m-ḥꜣ.w, "darüber hinaus; mehr als" | "in excess of; in addition to" [preposition] (Wb 3, 17.11-18.4; GEG § 178; ENG § 645)

m-ḥꜣ.w-n, "noch hinzu; über hinaus" | english translation missing [preposition] (vgl. Wb 3, 17.11-12; vgl. FCD 161)

m-ḥꜣ.w-r, "mehr als (jmnd.); hinzu zu (etwas)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 18.3-4)

m-ḥꜣ.w-ḥr, "zusätzlich zu; außer" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 18.1-2; GEG § 178)

m-ḥꜣ.t, "vorn (lokal); zuerst (temporal); vorwärts" | "at the front; first" [adverb] (Wb 3, 22.4-7; EAG § 752; vgl. GEG §§ 178, 205)

m-ḥꜣ.t, "vor (lokal); vor (temporal)" | "in front of (spatial); before (temp.)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 22.8-14; EAG § 790; GEG § 178)

m-ḥꜥ.w, "Selbst; selbst (adjektivisch)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 38.19-22; GEG § 36, n.7)

m-ḥr, "angesichts; vor" | "in view of; in the sight of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 128.1-14; ENG 647.1)

m-ḥr.j-jb, "in der Mitte von (lokal); in der Mitte von (temporal)" | "in the middle of (spatial, temp.)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 136-137.18; EAG § 794; GEG § 178; ENG § 635; CGG 117)

m-ḥr.j-jb-n, "in der Mitte von (lokal); in der Mitte von (temporal)" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT III, 88h)

m-ḥ, "oberhalb von" | "above; in advance of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 143.11; FCD 175; vgl. GEG §§ 79, 205)

m-ḥr.w, "oberhalb von" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 142.15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 125)

m-ḥr-n, "angesichts; vor" | "in view of; in the sight of" [preposition] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 76.18)

m-ḥz, "entgegen; gegenüber" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 159.15-17)

m-ḥtp, "in Frieden (Präd. i. NS); Willkommen!" | "in peace; welcome!" [adverb] (Wb 3, 193.26-194.4)

m-ḫft-ḥr, "vor" | "in front of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 275.21-23; ENG § 647.4)

m-ḫft-ḥr-n, "vor" | english translation missing [preposition] (ENG § 647.4)

m-ḫm.t, "ohne; ohne Wissen, dass" | "in ignorance of; without knowing that" [preposition] (Wb 3, 279.14-280.3; GEG § 178; ENG § 649)

m-ḫnt, "an der Spitze; vor; in; aus (lokal)" | "in the face of; within; out of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 302.6-14; EAG § 795; GEG § 178)

m-ḫnt, "vorn; darin; hervor; zuvor; früher" | "in front: within; without" [adverb] (Wb 3, 302.15-18)

m-ḫ, "stromauf; südwärts" | "upstream; southwards" [adverb] (Wb 3, 309.15.18)

m-ḫt, "Zukunft; das Danach" | "future; afterwards" [substantive] (Wb 3, 346.10-14)

m-ḫt, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 3, 345.1-21; EAG § 797; GEG 586 (Index), § 178; ENG § 650)

m-ḫt, "danach; dahinter" | "afterwards" [adverb] (Wb 3, 346.6-9; FCD 198; GEG § 205.2; ENG §§ 593, 650)

m-ḫd, "stromab; nordwärts" | "downstream; northwards" [adverb] (Wb 3, 355.2-6)

m-ẖnw, "innen; darin" | "inside" [adverb] (Wb 3, 371.25-33)

m-ẖnw, "im Inneren; innerhalb; in; aus (lokal)" | "in the interior of; within; out of (spatial)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 370.16-371.24; EAG § 800; GEG § 178; ENG § 652; CGG 117)

m-ẖnw-n, "in" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT I, 209f)

m-ẖr.w, "nach unten" | "downcast" [adverb] (Wb 3, 393.2; vgl. GEG § 194 (Ende))

m-ẖr.t-hrw, "täglich" | "daily" [adverb] (Wb 3, 391.14-16)

m-zp, "auf einmal; zusammen" | "at once; together" [adverb] (Wb 3, 438.8-11; vgl. GEG § 205, 3)

m-zp-wꜥ, "auf einmal; einstimmig; zugleich; zusammen" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 436.12-16)

m-zn.t-r, "in der Art von; wie" | "in being like; like" [preposition] (Wb 3, 457.3-8)

m-sꜣ, "danach" | "afterwards" [adverb] (Wb 4, 10.20; vgl. GEG §§ 178, 205)

m-sꜣ, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 802; GEG § 178; ENG §§ 650, 654; CGG 118)

m-šꜣꜥ, "im Anbeginn; seit" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 4, 407.7)

m-šꜣꜥ-m, "von ... an" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 4, 408.3-4)

m-šw, "wegen; infolge von" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 4, 432.4; EAG § 804)

m-šs, "in gutem Zustand; vorzüglich; außerordentlich" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 4, 542.5-12; Junge, Näg.Gr. 369 (Index); vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 200)

m-šs-mꜣꜥ, "etwas wirklich Treffliches; vortrefflich" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 4, 542.15-16)

m-qꜣb, "darin; heraus" | "therein; thereof" [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (Wb 5, 10.16-11.1)

m-qꜣb, "innerhalb von" | "in the midst of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 10.3-15; GEG § 178)

m-qꜣb-n, "innerhalb von" | "in the midst of" [preposition] (GEG § 178)

m-qd, "nach Art von; wie" | "in the form of; like" [preposition] (Wb 5, 76.15)

m-kꜣ-ḏd, "nachdrücklich (?)" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb. 5, 85.2)

m-kfꜣ, "überhaupt; bis zum Ende; [adv. Verstärkung der Neg.]" | "at all" [adverb] (Wb 5, 120.12; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 39)

m-gs, "neben" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT VII, 53f)

m-gs-ḥr.j, "oberhalb von" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 200.10-11)

m-tꜣ-wnw.t, "jetzt; sogleich" | "now; immediately" [adverb] (Wb 1, 316.11; CGG 137; ENG § 591)

m-tꜣ-mtr-n, "in der Mitte von" | english translation missing [preposition] (Junge, Neuäg. Gr. 353 (Index))

m-tp, "auf; an der Spitze von; vor" | "at the head of; on top of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 271.6-14; EAG § 807)

m-tp.t-ꜥ.wj, "vor" | english translation missing [preposition] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 16)

m-tp-ꜥ, "früher; vordem" | "earlier; forthwith" [adverb] (pBremner-Rhind 28.23)

m-tp-mꜣꜥ, "zu jmds. Seite; neben (jmdn.)" | "in the company of; at the side of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 285.5)

m-tp-n, "auf; vor" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT I, 388b)

m-dj, "bei; mit; (fort) von; im Besitz von" | "with; from; in possession of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 176.14-177.19; ENG §§ 623 f.; CGG 112 ff.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 353 (Index); KoptHWb 126)

m-dj, "[Genitiv]" | english translation missing [particle] (Borghouts, SAK 8, 1980, 65 ff.)

m-dwn, "ferner; weiterhin; gewöhnlich" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 432.10-13; ENG § 591; CGG 138 f.)

m-ḏ.t=f, "morgens" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 506.9)

m-ḏ.t=f-ẖ.t=f, "unaufhörlich; morgens und abends" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1250; Wb 3, 359.2)

m-ḏꜣw.t-r, "gemäß; entsprechend" | english translation missing [preposition] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 55, Anm. mm)

m-ḏy.t, "lass nicht zu!; verhindere!; [kausativer Prohibitiv (m. folg. Subjunktiv)]" | "do not!" [verb] (CGG 363 f.; Junge, Neuäg. Gr., 154)

m-ḏbꜣ.w-n, "als Ersatz für; wegen" | "instead of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 559.11-14)

m-ḏr, "[Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 5, 593.15-17; ENG §§ 664, 810; CGG, 410 f.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 240 ff.; Pyr 1109c)

m-ḏr.w, "im Bereich" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 586.9-10; vgl. EAG § 812)

m-ḏr.t, "in der Hand von; von jmdm.; durch jmdn." | "in the hand of; from the hand of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 583.2-8; ENG § 663; CGG 120-121)

m-ḏr.t-n, "durch; seitens" | english translation missing [preposition] (Kurth, Einführung, § 135)

m-ḏd, "folgendermaßen (Einführung der direkten Rede)" | "as follows (introducing direct speech)" [particle] (Wb 5, 623.10; GEG § 224)

mꜣ, "Bug" | "bow (of a boat)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 6.3-5; FCD 100; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 166 (61.62))

mꜣ, "Antilope" | "antelope" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 11.3; FCD 100; LÄ I, 320)

mꜣ.w, "Sehender" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 103, 105; Parkinson, Tale, 64)

mꜣ.t, "Langflöte" | "flute" [substantive] (Wb 2, 6.8-10)

mꜣ.tj, "Augen (Sonne und Mond als Himmelsaugen)" | "eyes" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 11.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 409)

mꜣ-ḥḏ, "weiße Säbelantilope" | "gazelle (white antelope)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 11.4-9; LÄ I, 320)

mꜣꜣ, "sehen; erblicken" | "to see; to look" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 7.1-10.7)

mꜣꜣ, "Anblick; das Sehen; Aufsicht; Diagnose" | "sight" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 10.8-14; vgl. FCD 100; vgl. MedWb 345)

mꜣꜣ, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.1099; DrogWb 212)

mꜣꜣ.wt, "Sicht; Anblick" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT V, 389f)

mꜣꜣ.t-nfr.w-n-nb=s-rꜥw-nb, "die die Schönheit ihres Herrn tagtäglich sieht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1554)

mꜣꜣ.t-Ḥr.w-Stẖ, "die Horus und Seth schaut" | "beholder of Horus and Seth" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 345.5; LÄ VII, 436; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1562)

mꜣꜣ-mdw.w-štꜣ.w, "der die geheimen Wörter erkennt" | "beholder of secret words" [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Saqqara Tombs I, 24 (no. 25); vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1567)

mꜣꜣ-ḥꜣb-nfr-ꜥbꜣ-sḫ.tj, "der das schöne Fest sieht, das die beiden Felder darbringen" | "beholder of the perfect festival which the two fields present" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1558)

mꜣj, "Löwe" | "lion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 11.14-19; LÄ III, 1080)

mꜣj.t, "Löwin" | "lioness (of goddesses)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 12.6; FCD 101; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 153)

mꜣj-ḥzꜣ, "grimmiger Löwe (vom Tier und bildlich)" | "lion with a terrible glance" [substantive] (Wb 2, 12.2-5; vgl. LÄ III, 1080 f., 1086)

mꜣꜥ, "richtig; wahrhaftig" | "correctly; verily" [adverb] (Wb 2, 13.13-14; Hornung, Anbetung II, 96, Anm. 606)

mꜣꜥ, "gerecht; richtig; wahr" | "just; correct; true" [adjective] (Wb 2, 12-14.7,16-19; 22.1-4)

mꜣꜥ, "Gerechter" | "a just man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 14.1-5)

mꜣꜥ, "segeln" | "to sail" [verb] (Wb 2, 24.6-7)

mꜣꜥ, "Schläfe" | "temple (of the head)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 24.9-16; FCD 102; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 156; Lesko, Dictionary I, 204)

mꜣꜥ, "Ufer" | "bank" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 25.2-4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 205)

mꜣꜥ, "[ein Gewässer am Himmel]" | "Maa-canal (in the heavens)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 25.5)

mꜣꜥ, "Ort (Stelle)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Fs Kasser, 203 f.; EDG 146; Meeks, Mythes, 40, Anm. 3)

mꜣꜥ, "richtig sein; richtig machen; opfern; darbringen; führen; leiten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 12-14.19; 22.1-23.6)

mꜣꜥ.w, "[ein Holz]" | "[a kind of wood]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 25.13; FCD 102)

mꜣꜥ.w, "Richtigkeit" | "regularity (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 23.9; MedWb 348)

mꜣꜥ.w, "Produkte (fremder Länder); Dargebrachtes" | "products (of foreign lands); presentation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 23.10-13; FCD 102; Lesko, Dictionary I, 204)

mꜣꜥ.w, "Wind; Luft" | "wind; breeze" [substantive] (Wb 2, 23.15-24.5; FCD 102; Lesko, Dictionary I, 206; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 395)

mꜣꜥ.w, "richtige Leitung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 23.8)

mꜣꜥ.t, "Maat-Figur" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 20.14-15)

mꜣꜥ.t, "Rechtes; Wahrheit; Gerechtigkeit" | "right order; truth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 18-20.9)

mꜣꜥ.t-ḫrw, "die Gerechtfertigte (die selige Tote)" | "justified person; the deceased" [substantive] (vgl. Wb 2, 17.15)

mꜣꜥ.tj, "Gerechter; Gerechtfertigter (vom Toten)" | "just men; the righteous (the blessed dead)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 21.7-16; FCD 102; Lesko, Dictionary I, 205 f.)

mꜣꜥ.tj, "wahrhaftig; gerichtet (vom Toten)" | "just; righteous (of the blessed dead); vindicated" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 21.4-6; vgl. KoptHWb 104)

mꜣꜥ.tj, "Wahrhaftiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 21.14-16; LGG III, 229 f.)

mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "gerechtfertigt sein; triumphieren" | "to be justified; to be triumphant" [verb] (Wb 2, 15.1-21)

mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Rechtfertigung; Triumph" | "rightness; triumph; justification" [substantive] (Wb 2, 16.1-17.10; FCD 101)

mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Gerechtfertigter (der selige Tote)" | "justified person; the deceased" [substantive] (Wb 2, 17.11-18.11)

mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "der Triumphierende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 215 f.)

mꜣw, "neu" | "new" [adjective] (Wb 2, 26.5-15; FCD 103)

mꜣw, "neuer Zustand" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1619; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 157)

mꜣw, "neu" | english translation missing [adverb] (Urk. VII, 4.5)

mꜣw.t, "Neues" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 26.18-27.7; FCD 103)

mꜣw.t, "Neuland" | "new land; island" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 27.8; FCD 103; Lesko, Dictionary I, 206)

mꜣw.t, "Halm (des Getreides); Rohr" | "stalk" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 27.14; FCD 102; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 401)

mꜣw.t, "Refrain" | "refrain" [substantive] (Wb 2, 27.15; Lesko; Dictionary I, 207)

mꜣw.t, "Strahlen; Glanz" | "rays; beams" [substantive] (Wb 2, 28.1-4; FCD 103; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 400 f.; KoptHWb, 87)

mꜣwi̯, "neu sein; (sich) erneuern" | "to be new; to become new" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 25.16-26.4; FCD 103)

mꜣwr, "schreiben" | "to write (a list; a book)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 28.11-12)

mꜣwt, "Gedanke (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quack, Ani, 288; vgl. KoptHWB 106)

mꜣwṯ, "denken; erdenken" | "to think (up)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 34.17-21; vgl. FCD 104; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 208; ONB 54)

mꜣwḏ, "[Beischrift zu gefangenen Tieren im Kasten]; tragen (?)" | "[label beside a cage of captured animals]" [verb] (Wb 2, 28.13; vgl. Vernus, in: Fs Lauer, 439 ff.)

mꜣwḏ, "Fron" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 28.15; Vernus, in: Fs Lauer, 440 ff.; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 207)

mꜣwḏ, "die Arme (etwas tragend, ausbalancierend)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 28.16; vgl. Vernus, in: Fs Lauer, 439 ff.)

mꜣwḏ, "geschmückt sein; gezwungen sein (etwas zu tun)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 28.17-29.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 207)

mꜣf.t, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree (leaves used med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 29.2; DrogWb 213 f.)

mꜣmꜣ, "Dumpalme (Hyphaene thebaica Mart.)" | "dom palm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 29.7-8; FCD 103; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 157; Lesko, Dictionary I, 207; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 403)

mꜣmꜣ, "[Behälter]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 17)

mꜣnw, "Westgebirge; Totenreich; Westen" | "west" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 29.11-16; FCD 103; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 157; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 403)

mꜣr, "Bedrängter" | "wretched person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 30.2-3)

mꜣr, "Elend" | "misery" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 30.4; vgl. FCD 103)

mꜣr, "verdrängen" | "to dispossess; to wrong (someone)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 30.5; FCD 103)

mꜣr, "Binde (?); Fessel (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 207b.d; vgl. Kahl, Siut-Theben, 135, Anm. 358)

mꜣr, "binden; fesseln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.2)

mꜣḥ, "(in die Hände) klatschen" | "to clap (the hands)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 30.14)

mꜣḥ, "Kranz; Traube; Ranke" | "wreath; garland" [substantive] (Wb 2, 31.1-5; FCD 103, Lesko, Dictionary I, 208)

mꜣḥ, "Weideland; Weide" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 2, 31.6; FCD 103; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 405 f.)

mꜣḥ.t, "die Klatschende (?); das Klatschen (?)" | "clapper (?); clapping (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (WbZ: DZA 23800070-0080; vgl. Simpson, Giza Mastabas 2, 25)

mꜣḫ, "Korngarbe" | "sheaf (of grain)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 31.7; FCD 103)

mꜣẖ, "verbrennen; brennen (vom Herzen, bildl. "Angst haben")" | "to burn up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 31.8-11; FCD 103; KoptHWb 111)

mꜣz, "verwunden; schlachten" | "to slaughter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 32.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 407)

mꜣs, "knien" | "to kneel" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 32.2; FCD 103; Lesko, Dictionary I, 208)

mꜣs, "[ein Tier (von roter Farbe)]" | "[a red animal (deer?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 33.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 158; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 408)

mꜣs.yw, "die Niederknienden" | "kneelers" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 78.1637; LGG III, 238)

mꜣs.t, "Knie; Haxe (beim Tier)" | "knee (of a human); hock (of an animal)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 32.4-13; FCD 103; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mꜣs.t, "Fellgewand (?); knielanger Schurz (?)" | "garment of hide (?); knee-length kilt (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 32.15; vgl. Staehelin, Tracht, 35)

mꜣs.t, "Sandbank" | "shoal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 32.16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 208)

mꜣs.tjw, "die zu den Knien Gehörigen (?)" | "[divinities]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 32.17-18; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 158; LGG III, 238)

mꜣq.t, "Leiter" | "ladder" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 33.6-7; FCD 103; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 158)

mꜣt.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (celery?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 33.11-15; FCD 103; Lesko, Dictionary I, 208; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 409; DrogWb 214 ff.; Germer, Flora, 137)

mꜣt.t-mḥ.tjt, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 215)

mꜣt.t-ḫꜣs.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 500)

mꜣtn, "[Substantiv (etwas, das man beißen kann)]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1646; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 158)

mꜣṯ, "Granit" | "granite" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 34.3-16; FCD 103; Lesko, Dictionary I, 209; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 409; Harris, Minerals, 72 ff.)

mꜣṯ, "preisen" | "to acclaim" [verb] (Wb 2, 34.22; FCD 104)

mꜣṯ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/N 63)

mꜣṯr.t, "Klageweib" | "mourner" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 103; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1569; Meeks AL 78.1650)

mꜣṯr.t, "Oscher, Fettlaubbaum (Calotropis procera)" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1634; Edel, ZÄS 96, 1969, 11-14)

mꜣd, "[Mineral (offizinell)]" | "[a mineral used med.]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 35.1-2; DrogWb 217 f.; Harris, Minerals, 171)

mꜣd.yw, "Diener (für Speisen)" | "waiters (servers of food)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 35.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 209)

mꜣḏ, "[Substantiv]" | "[ a noun]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 35.7)

mj, "doch (enkl., nach Imperativ)" | "[enclitic particle]" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 2, 36.6; EAG §§ 615, 837; GEG § 250; CGG 351)

mj, "komm!; kommt!" | "come!" [verb] (Wb 2, 35.8-14; EAG § 610; GEG § 336; ENG § 354; CGG 348)

mj, "nimm!; nehmt!" | "take!" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 36.1-2; EAG § 611; GEG § 336; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 410)

mj, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 2, 36.9-38.12; EAG § 762; GEG § 170; ENG § 621; CGG 104)

mj.y, "ebenso" | "likewise" [adverb] (Wb 2, 38.13; EAG § 751d; GEG § 205.1)

mj.wj, "derartig" | "such a one" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 38.15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 160; vgl. FCD 104)

mj.t, "Weg" | "path; road" [substantive] (Wb 2, 41.13-15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 210), "Gleicher; Gleiches" | "the equal (of); the like (of)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 39.2-9), "Abschrift" | "copy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 39.10-11), "Ebenbild (von Statuen)" | "likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 39.12; FCD 104), "gleich; ähnlich" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 39.4; FCD 104; GEG § 80)ꜥw, "Ebenbild des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Grimal, Quatre stèles, 37)

mj.tjt, "Gleiches" | "the like; the same" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 40.4-41.7)

mj.tjt, "ebenso" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 40.5-6)

mj.tjt, "wie" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 40.8; ENG § 642, 621)

mj.tjt-jr.j, "Gleichartiges" | "the like thereof" [substantive] (Wb 1, 104.22; 2, 40.12)

mj.tjt-jr.j, "desgleichen; ebenso" | "likewise" [adverb] (Wb 1, 104.22; 2, 40.13), "Gleicher (wie)" | "the same as" [substantive] (Wb 2, 40.1-3; FCD 104)

mj-m-sꜣ, "komm zu Hilfe! (Ausruf)" | english translation missing [verb] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 10)

mj-n.t, "wie; als ob" | "like; as if" [preposition] (Wb 2, 37.14), "entsprechend; gemäß" | english translation missing [preposition] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16, 20; vgl. Meeks, AL 78.1656; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 409)

mj-n.tjt, "als ob" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 37.13)

mj-nꜣ, "hierher" | "here" [adverb] (Wb 2, 44.1; Lesko, Dictionary, 209; vgl. EAG § 754.2)

mj-nn, "wie dieses; mit gleichem (Titel, Amt)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 37.11)

mj-sḫr.w-n, "nach Art von" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 37.8; ENG § 655)

mj-qj, "alle; ganz (mit Suffix-Pron.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 16.11-13)

mj-qd, "ebenso" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 76.14)

mj-qd, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 37.6-7; 5, 76.10-77.5; GEG § 100.2; ENG § 658; CGG 119)

mj-qd, "ganz, gänzlich" | english translation missing [adverb] (CT VI, 200k)

mjꜣz, "Stacheln (o. Ä.)" | "spine(s) (?)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 42.11)

mjꜥ.t, "[ein Haus (?)]" | "[loom (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 42.13; FCD 104; vgl. AEO II, 215*)

mjw, "Kater" | "tom cat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 42.1-3; FCD 104; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 160; Lesko, Dictionary I, 210; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 410)

mjw.t, "Katze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 160 f.)

mjw.t, "Klage; Trauer; Kummer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 111 f., Anm. 339)

mjw-ꜥꜣ, "der große Kater" | "Great-tom-cat" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 42.3; LGG III, 241)

mjm.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 42.15; DrogWb 220; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 411)

mjmj, "[eine Getreideart (Durra?)]" | "[a cereal (durra?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 58.7-13; FCD 104; DrogWb 220; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 165; vgl. aber Germer, Flora, 227)

mjn, "das Landen (bildl.: "Sterben")" | "death; dying" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 168; vgl. FCD 108)

mjn, "heute" | "today" [adverb] (Wb 2, 43.1-5; vgl. EAG § 753.b; GEG § 205.1)

mjn, "Gunst (bei einem lebenden König)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 43.10; Edel MIO 1, 1953, 213-7)

mjn, "das Heute" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 43.9)

mjn.t, "tägliche Kost; täglicher Trank" | "daily fare" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 43.11; FCD 104)

mjn.t, "[ein Gewässer]" | "[ditch (?)]; [stagnant water (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 43.13-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 411 f.; Vernus, RdE 33, 1981, 98, Anm. af)

mjn.t, "Landgut; Gelände" | "[a kind of land]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 43.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 411 f.; Vernus, RdE 33, 1981, 98, Anm. af)

mjn.t, "Landepflock (mobiler Landungspfahl); Pfahl" | "mooring post; post" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 72.12-73.11)

mjn.tjw, "die zu den Pfählen Gehörigen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 73.12; LGG III, 296)

mjnꜣ, "so; folgendermaßen" | "so" [adverb] (Wb 2, 44.2-3; ENG § 595; CGG 139)

mjni̯, "anpflocken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 73.13-74.10; 74.15-16; 75.11-13)

mjnw.t, "Hafen" | "harbor" [substantive] (Wb 2, 74.14; FCD 108)

mjnb, "Beil (Werkzeug und Waffe)" | "ax (tool, weapon)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 44.7-8; FCD 105), "Beil" | "ax" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 42.14; FCD 104; Edel, SAK 13, 1986, 32)

mjz, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 44.10)

mjz.wt, "Mizut (weiße Krone von O.Äg.)" | "white crown (of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 44.15-16; LÄ III, 811 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 412)

mjz.t, "Leber" | "liver" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 44.11-14; MedWb 357 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mjsw.t, "[eine Pflanze (aus dem Wadi Natrun)]" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 45.1)

mjkꜣ.t, "[Frucht (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 45.2; DrogWb 225)

mjtr.t, "Miteret (Frauentitel)" | "miteret (lady? concubine?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 45.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1572)

mjdꜣ, "[essbarer Körperteil des Rindes]" | "[edible part of a butchered bull]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 45.7)

mynyḫs, "[ein Holz (aus Nubien)]" | "[a kind of wood (from Nubia)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 44.6)

mꜥ, "[eine Pflanze (Schlingpflanze?)]" | "[a plant (creeper)]" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 212; vgl. Wente, Letters, 172)

mꜥ.t, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 46.6; FCD 105; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 417; Jones, Naut. Titles, 137 (33))

mꜥꜣꜥ, "Holm (der Leiter)" | "uprights (of a ladder)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 46.8; James, Hekanakhte, 62 (31))

mꜥꜣr, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (CG 25221.1)

mꜥj, "[ein Kanal]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/N 44)

mꜥjrt, "[eine Frucht]" | "[a food (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 46.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 206; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 160)

mꜥwꜣ, "[Substantiv (Versorger ?)]; [sprechen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Simpson, JEA 52, 1966, 39 ff.)

mꜥwḥ.w, "Ruder" | "oar" [substantive] (Wb 2, 46.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 162; Jones, Naut. Titles, 197 f. (3))

mꜥbꜣ, "dreißig" | "thirty" [numeral: cardinal] (Wb 2, 46.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 414)

mꜥbꜣ, "[ein Speer]" | "spear" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 47.1-3; FCD 105; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 162; Lesko, Dictionary I, 212; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 414)

mꜥbꜣ.yt, "Gerichtshof der Dreißig" | "tribunal of 30 (judicial body)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 46.16-17; FCD 105; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 414)

mꜥn, "verschönern (?)" | "to embellish (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 47.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 213)

mꜥnn, "verdrehen; herumgewunden sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 2, 47.7; vgl. ONB 209, 746, Anm. 905)

mꜥnḫ.t, "Troddel (als Halsschmuck)" | "counterpoise" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 47.11-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 416)

mꜥnḫ.t, "Stab" | "staff" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 162; vgl. Wb 2, 47.14)

mꜥnḏ.t, "Tagesbarke (Sonnenschiff am Morgen)" | "Manedjet (day bark of the sun god)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 48.1-8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 246 (43); vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 415)

mꜥnḏ.t, "die Morgenbarke (Nephthys)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 245 f.)

mꜥr, "erfolgreich sein; ausgezeichnet sein" | "to be fortunate; to be successful" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 48.10-49.1; vgl. FCD 105)

mꜥr, "glücklich; fehlerlos" | "successful; fortunate" [adjective] (Wb 2, 48.10-49.1; FCD 105)

mꜥr, "[ein Kleid der Götter]" | "[god's garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 49.2; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 416)

mꜥr-zp, "Erfolgreicher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 48.15-16)

mꜥrq, "[ein Kleidungsstück (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pyr 415c)

mꜥrd, "[Substantiv (von Edelsteinen)]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 49.3)

mꜥḥꜣ, "Kampfarm (?)" | "fighter (with the arm)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 49.5-6; Allen, Pyramid Texts, 72)

mꜥḥꜣ, "Kämpfer (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 49.6)

mꜥḥꜣ, "Kerl" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Guentch-Ogloueff, BIFAO 38, 1939, 261 ff.)

mꜥḥꜥ.t, "Kultstätte; Grab" | "funerary chapel (for offerings or a stela); cenotaph" [substantive] (Wb 2, 49.7-14; FCD 105)

mꜥq, "Unterkleid (?)" | "undergarment (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 233.4; Faulkner, PT, 220, Anm. 5 (Pyr 1426c))

mꜥq, "Grillspieß" | "skewer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 50.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 416 f.; Verhoeven, Grillen, 50 ff.)

mꜥq, "Spießbraten" | "roast on a skewer; kebab" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 50.5; Verhoeven, Grillen, 50 ff.)

mꜥq-n-jꜣꜣ-5, "Spieß mit 5 Zinken (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

mꜥkꜣ, "kühn sein" | "to be brave" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 50.6; FCD 105, 119)

mꜥḏꜣ, "Profit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gardiner, JEA 26, 1940, 157 f.; vgl. Müller, JEA 58, 1972, 301 f.)

mw, "Wasser" | "water" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 50.7-53.1)

mw.y, "Feuchtigkeit; Harn" | "urine; (bodily) fluid" [substantive] (Wb 2, 53.2-3; vgl. FCD 105; vgl. MedWb 361), "Feuchtigkeit; Harn" | "liquid (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 53.6-9; FCD 105; MedWb 360)

mw.w, "[Tänzer beim Leichenbegängnis]" | "[necropolis spirits?]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 53.14; FCD 106)

mw.t, "Mutter" | "mother" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 54.1-10)

mw.t, "[Teil von Pflanzen]" | "[part of a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 55.1-2; DrogWb 233 f.)

mw.t, "Gewicht der Waage" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 55.3-5; FCD 106)

mw.t, "Wanne (des Sarges)" | "trough (of a coffin, of a sarcophagus)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.1179; LÄ V, 482)

mw.t-mw.wt, "Mutter der Mütter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 258 f.)

mw.t-nswt, "Königsmutter" | "king's mother" [epitheton_title: title] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 658; vgl. Wb 2, 331.4), "Mutter zweier Könige von Ober- und Unterägypten" | "mother of two kings of Upper and Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1578)

mw.t-nṯr, "die Gottesmutter" | "god's mother" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 54.11-17; LGG III, 261 f.)

mw.t-rmṯ, "Plazenta; Gebärmutter" | "placenta" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 54.18-19; Lesko, Dictionary I, 215; DrogWb 234 f.; MedWb 364; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 420, Anm. 702)

mw-bzꜣ, "schützendes Wasser (Bez. der Muttermilch)" | "protective water (breast milk)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 475.5)

mw-n-p.t, "Regen ("Wasser des Himmels")" | "rain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 51.2)

mw-n-ḥzmn, "Natronlauge" | "natron solution (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 51.4; DrogWb 229, c1)

mw-rnp.wj, "verjüngtes Wasser" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 249)

mw-štꜣ-pr-m-Jtm.w, "geheimer Same, der aus Atum hervorkam (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 250)

mw-qd.w, "Euphrat ("umgekehrtes Wasser"); Land des Euphrat" | "Euphrates (lit. Inverted-water)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 52.6; vgl. LÄ II, 47)

mwi̯, "nässen; nass sein" | "to be moist; to be wet (med.)" [verb] (Wb 2, 53.5; FCD 105; MedWb 360)

mwꜥd, "Ratsversammlung" | "assembly" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 161)

mwmw, "roh, ungekocht (?)" | "piecemeal (?)" [adverb] (Wb 2, 55.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 165)

mwnf, "Beistand; Helfer" | "guard; protector" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 55.7-9; FCD 106; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 429)

mwrd, "Abhang" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 196)

mwt, "sterben; tot sein; vergehen" | "to die; to be dead" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 165.8-166.9; KoptHWb 87)

mwt, "Tod" | "death; dying" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 166.10-17)

mwt, "Toter; Totengeist" | "dead person (as potentially harmful to the living)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 167.1-6)

mwt.t, "die Tote; weiblicher Totengeist" | "dead person (as potentially harmful to the living)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 167.7-8)

mfḫ, "[Schlitten]" | "sled" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 55.11-12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 165; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 420)

mfḫ, "(Getreide) sieben" | "to sift (grain)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 55.13)

mfkꜣ.t, "Türkis" | "turquoise" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 56.1-13; Harris, Minerals, 106 ff.)

mfkꜣ.tjw, "die Türkisfarbenen" | "Turquoise-colored-one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 57.3; LGG III, 278)

mm.t, "[ein Blasinstrument (Klarinette)]" | "[a woodwind instrument]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 59.1)

mm.t, "[eine essbare Pflanze]; [Körner/Früchte der Memet-Pflanze]" | "[an edible plant and its fruit]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.1695; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 166; vgl. Edel QH II.1.2, 23 f.)

mmj, "Giraffe" | "giraffe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 58.14; FCD 106; LÄ II, 600 f.)

mn, "nicht vorhanden sein; [Partikel (Ausdruck der Nichtexistenz)]" | "there is no..." [particle] (Wb 2, 59.5-11; Lesko, Dictionary, 215; CGG 399 f.; Junge, Näg.Gr., 183)

mn, "Nichtvorhandensein; Verlust" | "loss" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 59.12; Lesko, Dictionary, 215)

mn, "bleiben; fortdauern; gefestigt sein; unbeweglich sein" | "to remain; to endure; to be established" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 60.6-62.26)

mn, "bleibt; der Restbetrag ist" | "remaining is..." [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 63.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 216)

mn, "Der und Der; N.N.; Herr (allg.)" | "so and so; someone" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 64.13-65.2; FCD 107)

mn, "[Krug (für Wein, Bier)]; [Gefäß (für Weihrauch)]" | "[a jug (for wine, beer)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 66.4-11; FCD 107; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 426)

mn, "[ein Stoff]" | "[a kind of fabric]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 66.15-16)

mn, "krank sein; leiden (an); verletzen" | "to be ill; to suffer" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 66.18-67.4; Allen, Inflection, 545)

mn, "Leidender" | "sick man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 67.5; FCD 107)

mn, "Restbetrag; Ausgleich" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 64.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 216)

mn.y, "Fronarbeiter (beim Steineschleppen)" | "[a laborer]; corveé laborer" [substantive] (Wb 2, 77.1; FCD 108; vgl. LÄ II, 333 f.)

mn.w, "Leiden" | "suffering" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 67.19; FCD 107)

mn.w, "Denkmal; Denkmäler" | "monument(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 69.9-71.2)

mn.w, "Bäume; Pflanzung" | "trees; plantation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 71.13-16; FCD 108)

mn.w, "Quarz; [Halbedelstein (verschiedener Färbung)]" | "quartz; [a semi-precious stone]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 72.4-7; Harris, Minerals, 110 f.)

mn.w, "Faden" | "thread" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 72.8-9; FCD 108)

mn.w, "[Vögel (Tauben?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 79.5; FCD 108)

mn.wy, "[ein Maß für Kleiderstoffe]" | "[a measure for fabric]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 66.17; LÄ III, 1203)

mn.wy, "denkmälerreich" | "rich in monuments" [adjective] (Wb 2, 71.11-12; FCD 108)

mn.t, "Die und Die; N.N. (fem.); Frau (allg.)" | "so and so; someone (fem.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 65.3-5; FCD 107)

mn.t, "Art und Weise; Inhalt" | "the like; contents (of a receptacle)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 65.6-8; FCD 107; Lesko, Dictionary I, 217)

mn.t, "Krankheit; Leiden" | "malady; suffering" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 67.6-18; FCD 107)

mn.t, "Schwalbe; Taube (?)" | "swallow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 68.2-4; FCD 107; Lesko, Dictionary I, 216; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 438; KoptHWb 24; LÄ V, 754)

mn.t, "Oberschenkel; Hinterschenkel (tier.); Schenkel (allg.)" | "thigh (of a human); haunch (of an animal)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 68.8-15; MedWb 370 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mn.t, "Schmelzfeuer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 68.16), "[ein Schiff (für das Begräbnis)]" | "[a funerary boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1713; Jones, Naut. Titles, 138 (35)), "[Gefäß]" | "bowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 66.12-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 216), "die beiden Bergzüge (im Osten und Westen des Nils)" | "mountain ranges (to the east and west of the Nile)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 69.3-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 438 f.)

mn.tjw, "[Harz ?]" | "[Harz ?]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (pRam. (Barns), pl. 21)

mn-jb, "Standhafter" | "steadfast" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 62.8-10; FCD 106; Lesko, Dictionary I, 216)

mn-ḥzw.t-m-bꜣḥ-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "bleibend an Gunst vor dem Herren der Beiden Länder" | "enduring of praises in the presence of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1087)

mnj, "Rötel (?)" | "[unidentified substance (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 76.13; DrogWb 239; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 500)

mnj.w, "Hirt" | "herdsman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 74-75.10; KoptHWb 94; Fecht, Wortakzent, § 72.1)

mnj.w, "[ein Schrein]" | "baldachin (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 75.15-16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 168)

mnj.w, "Hirt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 74-75.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1589; Ward, Titles, no. 791; KoptHWb 94; Fecht, Wortakzent, § 72.1)

mnj.w, "Ruhebett" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 372)

mnj.w-ꜣpd.w, "Gänsehirt" | "keeper of fowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 75.6; LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-jḥ.w, "Rinderhirt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-jḥ.w, "Rinderhirt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 792; LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-ꜥꜣ, "großer Hirte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 297)

mnj.w-ꜥꜣ.w, "Eselshirt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 793; LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-ꜥnḫ.w, "Ziegenhirt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hirt am Palast" | "guardian of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1595)

mnj.w-ptr.w, "Mauleselshirt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny-Gardiner, Hierat. Ostr., pl. 81-82)

mnj.w-mr-jꜣd.wt=f, "Hirte, der seine Viehweiden liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 297), "geliebter Hirte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 297)

mnj.w-Nḫn, "Hüter von Nechen" | "guardian of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1597)

mnj.w-nfr, "guter Hirte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 297)

mnj.w-zr, "Schafhirt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-šꜣ.w, "Schweinehirt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ II 1221)

mnj.w-ṯnt.t, "Hirt der Tjentet-Kühe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1602)

mnj.w-ṯzm.w, "Hundewärter" | "keeper of hounds" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 409.22; Ward, Titles, no. 796)

mnj.wj, "der vom Schrein" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 298)

mnj.t, "Menat-Halskette" | "menat-necklace" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 75.18-76.3; FCD 108)

mnjꜣ, "Pulsstelle" | "[part of the body]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 77.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 168; MedWb 371 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 172; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mny.t, "Wurzel" | "root (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 77.2-5; FCD 108; Lesko, Dictionary I, 218; MedWb 371; DrogWb 239 ff.), "[ein Landmann]" | "cultivator" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 77.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary I, 218)

mnꜥ, "säugen; aufziehen" | "to nurse; to bring up (a child)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 77.10-13; FCD 108; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 424)

mnꜥ.j, "Erzieher" | "nurse (male)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 78.11-15, FCD 108)

mnꜥ.t, "Amme" | "nurse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 78.1-9; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1605)

mnꜥ.t, "Besitzung (o. Ä.)" | "property (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 79.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 219; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 163)

mnꜥ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-n.t-ḥꜥnḫ.tj-ḏ.t-nḥḥ, "große Amme der großen königlichen Gemahlin Nefer-neferu-Aton-Nofretete, die ewig lebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 1)

mnꜥ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-šd.t-nṯr.t, "große Amme, die die Göttin aufzog" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 24)

mnꜥ.t-n.t-ḥꜥnḫ.tj-ḏ.t-nḥḥ, "Amme der großen königlichen Gemahlin Nefer-neferu-Aton-Nofretete, die ewig lebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 24)

mnw, "Gefäßuntersatz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hornung, Totenbuch, 355 (Z.101))

mnw.t, "Taube" | "pigeon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 79.3-5; vgl. LÄ VI, 240 f.)

mnww, "[Pflanzenteil (offizinell)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 241 f.)

mnwr, "Weihrauch" | "[a kind of incense]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 79.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 427)

mnwḥ, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 79.10; DrogWb 242; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 500)

mnwḥw.t, "[Himmel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 79.11)

mnbj.t, "Thron" | "lion couch; estrade" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 63.3-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 427 f.)

mnpḥ, "[ein Kleid]" | "cloth; hide" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 79.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 428 f.; Osing, Tebtunis, 249, Anm. e)

mnfꜣ.t, "Soldatentrupp" | "infantry; soldiers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 80.1-5; FCD 108)

mnfr.t, "Knöchelband; Armband" | "bracelet; anklet" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 80.11-12; FCD 109; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 168; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 429)

mnm.t, "Bett" | "bed" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 80.13-14)

mnm.t-wr.t, "großes Bett (Himmel)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 80.14)

mnmn, "sich bewegen; schwanken" | "to move about; to shift" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 80-81.15; FCD 109)

mnmn.t, "Herde; Vieh" | "herd; cattle" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 81.17-23; FCD 109)

mnn, "Mine (als Goldgewicht)" | "mina (a measure of weight; Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 82.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 220; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 162)

mnn.w, "Festung" | "fortress (also metaph.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 82.2-7)

mnnn, "Asphalt" | "resin; pitch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 82.9-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 430 f.)

mnrws, "Nistplatz (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (oGardiner 339 Z10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 164)

mnh.yw, "[ein Stein]" | "[a stone]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 8; Meeks, AL 77.1735; Harris, Minerals, 86)

mnhp-n-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Geschlechtsorgan des großen Gottes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XI.10)

mnhz, "Wächter" | "watcher" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 83.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 169; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 432)

mnhḏ, "Schreibgerät" | "scribe's palette" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 83.3; FCD 109)

mnḥ, "Wachs" | "wax" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 83.4-7; FCD 109; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 169; Lesko, Dictionary I, 221; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 432 f.)

mnḥ, "Papyruspflanze" | "papyrus plant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 83.8-11; FCD 109; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 169; Lesko, Dictionary I, 221; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 432)

mnḥ, "Jüngling; Bursche; Jungtier" | "youth; stripling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 83,13-17; Lesko, Dictionary I, 221)

mnḥ, "schlachten" | "to slay; to butcher" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 84.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 169)

mnḥ.j, "papyrusförmig" | "papyriform" [adjective] (Wb 2, 83.12)

mnḥ.t, "Huldigungsgeschenk" | "gift; tribute (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 84.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 221; Hoch, Sem. Word, no. 165)

mnḥ.tj, "Militärpächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 83.17)

mnḫ, "trefflich; vorzüglich" | "effective; splendid" [adjective] (Wb 2, 85.1-86.2; vgl. ONB 661 f., Anm. 708)

mnḫ, "vortrefflich" | "thoroughly" [adverb] (Wb 2, 86.13; EAG § 750.2)

mnḫ, "Meißel" | "chisel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 84.12; Drenkhahn, Handwerker, 10; LÄ II, 1268)

mnḫ, "meißeln" | "to chisel" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 84.13; FCD 109)

mnḫ, "vortrefflich sein; trefflich machen" | "to be splendid; to make splendid; to be effective" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 86.3-12)

mnḫ, "(Perlen) auffädeln; (Amulett) umhängen" | "to string beads" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 87.8-11; FCD 109; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 435)

mnḫ, "der Vortreffliche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 307 f.)

mnḫ.j, "ordentlich" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 86.13; EAG § 750.1; vgl. ONB 661 f., Anm. 708)

mnḫ.w, "Vortrefflichkeit" | "excellence; virtues" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 86.15-17)

mnḫ.t, "Vortrefflichkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 86.18-87.1; FCD 109)

mnḫ.t, "Kleid; Gewand; Mumienbinden" | "cloth; garment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 87.13-88.2; FCD 110; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 435 f.)

mnḫ.t, "ordentlich" | english translation missing [adverb] (EAG § 750.3a)

mnḫ-ḥkꜣ.w, "Zauberkundiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 309 f.)

mnḫ-sḫr.w-n-nṯr.w, "trefflich an Ratschlägen für die Götter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 310)

mnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "der Wohltäter der beiden Länder (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 311)

mnz, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 88.6)

mnzꜣ, "[ein Krug (für Flüssigkeiten)]; Menza-Opfer" | "[a jar]; menza-offering (ritual presentation of a jar)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 88.8-10)

mns.t, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 2, 88.14)

mnsꜣ, "Samenerguss" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 374)

mnš, "Kartusche" | "cartouche" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 89.2; FCD 110)

mnš, "Barke; Frachtschiff" | "barge; galley" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 89.7-10; Jones, Naut. Titles, 138 f. (36))

mnš, "mißmutig sein (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 89.11)

mnš.t, "[ein mineralischer Stoff (roter Ocker ?)]" | "[a mineral pigment (red ochre?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 89.12-13; FCD 110; Lesko, Dictionary I, 223; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 437; Harris, Minerals, 146 f.; DrogWb 246 ff.)

mnšd, "der Zerfleischte (?) (Apophis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 89.15; LGG III, 317)

mnq, "vollenden; vergelten; gewähren" | "to complete; to come to an end" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 89.16-90.2; FCD 110; Lesko, Dictionary I, 223)

mnq, "belohnen" | "to reward" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 90.3; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 223)

mnq, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 90.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 223; DrogWb 248 f.)

mnqb, "Schirm" | "fan" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 90.13-14; FCD 110)

mnqb, "kühler Raum; Palast" | "cool place" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 90.15-21; FCD 110; Lesko, Dictionary I, 223; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 437)

mnqry.t, "[Halsschmuck]" | "[pendant in the shape of a snake's head]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 91.5)

mnkꜣ, "Fürsorger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Morenz, Regionen, 569)

mnt.t, "Diorit (Diorit-Gneis)" | "diorite" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 91.10-12; Harris, Minerals, 87)

mnty, "Türhüter" | "doorkeeper" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 223; EDG 165; KoptHWb 519; Cerný, CED 86; Meeks, AL 77.1751)

mntḏ, "[aus Leder Hergestelltes]" | "[an item of chariot equipment (of leather)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 91.16; Lesko, Dictionary I, 224; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 168)

mnṯꜣ.t, "[eine Schale (für Wasser)]" | "water bowl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 92.7; FCD 110), "[Urheber der Überschwemmung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 92.9)

mnḏ, "Brust; Euter" | "chest (of a man or woman)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 92.11-93.8; MedWb 375 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mnḏ.t, "Wange; Auge; Augenbraue" | "cheek; eye" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 93.10-14; FCD 110; MedWb 374 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mnḏj, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 93.15; DrogWb 249)

mnḏm, "Korb" | "basket" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 93.16-17)

mnḏr, "[Teil des Eingeweides]" | "[an internal organ]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 94.1-2; MedWb 376; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 501; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mr, "Pyramide" | "pyramid" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 94.14-16)

mr, "schmerzen; krank sein; leiden" | "to be ill; to suffer" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 95.1-15; MedWb 376-378)

mr, "Kranker" | "a sick man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 95.18; FCD 111)

mr, "Krankheit; Schmerz" | "illness; pain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 96.1-5; FCD 110; MedWb 278 ff.)

mr, "Kanal" | "canal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 97.3-12; FCD 111; Lesko, Dictionary I, 225)

mr, "Viehweide" | "pasture" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 97.14-15)

mr, "binden" | "to bind (med.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 105.1-8; FCD 111; MedWb 382)

mr, "Milchtopf" | "milk jug" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 105.18; FCD 111)

mr, "Bulle" | "bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 106.8; vgl. FCD 111)

mr, "krank; leidvoll; schmerzlich" | english translation missing [adjective] (FCD 110)

mr, "Bindung; Fessel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 677a)

mr, "Liebe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KoptHWb 86, Anm. 5)

mr.y, "Geliebter" | "the beloved (of)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 100.12-101.4)

mr.y, "geliebt" | "beloved" [adjective] (Wb 2, 100.12-101.4)

mr.y-jtj=f, "Geliebter seines Vaters" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1610)

mr.y-nb=f, "der von seinem Herrn Geliebte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1623)

mr.y-nb=f-m-Tꜣ.wj=f, "Der von seinem Herrn in seinen beiden Ländern Geliebte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 129)

mr.y-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "der tagtäglich von seinem Herrn Geliebte" | "beloved of his lord every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1624)

mr.y-nṯr, "Gottgeliebter" | "god's beloved" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 101.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1626)

mr.y-nṯr.w, "Geliebter der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 101.3; LGG III, 339)

mr.y-nṯr.w-nb.w, "der Geliebte aller Göttter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 340; vgl. Wb II, 101.3)

mr.y-rmṯ, "der von den Menschen Geliebte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1631)

mr.y-ḥm.wt, "der Geliebte der Frauen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 341), "die Geliebte" | "the beloved (of)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 100.14), "Damm; Hafen; Kai" | "bank; shore; quay" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 109.12-110.3; FCD 112; Laisney, Aménémopé, 60, Anm. 316), "die geliebt ist von ihrem Vater" | "(she) beloved of her father" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1610)ḥ, "die Geliebte des Ptah" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 347 f.)ḥ-n.tjt-m-Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "die Geliebte des Ptah, die in Memphis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.11), "Geliebte ihrer Mutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1618)

mr.ytj, "[Bez. für Krokodil(e)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Barta, Gespräch eines Mannes mit seinem Ba, 34, Anm. 59)

mr.w, "Angehörige; Haushaltsangehörige; die Weber; Parteien" | "servants; underlings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 98.2-6; FCD 111)

mr.w, "Binde; Bündel; Bund (Maß für Gemüse)" | "strips of cloth; bundle; bunch (as a measure of vegetables)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 105.9-14; DrogWb 250; KoptHWb 99)

mr.w, "Wüste" | "desert" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 109.5-8; FCD 112; Lesko, Dictionary I, 228; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 441)

mr.w-Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "der Memphis liebt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 334)

mr.wt, "Hörige; Untertanen (Koll.); Weber" | "meret-serfs; underlings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 106.11-20; FCD 111)

mr.t, "Krankheit; Böses" | "illness; evil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2. 96.6-12; MedWb 378 ff.)

mr.t, "Kleiderbündel (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 105.16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 172)

mr.t, "Auge" | "eye" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 107.10-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 446; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mr.t, "Brett" | "board" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 108.2; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 227)

mr.t, "ein Meret-Sanktuar (eines Königs oder Gottes)" | "meret-temple" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 108.9-10; LÄ VII, 11 ff.; vgl. Zibelius, Siedlungen, 100 ff.)

mr.t-Ptḥ-m-Ꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "Geliebte des Ptah in Anch-tawi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 348)

mr.t-hy=s, "die Geliebte ihres Gatten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1665)

mr-jtj=f, "den sein Vater liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 335)

mr-n-ḫꜣ, "[Gewässer am Himmel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 222.12; Altenmüller, ZÄS 92, 1966, 86 ff.)

mr-n-ḫꜣ.wj, "[ein Gewässer am Himmel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1016b; Altenmüller, ZÄS 92, 1966, 86 ff.)

mr-nṯr, "Gotteskanal" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 328)

mr-ḫ.t=s, "die, deren Flamme schmerzhaft ist (Nephtys u. Isis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 325b-c)

mrj, "Pferdeknecht" | "groom; squire (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 110.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 226 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 173)

mrj, "Lotstange (?) Schleusenstange (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 112)

mrj, "Geschwindigkeit (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 174)

mrj-n-Jmn, "Pferdeknecht des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 23), "der Geliebte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 352 ff.)

mryn, "vornehmer Syrer" | "knight (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 110.6-7; FCD 112; Lesko, Dictionary I, 228; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 175)

mri̯, "lieben; wünschen" | "to love; to wish" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 98.12-100.11)

mri̯=f-Mꜣꜥ.t, "er liebt Maat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Kayemnofret, pl. 13a, fig. C; vgl. DZA 28565020)

mrw, "Zeder (des Libanon)" | "cedar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 108.14-109.1; Germer, Flora, 6)

mrw, "Damm; Hafen" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 109.3; KoptHWb 99; Laisney, Aménémopé, 60, Anm. 316)

mrw.t, "Liebe; Beliebtheit; Wunsch" | "love; belovedness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 102.1-103.10; FCD 111), "Geliebter; Liebling" | "beloved" [substantive] (Wb 2, 103.11-104.11), "geliebt" | english translation missing [adjective] (KoptHWb 86)ꜥ.wt, "Geliebter (seiner) Glieder (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 335c)ꜥšꜣ.t, "Geliebter der Menge (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 336b)ꜣj=w-tꜣ-m-kk, "der Geliebte und das Licht ihres Landes in der Finsternis (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.14-15)ꜥw, "Geliebter des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 355)ḥz, "Geliebter des Singens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 11.4; vgl. LGG III, 341c)ḫrw-ꜥšꜣ.t-ḫrw, "Geliebter der Stimme der schreienden Menge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 342a)ḫ.wt-m-tꜣ-n-nbw, "Geliebter der Gefilde im Land des Goldes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 342c-343a)šw, "Geliebter des Lichts (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 343a)ḫ, "Geliebter des Rausches" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 345a)

mrw.tjt, "Geliebte; Beliebte" | "the well-beloved" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 104.12-13)

mrw.ty-n-nṯr.w-nṯr.wt, "Geliebter der Götter und Göttinnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 355), "Klumpen (von Weihrauch)" | "lumps (of incense)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 110.14; FCD 112)

mrr.w-jmn.t, "ein vom Westen Geliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Abb. 56)

mrr.w-nb=f, "ein von seinem Herrn Geliebter" | "beloved of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1659; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1104)

mrr.w-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "ein tagtäglich von seinem Herrn Geliebter" | "one whom his lord loves every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1660; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1105)

mrr.w-nṯr, "Gottgeliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1661)

mrr.w-nṯr=f, "ein von seinem Gott Geliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Unis Cemetery II, 17; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1661)

mrr.w-zꜣ=f, "ein von seinem Sohn Geliebter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza 3, 24, fig. 46)

mrr.w-sn.w=f-sn.wt=f, "der von seinen Brüdern und Schwestern Geliebte" | "beloved of his brothers and sisters" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1662)

mrr.t, "Straße; Häuserviertel" | "street" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 110.8-11; FCD 112; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 443)

mrr.tjt-ꜥꜣ.t, "große Geliebte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hanke, SAK 2, 1975, 87)

mrr-nb-Tꜣ.wj-ḥr-bjꜣ.t=f, "den der Herrn der Beiden Länder wegen seines Charakters liebt" | "one whom the lord of the Two Lands loves because of his character" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18. Dyn., no. 1106)

mrḥ, "salben" | "to annoint" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 111.11-12)

mrḥ, "Asphalt" | "pitch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 111.13; Harris, Minerals, 173 f.)

mrḥ, "verderben; vergehen" | "to decay; to pass away" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 111.14-20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 443)

mrḥ, "Lanze" | "lance (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 112.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 228; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 179; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 38)

mrḥ.t, "Fett (allg.); Salböl" | "fat (gen.); unguent" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 111.1-10; DrogWb 250 ff.; Koura, Öle, 114 ff.; vgl. KoptHWb 6)

mrḥ.t-n-ḫt, "Salböl des Baumes; Harz (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Koura, Öle, 122; Harris, Minerals, 174)

mrḥ.tj, "Ölhändler" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EAG § 246)

mrḥm, "Salzarbeiter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 181)

mrḥnn, "[etwas Hölzernes (Planken)]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.1794; Lesko, Dictionary I, 228)

mrḫ.t, "[astronomisches Gerät]" | "[an astronomical instrument]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 112.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 444 f.)

mrsw, "Most (?)" | "new wine (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 112.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 229; AEO II, 235*; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 183)

mrš-jnm, "der mit lichtroter Haut (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 358)

mrqḥt, "fliehen" | "[flight (?) (sem. loan word)]; [retreat (?) (Sem. loan word)]" [verb] (Wb 2, 113.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 229; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 185)

mrkbt, "Streitwagen" | "chariot (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 113.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 229; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 189)

mrt, "Kinn" | "chin; beard" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 113.6; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269; KoptHWb 100)

mh, "[Krug]" | "container; jug" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM, 469)

mh.t, "Vergesslichkeit" | "forgetfulness; negligence" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 113.12-15; FCD 112)

mh.t-jb, "Vergesslichkeit" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 113.15; FCD 112)

mhi̯, "vergessen; vergesslich sein" | "to be forgetful" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 113.7-11; FCD 112)

mhw.t, "Familie; Sippe" | "family; kin" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 114.7-12; FCD 113; KoptHWb 112)

mhw.t, "[eine gute Eigenschaft]" | "[a positive social characteristic]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 114.14-15; FCD 113)

mhwj, "[Milchprodukt (offizinell)]" | "[a liquid (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 114.1-3; DrogWb 279 f.; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 448)

mhn, "Kiste" | "box" [substantive] (Wb 2, 115.1-3; FCD 113; Lesko, Dictionary I, 230)

mhr, "Milchkrug" | "milk jar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 115.5-8; FCD 113; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 174; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 448)

mhr, "melken" | "to milk; to suckle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 115.9-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 448)

mhr, "Held; Offizier" | "[military officer commanding troops and handling logistics (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 116.3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 230 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 190)

mht.t, "[Krankheit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 383)

mḥ, "Elle (Längenmaß); Ellenstab" | "cubit; cubit rod" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 120.2-7; Walker, Anatom. Term., 269; vgl. LÄ III, 1209 ff.)

mḥ, "Sorge" | "care" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 120.17-18; FCD 113)

mḥ, "Nest" | "nest" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 121.10)

mḥ, "voll sein; füllen; fassen; packen; auslegen (mit Steinen)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 116.6-118.10; 119.5-23)

mḥ.j, "Wasser (des Nils u. Ä.); Flut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 122.17-19)

mḥ.y, "Fürsorger" | "guardian" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 121.1-2; FCD 113; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 175)

mḥ.y, "der Füller (Thot)" | "filler (of the eye) (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 127.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 453; LGG III, 377)

mḥ.yt, "Nordwind" | "north wind" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 125.6-8; FCD 114)

mḥ.yt, "Fische (allg.)" | "fishes (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 127.10-12)

mḥ.w, "Die von Unterägypten (Bez. der Krone von U. Äg.)" | "(crown of) Lower Egypt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 124.10; ONB 872; LÄ III, 812)

mḥ.w, "auf dem Wasser Treibender; Ertrinkender (?)" | "drowned one (Osiris)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 122.14; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 450)

mḥ.w, "Jäger; Fischstecher" | "hunter; fish spearer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 127.13; FCD 114)

mḥ.w, "Füllung" | "filling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 119.22-23)

mḥ.w, "auf dem Wasser Treibender (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 122.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 450; LGG III, 374)

mḥ.w, "unterägyptisches Getreide" | "grain of Lower Egypt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (de Wit, Temple d'Opet, I, 214)

mḥ.w-sj, "Sie gehört Unterägypten (Bez. der Krone von U. Äg.)" | "Belonging-to-Lower-Egypt (Red Crown)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 125.1-2; vgl. ONB 872; LÄ III, 812)

mḥ.wj, "unterägyptisch; nördlich" | "Lower Egyptian; northern" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 124.1-7)

mḥ.t, "Feder; Wedel" | "feather" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 123.6-10; Lesko Dictionary I, 234; KoptHWb 110)

mḥ.t, "Mähne des Pavians" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 123.11; Lesko Dictionary I, 234; vgl. KoptHWb 110)

mḥ.t, "Sumpfland des Deltas" | "marshes of the Delta" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 125.4-5)

mḥ.t, "Schale; Napf" | "dish; bowl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 126.11-15)

mḥ.t, "[ein hölzernes Schiffsteil (Riemen?)]" | "[part of a boat (of acacia wood)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1817; vgl. Dürring, Schiffbau, 82)

mḥ.t-ꜥḥ-m-nfr.w, "die den Palast mit Schönheit erfüllt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 184)

mḥ.tj, "nördlich" | "northern" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 125.10-12)

mḥ.tj, "Norden" | "north" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 125.13-126.2)

mḥ.tj-jꜣ, "Nordosten" | "northeast" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 674; vgl. Wb 2, 125.15)

mḥ.tj-jꜣ, "nordöstlich" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 92)

mḥ, "Nordwesten" | "northwestern" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 125.15; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 456)

mḥ, "nordwestlich" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 92)

mḥ.tj-r, "nördlich bis" | "northward to" [preposition] (GEG § 179)

mḥ.tjw, "die Nordbewohner" | "northerners" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 126.4-5)

mḥ.tjt, "Norden" | "north" [substantive] (Wb 2, 126.3; FCD 114; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 235)

mḥ.tjt, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 282 f.)

mḥ-1...n, "[Ordinalzahl]" | english translation missing [numeral: ordinal] (Wb 2, 117,19-118,5, GEG § 263, ENG § 252)

mḥ-jb, "Vertrauter; Vertrauen" | "one who is trusted; confidant" [substantive] (Wb 2, 118.12-15,17-119.1; FCD 113)

mḥ-jb, "der das Herz füllt" | "He-who-fills-the-heart (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 119.2; LGG III, 359)

mḥ-jb=f-m-pr-Mnw, "sein Vertrauter im Hause des Min" | "his confidant in the house of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1672)

mḥ-jb-m-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Vertrauter im ganzen Land" | "confidant in the entire land" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1166)

mḥ-jb-n-nswt-m-pr-Mnw-mj-qd=f, "Vertrauter des Königs im Hause des Min insgesamt" | "confidant of the king in the house of Min in its entirety" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1674)

mḥ-jb-n-nswt-m-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Vertrauter des Königs im ganzen Land" | "confident of the king in the entire land" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1157)

mḥ-jb-nswt, "Vertrauter des Königs" | "confidant of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 118.13)

mḥ-wr, "großer Füllender" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 361 f.)

mḥ-ḫt.w, "[ätherische Holzöle]" | "[an ethereal oil derived from a tree]" [substantive] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 107; Koura, Öle, 124, 234)

mḥ-Tꜣ.wj-m-nfr.w=f, "der die Beiden Länder mit seiner Schönheit erfüllt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 19)

mḥ-Tꜣ.wj-m-nfr.w=f, "der die Beiden Länder mit seiner Schönheit erfüllt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 19)

mḥ-Tꜣ.wj-m-kꜣ=f, "der die Beiden Länder mit seinem Ka erfüllt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 19)

mḥ-ḏt, "[ein Öl]" | "oils; unguent" [substantive] (Koura, Öle, 124 f.; Meeks, AL 77.1836)

mḥꜣ, "Hinterkopf" | "back of the head" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 128.1; FCD 114; MedWb 385 f.; vgl. Walker, Anatom. Term., 269)

mḥy.t, "Flut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 122.15-16; FCD 114; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 175)

mḥy.t, "Papyrus" | "papyrus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 124.8-9; FCD 114; DrogWb 282)

mḥi̯, "sich sorgen um" | "to care for; to be concerned about" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 120.13-16; FCD 113)

mḥi̯, "im Wasser sein; schwimmen; fluten; ertränken; ertrinken; (zu Schiff) fahren" | "to be in water; to swim; to drown" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 121-122.11; FCD 114; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 450)

mḥꜥ.w, "Flachs; Lein" | "flax" [substantive: substantive_masc] (EAG § 93, 146; DrogWb 281; KoptHWb 110; Germer, Handbuch, 79; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 177)

mḥwn, "Geflügelhof (u. Ä.)" | "dovecote" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 128.2; Lesko, Dictionary I, 235)

mḥwn, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (TPPI, § 33)

mḥn, "sich ringeln; umringeln" | "to encircle with" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 128.7-10; FCD 114; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 177; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 454)

mḥn, "Schlangenspiel (Spiel, Spielbrett)" | "Serpent (a game board, a board game)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 128.14)

mḥn, "Umringler; Stirnschlange" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 5e)

mḥn, "Windung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 698 (PT 758))

mḥn.j, "zum Schlangenspiel gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 1866a)

mḥ, "Stirnschlange des Königs" | "encircler (the uraeus)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 129.5)

mḥ, "Stirnschlange (Bezeichnung versch. Göttinnen)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 129.4; Wb 2, 129.6; LGG III, 385 f.)

mḥnk, "Beschenkter; Vertrauter" | "rewarded person; intimate" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 129.7-8)

mḥnk, "Beschenkter; Vertrauter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 129.7-8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1680)

mḥnk-nswt, "Vertrauter des Königs" | "intimate of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 129.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1681)

mḥnk-nswt-m-kꜣ.t-jr.w-ꜥn.t, "Vertrauter des Königs bei der Arbeit der Nagelpflege" | "intimate of the king in the work of manicuring" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1686)

mḥs, "[eine äußerliche Krankheit am Kopf]" | "[an external illness affecting the head]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 129.9; MedWb 387)

mḥsḥs, "[eine Personenbezeichnung (Schimpfwort ?)]" | "[term of abuse]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 129.10; LÄ V, 635.637)

mḥḏrt, "Fischteich" | "fish pond (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 129.11; Lesko, Dictionary I, 236; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 193)

mḫ, "(jmdn.) ehren (o. Ä.)" | "to respect someone" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 129.12)

mḫ, "ersticken; eindämmen" | english translation missing [verb] (Meeks, AL 78.1832)

mḫꜣ, "fesseln; festbinden" | "to make fast; to bind" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 130.1-2; FCD 115)

mḫꜣ, "Fessel; Schleife; Seil" | "rope" [substantive] (Wb 2, 130.3-4; Lesko Dictionary I, 236)

mḫꜣ, "Kranz (o. Ä.) von Feigen (als Maß)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 130.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 236; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 95, Anm. 363)

mḫꜣ, "Bauhütte; Holzmagazin (am Amuntempel)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 130.6; FCD 115)

mḫꜣ, "in Gleichgewicht bringen; anpassen; gleich sein" | "to make level; to match; to be like" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 130.14-131.5)

mḫꜣ.wt, "Wiegeergebnis; Gleichgewicht" | "result (of weighing)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 131.6; vgl. FCD 115)

mḫꜣ.t, "Waage" | "balance" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 130.8-13)

mḫꜣ.t, "Freundin ("Gleichgestellte")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 17 (C2.3))

mḫmḫw.t, "Portulak (Art Blumen)" | "purslane (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 131.15; Mathieu, in: Univers vegétal I, 100)

mḫnm.t, "Jaspis" | "jasper" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 132.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 237; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 457; Harris, Minerals, 123 ff.)

mḫnt, "Antlitz" | "forehead" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 132.5; FCD 115; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 178; MedWb 387)

mḫ, "Vorratsraum; Magazin (für Geräte)" | "granary" [substantive] (James, Hekanakhte, 68 (6))

mḫrm, "Holzablagestelle (am Wasser)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 132.13; Laisney, Aménémopé, 76, Anm. 422)

mḫsf, "Pflock" | "peg" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 132.14; FCD 115; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 179)

mḫt, "[Teil des Streitwagens]" | "[chariot parts (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 132.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 237; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 197)

mḫtm.t, "Viehhürde" | "cattle byre" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 133.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 457)

mḫtm.t, "versiegelter Kasten" | "closed (or sealed) box; hamper" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1847; 78.1834; FCD 115; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 179)

mẖꜣ, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 133.6; Jones, Naut. Titles, 139 (40))

mẖꜥq.t, "Rasiermesser" | "rasor" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 133.8)

mẖn, "schlammige Stelle (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 134.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 237; AEO II, 217* f.)

mẖn.t, "Fährschiff" | "ferry-boat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 133.12-13; FCD 115)

mẖ, "Fährmann" | "ferryman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 133.14-15; FCD 115; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 179 f.; Lesko, Dictionary I, 237)

mẖnm.t, "Bassin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 237)

mẖ, "[Epitheton eines Götterpaares]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 134.4)

mẖr, "Kornspeicher" | "granary; storehouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 134.6-8; FCD 115)

mẖr, "tief gelegenes Land; Weidegrund" | "low-lying land" [substantive] (Wb 2, 134.9; FCD 115)

mẖr.w, "Bodensatz" | "lees (of beer)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 134.10; MedWb 388)

mẖr.w, "Bedürfnisse; Fürsorge; Geschäfte" | "provisions; offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 134.12-135.3; FCD 116)

mẖt.w, "Gedärme; Eingeweide" | "entrails" [substantive] (Wb 2, 135.4-6; MedWb 388; Walker, Antom. Term., 269-270)

mz, "herbeibringen; herantreten; gehen; sich begeben" | "to bring; to betake (oneself)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 135.7-21; Allen, Inflection, 545; Lesko, Dictionary I, 258; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 458 f.)

mz, "Herbeibringer, Träger" | "carrier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 135.22-23)

mz, "Blumenopfer (meist als Stabstrauß)" | "floral offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 136.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 459)

mz-ꜣpd.w, "Herbeibringen der Vögel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 20, 2)

mzꜣ.t, "[eine Gans]" | "[a goose (in offering lists)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 136.4)

mzw.t, "[Speise aus Getreide (Emmer)]" | "[an offering of grain]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 136.5)

mzwr, "Trinkplatz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 136.6-7; FCD 117; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 183)

mzmz, "[Verb (von der Sonne)]" | "[verb (referring to the sun)]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 136.9)

mzḥ, "Krokodil" | "crocodile" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 136.10-14; LÄ III, 791)

mzš, "entkernen; (vom Dattelkern) ablösen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (MedWb 392; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 682, Anm. 210)

ms, "Kind" | "child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 139.1-140.6)

ms, "[von der Brut des Apophis]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 140.7)

ms, "Kalb" | "calf" [substantive] (Wb 2, 140.8-9)

ms, "Getreide (als Zins)" | "grain (as levy)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 142.2)

ms, "doch; [enkl. Partikel]" | "surely; indeed" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 2, 142.4-6; GEG § 251)

ms.y, "Vögel (als Zins)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 240; Caminos, LEM, 238)

ms.w, "Erzeugnis" | "produce (of the fields)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 142.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 461)

ms.w-nswt, "Königskinder (hohe Beamte, kgl. Escorte?); Königsgebährerinnen (?)" | "royal children (?); those who bear the royal children (?)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 139.7; Baud, Famille royale, 89 ff., 347 f.; vgl. Kaiser, MDAIK, 39, 1983, 270 ff.)

ms.wt, "Abendbrot" | "supper" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 142.11-16)

ms.n-Ꜣs.t, "den Isis geboren hat (Horus u.a.)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 400)

ms.t, "Frauenzimmer; Dirne" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 140.10; Lesko, Dictionary I, 240)

ms.t-jtj=s, "die ihren Vater gebiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 415 f.)

ms.t-nṯr.w, "die die Götter gebiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 417 f.)

ms.t-sn.wj, "die die beiden Brüder gebar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 421)

ms-ꜥꜣ.t, "Steinmetz" | "stonemason" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 138.19; Ward, Titles, no. 801)

ms-Psḏ.t, "der die Neunheit hervorgebracht hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 403)

ms-n-Stš, "das Kind des Seth" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.1)

ms-n-sf, "der Gesterngeborene (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 412c)

ms-nšd, "[Bearbeiter kostbarer Steine]" | "lapidary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 146.11; Fischer, JARCE 13, 1976, 13)

ms-nṯr.w, "der die Götter erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 406 f.)

ms-ḫr, "Zögling der Königsnekropole" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny, Community, 117 ff.)

ms-ḫr, "Zögling der Königsnekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 977; Cerny, Community, 117 ff.)

ms-sw-m-bꜣḥ-jb=f, "der sich nach seinem Belieben erschafft (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 411)

msꜣḏ.t, "Nasenloch" | "side of the nose; nostril(s)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 153.5-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 182; Walker, Anatom. Term., 270; EAG § 256)

msjw.t, "die Gebärerin (Mutter)" | "she who gives birth (mother)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1859; 78.1844; FCD 116; EDG 178; ONB 674, Anm. 743; EAG § 230)

msjn.t, "[Körperteil am Unterleib]; Bauchfell (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 143.8; MedWb 391 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 270; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 704, Anm. 267)

msy.t, "[Wasservögel]" | "[a kind of water fowl]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 143.3; FCD 117; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 461)

msy.t, "[Gefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (JWIS III, 132.6)

msyw.t, "(An-)Klage" | "accusation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Fecht, Vorwurf, 11 ff., Anm. 5)

msi̯, "gebären; erzeugen; schaffen" | "to give birth; to fashion; to create" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 137.4-138.17)

msw.t, "Nachkommenschaft" | "descendants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 140.11-13; EAG § 250; FCD 116)

msw.t, "Geburt; das Gebären" | "birth; birthing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 140.16-141.13; FCD 117; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 240)

msw.t, "Gestalt (o. Ä.)" | "manifestation" [substantive] (Wb 2, 141.14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 460)

msw.t-Ꜣs.t, "Geburt der Isis (4. Schalttag)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 141.11; LÄ I, 1232)

msw.t-Wsjr, "Geburt des Osiris (1. Schalttag)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 141.8; LÄ I, 1232)

msw.t-nṯr.w, "die Geburt der Götter (die fünf Schalttage, Epagomenen)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 141.7; LÄ I, 1232)

msw.t-Stẖ, "Geburt des Seth (3. Schalttag)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 141.10; LÄ I, 1232), "Nachkomme" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 182)

msbb, "sich zuwenden; dienen; verhandeln" | "to turn towards; to serve (someone); to deal with (?)" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 2, 143.14-16; FCD 117)

msbb, "[vom Einfassen mit Gold]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 2, 144.2)

mspr, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 28)

mspr.t, "Zufluchtsort; Schiffsspanten" | "haven; [part of a ship (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 144.7; Jones, Naut. Titles, 169 (74); Fecht, Wortakzent, § 206; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 183)

msn, "(Fäden) spinnen" | "to spin; to twist (thread)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 144.12-15; FCD 117; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 461 f.)

msn.w, "Harpunierer" | "hapooner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 145.4-8; FCD 117; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 183)

msnḥ, "umwenden; sich umwenden" | "to turn around" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 146.3-8; FCD 117)

msnṯ.t, "[Epitheton der Nut]" | "granary (?) (epithet of Nut)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 146.13; LGG III, 433)

msr.t, "[ein Säugetier (?)]]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 8.12)

msr.t, "[Vogel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary I, 242)

msḫ, "[Gefäß für Öl und Wein (auch als Maß)]" | "[a large vessel, for oil and wine (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 147.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 242; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 198)

msḫn, "Aufenthaltsort" | "abode (of gods)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 148.1-5; FCD 117; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 184)

msḫn.t, "Aufenthaltsort; Geburtsziegel" | "abode (of gods); birthplace; birth bricks" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 148.6-14; FCD 117; Lesko, Dictionary I, 242; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 465)

msẖꜣ, "Fahrrinne" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Sethe, Kommentar PT III, 302)

mss, "Kleid; Hemd (Galabiya)" | "tunic" [substantive] (Wb 2, 149.7; FCD 118; Lesko, Dictionary I, 242; Janssen, Prices, 259-264;)

mss.t, "Hemd (Galabjya)" | "tunic" [substantive] (Wb 2, 149.8; Janssen, Prices, 260; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary I, 242)

msq, "[Waffe (?)]" | "[a weapon (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 149.18)

msq, "[eine Bearbeitung von Metallwaffen]" | "[metalworking activity (to emboss?) (Sem. loan words)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 150.1; Lesko, Dictionary I, 243; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 43; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 200)

msk.tjt, "Abendbarke (Sonnenschiff); Morgenbarke" | "solar bark (nocturnal, morning)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 150.10-16; Jones, Naut. Titles, 247 (52); vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 467)

msk.tjt, "die Abendbarke (Isis und göttliche Wesen)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 442 f.)

mskꜣ, "Haut; Leder" | "leather; hide" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 150.3-5; FCD 118; Lesko, Dictionary I, 243)

mskj, "Gerücht (o. Ä.)" | "slander (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 150.7; FCD 118)

mst, "[Bez. des Horus]" | "[noun]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 152.2; LGG III, 445)

mstꜣ, "[eine Flüssigkeit]" | "[a liquid (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 151.1-2; DrogWb 285 ff.)

mstj, "[ein Korb]" | "[a basket (or leather bag?)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 151.5-8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 243)

mstj, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a small galley propelled by oars (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 151.9; Lesko, Dictionary I, 243; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 201)

mstr.t, "[ein Gewebe]; Schurz (aus dem Gewebe)" | "[a kind of cloth]; [a simple kilt]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 152.3)

msṯ.w, "Abkömmling" | "offspring" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 151.10-12; FCD 118)

msṯ.w-n-Rꜥw, "Abkömmling des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 444)

msṯ.w-n-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Abkömmling des Re-Harachte (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 444)

msṯ.w-n-kꜣ-mw.t=f, "Abkömmling des Stiers seiner Mutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Urk. IV, 2026.9)

msṯ.w-nṯr.j-m-nṯr.w, "göttlichster Abkömmling unter den Göttern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 444)

msṯ.wt, "weiblicher Abkömmling" | "offspring" [substantive: substantive_fem] (vgl. Wb 2, 151.13; FCD 118)

msṯ.wtj, "Abkömmling" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 185)

msṯ.t, "Verpflichtungen; Arbeitsverpflichtung" | "obligations" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Goedicke, Rechtsinschriften, 92, Anm. 31, Taf. IX)

msṯp.t, "Sargschlitten; tragbarer Schrein" | "sled (for transporting coffin or shrine); portable shrine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 152.9-11; FCD 118; LÄ V, 657)

msd.t, "Kleidung" | "[a garment (cloak?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 152.12)

msd.t, "Schenkel; Keule" | "thigh; haunch" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 153.1-3; Walker, Anatom. Term., 270)

msdm.t, "schwarze Augenschminke (Bleiglanz)" | "black eye paint (galena)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 153.8-15; Harris, Minerals, 174 ff.)

msḏ.yt, "Verabscheutes; Hass" | "that which is hateful" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 154.10-11; vgl. FCD 118)

msḏ.w, "Rivale (?)" | "rival (?)" [substantive] (FCD 118)

msḏi̯, "hassen; verabscheuen" | "to hate; to dislike" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 154.1-9)

msḏr, "Ohr" | "ear" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 154.13-16)

msḏr.t, "Ohr" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 154.17)

msḏr-jꜥꜣ, "[Pflanze ("Eselsohr")]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 290)

msḏr-ḥḏr.t, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 290 f.; Germer, Handbuch, 80)

msḏḏ.t, "[Bez. für die Nebenbuhlerin]" | "rival" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 154.12; MedWb 394)

mš, "[Substantiv (Teich? Fischbearbeitungsstelle?)]" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 154.19; Lesko, Dictionary I, 244)

mšꜣy, "[lederner Streitwagenteil]" | "[a chariot part (of leather)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 154.20)

mšꜥ, "Truppenangehöriger" | "member of a workforce" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 155.15)

mšꜥ, "Reise; Marsch" | "journey; march" [substantive] (Wb 2, 156.12)

mšꜥ, "Truppe; Heer" | "army; workforce" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 155.2-19)

mšꜥ, "Expedition; Feldzug" | "expedition" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 156.3; FCD 119)

mšꜥ, "marschieren" | "to march" [verb] (Wb 2, 156.4-11; FCD 119)

mšꜥ, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 156.17; DrogWb 291)

mšꜥ, "Aufträge; Vorgänge (allg.); Ordensregeln" | "commissions" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 8; EDG 181)

mšꜥ.w, "Reisende" | "traveler" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 156.13)

mšꜥ, "Gesandter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 156.14)

mšp, "sich bemühen (?)" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 2, 157.4-5)

mšr, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Pyr 653d)

mšr.w, "Abend; Abendämmerung; Abendrot" | "evening; (evening) twilight" [substantive] (Wb 2, 157.9-17; FCD 119)

mšr.wt, "Abendessen" | "evening meal" [substantive] (Wb 2, 158.1-2)

mšrr, "polieren (?); herrichten (?)" | "to attach; to affix (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 158.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 246; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 208)

mšš, "[Holz]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 10)

mšd, "[eine pflanzliche Opfergabe]" | "[a vegetal offering]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 158.13)

mšd, "[Gerät oder Waffe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

mšd.t, "Furt" | "ford (on the Orontes)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 158.14; FCD 119; Lesko, Dictionary I, 247; ONB 256)

mšdd.t, "Deichsel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14, Anm. 8)

mqꜥr, "Ofen (des Bäckers)" | "firebox (of an oven); oven (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 158.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 247; Hoch, Sem. Words, nos. 214 und 216)

mqmq, "schlafen, ruhen" | "to sleep" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 159.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 470)

mqn.t, "Waschbrett; Wäscherkeule" | "washboard (?)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.1903; Seibert, Charakteristik, 186, Anm. h)

mqr, "Situla" | "[a vessel (situla?) (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 159.4; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 218; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 43)

mqr.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 159.5; DrogWb 291)

mqq, "[ein Ackerland]" | "[soft, moist soil (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 159.12; Lesko, Dictionary I, 247; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 221)

mk, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 161.14-15; Jones, Naut. Titles, 140 (43))

mk, "[ein Stoff]" | "[a kind of cloth]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 162.4; Lesko, Dictionary I, 248; Janssen/Janssen, LingAeg 7, 2000, 177 ff.)

mk, "versorgen" | "sustain" [verb: verb_2-lit] (RITANC II, 218)

mk.w, "Unterhalt, Nahrung" | "special rations" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 162.5; Lesko, Dictionary I, 245; Janssen, Prices, 489)

mk.t, "richtige Stelle; korrekter Platz" | "(correct) position; (proper) station" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 161.9-12)

mk.t, "Überzug" | "overlay" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 162.3)

mk.t, "Beschützerin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 452)

mk.t-ḥꜥ.w, "Amulett ("Schutz des Leibes")" | "protection of the body (an amulet)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 161.1)

mk-sw, "der sich (selbst) beschützt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 451)

mkꜣ, "aufmerken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 162.11)

mkꜣ, "einebnen; planieren" | "to flatten (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 162.12; MedWb 399)

mkꜣ.t, "stützender Unterbau; Bahre" | "support; pedestal; bier" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 162.13; FCD 119; MedWb 399)

mkꜣ.tj, "der auf der Bahre (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 162.15; LGG III, 458)

mkj, "[semitischer Herrschertitel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Schneider, Ägypten und Levante 12, 2002, 269; Allen, BASOR 352, 2008, 33, Taf. 3)

mkj, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 162.6; DrogWb 291)

mki̯, "schützen; abwehren; respektieren" | "to protect; to ward off" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 160.1-21)

mkꜥ.w, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (pChester Beatty IV, Recto 5.10)

mkw, "der Schützer" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 161.5; vgl. FCD 119; Lesko, Dictionary I, 248)

mkw.t, "Schutz; Zauberschutz" | "protection" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 160.22-161.4; ONB 575; vgl. FCD 119), "Schützer" | "protector" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 161.6-7; vgl. FCD 119, vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 187)

mkmr.t, "Fischernetz" | "fishnets (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 162.16; Lesko, Dictionary I, 249; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 222)

mkḥꜣ, "Hinterkopf" | "back of the head" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 163.6; FCD 119; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 188; Lesko, Dictionary I, 249; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 472; MedWb 400; Walker, Anatom. Term., 270)

mkḥꜣ, "vernachlässigen, sich nicht kümmern um" | "to neglect" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 163.7-12; FCD 119; Lesko, Dictionary I, 249)

mks, "[ein Zepter]; [ein Kultobjekt des Königs (Dokumententasche?)]" | "[a scepter]; [document holder?]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 163.13-17; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 473)

mktr, "Befestigungsturm" | "tower (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 164.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary I, 249 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 224)

mgꜣ, "junger Krieger" | "youthful soldier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 164.6-7; FCD 120; Lesko, Dictionary I, 250)

mgr, "rösten; grillen" | "to roast; to grill" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Hoch, Sem. Words, 170-172; vgl. Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 43; vgl. Wb 5, 181.3)

mgrt, "Höhle" | "cave (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 164.14; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 228)

mgsp, "Kiste; Korb" | "crate; basket (Sem. loan word?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (WbZ; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 230)

mt, "Gefäß (des Körpers); Band; Sehne" | "vessel (of the body); cord (of muscles, tenons, etc.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 167.9-14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 188 f.; Lesko, Dictionary I, 251; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 474; MedWb 400 ff.)

mt, "Zäpfchen (med.)" | "suppository (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 167.15-16; MedWb 411)

mt-jfd, "viereckiges Stück Leinen" | "strip of cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 168.9; FCD 120)

mt-šw, "[ein Leinestoff]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quirke/Collier, Lahun Pap., Letters, 152-53)

mt-kmꜣ.w, "[ein Leinenstoff]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quirke/Collier, Lahun Pap., Letters, 152-53)

mtꜣ, "erstechen (mit dem Spieß)" | "to skewer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 170.3)

mtꜣ, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 170.4)

mtꜣy.t, "[ein Spieß]" | "forked staff" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 170.1-2)

mtj, "richtig sein; maßvoll sein" | "to be precise; to be correct" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 168.1; 169; 173.1-17; FCD 120)

mtj, "richtig" | "correct; precise" [adjective] (Wb 2, 169; 173.1-17; FCD 120; KoptHWb 104)

mtj, "Richtigkeit" | "correctness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 173.18-174.4; FCD 120; Lesko, Dictionary I, 253)

mtj, "Zuverlässiger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 2, 168.10; Doxey, Epithets, 316 ff.,)

mtj, "sehr" | english translation missing [adverb] (KRI I, 113.2)

mtj.t-jb, "Aufrichtigkeit" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 18 (D40))

mtj-n-nswt, "Zuverlässiger für den König" | "reliable for the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 173.2; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1187; vgl. Inscr. Sinai, 238)

mtj-n-zꜣ, "Obmann einer Priesterphyle" | "regulator of phyles" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 168.10-14; 3, 414.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1694)

mtj-n-zꜣ, "Obmann einer Priesterphyle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 168.10-14; 3, 414.2)

mty.t, "Gradheit des Charakters" | "rectitude" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 169.12; FCD 120; ONB 645 ff.)

mtw=, "[Einleitung des Konjunktivs]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 2, 165.1-7; ENG § 576; LGG 174 f.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 246 ff.)

mtw.t, "Flüssigkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 169.1-8)

mtpn.t, "Dolchscheide" | "dagger sheath" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 170.6)

mtmt, "hin- und herreden" | "to discuss" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 170.8-9; FCD 121)

mtmt, "Klatsch" | "gossip" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 170.10; FCD 121)

mtn, "beschenken; versehen (mit etwas); entlohnen" | "to reward; to recompense" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 170.11-12; FCD 121; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 475 f.)

mtn, "Steuerliste" | "tax list" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 171.5)

mtnw.t, "Belohnung; Bezahlung" | "reward; recompense" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 170.14; FCD 121; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 189)

mtr, "zugegen sein; bezeugen; unterweisen" | "to be present; to witness; to instruct" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 171.9-20; FCD 121; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 476; KoptHWb 103, 521)

mtr, "Flut; Überschwemmungswasser" | "flood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 174.8-9; FCD 121; Lesko, Dictionary I, 254)

mtr, "[Pehu-Gewässer oder Kanal im 4. uäg. Gau (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Montet, Géographie I, 79; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 477)

mtr.w, "Zeuge" | "witness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 172.5-10)

mtr.w, "Zeugnis" | "testimony" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 172.18; vgl. FCD 121)

mtr.t, "Zeugnis; Ermahnung; Anweisung" | "testimony" [substantive] (Wb 2, 172.11-16; FCD 121)

mtr.t, "Mittag" | "midday" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 174.6-7; FCD 121; Lesko, Dictionary I, 254)

mtr.t, "[Gegenstand aus Holz]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Caminos, LEM, 135)

mtr.t, "[Pflanzliches]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 174.10; Caminos, LEM, 435 f.)

mtrḫ.t, "Sieb" | "strainer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 174.15; Lesko, Dictionary I, 254; Janssen, Prices, 145 ff.; MedWb 413)

mtḏj, "Peitschenschnur (?)" | "lashes of a whip (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 175.3; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 233)

mṯꜣ, "Phallus" | "phallus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 175.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 477)

mṯꜣ, "herausfordern" | "to challenge" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 175.8; FCD 121)

mṯꜣ, "Unverschämter" | "insolent person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 9)

mṯꜣ, "umwickeln; bedecken; verhüllen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (MedWb 413; Meeks, Mythes, 98 f., Anm. 271)

mṯꜣi̯, "übergeben" | "land-heritage (?)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 175.6; FCD 121; Lesko, Dictionary I, 255)

mṯꜣm, "[ein Kleidungsstück für Mädchen]" | "[a woman's garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 175.11; FCD 121)

mṯwn, "Kampfplatz" | "arena" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 175.12-13; FCD 121; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 477 f.)

mṯn, "zuweisen" | "to assign (places)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 175.15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 190)

mṯn, "Weg; rechte Lebensweise (bildl.)" | "road; path; (correct) path (through life) (metaph.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 176.1-7)

mṯn, "Führer (auf dem Weg)" | "guide" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 176.9-10; FCD 122)

mṯt, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 236)

mdw, "Stab; heiliger Stab (Standarte)" | "staff; sacred staff" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 178.1-14; Lesko, Dictionary I, 257)

mdw, "Wort; Rede; Angelegenheit" | "word; speech" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 180.4-12)

mdw.w, "Rufer (bei der Arbeit); Sprecher" | "caller (who sets the rhythm for work)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 180.1)

mdw.t, "Wort; Rede; Angelegenheit" | "word; speech; matter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 181.7-182.2; FCD 122)

mdw.t-qnj.w, "Bösartigkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (pBremner-Rhind 10.15), "Vielredner; Redner" | "talker" [substantive] (Wb 2, 182.6; FCD 123)

mdw-jꜣw, "Stab des Alters" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 178.11)

mdw-n-ḫꜣs.t, "Fremdlandstab" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16, 22)

mdw-n-š, "Stab des Sees" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 465)

mdw-nṯr, "Gotteswort(e); Hieroglyphen" | "god's word(s); sacred writings; hieroglyphs" [substantive] (Wb 2, 180.13-181.6; FCD 122)

mdw-rḫ.yt, "Stab der Rechit-Leute" | "staff of the rekhyet-people" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 178.12; 447.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1698)

mdw-Ḥp, "Wärter des Apis" | "herdsman of Apis" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 178.14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1699)

mdw-Ḥzꜣ.t, "Wärter der Hesat-Kuh" | "herdsman of the Hesat-cow" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1700)

mdw-kꜣ-ḥḏ, "Hüter des weißen Stieres" | "custodian of the white bull" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1701)

mdwi̯, "sprechen; reden; (über etwas) schlecht reden; fordern" | "to speak; to claim" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 179.2-28, 180.2; Allen, Inflection, 582; FCD 122; KoptHWb 104)

mdn, "Ruhe" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 182.9)

mdn, "ruhig sein" | "to relax; to be relaxed" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 182.8; Lesko, Dictionary I, 257)

mdns, "Ruhe" | english translation missing [substantive] (Smith, RdE 57, 2006, 225; KoptHWb 105)

mds, "scharf sein; scharfsinnig sein; kraftvoll sein; verletzen" | "to be sharp; to do violence" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 183.1-13; Allen, Inflection 557; FCD 123; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 480 f.)

mds, "Gewalttätiger" | "violent one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 183.14-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 481)

mds, "Messer" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.1934; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 192 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 481)

mds.t, "Gewalt" | "violence" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/N 32)

mds-ꜥ, "der mit gewalttätigem Arm" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 470 f.)

mḏ, "zehn; Zehn" | "ten" [numeral] (Wb 2, 184.1-2)

mḏ, "tief; tief sein" | "to be deep" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 184.4-7; vgl. FCD 123; MedWb 414)

mḏ.t, "Klammer; Fußfessel" | "binding; hobble" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 184.15; FCD 123)

mḏ.t, "Viehhürde; Stall" | "byre" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 185.1-7; FCD 123)

mḏ.t, "Salbe (im Kult verwendet)" | "oil; unguent" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 185.11-19; FCD 123; Koura, Öle, 125 ff.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 484 f.)

mḏ.tj, "[ein Schiff ("Zehner")]" | "[a boat ("Tener"?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 140 (45); Dürring, Schiffbau, 138)

mḏꜣ.y, "der zum Lande Medja Gehörige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 186.3-13)

mḏꜣ.y-zmy.t, "Medja der Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.9)

mḏꜣ.yt, "Medja-Frau (Nubierin)" | "female Medja-Nubian" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Smither, JEA 31, 1945,9, pl. V, Va)

mḏꜣ.w, "Widersacher" | "adversary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 187.2)

mḏꜣ.t, "Buchrolle; Schriftstück; Akte" | "papyrus book; letter; document" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 187.5-188.3)

mḏꜣ.t, "Meißel" | "chisel" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 188.6-10; FCD 123)

mḏꜣ.t, "Holzpflock; Holzzapfen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.1959; 78.1941; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 194)

mḏꜣb, "schöpfen" | "to bail out (a boat)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 189.2)

mḏꜣb.t, "Schöpfkelle (zum Boot ausschöpfen)" | "bailing scoop" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 188.13-14; FCD 123; Jones, Nautical Titles, 198 f.)

mḏꜣb.t, "[Teil des Schiffes]" | "drainer (for bilge?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 189.1; FCD 123; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 194; Jones, Naut. Titles, 199 (7))

mḏw.t, "Tiefe; Höhe" | "depth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 184.8-14; FCD 123; Lesko, Dictionary I, 258; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 485; vgl. Hoffmann, in: Under One Sky, 109 ff.)

mḏr, "[Substantiv (?)]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 189.5)

mḏri̯, "sich wenden (zu)" | "to turn to" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 189.8; Allen, Inflection, 582)

mḏḥ, "Gürtel; Band" | "strip of cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 189.11; vgl. KoptHWb 521)

mḏḥ, "Kopfbinde; Binde" | "fillet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 190.1; MedWb 416; KoptHWb 521)

mḏḥ, "rundum zurichten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 190.2-7)

mḏḥ.w, "Zimmermann" | "carpenter; shipwright" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 190.8-191.5)

mḏḥ.w, "Zimmermann" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1702)

mḏḥ.w-ꜥḥꜥ, "Schiffsbauer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 813; Jones, Naut. Titles, 119 (4))

mḏḥ.w-wḫr.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Zimmermann der großen Werft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 1711)

mḏḥ.w-Mḥy.t, "Meister der Mehit" | "fashioner (?) (of the cult image) of Mehyt (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 191.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1718)

mḏḥ.w-nswt, "königlicher Zimmermann" | "royal carpenter" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 1728; Ward, Titles, no. 815a)

mḏḥ.w-zẖꜣ.w-nswt, "Meister der königlichen Schreiber (Architekt?)" | "overseer of royal scribes (master architect of the king?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 191.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1739)

mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt, "Baumeister des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1732)

mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt, "Baumeister des Königs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1732)

mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt-wr-jr.t-m-Tꜣ-wr, "großer Baumeister des Königs von dem, was im Thinitischen Gau gebaut ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1734)

mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt-m-pr.wj, "Baumeister des Königs in den zwei Häusern" | "king's architect in the two houses" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1733)

mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt-ḥw.t-ḥḏ.t, "Baumeister des Königs bei der Herstellung der weißen Krone (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1735)

mḏḥ.w-qd.w-nswt-ḥw.t-ḥḏ.t-wr-jr.t-Tꜣ-wr, "großer Baumeister des Königs bei der Herstellung der weißen Krone(?), was im Thinitischen Gau gemacht ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1735)

mḏq.t, "[ein Gefäß (für Bier u.a.)] (syll.)" | "[a large vessel, for beer and oil (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 191.11-12; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 243)

mḏd, "(auf)treffen; (hart) pressen; (etwas) befolgen; ausrichten; durchstoßen" | "to hit; to press hard on; to follow (something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 191.14-192.9; Allen, Inflection, 557; FCD 124; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 485 f.)

mḏd, "Fron (Abgaben und Dienste)" | "dues (in the form of service and/or products)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 192.14)

N=n, "Nen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 205.23)

N.j-Ꜣbbj, "Ni-Abebi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 110 f.)

N.j-ꜣw.t-jb-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ni-aut-ib-Kakai" | "Ni-aut-ib-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ꜣḫ.tj, "Ni-achti" | "Ni-akhti" [entity_name: person_name] (Anthes, Hatnub, 18, Taf 9, 9a)

N.j-ꜣṯ.tj, "Ni-atjeti" | "Ni-atjeti" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, pl. 191; vgl. RPN I 4.17)

N.j-Jzzj, "Ni-Isesi" | "Ni-Isesy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.4)

N.j-Jkꜣw, "Ni-Ikau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 296.3; vgl. Edel, ZÄS 85, 1960, 79-81)

N.j-jb.w-nswt, "Ni-ibu-nisut" | "Ni-ibu-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.1)

N.j-jmꜣ.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ni-imat-Kakai" | "Ni-imat-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ꜥnḫ, "Der zum Leben gehört" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 477)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Jnp.w, "Ni-anch-Inpu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 86 (11))

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Wr, "Ni-anch-Wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, 33, Taf. XXV bis)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-wtṯw, "Ni-anch-utetju" | "Ni-ankh-wetetju" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Bꜣ, "Ni-anch-Bastet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.8)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-bꜣ, "Ni-anch-ba" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.7)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Ppy, "Ni-anch-Pepi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.9)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Ptḥ, "Ni-anch-Ptah" | "Ni-ankh-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.11)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Mnw, "Ni-anch-Min" | "Ni-ankh-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.12)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Ni-anch-Meryre" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.13)

N.j-ꜥnḫ, "Ni-anch-Nemti" | "Ni-anch-Nemti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.5)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-nṯr, "Ni-anch-netjer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 163)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Rꜥw, "Ni-anch-Re" | "Ni-ankh-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.16)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Ni-anch-Chufu" | "Ni-ankh-Khufu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 422.16)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj, "Ni-anch-Chentechtai" | "Ni-ankh-Khentekhtai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.20)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Ni-anch-Chnum" | "Ni-ankh-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.21)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Sbk, "Ni-anch-Sobek" | "Ni-ankh-Sobek" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 36)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Sbk-j, "Ni-anch-Sobek-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf 161)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Sḫm.t, "Ni-anch-Sachmet" | "Ni-ankh-Sakhmet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.3, 4)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ni-anch-Kakai" | "Ni-ankh-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ꜥnḫ-Ḏḥ, "Ni-anch-Djehuti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza, III, fig. 39)

N.j-wj-jb, "Ni-wi-ib" | "Ni-wi-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (Anthes, Hatnub, 19, Taf. 9, 9a)

N.j-wj-rḏ, "Ni-wi-redji" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 294.10)

N.j-wj-H̱nm.w, "Ni-wi-Chenemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VII, Abb. 53)

N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Niuserre [Thronname Niuserres]" | "Neuserre" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 6)

N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Niuserre" | "Niuserre" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza IV, 144, fig. 85)

N.j-wsr-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ.w, "Niuserre-anchu" | "Neuserre-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.12)

N.j-Ppy, "Ni-Pepi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.13)

N.j-Ptḥ, "Ni-Ptah" | "Ni-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.14)

N.j-pḥ-kꜣ.w, "Ni-peh-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 13; CAA Hildesheim, 4, 59)

N.j-mꜣꜣ.w-wj, "Ni-maau-wi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205; vgl. TLA)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Jnp.w, "Ni-maat-Inpu" | "Ni-maat-Inpu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Ptḥ, "Ni-maat-Ptah" | "Ni-maat-Prah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.15)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-n.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Chendjers]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 17)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenemhets III.]" | "Nimaatre (throne name of Amenemhat III)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 6)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "Ni-maat-Re" | "Ni-maat-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.16)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Ni-maat-Hathor" | "Ni-maat-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 181)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Ḥp, "Ni-maat-Hep" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.19)

N.j-mꜣꜥ.t-Sd, "Ni-maat-Sed" | "Ni-maat-Sed" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.20)

N.j-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenemhets IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 7)

N.j-mr.t, "Ni-meret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.21)

N.j-mz.t, "Ni-mezet" | "Ni-mezet" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 33, fig. 43), "Ni-Nemti" | "Ni-Nemti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 294.7)

N.j-nʾ.tw, "Ni-natu" | "Ni-natu" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza V, Abb. 15; vgl. RPN I 169.7)

N.j-nfr, "Ni-nefer" | "Ni-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.3)

N.j-nfr.t-Wnjs, "Vollkommenheit gehört dem Unas (Domäne)" | "Perfection-belongs-to-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

N.j-nfr.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Vollkommenheit gehört dem Kakai (Domäne)" | "Perfection-belongs-to-Kakai (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

N.j-nfr.t-Ttj, "Vollkomenheit gehört dem Teti (Domäne)" | "Perfection-belongs-to-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

N.j-nfr.t-Ṯy, "Vollkommenheit gehört des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

N.j-ḥp, "Ni-hep; Ni-Apis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.2; II 294.21)

N.j-ḥz.t-H̱nm.w, "Ni-hezet-Chnum" | "Ni-hezet-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ḥtp-wr, "Ni-hetep-wer" | "Ni-hetep-wer" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ḥtp-H̱nm.w, "Ni-hetep-Chnum" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.5)

N.j-ḫꜣs.wt-nswt, "Ni-chasut-nisut" | "Ni-khaswet-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 422.22)

N.j-ḫꜣs.wt-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ni-chasut-Kakai" | "Ni-khaswet-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ḫw.t-Ptḥ, "Ni-chut-Ptah" | "Ni-khut-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.6)

N.j-H̱nm.w, "Ni-Chnum" | "Ni-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.8)

N.j-ẖ.t, "Ni-chet" | "Ni-khet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.10)

N.j-ẖr.t, "Ni-cheret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 277.3)

N.j-Sbk, "Ni-Sobek" | "Ni-Sobek" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.7)

N.j-sj-nswt, "Ni-si-nisut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 177.23)

N.j-sj-rḏ.w, "Ni-si-redjiu" | "Ni-si-redjiu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 295.15)

N.j-sj-ḥn.t, "Ni-si-henet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 178.4)

N.j-sj-tꜣ-n.t-Mḥ.w, "Nes-ta-net-Mehu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Ritner, Libyan Anarchy, 491, Anm. 13)

N.j-sꜥnḫ-ꜣḫ.tj, "Ni-seanch-achti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, 119)

N.j-sꜥnḫ-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Ni-seanch-Hathor" | "Ni-seanch-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 155)

N.j-sw, "Ni-su" | "Ni-su" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.12)

N.j-sw-ꜣḫ.tj, "Ni-su-achti" | "Ni-su-achti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.16)

N.j-sw-Jmn, "Ni-su-Imen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.19)

N.j-sw-Jmn-jp.t, "Ni-su-Imen-ipet" | "Nis-su-Imen-ipet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.20)

N.j-sw-jr.w, "Ni-su-iru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 174.3)

N.j-sw-Wsjr, "Ni-su-Osiris (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 235, Anm. c)

N.j-sw-wsr, "Ni-su-user" | "Ni-su-weser" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 652)

N.j-sw-wsr.t, "Ni-su-useret" | "Ni-su-useret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 174.13)

N.j-sw-bꜣ, "Ni-su-ba" | "Ni-su-ba" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 652)

N.j-sw-bꜣ-nb-Ḏd.t, "Ni-su-ba-neb-Djedet" | "Ni-su-ba-neb-Djedet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 174.17; Demot. Nb I, Lfg. 9, 661)

N.j-sw-bꜣ-nb-Ḏd.t, "" | "Smendes" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXI 1)

N.j-sw-Ptḥ, "Ni-su-Ptah" | "Ni-su-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 176.5)

N.j-sw-pꜣ-md.w-šps.j, "Ni-su-pa-medu-schepses" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 295.9)

N.j-sw-pꜣ-kꜣ-m-Km.t, "Ni-su-pa-ka-em-Kemet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 422.27)

N.j-sw-Mnw, "Nesmin" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 176.12; DNB I, 674 ff.)

N.j-sw-Mnṯ.w, "Ni-su-Month" | "Ni-su-Montu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 176.14)

N.j-sw-Mnṯ.w, "Ni-su-Month (Name eines Schiffes)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (TPPI, § 32)

N.j-sw-nꜣ, "Ni-su-na-izti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (de Meulenaere, Kemi 16, 1962, 31 ff.)

N.j-sw-nwj, "Ni-su-newi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

N.j-sw-rḏ, "Ni-su-redji" | "Ni-su-redji" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 178.1)

N.j-sw-Ḥr.w, "Ni-su-Hor" | "Ni-su-Hor" [entity_name: person_name] (Giza Mastabas 2, 18)

N.j-sw-Ḥr.w, "Nes-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 178.7)

N.j-sw-Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "Ni-su-Hor-Behedeti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 145)

N.j-sw-ḥw, "Ni-su-hu" | "Ni-su-hu" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa-Altenmüller, Nianchchnum (AV 21), 175)

N.j-sw-ḥn.w, "Ni-su-henu" | "Ni-su-henu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 178.3)

N.j-sw-Ḫns.w, "Neschons" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 178.20; Demot. Nb I, 10, 689)

N.j-sw-ḫw, "Ni-su-chu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 295.21)

N.j-sw-H̱nm.w, "Ni-su-Chnum" | "Ni-su-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza X, Abb. 68)

N.j-sw-Sbk, "Ni-su-Sobek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 179.4)

N.j-sw-sꜥnḫ, "Ni-su-seanch" | "Ni-su-seanch" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 179.3)

N.j-sw-Šw-Tfn.t, "Ni-su-Schu-Tefnut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 179.7)

N.j-sw-qd, "Ni-su-qed" | "Ni-su-qed" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 179.9)

N.j-sw-ṯz.w, "Ni-su-tjesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 179.25)

N.j-smd.t, "Ni-semdet" | "Ni-semdet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 423.4)

N.j-špss-nswt, "Ni-schepses-nisut" | "Ni-shepses-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.8)

N.j-špss-Ttj, "Reichtum gehört dem Teti (Domäne)" | "Wealth-belongs-to-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Jzzj, "Ni-kau-Isesi" | "Ni-kau-Isesy" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 11)

N.j-kꜣ.w-ꜥnḫ, "Ni-kau-anch" | "Ni-kau-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Ppy, "Ni-kau-Pepi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Ny-'ankh-Pepy, 58)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Ptḥ, "Ni-kau-Ptah" | "Ni-kau-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.20)

N.j-kꜣ, "Ni-kau-Nebti" | "Ni-kau-Nebti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.21)

N.j-kꜣ.w-nswt, "Ni-kau-nesut" | "Ni-kau-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.22)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Ni-kau-Re" | "Ni-kau-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.23)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Ni-kau-Hathor" | "Ni-kau-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, fig. 39)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Ni-kau-Hor" | "Ni-kau-Hor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.25)

N.j-kꜣ.w-H̱nm.w, "Ni-kau-Chnum" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.26)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ni-kau-Kakai" | "Ni-kau-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-kꜣ.w-Ttj, "Ni-kau-Teti" | "Ni-kau-Teti" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 34, pl. 45)

N.j-kꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Ni-ka-anch" | "Ni-ka-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.10)

N.j-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Ni-ka-Re" | "Ni-ka-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.16)

N.j-kꜣ-Ḥpj, "Ni-ka-Hepi" | "Ni-ka-Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.17)

N.j-kꜣ-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Der zum Ka gehörige Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

N.j-kꜣ-Ṯy, "Der zum Ka gehörige Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

N.j-tꜣ.wj-nswt, "Ni-tawi-nisut" | "Ni-tawi-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-tꜣ.wj-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ni-tawi-Kakai" | "Ni-tawi-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652)

N.j-ḏfꜣ-nswt, "Ni-djefa-nisut" | "Ni-djefa-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 652 (Index))

N.jwt-Wsjr, "Die zu Osiris gehören" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 17, 25; vgl. LGG IV, 482)

N.jt-ꜥnḫ-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Nit-anch-Hathor" | "Nit-ankh-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 171.18)

N.jt-ꜥnḫ-šr.t, "Nit-anch-scheret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 172.6)

N.jt-kꜣ.w-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Nit-kau-Hathor (?)" | "Nit-kau-Hathor (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 180.24)

N.t-wr, "Großes Wasser" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 198.12; Hornung, Anbetung II, 169), "Der der existiert" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 367)Ḥw.t-bnbn, "Der im Haus des Benben ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 373)

N.tjw-m-kꜣr=sn, "Die in ihrem Schrein sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 383)

N-ꜣr=f, "Naref" | "Naref" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 196.1; GDG III, 66 f., 71; LÄ IV 348)

N-ꜣry, "En-ary" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza V, 301, pl. LXI)

N-mwt=f, "En-mutef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 168.16)

N-mr.n=j, "[Name eines Hundes]" | english translation missing [entity_name: animal_name] (Janssen, MDAIK 16, 158, 180)

N-rḫ=f, "En-rechef" | "En-rekhef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 168.17)

N-ḫft-kꜣ=j, "En-cheft-kai" | "En-khefet-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 168.21)

N-ẖny.t, "En-chenyt (9. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 317)

N-sḫꜣ, "En-secha" | "En-secha" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 168.26)

N-sḏr-kꜣ, "En-sedjer-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 169.1)

Nʾ.t, "Theben" | "Thebes" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 211.7; GDG III, 75; LÄ VII, 284)

Nʾ.t-Jmn, "Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 76)

Nʾ.t-wr.t, "Große Stadt (im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 77)

Nʾ.t-bw-smḫ, "Nat-bu-semech" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 293.12)

Nʾ.t-rs.jt, "Theben ("südliche Stadt")" | "Thebes (lit. The-southern-city)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 211.8)

Nʾ.t-šnḏ.t, "Stadt der Akazie (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Nʾ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Stadt des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Nʾ.tjw, "Natiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 169.6)

Nꜣ-mḥ, "Na-meh (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner, ZÄS 43, 1906, 37)

Nꜣ-nfr, "Na-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Zivie, BIFAO 75, 1975, 302)

Nꜣ-nṯr.w-n-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Qḏwdn, "Götter des Landes Kizzuwadna" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 551)

Nꜣ-nṯr.w-nb.w-ꜥnḫ, "Götter, die Herren des Eides" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 496)

Nꜣ-rn.w-n-Ꜥꜣ, "Die Namen des Apophis, die nicht mehr existieren (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 276 (1259))

Nꜣ-sr.yw-n.tjw-m-ꜥ.t-šps.jt, "Die Fürsten, die in der verehrungswürdigen Kammer sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Imouthés, Col. 10.6; vgl. LGG VI, 423)

Nꜣ-šn.y-n-Stḫ, "Die Bäume des Seth (Chenoboskion; nahe heutigem Qasr es Sajjad)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (AEO II, 31* f., LÄ I, 922, VII, 293; vgl. GDG III, 69 f.)

Nꜣ-šnꜥ.w, "Unwetterwolken" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.11)

Nꜣ-ḏw.w-nꜣ-jtr.w-n-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Ḫt, "Berge und Flüsse des Landes Chatti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.8)

Nꜣ-ḏw.w-nꜣ-jtr.w-n-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Km.t, "Berge und Flüsse des Landes Ägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.10)

Nꜣy.t, "Nayt (im 13. u.äg. Gau, Domäne Ramses III.?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 169; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 132, n. 207; Helck, Gaue, 185)

Nꜣy-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Nay-Ramses-mer-Amun, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Manassa, Merneptah, 129, Anm. a)

Nꜣy-Sꜥr, "Nasar (syll.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (pMoskau 127, S. 5, Z5; Caminos, Woe, 68)

Nꜣḥw, "Nahu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 69; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 318 f.)

Nj.t, "Neith" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 181.24)

Nj.t, "Neith" | "Neith" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 198.9; LGG III, 510)

Nj-s.wt-Ptḥ, "Ni-sut-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 173.11)

Njꜣ.wn-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Der Steinbock des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Ibex of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (13))

Njw, "[eine der acht Urgottheiten]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 202.13; LGG III, 520)

Njw-njw, "Niu-niu" | "Niu-niu" [entity_name: person_name] (Zaba, Rock Inscriptions, no. 208)

Njs, "Der Rufende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 525)

Njs-n=j, "Nis-eni (?)" | "Nis-eni (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 652)

Njk, "Der Strafende" | "Punisher" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 205.16; LGG III, 527)

Ny, "Ny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 181.17)

Nꜥw, "Sich windender (Personifikation der Schlange)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 207.9-11; vgl. LGG III, 530 f.)

Nꜥw.t, "Naut" | "[a serpent]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 207.15; LGG III, 532)

Nꜥr.t, "Naret (Gebiet des 20. und 21. oäg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 409; vgl. LÄ II, 392 ff)

Nꜥr.t-pḥ.t, "Hinterer Naret (21. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 208.16; LÄ II, 393)

Nꜥr.t-ḫnt.jt, "Vorderer Naret (20. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 208.15; LÄ II, 392 f.)

Nw, "Nu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 540)

Nw.w, "Nun" | "Nun" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 215.5-6; vgl. LGG III, 543)

Nw.wt, "Naunet" | "Naunet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 215.18; vgl. LGG III, 550)

Nw.t, "Nut" | "Nut" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 214.3-14; LGG III, 535 ff.)

Nw-ḥy-ḥw.t-kꜣ.w, "Nu-hy-hut-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Hassan, Teti Cemetery Saqqara I, 56; vgl. RPN I, 182.29)

Nwnw, "Nunu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 206.7)

Nwr.w, "[Fährmann am Himmel]" | "Trembler (a heavenly ferryman)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 223.3; LGG III, 553 f.)

Nwḥ-kꜣ.w, "Neweh-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 182.29)

Nwd.y, "Der Schwankende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 225.11; LGG III, 556)

Nb, "Neb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.1)

Nb=j-pw, "Nebi-pw" | "Nebi-pw" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 184.14)

Nb=j-pw-bꜣ, "Nebi-pu-ba" | "Nebi-pu-ba" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 48 (Nr. 57))

Nb=j-pw-Z-n-wsr.t, "Nebi-pu-Sesostris" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 184.15)

Nb=j-m-ꜣḫ.t, "Nebi-em-achet" | "Nebi-em-akhet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 184.18)

Nb=j-m-Jwn.wt, "Nebi-em-Iunut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 184.19)

Nb=j-ms.w, "Nebi-mesu" | "Nebi-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 185.8)

Nb=j-nfr, "Nebi-nefer" | "Nebi-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 185.18)

Nb=j-Rꜥw, "Nebi-rau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 186.1)

Nb=sn, "Nebsen" | "Nebsen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 186.13)

Nb.j-ḥr, "Flammengesicht" | "Flame-face" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat I, 300; LGG IV, 194)

Nb.w-jḫ.wt, "Herren des Opfers" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 817)

Nb.w-hrw-rs-nn-qd=sn, "Die Herren des Tages, die wachen, ohne dass sie schlafen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 27.15, p. 67, Anm. 7; vgl. LGG III, 815)

Nb.w-ḥꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die Herren des Schreckens im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 816)

Nb.w-ḫꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die Herren des Gemetzels im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 818)

Nb.w-s.wt-wsḫ.wt-s.wt-r-gs-jmn.t, "Die Herren der weiten Stätten, der Stätten zur Seite des Westens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 819b; vgl. Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 1.10)

Nb.w-snḏ-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die Herren der Furcht im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 820)

Nb.w-kꜣr.w-jm.jw-ḏr.w, "die Herren der Kapellen, die an den Grenzen (der Welt) sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 823)

Nb.wj-ḥtp.w, "Nebui-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 187.15)

Nb.t, "Nebet" | "Nebet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 187.17)

Nb.t-ꜣm.w, "Herrin der Glut" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 3)

Nb.t-ꜣḫ.w, "Herrin der Ach-Geister" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 4)

Nb.t-Jwn.t, "Nebet-Iunet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 187.23)

Nb.t-jb, "Nebet-ib" | "Nebet-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 297.8)

Nb.t-jr.w, "Herrin der Gestalt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 19)

Nb.t-jtj=f, "Nebet-itief" | "Nebet-itief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 188.7)

Nb.t-ꜥwꜣ-ꜥnḫ=s-jm=f, "Herrin des Raubes, von dem sie lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 26)

Nb.t-ꜥn.t-sḥꜣp.t-bꜣ.w, "Herrin des Augenblicks, die die Bas verbirgt (6. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 156)

Nb.t-wꜣwꜣ.t, "Herrin der Glut" | "Mistress-of-fire" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat III, 689; LGG IV, 36)

Nb.t-pḏ.w, "Nebet-pedju" | "Nebet-pedju" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza, X, Abb. 111)

Nb.t-fꜣ.w-m-ḥw.t, "Herrin des Ansehens im Haus (1. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 155)

Nb.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Nebet-maat" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Meir I, Taf. 76 (b))

Nb.t-nb.wt, "Herrin der Herrinnen" | "mistress of mistresses" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 575; vgl. LGG IV, 71)

Nb.t-nbj.t-sḫm-ḥr=s, "Herrin der Flamme, deren Gesicht machtvoll ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 73)

Nb.t-nm.t, "Herrin der Richtstätte" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 75)

Nb.t-r-ḏr, "Allherrin" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 232-233.5; FCD 129; LGG IV, 170)

Nb.t-rm-ꜥnḫ=s-jm=f, "Herrin des Weinens, von dem sie lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 87 f.)

Nb.t-Ḥtp.t, "Herrin von Hetepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 195.10-11; Zivie, Giza, 332; vgl. LGG IV, 111 f.)

Nb.t-ḥw.t, "Nephthys" | "Nephthys" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 233.6; LGG IV, 95 f.)

Nb.t-ḥtp.w, "Herrin der Opfer (Feld in der Unterwelt)" | "Mistress-of-offerings (a field in the netherworld)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 240; II, 168; LGG IV, 110)

Nb.t-ḫbḫb, "[Tor im Jenseits]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 255.3; LGG IV, 118)

Nb.t-snḏ, "Herrin der Furcht (9. Pforte der Nachtstunde)" | "Mistress-of-fear (9th gate of the hours of the night)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 183.11; LGG IV, 130 f.)

Nb.t-sdꜣ.w, "Herrin des Zitterns (1. Pforte d. Nachtstunde)" | "Mistress-of-trembling (lst gate of the night)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 366.18-19; LGG IV, 138)

Nb.t-šꜥ.t, "Herrin des Gemetzels" | "Mistress-of-terror" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 140 f.)

Nb.t-tʾ, "Nebet-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers, pl. 22 f.)

Nb.t-ṯꜣw, "Herrin des Windes (Opfergefilde)" | "Mistress-of-the-wind" [entity_name: place_name] (LGG IV, 163)

Nb.t-dndn-ḥr-wbd-sbj.w, "Herrin des Zorns beim Verbrennen der Feinde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.4-5; vgl. LGG IV, 167)

Nb.t-Ḏw-dšr, "Herrin des Roten Berges (Hathorheiligtum)" | "mistress of Red-mountain (Gebel el-Ahmar)" [entity_name: org_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 2, 5; Koch, Sinuhe, 16; vgl. Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 204)

Nb.t-ḏ.t, "Herrin der Ewigkeit der Dauer" | "Mistress-of-eternity" [entity_name: gods_name] (WbZ; Hornung, Amduat III, 832; LGG IV, 168), "die Beiden Herrinnen (Nechbet und Buto)" | "the Two Ladies (Nekhbet and Wadjet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 233.7; LGG IV, 173 (A.b)), "Die beiden Herrinnen (die beiden Kronen von OÄg und UÄg)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 233.9-10)

Nb-Jmn, "Neb-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.10)

Nb-jb, "Neb-ib" | "Neb-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.9)

Nb-jr.j, "Neb-iri" | "Neb-iri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.13)

Nb-jr.j-r-ꜣw, "Nebirierau" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 6)

Nb-jr.wt, "Neb-irut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.16)

Nb-jr.t, "Neb-irit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 190.10)

Nb-jtj=f, "Neb-itief" | "Neb-itief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.19)

Nb-ꜥ, "[Nebtiname Psammetichs I.]" | "[Nebty-name of Psammetichus I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 1)

Nb-ꜥnḫ, "Neb-anch" | "Neb-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.26)

Nb-ꜥnḫ-Mnw, "Neb-anch-Min" | "Neb-ankh-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 183.27)

Nb-bꜣ.w, "Herr der Bas" | "Lord-of-ba-manifestations" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Anbetung II, 159; LGG III, 618 f.)

Nb-p.t, "Der den Himmel schafft" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 186 f.)

Nb-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Herr der Wahrheit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 639 ff.)

Nb-m-ht, "Neb-em-het" | "Neb-em-het" [entity_name: person_name] (Green, PSBA 31, 1909, 320, pl. LIII)

Nb-mꜣꜥ.t, "[Horusname Snofrus]" | "[Horus-name of Snofru]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 1)

Nb-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Nebmaatres]; [Thronname Amenophis' III.]; [Thronname Ramses' VI.] (u.a.)" | "Nebmaatre (throne-name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVI f; XVIII 9; XX 5; etc.)

Nb-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn, "[Thronname Ramses' VI.]" | "Nebmaatre, beloved of Amun (throne-name of Ramesses VI)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 5)

Nb-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-nḫt.w, "Neb-maat-Re-nachtu" | "Neb-maat-Re-nachtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 184.27)

Nb-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ẖnm-Ptḥ, "Amenophis III., vereint mit Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 642)

Nb-mwt-ꜥnḫ=f-m-ꜥwꜣ.t, "Herr des Todes, der von der Beute lebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 645)

Nb-mḥy.t, "Neb-mehyt" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 185.7)

Nb-nb.w, "Herr der Herren" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 658)

Nb-nbj.t-wbd=f-ḫft.jw, "Herr der Flamme, der die Feinde verbrennt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 660)

Nb-nfr.w, "Neb-neferu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 185.19)

Nb-rʾ-sḥ.wj, "Neb-ra-sehwi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 4, 10)

Nb-rḫ.yt, "Herr des Volkes" | "lord of humankind" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 685)

Nb-ḥꜣp.t-Rꜥw, "Nebhepetre (ein Thronname Mentuhoteps II.)" | "Nebhepetre (throne name of Mentuhotep II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 5)

Nb-ḥr.w, "Der Herr der Gesichter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 701 f.)

Nb-ḥr-wꜥ.w, "Eingesichtiger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 701)

Nb-ḥr-nšn.j-ꜣ.t, "Besitzer eines Gesichtes, rasend an Kraft (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 8.3; vgl. LGG IV, 196a-b)

Nb-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Sahures]" | "[Horus-name of Sahure]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 2)

Nb-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Tutanchamuns]" | "Nebkheperure (throne name of Tutankhamun)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 12)

Nb-sw-mnw, "Neb-su-menu" | "Neb-Sumenu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 186.8)

Nb-sn.y, "Neb-seny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 186.14)

Nb-sgr, "Herr des Schweigens" | "lord of silence (Osiris)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 229.9; 4, 323.16; LGG III, 742 f.)

Nb-šꜣb.n=f, "Neb-schabenef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3, 7)

Nb-kꜣ, "Neb-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III.1)

Nb-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Nebkaure Achtoi" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IX/X.d)

Nb-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Neb-kau-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 296.28)

Nb-tꜣ-ḫr.t, "Neb-ta-cheret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XVIII)

Nb-dwꜣ.t, "Herr der Unterwelt" | "lord of the nether world" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG III, 786 ff.)

Nbj, "Nebi" | "Nebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 192.21)

Nbj.t, "Flammende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 195)

Nby, "Neby" | "Neby" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 192.22)

Nby, "Neby" | "Neby" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 187.5)

Nby.t, "Kom Ombo (im 1. oäg. Gau)" | "Kom Ombo" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 242.5; GDG III, 83; AEO II, 5*; Gomaà, Besiedlung I; 29 f.; LÄ VII, 293)

Nbw=f, "Nebuef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 297.3)

Nbw.t, "Ombos (Kultort des Seth, 5. oäg. Gau)" | "Ombos" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 242.4; Montet, Géographie II, 82 f; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 162 f.; LÄ VII, 294)

Nbw.t-ḥm.wt, "Goldene der Frauen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 184)

Nbw-m-Jwn.t, "Nebu-em-Iunet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 190.18)

Nbw-m-jnḥꜣs, "Nebu-em-inhas" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XV)

Nbw-m-zꜣ.w, "Nebu-em-zau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 181 f.)

Nbw-m-zš, "Nebu-em-zesch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 74), "Nebu-neferti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 191.13)

Nbw-r-Qjs, "Nebu-er-Qis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 191.15)

Nbw-ḥ, "Nebu-hetepti" | "Nebu-hetepti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 192.1)

Nbw-ḫpr-Rꜥw-zꜣ-Rꜥw-Jni̯-jtj=f, "[Thron- und Eigenname Antefs V.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII.1)

Nbw-kꜣ, "Nebu-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 192.6)

Nbw-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenemhets II.]" | "Nebkaure (throne name of Amenemhat II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 3)

Nbb, "Nebeb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 97 C)

Nbs-w, "Nebes-u" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 193.2)

Nbs-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Die Christusdornfrucht des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 384)

Nbs-Mḥw, "Die Christusdornfrucht des Mehu (Domäne)" | "Christ's-thorn-fruit-of-Mehu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

Nbs-H̱nj, "Die Christusdornfrucht des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Chrits's-thorn-fruit-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Nbs-Zzj, "Die Christusdornfrucht des Zezi (Domäne)" | "Christ's-thorn-fruit-of-Zezi (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

Nbs-Snfr.w, "Die Christusdornfrucht des Snofru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Nbs-Ṯy, "Die Christusdornfrucht des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Nbsy.t, "Nebesyt (südlich von Theben)" | "Nebsyt (south of Thebes)" [entity_name: place_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 6-7, 131; GDG III, 85)

Npyt, "Napata" | "Napata" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 86-87; Peust, Das Napatanische, 216)

Npr, "Neper (Korngott)" | "Neper (grain god)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 249.6; LGG IV, 203)

Nf.w, "Nefu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 193.7)

Nfr, "Nefer" | "Nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 194.1)

Nfr=f-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Neferefres]" | "Neferefre (throne name)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 5), "Neferyt (Kuhgöttin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 235 f.)

Nfr.w, "Neferu" | "Neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.18)

Nfr.w, "Neferu (Tochter Sesostris' I, Frau Amenemhets II.)" | "Neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (Troy, Queenship, 12.11)

Nfr.w, "Neferu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.17)

Nfr.w-jm.jw-Jwn.w, "Die schönen Jünglinge, die in Heliopolis sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 132, n. 208; vgl. LGG IV, 233 f.)

Nfr.w-Ptḥ, "Neferu-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.24)

Nfr.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Die Vollkommenheit des Chephren (Domäne)" | "The-Perfection-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 225)

Nfr.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Vollkommenheit des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Nfr.t, "Neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 201.10)

Nfr.t-j, "Nefereti" | "Neferti" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish III, fig. 27), "Nofretete" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 201.12), "Nofretete, schön ist die Schönheit Atons" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (LÄ IV, 519 ff.)

Nfr.t-jwi̯=s, "Neferet-iwies" | "Neferet-iwies" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza, VI.3, pl. XIX)

Nfr.t-jn.t, "Neferet-init" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 81, fig. 32)

Nfr.t-wnn=s, "Neferet-wenenes" | "Neferet-wenenes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 202.2)

Nfr.t-nwst, "Neferet-nesut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 202.14)

Nfr.t-nswt nḏs, "Neferet-nesut-nedjes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 299.15)

Nfr.t-ḥꜣ-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Neferet-ha-Chufu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 202.21)

Nfr.t-ḫꜥ.w, "Die Vollkommen an Erscheinung ist" | "Perfect-of-appearances" [entity_name: gods_name] (WbZ; Hornung Amduat I, 145; LGG IV, 232)

Nfr.t-ḫr-nswt, "Neferet-cher-nisut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.2)

Nfr.t-sr, "Neferet-ser" | "Neferet-ser" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 88)

Nfr.t-kꜣ, "Neferet-ka" | "Neferet-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.5)

Nfr.t-kꜣ.w, "Neferet-kau" | "Neferet-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.6), "Neferti" | "Neferti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 204.8)

Nfr-ꜣbd, "Nefer-abed" | "Nefer-ibed" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 194.22)

Nfr-Jmn, "Nefer-Imen" | "Nefer-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.1)

Nfr-Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t-ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t-r-nḥḥ, "Schön ist Amenemhet, der ewig lebt bis zur Ewigkeit (bei Illahun)" | "Beautiful-is-Amenemhat-living-forever-and-ever" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 88)

Nfr-Jḥy, "Nefer-Ihy" | "Nefer-Ihy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.12)

Nfr-Jzzj, "Vollkommen ist Isesi (Pyramidenanlage des Isesi)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ I, 474; IV, 1249; V, 5; VII, 294)

Nfr-Jzzj-mr.w-Ptḥ, "Gut ist, dass Izezi Ptah liebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 307)

Nfr-Jtm, "Nefer-Atum" | "Nefer-Atum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.24)

Nfr-jw.w, "Nefer-iwiu" | "Nefer-iu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 194.7)

Nfr-jwn.w, "Nefer-iunu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 194.10)

Nfr-jb-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Psammetichs II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 3)

Nfr-jb-Rꜥw-mr-Rꜥw, "Nefer-ib-Re-meri-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Sawi/Gomaà, Panehsi, 77)

Nfr-jr.w, "Nefer-iru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.3)

Nfr-jr.w=s, "Nefer-irues" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.5)

Nfr-jr.t, "Nefer-iret" | "Nefer-iret" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 652)

Nfr-jr.t-Ptḥ-n-Wnjs, "Gut ist das, was Ptah für Unas tut (Domäne)" | "What-Ptah-does-for-Unas-is-good (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 172)

Nfr-jr.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-iret-Kakai" | "Nefer-iret-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Neferirkare (Thronname Neferirkare-Kakais)" | "Neferirkare (throne name of Neferirkare-Kakai)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 3)

Nfr-jḫ.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-ichet-Kakai (?)" | "Nefer-ikhet-Kakai (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-Ꜥnq.t, "Nefer-Anqet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 298.13)

Nfr-ꜥb.t, "Nefer-abet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.13)

Nfr-ꜥnḫ, "Nefer-anch" | "Nefer-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.16)

Nfr-ꜥnḫ-J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Vollkommen an Leben ist Ikau-Hor (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 400)

Nfr-ꜥnḫ-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Vollkommen an Leben ist Userkaf (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Nfr-ꜥnḫ-nb=f, "Nefer-anch-nebef" | "Nefer-ankh-nebef" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-wꜣ.wt, "Nefer-waut" | "Nefer-waut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.18)

Nfr-wꜣ.wt-Ḫꜥi̯-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw-ḏ.t, "Nefer-waut-Chai-kau-Re-djet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (De Morgan, Cat. des Mon., 1, 86, 20)

Nfr-wꜣ.t=s, "Nefer-wates" | "Nefer-wates" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 298.15)

Nfr-wn.t, "Nefer-wenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 423.26; vgl. II, 298.18)

Nfr-wsj, "Neferusi (Stadt bei Beni Hasan)" | "Neferusi (near Beni Hasan)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 89 f.; V 228; VI 145; Montet, Geógraphie II, 152; LÄ IV, 383 ff.)

Nfr-wdn.t, "Nefer-udenet" | "Nefer-wedenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.27)

Nfr-wḏ.t, "Nefer-udjet" | "Nefer-wedjet" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-wḏ.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vollkommen ist was Chephren befiehlt (Domäne)" | "What-Chephren-decrees-is-good (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Nfr-wḏ.t-H̱nm.w-n-Ttj, "Vollkommen ist was Chnum für Teti befiehlt (Domäne)" | "What-Khnum-decrees-for-Teti-is-good (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

Nfr-wḏ.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Vollkommen ist was Sahure befiehlt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 384)

Nfr-wḏ.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-udjet-Kakai" | "Nefer-wedjet-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-bꜣ.w-Ptḥ, "Nefer-bau-Ptah" | "Nefer-bau-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.29)

Nfr-bꜣq.t, "Nefer-baqet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 195.30)

Nfr-btq, "Nefer-beteq (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 196.3)

Nfr-Ptḥ, "Nefer-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 196.10)

Nfr-psḏ.t, "Nefer-pesedjet" | "Nefer-pesedjet" [entity_name: person_name] (Collier, Quirke, Lahun, Pap., Religious, Literary, ..., 43)

Nfr-mꜣꜥ.t, "Nefer-maat" | "Nefer-maat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 196.17)ꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-mitet-Kakai" | "Nefer-mitet-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 85 A)

Nfr-mn.w-Ttj, "Vollkommen an Denkmälern ist Teti (Domäne)" | "Teti-is-perfect-of-monuments (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 465)

Nfr-mnḫ.t, "Nefer-menchet" | "Nefer-menkhet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 196.23)

Nfr-mrr=k, "Nefer-mererek" | "Nefer-mererek" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 82)

Nfr-msḏr-Ḥwi̯=f-wj, "Nefer-mesdjer-Chufu" | "Nefer-mesedjer-Khufu" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 164)

Nfr-nw-j, "Nefer-nu-i" | "Nefer-nw-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 36), "Nefer-neferu-Aton-Nofretete" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, II, 115)

Nfr-nfr.w-Jtn-tꜣ-šrj.t, "Nefer-neferu-Aton-ta-scherit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.9)

Nfr-nfr.w-Rꜥw, "Nefer-neferu-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.10)

Nfr-nmt.wt, "Nefer-nemtut" | "Nefer-nemetut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.11)

Nfr-nmt.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Schön an Gang ist Cheops (Domäne)" | "Cheops-is-beautiful-of-stride (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 466)

Nfr-nmt.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-nemtet-Kakai" | "Nefer-nemtet-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-nn, "Nefer-nen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.13)

Nfr-nswt, "Nefer-nisut" | "Nefer-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.14)

Nfr-rw, "Nefer-ru (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.16)

Nfr-rnp.wt-sꜥnḫ-jb.w, "[Goldname Thutmosis' I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen XVIII 3)

Nfr-rnp.t, "Nefer-renpet" | "Nefer-renpet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.18)

Nfr-hꜣ.w, "Nefer-hau" | "Nefer-hau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.23)

Nfr-hꜣy, "Nefer-hay" | "Nefer-hy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.24; II 369)

Nfr-hp.w-sgrḥ-Tꜣ.wj, "[Nebtiname Tutanchamuns]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 12)

Nfr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Nefer-Hathor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.22)

Nfr-ḥꜣ-nswt, "Nefer-ha-nisut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 197.26)

Nfr-ḥr, "Nefer-her" | "Nefer-her" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.6)

Nfr-ḥr-j, "Nefer-her-i" | "Nefer-her-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.12)

Nfr-ḥr-bꜣ, "Nefer-her-ba" | "Nefer-her-ba" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa-Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Nfr-ḥr-Ptḥ, "Nefer-hor-Ptah" | "Nefer-hor-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.8)

Nfr-ḥr-n-bꜣ, "Nefer-her-en-ba" | "Nefer-her-en-ba" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa-Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Nfr-ḥr-n-Ptḥ, "Nefer-her-en-Ptah" | "Nefer-her-en-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.9)

Nfr-ḥzw.t-J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Vollkommen an Lobpreis ist J-kau-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Nfr-ḥzw.t-Jzzj, "Vollkommen an Lobpreis ist Izezi" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 56)

Nfr-ḥzz.t-Ttj, "Gut ist das, was Teti lobt (Domäne)" | "What-Teti-praises-is-good (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 42 (6))

Nfr-ḥtp, "Neferhotep" | "Neferhotep" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 22, 30a)

Nfr-ḥtp wr, "Nefer-hetep, der Ältere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.15)

Nfr-ḥtp=s, "Nefer-hetepes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.19)

Nfr-ḥtp.w, "Nefer-hetepu" | "Nefer-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.21)

Nfr-ḥtp.w, "Nefer-hetepu" | "Nefer-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.14)

Nfr-ḥtp.w-Wnjs, "Vollkommen sind die Opfergaben des Unas (Domäne)" | "Perfect-are-the-offerings-of-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 412)

Nfr-ḥtp.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Vollkommen an Opfern ist Cheops (Domäne)" | "Perfect-of-offerings-is-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 466)

Nfr-ḥtp-Rꜥw, "Nefer-hetep-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 423.29)

Nfr-ḥtp-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Nefer-hetep-Hathor" | "Nefer-hetep-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 198.18)

Nfr-ḥtp-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Schön ist das Opfer des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231)

Nfr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vollkommen ist Chephren (Domäne)" | "Perfect is Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Nfr-ḫꜥ.w, "Nefer-chau" | "Nefer-khau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.5)

Nfr-ḫꜥ.w, "[Goldname Nebirieraus I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 6)

Nfr-ḫꜥ.w-J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Schön im Erscheinen ist I-kau-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Nfr-ḫꜥ.w-Wnjs, "Schön im Erscheinen ist Unas (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 123)

Nfr-ḫw, "Nefer-chu" | "Nefer-khu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.6)

Nfr-ḫw.w, "Nefer-chuu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.7)

Nfr-ḫw.w-Ptḥ, "Nefer-chuu-Ptah" | "Nefer-khuu-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.8)

Nfr-ḫw.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-chuu-Kakaki" | "Nefer-khuu-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener, BdE 65/2, 653)

Nfr-ḫw.t, "Nefer-chut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.11)

Nfr-ḫw-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Nefer-chu-Hathor" | "Nefer-khu-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 424.1)

Nfr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenophis IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII.10)

Nfr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw-wꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenophis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 10)

Nfr-ḫpr.w-ḥr-sḫpr=j, "Nefer-cheperu-her-secheperi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.12)

Nfr-ẖn.t, "Nefer-chenet" | "Nefer-khenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.14)

Nfr-ẖ, "Nefer-chenti-en-nisut" | "Nefer-khenti-en-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 81)

Nfr-ẖnm.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Vollkommen an Verbundenheit ist Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 270)

Nfr-ẖnm-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vollkommen an Verbundenheit ist Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 233)

Nfr-zꜣ-Ḥr.w, "[Thronname Pepis I.]" | "[throne name of Pepy I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 3; vgl. 62, Anm. 4)

Nfr-s.wt-Wnjs, "Vollkommen sind die Plätze des Unas (Pyramidenanlage des Unas)" | "The-places-of-Unas-are-perfect (pyramid of Unas)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ IV, 1250 f.; vgl. Wb 4, 3.8)

Nfr-s.wt-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Vollkommen an Plätzen ist Chephren (Domäne)" | "Perfect-of-places-is-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 228)

Nfr-sfḫ-j, "Nefer-sefech-i" | "Nefer-sefekh-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.22)

Nfr-sfḫ-H̱nm.w, "Nefer-sefech-Chnum" | "Nefer-sefekh-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 67 (Nr. A/18))

Nfr-smn, "Nefer-semen" | "Nefer-semen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 299.3)

Nfr-smn-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-semen-Kakai" | "Nefer-semen-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener, BdE 65/2, 653)

Nfr-srs, "Nefer-seres" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 424.5)

Nfr-sḫr.w, "Nefer-secheru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.3)

Nfr-sšm, "Nefer-seschem" | "Nefer-seshem" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.4)

Nfr-sšm=f, "Nefer-seschemef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 299.5)

Nfr-sšm-Ptḥ, "Nefer-seschem-Ptah" | "Nefer-seshem-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.7)

Nfr-sšm-Rꜥw, "Nefer-seschem-Re" | "Nefer-seshem-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.8)

Nfr-sšm-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-seschem-Kakai" | "Nefer-seshem-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-sḏm, "Nefer-sedjem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 424.8)

Nfr-šn.w, "Nefer-schenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf. 17)

Nfr-qd, "Nefer-qed" | "Nefer-qed" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.15)

Nfr-kꜣ, "Nefer-ka" | "Nefer-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.16)

Nfr-kꜣ.w=s, "Nefer-kaues" | "Nefer-kaues" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 299.8)

Nfr-kꜣ-j, "Nefer-ka-i" | "Nefer-ka-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 200.18)

Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Neferkare; [Thronname Pepis II.]; [Thronname mehrerer Könige]" | "Neferkare (throne and personal name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, II 6; III 5; VI 5; VIII 3, 4, 6, 10 u.a.)

Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw-nḫt.w, "Neferkare-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Eichler, MDAIK 54, 1998, 261)

Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses' IX]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX.8)

Nfr-kꜣ-Kꜣkꜣj, "Nefer-ka-Kakaki" | "Nefer-ka-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 653)

Nfr-Ttj-ḥzz.w-Ptḥ, "Ein Guter, den Ptah lobt, ist Teti (Domäne)" | "Perfect-is-Teti-praised-of-Ptah (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 42 (4))

Nfr-tp-wꜣ.t, "Nefer-tep-wat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 65b)

Nfr-tm, "Nefertem" | "Nefertem" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 257.5; LGG IV, 221 ff.)

Nfr-ṯꜣz-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Nefer-tjaz-Hathor" | "Nefer-tjaz-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 201.6)

Nfr-ṯbꜣw, "Nefer-tjebau (?)" | "Nefer-tjebau (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 299.9)

Nfr-ṯ, "Nefer-tjenenti" | "Nefer-tjenenti" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 34 (40))

Nfr-ṯnt.t, "Nefer-tjentet" | "Nefer-tjenetet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 201.4)

Nfr-ṯz, "Nefer-tjez" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 201.5)

Nfrj, "Neferi" | "Neferi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.11)

Nfry, "Nefery" | "Nefery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 203.14)

Nm.t-š, "Die den See durchzieht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 237)

Nmj, "Der Zwerg" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 238 f.)

Nmꜥ, "Schlafender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 238)

Nmꜥ.y, "Nemay" | "Nemay" [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Religious, Literary ..., 33)

Nmw, "Zwerg" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 238 f.)

Nmlt, "Nimlot" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXIV Ab)

Nmḥ, "Waise (?)" | "orphan (?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 111-112; II, 29; LGG IV, 239 f.)

Nms.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Nemset-Krug des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Nmt.j, "Nemti" | "Nemti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 69.16)

Nmt.j, "Nemti" | "Nemty" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ I, 318 f.; LGG IV, 242 f.)

Nmt.j-jw, "Nemti-iu" | "Nemti-iu" [entity_name: person_name] (Inscr. Sinai, 224)

Nmt.j-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Nemti-em-hat" | "Nemti-em-hat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 69.21)

Nmt.j-m-zꜣ=f, "Nemti-em-za-ef" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI, 4)

Nmt.j-m-zꜣ=s, "Nemti-em-zaes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 69.24)

Nmt.j-ms, "Nemti-mes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 272.12)

Nmt.j-nḫt.w, "Nemti-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 33; vgl. Berlev, Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 1, 1969, 3 ff.)

Nmt.j-ḥtp.w, "Nemti-hetepu" | "Nemti-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 70.2)

Nmt.j-zꜣ=f, "Nemti-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Faulkner, JEA 38, 1952, pl. 1)

Nmt.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Gang des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 286)

Nn, "Nen" | "Nen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 205.13)

Nn, "Nen" | "Nen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 204.17)

Nn, "Nen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 205.24)

Nn, "Nen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 205.25)

Nn, "Die Finsternis" | "[god of darkness, as a primeval force]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 274.7; LGG IV, 246)

Nn.yw, "Die Müden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 249 f.)

Nn.t, "Die Finsternis (Göttin)" | "[goddess of darkness, as a primeval force]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 274.8; LGG IV, 246)

Nn.t, "Gegenhimmel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 246)

Nn-wꜣi̯=f, "Nen-waief" | "Nen-waief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 204.21)

Nn-mw.t=f, "Nen-mutef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 298)

Nn-nḫn, "Nen-nechen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (CG 887)

Nn-nswt, "Herakleopolis" | "Heracleopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 272.4; GDG III, 93 ff.; LÄ II, 1124 ff.)

Nn-rḫ, "Unbekannter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 491)

Nn-šrj.t, "Nen-scherit" | "Nen-sherit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 205.22)

Nnj, "Neni" | "Neni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 205.4)

Nnj-tḫt, "Neni-techet" | "Neni-tekhet" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish V, fig. 16)

Nny, "Neny (?)" | "Neny (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 299.32)

Nnw.t, "Nenut" | "Nenut" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IX, 55)

Nnwj, "Nenui" | "Nenui" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 49 (Nr. 66))

Nnwj, "Nenui" | "Nenui" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 206.11)

Nnm.wt, "Die Bahre (Göttin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.2136; LGG IV, 251)

Nnk, "Nenek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (GEG § 114.3)

Nnkj, "Neneki" | "Neneki (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 206.15)

Nngj, "Nenegi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 300.2)

Nn?-nḥ.tj-j, "Nen(?)-nechti-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 89)

Nr.t, "Neith-Gau (4. und 5. u.äg. Gau)" | "Neith-nome (4th and 5th nomes of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 395 f., VII, 256)

Nr.t-mḥ.tjt, "Nördlicher Neith-Gau (5. u.äg. Gau)" | "northern Neith-nome (5th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 395 f.; VII, 256)

Nr.t-rsj.t, "Südlicher Neith-Gau (4. u.äg. Gau)" | "southern Neith-nome (4th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 395; VII, 256)

Nr-ḥr, "Der mit schrecklichem Gesicht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 255)

Nh.wt-dšr, "Nehut-descher" | "Nehut-desher" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish V, pl. 11, fig. 25; VIII, pl. 2b, 8b, fig. 3)

Nh.t, "Die Sykomore (Ort mit/oder Heiligtum der Hathor beim Giza Plateau)" | "Sycamore (place and/or sanctuary of Hathor at Giza)" [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 57 f.)

Nh.t-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Die Sykomore des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Sycamore-of-Ni-ankh-Khnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (23))Ṯy, "Die beiden Sykomoren des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Nhꜣ.w, "Die, die ruhig sind (?); Die, die niedergeschlagen sind (?)" | "[divine beings]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.2150; LGG IV, 262)

Nhw-nmtj, "Nehu-nemti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3, 8)

Nhp.w, "Die Hüter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 57; vgl. Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 274)

Nhrn, "Naharina; (Mitanni, Land am Euphrat)" | "Naharina (Mitanni)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 287.1; Edel, Ortsnamen 2, 66; LÄ II, 323; Hoch, Semitic Words, no. 253)

Nhz, "Wiederwachender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 287.12-13; LGG IV, 267 f.)

Nhs, "Das Sethtier (Seth als Tier)" | "[a designation for Seth]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 287.14-17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 531; LGG IV, 269)

Nhd, "Der Grimmige" | "dreadful one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.2166; LGG IV, 269 f.)

Nḥ.y, "Nehy" | "Nehy" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 290.2; LGG IV, 271)

Nḥ.y-n=j, "Nehy-eni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Quirke/Collier, Lahun Pap., Letters, 146-47)

Nḥ.ytn=j, "Nehyteni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 207.27)

Nḥ.t-nṯr.w, "[göttl. Wesen (Personifikation)]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 289.17; vgl. LGG IV, 271)

Nḥꜣ-ḥr, "Wildgesicht" | "fierce of face (Apophis; Seth)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 290.15-18; LGG IV, 271 ff.)

Nḥj, "Nehi" | "Nehi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 207.15)

Nḥy, "Nehy" | "Nehy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 207.19)

Nḥb.w-kꜣ.w, "Der mit den Ka-Kräften versehen ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 291.14-292.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 238; LGG IV, 273 ff.)

Nḥb.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Lotosblume des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Nḥb.t-tꜣ, "Nehebet-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XIII)

Nḥb.tjw, "Die mit dem Zepter" | "guardians" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 293.16; LGG IV, 277)

Nḥm.t-ꜥwꜣ.y, "Nehmet-away" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 284 f.)

Nḥrj, "Neheri" | "Neheri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 208.23)

Nḥs, "Nubierstadt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 211)

Nḥs-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Nubier des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Nḥtm, "Nehetem (Ort in Nubien)" | "Nehetem" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 74; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 142)

Nḫ.j, "Nechi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 206.1)

Nḫ.w-m-Mw.t, "Nechu-em-Mut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 209.11)

Nḫꜣ.w, "Nechau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 306.8)

Nḫꜣ.wyt, "[Göttin]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 306.9)

Nḫb, "Elkab" | "Elkab" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 309.2-5; GDG III, 99; LÄ VII, 294)

Nḫb.t, "Nechbet" | "Nekhbet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 309.7-9; LGG IV, 301 ff.)

Nḫb.t-Nḫn, "Nechbet von Nechen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 303)

Nḫbw.t, "Nechebut" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 308.15)

Nḫf, "Nechef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 21)

Nḫn, "Nechen" | "Nekhen (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Sinai Inscr., I, pl. IV)

Nḫn, "Hierakonpolis" | "Hierakonpolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 310.8-13; GDG III, 99; LÄ VII, 294)

Nḫn, "Nechen (3. o.äg. Gau)" | "Nekhen (3rd nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 387)

Nḫn-Wsjr, "Einfriedung des Osiris (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 401)

Nḫn-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Die Einfriedung des Userkaf (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Nḫn-nswt, "Das Königs-Nechen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 304 f.)

Nḫn-Rꜥw, "Nechen-Re (Sonnenheiligtum des Userkaf)" | "Nekhen-Re (solar temple of Userkaf)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ VII, 294)

Nḫn-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Einfriedung des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 286)

Nḫn-Ṯy, "Die Einfriedung des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Nḫs, "Nachasa (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 69; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 147 f.)

Nḫs-n-pꜣ-wr, "Neches des Großen (Name eines Gewässers)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI I, 8.4; RITANC I, 16 f.)

Nḫt, "Nacht" | "Nakht" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 209.16)

Nḫt.y-jd, "Nachty, der Jüngling" | "Nakhty the young" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 424.23)

Nḫt.w-Wsr-Mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Stärke des User-Maat-Re, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 101)

Nḫt.w-m-Wꜣs.t, "Sieg in Theben (Name eines Pferdegespanns)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI I, 8.15)

Nḫt-Jmn, "Nacht-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 209.22)

Nḫt-jꜣs, "Nechet-jas" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (TPPI, § 25)

Nḫt-pḏ.wt, "Mit starken Bögen (Name einer Armeetruppe)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (KRI I, 13.12)

Nḫt-Mnw, "Nacht-Min" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 210.17)

Nḫt-m-mw.t, "Nacht-em-mut" | "Nakht-em-mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 210.13)

Nḫt-mnzꜣ, "Nacht-menza" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 103, Anm. b)

Nḫt-nb-tp-nfr, "[Horusname Intefs III.]" | "[Horus-name of Inyotef III]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 4)

Nḫt-Ḥr.w-nꜣ-šn.w, "Nechet-Hor-na-schenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 211.5)

Nḫt-ḥḏ=s, "Nacht-hedjes" | "Nekht-hedjes" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, 172)

Nḫt-Sbk, "Nacht-Sobek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 211.13)

Nḫt-Sbk-j, "Nacht-Sobek-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner, Theban ostraca (Toronto), pl. b-c, g-k (rt.24))

Nḫt-Stẖ.j, "Nacht-Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 211.15)

Nḫt-sw, "Nacht-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 211.12)

Nḫt-kꜣ=j, "Nacht-kai" | "Nacht-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 211.16)

Nḫtj, "Nachti" | "Nakhti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 212.1)

Nzꜣ.t, "Nesat (Kultort des Widders Cherti)" | "Nesat" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 101; LÄ IV, 461)

Nzr.t, "Nezret" | "Flame" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 320.2-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 546 f.; LGG IV, 353 f.)

Nzr-mšr, "Nezer-mescher" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 653d)

Ns, "Nes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza V, 276; vgl. PM III, 2.Aufl., 253)

Ns.wt-Tꜣ.wj, "Throne der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 102)

Ns.t, "Neset (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 72)

Ns.tjw, "Die zu den Thronen Gehörigen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 320)

Nsy, "[Krankheitsdämon]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 320 f.)

Nsy.t, "[Krankheitsdämon]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 321)

Nswt.w-bj.tjw, "Die Könige von Ober- und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 345)ꜣ-Rꜥw, "König von Ober- und Unterägypten Neferirkare (opferemfangende Institution)" | "King-of-Upper-and-Lower-Egypt-Neferirkare (an institution)" [entity_name: org_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. XVII A)

Nswt-pw-nṯr, "Nisut-pu-netjer" | "Nesut-pu-netjer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 301.25; vgl. Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Nsr, "Der Brennende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 111; II, 28; vgl. LGG IV, 351 f.)

Nsr-tp-rʾ=f, "Flamme auf seinem Mund" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 315-16; II, 146; LGG IV, 352)

Nš.yw-šnj, "Die die Haare kämmen (Bez. der Ruder im Totenreich]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 501.1; vgl. LGG IV, 359)

Nšꜣ.wt, "Ort des Laichkrautes (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231)

Nšj, "Neschi" | "Neshi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 213.8)

Nqpḥn, "Nekpehen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 362)

Nkn, "Neken" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 86 (16))

Nkr, "Nikkal" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 347.7; Beck, Samanu, 124; vgl. LGG IV, 251)

Ngꜣ.w, "Negau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 106)

Ngꜣy, "Negay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Ngs, "Nukasse" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 75)

Ngg-wr, "Der große Gackerer" | "Great-cackler" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 350.14; LGG IV, 367)

Nṯn, "(Fluss) Litani" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 148)

Nṯr.j, "Netjeri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 214.17)

Nṯr.j-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Göttlich ist Mykerinos (Pyramidenkomplex des Mykerinos)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 5)

Nṯr.j-msw.t, "[Nebtiname Sesostris' III.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 5)

Nṯr.j-rn-Mnw, "Netjeri-ren-Min" | "Netjeri-ren-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.1)

Nṯr.j-ḥtp, "Netjeri-Hetep (Ort / Heiligtum im 7. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 58, n. 44)

Nṯr.j-ḥḏ.t, "[Horusname von Mentuhoteps II.]; [Nebtiname Mentuhoteps II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 5)

Nṯr.j-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Pepis II.]" | "[Horus-name of Pepy II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 5)

Nṯr.j-ḫpr.w, "[Horusname Sesostris III.]; [Nebtiname Nebirieraus I.]" | "[Horus-name of Sesostris III]; [Nebty-name of Nebirieraw II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 5; XVII 6)

Nṯr.j-ẖ.t, "[Horusname Djosers]" | "[Horus-name of Djoser]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III 2)

Nṯr.jt, "Das Göttliche (Osirisheiligtum in Bubastis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 301; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 134, n. 215)

Nṯr.w, "Netjeru (im Delta)" | "Divine (a locality in the Delta)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 365.12; GDG III, 107)

Nṯr.w-jꜣb.tjt, "Die Götter des Ostens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 456)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "Götter, die in Memphis sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 459)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-jdb, "Die Götter, die am Ufer sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 459)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-jdb-dwꜣ.t, "Die Götter, die am Ufer der Unterwelt sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 459)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-wjꜣ=f, "Götter, die in seiner Barke sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 27.25)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-mḥ, "Die Götter, die in Mehnit sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 462)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-ḫ.t-wꜥb.t-sꜥq-Wsjr-r-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Die Götter, die die Aufsicht über die Balsamierungsstätte haben und die Osiris in die Nekropole eintreten lassen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 464, VI, 204)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-qꜣb-mḥ, "Die Götter, die in der Windung der Mehnit sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 467)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-kꜣr=f, "Götter, die in seiner (Res) Kapelle sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 31.16)

Nṯr.w-jm.jw-kꜣr.w=sn-tp.jw-nw.w, "Götter in ihren Kapellen auf dem Urozean" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 467)

Nṯr.w-jmn.tjt, "Die Götter des Westens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 470 f.)

Nṯr.w-jr.jw-jdb, "Die Götter, die zum Ufer gehören" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 471)

Nṯr.w-ꜥꜣ.w, "die großen Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 473)

Nṯr.w-ꜥꜣ.w-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die großen Götter im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 476)

Nṯr.w-ꜥꜣ.w-n.w-Bḥd.t, "Die großen Götter vom (nördlichen) Behdet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 475)

Nṯr.w-ꜥḥꜣ.wtjw, "Männliche Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 478)

Nṯr.w-p.t, "Die Götter des Himmels" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 484 f.)

Nṯr.w-pꜣw.tjw, "Die urzeitlichen Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 486 f.)

Nṯr.w-pr.w-m-jr.t-Ḥr.w, "Götter, die aus dem Horusauge hervorgegangen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 489)

Nṯr.w-m-p.t, "Die Götter im Himmel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 485)

Nṯr.w-m-p.t-ḥr.j-jb-ꜣḫ.t, "Die Götter im Himmel, inmitten des Horizontes" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 28.5)

Nṯr.w-m-tꜣ, "Die Götter auf Erden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 550)

Nṯr.w-m-tꜣ-jm.jw-nwn, "Die Götter in der Erde, befindlich im Nun" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 28.5)

Nṯr.w-mḥ.tj, "Die Götter des Nordens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 493)

Nṯr.w-n.w-Pr-bꜣ, "Die Götter von Per-Ba" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 487)

Nṯr.w-n.w-stp-zꜣ, "Die Götter des Palastes" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 543)

Nṯꜣ=sn-m-p.t-ẖꜣ.t=sn-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Die Götter, deren Ba im Himmel und deren Leichname in der Nekropole sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthés, Col. 1.18; vgl. LGG IV, 507)

Nṯr.w-n-pr-ꜥnḫ, "Die Götter des Lebenshauses" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 487)

Nṯr.w-nṯr.wt-jm.jw-ḫt.w-Wsjr, "Die Götter und Göttinnen, die im Gefolge des Osiris sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 514)

Nṯr.w-nṯr.wt-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die Götter und Göttinnen im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 527)

Nṯr.w-rs.j, "Die Götter des Südens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 529 f.)

Nṯr.w-rs.j-mḥ.tj-jmn.tjt-jꜣb.tjt, "Die Götter des Südens, Nordens, Westens und Ostens" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 530)

Nṯr.w-ḥm.wt, "Weibliche Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 572)

Nṯr.w-zꜣb.w, "Schakalgötter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 540)

Nṯr.w-spꜣ.wt, "Götter der Gaue" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 540 f.)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-3.nwt, "Die Götter der dritten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-mḥ.t-10, "Die Götter der zehnten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-mḥ.t-11, "Die Götter der elften Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-mḥ.t-12, "Die Götter der zwölften Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-4.nwt, "Die Götter der vierten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-sn.nwt, "Die Götter der zweiten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547 f.)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-tp.jt, "Die Götter der ersten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 548)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-5.nwt, "Die Götter der fünften Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 548)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-6.nwt, "Die Götter der sechsten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-7.nwt, "Die Götter der siebten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-8.nwt, "Die Götter der achten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 547)

Nṯr.w-qrr.t-9.nwt, "Die Götter der neunten Höhle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 546 f.)

Nṯr.w-qrr.tjw, "Die Höhlengötter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 62.10; vgl. LGG IV, 548)

Nṯr.w-tꜣ, "Die Götter der Erde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 549 f.)

Nṯr.w-77, "Die 77 Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 555)

Nṯr.w-77-pr-m-Šdn.w, "Die 77 Götter, die aus Schednu hervorgegangen sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthes, Col. 28.7)

Nṯr.wj, "Die beiden Götter (Gewässer im 11. u.ä. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 146, Anm. 508)

Nṯr-n-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Ḫt, "Gott des Landes Chatti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 551)

Nṯr-n-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Km.t, "Gott des Landes Ägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 551)

Nṯr-nfr.w, "Netjer-neferu" | "Netjer-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 214.16)

Nṯr-ḥtp.w, "Netjer-hetepu" | "Netjer-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 214.20)

Ndj.t, "Nedit (Todesort des Osiris)" | "Nedyt (the place where Osiris was felled)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 367.15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 259; Montet, Géographie II, 104 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 214 f.)

Nḏ=f-Rꜥw, "Nedjef-Re" | "Nedjef-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, pl. XXIX)

Nḏ.w-bꜣ.w, "Die die Bas schützen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 585)

Nḏ.t, "Nedjet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.1)

Nḏ.t-p.t, "Nedjet-pet" | "Nedjet-pet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.6)

Nḏ.t-m-p.t, "Nedjet-em-pet" | "Nedjet-em-pet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.7)

Nḏf.t, "Nedjefet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205; GDG III, 111)

Nḏf.t-pḥ.t, "Nedjefet-pehet (14. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 390)

Nḏm, "Nedjem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.8)

Nḏm.t-ḥmz, "Nedjmet-hemez" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca I, pl. LI.2)

Nḏm-jb, "Nedjem-ib" | "Nedjem-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.9)

Nḏm-jb, "Fröhlicher" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 166; II, 55; LGG IV, 598)

Nḏm-ꜥnḫ, "Nedjem-anch" | "Nedjem-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.11)

Nḏm-Mn-nfr, "Nedjem-Memphis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 215.16)

Nḏmj, "Nedjemi" | "Nedjem-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 216.3)

Nḏmw, "Nedjemu" | "Nedjemu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 216.4)

Nḏr.y, "Packender" | "the siezer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 383.27; LGG IV, 603)

Nḏr.wt, "Die Ergreifenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 604)

Nḏḥ, "Nedjeh" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 166 f.)

Nḏs, "Nedjes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 216.7)

n, "[Einführg. d. log. Subj. b. Pass.]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 2, 194.3; GEG § 361 (S. 279); CGG 99 (III.); EAG § 649)

n, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 2, 193.3-194.7; EAG § 757; GEG § 164; ENG §§ 599 ff.; CGG 97 ff.)

n, "wir; uns [Enkl. Pron. pl.1.c]" | "we (depen. pron., 1st per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 2, 194-195.4; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107; ENG § 89; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80)

n, "[Negationspartikel]" | "[particle of negation]" [particle] (Wb 2, 195.7-8)

n= ...-jm.y, "gehörend; [Possessivadj.]" | "belonging" [adjective] (GEG § 113.3; JWSpG § 379; Satzinger, ZÄS 113, 1986, 150)

n.j, "gehörig zu" | "belonging to" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 2, 196.3-197.8; 200)

n.j-jb-nb=f, "Liebling seines Herrn; zum Herzen seines Herrn Gehöriger" | "favorite of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 60.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1747)

n.j-ꜥ-nswt, "Zugehöriger zu den Akten des Königs" | "king's arm" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1749)

n.j-mrw.t, "beliebt" | "beloved" [adjective] (Wb 2, 102.10-13)

n.j-mrw.t-ḫr-Mꜣtj.t, "Beliebter bei Matit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 50)

n.j-ns.t-ḫnt.jt, "einer der zum vordersten Sitz gehört" | "one who belongs to the foremost seat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1755)

n.j-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Zugehöriger zum großen Haus" | "he who belongs to the great estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1756)

n.j-s.t-jb, "Liebling" | "favorite" [substantive] (Wb 1, 60.3; 2, 196; 4, 4.6; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1765)

n.j-s.t-jb-nb=f, "Liebling seines Herrn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1765)

n.j-sj, "jmdm. gehören (sg.f) (invariabel)" | "belonging to someone" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 2, 197.5; CGG 24-27; vgl. EDG 227)

n.j-sw, "jmdm. gehören (sg.m.) (invariabel)" | "belonging to someone" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 2, 197.4; CGG 24-27; vgl. EDG 227)

n.j-sw, "Angehöriger" | english translation missing [substantive] (Barta, Gespräch eines Mannes mit seinem Ba, Z. 148 f.)

n.j-st, "jmdm. gehören (sg.c.) (invariabel)" | "belonging to someone" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 2, 197.6; CGG 24-27; vgl. EDG 227)

n.j-ḏ.t, "Angehöriger einer Djet-Stiftung" | "one who belongs to the djet-estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 196.5; 5, 511.2,4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1767)

n.j-ḏ.t, "Angehöriger einer Djet-Stiftung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 196.5; 5, 511.2,4)

n.j-ḏ.t-ḥm-kꜣ-sm-ḫrp-šnḏ.wt-smr-wꜥ.tj-Rꜥw-wr, "Diener der Stiftung und Totenpriester des Sem-Priesters, Schurzverwalters und einzigen Freundes Ra-wer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3756)

n.jt-s.t-jb, "Liebling (fem.)" | "favorite" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Habachi, Heqaib, 30 (no. 2); vgl. Wb 4, 4.6)

n.jt-ḏ.t, "die Angehörige einer Djet-Stiftung" | "one who belongs to the djet-estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 511.3-4; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1767)

n.y, "deswegen; dadurch; dafür" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 201.2; GEG § 205.1; EAG § 751)

n.t, "Rote Krone (von U.Äg.)" | "Red Crown (of Lower Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 198.4-8; FCD 125; LÄ III, 812)

n.t, "Wasser; Gewässer; Flut" | "water; flood" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 198.10-15; FCD 125; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 199; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 554)

n.t-ꜥ, "Bestimmung; Brauch; Zeremonie; Ritual" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 156.14; Cauville, Dendera X, Index, chapelles osiriennes, BdE 119, 289)

n.t-pw, "es ist der Fall, dass; es stimmt (in Rechnungen)" | "it is the case that; exactly (math.)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 351.1-2)

n.t-hp, "Recht" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 37; vgl. Wb 2, 489.2)

n.t-hp.w, "Ordnung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 37; vgl. Wb 2, 489.2)

n.t-ḥtr, "Wagenkämpfer" | "chariot warrior" [substantive] (Wb 2, 197), "Der welcher ist; Seiender" | "the one who is (exists)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 353.1-15; JWSpG § 244), "der welcher (Relativpronomen)" | "the one who; which (relative pron.)" [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 351.8-352.22; EAG §§ 1053-1063; GEG § 199; Schenkel; Einf., 284; JWSpG § 243), "[Relativpronomen (+Präsens I, +sDm=f)]" | english translation missing [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (Winand, Études de néo-égyptien, 428 ff.; vgl. JWSpG § 560), "Einer der dort ist (Bez. des Toten)" | "those who are there (the dead)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 72; 2, 355.9-10; vgl. LGG IV, 368), "Besitzhabener; Der etwas ist" | english translation missing [substantive] (GEG § 201 (Ex. 3a))ꜣs.t, "der in Theben ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 370), "der im Himmel ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 30.14)Ḥw.t-bnbn-m-Jwn.w, "der im Haus des Benben in Heliopolis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 26.3; vgl. LGG IV, 373), "der in seiner Kapelle ist (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 377), "Besitzender" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1102a), "jeder der, jeder welcher" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 353.1; vgl. GEG § 199)

n.tjw, "Die welche sind; die Seienden; die Habenden" | "those who are (exist)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 355.7-10; JWSpG § 244 (b))

n.tjt, "dass; das, was (Obj.satz)" | "that (conj.)" [particle] (Wb 2, 354.13-15; EAG § 1018; GEG §§ 187, 237; Schenkel, Einf., 283)

n.tjt, "weil (Konjunktion)" | english translation missing [particle] (GEG § 223; Schenkel, Einf., 289)

n.tjt, "Die welche ist; Seiende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (JWSpG § 244)

n.tjt, "Das, was ist; Seiendes" | "that which is (exists)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 354.1-11; EAG §§ 1056, 1063; JWSpG § 244 (b); OMG § 148)

n.tjt-m-Wbn, "die in Uben ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.2)

n.tjt-nb.t, "Alles, was existiert" | "all that is (exists)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 354.5-7), "der welcher" | english translation missing [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (EAG § 1053)

n-ꜣb.w, "wegen (etwas); wegen des Wunsches (zu tun)" | "for the purpose of" [verb] (Wb 1, 7.7; Junge, Näg. Gr., 339 (Index); vgl. CGG 124)

n-jw.t, "weil nicht" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1, 45.13; EAG § 1054)

n-jb-n, "damit (Konjunktion); um jemandes willen" | "for the sake of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 60.6; GEG § 178)

n-js, "[zusammengesetzte Negationspartikel]" | "[compound particle of negation]" [particle] (Wb 2, 195.9; EAG § 827; GEG § 209; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, § 46; Gunn, Studies, 186 ff.)

n-ꜥꜣ.w-n, "weil so groß ist" | english translation missing [preposition] (JWSpG § 292)

n-ꜥꜣ.t-n.t, "weil so sehr" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 1, 163.13-14)

n-ꜥn, "auch; später" | "too" [adverb] (ENG § 595)

n-wn.t, "(es) existiert nicht; indem nicht" | "there is not; without" [particle] (Wb 1, 308.10-11; EAG §§ 836, 924; GEG § 108.2; Schenkel, Einf., 289)

n-wn.t, "weil" | "because" [particle] (Wb 1, 309.13; Schenkel, Einf., 289)

n-wr-n, "wegen der Größe des; weil so sehr groß ist; weil so sehr (Konjunktion)" | "inasmuch as (lit. through the greatness of)" [preposition] (Wb 1, 330.9-10; EAG § 780; GEG § 181)

n-wrḏ.n=f, "Er kann nicht ermüden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 1638c)

n-bnr, "außen" | "outside" [adverb] (Wb 1, 461.2)

n-mꜣw.t, "von Neuheit; neu" | "anew" [adjective] (Wb 2, 27.3-5; Junge, Näg.Gr., 350 (Index); Peust, Das Napatanische, 168 f.)

n-mw.t=k, "du hast keine Mutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 488)

n-mrw.t, "damit; weil (Konjunktion)" | "so that; because (conj.)" [preposition] (Wb 2, 103.7-9; EAG § 784; GEG § 181)

n-n.tjt, "denn; weil (Konjunktion)" | "because" [particle] (Wb 2, 194.6; 354.18; GEG § 223; Schenkel, Einf., 289)

n-rḫ, "Unbekanntes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (JWSpG § 336.4)

n-ḥꜣ, "nach hinten" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 10.12-13)

n-ḥꜣ, "hinter (jmdm., etwas)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 10.10-11; ENG § 626; CGG 116)

n-ḥꜥ.w, "Selbst; selbst (adjektivisch); eigenes" | "self" [undefined] (Wb 3, 38.22; GEG § 36, n.7)

n-ḥr, "vor (jmdm.); vorwärts" | "before; forward" [preposition] (Wb 3, 128.17-129.6; ENG § 647.2)

n-ḥr.w, "nach oben" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 143.8)

n-ḫft-ḥr, "vor" | "in front of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 276.4)

n-ẖr.w, "nach unten" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 393.3)

n-zp, "niemals; [Negationswort]" | "never; [negative word]" [particle] (Wb 2, 195.11; 3, 438.14; EAG 616 (Index); GEG § 456; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, §§ 22-23)

n-sꜣ, "nach" | english translation missing [preposition] (MedWb 707)

n-ṯꜣ, "von ... an; von ... her" | english translation missing [preposition] (EDG 667; KoptHWb 137)

n-ṯꜣ-n, "von ... an; von ... her" | english translation missing [preposition] (Kurth, Einführung, § 135)

n-Ḏr=f, "dessen Grenze nicht existiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 509)

nʾ.t, "Dorf; Stadt" | "town; city" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 210.6-212.4)

nʾ.t-n.t-nḥḥ, "Stätte der Ewigkeit (Nekropole)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 211.15-17)

nʾ.tj, "städtisch" | "town; local" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 212.8-11)

nʾ.tjw, "die Städter; die Bürger" | "townsmen; citizens" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 213.1-4)

nꜣ, "[Dem.Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 199.1-3; GEG § 110; ENG § 118)

nꜣ-n, "die des [Possessivpräfix pl.c.]" | "this from; the ones from (poss. pronoun prefix)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 199.4-6; ENG § 127; CGG 45-7; Junge, Näg. Gr., 54)

nꜣ-n, "[Dem Pron. pl.c]; [Artikel pl.c]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (ENG § 173; CGG 45; Junge, Näg.Gr. 54)

nꜣj, "[Dem.Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 199.8-10)

nꜣy, "[Dem.Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (CT IV, 391a)

nꜣy=, "[Poss.artikel pl.c.]" | "[poss. adj., pl.]" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 199; GEG § 113; ENG §§ 179-82; CGG 43)

nꜣy.t, "Weberei" | "weaving workshop" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 200.2-4; FCD 125; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 489)

nꜣw, "Naw (barbarische Truppe?, Späher?, Jäger? )" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 200.8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 10)

nꜣw, "[Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pepi II, N 1055+58)

nꜣb.t, "Locke (o. Ä.)" | "tresses" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 200.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 200)

nꜣš, "verwünscht; verderblich" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 2, 200.12)

nꜣš.wtj, "[eine Schlange (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 440b)

njꜣ, "Niesen (?)" | "[illness affecting the nose (head cold?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 201.12; MedWb 445; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 162)

njꜣ.w, "Steinbock" | "ibex" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 202.1-4; FCD 125)

njꜣj, "Fächer (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 202.5)

njꜣjꜣ, "Minze (?)" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 202.6; DrogWb 293 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 501; Germer, Handbuch, 81 f.)

njw, "Strauß (Vogel, Struthio camelis)" | "ostrich" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 202.8-11; FCD 125; Lesko, Dictionary II, 6)

njw, "[ein Topf]" | "[a jug]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 202.12)

njw.y, "Speer; Lanze" | "lance; spear" [substantive] (Wb 2, 202.15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 5)

njm, "wer?" | "who?" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 263.7-9; FCD 132; GEG § 227.3; 496; ENG § 743; CGG 556 f.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 353 (Index))

njnj, "(sich) bewegen; zittern; schütteln" | "to turn away from; to move" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 203.7; KoptHWb 121; ONB 39)

njnj, "Begrüßung (als Körperhaltung)" | "greeting" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 203.8-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 490; vgl. KoptHWb 121)

njnj, "(sich) abwenden; weggehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 577 f.; vgl. ebd. 636)

njnj.w-mw.t=f, "[Bez. einer Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 428a; CT VII, 95c)

njs, "rufen; berechnen (math.)" | "to call upon; to reckon (math.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 204.1-19)

njs, "das Rufen" | "summons" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 205.1-4)

njs, "[Papyrusblüte (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 324.12)

njs.w, "Rufer; Gerufener" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 205.5-6; FCD 126)

njk, "strafen; bestraft werden" | "to punish; to be punished" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 205.9-13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 202; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 491 f.)

njk, "zu Strafender; Böser" | "evil-doer" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 205.14-15; LGG III, 527 f.)

njt.t, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 14; vgl. Meeks, AL 78.1979)

njtjt, "zögern; hindern (zu tun)" | "to hesitate; to hinder" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 205.18-19; FCD 126)

njḏw, "[ein Körperteil]" | "[an illness (?)]; [part of body (?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 206.2; MedWb 447)

ny, "[Laut eines Neugeborenen]" | "[noise made by a newborn child as a sign of its viability (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 201.9; MedWb 445; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 688, Anm. 222)

ni̯, "abweisen; niederwerfen (2ae.inf)" | "to rebuff; to drive away" [verb] (Wb 2, 201.4-6; Allen, Inflection, 548; FCD 125)

nꜥ, "Freundlichkeit; Milde" | "kindness; compassion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2001; Lesko, Dictionary II, 8)

nꜥ.y, "Seiler (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 207.2)

nꜥ.y-nwḥ-šps.j-n-(m)sk.tjt, "Navigator des herrlichen Lenktaues der Mesketet-Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 66, 91, n. 20; vgl. LGG III, 530)

nꜥꜣḏ.t, "[Krankheit]; [Exkremente eines Magenkranken]" | "[excrement of a person suffering from a stomach problem]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 208.1)

nꜥy.t, "Landepflock" | "mooring post" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 207.17-19; Jones, Naut. Titles, 199 (8))

nꜥi̯, "gütig sein; mitleidig sein" | "to be mild; to pity" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 206.4-6; FCD 126; Lesko, Dictionary II, 7; KoptHWb 117)

nꜥi̯, "fahren; befahren; winden; sich winden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 206.7-207.1)

nꜥꜥ, "glatt sein; glätten" | "to be smooth; to smooth" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 2, 208.2-9; Westendorf, MDAIK 15, 1957, 297 f.; FCD 126)

nꜥꜥ, "glatter Stoff (allg. Ausdruck)" | "smooth cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 208.10; Helck, Materialien V, 926; Janssen, Prices, 256)

nꜥꜥ, "Bestes (von etwas) (Acker); Makelloses (Tier, etc.)" | "the best (of something) (field); a unblemished one (animal)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 208.11)

nꜥw, "Schlange ("Sich-Windende")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 207.8)

nꜥw.t, "Schlange" | "serpent" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 202)

nꜥ, "der Fahrende" | "traveler (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 207.7; LGG III, 530)

nꜥ, "Schlange" | "snake" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 202)

nꜥr, "Wels" | "catfish" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 209.1-6)

nꜥr.w, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 209.7)

nꜥr.t, "[ein Baum]" | "[a (sacred) tree]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 208.14-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 493)

nꜥrꜥ.t, "[etwas an einer Geschwulst (Eitergerinnsel ?)]" | "[symptom of an ear illness]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 209.9; MedWb 448; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 677)

nꜥrn, "[Truppe im ägyptischen Heer]" | "soldiers; special detachment (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 209.10; Lesko, Dictionary II, 9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 245)

nꜥš, "stark sein; laut sein" | "fierce; raging (Sem. loan word?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 209.12-21; Lesko, Dictionary II, 9; Hoch, Sem. Words, 183 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 493 f.; KoptHWb 526)

nꜥš, "Sprung (im Topf)" | "perforation (in a pottery vessel) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 210.1; MedWb 448; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 713, Anm. 7)

nꜥg, "zerkleinern" | "to pulverize (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 210.2; MedWb 449)

nꜥg, "[etwas am Türflügel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 210.4)

nꜥg.w, "Mehl (o. Ä.)" | "particles (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 210.3; MedWb 449)

nw, "[ein Topf (aus Bronze)]" | "[a (bronze) vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 213.12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 10)

nw, "schwach sein (der Arme)" | "to be weak" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 217.13)

nw, "Unrecht; Schwäche" | "wrong (?); weakness (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 217.14; FCD 127)

nw, "Jäger; Späher" | "hunter; scout" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 218.19-21)

nw, "Zeit; Zeitpunkt" | "time; moment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 219.1-15)

nw, "Zeit verbringen (etwas zu tun) (aux./modal)" | "to spend time (to do sth.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 219.16)

nw, "umhüllen (u. Ä.)" | "to clothe; to wrap" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 220.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 494 f.)

nw, "Wasser (allg.); Ozean, Nil" | "water" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 215.7-12)

nw, "[Dem.Pron.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 216.2-12)

nw, "Jäger; Späher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 218.19-21; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1776)

nw.y, "Wasser (allg.); Gewässer; Flut" | "water (gen.); (flood) water(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 221.3-13; FCD 127; Lesko, Dictionary II, 11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 496), "Wasser; Flut; Welle" | "water; flood; wave" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 221.14-19; FCD 127)

nw.w, "Urgewässer" | "primeval waters" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 214.18-215.4)

nw.w-wr, "der große Nun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 215. 15-16; LGG V, 782a-c)

nw.wj, "zum Urwasser Gehöriger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 215.19)

nw.t, "Jagdbeute" | "quarry (taken hunting); product (of the desert)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 217.2)

nw.t, "Himmel" | "sky; temple roof (metaph.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 214.15-16)

nw.t, "Dechsel" | "adze" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 216.1; FCD 127; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 206)

nw.t, "Garn; Schnur; Seil" | "thread; yarn (for weaving); cord" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 217.3-6; FD 127)

nw.t, "[ein Gewebe]" | "[a kind of cloth]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 217.7)

nw.t, "Bund von Flachs" | "bundle (of flax)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 217.8)

nw.t, "[ein Holz (?)]" | "[a kind of wood]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 217.10)

nw.t, "Lichtstrahlen" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.2018; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 207)

nw.t-nw, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 207)

nw-n, "diese [Dem.Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 216.11; EAG § 199; GEG § 112; Schenkel, Einf., 112)

nw-rwḏ, "Bogensehne (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Frises d'Objets, 227)

nw-ṯzm.w-Ḥr.w, "Hüter der Hunde des Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sawi/Gomaà, Panehsi, 89)

nwꜣ, "sehen; blicken" | "to see; to look; to watch" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 218.3-16; FCD 127; Lesko, Dictionary II, 9 f.)

nwꜣ, "Blick" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 218.17)

nwꜣ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 222.2; DrogWb 297)

nwj, "ich; mich [Enkl. Pron. sg.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Schenkel, Einf., 107 (1))

nwi̯, "rufen (Geste der Begrüßung (o. Ä.))" | "[gesture of greeting (?)]" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 217.12; Allen, Inflection, 570)

nwi̯, "sorgen (für); beschäftigt sein" | "to take care of; to collect" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 220.5-14; FCD 127)

nwi̯, "zurückkehren; sich zurückbegeben; zurückbringen; kommen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Allen, Inflection 599; FCD 127; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 207)

nwꜥ, "[ein Öl]" | "[an unguent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2034; Koura, Öle, 165)

nwn, "zerzausen (der Haare)" | "to dishevel (the hair, in mourning)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 222.5; FCD 128; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 208)

nwn, "Zerzauster" | "Disheveled-one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 222.6; LGG III, 553)

nwr, "beben (u. Ä.)" | "to shake; to tremble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 222.8-13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 209; Lesko, Dictionary II, 12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 498)

nwr, "[ein Vogel (ein Reiher?)]" | "[a bird (heron?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 223.5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 209)

nwr-tꜣ, "Erdbeben" | "earthquake" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 223.1)

nwḥ, "Seil (allg.)" | "rope (gen.)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 223.6-13)

nwḥ, "fesseln, binden" | "to bind (enemies)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 223.14-15; FCD 128; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 209; Lesko, Dictionary II, 12)

nwḥḥrr.w, "bandagierte Gestalt, die ihm die beiden Damen mit Blumen versehen haben (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.5)

nwḫ, "kochen; verbrennen" | "to heat; to be scorched" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 224.10-12; FCD 128)

nwz, "Klumpen; Barren" | "ingot; lump (?); sheet (?) (as a measure (by weight) of metal)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 224.13-14; FCD 128; Harris, Minerals, 27; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 153 ff, Anm. 619)

nws, "Krone (?)" | "[a crown worn by Re]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 224.15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 210)

nwtwt, "wanken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 224.16; Allen, Inflection, 586)

nwd, "Beweglichkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 225.7)

nwd, "[eine wohlriechende Salbe]" | "[an aromatic unguent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 226.1-5; DrogWb 298; Koura, Öle, 128)

nwd.w, "Ungenauigkeit (o. Ä.)" | "inaccuracy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 225.8-9; FCD 128)

nwd.w-šps.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 298)

nwd.t, "Schwankung; Unregelmäßigkeit" | "weakness; inaccuracy" [substantive] (Wb 2, 225.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 499)

nwd.t, "Windel" | "swaddling clothes" [substantive] (Wb 2, 225.12-14; MedWb 451; FCD 128)

nwd.t, "Wundsalbe" | "ointment" [substantive] (Wb 2, 226.6-7; FCD 128; MedWb 451), "Salbenkoch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 128)

nwḏ, "weichen; Abstand nehmen" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 2, 226.12; Edel, Hierogl. Inschriften, 68 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 210)

nwḏ.w, "Mendes-Antilope" | "antilope" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 226.15-16; LÄ I, 320)

nwḏ.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 226.14)

nb, "Herr; Besitzer (von etwas)" | "lord; master; possessor (owner)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 227.5-230.14)

nb, "jeder; alle; irgendein" | "every; all" [adjective] (Wb 2, 234.3-236.5; EAG § 349; GEG § 48; Schenkel, Einf., 94; Junge, Näg. Gr., 370; JWSpG § 150)

nb, "Halskragen" | "broad collar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 237.1-5)

nb, "Herr" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 557 f.)

nb.y, "der Schwimmende (Osiris)" | "swimmer (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 78.2048; LGG IV, 184)

nb.y, "Goldschmied" | "goldsmith" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 241.1-7; FCD 129)

nb.yw, "[eine Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 45 f.)

nb.w-Jwn.w, "Herren von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 803 f.)

nb.w-jmn.t, "Herren des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hassan, Giza II, fig. 205; vgl. LGG III, 805)

nb.w-mꜣꜥ.t, "Herren der Wahrheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 810 f.)

nb.w-nḥḥ, "die Herren der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 813 f.)

nb.w-ẖr.t-nṯr, "die Herren der Nekropole" | "lords of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 819)

nb.w-š, "die Herren des Ansehens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 821)

nb.wj, "die beiden Herren (Horus und Seth)" | "the two lords (Horus and Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 231.3-7; LGG III, 801)

nb.wj-Nw.w, "die beiden Herren des Nun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 802)

nb.wt, "Inseln (der Ägäis)" | "Islands (of the Aegean)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 227.2-4)

nb.wtj, "Bewohner der Ägäis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vercoutter, BIFAO 46, 1947, 149 ff.)

nb.t, "Korb" | "basket" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2 227.1; FCD 128)

nb.t, "Herrin" | "lady; mistress" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 232.4-16)

nb.t, "[Bez. der Weichteile der Leiche]" | "soft parts (of the body)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 236.13)

nb.t-Ꜣb.w, "Herrin von Elephantine (Satis)" | "mistress of Elephantine (Satet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 2)

nb.t-ꜣḫ.t, "Herrin des Lichtlandes (meist Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 5)

nb.t-Jꜣkm.t, "Herrin von Iakmet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 8)

nb.t-Jwn.w, "Herrin von Iunu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 12)

nb.t-Jwn.t, "Herrin von Dendera" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 10 ff.)

nb.t-Jm.t, "Herrin von Imet/Buto (meist Wadjet, Hathor)" | "Nebet-Imet (Wadjet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 14 f.; vgl. LÄ III, 140)

nb.t-Jmꜣ.w, "Herrin von Imau (Kom el Hisn) (meist Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 15 f.)

nb.t-Jnb.w, "Herrin von Inebu (Memphis?) (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 18)

nb.t-Jšr.w, "Herrin von Ascheru" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 22 f)

nb.t-Jq, "Herrin von Iq (im 6. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 23)

nb.t-jꜣm, "Herrin der Liebenswürdigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 190)

nb.t-jꜣd.w, "[Bez, der Hathor]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 152.14)

nb.t-jmꜣḫ, "Ehrwürdige" | "possessor of reverence" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 81.19; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1778, nos. 1798 ff)

nb.t-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-jtj=s, "Herrin der Ehrwürdigkeit vor ihrem Vater" | "possessor of reverence with her father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1798)

nb.t-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr, "Herrin der Ehrwürdigkeit vor Gott" | "possessor of reverence with the god," [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 1788, 1799)

nb.t-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Herrin der Ehrwürdigkeit beim großen Gott" | "possessor of reverence with the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1799)

nb.t-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-nb-qrs, "Herrin der Ehrwürdigkeit beim großen Gott, dem Herrn des Begräbnisses" | "possessor of reverence with the great god, lord of the burial" [epitheton_title: title] (Dunham/Simpson, Giza Mastabas 1, 18; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1799)

nb.t-jrṯ.t, "Herrin der Milch (Nephthys als Amme des Horus in Chemmis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.2)

nb.t-Ꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "Herrin von Anch-tawi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 30)

nb.t-ꜥnḫ, "Herrin des Lebens" | "mistress of life" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 199.15-16; LGG IV, 28 f.)

nb.t-ꜥḥꜣ, "Herrin des Kampfes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 33)

nb.t-ꜥgn.y, "Herrin von Ageny (im 3. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 34)

nb.t-Wꜣwꜣ.t, "Herrin von Wawat (im 3. uäg. Gau) (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 80-81; vgl. LGG IV, 36; vgl. Montet, Géographie I, 65)

nb.t-Wꜣḫ, "Herrin von Wach (Ort im 2. oäg. Gau) (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 37)

nb.t-Wꜣs.t, "Herrin von Theben (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 37)

nb.t-wp.t, "Herrin des Gehörns (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 39)

nb.t-Bꜣs.t, "Herrin von Bubastis (Bastet u.a. Göttinnen)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 45 f.)

nb.t-Pj-Dp, "Herrin von Pe und Dep" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 48 f.)

nb.t-p.t, "Herrin des Himmels (Hathor, Isis u.a.)" | "mistress of heaven (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 491.1-3; LGG IV, 49)

nb.t-pr, "Hausherrin" | "mistress of the house" [substantive] (Wb 2, 232; 1, 512.9-13; FCD 129)

nb.t-Mfkꜣ.t, "Herrin von Mefkat (Hathor von Terenouthis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 78 f., 92, n. 40)

nb.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Herrin der Wahrheit (Hathor, Isis u.a.)" | "mistress of truth (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 19.18; LGG IV, 60)

nb.t-mfkꜣ.t, "Herrin des Türkis (Hathor); Herrin des Türkislandes" | "mistress of turqoise (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 56.4; 2, 57.5; LGG IV, 62 f.)

nb.t-mrw.t, "Herrin von Liebreiz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 102.9), "Herrin von Nebyt (im herakleopolitischen Gau)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 74)

nb.t-Nfr-wsj, "Herrin von Neferusi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 75; vgl. Montet, Geógraphie II, 152; LÄ IV, 383 ff.)

nb.t-Nn-nswt, "Herrin von Herakleopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 76 f.)

nb.t-nr.w, "Herrin des Schreckens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 77)

nb.t-nr.w-ḫꜣḫ-ꜥ-n-sbj.w, "Herrin des Schreckens, schnellhändig gegen die Feinde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 15.2-3)

nb.t-nh.t, "Herrin der Sykomore (Hathor)" | "mistress of the sycamore (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 282.14; LGG IV, 79)

nb.t-nh.t-rs.jt, "Herrin der südlichen Sykomore" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 79)

nb.t-Rʾ-ḥzꜣ, "Herrin von Ro-Hesa (Ort im 2. uäg. Gau) (Hathor, Sachmet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 89)

nb.t-r-ḏr, "Allherrin" | "mistress of all" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 232-233.5; FCD 129; LGG IV, 170)

nb.t-rn.w, "Herrin der Namen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 88)

nb.t-ršw.t, "Herrin der Freude (Nofretete)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 19)

nb.t-rkḥ.w, "Herrin der Hitze" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 90)

nb.t-ḥw.t, "Herrin des Tempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 100)

nb.t-ḥr.t, "Herrin des Himmels (Hathor)" | "mistress of heaven (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 108)

nb.t-ḥzmn, "Herrin von Amethyst (Hathor im Wadi el-Hudi)" | "mistress of amethyst (Hathor of Wadi el-Hudi)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sadek, Wadi el-Hudi I, 107)

nb.t-ḥkꜣ.w-m-pr-ꜥnḫ, "die Herrin des Zaubers im Per-Anch (Isis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 109)

nb.t-ḫꜥ.w, "Herrin der Erscheinungen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 116)

nb.t-ḫpš, "Herrin des Sichelschwertes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 118)

nb.t-Zꜣw, "Herrin von Sais" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 124 f.)

nb.t-zꜣṯ.w, "Herrin des Erdbodens (Sachmet-Nephthys)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 125)

nb.t-zẖꜣ.w, "Herrin der Schrift (Seschat)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 134 f.)

nb.t-Sr.t, "Herrin von Speos Artemidos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 137)

nb.t-Sḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Herrin des Re-Gefildes (Hathor im 1. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 132 f.)

nb.t-Sḫm.wt-nb.wt, "Herrin aller Sachmetgöttinnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 133)

nb.t-Sṯ.t, "Herrin von Sehel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 138)

nb.t-sbꜣ.w, "Herrin der Sterne (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 126)

nb.t-sbḥ-ꜥnḫ=s-jm=f, "Herrin des Geschreies, von dem sie lebt (Mut)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 126)

nb.t-sḫ.t, "Herrin des Feldes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 132)

nb.t-š-dšr, "Herrin des roten Sees (e. Ort bei Memphis) (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 139)

nb.t-šw.t, "Herrin des Schattens (Mut)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 141)

nb.t-Qjs, "Herrin von Qus (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 146)

nb.t-Kbnj, "Herrin von Byblos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 150)

nb.t-kꜣ.w, "Herrin der Speisen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 148 f.)

nb.t-Tꜣ.wj, "Herrin der Beiden Länder" | "mistress of the two lands" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 232.4-8; LGG IV, 157 ff.)

nb.t-Tꜣ.wj, "Herrin der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 196)

nb.t-Tp-jḥ.w, "Herrin von Atfih (Hathor)" | "mistress of Atfih (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 160 f.)

nb.t-Tp-n-jn.t, "Herrin von Tep-en-inet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 160)

nb.t-tꜣ, "Herrin der Erde" | "Mistress-of-the-earth" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 154)

nb.t-tꜣ.w, "die Herrin der Gluthitze (Göttin Mehenyt)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 154; Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Co. 49.8)

nb.t-tꜣ.w-nb.w, "die Herrin aller Länder (Isis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. X.15; vgl. LGG IV, 159)

nb.t-Ḏw-dšr, "Herrin des Roten Berges" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 168 f.), "die beiden Herrinnen (Nebtiname der Königstitulatur)" | "the two ladies (king's title "Nebty")" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 233.11; Beckerath, Königsnamen, 1 ff.), "der Vergoldete (Nemti)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 141)ḫ.yt, "Königin der Untertanen" | "queen of the common folk" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 233.17-19; LGG IV, 174 f.)

nb-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Herr von Abydos (Osiris u.a. Götter)" | "lord of Abydos (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 228.2; LGG III, 562 f.)

nb-ꜣw.t-jb, "Herr der Freude" | "lord of joy" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ: DZA 20025860-7260)

nb-ꜣḫ.w, "Herr der Ach-Geister" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ; LGG III, 564 f.)

nb-ꜣḫ.t, "Herr des Horizonts" | "lord of the horizon" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 565 f.)

nb-ꜣtf-wr-m-Ḥw.t-nn-nswt, "Herr der großen Atef-Krone in Herakleopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 74 f., 66, 91, n. 25; vgl. LGG II, 452, ebd. III, 566)

nb-Jwn.w, "Herr von Heliopolis (Atum a. a. Götter)" | "lord of Heliopolis (Atum)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Inscr. Sinai, 234; LGG III, 576 ff.)

nb-Jwn.w, "Herr von Armant" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 577)

nb-Jp.w, "Herr von Achmim (Min)" | "lord of Akhmim (Min)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 580; WbZ: DZA 24801750-2000)

nb-Jp.t-s.wt, "Herr von Karnak" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 579 f.)

nb-jꜣb.tjt, "Herr des Ostens (Sopdu)" | "lord of the east (Sopdu)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Inscr. Sinai, 235; LGG III, 571)

nb-jꜣḫ.w, "Herr des Glanzes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 572)

nb-jꜥr.t, "Herr des Uräus" | "lord of the uraeus" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 185; II, 65; LGG III, 573)

nb-jwꜥ.wt, "der Herr des Erbes (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 576)

nb-jm.jw=f, "Herr derer, unter denen er sich befindet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 581)

nb-jmꜣḫ, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit" | "possessor of reverence" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 81.18; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1778)

nb-jmꜣḫ.w-m-jmn.tjt, "Herr der Ehrwürdigen im Westen" | "possessor of the revered ones in the West" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1779)

nb-jmꜣḫ-nfr, "Herr der schönen Ehrwürdigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna IV, pl. 39)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-jtj=f, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit bei seinem Vater" | "possessor of reverence with his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1782)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nb=f, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit bei seinem Herrn" | "possessor of reverence with his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 129)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit bei seinem Herrn täglich" | "possessor of reverence with his lord every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1786)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nb-jmn.tjt, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit bei dem Herrn des Westens" | "possessor of reverence with the Lord of the West" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1785)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nswt, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit vor dem König" | "possessor of reverence with the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1787)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit beim Gott" | "possessor of reverence with god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1788)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr=f, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit bei seinem Gott" | "possessor of reverence with his god" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1788)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr.w-nb.w-jmn.t, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit bei allen Göttern des Westens" | "possessor of reverence with all the gods of the west" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no, 1794)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit beim großen Gott" | "possessor of reverence with the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1789)

nb-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nṯr-ꜥꜣ-rꜥw-nb, "Herr der Ehrwürdigkeit beim großen Gott jeden Tag" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK., no. 1790)

nb-jmn.tjt, "Herr des Westens" | "lord of the west" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 583 ff.)

nb-jr.w-pr-ꜥnḫ, "Herr des Rituals des Lebenshauses (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 587)

nb-jr.t-jḫ.t, "Herr des Rituals" | "lord of the ritual" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 124.12)

nb-jrp.y, "Herr der Weinbereitung (?)" | "lord of wine (?)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 115.13), "Herr der beiden Heiligtümer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 590 f.)

nb-ꜥꜣ-n-Km.t, "großer Herr Ägyptens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (KRI II, 35.8)

nb-ꜥnḫ, "Herr des Lebens" | "lord of life" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 228.13; 1, 199.11-12; LGG III, 596 ff.)

nb-ꜥnḫ, "Sarg; Sarkophag; Nekropole ("Herr des Lebens")" | "lord of life (sarcophagus)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 228.14; 1, 199.14; GDG III, 82)

nb-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-nḫt.w, "Herr der Stärke, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 44.5)

nb-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr Beider Länder, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 99.9)

nb-ꜥnḫ-r-nḥḥ, "Herr des Lebens bis zur Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 600)

nb-ꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr von Anch-tawi (meist Ptah-Sokar-Osiris)" | "lord of Ankh-tawy (Ptah-Sokar-Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 601 f.)

nb-ꜥḥ, "Herr des Palastes" | "lord of the palace" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 1, 214.16)

nb-ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Herr der Lebenszeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 604)

nb-ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Herr der Lebenszeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.11)

nb-ꜥšꜣ-m-mrw.t-wꜥ.t, "der Herr, der reich ist an einzigartiger Liebe (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 51.10; vgl. LGG II, 216)

nb-Wꜣs.t, "Herr von Theben (Month, u.a.)" | "lord of Thebes (Montu, e.g.)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 606; vgl. Wb 2, 228; DZA 24803610-24805320)

nb-wꜥ.w, "alleiniger Herr (Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 230.5; LGG III, 609 f.)

nb-wꜥb, "Herr der Reinheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 610)

nb-wꜥb.t, "Herr der Balsamierungsshalle (Ptah)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (vgl. LGG III, 610c)

nb-wp.t, "Herr des Scheitels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 611)

nb-wrr.t, "Herr der Krone von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 613 f.)

nb-wḏ, "Herr des Befehls" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 617)

nb-wḏꜣ.tj, "Herr der beiden Udjat-Augen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 617)

nb-Bꜣk.j, "Herr von Quban (Min)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 619 f.)

nb-Bꜥḥ.t, "Herr von Bah (Hermupolis parva)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 620)

nb-Bhn, "Herr von Buhen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 621)

nb-Btn, "Herr von Beten (Tebtynis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 622 f.)

nb-Pr-ꜥnḫ, "Herr von Per-Anch" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 630)

nb-p.t, "Herr des Himmels" | "lord of heaven" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 490.14-16; LGG III, 624 f.)

nb-p.t, "Herr des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.11)

nb-p.t-tꜣ, "Herr des Himmels und der Erde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 626 f.)

nb-p.t-tꜣ-dwꜣ.t-mw-ḏw.w, "Herr des Himmels, der Erde, der Unterwelt, des Wassers und der Berge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 628)

nb-pꜥ.t, "Herr der Menschheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 503.8; LGG III, 629)

nb-pr, "Hausherr" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 630)

nb-pḥ.tj, "Herr der körperlichen Kraft (Götter, König)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 540.4-6; LGG III, 634 ff.)

nb-psḏ.t, "Herr der Neunheit" | "lord of the ennead" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ; LGG III, 636)

nb-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Herr der Wahrheit" | "lord of truth" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 19.14-16; 228.12; LGG III, 639 ff.)

nb-Msn, "Herr von Mesen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 650 f.)

nb-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Herr des Triumphes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 638 f.)

nb-mꜥbꜣ, "Herr des Speeres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 644 f.)

nb-mnm.t, "Herr der Bahre (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 662)

nb-mrw.t, "Herr der Beliebtheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 648)

nb-mrw.t-m-šꜣꜥ, "Herr der Liebe seit dem Anbeginn (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.3; vgl. LGG III, 648)

nb-msk.tjt, "Herr der Abendbarke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 652)

nb-mkw.t, "Herr des Schutzes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 652)

nb-mdw.w-nṯr, "Herr der Gottesworte (Beiwort des Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 181.6; LGG III, 654)

nb-Nn-nswt, "Herr von Herakleopolis (Osiris, Herischef)" | "lord of Herakleopolis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 663; DZA 27220420-600)

nb-n-Pr-Jtn, "Herr des Atontempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 24; vgl. LGG III, 630)

nb-n-ḫꜣs.t-nb.t, "Herr aller Fremdländer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Urk. IV, 2032.14)

nb-n-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Herr des ganzen Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 774)

nb-nr.w, "Herr des Schreckens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 278.8-10)

nb-nḥp, "Herr der Töpferscheibe (Chnum)" | "lord of the potter's wheel (Khnum)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 294.12; LGG III, 666 f.)

nb-nḥḥ, "Herr der Ewigkeit" | "lord of eternity" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 299.8-10; LGG III, 667)

nb-nḫt.w, "Herr der Stärke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 316.12)

nb-nḫt.w-nb, "Herr aller Stärke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Davies, Amarna I, pl. 38)

nb-ns.wt-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr der Throne der beiden Länder" | "lord of the thrones of the two lands (kings and gods)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 322.10; LGG III, 672 f.)

nb-ns.t-ḥtm-ḥtm-〈m〉-mꜣj.w, "der Herr des Throns, der zweifach mit Löwen (versehen ist)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.1; vgl. LGG III, 671c)

nb-ns.t-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr des Throns der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sinuhe, Gardiner, pl. 12; vgl. LGG III, 671)

nb-nṯr.w, "Herr der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 675 ff.)

nb-nḏmnḏm, "Herr der Lust" | "lord of lust" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 381.18-19; LGG III, 679)

nb-Rʾ-sḥ.wj, "Herr von Ra-sechwi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 681)

nb-Rʾ-sṯꜣ.w, "Herr von Rosetau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 681 f.)

nb-Rʾ-qrr.t, "Herr der Öffnung der Höhle (Anubis)" | "lord of Mouth-of-the-cave (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 682 f.Habachi, Heqaib, 43 (no. 15))

nb-r-ḏr, "Allherr" | "lord of all" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 230-231.2; LGG III, 795 ff.)

nb-rm.w, "Herr der Fische" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 683)

nb-rnp.wt, "Herr der Jahre" | "lord of years" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 431.11; LGG III, 684)

nb-rnn.wt, "Herr der jungen Mädchen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 684)

nb-hp.w, "Herr der Gesetze" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI I, 76.1)

nb-hmhm.t, "Herr des Gebrülls" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 686)

nb-hn.w, "der Herr des Jubels (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 687)

nb-Ḥw.t-wr.t, "Herr von Hut-weret (Chnum)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 692)

nb-Ḥfꜣ.t, "Herr von Hefat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 698)

nb-Ḥmw, "Herr von Hemu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 699)

nb-Ḥr-wr, "Herr von Herwer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 700)

nb-Ḥḏ.t, "Herr der Weißen Krone" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 708)

nb-ḥꜣb-sd, "Herr des Sedfestes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 696)

nb-ḥꜥ.w=f, "der seinen Leib formte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 188)

nb-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Herr des großen Hauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 690 f.)

nb-ḥm.wt, "Herr der Frauen (Osiris u.a.. Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 698)

nb-ḥn.t, "Herr des Dienstgeschäftes; Pflichtbewußter" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 171)

nb-ḥnw-rnp-m-šṯy.t, "Herr der Henu-Barke, verjüngt im Schetjyt-Sanktuar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 699)

nb-ḥr.t, "Herr des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 702)

nb-ḥḥ, "Herr der Millionen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 703 f.)

nb-ḥḥ.w-m-rnp.wt, "Herr von Millionen an Jahren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (LEM 86.12 f.)

nb-ḥzw.t-m-bꜣḥ-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr der Gunst vor dem Herr der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna IV, pl. 37)

nb-ḥqꜣ.w, "Herr der Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 705)

nb-ḥkn.w, "Herr des Lobpreises (Horus u.a.)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 705)

nb-ḥtp, "Herr des Opfers" | "lord of the offering" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 705)

nb-ḥtp.w, "Herr der Opfergaben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 706)

nb-ḥtp.t-m-sḫ.t-nfr.t-ḏ.t, "Herr der Opfer in den schönen Gefilden der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1796)

nb-Ḫꜣ-ḏ, "Herr von Cha-dj" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 709 f.)

nb-Ḫm, "Herr von Letopolis (Horus)" | "lord of Letopolis (Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 715 f.)

nb-Ḫmn.w, "Herr von Hermupolis (Thot)" | "lord of Hermopolis (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 716 ff.)

nb-ḫꜣs.wt, "Herr der Fremdländer (Sopdu, Min, Amun-Re u.a.)" | "lord of foreign lands (Sopdu)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 711)

nb-ḫꜥ.w, "Herr der Kronen (König)" | "lord of crowns" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 242.1-2; vgl. LGG III, 712)

nb-ḫꜥ.w, "Herr der Erscheinungen; Herr der Kronen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 712; vgl. Wb 3, 242.1-2)

nb-ḫpr.w, "der die Gestalten formte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 189)

nb-ḫpš, "Herr der Kraft (König)" | "lord of strength" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 269.14-15)

nb-ḫr.t, "Herr des Bedarfs (Opferempfänger)" | "lord of requirements (for the offering)" [substantive] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 79; II, 94-95)

nb-H̱n.w, "Herr von Silsileh" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 720)

nb-ẖꜣ.t, "Herr des Leichnams (Sobek)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 720)

nb-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Herr der Nekropole" | "lord of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ; LGG III, 722)

nb-ẖkr, "Herr des Schmucks" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 722)

nb-Zꜣ.wtj, "Herr von Assiut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 725)

nb-Zmꜣ-Bḥd.t, "Herr von Zema-Behdet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 731)

nb-Sꜣẖb.w, "Herr von Sachebu" | "lord of Sakhebu" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 726)

nb-Sw-mnw, "Herr von Sumenu (Sobek-Re)" | "lord of Sumenu (Sobek-Re)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 727; LÄ V, 1016)

nb-Sbj.wt, "Herr von Sebjut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 728)

nb-Spꜣ, "Herr von Sepa (Anubis)" | "lord of Sepa (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 101.2; LGG III, 729)

nb-Smn.w-Ḥr.w, "Herr von Semenu-Hor (im 21. o.äg. Gau) (Chnum u.a.)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 731 f.)

nb-Smn-mꜣꜥ.t, "Herr von Semen-maat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 731)

nb-Sn.wt, "Herr des Senut-Heiligtums (Min)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 732)

nb-Ssn.w, "Herr von Hermupolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.1)

nb-s.wt-wꜥb.wt, "Herr der reinen Stätten" | "lord of pure places" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ: DZA 28829850)

nb-s.t-wr.t, "Herr des großen Sitzes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 723)

nb-sjꜣ, "Herr der Einsicht (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 726)

nb-snk.w, "Herr der Dunkelheit (Sonnengott)" | "lord of the dark (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 176.14; vgl. LGG III, 733)

nb-snḏ, "Herr der Furcht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 734-735)

nb-sḫ.wt-wꜣḏ.wt, "Herr der grünen Felder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 739)

nb-sšp, "Herr des Lichtes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 741)

nb-stw.t, "Herr der Strahlen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 743 f.)

nb-Šmꜥ.w, "Herr von Oberägypten" | "lord of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 473.12-13; LGG III, 751)

nb-Šdn.w, "Herr von Schedenu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 757)

nb-š, "Herr des Landgutes (einer Schi-Anlage)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, Tf. 15)

nb-š, "Herr des Sees (Sobek)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 745; LÄ V, 1006)

nb-šꜣ.w, "Herr des Schicksals" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.12)

nb-šꜣ.w, "Herr des Schicksals" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 746)

nb-šꜥ.t, "Herr des Schreckens (Amun, Thot u.a.)" | "lord of terror (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 747 f.)

nb-š, "Herr des Ansehens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 749 f.)

nb-šnn.t-nb.t-Jtn, "Herr von allem, was Aton umkreist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 753)

nb-šdšd, "Herr des Schesched (Upwaut)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 569.3; LGG III, 757)

nb-qbḥ.w, "Herr des Kataraktgebietes (Chnum u.a.)" | "lord of the cataract region (Khnum, e.g.)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 29.6; LÄ VII 469; LGG III, 758 f.)

nb-qrs, "Herr des Begräbnisses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza I, 96, fig. 163)

nb-qrs.t, "Herr des Begräbnisses" | "lord of burial" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 65.3-4; LGG III, 761)

nb-qrs-m-ẖr-nṯr, "Herr des Begräbnisses in der Nekropole" | "lord of burial in the necropolis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ: DZA 24838580)

nb-qrs-m-ẖr-nṯ, "Herr des Begräbnisses in der Nekropole der westlichen Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Unis Cemetery II, 27, pl. 13, 17), "Herr des Begräbnisses in der westlichen Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 1, 13, fig. 7)

nb-qrs-nfr, "Herr des schönen Begräbnisses (Anubis u.a.)" | "lord of the good burial (Anubis, e.g.)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 64.6; vgl. LGG III, 761)

nb-qrs-nfr-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Herr des schönen Begräbnisses in der Nekropole" | "lord of the good burial in the necropolis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Teti Cemetery III, 33, pl. 58; vgl. LGG III, 762)

nb-qd, "der Charakter besitzt" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 6 (20), pl. 2)

nb-Km-wr, "Herr von Athribis (Chentechtai)" | "lord of Athribis (Khentekhtai)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Inscr. Sinai, 234; LGG III, 765)

nb-kꜣ, "Herr des Speiseopfers" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 762 ff.)

nb-kꜣ.w-ḏfꜣ.w, "Herr der Speiseopfer und der Nahrung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 764)

nb-Gbtw, "Herr von Koptos (Min)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG II, 766)

nb-Gm-Jtn, "Herr von Kawa" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 766)

nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr der Beiden Länder (Könige)" | "lord of the two lands" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 227.11-12)

nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr der Beiden Länder (Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 777)

nb-Tꜣ.wj-Jwn.w, "Herr der beiden Länder und von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 778 f.)

nb-Tꜣ-wr, "Herr von Tawer (Osiris u.a.)" | "lord of Tawer (Thinis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 222.7-8; LGG III, 769)

nb-Tꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Herr von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 354.2)

nb-tꜣ, "Herr der Erde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 768 f.; vgl. Wb 5, 215.8)

nb-tꜣ, "Herr der Erde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.11)

nb-tꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "der Herr des Lebenslandes (meist Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 769)

nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Herr der Nekropole (Anubis u.a.)" | "lord of the necropolis (Anubis, e.g.)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 228.11-14; LGG III, 774 ff.)

nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "Herr der Nekropole an allen seinen Stätten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 776)

nb-tp.w, "Herr der Köpfe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 780)

nb-tm, "Allherr" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 781)

nb-tm.w, "Herr der Menschheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 781)

nb-Ṯnj, "Herr von Thinis" | "lord of Thinis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 785)

nb-ṯꜣw, "Herr des Windes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 783)

nb-ṯḥḥw.t, "Herr der Freude" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 786)

nb-Ḏ, "Herr von el-Tod" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 798)

nb-Ḏd.w, "Herr von Busiris (Osiris, Horus u.a.)" | "lord of Busiris (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 799)

nb-Ḏd.w(t)-ḥr.j(t), "Herr des oberen Djed(et) (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 800)

nb-ḏ.t, "Herr der Ewigkeit (Osiris u.a.)" | "lord of eternity (Osiris, in particular)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 507.9-11; LGG III, 791 f.)

nb-ḏfꜣ.w, "Herr der Speisen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 794)

nbꜣ, "Tragestange" | "carrying pole" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 243.5-9; FCD 130; Lesko, Dictionary II, 14)

nbꜣ, "[hornförmiger Gegenstand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 243.11)

nbꜣbꜣ, "zittern; flattern (vom Horusauge)" | "to tremble; to flutter" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 243.14; Ward, Roots, § 43 f.; Allen, Inflection, 586)

nbj, "brennen" | "to be aflame" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 244.3-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 219; Lesko, Dictionary II, 14; MedWb 456)

nbj, "Flamme" | "flame" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 244.7-9; FCD 130; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 219)

nbj.wt, "[Substantiv]" | "golden collar (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 244.17)

nbj.t, "die Flamme" | "Flame" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 164-165; II, 54; LGG IV, 195)

nbj.t, "Rohr (Pflanze und Material); Blasrohr" | "reed" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 243.15-19; FCD 130; DrogWb 299; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 502 f.)

nbj.t, "Flamme" | "flame" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 244.11-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 503)

nbjbj, "[Verb (von der Haut des kranken Körpers)]" | "to be hot (med.)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 245.3; FCD 130; MedWb 456)

nby.w, "Schützer" | "protector" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 245.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 15)

nby.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[unidentified substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 243.1; DrogWb 299 f.)

nbi̯, "schmelzen; gießen" | "to melt (metal); to cast (metal)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 236.6-9; FCD 129)

nbi̯, "schwimmen" | "to swim" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 236.10-11)

nbw, "der Goldene (Bez. des Toten als Osiris in Verbindung mit Hathor)" | "golden one (deceased, as Osiris in relation to Hathor)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 114)

nbw, "Gold" | "gold" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 237.6-239.13; Harris, Minerals, 32 ff.)

nbw, "das Gold (Tjenenet u.a. )" | "Gold (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 239.3-6; LGG IV, 178 f.)

nbw.j, "zum Gold gehörig" | "belonging to gold" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 2, 25)

nbw.j, "golden" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 544b)

nbw.t, "die goldene Himmelskuh (Hathor)" | "[a heavenly cow, associated with Hathor]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 240.11-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 507 f.; LGG IV, 180 f.)

nbw.t-m-jmn-sštꜣ, "die Goldene im geheimen Verborgenen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 182), "der von Ombos (Seth)" | "Ombite (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 242.6-7; LGG IV, 191)

nbw-jṯ.t, "Nebu-itjet (ein Tanz)" | "Nebu-itjet (a dance)" [substantive] (Weeks, Giza Mastabas 5, 44, fig. 35; WbZ)

nbw-nṯr.w, "Gold der Götter" | "Most-golden-of-the-gods" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 260; II, 182; LGG IV, 179)

nbw-ḥḏ, "Weißgold" | "white gold" [substantive] (Wb 2, 237.9-10; Harris, Minerals 35, 41)

nbnb, "bewahren, schützen" | "to protect" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 245.4-6; FCD 130; Lesko, Dictionary II, 15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 505)

nbḥ, "[eine Vogelart]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Allen, Book of Dead, 53)

nbḥḥ, "[eine Pflanze (in Beziehung zu Osiris)]" | "[a plant associated with Osiris]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 245.9; Sauneron, Ophiologie, 134, Anm. 2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 219)

nbs, "Christusdorn; Frucht des Christusdornes" | "Christ's thorn tree; fruit of the Christ's thorn tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 245.10-246.2; Germer, Flora, 114 f.)

nbsbs, "entflammen, sich entzünden" | "to catch fire" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 15; Meeks, AL 78.2070)

nbd, "flechten; sich frisieren" | "to wind around; to coil" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 246.4-5; FCD 130)

nbd, "Frisur" | "tresses; curls" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 246.6)

nbd, "Flechtwerk, Geflochtenes" | "basketwork" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 246.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 16)

nbd.t, "Haarflechte" | "plait (of hair); tresses" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 246.7-8; FCD 130)

nbḏ, "böse sein; schädlich sein" | "evil; destructive" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 247.4-5; FCD 130; Lesko, Dictionary II, 16)

nbḏ, "Böser (u.a. Seth und Apophis)" | "evil one (Apophis, Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 247.6-8; LGG IV, 199 ff.)

nbḏ.w-qd, "die Bösartigen (Feinde Ägyptens)" | "Those-of-evil-charakter (enemies of Egypt)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 247.5)

nbḏ.t, "Zerstörungswut" | "destructiveness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/N 32)

nbḏbḏ, "hüpfen (vom Horusauge)" | "to gleam (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 247.9; Allen, Inflection, 586)

npꜣ, "Nabelschnur (schmähende Bez. des Apohis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 247.11; LGG IV, 201; KoptHWb 530; Quack, SAK 34, 2006, 377 ff.)

npꜣ, "Nabelschnur" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 247.12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 220; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 510; Walker, Anatom. Term., 270; Quack, SAK 34, 2006, 377 ff.)

npꜣ, "zittern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (MedWb 456; Ward, Roots, §§ 41 f.)

npꜣ.t, "[kleiner Kuchen]" | "[a small cake or loaf]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 248.2)

npꜣpꜣ, "fliegen (?) (im Sinne von zittern)" | "to flutter (med.)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 248.3; FCD 130; MedWb 457)

npw, "[Verb (krankhafter Zustand eines Gefäßes)]" | "[verb (?) (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 248.9; MedWb 457; Brawanski, SAK 35, 2006, 44.46, Anm. (8))

npn.t, "Getreidekorn" | "grain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 248.13)

npnp.t, "Saum (glatte Webekante eines Leinenlakens)" | "hem" [substantive] (Wb 2, 248.14; FCD 130)

npr, "Getreide" | "grain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 249.4-5)

npr.t, "Rand; Ufer" | "bank; edge (of a pool, of a well)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 249.7-10; FCD 130; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 221; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 511 f.)

npḥ.w, "[Teil des menschlichen Unterleibes]; Euter (der Kuh)" | "groin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 249.13-17; FCD 130; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 512; Walker, Anatom. Terms, 270)

npḏ, "schlachten" | "to slaughter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 250.1-7; FCD 130; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 221; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 512)

nf, "Hauch (des Mundes), Atem; Wind" | "breath" [substantive] (Wb 2, 250.15-18; vgl. FCD 131)

nf, "Böses; Unrecht" | "wrong; wrong-doing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 252.1-2)

nf, "[Dem.Pron.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 251.9-14; GEG § 110)

nf.y, "unrechtmäßig" | "wrongful" [adverb] (Gardiner/Sethe, Letters to the Dead, pl. II. IIA; vgl. Wb 2, 252.2)

nf.w, "Schiffer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 251.1-7; Ward, Titles, no. 826; Jones, Naut. Titles, 77 (116))

nf.wj, "Schiffer" | "sailor; skipper (title)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 251.1-7; Jones, Naut. Titles, 77 (116))

nf.t, "[eine Krankheit der Rinder]" | "[a disease of cattle]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 250.14; MedWb 459)

nf-n, "jene [Dem. Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 251.12)

nfꜣ, "jene [Dem.Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 252; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 112; ENG § 117)

nfꜣ, "ausniesen; ausschnauben" | "to blow (from the nose)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 252.3)

nfj, "jene [Dem.Pron. pl.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (ENG § 117)

nfi̯, "ausatmen; blasen; hauchen" | "to blow (on); to breathe" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 250.11-13; KoptHWb 133, Anm. 2)

nfꜥ, "vertreiben; (sich) davonmachen" | "to take out; to remove" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 252.4-6)

nfꜥ, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 252.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 16)

nfnfn, "entrollen" | "to unroll (med.)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 252.11; MedWb 459)

nfr, "gut; schön; froh" | "well; happily" [adverb] (Wb 2, 256.12-15; EAG § 750.2a; GEG § 205.4)

nfr, "gut; schön; vollkommen" | "good; beautiful; perfect; finished" [adjective] (Wb 2, 253.1-256.15)

nfr, "Null; nicht; [Negationswort]" | "[negative word]" [particle] (Wb 2, 257.8-10; FCD 132; GEG § 351)

nfr, "Guter; Schöner" | "good one; beautiful one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 257.12-15)

nfr, "Gutes" | "good" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 258.11-17)

nfr, "Schönheit; Güte; Vollkommenheit" | "beauty; goodness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 259.10-19; FCD 132)

nfr, "Getreide (als poetische Bez.)" | "grain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 261.4-5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 17 f.)

nfr, "Phallus (eines Gottes)" | "phallus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 261.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 515; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271)

nfr, "Pferde; Fohlen" | "horse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 261.15-16)

nfr, "Lotosblume" | "lotus (of Nefertem)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 262.3; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 618)

nfr, "Krug" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.1540)

nfr, "Vollkommener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 207)

nfr, "Kadett; Rekrut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1807)

nfr, "gut sein; schön sein; vollkommen sein; vollendet sein; schön machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 253.1-256.15; 257.7)

nfr, "Vollendung; Ende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT V, 160c), "Ende; Endzeit" | "end; limit" [substantive] (Wb 2, 262.11-12; FCD 132), "Strick (am Steuerruder)" | "tiller (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 262.9-10; Jones, Naut. Titles, 171 f. (87)), "bis zu (lok.); bis (temp.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 262.13-16; CGG 122)

nfr.w, "guter Leinenstoff" | "best quality (relating to cloth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 261.1-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 515; Scheele, Stofflisten, 22 f.)

nfr.w, "Jünglinge; Rekruten" | "young men (of the army); recruits" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 258.1-3; FCD 132)

nfr.w, "Fehlbetrag" | "deficiency" [substantive] (Wb 2, 263.2; FCD 132)

nfr.w, "Schönheit; die Güte; gute Dinge; Kostbares; gutes Wesen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 259.20-260.17)

nfr.w-jb, "zufrieden" | english translation missing [adjective] (Junker, Giza VIII, Abb. 56)

nfr.w-grḥ, "Ende der Nacht; die tiefe Nacht (o. Ä.)" | "dead of night" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 260.17; 5, 184.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 19)

nfr.t, "Feuer, Glut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 262.1)

nfr.t, "die Schöne" | "beautiful one" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 258.4-5)

nfr.t, "mannbares Mädchen" | "maiden" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 258.6-10)

nfr.t, "Gutes; gute Sache" | "what is good" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 259.3-9)

nfr.t, "die Schöne" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 258.5; LGG IV, 225 f.)

nfr.t-ḥr, "Schöngesichtige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 85)

nfr-jb, "Erholung; Zufriedenheit" | english translation missing [substantive] (Helck, KÄT, VIb)

nfr-jmꜣ, "Vollkommen an Beliebtheit (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthes, Col. 6.3, 11.4, 14.15, 16.2)

nfr-bꜣ.w, "der vollkommen an Bas ist (Sopdu)" | "Neferbau" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 210)

nfr-pw, "nicht; [starke Negation]" | "not (negative construction)" [particle] (Wb 2, 257.10; FCD 132; GEG § 351)

nfr-mꜣꜥ.t, "Der mit vollkommener Gerechtigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 211)

nfr-n, "nicht; [starke Negation]" | "not; [emphatic negation]" [particle] (Wb 2, 257.8; FCD 132; GEG § 351)

nfr-nfr, "besser (Qualitätsbegriff)" | "of better quality" [adjective] (Wb 2, 253.15-17)

nfr-ḥr, "der Schöngesichtige" | "beautiful of face" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 255.5-9; vgl. LGG IV, 214c-217a)

nfr-ḥr, "der Schöngesichtige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 235.9)

nfr-ḥr-ḥr-jb-Wꜣs.t, "der mit schönem Gesicht in Theben (Ptah)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (KRI I, 40.8; vgl. LGG IV, 217)

nfr-ḥtp, "der vollkommen Gnädige (Chons u.a. Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 255.12-13)

nfr-ḫpr.w, "vollkommen an Gestalten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 220)

nfr-s.t=f-r-nṯr.w, "dessen Thron schöner ist als der der (anderen) Götter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 10.3)

nft, "lösen; lockern" | "to slacken; to loosen" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 263.3; MedWb 461; FCD 132)

nftft, "wegrennen; wegspringen" | "to leap (away)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 263.4)

nm, "Messer" | "knife (for butchering)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 263.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 226)

nm, "sich vergreifen (an); stehlen; vermeiden" | "to rob; to steal" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 264.11-13; FCD 133; vgl. Meeks, Mythes, 122, Anm. 396)

nm, "[semitisches Wort]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 2, 208.13)

nm.t, "Okkupiertes (?)" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Habachi, Kamose, 32 (Z.2))

nm.t, "Schlachtbank; Richtstätte" | "place of slaughter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 264.1-9; FCD 132; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 226; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 521 f.)

nmj, "durchfahren; fahren" | "to traverse; to travel" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 265.5-13; FCD 133)

nmj, "brüllen" | "to shout" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 265.16-17; FCD 133)

nmj, "Wanderer (?) (eine Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 266.1)

nmj.w-šꜥ, "Nomaden ("Sandläufer")" | "nomads (lit. sandfarers)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 265.15; FCD 133)

nmj.t, "Wanderin (?) (eine Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 434e)

nmj-p.t, "der den Himmel durchfährt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 237)

nmꜥ, "schlafen; (im Todesschlaf) liegen" | "to (go to) sleep (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 2, 266.7-8; FCD 133; Lesko, Dictionary II, 19; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 249; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 517)

nmꜥ, "beziehen (des Bettes); verkleiden (der Mauern); bauen" | "to lay out (a bed, with linen); to face (a wall with limestone)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 266.11-13; Lesko, Dictionary II, 19)

nmꜥ, "parteiisch sein" | "to be biased" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 267.1-2; FCD 133)

nmw, "Zwerg" | "dwarf" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 267.4-5; FCD 133)

nmnm, "sich hin und her bewegen; schwanken" | "to move to and fro; to quiver" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 267.11-14; Allen, Inflection, 578; FCD 133)

nmḥ, "arm sein; elend sein; verwaist sein" | "to be poor" [verb] (Wb 2, 268.11-16; FCD 133; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 518)

nmḥ, "Armut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 133)

nmḥ.yt, "Bürgerin" | "free woman (of lower social status)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 268.9-10; FCD 133)

nmḥ.w, "Verwaistsein" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 268.3; EAG § 725N)

nmḥ.w, "Armer; Bürger; Waise" | "free man (of lower social status); orphan" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 268.4-8; FCD 133; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 518)

nmḥf, "[Stein (für Skarabäen)]" | "[stone for heart scarabs]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 268.17; Harris, Minerals 113-115)

nms, "Leinenbinde; Königskopftuch" | "cloth; nemes-headcloth (of the king)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 269.1-4; FCD 133; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 228; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 518 f.)

nms, "einhüllen (in Binden)" | "to wrap (in bandages) (ritual)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 269.5; FCD 133; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 228; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 519)

nms, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 270.1; Sayed, BIFAO 80, 1980, 215)

nms.w, "[Krankheit an der Vulva]" | "discharge (?) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 270.2; MedWb 462)

nms.t, "[ein Krug]" | "[a jug]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 269.7-8)

nms.t, "Barren (o. Ä.)" | "ingot (of standard weight and/or form)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 269.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 21; Harris, Minerals, 27)

nmt, "schreiten; durchschreiten" | "to go; to stride through" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 270.4-21)

nmt, "das Schreiten; Gang" | "stride" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 270.22)

nmt.t, "das Schreiten; Gang" | "stride; course" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 271.1-18; FCD 133)

nmt.t, "[ein Mineral (Quartzit)]; [ein Gefäß aus Quartzit]" | "[a stone used for vessels (white quartzite?)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 272.2; Harris, Minerals, 88)

nn, "[eine Speise]" | "food" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 275.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 523; AEO II, 231*)

nn, "[Bez. der Überschwemmung]" | "flood water" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 275.14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 523)

nn, "[Dem.Pron.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 272.10-274.4)

nn, "[Negationspartikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 2, 195.6-11)

nn, "hier; hierher" | english translation missing [adverb] (EAG § 754.1)

nn.y, "der Müde (u.a. Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 248 f.)

nn.y-ḫnt.y-Ḥ, "der Ermattete an der Spitze von Hut-weryt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 21.11; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 628; vgl. LGG IV, 249;)

nn.yw, "die Müden (Bez. für die Toten)" | "inert ones (the dead)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 275.15; FCD 134), "die Müde (u.a. Bez. für die Tote)" | "weary one (a dead person)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 275.16)

nn.w, "Kind (u. Ä.)" | "child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 215.20-23; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 231; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 497 f.)

nn.w, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 276.4)

nn.w-wr-n-jtj=f, "ältestes Kind seines Vaters (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 551)

nn.wt, "Wurzeln" | "roots" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2123)

nn.t, "unterer Himmel (Gegenhimmel); Himmel" | "lower heaven" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 274; FCD 134; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 525)

nn.t, "Binse (?)" | "[a plant used to make baskets]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 274.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 232), "zum Gegenhimmel gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 213.11)

nn-jm, "die, die dort sind (die Toten der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.13)

nn-wn, "es existiert nicht (Negation)" | "there is (are) not" [particle] (Wb 1, 308.8-9; Schenkel, Einf., 86; ENG § 756; JWSpG § 337)

nn-mj.tjt=f-m-m-nṯr.w, "Dessengleichen es unter den Göttern nicht gibt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. X.8)

nn-mḥi̯=f, "der nicht ertrunken ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 488; vgl. Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 97, n. 3, Col. 58.6)

nn-n, "diese [Dem. Pron. pl.c.]" | "this (demons. pron.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 2, 274.1-2; EAG § 199; GEG § 111; Schenkel, Einf., 112)

nn-ḥr-ḥw=f, "Einzigartiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG III, 497)

nn-zp, "nicht wird sein; [Negationswort (Futur)]" | english translation missing [particle] (GEG § 457; Satzinger, Neg. Konstruktionen, §§ 22-23; Moers, LingAeg 3, 50; Malaise/Winand, Grammaire raisonnée, 406 (exx. 993))

nnj.t, "Schritt" | "stride; step" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 276.3)

nnjb, "Styrax officinalis" | "[an aromatic tree (styrax?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 276.9-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 524 f.; DrogWb 302 f.)

nny, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 276.5)

nni̯, "müde sein; müde machen; gleichgültig sein" | "to be weary; to be inert; to subside" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 275.2-8; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 577; FCD 134; ONB 85, 171)

nnw, "Müdigkeit; Trägheit" | "weariness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 275.9-12; FCD 134; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 230)

nnw.t, "[Zustand (Müdigkeit ?)]" | "[noun (a condition)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 275.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 231)

nnm, "abirren; in die Irre gehen" | "to err" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 276.15; FCD 134; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 233)

nnšm, "Milz" | "spleen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 276.17-20; MedWb 466; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271)

nnk, "ich [Selbst. Pron. sg.1.c.]; mir gehört" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Schenkel, Einf., 109; JWSpG § 584)

nr, "Hirt; Hüter" | "herdsman; protector" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 279.1-5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1812)

nr, "bestimmter Zeitpunkt, Termin" | "time; return of the year" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 279.11-13; FCD 135; Lesko, Dictionary II, 22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 527; KoptHWb 120)

nr.w, "der Schreckliche (der Verstorbene)" | "terrible one (with ref. to gods and the king)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 277.9; vgl. LGG IV, 254)

nr.w, "Schrecken" | "fear" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 277.11-278.11)

nr.w-n=f-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "der, vor dem Respekt in der Nekropole ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 257)

nr.t, "Geier" | "vulture" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 277.1-3; FCD 134; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 233; Lesko, Dictionary II, 22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 526 f.)

nr.t, "Jahr" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Fairman, JEA 29, 1943, 23 ff.)

nr.t, "Geier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 277.3; LGG IV, 252 f.)

nr.t, "[Amulett]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 58 (PT 754))

nr.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "der lebende Geier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 253)

nr-pḥ.wyt, "Proktologe (Spezialist für Anus-Krankheiten)" | "guardian of the Anus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles, no. 1813)

nr-n-ꜥꜣ.t-nb.t, "Hüter von allen kostbaren Gesteinen" | "protector of all precious stones" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 834; Fischer, Titles, no. 834; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 1812-1813)

nry.w, "[Krankheit des Uterus]" | "[fem. disorder (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 279.7; MedWb 467)

nri̯, "(sich) erschrecken" | "to fear (someone); to overawe" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 277.4-8; FCD 134)

nri̯, "bewachen; hüten" | "to protect; to tend" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 278.15-17; FCD 134; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 525)

nrw.t, "Schrecken" | "fear" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 278.13; FCD 134)

nrw.t, "Bruch (der Rückwirbel, der Rippen); Zerrung" | "sprain; dislocation (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 279.8-9; MedWb 467)

nrrw, "Jubelruf; Jauchzen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, WdO 24, 1993, 19, Anm. 85; EDG 263; KoptHWb 78)

nh, "schützen; beschirmen" | "to protect" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 281.7-9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 235; Lesko, Dictionary II, 23; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 527)

nh, "schütteln" | "to shake" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 282.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 528; KoptHWb 134)

nh(ꜣ)j, "[Wortklasse Artikel]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (ENG § 243; CGG 47 f.; Junge, Näg. Gr., 54)

nh.w, "Verlust; Verminderung" | "loss; lack" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 281.1-4; FCD 135)

nh.t, "Bollwerk; Schutzwehr (auch bildl. von Personen); Asyl" | "protection; refuge (metaph., of persons)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 281.10-11; FCD 135)

nh.t, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive] (Wb 2, 281.13-17)

nh.t, "Schutzwache (von Schlangengöttern)" | "guardian snakes" [substantive] (Wb 2, 281.18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 528)

nh.t, "Schutzmittel (gegen Schnupfen)" | "[protective substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 282.1; MedWb 468:)

nh.t, "Sykomore, Sykomorenfeige; Laubbaum (allg.)" | "sycamore; tree (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 282.6-283.2; Germer, Flora, 26)

nhꜣj, "etwas (von); einige (von) (mit Präp. n/m)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 280.6-10; ENG § 243; CGG 48)

nhj, "etwas; einige (von)" | "some; a little" [substantive] (Wb 2, 280.4-10; FCD 135; ENG § 243; CGG 48)

nhjz-pꜣꜣ.t-r-mꜣꜣ-pꜣ-jtn, "der Wachende, der in der Unterwelt ist, um die Sonnenscheibe zu sehen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 74 f.; vgl. LGG III, 16)

nhi̯, "entgehen; ermangeln; verschonen" | "to avoid; to escape" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 280.11-12; Allen, Inflection, 570 vgl. FCD 135)

nhp, "springen; wegspringen; bespringen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 283.8-284.4)

nhp, "früh auf sein" | "to rise early in the morning" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 284.5-8; FCD 135; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 236; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 529)

nhp, "trauern (um)" | "to mourn" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 284.17; FCD 135; Lesko, Dictionary II, 23)

nhp, "Beschützer" | "protector" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 285.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 529)

nhp, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 284.13; DrogWb 310)

nhp, "Deckel" | "cover" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kawa I, 10, Anm. 12)

nhp.w, "früher Morgen" | "early morning" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 284.9-12; FCD 135; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 529)

nhp.t, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[an illness]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 284.14; MedWb 469)

nhm, "jauchzen; jubeln" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 285.7-18)

nhm, "Glück; Freude" | "gladness; rejoicing" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.2156; 79.1576; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 530)

nhmhm, "brüllen (u. Ä.)" | "to roar" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 286.3-4; FCD 135; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 236)

nhnj, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb] (Pyr 339a; Faulkner, PT, 72 f., Anm. 3 (Pyr 339a); Allen, Inflection, 600)

nhr, "Flüchtling" | "fugitive (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 286.10; Lesko, Dictionary II, 24; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 255)

nhr, "Bösewicht (Seth u.a. Götter)" | "terrifer (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 286.12; LGG IV, 267)

nhr.t, "Bosheit (des Seth)" | "wickedness (of Seth)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 286.13)

nhr.ty, "heiliger Brunnen (?)" | "sacred well (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2145; Lesko, Dictionary II, 24)

nhrhr, "Selbstzufriedenheit (?)" | "[a negative trait]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 287.2; Ward, ZÄS 98, 1972, 155 f.)

nhzi̯, "wach sein; erwachen; aufwecken" | "to awaken; to be awake" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 287.3-9; FCD 136)

nhq, "[Verb (von Zustand einer Frau vor der Schwangerschaft)]" | "[verb associated with pregnancy (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 288.1; MedWb 470)

nhq, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 287.18; MedWb 469 f.)

nhd, "zittern; wütend sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 288.2-3; Allen, Inflection, 528; MedWb 470)

nhd, "Zittern" | "weakness" [substantive] (Wb 2, 288.4; MedWb 470; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 237)

nhdh, "Zittern; Entsetzen (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 288.6)

nhdh, "in Entsetzen geraten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 288.7)

nhdhd, "zittern (vom pulsierenden Gehirn)" | "to tremble (med.)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 288.8; MedWb 471)

nḥ, "Bitte" | "request; prayer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 289.11; FCD 136)

nḥ, "Perlhuhn" | "guinea-fowl (?) (as a divine being)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2148; 78.2167; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 271)

nḥ.t, "[ein Gewässer]" | "[flood waters in the 4th nome of Lower Egypt]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 289.19)

nḥ.t, "Bitte; Wunsch" | "prayer; plea" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 289.12-16; FCD 136; Lesko, Dictionary II, 25)

nḥꜣ, "gefährliches Gewässer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 136)

nḥꜣ, "uneben sein; heftig sein; gefährlich sein; krankhaft sein" | "to be fierce; to be unruly; abnormal" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 290.5-14; FCD 136; MedWb 471; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 531 f.)

nḥꜣ, "[eine Krankheit]; Heftigkeit" | "[an illness]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 291.3; FCD 136, Lesko, Dictionary II, 25; MedWb 471)

nḥꜣ.t, "[eine Krankheit des Auges (Trachom)], [eine Krankheit]" | "trachoma; a sadness" [substantive] (Wb 2, 290.19; MedWb 471 f.)

nḥꜣ.t-jb, "Herzenshärte; Kummer" | "sadness; a sad matter" [substantive] (Wb 2, 291.4; FCD 136; vgl. MedWb, 471 f.)

nḥꜣ-jb, "Rauhherziger (?); Bedrückter (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 136; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 238)

nḥi̯, "wünschen; erbitten" | "to ask for; to pray for" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 288.11-289.10; FCD 136; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 531)

nḥꜥ, "[etwas Schädliches (durch ätzende Flüssigkeit)]" | "[something harmful]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 15; Meeks, AL 77.2154; 78.2171)

nḥb, "ausstatten; zuteilen" | "to give; to loan" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 291.7-13; FCD 136)

nḥb, "Joch (für Vieh)" | "yoke" [substantive] (Wb 2, 293.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 26)

nḥb.w, "Rindernabgabe (Jochochsen)" | "yoke oxen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 293.14; FCD 136)

nḥb.wt, "Lotosbündelsäulen" | "lotiform columns" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 294.4)

nḥb.t, "Nacken; Hals" | "neck; nape of the neck" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 292.9-16; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271)

nḥb.t, "[ein Zepter]" | "lotus-bud scepter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 293.17; FCD 136)

nḥb.t, "Lotosblume; Lotosknospe" | "lotus blossom; lotus bud" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 294.2-3; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 533)

nḥb.t-ꜥn.t, "die schöne Ausgestattete" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 276 f.)

nḥbw.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 294.6; DrogWb 310 f.)

nḥp, "Töpferei" | "pottery (i.e., potter's workshop)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap d'Abousir, 674; vgl. Wb 2, 294.9-12)

nḥp, "Töpferscheibe" | "potter's wheel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 294.9-12; FCD 136; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 238; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 534)

nḥp, "formen (auf der Töpferscheibe); töpfern" | "to shape; to create" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 295.1-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 533 f.)

nḥp, "der Schöpfer (Bez. eines Gottes)" | "creator (divine epithet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 295.7; LGG IV, 278)

nḥm, "fortnehmen; retten" | "to take away; to rescue" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 295.12-297.4)

nḥm.w, "Retter" | "rescuer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 297.5)

nḥm.n, "schließlich (am Satzanfang); [Partikel]" | "surely; assuredly" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 2, 297.9; GEG § 236)

nḥm.t, "Lotosknospe" | "lotus bud" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 297.10)

nḥni̯, "jubeln" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 297.12; FCD 137; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 239; Allen, Inflection, 582)

nḥr, "gleichkommen, nicht nachstehen; gleichmachen" | "to be like; to resemble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 298.1-10; FCD 137; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 535)

nḥr.w, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 298.15-16)

nḥr.w, "[ein Kleidungsstück]" | "[a garment (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 298.11)

nḥrnḥr, "sich freuen" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_6-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 586)

nḥrḥr, "sich freuen" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 299.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 535 f.)

nḥḥ, "Ewigkeit" | "eternity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 299.2-302.9)

nḥḥ, "ewiglich" | "eternally" [adverb] (Wb 2, 300.15)

nḥḥ, "die Ewigkeit" | "Eternity" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 302.10-15; LGG IV, 287)

nḥḥ, "Olivenöl; Öl" | "olive oil" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 302.17-20; Koura, Öle, 229 ff.)

nḥḥ.wt, "Nilpferd (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 522a.b)

nḥs, "stechen (von einem Insekt)" | "to sting" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 303.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 27)

nḥs, "Nubien" | "Nubia" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 303.12)

nḥs.j, "nubisch" | english translation missing [adjective] (Sadek, Wadi el-Hudi I, 84 ff.)

nḥs.j, "Südländer; Nubier" | "southerner; Nubian" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 303.3-7)

nḥs.jt, "Südländerin; Nubierin" | "southerner; Nubian" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 303.9-11)

nḥš, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[an ingredient (med.) (Sem. loan word?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 303.13; DrogWb 311; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 257)

nḥti̯, "glauben; vertrauen; aufrichtig sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 303.14; Vycichl, Dict. étym., 152; Gilula, JNES 36, 1977, 295 f.)

nḥd, "[Myrrheart]" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 304.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 537; DrogWb 311 f.)

nḥd.t, "[Myrrheart]" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 304.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 537; DrogWb 311 f.)

nḥḏ.t, "Zahn" | "fang(s); tooth (teeth)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 304.5-8; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271)

nḫ, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 137)

nḫ, "schützen; helfen" | "to protect; to help" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 304.9-13; FCD 137)

nḫ.w, "Schützer, Beschützer; Verteidiger" | "protector; defender (divine epithet)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 304.14-305.5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 28)

nḫ.wt, "Klage" | "lamentation; complaint" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 305.17; FCD 137)

nḫꜣ, "Geißel" | "flail" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 306.4)

nḫꜣ, "[ein Messer (aus Feuerstein)]" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 306.5; FCD 137; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 240; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 279)

nḫꜣ, "(prall) hängen (von weiblichen Brüsten); baumeln" | "to be pendulous (of the breasts); dangle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 306.6; Allen, Inflection, 558; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 240)

nḫꜣ.w, "fischförmiger Anhänger (Schmuck)" | "fish-shaped pendant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 306.7; FCD 137)

nḫꜣḫꜣ, "hängen (von weiblichen Brüsten); baumeln" | "to be pendulous (of the breasts); dangle" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2. 306.10; Allen, Inflection, 586; FCD 137)

nḫꜣḫꜣ, "Geißel" | "flail (royal insignia)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 306.11-14; FCD 137; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 538 f.)

nḫj, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 306.3)

nḫjḫi̯, "dauern; überleben; älter werden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-inf] (Allen, Inflection, 586)

nḫi̯, "klagen; (sich) beklagen" | "to lament; to complain" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 305.11-14; vgl. FCD 137; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 538)

nḫi̯, "dauern; fortbestehen" | "to endure" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 306.1; Allen, Inflection, 570)

nḫb, "Jungrind (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 60, Anm. 81)

nḫb, "Lotosblüte" | "lotus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 307.3-8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 28; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 539 f.)

nḫb, "bestimmen; zuweisen" | "to assign; to decide" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 307.10-15; FCD 138; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 540)

nḫb, "Vorschrift" | "stipulation" [substantive] (Wb 2, 307.16-17; FCD 138)

nḫb, "Neuland (frisch bestimmtes Ackerland)" | "fresh field" [substantive] (Wb 2, 308.8-9; FCD 138)

nḫb.y, "[ein Titel des Hohepriesters von Heliopolis]" | "[a title of the high priest of Heliopolis]" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 308.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1815)

nḫb.t, "Titulatur (des Königs); Bestimmung" | "titulary (of the king); designation" [substantive] (Wb 2, 308.1-6; FCD 138)

nḫbḫb, "sich öffnen (von der Tür); sich verschieben (von Bruchverletzungen)" | "to open (door; door-bolt)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 309.12-14; FCD 138; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 241; MedWb 477)

nḫp, "Haarlocke" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kitchen, Poetry, 408 f.)

nḫf, "(Milch) einflößen (o. Ä.)" | "to pour" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 310.1; MedWb 477)

nḫn, "[ein Gebäude (o. Ä.)]" | "shrine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 310.4-7; FCD 138; Kahl, Frühägypt. WB, Lfg. 2, 247)

nḫn, "jugendlich sein; Kind sein" | "to be a child; to become a young child" [verb] (Wb 2, 311.15-18)

nḫn.j, "hierakonpolitisch" | "of Hierakonpolis" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 795e; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 241)

nḫn.y, "Bewohner von Hierakonpolis" | "inhabitant of Hierakonpolis" [substantive] (Wb 2, 311.1-2)

nḫn.w, "Kind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 305 f.)

nḫn.w, "Kind" | "child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 311.3-12)

nḫn.w, "Kindheit; Jugend" | "childhood; youth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 312.2-3; FCD 138; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 242; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 541)

nḫn.t, "Kindheit; Jugend" | "youth (abstract)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 312.4-5)

nḫn.t, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a white bird]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 312.7)

nḫr, "Fluss; Wadi (saisonales Flussbett)" | "stream (?); canal(?)" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 9; GDG III, 98; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 258)

nḫrḫr, "traurig sein (o. Ä.)" | "to be sightless (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 313.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 242)

nḫḫ, "neu geboren werden; noch lange leben; heranwachsen" | "to be new born" [verb] (Wb 2, 313.4-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 542)

nḫḫ, "Jüngling; Heranwachsener" | "youth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 313.6-7)

nḫḫ, "Älter-Werdender; Langlebiger; Andauernder" | "enduring one; adolescent" [substantive] (Wb 2, 313.11-12; vgl. FCD 138)

nḫḫ, "alt werden; (noch) lange leben; andauern" | "to become old; to endure" [verb] (Wb 2, 313.8-10; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 586; FCD 138; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 542)

nḫḫ, "Langlebiger" | "old one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 313.13; LGG IV, 309 f.)

nḫḫ, "Dauernder (Bez. eines Sterns)" | "Enduring-one (a star)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 313.17-18)

nḫt, "stark; siegreich" | "strong; victorious" [adjective] (Wb 2, 315.5-316.3)

nḫt, "tüchtig; sehr; stark" | "able; very" [adverb] (Wb 2, 316.4-6; EAG § 750.2a)

nḫt, "Starker" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 311 f.)

nḫt, "stark sein; stärken; schützen" | "to be strong; to strengthen" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 314.6-315.4)

nḫt, "Starker" | "strong one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 318.1-6)

nḫt.j, "Gewaltiger" | "giant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 318.7; Vittmann, Riesen, 3 ff.)

nḫt.w, "Sieg; Stärke" | "strength; victory" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 317.4-10; FCD 139)

nḫt.w, "Befestigung" | "stronghold(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 317.11-12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 31)

nḫt.t, "Steifheit (der Glieder)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 317.15; MedWb 478)

nḫt.t, "Stärke; Sieg" | "stiffness (of joints) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 317.16-22; FCD 139)

nḫt-ꜥ, "Starker; Erwachsener" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 138; vgl. Wb 2, 315.21)

nḫt-ꜥ, "Starker" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 312 f.)

nḫt-n-ḥḥ-n-mḥ, "Gewaltiger von Millionen Ellen (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 317)

nḫt-ḥr, "Unverfrorenheit (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lebensmüder 107)

nḫt-ḫrw, "Ausrufer (Ackerbeamter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 318.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1818)

nḫt-ḫrw, "Ausrufer (Ackerbeamter)" | "tally-man (lit. strong of voice)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 318.11)

nḫt-ḫrw-n-šnw.t, "Ausrufer der Scheune" | "tally-man of the granary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1826; vgl. Wb 2, 318.11)

nḫt-ḫrw-n-šnw.t, "Ausrufer der Scheune" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1826; vgl. Wb 2, 318.11)

nḫt-ḫrw-n-šnw.t-n.t-ẖnw, "Ausrufer der Scheune der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1827)

nẖ, "Ausgespienes; Speichel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 317)

nẖ, "Ausgespienes; Speichel" | "[a bodily fluid]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 318.15)

nẖi̯, "speien" | "to spit out; to eject" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 318.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 243; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 543; MedWb 479)

nẖꜥ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (oDeM 1266, 17)

nẖw.t, "Ausspeien; Ausfluss" | "what is spit out" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 318.16; MedWb 484)

nẖn, "Brei (aus Erde und Wasser)" | "gruel (of water and earth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 318.17; MedWb 479)

nẖnm, "[eines der sieben heiligen Öle]" | "[one of the seven sacred oils]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 319.1-3; Koura, Öle, 40 f., 171 ff.)

nẖẖ, "Speichel" | "spittle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 319.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 543)

nẖs, "erstarren; abstumpfen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XV.7; KoptHWb 132)

nzp, "Messer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 319.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 546)

nzp.w, "Wunden" | "wounds" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 319.9; FCD 139; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 247)

nznzn, "dahingehen (o. Ä.)" | "to suffer (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 319.12; Allen, Inflection, 586)

nzr, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 319.13-14)

nzr.t, "Nezret" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 353 f.)

ns, "Zunge" | "tongue" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 320.8-17)

ns, "einsinken (vom Fuß in den Ackerboden)" | "to sink in" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 320.19; MedWb 479 f.)

ns.wt, "[ein Speer]" | "javelin" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 324.17; FCD 139)

ns.t, "Sitz; Thron" | "seat; throne" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 321.6-323.15)

ns.t, "Fundament (Teil der Ziegelrampe)" | "base (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 324.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 32; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 125 ff.)

ns.t-ḫnt.jt, "Vorsitzender ("vorderer Sitz")" | "possessor of a preeminent place" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 323.14; 3, 304.13; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1755), "zum Thron gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 2, 324.2)

ns.tjw, "[Speer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

ns.tjw, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 324.3-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 548; DrogWb 316)

ns.tjt, "[Speer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

ns.ty, "Keimlinge (?)" | "[part of a cereal (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 324.6-7; DrogWb 315; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 501)

ns-š, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 320.18; DrogWb 314; Harris, Minerals, 216 f.; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 648)

nsꜣ, "Riemenschaft" | "[part of a ship]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 324.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 246; Jones, Naut. Titles, 172 (89); Fischer-Elfert, SAK 10, 1983, 149)

nsꜣꜣ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-gem] (Allen, Inflection, 576)

nsj, "[eine Krankheit (?)]" | "[a demon responsible for an illness]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 324.10; MedWb 480)

nsy.t, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[an illness caused by a demon]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 324.11; MedWb 480 f.)

nsw, "[Verb (?)]" | "[verb (?)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 324.13)

nsw.y, "die Diener (?); die (Klein)-Bauern (?)" | "serfs" [substantive] (Wb 2, 334.10; Helck, Die Admonitions ( KÄT), 70 ff.)

nsw.y, "als König herrschen" | "to rule as king" [verb] (Wb 2, 334.1-8; FCD 139)

nsw.y-tp.j, "erster Schlächter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LESt 26.8-9), "Königsherrschaft" | "kingship" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 332.13-333.21)

nsw.t, "[Krankheit am Nackenwirbel]" | "[injury to a vertebra of the neck]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 324.16; MedWb 480)

nswt, "(oberägyptischer) König" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 321)

nswt, "König von Oberägypten; König; König (Thronname der Königstitulatur)" | "king; king of Upper Egypt" [substantive] (Wb 2, 325.1-329.10), "König von Ober- und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 324 f.), "König von Ober- und Unterägypten; König von OÄg. u. UÄg. (Thronname der Königstitulatur)" | "king of Upper and Lower Egypt" [substantive] (Wb 2, 330.5-332.7; Beckerath, Königsnamen, 1 ff.)

nswt-nḫt, "der starke König" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 315.6)

nswt-nṯr.w, "König der Götter (Amun u.a. Götter)" | "king of the gods (esp. Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 328.12-14; LGG IV, 333 ff.)

nswt-nṯr.w-nb.w, "König aller Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 336 f.)

nswt-r-nḥḥ, "König der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 330 f.)

nswt-rḫ.yt, "König der Menschheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 338)

nswt-Šmꜥ.w, "der König von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 340 f.)

nswt-Tꜣ.wj, "König der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 342 f.)

nsbi̯, "verschlingen; ablecken" | "to devour; to lick" [verb] (Wb 2, 334.11-14; Allen, Inflection, 582; ONB 54 f.; 516; vgl. KoptHWb 79)

nsns, "tranchieren" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 335.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 34; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 138, Anm. y)

nsr, "betupfen" | "[to treat (a wound) (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 335.3; FCD 140; MedWb 481)

nsr, "brennen; verbrennen" | "to burn up; to shrivel" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 335.4-11; vgl. FCD 140; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 546)

nsr, "Feuer; Flamme" | "flame" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 335.13-18; FCD 140; vgl. ONB 178; KoptHWb 525)

nsr.t, "Feuer; Flamme" | "flame" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 336.1-6; FCD 140)

nss, "beschädigen (o. Ä.)" | "to do damage to" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 336.12-13; FCD 140)

nssq, "Haarausfall" | "[an affliction of the head (hair loss?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 336.14; MedWb 483; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 840 (Index))

nsq, "Stichelei" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 336.16; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 161, Anm. a)

nsq, "stechen; beißen" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 336.15; KoptHWb 77; 528)

nš, "herausbefördern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 337.3-4; 337.11-338.3)

nš, "erschaudern, erzittern" | "to shudder" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 338.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 34)

nš, "Sandkörner" | "grain (of sand)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 338.6-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 549)

nš.w, "[eine Krankheitserscheinung]" | "[a discharge (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 338.10-11; MedWb 483 f.)

nš.w, "[ein Topf]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 338.14-15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 34; Zonhoven, JEA 65, 1979, 96)

nš.t, "Haarmacherin" | "hairdresser" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 337.6-7; FCD 140)

nš-šnj-n-Wsjr, "Haarpfleger des Haares des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sawi/Gomaà, Panehsi, 89)

nšꜣ, "[eine Wasserpflanze (ein Laichkraut)]" | "[a plant]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 338.17-18; Germer, Flora 188; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 501)

nšw.t, "das Haarmachen (?)" | "hairdressing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 337.5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 35)

nšbšb, "sich laben (?)" | "to refresh oneself (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 338.20; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 248)

nšp, "atmen; atmen lassen" | "to inhale; to pant (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 339.1-8; FCD 140; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 549)

nšf, "Giftzahn (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 339.11)

nšfšf, "tropfen" | "drip" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 339.12; Allen, Inflection, 587)

nšm.y, "Ausfluss" | "discharge (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 484)

nšm.wt, "Fischschuppen; Fische" | "scales (of fish); fish" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 340.5-7; FCD 140; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 248)

nšm.t, "[heilige Barke des Osiris in Abydos]" | "neshmet-bark (of Osiris)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 339.15-17; Jones, Naut. Titles, 249 (71))

nšm.t, "grüner Feldspat" | "green felspar" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 339.19-340.4; Harris, Minerals, 115)

nšn, "der Wütende (Seth, Month)" | "raging one (Seth; Montu)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 342.1-2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 550; LGG IV, 360)

nšn.j, "Wut; Unwetter" | "storm; rage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 341.1-16)

nšn.t, "Wüten" | "fury" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 341.17; FCD 140)

nš, "wütend (vom König im Kampf)" | "raging" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 341.18)

nšni̯, "wütend sein; rasen" | "to rage; to be furious" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 340.11-30; FCD 140; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 248; Lesko, Dictionary II, 35; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 550)

nšnš, "[Verb (gebären? auswerfen?)]" | "[verb]" [verb] (Wb 2, 342.5; Allen, Inflection, 578)

nšz, "Gifttropfen" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 342.9; Leitz, Or 65, 1996, 417 f.)

nšzz.t, "[Substantiv]" | "[a noun]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 342.10)

nšš.w, "[Krankheit an der Schläfe (Ohrensausen?)]" | "damp air" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 342.12; MedWb 485)

nšd, "zerfleischen; zerreissen" | "to rend" [verb] (Wb 2, 342.14-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 550 f.)

nšd.y, "Juwelier; Dekorateur" | "jeweler; lapidary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 342.18; Lesko, Dictionary II, 36)

nšḏ, "zerkleinern" | "to reduce to small bits" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap d'Abousir, 674)

nqꜥ.wt, "das Schneiden (als Schmerz)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 485)

nqꜥ.wt, "geritze (reife) Sykomorenfrüchte" | "notched sycamore fig" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 343.8-12; DrogWb 317 f.)

nqw.t, "Feuchtigkeit" | "moisture (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 343.17; FCD 141; MedWb 485)

nqf, "schlagen; (Herz) ausreißen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.2253)

nqm, "betrübt sein; leiden" | "to suffer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 344.4-5; FCD 141; Lesko, Dictionary II, 36)

nqm.t, "Leiden" | "affliction" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 344.6; FCD 141; Lesko, Dictionary II, 36)

nqr, "durchsieben, seihen" | "to sieve" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 344.7-10; FCD 141)

nqr, "Sieb; Deckel (des mnDm-Korbs)" | "sieve" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 344.11; Lesko, Dictionary II, 36; Janssen, Prices, 147-149)

nqdd, "schlafen" | "to sleep" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 2, 345.1)

nk, "koitieren; kopulieren (Menschen und Tiere)" | "to copulate (all nuances)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 345.3-10)

nk.w, "Begatter, Beischläfer" | "fornicator" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 345.11)

nk.t, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Beck, Samanu, 109)

nkꜣ, "überlegen; denken an (etwas)" | "to think about" [verb] (Wb 2, 345.13-14; FCD 141; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 250)

nkꜣkꜣ, "wiederbelebt (sein/werden ?) (des Körpers der Leiche)" | "to revive (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 345.15; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 587)

nkjkj, "schwängern; anschwellen lassen (den Bauch)" | "to make pregnant" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 346.1; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 587)

nkftr, "[ein Öl (?)]" | "[an oil (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 346.5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 37; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 261)

nkn, "verletzen" | "to wound" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 346.8-12; FCD 141; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 250 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 551 f.)

nkn, "Leid; Verletzung" | "harm; injury" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 346.13-347.2; FCD 141)

nkk, "Buhlknabe" | "homosexual" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 347.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 551)

nkt, "Etwas; Angelegenheit (mit Artikel); Dinge" | "some; a little bit of; matter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 347.12-16; KoptHWb 121)

ng.t, "Bruch (im Deich)" | "breach (in a dam)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 348.15; FCD 141)

ngꜣ, "töten" | "to kill; to cut up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 348.16-19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 553)

ngꜣ, "Mangel leiden; fehlen (an)" | "to lack; to be lacking" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 349.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 37)

ngꜣ.w, "Mangel" | "for lack of" [substantive] (Wb 2, 349.8; vgl. FCD 141)

ngꜣ.w, "Langhornrind" | "long-horned cattle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 349.1-5; FCD 141)

ngꜣgꜣ, "(prall) hängen (von den Brüsten); strotzen" | "to be pendulous (of the breasts); swell (?)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 349.11; Allen, Inflection, 587)

ngy.t, "Verbrechen" | "crime" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 141)

ngi̯, "zerbrechen; öffnen; hervorbrechen" | "to break open" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 348.6-14; FCD 141)

ngb, "ablenken (von etwas); entfernen" | "to turn aside; to divert" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 349.14; FCD 141)

ngsgs, "überlaufen (vor Fülle)" | "to overflow" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 350.3-8; FCD 142; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 553)

ngg, "schreien (u. Ä.)" | "to cackle; to screech" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 350.9-12; FCD 142; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 252 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 553 f.)

ntꜣi̯, "laufen (?); eilen (?)" | "to run; to hurry (?)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 351.4; Allen, Inflection, 582)

nty, "[ein Gewebe (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 351.7)

nti̯, "bedrängt sein" | "to be oppressed" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 351.6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 38)

ntꜥ, "einrichten" | "to organize" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 355.14; FCD 142)

ntw, "sie [Selbst.Pron. pl.3.c]" | english translation missing [pronoun] (Wb 2, 355.15; ENG § 103; Junge, Näg. Gr., 175; CGG 11)

ntf, "begießen; befeuchten" | "to besprinkle; to wet" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 356.6-8; FCD 142; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 555)

ntn.w, "mühsam (?)" | english translation missing [adjective] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 17 (D23))

ntn.t, "Haut" | "skin" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 356.12; MedWb 490)

ntš, "besprengen (mit Flüssigkeit)" | "to besprinkle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 356.18-20; FCD 142; MedWb 490)

nṯ, "Zunge" | "tongue" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1088b)

nṯb, "ausdörren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Pyr, 396c; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 256; Osing, Pap. Ox., 88, Anm. 646)

nṯn.t, "Schmutz (o. Ä.)" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 357.11)

nṯnṯ, "Speichel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 256)

nṯr, "Gott" | "god" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 358.1-360.14)

nṯr, "[Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 365.18-19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 560; DrogWb 318 f.)

nṯr.j, "göttlich; heilig" | "divine; sacred" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 363.1-364.5)

nṯr.j, "(göttlicher) Stoff" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Scheele, Stofflisten, 23 f.)

nṯr.j, "Göttlicher; Heiliger" | "divine one; sacred one" [substantive] (Wb 2, 364.19-23; FCD 143)

nṯr.j, "Heiligtum" | "Divine (Dendera Temple, e.g.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 365.1-2)

nṯr.j, "Gotteskanal (Gewässer im Jenseits)" | "Canal-of-the-god" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 365.11)

nṯr.j, "Natron (allg.)" | "natron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 366.8-11; Harris, Minerals, 193 f.)

nṯr.j-jmn-Wsjr-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Göttlicher, der verborgen ist, Osiris in der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 556)

nṯr.j-ḫꜥ.w, "göttlich an Erscheinungen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 558)

nṯr.jt, "die Göttliche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 560; vgl. LGG IV, 561)

nṯ, "[Natron-Art (?) (offizinell)]" | "[a substance related to natron (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 366.14; DrogWb 319)

nṯr.w-jm.jw-p.t, "die Götter, die im Himmel sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 460 f.)

nṯr.w-jm.jw-ḥꜥpj, "die Götter, die im Nil sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 463)

nṯr.w-jm.jw-šms.w-ḥꜥpj, "die Götter, die im Gefolge des Nils sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 467)

nṯr.w-jm.jw-tꜣ, "die Götter, die auf der Erde sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 468)

nṯr.w-jm.jw-dwꜣ.t, "die Götter, die in der Unterwelt sind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 469)

nṯr.w-jm.jw-dwꜣ.t-nb.w-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die Götter, befindlich in der Unterwelt, die Herren des Gaues von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 28.6)

nṯr.wj, "die beiden Götter (Horus u. Seth, Re u. Tatenen u.a.)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 447; vgl. Wb 2, 365.1-3; Wilson, Ptolem. Lexikon, 557 (unten))

nṯr.wt, "göttlicher Zustand" | "divine state" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.2290; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 258)

nṯr.t, "Göttin" | "goddess" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 362.4-14)

nṯr.t, "Gepardenfell-Schurz" | "[a garment, perhaps made of a feline's pelt]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 365.13; Edel, Jahreszeitenrelief II, 173)

nṯr.t, "göttliches Auge (heiliges Auge eines Gottes)" | "sacred-eye(s)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 366.1-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 560 f.)

nṯr.t, "das göttliche Auge" | "Divine(-eye) (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 366.7; LGG IV, 575)

nṯ, "[ein Haken (bei der Mundöffnung)]" | "[adze used in the Opening-of-the-mouth ritual]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 366.16; FCD 143)

nṯr-jm.j-jtn=f, "der Gott, der in seiner Sonnenscheibe ist (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 393)

nṯr-jm.j-kꜣr=f, "Gott in seinem Schrein" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 393)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "der große Gott (Gott); der große Gott (König)" | "great god" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 361.1-7; LGG IV, 395 ff.)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "der große lebende Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 402 f.)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ-wr-m-zp-tp.j, "der große alte Gott am Uranfang" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. IV.3)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ-m-zp-tp.j, "der große Gott am Uranfang" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 413)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ-n-zp-tp.j, "der große Gott des ersten Males" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 413)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Großer Gott von der Nekropole" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 114; LD II, 37a)

nṯr-ꜥꜣ-šps.j-n-Ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "der große erhabene Gott des Tempels von Heliopolis (Schu)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. x+6.11)

nṯr-ꜥnḫ, "der lebende Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 417-8)

nṯr-wꜥ, "der einzige Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 418 ff.)

nṯr-wr, "[ein Priester (beim Begräbnis)]" | "[a priest officiating at the funeral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 361.9)

nṯr-mnḫ, "vortrefflicher Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 424 f.)

nṯr-nʾ.tj, "Stadtgott (sg.)" | "local god; god of the town" [substantive] (Wb 2, 212.8, 10-11)

nṯr-nfr, "der vollkommene Gott (König); der vollkommene Gott (Gott)" | "perfect god (kings); perfect god (divinity)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 361.10-362.3; LGG IV, 428 f.)

nṯr-nṯr.j, "göttlicher Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 432 ff.)

nṯr-ḥr.j, "oberer Gott" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 436)

nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t, "Gott des Herrschers von Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, 298 (Index))

nṯr-Šmꜥ.w, "[Amulett]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 58 (PT 753))

nṯr-šps.j, "der erhabene Gott (viele Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 440 ff.)

nṯr-dwꜣ.j, "Morgendlicher Gott (Morgenstern, Venus)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 423.10-13; LGG IV, 445 f.)

nṯri̯, "göttlich sein; göttlich machen" | "to be divine; to make divine" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 364.6-18)

nṯri̯, "gereinigt sein (durch Natron)" | "to purify (with natron); to be pure (through natron)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 366.12-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 560)

nṯḫ, "[ein Musikinstrument]" | "[a musical instrument (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 366.18; Lesko, Dictionary II, 41; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 266)

nṯṯ, "fesseln; gefesselt sein" | "to bind; to tie up (foes)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 367.2-8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 259)

nṯṯ, "Fessel; Harpunenseil" | "rope; cord" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 367.9-11; FCD 143; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 259; Lesko, Dictionary II, 41; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 561)

ndj, "niederwerfen" | "to fell (someone or something)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 367.12-13; Allen, Inflection, 558; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 259)

ndj, "[Bezeichnung des Sonnengottes]" | "[a name for the sun god]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 367.14; LGG IV, 577)

ndb, "verwunden (mit den Hörnern)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 367.17; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 259)

ndb, "schlucken; verzehren (trinken und essen)" | "to sip" [verb] (Wb 2, 367.18; FCD 143), "[Teil des Segels (?)]" | "bunt (?) (of a sail)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 368.11; Jones, Naut. Titles, 172 f. (92))

ndb.wt, "Fundamente (o. Ä.)" | "area; extent" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 368.7-10; FCD 143; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 561 f.)

ndb.t, "[Getränk]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 492; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 62, Anm. 78; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 314, Anm. 473)

ndbdb, "schlürfen; nippen" | "to sip" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 368.12)

ndfdf, "weinen; tränen" | "to tear (of the eye of Horus)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 368.13)

ndsds, "zerhacken (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 368.16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 259)

nḏ, "schützen; bestrafen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 374.2-14)

nḏ, "zerreiben; mahlen; abreiben" | "to grind; to crush" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 369.11-370.10; KoptHWb 127)

nḏ, "Mehl" | "flour" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 370.16-18; FCD 143; vgl. KoptHWb 121)

nḏ, "fragen; beraten" | "to ask for (advice); to consult" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 370-371.14; Allen, Inflection, 546; FCD 143)

nḏ, "(ein Amt) verleihen; übergeben" | "to confer (an office); to appoint" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 373.21-22; FCD 143)

nḏ, "Schützer; Beistand" | "protector" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 374.15, 375.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 563)

nḏ, "Faden; [Gewebe]" | "thread" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 376.18-20; FCD 144; MedWb 497; Borghouts, OMRO 51, 1970, 57 f., Anm. 56)

nḏ.w, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 375.9; vgl. FCD 143)

nḏ.wt, "Müllerin" | "grinding woman (i.e. fem. miller)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 370.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 260; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1829)

nḏ.wt-rʾ, "Ratschlag; Orakel" | "oracle; counsel" [substantive] (Wb 2, 372.4-6)

nḏ.t, "Untertanen" | "subject; slave" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 369.2-7; FCD 143)

nḏ.t, "Mehl" | "flour" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 24)

nḏ.t, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive] (Wb 2, 375.10)

nḏ.t-ḥr, "Gabe; Geschenk" | "gift(s)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 373.1-10)

nḏ.tj, "Schützer; Beistand" | "protector" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 375.14-376.5)

nḏ-jtj=f, "der seinen Vater schützt" | "protector of his father; Protector-of-his-father" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 375.3-5; LGG IV, 580 f.)

nḏ-ḥr-jtj=f, "[Titel des Horus]" | "protector of his father (Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 375.6; LGG IV, 581 f.)

nḏꜣ, "verdursten (?); ersticken (?)" | "to parch (with thirst)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 377.5; FCD 144; KoptHWb 441)

nḏꜣ, "Durst" | "thirst" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 377.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 565)

nḏꜣḏꜣ, "wässrig sein (?)" | "[to be watery (?) (med.)]" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 377.13; MedWb 497)

nḏꜥ.w, "[eine Alterserscheinung]" | "[a symptom of aging (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 377.16; MedWb 497 f.)

nḏ, "Bosheit (?)" | "baseness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 377.17; FCD 144)

nḏf.t, "[ein Baum (in einem Ortsnamen)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 2, 378.1)

nḏm, "süß sein; angenehm sein; froh sein" | "to be sweet; to be pleasant" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 380.1-18)

nḏm, "angenehm" | "pleasingly" [adverb] (Wb 2, 380.19)

nḏm, "Johannisbrotbaum; Johannisbrotbaumfrucht" | "carob tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 378.2-7; Germer, Flora, 95)

nḏm, "süß; angenehm" | "sweet; pleasing" [adjective] (Wb 2, 378.9-379.21)

nḏm, "Süßigkeit; Annehmlichkeit" | "sweetness; pleasantness" [substantive] (Wb 2, 380.20-381.8; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 42)

nḏm, "es angenehm haben; sitzen" | "to sit down; to settle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 381.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 567)

nḏm.t, "[eine Frucht (?)]" | "[a fruit (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 378.8)

nḏm.t-mrw.t, "die süß an Liebe ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 167)

nḏm-jb, "Fröhlichkeit" | "joy" [substantive] (Wb 2, 380.23-381.1)

nḏm-jb-n-Km.t-mr.y-Jtm.w, "Freude Ägyptens, geliebt von Atum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (LEM 12.15)

nḏm-n=f, "Einer, der es sich bequem macht" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quack, Merikare, 29, 171 (E42))

nḏm-ḫrw=f-n-jwi̯=f, "der dessen Stimme angenehm ist bei seinem Kommen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.2; vgl. LGG IV, 600)

nḏm-sty-m-Ḏd.w(t)-ḥr.j(t), "der mit angenehmem Duft im oberen Djed(et)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 601)

nḏmm.t, "sexuelles Vergnügen" | "sexual pleasure" [substantive] (Wb 2, 381.14-15; EAG § 238; FCD 144; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon,)

nḏmnḏm, "sexuelles Vergnügen" | "sexual pleasure" [substantive] (Wb 2, 381.16-22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 567 f.)

nḏmnḏm, "begatten; beschlafen" | "to copulate with" [verb] (Wb 2, 381.23; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 568)

nḏnḏ, "fragen; beraten" | "to consult (with someone); to ask (for advice)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 382.1-9; FCD 144)

nḏnḏ, "Verlangen; Bittschrift" | "advice; counsel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2301; Wb 2, 382.10; FCD 144)

nḏr, "(Holz) bearbeiten; zimmern" | "to smooth (wood); to carpenter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 382.11-16)

nḏr, "Splitter; Ostrakon" | "chip; ostracon" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 25; Meeks, AL 79.1695; Lesko, Dictionary II, 44)

nḏr.wt, "[Teile des Bettes (Bettrahmen ?]" | "[part of a bed (frame?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 382.17)

nḏr.t, "Haft" | "imprisonment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 383.29; FCD 145)

nḏri̯, "fassen; packen" | "to hold fast; to sieze" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 382.18-383.26)

nḏrw.t, "Zusammenziehung (?); Zusammenballung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 500; Westendorf, Papyrus Edwin Smith, 108, Anm. 2; Westendorf, Handbuch, 748, Anm. 115)

nḏḥꜥḏḥꜥ.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 384.4; DrogWb 320 f.)

nḏḥḏḥ, "herabhängen (?) (vom Herzen)" | "[relating to a heart condition (med.)]" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 384.6; MedWb 500; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin)

nḏḥḏḥ, "[Schutzgott des Osiris]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 384.7; LGG IV, 604 f.)

nḏs, "klein sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 384.8-385.4; Allen, Inflection, 558)

nḏs, "in geringem Maße" | english translation missing [adverb] (Heckel, ZÄS 82, 1958, 44)

nḏs, "klein; gering; schwach" | "small; little; weak" [adjective] (Wb 2, 384.8-385.4)

nḏs, "Kleiner, Geringer; der Jüngere; Kleiner (Apposition bei Personennamen)" | "junior; commoner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 385.5-13)

nḏs, "Nedjes (Phyle von Totenpriestern und Arbeitertrupps)" | "Nedjes (phyle of funerary funerary priests; of workers)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2306; vgl. Wb 3, 413.10)

nḏs.w, "Niedrigkeit (Armut)" | "low estate" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 385.14; FCD 145)

nḏs.t, "Kleinheit (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 385.15)

nḏ, "[Beiname des Osiris]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 386.1)

nḏsḏs, "verbrennen, verzehren" | "to burn" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.2336)

nḏdnḏd, "dauern" | "to endure" [verb: verb_6-lit] (Wb 2, 386.3; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 587)

nḏdḏd, "dauern" | "to endure" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 386.4)

Rʾ-ꜣw, "Tura (Ort mit Steinbrüchen bei Kairo)" | "Tura (quarry region; lit. Long-stretched-out-opening)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 393.12; LÄ VI, 807)

Rʾ-ꜣmsw, "Die Öffnung von Amsu (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 270)

Rʾ-Wꜥ-m-ḥww, "Mund des Wa-em-Huu-Gaus (7. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 116 f.)

Rʾ-Pqr, "Ra-peqer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 561.8)

Rʾ-pšn.j, "Ra-pescheni" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 119)

Rʾ-n-pgs-r-Ꜥꜣpp, "Spruch zum Spucken auf Apophis" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 173 (538))

Rʾ-n-rḏ.t-sḏ.t-r-Ꜥꜣpp, "Spruch zum Feuer legen an Apophis" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 190 (661))

Rʾ-n-zjn-Ꜥꜣpp-m-rd-jꜣb.j, "Spruch zum Zerreiben des Apophis mit dem linken Fuß" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 216 (841))

Rʾ-n-š-Sbk, "Mündung des Sees des Sobek" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10021, 2, 7)

Rʾ-n-šzp-mꜥbꜣ-r-ḥw-Ꜥꜣpp, "Spruch zum Ergreifen des Speeres, um Apophis zu erstechen" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 239 (997))

Rʾ-n-šzp-ds-r-ḥw-Ꜥꜣpp, "Spruch zum Ergreifen des Messers, um Apophis zu erstechen" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 239 (1001))

Rʾ-n-qꜣs-Ꜥꜣpp, "Spruch zum Fesseln des Apophis" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 239 (1004))

Rʾ-nfr, "Ra-nefer (Tell Tebilla)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 121; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 241; LÄ VI, 354)

Rʾ-nṯr, "Die Pforte des Gottes (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 269)

Rʾ-ḥn.t, "Illahun" | "el-Lahun (lit. Mouth-of-the-lake)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 398.3; GDG III, 124 f.; LÄ VII, 294; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 268)

Rʾ-ḫny, "Ra-cheni (bei Hatnub)" | "Ra-kheni (near Hatnub)" [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Siedlungen, 138 f.)

Rʾ-sṯꜣ.w, "Rosetau" | "Rosetau" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 398.9-399.1; GDG II, 127; Gomaà, Besiedlung, II, 20 ff.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 269)

Rʾ-š-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Ra-schi des Niuserre (Wirtschaftsanlage seines Totentempels)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Simpson, Giza 3, fig. 48)

Rʾ-š-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Ra-schi des Cheops (Wirtschaftsanlage seines Totentempels)" | "Ra-she-of-Cheops" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ VII, 294)

Rʾ-š-Kꜣkꜣj, "Ra-schi des Neferirkare-Kakai (Wirtschaftsanlage seines Totentempels)" | "Ra-she-of-(Neferirkare-)Kakai" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ VII, 294)

Rʾ-šꜣꜣ.wt, "Ra-schaaut" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 127)

Rʾ-šj-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Mündung des Sees von Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231)

Rʾ-qrr.t, "Öffnung der Höhle (Nekropole von Assiut)" | "Mouth-of-the-cave (necropolis of Asyut)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ V, 149; GDG III, 128; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 269)

Rʾ-kꜣ, "Ra-ka (Dämon)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 27.8; vgl. LGG I, 536)

Rʾ-ṯꜣ.wj, "Tor der zwei Kücken (?) (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 255)

Rʾjs-šꜣy, "Rais-Schay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Rʾrʾmw, "Raramu (?)" | "Raramu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 302.30)

Rꜥw, "Re" | "Re" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 401.7-8; LGG IV, 612)

Rꜥw, "Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 217.7)

Rꜥw, "die Sonne (bildl. v. König)" | "sun (the king)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 401.9; vgl. LGG IV, 613b (E.))

Rꜥw-Jtm.w, "Re-Atum" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 640)

Rꜥw-jꜣ, "Re-ia" | "Re-ia" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 220.7; Bakir, Epistolography, pl. 33)

Rꜥw-jꜣy, "Re-iay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 220.8)

Rꜥw-Wsjr, "Re-Osiris" | "Re-Osiris" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 228; II, 88-90)

Rꜥw-wr, "Ra-wer" | "Ra-wer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 217.12)

Rꜥw-wsr.w, "Ra-useru" | "Re-weseru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 217.13)

Rꜥw-m-ꜣḫ.t, "Re im Horizont (Bez. des Re in Abydos?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 32.7)

Rꜥw-m-Ḥw.t-Bnbn, "Re im Tempel des Benben" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 629)

Rꜥw-m-ḥw.t-bkꜣ.t-m-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Re im Haus der Schwangeren in der Nekropole" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 629)

Rꜥw-m-kꜣ, "Re-em-ka" | "Re-em-ka (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 217.20)

Rꜥw-ms.w, "Ra-mesu" | "Ra-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 218.3)

Rꜥw-ms-sw, "Ramses" | "Ramesses (personal name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 1; XX 9; etc.)

Rꜥw-ms-sw, "Ramses" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 218.6)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-Jmn-ḥr-ḫpš=f, "Ramses-Imen-her-chepeschef" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 4)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-Jmn-ḥr-ḫpš=f-mr-Jmn, "Ramses-Imen-her-chepeschef-mer-Imen" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 4)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-Jmn-ḥr-ḫpš=f-nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w, "Ramses-Imen-her-chepeschef-netjer-heka-Iunu" | "Ramesses-Imen-her-chepeschef-netjer-heka-Iunu (personal name of Ramses VI)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 5)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-jtj-Jmn-nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w, "Ramses-iti-Imen-netjer-heka-Iunu" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 6)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-mꜣꜥ.tj, "Ramses-maati" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (López, Ostraca ieratici N. 57450-57568, Tf. 1)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "Ramses-mery-Amun" | "Ramesses-mery-Imen (personal name of Ramesses I and other kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 3)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-mr.y-mj-Ptḥ, "[Statuenname]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LEM 134.16 f.)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-pꜣ-nṯr, "Ramses-mery-Amun-pa-netjer (Name einer Statue)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 361.6)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-zꜣ-Ptḥ, "Ramses-mery-Amun-za-Ptah (Name einer Statue)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 361.10)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-sḏm-nḥ.t, "[Name eines Tempels]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI III, 298.12)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-nḫt.w, "Ra-mesisu-nachtu" | "Ra-mesisu-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 219.3)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-ḥqꜣ-Mꜣꜥ.t-mr-Jmn, "Ramses-heka-Maat-mer-Imen" | "Ramesses-heka-Maat-mer-Imen (personal name of Ramesses IV)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 3)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-ḫꜥ-m-Wꜣs.t-mrr-Jmn, "Ramses-chai-em-Waset-merer-Imen" | "Ramesses-chai-em-Waset-merer-Imen (personal name of Ramesses IX)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen. XX.8)

Rꜥw-ms-sw-ḫꜥ-m-Wꜣs.t-mrr-Jmn-nṯr-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w, "Ramses-chai-em-Waset-merer-Imen-netjer-heka-Iunu" | "Ramesses-chai-em-Waset-merer-Imen-netjer-heka-Iunu (personal name of Ramesses XI)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 10)

Rꜥw-n-ḥqꜣ.w, "Re der Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 635)

Rꜥw-nfr, "[Ort im 13. u.äg. Gau]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 130; Montet, Géographie I, 201; AEGD 492)

Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Re-Harachte" | "Re-Harakhty" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 630 ff.; LÄ II, 956 ff.)

Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj-Jtm.w, "Re-Harachte-Atum" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 633 f.)

Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj-ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t, "Re-Harachte, der im Horizont jubelt (Aton)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Anthes, ZÄS 90, 1963, 3 ff.)

Rꜥw-ḥꜣ-j, "Ra-ha-i (?)" | "Re-ha-i (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.7)

Rꜥw-ḥqꜣ-ꜣḫ.tj, "Re-heqa-achti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 19)

Rꜥw-ḥqꜣ-ꜣḫ.tj-ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t, "Re-heqa-achti, der im Horizont jubelt (Aton)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Anthes, ZÄS 90, 1963, 3 ff.)

Rꜥw-ḥtp, "Rahotep" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 2)

Rꜥw-ḥtp.w, "Ra-hetepu" | "Re-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 219.15)

Rꜥw-Ḫpr.j, "Re-Chepri" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 636)

Rꜥw-ḫwi̯=f, "Ra-chuief" | "Re-khuief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 220.2)

Rꜥw-ḫr=j, "Re-cheri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Hemet-Ra, Abb. 4)

Rꜥw-Stẖ, "Re-Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 325 f.)

Rꜥw-sms.w, "Re, der Ältere" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Barns, Sinuhe, vso. 22)

Rꜥw-špss.w, "Ra-schepsesu" | "Re-shepsesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.21)

Rꜥmrskny, "Lamereskeny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 22, Anm. 55)

Rw, "Löwe" | "Lion" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 649 f.)

Rw.t-js.t, "Rut-iset (Ort bei Abusir mit Osiristempel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ V, 91; Yoyotte, RdE 15, 1959, 71, n. 2)

Rwrw, "Ruru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 221.10)

Rwḏ, "Rudj" | "Ruedj" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 221.12)

Rwḏ=f-(r)-nḥḥ, "Rudjef-(er)-neheh" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 221.27)

Rwḏ.t, "Rudjet" | "Rudjet" [entity_name: place_name] (Pantalacci, BIFAO 98, 1998, 306 f.)

Rwḏ-zꜣ.w, "Rudj-zau" | "Rudj-zau" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 654)

Rwḏ-zꜣ.w=s, "Rudj-zaues (?)" | "Rudj-zaues (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 221.16)

Rwḏ-Snfr.w, "Fest ist Snofru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 402)

Rwḏ-sṯꜣ.w, "Rudj-setjau (?)" | "Rudj-setjau (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 221.17)

Rwḏ-kꜣ=j, "Rudj-kai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 221.21)

Rwḏ-kꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Rudj-kau-Kakai" | "Rudj-kau-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Rbjw, "Labwe" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 116; RITANC II, 18)

Rbw, "Libyen" | "[region of Libya]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 414.2; GDG III, 117)

Rbrn, "Libanon" | "Reberen (Libanon)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 414.5)

Rbsnn, "Labasalni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 222.1; Schneider, Personennamen, 151)

Rpw, "Repu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 662)

Rpw.t, "Reput" | "Repit (a goddess); woman of high rank; statue (of a woman); goddess" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 415.11-14; FCD 148; LGG IV, 662)

Rpw.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Sänfte des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 286)

Rprp, "Reprep" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 667)

Rpḥ, "Raphia (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Raphia" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ V, 147 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 161 f.)

Rmn.y-ḥtp, "Remeny-hetep" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Piehl, Inscr., I.2, 16)

Rmn-sꜣḥ, "Remen-sah" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 420.7)

Rmni̯-wj-kꜣ=j, "Remeni-wi-kai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.10; EAG § 167 (Nachtrag))

Rmrm, "Strafender" | "Chastizer" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 673; Meeks, AL 78.2399; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 280)

Rms, "Remes" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Munro, Tb-Handschriften, Taf. 63)

Rmṯ, "Remetj" | "Remetj" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 222.18)

Rn=j-ꜥnḫ.w, "Reni-anchu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 222.24)

Rn=f-jb, "Renef-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Quirke/Collier, Lahun Pap., Letters, 26-27)

Rn=f-ꜥnḫ.w, "Renef-anchu" | "Renef-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 223.6)

Rn=f-snb.w, "Renef-senebu" | "Renef-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 223.7)

Rn=s-rs.w, "Renes-resu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 223.23)

Rn-jqr, "Ren-iqer" | "Ren-iqer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 222.23)

Rn-snb.w, "Ren-senebu" | "Ren-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 222.26)

Rnwy, "Renuy (Bruder des Apis)" | "Renuy (brother of Apis)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 429.10; LGG IV, 678)

Rnp.t, "Renpet" | "Renpet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 432.6)

Rnp.t=f, "Renpet-ef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza V, 228, fig. 85)

Rnp.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "[ein Fest]" | "great-year festival" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 432.4)

Rnp.t-nfr.t, "Renpet-neferet" | "Renpet-neferet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 224.11)

Rnp.t-nḏs.t, "[ein Fest]" | "little-year festival" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 432.4)

Rnn.wtt, "Renenutet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 224.17)

Rnn.wtt, "Renenutet (Fest); Renenutet (Monatsname)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Vgl. Wb 2, 437.16)

Rnn.wtt, "Renenutet" | "Renenutet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 437.13-18; LGG IV, 686 ff.)

Rnsj, "Rensi" | "Rensi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 224.21)

Rr.jwt-wr.w, "Die großen Nilpferdweibchen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 695)

Rr.jwt-nṯr.w, "Die göttlichen Nilpferdweibchen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 695)

Rr.t, "Reret (Nilpferdgöttin, Schützerin des Kindes)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 438.10; LGG IV, 694 f.)

Rrj, "Reri" | "Reri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 225.3)

Rry, "Rery" | "Rerey" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 225.6)

Rrwj, "Rerui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Abb. 4)

Rrk, "[feindliche Schlange]" | "[a hostile serpent]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 440.2; LGG IV, 701 f.)

Rhm, "Ruhem (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 168)

Rḥ.w-ꜥnḫ.w, "Rehu-anchu" | "Rehu-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 225.19)

Rḥ.w-r-ꜣw=sn, "Rehu-er-ausen" | "Rehu-er-ausen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 225.24)

Rḥ.wj, "Rehui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 225.18)

Rḥb, "nördliches Rehob; südliches Rehob; Tell es-Sarem" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 164 f.)

Rḫ.w-jḫ.t-jm.jw-wjꜣ, "Weise, die in der Barke sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 29.8)

Rḫ.w-jḫ.t-jm.jw-tꜣ-pn, "Weise, die in diesem Land sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 29.10)

Rḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Rechet-Re" | "Rechet-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza 6, 1950, 5, fig 3)

Rḫ.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das was Chephren kennt (Domäne)" | "What-Chephren-knows (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Rḫjw, "Rechiu" | "Rekhiu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 48 A; vgl. Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Rḫwt, "Rechut (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Simson, in: Fs Wente, 392)

Rḫtj, "Rechti (zwischen Mendes und Tanis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 251)

Rs, "Res" | "Res" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 226.18)

Rs.j-nw, "Resi-nu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 163)

Rs.w, "Die Wachenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 718)

Rs.w-n.w-ḏbꜣ.t-nṯr, "Die Wächter des Gottessarges" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 719), "Resti" | "Resti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 227.8)

Rs-jb, "Der mit wachem Herzen (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 712b-c)

Rs-n.t, "Das Südliche (Kapelle für Osiris im Neithtempelkomplex von Sais)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 453.14; GDG III, 139; LÄ IV, 393)

Rs-ḥr, "Wachgesicht (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 716c-717b)

Rs-snb.w, "Res-senebu" | "Res-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 226.25)

Rsj, "Resi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 226.29)

Ršp, "Reschef" | "Reshef" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 455.17-18; LGG IV, 727)

Rqy, "Reqy" | "Reqy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 303.5)

Rk, "Lukku" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 132)

Rkm, "Rekem" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 77.2436; vgl. LGG IV, 728)

Rkḥ, "Rekeh" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 227.19)

Rkḥ, "Brand (Fest); Brand (Monatsname)" | "Burning (a festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 459.3-6; FCD 154; vgl. LÄ III, 299)

Rkḥ.y, "Feuriger" | "Fiery-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 458.18-19; LGG IV, 728)

Rkḥ.t, "Brennende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 729)

Rkḥ-ꜥꜣ, "Der große Brand (Fest); Der große Brand (Monatsname)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Urk. VII, 29.19; Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 135)

Rkḥ-nḏs, "Der kleine Brand (Fest); Der kleine Brand (Monatsname); [3. Monat der Peret-Jahreszeit]" | "Little-burning (festival of)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 384.14; FCD 154; LÄ III, 299)

Rt, "Ret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 227.23)

Rtḥ-pꜥ.t, "Reteh-pat (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 285 f. (1339))

Rṯn.w, "Retjenu (Syrien-Palästina)" | "Retjenu (Syria-Palestine)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 460.10-15)

Rṯn.w-ḥr.jt, "Ober-Retjenu (Bergland von Syrien-Plästina)" | "Upper-Retjenu (hill country of Syria-Palestine)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 460.13; GDG III, 141)

Rṯn.w-ẖr.jt, "Unter-Retjenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 141 f.; Wb 2, 460.14)

Rḏ.w-ꜥmꜣ, "Was Ama gibt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 204)

Rḏ.t-n=s, "Redjet-enes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 228.18)

Rḏ.t-nꜥ.y-wjꜣ-n-Rꜥw-m-ḥtp, "Die Barke des Re in Frieden fahren lassen (Name einer Spruchfolge)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Rḏ.t-ḫft.j-r-sḏ.t, "Geben des Feindes ins Feuer (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 286 (1340d))

Rḏ.t-ḫtḫt-Ꜥꜣpp-m-sḏ.t, "Apophis ins Feuer zurückweichen lassen (Name einer Spruchfolge)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Rḏ.t-šmi̯=f-r-nm.t-nṯr, "Ihn (Apophis) zur göttlichen Richtstätte gehen lassen (Name einer Spruchfolge)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Rḏjnj, "Redjini (?)" | "Redjieni (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 228.2)

Rḏy, "Redjy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 34; vgl. RPN I, 227.30)

Rḏi̯=j-n-kꜣ-j, "Redji-en-ka-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Davies (et al.), Saqqara Tombs I)

Rḏi̯=f, "Redjief" | "Redjief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 228.13)

Rḏi̯=s-ꜥnḫ.w, "Redjies-anchu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 228.16)

Rḏi̯-j, "Redji-i" | "Redji-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 228.12)

Rḏi̯-n=j-Ptḥ, "Redji-ni-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 228.3)

Rḏi̯-n=j-Ḥq.t, "Redji-eni-Hekat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Franke, in: Fs Assmann, Temple of the Whole World, 101)

Rḏi̯-n=j-H̱nm.w, "Redji-eni-Chnum" | "Redji-eni-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 49 (Nr. 69))

r, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 2, 386.6-388.4; EAG § 760; GEG § 163; ENG § 610; CGG 95 ff.)

r-ꜣw, "ganz, insgesamt" | "entire" [adverb] (Wb 1, 4.13)

r-ꜣw, "ganz, insgesamt" | "entire" [preposition] (Wb 1, 4.12-13; GEG § 100.3)

r-jwd, "zwischen; bei" | "between" [preposition] (Wb 1, 59.1-6; GEG § 180; CGG 123)

r-jm.wtj, "zwischen" | "in the midst of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 76.4; GEG § 177.2)

r-jḫ.t, "betreffs" | english translation missing [preposition] (Koch, Sinuhe, 64; Davies, JEA 61, 1975, 47 f.)

r-jqr, "ordentlich; sehr" | "exceedingly" [adverb] (Wb 1, 137.18; GEG § 205.5; CGG 139)

r-ꜥ, "bis hin zu; neben" | "beside; near" [preposition] (Wb 1, 156.15-16; GEG § 178)

r-ꜥ-n.j, "neben; bei; bis" | english translation missing [preposition] (Pyr 1780c)

r-ꜥqꜣ, "gegenüber von" | "on a level with" [preposition] (Wb 1, 234.1-3)

r-bnr, "hinaus" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 1, 461.4-5; ENG § 591; CGG 138)

r-mꜣw, "vor Augen von; angesichts" | "in the sight of; in view of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 10.12; GEG § 178)

r-mj.tjt, "ebenso" | "likewise" [adverb] (Wb 2, 41.6-7)

r-mj.tjt-(n), "ebenso wie" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 41.6-7; vgl. CGG 116)

r-mj.tjt-jr.j, "ebenso" | "likewise" [adverb] (Wb 2, 41.7; vgl. CGG 139)

r-mjn, "bis heute" | "until today" [adverb] (Wb 2, 43.7)

r-mn-m, "von an" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 64.12)

r-mn-m, "bis" | "until" [preposition] (Wb 2, 64.3-5,8-12; FCD 106; GEG § 180; Lesko, Dictionary II, 50)

r-mn-rʾ-ꜥ, "bis hin zu" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 394.8)

r-mḏd.w-n, "gemäß" | "according to" [preposition] (Wb 2, 192.12), "wie folgt; bezüglich; [in Briefformeln]" | english translation missing [particle] (ENG § 680; Junge, Näg. Gr., 312 (4)), "[Relativpronomen]" | english translation missing [pronoun: relative_pronoun] (ENG § 839; CGG 497)

r-n.tjt, "wie folgt; bezüglich; weil" | "as follows (introducing direct speech)" [particle] (Wb 2, 354.19; GEG § 223, 225)

r-rʾ, "neben; zur Seite von" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 391.10-12)

r-rʾ-ꜥ, "bis hin zu" | "into" [preposition] (Wb 2, 394.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 50)

r-rw.t, "außerhalb von; heraus aus" | "outside of; out of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 405.7-8)

r-rw.t, "hinaus" | "outside" [adverb] (Wb 2, 405.9-12)

r-rw.t-n, "außerhalb von" | "outside of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 405.6-12)

r-rmn, "neben (jmdm.)" | "at the side of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 418.15; EAG § 785)

r-rmn.wj, "neben (jmdm.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 10)

r-hꜣ.w, "in der Nähe von (lokal); zur Zeit von (temporal)" | "in the neighborhood of; at the time of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 477.9-10; 478.12; CGG 116)

r-hn-r, "sich erstreckend nach; bis" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 495.13; EDG 276)

r-ḥꜣ, "(nach) draußen; außen" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 10.4-9; FCD 161)

r-ḥꜣ, "hinter (jmdm.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 10.3; FCD 161)

r-ḥꜣ.t, "vorwärts (lokal); zuerst; vordem (temporal)" | "forwards; first; before (temp.)" [adverb] (Wb 3, 23.1-3; FCD 162; vgl. GEG § 178, 205)

r-ḥꜣ.t, "vor (lokal); bevor; vor (temporal); wegen; unter (der Aufsicht)" | "before (spatial, temp.); because of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 23.4-13; GEG § 178; ENG § 646; CGG 116)

r-ḥꜥ.w, "Selbst; selbst (adjektivisch); eigenes" | "self; own" [undefined] (Wb 3, 38.21; vgl. GEG § 36, n.7)

r-ḥnꜥ, "zusammen mit (jmdm.)" | "together with (someone)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 112.1; ENG § 627)

r-ḥr, "auf; vor" | "on" [preposition] (Wb 3, 129.13; ENG § 647.3)

r-ḥr.w, "nach oben (lokal); weiter (temporal)" | "up; upwards" [adverb] (Wb 3, 143.2-6; EAG § 752; GEG § 205.3; ENG § 591; CGG 137)

r-ḥr-n, "auf; vor" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT II, 228b)

r-ḫft, "vor; gegen (jmdn.)" | "in front of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 274.20; GEG § 178)

r-ḫft-ḥr, "vor (jmdm.)" | "in front of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 276.1-3; GEG § 178)

r-ḫft-ḥr-n, "vor" | "in front of" [preposition] (Lustman, Papyrus Bremner-Rhind, 27)

r-ḫnt, "an der Spitze; vor; aus" | "at the forefront of; before" [preposition] (Wb 3, 303.1-5)

r-ḫnt, "heraus; vorwärts" | "outward; forward" [adverb] (Wb 3, 303.6-7; GEG § 205.3)

r-ḫt, "hinter; bei (jmdm.); bis; nach (temp.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 347.8-12; JWSpG § 321)

r-ḫt, "unter (jmdm.) ("unter dem Stock")" | "under the authority of" [preposition] (Wb 3, 340.12-16; EAG § 799; GEG § 178; ENG § 651; CGG 117)

r-ḫt-n, "unter (jmdn.) ("unter dem Stock")" | "under the authority of" [preposition] (KRI III, 31.9)

r-ẖ.t, "wie" | english translation missing [preposition] (Gunn, JEA 41, 1955, 94; Spiegelberg, Demot. Gramm., § 347; EDG 375)

r-ẖnw, "hinein; innen" | english translation missing [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (ENG § 591; CGG 137 f.)

r-ẖnw, "hinein in (lokal)" | "within; into (spatial)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 372.1-4; FCD 202)

r-ẖr.w, "nach unten" | "downwards" [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (Wb 3, 393.1; FCD 203; ENG § 591; CGG 137)

r-ẖr.w, "unter" | "below" [preposition] (Wb 3, 392.14-15)

r-zbi̯.tw, "damit; dafür dass (Konjunktion)" | "in quest of; seeking for" [preposition] (Wb 3, 431.29-432.3; GEG § 181)

r-zp, "[Verstärkung des Imperativs]" | "[intensification of the imperative]" [adverb] (Guglielmi, Reden, Rufe, Lieder, 84, Anm. 249)

r-sꜣ, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 801; GEG § 178)

r-šꜣꜥ, "bis (lokal); bis (temporal)" | "beginning from; until" [preposition] (Wb 4, 408.9-11; ENG § 656; CGG 123)

r-šꜣꜥ-m, "von bis" | english translation missing [preposition] (vgl. CGG 123)

r-šꜣꜥ-n, "soweit wie; bis zu" | english translation missing [preposition] (KRI II, 283.11)

r-šꜣꜥ-r, "von bis [lok]; von bis [temp.]" | english translation missing [preposition] (CGG 123)

r-qꜣ-n, "zu; bei (jmdm.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (ENG § 657; vgl. CGG 124 f.)

r-gs, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 194.11-195.4-6)

r-gs.wj, "neben" | "beside" [preposition] (Wb 5, 194.3-5; EAG § 805)

r-gs-n, "neben" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT II, 113h)

r-tp, "an; auf; vor" | "in front of; at; into the presence of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 271.15-22; GEG § 178)

r-tp-n, "an; auf; vor" | "in front of; at; into the presence of" [preposition] (GEG § 178)

r-tr.wj, "täglich; immer ("zu beiden Zeiten")" | "always" [adverb] (Wb 5, 316.2)

r-ṯnw, "jedesmal; sooft (Konjunktion)" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 809; FCD 305)

r-ṯnw-zp, "jedesmal" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 436.4)

r-ṯnw-zp, "jedes Mal (Konjunktion); so oft, (dass ...)" | "every time" [preposition] (Wb 3, 436.4; 5, 378.23-24; GEG § 181; vgl. EAG § 809)

r-ḏꜣw.t, "gemäß; entsprechend" | "in return for" [preposition] (Wb 5, 520.3-6; GEG § 180)

r-ḏbꜣ.t, "als Ersatz; Bezahlung für; gegen; anstelle von; wegen" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 559.15-560.2; GEG § 180; ENG § 662; CGG 124; ONB 577, Anm. 468)

r-ḏbꜣ.t-ḫpr, "weil (Konjunktion)" | english translation missing [particle] (Spiegelberg, Demot. Gramm., § 385; ONB 577, Anm. 468)

r-ḏr, "ganz" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 591.1-8)

r-ḏr, "ganz; gesamt" | "all; entire" [preposition] (Wb 5, 589.6-591.8; GEG § 100)

r-ḏr.w, "bis hin nach; bis zu" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 587.1-9)

r-ḏr.t-n, "unter jmds. Leitung" | "under the supervision of" [preposition] (JWIS III, 58.16)

r-ḏr-n-ḥr, "nach Belieben" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 589.2)

r-ḏd, "mit den Worten; [Einleitung der direkten Rede]; dass; damit; denn (Konjunktion, Anknüpfung indirekter Rede)" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 5, 624.1-6; FCD 325; GEG § 224)

rʾ, "Mund" | "mouth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 389.1-390.9)

rʾ, "Bestand; Stück (in Listen)" | "stock of; item (in lists)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 392.11-14)

rʾ, "Gans (allg.); Graugans" | "goose (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 393.1-6; LÄ II, 504)

rʾ, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 393.7-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 267; Lesko, Dictionary II, 46; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 575)

rʾ-ꜣj, "Verdrängung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 423a)

rʾ-jꜣꜣ.t, "[ein Gewebe]; Fangnetz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 515; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 571; vgl. Meeks, Mythes, 95, Anm. 254)

rʾ-jb, "Magen (?); Brustkorb (?)" | "stomach" [substantive] (Wb 2, 393.14; FCD 146; MedWb 515 ff.; vgl. Walker, Anatom. Term., 127 ff., 271)

rʾ-ꜥ, "Zustand; Tätigkeit; [als Präfix in Zusammensetzungen]" | "state (of)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 394.11-395.5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 46 ff.)

rʾ-ꜥ, "[Bestandteil eines Baumes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 321 f.)

rʾ-ꜥ, "Ende; Grenze" | "end; limit" [substantive] (Wb 1, 156.18; FCD 146)

rʾ-ꜥ.wj, "Arme (Körperteil)" | "hands" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 156.20; 2, 395.13-18)

rʾ-ꜥ.wj, "Tat; Werk; Tun" | "actions; deed" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 396.1-4; 1, 156.21; FCD 146; Wilson, Ptol. lexikon, 572)

rʾ-ꜥ.t, "Gelenk (?)" | "joint (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 396.5; MedWb 121; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271)

rʾ-ꜥ-ꜥḥꜣ, "Kampf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT IV, 292-3a)

rʾ-ꜥ-bꜣk.w, "Arbeit; Arbeitsverlauf; Arbeitsstelle" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 426.5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 47)

rʾ-ꜥ-ḫt, "Kampf" | "combat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 394.12; FCD 146; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 572)

rʾ-ꜥ-zẖꜣ.w, "Schriftstück" | "document" [substantive] (Wb 2, 395.2; Lesko, Dictionary II 48)

rʾ-ꜥ-kꜣ.t, "unvollendete Arbeit; Arbeitsstelle" | "process (?) of construction" [substantive] (Wb 2, 394.11; 5, 99.26; Lesko, Dictionary II, 48)

rʾ-ꜥꜣ, "Türöffnung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT III, 194b)

rʾ-ꜥꜣ-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "der große Eingang im Gau von Igeret (Zugang zur Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.15)

rʾ-ꜥꜣ-ḫꜣs.wt, "Pforte der Fremdländer" | "door of foreign lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 843)

rʾ-wꜣ.t, "Wegmündung; Weg; Nähe; Nachbarschaft" | "opening of a road, way, path, neighbourhood" [substantive] (Wb 2, 396.6-11; FCD 146; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 572 f.)

rʾ-3 ... rʾ-n, "[Zahl/Bruchreihe (math.)]" | "[nth part of n, expressing fractions (math.)]" [numeral] (GEG § 265)

rʾ-Pj-nb, "Sprecher aller Bewohner von Buto" | "mouth of every Butite" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 489.10; 2, 390.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1831)

rʾ-pw, "oder" | "or; or else" [particle] (Wb 2, 396.13; GEG § 91.2)

rʾ-pnd, "Rand des Fruchtlandes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 648, Anm. 151)

rʾ-pr, "Tempel; Kultraum" | "temple; chapel" [substantive] (Wb 2, 397.6-7)

rʾ-pr, "Scheintür; Ausgang" | "false door; exit" [substantive] (Wb 2, 397.8; Vergote, ZÄS 91, 1964, 135-37)

rʾ-pḏ.t, "Bogenkämpfer (?); Bogenkampf (?)" | "foreigner (?); archery (?); conflict (?)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 397.9; FCD 146; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 573)

rʾ-mdw, "überzeugende Rede; Debatte" | english translation missing [substantive] (Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, 74, Tf. 24-5 (Z.7))

rʾ-Nḫn, "Mund von Nechen" | "mouth of Nekhen" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Varia Nova, 43 ff.)

rʾ-n-km.t, "ägyptische Sprache" | "language of Egypt" [substantive] (Wb 5, 127.15)

rʾ-n-ṯṯ, "[ein mineralischer Stoff]" | "[a mineral (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 399.5; Harris, Minerals, 176)

rʾ-nfr, "guter Mund" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 608)

rʾ-rmn.wj, "Tätigkeit der Arme" | english translation missing [substantive] (Griffith, pKahun and Gurob, pl. 1 (l.4))

rʾ-ḥꜣ.t, "[Bez. der Nilmündungen]" | "mouth of the Nile" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 398.2; 3, 24; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 571)

rʾ-ḥr.j, "oberster Mund (höchster Beamter)" | "master; chief" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 390.6-9; 2, 398; FCD 146)

rʾ-ḥr.j-n-pꜣ-mšꜥ, "oberster Mund des Heeres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 356.6)

rʾ-zš.j, "Furt" | "ford (lit. place-of-passing)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 15; Meeks, AL 78.2361)

rʾ-shrr-m-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "der Mund, der im ganzen Land erfreut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 15 (D2, 45))

rʾ-š, "Wirtschaftseinheit; [Element der Namensbildung bei Stiftungen]" | "ra-she (an economic institution)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 399.2; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 675)

rʾ-qs.w, "Knochen (koll.); Gelenke (koll.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/E 15)

rʾ-ḏꜣ.w, "Kampf; Kampfplatz" | "mellay; battlefield" [substantive] (Wb 2, 399.7; FCD 147; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 573)

rʾ-ḏd, "Spruchrezitation" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 1.2)

rj.t, "Windung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 238a)

rj.t, "Seite (allg)" | "side" [substantive] (Wb 2, 400.4-13; Lesko, Dictionary II, 54; KoptHWb 160, 390)

ry.t, "Farbe; Tinte" | "ink" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 399.9-12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 55; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 575)

ry.t, "Eiter (o. Ä.)" | "pus (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 399.13-15; MedWb 521 f.)

rꜥw, "Sonne" | "sun" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 401.5-10)

rꜥw-n-Km.t, "Sonne Ägyptens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 401.9)

rꜥw-nb, "jeder Tag" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 402.2-4)

rꜥw-nb, "jeden Tag; täglich" | "every day; daily" [adverb] (Wb 2, 402.1; GEG § 205.6; CGG 136)

rꜥw-nbw, "goldene Sonne (vor Thronnamen Amenemhets II.)" | "golden sun" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Inscr. Sinai, 77 (no. 47))

rw, "[Teil des Himmels]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 403.7)

rw, "Löwe" | "lion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 403.8; FCD 147; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 274 f.; Lesko, Dictionary II, 56; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 576), "[Behörde]; [Amtsgebäude]" | "administrative building; law court" [substantive] (Wb 2, 407.13-15; FCD 148)

rw.wt, "Weggang" | "departure" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 148; Parkinson, JEA 90, 2004, 101)

rw.t, "Tor; Tür" | "gateway; door" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 404.1-10; FCD 147; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 196 ff.)

rw.t, "das Außen" | "outside" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 404.11-405.16; vgl. FCD 147)

rw.t, "Tanz (o. Ä.)" | "dance" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 407.5-6)

rw.t-ḥꜣ.jt, "Außentor" | "outer gate" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 663), "Löwenpaar" | "Ruti" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 403.11; LGG IV, 654 ff.), "hinaus; draußen" | english translation missing [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (Wb 2, 405.15-16), "Fremder" | "stranger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 405.17-19; FCD 147)

rw-ꜣbw, "Löwenfigur aus Elfenbein" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 403.9; KoptHWb 75)

rw-ꜥꜣ, "großer Löwe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 651)

rw-pẖr-n-nbw-m-spꜣ.wt, "der mit Gold überzogene Löwe in den Gauen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 652)

rwj, "Weinberg (?); Fangnetz (?)" | "vineyard (?)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 407.7; FCD 148)

rwy.t, "[Bauteil einer Scheintür (Architrav)]" | "[part of a false-door (architrave)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 407.9-10; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 197; Goyon, BIFAO 69, 1970, 34, n.4)

rwy.t, "Gallenschmerzen" | "[discharge (?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 407.11; MedWb 525; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 674, Anm. 197)

rwy.t, "Stroh" | "straw" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 408.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 274; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 577)

rwi̯, "tanzen" | "dance" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 276)

rwi̯, "fortgehen; verlassen; vertreiben" | "to go away; to expel; to drive off" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 406.2-407.4)

rwny.t, "Kuh (die noch nicht gekalbt hat)" | "heifer" [substantive] (Wb 2, 409.1)

rwrw.t, "Höhle (des Löwen)" | "den (of a lion)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 409.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66)

rwhꜣ, "Abend" | "evening" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 409.4-6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 57 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 578)

rwḥ, "übertreten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Posener, Pap. Vandier, 52; vgl. EDG 261)

rwd, "Treppe; Stufe (zum Grabschacht)" | "stairway; tomb shaft" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 409.9-15; FCD 148)

rwd-wr, "die Große Treppe (heiliger Bereich im Totenreich)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 290)

rwḏ, "fest; hart" | "strong; firm" [adjective] (Wb 2, 410.13-412.9)

rwḏ, "ordentlich; tüchtig" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 2, 412.9)

rwḏ, "Bogensehne; Sandalenriemen; Band" | "cord" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 410.2-6; FCD 148; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 277; Lesko, Dictionary II, 58; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 580)

rwḏ, "fest sein; dauern; tüchtig sein" | "to be firm; to prosper; to succeed" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 410.13-412.9; FCD 148)

rwḏ, "Festigkeit; Tüchtigkeit" | "firmness; strength" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 412.10-12; FCD 148)

rwḏ, "Grabschacht" | "stairway; tomb shaft" [substantive] (Wb 2, 413.3; FCD 148)

rwḏ, "Ufer" | "shore" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 413.7-9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 58)

rwḏ, "beaufsichtigen" | "to control; to administer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 413.10-11; FCD 148)

rwḏ.w, "[ein Kleidungsstück]; Maßeinheit (für Stoff)" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 410.10-12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 74; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 580 f.; Janssen, Prices, 285-287)

rwḏ.w, "Beauftragter; Inspektor" | "agent; inspector" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 413.12-26; FCD 148)

rwḏ.t, "Erfolg (o. Ä.)" | "success" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 412.13; FCD 148; Lesko, Dictionary II, 59)

rwḏ.t, "Hartgestein (allg.); Sandstein" | "hard stone (gen.); sandstone" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 412.14-413.2; Harris, Minerals, 23)

rwḏ-pẖ, "langlebig" | "long-lived" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.12)

rbw, "Libyer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 414.3), "Versteck; Zuflucht" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 152, Anm. 539)

rbš, "bewaffnen; bekleiden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 275; EDG 262)

rbš, "Panzer (aus Leder)" | "cuirass (of leather) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 414.6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 60; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 274)

rpw, "[Wort]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 2, 414.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 60)

rpw, "verwesen; verrotten" | "to rot" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 414.10-11; FCD 148; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 570)

rpw.t, "vornehme Frau (v.a. Hathor, Isis)" | "Repit (a goddess); woman of high status; statue (of a woman)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 415.1-10; LGG IV, 662 f.)

rpw.t, "Frauenfigur (Statue, Relief oder Amulett)" | "figure of a woman; statue of a woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 414.12-13; 415.11-14; FCD 148; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 581; vgl. LGG IV, 662; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1837)

rpw.t-Jwn.w, "Die Sänfte von Heliopolis (Nut)" | "Repit-of-Heliopolis (Nut)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 415.9; LGG IV, 662)

rpw.t-n.t-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "das Frauenbildnis des großen Gottes (Sachmet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 664), "die beiden Damen (Isis und Nephthys)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 415.5-6; LGG IV, 664)

rm, "Fisch (allg.)" | "fish (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 416.12-17), "Träne" | "tears" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 417.14-15; FCD 149)

rm.w, "Weinen" | "weeping" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 417.11-13; FCD 149)

rm.w, "Weinender" | "weeper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 417.16; FCD 149)

rm.wt, "Weinen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 460b)

rmi̯, "weinen; beweinen" | "to weep; to beweep" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 416-417.10; FCD 149)

rmm, "Weinen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1973b)

rmn, "Oberarm; Schulter; Seite; Hälfte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 418.1-16)

rmn, "1/2 Arure (Flächenmaß)" | "[measure of area (1/2 aroura)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 419.3; LÄ III, 1200, 1205)

rmn, "Träger; Stütze" | "bearer; support" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 419.19-420.9)

rmn.wt, "gleicher Rang; Gleichgestellte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 420.11; FCD 149)

rmn.wtj, "der Träger; Begleiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 420.12; LGG IV, 673)

rmn.t, "[ein Topf]" | "[a vessel (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 420.15; MedWb 528; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 583)

rmny.t, "Domäne; Domänenland" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 420.16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 62; Gardiner, JEA 42, 1956, 14)

rmni̯, "tragen; (sich) stützen (auf)" | "to carry; to support" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 419.4-18)

rmrm, "prügeln" | "to chastize" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 421.6; FCD 149)

rmrm.t, "[eine Ackerbez.]" | "[a field]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 421.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 583)

rms, "[Schiff]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 141 (49))

rmṯ, "Personal (Sg. fem.)" | "people; personnel" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 422.13-423.18)

rmṯ, "Mensch; Mann" | "human being; man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 421.9-424.14)

rmṯ.w-nb, "alle Leute" | "all people" [substantive] (Wb 2, 424.13-14)

rmṯ.t, "Frau" | "women" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 63)

rmṯ.t, "Menschheit; Leute" | "humankind; people" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 424.17-18; ONB 291)

rmṯ-jz.t, "Arbeiter; Nekropolenarbeiter" | "workman" [substantive] (Wb 1, 127.19; 2, 423.20-22; Lesko, Dictionary II, 62)

rmṯ-ꜥꜣ, "Reicher" | "notable(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 162.12; 2, 424.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 63)

rmṯ-mšꜥ, "gemeiner Soldat" | "conscript" [substantive] (Wb 2, 155.11; 2, 424.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 63; Schulman, Military Rank, 49)

rmṯ-nb, "irgendjemand" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 424.11)

rmṯ-rḫ, "Weiser; Gelehrter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 247)

rmṯ-swgꜣ, "Tor" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CDD r, 46)

rn, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (AEO I, 9* f.)

rn, "Name" | "name" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 425.1-428.19)

rn, "Jungtier; Masttier" | "young one (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 429.1-5)

rn.y, "Jungstier; Kalb" | "calf" [substantive] (Wb 2, 429.8; FCD 150)

rn.t, "weibliches Jungtier" | "young one (fem.) (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 429.7)

rn.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.1751; DrogWb 326)

rn-ꜥꜣ, "großer Name (Hauptname)" | "great name" [substantive] (Wb 2, 428.1-4)

rn-wr, "großer Name (Hauptname)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, 101)

rn-nfr, "Kosename; schöner Name" | "good name" [substantive] (Wb 2, 428.6-13)

rn-nfr, "(jmds.) guter Ruf" | "good name (reputation)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 428.10)

rn-nfr.t, "schöner Name (Kosename für Frauen)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Altenmüller, Mehu, Taf. 13)

rn-štꜣ-m-nṯr.w, "der geheime Name unter den Göttern (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 677)

rnw.t, "mutterloses Mädchen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 429.9)

rnp, "Jüngling" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 434.15-17; LGG IV, 682 f.)

rnp, "Verjüngung; Jugendfrische" | "rejuvenation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 434.9-12)

rnp, "das Frische (Wasser)" | "fresh water" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 434.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 585)

rnp, "Jugendlicher; Jüngling" | "youth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 434.14-17; FCD 150)

rnp.wj, "jugendfrisch; jugendlich; frisch" | "youthful; vigorous" [adjective] (Wb 2, 433.18-28; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 583; FCD 150)

rnp.wj, "Jugendlicher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 432.9-10; LGG IV, 682 f.; vgl. LGG V, 272)

rnp.wt, "Frisches (Pflanzen und Früchte)" | "fresh things (plants and fruit)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 435.2-8)

rnp.t, "Jahropfer; Jahresfest (allg.)" | "yearly sustenance; festival of the year" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 435.1; vgl. FCD 150)

rnp.t, "Palmrippe" | "palm branch" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Kawa I, 11, Anm. 36)

rnp.t, "Jahr" | "year" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 429-432.5)

rnp.t-ꜣbd-sw, "Datum ("Jahr-Monat-Tag")" | "year, month, day (dating formula in the heading of a table)" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 675)

rnp.t-m-ḫt-zp, "Regierungsjahr nach dem x-mal (der Zählung)" | "regnal year" [substantive] (Wb 2, 429; 3.26.9; LÄ III, 238)

rnp.t-ḫt-zp, "Regierungsjahr nach dem x-mal (der Zählung)" | "regnal year" [substantive] (Wb 2, 429; 3.26.10; LÄ III, 238)

rnp.t-zp, "Regierungsjahr" | "regnal year" [substantive] (Wb 2, 429; 3, 26.6-13; LÄ III, 238)

rnp.t-zmꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "erstes Regierungsjahr" | "first regnal year" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 449.14; LÄ III 238)

rnp-m-wḥm, "der sich immer wieder verjüngt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 681)

rnpi̯, "jung sein; jung werden; verjüngen" | "to be young; to become young (again)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 432.11-434.8; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 583; FCD 150)

rnn, "liebkosen; (ein Kind) warten; aufziehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 436.1-15)

rnn, "jubeln; preisen" | "to rejoice; to praise" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 435.9-10; FCD 150)

rnn, "Jungtier; Kalb" | "[a kind of cattle]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 435.13; Lesko, Dictionary II, 65; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 587)

rnn, "Zögling; junger Mann" | "youth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 435.17; Lesko, Dictionary II, 65)

rnn.wt, "Jubel" | "joy; exultation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 435.11; FCD 150)

rnn.wtt, "[ein Kleid]" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 438.1)

rnn.t, "junges Mädchen" | "maiden" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 435.18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 587)

rnn.t, "Glück; Reichtum" | "fortune" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 437.3-5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66)

rnn-sw-r-ḥr.j-tp-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "der sich selbst zum Oberhaupt von Ober- und Unterägypten aufzog (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 698)

rr, "Zeit" | "time" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 438.4-5; FCD 151)

rr, "Halskette; Collier" | "[something which encircles (circlet; collar; bracelet)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2394; 79.1768; Demarée, Papyri, 15;)

rr.j, "Schwein (allg.)" | "swine (gen.); boar" [substantive] (Wb 2, 438.7; FCD 151)

rr.t, "Sau" | "sow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 438.8-11; FCD 151)

rrj, "wirklich; [enkl. Partikel]" | "[enclitic particle]" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 2, 438.6; EAG § 838; Silverman, Interrog. Constructions, 87 ff.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 283)

rrj.t, "Überheblichkeit (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Sethe, Erl., 128)

rrm, "Napf (aus Gold)" | "twin gold vessels (for myrrh)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 440.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 588)

rrm.t, "Mandragora (?)" | "[a fruit (mandrake?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 439.14-16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66; Germer, Flora, 171)

rhb, "Glut" | "embers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 440.3)

rhn, "sich stützen; stützen; sich verlassen" | "to lean (on); to rely (on)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 440.4-8; FCD 151; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 284; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66)

rhn.w, "[eine Krankheitserscheinung]" | "[symptom of an illness]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 440.9-10; MedWb 530 f.)

rhnj, "Widder (des Amon); Widdersphinx" | "ram (of Amun); criosphinx" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 441.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66; LGG IV, 702)

rhni̯, "waten (durch Wasser)" | "to wade" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 2, 440.12-13; FCD 151; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 284; Allen, Inflection, 583)

rhd.t, "Kessel (aus Metall)" | "caldron (of metal)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 441.5-7; MedWb 531; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 279)

rḥ.w, "Leute; Genossen" | "comrades; mates" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 441.8-12; FCD 151)

rḥ.wj, "die beiden Rivalen (Horus und Seth); die beiden Genossen" | "the two rivals (Horus and Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 441.13-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 589; LGG IV, 703)

rḥ.tj, "die beiden Frauen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 441.16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 284 f.; LGG IV, 703 f.)

rḥ, "die beiden zusammengehörigen Frauen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 704)

rḥb, "[eine Flasche (aus Metall)]" | "[a vessel (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 442.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 281)

rḥḥ, "verbrennen, verbrannt werden" | "to burn" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 442.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66; Caminos, LEM, 397)

rḥs, "[ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 442.5-6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 66; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 282)

rḫ, "wissen; kennen; erkennen; wissen dass (mit Verbform)" | "to know; to learn" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 442.7-445.7)

rḫ, "Wissender" | "wise man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 445.17-18; FCD 151)

rḫ, "Wissen; Meinung" | "knowledge; opinion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 445.12-15; vgl. FCD 152)

rḫ.j, "Bekannter" | "aquaintance (lit. one who is known (to someone))" [substantive] (Wb 2, 446.6)

rḫ.yt, "Volk; Untertanen; Menschen" | "common folk; humankind; subjects (of the king)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 447.9-448.2; AEO I, 98* ff.)

rḫ.w-tp-wꜣ.t-nfr.t, "Einer, der den Anfang des guten Weges kennt" | "one who knows the beginning of the good road" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1842)

rḫ.t, "die Wissende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 446.3-5; LGG IV, 709)

rḫ.t-nswt, "Bekannte des Königs" | "acquaintance of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 447.4-5; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1206)

rḫ-jḫ.t, "Gelehrter" | "learned man" [substantive] (Wb 2, 443.28-29; FCD 151)

rḫ-mjn.t, "der das Gelände kennt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Grimal, Quatre stèles, 37)

rḫ-n=f, "[Bezeichnung einer neuen Götterstatue]" | "statue (of a god)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 445.11; Lesko, Dictionary II, 67; vgl. Borghouts, in: Demarée/Janssen, Gleanings, 90)

rḫ-s.t-rd=f, "der seine Stellung kennt" | "one who knows his standing (lit. the place of his foot)" [epitheton_title: title] (Inscr. Sinai, 238; Doxy, Epithets, 29, 47, 122)

rḫ-sw, "wissend" | "knowledgeable" [adjective] (Wb 2, 445.8-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 590)

rḫz, "Bauch (?); Magen (?); Sack (?)" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 9; Meeks, AL 77.2412)

rḫs, "schlachten; zerlegen" | "to slaughter; to butcher" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 448.6-7; FCD 152)

rḫt, "Liste; Betrag; Soll-Bestand" | "list; amount" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 448.12-449.2)

rḫt, "(Kleider) waschen" | "to wash (clothes)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 448.8; FCD 152; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 286)

rḫt.j, "Wäscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 448.9-11; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 1843-1846)

rḫt.j, "Wäscher" | "washerman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 448.9-11)

rḫt.j-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Wäscher Pharaos" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LESt 20.10)

rḫt.j-n-ḥw.t-nṯr-n.t-Mnw, "Wäscher des Tempels des Min" | "washerman of the temple of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1845)

rzf, "Fang (Vögel und Fische); wimmelndes Durcheinander" | "the catch (fish and fowl); disarray" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 449.4-7; FCD 153)

rs, "die Wache (Ort, an dem Re und Osiris beschützt werden)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 18.14)

rs, "aufwachen; wachen; bewachen" | "to wake; to watch" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 449.8-451.12)

rs, "Wächter; Wachender" | "watchman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 451.15-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 591 f.)

rs.j, "südlich" | "southern" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 452.7-16)

rs.j, "Süden" | "south" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 453.1-8)

rs.j-jꜣ, "südöstlich" | "southeastern" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 452.18), "südwestlich" | "southwestern" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 2, 452.17)

rs.j-jnb=f, "der südlich von seiner Mauer (meist Ptah von Memphis)" | "south of his wall (Ptah of Memphis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 95; 2, 452.16; LGG IV, 722-723)

rs.j-r, "südlich bis" | "southward to" [preposition] (Leiden V 3, Z. 3)

rs.jw, "Südbewohner" | "southerners" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 453.9-10; FCD 153; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 287; Lesko, Dictionary II, 70)

rs.w, "Wachsamkeit; das Wachen; Wache" | "the watch (of sentries); vigilance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 451.20-22)

rs.w, "Südwind" | "south-wind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 453.11; FCD 153; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 287; Lesko, Dictionary II, 70)

rs.wt, "Traum ("Wachen (im Schlaf)")" | "awakening; dream" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 452.1-4; FCD 152)

rs.wt, "Süden" | "south" [substantive] (Wb 2, 453.12)

rs.t, "gefangene Feinde (?)" | "sacrificial victims (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 452.6; FCD 152)

rs-wḏꜣ, "der unversehrt Erwachende" | "one who awakes uninjured (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 451.13-14; LGG IV, 713 f.)

rs-ḥꜣ.t, "der mit wachsamem Antlitz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 716)

rs-tp, "wachsam (attributiv)" | "watchful; vigilant" [adjective] (Wb 2, 451.7-8; 5, 268.1; FCD 152)

rsj, "sehr; durchaus" | "entirely; quite; at all" [adverb] (Wb 2, 453.16-18; GEG § 205.1; ENG § 595)

rš, "Schnupfen" | "a cold (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 453.19; MedWb 533)

rš.w, "Freude" | "joy" [substantive] (Wb 2, 454.13; Lesko, Dictionary, 71; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 592)

ršj, "Gipfel (eines Berges)" | "peak; summit (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 455.16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 71; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 285)

ršw.t, "Freude" | "joy" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 454.14-455.15; FCD 153; Lesko, Dictionary II, 71)

ršu̯, "sich freuen" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 454.1-12; vgl. FCD 153; Lesko, Dictionary II, 71)

ršrš, "sich freuen" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 456.1-4; FCD 153)

ršrš, "Freude" | "joy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 456.5-7; FCD 153)

rq.w, "Widersacher" | "opponent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 456.13-20; FCD 153)

rq.w, "Feindschaft" | "enmity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 456.22-24; FCD 153)

rq.t-jb, "Widerwille" | "ill-will" [substantive] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 4)

rqi̯, "abwehren; feindselig sein" | "to turn aside; to defy" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 456.9-12)

rqrq, "Widerstand" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Collombert/Coulon, BIFAO 100, 2000, 196 f., 1.7)

rqrq, "aufhören; entfernen; weggehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Meeks, Mythes, 55, Anm. 51; vgl. CDD l, 19)

rk, "Zeit" | "time" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 457.4-458.3)

rkrk, "Tragant (?)" | "[unidentified plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 458.7; DrogWb 327 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 502)

rkḥ, "(Feuer) anfachen; erhitzen; brennen" | "to light (a fire); to burn up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 458.9-14)

rkḥ, "Glut; Feuer" | "fire" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 458.15-17; FCD 154)

rkḥ.t, "die Brennende (Bez. von Göttinnen)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 459.1; LGG IV, 729)

rks, "Gespann (von Pferden)" | "equipment (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 459.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 73; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 286; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 39)

rg.t, "Hohlräume (der Ziegelrampe)" | "compartment (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 459.10; Lesko, Dictionary II, 73; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 287)

rgi̯, "aufhören; entfernen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (CDD l, 19; EDG 264; KoptHWb 83 f.)

rtḥ, "Bäcker" | "baker" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1848)

rtḥ, "Bäcker" | "baker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 459.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1848)

rtḥ, "zurückhalten; einschüchtern; ergriffen sein; (Vögel) fangen" | "to confine; to restrain" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 460.1-7; FCD 154 (8); Lesko, Dictionary II, 73; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 593 f.)

rtḥ, "Festung; Gefängnis" | "fortification" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2446; FCD 154)

rtḥ.tj, "Bäcker" | "baker" [substantive] (Wb 2, 459.14; Ward, Titles, no. 860; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1848)

rtḥ-qbj, "[Bezeichnung des Ozeans (?)]; [Kataraktgebiet]" | "[designation for the ocean]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 460.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 594)

rd, "Fuß; (unteres) Bein; Fußspur" | "foot; footprint" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 461.1-462.15; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271)

rd, "wachsen; wachsen lassen" | "to grow" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 462.20-463.7; FCD 154; Lesko, Dictionary II, 73)

rd, "Pflanze; Gewächs (allg.)" | "plants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 463.8-10), "Pflanze; Kraut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 463.11)

rd.wj, "Obliegenheit; Aufgabenbereich; Weisung; Stellung; Art; Weise" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 463.13; KoptHWb 168)

rd.t, "Gewächs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 535; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 342)

rdm.t, "Zyperngras; Nußgras (ein Riedgras)" | "cypress grass" [substantive] (Wb 2, 469.2; FCD 156; LÄ II, 878; Germer, Flora, 248)

rdn.y, "Ladanum" | "labdanum" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 288; Koura, Öle, 248; Vittmann, WZKM 86, 1996, 440)

rḏ.t-wgs, "Ausgenommes (Fische)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 120)

rḏ-jꜥr.t-ḥr-tp-n-nb=s, "der die Uräusschlange an das Haupt ihres Herrn gibt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 734)

rḏi̯, "geben; veranlassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_irr] (Wb, 2, 464.1-468.15)

rḏw, "Flüssigkeit; Ausfluss" | "efflux" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 469.5-19; MedWb 558)

rḏw.t, "Flüssigkeit; Ausfluss" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 293)

Hʾ.wj-Ṯy, "Die beiden Höfe des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Hꜣw, "Hau (Land in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Smith, Buhen Inscriptions, 39)

Hꜣbhꜣb, "Habhab" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. VII.6)

Hꜣm.t, "Hamet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Burkard, Papyrusfunde Asasif, 66)

Hꜣꜣpd.w, "Hahuwti, der Vögel frißt (Schlange)" | "[a sepent]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 482.1)

Hꜣkr, "Haker (Fest in Abydos)" | "Haker (Abydene festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 482.2-6; LÄ II 181)

Hy.t, "[ein Krankheitsdämon]" | "[a demon (med.)]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 483.18; MedWb 563; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 379 ff.)

Hꜥ-kꜣ, "Ha-ka" | "Ha-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Hbj, "Der Ibis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 798 f.)

Hbnw, "Hebenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 135)

Hbnn, "ON" | "Hebnen" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 487.20)

Hbt.j, "Hebeti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.13)

Hpj, "Hepi" | "Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Hpn.w, "[Name einer Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 489.9), "[göttliches Wesen]" | "[a divine being]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 489.12; vgl. LGG IV, 801)

Hft.j, "Hefeti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 229.15)

Hnj, "Heni" | "Heni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 229.28)

Hnj, "Henu (östlich des Serapeums)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 5)

Hnj.wt, "Die Jubelnde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 492.10; LGG IV, 805)

Hnw, "Henu" | "Henu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 229.32)

Hnm, "Henem (Gebiet im Libanon)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 5 f.)

Hnn, "Henen" | "Henen" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Mereruka I, pl. 52b)

Hnnj, "[ein Gott]" | "[a deity]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 495.18; LGG IV, 806)

Hnhn.w, "[ein Gewässer im Jenseits]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 496.3; GDG IV, 6)

Hnqw, "Henqu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 230.4)

Hr.w, "Heru" | "Heru" [entity_name: person_name] (Inscr. Sinai, 226)

Hr-ḥr-Mꜣꜥ.t-m-Mn-nfr, "Zufrieden mit der Maat in Memphis (Name eines Tempels)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Tacke, Verspunkte, 129, Anm. d)

Hrw, "Heru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Smither, JEA 31, 1945, 8, pl. IV, IVa)

Hrw-nfr, "Heru-nefer" | "Heru-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 231.4)

Hrnmt, "Hermon (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 2)

Hhj.w, "Hehiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 2164b)

Hs, "[ein libyscher Stamm]" | "Hassah (a Libyan tribe)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 2, 502.14; GDG IV, 3; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 252, Anm. 926)

Htj, "Heti" | "Heti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 231.15)

Htw, "Hetu" | "Hetu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 231.16)

Htt.j, "Heteti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 812 f.)

Httj, "Heteti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, pl. 57)

Hṯt, "Kreischender (Pavian)" | "Screamer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 504.4-6; LGG IV, 813)

Hd-nḫt, "Hed-nacht" | "Hed-nakht" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 231.20)

Hdm, "Hedem" | "Hedem" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 506.1)

Hdn.wt, "Hednut" | "Hednut" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 506.8; LGG IV, 816)

hʾ, "Hof" | "courtyard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 470.1-5; FCD 156; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 293; Lesko, Dictionary II, 76)

hꜣ, "das Beschädigte (Udjat-Auge)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 187, Anm. v; vgl. KoptHWb 349)

hꜣ, "[Interjektion]" | "[interjection]" [interjection] (Wb 2, 471.1-9; FCD 156; EAG § 865; GEG §§ 87, 258; ENG § 686)

hꜣ, "Glut" | "to roast" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 475.9; Verhoeven, Grillen, 171 f.)

hꜣ.y, "Herabgestiegener" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 5 (8), pl. 2)

hꜣ.w, "Wildgeflügel" | "birds" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 157; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 599 f.; ITE I/2, 139, Anm. 4)

hꜣ.w, "Abstieg; Niederkunft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 294; López, Ostraca ieratici N. 57450-57568, Tf. 1)

hꜣ.w, "Frondienst; Dienstpflicht" | "corvée; duty" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 475.7-8; FCD 157; vgl. KoptHWb 357)

hꜣ.w, "die Arbeiter; Dienstpflichtige" | "corvée worker" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.2465)

hꜣ.w-ḥr, "an; in (lok); bei (jmnd.); vor (jmnd.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 477.12-14)

hꜣ.tjw, "diensthabende Phylen" | "crew (phyle) on duty" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 15; Meeks, AL 77.2461)

hꜣ-nhm, "Jubelgeschrei" | english translation missing [substantive] (Haikal, Nesmin, 87)

hꜣ-snḏ, "Verehrung (o. Ä.)" | "fear; veneration" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 471.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 597 f.)

hꜣj, "(sich selbst) begatten" | "to beget" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 476.1)

hꜣy.t, "Halle; Vorhalle" | "portal; portico" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 476.4-11; FCD 156; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 155 ff.)

hꜣy.t-zšš.t, "Sistrenportikus (Säulenvorbau)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 149, Anm. ae)

hꜣi̯, "herabsteigen; fallen; zu Fall kommen" | "to descend; to fall; to strike" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 472.3-474.25)

hꜣw, "Nähe; Umgebung; Zeit; Angelegenheit; Besitz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 477.1-478.18)

hꜣw, "Verwandte; Angehörige" | "kindred" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 479.1-3; FCD 157)

hꜣb, "Sendung; Brief" | "letter; communication" [substantive] (Wb 2, 481.1)

hꜣb, "aussenden" | "to send" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 479.13-481.1)

hꜣb.t-n.t-nṯr.w, "die Abgesandte der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 794)

hꜣb-ḥr=f, "dessen Gesicht jammervoll ist (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 30 f; vgl. LGG IV, 793)

hꜣm.w, "Geflügelhöfe" | "aviary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 481.5-6; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 49, Anm. 190)

hꜣn.w, "Welle; Flut" | "waves" [substantive] (Wb 2, 481.10-12; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 84)

hꜣnꜣ, "wenn doch ... wäre; oh!" | "O that...!" [particle] (Wb 2, 481.7-9)

hꜣr.t, "Rudel (von Wild)" | "herd (of desert animals)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 481.13; FCD 157)

hꜣṯ.t, "[ein Gebäck (als Opferspeise)]" | "[a kind of cake (an offering)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 482.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 608)

hꜣṯs, "[ein Krug (aus Quarz für Wein)]" | "[a jar]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 482.8-9)

hꜣd.t, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 75 O)

hj, "jauchzen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 296; Goyon, Confirmation, 1, 18 f.)

hj, "Ehemann" | "husband" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 482; FCD 157; vgl. ONB 403, 404)

hj.w, "der (wie ein Esel) Ia ruft (Seth)" | "[Seth as an ass and as a gazelle]" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 795 f.; vgl. Wb 2, 483.15-17; vgl. Ward, JNES 37, 1978, 23 ff.)

hj.w, "Untier (Esel); böse Schlange" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 296; vgl. Wb 2, 483.20-22; Wb 2, 484.1-2)

hj-nfr, "guter Gatte (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 791), "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2260)

hjms, "demütig kommen" | "to approach humbly" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 484.4-8; FCD 157; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 605 f.)

hjhj, "jubeln" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Leitz, Tagewählerei, 116 (c))

hy, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Bogoslovsky, Vestnik drevnej istorii 123/1, 1973, 83 f.)

hy, "[Interjektion]" | "[interjection]" [interjection] (Wb 2, 482.12-16; FCD 157; EAG § 862; GEG § 258)

hy, "Jauchzen; Jubel" | "joy; gladness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 483.1-13; FCD 157)

hy, "(sich) winden; (Tau) verknoten" | "to make fast (the tow-rope)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 483.19; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 296; Jones; Naut. Titles, 217 (47))

hw, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2484; Koura, Öle, 165), "[Berufsbez. (von der Schifffahrt)]" | "sailer; ship's hand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 485.8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 81; Jones, Naut. Titles, 82 (138))

hwhw, "davonlaufen" | "to scurry away" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 485.1; FCD 158)

hwš, "fehlen, versäumen; unfähig sein; missachten" | "to miss; to disregard" [verb: verb_3-lit] (EDG 271)

hwt, "verbrennen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 485.5-6; FCD 158; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 297; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 602)

hwt, "jammern, klagen" | "to lament" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 485.2-3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 297)

hwt, "Feuer; Glut; Verbranntes" | "flame; fire" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 485.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 297)

hwt, "Klagen" | "lamentation(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2487)

hwt.wt, "Glut (vor allem vom Herzen)" | "burning (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 485.7; MedWb 563)

hwṯn, "[ein Fisch]" | "[fish(es)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 485.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 81)

hb, "der Zertretene (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 35.13)

hb.t, "Richtstätte" | "place of execution" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 486.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 604)

hbj, "Ibis" | "ibis" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 487.1-4; FCD 158; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 297; Lesko, Dictionary II, 81; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 602)

hbu̯, "Pflug" | "plow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 485.10-11; FCD 158; KoptHWb 354)

hbu̯, "eintreten; betreten; durchziehen" | "to tread; to traverse; to trample" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 485.12-486.6; vgl. FCD 158)

hbn, "[eine Antilope]" | "[an antilope]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 487.6)

hbn.t, "[ein großer Krug (auch als Maß)]" | "[a bulbous vessel (also a measure of capacity)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 487.13-19)

hbnj, "afrikanisches Ebenholz; Ebenholzbaum" | "ebony" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 487.7-12; Germer, Flora, 97 ff.)

hbhb, "(einen Ort) durchziehen; (be)treten" | "to traverse; to tread" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 487.21-25; FCD 158)

hbhb-wn, "Hebheb-wen (ein Tanz)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wresz., Atlas, III, Tf. 29)

hbq, "zerstoßen; zerstampfen (im Mörser)" | "to beat up; to triturate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 488.3-5; FCD 158; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 603 f.; MedWb 564 f.)

hp, "richtig tun (?); vorschriftsmäßig handeln (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Volten, Anii, 109 f., vgl. Quack, Ani, 102-3, Anm. 62)

hp, "befreien (von); wegnehmen; entgehen" | "to wrest from; escape" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 489.3; Allen, Inflection, 546)

hp, "Messstrick, Richtschnur" | "cord (for determining guide-lines in construction)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.2492; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 297)

hpjw, "Hepiu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Vgl. LGG IV, 801)

hpjw, "[eine Schlange]" | "Hepiu (snake in Heliopolis)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 489.7)

hf, "(Früchte) schälen" | "to hull (med.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 489.13; Lesko, Dictionary II, 82; MedWb 565)

hm, "der Niedergetretene (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 35.9)

hm, "heiß sein (krankhafter Zustand)" | "to burn; to be hot" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 489.15-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 604)

hm, "[Ausruf der Genugtuung]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 2, 490.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 82)

hm.t, "Fährlohn; Vergütung" | "fare (for conveyance)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 490.5; FCD 158; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 298; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 83; KoptHWb 371)

hm.t, "[ein Gefäß als Maß]" | "[a vessel as a measure of capacity]" [substantive] (Cerný, CED 282; Meeks, AL 77.2499)

hmhm, "das Brüllen; Ruhm" | "roar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 491.1)

hmhm, "brüllen; jammern" | "ro roar; to rumble" [verb] (Wb 2, 491.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 604)

hmhm.t, "Geschrei; Kriegsgebrüll" | "roar; war-cry" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 490.9-17; FCD 158), "der Brüller (meist Seth, Apophis)" | "Roarer" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 491.3; LGG IV, 802 f.)

hn, "der Niedergebeugte (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 35.9)

hn.y, "[Name des Osiris]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 492.9; LGG IV, 804)

hn.w, "Jubel" | "jubilation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 493.17-23; FCD 159; Lesko Dictionary II, 84)

hnꜣ, "süß" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 2, 492.14)

hnjnj, "jubeln" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 2, 493.1; Allen, Inflection, 587)

hni̯, "jubeln" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 493.15-16; Allen, Inflection, 571; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 606)

hnw, "[medizinisches Gerät]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 567; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 708, Anm. 281)

hnw, "Kasten; Schädel; Brustkorb; (Mutter)leib" | "box; cavity (of the body, chest, skull)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 491.9-492.4; MedWb 565; Walker, Anatom. Term., 271; ONB 322; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 606)

hnw, "[ein Topf]; Hin (Hohlmaß, ca. 1/2 Liter)" | "[a jar]; hin (unit of measure, ca. 1/2 liter)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 493.2-14; FCD 158; Lesko, Dictionary II, 84; Pommerening, Hohlmaße, 201 ff.)

hnw, "Anhänger (jmds.); Angehöriger" | "associates; family" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 494.1-4; FCD 159)

hnwy.t, "[Teil der Johannisbrotfrucht]" | "[part of the djaret-fruit (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 494.8; MedWb 567; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 708, Anm. 281)

hnn, "neigen; beugen; zustimmen" | "to nod; to assent to" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 2, 494.10-495.12; FCD 159)

hnn, "Damhirsch" | "deer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 495.19-20; FCD 159; Lesko, Dictionary II, 85)

hnhn, "jubeln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 496.1; Peust, Das Napatanische, 158 f.)

hr, "vollständig vertreiben" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 498.2; MedWb 567)

hr, "Waldgebirge (?)" | "(wooded) highlands" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 498.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 86; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 294; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 111)

hr, "[Kanal des Deltas]" | "[pond (canal?) in the western Delta]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2518; Lesko, Dictionary II, 85)

hr.j, "Endivie (?)" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 498.12; KoptHWb 383; DrogWb 331; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 502; ONB 721)

hr.t, "Zufriedenheit; Ruhe" | "peace" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 497.21; FCD 159)

hr-jb, "der mit ruhigem Herzen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 7 (4), pl. 2)

hr-jb, "der Zufriedene" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 807)

hr-jb-m-Mn-nfr, "der zufrieden ist in Memphis (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wolf, ZÄS 65, 1930, 92; vgl. LGG IV, 807)

hr-ḥr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "der mit der Maat zufrieden ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 807 f.)

hrj, "melken (?)" | "to milk (?)" [verb] (Wb 2, 498.3; Lesko, Dictionary II, 86; KoptHWb 385)

hrw, "Tag" | "day" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 498-500.24)

hrw, "heute fällig sein (von der Getreideernte)" | "ready today (grain for harvesting)" [verb] (Wb 2, 500.25; EAG § 573 cc), "Tagebuch; Rechtsurkunde" | "day-book; journal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 500.26; FCD 159; Cerny, JEA 31, 1945, 32 f.)

hru̯, "zufrieden; ruhig; angenehm" | "peaceful; pleasing; content" [adjective] (Wb 2, 497.12-20)

hru̯, "zufrieden sein; angenehm sein" | "to be pleased; to be at peace; to be content" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 2, 496.6-497.11)

hru̯-st-jb, "wunschlos glücklich" | english translation missing [adjective] (Junker, Giza VIII, Abb. 56)

hrp, "untersinken; einsinken; unterdrücken" | "to sink; to be immersed" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 500.27-501.4; FCD 159)

hrr-r-z-nb, "der gegenüber Jedermann angenehm ist (Privatepitheton)" | "one who is pleasant towards everyone" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery I, 72, pl. 65)

hrt, "[ein Gewebe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 501.10)

hrṯṯ, "heimlich tun (?)" | "to do stealthily" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 501.12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 88; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 300)

hh, "Gluthauch; Hitze" | "blast (of fire); heat (of fire)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 501.15-502.8)

hhj, "ungehört sein (von Worten)" | "to deafen; to benumb" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 502.10; Lesko, Dictionary II, 88; Caminos, LEM, 251)

hhy.t, "[eine Krankheit des Gehörs]" | "[a form of deafness (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 502.11; MedWb 573; Caminos, LEM, 251)

hhb.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Barbotin, RdE 50, 1999, 17)

hskt, "[schlechte Art des Gehens]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 503.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 88; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 302)

hq, "[Krankheit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 573)

hq, "aufbrechen (?)" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 503.2; MedWb 573 f.)

hqs, "beschädigen" | "to steal (?); to cheat (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 503.3; FCD 160; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 301)

hkj, "[Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 503.5)

hkr.t, "[weibliche Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 503.6)

ht, "umherziehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (MedWb 574)

ht.w, "[ein Tier (im Zauber)]" | "[an animal (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 503.11; MedWb 574)

ht.t, "[ein weibliches Tier (im Zauber)]" | "[a female animal (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 503.12; MedWb 574)

htj, "bohren (mit dem Drillbohrer)" | "to bore (with a drill)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 503.9)

htht, "(einen Brunnen) ausgraben" | "to dig up" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 503.13)

hṯt, "kreischen (wie Paviane); jauchzen" | "to scream (of baboons; of monkeys); to rejoice" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 504.7-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 608)

hṯt.w, "Paviane" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 813 f.)

hd, "entgegentreten; (erfolgreich) angreifen; (Steine) brechen; (Ackergrenzen) verletzen; (Kühe zum Futter) treiben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 2, 504.14-505.12)

hd, "Angriff" | "assault" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 505.13-14; FCD 160; Lesko, Dictionary II, 89)

hd.t, "Dorn (?) (der Akazie)" | "thorn (?) (of the acacia)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 505.15; MedWb 575)

hdm, "[Verb]" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 2, 505.16; MedWb 575)

hdm.w, "Fußschemel; Thron" | "footstool; throne" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 505.17-19; FCD 160; Lesko, Dictionary II, 90; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 609; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 304)

hdn, "Handfeger" | "broom" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kawa I, 12, Anm. 53)

hdn, "[eine Pflanze (Hasenohr ?)]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 506.3-6; DrogWb 331; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 502)

hdhd, "angreifen (vom Heer)" | "to charge (of the army)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 2, 506.9; FCD 160; Lesko, Dictionary II, 90)

Ḥꜣ, "Ha (Gott der westlichen Wüste)" | "Ha (god of the western desert)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 7.14-8.1; LGG V, 10 f.; LÄ II, 923)

Ḥꜣ=j-pw-H̱nm.w, "Hai-pu-Chnum" | "Hai-pu-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 68 (Nr. A/20))

Ḥꜣ=f-m-ḥꜣ=f, "Dessen Hinterkopf hinter ihm ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 517a)

Ḥꜣ.y=f, "Hayef" | "Hayef" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 145)

Ḥꜣ.ywt-(ḥr)-Rꜥw, "Die um Re klagen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Piankoff, Wandering of the Soul, 55 f.; vgl. LGG V, 9 u. 56)

Ḥꜣ.w, "Hau" | "Hau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 232.10)

Ḥꜣ.w-nb.wt, "[Ortsbezeichnung]; Ägäis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 11.7-8; GDG IV, 12; AEO I, 206* ff.)

Ḥꜣ.t, "Hat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 232.13)

Ḥꜣ.t-jy, "Hat-iy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.2)

Ḥꜣ.t-mḥ.yt, "Die Erste der Fische (16. u.äg. Gau)" | "First-of-fishes (16th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 400; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 246)

Ḥꜣ.t-nfr, "Hat-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 304.12)

Ḥꜣ.t-r-nfr, "Hat-er-nefer (?)" | "Hat-er-nefer (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Ḥꜣ.t-r-kꜣ.w, "Hat-er-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 232.20)

Ḥꜣ.t-šj, "Die Mündung des Sees (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Ḥꜣ.tj, "Hati" | "Hati" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 8.3; vgl. LGG V, 10)

Ḥꜣ.tj-wꜣḏ.w, "Hati-wadju" | "Hati-wadju" [entity_name: person_name] (Anthes, Hatnub, 19, Taf.9, 9a)

Ḥꜣ.tjꜣ, "Hatia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.1)

Ḥꜣ-jb, "Ha-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza I, pl. 29)

Ḥꜣ-jš.t=f, "Ha-ischetef" | "Ha-ishetef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 231.25)

Ḥꜣ-ꜥnḫ=f, "Ha-anchef" | "Ha-ankhef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 232.2)

Ḥꜣ-m-Mnw, "Haem-Min" | "Ha-em-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, 62)

Ḥꜣy, "Hay" | "Hay" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 232.7)

Ḥꜣy.t, "Die Klagende" | "Mourner" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 7.6; LGG V, 8)

Ḥꜣb, "Vogelfang" | "Bird-catcher" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 62.7; LGG V, 110)

Ḥꜣb-Jp.t, "Opetfest" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ IV, 574 ff.)

Ḥꜣb-wr, "Großes Fest (ein Totenfest)" | "great festival" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 57.20; vgl. LÄ II, 176 f.)

Ḥꜣb-wr, "Hab-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. V)

Ḥꜣb-mjn-m-Wꜣs.t, "Fest des Landens in Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (JWIS II, 340.19)

Ḥꜣb-nḫt.w, "Hab-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, JE 71581, 3, 9)

Ḥꜣb-Ḥnw, "Fest dessen, der in der Barke ist (Sokarfest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Junker, Giza IX, 107)

Ḥꜣb-ḥm.t=s, "Fest Ihrer Majestät (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 276 f.)

Ḥꜣb-ḥr-snfr=f, "Hab-her-seneferef" | "Hab-her-seneferef" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza XI, Abb. 35)

Ḥꜣb-Ḫns.w, "Chonsfest" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 68, Anm. 121)

Ḥꜣb-Zkr, "Fest des Sokar" | "Festival-of-Sokar" [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ II, 175)

Ḥꜣb-sd, "Sedfest (kgl. Jubiläumsfest)" | "Sed-festival (royal jubilee)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 59.1-60.10)

Ḥꜣb-ḏ.t, "Fest der Ewigkeit (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 280)

Ḥꜣb-ḏr.t, "Fest der Hand" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 68, Anm. 121)

Ḥꜣp.t-nb=s, "Die ihren Herrn verbirgt (Nekropole von Memphis); Nekropole (allg.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (vgl. LGG V, 24)

Ḥꜣp.t-kk.w, "Die die Finsternis verhüllt (7. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 25 f.)

Ḥꜣfy, "Hafy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications, 17, pl. 5-6)

Ḥꜣm, "Ham" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.14)

Ḥꜣm.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Der Fischnetz des Chephren (Domäne)" | "The-fishnet-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Ḥꜣm.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Hamet-Cheops (eine Mine)" | "Hamet-Cheops (a mine)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Engelbach, ASAE 38, 1938, 371, pl. LV.1)

Ḥꜣm-wj-kꜣ=j, "Ham-wi-kai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.19)

Ḥꜣm-kꜣ=j, "Ham-kai" | "Ham-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.20)

Ḥꜣswsn, "Hasusen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10037 A-C, 4, 10 f.)

Ḥꜣgj, "Hagi" | "Hagi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.15)

Ḥꜣgw, "Hagu" | "Hagu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Ḥꜣtw, "Hatu" | "Hatu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Ḥy, "Hy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.18)

Ḥy, "Hy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.16)

Ḥy.j, "Hyi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 425.22)

Ḥy.t, "[Gott in Besgestalt (Schützer der Neugeborenen)]" | "[a Bes-like god]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 37.1; LGG V, 28)

Ḥy-rʾ-kꜣ, "Hiraka (Dämon)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Impothès, Col. 27.8; vgl. LGG I, 549)

Ḥyꜣ, "Huya" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 233.27)

Ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "[Name eines Atonheiligtums in Karnak]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Habachi, MDAIK 20, 1965, 75)

Ḥꜥꜣ, "Haa" | "Haa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 304.23)

Ḥꜥꜥ-jb-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Apries]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 4)

Ḥꜥpj, "Hapi" | "Hapi" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 43.5-12; LGG V, 44 ff.)

Ḥꜥpj, "Hapi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 234.7)

Ḥꜥpj, "Hapi (4. und 5. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 17; AEGD 519; Yoyotte, Delta, 54)

Ḥw, "Hu ("Der Ausspruch")" | "Hu (lit. Utterance)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 44.8-10; LGG V, 51)

Ḥw, "Hu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 234.10)

Ḥw, "Die Nahrung" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 54; Wb 3, 44.12)

Ḥw.wt-N.t, "Haus der Roten Krone" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 320)

Ḥw.t, "Regen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 56)

Ḥw.t-J-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Gut des I-kau-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Ḥ, "Hut-Iutu (Teil des Osiris-Heiligtums in Busiris?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 123 f.)

Ḥw.t-Jp.t, "Hut-Ipet (Ort und Heiligtum im 2. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pap. Imouthès, Col. 23.1; Haikal, Nesmin, I, 74)

Ḥw.t-Jni̯-jtj=f, "Haus des Intef" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 163 f.)

Ḥw.t-Jzzj, "Gut des Isesi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 297)

Ḥw.t-j, "Hut-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 235.2)

Ḥw.t-jꜣw, "Die Stätte des Alters (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205)

Ḥw.t-jꜥḥ, "Hut-jah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 234.28)

Ḥw.t-jꜥḥ, "Mondhaus (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 318)

Ḥw.t-jbṯ.t, "Haus des Netzes (Heiligtum des Thot in Hermupolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 298)

Ḥw.t-jbṯ.t-n.t-Gbb, "Haus der Falle des Geb" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 82, Anm. 194)

Ḥw.t-jḥ.t, "Haus der Rinder (Ort im 3. o.äg. Gau); [Weinbaugebiet]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 50 ff.; Montet, Géographie I, 58 f.; LÄ VII, 295)

Ḥw.t-jty, "Gut des Herrschers" | "Sovereign's Enclosure" [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 640b)

Ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Großes Haus (Name des Tempels von Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 182 f.; Meeks, Mythes, 81, Anm. 190)

Ḥw.t-ꜥf.tjw, "Haus der Bierbrauer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien, 21,38)

Ḥw.t-ꜥḥꜣ, "Hut-aha" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 86, Anm. 218)

Ḥw.t-Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn-ẖnm.t-nḥḥ, "Hut-User-maat-Re-mer-Amun-chenemet-neheh" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG IV, 60)

Ḥw.t-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Gut des Userkaf" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Ḥw.t-wꜥr.t, "Hut-waret (Osirisheiligtum im 3. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 61; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 128 f., n. 184)

Ḥw.t-wꜥr.t, "Auaris" | "Avaris" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 287.8)

Ḥw.t-wr.t, "Hut-weret" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 58; AEO II, 84* ff.)

Ḥ, "Tempel des Königs von Unterägypten (Osiriskapelle im Neithtempelkomplex zu Sais)" | "Mansion-of-the-king-of-Lower-Egypt (sanctuary in Sais)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.2543; 78.2525; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 629)

Ḥw.t-bn.w, "Hu (18. o.äg. Gau); Kom el Ahmar Sawaris; Haus des Phönix (Ostdelta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 66 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 629; Montet, Géographie II, 175; AEGD 550 f.)

Ḥw.t-bnbn, "Tempel des Benben (in Heliopolis und in Amarna)" | "Mansion-of-the-benben (sanctuary in Heliopolis)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 459.10-11; GDG IV, 67 f.; LÄ VII, 295)

Ḥw.t-bd, "Natronhaus" | "mansion of incense" [entity_name: org_name] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 319)

Ḥw.t-mꜣ.tyt, "Haus der Flötenspielerin (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 317)

Ḥw.t-mr.t-ꜥḥm.t, "Haus derer, die Achmet liebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205)

Ḥw.t-msq, "Hut-meseq" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (pBremner-Rhind 32.6)

Ḥw.t-Nfr=f-Rꜥw, "Gut des Neferefre (Wirtschaftsanlage des Totentempels)" | "Mansion-of-Neferefre (economic institution)" [entity_name: org_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 664)

Ḥw.t-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Gut des Neferirkare (Wirtschaftsanlage des Totentempel)" | "Mansion-of-Neferirkare (funerary temple of Neferirkare)" [entity_name: org_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 663)

Ḥw.t-Nn-nswt, "Herakleopolis" | "Herakleopolis magna (lit. House-of-the-royal-child)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 272.5; GDG IV, 83 f.; LÄ II, 1124 ff.)

Ḥw.t-nb.wj, "Abutig (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (pHier. BM III (Gardiner), Text, 108, Anm. 8)

Ḥw.t-nbw, "Goldhaus (ein unbekannter Ort)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, Lit. Frag., 35 (D1.3))

Ḥw.t-nbw, "Hatnub" | "Hatnub (lit. Mansion-of-gold)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 2, 239.2; GDG IV, 79)

Ḥw.t-nbs, "Haus des Christusdornbaumes (Tempel in Saft-el-Henne)" | "Saft el-Hinna (lit. House-of-the-Christ's-thorn-tree)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 2, 246.2; Montet, Géographie I, 210 f.; LÄ V, 351)

Ḥ, "Haus des Königtums (Bez. v. Chasuu/Xois)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Cauville, Dendera, Chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 347; LÄ VI, 1304; AEO II, 184*)

Ḥw.t-nswt, "Kom el Ahmar Sawaris" | "Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris (lit. Mansion-of-the-king)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ III, 88-89; GDG IV, 86; LGG V, 73)

Ḥw.t-nṯr-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-mr.y-mj-Jmn, "Tempel des Ramses-mery-Amun, l.h.g., geliebt wie Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LEM 126.9-10)

Ḥw.t-nṯr-Sbk, "Krokodilopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 104; Montet, Géographie II, 216; AEGD 599)

Ḥw.t-rs-wḏꜣ, "Hut-res-udja (Osirissanktuar in Athribis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Vernus, Athribis, 426 f.)

Ḥw.t-rḏw.w, "Hut-redju (Heiligtum im 18. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Montet, Géographie II, 175; AEO II, 110*)

Ḥw.t-hꜣꜣ, "Hut-haa (südlich von Theben)" | "Hut-haa (south of Thebes)" [entity_name: place_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 6-8, 131; GDG IV, 109; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 128HH)

Ḥw.t-hbn.t, "Tempel des Hebenet-Gefäßes" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 150)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Hathor" | "Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 235.6)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Hathor (Fest); Hathor (Monatsname); Hathor (3. Monat der Achet-Jahreszeit)" | "Hathor (a month); Hathor (a festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 5.12; FCD 166)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Chuit-Hor" | "Khuit-Hor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.22)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Hathor" | "Hathor" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 5.11; LGG V, 75 ff.)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "[Titel]" | "Hathor (epithet of a deceased woman)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 5.13)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-wr, "Hathor-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza I, 116, pl. LXXIV)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-wr.t, "Hathor, die Große" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 81)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-m-Mdnj.t, "Hathor in Medenit (im 22. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 82)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Hathor-em-hat" | "Hathor-em-hat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 235.12)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-n.t-š-dšr, "Hathor vom roten See" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 85)

Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-S.t-jb-Tꜣ.wj, "Gut des Horus Setibtawi (Stiftungsgut des Niuserre)" | "Mansion-of-Horus-Setibtawy (Neuserre) (a royal domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 664)

Ḥw.t-ḥr.t, "Oberer Tempel (Nordosten des Deltas)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 235 f.)

Ḥw.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw-Mri̯-Ḥr.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das Gut des Chephren (namens) 'Horus liebt Chephren' (Domäne)" | "Mansion-of-Chephren-(with the name)-Horus-loves-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 225)

Ḥw.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw-Zꜣ-rd.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das Gut des Chephren (namens) 'Der Schutz der Pflanzen(?) ist Chephren (Domäne)" | "Mansion-of-Chephren-(with the name)-The-Protection-of-the-plants(?)-is-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 225)

Ḥw.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Gut des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Mansion-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 467)

Ḥw.t-ẖr.jt, "Unterer Tempel (Nordosten des Deltas)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 235 f.)

Ḥw.t-ẖr.jt, "[Teil des Tempels von Heliopolis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG IV, 121)

Ḥw.t-ẖzy, "Hut-chezy (Osirissanktuar in Ra-nefer (Tell Tebilla)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 141; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 137, n. 238; LÄ VI, 354)

Ḥw.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Das Gut des Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 401)

Ḥw.t-Srwḏ-Rꜥw-Jzzj, "Das Gut (namens) Re bestärkt Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 308)

Ḥw.t-Sḥtp-jb-Rꜥw, "Gut des Sehetep-ib-Re (1. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 39)

Ḥw.t-Sḥtp-Rꜥw-Jzzj, "Das Gut (namens) Re befriedigt Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 308)

Ḥw.t-Sḫm.t, "Tempel der Sachmet (Tempelbezirk der Sachmet (in Memphis und Theben))" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (GDG IV, 130; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 329 f.)

Ḥw.t-s.t-Rꜥw, "Der Tempel des Thrones des Re (Bez. d. 6. u.äg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 349)

Ḥw.t-spꜣ, "Hut-Sepa (Osirissanktuar in/bei Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 132, n. 209; Corteggiani, in: Gs Sauneron, 142)

Ḥw.t-sr, "Fürstenhaus (Ort, an dem die Götter Gericht halten); Hauptsanktuar in Heliopolis" | "house of the magistrate (lawcourt of the gods); sanctuar in Heliopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 189.8; LÄ II, 351; Montet, Géographie I, 159; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 184 f.)

Ḥw.t-sḫm, "Hut-sechem (Hauptstadt des 7. o.äg. Gaues, Diospolis parva, Hu)" | "Hut-sekhem (Diospolis parva, modern Hu)" [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie II, 93; LÄ III, 64)

Ḥw.t-šw, "Das Gut des Esels (?) (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 309)

Ḥw.t-šn.w, "Haus der Schenu-Bäume (Ort im Delta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 74; vgl. Quack, Merikare, 48 f.)

Ḥw.t-Kꜣkꜣj, "Gut des Kakai (Wirtschaftsanlage des Totentempels von Neferirkare)" | "Mansion-of-Kakai (economic institution assoc. with the funeray temple of Neferirkare)" [entity_name: org_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 663)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ, "Gut des Ka (Domäne)" | "Mansion-of-the-ka (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 467)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ.w-nb.t-r-ḏr, "Domäne der Kas, Allherrin" | "Mansion-of-kas, Mistress-of-all (one of the seven celestial cows)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 233.4; LGG V, 89 f.)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ppy-n.tjt-m-Jp.w, "Gut des Ka des Pepi, das in Achmim ist" | "Ka-house-of-Pepi-which-is-in-Akhmim" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VII, pl. 2, fig. 7b)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ptḥ, "Memphis" | "Memphis; Ka-house-of-Ptah (Ptah's temple at Memphis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 5.20)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-ḥtp-n.j-Ptḥ, "Gut des Ka des Hetep-ni-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Berliner Lepsius-Abklatsch, Serie 79 (g); vgl. LD II, 71a)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Gut des Ka des Chephren (Domäne)" | "Ka-house-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ḫwi̯-wj-nfr, "Gut des Ka des Chui-wi-nefer (Domäne)" | "Ka-house-of-Khui-wi-nefer (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 147)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Sšm-nfr, "Gut des Ka des Seschem-nefer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ṯy, "Gut des Ka des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Ḥw.t-km-wr, "Haus des großen Schwarzen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1658a)

Ḥw.t-Ttj-jr.t-Ttj, "Das Gut des Teti ist die Tat des Teti (Domäne)" | "Mansion-of-Teti-is-the-deed-of-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 43 (11))

Ḥw.t-ḏw-sj, "Das Gut, das sie ruft (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, Giza II, 62)

Ḥw.t-ḏfꜣ.w, "Haus der Versorgung" | "house of provisions" [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, AL 78.2536; GDG IV, 143; pSalt 825 (Derchain) 42 ff.)

Ḥw.t-8-šn.w, "Haus der acht Bäume" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 19, x+3.16 f.)

Ḥ, "Der zum Gut Gehörige" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 92)

Ḥw-pꜣ-t, "Hupat (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, in: Fs Wente, 77, fig. 7.3)

Ḥw-nḥs.j, "Hu-nehesi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 234.21)

Ḥw-ngꜣ, "Der den Langhornstier schlägt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 49)

Ḥw-ḏndr.w, "Der die Barke schlug" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 65)

Ḥwy, "Hui" | "Huy" [entity_name: person_name] (Inscr. Sinai, 226)

Ḥwꜥ, "Der Kurze" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 93)

Ḥwn.wt-wr.t, "Großes Löwenmädchen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 103 f.)

Ḥwnj, "Huni" | "Huni" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III 6)

Ḥbw, "Hebu (Ort in Nubien)" | "Hebu" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 25; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 146)

Ḥbb, "Hebeb" | "Hebeb" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 21)

Ḥbn.w, "Hebenu (Hauptstadt des 16. Gaus von O.Äg.); Hebenu (im Nordosten des Deltas); Hebenu (Edfu)" | "Hebenu (Kom el-Ahmar; capital of the 16th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 63.11; GDG IV, 25; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 310 f.; LÄ II, 1075 f.; Montet, Géographie I, 188 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 221 f.; Kurth, Dekoration, 255 f.)

Ḥbnn.wt-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Hebenenut-Brot des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Hebenenet-bread of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (20))

Ḥbnn.t-Jj-mr.y, "Hebenenet-Brot des Ii-mery (Domäne)" | "Hebenenet-bread-of-Iy-mery (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 468)

Ḥbnn.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Hebenenet-Brot des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 384)

Ḥbnn.t-Ḥtp-n.j-Ptḥ, "Hebenenet-Brot des Hetep-ni-Ptah (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 301)

Ḥbnn.t-Ḫwi̯-wj-nfr, "Hebenenet-Brot des Chui-wi-nefer (Domäne)" | "Hebenenet-bread-of-Khui-wi-nefer (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 147)

Ḥbnn.t-Zzj, "Hebenenet-Brot des Zezi (Domäne)" | "Hebenenet-bread-of-Zezi (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 3, 63.16)

Ḥbnn.t-Sšm-nfr, "Das Hebenenet-Brot des Seschem-nefer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Ḥbnn.t-Štw.j, "Hebenenet-Brot des Schetui (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 320)

Ḥbnn.t-Ṯy, "Hebenenet-Brot des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Ḥbnnt, "Hebennet (Dämon)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 27.8; vgl. LGG , 549)

Ḥbrt, "Habarat (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 20; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 107 f.)

Ḥbs-bꜣg, "Der den Müden bekleidet (Torwächter)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 112)

Ḥbs-tp, "Verhüllen des Kopfes (ein Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. VI.2)

Ḥp, "Apis" | "Apis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 70.1-4; LGG V 115 f.)

Ḥp.y, "Hapy (einer der vier Horussöhne)" | "Hapi (one of the four sons of Horus)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 70.5-7; LGG V, 119 f.; LÄ II, 951 f.)

Ḥp.w, "Hepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.24)

Ḥp.wj, "Hepwi (Gott des Wedels?)" | "Hephep" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 71.3; LGG V, 123)

Ḥp.t-kꜣ, "Hepet-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 239.4)

Ḥp-ꜥnḫ, "der lebende Apis (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 70.2; LGG V, 117)

Ḥpj, "Hepi" | "Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 237.1)

Ḥpj, "Hepi" | "Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 237.23)

Ḥpj, "Hepi" | "Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 237.24)

Ḥpj-jw, "Hepi-iu (?)" | "Hepi-iu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.9)

Ḥpj-km, "Hepi, der Schwarze" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.2)

Ḥpj-dšr, "Hepi-descher" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.3)

Ḥpy, "Hepy" | "Hepy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.6)

Ḥpy, "Hepy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.4)

Ḥpw, "Hepu" | "Hepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 238.14)

Ḥpp.j, "Hepepi" | "Hepepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 305.11)

Ḥfꜣ.j, "Hefai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 239.10)

Ḥfꜣ.yw, "Die Demütigen" | "Those-who-come-crawling" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 73.17; LGG V, 130)

Ḥfj, "Hefi" | "Hef-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Teti-Cemetery VII, 45, pl. 49)

Ḥm.j, "[ein Wesen am Himmel]" | "[a being in the sky]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 82.2)

Ḥm.j, "Hemi" | "Hemi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.1)

Ḥm.j, "Hemi" | "Hemi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.23)

Ḥm.j, "Hemi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza, IX, Abb. 21)

Ḥm.w, "Hemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.2)

Ḥm.t-nswt-r-nḥḥ, "Hemet-nesut-er-neheh" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.13)

Ḥm.t-Rꜥw, "Hemet-Re" | "Hemet-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.5)

Ḥm.t-šrj.t, "Hemet-scherit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.6)

Ḥm-ꜣḫ.tj, "Hem-achti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 239.17)

Ḥm-jwn.w, "Hem-Iuniu" | "Hem-Iuniu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 239.18)

Ḥm-Mnw, "Hem-Min" | "Hem-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 239.21)

Ḥm-nṯr-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Priester des Niuserre" | "priest of Neuserre" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 1954)

Ḥm-Rꜥw, "Hem-Re" | "Hem-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 239.24)

Ḥm-ḏfꜣ, "Hem-djefa (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 409)

Ḥmw, "Hemu" | "Hemu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 240.8)

Ḥmw.tjt, "Hemutet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Ḥmn, "Hemen" | "Hemen" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 95.14; LGG V, 150)

Ḥmrq, "Hemereq" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Beck, Samanu, 117)

Ḥmgj, "Hemegi" | "Hemegi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 16 (26))

Ḥmt, "Hamath (beim Fluss Jarmuk); Tell el-Hammah; Hamath von Naphtali" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 112 f.)

Ḥn, "Hen" | "Hen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 241.6)

Ḥn.wt=sn, "Henutsen" | "Henutsen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 244.1)

Ḥn.wt-ꜥꜣ.t, "Henut-aat" | "Henut-aat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 305.30)

Ḥn.wt-Pꜣ-mrj.t, "Herrin von Pa-merit (Sachmet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 24.1; Haikal, Nesmin, 79)

Ḥn.wt-nʾ.wt, "Herrin der Städte" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 285.5)

Ḥn.wt-nb.t-ꜥb.w, "Gebieterin, Herrin der Reinheit (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Lepsius, Todtenbuch, 110.6-7)

Ḥn.wt-sn, "Henut-sen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN 0.0)

Ḥn.wt-tꜣ, "Herrin des Landes" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Franke, Heqaib, 199 f., Anm. 9)

Ḥn.wt-tꜣ.wj, "Henut-tawi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 244.12)

Ḥn.t, "Henet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 31)

Ḥn-Mnw, "Hen-Min" | "Hen-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 11)

Ḥn-rq.ww, "Der die Feinde eilen lässt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 158)

Ḥnj, "Heni" | "Heni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 241.20)

Ḥnj, "Heni" | "Heni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 241.21)

Ḥny, "Heny" | "Heny" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 241.23)

Ḥny.t, "Henyt" | "Henyt" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 241.27)

Ḥnꜥ.t, "Henat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 105 ff.)

Ḥnw, "Henu" | "Henu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 242.2)

Ḥnw.t, "Henut" | "Henut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 242.18)

Ḥnw.t-nṯr.w, "Henut-netjeru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 243.25)

Ḥnw-nfr, "Henu(?)-nefer" | "Henu(?)-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 242.8)

Ḥnw-nḏs, "Henu-nedjes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 426.2)

Ḥnwy, "Henuy" | "Henuy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 242.13)

Ḥnwn, "Henwen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (TPPI, § 24)

Ḥnb, "Heneb (eine Schlange)" | "[a beneficent serpent]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 113.5; LGG V, 220)

Ḥnbꜣbꜣ, "Henbaba" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 36)

Ḥnbꜣbꜣ, "Henbaba" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 220)

Ḥnn.t, "Henenet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 211, 252; vgl. Meeks, AL 78.2726)

Ḥnn.t-j, "Henenet-j" | "Henenet-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 245.6)

Ḥnnj, "Heneni" | "Heneni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 244.23)

Ḥnnj, "Heneni" | "Heneni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 244.24)

Ḥnnj.t, "Henenit" | "Henenit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 244.25)

Ḥnnw, "Henenu" | "Henenu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 245.1)

Ḥnnw, "Henenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Martin, Garantsymbol, Abb. 9b)

Ḥnq.t-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Das Bier des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Beer of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (3))

Ḥnq.t-nb.t-nḏm.t-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Jegliches süßes Bier des Nianchchnum (Domäne)" | "Every-sweet-beer (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 113 (2))

Ḥnq.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Bier des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Ḥnq.t-Ṯy, "Das Bier des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Ḥnk.t, "Henket (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 30)

Ḥnk.t-j, "Henket-i" | "Henket-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 306.7)

Ḥ, "Der mit der Haarflechte" | "He-with(-braided)-sidelock" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 116.9; LGG V, 223; KoptHWb 366; Schenkel, GOF IV.12, 125)

Ḥnk.tjw, "Die mit der Haarlocke (Pl.)" | "those with braided hair (pl.)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 116.10; FCD 173; vgl. LGG V, 223; KoptHWb 366; Schenkel, GOF IV.12, 125)

Ḥnk.tyty, "die beiden mit der Haarlocke (Isis und Nephthys)" | "the two with braided hair (Isis and Nephthys)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 121.1; LGG V, 224)

Ḥnkw, "Henku" | "Henku" [entity_name: person_name] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 92, pl. XXXIV)

Ḥngj, "Henegi" | "Henegi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 30a, pl. 14a)

Ḥntj, "Henti" | "Henti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 245.11-12)

Ḥnty, "Gieriger (Krokodil)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 228a-b)

Ḥnṯ.tjw, "Die Schlachtenden" | "Those-who-butcher" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 356; II, 247; LGG V, 229)

Ḥr=j-ḥr-Jmn, "Mein Gesicht ist auf Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (AEO II, 27*)

Ḥr=f-m-mḥꜣ=f, "Dessen Gesicht an seinem Hinterkopf ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 301)

Ḥr=f-m-ḫnt=f, "Dessen Gesicht an seiner Vorderseite ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 304)

Ḥr=f-r-nʾ.t=f, "Horef-er-natef" | "Horef-er-natef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 307.19)

Ḥr=f-ḥꜣ=f, "Dessen Gesicht hinter ihm ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 127.11-12; LGG V, 303)

Ḥr=s-nfr, "Heres-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 252.23)

Ḥr.j-jb, "Heri-ib" | "Heri-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 252.27)

Ḥr.j-jdb, "Der Oberste des Ufers" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 357 f.)

Ḥr.j-mr.w, "Heri-meru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 252.4)

Ḥr.j-rw.t, "Gerichtsoberster (im Totenreich)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 400.2; LGG V, 371)

Ḥr.j-š=f, "Der über seinem See ist; Herischef" | "Harsaphes" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 135.9; LGG V, 381 f.)

Ḥr.j-šr.t, "Hori-scheret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Alliot, Edfou, Taf. XV.1)

Ḥr.j-štꜣ.w=f, "Der über seinen Geheimnissen ist" | "He-who-is-privy-to-his-secrets" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 235; LGG V, 384 f.)

Ḥr.j-qꜣ.t=f, "Der auf seiner Qat-Pflanze ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 5.1; vgl. LGG V, 385)

Ḥr.j-ṯr.wt, "Der auf dem Roten (Blut?) ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 403)

Ḥr.jw-p.t, "Die über dem Himmel sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 406)

Ḥr.jw-tꜣ-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Die im Lande des Gaues von Igeret sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 13.4; vgl. LGG V, 409)

Ḥr.jt-mnḏ, "Herit-menedj" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 45 f., Anm. 21)

Ḥr.jt-tp-wp.t-ẖnn.w, "Die auf dem Scheitel der Störung ist (8. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Graefe, Padihorresnet, II, 128)

Ḥr.jt-tp-ḫꜣs.wt, "Die Vorsteherin der Fremdländer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 454)

Ḥr.jt-tp-kꜣ.w, "Oberhaupt der Kas" | "Chieftainess-of-kas" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 576; LGG V, 456)

Ḥr.jt-Ṯḥn.w, "die über den Libyern ist (Sachmet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 457;)

Ḥr.w, "Horus" | "Horus" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 122-123.13; LGG V, 231 ff.)

Ḥr.w, "Horus (Horusname der Königstitulatur)" | "Horus (as the first element of the king's titulary)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 124.7-9; Beckerath, Königsnamen, 1 ff.)

Ḥr.w, "Hor" | "Hor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 245.18)

Ḥr.w, "Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 251.18)

Ḥr.w, "Horus (der König) (bildl., selbstständig gebraucht)" | "Horus (the king)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 124.1-6)

Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Harachte" | "Horakhty" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 18.3; 3, 123.3; LGG V, 239 f.; LÄ II, 856 ff.)

Ḥr.w-j, "Hor-i" | "Hor-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 251.8)

Ḥr.w-j-ms.w, "Hor-i-mesu" | "Hor-i-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 251.14)

Ḥr.w-j-šrj, "Hori-scheri" | "Hori-scheri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 251.9)

Ḥr.w-jꜣ, "Hor-ja" | "Hor-ja" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener, L'Enseignement loyaliste, pl. V-VI)

Ḥr.w-jꜣ, "Östlicher Horus" | "Horus-of-the-east" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ II, 957; LGG V, 241 f.)

Ḥr.w-jw-tꜣ.wj, "Hor-iu-taui (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 245.24)

Ḥr.w-y, "Hor-y" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 251.17)

Ḥr.w-ꜥꜣ, "Großer Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 246 f.)

Ḥr.w-ꜥꜣ.w, "Hor-aau" | "Hor-aau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 246.9)

Ḥ, "Horus-Wenti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 249)

Ḥr.w-wr, "Haroeris" | "Haroeris (Horus the elder)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 327.10; 3, 123.5; LGG V, 249 f.)

Ḥr.w-wr, "Hor-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 246.18)

Ḥr.w-wr-Rꜥw, "Hor-wer-Re" | "Hor-wer-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 246.20)

Ḥr.w-wr-Rꜥw, "Horwerre" | "Horwerre" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 251; Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 12)

Ḥr.w-wḥm-msw.t, "Horus der Erneuerung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Urk. IV, 2031.1)

Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "Horus, der von Edfu" | "Horus, the Behdetite (Horus of Edfu)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 470.10; LGG V, 253 ff.)

Ḥꜥnḫ.w, "Hor-biti-anchu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 247.1)

Ḥḥtp.w, "Hor-biti-hetepu" | "Hor-biti-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN 0.0)

Ḥr.w-pꜣ-n-Ꜣs.t, "Hor-pa-en-Aset" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 247.8)

Ḥr.w-pꜣ-šrj-Ꜣs.t, "Horus, der Sohn der Isis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 292)

Ḥḫnt.jt, "Dieser Horus, der in Imet-chentet ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 247 ff.)

Ḥr.w-pš, "Hor-pesch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 247.13)

Ḥr.w-Mjꜥm, "Horus von Aniba" | "Horus-of-Aniba" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 259)

Ḥr.w-Mḫnt.j-(n), "Horus-Mechenti-en-irti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 262-3; vgl. LGG III, 394 f.)

Ḥr.w-Mdnj.t, "Horus von Medenit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 263 f.)

Ḥr.w-m-ꜣḫ-bj.t, "Hor-em-Ach-bit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 247.15)

Ḥr.w-m-Bḥd.t, "Hor-em-Behedet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 228)

Ḥr.w-m-Pj, "Horus in Buto" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 256)

Ḥr.w-m-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Hor-em-maa-cheru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 247.22)

Ḥr.w-m-nswt, "Hor-em-nesut" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 91.14)

Ḥr.w-m-ḥꜣb, "Horemhab" | "Horemhab" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 248.7)

Ḥr.w-m-ḥꜣb-mr-n-Jmn, "Haremhab-mer-en-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 14)

Ḥr.w-m-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Horus im großen Haus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 273)

Ḥr.w-m-zꜣ=j, "Hor-em-zai" | "Hor-em-zai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 654)

Ḥr.w-m-zꜣ=f, "Hor-em-zaf" | "Hor-em-zaef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 248.12)

Ḥr.w-m-sḫ.t-nṯr, "Horus im Gottesfeld" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. IX.8)

Ḥ, "Horus der beiden Augen (Harmerti) (Erscheinungsform des Horus)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 260 f.; LÄ II, 996)

Ḥꜣ.t-pgꜣ, "Harmerti in Iat-pega" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 261)

Ḥr.w-mḥ.tj, "nördlicher Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 261 f.)

Ḥr.w-ms.w, "Hor-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 249.1)

Ḥr.w-Nḫn.j, "Horus von Hierakonpolis" | "Horus-of-Nekhen (Hierakonpolis)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 2, 310.14; LGG V, 265 ff.)

Ḥr.w-n-Bꜣk, "Horus von Kuban" | "Horus-of-Kuban" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 253)

Ḥr.w-nbw, "Goldhorus (Goldname der Königstitulatur)" | "Gold Horus-name (third element of a king's titulary)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 2, 240.1-3; Beckerath, Königsnamen, 1 ff.)

Ḥr.w-nbw-nṯr.j, "[Goldname Niuserres]" | "[Gold Horus-name of Neuserre]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 6)

Ḥr.w-nfr, "Hor-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 249.9)

Ḥr.w-nḫt, "Horus, der Starke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 266 f.)

Ḥr.w-nḫt.w, "Hor-nachtu" | "Hor-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 249.10)

Ḥr.w-nḫt.w-wr, "Hor-nachtu, der ältere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3; vgl. RPN I, 249.10)

Ḥr.w-nṯr.w, "Horus der Götter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 268)

Ḥr.w-nḏ-jt=f, "Harendotes" | "Harnedjyotef (the god)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 123.7; LGG V, 268 f.)

Ḥr.w-r-ḥꜣ.t, "Hor-er-hat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 249.14)

Ḥr.w-rnp.wj, "jugendlicher Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 272)

Ḥr.w-rs.j, "südlicher Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 272)

Ḥr.w-ḥ, "Horus mit den beiden Pupillen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 273)

Ḥr.w-ḥr-wnm.j=f, "Hor-her-wenemief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 249.20)

Ḥr.w-ḥr-ḫw.t=f, "Hor-her-chutef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 250.1)

Ḥr.w-ḥr-ḏ.t-n=j, "Hor-her-djit-eni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 250.5)

Ḥr.w-ḥkn.w, "Horhekenu" | "Horus-who-praises" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 179.20; LGG V, 277)

Ḥr.w-ḥtp.w, "Hor-hetepu" | "Hor-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 250.7)

Ḥr.w-Ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj, "Horus-Chentechtai" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 279 f.)

Ḥr.w-ḫwi̯=f, "Hor-chuief" | "Hor-khuief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 250.11)

Ḥr.w-ḫnt.j-ꜥb.w, "Horus vor den Hörnern (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LESt 40.7; 56.2)

Ḥr.w-zꜣ-Ꜣs.t, "Hor-za-Aset; Horsiese" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 250.13)

Ḥr.w-zꜣ-Ꜣs.t, "Horus, Sohn der Isis; Harsiese" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 123.8; LGG V, 282 ff.)

Ḥr.w-zꜣ-Wsjr, "Horus, Sohn des Osiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 285 f.)

Ḥr.w-zmꜣ-tꜣ.wj, "Harsomtus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 287 f.)

Ḥr.w-Spd.w, "Horus-Sopdu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 287)

Ḥr.w-sꜣb-šw.t, "buntgefiederter Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 354.2)

Ḥr.w-sj, "Sie gehört Horus (Zepter)" | "Belongs-to-Horus (a scepter)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 125.5; ONB 872)

Ḥr.w-sms.w, "Der ältere Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 290; LÄ III, 13)

Ḥr.w-sḫr, "Hor-secher" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 250.18)

Ḥr.w-š, "Horus von Schezemet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 292)

Ḥr.w-Tꜣ-ṯnn, "Horus-Tatenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 294)

Ḥr.w-Ṯꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Der Horus von Tjerti wünscht, dass Teti lebt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Ḥr.w-Ṯḥn.w-ꜥ, "Horus von Libyen (Domäne)" | "Horus-of-Libya (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Ḥr.w-dy, "Hardai" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 40)

Ḥr.w-dwꜣ.tj, "Unterweltlicher Horus" | "Horus-of-the-nether-world" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 416.15; LGG V, 295 f.)

Ḥr.w-Ḏbꜥ.wt, "Horus von Buto" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 296 f.)

Ḥr.w-ḏsr-ḥꜥ.w, "Horus, der die Glieder heiligt (Priester)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 3)

Ḥr.wj, "Zweigesichtiger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 306)

Ḥr.wj=fj, "Seine beiden Gesichter" | "His-two-faces" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 331; II, 226; LGG V, 306)

Ḥr.ww-nb.w-Tꜣ-Ztj, "Horusgötter, Herren von Nubien" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 297)

Ḥr.wt, "weiblicher Horus" | "(fem.) Horus (fem. counterpart of king's title)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 124.10-125.3; vgl. LGG V, 297 f.)

Ḥr.t, "Ferne" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 463)

Ḥr-wr, "Herwer" | "Herwer (in Middle Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 139.8; GDG IV, 37; Kessler, Historische Topographie, 120 ff.)

Ḥr-n-jmn-pnꜥ=f, "Hor-en-imen-penaef" | "Hor-en-imen-penaef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 252.5)

Ḥr-n-ꜥw.t-nb.t, "Gesicht allen Kleinviehs" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 23, G, x+16)

Ḥr-n-Stš, "das Gesicht des Seth (Bez. für den Sohn des Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.2)

Ḥr-n-sr, "das Gesicht des Widders (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 26.3.5, 29.14, 30.2.14; vgl. LGG V, 304)

Ḥry-pꜣ-dmj, "Hery-pa-demi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 36; Montet, Géographie I, 37; AEGD 649)

Ḥrw, "Heru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 253.24)

Ḥrbs, "Herbes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 253.27)

Ḥrn, "[Gott]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 149.7; LGG V, 108)

Ḥrr.wtt, "Hererutet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 38)

Ḥrr.t, "Hereret" | "Hereret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 254.4)

Ḥrr.t-n.t-sbḫ.t-nb.t, "Die Schreckenerregende (?) eines jeden Tores (Torwächterin der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 465)

Ḥrr-nb=tn, "Herer, euer Herr" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.13)

Ḥrš, "Heresch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schneider, Personennamen, 170 f.)

Ḥḥ, "Stützender (u.a. der Himmelskuh)" | "Heh (divine being(s) who support the heavens)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Himmelskuh, V 157; vgl. LGG V, 468 f.)

Ḥḥ, "Heh" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meurer, Nubier, 25 ff., Anm. q; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 147)

Ḥḥ.w, "Huh" | "Heh (one of the eight primeval gods of Hermopolis)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 152.11; vgl. LGG V, 468 f.)

Ḥḥ.wt, "Hauhet" | "Hauhet (the primeval goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 152.12; LGG V, 472 f.)

Ḥḥj, "Hehi" | "Hehi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 254.12)

Ḥz, "Hez" | "Hez" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 254.13)

Ḥz.y, "Hezy" | "Hezy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 254.29)

Ḥz.y-Mnw, "Hesy-Min" | "Hezy-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 44)

Ḥz.y-ḥ, "Hesi-her-imentet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 255.4)

Ḥz.w-šps.w-m-wsḫ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Die verehrungswürdigen Gelobten in der großen Halle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 477 b)

Ḥz.t-n-Ptḥ, "Hezet-en-Ptah" | "Hezet-en-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 426.22)

Ḥz.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Hezit-Hathor" | "Hezit-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (vgl. RPN I, 255.1 ff.)

Ḥz-ꜣḫ.tj, "Hezi-achti (?)" | "Hezi-akhti (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 254.14)

Ḥz-jr.t-Ḥr.j-š=f-n-Ttj, "Gelobt ist das Tun des Herischef für Teti (Domäne)" | "What-Herishef-does-for-Teti-is-praised (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 42 (2); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 417)

Ḥz-jtj=f, "Hezi-itief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 311 ff.)

Ḥzꜣ.t, "Hesat" | "Hesat (cow goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 162.1-3; LGG V, 482 f.)

Ḥzꜣ.t, "Hezat" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gesellensetter, Sechet-Iaru, 174 ff.)

Ḥzj, "Hezi" | "Hezi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 254.28)

Ḥzi̯-Ptḥ-jr.t-Ttj, "Ptah lobt das, was Teti tut (Domäne)" | "Ptah-praises-what-Teti-does (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 42 (5); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 186)

Ḥzi̯-n-Ptḥ-Ttj, "Ptah hat Teti gelobt (Domäne)" | "Ptah-praised-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti-Cemetery V, 42 (3))

Ḥzw.t-Ttj, "Die Gunst des Teti (Domäne)" | "Favor-of-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 43 (10); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 233)

Ḥzmn.w, "Der sich den Mund mit Natron Reinigende" | ""purified one" (sun god)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 163.11; LGG V, 488)

Ḥzzj, "Hezezi" | "Hezezi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 255.16)

Ḥzzy, "Hezezy" | "Hezezy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 255.17)

Ḥs, "Hes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 255.19)

Ḥsb.w, "Der Geschlachtete (11. u.äg. Gau)" | "Slaughtered(-steer) (11th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 397 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 155 ff.; Montet, Géographie I, 129 ff.; Meeks, Mythes, 196 f.)

Ḥsr.t, "Heseret (heiliger Bezirk von Hermupolis)" | "Heseret (sacred precinct of Hermopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 168.12; LÄ II, 1171; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 299)

Ḥsq, "Schlächter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 488)

Ḥstjw, "Hestiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gardiner, JEA 4, 1917, Taf. IX)

Ḥq.t, "Hekat (Froschgöttin)" | "Hekat (frog goddess)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 169.10; LGG V, 490)

Ḥqꜣ.t, "Herrscherin" | "Heqet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 174.10; LGG V, 536)

Ḥqꜣ-jb, "Heqaib" | "Heqaib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 256.3)

Ḥqꜣ-jtj=f, "Heqa-itief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun, P. 10038 C, 1)

Ḥqꜣ-ꜥnḏ, "Der Herrscher ist heil (13. u.äg. Gau)" | "Ruler-is-uninjured (?) (13th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 398 f.; GDG IV, 43)

Ḥqꜣ-ꜥnḏ-jꜣb.j, "Östlicher Heqa-anedju-Gau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 398)

Ḥqꜣ-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (KRI VI, 15.4)

Ḥqꜣ-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Jmn, "[Thronname Ramses' IV.]" | "[throne name of Ramesses IV]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 3)

Ḥqꜣ-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Ramses' IV.]" | "[throne name of Ramesses IV]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 3)

Ḥqꜣ-nfr, "Heqa-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 256.10)

Ḥqꜣ-nḫt.w, "Heqa-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 256.11)

Ḥkꜣ, "Heka" | "Heka (god/personification of magic)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 177.1-5; LGG V, 552 ff.)

Ḥkꜣ.w-jm.j-ẖ.t=f, "Zauberkraft, die in seinem Leib ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 30.13)

Ḥkꜣ-nn, "Heka-nn (Hundename)" | "This-one-is-a-magician (dog's name)" [entity_name: animal_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Ḥkꜣht, "Hekahet (Ort in Nubien)" | "Hekahet" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 44; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 148)

Ḥkn, "Heken" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 308.15)

Ḥkn.w, "der Gepriesene (Form des Horus?)" | "Praiser" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 179.20; LGG V, 556)

Ḥkn.w, "Hekenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.3)

Ḥkn.w-Mw.t, "Hekenu-Mut" | "Hekenu-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IV, fig. 6-7)

Ḥkn.w-n-Rꜥw, "Die Re preisen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 559)

Ḥkn.w-ḥd.t, "Hekenu-Hedjet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.4)

Ḥkn.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Hekenu-Kakai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.5)

Ḥkn.wtt, "Preisende (eine Schlange)" | "Praiser (a serpent)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 180.4; LGG V, 561)

Ḥkn.t, "Preisende" | "Praiser" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 559)

Ḥkn-m-Mꜣꜥ.t, "[Horus- und Nebti-Name Amenemhets II.; Nebti-Name Rudamuns]" | "[Horus-and Nebty-names of Amenemhat II]; [Nebty-name of Rudamun]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 3; XXII 7)

Ḥkn-Rꜥw, "Der Re preist" | "one who praises Re" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 558)

Ḥkn-H̱nm.w, "Heken-Chnum" | "Heken-Chnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VII, 50, fig. 40-1)

Ḥknj, "Hekeni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.1)

Ḥtp, "Hetep" | "Hetep" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.22)

Ḥtp, "der Ruhende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 566)

Ḥtp, "Opfer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 363)

Ḥtp=s-ḫwi̯=s, "Die zufrieden ist, wenn sie schützt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 194.15; LGG V, 579)

Ḥtp.jꜣ, "Hetepia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.6)

Ḥtp.y, "Der Gnädige" | "Provided-with-offerings" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 194.13; vgl. LGG V, 566)

Ḥtp.w, "Hetepu" | "Hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.9)

Ḥtp.wt-Jnj, "Das Opfer des Ini (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 297)

Ḥtp.wt-Jzzj, "Das Opfer des Isesi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacques-Gordon, Domaines, 297)

Ḥtp.wt-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Opfer des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 252 (4))

Ḥtp.wt-H̱nj, "Die Opfer des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Offerings-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Ḥtp.wt-Ttj, "Die Opfergaben des Teti (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Ḥtp.t, "Hetepet (Ort bei Heliopolis, Hathorheiligtum)" | "Hetepet" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 195.9; GDG IV, 145; LÄ II, 1171 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 687; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 134, n. 216)

Ḥtp.t, "Hetepet" | "Hetepet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.13)

Ḥtp.t-j, "Hetepet-i" | "Hetepet-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.16)

Ḥtp.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Das Opfer des Ptahhotep" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Ḥtp.t-Mnw, "Hetepet-Min" | "Hetepet-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IX, 55)

Ḥtp.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das Opfer des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 267)

Ḥtp.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Das Opfer des Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Ḥtp.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Opfer des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 288)

Ḥtp-jb, "Hetep-jb" | "Hetep-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.27)

Ḥtp-jb=f, "Hetep-ibef" | "Hetep-ibef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 308.20)

Ḥtp-jb=s, "Hetep-ibes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 257.28)

Ḥtp-jr.y, "Hetep-iry" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 308.21)

Ḥtp-Wꜣḏ.t, "Hetep-Wadjet" | "Hetep-Wadjet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 308.22)

Ḥtp-Bꜣ, "Hetep-Ba" | "Hetep-Ba" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 308.24)

Ḥtp-n=j, "Hetep-eni" | "Hetep-eni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.12)

Ḥtp-n=j-Bꜣ, "Hetep-ni-Ba" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.13)

Ḥtp-n=j-Ptḥ, "Hetep-eni-Ptah" | "Hetep-eni-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.14)

Ḥtp-nb=j, "Hetep-nebi" | "Hetep-nebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.16)

Ḥtp-nbw, "Hetep-nebu" | "Hetep-nebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.19)

Ḥtp-nfr, "Hetep-nefer" | "Hetep-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 88 J)

Ḥtp-nfr.t, "Hetep-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.20)

Ḥtp-nṯr.w, "[Goldname Sesostris' II.]" | "[Gold Horus name of Senwosret II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 4)

Ḥtp-rꜥ, "Hetep-ra (?)" | "Hetep-ra" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VI, 202, Abb. 76)

Ḥtp-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Hetep-Hathor" | "Hetep-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 258.23)

Ḥtp-ḥr=s, "Hetep-heres" | "Hetep-heres" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 259.3)

Ḥtp-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das Opfer des Chephren (Domäne)" | "Offering-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 225)

Ḥtp-H̱nm.w, "Hetep-Chnum" | "Hetep-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 426.27)

Ḥtp-Z-n-Wsr.t-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Sesostris, der Gerechtfertigte, ist zufrieden (Pyramidenstadt Sesostris' II.)" | "Senwosret-justified-is-content (pyramid complex of Senwosret II)" [entity_name: org_name] (GDG IV, 146; LÄ V, 6; VII, 296)

Ḥtp-Sṯj.t, "Hetep-Satet" | "Hetep-Satet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 259.17)

Ḥtp-kꜣ=j, "Hetep-kai" | "Hetep-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 259.19)

Ḥtp-kꜣ-Sbk-ḥtp, "[Millionenjahrhaus des Sobekhotep]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 318 f.)

Ḥtpj, "Hetepi" | "Hetepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.3)

Ḥtpj.t, "Hetepit" | "Hetepit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.5)

Ḥtpy, "Hetepy" | "Hetepy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.7)

Ḥtpw, "Hetepu" | "Hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.8)

Ḥtpp, "Hetepep" | "Hetepep" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish V, fig. 9)

Ḥtm.yw, "Die Vernichteten (Wesen der Unterwelt: Feinde, Verstorbene)" | "destroyed ones" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 198.8; LGG V, 593 (Spalte a))

Ḥtm.w, "Die Vernichter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 592 f)

Ḥtm.wt, "Die Ausrüstende" | "she who provides" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 198.5)

Ḥtm-ḥr, "Der mit vernichtendem Gesicht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 592)

Ḥtr, "Heter" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 260.22)

Ḥṯ.w, "Die Hyänen (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 256)

Ḥṯꜣ.tj, "[zwei Göttinnen in Heliopolis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 204.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 367; vgl. LGG V, 596)

Ḥṯꜣ-Ṯy, "Das Hetja-Brot des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 365)

Ḥṯyn, "Hetjen (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 23; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 119; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 233, Anm. k)

Ḥṯs, "Hetes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 261.6)

Ḥdd.t, "Hededet (skorpionssgestaltig, von Isis u.a. Göttinnen)" | "Hededet (as a scorpion, epithet of Isis and others)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 206.6-7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 369; LGG V, 597 f.)

Ḥḏ.w-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Die Zwiebel des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Onions of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (21))

Ḥḏ.t, "Die weiße Krone" | "White-crown (personified)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 211.6; LGG V, 607 f.)

Ḥḏ.t, "Hedjet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. VII)

Ḥḏ-ḥtp, "Hedjhotep" | "Hedj-hetep" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 212.14; LGG V, 601 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 368 f.)

Ḥḏb.t, "Hedjbet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 146)

Ḥḏn.y, "Hedjeny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10026, 3, 6)

Ḥḏr, "Hazor (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Hazor" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 1074; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 116 f.)

Ḥḏr.t, "Hedjeret" | "Hedjeret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 261.25)

Ḥḏr.t, "Hedjeret (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

ḥ, "[ein Stoffmaß]" | "[a quality of cloth]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 1.2; Scheele, Stofflisten, 60 f.)

ḥꜣ, "herum" | "(a)round" [adverb] (Wb 3, 9.23)

ḥꜣ, "oh dass doch!; [Partikel (d. Wunsches)]" | "would that!" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 3, 11.13-12.10; EAG § 866; GEG § 238; ENG § 690)

ḥꜣ, "landen; auf Grund laufen" | "to go ashore; to run aground (naut.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 12.12; FCD 161)

ḥꜣ, "[Teil des Wagens]" | "[part of a chariot (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 12.16)

ḥꜣ, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 8.12-9.23)

ḥꜣ, "Rückseite; Hinterseite; Außenseite; das Hinten; Hinterkopf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 8.5-11; 10.1-13)

ḥꜣ.j, "befindlich um; hinten befindlich" | "surrounding; being behind" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 10.14-16; EAG § 347.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 305 f.)

ḥꜣ.y, "Schützer; Beistand" | "protector; helper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 10.17-18; FCD 161; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 306)

ḥꜣ.yt, "Nacktheit" | "nakedness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 14.6; FCD 161)

ḥꜣ.w, "Nackter" | "naked man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 14.1-3)

ḥꜣ.w, "Zuwachs; Vermehrung; Übermaß" | "increase; surplus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 16.7-18.4)

ḥꜣ.w, "Weinlese" | "vintage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 18.14; FCD 161)

ḥꜣ.w, "außer" | "except" [preposition] (EAG § 817aa)

ḥꜣ.w-jḫ.t, "[Bez. des Bieres]" | "[a kind of beer]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 18.7-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 615)

ḥꜣ.w-jḫ.t, "Extraopfer" | "special offering" [substantive] (Wb 3, 18.6; FCD 162)

ḥꜣ.w-mr, "Pöbel" | "the masses" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 98.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 614)

ḥꜣ.w-nb.wt, "Inselbewohner (allg.)" | "islanders (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 11.1-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 615; Bontty, GM 145, 1995, 45 ff.; Goedicke, SAK 30, 2002, 121 ff.)

ḥꜣ.w-ḥr, "über ... hinaus; mehr als" | "more than" [preposition] (Wb 3, 17.3-10; vgl. FCD 161; vgl. EAG § 817)

ḥꜣ.w-ḥr.jt-ꜥ, "Zuwachs an Steuerrückstand; Defizitzuwachs (allg.)" | "new debt, accruing to arrears" [substantive] (vgl. Wb 3, 134.2)

ḥꜣ.wtj, "Nackter" | "naked man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 14.4-5; FCD 161)

ḥꜣ.wtj, "der Erste; das Beste" | "first" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 29.7-20; FCD 163)

ḥꜣ.wtj, "erster" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 3, 29.7-20)

ḥꜣ.wtj-m-ḥzw.t-šnw.t, "Erster in der Gunst des Hofstaates" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (ÄIB II, 127)

ḥꜣ.wtj-n-pꜣ-pḏ.tjw-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Führer der Bogentruppe des Pharao" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI VI, 734.10-11; vgl. Ward Titels, nos. 861-3; vgl. Wb 3, 29.8-11)

ḥꜣ.wtj-n-mšꜥ, "Führer der Armee" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Urk. IV, 1962.15)

ḥꜣ.wtjw, "Vorfahren" | "ancestors" [substantive] (Wb 3, 29.21)

ḥꜣ.t, "Kummer; Sorge" | "worry" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 7.10-11)

ḥꜣ.t, "Grab" | "tomb" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 12.19-21; FCD 160)

ḥꜣ.t, "Nahrung (?)" | "food" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 12.22)

ḥꜣ.t, "Vorderseite; Anfang; Bestes; Spitze" | "forepart; beginning; foremost; best" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 19.2-22.3)

ḥꜣ.t, "vor (jndm.) (lok.); vor (temp.)" | "before" [preposition] (Wb 3, 24.10-12; vgl. FCD 162)

ḥꜣ.t, "[ein Gewässer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 24.15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 93)

ḥꜣ.t, "die Vordere (Unterabteilung einer Phyle)" | "Forward (a phyle)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2574)

ḥꜣ.t, "Seeschwalbe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 10)

ḥꜣ.t-ꜥ, "Anfang (von etwas, mit versch. Präpositionen)" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 162; vgl. Wb 3, 25. 2-6)

ḥꜣ.t-ꜥ-m, "Beginn von; Anfang (von Sprüchen etc.)" | "[formula introducing the beginning of a book: "here begins..."]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 25.2-6; FCD 162)

ḥꜣ.t-wr.w-n.w-pr-nswt, "Erster der Großen des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (TPPI, § 20.A2)

ḥꜣ.tj, "Herz" | "heart" [substantive] (Wb 3, 26-27.19)

ḥꜣ.tj, "[ein Schmuckstück (in Herzform)]" | "[heart-shaped medal, for non-military achievement]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 28.1-2)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ, "Hatia (Rangtitel); Bürgermeister" | "count; nomarch; mayor" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 25.7-26.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1858)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ, "Hatia (Rangtitel); Bürgermeister" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 25.7-26.2)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Bürgermeister in Amarna" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna IV, pl. 37)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Hatia (Rangtitel)" | "true count" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1862)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Ꜣbw, "Bürgermeister von Elephantine" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gardiner, RAD, 72)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Bürgermeister von Amarna" | "mayor of Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1075)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Pr-Mnṯ.w, "Bürgermeister des Monthtempels" | "count in the temple of Monthu" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 872)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Nfr-wsj, "Bürgermeister von Neferusi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1089)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Nḫb, "Bürgermeister von Elkab" | "count of Nekheb" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 875)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Nḫb, "Bürgermeister von Elkab" | "count of Nekheb" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Helck, Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit, 68)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-nʾ.t, "Bürgermeister von Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 25.21; LÄ I, 877 f.)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-nʾ.t-rs.jt, "Bürgermeister von Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 25.21; LÄ I, 877 f.)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Gbtw, "Bürgermeister von Koptos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 883)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ-n-Ḏbꜣ, "Bürgermeister von Edfu" | "count of Edfu" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 888; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1099)

ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥḥ, "Vorderster des Palastes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 18)

ḥꜣ.tjw, "[ein feines Leinen]" | "fine-quality linen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 28.4; Scheele, Stofflisten, 24 ff.)

ḥꜣ.tjt, "das Beste (für zwei der sieben heiligen Öle); das beste Salböl" | "best oil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 28.8-12; Koura, Öle, 40 f., 137 ff.)

ḥꜣ.tjt, "vorderes Tau" | "prow rope" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 28.5-7; Jones, Naut. Titles, 174 (98))

ḥꜣ.tjt-ꜥ, "Fürstin" | "countess" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 26.3-5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1858)

ḥꜣ.tjt-n.t-ꜥš, "Bestes Zedernöl (eines der sieben heiligen Öle)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 1, 228.6; Koura, Öle, 40 f.)

ḥꜣ.tjt-n.t-mꜣn.w, "Bestes libysches Öl" | english translation missing [substantive] (Koura, Öle, 188 f.)

ḥꜣ.tjt-n.t-ṯḥn.w, "Bestes libysches Öl" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 394.9; Koura, Öle, 137 ff., 193 ff.)

ḥꜣ-jb, "Kummer" | "sorrow; sickness of heart" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 12.14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 614)

ḥꜣ-ḫt, "Holztruhe" | "plain wooden chest" [substantive] (Wb 3, 12.18)

ḥꜣy, "leuchten; beleuchten" | "to illumine; to light up" [verb] (Wb 3, 14.9-15.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 610 f.; KoptHWb 351)

ḥꜣy, "Licht" | "light" [substantive] (Wb 3, 15.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 610 f.)

ḥꜣy, "der Leuchtende (Sonnengott)" | "one who shines (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 15.4; LGG V, 1)

ḥꜣy.t, "Schlamm; bewässerte Stelle; Flutwasser" | "sheet of shallow inundation water overlying the ground" [substantive] (Wb 3, 13.10-11; FCD 161; Lesko, Dictionary II, 2; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 612)

ḥꜣy.t, "Übel" | "malady" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 15.14-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 613)

ḥꜣy.t, "[ein essbares Geflügel]" | "[a kind of edible fowl]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 16.1; Caminos, LEM, 349)

ḥꜣy.t, "[Tempelgemach]" | "[room in a temple, shrine or sanctuary]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 16.3-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 612 f.)

ḥꜣy.t, "Binde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 582)

ḥꜣy.ty, "die beiden Klagefrauen (Isis und Nephthys)" | "the two mourners (Isis and Nephthys)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 7.7; LGG V, 9)

ḥꜣi̯, "klagen; (jmdn.) beklagen; kreischen; (bei der Totenfeier) tanzen" | "to mourn; to screech; to dance (at the funeral)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 6.10-11; Allen, Inflection, 571; FCD 160; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 302 f.)

ḥꜣi̯, "entblößen; nackt sein" | "to bare; to be naked" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 13.13-16)

ḥꜣꜥ.yt, "Aufruhr" | "turmoil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 30.1-2; FCD 162; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 614)

ḥꜣꜥꜥ, "[Verb (von der Schifffahrt)]" | "to touch (of a boat on land)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 30.4; Jones, Naut. Titles, 217 f. (50))

ḥꜣw.t, "Antlitz (des Gottes)" | "face (of a god)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 28.13-16)

ḥꜣwy.t, "Ständer (?); Pfahl (?); Kasten (?)" | "stake (?); pole (?); box (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 9; Meeks, AL 77.2571)

ḥꜣb, "Zelt" | "tent; kiosk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 57.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 106)

ḥꜣb, "Fest" | "festival" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 57.5-58.21)

ḥꜣb, "Türkis" | "[a mineral (turquoise?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 62.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 635; Harris, Minerals, 117; Meeks, Mythes, 99, Anm. 277)

ḥꜣb, "Fisch- und Vogelfang; Fangertrag" | "catch (of fish, of fowl)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 62.2-7)

ḥꜣ, "Festhalle (im Tempel)" | "festival pavilion" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 60.17-18; Lesko Dictionary II, 106; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 367 f.)

ḥꜣ, "Festopfer; Opferverzeichnis" | "festival offerings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 61.5-9; vgl. FCD 167)

ḥꜣb.ytj, "Festlicher" | english translation missing [substantive] (Luft, Illahun 1, pBerlin P 10074)

ḥꜣb.t, "Festordnung" | "program (for a ritual service)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 61.1-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 637)

ḥꜣb-wr, "großes Fest (Hauptfest, allg.)" | "great festival (gen.)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 57.19)

ḥꜣb-n-ḫꜥ.w, "Krönungsfest" | "festival of appearance (of the king's accession)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 58.1-2)

ḥꜣb-nḏs, "kleines Fest" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 25.13)

ḥꜣbi̯, "trauern (um)" | "to mourn" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 61.14; FCD 167; vgl. ONB 570, Anm. 456)

ḥꜣbi̯, "festlich sein" | "to be in festival" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 60.12-16; vgl. FCD 167; vgl. ONB 93)

ḥꜣp, "verbergen; geheim halten" | "to hide; to keep secret" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 30.6-19; FCD 163)

ḥꜣp.wtj, "Kundschafter" | "scout" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 31.10-11; Lesko, Dictionary II, 96)

ḥꜣp.t, "Versteck" | "hiding place" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 31.4-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 616)

ḥꜣp-qj=f, "dessen Gestalt verhüllt ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 23)

ḥꜣm, "fischen; (Vögel) einfangen" | "to fish; to catch" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 31.12-32.2; FCD 163)

ḥꜣm, "Netzwurf; Ertrag des Netzes" | "(yield of the) net; catch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2592; 78.2581)

ḥꜣm.w, "der Fischer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 163; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1851; vgl. Wb 3, 32.3)

ḥꜣm.wj, "der von Hamu (eine Weinsorte)" | "wine of Hamu" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 32.8)

ḥꜣm.t, "[Bez. für das Fischernetz]" | "fishnet" [substantive] (Wb 3, 32.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 310)

ḥꜣr.w, "Lockvogel (Köder)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 163)

ḥꜣḥꜣ, "[krankhafte Tätigkeit des Herzens]" | "[heart ailment]" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 3, 32.13; MedWb 584)

ḥꜣq, "erbeuten; erobern" | "to plunder; to capture" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 32.14-33.5; FCD 163)

ḥꜣq, "Beute; Kriegsbeute" | "plunder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 33.6-13; FCD 163)

ḥꜣq, "Kriegsgefangener" | "captive (taken in war)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 33.14-19; FCD 163)

ḥꜣq.w, "Beutemacher" | "plunderer" [substantive] (Wb 3, 34.1-2; FCD 163)

ḥꜣq.t, "Kriegsbeute" | "plunder" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 34.3-12; FCD 163; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 311; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 97)

ḥꜣg, "froh sein" | "to be glad" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 34.18-20; FCD 163)

ḥꜣg, "[Verb (von der Schifffahrt)]" | "to touch (of a boat on land)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 35.1)

ḥꜣgꜣg, "sich freuen, froh sein" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 3, 35.2-3; FCD 163; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 311)

ḥꜣtj, "[eine Augenkrankheit]" | "bleariness (of the eyes)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 35.13-14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 311; MedWb 584 f.)

ḥꜣtj, "Hülle" | "covering; garment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 35.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 619)

ḥꜣtj, "Verhüllung; Bewölkung" | "cloudiness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 35.8-12; FCD 163; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 311)

ḥꜣd, "Korb-Reuse (Fischfalle)" | "trap (esp. for fish)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 36.4-6; FCD 164; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 311; vgl. LÄ V, 248)

ḥꜣd, "(mit der Reuse) fischen" | "to trap (fish)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 36.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 311; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 620)

ḥꜣd.t, "[ein Korb (als Maß für Gemüse)]" | "[a basket (also as a measure of capacity for vegetables)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 36.8-9)

ḥjp, "laufen; eilen" | "to run; to hasten" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 68.7-10; EAG § 96; ONB 176, Anm. 774; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 638)

ḥjp.t, "Steuerruder" | "steering oar" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 67.10-16, 68.4; FCD 168)

ḥjp.t, "Lauf; Fahrt" | "course" [substantive] (Wb 3, 68.11-15, vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 638 f.)

ḥjp-wꜣ.t, "der den Weg durcheilt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Fecht, ZÄS 94, 1967, 34, Anm. 8)

ḥjfg.t, "[ein weibliches Wesen]" | "[a female being]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 37.3)

ḥjḥj, "suchen" | "to seek" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 151.3-152.4; Allen, Inflection, 578; vgl. GEG § 285)

ḥy, "Aufsichtsbehörde (?); Aufsichtbeamter(?)" | "inspector" [substantive] (Wb 3, 37.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 98; Caminos, LEM 272)

ḥy, "Flut" | "flood" [substantive] (Wb 3, 48.24)

ḥꜥ, "Fleisch; Glied" | "flesh" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 164; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 312)

ḥꜥ.w, "Stab (zum Wandern u. Ä.)" | "staff" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 39.15-16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 98; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 175 (102))

ḥꜥ.w, "Körper; Leib; Fleisch; Selbst" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 37.5-39.13)

ḥꜥ.w, "Jubel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1155a; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 313)

ḥꜥ.w-wꜣḏ, "aktiver (umsichtiger) Mensch" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 34, 81 (D 230), 133)

ḥꜥ.w-nṯr, "Gottesleib (Körper des Gottes und des Königs)" | "god's flesh (the king, gods)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 39.1-6; FCD 164)

ḥꜥ.w-nṯr, "Gottesleib" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 31)

ḥꜥ.t, "[etwas im Schiffsholz (offizinell)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 40.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 313; DrogWb 333)

ḥꜥꜣ, "Kind" | "child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 42.1-3)

ḥꜥjꜥi̯, "jubeln; aufgeregt sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-inf] (EAG § 582; Allen, Inflection, 587)

ḥꜥi̯, "jubeln; erfreuen" | "to rejoice; to be happy" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 40.2-41.2)

ḥꜥꜥ=tw-m-jr.w=f, "der über dessen Erscheinung man jubelt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 34)

ḥꜥꜥ.wt, "Jubel; Freude" | "joy; rejoicing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 41.3-10)

ḥꜥꜥ.t, "Jubelnde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 42 f.)

ḥꜥw, "Flotte; Lastschiffe" | "fleet; cargo boat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 39.14; FCD 164; Jones, Naut. Titles, 141 (50))

ḥꜥb, "spielen" | "to play" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 42.6-8)

ḥꜥ, "Habti (?) (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 30 f.; vgl. LGG V, 44)

ḥꜥpj, "Nil; Überschwemmung" | "the Nile; flood (also metaph., for the king)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 42.11-43.4; 13-14)

ḥꜥpj-wr, "die hohe Überschwemmung" | "Great-flood" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 43.1; LGG V, 47 f.)

ḥꜥtj, "Bett" | "bed" [substantive] (Wb 3, 43.15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 100)

ḥꜥḏꜣ, "rauben; berauben" | "to rob" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 43.16-18; FCD 164)

ḥꜥḏꜣ, "Raub" | "robbery; wrongdoing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 44.1-2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 622 f.)

ḥw, "Ausspruch; Befehl" | "utterance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 44.7)

ḥw, "Nahrung, Speise; Nahrungsmittel" | "food" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 44.11-16; FCD 164; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 316; Lesko, Dictionary II, 100; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 623)

ḥw, "Treiber; Schläger; Hirt" | "driver; slugger; shepherd" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 49.10-12)

ḥw, "der Schlagende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 56)

ḥ, "Schlag" | "stroke; blow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 49.14; FCD 165)

ḥ, "Abgeschlagenes (vom Mühlstein); Steinmehl (in med. Verwendung)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 49.15; DrogWb 170, 334)

ḥw.w, "[eine Rinderart (Stiere)]; Vieh (allg.)" | "(class of) bulls; cattle (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 45.2; FCD 165)

ḥw.t, "[ein großes Gefäß]" | "cauldron (?)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 45.4)

ḥw.t, "Regen; Flut" | "rain; flood" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 49.1-4; FCD 165)

ḥw.t, "Strophe" | "verse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 102)

ḥw.t, "Schwein" | "pig" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 16; Meeks, AL 78.2611; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 340, Anm. 525)

ḥw.t, "größeres Haus; Gut; Tempel; Grab" | "(larger) house; estate (administrative unit); temple ("mansion")" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 1.4-3.5)

ḥw.t-Jgꜣ, "Tempel des Iga" | "Mansion-of-Iga" [substantive] (Redford/Redford, JARCE 26, 1989, 43-44, fig. 83-84)

ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "großes Haus (Administration); Palast; Tempel" | "large house; palace; temple" [substantive] (Wb 3, 3.6-4.6)

ḥw.t-wr.t, "die große Halle (Gerichtshof)" | "great mansion (lawcourt)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 4.7-10)

ḥw.t-pꜥ.t, "Haus der Pat-Leute" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 165)

ḥw.t-n.t-ḥḥ-m-rnp.wt, "Haus der Millionen von Jahren (königl. Totentempel)" | "mansion of a million years (royal funerary temple)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 2.7-8; LÄ VI, 706)

ḥw.t-nbw, "Goldhaus (Werkstatt, Kultraum)" | "gold house (a workshop, a place where rituals were performed)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 238.16-239.1)

ḥw.t-nm.t, "Schlachthaus" | "slaughterhouse" [substantive] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 676)

ḥw.t-nṯr, "Tempel" | "temple" [substantive] (Wb 3, 4.11-5.9)

ḥw.t-ḥzmn, "Natronhaus" | "natron house" [substantive] (Inscr. Sinai, 108 (no. 104); vgl. LÄ V, 797)

ḥw.t-ḥḏ.t, "Hersteller der weißen Krone" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Unas Cemetery II, pl. 54 d)

ḥw.t-ḥḏ.t-wr-jr.t-Tꜣ-wr, "großer Hersteller der weißen Krone, die im Thinitischen Gau gemacht ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Unas Cemetery II, pl. 54 d)

ḥw.t-Zkr, "Tempel des Sokar (in Memphis, Abydos, Theben, Dendera)" | "Mansion-of-Sokar (at Thebes)" [substantive] (LÄ V, 1056, 1064 ff.; Meeks, AL 78.2532; 79.1861)

ḥw.t-zꜣ=s, "die ihren Sohn beschützt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 670)

ḥw.t-šn.wt, "Haus der Schenut-Bäume (?) (Heiligtum der Nut in Heliopolis)" | "Mansion-of-? (sanctuary of Nut at Heliopolis)" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 4, 503.6; GDG IV, 134)

ḥw.t-kꜣ, "Haus des Ka (Grabkapelle); Kapelle (im Tempel)" | "ka-house (tomb chapel); chapel (for a statue in a temple)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 5.14-20)

ḥꜥꜣ.t, "Angehöriger des großen Hauses" | "one belonging to the great estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 3.10; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1868)

ḥ, "Steinbruch (mit saalartigen Aushöhlungen)" | "mine; quarry" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 6.6; FCD 179)

ḥw-n.y-r-ḥr, "Kampfgewühl (wörtl.:"ins Gesicht schlagen")" | "close combat" [substantive] (Wb 3, 49.7; FCD 165; Lesko, Dictionary II, 103)

ḥw-ḫft.jw=f, "der seine Feinde schlägt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 60 f.)

ḥw-qꜣy-m-ẖnw=f, "den das Qay-Insekt in seinem Inneren befällt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 52.1; vgl. LGG V, 64)

ḥwꜣ, "faulen; verwesen" | "to rot; to putrefy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 50.6-16; FCD 166; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 323)

ḥwꜣ.w, "Fäulnisgeruch" | "stench (of putrefication)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 51.6-7)

ḥwꜣꜣ.t, "faulige Stoffe" | "putrefaction" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 51.1-5; FCD 166; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 323 f.)

ḥwj, "ach!; [Partikel (des Wunsches)]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 3, 45.8-11; EAG § 867; GEG § 238)

ḥwy, "[Teil des Obelisken]" | "tip (of an obelisk)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 45.12; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 205)

ḥwi̯, "schlagen; stoßen; betreten; fließen; bewässern; regnen; weihen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 46.1-48.23)

ḥwꜥ, "kurz sein" | "to be short" [verb] (Wb 3, 51.12-17; FCD 166)

ḥwꜥ-jb, "Engherziger" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 51.15; FCD 166)

ḥww, "melden" | "to proclaim" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 44.3; Allen, Inflection, 549; FCD 164; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 315)

ḥww.t, "Meldung; Ankündigung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1952b (Faulkner, Suppl.); Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 76)

ḥ, "der Bote" | "messenger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 44.4-5)

ḥwn, "jung werden; verjüngen" | "to become young; to be rejuvenated" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 54.3-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 324; Lesko, Dictionary II, 104; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 626)

ḥwn, "Kindheit; Jugend; Jugendlichkeit" | "childhood; youth" [substantive] (Wb 3, 54.13-14; vgl. FCD 166)

ḥwn, "[ein Fleischstück]" | "[a cut of meat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 55.3-4; FCD 166)

ḥwn.w, "Knabe; Jüngling; Kind" | "child; youth; young man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 52.2-53.5)

ḥwn.w, "der Jüngling" | "The-youth" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 93 ff.)

ḥwn.w-nfr, "der herrliche Jüngling" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 95-97)

ḥwn.w-nfr, "herrlicher Jüngling" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI I, 75.9)

ḥwn.wt, "Mädchen" | "girl; maiden" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 53.10-11,21-54.1)

ḥwn.wt, "junges Mädchen (Isis, Hathor u.a.)" | "maiden (goddesses )" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 53.12-20; LGG V, 101 f.)

ḥwr, "[ein Vogel oder ein Insekt]" | "[a bird (?)]; [an insect (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 56.5; DrogWb 334; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 325; vgl. LGG V, 109)

ḥwr.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 56.7; DrogWb 334)

ḥwr.t, "Heweret (meist von Nechbet)" | "Heweret (esp. Nechbet)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 56.6; LGG V, 107 (a-c))

ḥwrꜥ, "rauben; berauben" | "to rob; to plunder" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 56.8-13; ONB 39; Lesko, Dictionary II, 105)

ḥwrꜥ, "Räuber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 164)

ḥwrw, "Schwacher; Elendiger" | "humble man; wretch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 55.5-8; FCD 166)

ḥwrw, "arm sein; schwach sein; schwächen" | "to be wretched; to be weak" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 55.9; FCD 166; MedWb 591; GEG 580 (Vocabulary); pBremner-Rhind 32.1)

ḥwrw, "übel reden" | "to speak evil (?)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 56.4; FCD 166)

ḥwrw, "elend; schwach" | "wretched; weak" [adjective] (Wb 3, 55.10-56.3; FCD 166; MedWb 591)

ḥwtf, "berauben; rauben" | "to rob; to plunder" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 56.17-57.3; FCD 166)

ḥb, "[Gegenstand]" | "stairway (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 62.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 326)

ḥb, "Trauer; Kummer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KoptHWb 353; EDG 299)

ḥbꜣ, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a variety of mullet]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 62.13)

ḥbꜣ, "[Götterschiff am Himmel]" | "[a divine bark in the heavens]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 62.14)

ḥbꜣy.t, "[heiliger Baum von Sebennytos]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 134 f., Anm. 456)

ḥbꜣbꜣ, "watscheln (der Gans)" | "to waddle" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 3, 62.16)

ḥbb.t, "[Wasser]" | "(fresh) water; water of the inundation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 63.1-5; FCD 167; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 326; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 635 f.)

ḥbn, "triumphieren" | "to triumph" [verb] (Wb 3, 63.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 107; Edgerton/Wilson, Historical Records, 2, Anm. 2b)

ḥbnbn, "herunter rutschen" | "to spring up (?)" [verb] (Wb 3, 63.13; Allen, Inflection, 588; KoptHWb 355)

ḥbnn.wt, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 63.15-16)

ḥbs, "bekleiden; verhüllen" | "to clothe; to cover" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 64.3-65.17)

ḥbs, "Kleid; Hülle; Tuch" | "garment; clothing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 65.18-66.12)

ḥbs, "Deckel" | "lid" [substantive] (Wb 3, 66.16-18; Lesko, Dictionary II, 107)

ḥbs, "Priesterin (im Gau von Hieracon]" | "veiled one (a priestess)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 66.22)

ḥ, "zweite Ehefrau; Nebenfrau" | "wife; concubine" [substantive] (Wb 3, 66.23-24; James, Hekanakhte, 143)

ḥṯr, "göttliche Konkubine" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 114)

ḥbs.w, "Kleidung (Koll.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 175-76; vgl. FCD 167; Lesko, Dictionary II, 107)

ḥbs.wt, "Stück Stoff; Decke; Umhüllung" | "cloth" [substantive] (Wb 3, 66.13-15; FCD 168; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 108)

ḥbs.t, "[ein Schmuckstück]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 67.6)

ḥbs-bh.t, "Wedelträger" | "fan-bearer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 467.6; 3, 65.16)

ḥbt, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 79.1936; DrogWb 335)

ḥbḏ, "(den Mund) öffnen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 67.8-9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 327)

ḥp, "[eine Ente]" | "[a duck]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 69.19; LÄ V, 879 f.)

ḥp.t-wḏꜣ.t, "Hepet-udjat (ein Priester)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 471.11; Thissen, Demot. Graffiti von Med. Habu, 99, Anm. 1)

ḥpꜥ, "[ein Stein]" | "[noun (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 70.9; MedWb 594; vgl. Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 704, Anm. 268)

ḥpꜥpꜥ.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (or part of a plant) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 70.11; DrogWb 335)

ḥ, "Läufer" | "runner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 69.1-3; FCD 168)

ḥpp, "zurückgehalten werden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 70.12-13)

ḥpḥp, "zurückgehalten werden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 71.2; KoptHWb 567)

ḥpt, "Umarmung; Arm voll" | "embrace; armful" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 71.14-15; FCD 168)

ḥpt, "umarmen; umfassen" | "to embrace; to enclose" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 71.16-72.8)

ḥpt, "[ein Maß für Faden]; Knäuel" | "reel (?) (of thread; of twine)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (CED 290; Lesko, Dictionary II, 109)

ḥpt.w, "Querhölzer der Tür" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 72.11)

ḥpt.w, "Mastfuß" | "mast-step (?) (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 72.10)

ḥpd, "(den Mund) öffnen" | "to open (the mouth)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 72.12)

ḥfꜣ, "(sich) schlängeln; kriechen" | "to snake; to twist" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 73.6-8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 330; MedWb 595)

ḥfꜣ, "(jmdm.) huldigen" | "to revere; to praise" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 73.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 641)

ḥfꜣ.w, "Schlange (allg.)" | "snake (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 72.14-20)

ḥfꜣ.w, "Schlängelung; Krümmung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 596)

ḥfꜣ.wt, "Schlange; Gewürm" | "snake; worm" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 72-73.5; FCD 168; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 329 f.)

ḥfꜣ.t, "Wurm" | "intestinal worm" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 73.2-3; MedWb 594 f.; DrogWb 336)

ḥfꜣ.t, "Kriechen; demutsvolle Haltung" | "crawling posture; humble posture" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 73.13; FCD 168; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 330)

ḥfn, "Kaulquappe" | "tadpole" [substantive] (Wb 3, 74)

ḥfn, "Hunderttausend; hundertausend" | "one hundred thousand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 74.1-3)

ḥfn.w, "[Bez. für Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 74.17)

ḥfnn, "[eine Personenbezeichnung (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1175a.b; CT VII, 200m)

ḥfnn.t, "[Bezeichnung einer weiblichen Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 74.18)

ḥftn.t, "Speicher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 75.5; LGG V, 131)

ḥfd, "sitzen; sich setzen" | "to sit; to settle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 75.10-12; FCD 168; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 642)

ḥfdi̯, "aufsteigen; emporklimmen" | "to climb; to fly" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 75.6-9; Allen, Inflection, 583; vgl. FCD 168)

ḥm, "aber; wahrlich; [enkl.Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 3, 78.16-19; EAG §§ 839 f.; GEG § 253)

ḥm, "Feigling" | "coward" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 80.7; FCD 169; Lesko, Dictionary II, 111; Depauw, ZÄS 130, 2003, 50 f.)

ḥm, "Sklave; Diener" | "servant; slave" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 87.13-88.8)

ḥm, "Majestät" | "majesty (of the king, of a god)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 91.1-92.11)

ḥm, "zermalmen; drücken" | "to tread" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.2688; ONB 616 f, Anm. 617)

ḥm, "(an einer Krankheit) leiden" | "[verb associated wtih curing an illness (?)]" [verb] (Wb 3, 80.4; MedWb 596)

ḥm, "Rückstände" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Müller, in: Fs Junge, 458, Anm. k)

ḥm.y, "Steuermann" | "helmsman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 81.14-15; FCD 169; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 332; Jones, Naut. Titles, 82 (140))

ḥ, "Steuerruder" | "steering oar" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 81.11-13; FCD 169; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 332; Lesko, Dictionary II, 114; Jones, Naut. Titles, 200 (10))

ḥm.w, "[Körperteil (Kehle oder Darm) eines Tieres]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 81.19; MedWb 601; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 452, Anm. 831)

ḥm.w, "[Pflanzenteil]" | "[a plant (fenugreek?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 81.20-21; DrogWb 349)

ḥm.t, "Frau; Ehefrau" | "woman; wife" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 76.16-77.19)

ḥm.t, "Unglück; Krankheitssymptom" | "sorcery" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 80.12; Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 204, Anm. c)

ḥm.t, "Fritte (meist grün)" | "frit (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 86.15-87.2; Harris, Minerals, 117 f.)

ḥm.t, "Sklavin; Dienerin" | "servant; slave" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 88.10-16)

ḥm.t, "Dienerschaft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 88.17)

ḥm.t, "Majestät (fem.)" | "majesty (the queen, goddesses)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 92.12-93.8)

ḥm.t, "Frau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 133)

ḥm.t=s, "ihre Majestät" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 146)

ḥm.t-Mnw, "Verehrerin des Min" | "wife of Min (priestess)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2184)

ḥm.t-nswt, "Königsgemahlin" | "king's wife" [substantive] (Wb 3, 77-78.13)

ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t, "große königliche Gemahlin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Seidlmayer, Felsinschriften Assuan (unpubliziert))

ḥm.t-nṯr, "Priesterin" | "priestess" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.8-11; Ward, Titles, no. 944; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1885)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Wp-wꜣ.wt, "Priesterin des Wepwaut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, nos. 1904, 1905, vgl. no. 1974)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Bꜣ-pf, "Priesterin des Bapef" | "priest of Bapef" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1916)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Mw.t, "Priesterin der Mut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LÄ IV, 1103)

ḥm.t-nṯr-mr.t-Ttj, "Priesterin des Meret-Sanktuars Tetis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1952)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t, "Priesterin der Neith" | "priestess of Neith" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1973)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-wp.tjt-wꜣ.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, die die Wege öffnet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1974)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-wp.tjt-wꜣ.wt-nb.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, Öffnerin aller Wege" | "priestess of Neith, opener of all the ways" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK; no. 1976)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-wp.tjt-wꜣ.wt-nfr.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, Öffnerin der schönen Wege" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 45)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-wp.tjt-wꜣ.wt-ḫnt.jt-Jr.t-mr.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, die die Wege öffnet, die die Erste von Iret-merut ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 95)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-m-s.wt=s-nb.wt, "Priesterin der Neith an all ihren Plätzen" | "priestress of Neith in all her places" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1987)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-mḥ.tjt-jnb, "Priesterin der Neith, die nördlich der Mauer ist" | "priestess of Neith, north of the wall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1980)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-mḥ.tjt-jnb-wp.t-wꜣ.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, die nördlich der Mauer ist, die Wegeöffnerin" | "preistess of Neith, north of her wall, opener of the ways" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1982)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-mḥ.tjt-jnb-wp.t-wꜣ.wt-nfr.wt-ḫnt.jt-Jr.t-mr.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, die nördlich der Mauer ist, die die schönen Wege öffnet, die die Erste von Iret-merut ist" | "priestress of Neith, Who is north of the Wall, Opener of the beautiful ways, Pre-eminent in Iret-mer" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1984)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-mḥ.tjt-jnb-wp.t-wꜣ.wt-ḫnt.jt-Jr.t-mr.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, die nördlich der Mauer ist, die die Wege öffnet, die die Erste von Iret-merut ist" | "priestress of Neith, Who is north of the Wall, Opener of the ways, Pre-eminent in Iret-mer" [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1984)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Nj.t-mḥ.tjt-jnb-ḫnt.jt-Jr.t-mr.wt, "Priesterin der Neith, die nördlich der Mauer ist, die die Erste von Iret-merut ist" | "priestress of Neith, who is north of the wall, pre-eminent in Iret-merut" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1985)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Priesterin der Hathor" | "priestess of Hathor" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2012)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-m-s.wt=s-nb.wt, "Priesterin der Hathor an allen ihren Plätzen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2041)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-mḥ.tjt-jnb, "Priesterin der Hathor, die nördlich der Mauer ist" | "priestress of Hathor, north of the wall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2018)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Jꜣm.w, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin von Kom el-Hisn" | "priestress of Hathor mistress of Iamu (Kom el-Hisn)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2023)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Jwn.t, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin von Dendera" | "priestess of Hathor, mistress of Dendera" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2019)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Nh.t, "Priesterin der Hathor, Herrin des Sykomoren(heiligtums)" | "priestess of Hathor, mistress of the sycamore" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2024)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Nh.t-m-s.wt=s-nb.wt, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin des Sykomoren(heiligtums) an allen ihren (Kult)plätzen" | "preistess of Hathor, lady of the sycamore in all her (cult) places" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2026)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Nh.t-rs.jt, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin des südlichen Sykomoren(heiligtumes)" | "priestess of Hathor, mistress of the southern sycamore" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2025)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-zmy.wt, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin der Wüsten(nekropolen)" | "priestess of Hathor, mistress of the deserts" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2028)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-zmy.wt-nfr-s.t, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin der Wüsten(nekropolen), schön an (Begräbnis)-Platz" | "priestess of Hathor, mistress of the deserts, beautiful of cult-place" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2029)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Qjs, "Priesterin der Hathor, der Herrin von Qus" | "prietsress of Hathor, Mistress of Cusae" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2031)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Priesterin des Cheops" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2087)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Š, "Priesterin des Schepses-nebti (d.i. Schepseskaf)" | "priestess of Schepses-nebti (Schepseskaf)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Title, OK, no. 2136)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ṯꜣ.y-zp=f, "Priesterin des Tjai-zepef (eines göttlichen Stieres)" | "priestess of Tjasepef" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2141)

ḥm.t-nṯr-Ḏḥ, "Priesterin des Thot" | "priestess of Thoth" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2147)

ḥm.t-kꜣ, "Totenpriesterin" | "ka-priestess" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.18-19)

ḥm.t-kꜣ-mw.t-nswt, "Totenpriesterin der Königsmutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2172)

ḥm.t-ṯꜣy, "verheiratete Frau ("bemannte Frau")" | "married woman; concubine" [substantive] (Wb 3, 77.16)

ḥ, "[schmähende Bez. für Feiglinge]" | "coward" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 80.8-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 650; Depauw, ZÄS 130, 2003, 50 f.)

ḥm-ꜥḥꜣ-sw, "Prophet dessen, der ihn (Seth?) bekämpft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 3)

ḥm-bꜣ.w-Nḫn, "Diener der Bas von Hierakonpolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1877)

ḥm-n.t-m-Pr-nw, "Diener der Roten Krone in Per-nu" | "servant of the Red Crown in the shrine of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 895)

ḥm-nbw, "Diener des Goldes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Yoyotte, BIFAO 54, 1954, 97 f.)

ḥm-nswt, "[ein unklarer Titel]" | "[a title]" [epitheton_title: title] (Inscr. Sinai, 52 (no.1); vgl. Eichler, Expeditionswesen, 29)

ḥm-nswt, "Diener des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 896)

ḥ, "Diener des Königs, als er noch Prinz war" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 3)

ḥm-nṯr, "Priester" | "priest" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 88.19-90.7)

ḥm-nṯr, "Priester" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 88.19-90.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1885)

ḥm-nṯr-Ꜣs.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Priester der Isis und der Hathor" | "priest of Isis and Hathor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2129)

ḥm-nṯr-Ꜣs.t-Sšꜣ.t, "Priester der Isis und der Seschat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Siut I, 245)

ḥm-nṯr-Jꜣ.tj, "Priester der Iat (Milchgöttin?)" | "priest of Iat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1889)

ḥm-nṯr-Jmn-m-Jp.t-s.wt, "Priester des Amun in Karnak" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jansen-Winkeln, SAK 34, 2006, 220)

ḥm-nṯr-Jmn-Rꜥw-ḫnt.j-ḥw.t-nṯr.w, "Priester des Amun-Re, des Vorstehers der Tempel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS III, 58.12)

ḥm-nṯr-Jmn-spd-ꜥb.wj, "Priester des Amun, des spitzhörnigen" | "priest of Amun-the-sharp-horned" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.1)

ḥm-nṯr-Jnp.w, "Priester des Anubis" | "priest of Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1891)

ḥm-nṯr-Jnp.w-Jnr.ty, "Priester des Anubis von Gebelein" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1893)

ḥm-nṯr-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-Spꜣ, "Priester des Anubis, der an der Spitze von Sepa ist" | "priest of Anubis, foremost of Sepa" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1894)

ḥm-nṯr-Jnp.w-zḥ-nṯr-Wꜣḏ.t, "Priester des Anubis, der von der Gotteshalle der Wadjet" | "priest of Anubis, he of the divine booth of Wadjet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1896)

ḥm-nṯr-2.nw-n-Jmn-m-Jp.t-s.wt, "zweiter Priester des Amun in Karnak" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1163)

ḥm-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Großpriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 902)

ḥm-nṯr-ꜥšꜣ, "gewöhnlicher Priester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 906)

ḥm-nṯr-Wꜣḏ.t, "Priester der Wadjet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1901)

ḥm-nṯr-Wꜣḏ.t-nb.t-Pr-nw, "Priester der Wadjet, Herrin von Per-nu" | "priest of the Wadjet, mistress of Per-nu" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1902)

ḥm-nṯr-Wꜣḏ.t-Dp-Pj, "Priester der Wadjet von Dep und Pe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK., no. 1903)

ḥm-nṯr-Wp-wꜣ.wt, "Priester des Wepwaut" | "priest of Wepwawet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1904)

ḥm-nṯr-Wsjr, "Priester des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1909)

ḥm-nṯr-Wsjr-ḫnt.j-Ḏd.w, "Priester des Osiris, der an der Spitze von Djedu ist" | "priest of Osiris, foremost of Busiris" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1910)

ḥm-nṯ, "Priester des User-em-Nebti (Chephren)" | "priest of User-em-nebti (Chephren)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1911)

ḥm-nṯr-Bꜣ.w-Nḫn, "Priester der Bas von Hierakonpolis" | "priest of the Bas-of-Hierakonpolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1918)

ḥm-nṯr-Bꜣ-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Der Ba des Neferirkare" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1917)

ḥm-nṯr-Bꜣ-n-Ꜥnp.t, "Priester des Ba von Mendes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1915)

ḥm-nṯr-Bꜣs.tjt, "Priester der Bastet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1921)

ḥm-nṯr-Ptḥ, "Priester des Ptah" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1928)

ḥm-nṯr-Ptḥ, "Priester des Ptah" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1928)

ḥm-nṯr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Priester des Palastes" | "priest of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1926)

ḥm-nṯr-psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Priester der großen Neunheit" | "priest of the great ennead" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1927)

ḥm-nṯr-3.nw-n-Jmn, "Dritter Priester des Amun" | "third prophet of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1160; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1443)

ḥm-nṯr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Priester der Maat" | "priest of Maat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1930)

ḥm-nṯr-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepi dauert" | "priest of (the pyramid complex) The-perfection-of-Pepy-endures" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1938)

ḥm-nṯr-Mn-s.wt-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Niuserre dauern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1939)

ḥm-nṯr-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Priester des Mykerinos" | "priest of Mycerinus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1940)

ḥm-nṯr-Mnw, "Priester des Min" | "priest of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 89.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 1943)

ḥm-nṯr-Mnw-Jmn-ḥr-zꜣ-4.nw, "Priester des Min-Amun in der vierten Phyle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jansen-Winkeln, SAK 34, 2006, 219)

ḥm-nṯr-Mnṯ.w, "Priester des Month" | "priest of Month" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny, LRL, 56.13 (Nr. 36))

ḥm-nṯr-Mnṯ.w, "Priester des Month" | "priest of Month" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 915)

ḥm-nṯr-Mrḥ.w, "Priester des Gesalbten (Stieres)" | "priest of Merhu" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1945)

ḥm-nṯr-Mḏd-rʾ, "Priester von Medjet-ra-nebti (Cheops)" | "priest of Medjed-ra-nebti (Khufu)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1953)

ḥm-nṯr-mw.t-nswt, "Priester der Königsmutter" | "priest of the king's mother" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1934)

ḥm-nṯr-Nj.t, "Priester der Neith" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1973)

ḥm-nṯr-Nj.t-nb.t-Zꜣw, "Priester der Neith, der Herrin von Sais" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 340.4)

ḥm-nṯr-Nw.wt, "Priester der Naunet" | "priest of Naunet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1956)

ḥm-nṯr-Nb.t-ww, "Priester der Nebet-uu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL, 60.1)

ḥm-nṯr-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Priester des Neferirkare" | "priest of Neferirkare" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1963)

ḥm-nṯr-Nfr-s.wt-Wnjs, "Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen sind die Plätze des Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1966)

ḥm-nṯr-Nḫb.t, "Priester der Nechbet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1969)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Jmn, "Priester des Amun" | "priest of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1438)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Jmn-ḥtp.w-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Priester des (göttlichen) Amenophis, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL, 27.3)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Jmn-qꜣ-šḥr.j-jb-Jp.t-s.wt, "Priester des Amun, des hochgefiederten, der in Karnak ist" | "prophet-of-Amun-the-tall-plumed-who-dwells-in-Karnak" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.3)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Jtm.w-nb-Ḥw.t-sḫm, "Priester des Atum, des Herren von Hut-sechem" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pBremner-Rhind Clp. 13 f.)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Jtm.w-ḥr.j-jb-Ḥw.t-Sḫm, "Priester des Atum, der in Hut-sechem ist" | "prophet-of-Amun-who-dwells-in-Hut-sekhem" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.6)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Wr-sḫm.w-nb-wrr.t, "Priester des Wer-sechemu, des Herrn der Krone" | "god's-servant of Great-of-power, Lord of the Red Crown" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 907)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Wsjr-wp.w-jšd, "Priester des Osiris-upu-isched" | "prophet-of-Osiris-upu-isched" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.1; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographische Inschriften der Spätzeit, 21 (Nr. 5))

ḥm-nṯr-n-Wsjr-wr-pꜣ-jšd, "Priester des Osiris, des Großen des Isched-Baumes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pBremner-Rhind Clp. 5 f.)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Wsjr-Ḥr.w-Ꜣs.t-Nb.t-ḥw.t-n-ḥw.t-n-Ḥw, "Priester von Osiris, Horus, Isis und Nephthys des Tempels von Hu (Diospolis parva)" | "prophet-of-Osiris-Horus-Isis-and-Nephthys-of-the-temple-of-Hu (Diospolis-parva)" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.4-5)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Wsjr-ḥr.j-jb-Jšrw, "Priester des Osiris, der im Ascheru ist" | "prophet-of-Osiris-who-dwells-in-Asheru" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.2-3; vgl. LGG II, 539)

ḥm-nṯr-n-pr-Stẖ, "Priester des Sethtempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1146)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Mnw, "Priester des Min" | "prophet-of-Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.5; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1943)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Mnṯ.w-nb-Jwn.w, "Priester des Month, des Herrn von Armant" | "priest of Khnum, lord of Armant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny, LRL, 55.8-9 (Nr. 36))

ḥm-nṯr-n-Mḥy.t, "Priester der Mehyt (Löwengöttin d. 8.uäg. Gaues)" | "prophet-of-Mehyt" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.6)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Nfr-ḥtp-pꜣ-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Priester von Neferhotep, dem großen Gott" | "prophet-of-Neferhotep-the-great-god" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.4-5.5)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Nfr-ḥtp-pꜣ-ẖrd, "Priester von Neferhotep, dem Kind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pBremner-Rhind Clp. 11)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Nfr-ḥtp-pꜣ-zꜣ-n-Pꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Priester des Neferhotep, dem Sohn des Pa-anch" | "prophet-of-Neferhotep-the-son-of-Pa-ankh" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.5)

ḥm-nṯr-n-nꜣ-nṯr.w-n.tjw-jw-mn-m-dj=w-ḥm-nṯr-m-ḥw.t-nṯr-n-Ḥw, "Priester von den Göttern, die keinen Propheten im Tempel von Hu haben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pBremner-Rhind Clp. 15 ff.)

ḥm-nṯr-n-nꜣ-nṯr-n-Ḥw, "Priester der Götter von Hu (Diopspolis parva)" | "prophet-of-the-gods-of-Hu (Diospolis-parva)" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 90, 5.7)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Ḥw.t-Sḫm, "Priester der Hathor, Herrin von Hut-sechem" | "prophet-of-Hathor-lady-of-Hut-sekhem" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.5)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "Priester des Horus-Behedeti" | "God's servant of Horus of Edfu" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 924)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Ḥr.w-pꜣ-Rꜥw-pꜣ-ẖrd-ꜥꜣ-wr-tp.j-n-Jmn, "Priester des Harpare, des Kindes, des überaus Großen und Erstgeborenen des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pBremner-Rhind Clp. 3 f.)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Ḥr.w-Nḫn.j, "Priester des Horus von Hierakonpolis" | "God's servant of Horus of Nekhen" [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 926)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Ḫns.w-ḥr.j-jb-Bnn.t, "Priester des Chons, der in Benenet ist" | "prophet-of-Khons-who-dwells-in-the-benenet" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.2)

ḥm-nṯr-n-Zmꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "Priester dessen Der die Länder vereinigt (Somtus?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2117)

ḥm-nṯr-n-šmꜥ.w-sj-mḥ.w-sj, "Priester der Ober- und Unterägyptischen Krone" | "God's-servant of the White and Red Crowns" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 934)

ḥm-nṯr-nb-Jm.t-zꜣ-Mḥ.tjt, "Priester des Herrn von Imet, Sohn der Mehet(?)" | "priest of the lord of Imet, the son of Mehet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1958; vgl. LGG III, 581, ebd. IV, 14 f.; vgl. Baud, Famille royale, 126)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw, "Priester des Re" | "priest of Re" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1993)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw-m-Ꜣḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Priester des Re im (Sonnentempel) Achet-Re" | "priest of Re in Achet-Re" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1996)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw-m-Nḫn-Rꜥw, "Priester des Re im (Sonnenheiligtum) Nechen-Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1997)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw-m-S.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Priester des Re im (Sonnenheiligtum) Der Lieblingsort des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2005)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw-m-Šzp.w-jb-Rꜥw, "Priester des Re im (Sonnenheiligtum) Die Herzensfreude des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles, OK, no. 2006)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Priester von Re und Hathor" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1998)

ḥm-nṯr-Rꜥw-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-m-S.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Priester von Re und Hathor im (Sonnenheiligtum) Lieblingsort des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2001)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Priester der Hathor" | "priest of Hathor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2012; WbZ: DZA 2678460)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Jwn.t, "Priester der Hathor, der Herrin von Dendera" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2019)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w, "Priester des Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2045)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Priester des Harachte" | "priest of Horakhty" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2046)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-pr-Šms.wt, "Priester von Horus-Anubis, der vor dem Haus des Geleites residiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2050)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Jnp.w-ḫnt.j-pr-Šms.wt-wꜥ.tj, "Priester von Horus-Anubis, der einzig vor dem Haus des Geleites residiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Varia nova, 9, n. 16; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2050)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-jm.j-Šn.wt, "Prister des Horus, der in Schenut ist" | "priest of Horus, who in Schenut is" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2048)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Wsr-jb, "Priester des Horus User-ib" | "priest of Horus User-ib" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2053)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-mḏdw, "Priester von Horus Medjedu (Cheops)" | "priest of Horus Medjedu (Khufu)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2060)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-mḏdw-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Priester des Horus Medjedu Cheops" | "priest of Horus Medjedu Khufu" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2060)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-nb-Ḫm, "Priester des Horus, des Herrn von Letopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 348.10)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-ḥr.j-jb-ꜥḥ, "Priester des Horus, der inmitten des Palastes ist" | "priest of Horus, who is in the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2064)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Stẖ, "Priester des Horus und Seth" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2072)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-qmꜣ-ꜥ, "Priester des Horus, der mit schaffendem Arm" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2075)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Kftj, "Priester des Horus Kefti" | "priest of Horus Kefti" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 928a)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Ṯḥn.w-qꜣ-ꜥ, "Priester des Horus von Libyen (mit) erhobenem Arm" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2077; vgl. no. 2075)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥr.wj-nbw, "Priester der zwei Goldhorusse" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza IV, 35.6, fig. 45)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥq.t, "Priester der Hekat" | "priest of Heqet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2084; WbZ: DZA 27347420-7560)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḥkꜣ, "Priester des Heka" | "priest of Heka" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2083)

ḥm-nṯr-ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ppy, "Priester des Ka-Hauses des Pepi" | "priest of the ka-house of Pepi" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2044)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Priester des Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2085)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Priester des Chefren von (der Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza III, 175; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2085)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḫꜥi̯-Bꜣ-Sꜣẖ.w-Rꜥw, "Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Der Ba des Sahure erscheint" | "priest of Cha-bau-Sahure" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2110)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Priester des Cheops" | "priest of Cheops" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2087)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḫwi̯=f-wj-m-s.wt-nb.wt, "Priester des Cheops an allen Plätzen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2088)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḫnt.j-ḫm, "Priester des Chenti-chem" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2094)

ḥm-nṯr-ḫy.wj-Ḥr.w, "Priester der beiden Kinder des Horus" | "priest of the two children of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2086)

ḥm-nṯr-ḫnt.j-Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Priester vor (der Pyramidenanlage) Horizont des Cheops" | "priest in front of (the pyramid complex) Horzon-of-Cheops" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2089)

ḥm-nṯr-H̱nm.w-Mr.t-Ḥr.w, "Priester des Chnum am Meret-Horus (?)" | "priest of Khnum at Meret-Horus (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Roth, Giza-Mastabas 6, pl. 199)

ḥm-nṯr-H̱nm.w-ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Priester des Cheops" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2098)

ḥm-nṯr-Zkr, "Priester des Sokar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2107)

ḥm-nṯr-S.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Priester am Lieblingsort des Re (Sonnenheiligtum des Neferirkare)" | "priest at the Favorite-place-of-Re (sun temple of Neferirkare)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 2130)

ḥm-nṯr-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Priester des Sahure" | "priest of Sahure" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2110)

ḥm-nṯr-Sbk, "Priester des Sobek" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 930)

ḥm-nṯr-Sbk, "Priester des Sobek" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 930)

ḥm-nṯr-Srq.t, "Priester der Selqet" | "priest of Selket" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2120)

ḥm-nṯr-Sšꜣ.t, "Priester der Seschat" | "priest of Seshat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2125)

ḥm-nṯr-Sšꜣ.t-ḫnt.jt-ḥ, "Priester der Seschat, die vor dem Haus der Ruti (?) ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2128)

ḥm-nṯr-sn.nw-Jmn, "zweiter Priester des Amun" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1440; vgl. Helck, Verwaltung, Index, 25)

ḥm-nṯr-sn.nw-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "zweiter Priester des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL, 37.16)

ḥm-nṯr-Šzp.w-jb-Rꜥw, "Priester am (Sonnenheiligtum) Die Herzensfreude des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza IV, fig. 4)

ḥm-nṯr-Šsm.tjt, "Priester der Schesmetet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2138)

ḥm-nṯr-kꜣ-wr-ḫnt.j-Sṯp.t, "Priester des großen Stieres, der an der Spitze von Setjet ist" | "priest of ka-wer foremost of Setjpet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2139)

ḥm-nṯr-twt-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Priester der Statue von (der Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza III, 175; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2140)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j, "Hoher-Priester" | "high priest; prophet" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 89.12; LÄ II, 1239 ff.)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-Mnṯ.w, "Hoher-Priester des Month" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Helck, Verwaltung, Index, 26; vgl. LÄ II, 1239 ff.)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-Mnṯ.w, "Hoher-Priester des Month" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Helck, Verwaltung, Index, 26; vgl. LÄ II, 1239 ff.)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Jmn, "Hoher-Priester des Amun" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 89.18; LÄ III, 474; Helck, Verwaltung, Index, 26)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Jmn, "Hoher-Priester des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 89.18; LÄ III, 474; Helck, Verwaltung, Index, 26)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Jmn-m-Jp.t-s.wt, "Hoherpriester des Amun in Karnak" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1173)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Hoher-Priester des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI VI, 518.11, 519.11)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Nfr-ḥtp, "Hoher-Priester des Neferhotep" | "chief-prophet-of-Neferhotep" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.6)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Nfr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw-wꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "Hoherpriester des Amenophis IV." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Sandman, Texts from Akhenaten, 152)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj-ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t-M-rn=f-m-Š, "Hoher-Priester des Re-Harachte, der im Horizont jubelt, in seinem Namen Sonnenlicht, das in der Sonnenscheibe ist (Hoher-Priester des Aton)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Urk. IV, 1962.10)

ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-n-Stẖ, "Hoherpriester des Seth" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1214)

ḥm-nṯr-Dwꜣ.w, "Priester des Duau" | "priest of Duau" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2142)

ḥm-nṯr-Dwꜣ-wr, "Priester des Duawer" | "priest of Duawer" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2143)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Priester des Djedefre" | "priest of Djedefre" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2149)

ḥm-nṯr-Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Priester an der (Pyramide) Es dauern die Plätze des Teti" | "priest of (the pyramid) Enduring-are-the-places-of-Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2150; WbZ: DZA 2679912)

ḥm-Ḥp.wj, "Diener von Hepwi" | "servant of Hepwy" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2154)

ḥm-Ḥr.w, "Horusdiener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Edfou VII, 30.13)

ḥm-Ḥr.w-wr-wꜣḏ.tj, "Diener des Horus, des Großen der beiden Uräen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 147)

ḥm-Ḥr.w-Nḫn.j, "Diener des Horus von Hierakonpolis" | "priest of Horus of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis)" [epitheton_title: title] (Drioton, ASAE 43, 1943, 500; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1883)

ḥm-ḫy.wj-Ḥr.w, "Diener der beiden Kinder des Horus" | "priest of the two children of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2158)

ḥm-ḫtm, "Diener der Siegel(standarte)" | "servant of the seal" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2160)

ḥm-H̱nm.w-n-ẖkr.t-nswt, "Chnumdiener des Königsschmucks" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Edel, ZÄS 87, 1962, 102 f.)

ḥm-s.t, "Diener des Throns" | "servant of the throne" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1874; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 893)

ḥm-kꜣ, "Totenpriester" | "(funerary) priest (lit. ka-servant)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.12-17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2167)

ḥm-kꜣ, "Totenpriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 90.12-17)

ḥm-kꜣ-jm.j-ꜣbd, "Totenpriester im Monatsdienst" | "(funerary) priest who is in his month" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2168)

ḥm-kꜣ-pr, "Ka-Priester der Stiftung (?)" | "(funerary) priest of the estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2170)

ḥm-kꜣ-pr.w, "Totenpriester der Stiftungen (?)" | "(funerary) priest of the estates" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2170)

ḥm-kꜣ-n-jm.j-rʾ-pr, "Totenpriester des Gutsverwalters" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3, 9)

ḥm-kꜣ-n-jtj=f, "Ka-Priester seines Vaters" | "(funerary) priest of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2169)

ḥm-kꜣ-ḏ.t, "Totenpriester der Totenstiftung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2176)

ḥm-ḏbꜣ-Ḥr.w, "Diener des Djeba des Horus" | "servant of the djeba of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2178)

ḥmꜣ, "Ball" | "ball" [substantive] (Wb 3, 93.10-11; FCD 170; Lesko, Dictionary II, 113)

ḥmꜣ, "(mit den Füßen) stampfen; austreten" | "to tread; to press out (with the feet)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 10; Meeks, AL 77.2708; ONB 616 f., Anm. 617)

ḥmꜣ, "ballartig" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 95.4-5; MedWb 600 f.)

ḥmꜣ.yt, "[eine Hülsenfrucht]" | "[a plant (fenugreek?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2710; 79.1974; DrogWb 344 ff.; vgl. Germer, Flora, 69)

ḥmꜣ.w, "[eine Pflanze (Bockshornklee ?)]" | "[a plant (fenugreek?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 94.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 113; Edel, QH II, 1.2, 24; Germer, Flora, 68 f.)

ḥmꜣ.w, "Ball-Geschwulst" | "[swelling? tumor? (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 94.5; MedWb 600; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 306)

ḥmꜣ.t, "Salz" | "salt" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 93.14-94.3; FCD 170; Harris, Minerals, 189)

ḥmꜣ.t-mḥ.wjt, "unterägyptisches Salz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 124.6)

ḥmꜣ.tj, "[von Wegen im Himmel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 95.3)

ḥmꜣg.t, "[ein Halbedelstein (Granat?)]" | "[a red-colored, semi-precious stone (garnet?)]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 95.1; Harris, Minerals, 118 ff.)

ḥmꜣṯṯ, "[ein Seil (?); Draht der Roten Krone (?)]" | "[a cord (?)]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 95.6)

ḥmy.t, "[eine Waffe (am Streitwagen)]" | "[chariot part]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 82.3; Lesko, Dictionary II, 114; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 223)

ḥmi̯, "weichen; zurücktreiben" | "to drive back; to repel" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 79.1-21)

ḥmw, "Steuerruder" | "steering oar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 80.16-81.10; KoptHWb 377, 566)

ḥmw.w, "Kunstfertiger; Handwerker; Schreiner" | "craftsman; carpenter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 83.5-84.8; FCD 170; ONB 100, Anm. 477; KoptHWb 641)

ḥmw.w, "das Handwerk" | "crafts" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 86.12-14; vgl. ONB 100, 180, Anm. 477)

ḥmw.w, "Herstellung" | "manufacture" [substantive] (Posener-Kriegér/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 20)

ḥmw.w-wr, "Oberzimmermann" | "chief craftsman" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1412)

ḥmw.w-nbw, "Goldbearbeiter" | "craftsman in gold" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 82.12)

ḥmw.t, "Werkstatt" | "workshop" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 86.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 115)

ḥmw.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 81.22; DrogWb 350)

ḥmw.t, "Kunstfertigkeit" | "skill; craft; craftsmanship" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 84.9-21; ONB 100, Anm. 477)

ḥmw.t, "Handwerkerschaft" | "craftsmen" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 85.5-86.4; FCD 170)

ḥmw.t, "Schleifsand (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

ḥmw.t-rʾ, "Spruch; und so weiter" | "spell" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 85.1-2; MedWb 602; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 646 f.)

ḥmw.t-zꜣ, "[e. Hautkrankheit]" | "[condition of being bewitched, as an illness]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 85.3; MedWb 602; Quack, in: Papyrus Ebers und die antike Heilkunde, 67 ff.)

ḥ, "Handwerker" | "craftsman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 86.5-6)

ḥmu̯, "kunstfertig sein" | "to be skilled; to be skilful" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 82.8-14; FCD 170; ONB 100, Anm. 477; EAG § 491)

ḥmu̯.w, "geschickt; kunstfertig" | "skillful" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 3, 82.15-83.4; FCD 170)

ḥmm, "Brennbolzen" | "[an instrument (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 95.11-12; MedWb 602 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 487)

ḥmm, "Junges (?) (eines Windhundes)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 204 f., Anm. g)

ḥmn, "eine Anzahl von; Einige" | "a number of" [substantive] (Wb 3, 96.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 115; ONB 325)

ḥmn, "einige" | english translation missing [adjective] (Vgl. Wb 3, 96.4)

ḥmr, "Esel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 312)

ḥmḥm, "zurückziehen; hemmen (des Schrittes)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 115)

ḥmḥm, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 58)

ḥmz, "abschneiden; schlachten" | "to slay; to mutilate (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 96.9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 648)

ḥms, "[Bez. des Phallus]" | "phallus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 99.8; Walker, Anatom. Term., 272)

ḥms, "Standfläche (eines Gefäßes) (?)" | "base (of a vessel) (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.2694)

ḥms, "Gerichtssitzung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1920b (Faulkner, Suppl.); Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 740)

ḥms.y, "Tischgenosse" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 171; Zaba, Ptahotep, 25)

ḥms.w, "Sitzen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT V, 167S)

ḥms.t, "Thronsitzung des Königs" | "session" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 98.23; FCD 170)

ḥms.t, "Platz am Hofe" | "seat (i.e. rank; status)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 99.3; FCD 170)

ḥms.t, "[weibl. Pendant zum Ka]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 95.7-8; LGG V, 149)

ḥmsi̯, "sitzen; sich setzen; besetzen; wohnen" | "to sit; to sit down; to occupy" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 96.13-98.22)

ḥmsi̯, "der Sitzende (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 151)

ḥmk.t, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[a disease (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 99.11; MedWb 603 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 315; Haider, in: Das Ägyptische und die Sprachen Vorderasiens, Nordafrikas und der Ägäis, 417 f.)

ḥmt, "Kupfer; Kupfererz; Erz (allg.)" | "copper; copper ore; ore (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 99; FCD 169; Harris, Minerals, 50 ff., 62; KoptHWb 372)

ḥmt.j, "Erzarbeiter; Kupferschmied" | "miner; metal-worker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 99)

ḥmt.j, "Erzarbeiter; Kupferschmied" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 99; Ward, Titles, no. 955; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1528)

ḥmt.j, "metallen; kupfern" | english translation missing [adjective] (pEbers 369)

ḥmt.j-nbw, "Goldschmied" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 1533)

ḥmt.j-ẖkr.t, "Metallschmuck-Arbeiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 24; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1535)

ḥmt-jwḥ.w, "gekörntes Kupfer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 20, Anm. 12)

ḥmty, "[Material]" | english translation missing [substantive] (pChester Beatty V Recto 8.4)

ḥn, "versperren; verschließen" | "to obstruct" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 100.13-14; FCD 171; ONB 139)

ḥn, "ordnen; anordnen; versehen (mit etwas); schützen" | "to equip; to protect; to command" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 101.1-20; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 571)

ḥn, "frisch sein; (mit Leben) versorgt sein" | "to be fresh; to provide with" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 102-103.5)

ḥn, "zujubeln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 104.8)

ḥn, "[Substantiv (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 104.9)

ḥn, "Auftrag" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 3, 102.1-17; Lesko, Dictionary II, 119)

ḥn, "eilen; durchziehen; zurückweichen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 103.6-22)

ḥn, "[Gewässer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 335)

ḥn.w, "[Verb (vom Aufkommen des Windes)]" | "rising (?) (of the wind)" [verb] (Wb 3, 103.23)

ḥn.w, "Topf; Behältnis; Sachen" | "jar; chattel(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 107.1-11; FCD 172; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 335)

ḥn.w, "Befehlshaber" | "military commander" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 171)

ḥn.w, "Rippen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 109.11; MedWb 606)

ḥn.w-n-ꜥꜣm, "Asiatengefäß" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

ḥn.wt, "Herrin; Herrscherin" | "mistress; lady" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 107.12-109.9)

ḥn.wt, "Herrin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 161 f.)

ḥn.wt-16, "die Gebieterin der 16 (meist Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 218)

ḥn.wt-Jmn.tjt, "Herrin des Westens" | "mistress of the west" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 166)

ḥn.wt-pr-mḏꜣ.t, "die Herrin des Bücherhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 178 f.)

ḥn.wt-n.t-Jwn.w, "Herrin von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 164)

ḥn.wt-n-ẖnw-pr, "die Herrin des Tempelinneren (Nehmet-away)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 201)

ḥn.wt-nṯr.w, "Herrin der Götter (meist Hathor)" | "mistress of the gods (Hathor)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 188 f.; LÄ II, 1155)

ḥn.wt-nṯr.w-nb.w, "Herrin aller Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 189 f.)

ḥn.wt-ḥm.wt-nb.wt, "Herrin aller Frauen" | "lady of all the women" [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 185)

ḥn.wt-spꜣ.t, "Herrin des Gaues" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 202)

ḥn.wt-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "Herrscherin von Ober- und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Murnane/Van Siclen, Boundary Stelae, 86)

ḥn.wt-Tꜣ.wj, "Herrscherin der beiden Länder" | "mistress of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 107.20-108.1)

ḥn.wt-tꜣ, "die Landesherrin" | english translation missing [substantive] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 10)

ḥn.wt-tkꜣ.w, "Herrin der Fackel (Pachet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 214)

ḥn.wt-dšr.t, "Herrin der Wüste (Hathor von Deir el Bahri)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Cerny, LRL, 31.9)

ḥn.wtj, "Diener" | "servant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 171)

ḥn.t, "Auftrag; Geschäft; Ritual" | "orders; command" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 102.1-15; FCD 171; Lesko, Dictionary II, 120; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 659)

ḥn.t, "Pelikan" | "pelican" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 104.2-3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 335 f.)

ḥn.t, "Gewässer" | "pool; lake" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 105.1-5; FCD 171; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 335; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 658)

ḥn.t, "[Gewässer am Himmel]" | "waterway (in the heavens)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 105.4)

ḥ, "Bereich; Frist; Ende (des Himmels); Ewigkeit" | "ends; limits" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 105.10-106.16; FCD 171)

ḥ, "der zum Henet-Gewässer Gehörige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 871b)

ḥ, "Befehlshaber; Vorgesetzter" | "commander (mil.)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 122.4-6; vgl. Lesko II, 1103)

ḥnj, "[eine Sumpfpflanze (Zyperngras)]" | "[a plant of the marshes (sedge?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 100.1-9; FCD 173; DrogWb 351; LÄ V287 f.)

ḥnj-tꜣ, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 351)

ḥny.t, "Speer" | "spear; javelin (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 110.11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 318)

ḥnꜥ, "dabei; damit" | "therewith" [adverb] (Wb 3, 111.5; EAG § 751; ENG § 592)

ḥnꜥ, "[Präposition]" | "[proposition]" [preposition] (Wb 3, 110.12-111.18; EAG § 764; GEG § 171; ENG § 627; CGG 104)

ḥnꜥ (ḏd), "und ferner (epistolografisch)" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 3, 111.15-17; ENG § 627; CGG 107)

ḥnꜥ.j, "damit; dabei" | "therewith; nearby" [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (EAG § 751c)

ḥnꜥ.w, "Zusammenziehung" | "accumulation (in a description of a med. condition)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 112.10-11; MedWb 605 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 228)

ḥnꜥ-ḏd, "ferner (in Briefformeln)" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 3, 111.15-16; Junge, Näg. Gr. 94, 312)

ḥnw, "Henu (Barke des Sokar)" | "Henu-barque (of Sokar)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 109.12-13; Jones, Naut. Titles, 252 (81))

ḥnw, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive] (DrogWb 352)

ḥnw.t, "[ein Gefäß (für Bier und Wein)]" | "[a jug (for beer, for wine)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 106.18-22; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 335)

ḥnw.t, "Horn" | "horn" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 109.14-110.4; FCD 172; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 337)

ḥnw.t, "[Krankheitserscheinung der Körperoberfläche]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 110.8; MedWb 607)

ḥnw.t, "[Metall (offizinell)]" | "[a (mineral?) substance (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 110.10; DrogWb 352)

ḥnw.t, "[Krankheitserscheinung (Versperrung ?)]" | "obstruction? (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 110.9; MedWb 607)

ḥnwy.t, "Kornwucher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 104.11)

ḥnwty, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Van der Plas, Nil, I, 79)

ḥnb, "(Land) vermessen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 112.12-13; FCD 172)

ḥnb, "zurücktreiben" | "to drive away (from)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 113.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 653)

ḥnb, "Salbkügelchen" | "a small ball of ointment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 113.9; MedWb 607)

ḥnb.w, "[Bez. der Sonnenstrahlen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 113.6-7)

ḥnb.t, "Brotration (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 112.15)

ḥnb.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 113.10; DrogWb 352; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 647)

ḥnb.tjt, "[Ausdruck der Tempelverwaltung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 112.19; Schenkel, Memephis, Herakleopolis, Theben, § 377, Anm. e)

ḥnbꜣbꜣ, "kugelig sein" | "ball-shaped (of a swelling; med.)" [verb: verb_6-lit] (Wb 3, 113.11; MedWb 607)

ḥnp, "durchdringen; ernten; fangen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 113.17; Meeks, RdE 25, 1973, 213 f., Anm. 7)

ḥnm.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (oDeM 1222, 2)

ḥnmm.t, "Volk; Menschheit; Anhänger" | "sunfolk (of Heliopolis); humankind" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 114.6-13; FCD 172; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 338; Lesko, Dictionary II, 121; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 655; AEO I, 98* ff.; Goedicke, in: Fs Mus. Berlin, 95)

ḥnmnm, "(schlecht) reden über" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 3, 114.15)

ḥnn, "Spitzhacke" | "hoe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 114.16; FCD 172; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 338; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 655; Sabek, in: Fs Endesfelder, Priese, Reineke, Wenig, 436)

ḥnn, "hacken" | "to hoe" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 114.17)

ḥnn, "Phallus" | "phallus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 115.1-2; FCD 172; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 339; Lesko, Dictionary II, 121; Walker, Anatom. Term., 272)

ḥnn, "männlicher Blütenstand der Dattel" | "[part of a date (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 115.3; DrogWb 353; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 502)

ḥnn-jꜥꜣ, "[Pflanze ("Eselsphallus")]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 353)

ḥnr, "verdunkeln; eintrüben" | "to squint (?) (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 115.4-5; MedWb 583; EDG 328; KoptHWb 366; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 320; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 41)

ḥnr, "Eintrübung; Verdunklung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 583; vgl. Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 41)

ḥnr, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 769)

ḥnrg, "entmutigt sein" | "to quake; to be embarrassed (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 115; Lesko, Dictionary II, 122; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 321)

ḥnrg, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. LIII.1)

ḥnḥn, "zurückgehalten werden" | "to hinder; to detain" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 115.8-9; FCD 172; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 339)

ḥnḥn, "[eine Krankheit der Beine]" | "[an affliction of the legs (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 115.12; MedWb 608 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 228, Anm. 287)

ḥnḥn, "Vitalität; die Lebenskraft erhalten" | "vitality" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 16; Meeks, AL 78.2729)

ḥnḥn, "Trödler" | "dawdler" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 46)

ḥnḥn, "zerreißen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (EAG § 429; Allen, Inflection, 578)

ḥnḥn.t, "Geschwulst" | "[a swelling (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 116.1-2; MedWb 609 f.)

ḥns, "eng; schmal" | "narrow; constricted" [adjective] (Wb 3, 116.12-16)

ḥns, "eng sein; schmal sein" | "to be narrow; to be constricted" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 116.12-16)

ḥns.t, "[offizinell]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 353 f.)

ḥns-jb, "Engherzigkeit" | "meanness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 116.16; FCD 173)

ḥnswꜣ, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant, as a divine being]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.2731; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 770)

ḥnq, "vernichten" | "to devastate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 117.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 123)

ḥnq, "Flüssigkeit (die aus dem Toten austritt)" | "foam; ferment (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 117.3; Faulkner, PT, 22 (Pyr 64c); Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 340 f.)

ḥnq.t, "Bier" | "beer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 169.11-20)

ḥnk, "schenken; beschenken" | "to present (a gift); to offer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 117.5-118.5)

ḥ, "die mit der Haarflechte" | "with braided hair" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 116.11; vgl. FCD 173; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 656; KoptHWb 366; Schenkel, GOF IV.12, 125)

ḥ, "Bett; Bettauflage" | "bed; bed linens (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 119.14-120.2)

ḥnk.w, "Waagschale" | "scale-pan (of a balance)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 120.5; FCD 173)

ḥnk.t, "Opfergabe; Stiftung" | "offerings; donation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 118.9-15)

ḥnk.t, "Vertraute" | "companion" [substantive] (Wb 3, 118.7)

ḥnk.t, "Schlafzimmer (?); Salon (?)" | "bedchamber" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 119.8-13; FCD 173)

ḥnk.t, "Haarflechte" | "braided lock of hair" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 120.10; FCD 173; KoptHWb 366; Schenkel, GOF IV.12, 125)

ḥ, "mit einer Haarflechte versehen; bezopft" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 1221a; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 340)

ḥnk.tyt, "die Bezopfte (besonders Hathor)" | "one with braided hair (Hathor; Isis; Nephthys)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 121.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, LGG V, 223 f.; KoptHWb 366; Schenkel, GOF IV.12, 125)

ḥnk-Nw.w, "[Priester in Hermonthis]" | "[priest in Hermonthis]" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 118.8; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographische Inschriften der Spätzeit, I, 30 ff.)

ḥngg, "jubeln, sich freuen" | "to rejoice" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 3, 121.7-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 657 f.)

ḥngg, "Schlund (Körperteil)" | "salivary glands (?); tonsils (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 121.10-11; Walker, Anatom. Term. 272 f.)

ḥnt, "Gier" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 173)

ḥntꜣ, "Igel; Stachelschwein" | "[an amimal (porcupine?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 122.7; DrogWb 354 f.; MedWb 611; FCD 173)

ḥntꜣ, "vergehen (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Munro, Tb-Handschriften, 175)

ḥntꜣsw, "Eidechse" | "lizard (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 122.9; FCD 173; MedWb 611; DrogWb 355 f.)

ḥntj, "Igelkopfschiff (der Nachtfahrt)" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2740; Jones, Naut. Titles, 142 (53); Altenmüller, SAK 28, 2000, 19 ff.)

ḥntj, "Gieriger (Götterfeind in Krokodilsgestalt) (von Seth u.a. Göttern)" | "crocodile (manifestation of Seth and his confederates)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 121.14; LGG V, 228a-b)

ḥnti̯, "gierig sein (nach)" | "to be covetous; to be greedy" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 121.12-13; FCD 173)

ḥnṯ.t, "Schlachtfest" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 600)

ḥnṯ.tj, "Schlächter" | "butcher" [substantive] (Wb 3, 122.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 341 f.)

ḥnṯ.tj, "Schlächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 229)

ḥnṯi̯, "schlachten; töten; fernhalten" | "to butcher (animals); to kill (enemies)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 122.11-13)

ḥr, "Gesicht; Ansicht; Aufmerksamkeit; Vorderseite" | "face; sight" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 125.6-127.14)

ḥr, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 3, 131.1-132.23; EAG § 765; GEG § 165; CGG 99 ff.)

ḥr, "Lenktau" | "rope (aboard ship)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 144.1; Jones, Naut. Titles, 176 (107))

ḥr, "bereit sein (etwas zu tun); bereiten; sich bereit machen" | "to be ready (to do something); to make ready" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 146-147.9; FCD 176)

ḥr.j, "befindlich über; befindlich auf; oberer" | "being upon; being above; uppermost" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 133.1-136.6)

ḥr.j, "Oberster; Vorgesetzter" | "supervisor; chieftain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 141.14-142.2)

ḥr.j, "[Teil des Kopfes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 142.11)

ḥr.j, "der Obere (Totentempel mit Pyramide)" | "upper (part) (pyramid plus mortuary temple?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 143.12)

ḥr.j, "Deckel (eines Räuchergerätes)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2797)

ḥr.j-ꜣḫ.t, "der über dem Horizont ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 309)

ḥr.j-jꜣ.t=f, "der auf seiner Standarte ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 1287c)

ḥr.j-jwꜥ.yt, "Oberster der Garnisonstruppe" | "garrison-troop leader" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Schulman, Military Rank, 50)

ḥr.j-jb, "Mitte" | "middle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 136.7-137.18; FCD 174)

ḥr.j-jb, "in der Mitte befindliche(r); mittlerer (attributiv)" | "being in the middle" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 137.19-138.6)

ḥr.j-jb, "der Mittlere (von Personen)" | "middle one (of persons)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 137.19)

ḥr.j-jb-Ꜣbw, "der inmitten von Elephantine ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 310 f.)

ḥr.j-jb-Wꜣs.t, "der inmitten von Theben ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 321 f.)

ḥr.j-jb-Wṯz-Rꜥw-m-Jwn.w, "der inmitten von Wetjez-Re-em-Iunu ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Raue, Heliopolis, 310)

ḥr.j-jb-Pr-Jtn, "der inmitten des Hauses des Aton ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Chappaz, BSEG 8, 1983, 20)

ḥr.j-jb-Pr-Mn-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw, "der inmitten des Tempels des Men-cheperu-Re ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Schäfer, ZÄS 55, 1918, 33)

ḥr.j-jb-Pr-ḥꜥj, "der inmitten von Per-hai ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Balcz/Bittel, MDAIK 3, 1932, 36)

ḥr.j-jb-pꜣ-Pr-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn, "der inmitten von Piramesse ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 329)

ḥr.j-jb-pr-ꜥnḫ, "der im Lebenshaus residiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 328)

ḥr.j-jb-mḥ, "der inmitten seiner Stirnschlange ist (Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 332)

ḥr.j-jb-Ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t-n-Jtn, "der inmitten von Ha-em-achet-en-Aton ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Habachi, MDAIK 20, 1965, 76, Abb. 5b)

ḥr.j-jb-Ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t-n-Jtn-m-Jwn.w-Šmꜥ.w, "der inmitten von Ha-em-achet-en-Aton-em-Iunu-Schemau ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Habachi, MDAIK 20, 1965, 75)

ḥr.j-jb-Ḥꜥ-m-ꜣḫ.t-n-Jtn-m-pr=f-m-Jwn.w-Šmꜥ.w, "der inmitten von Ha-em-achet-en-Aton-em-peref-em-Iunu-Schemau ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Habachi, MDAIK 20, 1965, 75, Abb. 4b; Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, 60, Anm. 38)

ḥr.j-jb-Ḥw.t-bnbn-n-Gm-pꜣ-Jtn, "der inmitten des Benbenhauses in Gem-pa-Aton ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, pl. 23.5; vgl. LGG V, 338)

ḥr.j-jb-Ḥw.t-n.t-šꜥy, "der im Haus des Sandes residiert (Min)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.11; vgl. LGG V, 341)

ḥr.j-jb-ḥꜣb-sd, "der inmitten des Sedfestes ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 342)

ḥr.j-jb-Šd.t, "der inmitten von Schedet ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 349)

ḥr.j-jb-šꜥy, "der inmitten des Sandes ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 347)

ḥr.j-jb-šṯy.t, "der in der Krypta Befindliche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 348 f.)

ḥr.j-jb-Gm-Jtn, "der inmitten von Kawa ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 351)

ḥr.j-jb-Gm-pꜣ-Jtn-m-Pr-Jtn, "der inmitten von Gem-pa-Aton im Tempel des Aton ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, I, pl. 87.1; vgl. LGG V, 351)

ḥr.j-jb-Gsꜣ, "der inmitten von Qus ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 351)

ḥr.j-jb-Ḏw-wꜥb, "der inimtten von Gebel Barkal ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 355)

ḥr.j-jb-ḏw-n-Mnw, "der inmitten des Berges des Min ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 355)

ḥr.j-jr.w-nbw-pꜣq, "Oberster der Feingoldmacher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Zivie, BIFAO 75, 1975, 304 ff.)

ḥr.j-jr.w-nbw-pꜣq-n-pr-Jtn, "Oberster der Feingoldmacher des Tempels des Aton" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Zivie, BIFAO 75, 1975, 298)

ḥr.j-jḥ.w, "Stalloberster" | "stable master" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 121.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 131)

ḥr.j-jḥ.w, "Stalloberster" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 121.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 131)

ḥr.j-jḥ.w-n-Pꜣ-jḥ.w-ꜥꜣ-n-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-m-ẖnw, "Stalloberster des großen Stalles von Ramses-mery-Amun, l.h.g., in der Residenz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1247)

ḥr.j-jḥ.w-n-ẖnw, "Stalloberster der Residenz" | "stable master of the residence" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1251)

ḥr.j-jḥ.w-tp.j, "erster Stalloberster" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1252)

ḥr.j-ꜥ, "(männl.) Kind" | "male infant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 10; Meeks, AL 77.2783)

ḥr.j-ꜥ, "Hemd (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 5)

ḥr.j-ꜥꜣ-n-pr, "oberster Hausverwalter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 136.13)

ḥr.j-ꜥtḫ, "Oberster Bierbrauer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL 15.3; vgl. AEO I, 65*)

ḥr.j-ꜥtḫ.w-n-pr-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Oberster der Bierbrauer des Tempels des Re-Harachte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Munro, MDAIK 37, 1981, 360, Abb. 1)

ḥr.j-wꜥ=f, "der über seinem Alleinsein ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 360 f.)

ḥr.j-wꜥb-qnj.w-n-ḥm=f, "Vorsteher der Priester der Sänfte seiner Majestät" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1262)

ḥr.j-wr.w, "Oberster der Großen" | "controller of the great ones" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2201)

ḥr.j-wḥm.w-n-mšꜥ, "Oberster Armeesprecher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wolf, ZÄS 65, 1930, 92)

ḥr.j-wḏb.w, "Leiter der Zuwendungen" | "master of largesse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 139.1-6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2212)

ḥr.j-wḏb.w-m-ḥw.t-ꜥnḫ, "Verwalter der Zuwendungen des Lebenshauses" | "master of largesse in the house of life" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 139.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2215)

ḥr.j-Pj, "Oberster von Pe" | "chief of Pe" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 139.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2219)

ḥr.j-pr, "Hausverwalter" | "major-domo" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2220)

ḥr.j-pr, "Hausverwalter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2220)

ḥr.j-pr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hausverwalter des Palastes" | "major-domo of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2222)

ḥr.j-pr-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hausverwalter des Palastes" | "major-domo of the palace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2222)

ḥr.j-pr-ḫnt.w-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hausverwalter der Chentuschi des Palastes" | "domestic of land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2224)

ḥr.j-pr-qꜣ.w, "Hausverwalter der Qau-Arbeiter" | "domestic of the kau-workers (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 988)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t, "Truppenoberst" | "troop commander" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 571.1-5)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t, "Truppenoberst" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 571.1-5; Ward, Titles, no. 991)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t-n-Jns, "Truppenoberst von Alzi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 138.7)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t-n-Pns, "Truppenoberst von Panasa" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 137.16)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t-n-pꜣ-ḫr.w-n-Ḫt, "Truppenoberst des Feindes von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 137.15)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t-n-nꜣ-mnš.w, "Truppenoberst der Schiffe" | "captain of troops of the ships" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1289)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t-n-nꜣ-Qbsw, "Truppenoberst der Leute von Qabassu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 137.15-16)

ḥr.j-pḏ.t-n-rḫt.jw-n-pr-ḫnr, "Oberster der Wäscher des Harems" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Zivie, BIFAO 75, 1975, 306 f.)

ḥr.j-fꜣ.y-wḫꜣ, "Oberbriefträger" | "chief dispatch carrier" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1302)

ḥr.j-mnm.t=f, "der auf seiner Bahre ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 365)

ḥr.j-mnḫ.t-Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "Aufseher der Kleidung des Horus von Edfu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 134)

ḥr.j-mnš, "Schiffsführer des Menesch-Bootes" | "skipper of a menesh-boat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 88 (168))

ḥr.j-mnš, "Schiffsführer des Menesch-Bootes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 88 (168))

ḥr.j-mr.t, "Oberster der Hörigen" | "master of servants" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 106.20; Ward, Titles, no. 992)

ḥr.j-mr.t, "Oberster der Hörigen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 106.20)

ḥr.j-mḏꜣ.y, "Oberst der Polizeitruppe; Oberst der Wüstenpolizei" | "(desert) police chief" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 186.12; Cerný, Community, 34 ff.)

ḥr.j-mḏꜣ.y-n-Ꜣḫ.t-Jtn, "Oberster der Polizeitruppe von Tell el-Amarna" | "chief of the medjay of Akhetaten" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1575)

ḥr.j-nfr.wt, "der über den schönen (Kühen) ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 364)

ḥr.j-nḥs.jw, "Oberster der Nubier" | "Governor of Nubians" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1338)

ḥr.j-ns.t, "Thronnachfolger; Amtsnachfolger; Verantwortlicher" | "successor; heir" [substantive] (Wb 2, 323.8-10; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 665)

ḥr.j-nsr.wy=f, "der auf seiner Flamme ist (Nefertem)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 367)

ḥr.j-nṯr.w, "der über den Göttern ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 368 ff.)

ḥr.j-rḫt.jw-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Oberster der Wäscher Pharaos" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LESt 20.14)

ḥr.j-rd=f, "der auf seinem Fuß ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 313e)

ḥr.j-ḥꜣp.wtj, "Oberkundschafter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Helck, JARCE 6, 1967, 139; LÄ IV, 289; vgl. Wb 3, 31.10)

ḥr.j-ḥmw.wt, "Oberster der Handwerkerschaft" | "supervisor of the craftsmen" [epitheton_title: title] (Bakir, Epistolography, pls.19, XXVI; Drenkhahn, Handwerker, 154)

ḥr.j-ḥr.jw, "Oberer der Obersten" | "supervisor of supervisors" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 996)

ḥr.j-ḫꜣw.t, "Oberster des Altars" | "master of offering tables" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 226.18; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1352)

ḥr.j-ḫꜣw.t, "der Aufseher des Altars" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 372)

ḥr.j-ḫt, "der hinter (jemandem) Befindliche" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (EAG § 798; Pyr 1032b)

ḥr.j-ḫt.w, "Verantwortlicher für die Hölzer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2229)

ḥr.j-ẖ.t, "auf dem Bauch Befindlicher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 135.1-3; LGG V, 374)

ḥr.j-ẖ.t=f, "der auf seinem Bauch ist" | "one who is upon his belly (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 135.1-2; LGG V, 374)

ḥr.j-ẖ.t=f, "der auf seinem Bauch liegt (Bez. für Gänse (Küken?))" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 135.4)

ḥr.j-ẖkr.w, "Verwalter des Schmuckes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2230)

ḥr.j-z(?)-n-mšꜥ, "Oberster der Armeetruppe (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Cerný/Koenig, Pap. hieratiques II, pl.23)

ḥr.j-zꜣ, "Phylenleiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10024 A, 2,6)

ḥr.j-zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.ww, "Oberarchivar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 418.4)

ḥr.j-zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.ww-n-pꜣ-mšꜥ, "Oberarchivar des Heeres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1362)

ḥr.j-zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.ww-n-pr-ḥḏ-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Oberarchivar des Schatzhauses Pharaos, l.h.g." | "chief of record-keepers of the treasury of pharaoh" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1363 f.)

ḥr.j-zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.ww-n-šnw.t-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Oberarchivar des Getreidespeichers Pharaos, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pChester Beatty V Verso 2.1 f.)

ḥr.j-zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.ww-n-tꜣ-s.t-tꜣ-šnw.t-pr-ꜥꜣ-m-Mn-nfr, "Oberarchivar der Stätte des Getreidespeichers Pharaos in Memphis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 123.4 f.; vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1365)

ḥr.j-zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.ww-n-tꜣ-šn.t, "Oberster Wächter über die Scheunenschreiber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wolf, ZÄS 65, 1930, 95)

ḥr.j-zꜣṯ, "Chef der Libation" | "libationer" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2232)

ḥr.j-zwn.ww, "Oberarzt" | "chief physician" [epitheton_title: title] (KRI VI, 522.6)

ḥr.j-zẖꜣ.ww-wdḥ.w, "Oberschreiber des Opferaltars" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gardiner, HPBM, 3d Series, Chester Beatty, 1.24 ff., pl. 11-12a)

ḥr.j-s.t-wr.t, "der auf dem großen Thron ist (von Göttern)" | "one who is upon his throne (of gods)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 7.17; LGG V, 375 f.)

ḥr.j-sꜣ, "[Rind]" | "[a kind of cattle]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 135.7; FCD 175; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 350)

ḥr.j-sꜣ, "Nachfolgender" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1226d)

ḥr.j-sꜣ, "dahinter befindlich" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (CT II, 43g)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses" | "privy to the secret(s)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 298.22-299.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2233)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 380)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-wꜥb.t-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der Wab-Werkstatt des Königs" | "privy to the secret(s) of the king's pure place" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2246)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Palastes" | "privy to the secret(s) of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2271)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-m-rʾ-pr.w, "Hüter des Geheimnisses in den Tempeln" | "privy to the secret(s) of chapels" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 1026)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nb-nswt, "Vertrauter jedes Frühstücks des Königs" | "privy to the secret(s) of every repast of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2236)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-jp.t-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Frauenhauses des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2237)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-jtj=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses seines Vaters" | "privy to the secret(s) of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2241)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wꜣḏ.tj, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der beiden Göttinnen" | "privy to the secret(s) of the two goddesses (Wadjet and Nekhbet)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 299.10; Ward, Titles, no. 1009)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wꜥb.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der Werkstatt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2245)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wpw.wt-ḥtp-nṯr, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der Aufträge des Gottesopfers" | "privy to the secret(s) of commissions of the divine offerings" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2248)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wpw.wt-štꜣ.wt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der geheimen Aufträge" | "privy to the secret(s) of secret commissions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2249; WbZ: DZA 22298190)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-mdw-n.t-nb=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses über den Befehl seines Herrn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2263)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-mdw-n.t-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses über den Befehl des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2264)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-mdw-nb.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses über jeden Befehl" | "privy to the secret(s) of every commission" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2262)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-mdw-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses über jeden Befehl des Königs" | "privy to the secret(s) of every proclamation of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2265)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-mdw-nb.t-sštꜣ.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses jedes geheimen Befehls" | "privy to the secret(s) of every secret proclamation" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2267)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-mdw-nb.t-sštꜣ.t-n.t-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses jedes geheimen Königsbefehls" | "privy to the secret(s) of every secret proclamation of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2268)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏ.t-nb.t, "Hüter des Geheimnises jedes Befehls" | "privy to the secret(s) of every command" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2269)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏꜥ-mdw, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Richtens" | "privy to the secret(s) of judgement" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 405.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2252)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏꜥ-mdw-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Richtens des großen Gerichtshofes" | "privy to the secret(s) of judgement of the great lawcourt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2254)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏꜥ-mdw-ḥr.j-wḏb-m-ḥw.t-ꜥnḫ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Richtens über den Verwalter der Zuwendungen des Lebenshauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2259)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-wḏꜥ-mdw-štꜣ-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der geheimen Entscheidungen des Gerichtshofes" | "privy to the secret(s) of secret proclamations of the lawcourt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK no. 2257; WbZ: DZA 22733320)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2271)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-pr-Mnw-mj-qd=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Mintempels in seiner Gesamtheit" | "privy to the secret(s) of the house of Min in its entirety" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2273)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-pr-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Palastes" | "privy to the secret(s) of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2274)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-pr-dwꜣ.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Morgenhauses" | "privy to the secret(s) of the house of morning" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 299.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2275)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-Mnw-kꜣ-mw.t=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Min-Kamutef" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 327)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-mꜣꜣ.t-wꜥ.w, "Geheimnishüter über das, was nur einer sehen darf" | "privy to the secret(s) of seeing alone" [epitheton_title: title] (WbZ: DZA 23675340-5400; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2277)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-md.t-nb.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses aller Angelegenheiten" | "privy to the secret(s) of every word" [epitheton_title: title] (Edel, MDAIK 37, 1981, 131, Abb. 3)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-md.t-nb.t-n.t-rʾ-ꜥꜣ-gꜣw-n-Ꜣb.w, "Geheimnishüter jeder Angelegenheit der engen Türöffnung (?) von Elephantine" | "privy to the secret(s) of every word of the narrow gateway of Elephantine" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2283)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-mdw.w-nṯr, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der Gottesworte" | "privy to the secret(s) of the god's word(s)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 299.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2281)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-mdw.w-štꜣ.w, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der geheimen Worte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2284)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-mdw.w-štꜣ.w-n.w-mdw.w-nṯr, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der geheimen Worte der Gottesworte" | "secretary of the confidential transactions of the god's words" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2285)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nb=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses seines Herrn" | "privy to the secret(s) of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2298)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nb=f-rꜥw-nb, "Hüter des Geheimnisses seines Herrn tagtäglich" | "privy to the secret(s) of his lord every day" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2301)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königs" | "privy to the secret(s) of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 299.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2304)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nswt-m-wḏ.t-mdw.t-nb.t-štꜣ.t-n.t-rʾ-ḫꜣs.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königs in allen geheimen Befehlen über den Eingang der Fremdländer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2305)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nswt-m-mšꜥ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königs im Heer" | "master of secrets of the king in the army" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1022)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nswt-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königs an allen seinen Plätzen" | "privy to the secret(s) of the king in his every place" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2311)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nswt-m-s.wt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königs an den Pläten des Palastes" | "privy to the secret of the king in the places of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2310)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-nṯr=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses seines Gottes" | "privy to the secret(s) of his god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2316)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-Ḥkꜣ, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Heka" | "privy to the secret(s) of Heka" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2334)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der großen Halle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2326)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-ḫtm.t-n-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königsschatzes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2339)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-ḫtm.t-nṯr, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Gottesschatzes" | "privy to the secret(s) of the god's treasure" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 637.10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2340)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-ḫtm.t-nṯr-m-Jꜣkm.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Gottesschatzes in Iakmet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2341)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-ḫtm.t-nṯr-m-pr.ww-n.w-Mꜥm, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Gottesschatzes in den Häuser von Mam" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2343)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-ẖr.t-ꜥ-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des königlichen Schreibzeuges" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Giza II, 51)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-sḏm.t-wꜥ, "Geheimnishüter von dem, was nur einer hören darf" | "privy to the secret(s) of what one alone hears" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 277.7; 4, 388.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2357)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-sḏm.t-wꜥ-m-rʾ-ꜥꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Geheimnishüter von dem, was nur einer hören darf, am großen Eingang von Oberägypten" | "privy to the secret of that which one alone judges in the gateway of the south" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2358)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-kꜣ.t-nb.t, "Hüter des Geheimnisses jeder Arbeit" | "privy to the secret(s) of every work" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2360)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-kꜣ.t-nb.t-n.t-nswt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses jeder Arbeit des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2361)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-kꜣ.t-qd-m-pr.wj, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der Bauarbeit in den beiden Häusern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2363)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-nb=f-mrr.w=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses seines Herrn, der von ihm geliebte" | "privy to the secret(s) of his lord, beloved of him" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2300)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-nswt-m-ẖn.w-štꜣ.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Geheimnishüter des Königs im geheimen Inneren des Palastes" | "privy to the secret(s) of the king in the secret interior of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2309)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-nswt-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "Hüter des Geheimnisses des Königs an allen seinen Plätzen" | "privy to the secret(s) of the king in all his cult-places" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2311)

ḥr.j-sštꜣ-ḫr-nb=f, "Hüter des Geheimnisses bei seinem Herrn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 81, fig. 70)

ḥr.j-sk.t, "Oberster der Seket-Truppe (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 319.17)

ḥr.j-š-n-Mr.t-Ttj, "Leiter des Schi-Bezirks (Baustelle?) des Meret-Heiligtums des Teti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawat/Hassan, Teti Cemetery I, 66, pl. 64)

ḥr.j-šꜥy=f, "der auf seinem Sand ist" | "one who is upon his sand" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 420.8; LGG V, 383 f.)

ḥr.j-šꜣ-ḥw.t-pꜣ-Jtn, "Oberster der Kaufleute des Tempels des Aton" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1637)

ḥr.j-šms.w-n-pꜣ-ḫr.w-n-Ḫt, "Oberster der Gefolgsleute des Feindes von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 138.5)

ḥr.j-šnꜥ.w, "Hüter des Magazines" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 1045; vgl. Caminos, LEM, 24)

ḥr.j-šnꜥ.w, "Hüter des Magazines" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1045; vgl. Caminos, LEM, 24)

ḥr.j-qrꜥ.w, "Vorsteher der Schildträger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 7, Taf. II)

ḥr.j-kꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Arbeiten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1427)

ḥr.j-kꜣ.t-n-ḥw.t-nbw, "Vorsteher der Arbeiten des Goldhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1428)

ḥr.j-kꜣn.w, "Vorsteher der Winzer" | "chief vinter" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1435)

ḥr.j-tꜣ, "auf Erden Lebender; Hinterbliebener" | "one who is upon earth (in contrast to the dead); survivor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 136.1-5; FCD 175; Lesko, Dictionary II, 132; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 666)

ḥr.j-tp, "oberer; darauf befindlicher" | "one who is upon; one who has authority over" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 139.12-140.5)

ḥr.j-tp, "Oberhaupt; Zauberer" | "overlord" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 140.6-20; EDG 321 f.)

ḥr.j-tp, "festes Land" | "solid land" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.2794)

ḥr.j-tp, "Oberhaupt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 387)

ḥr.j-tp, "Oberhaupt; Zauberer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 140.6-20; EDG 321 f.)

ḥr.j-tp-Jḫm.w-sk, "Oberhaupt der Unvergänglichen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 398)

ḥr.j-tp-Jgr.t, "Oberhaupt von Igeret (Osiris u.a. Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 389)

ḥr.j-tp-jꜣw.t-ḫnt.jt, "Oberhaupt der vornehmsten Ämter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1048)

ḥr.j-tp-jtr.ty, "Oberhaupt der beiden Heiligtümer (Amun)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 389)

ḥr.j-tp-jdr-ꜥꜣ, "Oberhaupt der großen Fesselung (Bestrafung)" | "overlord of great punishment" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2370; Fischer Varia Nova, 218)

ḥr.j-tp-Ꜥn.wt, "Oberhaupt von Anut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 390)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ, "großes Oberhaupt (bes. von Gaufürsten)" | "great overlord (of the province); nomarch" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 140.16-20; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2382)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ, "großes Oberhaupt (bes. von Gaufürsten)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 140.16-20)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Ꜣtf.t-mꜣꜥ, "wahrhaft großes Oberhaupt von Atfet" | "true great overlord of Atefet (capital of the 12th nome of Upper Egypt)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2384)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-ꜣtf.t, "großes Oberhaupt von Atfet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2383)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Wn.t, "großes Oberhaupt des Hasengaus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1054)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Mꜣ-ḥḏ, "großes Oberhaupt von Ma-hedj" | "nomarch of the oryx-nome" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1055)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Mnw, "großes Oberhaupt des Achmim-Gaues" | "great overlord of the nome of Akhmim (9th nome of Upper Egypt)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2392)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-spꜣ.t, "großes Oberhaupt des Gaues" | "great overlord of the nome" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2393)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Šmꜥ.w, "großes Oberhaupt von Oberägypten" | "nomarch of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1063)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Tꜣ-wr, "großes Oberhaupt des Thinitischen Gaues" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2395)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Tꜣ-wr-mꜣꜥ, "wirkliches großes Oberhaupt des Thinitischen Gaues" | "true great overlord of the Thinite Nome" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2397)

ḥr.j-tp-ꜥꜣ-n-Tꜣ-Ztj, "großes Oberhaupt von Nubien" | "great overlord of the Nubian nome" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1064)

ḥr.j-tp-mḏḥ.w-rwḏ.t, "Oberhaupt der Sandsteinarbeiter" | "overlord of hewers of sandstone" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 1072b)

ḥr.j-tp-Nḫb, "Oberhaupt von El-Kab" | "great overlord of Nekheb (Elkab)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 309.3; Ward, Titles, no. 1074)

ḥr.j-tp-n-Mnw, "Oberhaupt des Achmim-Gaues" | "great overlord of the nome of Akhmim (9th nome of Upper Egypt)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2392)

ḥr.j-tp-n-smꜣ, "der auf dem Wildstier ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 138)

ḥr.j-tp-n-tꜣ-r-ḏr=f, "Oberhaupt des ganzen Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1084)

ḥr.j-tp-nḥḥ, "Oberhaupt der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 395)

ḥr.j-tp-rḫ.yt=f, "Oberhaupt seiner Rechitleute" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 396)

ḥr.j-tp-ḫꜣs.wt, "Oberhaupt der Fremdländer" | "overlord of mountainlands" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 1075a)

ḥr.j-tp-spꜣ.wt=f, "das Oberhaupt seiner Gaue" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 399)

ḥr.j-tp-sšr, "Oberhaupt des Leinenzeuges" | "supervisor of cloth" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2377)

ḥr.j-tp-Tꜣ.wj, "Oberhaupt der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 150.8)

ḥr.j-tp-ḏꜣ.t, "Oberhaupt der Stoffabteilung" | "supervisor of the wardrobe" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2378)

ḥr.j-tm, "Oberster des Tem-Gebietes (?)" | "supervisor of the tem(-region?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2369)

ḥr.j-ṯꜣ, "Oberster der Standartenträger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Urk. IV, 1962.18)

ḥr.j-ḏbꜥ, "[ein hornloses Rind]" | "[a kind of (hornless?) cattle]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 136.6)

ḥr.jw, "[Bez. der Sterne]" | "those-who-are-above (stars)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 142.8-10)

ḥr.jw, "[essbares Geflügel]" | "those-who-are-above (birds)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 146.14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 128; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 669)

ḥr.jw-rnp.t, "die über dem Jahr sind (Epagomenen)" | "Those-who-are-above-the-year (epagomenal days)" [substantive] (Wb 2, 430.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 665)

ḥr.jw-šꜥy, "[Bez. der Beduinen]" | "those-upon-the-sand (Beduins)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 135.12; FCD 175)

ḥr.jt, "Oberste" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 142.3-7)

ḥr.jt, "Planke (o. Ä.) des Schiffes" | "[part of a boat (gunwale?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 148.20; Jones, Naut. Titles, 177 (110))

ḥr.jt-jb-Btn, "die in Tebtynis residiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 421)

ḥr.jt-jb-ḥw.t-ꜥnḫ, "die inmitten des Lebenshauses ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 426)

ḥr.jt-jb-Sḫ.t-nṯr, "die in Sechet-netjer residiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 432)

ḥr.jt-ꜥ, "Fehlendes; Rückstand" | "arrears" [substantive] (Wb 3, 134.2-4; FCD 175)

ḥr.jt-ꜥ, "(weibl.) Kind" | "female infant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 10; Meeks, AL 77.2783)

ḥr.jt-wꜣḏ=s, "die auf ihrer Papyrussäule ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 437 f.)

ḥr.jt-pr, "Hausverwalterin" | "Mistress of a House" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 990)

ḥr.jt-mw, "Schiff" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 134.12; Jones, Naut. Titles, 142 (54))

ḥr.jt-nm.t, "die über der Richtstätte ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 439)

ḥr.jt-sštꜣ, "die über dem Geheimen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 441)

ḥr.jt-ktw.t=s-m-pr-ꜥnḫ, "die über ihrem Feuerkessel im Lebenshaus ist (Sachmet)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 443; Goyon, Confiramtion, Col. 13.19, und 105 (n. 210))

ḥr.jt-tp, "die Oberste" | "chieftainess" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 140.21-141.6)

ḥr.jt-tp, "Uräusschlange ("Die oben ist")" | "uraeus; diadem" [substantive] (Wb 3, 141.9-11; Lesko, Dictionary II, 132)

ḥr.jt-tp, "Haar; Perücke; Kopfputz" | "what is upon the head (hair?) (headgear?)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 141.7-8)

ḥr.jt-tp-jtj=s, "die an der Stirn ihres Vaters ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 446)

ḥr.jt-tp-zmy.t, "Vorsteherin der Wüste" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LGG V, 454 f.)

ḥr.jt-tp-Tꜣ.wj, "Vorsteherin der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 456)

ḥr.jt-tkꜣ.w, "die über der Flamme ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 457)

ḥ, "Schrecken" | "fear; dread" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 147.14-148.12; FCD 176)

ḥr.w, "Menschen ("Gesichter")" | "people" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 130.13-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 662)

ḥr.w, "Oberseite" | "upper part; top" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 142.13-143.8; FCD 174; vgl. KoptHWb 385 f.)

ḥr.w, "abgesehen von; außer" | "apart from; besides" [preposition] (Wb 3, 146.7-11; GEG § 179)

ḥr.w, "Schrecken; Hinterhältigkeit; Respekt" | "terror; dread, respect" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 148.13-14; FCD 176)

ḥr.w-ꜥ, "[Getränk aus zerdrückten Früchten]" | "[a drink of grapes and water]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 157.1-2; 3, 134.9-11; Lesko, Dictionary II, 133; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 670; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 583, Anm. 50)

ḥr.w-bjk, "Kichererbse" | "chickpea" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2774; Germer, Flora, 96 f.)

ḥr.w-r, "neben; abgesehen von" | "beside; apart from" [preposition] (Wb 3, 146.7; GEG § 179; ENG § 648)

ḥr.w-ḥr, "ausgenommen; außer" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 146.8)

ḥr.wj, "horisch ("zu Horus gehörig")" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 487a; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 343)

ḥr.wt-wr.t, "großer weiblicher Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 298)

ḥr.wt-wr.t-n-Wsjr, "großer weiblicher Horus des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XII.11-XIII.1)

ḥr.t, "Oberseite" | "upper side" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 143.9-10)

ḥr.t, "Grabanlage; Nekropole" | "tomb; necropolis" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 143.13-19; FCD 175)

ḥr.t, "Weg" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 144.5-6)

ḥr.t, "Himmel" | "heaven" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 144.8-17; FCD 175)

ḥr.t, "[ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 148.16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 134)

ḥr.t, "Opfertisch" | "offering table" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2804)

ḥr.t-jb, "innere Tempelhalle; Durchgangsraum im Tempel (?)" | "inner hall (of a temple); corridor room (?) (within a temple)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 138.17-21; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 85 ff.)

ḥr.t-mw, "Vogelteich (im Geflügelhof)" | "pond (for domestic waterfowl)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 134.14)

ḥ, "Himmlischer" | "Heavenly-one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 88; II, 97; LGG V, 460)

ḥr-jꜣ.t, "auf" | english translation missing [preposition] (EDG 320; KoptHWb 289)

ḥr-jb, "inmitten von" | english translation missing [preposition] (FCD 174; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 349)

ḥr-jb-n, "inmitten von" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT I, 220c)

ḥr-jḫ.t, "betreffs" | english translation missing [preposition] (Koch, Sinuhe, 64; Davies, JEA 61, 1975, 47 f.)

ḥr-ꜥ, "jmdm. unterstellt; unter; vor" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT I, 109b)

ḥr-ꜥ.wj, "sogleich" | "straightaway" [adverb] (Wb 1, 156.24; EAG § 752; GEG § 205.3)

ḥr-ꜥ.wj, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 156.23; EAG § 774)

ḥr-ꜥꜣ-n-jtr.w, "das große Gesicht des Flusses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 300)

ḥr-wr, "großes Gesicht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 300; Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 433)

ḥr-bnr, "außen" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 1, 461.3; FCD 83)

ḥr-mw, "loyal (sein) ("auf dem Wasser" von jmdm. sein, gehen ...)" | "to be loyal to (someone) (lit. to be on someone's water)" [verb] (Wb 2, 52.17-18)

ḥr-mw.t=f, "Gesicht seiner Mutter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 8.27)

ḥr-n.tjt, "denn; weil (Konjunktion)" | "forasmuch as; because" [particle] (Wb 2, 355.2-3; GEG § 223)

ḥr-n-ḥr, "Unglück" | "panic; misfortune" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 130.23; Lesko, Dictionary II, 127; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 655 f.)

ḥr-n-gjf-m-ḫnt-ḫꜥ-tꜣ, "Affengesicht vor dem Urhügel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 161 f.)

ḥr-nb, "alle Leute" | "everyone (lit. every face)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 130.4-12; FCD 174)

ḥr-ḥꜣ.t, "vor (lok., temp.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 23.14-15; CGG 116)

ḥr-ḥꜥ.w, "Selbst; selbst (adjektivisch)" | english translation missing [substantive] (GEG § 36, n.7)

ḥr-ḫw, "außer; ohne" | "beside; except (lit. in exclusion of)" [preposition] (GEG § 178)

ḥr-ḫnt, "in" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 303.8)

ḥr-ḫt, "hinter; nach; auf" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 347.13-15; EAG 798)

ḥr-ẖnw, "innerhalb" | english translation missing [adverb] (Cerny, LRL, 23.12)

ḥr-ẖr.w, "unter" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 392.12)

ḥr-zj-jšst, "warum?" | "why?" [pronoun] (Wb 3, 425.5; 1, 135.12; GEG § 500.4)

ḥr-sꜣ, "danach; später" | "afterwards" [adverb] (Wb 4, 12.13-14; GEG § 205.2; ENG § 593)

ḥr-sꜣ, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 803; GEG § 178; ENG § 654)

ḥr-š, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Dawson/Peet, JEA 19, 1933, Tf. 25 f.)

ḥr-qd, "ganz und gar; durchaus" | "entirely; altogether" [adverb] (Wb 5, 77.6; FCD 282)

ḥr-gs, "an der Seite von; neben" | "beside; in the presence of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 193.6-7; GEG § 178)

ḥr-gs.wj, "neben" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 194.6-9)

ḥr-gs.wj-n, "neben" | english translation missing [preposition] (Ratié, Neferoubenef, Taf. XV)

ḥr-tp, "herrschen; beherrschen" | "to rule" [verb] (Wb 3, 141.12-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 666)

ḥr-tp, "auf; zugunsten von" | "upon; on behalf of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 271.23-272.6; EAG § 808; GEG § 178; ENG § 660)

ḥr-tp, "angemessen ("mit Bedacht")" | english translation missing [adverb] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 55 (D495); Junge, Ptahhotep, 201)

ḥr-tp, "darauf; oben" | english translation missing [adverb] (Pyr 1265b)

ḥr-tp, "zu Beginn von" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT V, 146b)

ḥr-tp-n, "an der Spitze von; auf; zugunsten von" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT I, 39b)

ḥr-ḏꜣḏꜣ, "auf" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 5, 531.8; EAG § 808; ENG § 661; CGG 121)

ḥr-ḏd, "sagend; mit den Worten" | "saying ..." [verb] (GEG § 321)

ḥry.t, "Schmelzofen" | "smelting oven" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 148.15; KoptHWb 383)

ḥry.t-n-pr.t, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (LEM 110.6)

ḥri̯, "(sich) fernhalten; entfernen" | "to be far (from); to remove (oneself)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 144-146.5)

ḥri̯, "sich ängstigen; (jmdn.) erschrecken" | "to dread; to instill dread" [verb] (Wb 3, 147.11-13; ONB 85; KoptHWb 568; vgl. FCD 176)

ḥrw.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 148.18; DrogWb 357)

ḥrp, "Schwert" | "dagger; short sword (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 149.6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 135; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 324)

ḥrr.t, "Blume; Blüte" | "flower" [substantive] (Wb 3, 149.8-18; FCD 176; Lesko, Dictionary II, 135)

ḥrr.t, "Gewürm" | "(small creeping and/or crawling) creatures (generic term); worm (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 150.2-3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 351; Lesko, Dictionary II, 135; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 670)

ḥrḥr, "bewachen; hüten" | "to guard; to keep" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 10; Meeks, AL 77.2819; Lesko, Dictionary II, 135; KoptHWb 569; vgl. EDG 326 f.)

ḥrs.t, "Karneol" | "carnelian" [substantive] (Wb 3, 150.9-14; FCD 176; Harris, Minerals, 120 f.)

ḥrst, "(die Augen) wutrot werden lassen; wutgerötet sein (der Augen)" | "to make red (eyes, with rage); to be red (eyes, with rage)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 151.1-2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 671)

ḥrti̯, "zu Lande reisen" | "to travel overland" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 144.7; FCD 176)

ḥḥ, "Million" | "million" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 152.14-153.24)

ḥḥ, "Heh (Unterabteilung einer Phyle)" | "Heh (subdivision of a phyle)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2826)

ḥḥ, "Heh-Figur (Symbol der Zeit)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 153.25)

ḥḥi̯, "gehen; betreten" | "to go; to tread" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 152.5-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 673 f.)

ḥz.y, "Gelobter; Belobter" | "praised one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 156.5-22)

ḥz.y, "Gelobter; Belobter; Glückseliger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 474 f.)

ḥz.y=f-mꜣꜥ-n-s.t-jb=f, "sein wahrhaft Gelobter in dessen innersten Herzen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wildung, MDAIK 37, 1981, 505 f.)

ḥz.y-ꜥꜣ-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "großer Gelobter des Herrn der Beiden Länder" | "greatly praised one of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1696)

ḥz.y-n-ꜥꜣ-m-ꜥḥꜥ.w=f, "Gelobter dessen, der groß in seiner Zeit ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1694)

ḥz.y-n-wꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "Gelobter des Wa-en-Re" | "praised one of Waenre" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1700)

ḥz.y-n-Mnw-nb-Jp.w, "Gelobter des Min, des Herrn von Achmim" | "one favored by Min, lord of Akhmim" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2403)

ḥz.y-n-mw.t=f, "Gelobter seiner Mutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2402)

ḥz.y-n-nb=f, "Gelobter seines Herrn" | "praised one of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1706)

ḥz.y-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Gelobter des Herrn der Beiden Länder" | "praised one of the lord of the Two Lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1710)

ḥz.y-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj-ḥr-bjꜣ.t=f, "Gelobter des Herrn der Beiden Länder wegen seines Charakters" | "praised one of the lord of the Two Lands because of his character" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1712)

ḥz.y-n-nṯr-nfr, "Gelobter des vollkommenen Gottes" | "praised one of the good god" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1722)

ḥz.y-sḫpr.n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Gelobter, den der Herr der Beiden Länder geschaffen hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna I, pl. 41)

ḥ, "Gelobte; Belobte" | "praised one" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 157.2-7)

ḥꜥꜣ.t-n.t-Wꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "große Gelobte des Wa-en-Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (ÄIB II, 267)

ḥꜥꜣ.t-n.t-nb.t-Tꜣ.wj, "große Gelobte der Herrin der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna I, pl. 36)

ḥṯr-nfr, "Gelobte des vollkommenen Gottes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 191)

ḥḥm.t-nzw-wr.t, "Gelobte der großen königlichen Gemahlin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (ÄIB II, 267)

ḥz.w-mw, "Wasserspruch (Zauberspruch zum Schutz auf dem Wasser)" | "[water spell?]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 160.2; FCD 177; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 356; Lesko, Dictionary II, 137)

ḥz.t, "Wasserflasche (Kultgefäß)" | "water jar; ewer (in ritual use)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 154.1)

ḥz.t, "[Unterabteilung einer Phyle]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2831)

ḥzꜣ, "Schleim; Teig (o. Ä.)" | "dough; paste; mucus (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 160.6-16; FCD 177; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 355 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 675; MedWb 632 f.; DrogWb 364 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 515, Anm. 57)

ḥzꜣ, "grimmig; wild" | "fierce" [adjective] (Wb 3, 161.1-14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 139)

ḥzꜣ, "wild sein; grimmig sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 161.1-10)

ḥzꜣ.w, "[ein Gewässer am Himmel]" | "[canal in the heavens]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 160.4)

ḥzi̯, "loben; begünstigen" | "to praise; to favor" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 154.2-155.25)

ḥzi̯, "sich begeben; (jmdn.) heranbringen; entgegentreten (feindlich)" | "to turn back; to turn away (the evil-doer)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 159.4-14; FCD 177)

ḥzw.t, "Gunst; Belohnung" | "favor; praise" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 157.8-158.12)

ḥ, "bevorzugt" | "favorite" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 3, 158.14)

ḥzp, "Garten; Beet" | "garden (plot); meadow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 162.4-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 678)

ḥzp.t, "Gartenprodukt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (KRI II, 362.7; vgl. AEO II, 216*)

ḥzmn, "Natron" | "natron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 162.11-163.2; Harris, Minerals, 195 f.)

ḥzmn, "sich reinigen; reinigen" | "to cleanse; to purify" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 163.3-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 479)

ḥzmn, "Menstruation" | "menstruation; to menstruate" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 163.8)

ḥzmn, "Bronze" | "bronze" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 163.14-24; Harris, Minerals, 63 f.)

ḥzmn, "Amethyst" | "amethyst" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 163.25; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 357; Harris, Minerals, 121 f.)

ḥzmn, "Natronarbeiter" | "[worker involved in extracting natron]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. LXXXI-II (o 86))

ḥzmn.y, "Waschkrug" | "pitcher (in the ensemble of pitcher and wash basin)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 163.7)

ḥzmn.w, "[eine Mahlzeit]" | "meal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 163.12; FCD 178)

ḥzmn-dšr, "rotes Natron" | "red natron" [substantive] (Wb 3, 162.15; 5, 488.6; Harris, Minerals, 195)

ḥzz.t, "Gelobtes; Gebilligtes" | "what is praisworthy" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 155,13-14)

ḥzk.w-Ḫns.w-bḥ, "Priester des Chons von Edfu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 141)

ḥs, "Exkremente, Kot" | "excrement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 164.4-10; FCD 177; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 354; Lesko, Dictionary II, 136; DrogWb 358 ff.)

ḥs, "frieren" | "to be cold" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 166.1; FCD 177)

ḥs, "Frierender" | "he who is cold" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 166.2)

ḥs.y-n-pꜣ-ꜥ-n-Jmn, "Sänger mit dem Arm des Amun (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI IV, 114.12)

ḥs.w, "Sänger" | "singer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 165.3-11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2420)

ḥs.w, "Sänger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 165.3-11)

ḥs.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Sänger des Palastes" | "singer of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 165.7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2421)

ḥs.w-n-Jmn, "Sänger des Amun" | "singer of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Assmann, JEA 65, 1979, 56, Tf. 9)

ḥs.t, "Gesang; Lied" | "song; singing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 165.2)

ḥs.t, "Sängerin" | "singer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 165.13-16)

ḥs.t, "Sängerin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 165.13-16; Ward, Titles, no. 1095)

ḥs.t-n.t-ẖnw-n-Jmn, "Sängerin vom Innersten des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ritner, GM 164, 1998, 85 ff.; Graefe, GM 166, 1998, 109 ff.)

ḥs-ꜥff, "[Substanz ("Fliegendreck")]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 359; Eschweiler, Bildzauber, 221)

ḥs-ḥmt, "Kupferschlacke" | "copper slag (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 164.10; DrogWb 358 ff.)

ḥsꜣ, "Faden" | "thread" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 166.4; Lesko, Dictionary II, 139)

ḥsꜣ.t, "[ein Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1936e)

ḥsi̯, "singen" | "to sing; to make music" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 164.11-165.1)

ḥsb, "zerbrechen" | "to break" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 166.6; FCD 178; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 356)

ḥsb, "Bruch (eines Knochens)" | "fracture (of a bone) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 166.7; MedWb 633 f.)

ḥsb, "[mit dem Wurfholz jagen]" | "[to hunt with a throwstick]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 166.8)

ḥsb, "Kreuzband" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 166.9)

ḥsb, "rechnen; zählen; zuteilen" | "to count; to reckon; to distribute" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 166.11-167.15)

ḥsb, "Konskribierter; Rekrutierter ("Gezählter")" | "enlistee (for compulsory work)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 168.1; LÄ II, 333)

ḥsb, "Abrechnung; Zuteilung ("das Berechnen")" | "accounting; distribution" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 677; Lesko, Dictionary II, 140)

ḥsb.w, "Rechnung; Abrechnung" | "accounting; reckoning" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 167.18-20; FCD 178; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 140)

ḥsb.w, "Paste (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 168.7; Clère, BIFAO 79, 1979, 296 ff.; Westendorf, Med. Gramm., § 9d)

ḥsb.w, "die Diener; die Verehrer (eines Gottes)" | "worker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 168.2-3)

ḥsb.w-jḥ.w, "Zählmeister der Rinder" | "accountant of the cattle" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1737; LÄ IV, 2)

ḥsb.w-jt-mh.j-m-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "Zählmeister der vollen Gerste in Ober- und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vernus, Parties, 70 ff.)

ḥsb.w-bꜣk.w, "Zählmeister der Abgaben" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1760)

ḥsb.w-n-wꜣḏ, "Malachitpaste" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Harris, Minerals, 144 f.; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, 683 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 678)

ḥsb.t, "Verrechnetes (von Abgaben)" | "portion (of quota achieved)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 167.17; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 140)

ḥsb.t, "Messer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 168.5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 356)

ḥsb.t, "Gewürm im Bauch (?)" | ""worms" (fig.) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 168.8; MedWb 634 f.)

ḥsb.t, "Arbeitssoll" | "quota" [substantive] (Luft, Illahun 1, pBerlin P 10019)

ḥsb-wnw.wt, "der die Stunden berechnet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 484)

ḥsr, "mangeln" | "deprived" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Parkinson, in: Assmann/Blumenthal, Literatur und Politik, 184 f, n. 49)

ḥsq, "abschneiden; abhauen; köpfen" | "to cut off (the head); to cut out (the heart)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 168.14-169.2)

ḥsq, "Abgehauenes; Abgetrenntes (Köpfe)" | ""what is cut off" (the head)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 169.3; vgl. MedWb 635)

ḥsq.t, "Messer" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 169.4; FCD 178)

ḥqꜣ, "herrschen; beherrschen" | "to rule; to govern" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 170.5-21)

ḥqꜣ, "Herrscher; Oberhaupt; Patron" | "ruler; chief" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 170.23-173.2; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2426)

ḥqꜣ, "Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 492 f.)

ḥqꜣ.t, "[Zepter]" | "(crook-like) scepter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 170.2-4; FCD 178; Lesko, Dictionary II, 142)

ḥqꜣ.t, "Herrscherin" | "ruler" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 173.3-21; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 358)

ḥqꜣ.t, "Herrschaft" | "rulership" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 173-174.8; FCD 178; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 358)

ḥqꜣ.t, "Scheffel (Hohlmaß, 10 Hin)" | "bushel (a corn measure, 10 hin)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 174.13-20)

ḥqꜣ.tj, "Doppel-Scheffel (Hohlmaß, 20 Hin)" | "double-bushel (20 hin)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (GEG § 266)

ḥqꜣ-ꜣw.t-jb, "Herr der Freude" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 493)

ḥqꜣ-ꜣw.t-jb, "Herr der Freude" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 92.4)

ḥqꜣ-ꜣḫ.tj, "Herrscher der beiden Horizonte" | "Ruler-of-the-two-horizons" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 17.17-18; LGG V, 494)

ḥqꜣ-Jgr.t, "Herrscher des Totenreichs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 498)

ḥqꜣ-jmn.tjt, "Herrscher des Westens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 496 f.)

ḥqꜣ-jdb.w, "Herrscher der Ufer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 499 f.)

ḥqꜣ-ꜥnḫ.w, "Herrscher der Lebenden" | "ruler of the living (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 171.30; LGG V, 501)

ḥqꜣ-Wꜣs.t, "Herr von Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 502 f.)

ḥqꜣ-wꜣḏwꜣḏ, "Herrscher über die Vegetation" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 503)

ḥqꜣ-bꜣ.t, "Besitzer des Bat-Symbols" | "chief of Bat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2436)

ḥqꜣ-m-Jgr.t, "der Patron von Igeret (Osiris u.a. Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 498)

ḥqꜣ-n-nʾ.t, "Stadtverwalter" | "chief of the town" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 212.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2443)

ḥqꜣ-nʾ.wt-mꜣw.wt, "Verwalter der neuen Städte" | "chief of new towns" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2445; Ward, Titles, no. 1113)

ḥqꜣ-nfr, "vollkommener Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 171.15)

ḥqꜣ-nfr, "vollkommener Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 512)

ḥqꜣ-nḥḥ, "Herrscher der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 172.19-20; LGG V, 513)

ḥqꜣ-ns.t, "der Herr des Thrones (meist Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 514)

ḥqꜣ-nswt, "Verwalter des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2450)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.wt-Tꜣ-mḥ.w, "Gutsverwalter von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (JWIS II, 340.4)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.t, "Gutsverwalter" | "estate manager" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 1.6-8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2453)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.t, "Gutsverwalter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 1.6-8)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.t-Jzzj, "Gutsverwalter der Isesi-Kapelle" | "chief of the (funerary) estate of Isesy" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2455)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Verwalter des großen Gutes" | "manager of the great estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 3.6-7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2457)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.t-Mn-ꜥnḫ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Gutsverwalter von (der Pyramidenanlage) Das Leben des Neferkare dauert" | "chief of the funerary estate of (the pyramid of Neferkare Pepi II), 'The-Life-of-Neferkare-Abides'" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2486)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.t-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Gutsverwalter" | "true chief of the estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2485)

ḥqꜣ-ḥw.tjw, "Verwalter des Haushaltspersonals" | "manager of estate personnel" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1118)

ḥqꜣ-ḥqꜣ.w, "der Herrscher der Herrscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 518 f.)

ḥqꜣ-ḫꜣs.wt, "Herrscher der Fremdländer (allg.); Hyksos" | "ruler of foreign countries (Hyksos)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 171.28-29)

ḥqꜣ-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Verwalter der Nekropole" | "administrator of the necropolis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2497)

ḥqꜣ-zꜣ, "Herrscher über den Schutzzauber" | "ruler of (magical) protection" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, ZÄS 86, 1961, 26; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2497)

ḥqꜣ-spꜣ.t, "Gaufürst" | "chief of the nome" [substantive] (Wb 4, 98.19; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2499)

ḥqꜣ-ḏ.t, "Herrscher der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 172.19-20; LGG V, 531)

ḥqr, "hungern; fasten" | "to be hungry; to fast (med.)" [verb] (Wb 3, 174.23-175.1; FCD 178)

ḥqr, "Hungriger" | "hungry man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 175.2; FCD 179)

ḥqr, "Hunger" | "hunger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 175.4-5)

ḥqr.w, "das Hungern" | "famine" [substantive] (Wb 3, 175.8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 143)

ḥqq, "[eine Frucht]" | "[a fruit]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 175.14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 143; Janssen, Prices, 356 f.)

ḥkꜣ, "zaubern; bezaubern" | "to bewitch" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 177.7-9; CT VII, 18e)

ḥkꜣ.yw, "die Zauberer" | "Bewitchers" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 344; II, 234; LGG V, 555 f.)

ḥkꜣ.yt, "Zauberin" | "magician" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 177.13)

ḥkꜣ.w, "Zauber; Zauberkraft" | "magic; magical power" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 176.6-33; FCD 179; ONB 79, 539, Anm. 374)

ḥkꜣ.w, "Zauberer" | "magician" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 177.10-12; FCD 179; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 1120b)

ḥkwn, "[Insekt oder Insektenteil (offizinell)]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 178.1; DrogWb 383)

ḥkn, "jubeln; (jmdn.) preisen" | "to praise" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 178.2-179.3)

ḥkn, "[Verb]" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 180.11; MedWb 638)

ḥkn, "[eine Speise]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 180.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 684; DrogWb 383)

ḥkn, "Collier (mit Darstellung einer Löwin)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.26)

ḥkn.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 180.8; DrogWb 383 f.)

ḥkn.w, "Preisender (Nefertem u.a.)" | "one who praises" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 180.1-3; LGG V, 556)

ḥkn.w, "Lobpreis" | "praise" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 179.6-19)

ḥkn.w, "[eines der sieben heiligen Öle]" | "[a sacred oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 180.5-7; Koura, Öle, 40f., 173 ff.)

ḥkn.w-m-qꜣb-ẖrd.w, "Umjubelter inmitten der Kinder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.4)

ḥkn.t-m-ḥr.wj=s-sn.wj, "[Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 178.18)

ḥkn-n-šntꜣ.yt, "der von der Witwe (Isis) Gepriesene" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 558)

ḥknkn, "jubilieren" | "exult" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 588)

ḥkk, "verschlucken (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 180.17)

ḥgꜣ.t, "Klinke" | "door latch" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.2083; EDG 334; KoptHWb 409)

ḥt, "[etwas mit der Frisur vornehmen]" | "[verb describing an activity related to the hair]" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 181.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 361)

ḥt.j, "[ein Holz]" | "[a kind of wood]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 182.8)

ḥtꜣ, "schäbig sein; zerlumpt sein; zerlumpen" | "shabby; worn (of clothing, for example)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 182.14; FCD 179; KoptHWb 569)

ḥtꜣ.w, "Flecken (im Gesicht)" | "blotches (on the face) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 182.15; FCD 179; MedWb 638)

ḥtꜣ.w, "Segel" | "sail" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 182.16; Jones, Naut. Titles, 177 f. (113))

ḥtꜣ.wt, "Segel" | "sail" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 182.17; Jones, Naut. Titles, 177 f. (113))

ḥtj, "Rauch" | "smoke (rising from the offering table)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 182.9-11; FCD 179; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 361; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 685)

ḥtj, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (pHarris 500, 1.10)

ḥtj.t, "[Teile des Auges]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 451c)

ḥty, "[Verb (vom Mund)]" | "[verb relating to the mouth]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 182.5)

ḥty.t, "Kehle" | "throat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 181.4-16; FCD 179; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 361; Lesko, Dictionary II, 144; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 685; Walker, Anatom. Term., 273)

ḥty.t-Rꜥw, "die Kehle des Re (Thot, auch vom König)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 563; vgl. Goyon, Confirmation, 87, n. 31)

ḥtw, "Kehle" | "throat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 87)

ḥtp, "Opfertafel; Opferaltar" | "offering table" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 183.4-7)

ḥtp, "zufrieden sein; ruhen; untergehen; zufriedenstellen; sich sättigen" | "to be pleased; to be content; to make content; to set (of the sun)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 188.2-192.10)

ḥtp, "Gnade" | "mercy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 194.7-9)

ḥtp, "Zufriedener" | "Contented-one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 195.5-6; LGG V, 566 f.)

ḥtp, "Korb" | "basket" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 195.12-16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 145)

ḥtp, "Blumen (beim Opfer)" | "floral offering" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 195.18-19; Lesko, Dictionary II, 146)

ḥtp, "Speiseopfer; Opfergabe (allg.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 184.6-16; 185.21-188.1)

ḥtp, "[Phänomen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Wb 3, 192.7; vgl. MedWb 133; vgl. MedWb 639)

ḥtp.yw, "die Friedfertigen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 194.12)

ḥtp.w, "Frieden; Glück" | "peace; contentment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 192.17-193.8)

ḥtp.w, "Untergang (der Sonne)" | "setting (of the sun)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 192.11-16)

ḥtp.t, "Speisen; Opfer" | "offerings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 183.9-184.5; FCD 179)

ḥtp.t, "Frieden; Glück" | "peace" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 194.10; FCD 180)

ḥtp.t, "[ein Brot]" | "bowl (for bread)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 195.17; FCD 180)

ḥtp.t, "Bund (von Gemüse); Opfergabe" | "bundle (of herbs)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 196.1-3; FCD 180)

ḥtp.t-nṯr, "Gottesopfer" | english translation missing [substantive] (vgl. Wb 3, 184.4)

ḥtp.tjw, "[Bez. für Opferbringende]" | "ones who have to do with offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 195.3)

ḥtp-jr.w=f, "der dessen Gestalt ruht (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 570)

ḥtp-wꜥ, "der allein untergeht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 571)

ḥtp-wsḫ.t, "Hofopfer" | english translation missing [substantive] (Simpson, Kayemnofret, 13, pl. 15a, fig. D)

ḥtp-bꜣ=f-m-p.t-jw-ḫft.w=f-ḫr, "der dessen Ba sich am Himmel niederläßt, denn seine Feinde sind gefallen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 572)

ḥtp-nswt, "Königsopfer" | english translation missing [substantive] (Simpson, Kayemnofret, 13, pl. 15a, fig. D)

ḥtp-nṯr, "Gottesopfer; Opfergut; Vermögen des Tempels" | "god's offering" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 185.5-20)

ḥtp-rḏi̯, "Ein Opfer, das (Gott NN) gibt (Einleitung der Opferformel )" | english translation missing [verb] (Lapp, Opferformel, 5 f.)

ḥtp-ḥr-ꜥꜣb.wt=f, "der zufrieden ist mit seinen Opfergaben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Burkard, Papyrusfunde Asasif, 66 und Tf. 46; vgl. LGG V, 571)

ḥtp-kꜣ, "[Bez. des Kotes]" | "excrement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 195.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 365)

ḥtp-ḏi̯, "Ein Opfer, das (König/Gott NN) gibt; [Einleitung der Opferformel]" | "an offering which (NN) gives (introduction of the offering formula)" [undefined] (Wb 3, 186.5-187.7; Lapp, Opferformel, 37 f.)

ḥtp-ḏi̯-Jnp.w, "Anubis-Opfer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 354j)

ḥtp-ḏi̯-jn-nswt, "Ein Opfer, das vom König gegeben wird (Einleitung der Opferformel)" | english translation missing [undefined] (Lapp, Opferformel, 30 ff.)

ḥtp-ḏi̯-Wsjr, "Osiris-Opfer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VII, 3a)

ḥtp-ḏi̯-nswt, "Totenopfer; Gnadenerweisung des Königs" | "offering; proof of grace (?)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 187.8-22)

ḥtp-ḏi̯-Gbb, "Geb-Opfer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT I, 214c)

ḥtm, "(jmdn./etwas) versehen mit; vervollständigen; ausgestattet sein" | "to provide with; to complete" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 196.9-197.9)

ḥtm, "vernichten; vergehen" | "to destroy; to be destroyed" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 197.10-198.2)

ḥtm, "Vernichter" | "destroyer" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 198.4; LGG V, 590)

ḥtm, "[ein Mineral]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 199.1-3; Harris, Minerals, 176 ff.)

ḥtm, "[ein Wasservogel]" | "[a kind of waterfowl]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 196.8; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 678)

ḥtm, "Vernichtung" | "destruction" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 184)

ḥ, "[Substantiv (Vernichtung?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 6 (18), pl. 2)

ḥtm.t, "Bär" | "[animal native to Syria (hyena? bear?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 198.14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 148; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 166, Anm. u)

ḥtm-m-jḫ.t=f, "der mit seinem Besitz versehen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 589)

ḥtr, "Rindergespann; Gespann (allg.)" | "yoke of oxen; team (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 199.8-10)

ḥtr, "verpflichten; zinspflichtig machen; zinsen" | "to tax; to assess" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 200.15-201.8; FCD 181; KoptHWb 399)

ḥtr, "Pflichtabgabe; Einkommen" | "revenue; wages" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 201.9-18; KoptHWb 397)

ḥtr, "Bindung; Seil" | "lashings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 202.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 366; vgl. FCD 181)

ḥtr, "binden; zusammenbinden" | "to bind together" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 202.2-3; FCD 181; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 366; KoptHWb 399)

ḥtr.w, "Türlaibungen" | "door jambs" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 200.13-14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 149)

ḥtr.w, "die Steuererheber" | "tax collector" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 201.19; Lesko, Dictionary II, 149)

ḥtr.t, "Scharnier (?); Verbindungspunkt (territorial) (?); [Gewässer (?)]" | "[a body of water; a kind of territory]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.2883; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 366)

ḥ, "der zum Heteret-Gewässer Gehörige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 871b)

ḥts, "[Symbol, das der König dem Gott reicht]" | "[object given by the king to a god in ritual scene]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 202.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 691)

ḥts, "vollenden" | "to complete" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 202.13-203.9)

ḥts-Jnp.w, "Schmücker (?) des Anubis; Vollender (?) des Anubis" | "adorner (?) of Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2501; LÄ VII, 441)

ḥṯ, "einlegen, tauschieren; überziehen (mit Gold o. Ä.)" | "to overlay; to inlay" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 204.1-5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 149; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 328; Vittmann, WZKM 87, 1997, 284)

ḥṯ.t, "Hyäne" | "hyena" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 203.16-17; KoptHWb 360)

ḥṯ.t, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.2890)

ḥṯꜣ, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 204.8-9)

ḥṯꜣ-ḥꜣ.tj, "[ein Brot (herzförmig?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Junker, Giza II, Abb. 33; III, 99)

ḥṯs, "Wüstenspringmaus" | "desert jerboa (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 204.13; LÄ II, 130)

ḥṯṯ.t, "Achsel; Schulter" | "armpit" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 204.15-17; FCD 181; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 367; Lesko, Dictionary II, 150; Walker, Anatom. Term., 273)

ḥdb, "niederwerfen; daliegen; anhalten" | "to overthrow; to prostrate; to halt (at)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 205.8-17; FCD 181)

ḥ, "Haufen geschlagener Feinde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 205.18)

ḥdb.w, "Verhaltung (vom Harn)" | "[a sympthom of a urological disorder]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 205.19; MedWb 641)

ḥdq, "abschneiden; zerschneiden" | "to cut off" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 206.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 367; MedWb 641)

ḥdqq, "[Nagetier]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Mathieu, BIFAO 104, 2004, 384)

ḥdg, "töten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 206.2-3)

ḥḏ, "Keule" | "mace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 206.9-13; FCD 181; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 367; Lesko, Dictionary II, 151)

ḥḏ, "weiß; hell" | "white; bright" [adjective] (Wb 3, 206.14-207.16)

ḥḏ, "weiß sein; hell sein" | "to be white; to be bright" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 207.17-208.6)

ḥḏ, "Licht" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 208.11-12)

ḥḏ, "Silber; Silbergeld (als Zahlungsmittel)" | "silver; silver (as medium of exchange)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 209.9-210.6)

ḥḏ, "Kapelle" | "chapel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 209.1-8; FCD 181)

ḥḏ, "[Gans]" | "[a goose or duck]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 210.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 369)

ḥḏ, "Schädigung" | "damage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 213.17-20; FCD 182; KoptHWb 396)

ḥḏ.yt, "Niedermetzelung; Hinrichtung; Schädigung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 213.21; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 408; KoptHWb 396)

ḥḏ.w, "Zwiebel; Knoblauch" | "onions" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 212.5-9; Germer, Flora, 191 ff.; LÄ VI, 1435 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 503; Germer, Handbuch, 96 ff.)

ḥḏ.w, "[ein Harz]" | "[a med. substance (aromatic resin?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 212.10-11; DrogWb 387 f.)

ḥḏ.w, "[Bez. der Milch]" | "milk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 212.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 696)

ḥḏ.w, "Zerstörer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 12, pl. 7)

ḥḏ.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 388)

ḥḏ.t, "die Weiße (Müllerin)" | "white one (woman grinding grain)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2930)

ḥḏ.t, "Tageslicht" | "daylight" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 208.13)

ḥḏ.t, "Weißes (Stoff, Kleidung)" | "white cloth; white clothing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 210.16-18, FCD 181)

ḥḏ.t, "die Weiße (Krone von O.Äg.)" | "White (Crown of Upper Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 211.3-7; LÄ III, 811 f.; LGG V, 607 f.)

ḥḏ.t, "Milch; [ein Getränk ("Weißes")]" | "milk; [a beverage, lit. white stuff]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 211.10-14)

ḥḏ.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 211.17-18; DrogWb 388 f.)

ḥḏ.t, "[Bez. des Nilpferdes]" | "White-one (hippopotamus goddess)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 212.2-3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 368; Kaiser, in: Fs Simpson, 451 ff.)

ḥḏ.t-Nḫn, "die Weiße von Hierakonpolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 606 f.)

ḥḏ.t-Ḥzꜣ.t, "Milch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 211.11)

ḥḏ.tj, "weiße Sandalen" | "white sandals" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 210.14-15; FCD 181)

ḥḏ-jb, "Gekränkter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 125)

ḥḏ-tꜣ, "Morgen; Tagesanbruch" | "dawn; morning" [substantive] (Wb 3, 208.7-9)

ḥḏy, "Westwind" | "(cool) wind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.2944)

ḥḏi̯, "zerstören; schädigen; fehlen" | "to injure; to destroy; to be lacking" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 212-213.16; FCD 182)

ḥḏ, "Lampe (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 213.23)

ḥḏ, "Laich" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 49, Anm. d)

ḥḏw.t, "Licht" | "light" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 208.14-15)

ḥḏb.tjt, "die aus Hedjbet" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1903 (Faulkner, Suppl.); Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 663)

ḥḏn, "unwillig sein; ärgerlich sein; widerstehen" | "to resist; to become angry; to be angry" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 214.4-6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 152 f.)

ḥḏn.w, "Unwille; Mißbilligung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 214.7)

ḥḏnḏn, "Toben; Wüten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 214.10)

ḥḏnḏn, "toben; wüten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 3, 214.9)

ḥḏr.t, "[ein Tier]" | "[a small animal (hyena?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 214.12; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 503)

ḥḏr.t, "[ein Getränk]" | "[a beverage]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.2946)

ḥḏḏ, "Licht" | "(rays of ) light" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 214.15-215.7)

ḥḏḏ.t, "[ein Fest]" | "[festival of light]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 214.14; LÄ II, 189, Anm. 153)

ḥḏḏw.t, "Licht" | "(rays of) light; beams" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 215.10-17; FCD 182)

Ḫ.tj, "Der Feurige" | "Fiery-one (a serpent)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 218.14; LGG V, 615)

Ḫꜣ.wj, "[Dämon]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (MedWb 644)

Ḫꜣ.tj, "Krankheitsdämon" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. III.x+4)

Ḫꜣ.tjw, "Krankheitsdämonen (mit Messern); Messerdämon (?)" | "demons of deseases; demons with knifes" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 236.6-7; LGG V, 635 ff.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 372; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 705 f.; MedWb 646 f.)

Ḫꜣ.tjw-n.w-Rꜥw, "Krankheitsdämonen des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 637)

Ḫꜣ.tjw-n.w-Sḫm.t, "Krankheitsdämonen der Sachmet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 638)

Ḫꜣj, "Chai" | "Khai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 262.3)

Ḫꜣw.t, "Chaut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 262.25)

Ḫꜣw.t, "Chaut" | "Khaut" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker,, Giza V, Abb. 42, vgl. RPN II 309.21)

Ḫꜣb.t, "[Berg im Jenseits]" | "[a mountain in the hereafter]" [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 3, 251.1; Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 19)

Ḫꜣm.w, "Chamu" | "Khamu" [entity_name: person_name] (Giza Mastabas 2, pl. XXII a, fig. 33)

Ḫꜣs.wt, "Die Fremdländer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 250; vgl. CAA Wien, 21,40)

Ḫꜣs.t-ḥꜥꜥ, "Chaset-haa (Nekropole bei Imet, 19.u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 135, n. 225; Meeks, Mythes, 153, Anm. 542)

Ḫꜣ, "[Goldname Dewens]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, I 5)

Ḫꜣsw.w, "Chasuu ("Gebirgsstier") (Xois, 6. u.äg. Gau); [Feld im 7. u.äg. Gau]" | "Mountain-bull (6th nome of Lower Egypt]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 234.6; LÄ II, 396; VI 1302-1305; Montet, Géographie I, 89 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 100 f.; GDG IV, 155)

Ḫꜥ.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Das Erscheinen des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Appearance-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 469)

Ḫꜥ-m-Jp.t, "Chai-em-Ipet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 263.18)

Ḫꜥ-m-Wꜣs.t, "Chai-em-Waset" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 263.19)

Ḫꜥ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Cha-em-Maat (Schiff)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 237 (33))

Ḫꜥ-m-nswt-mj-Jtm, "[Nebtiname Ramses' I.]" | "[Nebty-name of Ramesses I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 1)

Ḫꜥ-m-ṯr.t, "Chai-em-Tjeret" | "Chai-em-Tjeret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 264.5; vgl. RPN II, 380)

Ḫꜥ-n-mw.t=f-m-ẖnw-jtn=f, "Der seiner Mutter im Innern seiner Sonnenscheibe erscheint" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 644)

Ḫꜥ-ḥr-ns.t=f, "[Horusname Kamoses]" | "[Horus-name of Kamose]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 15)

Ḫꜥi̯=j, "Chaii" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.7)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Bꜣ, "Chaief-Ba" | "Khaief-Ba" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 169)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Ptḥ, "Chaief-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.13)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Mnw, "Chaief-Min" | "Khaief-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.14)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Chephren" | "Chephren" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 4)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Ḥr.w, "Haief-Heru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.16)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Er erscheint, nämlich Cheops (Domäne)" | "He-appears(-in-glory)-(namely-)Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 469)

Ḫꜥi̯=f-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Chaief-Chufu" | "Khaief-Khufu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.17)

Ḫꜥi̯-bꜣ.w-B.t, "Chaibaubet" | "Khai-bau-Bet" [entity_name: person_name] (López, Inscriptions rupestres, no. 27)

Ḫꜥi̯-bꜣ.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Chai-bau-Chufu" | "Khai-bau-Khufu" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa-Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Ḫꜥi̯-bḫn.t, "Chai-bechenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 263.15)

Ḫꜥi̯-mrr.w-Ptḥ, "Chai-mereru-Ptah" | "Khai-mereru-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 264.9)

Ḫꜥi̯, "Chai-mereru-nebti" | "Khai-mereru-nebti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 264.10)

Ḫꜥi̯-nfr-Mr.n-Rꜥw, "Die Vollkommenheit des Merenre erscheint (Pyramidenkomplex des Merenre)" | "Perfection-of-Merenre-appears(-in-glory) (pyramid complex of Merenre)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ IV, 1253; V, 5)

Ḫꜥi̯-nfr-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Neferefres]; [Thronname Sobekhoteps IV.]" | "[throne name of Neferefre]; [throne name of Sobekhotep IV]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 5; XIII 24)

Ḫꜥi̯-ḫpr-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sesostris' II.]" | "Khakheperre (throne name of Senwoset II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 4)

Ḫꜥi̯-H̱nm.w-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Cheops erscheint (Domäne)" | "Cheops-appears(-in glory) (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 469)

Ḫꜥi̯-sḫm-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Neferhoteps I.]" | "[throne name of Neferhotep I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 22)

Ḫꜥi̯-kꜣ.w, "Chai-kau" | "Khai-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 264.24)

Ḫꜥi̯-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sesostris' III.]" | "Khakaure (throne name of Senwosret III)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 5)

Ḫꜥi̯-kꜣ-ḥw.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Der Ka des Hauses des Cheops erscheint (Domäne)" | "Ka-of-the-house-of-Cheops-appears(-in-glory) (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 469)

Ḫw, "Chu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 37)

Ḫw, "Schützer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 655)

Ḫw.j, "Chuwii" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.2)

Ḫw.n-Ꜣḫ.tj, "Chuen-Achti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.18)

Ḫw.n-Wḫ, "Chuen-Uch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.20)

Ḫw.n-Bꜣ, "Chuen-Ba" | "Khuen-Ba" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.22)

Ḫw.n-Ptḥ, "Chuen-Ptah" | "Khuen-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.23)

Ḫw.n-Ptḥ-Ppy, "Chuen-Ptah-Pepi" | "Khuen-Ptah-Pepy" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 65)

Ḫw.n-Ptḥ-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Chuen-Ptah-Meryre" | "Khuen-Ptah-Meryre" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 309.28)

Ḫ, "Chui-en-Nemti" | "Khui-en-Nemty" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 3)

Ḫw.n-Rꜥw, "Chuen-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.24)

Ḫw.n-Ḥr.w, "Chuen-Hor" | "Khuen-Hor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.25)

Ḫw.n-Ḥr.w-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Chuen-Hor-Meryre" | "Khuen-Hor-Meryre" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 310.1)

Ḫw.n-Ḫnm.w, "Chuen-Chnum" | "Khuen-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.1)

Ḫw.n-H̱nm.w-j, "Chui-en-Chenemu-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 37)

Ḫw.n-Kꜣkꜣj, "Chuen-Kakai" | "Khuen-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 654)

Ḫw.t.n-Bꜣ, "Chut-en-Ba" | "Khuten-Ba" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.25)

Ḫw.t.n-Rꜥw, "Chut-en-Re" | "Khuen-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 35 (57))

Ḫw.t-nṯr.w, "Die die Götter Schützende" | "Protectress-of-the-gods" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 476; LGG V, 668)

Ḫw-ꜣw, "Chi-au" | "Khui-au" [entity_name: person_name] (Wente, OLP 6/7, 1975/76, 595 ff., Anm.m)

Ḫw-n-kꜣ, "Chu-en-ka" | "Khu-en-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 654)

Ḫw-Tꜣ.wj, "[Goldname Taharqas]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXV 6)

Ḫw-ḏ.t=f, "Der seinen Leib schützt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 664)

Ḫwꜣsn, "Huasen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3, 7)

Ḫwj, "Chui" | "Khui" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.12)

Ḫwj.t, "Chuit" | "Khuit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.15)

Ḫwj-wr, "Chui, der Ältere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 37)

Ḫwy, "Chuy" | "Khuy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.13)

Ḫwy.t, "[Göttin von Athribis]" | "protectress" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 246.7; LGG V, 675 f.)

Ḫwy.t, "Chuyt" | "Khuyt" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.16)

Ḫwi̯, "Chui" | "Khui" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.26)

Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Cheops" | "Cheops" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 2)

Ḫwi̯=f-wj-ꜥnḫ.w, "Chufu-anchu" | "Khufu-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 268.5)

Ḫwi̯=f-wj-nfr, "Chuief-wi-nefer" | "Khuief-wi-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 268.7)

Ḫwi̯=f-wj-ḥtp.w, "Chufu-hetepu" | "Khufu-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 268.9)

Ḫwi̯=f-wj-snb.w, "Chufu-senebu" | "Khufu-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 268.10)

Ḫwi̯=f-wj-ḏ-n=f-ꜥnḫ, "Chufu-dji-enef-anch" | "Khufu-dji-enef-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 310.5)

Ḫwi̯=s, "Huwies" | "Khuies" [entity_name: person_name] (De Morgan, Cat. des Mon., 204, no. 22)

Ḫwi̯-wj, "Chui-wi" | "Khui-wi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.3)

Ḫwi̯-wj-wr, "Chui-wi-wer" | "Khui-wi-wer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.4)

Ḫwi̯-wj-nfr, "Chui-wi-nefer" | "Khui-wi-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 199.7)

Ḫwi̯-wj-Rꜥw, "Chui-wi-Re" | "Khui-wi-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.8)

Ḫwi̯-wj-H̱nm.w, "Chui-wi-Chnum" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.10)

Ḫwi̯-wj-Sbk, "Chui-wi-Sobek" | "Khui-wi-Sobek" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.11)

Ḫwi̯-Ptḥ, "Chui-Ptah" | "Khui-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 266.16)

Ḫwi̯-Nfr-tm-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Taharqas]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXV 6)

Ḫwi̯-sw-Wḫ, "Chui-su-Uch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 267.9)

Ḫwi̯-tʾ, "Hui-ta" | "Khui-ta" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, fig. 39)

Ḫww.t, "Chuut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gabra, MDAIK 32, 1976, 48, Abb. 2)

Ḫ, "Hingerichteter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 682)

Ḫb.tjw, "die zur Richtstätte Gehörigen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 257.8; LGG V, 682)

Ḫbn.t, "Chebenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Totenbuch, 155)

Ḫbs-tꜣ, "Erdaufhacker" | "He-who-hacks-up-the-earth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 256.11; LGG V, 685)

Ḫbs-tꜣ, "Erdaufhacken (Fest am 22. Tag des 4. Monats v. Choiak)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 256.6-7; LÄ II, 176)

Ḫbḏ, "Verhasster" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 685)

Ḫp.y, "Dahinziehender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 259.7; LGG V, 686)

Ḫp.yw, "[Götter im Osirisgefolge]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 259.8; vgl. LGG V, 686)

Ḫpr, "[Goldname Sesostris' III.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen XII 5)

Ḫpr.j, "Chepri (Sonnengott am Morgen)" | "Khepry (sun god in the morning)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 267.10; LGG V 713 ff.)

Ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Sesostris' I.]; [Thronname Nektanebis']" | "Kheperkare (throne name of Senwosret I, e.g.)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 2; XXX 1)

Ḫprr, "Skarabäus" | "Kheperer/Khepry" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 267.7-8; LGG V, 718 f.)

Ḫprr-ꜥꜣ-štꜣ, "Der große geheimnisvolle Skarabäus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 719)

Ḫprš, "Blaue Krone" | "Blue Crown" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 268.1-2; FCD 189)

Ḫpšy.t, "Chepeschyt (Ortschaft südlich von Theben)" | "[a locality in the Theban nome]" [entity_name: place_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 6-7, 131; GDG IV, 174)

Ḫpšw.t, "[Bez. für Ägypten]" | "strength" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 270.12)

Ḫpt-wr, "Chepet-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 94)

Ḫft.j-n-nšm.t, "Feind der Neschmet-Barke" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 726)

Ḫft.j-n-Ḥr.w, "Feind des Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 727)

Ḫft.j-n-Zkr, "Feind des Sokar" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 727)

Ḫft.jw-(n.w)-Rꜥw, "Feinde des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 730)

Ḫft.jw-n.w-Wsjr, "Die Feinde des Osiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 729)

Ḫft.jt-ḥr-nb=s, "Cheft-her-nebes (bei/in Theben)" | "opposite her lord (Thebes)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 175; LÄ VII, 296)

Ḫm, "Letopolis (im Delta)" | "Letopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 280.15; GDG IV, 175; LÄ III, 1009 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 374)

Ḫm, "Chem (2. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 77, Anm. 166)

Ḫm.y, "[Gott von Letopolis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 280.16; LGG V, 739)

Ḫm.yw, "Umstürzler" | "demolisher" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 281.6-9; LGG V, 740)

Ḫ, "[böses weibliches Wesen]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 281.10; MedWb 658; LGG V, 740)

Ḫm.t-pw-nṯr.w, "Chemetpunetjeru" | "Khemet-pu-netjeru" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 31, pl. 15)

Ḫmm, "Chemem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 199 (Index))

Ḫmn.yw, "Die acht Urgötter von Hermupolis" | "ogdoad (of Hermopolis)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 283.3; LGG V, 741-3)

Ḫmn.yw-m-Pr-Ḫmn.yw, "Achtheit in Hermupolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 744)

Ḫmn.w, "Stadt der Acht (Hermupolis magna)" | "Hermopolis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 283.2; GDG IV, 176; LÄ II, 1137 ff.)

Ḫmt-nw, "Chemet-nu" | "Khemet-nu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 269.26)

Ḫmṯrm, "Himmu-zalma" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schneider, Personennamen, 175 f.)

Ḫn.w, "Chenu" | "Khenu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.4)

Ḫn.wt, "Chenut" | "Khenut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.6)

Ḫn.wt-Bꜣ, "Henut-Ba" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II, 275.31)

Ḫn.wtj, "Chenuti" | "Khenuti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 310.16)

Ḫn-ꜥnḫ, "Chen-anch" | "Khen-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.5)

Ḫnj.t, "Chenit" | "Khenit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.1)

Ḫ, "Chenuti" | "Khenuti" [entity_name: person_name] (Anthes, Hatnub, 19, Taf 9, 9a)

Ḫnwt.y, "Chenuty" | "Chenuty" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.7)

Ḫnp-šꜥy, "Das Sandholen (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ II, 177)

Ḫnf.w-Sšm-nfr, "Das Henefu-Gebäck des Seschem-nefer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 274)

Ḫnm.w-ḥꜣ-jš.t=f, "Chnum-ha-ischetef" | "Khnum-ha-ishetef" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener, BdE 65/2, 655)

Ḫnm.t, "Chenemet" | "Khenemet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.10)

Ḫnm.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Amme des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 385)

Ḫnm.t-mr-Mnw, "Chenemet-mer-Min" | "Khenemet-mer-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, Fig. 18)

Ḫnm.t-Nfr-jr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Die Amme des Neferirkare (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Ḫnm.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Amme des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 251 (2))

Ḫnm.t-Zšzš.t, "Amme der Zeschzeschet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 415)

Ḫnm.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Amme des Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Ḫnm.t-Snfr.w, "Amme des Snofru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Ḫnm.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Amme des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Ḫnms, "Chenemes" | "Khenemes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.11)

Ḫnms.w, "Chenemsu" | "Khenemsu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.15)

Ḫnrḏ, "Befestigter Platz" | "fortress (Sem. loan word)" [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, AL 77.3115; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 187, Anm. e; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 184; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 341; GDG IV, 150; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 112)

Ḫnz.w, "Der Wanderer" | "wanderer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 299.22; LGG V, 757)

Ḫns, "Janusköpfiger (?) (ein Kanal im Himmel)" | "To-and-Fro canal" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 300.9; vgl. Allen, Pyramid Texts, 190; LGG V, 761)

Ḫns.w, "Chons" | "Khons" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 300.13; LGG V, 761 ff.)

Ḫns.w, "Chonsu" | "Chonsu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.16)

Ḫns.w, "Chons (Monatsname)" | "Month-of-Khons (a festival in the 1st month of the shemu-season)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 300.15; vgl. KoptHWb 156; LÄ II, 174)

Ḫns.w-j.jr-ḏ-sw, "Chons-iir-dji-su" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 270.21)

Ḫns.w-pꜣ-jr-sḫr.w, "Chons, der die Pläne macht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 763)

Ḫns.w-pꜣ-jr-sḫr.w-m-Wꜣs.t, "Chons, der die Pläne in Theben macht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 763 f.)

Ḫns.w-pꜣ-ṯꜣw, "Chonsu-pa-tjau" | "Khonsu-pa-tjau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 271.1)

Ḫns.w-m-Wꜣs.t, "Chons in Theben" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 764)

Ḫns.w-m-Wꜣs.t-nfr-ḥtp, "Chons in Theben, der vollkommen Gnädige" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 764 f.)

Ḫns.w-ms.w, "Chonsu-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 271.7)

Ḫns.w-Ḥr.w-Spd.w, "Chons-Horus-Sopdu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 769)

Ḫns.w-ḥtp.w, "Chons-hetepu" | "Khons-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 271.12)

Ḫns.w-Ḏḥ, "Chons-Thot" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 771 f.)

Ḫns.wy, "Chonsuy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 271.18)

Ḫns.t, "Chensit" | "[woman's wig personified as a goddess]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 300.3; LGG V, 760; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 737)

Ḫns-wr, "Großer Janusköpfiger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 1306a; vgl. LGG V, 761)

Ḫnt=j-r-kꜣ=j, "Cheneti-er-kai" | "Khenti-er-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 272.13)

Ḫnt.j, "Chenti" | "Khenti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 271.19)

Ḫnt.j-jꜣ, "Vorderseite des Ostgaus (14. uäg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 399; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 218 f.; Montet, Geographie I, 187 f.)

Ḫnt.j-wꜣḏ.wj=fj, "Der vor seinen beiden Papyruszeptern ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 796)

Ḫnt.j-bꜣ-Wnjs, "Der Ba des Unas ist vorn (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 123)

Ḫnt.j-bꜣ-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Der Ba des Sahure ist vorn (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 271)

Ḫnt.j-Mnw, "Chenti-Min (Achmim und 9. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 39 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 227 f.)

Ḫnt.j-ḥr.j-dšr.w-ḥmw-nfr-n-p.t-rs.jt, "Der Vorsteher, der über den Roten ist, das vollkommene Ruder am Südhimmel (eines der vier Himmelsruder)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 491.13; LGG V, 842)

Ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj, "Chentechtai" | "Khentekhtai" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 310.6-9; LÄ I, 923 ff.)

Ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj-wr, "Chentechtai-wer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 272.16)

Ḫnt.j-ẖ, "[Fest]; [Monatsname]; [2. Monat der Schemu-Jahreszeit]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 135 f.)

Ḫnt.j-ẖ.ty, "Chenti-chety" | "Khenti-khety" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 272.15)

Ḫnt.j-ẖ.ty-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Chenti-cheti-em-hat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 272.19)

Ḫnt.j-ẖ.ty-ḥtp.w, "Chenti-chety-hetepu" | "Khenti-khety-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 273.1)

Ḫnt.j-š, "Baumgarten (Bez. f. Libanon)" | "Plantation (Libanon)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 310.12; GDG IV, 180 f.; LÄ III, 1013 f., VII, 266)

Ḫnt.j-kꜣ, "Chenti-ka" | "Khenti-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 273.6)

Ḫnt.j-kꜣ.w-Kꜣkꜣj, "Chenti-kau-Kakai" | "Khenti-kau-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 655)

Ḫnt.j-kꜣ-Jzzj, "Chenti-ka-Izezi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 56)

Ḫnt.j-ṯnnt, "Chenti-tjenenet" | "Khenti-tjenenet" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ VII, 328)

Ḫnt.jw, "Götter des Vorsaales" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 77.3129)

Ḫnt.jt, "Chentit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 427.10)

Ḫnt.jt-kꜣ, "Chentit-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 273.13)

Ḫnt.jt-kꜣ.w=s, "Chentit-kaues" | "Khentit-kaues" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 273.7)

Ḫnt.w-kꜣ, "Chentu-ka" | "Khentu-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 273.12)

Ḫnt-nfr, "[Ort bei Memphis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 181 f.; Montet, Géographie I, 37 f.; AEGD 692)

Ḫnt-ḥn-nfr, "Chenet-chen-nefer (in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 306.12; GDG IV, 182; LÄ II, 741 f., VII, 297 (Index))

Ḫnt-tꜣ, "Elephantine" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 184)

Ḫnd.y, "[Gewässer]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 314.3; GDG IV, 185)

Ḫnd.w, "[Dämon]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (MedWb 664)

Ḫnḏr, "Chendjer" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 17)

Ḫ, "Cheryt" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 274.1)

Ḫrj, "Cheri" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 186)

Ḫrw, "Die Stimme (Domäne)" | "The-voice (a doamin)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Ḫrw-nb=f-wj, "Cheru-nebef-ui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, pl. 60)

Ḫrb, "Aleppo" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 152)

Ḫrp.t, "Cherepet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 23)

Ḫrp-wjꜣ, "Steuermann des Schiffes" | "Pilot-of-the-boat" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 329.1; LGG V, 948)

Ḫrp-ḥw.w-ꜥ, "[ein Fest]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 92 f., Anm. 245)

Ḫrpzr, "Charapsili" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 274.3; Schneider, Personennamen, 177; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 327)

Ḫrr, "Cherer (Domäne)" | "Cherer (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Ḫḫ.j, "Chechi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 274.5)

Ḫsf, "Chesef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 90)

Ḫsf-ꜣd, "Der den Wütenden abwehrt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V 954)

Ḫsf-Jwn.tjw, "Chesef-Iuntiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 187)

Ḫsf-Mḏꜣ.w, "Das Abwehren des Medja-Landes (Festung in Nubien, Serra)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (GDG IV, 187; LÄ IV, 1003; V, 882 f.)

Ḫsf-ḥr-ꜥšꜣ-ḫrw, "Der mit abweisendem Gesicht und Vielstimmiger (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 957a-b)

Ḫsf-ḫm.ww, "Der die Umstürzler abwehrt (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 957b-c)

Ḫsr, "Vertreiber" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 961)

Ḫsr.t-kk.w, "Die die Finsternis vertreibt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 964 f.)

Ḫsr-nṯr, "Den der Gott vertreibt (ein Skorpion)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 962)

Ḫt, "Land Chatti" | "Hatti (land of the Hittites)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 349.16-17; AEO I, 127*)

Ḫt.w-nbw.t, "Die Terrasse der Goldenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. III.8)

Ḫt-Rꜥw, "Chet-Re" | "Chet-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza X, 55)

Ḫtj, "Cheti" | "Kheti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 427.16)

Ḫtj, "Cheti" | "Kheti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.1)

Ḫtm, "[Gewässer im Gau von Aphroditopolis]" | "[canal in the Aphroditopolis nome]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 353.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 757)

Ḫtzr, "Hattuschili" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 274.22; Schneider, Personennamen, 179)

Ḫdm, "Chadum (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 165; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 109)

Ḫḏr.t, "Sau" | "The Sow" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 356; LGG V, 973)

ḫ, "jung sein" | "to be a child" [verb] (Wb 3, 217.1; FCD 182)

ḫ.t, "Feuer; Flamme" | "fire; flame" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 217.10-218.13)

ḫ.t-m-ḥr.j-jb-Wꜣḏ-wr, "das Feuer inmitten des Meeres" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 30.16)

ḫ.tjt, "die Feurige (Schlange, Sachmet u. Ä.)" | "fiery one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 218.15; LGG V, 615)

ḫꜣ, "Blatt (mit Stängel und Rhizom)" | "leaf" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 219.1-2; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 702; DrogWb 389 f.; Keimer, ASAE 48, 1948, 89 ff.)

ḫꜣ, "Tausend; tausend" | "thousand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 219.3-220.2)

ḫꜣ, "jung sein" | "to be young" [verb] (Wb 3, 221.14, FCD 183; MedWb 643)

ḫꜣ, "Halle; Büro" | "hall; office" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 221.18-222.4)

ḫꜣ, "Weg" | "road; path" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerný, CED 267; Meeks, AL 77.2968; Derchain, CdE 74, 1999, 37, Anm. 22)

ḫꜣ, "10 Aruren, Deka-Arure (Flächenmaß)" | "[a measure of area]; field" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 220.4)

ḫꜣ, "[Korrekturzeichen]" | "[Korrekturzeichen]" [undefined] (MedWb 1024)

ḫꜣ.y, "[ein Flächenmaß]; [ein Hohlmaß]" | "[measure of area]; [measure of capacity]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 224.1-2; FCD 183; LÄ III, 1200; 1206, Anm. 29)

ḫꜣ.y, "Maße (eines Gebäudes)" | "measurements" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 223.23; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 701)

ḫꜣ.w, "Kräuter; Pflanzen" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 221.1-7; FCD 183; DrogWb 389 f.; Lesko, Dictionary II, 157)

ḫꜣ.w, "Spezereien (bes. für Opfer); Weihrauch; Duft" | "ingredients (plants; flowers)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 221.8-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 702; KoptHWb 335)

ḫꜣ.w, "Fleischstücke (als Opfer)" | "meat (as an offering)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 220.14-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 702 f.)

ḫꜣ.w, "Kornmesser" | "grain assessor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 223.17-19)

ḫꜣ.w, "Messnapf" | "bowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 225.10-16)

ḫꜣ.w-pr-ḏ.t, "Kornmesser der Totenstiftung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2507)

ḫꜣ.t, "Kopftuch" | "khat-headcloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 222.10-11)

ḫꜣ.t, "Krankheit" | "disease; illness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 224.6-11; FCD 183; vgl. MedWb 646)

ḫꜣ.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 222.6)

ḫꜣ-bꜣ=s, "Sterne" | "starry sky (lit. a thousand are her bas)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 230.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 704; LGG V, 627)

ḫꜣ-n-wḥm.w, "Büro der Sprecher" | english translation missing [substantive] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 128-29, 193 (Index))

ḫꜣ-n-dd-rmṯ, "Büro der Verteilung von Leuten (Arbeitskräftebüro)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 222.3)

ḫꜣ-tꜣ, "10 Aruren, Deka-Arure (Flächenmaß); [Ackerart]" | "[a measure of area]; field" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 220.3-6; FCD 183; Lesko, Dictionary II, 155; LÄ III, 1199, VII, 480)

ḫꜣj, "Messschnur" | "measuring cord" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 223.20-22)

ḫꜣyb.t, "Schatten" | "shadow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 225.1-7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 160)

ḫꜣi̯, "wägen; messen" | "to measure" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 223.4-16)

ḫꜣꜥ, "werfen; legen; verlassen; ausscheiden" | "to throw; to abandon; to dispatch" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 227.3-228.25; FCD 183 f.; vgl. KoptHWb 55 f.; MedWb 647)

ḫꜣꜥ, "Ende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 378; KoptHWb 348)

ḫꜣꜥ.w, "Ausscheidung" | "[discharge (?) as woman's medical condition (or symptom)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 229.2; MedWb 648)

ḫꜣꜥꜥ, "Schleuderer" | "[a siege device]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 229.4; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 61, Anm. 135)

ḫꜣw, "Haut und Abfall (von Kleintieren)" | "hide (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 225.8)

ḫꜣw.t, "Felle; Leder" | "hide (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 225.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 373)

ḫꜣw.t, "Opferplatte; Altar" | "altar" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 226.11-19)

ḫꜣwj, "Abend; Nacht" | "night; evening" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 225.17-226.5)

ḫꜣwj, "Abendwanderer" | "benighted traveller" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 226.6; FCD 184)

ḫꜣwj, "[ein Getränk]" | "[a med. draught]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 226.7; DrogWb 390; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 415)

ḫꜣb, "sich beugen (in Ehrfurcht)" | "to bend; to bow (in submission)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 229.7-11; Lesko, Dictionary II, 160)

ḫꜣb, "[Teil des Streitwagens]" | "[chariot part]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 229.13; Lesko, Dictionary II, 160; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 332; vgl. Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 46)

ḫꜣb.w, "Säugling (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 373; vgl. Wb 3, 229.15)

ḫꜣm, "beugen; sich verbeugen" | "to bend (the arm); to bow down" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 231.2-12; FCD 184)

ḫꜣmm, "schnell bedienen (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 3, 231.14; Allen, Inflection, 576)

ḫꜣnn, "[Teil der Frucht der Dumpalme]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 231.18; Lesko, Dictionary II, 161)

ḫꜣr, "Gans (o. Ä.)" | "[a goose]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 232.3-4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 374)

ḫꜣr.t, "[ein Kopfputz]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (HTBM IV, Taf. 50)

ḫꜣḫ, "schnell sein; schnell gehen" | "to come in haste; to be fast" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 232.18-233.15; FCD 185)

ḫꜣḫ.w, "die Schnellen" | "fast ones" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 77.2993; LGG V, 632)

ḫꜣḫ-jb, "Ungeduld" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pChester Beatty IV Recto 9.12)

ḫꜣḫ-rʾ, "Redegewandter" | english translation missing [substantive] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 208)

ḫꜣḫꜣ, "worfeln; zerstreuen" | "to winnow, to scatter" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 233.17; FCD 185; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 705)

ḫꜣḫꜣ, "[Worfel-Felder (im Jenseits)]" | "[a field in the hereafter]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 233.18; AEO II, 220*)

ḫꜣz.w, "Lache (Wasser)" | "creek (?); runnel (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 233.19; FCD 185)

ḫꜣz.t, "[Schlange]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 233.21; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 375)

ḫꜣs, "[intransitives Verb]" | "[intransitive verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 234.2)

ḫꜣs, "Spiraldraht der roten Krone (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 185)

ḫꜣs, "[krankhafter Zustand oder Tätigkeit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 649)

ḫꜣ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 234.3-5; FCD 185, 193; DrogWb 391 f.; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 288; Germer, Handbuch, 98 ff.)

ḫꜣs.t, "Bergland; Fremdland; Wüste" | "hill-country; foreign land; desert" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 234.7-235.21)

ḫꜣ, "Ausländer; Barbar; Wüstenbewohner" | "foreigner; desert dweller" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 236.1-2)

ḫꜣs.tjt, "Ausländerin" | "foreign woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 162)

ḫꜣšꜣ, "prall (?) sein" | "[a med. condition (?)]" [verb] (Wb 3, 236.4; MedWb 650; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 433)

ḫꜣt, "rasen; in Verzückung sein" | "to become ecstatic" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 226.9; ONB 166, 664, Anm. 722; vgl. KoptHWb 307, Anm. 1; 560)

ḫꜣt, "der Rasende" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 226.10; vgl. ONB 166, 664, Anm. 722; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 159 f.; vgl. ONB 166)

ḫꜣtꜣ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 236.8)

ḫꜣtb, "(jmdn.) schonen" | "to take pity on" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 236.9; FCD 185; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 375)

ḫꜣd, "(Geflügel) rupfen" | "to pluck (fowl)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 236.11)

ḫꜣd, "zerstört werden; zerfallen sein; locker sein" | "to disintegrate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3003)

ḫꜣḏ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 237.1)

ḫꜣḏ.w, "[ein Brotteig]; [ein Fladenbrot]" | "[a kind of dough]; [a flat loaf]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 237.2-4)

ḫꜣḏ.t, "[eine Form (?) (für Brot)]" | "[a bread mold (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.2951; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 375)

ḫy, "Kind" | "child" [substantive] (Wb 3, 217.3-8; 237; Lesko, Dictionary II, 154, 163; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 706)

ḫy, "Höhe" | "height" [substantive] (Wb 3, 237.20-238.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 163; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 707)

ḫy, "oh!" | english translation missing [interjection] (Wb 3, 238.10-11, 13; ENG § 688; CGG 142)

ḫy, "wie?" | english translation missing [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 3, 238.14; FCD 185; GEG 427 (§ 258 A); CGG 142; Junge, Näg.Gr. 361 (Index))

ḫy, "[ein Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 238.17; Lesko, Dictionary II, 163)

ḫy, "das Kind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 615 f.)

ḫy...ḫy, "so wie ... auch" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 3, 238.12; FCD 185; Lesko, Dictionary II, 164)

ḫy.t, "Windschutz" | "shelter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 237.6; FCD 185)

ḫy-ꜥ, "Wie geht es?; [Grußformel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Buchberger, SAK 18, 1991, 59 f.)

ḫy-ꜥn, "schönes Kind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 617)

ḫy-bnn, "begattender Jüngling (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 617)

ḫy-n-nbw, "der Jüngling von Gold (Osiris; König beim Ritual)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 618a-b)

ḫy-rʾ, "wahrlich; wehe" | english translation missing [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 3, 238.15)

ḫy-qd, "Wie geht es?; [Grußformel]" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 185)

ḫyi̯, "hoch sein; steigen; hochheben" | "to be high; to mount up" [verb] (Wb 3, 237.7-19; Lesko, Dictionary II, 163; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 706 f.; vgl. ONB 520, Anm. 292)

ḫꜥ, "Erdhügel" | "hill" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 239.1; Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 161 f.)

ḫꜥ, "Fest (des Erscheinens)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 241.4-6; KoptHWb 300)

ḫꜥ, "Knäuel (von Garn)" | "clew (of yarn, as a measure of quantity)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 242.18; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 207, Anm. 851)

ḫꜥ.y-tꜣ.w, "der flammend Erscheinende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 654)

ḫꜥ.w, "Geräte (allg.); Waffen; Grabausstattung" | "equipment (weapons, tackle, for the tomb); implements (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 243.3-15; FCD 186)

ḫꜥ.w, "Aufgang (der Gestirne); Erscheinen (der Götter)" | "rising (of stars); appearance (of gods)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 241.7-16)

ḫꜥ.w, "Kronen (die Erscheinenden)" | "crowns" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 241.17-242.2; FCD 186; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 376)

ḫꜥ.w, "einer der erscheint" | "one who appears" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 242.14-15; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 1299, 2509)

ḫꜥ-m-ꜣtf, "der mit der Atefkrone erscheint" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 641)

ḫꜥ-m-Nsr.t, "der mit der Neseret erschienen ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Lacau, Stèles du Nouvel Empire I, 12-13 (2))

ḫꜥ-m-ḥḏ.t, "der mit der weißen Krone erscheint" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 648)

ḫꜥ-ḥr-tp-tꜣ, "der über der Erde erscheint" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 650)

ḫꜥy.t, "die Erscheinende" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 242.4-5; LGG V, 651)

ḫꜥi̯, "aufgehen; erscheinen; glänzen" | "to appear (in glory); to be shining" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 239.4-241.2)

ḫꜥi̯-n=f-Jtn, "[Personengruppe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. XII)

ḫꜥm, "Hals; Kehle" | "throat; neck" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 243.19-20; FCD 186; Walker, Anatom. Term., 273)

ḫꜥr, "wütend werden; wütend sein; wüten" | "to rage" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 244.2-7; FCD 186; Lesko, Dictionary II, 167)

ḫꜥr, "Lederstreifen" | "thong" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 167)

ḫꜥr, "Grimm" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 244.7)

ḫꜥ, "der Wütende (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 655)

ḫw, "Einzigartigkeit; besonderer Charakter" | "oneness; uniqueness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 216.3-13; FCD 186; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 710)

ḫw, "[ein Fächer]" | "fan" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 246.9-10; FCD 186; Lesko, Dictionary II, 168)

ḫw, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 246.1; FCD 186; Lesko, Dictionary II, 167)

ḫw, "Schützer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 363m)

ḫw.t, "Schutz; Befreiung (von Abgaben)" | "protection; exemption (from assessment)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 246.2-4)

ḫw.t-Tꜣ.wj, "die die beiden Länder schützt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 674)

ḫ, "Schützer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 10 (PT 585C))

ḫw-ꜥ, "Schützer" | "protector" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 245.26-28; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2510)

ḫw-ꜥ, "Schützer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 245.26-28)

ḫw-bꜣq, "der den Moringa-Baum schützt" | "bright protected one (Osiris?)" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 245.23; FCD 168)

ḫw-ḏ.t=f, "Kupfer (?); Bronze (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 10; Meeks, AL 77.3022; Harris, Minerals, 64 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 711)

ḫw-ḏsr, "heiliger Beschützer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 665)

ḫwy.t, "[ein Wedel]" | "flywhisk (lit. protector)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 246.11-12)

ḫwi̯, "schützen; behüten" | "to protect; to prevent" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 244.10-245.22)

ḫww, "böse Handlungen; Sünde" | "baseness; wrongdoing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 247.7-8; FCD 186; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 378)

ḫwn.t, "[Getränk der Götter]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 247.17)

ḫwrr, "[vom Toten]" | "importuning (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 248.1-2)

ḫwḫ.t, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 248.3; Jones, Nautical Titles 142 (55))

ḫwz.w, "[etwas, das im Steinbruch erbaut wird (Hütte)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 249.8)

ḫwzi̯, "stampfen; aufbauen" | "to pound; to build" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 248.4-249.5; FCD 186)

ḫwd, "reich sein (an); reich machen" | "to be rich; to enrich" [verb] (Wb 3, 249.9-15; FCD 186)

ḫwd, "Reicher" | "rich man" [substantive] (Wb 3, 249.16; FCD 186)

ḫwd, "Reichtum" | "provisions; abundance" [substantive] (Wb 3, 249.17; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 378; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 713)

ḫwd, "(mit dem Handnetz) fischen (?)" | "to fish (?) (with a net)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3030)

ḫwd.t, "[ein Tragsessel (mit Baldachin)]" | "carrying chair" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 250.3; Brovarski, in: Fs Simpson, 152 ff.)

ḫwḏ.w, "[ein Fischer]" | "[a class of fisherman]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 250.4; FCD 187)

ḫb, "Tänzer (eines Gottes)" | "dancer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 250.14; FCD 187)

ḫb, "hinrichten" | "to annihilate" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 252.6-8)

ḫb.w, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 251.2; DrogWb 393)

ḫb.t, "Verminderung; Masseverlust; Einzug (v. Steuern)" | "reduction (?) (med.)" [verb] (Wb 3, 251.18; FCD 187; MedWb 651)

ḫb.t, "Richtstätte" | "place of execution" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 252.9-14; FCD 187; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 378)

ḫb.t, "Tanz" | "dance" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 187 (4))

ḫbꜣ, "zerhacken; mindern; abschneiden" | "to destroy; to diminish" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 253.2-11)

ḫbꜣ, "Verlust (an Maß)" | "loss" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 253.12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 168)

ḫby.t, "Tänzerinnen" | "dancers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 250.15-16; FCD 187)

ḫbi̯, "tanzen" | "to dance" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 250.5-13)

ḫbi̯, "vermindern; abnehmen" | "to deduct; to reduce" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 251.3-19)

ḫbi̯, "(Gaben) einsammeln" | "to gather (tribute); to exact (dues)" [verb] (Wb 3, 252.1-5)

ḫbb, "Tanz" | "dance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 187)

ḫbb.t, "[Gefäß für Myrrhe]; [Gefäß für Wein]" | "[a vessel for myrrh]; [a vessel for wine]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 253.15-16; FCD 187)

ḫbn, "Verbrechen begehen; schuldig befunden sein (vor Gericht)" | "to distort; to be criminal" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 254.1-4; FCD 187)

ḫbn.t, "Verbrechen; Schuld; Falschheit" | "crime; guilt; falseness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 254.5; FCD 187; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 715)

ḫ, "Verbrecher" | "criminal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 254.6-7; FCD 187; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 379)

ḫbr, "Geschäftpartnerschaft; Handelskontakt; Partner" | "business, trading partner" [substantive] (Wb 3, 254.9-10; Lesko, Dictionary II, 169; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 333; KoptHWb 304)

ḫbḫ, "in etwas schlüpfen" | "to slink into" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 254.12)

ḫbḫb, "[Gefäß für Myrrhen und Salbe]" | "[a vessel for myrrh]; [a vessel for wine]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 255.1)

ḫbḫb, "betreten; (Feinde) niedertreten" | "to trample; to slay" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 255.2-7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 379; Lesko, Dictionary II, 169)

ḫbḫb, "sich verschieben; wegschieben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (EAG § 430; Allen, Inflection, 578)

ḫbḫb, "in etwas schlüpfen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 254.13)

ḫbḫb.t, "Zerstörung" | "destruction" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 56; II, 7)

ḫbz.wt, "Bart (der Götter)" | "divine beard" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 255.13-14; FCD 187)

ḫbz.t, "Schwanz" | "tail" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 255.10-12; FCD 187)

ḫbs, "Lampe; Docht" | "(artificial) light (lamp; candle)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 230.3)

ḫbs, "leuchten" | "to illuminate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 230.4)

ḫbs, "hacken; aufhacken" | "to hack up (the earth); to plough" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 256.1-10)

ḫbs, "Feld, Acker" | "ploughlands" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 256.13-14; FCD 188)

ḫbs, "[ein Vogel (der Fische fängt)]" | "[a bird (cormorant?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 257.1; Vernus/Yoyotte, Bestiaire, 85)

ḫ, "Hacke" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 256.12)

ḫbt, "(Böse) bestrafen" | "to punish (the enemy)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 257.4-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 719)

ḫbḏ, "hassen; tadeln" | "to be displeased with; to be hateful" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 257.12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 379 f.)

ḫbḏ, "durchbohren; schädigen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (EDG 354; KoptHWb 316)

ḫbḏ.t, "Tadelnswertes (o. Ä.)" | "what is hateful" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 257.11)

ḫp, "Abgeschiedener" | "departed one (the deceased)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 259.4-5)

ḫ, "Hinscheiden" | "death" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 380)

ḫp.w, "[eine Augenkrankheit]" | "[an eye disease]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 259.11; MedWb 652)

ḫpj.w, "Dahingehen" | "passing away" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 259.6; ONB 91)

ḫpj.t, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 259.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 170; Caminos, LEM, 444)

ḫpi̯, "gehen; wandeln; treffen" | "to travel; to encounter (someone)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 258.3-16)

ḫpp, "Feind (?); Hingeschiedener" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 259.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 380)

ḫpp, "fremdartig" | "strange" [adjective] (Wb 3, 259.14-15)

ḫpp, "befremden; befremdlich sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Fox, Song of Songs, 24 f., Anm. j; Mathieu, Poésie, 77, Anm. 240)

ḫpnpn, "[Fisch]" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 260.6; Lesko, Dictionary II, 170)

ḫpr, "erschaffen; entstehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 260.7-264.17)

ḫpr, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 394)

ḫpr (m-sꜣ), "jmd. verfolgen" | english translation missing [verb] (EDG 355; CDD x, 57)

ḫpr.j, "[ein Gärungsprodukt]" | "[a product of fermenation (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 267.12; DrogWb 395)

ḫpr.w, "jetzt Lebende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 265.14-15)

ḫpr.w, "Entstandenes; Gestalt; Werden; Entwicklung" | "mode of being; form; transformation" [substantive] (Wb 3, 265.20-266.17; vgl. ONB 551, Anm. 420)

ḫpr.w-ḏw, "üble Gestalt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 47)

ḫpr.t, "Ereignis; Werdendes; Gewordenes" | "event (lit. that which happens); that which comes into being" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 263.2; vgl. FCD 188; vgl. ONB 196)

ḫpr.t-ḏs=s, "die von Selbst Entstandene" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 709)

ḫpr-wr, "[Erzeugnis des Wadi Natrun]" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 267.3; DrogWb 394 f.)

ḫpr-ms, "der Neugeborene" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 689 f.)

ḫpr-ḏs=f, "der von selbst Entstandene" | "he who came into being of himself" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 703 ff; Assmann, Liturgische Lieder, 150)

ḫpr-ḏs=f, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 394)

ḫprr, "[Käfer]" | "dung beetle; scarab" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 267.5-6,9; FCD 189; Lesko, Dictionary II, 172)

ḫpḫ, "[vom Horusauge]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 3, 268.3)

ḫpš, "Vorderschenkel; Schenkel (allg.); Arm" | "foreleg; thigh" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 268.4-8)

ḫpš, "[Sternbild des Großen Bären]" | "Great Bear (the constellation)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 268.9; FCD 189; Lesko, Dictionary II, 173)

ḫpš, "Sichelschwert" | "scimitar; battle ax" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 270.1-5; FCD 190)

ḫpš, "bezwingen; packen" | "to conquer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 270.8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 383; Lesko, Dictionary II, 173)

ḫpš, "Werkstatt; Waffenschmiede" | "armoury" [substantive] (Wb 3, 270.9-10; Lesko, Dictonary II, 173; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 723)

ḫpš, "effektiv sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 270.13; FCD 190)

ḫpd, "Hinterteil (des Körpers); (hinteres) Ende" | "buttock(s); rear part" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 270.14-271.3; Walker, Anatom. Term., 273)

ḫpd.t, "[Ingredienz eines Räucherwerks]" | "[rear part of a quail (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 271.4)

ḫf, "(jmdn./etwas) sehen" | "to see; to perceive" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 271.5-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 724)

ḫf, "überfluten; überschwemmen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.22 f.; Ryhiner, Lotus, 56, Anm. 25)

ḫfꜣ.t, "Mahlzeit" | "food" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 271.11-12; FCD 190; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 383)

ḫfꜣ.t, "Leuchter (?); Lampe (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 120, Anm. be, Tav. 14)

ḫfꜣꜣ.t, "Ufer" | "riverbank" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 271.13-14; FCD 190)

ḫfꜥ, "fassen, packen" | "to seize; to grasp" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 272.1-15; FCD 190; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 383 f.; Lesko, Dictionary II, 174)

ḫfꜥ, "Faust; Griff" | "fist; grasp" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 272.16-273.6)

ḫfꜥ-ꜥ=j-ꜣm-ꜥ=j, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 397)

ḫfnn.wt, "[Früchte]" | "[fruits]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 273.12-14)

ḫfḫf.t, "Ausströmen, Erguss (bildl. vom Feuer)" | "outburst" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 273.15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 384)

ḫfḫf-kꜣ, "Ka-Flut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.12)

ḫft, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 3, 274.3-4,15-16,21; EAG § 766; GEG § 169; CGG 103)

ḫft.j, "Feind" | "enemy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 276.12-277.5)

ḫft.j-(n)-Rꜥw, "Feind des Re (Seth, Apophis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 727)

ḫft.j-n-Wnn-nfr-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Feind des Wenennefer, l.h.g., des Triumphierenden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 22.1)

ḫft.j-ḥr, "Dromos" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 276.10; Posener, Pap. Vandier, 58)

ḫft.w, "vor; angesichts; demgemäß" | "accordingly" [adverb] (Wb 3, 275.7; FCD 190; GEG § 205)

ḫft.t, "Feindin" | "enemy" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 277.6-7)

ḫft-n.tjt, "wenn; da (Konjunktion)" | "in view of the fact that" [particle] (Wb 3, 275.6; GEG § 223)

ḫft-r, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (LEM 64.11)

ḫft-ḥr, "vor; gegenüber von (lok.)" | "in front of; opposite (spatial)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 275.13-16; EAG § 793; GEG § 178)

ḫft-ḥr, "vorn; öffentlich" | "before; already" [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (Wb 3, 275.18-20)

ḫft-ḥr, "Angesicht; Vorderseite" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 275.8-10)

ḫft-ḥr-n, "vor; gegenüber von (lok.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (CT IV, 300a)

ḫm, "staubtrocken sein" | "to be dry (as dust)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 277.12-13; FCD 190; MedWb 656)

ḫm, "nicht wissen; negieren" | "to not know; to be ignorant of" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 278.5-280.5; Allen, Inflection, 546; ONB 196)

ḫm, "Unwissender" | "ignorant man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 280.6-7; FCD 191)

ḫm, "Kultstätte; Heiligtum" | "shrine; sanctuary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 280.10-13)

ḫm, "[Steinarbeiter]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 282.8; AEO I, 71*)

ḫm, "[eine Reliquie]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 77, Anm. 166)

ḫm.w, "Götterbilder (?)" | "sacred images" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 280.14; FCD 191)

ḫm.w, "Staub" | "dust" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 277.15-278.2)

ḫm.w, "Trockenkörner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Morenz, Regionen, 293, Anm. Am)

ḫm.t, "Unkenntnis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT IV, 86b)

ḫm-jḫ.t, "Unwissender" | english translation missing [substantive] (FCD 191)

ḫm-ḫr, "Knabe; Kind" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 360)

ḫmꜣꜣ, "schrumpeln" | "to be convulsed (?); to have a convulsion (?)" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 3, 281.13; MedWb 657)

ḫmy, "Sandfliege" | "sand-fly" [substantive] (Wb 3, 281.12; LÄ II, 264, VI, 851)

ḫmi̯, "zerstören; umstürzen; angreifen" | "to overthrow; to demolish; to oppose" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 281.1-4; Allen, Inflection, 572)

ḫmꜥ.w, "Schutt" | "debris" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Habachi, Heqaib, 36)

ḫmꜥ.t, "Griff (des Ruders)" | "blade (or handle?) (of an oar)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 282.5; Jones, Naut. Titles, 180 (119); Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 389)

ḫmꜥi̯, "fassen" | "to seize; to grasp" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 281.14-282.4; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 583)

ḫmn, "acht" | "eight" [numeral: cardinal] (Wb 3, 282.10-11)

ḫmn.j, "[Gewebeart]; [Stoffmaß]" | "8-thread weave (a quality of linen)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 283.1; Scheele, Stofflisten, 61 f.)

ḫmn.nw, "achter" | english translation missing [numeral: ordinal] (Wb 3, 282.12; Pyr 1978d)

ḫmn.t, "Achtheit" | "ogdoad" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 282.13-14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 389)

ḫ, "[Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 283.5; Jones, Naut. Titles, 142 f. (56); Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 389)

ḫmḫm, "nicht wissen; negieren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (KRI II, 230.14-231.1)

ḫmḫm, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 178)

ḫmt, "verdreifachen; zum dritten Mal tun" | "to treble; to do thrice" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 284.9-11)

ḫmt, "Dreizack" | "spear; harpoon" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 284.13-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 728 f.)

ḫmt, "[ein Teil der Barke ("Dreier")]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 284.16)

ḫmt, "bedenken; planen" | "to plan; to intend" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 285.5-11; FCD 191)

ḫmt, "[ärztliche Behandlungsweise]" | "[a kind of treatment (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 284.12; MedWb 659)

ḫmt, "Gefährte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EAG § 409)

ḫmt.w, "drei" | english translation missing [numeral] (Wb 3, 283.8-12)

ḫmt.nj, "[Flüssigkeit]" | "[a liquid diluted by a third (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 285.2-4; DrogWb 397 f.)

ḫmt.nw, "dritter" | "third one" [numeral: ordinal] (Wb 3, 284.1-8; FCD 191; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 390)

ḫmt.nw, "Gehilfe jmds." | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 284.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 390)

ḫn, "abscheulich finden; finster sein (vom Gesicht)" | "scowling (?) face" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 288.16; FCD 191; Lesko, Dictionary II, 180)

ḫn, "Chorgesang (Takt klatschen)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 285.14-15)

ḫn, "Rebell; Unruhiger" | "rebel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 288.17-18; FCD 191)

ḫn, "Abscheuliches" | "that which is loathsome" [substantive] (Wb 3, 288.19-20)

ḫn, "Rede; Spruch; Angelegenheit" | "speech; utterance; matter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 289.1-14; FCD 192)

ḫn, "[Partikel am Satzanfang]" | "[non-enclitic particle]" [particle] (Wb 3, 289.15; FCD 192)

ḫn, "töricht sein" | "be foolish" [verb] (Wb 3, 290.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 178)

ḫn, "Tor; Dummkopf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI IV, 15.14)

ḫn.ywt, "Musikantinnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 748)

ḫ, "Musikantin; musizierende Tänzerin" | "music makers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 288.8-10; FCD 192; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 390; Lesko, Dictionary II, 180; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 731 f.)

ḫn.w, "Musikant" | "percussionist (of Hathor)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 286.8-9; Jones, Titles OK no. 2513)

ḫn.w, "Kind" | "child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 286.18)

ḫn.w, "Ruheplatz ("Halteplatz"); Magazin" | "abode (lit. resting place); storehouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 288.12-15; FCD 192; Lesko, Dictionary II, 179)

ḫn.wt, "Musikantin (Sistrumspielerin)" | "music-maker (sistrum player) (of Hathor)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 286.11-13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2514)

ḫn.wt, "Musikantin (Sistrumspielerin)" | "music-maker (sistrum player) (of Hathor)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 286.11-13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 391)

ḫn.wt-n.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-Qjs, "Musikantin der Hathor, der Herrin von Qus" | "music-maker (sistrum player) of Hathor, Mistress of Cusae" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2514)

ḫni̯, "niederschweben; sich niederlassen; Halt machen" | "to alight; to stop; to rest" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 287.3-288.3)

ḫni̯, "tanzen; musizieren" | "to make music" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 288.7; FCD 192; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 391)

ḫnw, "Rückenflosse des Synodontis" | "fin (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.3029; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 391; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 34 f.)

ḫnws, "[stechendes Insekt (Mücke o. Ä.)]" | "[a stinging insect (mosquito?) (gnat?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 290.2-3; MedWb 659)

ḫnws, "stechen" | "[a heart disease (lit. stabbing?)]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 290.4; MedWb 659)

ḫnp, "rauben; auffangen; darbringen; auslösen" | "to steal; to catch; to present" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 290.5-17; Allen, Inflection, 560; ITE I/2, 289, Anm. 8)

ḫnp, "einatmen (Luft, Licht)" | "to take in air (i.e. breathe)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 290.18-291.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 180; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 733)

ḫnf, "fortschaffen; nehmen" | "[verb (in an offering ritual)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 291.9-10; Allen, Inflection, 560)

ḫnf.w, "[ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 291.12)

ḫnf.wt, "[ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 291.13)

ḫnfy, "Feuer (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 291.15-16)

ḫnfi̯, "verbrennen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 291.16)

ḫnm, "Freund" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 292.15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 181)

ḫnm, "Kind warten; versorgen" | "to rear (of goddesses who rear divine children)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 293.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 393; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 735)

ḫnm, "Wärter eines Götterkindes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 293.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 392)

ḫnm, "freundlich; froh" | english translation missing [adjective] (vgl. GEG § 205.5)

ḫnm, "riechen; einatmen; erfreuen; froh sein; genießen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 292.4-14)

ḫnm.w, "Geruch" | "smell (usually pleasant)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3. 293.2-6; FCD 193; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 734)

ḫnm.w, "freundlich, froh" | english translation missing [adverb] (GEG § 205.4)

ḫnm.t, "Dirne" | "harlot (lit. pleasure giver)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 292.16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 181)

ḫnm.t, "Kuss ("Geruch")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 293.7)

ḫnm.t, "Amme" | "nurse (especially of goddesses who rear the king)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 293.11-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 735)

ḫnm.t, "Jaspis; [roter Schmuckstein]" | "jasper" [substantive] (Wb 3, 294.4-8, FCD 193; Harris, Minerals, 123; LÄ VII, 481)

ḫnm.t, "Teig; Gebäck" | "sour bread (?) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 294.10; DrogWb 399; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 503; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 393)

ḫnm.t, "Amme" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 754)

ḫnm.tjt, "Wärterin; Amme" | "nurse (as applied to goddesses)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 294.2-3; FCD 193)

ḫnms, "sich befreunden" | "to be friendly with" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 294.13-15; FCD 193)

ḫnms, "Freundschaft" | "friendship" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 294.16; FCD 193)

ḫnms, "Freund" | "friend" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 294.17-295.7)

ḫnms, "[eine Bierart]" | "[a kind of beer]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 295.10-11)

ḫnms, "Mücke" | "mosquito (or gnat?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 295.12; Lesko, Dictionary II, 181)

ḫnms.t, "Freundin" | "friend" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 295.8; FCD 193)

ḫnn, "[Gefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, in: Fs Spalinger, 282, Anm. 69)

ḫnn.t, "Geflügel; Vogel" | "fowl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 288.4-6)

ḫnr, "einsperren; absperren" | "to restrain" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 295-296.7)

ḫnr, "Gefangener" | "prisoner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 296.8; FCD 193)

ḫnr, "Harem (Inst.); Haremsinsassen (Koll.)" | "harem (the institution)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 297.8-14; FCD 193; vgl. Ward, Feminine Titles, 69 ff.)

ḫnr, "Zügel" | "reins" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 298.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary II, 183)

ḫnr, "Spitzhacke; Meißel" | "spike (for splitting stone); chisel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 298.5-6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 337; vgl. Janssen, Prices, 312 ff.)

ḫnr, "zerstreuen; verbreiten" | "to scatter; to disperse" [verb] (Wb 3, 298.8-14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 182)

ḫnr, "heiser sein" | "to be hoarse (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 3, 298.16-17; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 338)

ḫnr, "Haremsinsasse (Sg.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 3, 297, 8; FCD 193; Lesko Dictionary II, 184)

ḫ, "Haremsdame; Musikantin (Vergnügungsdame)" | "woman of the harem" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 297.15-298.1; FCD 193; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2519; vgl. Ward, Feminine Titles, 69 ff.)

ḫnr.t, "Gefängnis; Arbeitslager; abgesperrter Bezirk" | "prison; fortress; council chamber" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 296.14-18; FCD 193)

ḫnr.t-n-sḏm, "Gefängnis für Verhöre" | english translation missing [substantive] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 128-29, 194 (Index))

ḫnr-ꜥꜣ, "großer Heiserer (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 32.34)

ḫnrf, "Schmähung" | "insult; abuse (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 299.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 184; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 94 f., Anm. a; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 340; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 40)

ḫnz, "durchziehen; vorbeiziehen" | "to traverse (a region); to travel through" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 299.5-19)

ḫns, "[Tür]" | "double doors" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 300.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 395)

ḫns, "Türmatte (Rollo)" | "rolled-up curtain (of matting)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 32)

ḫns.wj, "Haut des Doppelstieres" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 53, Anm. 41)

ḫnsy.t, "nässender Ausschlag" | "[a disease effecting the head (scurf?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 300.11; FCD 193; MedWb 660 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 142)

ḫnš, "stinken" | "to stink" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 301.1-3; FCD 193)

ḫnš, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 301.4-5; DrogWb 399 f.)

ḫnš, "Schweißabsonderung; Gestank" | english translation missing [substantive] (MedWb 661 f.)

ḫnš, "[Teil einer Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 301.6; DrogWb 400)

ḫnš, "Stinker" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CDD x, 115)

ḫnt, "Ständer (für Flaschen); Opfertisch" | "jar-stand; sideboard (for food as well as drink)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 301.12; FCD 194; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 738 f.)

ḫnt, "Stirn; Gesicht; Vorderseite" | "brow; face; front" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 302.1-5; FCD 194; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 395; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 737)

ḫnt, "Schnupfen; Katarrh; Augenentzündung" | "(head) cold; congestion (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 308.1-2; MedWb 662; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 150)

ḫnt, "[Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener, Pap. Vandier, 56 f.; Kammerzell, TUAT 3, 979, Anm. a)

ḫnt, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 3, 303.10-304.5; EAG § 767; GEG § 174)

ḫnt.j, "vorn Befindliches (allg.)" | "what is in front (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 302)

ḫnt.j, "vorn; befindlich vor; [lokal]; [temporal]" | "foremost; in front" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 304.10-306.4)

ḫnt.j, "Anfang; Süden (eines Landes)" | "forepart; south" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 306.6-14)

ḫnt.j, "Vorhalle" | "outer chamber; pronaos" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 307.10-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 738)

ḫnt.j, "[Bez. für Krokodil]" | "crocodile (as Seth)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 308.4; Wilson, in: Temple in Ancient Egypt, 195)

ḫnt.j, "der vorne ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 308.6-7; LGG V, 773)

ḫnt.j, "Kanal" | "canal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 308.9-10)

ḫnt.j, "vorn Befindlicher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1285b)

ḫnt.j-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Vorsteher von Abydos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 773 f.)

ḫnt.j-Jp.t-s.wt, "Erster von Karnak (meist Amun)" | "foremost of Karnak (Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 305.23; LGG V, 782a-c)

ḫnt.j-Jnb.w-ḥd, "der an der Spitze von Memphis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 787 f.)

ḫnt.j-jp.t=f, "der vor seinem Heiligtum ist (Amun u.a.)" | "presiding over his Ipet (Amun)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 68.4; LGG V, 781)

ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw, "Chontamenti ("der an der Spitze der Westlichen ist")" | "Khentimentiu (lit. foremost-of-the-westerners)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 86.22; 3, 305.13-14; LÄ I, 964 f.; vgl. LGG V, 783 ff.)

ḫnt.j-jmn.tjt-n-Wsjr, "Chontamenti des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XV.5; vgl. LGG V, 786)

ḫnt.j-jnb=f, "der vor seiner Mauer ist (memphitischer Chnum)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 787)

ḫnt.j-jr.w=f, "Vorsteher seiner Gestalten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 788)

ḫnt.j-jz.t-wꜥb.t, "der der Reinigungskammer vorsteht" | "foremost of the pure chamber" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2522)

ḫnt.j-jtn=f, "der vor seiner Sonnenscheibe ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 789)

ḫnt.j-jtr.t-Šmꜥ.jt-n.t-p.t, "der dem oberägyptischen Heiligtum des Himmels vorsteht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 790)

ḫnt.j-jdb.wj=f, "der an der Spitze seiner beiden Ufer ist" | "preeminent of his two banks" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2523)

ḫnt.j-p.t, "der an der Spitze des Himmel steht" | "presiding over the sky" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 306.1; LGG V, 805)

ḫnt.j-pr-ꜥnḫ, "der an der Spitze des Lebenshauses ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 806)

ḫnt.j-pr-ḥnw, "Erster von Per-henu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 809)

ḫnt.j-psḏ.t, "der an der Spitze der Neunheit ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 812 f.)

ḫnt.j-mn.wt=f, "der vor seinen Schenkeln ist" | "presiding over his (two) thighs" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 815 f.)

ḫnt.j-mn.t=f, "der vor seinem Schenkel ist (meist Horus)" | "presiding over his thigh (Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 68.12; LGG V, 815 f.)

ḫnt.j-nb-r-ḏr, "der vor dem Allherrn ist (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 821)

ḫnt.j-rḫ.yt, "Vorsteher der Menschen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 826)

ḫnt.j-Ḥsr.t, "der vor Heseret ist (meist Thot)" | "presiding over Heseret" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 843 f.)

ḫnt.j-ḥw.t-nṯr.w, "Vorsteher der Tempel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 835)

ḫnt.j-Ḫm, "Vorderster von Letopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 846)

ḫnt.j-ḫtm.t-m-s.t-štꜣ.t, "Vorsteher des Versiegelten an der geheimen Stätte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (TPPI, § 20.A2)

ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj, "[Monatsname]; [2. Monat der Schemu-Jahreszeit]" | "[festival in the 1st month of the shemu-season]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 310.10; LÄ III, 299)

ḫnt.j-ẖkr.w-n-jbꜣ.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "der beim Hof dem Schmuck der Tänzer vorsteht" | "he who presides over the ornaments of the dancers of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2527)

ḫnt.j-zḥ-nṯr, "der vor der Gotteshalle ist (Anubis, Osiris)" | "presiding over the divine booth (Anubis, Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 305.18-20; LGG V, 860 f.)

ḫnt.j-Spꜣ, "der an der Spitze von Sepa ist (Anubis)" | "foremost of Sepa (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 101.3)

ḫnt.j-Snm.t, "der an der Spitze von Bigga ist (Chnum)" | "presiding over Biga (Khnum)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Habachi, Heqaib, 177; vgl. LÄ I, 951)

ḫnt.j-Sḥḏ, "Vorsteher von Sehedj" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Montet, Géographie II, 198; vgl. LGG V, 862)

ḫnt.j-s.t=f-r-nṯr.w, "dessen Thron weiter vorn ist als der der (anderen) Götter (Ptah)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V 853)

ḫnt.j-spꜣ.wt-jꜣb.tjwt, "der an der Spitze der östlichen Gaue ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 858)

ḫnt.j-š, "Baumgarten" | "plantation" [substantive] (Wb 3, 310.11)

ḫnt.j-š, "[bebaubares Ackerland]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Urk I, 140.10)

ḫnt.j-š, "[Holzart]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 310.13)

ḫnt.j-š, "Chentischi" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 311.1)

ḫnt.j-š, "Chentischi (Pächter ?)" | "land tenant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 311.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2530)

ḫnt.j-š=f, "der vor seinem See ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 864)

ḫnt.j-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Chentischi des Palastes" | "land tenant of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2532)

ḫnt.j-š-Mn-ꜥnḫ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Chentischi an der (Pyramidenanlage) Das Leben des Neferkare dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2534)

ḫnt.j-š-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Chentischi an (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepi dauert" | "land tenant of Men-nefer-Pepy (pyramid, pyramid town)" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IX, 55; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2535)

ḫnt.j-š-Mn-nfr-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Chentischi an der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Meryre dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2535)

ḫnt.j-š-Nfr-s.wt-Wnjs, "Chentischi von (der Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen sind die Plätze des Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2531)

ḫnt.j-š-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Chentischi des Pharao, l.h.g. (Amun)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 864)

ḫnt.j-š-Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Chentischi an (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Teti dauern" | "land tenant of (the pyramid) Steadfast-are-the-Places-of-Tety" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2537; vgl. Wb 3, 311.1)

ḫnt.j-šꜣ, "Garten (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1223e)

ḫnt.j-Tꜣ.wj, "der an der Spitze der Beiden Länder ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI I, 26.2)

ḫnt.j-Tꜣ-wr, "der an der Spitze von Tawer ist (Osiris)" | "foremost of the Thinite nome (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Davies, Saqqara Tombs I, 26, Anm. 2)

ḫnt.j-Tꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Vorsteher von Oberägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 873)

ḫnt.j-tꜣ-ḏsr, "der an der Spitze der Nekropole ist (Anubis)" | "foremost of the sacred land (necropolis) (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (WbZ; vgl. Wb 5, 228.11)

ḫnt.j-Ṯnj, "Erster von Thinis (Osiris)" | "foremost of Thinis (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Davies, Saqqara Tombs I, 26, Anm. 2; LGG V, 876)

ḫnt.j-Ṯnn.t, "Vorsteher des Tjenenet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 876)

ḫnt.j-dwꜣ.t, "Vorsteher der Unterwelt" | "foremost of the nether world" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Anbetung II, 160; LGG V, 877)

ḫnt.j-Ḏd.w, "der an der Spitze von Busiris ist (Osiris)" | "foremost of Busiris" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 880 f.; Wb 5, 630.6)

ḫnt.j-Ḏd.w-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "der an der Spitze von Busiris an allen seinen Plätzen ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Begelsbacher-Fischer, Götterwelt, 125; vgl.LGG V, 880 f.)

ḫnt.jw-š, "die Chentischi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 889)

ḫnt.jt, "Beste Qualität (vom Weihrauch)" | "[a med. substance]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 307.4-5; DrogWb 400 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 503)

ḫnt.jt, "die vorne ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 890 f.)

ḫnt.jt-ḥw.t-ꜥnḫ, "Vorsteherin des Lebenshauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 915)

ḫnt.jt-Ḫꜣs, "Herrin von Chas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 923)

ḫnt.jt-š, "Chentetschi (Pächterin?)" | "land tenant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 311.3; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, 2530)

ḫnt.jt-š-Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Chentetschi an der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Teti dauern" | "land tenant of (the pyramid complex) Enduring-are-the-places-of-Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2537)

ḫnt.jt-Tꜣ-ztj, "die an der Spitze von Nubien ist (Anukis)" | "foremost of Ta-Seti (Nubia) (Anukis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Habachi, Heqaib, 176)

ḫ, "Fahrt nach Süden" | "voyage southwards" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 310.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 399)

ḫnt.w, "zuvor; früher; davor" | "earlier; previously" [adverb] (Wb 3, 304.6-9; GEG § 205.1)

ḫnt.t-r, "südlich bis" | "southward to; ending at" [preposition] (GEG § 179)

ḫnt-m-Nw.w, "der durch den Nun navigiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 938)

ḫnt-r, "südlich bis" | "southward to" [preposition] (GEG § 179)

ḫnti̯, "vorn sein" | "to be in front of" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 308.13-18; Allen, Inflection, 583)

ḫnti̯, "stromauf fahren; südwärts fahren; sich nähern" | "to sail upstream; to travel southwards" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 309.3-22; vgl. KoptHWb 380)

ḫntwjꜥwš, "Hantawattis (luwisch, Herrscher aus Kawizza)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Schneider, Ägypten und Levante 12, 2002, 269)

ḫntš, "sich ergehen (im Garten)" | "to walk about freely" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 311.9-10; FCD 195)

ḫntš, "Freude" | "joy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 312.6-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 742)

ḫntt.t, "Stricke (am Segel)" | "[a kind of boat's tackle]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 312.14; Lesko, Dictionary II, 186; Jones, Naut. Titles, 180 (121))

ḫnd, "treten; gehen" | "to tread" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 312.16-313.20)

ḫnd.w, "Hocker; Thron; Treppe" | "seat (stool, chair, throne); stairway" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 314.4-15)

ḫnd.wt, "die Weberinnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 313.24-25; LGG V, 944)

ḫnḏ, "Unterschenkel (?)" | "shin; (bull's) shank" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 314.18; Walker, Anatom. Term., 273)

ḫr, "Straße; Gasse" | "street; road; quarter (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 232.5-6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 343)

ḫr, "Syrien" | "Syria" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 232.7-12; GDG IV, 151; AEO I, 180*; LÄ VI, 132 f.)

ḫr, "also; aber; denn; und danach (Konjunktion); [Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 3, 316.12-317.10; EAG § 849; GEG § 239; ENG §§ 666 ff.; CGG 142 ff.)

ḫr, "fallen; fällen" | "to fall; to fell" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 319-321.5)

ḫr, "Königsgrab; Königsnekropole; Nekropolenverwaltung" | "tomb; necropolis" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 323.9-16; FCD 196; Cerny, Community, 4 ff.)

ḫr, "feindlich; fallend" | "hostile" [adjective] (Wb 3, 322.2-4; ONB 127)

ḫr, "[Bildungselement von Verbformen]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 3, 316.3-6; GEG §§ 427, 430-432)

ḫr, "[Präposition]" | "with" [preposition] (Wb 3, 315.1-316.9; EAG § 768; GEG § 167; ENG § 629; CGG 103)

ḫr (ḫl), "der Knabe (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 42-3, 86, n. 13; vgl. EDG 393 f.)

ḫr.j, "Syrer" | "Syrian" [substantive] (Wb 3, 232.13-16; GDG IV, 151; vgl. FCD 184)

ḫr.j, "befindlich bei" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 318.9)

ḫr.j, "Syrer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 629)

ḫ, "Schlachtvieh; Schlachtung; Blutbad; Verderben" | "animals for sacrifice; butchery" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 322.6-323.7)

ḫr.w, "Feind ("Gefällter")" | "enemy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 321.7-322.1; FCD 195)

ḫr.w, "Niederacker" | "low-lying land" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 322.5; FCD 196)

ḫr.t, "Angelegenheit; Bedarf; Besitz; Wesen; Wunsch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 318.10-319.14)

ḫr.t-jb, "Herzenssache; Wunsch" | "wish; desire" [substantive] (Wb 3, 319.11; FCD 195)

ḫ, "Ausspruch; Orakel" | "utterance; oracle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 318.5-8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 191)

ḫr-jn, "oder" | english translation missing [particle] (KRI II, 34.11 ff.; EDG 361; Cerný, CED 245; vgl. ENG § 739)

ḫr-jr, "und dann; aber danach; also; als" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 3, 317.4; CGG 142, 146)

ḫr-ꜥ, "Wie geht es?; [Grußformel]" | english translation missing [particle] (Buchberger, SAK 18, 1991, 59 f.)

ḫr-m-ḫt, "nachdem" | "after" [adverb] (Wb 3, 346.2; vgl. ENG § 593)

ḫr-mdj, "ferner" | "and with" [particle] (Wb 2, 177.16; CGG 142)

ḫr-nswt, "vom König Gewährtes (Vermögen; Gaben)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 315.11-12; vgl. GEG § 158)

ḫr-rʾ-ꜥ, "noch" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 2, 395.9; ENG § 683)

ḫry, "[Myrrhe]" | "myrrh" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 323.21)

ḫry, "[gute Eigenschaft des Beamten]" | "[positive character trait of officials]" [verb] (Wb 3, 324.1)

ḫrꜥ, "[Wasserlauf]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.2261; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 345; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 46 f.)

ḫrw, "Stimme; Geräusch; Zank; Krach" | "voice; sound; quarrel" [substantive] (Wb 3, 324.7-325.11; FCD 196)

ḫrw.y, "Lärmmacher; Feind" | "enemy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 325.17-21; FCD 196)

ḫrw.y, "Lärmmacher; Feind" | "enemy" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 947)

ḫrw.yw, "Truppen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 323.8)

ḫrw.yw, "Streit; Krieg" | "hostility; war" [substantive] (Wb 3, 326.1-3; FCD 196)

ḫ, "Feindseligkeit; Streit; Krieg" | "hostility; war" [substantive] (Wb 3, 326.4; FCD 196; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 404)

ḫ, "Feindin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.3102)

ḫru̯, "sagen" | "to say; to tell" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 317.11-318.4)

ḫrb, "Wüste" | "desert" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 346)

ḫrp, "[ein Zepter]" | "herep-scepter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 326.6)

ḫrp, "leiten; beaufsichtigen" | "to govern; to control; to administer" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 326.8-327.5)

ḫrp, "Leiter" | "director" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 328.2-19; Ward, Titles, no. 1133)

ḫrp, "Leiter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 328.2-19; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 406)

ḫrp.w, "hölzerner Schlägel" | "mallet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 326.7; FCD 197; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 407)

ḫrp.t, "Abgabenpflichtige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 329.11)

ḫrp.t, "[ein Wasser]" | "water perfumed with galbanum (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 329.17; Lesko, Dictionary II, 192; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 348)

ḫrp.t-sšm.tjw-šnḏ.t, "Leiterin der Schlächter des Akazienhauses" | "directress of butchers of the acacia house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2728)

ḫrp-jꜣw.wt-nb.wt-nṯr.jwt, "Leiter aller göttlichen Ämter" | "director of all divine offices" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 363.23; 3, 328.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2541)

ḫrp-jꜣw.wt-nṯr.jwt, "Leiter der göttlichen Ämter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 1, 10, fig. 4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2541)

ḫrp-jꜣw.tjw, "Leiter der Würdenträger" | "controller of officials" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1135)

ḫrp-jꜥꜣ.w, "Leiter der Dolmetscher" | "director of interpreters" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2569)

ḫrp-jbṯ.tjw, "Leiter der Vogelfänger" | "director of fowlers" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 65.3; Jones, Titles OK, nos. 2543-44)

ḫrp-jm.jw-nṯr.w, "Leiter derer, die unter den Göttern sind" | "director of those who are among the gods" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2545; Fischer, Titles, no. 1136b)

ḫrp-jm.jw-zꜣ, "Leiter der Phylenangehörigen" | "director of the members of a phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2546)

ḫrp-jm.jw-zꜣ.w-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Leiter der Phylenangehörigen von (der Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chefren" | "director of the members of phyles of the (pyramid) of Chefren" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles, OK, no. 2547)

ḫrp-jm.jw-šms.w, "Leiter derer, die unter den Gefolgsleuten sind" | "director of those who are among the followers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2549)

ḫrp-jr.w-mḏꜣ.t, "Leiter der Schreibergehilfen" | "director of archivists" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2551)

ḫrp-jr.w-šnj, "Leiter des Friseurs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2555)

ḫrp-jr.w-šnj-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Leiter der Friseure des Palastes" | "director of hairdressers of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2556)

ḫrp-jr.w-šnj-nswt, "Leiter der Friseure des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2557)

ḫrp-jz.t, "Leiter der Arbeitermannschaft" | "director of the crew (of laborers)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2559)

ḫrp-jz.t, "Leiter der Arbeitermannschaft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2559)

ḫrp-ꜥpr.w, "Leiter der Mannschaft" | "director of the crew" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2574)

ḫrp-ꜥpr.w-wjꜣ, "Leiter der Schiffsmannschaften" | "director of the boat's crew" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2576)

ḫrp-ꜥpr.w-nfr.w, "Leiter der Mannschaft der Rekruten" | "director of the crew(s) of recruits" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2575)

ḫrp-ꜥpr.w-nfr.w-wjꜣ, "Leiter der Mannschaft der Bootsrekruten" | "director of the crew(s) of recruits of the boat" [epitheton_title: title] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 93 (157); vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2575)

ḫrp-ꜥpr.w-kz.w, "Leiter der Mannschaft des Kez-Schiffes" | "director of the crew of the Kez-ship" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2577)

ḫrp-ꜥḥ, "Palastleiter" | "director of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 328.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2579)

ḫrp-wꜥb.w-nswt, "Leiter der Wab-Priester des Königs" | "director of wab-priests of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2587)

ḫrp-wꜥb.w-nswt-Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Leiter der Wab-Priester des Königs von (der Pyramide namens) Horizont des Cheops" | "director of wab-priests of the king (of the pyramid complex) Horizon-of-Cheops" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2588)

ḫrp-wr.w-mḏ-Šmꜥ.w, "Leiter der Großen der Zehn von Oberägypten" | "director of greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2592)

ḫrp-wr.w-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "Leiter der Großen von Ober- und Unterägypten" | "director of the great ones of Upper and Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2593)

ḫrp-wsḫ.t, "Leiter der breiten Halle" | "director of the broad hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 367.1; Ward, Titles, no. 1147)

ḫrp-wsḫ.t-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Leiter der breiten Halle des Gerichtshofes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Abb. 34b)

ḫrp-wt.jw, "Leiter der Balsamierer" | "director of the embalmers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2595)

ḫrp-mjtr.w, "Leiter der Miteru" | "director of the miteru" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2611)

ḫrp-mr.w-jḥ, "Leiter der Viehweiden" | "director of pasture lands" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2614)

ḫrp-mr.t-Šmꜥ-Mḥ.w, "Leiter der Sängerinnen von Ober-und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2620)

ḫrp-mḥnk.w-nswt, "Leiter der Vertrauten des Königs" | "director of outfitters of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2620)

ḫrp-n-bj, "Leiter der Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LD II, 28; Kanawati, Giza I, 41; vgl. Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 45, no. 1)

ḫrp-n-ns.t-ḫnt.jt, "Leiter des Vorderen Sitzes" | "director belonging to the foremost place" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2636)

ḫrp-n-kꜣ.wtj-nswt, "Leiter der Arbeiter des Königs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI I, 67.2; vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1533)

ḫrp-nfr.w, "Leiter der Rekruten" | "director of young men (recruits)" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1150)

ḫrp-nr.w, "Leiter der Hirten" | "director of herdsmen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2632)

ḫrp-nr.w, "Leiter der Hirten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2632)

ḫ, "Leiter der beiden Throne" | "director of the two seats" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 328.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2637)

ḫḥw.t-ꜥnḫ, "Leiter der beiden Throne im Lebenshaus" | "director of the two thrones of the mansion of Life" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2638)

ḫrp-nswt, "königlicher Leiter" | "royal controller" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1153)

ḫrp-rḫ.w-nswt, "Leiter der Königsbekannten (?)" | "director of king's acquaintances" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1156)

ḫrp-rtḥ.w, "Leiter der Bäcker" | "director of the bakers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2641)

ḫrp-hꜣṯs-km, "Leiter des schwarzen Hatjes-Topfes" | "director of the black pot" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 123.23; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2642)

ḫrp-ḥw.wt, "Leiter der Güter" | "director of estates" [epitheton_title: title] (WbZ; vgl. Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, T 297)

ḫrp-ḥw.wt-mw, "Leiter der Häuser des Mu-Gewebes" | "director of the mansions of the mu-textiles" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2647)

ḫrp-ḥw.wt-N.t, "Leiter der Verwaltungen der Roten Krone" | "director of estates of the Red Crown" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 328.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2646)

ḫrp-ḥw.wt-n.t-mw, "Leiter der Höfe des Mu-Stoffes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2647)

ḫrp-ḥw.wt-n.t-ḥḏ.t, "Leiter der Verwaltungen der Roten und Weißen Krone" | "controller of the estates of the red and white crown" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1160)

ḫrp-ḥm.w-kꜣ-zꜣ-jm.j-wr.t, "Leiter der Totenpriester der Imi-weret-Phyle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2654)

ḫrp-ḫꜣ.w, "Leiter der Kornmesser" | "director of grain assessors" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2670)

ḫrp-Zꜣw, "Leiter von Sais" | "controller of Sais" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1169)

ḫꜥꜣ, "Leiter der Augenärzte des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2680)

ḫrp-zḥ, "Leiter des Speisezeltes" | "director of the dining-hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 328.14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2682)

ḫrp-zḥ, "Leiter des Speisezeltes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 328.14; Pyr 566b)

ḫrp-zḥ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Leiter des Speisezeltes des Palastes" | "director of the dining-hall of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2684)

ḫrp-zḥ-n-nb=f, "Leiter des Speisezeltes seines Herrn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza II, pl. XIV)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww, "Leiter der Schreiber" | "director of scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2694)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-jr.j-jꜥḥ, "Leiter der Schreiber der Bittschriften" | "director of scribes of the petitions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2697)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-jr.jw-jꜥḥ-m-ḏꜣḏꜣ.t-wr.t, "Leiter der Schreiber der Bittschriften im großen Richterkollegium" | "director of scribes of the petitions of the Great Judical Council" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2698)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-wsḫ.t, "Leiter der Schreiber der breiten Halle" | "director of scribes of the Usechet-hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2699)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-m-wsḫ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Leiter der Schreiber in der großen Breit-Halle" | "director of scribes of the great Usechet-hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2700)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-m-ḏꜣḏꜣ.t-wr.t-wḏꜥ-mdw-štꜣ-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Vorsteher der Schreiber des großen Kollegiums der geheimen Richter der großen Gerichtshalle" | "director of scribes of the great council of secret arbitrators of the great lawcourt" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2711)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-m-ḏꜣḏꜣ.t-wr.t-n.t-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Leiter der Schreiber des großen Kollegiums des großen Gottes" | "director of scribes of the great council of the great god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2710)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-mḏꜣ.t-n.t-jtj=f, "Leiter der Aktenschreiber seines Vaters" | "director of scribes of the documents of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2705)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-nb.w, "Leiter aller Schreiber" | "director of all scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2706)

ḫrp-zẖꜣ.ww-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Leiter der Schreiber der großen Halle" | "director of scribes of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2707)

ḫrp-Srq.t, "Magier der Selqet" | "staff of Selkis (priest treating stings and bites)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 204.5; Ward, Titles, no. 1170)

ḫrp-smn.tjw, "Leiter der Prospekteure" | "director of prospectors (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2717)

ḫrp-smn.tjw-ḥḏ-nbw, "Aufseher der Prospekteure von Gold und Silber" | "director of prospectors (?) of gold and silver" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2718)

ḫrp-st.w-nbw, "Leiter der Halskragenknüpfer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2724)

ḫrp-Šmꜥ.w, "Leiter von Oberägypten" | "controller of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1175)

ḫrp-šms.w, "Leiter des Gefolges" | "director of followers" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 486.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2731)

ḫrp-šms.w, "Leiter des Gefolges" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 486.15)

ḫrp-šms.w-Ḥr.w, "Leiter des Horusgeleits" | "director of the followers of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2733)

ḫrp-š, "Vorsteher beider Scheunen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2735)

ḫrp-šnḏ.t, "Leiter des Schurzes" | "game (of the desert, of the hills)" [substantive] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2736)

ḫrp-šnḏ.t-nb.t, "Leiter jedes Schurzes" | "director of every kilt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 522.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2737)

ḫrp-qꜣqꜣ.w, "Leiter des Flussschiffes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titels OK, no. 2740)

ḫrp-kꜣ.wt, "Leiter der Arbeiten" | "director of works" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1178)

ḫ, "Leiter der Tjis-Leute (?) des Königs von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 2744)

ḫrp-dng.w-sšr.w, "Leiter der kleinwüchsigen Bekleidungsdiener (Kleiderzwerge)" | "director of dwarves in charge of dressing" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2748)

ḫrps, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 329.16; Lesko, Dictionary II, 192; AEO II, 229*)

ḫrm.t, "[ein Gewässer]" | "[a river or canal]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 330.1)

ḫrr, "Ballen; Bündel" | "bundle" [substantive] (Wb 3, 330.5; Lesko, Dictionary II, 193)

ḫrr, "Bleiweiß (?)" | "[an earthy mineral (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 10; Meeks, AL 77.3160; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 349; Harris, Minerals, 178)

ḫrḫr, "zerstören; ausschütten" | "to upset; to overturn" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 330.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 193; KoptHWb 327)

ḫrḫr, "Streit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VII, 491d)

ḫrḫr.t, "Zerstörung" | "destruction (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 330.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 407)

ḫrš, "Bund (Kraut, Gemüse)" | "bundle(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 330.12; FCD 197; Lesko, Dictionary II, 193)

ḫrš.t, "Bündel (Pfeile)" | "bundle" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 330.10-11; FCD 197)

ḫrq.t, "glatter Boden" | "slippery ground (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 330.15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 193; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 351)

ḫrd, "Ballen (von Leinen); Maßeinheit (für Stoff)" | "veils; thin cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 331.2; Lesko, Dictionary II, 193)

ḫḫ, "Hals; Kehle" | "neck; throat" [substantive] (Wb 3, 331.3-10; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

ḫḫ-n-Nj.t, "Hals der Neith" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 951)

ḫḫmi̯, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Edel, OLZ 69, 1974, 136)

ḫzꜣ, "[lederner Teil des Schiffes]" | "[leather part of a boat (rowlocks?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 332.15; Jones, Naut. Titles, 181 (125))

ḫzꜣ, "Tragestange (am Holzkasten)" | "carrying pole" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 679)

ḫzꜣ.w, "[Pflanzenteil (offizinell)]" | "[part of an unidentified tree used med.]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 332.9-11; DrogWb 402; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 503)

ḫzꜣ.w, "[Pflanze (als Brennmaterial)]" | "[a plant used for fuel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 332.12; DrogWb 403; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 407)

ḫzd, "Verfaulungs-Geschwulst" | "swelling (boil?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 333.6-8; MedWb 669 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 293)

ḫs, "Schabstein; Rasierer" | "rubbing stone (for removing body hair)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3169; 77.3179; 77.3180; 78.3124)

ḫswḏ, "[Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

ḫsbḏ, "Lapislazuli; Lapislazuli-Ersatz (Fayence, Glas)" | "lapis lazuli; substitutes for lapis lazuli (faience, glass)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 334.1-13; Harris, Minerals, 124 ff.)

ḫsbḏ, "lapislazuli-artig; blaufarbig" | "lapis lazuli-like" [adjective] (Wb 3, 334.15-335.1; Harris, Minerals, 129)

ḫsbḏ, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 862)

ḫsf, "Antwort (auf einen Brief)" | "answer (to a letter)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 79.2273)

ḫsf, "[Tür des Himmels]" | "door (of the heavens)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 337.17)

ḫsf, "spinnen" | "to spin (yarn)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 335.5; FCD 197)

ḫsf, "Angreifer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 203a)

ḫsf, "abwehren; abweisen; entgegentreten (vor Gericht); (jmdm.) entgegen gehen; sich nähern; antworten; sich umwenden; strafen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 335.6-337.4)

ḫsf.w, "Nahen; Begegnung" | "approach" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 337.5-10)

ḫsf.w, "[eine Augenkrankheit]" | "[an eye disease (or a symptom of an eye disease)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 337.18; MedWb 668; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 152)

ḫsf.w, "[doppelter Schiffsteil]" | "[part of a ship]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 338.4; Jones, Naut. Titles, 181 (126))

ḫsf.t, "Strafe" | "punishment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 338.1; FCD 197)

ḫsf.t, "Gemeinschaft (?) (der Frauen eines Tempels)" | "[a kind of grouping? of women associated with a temple]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.3138)

ḫsf-ḥr, "der mit abwehrendem Gesicht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 956)

ḫsfi̯, "gegen den Strom fahren" | "to sail upstream; to face; to meet" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 337.14-16; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 583)

ḫsr, "beseitigen; vertreiben" | "to dispel; to drive away" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 338.7-15)

ḫsdḏ, "[ein Schurz (aus einem Caniden-Fell)]" | "[a kilt]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 339.2; Edel, ZÄS 102, 1975, 30)

ḫsḏḏ, "verschimmeln (von Brot)" | "to grow mouldy" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 3, 339.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 410)

ḫt, "Holz (allg.); Baum; Stock" | "wood (gen.); tree; stick" [substantive] (Wb 3, 339.10-341.11)

ḫt, "[Längenmaß von 100 Ellen]" | "rod (linear measure of 100 cubits)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 341.12)

ḫt, "durch (ein Land); überall in" | "through; throughout" [preposition] (Wb 3, 343.9-22; vgl. EAG § 769; GEG §§ 175, 178)

ḫt, "[ein Baumöl]" | "[an ethereal oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3188; Koura, Öle, 233 f.)

ḫt, "Hethiter" | "Hittites" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 349.17)

ḫt.jw-tꜣ, "Wanderstämme" | "wanderers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 343.7-8; FCD 198; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 413)

ḫt.w, "Gefolge" | "attendants (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 344.9-11; FCD 198)

ḫt.w, "Terrasse; Podium (mit Treppe)" | "dais; platform; terrace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 348-349.9; FCD 199; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 413)

ḫt.w, "Tenne" | "threshing floor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 349.10)

ḫt.wj, "Getreide (?)" | "(unthreshed) grain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 349.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 756)

ḫt.wt, "Holzsachen" | "wooden things (furniture?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 341.13)

ḫt.t, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 344.13)

ḫt.t, "Gravur, Inschrift" | "carvings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.3202)

ḫt.t-pr, "Dienerin im Hause" | "house-servant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 344.12; Ward, Titles, no. 1183)

ḫt-ꜥ, "Ziegelmasse" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 671; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 248)

ḫt-ꜥꜣ, "[eine Ente]; Geflügel (allg.)" | "[an edible bird (duck?)]; poultry (gen.)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 342.1; FCD 199)

ḫt-ꜥwꜣ, "[Material]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 340.8; Harris, Minerals, 178 f.)

ḫt-wr, "Gefolgsmann des Großen" | "attendant of the Great-One" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2752)

ḫt-bnj, "Fruchtbaum" | "fruit tree (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 462.10; 3, 341.8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 753)

ḫt-Mnw, "Gefolgsmann des Min (Priester)" | "attendant of Min (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, nos. 1041, 2753)

ḫt-n-ꜥnḫ, "Holz des Lebens (Pflanzennahrung?, Getreide?)" | "grain; cereals" [substantive] (Wb 3, 342.2-4; FCD 198; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 754)

ḫt-n-ꜥnḫ, "Holz des Lebens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 966)

ḫt-Ḥꜣ, "Gefolgsmann des Gottes Ha" | "attendant of (the god) Ha" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2756)

ḫt-Ḥr.w, "Gefolge des Horus (Königin)" | "follower of Horus (the queen)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 344.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2757; vgl. Troy, Queenship, 183)

ḫt-ḥꜣ, "Gefolgsmann eines Cha (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, OK Titles, no. 2760; WbZ: DZA 1057596; 28122100)

ḫt-ḥḏ, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 753; Leitz, in: Rickert/Ventker, Altägyptische Enzyklopädien I, 508 f.)

ḫt-ḫt, "durch (ein Land) (lokal)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 3, 354.6; GEG § 178; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 414)

ḫt-sḫ.t, "[eine Keule]; [ein Zepter]" | "[a club]; [a scepter]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 342.6)

ḫt-ṯꜣ.w, "Mastbaum" | "mast" [substantive] (Wb 3, 342.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 196; Jones, Naut. Titles, 182 f. (128))

ḫt-ds, "[Baum]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 342.9-12; DrogWb 405 ff.)

ḫti̯, "einritzen; gravieren" | "to carve; to inscribe" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 347.16-348.12; FCD 198)

ḫti̯, "zurückweichen; zurücktreiben; umherziehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 342.15-343.6)

ḫtm, "Siegel; Siegelabdruck; Siegelzylinder" | "seal; sealing; sealing cylinder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 350.3-12)

ḫtm, "Ring" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 350.14)

ḫtm, "siegeln; verschließen; umschließen" | "to seal; to put a seal on" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 350-352.3)

ḫtm, "verschließbarer Kasten; Tresor; verschlossenes Lager" | "chest (that can be sealed shut); storehouse (sealed)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 352.5; FCD 199)

ḫtm, "Verschluss" | "fastener (seal, lock)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 352.6-8)

ḫtm, "Festung" | "fortress" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 352.9-11; FCD 199)

ḫtm, "Vertrag" | "seal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 352.13-16)

ḫ, "Verschluss (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 352.12)

ḫtm.w, "Siegelmacher; Siegler (?)" | "seal maker; sealer (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 352.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2762)

ḫtm.w, "Siegler" | "sealer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 638.2-11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2763; vgl. Franke, GM 83, 1984, 112-114)

ḫtm.w-jm.j-ꜣbd, "Siegler im Monatsdienst" | "sealer (who is) in (his) monthly service" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2766)

ḫtm.w-ꜥ, "Aktensiegler" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Badawy, Iteti, pl.3)

ḫtm.w-ꜥḥꜥ.w, "Siegler der Schiffe" | "sealer of ships" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1471)

ḫ, "Siegler des Königs von Unterägypten" | "sealer of the king of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 638.12-14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2775; vgl. Fischer; Varia Nova, 50)

ḫꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Siegler des Königs von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2777)

ḫ, "Siegler des Königs von Unterägypten, seines Vaters" | "sealer of the king of Lower Egypt, his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2776)

ḫtm.w-pr, "Siegler des Hauses (?)" | "sealer of the house (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2779)

ḫtm.w-mḏꜣ.t, "Buchsiegler" | "sealer of the book" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 15; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2783)

ḫtm.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Siegler des Gottesbuches des Palastes" | "sealer of the god's book of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2784)

ḫtm.w-n.j-šms, "begleitender Schatzmeister" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 484.18; Ward, Titles, no. 1491; Fischer, Titles, 87)

ḫtm.w-nswt, "Siegler des Königs" | "sealer of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2790; Ward, Titles, no. 1479)

ḫtm.w-nṯr, "Gottessiegler" | "god's sealer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 638.15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2791)

ḫtm.w-nṯr, "Gottessiegler" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 638.15)

ḫtm.w-nṯr.w, "Gottessiegler" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 972)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-wjꜣ, "Gottessiegler der Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2793)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-wjꜣ-Bꜣ-nṯr.w, "Gottessiegler der Barke (namens) Ba-netjeru" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2799)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-wjꜣ-Bꜥ-nṯr.w, "Gottessiegler der Barke (namens) Ba-netjeru" | "god's sealer of the Ba-netjeru-bark" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2800)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-wjꜣ-Nb-rḫ.yt, "Gottessiegler der Barke (namens) Neb-rechyt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2801)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-wjꜣ-Dwꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "Gottessiegler der Barke (namens) Dua-tawi" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2802)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-m-wjꜣ.wj, "Gottessiegler der beiden Barken" | "god's sealer in the two barks" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2795)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-m-wjꜣ.wj-ꜥꜣ.wj, "Gottessiegler in den beiden großen Barken" | "god's sealer in the two great barks" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK; no. 2796)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-m-mr.t, "Gottessiegler am Meretsanktuar" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Abb. 56)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-n-Ꜣbḏ.w, "Gottessiegler von Abydos" | "God's sealer of Abydos" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1481)

ḫtm.w-nṯr-n-Wn-Ḥr-bꜣ.w, "Gottessiegler des (Schiffes) Wen-hor-bau" | "god's sealer of (the ship) Wen-hor-bau" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2798)

ḫtm.w-ḥꜣ.t-ḏfꜣ, "Siegler der besten Rationen des Königs von Unterägypten" | "sealer of the best quality provisions of the king of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2806)

ḫtm.w-ẖr.j-ꜥ, "Stellvertreter des Sieglers" | "assistant sealer" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1487)

ḫtm.w-sṯj-ḥꜣb, "Siegler des Festduftöles" | "sealer of the festival-scent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2812)

ḫtm.w-ḏfꜣ, "Siegler der Speisen des Königs von Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2821)

ḫtm.t, "Vertrag" | "contract" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 352.18-353.1; FCD 199)

ḫtm.t, "Schatz; versiegelte Kostbarkeiten; Versiegeltes" | "treasure (lit. what is sealed)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 636.9-638.1)

ḫ, "Siegler" | "sealer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 638.2-11; Fischer, Varia Nova, 50; vgl. Franke, GM 83, 1984, 112-114)

ḫ, "Siegler" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 638.2-11; Fischer, Varia Nova, 50; vgl. Franke, GM 83, 1984, 112-114)

ḫꜥnḫ, "Siegler des Lebens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 729)

ḫ, "Siegler des Königs von Unterägypten" | "sealer of the king of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 638.12-14; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2775; vgl. Fischer; Varia Nova, 50)

ḫꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Siegler des Königs von Unterägypten" | "true sealer of the king of Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2777)

ḫtm.tjt, "Sieglerin" | "sealer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 639.5; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2763)

ḫ, "Der das Haus verschließt, ohne dass es geöffnet werden kann (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.3; vgl. LGG V, 970)

ḫtm-n-ꜥꜣm, "Asiatensiegel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

ḫtr, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 353.11)

ḫtr, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 342.5; Caminos, LEM, 213; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 363 f.)

ḫtḫt, "zurückweichen; zurücktreiben" | "to turn back; to drive away" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 353.13-354.5; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 758)

ḫd, "Furt; Flußlauf; Strömung" | "stream" [substantive] (Wb 3, 355.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 199)

ḫd, "Norden" | "north" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 199)

ḫd.t, "Grundbuch (o. Ä.)" | "land-register" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 355.12; FCD 200)

ḫdi̯, "stromab fahren; nordwärts reisen" | "to travel downstream; to travel northwards" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 354.9-355.1)

ḫḏw, "[Wasservögel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 355.20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 759)

H̱.t-Stẖ, "Körperschaft des Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 2)

H̱.t-sꜣb.w, "Körperschaft der Schakale" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 2)

H̱.ty, "Chety" | "Khety" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 277.26)

H̱.ty, "Cheti" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen IX/X.

H̱ꜣ.wt-ꜥnḫḥtp-m-ḏbꜣ.t, "Die Leichname der Lebenden, die im Sarg ruhen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 7 b)

H̱ꜣ.tj, "Der Lagunenbewohner" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Verhoeven, Iahtesnacht I, 216; vgl. LGG VI, 8 f.)

H̱ꜣ.tyw, "Die zum Leichnam gehörigen" | "those of the corpse" [substantive] (LGG VI, 8)

H̱n.w, "Gebel es-Silsileh" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 196 f.; Thiem, Gebel es-Silsileh, 31 f.)

H̱n.t, "Chenet" | "Khenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.14)

H̱n.t-n=j, "Chenet-eni (?)" | "Khenet-eni (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 74)

H̱n-wj-zꜣ.w=j, "Chen-wi-zaui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, Taf 76)

H̱n-nḫn, "[Bez. für Oberägypten]" | "Upper Egypt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 372.15-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 765; GDG IV, 197 f.)

H̱nj, "PN/m" | "Kheni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.6)

H̱nj-ꜥnḫ.w, "Cheni-anchu (?)" | "Kheni-ankhu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.7)

H̱nw, "Chenu (Kultstätte des Ptah-Sokar-Osiris in Memphis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 128, n. 177)

H̱nw, "Chenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 21)

H̱nm.w, "Chnum" | "Khnum" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 381.16-18; LGG VI, 25 ff.)

H̱nm.w, "Chnum" | "Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 275.5)

H̱nm.w, "Chnum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 326.12)

H̱nm.w(?)-ꜥnḫ.w, "Chnum(?)-anchu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 275.10)

H̱nm.w-Ꜥnp.t, "Chnum von Anpet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 29)

H̱nm.w-ꜥnḫ.w, "Chnum-anchu" | "Khnum-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 275.8)

H̱nm.w-bꜣ=f, "Chnum-baef" | "Khnum-baef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 275.12)

H̱nm.w-m-wsḫ.t, "Chenemu-em-usechet" | "Chenemu-em-usechet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.10)

H̱nm.w-ms.w, "Chnum-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 275.18)

H̱nm.w-nfr, "Chnum-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 275.19)

H̱nm.w-ḥr-psg, "Chnum-her-peseg" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 295 f.)

H̱nm.w-ḥzi̯=f, "Chnum-hezief" | "Khnum-hezief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 276.5)

H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Chnum-hetepu" | "Khnum-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 276.6)

H̱nm.w-ḥtp-j, "Chnum-hetep-i" | "Khnum-hetep-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 37)

H̱nm.w-ḫwi̯=f, "Chnum-chuief" | "Khnum-khuief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 276.8)

H̱nm.w-ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Cheops" | "Cheops" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 2)

H̱nm.t-Mnw, "Amme des Min (Stadt im 9. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 228)

H̱nm.t-m-ꜥnḫ-jwn.tjt, "Die sich mit Leben verbindet, die Hellrote" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 379.4; LGG VI, 20)

H̱nm.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Brunnen des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 270)

H̱nm.t-s.wt, "Die die Stätten vereinigt (Kurzname des Pyramidentempels Sesostris' I.)" | "United-of-places (pyramid temple of Senwosret I)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, Taf. 1; Koch, Sinuhe, 3)

H̱nm.t-s.wt-Ḫpr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Die die Stätten des Cheper-ka-Re vereinigt (Pyramidentempel Sesostris' I. in Lischt)" | "United-of-places-of-Kheper-ka-Re (pyramid temple of Senwosret I)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ V, 6; Stadelmann, Pyramiden, 231)

H̱nm-jb-Rꜥw, "Chenem-ib-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 276.14)

H̱nm-jb-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amasis]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 5)

H̱nm-nty, "Chenem-nety" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 311.12)

H̱nmy, "Chenemy" | "Khenemy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 276.11)

H̱nmt.j, "Chenemti (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 276.19)

H̱r.j-ꜥḥꜣ, ""Kampfplatz"; Babylon (bei Altkairo)" | "Babylon (old Cairo)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 394.7; LÄ I, 592)

H̱r.j-Ḏḥ, "Cheri-Thot" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1271c)

H̱r.jw-ꜣw.wt, "Die Opferspenden tragen" | "ones who carry offerings" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 41)

H̱r.jw-ḥtp.w, "Die Opfergaben tragen" | "ones who bring offerings" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 42 f.)

H̱r.w=f, "Cheruef" | "Heruef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 277.7)

H̱r.t-ḥmꜣ-n-ḫrw, "Cheret-hema-en-cheru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti cemetery I, 57, fig. 58)

H̱, "Cherti" | "Kherti" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 396.11; LÄ I, 944 f.; LGG VI, 48)

H̱rj.w=f, "Heriuef" | "Heriuef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 277.6)

H̱sꜣj, "Chesai (Land in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 205; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 149)

H̱t.w, "Chetu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 278.13)

H̱tnw, "Chetenu (?)" | "Khetenu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Anthes, Hatnub, 19, Taf. 9, 9a)

H̱tt.j, "Cheteti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 278.14)

ẖ.t, "Leib; Bauch; Art; Weise" | "body; belly; womb" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 356.3-357.17; EDG 375; KoptHWb 349)

ẖ.t, "Wortlaut (eines Schriftstückes)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 358.15; EDG 374)

ẖ.t-nb.t, "alle Leute" | "everybody (lit. every belly)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 357.15)

ẖ.tj, "Bast; Borke" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 359.7; Janssen, Prices, 140; Helck, Materialien V, 917)

ẖ.tj-n-nh.t, "Bast (?) der Sykomore (Amulettschnur)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 359.7)

ẖꜣ, "(Medikamente) zerstoßen; niedermetzeln" | "to break up; to batter" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 361.8; MedWb 680 f.; Peust, Das Napatanische, 153 f.)

ẖꜣ.yt, "Leichenhaufen" | "heap of corpses" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 360.1-3; FCD 200)

ẖꜣ.w, "Granulat (Kupfer)" | "stroke of a hammer (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 361.9-10; DrogWb 410; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 632)

ẖꜣ.t, "Nasennilhecht (Oxyrhynchosfisch)" | "oxyrhynchus fish" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 359.8)

ẖꜣ.t, "Leichnam" | "corpse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 359.9-20)

ẖꜣ.t, "Sumpfgewässer; Lagune (des Deltas)" | "marshes; lagoon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 360.7-9; FCD 200)

ẖꜣ.t, "Bergwerk; Steinbruch" | "quarry; mining region" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 360.11-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 762)

ẖꜣ.tj, "[Beiname des Horus]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 361.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 417; vgl. LGG V, 280)

ẖꜣ.tj, "Unwetter" | "storm" [substantive] (Wb 3, 364.2; FCD 201; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 417; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 762 f.)

ẖꜣ.tjw, "Feinde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 360.4; vgl. LGG VI, 8)

ẖꜣꜣ, "sich entschließen (zu tun)" | "to be resolute (?)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 361.3; FCD 200)

ẖꜣꜣ, "Pfahl, Pflock" | "stake" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 361.4; vgl. FCD 200)

ẖꜣy.t, "Palisade; Pfahl" | "stake; palisade (?); bulwark (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 11; Meeks, AL 77.3224; Lesko, Dictionary II, 200)

ẖꜣi̯, "sich widersetzen" | "to thwart" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 361.6; FCD 200; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 573; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 761)

ẖꜣb, "krumm sein" | "to be crooked" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 361.13; FCD 200; MedWb 681)

ẖꜣb, "Schlüsselbein" | "clavicle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 362.2; MedWb 681; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

ẖꜣb.t, "Draht der Roten Krone" | ""curl" (at the front of the Red Crown)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 362.3; FCD 200)

ẖꜣb.t, "Unrecht" | "crookedness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 362.5; FCD 200; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 418)

ẖꜣ, "[Bez. der Roten Krone]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 60)

ẖꜣbb, "Falschheit, Unredlichkeit" | "crookedness" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.3187)

ẖꜣp.t, "Unwetter" | "storm" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 362.8)

ẖꜣpi̯, "reichlich fließen (Wasserloch)" | "to surge (of water) (?)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 362.7; Allen, Inflection, 584 f.)

ẖꜣm.t, "[Beiwort des Bieres]" | "[a kind of beer]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 362.11; FCD 200)

ẖꜣm.t-jḫ.t, "Speisenmenge (o. Ä.)" | "[a kind of offering(s)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 362.10; FCD 201)

ẖꜣr, "[ein Maß für Korn (Sack)]; Behälter; Sack" | "[a dry measure (for grain)]; sack; bag (of leather)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 363.1-2; LÄ III, 1202)

ẖꜣr.t, "Witwe" | "widow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 363.4-7; FCD 201; Lesko, Dictionary II, 161)

ẖꜣ, "die beiden Witwen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 4.3)

ẖꜣẖꜣ.tj, "Unwetter (o. Ä.)" | "storm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 363.8-9; FCD 201; AEO I, 5*)

ẖꜣs.w, "Sumpfloch (?)" | "lustral basin (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 418)

ẖꜣs.t, "Öffnung in der Erde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 363.10)

ẖꜣk, "listig sein; feindlich sein" | "to be cunning; to be hostile" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 363.11-12)

ẖꜣk-jb, "Übelgesinnter" | "rebels; disaffected persons" [substantive] (Wb 3, 363.14-15; FCD 200)

ẖꜣk-jb, "Übelgesinnter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 10)

ẖꜥ, "(eine Frau) schänden; (jmdn./etwas) entleeren; berauben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 364.4-5)

ẖꜥꜥ, "[ein Topf]" | "[a jug]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 364.8)

ẖꜥꜥ, "Ration (?); Bodensatz (?)" | "piece; ration" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 364.7; FCD 201; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 418; DrogWb 410 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 503)

ẖꜥm, "herantreten; erreichen" | "to approach; to reach" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 364.10-16; FCD 201)

ẖꜥq, "rasieren" | "to shave" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 365.1-2; FCD 201)

ẖꜥq, "Barbier" | "barber" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 365.3-4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2822)

ẖꜥq, "Barbier" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 365.3)

ẖꜥq.t, "abgeworfene Haut" | "skin (shed by a snake)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 365.6; DrogWb 411 f.)

ẖb, "unterwerfen; unterworfen sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 365.7-8)

ẖby.t, "Stock zum Schlagen" | "staves" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 365.9; Lesko, Dictionary II, 202)

ẖp.w, "Figuren (als Ornamente)" | "figure; image" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 365.11-13; FCD 201; Lesko, Dictionary II, 203)

ẖp.t, "Herde" | "flock (of animals)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 365.10; Lesko, Dictionary II, 202)

ẖp.t, "[Messer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 682)

ẖpꜣ, "Nabel; Nabelschnur" | "navel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 365.14-16; FCD 201; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 418; Lesko, Dictionary II, 203; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

ẖpꜣ, "Kügelchen (?) (offizinell)" | "[part of a coniferous tree (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 366.1-3; DrogWb 412 f.; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 50 f.)

ẖpꜣw.t, "Narbe (als Folge nach einer Geschwulst)" | "[consequence of swelling (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 366.5; MedWb 683; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 707)

ẖpꜥ, "kauen; spülen" | "to chew (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 366.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 418 f.; MedWb 683)

ẖpꜥ.w, "Kaumittel" | "[a med. substance to be chewed]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 366.10; MedWb 683)

ẖpn, "fett sein" | "fat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 366.12-14; EAG §120; vgl. ONB 743, Anm. 899)

ẖpn.t, "Mastgeflügel" | "fattened (domestic) fowl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. VII, 4)

ẖms, "beugen; sich beugen (in Respekt)" | "to bend (the back, in respect)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 367.1-4; FCD 201)

ẖms, "Ähre" | "ear of grain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 367.5-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 419; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 764)

ẖmd, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3240)

ẖn, "Besteck (des Arztes)" | "[a bandage (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 368.11; MedWb 683 f.)

ẖn, "gedunsen sein (vom Bauch)" | "to trouble; to be troubled (med.)" [verb] (Wb 3, 367.10)

ẖn, "Umhüllung; Zelt" | "tent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 368.1-8)

ẖn, "herantreten" | "to approach" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 373.9-18; FCD 201)

ẖn, "Nahestehender; Freund" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, Ani, 104-5, Anm. 74)

ẖn.w, "Ruderer" | "oarsman" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 375.17-376.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2824)

ẖn.w, "Ruderer" | "oarsman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 375.15-16; FCD 202; Lesko, Dictionary II, 205)

ẖn.w-nswt, "königlicher Ruderer" | "royal oarsman" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 97 (209))

ẖn.ww-Rꜥw, "Ruderer des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 14)

ẖn.t, "Tierfell; Schlauch" | "hide; skin; tube (of skin) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 367.12-14)

ẖn.t, "Ruderfahrt; Flussprozession" | "water-procession" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 375.5-12; FCD 201)

ẖ, "Statue" | "statue" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 385.3-10; FCD 203)

ẖ, "Hautschicht" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 368.16; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 727)

ẖn-jḥ, "Rinderfähre" | "cattle ferry" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 376.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary II, 204; Jones, Naut. Titles, 143 (57))

ẖny.t, "Rudermannschaft" | "ship's military contingent; crew of rowers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 376.2-6; Jones, Naut. Titles, 96 (203))

ẖni̯, "(jmdn.) fahren; rudern" | "to convey by water; to row" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 374.1-375.4)

ẖnw, "[ein Gewässer (Kanal, Bach, Brunnen)]" | "[a body of water]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 373.5-8; FCD 202; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary II, 207)

ẖnw, "Inneres; Wohnort; Residenz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 368.17-370.14)

ẖnw.j-ꜥḥ, "der im Palast" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 12)

ẖnw.t, "Wüstenbrunnen; Zisterne (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Eichler, MDAIK 54, 1998, 263)

ẖ, "Innenschicht (der Haut)" | "[a part of the skin (?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 373.21; MedWb 688; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 706)

ẖ, "innere" | "inner" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 3, 373.20; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 422; vgl. Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 662)

ẖnw-ꜥ.wj, "[ein Getränk]" | "[a beverage]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 372.9)

ẖnw-ꜥ.wj, "Umarmung" | "embrace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 372.6-8; FCD 202)

ẖnw-pr, "Tempelinneres" | "interior of the temple" [substantive] (Wb 3, 369.3-4)

ẖnbb, "sich unter Personen mischen; betreten; eintreten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 3, 376.10-11; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographien, 227, Anm. 20)

ẖnm, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel (of stone or metal)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 377.2-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 768)

ẖnm, "(sich) vereinigen" | "to join; to unite with" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 377.4-381.4)

ẖnm, "die Mitbewohner; Hausgenossen" | "citizens; companions; dependants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 381.5-7; FCD 202; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 770)

ẖnm.w, "[Gruppe von Tieren]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 381.14-15)

ẖnm.t, "Brunnen; Wasserstelle" | "well; watering place" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 382.10-15; FCD 202)

ẖnm.t, "Becken (?) (für Bewässerung)" | "well" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 383.2; AEO I, 7*)

ẖnm.t-wr.t, "die große Vereinigerin" | "great strainer (Nut)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 382.5-6; LGG VI, 21)

ẖnm.t-nfr.w=s, "die mit ihrer Schönheit vereinigt ist" | "the one who is united with her beauty" [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 183)

ẖnm.t-ršw.t, "die mit Freude vereinigt ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Troy, Queenship, 182)

ẖ, "Nasenlöcher" | "nostrils" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 376.14-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 772)

ẖnn, "stören; faulen" | "to trouble; to decay (med.)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 383.3-9; MedWb 687)

ẖnn, "Staub; Schutt" | "[noun (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 384.4; DrogWb 415; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 504)

ẖnn.w, "Störenfried, Streitsüchtiger" | "brawler" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 383.10-13; FCD 203)

ẖnn.w, "Störung" | "disturbance" [substantive] (Wb 3, 383.14-20)

ẖnnn, "[ein Gewässer]" | "irrigation basin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 384.7; Lesko, Dictionary II, 207; AEO I, 7* f.)

ẖnẖn, "herantreten (an)" | "to approach" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 384.8-15; Lesko, Dictionary II, 207)

ẖnk, "[ein Kleidungsstück]" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 385.1; Lesko, Dictionary II, 208; Janssen, Prices, 255 ff.)

ẖnk.t, "[ein Kleidungsstück]" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 424)

ẖnt-wr, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 235)

ẖr, "[Pflanzenteil (offizinell)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 385.13; DrogWb 415 f.)

ẖr, "unter; infolge von" | "under" [preposition] (Wb 3, 386.1-388.15; EAG § 770; GEG § 166; ENG § 630; CGG 102)

ẖr, "Magazin (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary II, 208)

ẖr, "[Gegenstand aus Stein]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

ẖr.j, "befindlich unter; unterer" | "being under: lower" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 3, 388.16-390.4)

ẖr.j, "Topf (eines Räuchergerätes)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 14)

ẖr.j-jw, "Frevler; Bedrückter" | "victim of wrongdoing (?); unhappy person" [substantive] (Wb 1, 48.9-10; FCD 12)

ẖr.j-ꜥ, "Gehilfe" | "assistant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 393.9-12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2827)

ẖr.j-ꜥ, "unter der Leitung von jemandem stehend" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (EAG § 775)

ẖr.j-ꜥ, "Gehilfe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 393.9-12)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-jꜥꜣ.w, "Unteraufseher der Fremdsprachigen" | "under-director of Egyptianized Nubians" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2831)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-ꜥ.t-rʾ-nswt, "Gehilfe (für) die Akten des Sprechers des Königs" | "assistant for the documents of the king's spokesman" [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 17, pl. XXXIVa-b, fig. 29)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-pr-ḥḏ, "Gehilfe des Schatzhauses" | "treasury assistant" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2836)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-n-jm.j-rʾ-ḫtm.w, "Gehilfe des Siegelvorstehers" | "assistant to the overseer of sealers" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1195)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-n-mnj.ww, "Gehilfe des Vorstehers der Hirten" | "assistant to the overseer of of the herdsmen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Bakir, Epistolography, pl. 32)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-n-nswt, "Gehilfe (für) die Akten des Königs" | "assistant (for) documents of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (WBZ: DZA 28318010 ff.; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2837)

ẖr.j-ꜥ-sbꜣ.n-ḥm=f, "Schüler, den Seine Majestät unterrichtet hat" | "pupil whom his majesty taught" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1839)

ẖr.j-wḏꜥ.w-n-ẖr.t-ꜣbd, "Rationsverantwortlicher für den Monatsbedarf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 84)

ẖr.j-bꜣq=f, "der unter seinem Moringa-Baum ist" | "one who is under his moringa tree" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 1, 423.10-13; LGG VI, 36 f.)

ẖr.j-pj, "Untermatte (im Innenschiff auf Spanten gelegt)" | english translation missing [substantive] (vgl. Junker, Giza IV, 75 (9), Taf. X)

ẖr.j-pḥ.wj, "der am Ende ist (ein niederer Beamter), der Letzte" | english translation missing [substantive] (Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, 68, 71, Anm. d)

ẖr.j-pdd.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 416 f.)

ẖr.j-mwt, "Todgeweihter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, Woe, 17)

ẖr.j-mdw.w, "der mit den Gottesworten (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 37)

ẖr.j-nws, "Träger des Nus-Diadems (?)" | "Nus-bearer (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2846)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣ.t, "Vorzeitiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.2)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t, "Vorlesepriester" | "lector priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 395.4-10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2848)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t, "Vorlesepriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 395.4-10)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-ꜥꜣ-n-Wꜣs.t, "großer Vorlesepriester von Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1575)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-ꜥq-mj.t, "Vorlesepriester, der die Mit-Barke betritt" | "lector priest who enters the mit-bark" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Fischer, ZÄS 86, 1961, 24; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, 1315)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-mꜣꜥ, "wahrer Vorlesepriester" | "true lector priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2854)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-mj.t-Ḥr.w-ḏꜣ.t-Ḥr.w, "Vorlesepriester auf der Mit-Barke und auf der Djat-Barke des Horus" | "lector priest of the mit-bark of Horus and of the djat-bark of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2858)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-n-jtj=f, "Vorlesepriester seines Vaters" | "lector priest of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2852)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-ḥr.j-tp, "oberster Vorlesepriester" | "chief lector priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 395.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2860)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-ḥr.j-tp, "oberster Vorlesepriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 395.9)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-ḥr.j-tp-n-jtj=f, "oberster Vorlesepriester seines Vaters" | "chief lector priest of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2861)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-sms.w, "ältester Vorlesepriester" | "senior lector priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2863)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-tp.j, "erster Vorlesepriester" | "chief lector" [epitheton_title: title] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 235 f.)

ẖr.j-ḥꜣb.t-tp.j-n-Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "erster Vorlesepriester von Horus-Behedeti" | "chief lector of Horus the Behdetite" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1224)

ẖr.j-ẖ.t, "Unterleib" | "lower torso; abdomen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 395.13; MedWb 692)

ẖr.j-sꜣ, "[negative Person (der Hinterste?, Beladener?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 219; FCD 204; Parkinson, Tale, 73)

ẖr.j-sbꜣ, "Träger des Sonnenschutzes (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2868)

ẖr.j-sḏ.t, "Feuerbecken auf Ständer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 395.15-16; Peust, Das Napatanische, 160)

ẖr.j-qnj, "Gepäckträger" | "pack carrier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 51.12)

ẖr.j-qrs, "der über eine Bestattung verfügt" | english translation missing [substantive] (Lichtheim, JNES 4, 1945, Tf. 1, (Z. 2))

ẖr.j-kꜣ, "Besitzer des Ka (bildl. für der Glückliche)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 49 (D 414))

ẖr.j-gꜣ.wt, "Lastenträger" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quack, Merikare, 46 f., 180 (E75/76))

ẖr.j-tp=f, "sein Kammerdiener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (TPPI, § 20.A4)

ẖr.j-tp-nswt, "Kammerdiener des Königs" | "royal chamberlain" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 396.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2874)

ẖr.j-tp-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Kammerdiener des Königs im Palast" | "royal chamberlain of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2878)

ẖr.j-tp-nswt-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-Ḫpr, "Kammerdiener des Königs im Gut des Horus Cheper" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2888)

ẖr.j-tp-šnw.t, "Bediensteter der Scheune" | "employee of the granary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2892)

ẖr.j-dm.wt, "Gebissener; Gestochener" | "sufferer from a sting (or a cut)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 390.3; MedWb 978)

ẖr.j-ḏbꜥ.w, "Winzling" | "censured person; unhappy person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 567.7-8; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 85, Anm. 244)

ẖr.jw, "Angehörige (eines Hausverbandes)" | "relatives; underlings (of a household)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 392.4-7; FCD 203)

ẖr.jw, "die Menschen (die "Unteren")" | "humankind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 392.2-3; FCD 203)

ẖr.jt-sn.wt=s, "die unter ihren Masten ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 44)

ẖr.y, "darunter" | english translation missing [adverb: prepositional_adverb] (Wb 3, 388.14; GEG § 205.1)

ẖr.w, "Unterseite" | "base; bottom; under-side" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 392.9-393.4; FCD 203)

ẖr.wj, "Hoden" | "testicles" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 393.5-7; MedWb 692 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

ẖr.t, "Bedarf; Anteil; Pflicht; Verlauf" | "belongings; share; requirements" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 390.5-391.20)

ẖr.t, "Jenseits" | "hereafter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.3271)

ẖr.t-ꜣbd, "Monatsbedarf" | "monthly requirments" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 391.17)

ẖr.t-ꜥ, "Schreiberkästchen; Schreibutensilien" | "kit" [substantive] (Wb 3, 394.1-3)

ẖr.t-ꜥ, "Bedarf; Pflichtausübung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT VII, 26m)

ẖr.t-nṯr, "Nekropole; Totenreich" | "necropolis; hereafter" [substantive] (Wb 3, 394.10-13; FCD 204)

ẖr.t-rnp.t, "Jahresverlauf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 695 (PT 726))

ẖr.t-hrw, "Tagesbedarf" | "daily requirements" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 391.11-16)

ẖṯr, "Nekropolenarbeiter; Steinmetz" | "stonemason (of the necropolis); quarryman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 394.14-395.3)

ẖṯr, "Nekropolenarbeiter; Steinmetz" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 394.14-395.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2894)

ẖr-ꜥ, "unter jmds. Leitung; unter" | "under the supervision of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 157.3; 3, 386.24-387.1; EAG § 775; GEG § 178)

ẖr-ꜥ, "untergeordneterweise" | "subordinately" [adverb] (James, Hekanakhte, 143; vgl. GEG § 178)

ẖr-pḥ.wj, "hinter; am Ende von" | "behind; at the back of" [preposition] (Wb 1, 536.22; EAG § 783; CGG 121)

ẖr-pḥ.wj, "zuletzt" | "lastly" [adverb] (Wb 1, 536.23)

ẖr-pḥ.wj, "späterer Zustand" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 49, Anm. r)

ẖr-ḥꜣ.t, "zuerst; vorher; vordem" | "before; formerly" [adverb] (Wb 3, 23.16-20; EAG § 752; GEG § 205.2; ENG § 593)

ẖr-ḥꜣ.t, "vor (jmdm./etwas)" | "before (someone, something)" [preposition] (Wb 3, 23.25-24.8; 388.7; EAG § 791; GEG § 178)

ẖr-ḥꜣ.t, "früherer Zustand" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 23.21; Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 49, Anm. r)

ẖr-ḥr-n, "unter jmds. Aufsicht; unter" | english translation missing [preposition] (Roccati, JEA 54, 1968, 17, Anm. k)

ẖr-s.t-rʾ, "unter der Aufsicht (von); nach dem Willen (von)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 4, 4.10-11; Gardiner/Sethe, Letters to the Dead, 24 (Kommentar VII,12))

ẖr-s.t-rʾ-n, "wegen" | "because; on account of" [preposition] (CGG 121 f.)

ẖr-s.t-ḥr, "unter (jemandem) ("unter jmds. Aufsicht")" | "under the control of" [preposition] (Wb 4, 4.13; FCD 174)

ẖr-s.t-ḥr-n, "unter (jemandem) ("unter jmds. Aufsicht")" | "under the control of" [preposition] (KRI II, 331.10)

ẖr-ḏr.t, "unter jmds. Leitung" | "under the supervision of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 583.20-21; CGG 121)

ẖrm.t, "Aufweg (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1367b.2015b)

ẖrd, "Kind sein" | "to be a child" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 398.13-17; FCD 204)

ẖrd, "Kind; Junges" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 396-398.9)

ẖrd.t, "Kinderschar (Koll.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 398.11-12; FCD 204)

ẖrd-n-sbn.t, "Säugling ("Kind der Stillenden")" | "(nursing) infant" [substantive] (Wb 4, 90.2)

ẖrd-n-kꜣp, "Zögling des (königlichen) Haushalts" | "child of the (royal ) nursery" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 397.9; 5, 105.14; Ward, Titles, no. 1229)

ẖrd-nḫn-jm.j-rnp.wt=f, "das kleine Kind in seinen Jahren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16, 17; vgl. LGG VI, 50)

ẖz, "Schwacher; Elender" | "coward; vile person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 399.20-21; FCD 204)

ẖz, "elend; schwach" | "weak; vile" [adjective] (Wb 3, 399.11-19; FCD 204)

ẖz, "der Elende (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 54)

ẖ, "Schwäche; Feigheit" | "cowardice; (ritual) impurity" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 399.22-24; FCD 204)

ẖz-qd, "der mit elendem Charakter (meist Seth)" | "vile one (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 399.19; LGG VI, 54)

ẖzi̯, "schwach sein; elend sein" | "to be weak" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 398-399.10; FCD 204)

ẖsꜣ, "ungesalbt sein; elend sein (?)" | "to be unanointed" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 400.1; FCD 204; vgl. Koura, Öle, 235)

ẖsꜣ, "Perücke" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.11)

ẖsꜣ.yt, "[ein Balsam]; [ein Harz]" | "[a balsam]; [a resin]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 400.3-6; FCD 205; DrogWb 417 f., vgl. Koura, Öle, 234)

ẖsw, "Augenlid" | "lower eyelid" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 400.8; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

ẖkr, "geschmückt sein" | "to adorn; to be adorned" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 401.2-5; FCD 205; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 777)

ẖkr, "Schmuck" | "adornment; accoutrement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 401.15-402.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 777)

ẖkr, "der Geschmückte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 402.10; LGG VI, 55)

ẖkr, "kratzen" | "to scratch" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3289; MedWb 694; KoptHWb 362)

ẖ, "Schmuck (meist Menit-Halskette)" | "insignia" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 402.5-7; FCD 205)

ẖkr.w-nswt, "Königsschmuck" | "royal insignia" [substantive] (Wb 3, 401.16; FCD 205)

ẖkr.t, "die Geschmückte (Uräusschlange, von verschied. Göttinnen)" | "adornment (uraeus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 401.12; LGG VI, 55 f.)

ẖkr.t-nswt, "Schmuck des Königs" | "ornament of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 401.6-11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2899)

ẖkr.t-nswt-wꜥ.tjt, "Einziger Schmuck des Königs" | "sole ornament of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 278.13; 3, 401.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2900)

ẖkrw, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, pl. 49)

ẖti̯, "(Pflanzen) ausreißen; (Fell) abziehen" | "to pluck (plants)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 403.2; KoptHWb 394; vgl. FCD 205)

ẖtb, "niederwerfen" | "to overthrow; to prostrate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 402.12-15)

ẖtb, "eintauchen (Medikamente in Öl)" | "to dip into (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 402.16; MedWb 695)

ẖtẖt, "Untersuchungsbeamter; Rekrutierer (milit.)" | "inquirers (mil.)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 403.1)

ẖtẖt, "untersuchen" | "to examine" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3292; KoptHWb 401)

ẖdb, "töten" | "to kill" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 403.3-13; FCD 205)

ẖdr, "unbehaglich sein (?); retten (?)" | "to be in discomfort (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 403.16; FCD 205)

ẖdẖd, "untersuchen" | "to examine" [verb: verb_4-lit] (MedWb 695 f.; Cerný, CED 303; KoptHWb 401)

Z.t-Sbk, "Zet-Sobek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (CG 20012)

Z-n-ꜣḫ.tj, "Ze-en-achti" | "Zi-en-achti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 427.23)

Z-n-wsr.t, "Sesostris" | "Senwosret (personal name of four Middle-Kingdom kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 2, 4, 5; XIII)

Z-n-wsr.t, "Senwosret" | "Senwosret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 279.1; vgl. Wb 3, 406.10)

Z-n-wsr.t-ꜥnḫ.w, "Senwosret-anchu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 279.4)

Z-n-wsr.t-snb.w, "Senwosret-senebu" | "Senwosret-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 279.6)

Z-n-bšj, "Ze-en-beschi" | "Ze-en-beshi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 52)

Z-n-Ptḥ, "Ze-en-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 279.10)

Z-n-nḫt.w, "Ze-en-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10081 A, 1-2)

Z-n-Ḥr.w, "Zi-en-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 279.13)

Z-nfr, "Zi-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, 129 f., Abb. 59)

Z-sw-n.j-ḏ.t.f, "Ze-su-ni-djetef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 312.2)

Zꜣ, "[Personifikation eines Gewässers]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 411.8)

Zꜣ=f-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Saef-Chephren" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 265.0)

Zꜣ.w-mtw.t, "Wächter des Giftes (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.16)

Zꜣ.w-n=sn, "Deren Eigenschaft der Schutz ist" | "temple guardians (demigods)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 417.22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 783 f.; LGG VI, 126 f.)

Zꜣ.w-ḥr.w-ꜥšꜣ-jr.w, "Wächter der Gesichter, zahlreich an Gestalten (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.16)

Zꜣ.w-tꜣ, "Schlangen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 101)

Zꜣ.w-ḏḥꜣ.w, "Der Schutz der Opfergaben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 255)

Zꜣ.ww-mr.w, "Wächter der Schmerzen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 24.5)

Zꜣ.ww-n.w-sbḫ.wt-štꜣ.wt, "Wächter der geheimen Portale" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 136)

Zꜣ.wtj, "Assiut" | "Asyut" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 420.2; Montet, Géographie, II, 136 ff, Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 264 ff.; LÄ I 490 ff.)

Zꜣ.t-Jmn, "Zat-Amun" | "Zat-Amun (Satamun)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 286.6)

Zꜣ.t-m-ḏ-nn, "Zat-em-dj-nen (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Piehl, Inscr., I.2, 16)

Zꜣ.t-mr.t, "Zat-meret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 289.13)

Zꜣ.t-nb-sḫt.w, "Zat-neb-sechtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 290.4)

Zꜣ.t-Rꜥw, "Zat-Re" | "Zat-Re (Satre)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 290.21)

Zꜣ.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Zat-Hathor" | "Zat-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 291.14)

Zꜣ.t-Ḫnt.j-ẖ.tj, "Zat-Chentechtai" | "Zat-Khenti-khety" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 292.21)

Zꜣ.t-Sbk, "Zat-Sobek" | "Zat-Sobek" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 293.9)

Zꜣ.t-kꜣ, "Zat-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 294.6)

Zꜣ.t-kꜣ.w-smn.y, "Zat-kau-semeny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3, 8)

Zꜣ.t-tḫ.y, "Zat-techy" | "Zat-tekhi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 294.18)

Zꜣ.t-ṯnj, "Zat-tjeni (?)" | "Zat-tjeni (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 294.22)

Zꜣ-Jmn, "Za-Imen" | "Za-Amun" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 280.22)

Zꜣ-jb, "Za-ib" | "Za-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 106ff.)

Zꜣ-jr.j-jḫ.t=f, "Za-iri-ichetef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, pl. 60)

Zꜣ-ꜥgrtb, "Sa-agereteb (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Pap. Reisner II, pl. 7, 7A; 8, 8A)

Zꜣ-wn-ḏw-pr, "Za-wen-dju-per (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Martin, Garantsymbol, Abb. 9c)

Zꜣ, "Za-wetyt (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (ANOC 2.3)

Zꜣ-Bꜣs.tjt, "Za-Bastet" | "Za-Bastet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 281.19)

Zꜣ-Mw.t, "Za-Mut" | "Za-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 282.3)

Zꜣ-Mr.y, "Za-Mery" | "Za-Mery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 282.10)

Zꜣ-mzḥ, "Za-mezeh" | "Za-mezeh" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza 4, 12; fig. 23)

Zꜣ-nb-rʾ-sḥ.wj, "Za-neb-ra-sechwi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10081 C, 2, 4)

Zꜣ-nb-zšn, "Za-neb-zeschen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 282.20)

Zꜣ-nmj.t, "Der Schutz der Bahre" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 118)

Zꜣ-nh.t, "Za-nehet (Sinuhe)" | "Za-nehet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 283.2)

Zꜣ-nḫt.w, "Sanacht" | "Sanakht (Horus-name of a Third-Dyn. king)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III a)

Zꜣ-rnp.wt, "Za-renput" | "Za-renput (Sarenput)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 283.13)

Zꜣ-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Za-Hathor" | "Za-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 283.20)

Zꜣ-Z-n-wsr.t, "Za-Senwoseret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10024 A)

Zꜣ-Sbk, "Za-Sobek (fiktiver Königsnamen)" | "Za-Sobek (fictive royal name)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Posener, Pap. Vandier, recto 1)

Zꜣ-sn.t, "Za-senet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 122 f., pl. 7)

Zꜣ-sšm.w-Wsjr-m-sbj.w=f, "Der die Gestalt des Osiris vor seinen Feinden beschützt" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Drioton, RdE 12, 1960, 27 ff.)

Zꜣ-st, "Za-set" | "Za-set" [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun, pBerlin P 10038 A; vgl. Simpson, BiOr 52, 1995, 326)

Zꜣ-šftw, "Za-scheftu (?)" | "Za-shefetu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 284.21)

Zꜣ-kꜣ, "Sako" | "Saka" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 193; LÄ V, 359)

Zꜣ-kꜣ-Jwn.w, "Za-ka-Iunu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 284.23)

Zꜣ-Gbw, "Za-Gebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 142-43)

Zꜣ-tꜣ, "Schutz der Erde (ein fester ritueller Ausruf); Jubel" | "[exclamation during festivities]; jubilation" [substantive] (Wb 3, 416.4-10)

Zꜣ-tjꜣ, "Za-tia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 295.12)

Zꜣ-tp.j-n-Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-wsr-ḫpš, "[Truppenname]" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (KRI II, 141.15)

Zꜣw, "Sais" | "Sais" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 420.1; GDG V, 2; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 87; LÄ V, 355 ff.)

Zꜣw-jb, "Zau-ib" | "Zau-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (Lopez, Inscriptiones rupestres, no. 28)

Zꜣṯ.w, "Die Opferung (meist Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 447)

Zꜣṯw, "Satju (Land in Nubien)" | "Satju (in Nubia)" [entity_name: place_name] (Edel, ZÄS 97, 1971, 55-57)

Zj-n-Jwn.w, "Zi-en-Iunu" | "Ze-en-Iunu" [entity_name: person_name] (Lopez, RdE 19, 1967, 52, fig. 4)

Zwf, "Zuf" | "Zuf" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza V, 259, fig. 116, pl. XXXII; vgl. PM III (2. Aufl.), 253)

Zwn.w-ḥr=f-wr, "Dessen Gesicht sehr leidet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 216)

Zwn-ṯw, "Leidend bist du" | "[a god in the PT]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 428.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 465; LGG VI, 216)

Zwzw.j, "Der zum Zuzu-Gewässer Gehörige" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 1094b; vgl. LGG VI, 222)

Zb.w-ꜥnḫ.w, "Zebu-anchu" | "Zebu-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 53 A)

Zb.t, "Zebet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 239)

Zp-nj, "Zep-ni" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 268)

Zpꜣ, "Sepa" | "Sepa" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 441.6; LGG VI, 269)

Zpꜣ-ḥr, "der mit zerknittertem Gesicht (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 64; vgl. LGG VI, 274)

Zpꜣ-šps.j-bꜣ.w-Jwn.w, "Der ehrwürdige Sepa der Bas von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 270)

Zprꜣḏj, "Zeperadji" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Zfṯ.yw, "Schlächter" | "butcher" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 444.3; LGG VI, 306)

Zmꜣ.t, "[eine Göttin]" | "female acquaintance" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 451.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 843; vgl. LGG VI, 316.330)

Zmꜣ.tj, "Genosse" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 317)

Zmꜣ-Bḥd.t, "Zema-Behdet (17. u.äg. Gau, jüngere Namensform von Behedet)" | "[17th (Diospolite) nome of Lower Egypt]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 448.4)

Zmꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "Vereinigung der beiden Länder (Zeremonie bei Regierungsantritt)" | "to unite the two lands (ceremony at the king's accession)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 3, 449.12-16)

Zmꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Inys] (?); [Horusname Mentuhoteps II.]; [Nebtiname Mentuhoteps II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 5; XXII A 8), "Zu den beiden Wüsten Gehöriger" | "one who belongs to the two deserts" [entity_name: gods_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 115; II, 30; LGG VI, 309), "Zemyti der Jüngere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 296.19)

Zmr.w, "Zemeru" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 1955e (Faulkner, Suppl.); Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 78)

Zn.t, "Zenet" | "Zenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 296.21)

Zn.t-Mnṯ.w-j, "Zenet-Month-i" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (TPPI, § 19), "Zenti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (van de Walle, in: Fs Capart, 563 ff.)

Znb.t, "Senbet" | "Zenebet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 297.8)

Znf-n-wḏꜣ.t, "Blut des Udjatauges" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 382)

Znn, "Zenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 297.9)

Zntw-ꜥnḫ, "Zentu-anch (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Petrie, Tombs, of the Courtiers, Taf. 24)

Zr-bš-rʾ, "Zer-beschi-re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Zḥ.w-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Zelte des Kai-em-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 286)

Zḥ-n-smn-jwꜥ.wt, "Kapelle der Bestätigung des Erbes" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, 36 f.)

Zḥ-Ṯy, "Die Halle des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Zḥj, "Zehi" | "Zehi" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 72)

Zḥp.w, "Türhüter im Himmel" | "[gatekeeper in the heavens?]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 466.11; LGG VI, 453)

Zḫn-wr, "Der große Umfassende" | "Great-float-user" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 471.13; LGG VI, 570)

Zẖ.yt, "Taube" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 594)

Zzj, "Zezi" | "Zezi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 297.22)

Zš-zš.t, "Zesch-zeschet" | "Zesh-zeshet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 298.1)

Zšn, "Zeschen" | "Zeshen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 297.29)

Zšn-Zšzš.t, "Lotosblume der Zeschzeschet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 415; vgl. Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, 24)

Zššn-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Lotosblume des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Zkr, "Sokar" | "Sokar" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 487.13; LGG VI, 664 ff.)

Zkr, "Sokarfest" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Faulkner, JEA 38, 1952, pl. 1)

Zkr-Wsjr, "Sokar-Osiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 666 f.)

Zkr-m-šṯy.t, "Sokar in der Krypta" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 674)

Zkr-ḥtp.w, "Sokar-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 298.12)

Zt.j, "Zeti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 428.13)

Ztj, "Zeti" | "[noun]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 488.2; LGG VI, 688)

Ztj, "Nubien" | "Nubia" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 488.7-10)

Zṯ.w, "Zetju" | "Zetju" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 298.17)

Zṯ.t, "Zetjet" | "Zetjet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 298.15)

Zṯtj, "Zetjeti" | "[noun]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 3, 489.4; LGG VI, 701)

z, "Riegel (der Tür)" | "door bolt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 404.1-5)

z, "Mann; Person; Wesen" | "man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 404.6-406.10)

z.t, "Frau; weibliche Person" | "woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 406.13-407.8)

z.t, "Spießente" | "pintail duck" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 407.16-17; LÄ II, 504)

z.t-ḥm.t, "Frau; weibliche Person" | "woman" [substantive] (Wb 3, 77.1; 407.9-14; FCD 206)

z-jr, "Mann der Tat" | "man who acts" [substantive: substantive_masc] (LEM 82.7)

z-n-rnp.t-28-n-ḥjḥj-n-nꜣ-spꜣ.wt, "Mann von 28 Jahren, zu suchen in den Gauen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 13.14-15; Quack, SAK 32, 2004, 331)

z-n-ḥḥ-n-mḥ, "Mann von einer Million Ellen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. IV.9)

z-nb, "jedermann" | "anyone; someone" [substantive] (Wb 3, 404.14; FCD 205)

zꜣ, "Sohn; Enkel" | "son" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 408.1-409.14; Franke, Verwandschaftsbezeichnungen, 49)

zꜣ, "wurmartiges Gerinnsel" | "[term associated with an inflammation or swelling (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 411.6; MedWb 705; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 57, Anm. 75)

zꜣ, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 414.9-415.11; vgl. ONB 511, Anm. 235)

zꜣ, "Schutzamulett" | "amulet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 415.12-17)

zꜣ, "Sohneigenschaft (einer Geschwulst)" | "swelling; tumor" [substantive] (Wb 3, 411.7; MedWb 124; MedWb 704; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 704, Anm. 269)

zꜣ, "Trupp; Abteilung; Rotte (von Personen)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 413.6-414.3)

zꜣ.w, "Zauberer" | "magician" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 415.18-19; FCD 207)

zꜣ.w, "Wächter" | "guardian" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 418.1-4; FCD 208; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 436)

zꜣ.w, "Wächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 418.1-4; FCD 208; Ward, Titles, no. 1255)

zꜣ.w-ꜥ, "Wächter der Halle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 105)

zꜣ.w-Nḫn, "Bewacher von Nechen" | "guardian of Nekhen" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 310.12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2929)

zꜣ.w-n-Rꜥw, "die Schutzkräfte des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 119)

zꜣ.w-zẖꜣ.w, "Archivar" | "guardian of documents" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 418.4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 96)

zꜣ.w-Srq.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Zauberer der Selqet des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2931)

zꜣ.w-tꜣ-qn, "der tüchtige Hüter des Landes (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 134)

zꜣ.wt, "Bewachung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 418.5-6; FCD 208; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 436; vgl. ONB 866, Anm. 1377)

zꜣ.wtj, "Wächter" | "guardian" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 418.7-11; FCD 208)

zꜣ.t, "Tochter" | "daughter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 411.9-412.7)

zꜣ.t, "[ein Werkzeug]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Junker, Giza, IV, 72 (5))

zꜣ.t-Wsjr, "Tocher des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 103)

zꜣ.t-nswt, "Königstochter" | "king's daughter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 412.7; vgl. LÄ III, 659 ff.; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2988)

zꜣ.t-nswt-wr.t, "große Königstochter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 2989)

zꜣ, "Tochter des Königs von Ober- und Unterägypten" | "daughter of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Wb 3, 411.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2990)

zꜣ.t-nswt-n.t-ẖ.t=f, "leibliche Tochter des Königs" | "king's daughter of his body" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2993; vgl. WB 3, 412.5.7)

zꜣ.t-nswt-n.t-ẖ.t=f-n.jt-Nfr-s.wt-Wnjs, "leibliche Tochter des Königs, die zu (Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen sind die Plätze des Unas gehört" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2994)

zꜣ.t-nswt-sms.wt-n.t-ẖ.t=f, "älteste leibliche Tochter des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, pl. 68 (b))

zꜣ.t-nṯr, "Gottestochter" | "daughter of the god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3004)

zꜣ.t-Rꜥw, "Tochter des Re (Titel regierender Königinnen)" | "daughter of Re" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 412.1)

zꜣ.t-Rꜥw, "Tochter des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 106 f.)

zꜣ.tj, "die beiden Kindchen (meist Schu und Tefnut)" | "the two daughters" [substantive] (Wb 3, 412.8-12; LGG VI, 113)

zꜣ, "die beiden Kindchen des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 113)

zꜣ.tw-n.w-nmj.t, "Die Hüter der Bahre (des Osiris)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 140)

zꜣ-Ꜣs.t, "Sohn der Isis" | "son of Isis" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 70 f.)

zꜣ-Jmn, "Sohn des Amun" | "son of Amun" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 408.13)

zꜣ-Jmn-Rꜥw, "Sohn des Amun-Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (JWIS III, 61.16)

zꜣ-Jtm.w, "Sohn des Atum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 76.5)

zꜣ-jw.t=f, "einer, auf dessen Kommen man wartet" | "one whose coming is awaited" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 419.2)

zꜣ-Wsjr, "Sohn des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 76-78)

zꜣ-Wsjr-ḥr-psḏ-nbḏ, "Sohn des Osiris auf dem Rücken des Bösen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 78)

zꜣ-wr, "[Harz oder Mineral (offizinell)]" | "[med. substance (resin?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 415.21; DrogWb 420 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 504)

zꜣ-wr-n-Wnn-nfr, "der älteste Sohn des Wenennefer (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16,4)

zꜣ-wh, "der erfolglose Sohn (Geb)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.17; vgl. LGG VI, 76)

zꜣ-Bꜣs.tjt, "Sohn der Bastet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 79)

zꜣ-pꜣ-Jtn, "Sohn des Aton" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (ÄIB II, 128)

zꜣ-pr, "Weideplatz; Viehhürde" | "grassland; byre" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 413.5; FCD 207; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 435)

zꜣ-pr, "Hauswächter" | "watchman (lit. son of the house); police" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 515.4)

zꜣ-pr, "Hauswächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 515.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2908)

zꜣ-Mḥ.t, "Sohn der Mehet" | "son of Mehet" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2910; vgl. Fischer, ZÄS 86, 1961, 24, Anm. 2)

zꜣ-mnḫ, "vortrefflicher Sohn (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 80)

zꜣ-mr=f, "liebender Sohn" | "his beloved son (e.g., Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 409.16-410.3; LGG VI, 81; Allen, Inflection, 518, Anm. 75)

zꜣ-mr=f, "[ein Priester]" | "his beloved son (a priest)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 410.4-6; Schott, SAK 11, 1984, 269 f.)

zꜣ-Nw.t, "Sohn der Nut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 82 f.)

zꜣ-n-Gbb, "Sohn des Geb (meist Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 96 f.)

zꜣ-nb.wj, "Sohn der beiden Herren (Thot)" | "son of the two lords (Thoth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 2, 231.6; LGG VI, 83 f.; Meeks, Mythes, 253 f.)

zꜣ-nswt, "Königssohn" | "king's son" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2911; vgl. Wb 2, 326)

zꜣ-nswt, "Königssohn" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2911; vgl. Wb 2, 326)

zꜣ-nswt-n-ẖ.t=f, "leiblicher Königssohn" | "king's son of his body" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 2912)

zꜣ-nswt-n-ẖ.t=f-sms.w, "ältester leiblicher Königssohn" | "king's eldest son of his body" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2914)

zꜣ-nswt-n-Kꜣš, "Königssohn von Kusch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 409.10; LÄ III, 630)

zꜣ-nswt-n-Kꜣš, "Königssohn von Kusch" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 409.10; LÄ III, 630)

zꜣ-nswt-n-Kꜣš-ẖz, "Königssohn vom elenden Kusch" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 356.15)

zꜣ-nḏ-jtj=f, "Sohn, der seinen Vater schützt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 85)

zꜣ-nḏ-ḥr-jtj=f, "Sohn des Schützers seines Vaters" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (JWIS III, 142.13)

zꜣ-Rꜥw, "Sohn des Re (Eigenname der Königstitulatur)" | "son of Re" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 3, 410.7-14; Beckerath, Königsnamen, 1 ff.)

zꜣ-Rꜥw, "Sohn des Re (viele Götter)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 86 ff.)

zꜣ-rnp.t, "dauernder Schutz" | "protection of years (i.e. enduring protection)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 415.23)

zꜣ-ḥmm, "[Personenbezeichnung (med.)]" | "son of the hemhem-instrument (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 95.12)

zꜣ-z, "Sohn eines Mannes (bildl.: von edler Herkunft)" | "son of a man (i.e. a well-born man)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 406.1; FCD 205; Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, 299 ff.)

zꜣ-sms.w, "ältester Sohn" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 92)

zꜣ-sms.w-n-pꜣ.wtj-tp.j, "der älteste Sohn des ersten Urzeitlichen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 93)

zꜣ-sn.wj, "Sohn der zwei Brüder (Sobek)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 94)

zꜣ-tꜣ, "Schlange" | "son of the earth (i.e. snake)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 410.16-17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 785)

zꜣ-ṯꜣ.y, "Sohn" | "male-son" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 345.15; Lesko, Dictionary III, 4)

zꜣꜣ.y, "Schleichender" | "creeper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 10)

zꜣi̯, "langsam gehen; schleichen; warten auf (jmdn./etwas)" | "to linger; to creep" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 418.15-419.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 438 f.; vgl. KoptHWb 174)

zꜣw, "[schmähende Bez. des Apophis]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 418.13; LGG VI, 142)

zꜣw, "zerbrechen; zerbrochen sein" | "to break; to be broken" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 419.4-11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 8)

zꜣw, "Balken" | "beam; baulk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 419.14-17; FCD 209)

zꜣw.t, "Balken" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (López, Ostraca ieratici N. 57450-57568, Tf. 184.3)

zꜣw-ꜥ, "Schwacher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 419.11)

zꜣu̯, "bewachen; schützen; sich hüten" | "to guard; to heed; to guard against" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 416.12-417.21; EAG § 425; ONB 511, Anm. 235; KoptHWb 174)

zꜣb, "fließen, rinnen" | "to flow; to drip" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 420.3-4; MedWb 709)

zꜣb, "Schakal" | "jackal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 420.5-13; FCD 209; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 440 f.)

zꜣb, "(wie ein Schakal) durchziehen; umherziehen" | "to traverse (like a jackal)" [verb] (Wb 3, 420.15-421.5; FCD 210)

zꜣb, "Senior; Würdenträger; Richter" | "dignitary (?); judiciary official (?); senior" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 421.7-422.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2932; Ward, Titles, no. 1263)

zꜣb, "Entscheider; Arbiter (Schiedsrichter)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, fig. 41)

zꜣb.wt, "Klugheit (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 422.3)

zꜣb-jm.j-rʾ-pr, "Senior-Hausvorsteher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 23)

zꜣb-jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww, "Senior-Vorsteher der Schreiber" | "senior overseer of scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 421.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 2933)

zꜣb-jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-wḏꜥ-mdw-štꜣ, "Senior-Vorsteher der Schreiber der geheimen Richter" | "senior overseer of scribes of secret arbitrators" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2935)

zꜣb-jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-wḏꜥ-mdw-štꜣ.w-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Senior-Vorsteher der Schreiber der geheimen Richter des großen Gerichtshofes" | "senior overseer of scribes of secret arbitrators of the great lawcourt" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2939)

zꜣb-jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Senior-Vorsteher der Schreiber der großen Halle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Abb. 34b)

zꜣb-jm.j-rʾ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-kꜣ.t-nb.t, "Senior-Vorsteher der Schreiber jeder Arbeit" | "senior overseer of scribes of every work" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2938)

zꜣb-jm.j-ḫt-jr.w-mḏꜣ.t, "Senior-Unteraufseher der Archivare" | "uridicial (under-)supervisor of keeper of documents" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2941)

zꜣb-jm.j-ḫt-zꜣ-pr, "Senior-Unteraufseher des Sohnes des Hauses (der Hauspolizei?)" | "juridicial (under-)supervisor of sons of the hous (police)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2943)

zꜣb-jr.j-mḏꜣ.t, "Senior-Schreibergehilfe" | "juridicial bookkeeper" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2944)

zꜣb-jr.j-mḏꜣ.t, "Senior-Schreibergehilfe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2944)

zꜣb-jr.j-Nḫn, "Würdenträger und Mund (?) von Nechen" | "juridicial official and mouth (?) of Nekhen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2946)

zꜣb-ꜥḏ-mr, "Senior-Verwalter der Provinz" | "senior provincial administrator" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2947)

zꜣb-ꜥḏ-mr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Senior-Verwalter des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2948)

zꜣb-ꜥḏ-mr-n-nswt, "Senior-Verwalter des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Berliner Abklatsch, Lepsius Serie 73; vgl. Altenmüller, SAK 9, 1981, 33)

zꜣb-ꜥḏ-mr-spꜣ.wt-jty-m-tꜣ.w-sṯ.tjw, "Generalprovinzgouverneur des Herrschers in den Ländern der Beduinen (Ehrentitel)" | "governor of the domains of the sovereign in the lands of the Asiatics" [epitheton_title: title] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 1; Koch, Sinuhe, 1)

zꜣb-nḫt-ḫrw, "Senior-Ausrufer" | "tally man of the judiciary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titels OK, no. 2951)

zꜣb-rʾ-Nḫn, "Würdenträger und Mund von Hierakonpolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2953; Fischer, Varia Nova, 254)

zꜣb-ḥr.j-wḏb, "Senior-Leiter der Zuwendungen" | "juridicial master of largesse" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2958)

zꜣb-ḥr.j-sštꜣ-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Senior Hüter des Geheimnisses von (der Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chefren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2959)

zꜣb-ḥḏ-mḥ-1, "weißer Schakal von einer Elle (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. V.7)

zꜣb-ḫrp-zẖꜣ.w, "Senior-Leiter der Schreiber" | "senior controller of scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 29, fig. 41)

zꜣb-zẖꜣ.w, "Senior-Schreiber" | "senior scribe" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2964)

zꜣb-zẖꜣ.w, "Senior-Schreiber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2964)

zꜣb-zẖꜣ.w-mšꜥ, "Seniorschreiber der Armee" | "senior scribe of the army" [epitheton_title: title] (Weigall, Lower Nubia, pl. LVIII, no. 25)

zꜣb-zẖꜣ.w-rw.t, "Seniorschreiber des Tores" | "juridical scribe of the gate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2970)

zꜣb-zẖꜣ.w-sbꜣ.w-nswt, "Seniorschreiber der Königszöglinge" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2972)

zꜣb-sms.w-hꜣy.t, "Senior-Ältester der Halle" | "juridicial elder of the court" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2974)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-jr.j-mḏꜣ.t, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreibergehilfen" | "juridicial inspector of bookkeepers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2975)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr, "Senior-Aufseher der Priester" | "juridical inspector of priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Couyat/Montet, Hammamat, 58, no. 61)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreiber" | "juridical inspector of scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2978)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreiber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2978)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-jr.jw-jꜥḥ, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreiber der Bittschriften" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2979)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-wp.t, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreiber der Aufträge" | "juridical inspector of scribes of the commisions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2982)

zꜣb-sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-ḥẖnw, "Senior-Aufseher der Schreiber der beiden großen Gerichtshöfe der rechten Seite des Palastes" | "juridical inspector of scribes in the two Great Courts of justice on the western side of the residen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2985)

zꜣb-šmꜥ.wj, "oberägyptischer Schakal" | "jackal of Upper Egypt" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 420.11; LGG VI, 143 f.)

zꜣr, "Fessel" | "bonds" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 422.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 442)

zꜣr.t, "[eine Gartenpflanze]" | "[a garden plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 422.5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 442; Koemoth, SAK 24, 1997, 147 ff.)

zꜣš, "öffnen (Ohren)" | "to unstop (the ears)" [verb] (Wb 3, 422.7; Allen, Inflection, 561)

zꜣṯ, "ausgießen; libieren" | "to pour out; to make a libation" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 422.11-423.2)

zꜣṯ, "Wasser-Sprengen; Libation" | "libation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 423.3-4)

zꜣṯ.w, "Erdboden; Fußboden; Erde" | "ground; floor; earth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 423.7-424.12; FCD 211)

zꜣṯ-mw-n-Wnn-nfr, "Wasserspender des Wenennefer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 327)

zj, "gehen" | "to go" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 424.13; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 548; vgl. ONB 528, Anm. 335)

zjn, "reiben; abreiben" | "to rub (in); to rub (out)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 425.8-426.8)

zy, "wer?; was?; welcher?" | "who? what?" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 3, 424.14-425.6; EAG § 1009; GEG § 499)

zw.t, "[eine Emmervarietät]" | "[a kind of wheat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 426.12-17; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 308; LÄ VI, 1210)

zwꜣ, "fällen; abhacken" | "to cut (down, off); to break" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 427.1-4)

zwꜣ.t, "Hackmesser (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 58)

zwn, "Pfeil" | "arrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 427.5-6)

zwn.w, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 427.16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 811)

zwn.w, "Arzt" | "physician" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 427.7-15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3017)

zwn.w, "Arzt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 427.7-15), "Augenarzt" | "eye physician" [substantive] (Wb 1, 106.18; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3018)ꜥꜣ, "Augenarzt des Palastes" | "eye physician of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3019)

zwn.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Arzt am Palast" | "physician of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3021)

zwn.w-ẖ.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Leibarzt des Palastes (Spezialist für Bauch und Unterleib)" | "abdominal physician of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles, no. 3024)

zwn.w-sms.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Oberarzt des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3026)

zwnu̯, "leiden" | "to suffer" [verb] (Wb 3, 428.1-3; Allen, Inflection, 584)

zwr, "trinken" | "to drink" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 428.5-17)

zwr, "Trinkschale; Getränk" | "drinking bowl; [a beverage]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 429.1-2)

zwr, "Gelage; Zecherei" | "drinking bout; carousal" [substantive] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. LXXXIII-IV; vgl. KoptHWb 175)

zwr=f, "Säufer (?); Sauferei (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, Ani, 97, Anm. 40; vgl. ONB 326, 870)

zwr.t, "Trank" | "[a beverage]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 429.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 465; MedWb 730 ff.)

zwr.t, "Trankstelle" | "watering place" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 429.4)

zwš, "zusammenballen; zusammendrehen" | "to make into a sphere or ball" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 75.16; MedWb 732; Lesko, Dictionary III, 27; Egberts, Quest, 288, Anm. 8)

zwš, "Bausch" | "strip; ball (of material)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 75.17; MedWb 733; Egberts, Quest, 288, Anm. 8)

zwš.t, "[ein Seil]" | "[a rope]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 680)

zwṯ, "Nudeln rollen (für Gänsemast)" | "to prepare (a flour ball, fattening geese)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 429.9)

zb.y, "Uräusschlange" | "uraeus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 433.1; FCD 219), "[Verdorbenes (ein Fisch)]" | "[a tainted substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 432.13; MedWb 735)

zb.w, "[etwas Hölzernes (Brett, Balken)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 432.18)

zb.w-n-kꜣ.w=sn, "die zu ihren Kas gegangen sind (Bez. der Toten)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 42)

zb.t, "Transport; Fracht" | "(ship's) cargo; transport" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 432.5-6)

zb.t, "Verdorbenes; Ungeziefer" | "wrong; evil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 432.14-16; FCD 219; KoptHWb 176; vgl. MedWb 735)

zb.t-mnš, "Schiffstransport" | "cargo of a barge" [substantive] (Wb 3, 432.7-8)

zb.tjw, "Geleiter" | "oppressors" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 433.2; Meeks, AL 77.3480; Quack, ZÄS 128, 2001, 180, Anm. 127)

zb-ꜣq.w-m-mdw.w=f, "der mit seinen Worten Verderben aussendet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 31.12)

zb-n-ḫ.t, "Brandopfer" | "burnt offering" [substantive] (Wb 3, 430.20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 818)

zb-n-ḫ.t=f, "der seiner Verbrennung entgegengeht (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 30 f.; vgl. LGG VI, 236)

zb-n-sḏ.t, "Brandopfer" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 430.19; 4, 376.14)

zb-n-tꜣ, "Staub" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 30)

zbꜣ, "Flöte blasen" | "to blow (i.e. play a woodwind instrument)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 433.3-6)

zbꜣ, "Flötenspieler" | "flutist" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3028)

zbi̯, "(weg)gehen; führen; aussenden; durchlaufen; verbrennen" | "to go; to conduct; to send; to attain" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 429.10-431.28; Allen, Inflection, 572)

zbi̯.tw, "damit; und sogar" | "in order that" [preposition] (Wb 3, 431.29-432.3; GEG § 181; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 818)

zbb-ḏ.t, "der die Ewigkeit durchwandert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 237)

zbn, "gleiten; straucheln; fehlleiten; umstürzen" | "to slide away; to steer (a ship) off course; to make fall" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 433.7-16; FCD 220)

zbn, "(Spazier)weg; Laufstrecke" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 434.1; Faulkner, PT, 57 (Pyr 244b))

zbn.w, "[ein Fisch]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 89.11; FCD 220)

zbnbn, "sich ergehen" | "to wander" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 3, 434.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 475)

zbzb, "(einen Weg) sperren; (Feinde) verjagen" | "to drive away" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 434.3-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 821 f.)

zbṯ, "Gelächter" | "laughter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 89.5)

zbṯ, "lachen" | "to laugh" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 434.5-11)

zp, "Rest; Stück" | "remainder; remnant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 439.16-440.7; MedWb 740)

zp, "wurmartiges Gerinnsel" | "[a clot (of pus; of blood) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 440.17-18; MedWb 741; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 57, Anm. 75)

zp, "Fall; Angelegenheit; Wesen; Mal; Heilmittel, Mittel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 435.1-438.12; 438.17-439.5)

zp, "[krankhafter Zustand oder Tätigkeit einer Wunde]" | english translation missing [undefined] (MedWb 741 f.)

zp=f, "unangenehmes Ereignis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT IV, 356a), "Rest" | "remainder; remnant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 440.8-15; FCD 222)

zp.w, "Krankheitsfall" | "piece (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 439.6; MedWb 738; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 697)

zp.t, "Tenne; Kornhaufen" | "threshing floor; heap of grain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 434.12-18)

zp-2, "zweimal (Betonung vor allem beim Imperativ); sehr, wirklich (Betonung beim Adjektiv etc.)" | "twice" [substantive] (Wb 3, 437.1-8)

zp-n-jw.tjt, "restlos; nutzlos" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 3, 439.18; FCD 14)

zp-n-mw.y, "[ein Fall von Wasser (Schiffsunglück?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3, 435.21)

zp-nfr, "Gutes" | "good deed" [substantive] (Wb 3, 435.10)

zp-ẖz, "Schlechtes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI II, 60.6-10)

zp-šrj, "Unheil" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 526.1)

zp-tp.j, "erstes Mal; Urzeit" | "first occasion; primeval times" [substantive] (Wb 3, 438.1-6; 5, 278.3-4)

zpꜣ, "sich winden; zerknittert sein (o. Ä.)" | "[facial characteristic (bearded?)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 441.3; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 480 f.)

zpꜣ, "Tausendfuß" | "centipede" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 441.4-5; FCD 222)

zpꜣ, "[ein Tragsessel]; Treppe" | "carrying chair; steps" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 441.7-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 827)

zpꜣ, "[Verb (von den Eingeweiden)]" | "[verb of movement, applied to the intestines (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 441.10; MedWb 743)

zpꜣ.t, "Tausendfüßlerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/F/Se 65)

zpy, "[bei Osirismysterien als Zubehör]" | "strip; bit" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 441.11; Meeks, Mythes, 73, Anm. 151)

zpy.t, "Brocken; Stücke" | "bit" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 442; MedWb 744)

zpi̯, "übrig bleiben; übrig lassen" | "to remain over; to be left (abandoned); to be left out (excluded)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 439.7-15)

zpp, "Rest" | "remainder (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 442.1; MedWb 744)

zpnj, "[eine Holzart]" | "[a kind of foreign wood]" [substantive] (Habachi, Kamose, 37 (Z. 14))

zpz, "(an den Haaren) zausen" | "to tie up (by the hair)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 107.9-10; FCD 223; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 483; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 830 f.)

zf, "sanftmütig sein, milde sein" | "to be mild; to be merciful" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 442.3-4; FCD 224)

zf, "[Messer aus Feuerstein]" | "knife; sword" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 442.5-6)

zf, "schlachten; abschneiden" | "to cut up; to slaughter" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 442.11-12; MedWb 747)

zf, "Freundlichkeit; Milde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 224)

zf, "falsch sein; Unrecht tun" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Allen, Inflection, 599)

zf.w, "der Milde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 224)

zf.t, "Schwert; Messer" | "knife; sword" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 442.7-10; FCD 224; Lesko, Dictionary III, 43)

zf.t-gꜣš, "Schilfmesser" | "knife for cutting reeds" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 156.12)

zfn, "sanftmütig sein; froh sein; träge sein; erfreuen" | "to be gentle; to be merciful; to make calm" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 443.2-11; FCD 224)

zfn.w, "der Sanfte (nachsichtiger Mensch)" | "kindly man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3555)

zfnw, "[ein Schiffsteil aus Importholz]" | "[a ship's part made of imported wood]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.3493; vgl. Dürring, Schiffbau, 90)

zfṯ, "schlachten; abschneiden" | "to slaughter; to make a sacrifice" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 443.15-24; MedWb 747)

zfṯ, "Schlächter" | "butcher" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 444.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary III, 43)

zfṯ, "Schlachtung" | "sacrifice" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 444.4; FCD 225)

zfṯ, "Schlächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1286; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1647)

zfṯ.w, "[Krankheitserscheinung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 444.7; MedWb 748)

zfṯ.w, "[Behandlungsverfahren (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 444.6)

zfṯ.t, "Schlachtopfer" | "sacrifice" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 444.5)

zmꜣ, "Lunge" | "lung" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 445.15-446.2; FCD 226; MedWb 748 f.; vgl. Walker, Anatom. Term., 275)

zmꜣ, "(sich) vereinigen; vereinigen" | "to unite; to join" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 446.3-447.13)

zmꜣ, "Vereiniger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 451.11; vgl. LGG VI, 309 f.)

zmꜣ, "Bett" | "bed" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 452.14; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 838)

zmꜣ.y, "Genosse" | "companion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 449.17-450.3; vgl. FCD 226)

zmꜣ.yw, "Genossen; Bundesgenossen; Feinde" | "confederates; associates; enemies" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 450.7-9; FCD 226; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 842 f.)

zmꜣ.yw-Nbḏ, "die Komplizen des Bösen (Komplizen des Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 318)

zmꜣ.yw-Stš, "die Genossen des Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 319)

zmꜣ.yt, "Genossenschaft; Trupp; Zusammenschluss; Bande" | "band; troop" [substantive] (Wb 3, 450.10-12; FCD 226)

zmꜣ.yt, "Verbindungen; Verstrebungen (am Schiff)" | "hogging-beam (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.3527; Jones, Naut. Titles, 185 (141))

zmꜣ.yt-n.t-ḏw-qd, "Bande des Bösartigen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 319)

zmꜣ.w, "Zweige (der Bäume)" | "branches; twigs" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 452.2-5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 491; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 840 f.)

zmꜣ.w, "Vereinigung" | "combination; alloy (in reference to metals)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 450.15)

zmꜣ.w-(n)-6, "sechsfache Legierung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 3. 450.16-17; Harris, Minerals, 65)

zmꜣ.wj, "Finsternis" | "darkness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 452.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 843)

zmꜣ, "Genossin des Geliebten der Beiden Herrinnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3033)

zmꜣ, "Genossin der beiden Herrinnen (Königin)" | "companion of the two ladies (the queen)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 450.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3032)

zmꜣ.wt-Nb.ty-mr.t=f, "die Genossin der Beiden Herrinnen, die er liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 3034)

zmꜣ.wt-Ḥr.w, "Genossin des Horus (Königin)" | "companion" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 450.5; Troy, Queenship, 116)

zmꜣ.wtj, "Verbündeter" | "confederates" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 450.13; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 843)

zmꜣ.t, "[Thron]" | "bed; dais; throne" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 452.10-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 843)

zmꜣ.tj, "Hoden" | "testicles" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 451.9-10; DrogWb 438; Walker, Anatom. Term., 275)

zmꜣ.tj, "Weg; Straße" | "road; path" [substantive] (Wb 3, 452.17-19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 844)

zmꜣ-mꜣꜥ.t, "der sich mit der Maat vereint" | "united with Maat (Thoth; the king)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 448.5-6; LGG VI, 310)

zmꜣ-Nw.w, "[Bez. der Überschwemmung]" | "water (of the inundation)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 448.7; LGG VI, 311)

zmꜣ-sꜥḥ.wj, "Vereiniger der beiden Würdenträger" | "uniter of the two noblemen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3030; vgl. Fischer, BiOr 59, 2002, 32)

zmꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "der die Beiden Länder vereinigt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 313 f.)

zmꜣ-tꜣ, "Begräbnis ("das Landen")" | "burial; interment" [substantive] (Wb 3, 449.6-11)

zmꜣ-tꜣ, "Landestelle; Uferrrand" | english translation missing [substantive] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 38; FCD 226; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 844)

zmꜣ-tꜣ, "Bestattungspriester" | "burial-priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1662)

zmy.t, "Wüste; Begräbnisstätte" | "desert; necropolis" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 444.8-445.13)

zmn, "[ein Reinigungsmittel (im Reinigungsritual)]" | "[a substance used for purification (natron?)]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 453.1; Otto, Mundöffnungsritual, 46)

zmn, "verweilen lassen (?)" | "to remain" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 453.2-3)

zmn, "[Substantiv (im Reinigungsritual)]" | "[noun]" [particle] (Wb 3, 453.5-6; Otto, Mundöffnungsritual, 46)

zmn, "überprüfen (der Brotqualität)" | "to check (on the quality of bread)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Junker, Giza XI, 162 f.)

zmzr.w, "[ein Tor]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, in: Fs Mokhtar, 87 ff.)

zmṯ, "Leiter (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 66)

zn, "öffnen" | "to open" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 454.1-13; FCD 229; vgl. EAG § 555a; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 546, 553)

zn, "Schneide (des Schwertes)(?); Schärfung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Davies, JEA 61, 1975, 46)

zn.w, "Art" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT II, 332-3d)

zn.t, "Senet (Brettspiel)" | "senet (board game)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 453.8)

zn.t, "[Mineral aus Wadi Natrun]" | "[ocherous earth of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 458.5; Harris, Minerals, 181), "Abbild" | "likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 457.9-11; vgl. Ockinga, Gottebenbildlichkeit, 61 ff.)

zn-mw, "Wasserspeier" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 12)

zni̯, "herankommen an; übertreffen; vorbeigehen; passieren; (sich) trennen (von); abschneiden; (sich) abtrennen; ähnlich sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 454.14-456.13; 456.15-457.2; 457.16-21)

znb, "Mauerzinne" | "battlement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 458.6)

znb, "umstürzen; vernichten; erklimmen (?)" | "to overthrow; to destroy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 458.8-9; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 561)

znb.t, "Mauer; Wall" | "rampart" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 458.7; FCD 231)

znb.t, "[eine Flasche]; [ein Krug]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 458.10-12; FCD 231)

znbꜣ, "entgleiten o.ä." | "slip" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 3, 459.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 508; Allen, Inflection, 576)

znbꜣ, "Versäumnis (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10018, 3, 11)

znf, "Blut" | "blood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 459.2-14)

znf, "bluten" | "to bleed (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 459.15; MedWb 765 ff.)

znn, "Streitwagenkämpfer; Krieger" | "chariot soldier; warrior" [substantive] (Wb 3, 459.17-19; FCD 232; Lesko, Dictionary, III 63 f.)

znn, "Aktenstück; Buch; Bericht" | "copy (of a document); record" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 460.1-5; FCD 232; Lesko, Dictionary III, 63)

znn, "Bild; Ebenbild" | "image; likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 460.6-17; FCD 232; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 865 f.)

znn-n-Rꜥw, "Ebenbild des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 389)

znn-Tꜣ-ṯnn, "Abbild des Tatenen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 390)

znn-ḏsr-n-jtj=f-Tꜣ-ṯnn, "heiliges Abbild seines Vaters Tatenen (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 390)

znnj, "seelisch leiden" | "to suffer; to be distressed" [verb] (Wb 3, 461.1; FCD 232)

znnj, "Unglück" | "impurity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 461.2-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 866)

znḥm, "Wanderheuschrecke" | "locust; grasshopper" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 461.6-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 867; Meeks, in: Fs Brovarski, 290 f.)

znzn.t, "Feuersbrunst" | "conflagration" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 461.9)

znš, "öffnen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 38)

znš, "Tor (?); Ecke (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 513 f.)

znṯ, "rebellisch sein; lüstern sein (o. Ä.)" | "to be hostile" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 462.2)

znṯ.w, "Rebellen (o. Ä.)" | "rebels" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 462.3-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 874)

zr, "Widder" | "ram" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 462.7-13)

zr, "[eine Krankheit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 771)

zr.w, "Weihrauchkörner" | "pellets of incense" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 463.5-6)

zr.t, "Schaf" | "sheep; ewe" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 462.14-463.3)

zry.w, "[Gegenstand aus Stein]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

zrm.t, "[ein Bier (aus Datteln)]; Dattelpressrückstand" | "[beer made of dates]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 463.7-11; FCD 236; Lesko, Dictionary III, 72; LÄ I, 790; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 160 ff.)

zrt.w, "Messer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 520)

zhr.t, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 209.1; Jones, Naut. Titles, 144 (64); Edel, ZÄS 79, 1954, 89)

zḥ, "Zelt; Halle" | "booth; hall" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 464.3-21)

zḥ, "Ratsversammlung; Ratschlag" | "council; counsel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 465.18-466.6; FCD 237)

zḥ.j-nṯr, "der zum Gotteszelt Gehörige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3035)

zḥ.y, "Ratgeber" | "counselor; man of good council" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 466.7-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 75)

zḥ.t, "Schafherde (die Saat festtritt)" | "herd of sheep (treading seed into the earth)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 464.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 524)

zḥ.tjw-nṯr, "die der Gotteshalle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 750d)

zḥ-nṯr, "Gotteshalle" | "divine booth" [substantive] (Wb 3, 465.1-13)

zḥ-nṯr, "[ein Gerät]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 465.15)

zḥy.t, "[ein Schiff]" | "boat (with cabin)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 466.10; Jones, Naut. Titels, 145 (65))

zḥzḥ, "[Vogel]" | "[a bird, only in the name of a mountain]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 466.12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 526)

zḥzḥ, "(wie der Zehzeh-Vogel) rufen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 30)

zḫ, "[Material (für ein Wagenteil)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 468.6; Caminos, LEM, 214)

zḫ.t, "Schlag" | "blow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 467.14-468.4)

zḫi̯, "schlagen; zerschlagen" | "to hit; to smite; to beat" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 466.13-467.13; 4, 228)

zḫm, "Heiligtum" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 468.8-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 904)

zḫn, "zufälliges Ereignis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 469.21-470.6)

zḫn, "[tier. Körperteil als Opfergabe]" | "[a part of the body of an offering animal]; swelling (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 470.14; AEO II, 254*; vgl. Walker, Anatom. Term., 275)

zḫn, "Schilfbündel (zum Schwimmen)" | "reed-float" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 471.3-8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 145 (66))

zḫn, "Anschwellung" | "swelling (?); gathering (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 254.14; MedWb 790)

zḫn.w, "das Suchen; das Begegnen; Zufall" | "search" [substantive] (Wb 3, 470.8-13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 540; vgl. EDG 455 f.)

zḫn.w, "[eine Art Zaubersprüche]; Orakel; Beschwörung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 242; Gardiner, Admonitions, 47 f.; Ritner, Mechanics, 202 f., Anm. 932)

zḫn.t, "Pfosten; Stütze" | "pole; support" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 471.15-472.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 907)

zḫni̯, "umfassen; suchen; antreffen" | "to embrace; to seek out; to meet; to occupy (a place)" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 3, 468.14-469.18; ONB 535, Anm. 345)

zḫz, "ausreißen (Papyrus, Horusauge)" | "to tear out (the eye of Horus); to pull up (papyrus)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 472.8-9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 542)

zḫz, "eilig durchlaufen; eilen" | "to run; to hurry; to flee" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 472.10-473.9)

zḫz.w, "der Läufer" | "runner" [substantive] (Wb 3, 473.10; FCD 243)

zḫzḫ, "laufen; eilen" | "to run; to hurry" [verb] (Wb 3, 473.11-15; FCD 243)

zẖ.y, "Tauber (Gehörloser)" | "deaf person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 474.11-12)

zẖꜣ, "schreiben; malen" | "to write; to paint; to work as a scribe" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 475.6-476.15)

zẖꜣ.yt, "Geschriebenes" | "writings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 479.10-13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 97)

zẖꜣ.w, "Schrift; Schriftstück" | "writing; record; depiction" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 476.16-479.9)

zẖꜣ.w, "Schreiber" | "scribe" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 479.14-481.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3040)

zẖꜣ.w, "Schreibstoff" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 481.8-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 96)

zẖꜣ.w, "Schreiber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 479.14-481.4)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜣpd, "Schreiber des Geflügels" | "scribe of the aviary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3042)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜣḥ.wt, "Schreiber der Felder" | "scribe of the fields" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3043)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜣḥ.wt-m-mw, "Schreiber der bewässerten Felder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Leiden V 3, Z. 4)

zẖꜣ.w-jm.j-rʾ-s.t, "Schreiber des Hausmeisters" | "scribe of the overseer of the storehouse (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Posener, BdE 65/2, 660)

zẖꜣ.w-jr.j-jꜥḥ, "Schreiber des Hüters des Mondes (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles, OK, no. 3051)

zẖꜣ.w-jr.j-ꜥ-n-nswt-n-ḫft-ḥr, "Schreiber, beauftragt mit der Urkunde des Königs in (seiner) Gegenwart" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 27 (A2.1); vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3063; Ward, Titles, no. 1361)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-n-nswt, "Aktenschreiber des Königs" | "scribe of the king's documents" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 158.20; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3057)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-n-nswt-n-sbꜣ.yt-nswt, "königlicher Aktenschreiber der Instruktionen des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK., no. 3072)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-n-nswt-ḫft-ḥr, "Aktenschreiber des Königs in (dessen) Angesicht" | "scribe of the king's documents in the presence" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 275.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3063)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-nswt, "Aktenschreiber des Königs" | "scribe of the king's documents" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3057; vgl. Junker, Giza III, Abb. 14)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aktenschreiber des Königs des Palastes" | "scribe of the king's documents of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 3059)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-nswt-ḫft-ḥr, "Aktenschreiber des Königs in (dessen) Angesicht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3063)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-nswt-ḫft-ḥr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aktenschreiber des Königs in (dessen) Angesicht vom Palast" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3064)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥ-nswt-ḫft-ḥr-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Aktenschreiber des Königs in (dessen) Angesicht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3065)

zẖꜣ.w-ꜥpr.w, "Mannschaftsschreiber" | "scribe of the (ship's) crew" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3076)

zẖꜣ.w-wꜣḥ-ḥtp-nṯr-n-nṯr.w-nb.w, "Schreiber, der die Gottesopfer für alle Götter einrichtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 35, Anm. 117)

zẖꜣ.w-wꜥb.t, "Schreiber der Wabet-Werkstatt" | "scribe of the wabet-workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3082)

zẖꜣ.w-wꜥb.t-rs.jt, "Schreiber der südlichen Wabet-Werkstatt" | "scribe of the southern wabet-workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3083)

zẖꜣ.w-wr-n-ṯꜣ.tj, "Großer Schreiber des Wesirs" | "chief scribe of the vizier" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1375)

zẖꜣ.w-wdḥ.w, "Schreiber des Opferaltars" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1378)

zẖꜣ.w-wdḥ.w-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Schreiber des Opfertisches des Herrn Beider Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1729)

zẖꜣ.w-pr, "Schreiber des Hauses" | "scribe of the house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3095)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Palastschreiber" | "scribe of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3096)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ꜥnḫ, "Schreiber des Lebenshauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1380)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ꜥnḫ, "Schreiber des Lebenshauses" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pSalt 825 (Derchain) VII.2; Gardiner, JEA 24, 1938, 157 ff.)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ꜥq.t, "Schreiber des Hauses der Einkünfte" | "scribe of the house of provisions" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3097)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-mḏꜣ.t, "Schreiber des Archivs" | "scribe of the archive(s)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3099)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr, "Schreiber des Hauses des Gottesbuches" | "scribe of the house of the god's archive(s)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3103)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Schreiber des Hauses des Gottesbuches des Palastes" | "scribe of the house of the god's archive(s) of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3104)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-nṯr, "Schreiber des Sanktuars" | "scribe of the temple" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3107)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ḥr.j-wḏb, "Schreiber des Hauses des Leiters der Zuwendungen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3108)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ḥḏ, "Schreiber des Schatzhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3109)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ḥḏ, "Schreiber des Schatzhauses" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3109)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ḥḏ-n-pr-Jmn, "Schreiber des Schatzhauses des Amuntempels" | "scribe of the treasury of the temple of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2053)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ḥḏ-n-pr-ḥḏ-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Schatzhausschreiber des Schatzhauses Pharaos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LESt 29.10-11)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-šnꜥ, "Schreiber des Arbeitshauses" | "scribe of the storehouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3110)

zẖꜣ.w-pr-ḏꜥb.t, "Schreiber des Hauses für Holzkohle" | "scribe of the house for charcoal" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3111)

zẖꜣ.w-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Schreiber der Maat" | "scribe of Maat" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 19.19)

zẖꜣ.w-Mꜣꜥ.t-n-psḏ.t, "der Schreiber der Maat der Götterneunheit (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 600 f.)

zẖꜣ.w-Mꜣꜥ.t-n-psḏ.t-Ḥr.w, "Schreiber der Maat der Neunheit des Horus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Grimal, Quatre stèles, 36)

zẖꜣ.w-mꜣꜥ-m-s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Wahrer Schreiber am Ort der Wahrheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1752)

zẖꜣ.w-mr.t, "Schreiber der Meret-Leute" | "scribe of the meret-serfs" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3117)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t, "Aktenschreiber" | "document scribe" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 188.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3126)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-n.t-nswt, "Aktenschreiber des Königs" | "document scribe of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, n. 3130)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr, "Schreiber des Gottesbuches" | "scribe of the god's book" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 188.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3132)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr, "Schreiber des Gottesbuches" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pSalt 825 (Derchain) VII.3; Gardiner, JEA 24, 1938, 168 ff.)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Schreiber des Gottesbuches des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3135)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-mꜣꜥ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "wirklicher Schreiber des Gottesbuches des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jons, Titles OK, no. 3135)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-n-jtj=f, "Schreiber des Gottesbuches seines Vaters" | "scribe of the god's book of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3133)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-n-Wsjr, "Schreiber des Gottesbuches des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (van de Walle, ZÄS 90, 1963, 120)

zẖꜣ.w-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-Ḥr.w-Bḥ, "Schreiber des Gottesbuches des Horus von Edfu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 141)

zẖꜣ.w-n-(pꜣ)-ḫr-ꜥꜣ-šps.j, "Schreiber der (großen und prächtigen) Königsnekropole (in Theben-West)" | "scribe of the (great nd noble) tomb" [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, Community, 23 ff.)

zẖꜣ.w-n-(pꜣ)-ḫr-ꜥꜣ-šps.j, "Schreiber der (großen und prächtigen) Königsnekropole (in Theben-West)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny, Community, 23 ff.)

zẖꜣ.w-n-Jmn-n-zꜣ-3-n.w, "Schreiber des Amun der dritten Priesterphyle" | "scribe-of-Amun-of-the-third-phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.4)

zẖꜣ.w-n-jm.j-rʾ-pr, "Schreiber des Hausvorstehers" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3049)

zẖꜣ.w-n-jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥḏ-n-Pr-ꜥꜣ, "Schreiber des Schatzhausvorstehers Pharaos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 76.3)

zẖꜣ.w-n-jz.t, "Schreiber der Kammer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pSalt 825 (Derchain) VI.3; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3053)

zẖꜣ.w-n-wḥm.w-n-wꜥr.t-mḥ.tjt, "Schreiber des Sprechers des nördlichen Bezirks" | "scribe of the herald of the northern district" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1377)

zẖꜣ.w-n-Pr-Rꜥw, "Schreiber des Tempels des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gardiner, ZÄS 43, 1906, 40)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pꜣ-jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ, "Schreiber des Vorstehers der Armee" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 10, Taf. III)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pꜣ-ḫpš-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Schreiber der Waffenschmiede Pharaos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1789)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pr-Jmn, "Schreiber des Hauses des Amun" | "scribe of the house of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2044)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pr-ḥḏ, "Schreiber des Schatzhauses" | "scribe of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1382; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3109)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pr-ḥḏ-n-Pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Schreiber des Schatzhauses des Pharao, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 101.13)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pr-Ḫns.w, "Schreiber des Tempels des Chnum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 108)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pr-ḏ.t, "Schreiber der Totenstiftung" | "scribe of the funery estate" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3112)

zẖꜣ.w-n-pr-ḏ.t, "Schreiber der Totenstiftung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3112)

zẖꜣ.w-n-mšꜥ, "Truppenschreiber; Expeditionsschreiber" | "scribe of the expedition; scribe of the army" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 155.18; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3119; Ward, Titles, no. 1384; Schulman, Military Rank, 156 ff.)

zẖꜣ.w-n-nšm.t, "Schreiber der Neschmet-Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 102 (230))

zẖꜣ, "Schreiber des großen Doppeltores" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 242, Anm. r)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ḥm-nṯr-tp.j-Jmn-Rꜥw, "Schreiber des obersten Priesters des Amun-Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hayes, JEA 46, 1960, 35, pl. X)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ḫnr.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Schreiber der großen Cheneret-Anlage" | "scribe of the great prison" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1411)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ḫnr.t-n.t-sḏm, "Schreiber des Verhörgefängnisses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1413)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ḫnrt-wr, "Schreiber der großen Cheneret-Anlage" | "scribe of the great prison" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1412)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ẖr.t-ꜥ-nswt, "Schreiber des königlichen Schreibzeuges" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3174)

zẖꜣ.w-n-zꜣ, "Phylenschreiber" | "scribe of the phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 414.3)

zẖꜣ.w-n-zꜣ, "Phylenschreiber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 414.3)

zẖꜣ.w-n-zꜣ-wjꜣ, "Schreiber der Bootsphyle" | "scribe of the boat-phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3180)

zẖꜣ.w-n-zꜣ-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Schreiber der Phyle von (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepj dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3181)

zẖꜣ.w-n-sm, "Schreiber des Sem-Priesters" | "scribe of the sem-priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1848)

zẖꜣ.w-n-sšr-nswt, "Schreiber des Königsleinen" | "scribe of royal linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3197)

zẖꜣ.w-n-šnw.t-ḥtp-nṯr, "Schreiber der Scheunen des Gottesopfers" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2122)

zẖꜣ.w-n-Tꜣ-ḥꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-m-pr-Jmn, "Schreiber des Ramesseums" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pChester Beatty V Verso 2.2 f.)

zẖꜣ.w-n-tꜣ-jwꜥ.yt, "Schreiber der Garnison" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Chevereau, Cadres militaires, 226; vgl. Schulman, Military Titles, 17 f.)

zẖꜣ.w-n-tꜣ-ḥw.t-Wsr-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-mr-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Schreiber des Tempels des User-maat-Re-Meri-Amun, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Barns, JEA 35, 1949, 70)

zẖꜣ.w-n-tꜣ-ḥw.t-Nfr.t-jr.j, "Schreiber des Tempel der (Achmes)-Nefertari" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Erman, ZÄS 32, 1894, 127-8; Gitton, L' Épouse du Dieu, 81)

zẖꜣ.w-n-tꜣ-šnw.t, "Scheunenschreiber" | "scribe of the granary" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1857)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ṯꜣ.tj, "Schreiber des Wesirs" | "scribe of the vizier" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1449)

zẖꜣ.w-n-ṯmꜣ, "Katasterschreiber" | "scribe of the land-registry" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 1450)

zẖꜣ.w-nfr.w-n-nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Rekrutenschreiber des Herrn Beider Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1805)

zẖꜣ.w-nswt, "Schreiber des Königs" | "scribe of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 480.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3148)

zẖꜣ.w-nswt, "Schreiber des Königs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 480.13)

zẖꜣ.w-nswt-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Schreiber des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. LÄ VII, 443)

zẖꜣ.w-nswt-mꜣꜥ-mr=f, "wirklicher Schreiber des Königs, den er (sc. der König) liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2078)

zẖꜣ.w-nswt-sḥn-n-mšꜥ-nḫt, "königlicher Befehlsschreiber des siegreichen Heeres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1843)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥw.t, "Schreiber des Gutes (?)" | "scribe of the estate (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3151)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Tempelschreiber" | "scribe of the temple" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 5.1-2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3153)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥmt.j, "Schreiber des Kupfererzes (?)" | "scribe of (copper) ore" [epitheton_title: title] (Baines/Parkinson, in: Fs te Velde, 15; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3093)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥr.j-ḫtm, "Schreiber, verantwortlich für das Siegel" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1415)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥsb, "Rechnungsschreiber" | "scribe of accounts" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 167.8-10; Ward, Titles, no. 1405)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥsb-jt-n-pr-Wsjr, "Rechnungsschreiber des Korns des Osiristempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 109)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥtp-nṯr, "Schreiber des Gottesopfers" | "scribe of the god's offering" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 185.17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3160)

zẖꜣ.w-ḥtp-nṯr-n-Jmn, "Schreiber des Gottesopfers des Amun" | "scribe of the god's offering of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Wente, JNES 21, 1962, 123, pl. 17; vgl. Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2091)

zẖꜣ.w-ḫr.t, "Schreiber des Schlachtviehs" | "scribe of sacrificial animals" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3164)

zẖꜣ.w-ḫtm.t-nṯr-n-Jmn, "Schreiber des Gottesschatzes des Amun" | "Scribe of the God's Treasury of Amon" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1435)

zẖꜣ.w-ḫtm.t-nṯr-n-Jmn-ḥr-zꜣ-2-n.w, "Schreiber des Gottesvermögens des Amun in der zweiten Priesterphyle" | "scribe-and god's-treasurer-of-Amun-attached-to-the-second-phyle" [epitheton_title: title] (Haikal, Nesmin, 89, 5.1; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographische Inschriften der Spätzeit, 199 (Nr. 32))

zẖꜣ.w-ḫtm.t-nṯr-nb.t, "Schreiber jedes Schatzes des Gottes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3168)

zẖꜣ.w-ẖr.t-ꜥ-n.t-nswt, "Schreiber (verantwortlich für) das Aktenbehältnis des Königs" | "scribe (responsable of) the document-case" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3177; vgl. Baud, Famille royale, 99, 291, 664)

zẖꜣ.w-spꜣ.t-n-Nʾ.t, "Bezirksschreiber von Theben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (LEM 126.8)

zẖꜣ.w-smn.tjw, "Schreiber der Prospekteure" | "scribe of prospectors (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3191)

zẖꜣ.w-sms.w, "ältester Schreiber" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, Abb. 34b)

zẖꜣ.w-sḥn.w, "Schreiber der Befehle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1918)

zẖꜣ.w-sḥn-mšꜥ, "Befehlsschreiber des Heeres" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, KÄT, 67; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 63, Anm. r; vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1921)

zẖꜣ.w-sḥn-n-pr-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Schreiber des Befehls des Tempels des Amun-Re, Königs der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 30)

zẖꜣ.w-sḥn-n-mnfꜣ.t, "Befehlsschreiber der Soldatentruppe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, KÄT, 106)

zẖꜣ.w-sḫ.wt, "Schreiber der Felder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3193)

zẖꜣ.w-sšr.w-nswt-ẖkr.w-nswt, "Schreiber des Königsleinens des Königsschmuckes" | "sribe of the royal linen of the king's regalia" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3177)

zẖꜣ.w-šꜥ.t, "Sekretär" | "secretary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2110)

zẖꜣ.w-šꜥ.t-n-pꜣ-ḫr.w-n-Ḫt, "Sekretär des Feindes von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 138.2-3)

zẖꜣ.w-šꜥ.t-n-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Sekretär des Pharao" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI IV, 114.7; vgl. Wb 3, 480.9; vgl. LÄ VI, 836)

zẖꜣ.w-šnw.t, "Scheunenschreiber" | "scribe of the granary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3203)

zẖꜣ.w-šnw.t, "Scheunenschreiber" | "scribe of the granary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3203)

zẖꜣ.w-šnw.t-pr-ḥḏ, "Schreiber der Scheune (und?) des Schatzhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3204)

zẖꜣ.w-qdw.t, "Maler; Umrisszeichner" | "draftsman; painter" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 480.11; 5, 81.3-7)

zẖꜣ.w-qdw.t, "Maler; Umrisszeichner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 480.11; 5, 81.3-7)

zẖꜣ.w-qdw.t-pr-Mꜣtj.t, "Umrisszeichner des Tempels der Matit" | "outline draughtsman of the temple of Matit" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3209)

zẖꜣ.w-qdw.t-m-s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Umrisszeichner am Platz der Wahrheit" | "draftsman of the place of truth (of sacred places)" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2132)

zẖꜣ.w-qdw.t-n-Jmn, "Umrisszeichner des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1943)

zẖꜣ.w-qdw.t-n-Jmn-m-s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Umrisszeichner des Amun am Platz der Wahrheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1946)

zẖꜣ.w-gs-dp.t, "Schreiber des Schutzes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3212)

zẖꜣ.w-ṯ.t, "Schreiber des Speisetisches" | "scribe of the offering table" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1447)

zẖꜣ.w-ṯꜣz.t, "Truppenschreiber" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3214)

zẖꜣ.w-ṯꜣz.t-gs-4-ḥm.wtj, "Schreiber der Truppen der vier Abteilungen der Handwerker" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3218)

zẖꜣ.w-dnj.w, "Rationsschreiber" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (AEO I, 33* f.)

zẖꜣ.w-ḏꜣt.t, "Schreiber des Gutes" | "scribe of the estate" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 1452; vgl. Wb 4, 98.21)

zẖꜣ.w-ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Schreiber der Gerichtsbehörde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3221)

zẖi̯, "taub sein; taub machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 3, 473.16-474.10)

zz.w, "Staub; Asche (?)" | "dust (?); ashes (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 474.13; FCD 244, KoptHWb 197)

zzi̯, "bestrafen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 545)

zzḥ, "(Feinde) besiegen" | "to destroy (enemies)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 475.1; FCD 246)

zzḥꜣ, "[allg. Bez. für Gefäße]" | "vessels" [substantive] (Wb 3, 475.2)

zš, "Schrift; Schriftstück" | "writing; writings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 476.16-479.9)

zš, "öffnen" | "to open" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 481.14-482.14; FCD 246)

zš, "Türschwelle" | "threshold" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 482.15; FCD 246; Zandee, ZÄS 98, 1972, 152)

zš, "ausbreiten; ausstreuen" | "to spread; to strew" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 482.16-483.1; FCD 246)

zš, "vorbeigehen" | "to pass (by)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 483.2; FCD 246)

zš, "Sumpf; Vogelteich; Nest" | "marsh land; pond; nest" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 483.12-485.2)

zš, "[Pflanzenprodukt aus Nubien]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 485.3)

zš, "Seil" | "[a rope]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.3818)

zš, "Lauf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 483.3-6)

zš-n=f-sbꜣ.w-ꜥꜣ.w-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "dem sich die großen Tore im Gau von Igeret auftun (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 605)

zš-n-znf, "[eine Krankheit]" | "nest of blood (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 459.7; MedWb. 762)

zši̯, "ausreißen; (sich) lösen" | "to tear out; to pull out" [verb: verb_3-inf] (EAG § 742.3; ONB 784; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 548)

zšp, "Möbelpolierer" | "polisher" [substantive] (Wb 3, 485.10; Drenkhahn; Handwerker, 125 f.; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, nos. 3222-23)

zšn, "Lotosblume" | "lotus blossom" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 485-486.14; FCD 248; Germer, Flora, 39, KoptHWb 338)

zšn, "Lotosblumenapplikation (aus Kupfer)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (JWIS III, 131.2)

zšnn, "Lotosblümchen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 486.16; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 99, Anm. 402)

zšzš, "[eine Blume]" | "[a flower]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 486.17)

zšš, "(Papyrus) reißen; (Papyrus) ziehen (zur Ausdehnung)" | "to tear out (papyrus)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 486.18; EAG § 685 b.)

zšš, "Sistrum spielen" | "to play the sistrum" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 3, 487.7-8)

zšš.t, "Sistrum" | "sistrum" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 486.19-487.6; FCD 248)

zk, "(einen Teich) graben" | "to dig out (a pool)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 3, 487.10-11)

zkr, "reisen (?)" | "to journey (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 3, 487.14; Allen, Inflection, 561)

zkzk, "[Bez. einer Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 488.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 566)

ztj, "Ocker" | "ocher" [substantive] (Wb 3, 488.3-6; DrogWb 467 f.; Harris, Minerals, 150 ff.)

ztj.w, "die Nubier" | "Nubians" [substantive] (Wb 3, 488.11-12; FCD 253)

ztj-Šmꜥ.j, "nubisches Öl von Oberägypten" | "Nubian oil of Upper Egypt" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.3947; vgl. Koura, Öle, 191)

zṯz, "herausziehen (der Schwanzfeder)" | "to pluck (tail feathers)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.4009)

S.t=s-kꜣ.w, "Setes-kau" | "Setes-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 88)

S.t-Jꜣqs, "Der Sitz des Iaqes (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 231; vgl. Junker, Giza III, 79)

S.t-Jgꜣ.j, "Sitz des Igai (19. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Osing, in: Fs Dreyer, 518), "[Nebtiname Niuserres]" | "[Nebty-name of Neuserre]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 6)

S.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Lieblingsort des Re (Sonnenheiligtum des Neferirkare)" | "Favorite-place-of-Re (sun temple of Neferirkare)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 1096; VII, 298)

S.t-jb-Ḥr.w, "Lieblingsort des Horus (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 399)

S.t-jb-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Niuserres]; [Nebtiname Osorkons III.]" | "[Horus-name of Neuserre]; [Nebty-name of Osorkon III]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 6, XXII A5)

S.t-wꜣḥ-jḫ.wt, "Ort des Niederlegens der Opfer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.6)

S.t-wr.t, "Der große Thronsitz" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 62)

S.t-wḏꜣ.t, "Platz des Udjat-Auges" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. III.3)

S.t-mnṯꜣm, "Set-mentjam" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 65 f., Anm. 105)

S.t-mtnw.t, "Ort der Belohnung (Bezeichnung der Nekropole)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (ÄIB II, 121)

S.t-ḫꜥ, "Erscheinungsstätte (des Osiris) (Name von Memphis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 13.9)

S.t-ḫn.t, "Set-chenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 62 f., Anm. 90)

S.t-kꜣ=j, "Set-kai" | "Set-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 298.23)

S.t-ḏsr.t, "Heiliger Platz" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 90 (1); vgl. Wb 5, 611.5)

Sꜣ.w, "Die Sättigung (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Sꜣ.tjw, "Satiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 161)

Sꜣ-pꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Sa-pa-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 6, Taf. I)

Sꜣꜣ, "Der Weise" | "Wise-one (?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 16.8; LGG VI, 125)

Sꜣb, "Sab" | "Sab" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 299.11)

Sꜣb.w-wr, "Der große Bunte (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 230)

Sꜣb.n, "Saben" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 38; vgl. RPN I 299.12)

Sꜣb.n-j, "Saben-i" | "Saben-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 299.12)

Sꜣb.n-j-nḏs, "Saben-i der Jüngere" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 38)

Sꜣb.t, "Sabet" | "Sabet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 299.20)

Sꜣb.t=s, "Sabtes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 38)

Sꜣb-n.j-sw, "Sabnes" | "Sabenes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 299.15)

Sꜣb-šw.t, "der Buntgefiederte (Bez. des Horus von Edfu)" | "many-colored of plumage (Horus of Edfu)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 18.1; LGG VI, 146b-148a)

Sꜣbj, "Sabi" | "Sabi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 299.16)

Sꜣbw, "Sabu" | "Sabu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 299.17)

Sꜣftj, "Safti (?)" | "Safeti (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 324.27)

Sꜣḥ, "Orion (Sternbild)" | "Orion (the constellation)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 22.1-3)

Sꜣḥ, "Orion (Bez. von verschiedenen Göttern)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 152)

Sꜣḥ.yt, "Die Herankommende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 22.7; LGG VI, 151)

Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Sahure" | "Sahure" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 2)

Sꜣḥ-tꜣ-nfr, "Sah-ta-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 300.2)

Sꜣḫ.w, "Sachu" | "Sakhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 314.13)

Sꜣq-bꜣ.w, "[Fährmann im Jenseits]" | "[a ferryman in the hereafter]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 26.6; LGG VI, 159)

Sꜣḏ, "Sadj (Fest)" | "Sadj (a mortuary festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 28.3; vgl. LÄ II, 179; VI, 646.11)

Sjꜣ, "Erkenntnis (Personifikation)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 31.2-4; LGG VI, 163 ff.)

Sjꜣ, "Sia" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 12)

Sjꜣ-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Sia-Chufu" | "Sia-Khufu" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 67)

Sjnj, "Sini" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI, 3, fig. 218)

Sꜥnḫ.t, "Seanchet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 428.21)

Sꜥnḫ-Jnp.w-Jzzj, "Anubis lässt Isesi leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 399)

Sꜥnḫ-jb-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Mentuhoteps II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 5)

Sꜥnḫ-Wꜣḏ.t-Jzzj, "Wadjet lässt Izezi leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 400)

Sꜥnḫ-wj, "Seanch-wi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 428.18)

Sꜥnḫ-wj-Ptḥ, "Seanch-wj-Ptah" | "Seankh-wi-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 300.26)

Sꜥnḫ-wj-Rꜥw, "Seanch-wi-Re" | "Seankh-wi-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 300.27)

Sꜥnḫ-Ptḥ, "Seanch-Ptah" | "Seankh-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 301.1)

Sꜥnḫ-Ptḥ-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Seanch-Ptah-Meryre" | "Seankh-Ptah-Meryre" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 301.3)

Sꜥnḫ-Ptḥ-Ttj, "Ptah lässt Teti leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Sꜥnḫ-Mw.t-Ttj, "Mut lässt Teti leben (Domäne)" | "Mut-makes-Teti-live (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery V, 42 (7); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 186)

Sꜥnḫ-Nmt.j, "Sanch-Nemti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 300.25)

Sꜥnḫ-n=j-Ptḥ, "Seancheni-Ptah" | "Seankheni-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 301.6)

Sꜥnḫ-Ḥr.w-Jzzj, "Horus lässt Izezi leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 383)

Sꜥnḫ-Sbk, "Seanch-Sobek" | "Seanch-Sobek" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 301.13)

Sꜥnḫ-Sšꜣ.t-Jzzj, "Seschat lässt Izezi leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 56)

Sꜥnḫ-Sšꜣ.t-Wnjs, "Seschat lässt Unas leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 123)

Sꜥnḫy, "Seanchy" | "Seankhy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 301.20)

Sꜥḥ.w-n.tjw-ḥr-tmꜣ=sn, "Die Mumien, die auf ihrer Matte sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 199c)

Sꜥḥ.w-šps.w-r-gs-Rꜥw, "Die verehrungswürdigen Mumien zur Seite Res" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 200)

Sꜥšꜣ-qn.w, "[Goldname Inys] (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXII A 8)

Sw, "Su" | "Su" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ VI, 106-8; Montet, Géographie II, 190; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 363 ff.)

Sw.t-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Die Sut-Opfergabe des Chephren (Domäne)" | "Sut-Offering-of-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 225)

Sw-pꜣ-ṯꜣw, "Su-pa-tjau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Janssen, OMRO 41, 1960, 37, 43 Anm.h; vgl. RPN 299, 302.1-3)

Sw-kꜣ=j, "Su-kai" | "Su-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VI, abb. 62)

Swꜣ.w, "Vorübergehender (Dämon)" | "passer by (a demon)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.3379; Flessa, pWien Aeg 8426, 42)

Swꜣ.wt, "Vorübergehende (Dämonin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pChester Beatty IX, vs. 18.1)

Swꜣḥ.t, "Suahet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 63.15)

Swꜣḏ.n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Nebirieraus I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 6)

Swꜣḏ-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Senaaibs]; [Horusname Nebirieraus I.]; [Goldname Apries]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII j; Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 6; Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 4)

Swjꜣ, "Suia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 302.19)

Swy, "Suy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Müller, in: Fs Junge, 465)

Swn.w, "Syene" | "Syene (Aswan)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 69.4; LÄ VII, 297)

Swtjw, "Sutiu" | "[a locality]" [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, AL 78.3372; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 459)

Swḏ.t-Ṯy, "Das Vermächtnis des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Sbꜣ, "Seba" | "Seba" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 303.9)

Sbꜣ.yt, "Sternenhafte" | "the starry one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 83.7-8; LGG VI, 243 f.)

Sbꜣq, "Erhellender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 245)

Sbj.w-jw.tjw-rn=sn, "Namenlose Rebellen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 249)

Sbj.w-n.w-Ḥr.w, "Widersacher des Horus" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (pBremner-Rhind 25.4)

Sbj.wt, "Sebjut" | "Sebyut (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 20; Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Sbjr, "Sabil (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 4; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 168)

Sby.t, "[eine Göttin]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 89.2; LGG VI, 252)

Sbḫ.wt-m-jmn.t, "Die Pforten im Westen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 255)

Sbq.t, "Sobqet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 94.16-17; LGG VI, 257)

Sbk, "Sobek" | "Sobek" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 95.2; LGG VI, 258 ff.)

Sbk.w, "Sebeku" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.3)

Sbk.wj, "Die beiden Krokodile" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 265), "Sobekti" | "Sobekti" [entity_name: person_name] (Weigall, Travels, pl. VII, 7; vgl. Eichler, Expeditionswesen, 82)

Sbk-wsr.w, "Sobek-useru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 304.1)

Sbk-m-ḥꜣb, "Sobek-em-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 304.5)

Sbk-m-zꜣ=f, "Sobekemsaf" | "Sobekemsaf (personal name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 3, 10)

Sbk-nḫt.w, "Sobek-nachtu" | "Sobek-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 304.15)

Sbk-Rꜥw, "Sobek-Re" | "Sobek-Re" [entity_name: gods_name] (LÄ VII, 325)

Sbk-rmt=s, "Sobek-remetes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 304.21)

Sbk-ḥnt, "Sobek-henet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, Meir I, pl. 84)

Sbk-ḥtp.w, "Sobek-hetepu" | "Sobek-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 305.6)

Sbk-ḥtp.w, "Sobekhotep" | "Sobekhotep (personal name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 12, 16, 21, 24, 25, 28, 32)

Sbk-ḥtp.w-nḫn, "Sobek-hetepu, der Jüngere" | "Sobek-hetepu the younger" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 305.7)

Sbk-ḥtp-j, "Sobek-hetep-j" | "Sobek-hetep-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 305.10)

Sbk-Šd.ty, "Sobek von Krokodilopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 263 f.)

Sbk-qꜣj, "Sobek-qai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 332.16)

Sbt.j-m-ptḥ, "Sebti-em-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.6)

Sp.t-Stẖ, "Lippe des Seth" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 268)

Spꜣ, "Sepa (heiliger Ort des Anubis)" | "Sepa" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 101.1-4; GDG V, 27 f.; LÄ VI, 107, VII, 280, 297)

Spꜣ.y, "Sepay" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 273)

Spꜣ.t-mꜣ.t, "Sepat-mat" | "Sepatmaat (locality between Thebes and el-Rizeiqat (Sumenu))" [entity_name: place_name] (James, Hekanakhte, 6-8, 132)

Spw, "Sepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 40)

Spr=j-r-ꜥnḫ, "Seperi-er-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.13)

Spr=tw-n=s, "Zu der man kommt (Schlange)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 275)

Spr=tw-r=s-zp-n=s-tꜣ, "Zu der man kommt, der das Land überlassen ist (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 275)

Sprr, "Schuppiluliuma" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.15; Schneider, Personennamen, 181)

Spḥ-Wr.t, "Der die Große mit dem Lasso fängt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 276)

Spṯr, "Sipitaili" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.16; Schneider, Personennamen, 181 f.; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 327)

Spd, "[der dem Sirius entsprechende Dekan]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 111.5-8)

Spd.w, "Sopdu" | "Sopdu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 111.1-3; LGG VI, 289 ff.)

Spd.w-Ḥr.w-ꜥꜣ, "Sopdu-Horus, der Große" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 31.9)

Spd.w-Ḥr.w-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Sopdu-Horus, der Triumphierende" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 31.10)

Spd.w-ḥr-ẖn.t, "Sopdu-her-chenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 4, 11)

Spd.w-ḥtp.w, "Sopdu-hetepu" | "Sopdu-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.22)

Spd.wj, "Sepedui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XVI)

Spd.t, "Sirius (Stern)" | "Sirius" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 111.9-20; LÄ V, 1110 ff.)

Spd.t, "Sothis (Stern des Sirius als Göttin)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 292 ff.)

Spd-wr, "Der große Scharfe" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 110.15-16; LGG VI, 282)

Sfy-n-nbw, "Das Kind von Gold (Name des Osiris)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 298a)

Sfḫ.t-ꜥb.wj, "Die die beiden Hörner löst" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 303)

Sfḫ-nfr, "Sefech-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 306.24)

Sfḫw, "Sefechu" | "Sefekhu" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 11)

Sfg-jr.w, "Der mit verborgener (?) Gestalt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 118.7; LGG VI, 305)

Sm.w-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Das Gemüse des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Vegetables of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa-Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 114 (2))

Smꜣ, "Wildstier" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 328)

Smꜣ.t, "Wildkuh" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 124.13; LGG VI, 329)

Smꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Sema-anch" | "Sema-anch" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 163)

Smꜣ-ḫr.ww=f, "Der seine Feinde tötet (Name eines Löwen)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 129.6)

Smꜣꜥ-ḫrw-Rꜥw-r-ḫft.jw=f, "Re über seine Feinde triumphieren lassen (Name einer Spruchfolge)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Smy.t, "Die Anklägerin" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 129.15; LGG VI, 333)

Smw.t, "Semut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 307.5)

Smbꜣq, "Sembaq (Ort im Westdelta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 73 f.)

Smn, "Semen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 307.7)

Smn.w-Ḥr.w, "Semenu-Hor (Metropole des 21. o.äg. Gau) (Kafr Ammar)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 37; Montet, Géographie II, 195; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 372 f.)

Smn.t-Jnj, "Kultstätte des Ini (Domäne)" | "Establishment-of-Ini (Neuserre) (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Smn.t-Jzzj, "Kultstätte des Izezi (Domäne)" | "Establishment-of-Isesy (Djedkare) (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Smn.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Die lebende Nilgans" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 343)

Smn.t-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Kultstätte des Userkaf (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 273)

Smn.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Kultstätte des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 383)

Smn.t-Ṯy, "Kultstätte des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Smn.tjt, "Klageweib" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 342)

Smn-Ptḥ-ꜥnḫ-Ttj, "Ptah lässt das Leben des Teti dauern (Domäne)" | "Ptah-makes-the-life-of-Teti-endure (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq,Teti-Cemetery V, 43 (12); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 193)

Smn-Mꜣꜥ.t-ḫt-Tꜣ.wj, "[Goldname Ramses' I.]" | "[Gold Horus name of Ramesses I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsanmen, XIX 1)

Smn-sḫr.w, "Semen-secheru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, Papyri, 12, pl. 11-12)

Smn-tꜣ.wj, "Semen-taui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 307.11)

Smnḫ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Perfektion des Kai-em-neferet (?) (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Smr.t-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Semeret-Djedefre" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 307.22)

Smr-kꜣ, "Semer-ka" | "Semer-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 307.18)

Smrts, "Sumitilis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 307.23; Schneider, Personennamen, 184; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 327 f.)

Sms.w, "Ältester" | "Oldest-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 142.12-16; LGG VI, 347 f.)

Sms.ww, "Die Ältesten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 356)

Sms-pḥ.wj, "Der das Ende entstehen lässt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 346)

Smsr.w, "Semseru (Ersatzname des Sopdu)" | "Semseru (identified with Sopdu)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 143.12; LGG VI, 358)

Smsr.w-Šw, "Semseru-Schu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, xvi.8)

Smt, "Der Hörende" | "Semty" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 144.9-10; LGG VI, 358)

Smd.t, "Semdet (Halbmonatsfest am 15. Tag des Monats)" | "Semdet (festival on the 15th day of the lunar month)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 147.1; vgl. LÄ II, 173)

Smd.t, "Semdet" | "Semedet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 308.3), "Semdetet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 428.26)

Sn, "Sen" | "Sen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 308.6)

Sn=j-nfr.w, "Seni-neferu" | "Seni-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 309.5)

Sn=j-snb.w, "Seni-senebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 309.19)

Sn=f-ꜥnḫ.w, "Senef-anchu" | "Seni-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 315.26)

Sn=sn, "Senesen" | "Senesen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 310.9)

Sn.j, "Seni" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 378)

Sn.w, "Senu" | "Senu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 311.5)

Sn.w, "Senu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 40)

Sn.wj, "Die Zwei (zwei Götter als Paar)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 148.8; LGG VI, 368)

Sn.wt, "Senut (Fest am 6. Tag des Mondmonats)" | "Senut (festival on the 6th day of the lunar month)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 153.4-6; LÄ II, 173)

Sn.wt, "Senut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (KRI VI, 519.13; vgl. Wb 4, 153.4-6)

Sn.nw, "Senenu" | "Senenu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 310.21)

Sn.nw-ꜥnḫ.w, "Senenu-anchu" | "Senenu-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 310.23)

Sn.nwt, "Senenut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 3)

Sn.t, "Senet" | "Senet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 311.12)

Sn.t, "Schwesterauge" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 369)

Sn.t-j, "Senet-i" | "Senet-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 312.1), "Senti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 378)

Sn-jw, "Sen-iu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 308.11)

Sn-ꜥnḫ.w, "Sen-anchu" | "Sen-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 308.14)

Sn-mrr, "Sen-merer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 308.24)

Sn-n-Mw.t, "Senenmut" | "Senenmut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 309.3)

Sn-rḥ.wj, "Sen-rehui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 309.9)

Sn-kꜣ.w, "Sen-kau" | "Sen-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (Roccati, JEA 54, 1968, 17)

Snj, "Seni" | "Seni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 310.11)

Sny, "Seny" | "Senyi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 310.19)

Snꜥꜥ-jb, "Senaa-ib" | "Senaa-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 312.14)

Snꜥꜥ-jb, "Senaa-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII j)

Snw, "Pelusium (Weingegend)" | "Pelusium (wine producing region)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 14; vgl. LÄ IV, 925; vgl. Wb 4, 155.8-9)

Snb, "Seneb" | "Seneb" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 312.15)

Snb=f, "Senebef" | "Senebef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.5)

Snb=f-n=j, "Senebef-eni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.9)

Snb=s, "Senebes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.15)

Snb.w, "Senebu (Göttergruppe)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Lepsius, Todtenbuch, 71.3)

Snb.w-kꜣ=j, "Senebu-kai" | "Senebu-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (hassan, Giza VI.3, fig. 53)

Snb.wj, "Senebui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.3)

Snb.t, "Senebet" | "Senebet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 313.27), "Senebtifi" | "Senebtief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.23)ḥtp.w, "Senebtifi-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10026, 2, 4), "Senebtisi" | "Senebties" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.25)

Snb-wḏꜣ.w, "Seneb-udjau" | "Seneb-wedjau" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 51 (Nr. 87))

Snb-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Gesundheit des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 382)

Snb-n=j, "Seneb-eni" | "Seneb-eni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 313.5)

Snbj, "Senebi" | "Senebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 313.23)

Snbw, "Senebu" | "Senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 314.2)

Snbb.w, "Senebebu" | "Senebebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 315.6)

Snfr.y, "Senefery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 315.15)

Snfr.w, "Snofru" | "Snofru" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 315.18)

Snfr.w, "Snofru" | "Snofru" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 1)

Snfr.w-ḫꜥ.w, "Snofru-chau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10081 C, 2, 4)

Snm.t, "Bigga (Insel am 1. Katarakt)" | "Biga (the island)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 40; LÄ I, 792 f.)

Snn, "Senen" | "Senen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 315.24)

Snn.y, "Seneny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.8)

Snn.y, "Seneny" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 74-75)

Snn.w, "Senenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.9)

Snn.w-jdw, "Senenu-idu" | "Senenu-idu" [entity_name: person_name] (Inscr. Sinai, 66 (no. 22))

Snn-s, "Senen-es" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.4)

Snr, "Sener (Sel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.10)

Snk, "Dunkler" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 176.1; LGG VI, 398)

Sngr, "Babylonien" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (AOS I, 209* ff.; Edel, Ortsnamen 2, 8)

Snṯr-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Der Weihrauch des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Snṯr-H̱nj, "Weihrauch des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Incense-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, El- Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Snṯr-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Der Weihrauch des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 288)

Snd, "Sened" | english translation missing [entity_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, II 5)

Snḏ, "Fürchterlicher" | "Timid-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 185.5; LGG VI, 402 f.)

Snḏm, "Senedjem" | "Senedjem" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.20)

Snḏm-jb, "Senedjem-ib" | "Senedjem-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.21)

Sr, "Ser" | "Ser" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.25)

Sr, "Ser" | "Ser" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 316.24)

Sr.w, "Die Fürsten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 422)

Sr.t, "Speos Artemidos" | "Speos Artemidos" [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 325; vgl. GDG V, 91)

Sr.t-nhp-nb.t-ꜥḥꜥ, "Die den Morgen ankündigt, Herrin der Mittagszeit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.7)

Sr-Mnṯ.w, "Ser-Monthu" | "Ser-Monthu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.2)

Sr-Ḏḥ, "Ser-Djehuti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.3)

Srj, "Seri" | "Seri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.5)

Sry, "Sery" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 316.22)

Sry.w, "Seryu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.7)

Srwtj, "Seruti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.19)

Srwḏ-Ptḥ-ꜥnḫ-Wnjs, "Ptah lässt das Leben von Unas gedeihen (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 319)

Srwḏ-Rꜥw-Kꜣkꜣj, "Serudj-Re-Kakai" | "Serudj-Re-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 655)

Srwḏ-Ḥr.w-Jzzj, "Horus lässt Isesi gedeihen (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 297)

Srwḏ-H̱nm.w-Wnjs, "Chnum lässt Unas gedeihen (Domäne)" | "Khnum-strengthens-Unas (a domain]" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Srwḏ-H̱nm.w-Ttj, "Chnum lässt Teti gedeihen (Domäne)" | "Khnum-strengthens-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Srnyk, "Serenyk (Ort in Nubien)" | "Serenyk" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 42; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 150 f.)

Srrṯ, "Sereretj" | "Sereretj" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.16)

Srsw, "Sersu" | "Sersu" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Srq.t, "Selqet" | "Selkis" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 203.17-19; LGG VI, 438 ff.)

Srḏy.t, "Seredjyt" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 317.21)

Sḥ.tt, "Sehetet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Lapp, Pap. Nu, pl. 44)

Sḥjḥ.t, "Sehihet" | "Sehihet" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Sḥꜥ.t-bꜣ.w-nṯr.w-ptr.t-ḥḥ, "Die die Bas der Götter preist und die die Millionen erblickt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 449)

Sḥw-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Vorräte des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Sḥw-Ṯy, "Die Vorräte des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 365)

Sḥnn, "Sehenen (Ort des Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Hornung, Totenbuch, 275)

Sḥnn, "Sehenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 219.6)

Sḥr-nw, "Seher-nu (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 56)

Sḥr-ḥmw.t-rʾ, "Vertreibung und andere Sprüche (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 354 (1576))

Sḥtp.w, "Sehetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 318.18)

Sḥtp.n=s, "Sie hat zufrieden gestellt (9. Nachtstunde)" | "She-who-has-satisfied (an hour of the night)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch II, 61, Anm. 13; LGG VI, 462)

Sḥtp-jb, "Sehetep-ib" | "Sehetep-ib" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 318.1)

Sḥtp-jb-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenemhets I.]; [Thronname Sehetepibres]; [Thronname Petubastis III.]" | "Sehetepibre (throne name of Amenemhat I, of other kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen; XII 1; XIII 5; XXVA a)

Sḥtp-jb-Rꜥw, "Sehetep-ib-Re" | "Sehetep-ib-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 318.6)

Sḥtp-Bꜣs.tjt-Ttj, "Bastet stellt Teti zufrieden (Domäne)" | "Bastet-satisfies-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Sḥtp-Ptḥ-Wnjs, "Ptah stellt Unas zufrieden (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 123)

Sḥtp-Ptḥ-Ttj, "Ptah stellt Teti zufrieden (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 311)

Sḥtp-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-Wnjs, "Hathor stellt Unas zufrieden (Domäne)" | "Hathor-satisfies-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti-Cemetery V, 43 (18); vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 308)

Sḥtp-Ḥkꜣ-Wnjs, "Heka stellt Unas zufrieden (Domäne)" | "Heka-satisfies-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Sḥtp-Ḥkꜣ-Ttj, "Heka stellt Teti zufrieden (Domäne)" | "Heka-satisfies-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Sḥtp-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Einer der Chephren zufrieden macht (Domäne)" | "One-who-satisfies-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Sḥtp-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Tetis, Apophis]" | "[Horus name of Teti, of Apophis]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 1, XV 5)

Sḥd.w-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Sehedu Djedefre (Pyramidenanlage des Djedefre)" | "Sehed-Djedefre (pyramid complex (?) of Djedefre)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 5; vgl. Helck, OLZ 54, 1959, 19; Stadelmann, Pyramiden, 126)

Sḥḏ.t-Jzzj, "Aufseherin von Asosi (Domäne)" | "Inspector-of-Isesy (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471 (s.v. smrt-Izzi))

Sḥḏ-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Einer der erleuchtet ist Chephren (Domäne)" | "One-who-illuminates-is-Chephren (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 226)

Sḫ.wj, "Sechwy (Schlange im Jenseits, Wächter)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 499)

Sḫ.t, "Sechet (Göttin des Feldes)" | "Sekhet (goddess of the marshlands)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 231.8-12; LÄ V, 778; LGG VI, 495)

Sḫ.t, "Feld" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 49)

Sḫ.t-jꜣm, "[Bez. der Oasen westlich des Deltas]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 230.12-13; LÄ IV, 472; RITANC I, 30)

Sḫ.t-jꜥr.w, "Aufsteigergefilde" | "Marsh of ascenders" [entity_name: place_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/D ant/W 59)

Sḫ.t-jzr, "Tamariskenfeld" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1962b)

Sḫ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Sechet-aat" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 52; KRI VII, 333.14)

Sḫ.t-mfkꜣ.t, "Türkisgefilde" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 936c; Montet, Géographie I, 62)

Sḫ.t-n.t-Rʾ-wp.y, "Das Feld von Ra-upi (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 230)

Sḫ.t-nṯr, "Gottesfeld" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 54)

Sḫ.t-Rꜥw, "Feld des Re; Feld des Re (1. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 55)

Sḫ.t-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Das Feld der Hathor (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 256)

Sḫ.t-ḥmꜣ.t, "Salzfeld (Wadi Natrun)" | "Wadi el-Natrun (lit. Field-of-salt)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 230.11; LÄ VI, 1114 und VII, 287)

Sḫ.t-ḥtp, "Sechet-hetep (Bezirk des Osirisheiligtums in Athribis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ III, 385)

Sḫ.t-ḥṯ.t, "Das Feld der Hyäne (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 204)

Sḫ.t-ḥḏr.t, "Feld des Hederet-Tieres" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249)

Sḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Das Feld des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Field-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 472)

Sḫ.t-znḥm.w, "Heuschreckenfeld" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 67 f., Anm. 116)

Sḫ.t-Snb, "Das Feld des Seneb (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 305)

Sḫ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Feld des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 286)

Sḫ.t-Ṯy, "Das Feld des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 363)

Sḫ.t-ḏꜥ.w, "Das Feld des Djau (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 230 f.)

Sḫꜣ.y-n-jtj, "Sechay-en-iti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny, LRL, 55.16 (Nr. 36))

Sḫꜣ.t-Ḥr.w, "Sechat-Hor" | "Sekhat-Hor (a sacred cow)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 235.7-11; LGG VI, 500 f.)

Sḫꜥ.t-nfr.w-Rꜥw, "Die die Vollendung des Re erscheinen lässt" | "She-who-makes-the-beauty-of-Re-appear" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Roulin, Livre de la Nuit I, 344; II, 162; LGG VI, 503)

Sḫꜥ-mꜣꜥ.t, "[Nebtiname Sesostris' II.]" | "[Nebty-name of Senwosret II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 4)

Sḫm, "[Goldname Pepis II.]" | "[Gold-Horus name of Pepy II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 5)

Sḫm, "Sechem" | "Sekhem" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 317.3)

Sḫm.t, "Sachmet" | "Sakhmet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 250.7; LGG VI, 566 ff.)

Sḫm.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Sachmet, die Große" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 560 f.)

Sḫm.t-Bꜣs.tjt, "Sachmet-Bastet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 562)

Sḫm.t-n.t-Ṯb-nṯr, "Sachmet von Sebennytos" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.1)

Sḫm-Jmn.y-ꜥnḫ-ḏ.t, "Sechem-Imeny-anch-djet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 51 f.)

Sḫm-Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Mächtig ist Amenemhet (Pyramidenstadt Amenemhets II.)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Vgl. Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 415 f.)

Sḫm-ꜥnḫ-Ptḥ, "Sechem-anch-Ptah" | "Sekhem-ankh-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 319.11)

Sḫm-ꜥnḫ-Rꜥw, "Sechem-anch-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 319.12)

Sḫm-Ptḥ, "Sechem-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 319.13)

Sḫm-pḥ.tj-dr-Pḏ.wt-9, "[Nebtiname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Sḫm-pḥ.tjt, "Sechem-Pechtet (Ort bei Piramesse)" | "Sechem-Pechtet" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 46)

Sḫm-n-p.t-wn-jtn-ḥmw-nfr-n-p.t-jꜣb.tjt, "Macht des Himmels, die die (Sonnen-)Scheibe öffnet, Schönes Ruder des Osthimmels (eines der vier Himmelsruder)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LGG VI, 534)

Sḫm-Rꜥw, "Sechem-Ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 319.14)

Sḫm-Rꜥw-wꜣḥ-ḫꜥ.w, "[Thronname Rahoteps]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 2)

Sḫm-Rꜥw-ḫw-Tꜣ.wj, "[Thronname Sobekhoteps II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 16)

Sḫm-Rꜥw-swsr-Tꜣ.wj, "[Thronname Sobekhoteps VIII.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII g)

Sḫm-Rꜥw-šd-Tꜣ.wj, "[Thronname Sobekemsafs II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 10)

Sḫm-rn=s-m-ḥmw.t=s, "Deren Name durch ihre Kunstfertigkeit mächtig ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 537)

Sḫm-ḥr, "Mächtig an Gesicht" | "powerful of face" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 271; LGG VI, 538 f.)

Sḫm-Ḫꜥi̯-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Stark ist Chakaure, der Gerechtfertigte (Festung Semna West)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ V, 843; vgl. GDG III, 37;)

Sḫm-ẖ.t, "[Horusname Djoser-Tetis]" | "Sekhemkhet (Horus-name of Djoser-Teti)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III 3)

Sḫm-Z-n-wsr.t-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Sesostris, der Gerechtfertigte, ist mächtig (Totentempel Sesostris' II.)" | "Senwosret-justified-is-mighty (funerary temple of Senwosret II)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 6; VII, 297)

Sḫm-kꜣ=j, "Sechem-kai" | "Sekhem-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 319.18)

Sḫm-Ttj, "Die Macht des Teti (Domäne)" | "Might-of-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Sḫmḫ-jb-Ttj, "Das Erfreuen des Teti (Domäne)" | "Enjoyment-of-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 471)

Sḫn.y, "Umfangender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 254.13; LGG VI, 570)

Sḫnt.w, "Sechentu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 429.1)

Sḫnt.w-kꜣ, "Sechentu-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 320.5)

Sḫr-Ꜥꜣpp-ḫft.j-n-Rꜥw-m-ẖꜣp.t-ḫr-psḏ-Rꜥw, "Niederwerfen des Apophis, des Feindes des Re, im Gewitter während des Scheinens des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 358 (1591b))

Sḫr-ḥft.jw-n.w-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "Niederwerfen der Feinde des Re-Harachte" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (pBremner-Rhind 24.21)

Sḫr-ḫft.j-ꜥnḫ, "Niederwerfen des Feindes des Lebenden (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 359 (1593))

Sḫd.w, "die auf den Kopf Gestellten (verdammte Tote in der Unterwelt)" | "those who are upside down (the damned, in the nether world)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 266.11; LGG VI, 593)

Sḫd-ḥr-mds-ẖꜣ.t=sn, "Der mit umgedrehtem Gesicht, der ihren Leichnam zerschneidet (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 8.5; vgl. LGG III, 473a)

Sẖ.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Sechet-Körnerfrucht des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 381)

Sẖ.t-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Sechet-Körnerfrucht des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Sekhet-grain of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (17))

Sẖ.t-H̱nj, "Sechet-Körnerfrucht des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Sekhet-grain-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, El Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Sẖ.t-Ṯy, "Sechet-Körnerfrucht des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 364)

Ssj-sw, "[Eigenname Ramses' II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX, 3)

Ssf-ḫft.jw, "Verbrennen der Feinde (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 359 (1596))

Sšꜣ.t, "Seschat" | "Seshat" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 280.6-11; LGG VI, 608 f.)

Sšꜣ.t-m-Ḥw.t-Sšꜣ.t, "Seschat im Tempel der Seschat" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 611)

Sšꜣ.t-ḥtp.w, "Seschat-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 259.18, vgl. 320.16 (3))

Sšp.t-jtn-ḏ.t, "Die mit leuchtender Sonnenscheibe, die Gebende (?) (5. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 617)

Sšp.t-ḫꜥ.w, "Die mit leuchtender Erscheinung" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 618)

Sšp.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Gurke des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Sšm.w, "Seschemu" | "Seshemu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 320.22)

Sšm.w-Ḫpr.j, "Abbild des Chepri" | "image of Khepry" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 640; vgl. Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 3, 2)

Sšm.w-kꜣ, "Seschemu-ka (?)" | "Seshemu-ka (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 320.24)

Sšm.w-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Sesostris' II.]" | "[Horus-name of Senwosret II]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XII 4)

Sšm.ww-dwꜣ.t, "Die Führer (durch) die Unterwelt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 631)

Sšm-nfr, "Seschem-nefer" | "Seshem-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 320.17)

Sšr, "Sescher" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kaplony, Or 41, 1972, 191)

Sštꜣ-Wsjr, "Der Osiris verheimlicht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 297.9; LGG VI, 647)

Sqn.n-Rꜥw, "Seqenenre" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 14)

Sqd, "Seqed" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT VI, 318a; vgl. LGG VI, 660)

Sqd-ḥr, "Der mit wachsamem Gesicht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 310.4; LGG VI, 660)

Sk, "[Genius des Mehls (?)]" | "[a divine being]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.3887; LGG VI, 662)

Sk-ḥr, "Der mit abgewischtem Gesicht" | "[a god]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 311.5; LGG VI, 661)

Skꜣ.j, "Sekai" | "Sekai" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery VI, 16 (29))

Skm.yw, "Die Alt-Gewordenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 318.5; vgl. LGG VI, 664)

Skmm, "Sichem" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 66; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 173 f.)

Sksk.t-jw.w-m-nhp, "Die die vernichtet, die im Morgengrauen kommen (Torwächterin der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 676)

Sgꜣ, "Der Hügel (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 251 (1))

Sgꜣ-Snb, "Der Hügel des Seneb (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 305)

Sgꜣ-Ṯy, "Der Hügel des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

St.w, "Schießender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 327.15; LGG VI, 679)

St-mw, "Seti-mu (?)" | "Seti-mu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 321.22)

Stj, "Suti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 321.17)

Stj.w, "Die beiden Pfeile" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 684)

Sthb, "Seteheb (Ort in Nubien)" | "Seteheb" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 93; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 152 f.)

Stẖ, "Seth" | "Seth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 345.3-5; LGG VI, 691 ff.)

Stẖ, "Seth (Name eines Heeres)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (KRI II, 23.6 ff.)

Stẖ.j, "Sethi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 322.7)

Stẖ.y-mr-n-Jmn, "[Eigenname Sethos I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Stẖ.y-mr-n-Ptḥ, "Sethos-mer-en-Ptah" | "Sety-mer-en-Ptah (personal name of Sety I, II)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2, 6)

Stẖ-ꜥꜣ-pḥ.tj, "Seth-aa-pehti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 288.6)

Stẖ-ꜥnḫ, "Seth-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Gardiner, RdE 6, 1950, 125, 133 (Z.8))

Stẖ-m-ḥꜣb, "Seth-em-hab" | "Seth-em-hab" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 321.31)

Stẖ-n-Ḫt, "Seth von Chatti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 696)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Jrnn, "Seth von Arinna" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 697)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Ptrq, "Seth von Pattiariq" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 697)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Rḫsn, "Seth von Lichsina" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 697)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Ḫrp, "Seth von Aleppo" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 697)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Ḫssḫp, "Seth von Chissashapa" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 698)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Srs, "Seth von Sarissa" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 698)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Sḫpn, "Seth von Sachpina" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 698)

Stẖ-n-dmj-n-Ḏpjrnd, "Seth von Zippalanda" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 698)

Stẖ-ḥr-tp-ḏw, "Seth auf dem Hügel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 697)

Stẖ-ḥḏw=f-r=f, "Seth, dessen Bosheit gegen ihn selbst gezählt wird (Name des Seth im 16. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 21, x+7.24)

Sṯ.t, "Asien" | "Asia" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 348.3-5; LÄ VII, 247)

Sṯ.t, "Sehel" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 94 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung, I, 16; Locher, Topographie, 94 ff.)

Sṯꜣ.t-šps.jt-m-Rʾ-sṯꜣ, "Die verehrungswürdige Nekropole in Ra-setau" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 705 a)

Sṯꜣ-Wsjr, "Der Osiris zieht" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI, 702)

Sṯꜣ-Psḏ.t-ꜥ.wj=sn-m-jꜣ.w-n-ḥr=s, "Die vor der die Götterneunheit ihre Arme in Verehrung ausstreckt (Torwächterin in der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 13.13; vgl. LGG VI, 704)

Sṯj.t, "Satet" | "Satet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 348.7-8; LGG VI, 700)

Sṯj-ꜥnḫ, "Setji-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 322.19)

Sṯy-jtj=f, "Setji-itief" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10047, 3, 6)

Sṯp.t-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Auserwähltes des Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Sṯf, "Setjef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 317.26)

Sd, "Sed (Ort in Nubien)" | "Sed" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 96; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 154)

Sd.w-ḥr.jw-rʾ, "Die mit dem Schwanz am Mund (Schlangen)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 11 (B2.14))

Sd-ḥtp.w, "Sed-hetepu (?)" | "Sed-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (Inscr. Sinai, 65 (no. 19); vgl. Edel, NAWG 1983, 6, 158 (Abb.1))

Sdꜣ-wr, "Der große Kuhreiher" | "Great heron" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VI 715)

Sdꜣwg, "Sedaug" | "Sedaug" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 323.11)

Sdj, "Sedi" | "Sedi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti-Cemetery VI, 16 (.31))

Sdg, "Der Verberger" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 373.2; LGG VI, 719)

Sḏ.tjw, "[Dämonen]" | "destroyer (a divine being)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.3989; LGG VI, 723)

Sḏꜥ, "Sedja" | "Sedja" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 323.18)

Sḏfꜣ.w-Wnjs, "Einer, der versorgt, ist Unas (Domäne)" | "He-who-is-provisioned-is-Unas (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 472)

Sḏfꜣ.w-Ptḥ, "Sedjefau-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 429.12)

Sḏfꜣ.w-Ttj, "Einer, der versorgt, ist Teti (Domäne)" | "He-who-is-provisioned-is-Teti (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 472)

Sḏm, "Das Hören (personifiziert als Gott)" | "Hearing (personification)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 388.5; LGG VI, 741 f.)

Sḏm.w-Jmn, "Sedjemu-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 323.19)

SḏḤr.w-šn, "[Fest in Abydos]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 393.1)

Sḏr-wꜥ.tj, "Nacht allein zubringen (Zeremonie der Osirismysterien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 21)

s, "[eine Gans]" | "[a goose]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 1.5-6)

s.t, "[zur Bildung von Abstrakta]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Firchow, ZÄS 79, 1954, 91-94)

s.t, "Sitz; Stelle; Stellung; Thron; Wohnsitz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 1-6.20)

s.t-ꜣḫ.t, "[Bez. eines Heiligtums]; [Bez. einer Nekropole]; [Bez. einer Ortschaft]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 14.10-11; Meeks, Mythes, 117, Anm. 371)

s.t-jb, "Lieblingsort; Vorliebe" | "favorite place; favorite" [substantive] (Wb 4, 4.3-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 432; vgl. FCD 206)

s.t-jḫ.t, "Speisung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1182a; Firchow, ZÄS 79, 1954, 93)

s.t-ꜥ, "Tätigkeit; Einwirkung; Einwirkungsstelle (med.)" | "work; activity; effect (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 157.5; MedWb 701.1-2)

s.t-ꜥḥꜥ, "Standort; Aufenthaltsort" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 21, x+6.10)

s.t-wꜣḥ, "Halteplatz" | english translation missing [substantive] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostr., pl. 80 -1)

s.t-wr.t, "großer Thron (Königs-/Götterthron)" | "great seat (throne)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 7.4-7)

s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Platz der Wahrheit (Bez. für heilige Orte/Tempel)]" | "place of truth (gen., of sacred places)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 6.22)

s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Platz der Wahrheit (Nekropole)" | "place of truth (necropolis)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 7.1,3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 3; vgl. GDG V, 75)

s.t-ns, "Zunge" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 320.16)

s.t-Rꜥw, "Thron des Re (Himmel)" | "throne of Re (the sky)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.3253; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 950)

s.t-rʾ, "Mund; Äußerung; Bevollmächtigung" | "utterance (place of the mouth); authority" [substantive] (Wb 4, 4.7-11; FCD 206; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 951)

s.t-rd, "Standort; Rang" | "post; rank" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 461.11-12; FCD 206; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 951)

s.t-Ḥr.w, "Königsthron" | "seat of Horus (king's throne)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 7.21-24)

s.t-ḥms, "Wohnsitz; Wohnraum" | "residence" [substantive] (Wb 3, 97.11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 3)

s.t-ḥr, "Aufsicht" | english translation missing [substantive] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 432; FCD 206; vgl. Wb 4, 4.13)

s.t-ḥz, "Verschmutzung" | english translation missing [substantive] (KÄT, Lehre des Dua-Cheti II, 108, 110 (e))

s.t-smtr, "Untersuchungshof" | "place of making inquiries" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 5.10)

s.t-štꜣ.w, "Verborgenheit; Geheimnis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT I, 8c)

s.t-štꜣ.t, "geheimer Ort (mythischer Ort, wo Leiche des Osiris ruht)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 451)

s.t-štꜣ.t, "der verborgene Thron" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16, 15-16)

s.t-qb.t, "Erheiterung" | "entertainment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 23.18; FCD 207)

s.t-qsn.t, "böser Zustand" | "evil case" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 70.8; FCD 207)

s.t-ḏr.t, "Handfertigkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (LEM 14.3), "Thronfolger; Stellvertreter" | "successor; deputy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 8.1-9; FCD 207)ꜥw, "Stellvertreter des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 68), "Stellvertreter des Geb" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.2), "Stellvertreter des Geb" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 145.14)

sꜣ, "Rücken; Rückseite" | "back; back (of something)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 8.14-10.3)

sꜣ, "Außen; Außenseite" | "outside" [substantive] (Wb 4, 12.17-13.3)

sꜣ, "Augenlid" | "upper eyelids" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 9.18-19; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

sꜣ, "nach (temp.)" | "after" [preposition] (Wb 4, 10 ff.; ENG § 654.3; Junge, Näg. Gr. 363 (Index))

sꜣ, "Nachbehandlung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 706)

sꜣ.w, "Sättigung" | "satiety" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 15.20-21; FCD 208; MedWb 708)

sꜣ.w, "Zerschnittenes (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 421 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 333; ONB 676 ff., Anm. 755)

sꜣ.wj, "Gold" | "gold two-thirds fine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 13.10-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 788 f.; Harris, Minerals, 38 f.)

sꜣ.wt, "Gebäude ("Mauern")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 14.6)

sꜣ.t, "Mauer" | "wall" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 14.4-14; FCD 208; AEO I, 97* ff.)

sꜣ.t, "Weisheit; Verständnis" | "prudence; wisdom" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 208; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 439; vgl. Wb 4, 16.1)

sꜣ.tj, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 27.13)

sꜣꜣ, "weise sein; verstehen" | "to be wise; to be prudent; to understand" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 4, 16.2-6; Allen, Inflection, 550; vgl. FCD 208)

sꜣꜣ, "Verständiger" | "wise man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 16.7)

sꜣꜣ, "Weisheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 208)

sꜣꜣ, "der Weise" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 125)

sꜣy.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 16.12-14; DrogWb 421)

sꜣi̯, "satt sein; sättigen" | "to be sated; to sate" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 14-15.19; Allen, Inflection, 573; vgl. FCD 208)

sꜣi̯=f-n-jꜣw.t=f, "[Berufsbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Tacke, Verspunkte, 102, Anm. n)

sꜣwi̯, "verlängern" | "to lengthen; to gladden" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 17.2-7)

sꜣwi̯, "aufpassen (auf etwas)" | "to keep an eye on" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 17.10; FCD 209)

sꜣb, "(jmdn.) verweilen lassen" | "to make tarry" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 17.11; FCD 209)

sꜣb, "bunt" | "many-colored" [adjective] (Wb 4, 17.13; FCD 210)

sꜣb.t, "bunte Kuh" | "dappled cow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 18.3; FCD 210; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 441)

sꜣb.t, "bunte Schlange" | "speckled snake" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 18.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 441; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 790 f.)

sꜣb-šw.t, "buntgefiederter (verschiedene Götter)" | "many colored of plumage" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 17.14-15; LGG VI, 146b-148a)

sꜣp, "Teich anlegen; (ein Bauwerk) errichten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 18.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 798 f.; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographien, 165, Anm. 25)

sꜣp.t, "Lotosblatt" | "lotus leaf" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 18.5-7; FCD 210; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 441)

sꜣm, "(ver)brennen lassen" | "to burn up" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 18.8-9; FCD 210; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 442)

sꜣm.t, "Trauerfrisur; Trauer (abstr.)" | "disheveled hair (a sign of mourning)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 18.10; Ward, ZÄS 102, 1975, 62.17)

sꜣn, "[eine Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10035, 2)

sꜣr, "klug sein" | "to be wise" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 18.11-12; FCD 210)

sꜣr, "Wunsch; Bedürfnis" | "need" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 18.17-19.4; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 442)

sꜣr, "Bedürftiger" | "needy man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 19.6; vgl. FCD 210)

sꜣr, "(durch)sieben" | "to sieve (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3350; KoptHWb 537; MedWb 710; ONB 170, 676, Anm. 755)

sꜣr, "[ein Fisch (Synodontis)]" | "catfish" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 11; Meeks, AL 77.3351)

sꜣr, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a (med.) plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 19.10-13; DrogWb 423 f.)

sꜣr.t, "Verstand; Klugheit" | "understanding; wisdom" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 18.13-16; FCD 210; Lesko, Dioctionary III, 9)

sꜣr.t, "Wunsch" | "need" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 19.5; FCD 210)

sꜣhh.w, "Hass erregen (?); nörgeln (?)" | "grumbler (?)" [verb] (Wb 4, 19.17; FCD 210)

sꜣhd, "erbeben lassen" | "to cause to quake" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 19.18; Allen, Inflection, 593)

sꜣḥ, "Zehe (des menschlichen Fußes)" | "(human) toe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 20.1-4; FCD 210; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 443; Lesko, Dictionary III, 10; Walker, Anatom. Term., 274)

sꜣḥ, "herankommen; erreichen" | "to reach; to arrive (at a place)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 20.6-21.6)

sꜣḥ, "Nachbarn; Freunde" | "neighbors; dependants" [substantive] (Wb 4, 21.12-13; FCD 210)

sꜣḥ, "belehnen; stiften" | "to endow" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 21.15-20; FCD 210)

sꜣḥ, "Ackerland (mit dem jmd. beschenkt wird)" | "grant of land" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 21.21; FCD 210; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 792)

sꜣḥ, "Gerüst; Bock; Gebälk" | "frame (?); trestle (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 11; Meeks, AL 77.3361)

sꜣḥ, "Bohrer; Ahle" | "awl; borer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerný, CED 172; Meeks, AL 77.3362)

sꜣḥ.t, "Nachbarschaft" | "in the vicinity of" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 21.7-9)

sꜣḥ-tꜣ, "[Nachbarn]" | "neighbor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 21.14; Lesko, Dictionary III, 10)

sꜣḫ, "verklären; wirksam machen" | "to glorify; to make excellent" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 22.11-23.20)

sꜣḫ, "Verklärung" | "spiritual state; glorified state" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 23.21)

sꜣḫ, "zurückstoßen; abschneiden" | "to repulse (?)" [verb] (Meeks, AL 78.3304; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 445)

sꜣḫ.w, "Verklärungssprüche" | "(ritual) recitations" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 24.1-10; FCD 211)

sꜣḫ.t, "Sprüche" | "(ritual) recitations" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 24.11)

sꜣḫꜣḫ, "grünen lassen" | "to make green" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 4, 24.15-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 793)

sꜣsꜣ, "angreifen; umstürzen; zurückdrängen" | "to drive back; to repel" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 25.1-2; FCD 211; KoptHWb 197)

sꜣšr.t, "[ein Gebäck]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 25.4-5; FCD 211; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 445; AEO II, 229* f.; Verhoeven, Grillen, 155 f.)

sꜣq, "zusammenfügen; sich zusammennehmen" | "to pull together; to be wary of" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 25.6-26.5; KoptHWb 180 f.)

sꜣq, "[Zubereitungsart des Weihrauchs]" | "incense roaster (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 26.7-9; AEO I, 65*)

sꜣq, "Matte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 26.14-16; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 466)

sꜣqḥ, "erfrischen (?)" | "to strengthen (?)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 26.17-18; Allen, Inflection, 593)

sꜣkzw.t, "[Erzeugnis des Wadi Natrun]" | "[a product of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 27.1)

sꜣt, "verschoben sein" | "to be dislocated (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 27.3-4; MedWb 713)

sꜣt, "(Gott) besudeln, lästern; Schaden erleiden" | "to defile" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 27.5-7)

sꜣṯ, "[ein Transportschiff (Schleppboot)]" | "cargo boat; tow boat" [substantive] (Wb 4, 27.15; Jones, Naut. Titles 143 (58))

sꜣṯ.wtj, "Satjuti" | "Satjuti" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 27.16; LGG VI, 161)

sj, "sie [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.f.]" | "she; her; it (depen. pron., 3rd per. fem. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 28.5-12; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107)

sj, "hinken (?); lahmen (?)" | "to disable (med.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 29.2; MedWb 714)

sj, "sie [Präs.I-Pron. sg.3.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33 )

sj-m-jr.t, "Iris" | english translation missing [substantive] (MedWb 74)

sjꜣ, "erkennen" | "to recognize; to perceive" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 30.1-21)

sjꜣ, "Erkenntnis; Verstand" | "perception; knowledge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 31.1-5)

sjꜣ, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a mineral (?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 31.8-10; DrogWb 424 f.; Harris, Minerals, 180 f.)

sjꜣ.w, "[heiliger Falke]" | "sacred falcon (Horus)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 29.11-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 796)

sjꜣ.w-nṯr.j, "der göttliche Falke (meist Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 163)

sjꜣ.t, "[ein Leinentuch mit Fransen]" | "[a fringed cloth of linen]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 29.3-7; FCD 212)

sjꜣ.t, "[Amulett in Vogelgestalt]" | "[a bird-shaped amulet]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 29.10)

sjꜣ-n-km.t-n-ḫt.w-Mnw, "Beobachter der (schwarzen) Rinder der Treppe des Min" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 327)

sjꜣm, "freundlich stimmen" | "to make well-disposed" [verb] (Wb 4, 37.7-10; FCD 212)

sjꜣrr, "(die Sinne) trüben" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_caus_3-gem] (Wb 4, 31.14; MedWb 715; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 580)

sjꜣṯ, "betrügen; (jmdn.) verstümmeln" | "to cheat; to mutilate" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 32.1-4; FCD 212; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 451)

sjꜣṯ.j, "Betrüger; Verstümmler" | "cheat; mutilator" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 32.5-6; FCD 212)

sjꜣṯ.j-tꜣ, "Verstümmler des Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 32.23)

sjꜥr, "emporsteigen lassen; darbringen" | "to make ascend; to present" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 32.9-33.17; vgl.. ALLen, Inflection, 590)

sjwi̯, "melden; verklagen; preisen" | "to say something loudly (hence: to announce (someone); to complain; to praise)" [verb] (Wb 4, 34.1-5; vgl. FCD 212; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 590; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 797)

sjwr, "befruchten; schwängern" | "to make pregnant; to make conceive" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 34.9-11; FCD 212; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 798)

sjbꜣ, "tanzen lassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (TPPI, § 22)

sjp, "Revision; Kontrolle" | "inspection; inventory" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 35.17-18; FCD 212; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 452)

sjp, "überweisen; abliefern; revidieren; prüfen; besuchen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 35.2-16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 451 f.), "Revision; Inspektion" | "inspection; inventory" [substantive] (Wb 4, 36.5-9; FCD 212; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 13; vgl. ONB 873, Anm. 1431), "[Buch über den Tempelbesitz]" | "(temple) inventory" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 36.11; Schott, Bücher, 343 f. (1543))

sjp-n-nḥḥ, "Überweiser der Ewigkeit (Verstorbener)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 169)

sjp-šps.j-n-Šmꜥ.w-Mḥ.w, "der ehrwürdige Revisor von Ober- und Unterägypten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 170)

sjpp, "revidieren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Allen, Inflection, 592 f.)

sjn, "Ton; Lehm (Material für Siegel)" | "clay (of a special quality, not Nile alluvium)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 37.11-38.2; Harris, Minerals, 202-204; Guglielmi/Buroh, in: Fs te Velde, 119, Anm. a; DrogWb 425 f.)

sjn, "eilen; (etwas) schnell bringen" | "to run; to hurry; to bring (something) quickly" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 38.9-39.9; FCD 213)

sjn, "Eilbote" | "courier(s)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 39.11-12; FCD 213; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3229)

sjn, "Eile" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1187a; vgl. Wb 4, 39.4)

sjn.t, "schnelles Paddelboot" | "canoe (fast-moving boat)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 39.13-15; FCD 213; Jones, Naut. Tiles, 143 f. (59))

sjni̯, "warten" | "to wait" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 38.4-8; FCD 213; Gardiner, ZÄS 49, 1911, 100 ff.)

sjnd, "traurig stimmen" | "to make miserable" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 40.2; FCD 213)

sjhm, "zurückhalten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (FCD 213)

sjzj, "(eine Last) leicht machen" | "to lessen (a burden)" [verb] (Wb 4, 40.6; FCD 213)

sjs, "sechs" | "six" [numeral] (Wb 4, 40.7)

sjs.j, "Sechsfadengewebe" | "six-weave linen" [substantive] (Wb 4, 40.8-9; FCD 213; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 454)

sjqr, "(jmdn.) auszeichnen; befördern" | "to enrich; to make excellent" [verb] (Wb 4, 40.12-41.5)

sjkn, "vernichten" | "to destroy" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 41.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 801)

sjṯn, "unterwerfen (?), nötigen (?)" | "[verb (to subordinate?)]; [noun]" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.3341; 79.2434)

sjd, "Haufen (von Broten, Früchten) und deren Unterlage" | "tray; tray with a "heap" (of bread)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 41.9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 15)

sjdi̯, "demütigen; zur Ruhe bringen" | "to make powerless" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 41.8; FCD 213; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 454; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 801)

sꜥꜣ, "groß" | "great" [adjective] (Wb 4, 42.27)

sꜥꜣ, "Bordbrett des Schiffes" | "gunwale; thole board" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 43.1; Jones, Naut. Titles, 183 f. (134))

sꜥꜣ, "zittern" | "to be in travail" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 43.5-6; Lesko, Dictionary III, 15)

sꜥꜣ, "Fruchtblase" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. X.3, XI.4)

sꜥꜣ, "Vergrößerung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 718)

sꜥꜣ.n-nswt, "den der König groß gemacht hat" | "one whom the king caused to be great" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1903)

sꜥꜣi̯, "groß machen" | "to make great; to increase" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 41.10-42.26; FCD 213)

sꜥꜣm, "Mönchspfeffer" | "[a (med.) plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 43.2-4; Daumas, in: Fs Edel, 66 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 504)

sꜥwꜣ, "gären lassen" | "to cause to go bad (med.)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 43.9; MedWb 718)

sꜥb, "reinigen" | "to cleanse; to purify" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 43; Grunert, SAK 30, 2002, 137 ff.)

sꜥb, "(Holz) zuschneiden; (Vieh) verschneiden" | "to saw off (wood); to castrate (cattle)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 43.10-11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 455; Darnell, GM 83, 1984, 17 ff.)

sꜥb, "ausstatten; schmücken" | "to equip" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 44.2-4; FCD 214)

sꜥb, "Schmuck" | "equipment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 44.5; Christophe, GM 96, 1987, 25 f.)

sꜥbꜣ, "einweisen" | "command" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 455)

sꜥm, "verschlucken" | "to swallow; to wash down (medicine)" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 44.9-45.8FCD 214; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 455; Lesko, Dictionary III, 17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 802 f.; MedWb 718)

sꜥm, "Wermutkraut (?)" | "[a (med.) plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 45.14-18; Daumas, in: Fs Edel, 66 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 504; Germer, Handbuch, 110 f.)

sꜥm, "[Fisch]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (oDeM 1646, Frg. 1.2)

sꜥm.w, "Schluckmittel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 719 f.)

sꜥni̯, "verschönern" | "to beautify" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 46.1-3; FCD 214)

sꜥnḫ, "beleben; versorgen" | "to make live; to perpetuate; to nourish" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 46.4-47.13)

sꜥnḫ, "Bildhauer" | "sculptor" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 47.14-16; Ward, Titles, no. 1278)

sꜥnḫ, "der Belebende" | "one who sustains" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 47.19; LGG VI, 177)

sꜥnḫ, "Einkommen; Lebensunterhalt" | "endowment; revernue" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 17; Meeks, AL 79.2442)

sꜥnḫ.w, "Lebenserhalter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 169)

sꜥnḫ-Ḥr.w-qmꜣ-ꜥ-Mn-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Horus mit schaffendem Arm läßt Menkauhor leben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 292)

sꜥnḫ-ḥr-nb, "der alle am Leben erhält" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 181)

sꜥnḫ-qmꜣ.n=f-nb, "der alles, was er erschaffen hat, belebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 183)

sꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "der die Beiden Länder am Leben erhält" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 184)

sꜥnḏ, "verringern" | "to lessen" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 48.1-3; FCD 214; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 455)

sꜥnḏ, "Verengung; Verkleinerung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 720)

sꜥr, "emporsteigen lassen" | "to make ascend" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 48; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 455 f.)

sꜥr, "[Pflanze, dem Papyrus ähnlich]" | "[an aquatic plant (reed?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 48.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 803 f.; Koemoth, SAK 24, 1997, 151 ff.)

sꜥr, "Wald, Gestrüpp (o. Ä.); Acker (?)" | "scrub country (?); barley field (?) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 48.6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 358)

sꜥr, "[Verletzung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 721)

sꜥr.t, "Wolle" | "wool (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 49.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 359)

sꜥrq, "zu Ende bringen; vollenden; aufhören lassen" | "to complete; to bring to an end" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 48.8-14; FCD 214)

sꜥḥ, "Rang; Würde" | "rank; dignity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 49.3-50.2)

sꜥḥ, "auszeichnen; in Binden hüllen; ehrwürdig sein" | "to ennoble; to be noble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 50.8-15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 458; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 804)

sꜥḥ, "Ehrwürdiger; Nobler (Titel)" | "noble; dignitary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 50-51.13; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3226)

sꜥḥ, "Mumie; Gestalt" | "mummy; form" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 51-52.15; FCD 214; Lesko, Dictionary III, 18)

sꜥḥ, "die Mumien von Menti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.1)

sꜥḥ.w-šps.w-m-ḥbs-bꜣg, "verehrungswürdige Mumien zusammen mit dem, der den Müden verhüllt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 200)

sꜥḥ.t-nṯr, "die den Gott umhüllt (von der Himmelskuh)" | "she who envelops the god" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 52.19)

sꜥḥ-jr.w, "Mumiengestaltiger (Osiris und Ptah-Tatenen)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 194)

sꜥḥ-mnḫ-m-ꜥ.t-šps.jt, "die prächtige Mumie in der verehrungswürdigen Kammer (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Burkard, Papyrusfunde Asasif, Tf. 47)

sꜥḥ-smr.w, "Ehrwürdiger der Freunde" | "noblest of the friends" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1635; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1922)

sꜥḥ-šps.j, "die ehrwürdige Mumie" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 197a-b)

sꜥḥ-š, "die ehrwürdige Mumie, die im Schlaf ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 198)

sꜥḥꜣ, "kampfbereit machen; kämpfen lassen" | "make to vie" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 53.1; FCD 215; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 458)

sꜥḥꜥ, "aufstellen; aufrichten" | "to erect; to set up; to make stand" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 53.2-54.8)

sꜥsꜥ, "beschädigen (?)" | "[verb]" [verb] (Wb 4, 54.11; Quack, Ani, 109, Anm. 87)

sꜥšꜣ, "zahlreich machen; vermehren" | "to make numerous; to multiply" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 54.13-55.10)

sꜥšꜣ, "abwehren" | "to police; to repel" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 55.11-13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 19; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 121, Anm. 507)

sꜥšꜣ, "Polizist, Wächter" | "policeman; escort" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 55.14-18; Lesko, Dictionary III, 19; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 121, Anm. 507)

sꜥšꜣ, "Abwehrzauber" | "protective rite" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 55.19; Lesko, Dictionary III, 20)

sꜥq, "eintreten lassen; hineinführen" | "to make enter; to send in" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 55.21-56.7)

sꜥq.y, "Einberufener (?); Angeworbener (?)" | "recruit (?); conscript (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3420; 78.3360; Franke, Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen, 213)

sꜥq.w, "[ein Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Harris, Minerals, 181)

sꜥq-mšꜣ.t, "[Körperteil (Darm-Endstück ?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 208, Anm. 237)

sꜥq-nṯr, "Einführung des Gottes" | "entry of the god (in processions)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 56.8-9; FCD 215)

sꜥq-špty.t, "Harnleiter (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 207, Anm. 232)

sꜥqꜣ, "gerade machen" | "to direct; to set on the way" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 56.10-14; Lesko, Dictionary III, 19)

sꜥgꜣ, "kentern lassen" | "to make capsize" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 56.15)

sꜥḏ, "wohlbehalten sein lassen" | "to make hale" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 56.17-57.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 807)

sꜥḏꜣ, "verderben" | "to ruin" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 57.2-5; Lesko, Dictionary III, 20)

sw, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 58.5; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 917)

sw, "er [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.m.]; sich [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.m.]; ihn [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.m.]" | "he; him; it (depen. pron., 3rd per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 59.3-13; EAG §§ 166-7; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107)

sw, "und da; und so; [Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 4, 59.14; GEG § 240)

sw, "[eine Ente]" | "[a duck]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 59.15)

sw, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3423; Koura, Öle, 192)

sw, "er [Präs.I-Pron. sg.3.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

sw, "Zeit; Zeitpunkt; Termin; Monatstag" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 57.8-58.4)

sw.t, "[Binse (auch als Symbol für O.Äg.)]" | "sedge plant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 58.7-59.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 459; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 814)

sw.t, "Schaden (o. Ä.)" | "danger (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 59.18)

sw.t, "[Fleischstück (vom Rinderschenkel)]" | "joint (of beef, as an offering)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 60.2-3)

sw.t, "Haarsträhne; Locke" | "braid (?)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.3373; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 459)

sw.tjt, "[voller Ersatz für das Horusauge (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 60.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 461)

sw-mḏ, "Dekade; Woche" | "decade; week" [substantive] (Wb 4, 58.3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 21)

swꜣ.w, "Umgebung; Distrikt" | "district; area; vicinity" [substantive] (Wb 4, 62.4-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 21; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 809)

swꜣ.w, "das Vorbeigehen" | "journey" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 61.21; FCD 216)

swꜣ.t, "Vergangenheit" | "what is past" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 62.1; FCD 216)

swꜣ.tjw, "Vorbeiziehende" | "ones who pass by (stellar gods)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 62.3; LGG VI, 206)

swꜣi̯, "vorbeigehen; passieren" | "to pass" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 60.8-61.20; vgl. FCD 216; Allen, Inflection, 584)

swꜣi̯, "fernhalten" | "to make distant" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 60.5-7; vgl. FCD 216)

swꜣḥ, "dauern lassen; dauern" | "to make endure; to endure" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 62.12-63.14)

swꜣš, "ehren; preisen" | "to pay honor to; to praise" [verb] (Wb 4, 63.22-64.3; FCD 2116)

swꜣḏ, "grünen lassen; gedeihen lassen" | "to make green; to make prosper" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 64.7-65.8; vgl. EAG § 442; Allen, Inflection, 590)

swjb, "[eine Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 23, F, Z. 6)

swy, "[Bez. für Krokodil]" | "crocodile" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 65.13-14; LGG VI, 204)

swꜥi̯, "allein lassen" | "to make alone" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 65.16)

swꜥb, "reinigen" | "to cleanse; to purify" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 66.1-67.3; vgl. EAG § 442)

swꜥb, "[Bez. für Natron]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 67.4; Harris, Minerals, 196)

sww, "schädlich sein" | "to be harmful" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 4, 59.16-17; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 479 (§ 687A))

swbꜣ, "(jmds. Gesicht) öffnen" | "to open" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 67.6-7; FCD 216)

swbb, "einen Umweg machen" | "to draw back (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 4, 67.8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 22; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 360)

swbḫ, "scheinen; beleuchten" | "to shine; to illumine; to be illuminated" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 22)

swmt, "dick machen" | "to make thick" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 67.11-13; FCD 216)

swn, "Handel treiben; kaufen" | "to trade; to buy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 68.1-2; FCD 217; Lesko, Dictionary III, 23)

swn, "öffnen" | "to open" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 68.16-17; FCD 216; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 464)

swn, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 69.2)

swn, "Leidender; Notleidender" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, Tafelband, § 4.8; vgl. KÄT, Lehre des Djedefhor, 51)

swn, "Kompliment; Schmeichelei" | "flattery" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 216)

swn.w, "Festung (o. Ä.)" | "tower" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 69.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 464 f.)

swn.w, "Fischteich" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 69.5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 465; Lesko, Dictionary III, 23; Caminos, LEM, 418)

swn.t, "Handel; Kaufpreis" | "trade; price" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 68.3-13; FCD 217)

swni̯, "antreiben (?); eilen lassen (?)" | "to drive on (?); to make hurry (?)" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (WbZ: DZA 29058590-8620)

swnwn, "schmeicheln" | "to flatter" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 4, 69.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 24)

swnwn, "Schmeichelei" | "flattery" [substantive] (Wb 4, 69.9)

swr, "groß machen; groß werden lassen; vermehren" | "to increase; to make great" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 70.2-23; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 465; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 811)

swr, "[Teil des Wagens]" | "[chariot equipment (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 71.2; Lesko, Dictionary III, 24; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 361)

swr.t, "Perle" | "barrel bead (of carnelian) (an amulet)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 71.1; MedWb 724 f.; Westendorf, ZÄS 92, 1966, 149)

swr-šḥnmm.t, "der sein Ansehen unter dem Sonnenvolk vergrößert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Vgl. LGG VI, 217)

swrḥ, "salben" | "to annoint" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 71.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 812)

swrḏ, "müde machen" | "to make (someone) weary" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 71.4; FCD 217)

swhꜣ, "auseinanderbrechen (des Schiffes); herausbrechen (der Stimme)" | "to break up (naut.)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 71.10; FCD 217; DZA 29063650+29063750)

swhꜣ, "Bewunderung; Ruhm; Gebrüll" | english translation missing [substantive] (Vandier, Mo'alla, 216, III10)

swhi̯, "rühmen; brüllen" | "to praise; to boast of" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 71.5-9,11-17; FCD 217; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 812)

swḥ, "Schurz" | "[a kind of garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 72.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 465; Lesko, Dictionary III, 25; Laisney, Aménémopé, 168, Anm. 979)

swḥ, "sich verhüllen" | "to vest (oneself); to wrap up (onself)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 72.4-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 465)

swḥ, "Wind; Luft" | "wind; breath" [substantive] (Wb 4, 72.9-15; FCD 217; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 812)

swḥ.t, "Ei" | "egg" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 73.1-74.1)

swḫ, "Abendopfer (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Luft, Illahun 2, JE 71583, 3, 6)

swḫꜣ, "Nacht zubringen" | "to spend the night" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 74.6)

swḫꜣ, "schädigen" | "to harm" [verb] (Wb 4, 74.7-9; FCD 218)

swḫꜣ, "Falschsprechen; Unwirksamkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 74.9)

swsr, "stark machen; reich machen" | "to make strong; to enrich" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 74.11-15; FCD 218; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 26)

swsḫ, "weit machen; ausdehnen" | "to widen; to extend" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 74-75.15)

swsṯ, "zerstören; verwüsten" | "to destroy" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Quack, Merikare, 73, Anm. d; Meeks, AL 77.3461;)

swšr, "dörren; trocknen" | "to dry (med.)" [verb] (Wb 4, 76.6; MedWb 733 f.)

swšr.w, "Trocknung; Trockenmittel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 734)

swqj, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (pChester Beatty I Recto 16.10)

swg, "Haut (?); Überzug (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 76.7; DrogWb 434; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 574)

swgꜣ, "töricht sein" | "to be foolish" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 76.8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 26)

swgꜣ, "unmündiges Kind" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 76.9-10)

swgꜣ, "Tor" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 166)

swgm, "zermahlen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (MedWb 734)

swgg, "berauben; schädigen" | "to deprive (someone of something) (?); to damage (?)" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Meeks, AL 78.3408; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 466)

swt, "er [Selbst. Pron. sg.3.m./c.]" | "he (indepen. pron., 3rd per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 76.12; EAG § 172; Schenkel, Einf., 110)

swt, "[enkl. Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 4, 77.1-7; EAG § 841; GEG § 254; ENG § 685)

swt, "Windstoß" | "gust of wind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 77.8)

swt, "[Beiwort des Osiris]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, AL 77.3466; LGG VI, 224)

swt, "[Selbst. Pron. sg.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 176)

swti̯, "groß machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 77.9; Allen, Inflection, 595)

swtwt, "sich ergehen; reisen" | "to walk about; to travel" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 4, 77.12-78.1; FCD 218; Lesko, Dictionary III, 27)

swtwt, "Reise" | "journey" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 218; Lesko, Dictionary III, 27; oOI Chicago 12074 rt Z4)

swdf, "verzögern; (jmdn.) hinhalten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 78.4; FCD 218)

swdn, "sich wichtig machen (?)" | "be heavy; be difficult" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 78.5; Parkinson, JEA 90, 2004, 109 f.)

swḏ, "überweisen; vererben" | "to hand over; to bequeath" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 78.6-17)

swḏꜣ, "heil machen; schützen" | "to make whole; to heal" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 78-81.7; vgl. EAG § 442)

swḏꜣ, "gelangen lassen; gehen" | "to convey; to go" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 81.8-9; FCD 218)

swḏꜣ, "Mitteilung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Gardiner/Cerný, Hierat. Ostr., pl. 90)

swḏꜣ-jb, "Mitteilung (in Briefformeln)" | "message; greeting" [substantive] (Wb 4, 80.6-13; FCD 218)

swḏb, "drehen; winden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (FCD 218)

sb, "[ein Metallgerät (zur Mundöffnung)]" | "[a ritual instrument, of metal]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 81.14)

sb.t, "[ein Schilfrohr (als Inhaliergerät)]" | "reed" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 82.3-5; MedWb 735; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 824)

sbꜣ, "Stern" | "star" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 82.7-83.4)

sbꜣ, "[Pflanzenteil (offzinell)]" | "[a part of a date (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 83.5; vgl. DrogWb 434)

sbꜣ, "Tor; Tür; Türflügel" | "door; doorway; portal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 83.9-17)

sbꜣ, "unterrichten; erziehen" | "to teach; to tend" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 83.18-84.14)

sbꜣ, "Zögling" | "pupil" [substantive] (Wb 4, 84.16-18; FCD 219)

sbꜣ, "Setzwaage" | "surveying instrument (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 86.15; FCD 219)

sbꜣ, "Sternamulett" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16,1a)

sbꜣ, "weise; klug" | english translation missing [adjective] (KoptHWb 175)

sbꜣ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Allen, Inflection, 601)

sbꜣ.yt, "Lehre; Unterweisung; Strafe" | "teaching; instruction; punishment" [substantive] (Wb 4, 85.10-86.12; FCD 219)

sbꜣ.yt, "[Beobachtungsinstrument]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 54 f., Anm. ae)

sbꜣ.yt-ḥm=f-m-jb=f, "der mit der Lehre Seiner Majestät in seinem Herzen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1931)

sbꜣ.w, "Lehrer; Erzieher (Titel)" | "teacher; instructor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 85.1-5)

sbꜣ.w, "Lehre" | "teaching" [substantive] (Wb 4, 85.6-7; FCD 219)

sbꜣ.w-nḫn, "der das göttliche Kind erzieht (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 244)

sbꜣ.w-ḥs.ww-nswt, "Dirigent der Sänger des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3235)

sbꜣ.wtj, "Lehrer" | "teacher" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Schenkel, JEA 50, 1964, 11)

sbꜣ.t, "Sternkonstellationen; Stern" | "star" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 83.6)

sbꜣ.tj, "Zögling (des Königs)" | "pupil" [substantive] (Wb 4, 86.13; FCD 219)

sbꜣ.tj-mw, "Flusslotse" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kanawati, Giza I, pl. 16; Junker, Giza, IV, 60)

sbꜣ-n-sbꜣ, "[schmähende Bez. des Apophis]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 82.6; LGG VI, 244 f.)

sbꜣ-nswt, "Seba-Beamter des Königs (Meister, Instrukteur)" | "seba-official of the king (leader, instructor)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3234)

sbꜣ-š, "Seestern" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 11, Anm. 6)

sbꜣ-Tꜣ.wj-ḥꜣ.tj, "Meister der zwei Länder und Erster (?)" | "pupil of the Two Lands, army-commander" [epitheton_title: title] (Habachi, Kamose, 44 (Z.36))

sbꜣq, "hell machen; heiter machen" | "to make bright" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 86.16-87.5)

sbꜣq.t, "Auge des Himmels (Sonne, Mond)" | "heavenly eye" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 94.13-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 822)

sbꜣqq, "beglaubigen; empfehlen" | "to give a clear character to; to commend" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 4, 87.6; FCD 220)

sbꜣgi̯, "müde machen" | "to make weary" [verb: verb_caus_4-inf] (Wb 4, 87.7; Allen, Inflection, 597; FCD 220)

sbj, "sich auflehnen (gegen); rebellieren" | "to rebel against" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 87.8-13)

sbj, "Frevler; Rebell" | "rebel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 87.14-88.7; FCD 220)

sbj, "Scherz" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 32)

sbj.w, "Empörung; Feindseligkeit" | "hostility" [substantive] (Wb 4, 88.12-15; Lesko, Dictionary III, 33)

sbj.t, "Empörung" | "hostility" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 88.9-11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 474; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 820)

sbj-n-wḏꜣ.t, "der Feind des Udjat-Auges" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 247 f.)

sbj-n-nṯr, "Gottesfeind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 248)

sbj-ḥm, "der zurückgetriebene Feind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 153, Anm. 542)

sbj-ẖz, "der elende Feind (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 248)

sbjn, "schlecht machen" | "to alienate (relations, property)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 89.6-7)

sby.t, "Gegenwind" | "head wind" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 89.1)

sbbꜣ.yw, "Belehrter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3499)

sbn, "Binde" | "bandage (especially of mummies)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 89.12-13)

sbn, "krönen" | "to crown" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 89.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 474; Allen, Inflection, 590)

sbn.t, "säugende Kuh; Stillende" | "cow in suck" [substantive] (Wb 4, 90.1; FCD 220; Vogelsang, Bauer, 228)

sbnj, "angenehm machen" | "to make sweet (i.e., pleasant)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 90.3-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 475)

sbr, "Ranke, Zweig" | "shoots (of a tree); clusters (of grapes) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 90.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 33; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 365; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 40)

sbr, "[wohlriechende Flüssigkeit]" | "strong-smelling beer (or the dregs thereof) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 90.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 366)

sbhꜣ, "in die Flucht schlagen" | "to make to flee" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 90.10; FCD 220)

sbḥ, "schreien" | "to cry out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 90.11-18)

sbḥ, "Schreien; Geschrei" | "cry; shriek" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 91.1-7)

sbḥ, "[ein Geflügel]" | "[a kind of fowl]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 91.8; Edel, Jahreszeitenreliefs II, 93 f.)

sbḥ, "Wind" | "wind" [substantive] (Wb 4, 214.14; vgl. Brunner, Lehre des Cheti, 33)

sbḫ, "umschließen (mit den Armen)" | "to enclose (with the arms); to enfold (in the arms)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 91.10-20; FCD 220; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 475; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 820)

sbḫ, "Kochtopf" | "pot (for preparing medicine)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 92.13; MedWb 736)

sbḫ.t, "Portikus; Pforte; Palast; Krypte" | "portal; portico (with a screen-wall)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 92.1-9; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 161 ff.)

sbḫ.t, "Brusttafel (Amulett)" | "[pylon-shaped pectoral amulet]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 92.10; Lesko, Dictionary III, 34)

sbḫ.t, "[ein Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 11; Meeks, AL 77.3510; Harris, Minerals, 181)

sbḫn, "Matte" | "[a kind of mat (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 93.1)

sbš, "erbrechen lassen; auslaufen lassen (d.h. klar, nüchtern werden)" | "to make vomit" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 93.6-8; vgl. MedWb 736)

sbš, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil from the Libyan desert]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3511; Koura, Öle, 166)

sbš.w, "Ekel Erregendes; Brechmittel" | "[part of the Red Crown which is objectionable to him who would devour it]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 93.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 476)

sbq, "Bein" | "leg" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 93.12-17; FCD 220; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 476 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 822; Walker, Anatom. Term., 275)

sbq, "verständig sein; klug sein" | "to become knowing; to be wise" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 94.2-12)

sbq, "glücklich; klug" | "splendid; wise" [adjective] (Wb 4, 94.9-10)

sbq, "Weiser" | "wise one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Amduat III, 825; LGG VI, 256)

sbk-m-zꜣ=f, "Sobek-em-zaef" | "Sobek-em-zaef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 304.7)

sbkꜣ, "schwanger machen" | "to make pregnant" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 95.3-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 822)

sbg, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 95.7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 35)

sbg, "Merkur (Planet)" | "Mercury (the planet)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 95.8; LGG VI, 266)

sbgs, "wehtun; beschädigen" | "to injure; to cause injury" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 11)

sbtj, "Mauer; Befestigung" | "wall; rampart" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 95.10-96.4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 35)

sbtty.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a kind of plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 96.7; DrogWb 435)

sbdš, "schlaff machen" | "to make weak" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 96.8-11; FCD 221)

sp.t, "Lippe; Rand; Ufer" | "lip; edge; bank; shore" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 99.13-100.16; MedWb 742 f.)

sp.t, "Basis (Säule, Stele)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 100.18; Harris, Minerals, 28)

sp.t, "[Gefäß für Weihrauch]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 100.19; Malek, RdE 30, 1978, 168 ff.)

spꜣ.w, "Schwarm (Vögel)" | "made-to-fly birds (i.e. flushed out from cover?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.3459; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 481)

spꜣ.t, "Gau; Bezirk; Gutsbezirk; Wüste" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 97.4-99.11)

spꜣ.t-jgr.t, "Nekropole, Totenreich" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 98.22)

spꜣ.tj, "zum Gau gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 4, 99.12; EAG § 352)

spꜣi̯, "fliegen lassen" | "to make to fly" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 100.21; Allen, Inflection, 569; ONB 168; vgl. FCD 222; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 481)

spi̯, "(Boot) zusammenbinden" | "to bind together (a papyrus boat or skiff)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 96.13-14; Jones, Naut. Titles, 222 (76))

spnꜥ, "umwenden" | "to overturn" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 101.8-9; FCD 223)

spr, "Rippe; Rippenstück; Spant" | "rib; ribs (esp. as an offering)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 101.10-15)

spr, "gelangen nach; kommen zu; erreichen" | "to arrive at; to reach" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 102.1-103.12)

spr, "Blech (auch aus Gold)" | "sheet (of metal)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 105.2; vgl. Drenkhahn, Handwerker, 33)

spr.w, "Bitte" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 104.5-10; FCD 223)

spr.w, "Bittsteller" | "petitioner" [substantive] (Wb 4, 104.4; FCD 223)

spr.w-n=f, "leitender Beamter ("einer, an den man Bitten richtet")" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 37, 83 (D 264), 136 (comm.))

spr.t, "Bitte; Gesuch" | "plea; petition" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 104.11-18; FCD 223), "Bittsteller" | "petitioner" [substantive] (Wb 4, 104.19-20; FCD 223)

spri̯, "herauskommen lassen" | "to make to miss; to expel" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 105.3-5; FCD 223)

spḥ, "mit dem Lasso fangen" | "to lasso" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 105.6-10)

spḥ, "erreichen" | "to attain" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.3469; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 829)

spḥ.w, "Lasso" | "lasso" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 105.11; FCD 223; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 483)

spḥ.t, "Fleischstück an den Rippen" | "ribs (of the deceased, of an offering animal)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 105.12-14)

spḫꜣ, "(Haut/Körper) öffnen; abführen; reinigen" | "to purge; to make (the skin) sleek (?)" [verb] (Wb 4, 105.17-21; FCD 223; MedWb 745)

spẖr, "zirkulieren lassen; schwingen (Waffen); herbeiwehen (Wind)" | "to brandish (weapons); to cause to circulate (the wind)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 106.1-10; FCD 223; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 483; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 830)

spẖr, "abschreiben; registrieren; zeichnen" | "to copy; to register" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 106.11-107.6; FCD 223; Lesko, Dictionary, III, 40)

spẖr.w, "Schrift; Niederschrift" | "registration" [substantive] (Wb 4, 107.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 40)

spd, "spitz" | "sharp" [adjective] (Wb 4, 108.11-14)

spd, "geschickt" | "sharp; skilled" [adjective] (Wb 4, 108.109.14-110.4)

spd, "Proviant; Getreideration" | "grain ration" [substantive] (Wb 4, 112.2-5; Lesko, Dictionary III, 41; vgl. LÄ III 1073 ff.)

spd, "[ein Holz]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 112.9)

spd, "Wirksamkeit" | "efficacy (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3543; FCD 224; CT VI, 403k.o)

spd, "Wirksamer (Sonnengott u.a. Götter)" | "efficacious one (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 279 ff.; Meeks, AL 77.3544)

spd, "spitz sein; spitz machen" | "to be sharp; to make sharp" [verb] (Wb 4, 108.2-10)

spd.w, "die Scharfen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 37)

spd.t, "Wirksamkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 224)

spd.t, "[ein Gewand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 37)

spd-jbḥ.w, "der mit spitzen Zähnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 280)

spd-ꜥb.wj, "der mit spitzen Hörnern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 281 f)

spd-ḥr, "Aufmerksamkeit; Tüchtigkeit" | "alertness; skilfullness" [substantive] (Wb 4, 109.16; FCD 224)

spd-ḥr, "der aufmerksam ist" | "keen of sight" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 109.14-15; FCD 224; LGG VI, 284; Doxey, Epithets, 369)

spd-štꜣ, "[Reliquie]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. xvi.9)

spd-ksm.w, "der den Angriff anzettelt (Widersacher)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 7 (25), pl. 2)

spdd, "ausrüsten" | "to equip" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 4, 112.10-20; EAG § 423; FCD 224; Lesko, Dictionary III, 41; KoptHWb 178)

sf, "das Gestern" | "yesterday" [substantive] (Wb 4, 113.2-16)

sf, "gestern" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 4, 113.16)

sf.t, "Freundlichkeit; Milde" | "sweetness (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.3550)

sfꜣ, "vernachlässigen; langsam sein" | "to be sluggish (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 114.8; FCD 224)

sfꜣ, "[Fleischstück]" | "[a cut of meat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3552; 78.3489)

sfꜣ.t, "Hass" | "hatred (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 114.7; FCD 224)

sfy, "Kind, Knabe; Sohn" | "child; babe; son (the king, gods)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 114.10-14; Lesko, Dictionary III, 42; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 834)

sfy-n-mw.t=f, "das (herrliche) Kind seiner Mutter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 297c)

sfy-n-ṯmḥ.yt, "Kind der Libyerin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 137, Anm. 464)

sfy-šps.j-n-Ḥr.w-ḥkn.w, "das herrliche Kind von Horus-hekenu" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 300 f.)

sfi̯, "mischen" | "to mix (med.)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 114.1-5; FCD 224; Lesko, Dictionary III, 41; MedWb 746)

sfn, "Ärger bereiten" | "to afflict" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 115.2-3; FCD 224)

sfr.t, "[ein Kleidungsstück (?)]" | "[a garment (?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 115.13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 42)

sfri̯, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (MedWb 746)

sfḫ, "sieben" | "seven" [numeral] (Wb 4, 115.15)

sfḫ, "lösen; ablösen" | "to loosen; to release" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 116.2-117.5)

sfḫ, "das Abgelegte; Opfer" | "what is laid aside (a garment, a wreath)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 117.7-10; FCD 225; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 487)

sfḫ, "Ausscheidung; Harn" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 117.11; FCD 225; KoptHWb 562)

sfḫ, "[Honigmaß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Grundriß der Medizin IX, 7 f.)

sfḫ.y, "Wache" | "watch; guardhouse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 117.12-13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 43)

sfḫ.nw, "siebter" | english translation missing [numeral: ordinal] (CT II, 148b)

sfḫ.t-jtj=s-jꜥb, "Löserin (der Mumienbinden) ihres (wieder) zusammengesetzten Vaters" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.2)

sfḫḫ, "lösen; loslassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Allen, Inflection, 593)

sfkk, "[Verb (leiden? strafen?)]" | "to suffer (?)" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Wb 4, 118.5; Allen, Inflection, 593; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 488)

sfg, "verborgen sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 118.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 488)

sfg-jṯ.t, "Sefeg-itjet (ein Tanz)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wresz., Atlas, III, Tf. 29)

sfṯ, "[eines der sieben heiligen Öle]" | "[one of the seven sacred oils]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 118.11-16; Koura, Öle, 40 f., 177 ff.)

sfṯ, "[Geschwulst]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 119.1-2; MedWb 748)

sm, "Sem-Priester" | "sem-priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 119.3-9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3241; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 168)

sm, "[Substantiv (Achtung?, Freude?)]" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 121.1)

sm, "Hoherpriester von Memphis" | "high priest of Ptah at Memphis" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 121.4-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 838)

sm, "Gestalt eines Gottes" | "image; likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 121.11-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 838)

sm, "[Substantiv (eine gehörte Angelegenheit, ein Fall ?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 121.2)

sm, "achten; versorgen; helfen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 120.7-8; 120.11-13)

sm, "Sem-Priester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 119.3-9)

sm, "Sem-Priester" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 306)

sm.y, "Geachteter" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 120.9)

sm.y, "verkrautet" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 4, 120.6), "Kräuter" | "herb(s); herbage" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 120.4-5; MedWb 752 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 489)

sm.w, "Kraut; Futterkraut; Gemüse" | "plants; vegetables; pasture" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 119.11-120.3; DrogWb 440 f.)

sm.wj, "[ein Priester]" | "[a priest]" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 121.8-9)

sm.t, "Strohmatte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 119.10; FCD 225; Schulz, in: Gs Barta, 320, Anm. 13)

sm.t, "Achtung" | "succour" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 120.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 489)

sm-n-Ptḥ, "Sem-Priester des Ptah" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 119.6; LÄ IV, 834 ff.)

sm-ḫrp-šnḏ.wt-nb.t, "Sem-Priester und Leiter jedes Schurzes" | "sem-priest, director of every kilt" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 119.8; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 2736)

smꜣ, "Schläfenhaare; Schläfe; Seite des Kopfes" | "scalp; temple (of the head)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 122.1-6; MedWb 749 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 275)

smꜣ, "schlachten; töten" | "to slay" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4. 122.7-123.11)

smꜣ, "Wildstier" | "wild bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 124.1-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 839)

smꜣ, "Stolist" | "stolist" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3250, Ward, Titles, 1288)

smꜣ, "[Stab]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 48a)

smꜣ.t-wr.t, "die große Wildkuh" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 329 f.)

smꜣ.tj, "Stolist" | "stolist" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Helck, Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit, 25)

smꜣ-Jnp.w, "Stolist des Anubis" | "stolist of Anubis" [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Titles, no. 1288a)

smꜣ-wr, "der große Wildstier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 124.7; LGG VI, 328 f.)

smꜣ-Mnw, "Stolist des Min" | "stolist of Min (who clothes the god)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3252)

smꜣ-Ḥr.w, "Stolist des Horus" | "stolist of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3255)

smꜣꜣ, "sehen lassen" | "to make see" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Meeks, AL 77.3585)

smꜣꜥ, "richtig machen; ordnen; zuführen" | "to put in order; to correct" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 124.14-125.9)

smꜣꜥ, "beten (zu)" | "to worship" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 125.17-18; Lesko, Dictionary III, 47 f.; KoptHWb 185)

smꜣꜥ, "Gebete; Bitten" | "prayer(s)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 125.19; Lesko, Dictionary III, 48)

smꜣꜥ-wḏꜥ-mdw, "der den Richtspruch verwirklicht" | "one who makes right the judgement" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3256)

smꜣꜥ-wḏꜥ-mdw-n.j-ḥw.t-wr.t, "der den Richtspruch der großen (Gerichts)-Halle verwirklicht" | "one who sets right the judgement of the Great hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3259)

smꜣꜥ-wḏꜥ-mdw-n-wsḫ.t, "der den Richtspruch der breiten Halle verwirklicht" | "one who sets right the judgement of the broad hall" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3257)

smꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "rechtfertigen; triumphieren lassen" | "to justify; to make triumphant" [verb] (Wb 4, 125.10-16; FCD 227)

smꜣwi̯, "erneuern" | "to renew; to renovate" [verb: verb_caus_4-inf] (Wb 4, 126.1-16)

smꜣr, "elend machen" | "to impoverish" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 127.1-4; FCD 227)

smj, "Bote; Melder; Ankläger" | "reporter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 127.6)

smj, "berichten; melden; verklagen" | "to report; to complain" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 127.7-128.13; FCD 227; vgl. ONB 572, Anm. 459)

smj, "Meldung; Antwort; Anklage" | "report; acknowledgment; accusation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 128.14-129.12; FCD 227; vgl. ONB 572, Anm. 459)

smj, "Sahne; Dickmilch" | "curds" [substantive] (Wb 4, 130.1-6; FCD 227; DrogWb 438 ff.)

smj, "Peitsche (Gerät zum Prügeln)" | "whips" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 130.8; FCD 227)

smj.w, "Segelleine" | "rigging; cordage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 130.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 494; Jones, Naut. Titles, 186 (143))

smj.t, "Anklage" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 227)

smꜥ, "Stake (zum Stoßen des Schiffs)" | "sounding pole" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 130.12; Jones, Naut. Titles, 201 (14))

smꜥ, "Fasern (aus denen man Stricke dreht)" | "lashings (of vegetable fibre)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.3540; Junker, Giza VI, 137; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 494)

smꜥ, "stoßen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (pBremner-Rhind 32.1)

smꜥ.t, "[Zepter]; Stab" | "[a scepter]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 130.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 495)

smꜥr, "reinigen; glücklich machen; ankleiden" | "to cleanse; to make fortunate" [verb] (Wb 4, 130.15-131.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 495)

smwn, "gewiss; vielleicht; [Partikel]" | "probably; surely" [particle] (Wb 4, 131.12-14; GEG § 241)

smn, "Ordnung; Befestigung" | "mainstay; confirmation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 135.2-3; FCD 228)

smn, "Nilgans" | "Nile goose" [substantive] (Wb 4, 136.2-4; LÄ II, 504)

smn, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[an illness]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 136.5; MedWb 753; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 66, Anm. 86)

smn, "bleiben; bleiben lassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 131-134.22)

smn.t-wḏ-nṯr.w, "die das Götterdekret festlegt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 340), "Kundschafter; Prospekteur" | "prospector; explorer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 135.18; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3262)

smn.tjt, "Klageweib" | "mourning woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 136.1)

smn-jwꜥ.wt, "der das Erbe verleiht (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, 47ff.; vgl. LGG VI, 333)

smn-tꜣ-ḥr-s.t=f, "der das Land an seinem Platz dauern läßt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 338)

smn-tp-n-Wsjr-n=f, "der den Kopf des Osiris für ihn (wieder) befestigt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 339)

smnmn, "bewegen lassen" | "to set in motion (med.); to shift (a boundary)" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 4, 136.6; FCD 228; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 496; MedWb 754)

smnn, "aufstellen; festmachen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (EAG §§ 439, 445)

smnḫ, "vortrefflich machen; verschönen; stiften" | "to make distinguished; to make effective; to embellish; to endow" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 136.7-137.25)

smnḫ.t, "die trefflicht macht" | "Semenkhet" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 138.1; LGG VI, 344)

smr, "Freund; Höfling; [Priestertitel]" | "friend; companion (of the king) (courtier)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 138.5-139.5; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3263)

smr, "krank machen" | "to cause pain" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 139.9; FCD 229; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 847 f.)

smr, "[Tier (Feind der Eidechse)]" | "[a destructive animal (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 139.10; Ghalioungui, BIFAO 68, 1969, 39 f.)

smr, "Freund; Höfling" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 138.5-139.5)

smr.t, "Freundin (Königin)" | "friend; companion (the queen)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 139.6-7; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3291; Troy, Queenship, 20 ff.)

smr.t-Ḥr.w, "Freundin des Horus" | "companion of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 139.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3293)

smr.t-Ḥr.w-mr.t=f, "Freundin des Horus, die er liebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3294)

smr-ꜥꜣ, "Großer Freund" | "great companion/friend" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 138.9; Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1965)

smr-ꜥꜣ-n-wbꜣ-n=f-jb, "großer Freund dessen, der ihm das Herz geöffnet hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18. Dyn., no. 1966)

smr-ꜥꜣ-ẖn-n-nb=f, "großer Freund, der an seinen Herrn herantritt" | "great companion who approached his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18. Dyn., no. 1972)

smr-wꜥ.tj, "einziger Freund (des Königs)" | "sole companion (of the king)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 278.11-12; 4, 138.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3268)

smr-wꜥ.tj-pr-ꜥꜣ, "einziger Freund des großen Hauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3275)

smr-wꜥ.tj-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher einziger Freund" | "true sole companion" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3274)

smr-wꜥ.tj-n-jtj=f, "Einziger Freund seines Vaters" | "sole companion of his father" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3272)

smr-wꜥ.tj-n-mrw.t, "beliebter einziger Freund" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3277)

smr-wꜥ.tj-n-mrw.t-ḫr-nb=f, "beliebter einziger Freund bei seinem Herr" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3280)

smr-pr, "Freund des Hauses; Höfling des (königl.) Hauses" | "companion of the house; courtier of the (royal) house" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 138.8; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3287)

smr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Freund des Palastes" | "companion of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3288; Ward, Titles, no. 1301)

smr-n.j-jb-nb=f, "Freund und Liebling seines Herrn" | "companion and favorite of his lord" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3264)

smr-tp.j-n-smr.w, "erster Freund unter Freunden" | "first companion of the companions" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 1980)

smhi̯, "vergessen machen" | "to cause to forget" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 139.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 496)

smḥ, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 139.14; Allen, Inflection, 590)

smḥ, "fertigstellen" | "to build a boat" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 139.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 848 f.; Jones, Naut. Titles, 223 (80))

smḥ, "[großes Transportschiff]" | "(transport) ship; bark" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 140.2-4; FCD 229; Jones, Naut. Titles, 144 (62))

smḥ.j, "linke Seite; die Linke" | "left; left side" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 140.10-14; Lesko, Dictionary III, 53)

smḥ.j, "links" | "left" [adjective] (Wb 4, 140.10-11)

smḥ.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/D ant/W 89)

smḥi̯, "fließen lassen; bewässern; schwimmen lassen" | "to water; to flood" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 140.5-7; FCD 229)

smḫ, "vergessen" | "to forget; to ignore" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 140.16-141.10; FCD 229)

sms, "Schlägel" | "mallet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 141.15-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 849)

sms, "Alter" | "seniority" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 141.18)

sms, "Brut (vom Geflügel)" | "nestling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 142.7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 54)

sms, "alt sein; alt werden" | "to be old; to become old" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 143.5-6)

sms.w, "ältester; älterer" | "oldest; older" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 4, 142.8-11)

sms.w, "der Ältere (Apposition bei Personennamen); Ältester" | "elder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 142.17-143.1)

sms.w, "Ältester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 142.17-143.1)

sms.w-jz.t, "Ältester des Palastes" | "eldest of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 127.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3296)

sms.w-jz.t, "Ältester des Palastes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 566b), "Ältester der Heiligtümer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 350)

sms.w-wḥꜥ.w, "Ältester der Fänger (von Fischen und Vögeln)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3300)

sms.w-wḫr.t, "Ältester der Werft" | "elder of the dockyard; elder of the workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 355.12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3301)

sms.w-wḫr.t, "Ältester der Werft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 355.12)

sms.w-wḫr.t-nḥb.t, "Ältester der Werft der Nehebet-Boote" | "elder of the dockyard of Nehebet-boats" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3303)

sms.w-pr, "Ältester des Hauses" | "elder of the domain" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 515.3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3305)

sms.w-pr-n-jr.j-pꜥ.t, "Ältester des Hauses der Fürsten" | "elder of the house of the hereditary prince" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3308)

sms.w-m-pꜣw.t-tp.y, "der Älteste der ersten Urzeit (Onuris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 351; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 8.3)

sms.w-m-ẖ.t-n.t-mw.t=f, "Ältester im Leib seiner Mutter (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 354)

sms.w-m-sꜥḥ=f, "Ältester in seinem Rang" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi, II, pl. 48)

sms.w-hꜣy.t, "Ältester der Halle" | "elder of the (judicial) court" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 476.8-9; Jones, Titles OK no. 3313; vgl. AEO I, 60*)

sms.w-hꜣy.t-Nṯr.j-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Ältester der Halle (der Pyramidenanlage) Göttlich ist Mykerinos" | "eldest of the court of the (pyramid) Mycerinos is divine" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3314)

sms.w-hꜣy.t-n-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Ältester der Halle der (Pyramidenanlage) Groß ist Chephren" | "elder of the court of the (pyramid complex) Great-is-Chephren" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3314)

sms.w-hꜣy.t-n-Pr-Jmn-nb-ns.wt-Tꜣ.wj, "Ältester der Halle des Hauses des Amun, des Herrn der Throne der Beiden Länder" | "Ältester der Halle des Hauses des Amun, des Herrn der Throne der Beiden Länder" [epitheton_title: title] (Wenamun 1.1-2)

sms.w-Sṯ.t, "Ältester Asiens" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 355)

sms.w-sꜣḫ.w, "Ältester der Verklärten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 355)

sms.w-sn.wt, "Ältester des Senut-Heiligtums" | "elder of the senut-shrine" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 153.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3318)

sms.w-ḏbꜣ.t, "Ältester des Ankleidezimmers" | "elder of the robing room" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 561.4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3321)

sms.t, "älteste Tochter" | "the eldest (daughter)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 143.2-4)

smsi̯, "gebären lassen; erschaffen" | "to deliver (a woman of a baby)" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 141.19-142.5; FCD 229)

smsm, "Ältester" | "the oldest" [substantive] (Wb 4, 143)

smsm, "preisen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 143.11; Laisney, Aménémopé, 27, Anm. 57)

smšr, "Abend verbringen; zu Abend essen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 144.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 498)

smt, "hören; erlauschen" | "to hear; to overhear" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 144.5-8; FCD 229; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 498; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 850)

smt, "[Bez. der Ohren]" | "listener(s) (=ear(s))" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 144.12; Lesko, Dictionary III, 54)

smt, "Orientalische Kresse (?)" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 144.13; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 505)

smtmt, "lauschen, herumhorchen" | "eavesdrop" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 4, 145.1; FCD 229)

smtr, "Richter (o. Ä.)" | "investigator; judge" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 144.11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 54)

smtr, "prüfen; untersuchen" | "to examine; to make inquiry; to bear witness" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 145.2-17; FCD 229)

smtr, "Untersuchung; Verhör" | "inquiry; interrogation" [substantive] (Wb 4, 146.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 55)

smd, "Augenbraue" | "eyebrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 146.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 850; Walker, Anatom. Term., 275)

smd.t, "Randinschrift" | "border" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 146.12; Lesko, Dictionary III, 55; RITA II, 85)

smd.t, "Untergebene; Personal" | "personnel; staff; underlings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 147.2-7; FCD 229)

smd.t, "[Perlen]; Glanz; Schmuckstück" | "beads" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 147.8-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 56; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 208, Anm. 859; ITE I/1, 161, Anm. 8)

smḏd, "folgsam machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, Text, 143 f.)

sn, "sie [Enkl. Pron. pl.3.c]" | "they; them (depen. pron., 3rd per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 147.12-148.3; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107; ENG § 89; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80)

sn, "Zweizack" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 148.4)

sn, "sich gesellen" | "to associate with" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 148.5; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 578)

sn, "Bruder" | "brother" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 150.8-151.4)

sn, "riechen; küssen; verehren" | "to smell; to kiss" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 153.8-154.7)

sn.w, "zwei" | "two" [numeral: cardinal] (Wb 4, 148.6; FCD 230)

sn.w, "Brüder; Geschwister" | "siblings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 151.1-3)

sn.w, "[ein Krug]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 155.5-7; FCD 231)

sn.wj, "die Beiden (Parteien)" | "the two; the two contenders" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 148.7-8)

sn.wt, "Senu-Heiligtum ("Schangensteinhaus")" | "shrine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 152.15-153.2; FCD 230; LÄ VII, 488)

sn.wt, "Schlangensteine" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 153.3)

sn.wt, "Geschwister" | "brethren; siblings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 152.1; FCD 230; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 503)

sn.nw, "zweiter" | "the second" [numeral: ordinal] (Wb 4, 149.5-7)

sn.nw, "zweiter; zweitrangig (schlecht)" | "second best; inferior" [adjective] (Wb 4, 150.4-6)

sn.nw, "Zweiter; Gefährte" | "second (companion, fellow); replica" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 149.1-15; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 504 f.)

sn.nw-Jtn, "Zweiter des Aton" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Grimal, Quatre stèles, 37)

sn.nwt, "Kollegin; Gefährtin; Zweite" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 505)

sn.t, "Schwester; Geliebte" | "sister; beloved" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 151.5-16)

sn.t, "Polierstein" | "polishing stone" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 152.8)

sn.t, "Flaggenmast" | "flag pole" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 152.9-14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 505; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 873)

sn.t-jtj=s, "Senet-ities" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 311.13)

sn.t-nswt, "Königsschwester" | "king's sister" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1315)

sn.t-nswt, "Erbträgerin (in kuschitisch-napatanischer Zeit)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Gozzoli, JEA 95, 2009, 241, Anm. u; Lohwasser, Frauen, 250 f.)

sn.t-nṯr, "Gottesschwester" | "god's sister" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 151.18-20; LGG VI, 372), "die beiden Schwestern (Göttinnenpaare, meist Isis u. Nephthys)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 375 ff.)Ḫmn.w, "Geschwisterpaar im Tempel von Hermupolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 377)

sn-bj.t, "[eine Honigspeise]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 155.3-4)

sn-nswt, "Thronanwärter (in kuschitisch-meroitischer Zeit)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gozzoli, JEA 95, 2009, 241, Anm. u; Lohwasser, Frauen, 241)

sn-nṯr.w, "Das Riechen des Gottgewordenen (Titel eines Liedes)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Altenmüller, SAK 6, 1978, 1-24)

sn-tꜣ, "Huldigung" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 154.24)

sn-ḏ.t, "Stiftungsbruder (Angehöriger im Totendienst); Grabpartner" | "brother of the funerary estate; tomb partner" [substantive] (Wb 4, 152.2-6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3324)

snj, "sie [Enkl. Pron. dual.3.c]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG § 166; Schenkel, Einf., 107)

snj, "[ein Fisch]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 9.14)

snj.w, "[ein Wertmesser]; Silberstück" | "[a measure of value]; piece of silver (of specific weight)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Janssen, Prices, 102-105; LÄ IV, 1081 ff.; Meeks, AL 78.3579; 79.2598)

snjk, "vernichten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 156.8)

sni̯, "erlösen; sich von etwas lösen" | "to loosen; to free oneself from something" [verb] (Wb 4, 156.5; Allen, Inflection, 573; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 500 f.)

snꜥꜥ, "glätten; (fein) zerreiben" | "to make smooth; to grind" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 156.10-16)

snꜥꜥ, "Zerriebenes; Mixtur" | "powder (?) (i.e., something ground fine); mixture" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 681)

snw, "Wein von Pelusium" | "wine of Pelusium" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 155.8-9; FCD 231)

snw, "Opferbrote" | "bread; offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 155.10-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 856 f.)

snw, "sich trennen (von jmdm.)" | "to free oneself from someone" [verb] (Wb 4, 157.3; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 573)

snw, "Bedürftigkeit, Armut" | "poverty" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 157.4; FCD 231)

snw, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 696 (PT 758))

snw-p.t, "Senf" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 162.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 863; EDG 438; Aufrère, BIFAO 87, 1987, 31 ff.)

snwr, "entfernen, vertreiben (o. Ä.); erbeben lassen" | "to make tremble (med.)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 157.9; FCD 231; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 507; MedWb 757)

snwḥ, "in Liebesrausch versetzen" | "to impassion" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 157.10; Schenkel, Memphis, Herakleopolis, Theben, 284, Anm. b)

snwḫ, "kochen; verbrennen" | "to boil; to burn" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 157.12-17; FCD 231; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 858)

snwt.t, "[kriechende Pflanze]" | "[a creeping plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 157.7; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 505)

snwḏ, "weichen lassen, sich entfernen lassen" | "to thrust aside" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 158.1; FCD 231; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 507)

snb, "Gesundheit; Wohlergehen" | "health" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 159.12-17)

snb, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant associated with Lower Egypt (papyrus?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 160.8-10; DrogWb 443 f.)

snb, "verbrennen" | "to burn" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 161.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 862)

snb, "gesund sein; gesund machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 158.2-159.11)

snb.t, "[ein Boot (Papyrusboot)]" | "[a boat (papyrus skiff)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 161.11; Jones, Naut. Titles, 144 (63))

snb-jb, "Hunger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 160.1)

snbꜣbꜣ, "schützen, erhalten; entkommen (?)" | "to make restless (?)" [verb: verb_caus_5-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3645; 78.3608; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 508)

snbb, "sich grüßen" | "to exchange greetings" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 4, 161.14)

snf, "Vorjahr" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 162.12-14; FCD 231)

snfi̯, "atmen lassen" | "to let breathe; to comfort" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 162.5-10; vgl. FCD 232)

snfr, "schön machen; vollkommen machen" | "to make beautiful; to embellish" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 163.1-13)

snfr, "Zierat" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 163.14)

snfr.w, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a kind of bird]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 163.15)

snfḫfḫ, "lösen" | "to loosen; to realease" [verb: verb_caus_5-lit] (Wb 4, 163.16-18; FCD 232; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 509)

snm, "essen lassen; (jmdn.) speisen; essen" | "to feed (someone); to consume (food)" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 164.1-16; vgl. EAG § 442)

snm, "Gier" | "greed (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 165.2; FCD 232)

snm, "traurig sein; traurig machen" | "to be sad" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 165.4-5; FCD 232; Fecht, Vorwurf, 68, 70)

snm, "Regenflut" | "storm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 165.11-12; FCD 232)

snm, "Trauer" | "mourning; grief" [substantive] (Wb 4, 165.6-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 864)

snm.w, "Speisung, Fütterung" | "food supply" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 164.17-18; FCD 232; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 510)

snm.t, "Speisen" | "food supply" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 165.1)

snm-ns, "lügen" | "to lie; to deceive" [verb] (Wb 4, 165.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 864)

snm-rʾ, "der mit traurigem Mund" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 7 (25), pl. 3)

snmy.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a rampant weed]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 165.14; FCD 232)

snmḥ, "[Betrug an der Waage]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 165.15)

snmḥ, "beten, flehen" | "to pray; to make supplication" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 165.16-166.4; FCD 232; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 865)

snmḥ, "Gebet" | "prayer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 166.5-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 62)

snn, "[ein mineralischer Stoff (für Augenbalsam und Schminke)]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 166.9-13; DrogWb 448; Koura, Öle, 237)

snn.wt, "Verehrung" | "homage (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 166.15)

snn.tjw-tꜣ, "Befehlshaber" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 166.18)

snn-n-sḫꜣ.t, "Erinnerungsbericht (Memorandum)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quirke/Collier, Lahun Pap., Letters, 152-53)

snri̯, "erschrecken lassen" | "to terrify" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 167.1; FCD 233)

snrw, "[nubisches Produkt]" | "[a product of Nubia]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 167.4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 64)

snhi̯, "mustern, registrieren" | "to register; to assemble (i.e. to muster (troops))" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 167.5-9; FCD 233; Lesko, Dictionary III, 64)

snhp, "aufspringen lassen; in Bewegung setzen" | "to set in motion (med.)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 167.16-168.4; MedWb 767)

snhzi̯, "aufwecken" | "to wake" [verb: verb_caus_4-inf] (Wb 4, 168.9-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 511; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 867)

snhd, "zittern lassen; dienstbar gemacht werden (?)" | "cause to palpitate (?)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 168.11; Allen, Inflection 594; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 511)

snḥ, "binden, fesseln" | "to tie up; to fetter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 168.12-24; FCD 233; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 511; Lesko, Dictionary III, 65; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 867)

snḥ, "Fessel" | "fetter(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 511; KoptHWb 191; Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 319; II, 219 f.)

snḥ.tt, "Fesselung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 169.1)

snḥꜣ, "(Zauberei) unwirksam machen; verschlimmern" | "to frustrate (?); to make dangerous" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 169.5; FCD 233)

snḫ, "(Kind) aufziehen; sich verjüngen; in Schutz nehmen" | "to bring up (a child); to make young; cause to be protected" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 169.6-7; Allen, Inflection, 591)

snḫꜣḫꜣ, "(das Herz) erfreuen" | "to please" [verb: verb_caus_5-lit] (Wb 4, 169.9; vgl EAG § 445)

snḫn, "jung machen" | "to make young" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 169.11-14; FCD 233; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 511 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 868)

snḫn, "(jmdn. mit Aussprüchen) lenken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 170.1; FCD 233)

snḫḫ, "verjüngen" | "to rejuvenate oneself" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Wb 4, 170.2-5; FCD 233; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 512; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 868)

snḫt, "stark machen; bereichern" | "to make strong; to strengthen" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 170.7-15)

snḫt.w, "Versteifung" | "stiffness (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 170.16; MedWb 768)

sns.w, "Lobpreis" | "praises" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 171.11-13; FCD 233; Lesko, Dictionary III, 65; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 869)

snsi̯, "preisen, verehren" | "to worship; to praise" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 171.5-10; FCD 233; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 512; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 868 f.)

snsn, "preisen, verehren" | "to worship" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 171.15-16)

snsn, "riechen, atmen" | "to smell; to inhale" [verb] (Wb 4, 172.2-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 513; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 870)

snsn, "Atem" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 172.11)

snsn, "sich gesellen; sich vereinigen" | "to associate with; to fraternize" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 172.12-173.31; Allen, Inflection, 578)

snsn, "freundschaftliche Verbindung (zwischen Staaten)" | "brotherhood (characterization of the relationship between rulers)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 174.1; Lesko, Dictionary III, 66)

snsn, "faulen; stinken (vom Leichnam); riechen (Geruch verbreiten)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 174.3)

snsn, "Verwandter; Freund" | "close friend" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3669)

snsn.t, "Duft; Geruch" | "smell" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.2634)

snš, "(Ohren) öffnen" | "to unstopp (the ears)" [verb] (Wb 4, 174.4)

snq, "säugen; saugen" | "to suckle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 174.7-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 871; vgl. EAG § 443)

snk, "[Eigenschaft des Herzens]" | "haughtiness (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 175.6)

snk, "dunkel sein" | "to be dark" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 175.11-13)

snk, "Gier (des Wassers)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 177.2-3; FCD 234)

snk, "[ein Korb]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Giddy, Egyptian Oases, 87)

snk.w, "Dunkel" | "dark" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 176.13-14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 514)

snk.wj, "zur Dunkelheit Gehöriger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 209a)

snk.t, "Dunkelheit" | "darkness; obscurity" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 176.4-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 514 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 871 f.)

snk.t, "Sehnsucht (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 234)

snkn.t, "Verletzung; Behinderung" | "injury; hindrance" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Gunn, ASAE 25, 1925, 253, pl. I)

snt, "(Osiris) beweinen" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 4, 177.9)

snṯ, "Fundament; Grundriss; Bauplan" | "foundation (of a temple); (ground) plan (of a temple)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 178.16-179.8; FCD 234)

snṯ, "Glieder, Leib" | "limb (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 180.1)

snṯ.y, "Kajüte (auf dem Boot)" | "deckhouse; cabin (of a divine bark)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 179.16; FCD 234; Jones, Naut. Titles, 186 f. (147))

snṯ.t, "Grundmauerwerk; Bauplan" | "foundation; plan (for a building)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 179.9-14; FCD 234)

snṯ.t, "[Schrein auf der Götterbarke]" | "[shrine on a divine bark]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 681)

snṯi̯, "gründen; schaffen" | "to found" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 177.10-178.15; Allen, Inflection, 584)

snṯr, "räuchern; reinigen" | "to cense; to purify" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 180.7-15)

snṯr, "Räucherung (?)" | "censing (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 180.16-17)

snṯr, "Weihrauch" | "incense" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 180.18-181.17)

snd, "[ein Gewand]" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 181.18; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 516; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 879)

snḏ, "Gänsebraten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 182)

snḏ, "fürchten" | "to fear; to be afraid" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 182.2-183.3)

snḏ, "Furcht; Furchtbarkeit" | "fear; dreadfulness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 183.4-22)

snḏ.w, "Furchtsamer" | "frightened one; timid one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 184.15-185.4)

snḏ.t, "Furcht" | "fear" [substantive] (Wb 4, 184.1-14; FCD 235)

snḏꜣḏꜣ.w, "Verflüssigung (?)" | "[watery substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 185.9; MedWb 770)

snḏm, "angenehm machen; ruhen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 185.10-187.26)

snḏm-n=f-jḥt.y, "der, dem die Kehle erquickt wurde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 408)

sr, "Vornehmer; hoher Beamter; Magistrat" | "nobleman; official" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 188.3-189.9)

sr, "Giraffe" | "giraffe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 189; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 880)

sr, "vorhersagen; verkünden" | "to foretell; to make known" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 189.15-190.17)

sr, "besuchen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 190.20-23; Hornung, Totenbuch, 500)

sr, "Haar; Perücke" | "hair (of a woman, of an animal)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 191.3-4; FCD 235; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 880)

sr, "Handpauke" | "tambourine-like drum" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 191.6-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 881 f.)

sr, "abtrennen" | "to sever (?)" [verb] (Wb 4, 192.10)

sr, "Magistrat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 413)

sr, "Vornehmer; hoher Beamter; Magistrat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 188.3-189.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3331)

sr, "Prophet" | "announcer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 519)

sr, "husten (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (MedWb 775)

sr.y, "Anweisung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 17)

sr.w, "Graugans" | "grey goose" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 191.16; FCD 235; LÄ II, 504)

sr.w, "Schmuckband (für den Fuß)" | "anklet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 193.4)

sr.t, "Magistraten; Beamtenkollegium" | "body of magistrates" [substantive] (Wb 4, 189.10-12; FCD 235)

sr.t, "Dorn; Stachel" | "thorn; spine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 190.24-191.2; FCD 235; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 520; Lesko, Dictionary III, 71)

sr.t, "Graugans" | "grey goose" [substantive] (Wb 4, 192.5-7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 71)

sr.t, "[eine vornehme syrische Gefangene]" | "captive woman (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 204.16; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 376; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 48)

sr-Jwn.w, "Fürst von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 414)

sr-wr, "der große Fürst" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 416)

sr-wr-jm.j-Jwn.w, "der große Fürst, der in Heliopolis ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 416 f.)

sr-wr-m-ḥw.t-sr, "großer Fürst im Fürstenhaus" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 417)

sr-wr-m-H̱r.j-ꜥḥꜣ, "großer Fürst in Babylon" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 417)

sr-wr-n-Ꜥnḏ.tj, "großer Fürst von Anedjti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 133, Anm. 449)

sr-m-Jwn.w, "Magistrat in Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI 414)

sr-m-ḥꜣ.t-rḫ.yt, "Nobler, an der Spitze der Untertanen" | "nobleman in front of the commoners" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1320)

sr-mnḫ, "exzellenter Fürst (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 419)

sr-n-kꜣp, "Magistrat des (königlichen) Haushalts" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 76.15)

sr-nḥḥ, "Fürst der Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 419)

srjw, "[Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 193.3)

sry.t, "Husten" | "cough" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 192.19-193.2; MedWb 773 ff.)

sri̯, "Fürst sein; führen; kommandieren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 189.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 518 f.)

srw, "sich wenden" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 4, 193.7)

srw, "[Produkt Nubiens]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 71)

srwi̯, "entfernen; vertreiben" | "to remove" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 193.9-12; FCD 235; MedWb 775; Lesko, Dictionary III, 71)

srwḫ, "behandeln; pflegen" | "to foster; to treat (med.)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 193.13-194.6; FCD 236; MedWb 775 ff.)

srwḏ, "fest machen; stärken" | "to make endure; to make strong" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 194.7-23)

srwḏ.t, "Ausstattung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10081 C, 2, 4)

srwḏ-ḥꜥ.w=f-m-wbn-ḥtp, "der seinen Leib kräftigt beim Auf-und Untergehen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 429)

srwḏšp-jtn, "der die Kenemet-Sterne (am Himmel) befestigt bis zum Leuchten der Sonnenscheibe" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 66, 91, n. 18, 73, n. 25; vgl. LGG IV, 661)

srp.t, "Lotosblatt" | "lotus leaf" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 195.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 72; Quack, LingAeg 12, 2004, 140)

srf, "warm sein; erwärmen" | "to warm; to be warm" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 195.11-13)

srf, "Wärme; Leidenschaft; Fieber" | "warmth; temperature" [substantive] (Wb 4, 196.1-14; FCD 236)

srf, "ruhen; zur Ruhe bringen" | "to make rest; to rest" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 197.5-9; FCD 236; Lesko, Dictionary III, 72; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 884; Leslau, JNES 21, 1962, 46)

srf, "warm" | "warm" [adjective] (Wb 4, 195.6-10)

srf, "Erleichterung; Muße; Rast" | "rest; relief" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 197.1-4; FCD 236; Lesko, Dictionary III, 72)

srf.t, "Hautentzündung" | "rash (?) (as a symptom of illness)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 196.15; MedWb 781 f.)

srm, "[Bez. des Apophis]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 198.3; LGG VI, 431)

srmi̯, "weinen machen" | "to make weep" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 198.1-2; FCD 236)

srḥ.w, "Bäche (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Barbotin/Clère, BIFAO 91, 1991, 22, Anm. 103)

srḫ, "bekannt machen; beschuldigen" | "to make known (information); to complain; to accuse" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 199.1-6; FCD 236)

srḫ, "schlechter Ruf; Vorwurf" | "(bad) reputation; accusation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 199.7-8)

srḫ, "Palastfassade; Thron" | "palace facade; throne" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 200.3-14; FCD 236)

srḫ, "Denkstein" | "memorial" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 200.15; FCD 237; Müller, MDAIK 4, 1933, 171 f.)

srḫ, "Behörde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 237)

srḫ, "Reliquienkasten" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 238 f.)

srḫ.y, "Verleumder, Ankläger" | "accuser" [substantive] (Wb 4, 199.12-14; FCD 236)

srs, "aufwecken; aufwachen" | "to awaken" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 200-201.10)

sršu̯, "froh machen" | "to make rejoice" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 201.15; KoptHWb 560)

srq, "atmen lassen; atmen; öffnen" | "to open; to make inhale" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 201-203.10; FCD 237; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 523; Lesko, Dictionary III, 72; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 887; Allen, Inflection, 563)

srq, "Schnee" | "snow (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 204.14; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 375)

srq.w, "Atmen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 203.14-15)

srq.t, "Skorpion" | "scorpion" [substantive] (Wb 4, 204.1-3)

srq.t-ḥty.t-n-Šw, "die die Kehle des Schu atmen lässt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.24)

srq.t-ḥtw, "die die Kehle atmen lässt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 3, 181.3)

srq-ḥty.t, "der die Kehle atmen lässt" | "She-who-opens-the-throat (i.e. makes breathe)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 202.9; LGG VI, 434 f.)

srd, "wachsen lassen; pflanzen" | "to make grow; to plant" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 205.1-12)

srd, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 205.13; MedWb 783)

srd-mꜣw, "neuer Nachwuchs, neue Generation" | "new generation (of recruits)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 18; Meeks, AL 77.3732; 78.3688)

srdm, "Äste" | "[branches? fruit?]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 205.15)

srdd, "junger Trieb (?); junger Zweig (?)" | "[sprout? young branch?]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 18; Meeks, AL 78.3689; 79.2676)

srdd, "Ansammlung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 783)

srḏ, "meißeln; hämmern" | "to chisel" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 205.17-18)

shꜣ, "Aufruhr" | "confusion" [substantive] (Wb 4, 206.2-6; FCD 237)

shꜣ, "in Unordnung bringen" | "to damage" [verb] (Wb 4, 206.7; FCD 237)

shꜣ, "Sättigung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 206.9; Erman, Reden, 38, Anm. 6)

shꜣ, "umkehren; verkehren; betrügen; verderben (trans.); vernachlässigen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 207.1-5; Lesko, Dictionary III, 74)

shꜣ.t, "Trommel" | "drum" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 207.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 889)

shꜣ.tj, "zu Fall Gebrachter (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 35)

shꜣi̯, "herabsteigen lassen; fallen lassen" | "to bring down; to make fall" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 206.10-15)

shbu̯, "schwer arbeiten lassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 207.11; Berlev, Obch. Otn., 90 f.)

shp, "(die beiden Länder) verwalten" | "to govern (the Two Lands)" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 207.14; FCD 237)

shp.w, "Verhaltensnorm; Bestimmung" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 207.15; Quack, Merikare, 82 f. Anm. a)

shr.t, "grüner Bernstein (Harz der Akazie)" | "[a mineral (for amulets, also med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 208.16-18; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 523; Harris, Minerals, 130 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 505)

shru̯, "zufriedenstellen; beruhigen; erfreuen" | "to make content; to satisfy" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 207-208.15; FCD 237)

shrp, "eintauchen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 209.2)

shrr, "Friedensstifter ("Der zufrieden macht")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 177)

shtht, "zerstreuen; auseinanderjagen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Parkinson, JEA 90, 2004, 94, 98, 108 (33))

shd, "bestrafen" | "to punish; to curb" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 209.6; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 75; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 889)

shd.t, "Zwang" | "coercion" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 75; Meeks, AL 77.3743)

sḥꜣ.w, "Überflüsse (Krankheit der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane)" | "[symptom of illness affecting the uterus]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 210.1; MedWb 784; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 414)

sḥꜣ.t, "Eselherde" | "herd of donkeys" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 209.9)

sḥꜣ.tj, "Eseltreiber" | "donkey boy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 120 (T 90))

sḥꜣi̯, "enthüllen; entblößen" | "to strip; to reveal" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 209.10-14)

sḥꜣb-šnb.t, "der mit festlich gemachter Brust" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 451)

sḥꜣbi̯, "festlich machen" | "to make festive" [verb: verb_caus_4-inf] (Wb 4, 213.8-214.13; FCD 238; Lesko, Dictionary III, 77; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 891)

sḥꜣp, "verhüllen; verstecken" | "to conceal" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 210.2-10; FCD 238)

sḥjḥj, "umherstreifen (?)" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 220.20; STG 156.49, S. 208, Anm. bb)

sḥyḥ.t, "[ein Vogel oder ein Insekt]" | "[a small bird (?) (med.)]; [an insect (?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 210.13; DrogWb 459)

sḥꜥi̯, "preisen" | "to acclaim" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 211.1-4; FCD 238; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 525)

sḥw, "Gesamtheit; Zusammenfassung" | "collection; assemblage; summary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 212.6-15; FCD 238)

sḥwꜣ, "faulen lassen, verwesen; verzweifeln (o. Ä.)" | "to make decay; to be desperate" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 212.17-18)

sḥwꜣ.w, "Fäulnisprodukt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 784)

sḥwi̯, "zusammenfassen; sammeln" | "to collect; to assemble" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 211.13-212.5; FCD 238)

sḥwꜥ, "(Zeit) verkürzen" | "to shorten" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 213.1; FCD 238)

sḥwr, "schmähen; verächtlich machen" | "to vilify; to reproach" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 213.4-6; FCD 238)

sḥwr, "Fluch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, Merikare, 22 f.)

sḥm, "zerstoßen; quetschen" | "to pound; to crush" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 215.9-20; MedWb 785)

sḥm, "Mus" | "trituration (mixture of finely powdered substances) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 216.1; FCD 238)

sḥm, "Quetschung" | "[symptom of an injury (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 216.2-3; MedWb 785)

sḥm, "Lösung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 460; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 426)

sḥm.y, "Stößel" | "pestle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3761; 79.2693; Janssen, Prices, 326 f.)

sḥmy.t, "Überschwemmung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 216.5)

sḥmi̯, "zurücktreiben; hemmen" | "to put a stop to" [verb] (Wb 4, 215.2-8; Allen, Inflection, 595)

sḥn, "beauftragen; ausrüsten" | "to command; to provide" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 216.8-16; FCD 238; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 595; vgl. ONB 55)

sḥn, "Befehl; Auftrag" | "order; commission" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 217.1-16; Lesko, Dictionary III, 77)

sḥn, "Befehlshaber; Verwalter" | "commander; officer" [substantive] (Wb 4, 218.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 78; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 892 f.)

sḥn.t, "Klettergerüst (vor Min und Amun)" | "[structure associated with Min, with Amun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 218.10-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 893)

sḥr, "[Geschwulst]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 220.13; MedWb 786)

sḥr-Šmꜣ.yw, "der die Krankheitsdämonen vertreibt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 459)

sḥri̯, "(sich) fernhalten; entfernen; vertreiben" | "to drive away; to exorcise (evil); to make distant" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 219.9-220.12; Allen, Inflection, 595)

sḥḥ.t, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 220.19)

sḥqꜣ, "zum Herrscher einsetzen" | "to install as ruler" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 221.4-6; FCD 238; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 526; Lesko, Dictionary III, 79)

sḥqr, "hungern lassen" | "to starve" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 221.7-8; FCD 239; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 526)

sḥtp, "zufriedenstellen; erfreuen; zur Ruhe betten" | "to propitiate; to please; to satisfy" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 221.10-222.20; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 894)

sḥtp, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 223.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 895)

sḥtp, "Opfertisch" | "offering table" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 223.7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 895)

sḥtp.y, "Räucherpfanne" | "arm-like censer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 222.23-223.3; FCD 239; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 895)

sḥtp-Ptḥ, "der Ptah zufriedenstellt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 465)

sḥtp-ḥm.t=s, "der ihre Majestät zufriedenstellt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (ITE I/2, 58, Anm. 7)

sḥtp-Tꜣ.wj, "der die beiden Länder zufriedenstellt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 471)

sḥtm, "vernichten" | "to destroy" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 223.10-224.7; FCD 239; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 527; Lesko, Dictionary III, 80)

sḥtm.w, "Vernichter" | "destroyer" [substantive] (Wb 4, 224.8; FCD 239)

sḥd, "[ein Stern]" | "[a star]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 224.10-11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 527 f.)

sḥd.w, "[Teil des Himmels]" | "[height (?) of the starry sky]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 224.12-15)

sḥḏ, "hell werden lassen; erleuchten; leuchten" | "to make bright; to illuminate; to shine" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 224.16-226.6)

sḥḏ, "Licht" | "light" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 226.8)

sḥḏ, "Aufseher" | "inspector" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 227.8-15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3336)

sḥḏ, "Aufseher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 227.8-15)

sḥḏ.w, "Erleuchter (Sonnengott)" | "illuminator (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 226.10-11; LGG VI, 476)

sḥḏ.w, "[Krankheitserscheinung]" | "[a symptom of illness]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 227.3-5; MedWb 787 f.)

sḥḏ.w-wr, "großer Erheller" | "great illuminator (sun god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 226.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 896; LGG VI, 477)

sḥḏ.t-n.t-ḫnr.t, "Aufseherin der musizierenden Haremsdamen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jones, Titles, no. 3587)

sḥḏ.t-ḫtm.tjw, "Aufseherin der Siegler" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Mereruka II, pl. 69)

sḥḏ.t-Tꜣ.wj-m-nfr.w=s, "die die Beiden Länder mit ihrer Schönheit erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 19)

sḥḏ-jꜥꜣ.w, "Aufseher der Fremdsprachigen" | "inspector of Egyptianized Nubians" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3367)

sḥḏ-jwḥ.w, "Aufseher der Iwehu-Tänzer (?)" | "inspector of dwarfs (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3337; vgl. Fischer, BiOr 59, 2002, 34)

sḥḏ-jm.jw-nṯr.w, "Aufseher derer die unter den Göttern sind" | "inspector of those who are among the gods" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3341)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-jꜥḥ, "Aufseher derer, die zum Iach(?) gehören" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3347)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-jḫ.t, "Aufseher der Vermögensverwalter" | "inspector of custodians of proberty" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3348)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-jḫ.t-pr-ḥḏ, "Aufseher der Schatzhausverwalter" | "inspector of custodians of property of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3349)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-jḫ.t-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Vermögensverwalter des Königs (im) Palast" | "inspector of custodians of property of the King in the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, pl. XIX; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 1211)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-mḏꜣ.t, "Aufseher der Schreibergehilfen" | "inspector of archivists" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3353)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-mḏꜣ.t-Ptḥ, "Aufseher der Schreibergehilfen des Ptah" | "inspector of archivists of Ptah" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3357)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-mḏꜣ.t-pr-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr, "Aufseher der Schreibergehilfen des Archivs der Gottesschriften" | "inspector of archivists of the archive of the god" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3355; vgl. Altenmüller, Mehu, 59 f.)

sḥḏ-jr.jw-mḏꜣ.t-pr-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Schreibergehilfen des Archivs der Gottesschriften des Palastes" | "inspector of archivists of the archive of the god of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3356)

sḥḏ-jr.w-ꜥn.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Nagelpfleger des Palastes" | "inspector of manicurists of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3360)

sḥḏ-jr.w-šnj-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Palastfriseure" | "inspector of hairdressers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3361)

sḥḏ-jr.w-šnj-nswt, "Aufseher der Friseure des Königs" | "inspector of hairdressers of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3362)

sḥḏꜣ.wj-nṯr.w, "dessen Augen die beiden Länder und die Götter erleuchten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 477)

sḥḏ-jz.t, "Aufseher der Truppe" | "inspector of the crew" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3363)

sḥḏ-jd.w-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Aufseher der Jünglinge des großen Hauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 2366)

sḥḏ-ꜥbꜣ-nṯr.w, "Aufseher des (Schiffes) Aba-netjeru" | "inspector of (the ship called) Aba-netjeru (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3374)

sḥḏ-ꜥḥ.wtw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Feldarbeiter des Palastes" | "inspector of field laborers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3372)

sḥḏ-wjꜣ, "Aufseher der Barke" | "inspector of the boat" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3373)

sḥḏ-wjꜣ-Bꜣ-nṯr.w, "Aufseher der Barke (namens) Ba der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3375)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester" | "inspector of wab-priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3376; vgl. Wb 4, 227.11)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-Ꜣḫ.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Horizont des Cheops" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 4, 8, pl. XV, fig. 12)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-Wr-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester (des Pyramidenkomplexes) Groß ist Chephren" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3379)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-Mn-s.wt-N.j-wsr-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Niuserre dauern" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3381)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Priester des Menkaure" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3382)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-n.w-Ḫꜥi̯-bꜣ.w-Sꜣḫw-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Die Bas des Sahure erscheinen" | "inspector of wab-priests of Bas-of-Sahure-appear(-in-glory) (pyramid complex of Sahure)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3385)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-n.w-Sḥd.w-Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester der (Pyramidenanlage) Sehedu-Djedefre" | "inspector of wab-priests of Djedefre-shines (pyramid of Djedefre)" [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, Hammamat, 57 (no. 23); vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3377)

sḥḏ-wꜥb.w-nswt, "Aufseher der Wab-Priester des Königs" | "inspector of wab-priests of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3383)

sḥḏ-wt.w, "Aufseher der Balsamierer" | "inspector of embalmers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3392; vgl. Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 176)

sḥḏ-wt.w, "Aufseher der Balsamierer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3392; vgl. Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 176)

sḥḏ-wdp.w, "Aufseher der Aufwärter" | "inspector of butlers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3394)

sḥḏ-pr, "Aufseher des Haushaltes (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3400)

sḥḏ-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher derer, die zum Palast gehören" | "inspector of (those attached to) the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3401)

sḥḏ-pr-Mnw, "Aufseher des Min-Tempels" | "inspector of the temple of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3404)

sḥḏ-pr-nswt, "Aufseher der königlichen Domäne" | "inspector of the royal domain" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3406)

sḥḏ-pr-ḥḏ, "Aufseher des Schatzhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3408)

sḥḏ-pr-šnꜥ, "Aufseher der Magazinverwaltung" | "inspector of the department of stores" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3409)

sḥḏ-pr-šnꜥ-Mr.n-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Magazinverwaltung des Merenre" | "inspector of the department of stores of Merenre" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VII, pl. 8b, fig. 35b; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3410)

sḥḏ-pr-šnꜥ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Magazinverwaltung des Neferkare" | "inspector of the department of stores of Neferkare" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VII, pl. 8b, fig. 35b; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3410)

sḥḏ-mḏḥ.ww-n-pr-nswt, "Aufseher der Zimmermänner des Königshauses" | "inspector of the carpenters of the king's house" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3415)

sḥḏ-Nḥs.jw-n.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Nubier des Palastes" | "inspector of the nubians of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3419)

sḥḏ-n-ḥmw.tjw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Handwerker des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3487)

sḥḏ-n-ḥs.ww, "Aufseher der Sänger" | "inspector of singers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3493)

sḥḏ-n-ḥs.ww-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Sänger des Palastes" | "inspector of singers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3495)

sḥḏ-nfr.w, "Aufseher der Rekruten" | "inspector of recruits" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3418)

sḥḏ-nm.t, "Aufseher des Schlachthauses" | "inspector of the place of slaughter" [epitheton_title: title] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish V, fig. 8)

sḥḏ-ḥw.t, "Aufseher des Gutes" | "inspector of the estate (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3430; vgl. Wb 4, 227.12)

sḥḏ-ḥw.t-kꜣ, "Aufseher der Kapelle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3435)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr, "Aufseher der Priester" | "inspector of priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3437)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr, "Aufseher der Priester" | "inspector of priests" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3437)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Ptḥ, "Aufseher der Priester des Ptah" | "inspector of the priests of Ptah" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3442)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mn-ꜥnḫ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Das Leben des Neferkare dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3447)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mn-nfr-Ppy, "Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Pepj dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer, Varia Nova, 2)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mn-nfr-Mr.y-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Vollkommenheit des Meryre dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3448)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Priester des Menkaure" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3450)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mnw, "Aufseher der Priester des Min" | "inspector of priests of Min" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3451)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Mr.t-Ttj, "Aufseher der Priester am Meret-Heiligtum des Teti" | "inspector of priests at the meret-temple of Teti" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3453; vgl. Wb 2, 108.9)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-mꜣꜥ-Mn-ꜥnḫ-Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "wahrer Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Das Leben des Neferkare dauert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3444)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-mw.t-nswt, "Aufseher der Priester der Königsmutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3445)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Nfr-Jzzj, "Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen ist Isesi" | "inspector of priests of (the pyramid) Djedkare-Isesy is Perfect" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3455)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Nfr-s.wt-Wnjs, "Aufseher der Priester der Pyramidenanlage des Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Mastaba of Neb-Kaw-Her, pl. 8)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Nṯr.j-s.wt-Mn-kꜣ.w-Ḥr.w, "Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Göttlich sind die Plätze des Menkauhor" | "inspector of the priests of the pyramid of Menkauhor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3457)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-nṯr.j-Mn-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Priester des Göttlichen Menkaure" | "inspector of priests of the divine Menkaure" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3450)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Rꜥw-m-S.t-jb-Rꜥw, "Aufseher der Priester des Re in (dem Sonnenheiligtum) Der Lieblingsort des Re" | "inspector of the priests of Re in the sun-temple of Neferirkare" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3458)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Aufseher der Priester der Hathor" | "inspector of priests of Hathor" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3459)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-ḥw.t-kꜣ-Ppy, "Aufseher der Priester des Ka-Hauses des Pepi" | "inspector of priests of the ka-house of Pepi" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3465)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-tp.j-n-Ḥr.w-Nḫn.j, "erster Aufseher der Priester des Horus von Hierakonpolis" | "chief inspector of God's-servants of Horus of Nekhen" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1330)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-nṯr-Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Aufseher der Priester von (der Pyramidenanlage) Die Plätze des Teti dauern" | "inspector of priests of Steadfast-are-the-places-of-Teti (pyramid)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3473; WbZ: DZA 11368290)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Aufseher der Totenpriester" | "inspector of (funerary) priests" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 90.16; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3475)

sḥḏ-ḥm.w-kꜣ, "Aufseher der Totenpriester" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 90.16)

sḥḏ-ḥmw.tjw, "Aufseher der Handwerker" | "inspector of craftsmen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3484)

sḥḏ-ḥmw.tjw-wꜥb.t, "Aufseher der Handwerker der Wabet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3485)

sḥḏ-ḥmt.j, "Aufseher des Kupfererzes (?)" | "inspector of metal workers" [epitheton_title: title] (Baines/Parkinson, in: Fs te Velde, 15; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3397)

sḥḏ-ḥr.w-tm, "Aufseher der Oberen des Tem-Gebietes (?)" | "inspector of the masters of the tem-region (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3492)

sḥḏ-ḥs.ww-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Palastsänger" | "inspector of singers of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3495; vgl. LÄ VII, 445)

sḥḏ-ḫꜣ.ww, "Aufseher der Kornmesser" | "inspector of the grain measurers" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK. no. 3498)

sḥḏ-ḫꜣ.ww-ḥw.wt, "Aufseher der Kornmesser der Güter" | "inspector of the grain measurers of the estates" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3499)

sḥḏ-ḫnt.w-š, "Aufseher der Chentuschi (Pächter)" | "inspector of land-tenants" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3500; vgl. LÄ VII, 444)

sḥḏ-ḫnt.w-š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Chentuschi des Palastes" | "inspector of land-tenants of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3503)

sḥḏ-ḫnt.w-š, "Aufseher der Chentuschi der (Pyramidenanlage) Vollkommen sind die Plätze des Königs von Ober- und Unterägypten Unas" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3501)

sḥḏ-ḫnt.w-š-sms.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der ältesten Chentuschi des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3504)

sḥḏ-ḫtm.ww, "Aufseher der Siegler" | "inspector of sealers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3507)

sḥḏ-ḫtm.ww, "Aufseher der Siegler" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3507)

sḥḏ-zwn.w, "Oberarzt" | "master physician" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3519)

sḥḏ-zwn.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Oberarzt des Palastes" | "master physician of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3520)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww, "Aufseher der Schreiber" | "inspector of scribes" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones Titles OK, 3522)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥ-nswt, "Aufseher der Schreiber der Königsakte" | "inspector of the scribes of the royal document" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, 3227)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥ-nswt-pr-ḥḏ, "Aufseher der Schreiber der Königsakten des Schatzhauses" | "inspector of the scribes of the royal documents of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3529)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥ-nswt-šnw.t, "Aufseher der Schreiber der Königsakten der Scheune" | "inspector of the scribes of the royal documents of the granary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3531)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥpr.w, "Aufseher der Mannschaftsschreiber" | "inspector of scribes of crews" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3532)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-ꜥpr.w-ꜥ-n.w-nswt, "Aufseher der Schreiber der Mannschaft der Königsakten" | "inspector of scribes of the royal documents of the crews" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3533)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-pr-mḏꜣ.t, "Aufseher der Schreiber des Bücherhauses" | "inspector of scribes of the archives" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3536)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-pr-mḏꜣ.t-nṯr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Schreiber des Gottesbücherhauses des Palastes" | "inspector of scribes of the god's archives of the Great House" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3540)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-pr-mḏꜣ.t-ḥr.j-wḏb.w, "Aufseher der Schreiber des Archivs des Leiters der Zuwendungen" | "inspector of scribes of the archives of those in charge of reversion" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3541)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-pr-ḥḏ, "Aufseher der Schatzhausschreiber" | "inspector of the scribes of the treasury" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, OK Titles, no. 3544)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-mr.t, "Vorsteher der Schreiber der Meret-Leute" | "inspector of scribes of meret-serfs" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3546)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-n-ḥw.t-wr.t, "Aufseher der Schreiber der großen Gerichtshalle" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3549)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-zꜣ-wr, "Aufseher der Schreiber der Phyle (namens) Wer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3555)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-sšp-nswt, "Aufseher der Schreiber des königlichen Seschep-Gewandes" | "inspector of scribes of royal Seshep-cloth" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3559)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-sšr.w-nswt, "Aufseher der Schreiber des Königsleinens" | "inspector of scribes of royal linen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3558)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-šnw.t, "Aufseher der Schreiber der Scheune" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3557)

sḥḏ-zẖꜣ.ww-qdw.t, "Aufseher der Umrisszeichner" | "inspector of draftsmen" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3560)

sḥḏ-smn.tjw, "Aufseher der Prospekteure" | "inspector of prospectors (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3563)

sḥḏ-sr.w, "Aufseher der hohen Beamten" | "inspector of (high) officials" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3564; LÄ VII, 445)

sḥḏ-sḫm-nfr.w-m-ḥn.t, "Aufseher der Marine-Rekruten des Kanals (?)" | "inspector of navy recruits of the canal (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Goyon, Hammamat, 65; Helck, OLZ 54, 1959,19)

sḥḏ-sḫr.w, "Aufseher des Secheru-Getreidespeichers" | "inspector of the secheru-granary" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3567)

sḥḏ-sšr, "Aufseher des Sescher (?)" | "inspector of alabaster (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3568; vgl. Fischer, BiOr 59, 2002, 34)

sḥḏ-sqbb-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Aufseher der Libation(spriester) des Palastes" | "inspector of the cooling (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3570)

sḥḏ-šms.w, "Aufseher der Gefolgsleute" | "inspector of retainers" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1336)

sḥḏ-šms.w, "Aufseher der Gefolgsleute" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 1336)

sḥḏ-qs.tjw, "Aufseher der Bildhauer" | "inspector of sculptors" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no, 3580)

sḥḏ-qd.w, "Aufseher der Bauarbeiter; Aufseher der Töpfer" | "inspector of builders; inspector of potters" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3578)

sḥḏ-Tꜣ.wj, "der die Beiden Länder erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 484)

sḥḏ-Tꜣ.wj-m-nfr.w=f, "der die Beiden Länder mit seiner Schönheit erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 488)

sḥḏ-tꜣ, "der die Erde erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 481 f.)

sḥḏ-tꜣ-n-nṯr.w-n-jwi̯=f, "der das Land für die Götter bei seinem Kommen erhellt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 483)

sḥḏ-tꜣ-nb-m-wbn=f, "der jedes Land bei seinem Aufgang erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 482 f.)

sḥḏ-tꜣ-nb-m-nfr.w=f, "der jedes Land mit seiner Schönheit erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 483)

sḥḏ-tꜣ-nb-m-ḫꜥ.w=f, "der jedes Land bei seinem Aufgang erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 483)

sḥḏ-tꜣ-nb-m-kꜣ=f, "der jedes Land durch seinen Ka erleuchtet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 483)

sḥḏ-ṯꜣw, "Aufseher der Fährleute (?)" | "inspector of boatmen (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3582; Andrássy, JESHO 45, 2002, 397 f.)

sḥḏ-ḏbꜣ.t, "Aufseher des Ankleideraums (im Palast)" | "inspector of the robing room (of the palace)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3584; Wb 5, 561.5)

sḥḏw.t, "Licht" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 226.9)

sḥḏn, "ärgerlich machen" | "to vex" [verb] (Wb 4, 228.8; FCD 239)

sḫ.w, "Galle" | "gallbladder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 228.9-11; DrogWb 460 f.)

sḫ.w, "Breite" | "breadth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 228.14-18; FCD 240; vgl. ONB 99)

sḫ.w, "Hof; Schlachthof" | "courtyard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 229.1-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 899 f.)

sḫ.t, "[ein Brot]" | "(offering) bread" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 228.13; FCD 239)

sḫ.t, "Feld; Weide; Marschland" | "marshland; country" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 229.8-231.7)

sḫ.t-jꜣr.w, "Binsengefilde" | "field of reeds" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 32.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 530)

sḫ.t-ḥtp, "Opfergefilde (im Jenseits)" | "field of offerings (in the hereafter)" [substantive] (Wb 3, 184.5,16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 531 ff.)

sḫ.t-ḥtp, "Opfergottgefilde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT I, 226c)

sḫ.t-ḥtp.w, "Opfergefilde" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT I, 226c)

sḫ.tj, "Feldbewohner; Bauer" | "peasant; fieldworker; fowler" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 231.15-232.7; FCD 240)

sḫ.tj, "der zum Feld gehört" | "He-who-belongs-to-the-marshland" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 232.8; LGG VI, 499)

sḫꜣ, "sich erinnern; (etwas) erinnern; gedenken" | "to call to mind; to remember" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 232.12-233.26; Allen, Inflection, 591)

sḫꜣ, "verdunkeln" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 235.4; Allen, Inflection, 591)

sḫꜣ.w, "Erinnerung; Andenken" | "remembrance; memory; memorial" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 233-234.17; FCD 240)

sḫꜣḫ, "eilen, sich beeilen; beschleunigen" | "to hasten" [verb] (Wb 4, 235.12-14; FCD 240)

sḫꜣḫ.tj, "Eilbote" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 262.1)

sḫy.t, "[Gegenstand aus Holz]" | "[an object made of wood]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 236.10; Helck, Materialien V, 893)

sḫyi̯, "hoch machen" | "to raise up" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 236.3-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 898)

sḫꜥ, "Prozession (der Götter)" | "appearance (of gods in procession)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 237.21; Lesko, Dictionary III, 84)

sḫꜥi̯, "erscheinen lassen; erscheinen" | "to make appear; to appear" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 236.12-237.20)

sḫꜥr, "(jmdn.) wütend machen" | "to enrage" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 238.3; FCD 240)

sḫwꜣ, "leugnen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 238.6)

sḫwi̯, "schützen" | "to protect" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 238.4; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 898)

sḫwn, "streiten (mit Worten)" | "to dispute" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 238.8-10; FCD 240)

sḫwn.w, "Lärm" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3791)

sḫwzi̯, "ausstatten" | "to make prosperous; to deck out (a tomb)" [verb: verb_caus_4-inf] (Wb 4, 238.13-14; FCD 240)

sḫwd, "reich machen" | "to make rich" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 239.1-4; FCD 240; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 536; Lesko, Dictionary III, 84)

sḫbḫ, "eingeschlossen werden (Geflügel); (in etwas) schlüpfen" | "to ensnare; to catch" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 239.5-6; Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, 16, Anm. 89)

sḫbḫb, "(Riegel) wegschieben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Pyr 572d; EAG § 445; Allen, Inflection, 597)

sḫp.wt, "Schwimmer an Harpune" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 240.9)

sḫp.t, "[ein Getränk (Bier?)]" | "[a beverage (beer?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 240.5-7; DrogWb 461)

sḫpi̯, "herbeiführen; bringen" | "to conduct; to bring" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 239.7-240.1)

sḫpr, "entstehen lassen; schaffen" | "to create; to bring into being; to rear (a child)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 240.11-242.17)

sḫpr, "Nachkömmling; Mündel" | "offspring; ward" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.3753; Lesko, Dictionary III, 85)

sḫpr.w, "Geschöpfe" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 242.18; Lesko, Dictionary III, 85)

sḫpr.w, "Zuwachs; Gewinn" | "increment; acquisitions" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 85)

sḫpr-jr.t-Ḥr.w-m-ḫt-bꜣg.t=s, "der das Horusauge nach seiner Mattheit (wieder) erstehen ließ" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 504)

sḫpr-rnn.t, "der Reichtum entstehen lässt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 510)

sḫm, "[Gewässer am Himmel (Brunnen?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 243.2)

sḫm, "Sechem-Zepter" | "sekhem-scepter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 243.3-4)

sḫm, "göttliche Macht; Götterbild" | "(divine) power; (divine) image" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 243.5-245.2; ONB 140)

sḫm, "Macht (körperliche)" | "might; power" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 249.1-16)

sḫm, "Sistrum" | "sistrum" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 251.18-252.7; FCD 241)

sḫm, "[Substantiv]" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 18; Meeks, AL 78.3754)

sḫm, "scheitern (?)" | "to founder (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.3810)

sḫm, "mächtig" | "powerful" [adjective] (Wb 4, 246.10-23)

sḫm, "mächtig sein; Macht haben (über)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 245.10-248.21)

sḫm, "der Mächtige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 523 ff.)

sḫm, "Zauberbuch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 48)

sḫŠw-Tfn.t, "Sistrumspielerin von Schu und Tefnut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 328)

sḫm.w, "Machtwesen (Pl.); Bilder (der Götter)" | "cult images" [substantive] (Wb 4, 245.3-8)

sḫm.w-Gbb, "Abbild des Geb (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 8.27)

sḫm.t, "Macht" | "power; might" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 249.17-18; FCD 241)

sḫ, "die beiden Mächtigen (die Doppelkrone)" | "Two-powerful-ones (the double crown)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 250.10-251.10)

sḫ, "mächtig" | "powerful; mighty" [adjective] (Wb 4, 251.11-17)

sḫ, "die beiden Mächte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 568)

sḫm-jb, "der Kühne; der Dreiste" | "brave one" [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 8 (11), pl. 3)

sḫm-jri̯=f, "Machthaber" | "potentate" [substantive] (Wb 4, 250.1-4)

sḫm-wr, "große Macht" | "Great-power" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 243.6; LGG VI, 529 f.)

sḫm-nṯr.w, "der Mächtige der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 535)

sḫm-sḫm-n-rꜥw-nb, "die mächtige Erscheinung jeden Tages (Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 541)

sḫm-Tꜣ.wj, "die Macht der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 547 f.; vgl. Wb 4, 244.20)

sḫm-dwꜣ-ꜥnḫ.w, "die Macht, verehrt von den Lebenden (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 22.4; vgl. LGG VI, 549)

sḫmḫ, "erheitern" | "to distract (the heart); to entertain" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 252.10-18; vgl. FCD 241)

sḫmḫ, "die das Herz des Königs von Unterägypten an allen seinen Plätzen erfreut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3591)

sḫmḫ-jb, "Erheiterung; Unterhaltung" | "enjoyment" [substantive] (Wb 4, 253.1-5)

sḫmḫ-jb-n-nb=f-m-ḥs.t-nfr.t-m-ẖnw-pr-ꜥꜣ, "der das Herz seines Herrn mit schönem Gesang erfreut im Inneren des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Joners, Titles OK, no. 3590)

sḫn, "Ruhestätte; Rastplatz" | "resting-place" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 254.7)

sḫn, "prozessieren" | "to go to law; to contend" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 254.10; Lesko, Dictionary III, 87)

sḫn.yw, "das Verweilen" | "resting" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 254.9)

sḫni̯, "schweben; niederschweben lassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 253.6-254.6)

sḫnm, "Geruch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vehoeven; Iahtesnacht 1, 156, Anm. 1)

sḫnn, "Niederstoßener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Vgl. MedWb 790)

sḫnš, "stinkend machen" | "to make stink" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 255.4; FCD 242)

sḫnt.jw, "hervorragender Leinenstoff" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Scheele, Stofflisten, 28 f.)

sḫnt.jt-m-ḥr.jt-tp-Rꜥw, "die als Uräusschlange des Re nach vorn Gestellte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 574)

sḫ, "den der König von Unterägypten befördert hat" | "one whom the king of Lower Egypt promoted" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2006)

sḫnt-ḥḏ-tꜣ, "der den Tagesanbruch fördert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 573 f.)

sḫnt-tm.w, "der die Menschheit fördert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 574)

sḫnti̯, "vorn sein lassen; befördern" | "to advance; to promote" [verb: verb_caus_4-inf] (Wb 4, 255.6-256.11; Allen, Inflection, 597; FCD 242)

sḫnti̯, "stromauf fahren lassen" | "to take southwards" [verb] (Wb 4, 256.12-16; FCD 242)

sḫr, "fällen; niederwerfen" | "to overthrow; to cast down" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 257.3-258.5)

sḫr, "[Bez. des Feindes]" | "foe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 258.7)

sḫr, "Gedanke; Plan; Angelegenheit; Zustand" | "plan; condition; nature; conduct" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 258.10-260.16)

sḫr, "Abfall (von Feldfrüchten)" | "chaff (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3824; MedWb 791)

sḫr.y, "Kapitän" | "(ship's) captain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 260.17; FCD 243; Jones, Naut. Titles, 101 (225))

sḫr.y, "Ratgeber" | "plan maker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 260.18; Lesko, Dictionary III, 91)

sḫr.y, "Ratgeber" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 260.19; LGG VI, 588)

sḫr.w, "[ein Getränk]" | "overflowing bowls (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 258.6; vgl. FCD 242)

sḫr.t, "Bündel (von Papyrusrollen)" | "roll of papyrus; scroll" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 261.1-4; FCD 243; Lesko, Dictionary III, 90)

sḫr-ḫft.jw=f, "der seine Feinde niederwirft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 578)

sḫsf, "Prüfung" | "collation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3829)

sḫsf, "kollationieren; überprüfen; sich widersetzen; entgegentreten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 262.2; Meeks, AL 78.3778; FCD 243)

sḫt, "[ein Schiffsteil (Dollbord)]" | "[part of a ship]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 264.8; Dürring, Schiffbau, 63)

sḫt, "Sturm (militärisch) (?)" | "ambushing (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 264.11; FCD 244)

sḫt, "Vogelnetz; Falle; Schlinge" | "brid trap; net; noose" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 262.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 543; vgl. Wb 4, 262.8-9)

sḫt, "zurichten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 262.3-263.2; 263.6-16)

sḫt, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 264.5-6; DrogWb 462)

sḫt.j, "Vogelsteller; Fänger" | "bird catcher" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 263.3-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 916)

sḫt.j, "Weber" | "weaver" [substantive] (Wb 4, 264.2; Lesko, Dictionary III, 92)

sḫt.j, "Verschnittener" | "eunuch (?)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 264.3; LGG VI, 591)

sḫt.jt, "Vogelstellerin" | "fowler" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 263.5)

sḫt.w, "Fleisch von mit Fallen gefangenem Wasserwild (?); Wildbret (?)" | "flesh of snared wild-fowl (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 18; Meeks, AL 78.3784)

sḫt-rd.wj=f, "der an seinen beiden Beinen gebunden ist (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 17.4-5)

sḫti̯, "(etwas) nehmen; zurücknehmen; zurückweichen lassen; zurücktreiben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 265.2-3)

sḫtḫt, "zurücktreiben" | "to drive back" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 4, 265.5-7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 92; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 917)

sḫd, "mit dem Kopf nach unten sein; hinabsinken" | "to be upside down; to be in disorder" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 265.8-266.10; FCD 244; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 544; Lesko, Dictionary III, 92; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 917 f.)

sḫd, "tadeln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 267.1)

sḫd, "Tadel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jansen-Winkeln, JEA 83, 1997, 174, Anm. n)

sḫd.y, "Frevler" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 267.2; Goedicke, Pi(ankh)y, 117 f.)

sḫ, "Frevlerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (pBremner-Rhind 28.17 f.)

sḫdi̯, "stromab fahren lassen" | "to make sail northwards" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 266.12-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 918)

sḫdḫd, "auf den Kopf gestellt sein; herabhängen lassen" | "to be upside down" [verb: verb_caus_4-lit] (Wb 4, 267.3-7; FCD 244)

sẖ.t, "[eine Körnerfrucht]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 267.9-12; vgl. LÄ I, 1267; II, 587 f.; DrogWb 462 f.)

sẖꜣ, "ziehen; (sich) entziehen (?)" | "to free oneself (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.3791; Wb 4, 268.1; Lesko, Dictionary III, 92)

sẖꜣ.t, "[Gewand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 16)

sẖꜣꜣ, "(ein Boot) anlanden; rudern; treideln" | "to land (a boat); to row" [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb 4, 268.3-4; Allen, Inflection, 576; vgl. EAG § 724.5)

sẖꜣk, "durchseihen; filtern" | "to strain; to squeeze out" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4. 268.5-8; FCD 244; MedWb 792 f.)

sẖꜥ, "Hase (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 594)

sẖb, "verschlingen; einschlürfen; (Heilmittel) einnehmen" | "to swallow (something liquid); to quaff" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 268.13-269.5; MedWb 793; Peust, Egyptian Phonology, 135)

sẖb.w, "Trankmittel" | "[a draught (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 269.6; MedWb 793 f.)

sẖp, "kreisen; rund sein (?)" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 269.10; MedWb 794)

sẖm, "schroff vorgehen" | "to be hasty; to be impetuous" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 269.13-16; FCD 244; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 918)

sẖnn, "Entzündung verursachen" | "to make decompose (med.)" [verb] (Wb 4, 270.4; MedWb 794)

sẖnk.t, "Sieb" | "sieve (of metal)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 270.6-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 93)

sẖr, "Bauholz; hölzerne Geräte (der Handwerker)(?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 270.13)

sẖrj-ꜥ, "geringwertig sein; (jmdn.) gering schätzen" | "to underestimate; to deem insignificant" [verb] (Wb 4, 271.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 93)

sẖkr, "schmücken" | "to decorate; to adorn; to burnish" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 271.10-272.17)

sẖkr-Ḥr.w, "Schmücker des Horus" | "adorner of Horus" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3598)

szꜣi̯, "(Kleider) ablegen; schwinden lassen" | "to discard (clothing)" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 273.1-4; MedWb 795 f.; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 591)

szwnu̯, "bestrafen; zerstören; leiden lassen" | "to destroy; to punish" [verb] (Wb 4, 273.7-15; FCD 245)

szwr, "tränken" | "to drench" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 273.16-17)

szbi̯, "senden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 273.18-19; FCD 245)

szbṯ, "(jmdn.) zum Lachen bringen" | "to make laugh" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 274.1; FCD 245)

szf, "[ein Gewebe]" | "[a garment]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 274.2; FCD 245)

szf, "freundlich stimmen" | "to soothe" [verb] (Wb 4, 274.3; FCD 245)

szn, "(Türen) öffnen" | "to open (doors); cause to draw aside" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 274.5; vgl. EAG § 443; Allen, Inflection, 591)

ss, "verbrennen" | "to burn" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 274.6-7; FCD 244; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 919)

ssꜣ, "Sättigung; Nahrung" | "provisions; sustenance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 275.7; FCD 245)

ssꜣi̯, "sättigen" | "to satisfy" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 275.1-6)

ssbj, "Rebellion verursachen; revoltieren; Aufruhr erregen" | "to provoke (a revolt); to incite" [verb] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 18; Meeks, AL 77.3854)

ssbq, "(jmdn.) ehren" | "to honor someone" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 275.11; FCD 245)

sspd, "Gesicht schärfen (o. Ä.)" | "to enliven" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 275.13; vgl. FCD 245)

sspd, "zurüsten; ausrüsten" | "to make ready; to supply" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 275.14-276.4; FCD 245; Schenkel, SAK 27, 1999, 334)

ssf, "verbrennen" | "to burn up" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 276.13-15)

ssf, "Asche" | "ashes" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 276.5-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 920; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 94)

ssm.t, "Pferd" | "horse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 276.18-277.7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 94)

ssmt, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (KRI V, 646.5)

ssn, "riechen (Geruch verbreiten); riechen (Geruch wahrnehmen); atmen" | "to breathe; to smell" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 277.9-16; FCD 245)

ssnb, "gesund machen; gesund erhalten" | "to heal; to keep healthy" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 278.1-6; FCD 245), "der die Augen mit seinen Strahlen gesund hält" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 599)

ssnḏ, "in Furcht versetzen" | "to frighten" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 278.7-8)

ssrr, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 11; Meeks, AL 77.3368; Lesko, Dictionary III, 11)

ssḫm, "bestärken (im Widerstand)" | "to strengthen" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 278.11; FCD 246)

sskꜣ, "Schläfe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 279.1)

sskꜣ, "[Stoff für Salben]" | "[an ingredient in unguent]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 279.2-4; DrogWb 463 f.)

sskꜣ, "von der Droge Seseka-Berauschter (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Hassan, Giza II, 22, fig. 19, pl. V)

sst, "Fußgelenk" | "calf (of the leg)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 279.5 FCD 246; MedWb 796 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 229 f.; Yamazaki, Mutter und Kind, 23, Anm. tt)

ssṯ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Lebensmüder 82)

ssḏm, "[ein kostbares Holz]" | "[a costly wood]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (EAG § 60; vgl. Wb 4, 279.7-9)

sš.w, "Scheibe" | "disk (of metal)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 280.1; FCD 247)

sš.w, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 280.2-3; Helck, Materialien IV, 674)

sšꜣ, "flehen; erflehen" | "to beseech" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 281.2-3; FCD 247)

sšꜣ, "[Bewegungsverb (Fortschritt machen?; Kurs wechseln?)]" | english translation missing [verb] (FCD 247; Parkinson, Tale, 74)

sšꜣw, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 281.5)

sšwꜣ, "zu Schanden machen" | "to deprive (someone of something)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 282.6; FCD 247)

sšwi̯, "(jmdn.) emporheben; sich erheben" | "to lift up" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 281.8-9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 550)

sšwi̯, "trocknen" | "to dry" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 281.10-13; FCD 247)

sšwi̯, "leer machen" | "to empty" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 282.1-4)

sšp, "hell sein; leuchten; erleuchten" | "to be bright; to make bright (i.e., to lighten)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 282.7-283.9; FCD 247)

sšp, "Licht" | "light" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 283.10-284.4; FCD 247)

sšp, "[ein Gewand (hellfarbig)]" | "[a bright cloth]; [a bright garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 284.8-9)

sšp, "[leuchtender Gegenstand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1178b; CT VI, 298m)

sšp.y, "Leuchtender" | "bright one (solar Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 284.5; LGG VI, 612)

sšp.t, "Chate (eine Melone); Gurke (?)" | "[a melon]; cucumber (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 284.11; vgl. LÄ II, 521; vgl. KoptHWb 322)

sšp.t, "Licht" | "brightness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 551)

sšp-r-tr=f, "der zu seiner Zeit leuchtet (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 616)

sšm, "Leitung; Anweisung; Verhalten" | "guidance; state of affairs; conduct" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 289.10-290.4; FCD 247)

sšm, "Verteilung; Spezifizierung; Ausgaben" | "division; specification" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 290.12-13; FCD 247)

sšm, "Wesen" | "manifestation (of a god); nature (of a god)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 290.14-291.5)

sšm, "Tupfer" | "swab" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 292.6-7; MedWb 801)

sšm, "Schlächter" | "butcher (lit. one of the whetstone)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 292.11)

sšm, "Schlächter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 292.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3612)

sšm, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (CT I, 289a)

sšm.w, "Leitender" | "leader (a god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 291.18; LGG VI, 621)

sšm.w, "Bild; Kultbild; Ebenbild" | "statue; image; likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 291.6-16; FCD 248; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 553 f.)

sšm.w, "Begleitung; Gefolge" | "retinue" [substantive] (Wb 4, 287.21; Lesko, Dictionary III, 99)

sšm.w, "Führer; Leiter" | "leader; guide" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 288.1-289.3)

sšm.w-wꜣ.wt-nfr.wt, "Leiter auf den guten Wegen" | "guide of good ways" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titels OK, no. 3600)

sšm.w-ḥꜣb, "Festleiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 1755)

sšm.w-ḥnmm.t, "der Führer des Himmelsvolkes (Re u.a.)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 626 f.)

sšm.w-Tꜣ.wj, "Führer der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 629 ff.)

sšm.w-tꜣ, "Leiter des Landes" | "leader of the land; nomarch" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 288.14-17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3603)

sšm.wt, "Führerin (Uräusschlange, Göttinnen)" | "leader; guide (uraeus, goddesses)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 289.5-8; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 927 f.; LGG VI, 636 f.)

sšm.t, "Leitung; Weisung; Durchführung; Berechnung (math.)" | "guidance; proof (math.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 290.5-11; FCD 247; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 553)

sšm.t-nṯr.w, "die die Götter lenkt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 633 f.)

sšm-n=f-wꜣ.t-nḥḥ, "dem der Weg der Ewigkeit gewiesen wird" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Guglielmi/Buroh, in: Fs te Velde, 166; Lapp, Totenbuch Spruch 17, 276 f.)

sšm-n-sbꜣ, "Leiter des Tores" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 628)

sšm-nṯr.w, "der die Götter lenkt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 625)

sšm-rs.wt, "Traumzustand" | english translation missing [substantive] (Koch, Sinuhe, 29, 67)

sšm-štꜣ.ww-m-dwꜣ.t, "der die Geheimnisse der Unterwelt leitet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 629)

sšm-gꜣḥ, "das Abbild des Ermatteten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 641)

sšmi̯, "führen; leiten" | "to lead; to guide" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 285.7-287.20)

sšmm, "erwärmen" | "to warm (someone); to head (something)" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Wb 4, 292-293.8; FCD 248; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 554)

sšn, "drehen; spinnen; weben" | "to spin; to weave; to twist" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 293.9-13)

sšn, "einreißen; zerstören" | "to demolish" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 293.17-20; Allen, Inflection, 591)

sšn, "Unwetter" | "storm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 294.2)

sš, "Abbruch (als Baumaterial)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 294.1)

sšn.w, "Abbruch (als Baumaterial)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Barbotin/Clère, BIFAO 91, 1991, 19, Anm. 82)

sšn.t, "Schnur" | "rope" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 293.14-15; MedWb 802)

sšni̯, "rund sein lassen (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Allen, Inflection, 596)

sšni̯, "(die Mutter) bekümmern (?)" | "to hurt; to afflict" [verb] (Posener, DIFAO 18 (1951), pl. 15)

sšr, "[Opfergabe (Gemolkenes?)]" | "[an offering (what's milked?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 295.7-8)

sšr, "Arbeit; Handlung; Sache" | "thing; action; method" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 296.8; FCD 248; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 556; Lesko, Dictionary III, 100)

sšr, "Getreide; Korn" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 541.11-542.1; FCD 248; Lesko, Dictionary III, 100 f.)

sšr, "streichen; bestreichen; melken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 294.8-295.5)

sšr.w, "Leinenstoff" | "[a linen fabric]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 295.13-296.2; FCD 248)

sšr.w-nw, "[ein Leinenstoff]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Imouthes, Col 10.3)

sšr.w-nswt, "Königsleinen" | "royal linen" [substantive] (Wb 4, 540.2; 542.3)

sšr.w-šw, "[ein Leinensoff]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Quirke/Lahun, Pap. Lahun, Letters, 152-3)

sšrr, "verkleinern" | "to lessen" [verb] (Wb 4, 296.9; FCD 248)

sšrr.t, "[Kuchen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 557)

sšsꜣ, "weise machen" | "to make wise" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.3852; FCD 248)

sštꜣ, "geheim machen; geheim sein" | "to make secret; to be secret" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 296-297.18)

sštꜣ, "geheim" | "secret" [adjective] (Wb 4, 297.19-20)

sštꜣ, "Geheimnis; Mysterium" | "secret; confidential matter; (religious) mystery" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 298.1-299.13)

sštꜣ, "Gestalt (eines Gottes)" | "(secret) image (of a god)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 299.14-16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 934)

sštꜣ, "[eine Frucht]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 125 f.)

sštꜣ-m-ꜣḫ.t, "Geheimnisvoller am Horizont (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 646)

sštꜣ-sštꜣ-n-jm.j-rʾ-pr-ḥḏ, "geheime Gestalt des Vorstehers des Schatzhauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.29 f.)

sšd, "[Sternbild]; Blitz" | "thunderbolt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 300.8-9; FCD 249; Hornung, Anbetung II, 130, Anm. 310)

sšd, "zittern; blitzen; blitzschnell sein; zittern lassen" | "to flash" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 300.10-12; FCD 249; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 936)

sšd, "Binde; Kopfschmuck; Diadem" | "bandage (for mummies, also med.)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 301.3-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 935)

sšd, "(Schmuckband) umbinden; schmücken (mit)" | "to adorn with a fillet" [verb] (Wb 4, 301.12-13; Allen, Inflection, 563; FCD 249)

sšd, "Fenster" | "window" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4. 301.14-302.5; FCD 249)

sšd, "[Bez. des Haares]" | "hair" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 302.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 934 f.)

sšd.t, "Schrein des Falken" | "shrine (of the falcon)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 302.6-7; FCD 249; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 558)

sšd.t-n.t-msw.t, "Schrein der Geburt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 11)

sšdi̯, "entfernen lassen" | "to make leave; to remove" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Posener-Kriegér/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. XXV (e))

sq.t, "Netzreuse" | "fish trap" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 302.15; LÄ V, 248)

sqꜣi̯, "hoch machen; auszeichnen" | "to make high; to exalt" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 302-303.17)

sqꜣꜥ, "ausspeien lassen" | "to make pour forth; to vomit (med.)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 304.4-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 938; MedWb 803)

sqꜣḥ, "tünchen, abweißen" | "to plaster" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 304.2; FCD 249; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 559; Lesko, Dictionary III, 104)

sqꜣs, "fesseln" | "to bind; to fetter" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 304.3; FCD 249)

sqb, "[eine Holzart]" | "[a kind of wood]" [substantive] (FCD 249; vgl. Wb 4, 304)

sqb, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LEM 111.15)

sqb.w, "Abkühlung" | "cooling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 305.9-10; MedWb 805)

sqbb, "kühlen; Wasser sprengen (Kulthandlung)" | "to cool; to refresh" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Wb 4, 304.6-305.8; KoptHWb 181)

sqbb.wj, "kühler Raum (für Speisen); Baderaum" | "cool room (for food); bathroom" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 305.12; FCD 249; KoptHWb 537)

sqbḥ, "erquicken" | "to refresh; to give ease to" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 305.14-15; FCD 250; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 559)

sqfn, "(Brot) ausbacken lassen" | "to bake (bread)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 305.16)

sqn, "verletzen" | "to harm" [verb] (Wb 4, 306.4-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 938)

sqni̯, "stark machen; stärken" | "to make strong" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 306.1-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 938)

sqr, "Gefangener" | "captive; prisoner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 307)

sqr, "Schlagverletzung" | "wound; injury" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 308.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 560)

sqr, "schlagen; aufschlagen; wegschlagen; auftreten; darreichen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 306.10-307.11; 308.2-3)

sqr-ꜥnḫ, "Kriegsgefangener" | "captive; prisoner" [substantive] (Wb 1, 196.1; 4, 307.12-19)

sqrqr, "(hin und her) rollen" | "to roll around (in bed, of a feverish patient)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Cerný, CED 150; Meeks, AL 77.3914; Meeks, Mythes, 77, Anm. 168)

sqsn, "elend machen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 308.6; FCD 250)

sqd, "Schiffer" | "oarsman" [substantive] (Wb 4, 309.16-18; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3620)

sqd, "bauen lassen" | "to make build" [verb] (Wb 4, 310.1; FCD 250; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 561)

sqd, "Bootsbauer (?); Bauherr" | "boat-builder (?); woodcutter (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.3918; 79.2801)

sqd, "Fahrt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT III, 320h)

sqd.wt, "Fahrt" | "journey; sailing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 309.9-15)

sqd.t, "Schiffsmannschaft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 309.19; Jones, Naut. Titles, 103 f. (236))

sqd-n-wjꜣ, "Schiffer der Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3621)

sqd-n-wjꜣ-ꜥꜣ, "Schiffer der großen Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3622)

sqdi̯, "fahren; reisen (zu Schiff); herumgehen, (s.) ausbreiten (med.)" | "to travel; to travel (by boat)" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 308.7-309.8; MedWb 806)

sqdd-m-ḥr.t, "der am Himmel fährt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 657)

sk, "abfegen; abwischen" | "to wipe (out, away)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 310.11-311.3)

sk, "Beschwerde (gegen jmdn.)" | "accusation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 313.11-13)

sk, "[trans. Verb]" | "[trans. verb]" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 315.3)

sk, "Lanze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 315.6-7)

sk, "Untergang" | "impershable spirit" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr, Spell 217, 218 (passim))

sk.j, "Strohwisch (?)" | "[a toilette utensil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 311.6)

sk.j, "Mehl" | "flour" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 314.15-16)

sk.w, "Kampfgewühl; Kampftruppe" | "fray; battle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 313.17-314.11; FCD 251; Lesko, Dictionary III, 105 f.)

sk.t, "[ein Leiden (am Kopf)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 313.14; MedWb 807), "[ein Boot]" | "[a boat]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 315.9; FCD 252; Jones, Naut. Titles, 145 f. (68)), "Lanzenträger; [ein niederer Offizier]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.2804; Ward, CdE 71, 1996, 29)

sk-nhm, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 105)

skꜣ, "Eselsfüllen" | "ass's foal" [substantive] (Wb 4, 315.12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 564; KoptHWb 215)

skꜣ, "pflügen; Acker bestellen" | "to plough; to cultivate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 315-316.9)

skꜣ, "Ernte" | "crops" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 316.10; FCD 251)

skꜣ, "Pflugtier (Ochse, Esel)" | "plough ox" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 316.11; FCD 251; Enmarch, World Upturned, 149)

skꜣ.t, "Ackerland" | "ploughland" [substantive: substantive_fem] (AEO II, 219*, no. 474)

skꜣp, "zudecken" | "to cover" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 316.16-19; FCD 251; Lesko, Dictionary III, 107; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 942; MedWb 807)

ski̯, "untergehen; zu Grunde gehen; vernichten; beseitigen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 311.9-313.10)

skp, "durchseihen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 317.1; MedWb 808)

skm, "vollständig machen; beenden" | "to make complete" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Wb 4, 317.2-11; FCD 251)

skm, "Ergrauen" | "balding; greying (of the hair)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 318.1; MedWb 808)

skm, "Hahn (?)" | "[a kind of fowl]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 318.7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 108; Görg, GM 43, 1981, 27 f.)

skm.w, "Grauhaariger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Amduat III, 826; LGG VI, 664)

skn, "gierig sein; gefräßig sein" | "greedy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 318.9-10; FCD 251; vgl. ONB 334)

skn, "missliebig machen (o. Ä.)" | "to embroil (?) in quarrels" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 318.12; FCD 251)

skn, "Gieriger" | "greedy one" [substantive] (Gardiner, JEA 32, 1946, 71 ff.)

skr, "segeln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (EDG 470; KoptHWb 216)

sks, "[ein Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 4 (24), pl. 1)

sksn, "Seksen (Bote des Re)" | "Seksen (envoy of Re)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 319.4; LGG VI, 675)

sksk, "zerhacken; zerstören" | "to destroy" [verb] (Wb 4, 319.8-13, FCD 252; Lesko, Dictionary III, 108)

sksk, "umherwandern; umherstreunen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Barbotin/Clère, BIFAO 91, 1991, 25, Anm. 131)

skki̯, "verfinstern" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 319.15; Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, 71, Anm. 188)

sg, "lenken (?)" | "[verb relating to the solar bark]" [verb] (Wb 4, 320.1; FCD 252)

sg, "(Weg) öffnen" | "to open a way; to break a trail (Sem. loan word?)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 320.3; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 382)

sg, "Sackleinen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 320.4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 109; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 383; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 41)

sg.wt, "Staunen" | "astonishment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 320.9; Edel, ZÄS 81, 1956, 16)

sgꜣ, "Hügel (?); Festung" | "hill (?); stronghold (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerný, CED 264; Meeks, AL 77.3938; 78.3901; 79.2815)

sgi̯, "staunen; starr sein" | "to be confused" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 320.5-6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 567; Edel, ZÄS 81, 1956, 16; KoptHWb 215; Schweitzer, in: Fs Graefe, 241, Anm. 45)

sgb, "schreien" | "to shriek; to shout" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 321.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 109; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 943)

sgb, "Geschrei" | "shrieking; shouting" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 321.4-5; Lesko, Dictionary III, 109)

sgbyn, "[ein Gewässer]" | "[a body of water (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 321.7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 110; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 384)

sgmḥ, "sehen (trans.)" | "to make see; to glimpse" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 321.9-10; FCD 252)

sgnn, "weich machen; erschlaffen lassen" | "to make weak; to enfeeble" [verb: verb_caus_2-gem] (Wb 4, 321-322.8; FCD 252)

sgnn, "Salbe; Öl" | "oil; ointment" [substantive] (Wb 4, 322.17-323.3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 110; Koura, Öle, 131 ff.)

sgr, "zum Schweigen bringen; beruhigen" | "to silence" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 323.5-11)

sgr, "Stille; Schweigen" | "silence; stillness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 323.12-324.5)

sgr, "Kastell; Verschluss" | "keep; fortress" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 324.6; Lesko, Dictionary III, 110 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 385)

sgrḥ, "aufhören lassen; beruhigen" | "to pacify; to make peaceful; to satisfy" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 324.7-12; FCD 252)

sgrg, "Rahe (Schiffsteil)" | "yard arm (?) (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 324.14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 568; Jones, Naut. Titles, 188 (157); Osing, Tebtunis, 93, Anm. af)

sgrṯ, "[ein Gerät]" | "[an instrument (tool? weapon?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 324.15; Lesko, Dictionary III, 111)

st, "es [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.c.]" | "it (depen. pron., 3rd per. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 325.1-10; ENG § 95; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80)

st, "sie [Enkl. Pron. pl.3.c.]; sich [Enkl. Pron. pl.3.c.]" | "they; them (depen. pron., 3rd per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 4, 325.4-10; ENG § 95; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80)

st, "Halskragenknüpfer" | "necklace stringer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3623; vgl. Wb 4, 330.3)

st, "sie/es [Präs.I-Pron. sg.3.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

st, "sie [Präs.I-Pron. pl.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33 )

st, "Halskragen (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 2281), "Same (Sperma)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 253)

st.w, "Pfeil; Speer" | "arrow; dart" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 253; Cerný, CED 165)

st.t, "Schleimstoffe" | "[a slimy substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 333.4; MedWb 812 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 343 ff.)

st.t-Šw, ""Aussaat des Schu"" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 330.1; Wb 4, 347.9)

st-nbw, "Halskragenknüpfer" | "necklace stringer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 330.2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3625)

st-rm.w, "Fischstecher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 170-71; vgl. Parkinson, Tale, 69)

stꜣ, "erwärmen; erhitzen; anzünden" | "to heat; to set afire" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 333.7-11)

stꜣ, "Feuer, Flamme" | "flame; lamp" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 333.12-13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 114)

stꜣ, "Protektor" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 334.1)

stꜣ, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 114)

stꜣḥ, "betören; verwirren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 114)

stj, "[Backwerk]" | "[a baked food (bread?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 332.13)

stj, "[eine Körnerfrucht]" | "[a cereal (?)]; [a fruit (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Janssen, Prices, 355 f.; Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19; Lesko, Dictionary III, 112)

stjš, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 603 (PT 674))

sty, "Schütze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 327.16-17)

sti̯, "schießen; aussenden; (Gesicht) hinwenden; erblicken; (Strahlen) fallen (auf); strahlen; bestrahlen; anzünden; brennen; leuchten; knüpfen; spritzen; Samen ergießen; ausgießen; schütten; werfen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 326.1-327.14; 328.3-329.19; 330.2-331.1; 332.4-6)

stw.t, "Strahl; das Strahlen" | "light; rays" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 331.2-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 959; ONB 82)

stw.t-jtn, "Sonnenstrahl" | "ray(s) of the sun" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 331.13; AEO I, 6*)

stwꜣ, "sich bewegen (Beine)" | "to hold up" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 334.8; vgl. FCD 253)

stwꜣ, "hochheben" | "to glipmse" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 334.9; Geisen, Mentuhotep, 130)

stwr, "sichern; reinigen" | "to keep clean" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 334.10; FCD 253)

stwt, "ähnlich machen; adäquat machen" | "to make like; to make resemble" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 335.1-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 958)

stwt, "(etwas) rühmen, erzählen (von)" | "to praise; to smooth over" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 335.12; FCD 253)

stwt, "(etwas) darbringen" | "to bring (something)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 335.17-19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 958)

stwt-jṯ-m-ꜥ=j, "der (dessen Leib) wieder zusammengebracht, aber von mir weggenommen wurde (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pap. Imouthès, Col. 13.15)

stp, "auserlesen" | "choice; select" [adjective] (Wb 4, 338.9-10)

stp, "Lappen; Binde; Tuch" | "strip (of cloth); rag" [substantive] (Wb 4, 341.13-15; FCD 254; MedWb 818)

stp, "ruiniert sein; aufgelöst sein" | "be ruined" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 341.17; FCD 254)

stp, "(Fleischstücke) auslösen; (Schlachttier) zerlegen; auswählen; wählen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 336.3-13; 337.5-338.7)

stp.w, "Auserlesenes" | "pick; choice(st)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 338-339.14)

stp.t, "auserwählte Dinge" | "choice things" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 338.11; FCD 254)

stp.t, "ausgelöstes Fleischstück" | "cut (of meat)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 336.14-337.3), "der Zerlegte (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 30 f.; vgl. LGG VI, 689)

stp-zꜣ, "Palast (Gebäude); Hofstaat" | "palace; court" [substantive] (Wb 4, 340.11-341.11)

stp-zꜣ, "Schützer" | "protector; court councillor" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 340.8-10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3629)

stp-zꜣ, "Gewährung des Schutzes (ein Schutzritual)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 961)

stp-zꜣ-jm.j-ꜣbd, "Schützer im Monatsdienst" | "court councillor (who is) in (his) monthly service" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3630)

stp-zꜣ-ẖr.j-tp-s.t-nswt, "Schützer und Kammerdiener des Königsthrones" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3635)

stf, "abgießen; überfluten" | "to decant (med.)" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 342.5-6; MedWb 818; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 964 f.)

stf, "Überlauf (des gärenden Biers) (o. Ä.)" | "spoiled (of beer)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 342.7)

stf, "Wasser" | "[of water pouring out]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 342.10-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 965)

stm, "vertilgen" | "to destroy" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 343.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 574)

stm, "trösten" | "to quell; to still" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 343.3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 117)

stn, "[vom Wind]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 4, 343.4)

stnw.y, "Köhler (?)" | "[an occupation or trade]; heater (?)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.3975; Seibert, Charakteristik, 175 f.)

stnm, "irreführen; ablenken" | "to lead astray; to confuse" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 343.6-15; FCD 254; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 574; Lesko, Dictionary III, 117; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 965)

stnm.w, "Irregeleiteter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Vogelsang, Bauer, 103; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 574)

str, "grüne Pflanzen" | "green plants" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 344.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 966)

str, "Schmuck herstellen" | "to make jewellery" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 344.5-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 965 f.; Osing, OLZ 74, 1979, 13)

sth.t, "Rotte (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 22; Quack, WdO 24, 1993, 11)

sthi̯, "verführen, verleiten; bannen" | "to pervert; to cause obstruction" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.3940; Lesko, Dictionary III, 118)

stẖ.j, "sethisch ("zu Seth gehörig")" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 487b; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 343)

stši̯, "forttreiben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 345.7)

stkn, "herannahen lassen" | "to make approach" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 345.9-346.7; FCD 254; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 578; Lesko, Dictionary III, 118)

stt, "sie [Selbst. Pron. sg.3.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun] (Wb 4, 346.8; EAG § 172; Schenkel, Einf., 110)

sṯ, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Lebensmüder 84)

sṯ.t, "[Krug für Bier]" | "[jug, for beer]; [jug, as a measure of capacity]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 346.12; FCD 255; Pommerening, Hohlmaße, 95)

sṯ.t, "[ein Brot]; [Brotmasse]" | "[bread]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 349.1)

sṯ.t, "[ein Material (für Gefäße?)]" | "[a material for vessels]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 349.2; Harris, Minerals, 214)

sṯ.t, "[Kleidung der Götterbilder]" | "[clothing for images of gods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 349.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 973)

sṯ.tjw, "Asiaten" | "Asiatics" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 328; 348.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 580)

sṯꜣ, "Krug" | "jar (for beer, also as a measure of capacity)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 351.1-3; FCD 255; Pommerening, Hohlmaße, 95)

sṯꜣ, "ziehbar" | "stretchable (dough) (med.)" [adjective] (Wb 4, 354.5-6)

sṯꜣ, "Gang; Höhle; Rampe" | "passage; cavern; ramp" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 354.13-355.3)

sṯꜣ, "[ein Gewebe]" | "[a kind of cloth]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 355.6)

sṯꜣ, "Wundsekret" | "secretion (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 355.10-11; MedWb 820)

sṯꜣ, "ziehen; herbeiführen; dahinziehen; fließen; sich begeben (zu); spinnen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 351.7-354.4; 355.4-5)

sṯꜣ, "[eine Tanzstellung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wresz., Atlas, III, Tf. 29)

sṯꜣ.w, "Ziehen" | "dragging" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 354.8-9; FCD 255)

sṯꜣ.w, "Angriff; Verwundung" | "wound" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 355.12-14; FCD 255 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 582 f.)

sṯꜣ.t, "[Substantiv (bei der Tischlerei)]" | "hole" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 351.6)

sṯꜣ.t, "[ziehbarer Behälter]" | "[a (wooden) chest on a sled]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 354.7)

sṯꜣ.t, "Arure (Flächenmaß)" | "aroura" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 356.1-7; FCD 255)

sṯꜣ.t, "Nekropole" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 356.9-10)

sṯꜣ.t, "Rolle" | "roller" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 255)

sṯꜣ.t-ꜣḥ.t, "Ackerland" | "arable land" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 356.7)

sṯꜣ-zḥ-m-ḫr.ww, "der das Zelt von den Feinden wegzog (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 5.17)

sṯꜣi̯, "bereiten; formen" | "to prepare; to form" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.3962)

sṯꜣm, "(Wunden) verbinden; umhüllen" | "to bind up (an injury); to clothe" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 357.1-6; MedWb 821; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 968)

sṯꜣz, "sich (etwas) anknüpfen" | "to reknit" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 362.8; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 594)

sṯꜣz, "ausgestreckt auf dem Rücken liegen" | "to lie stretched out (on the back)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 362.9-12; FCD 266; MedWb 833)

sṯj, "Duft; Gestank; Geruch" | "fragrance; stench" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 349.5-350.1)

sṯj-nṯr, "Weihrauch" | "incense" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 350.2-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 969)

sṯj-rʾ, "Mundgeruch" | "fragrance of the mouth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 350.5-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 969)

sṯj-ḥꜣb, "Festduftöl (eines der sieben heiligen Öle)" | "festival fragrance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 350.7-11; Koura, Öle, 40 f., 155 ff.)

sṯi̯, "(Geflügel) rupfen" | "to pluck (fowl)" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 363.1-2; Caminos, LEM, 94)

sṯbn, "heranbringen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 572)

sṯp, "aufspringen; hinaufspringen" | "to leap up; to overleap" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 357.10-14; FCD 256)

sṯn.w, "Auftreibung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 359.13; MedWb 822)

sṯn.w, "Erhebung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4004)

sṯn.w, "Unterscheidungsmerkmal" | "distinguishing trait (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 822)

sṯn-pr-m-ẖ.t, "der bekrönt aus dem Leib hervorgetreten ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 57.2; vgl. LGG VI, 711 und ebd. III, 79)

sṯni̯, "erheben; krönen; hervorgehoben sein; sich unterscheiden; ablassen (von)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 358.3-359.4; 359.9-12)

sṯr.t, "oberes Augenlid" | "upper eyelid" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4006; 78.3971; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 971; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

sṯḥn, "glänzen lassen" | "to make bright; to make dazzling" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 359.14-360.14; Lesko, Dictionary III, 118)

sṯz, "Stab; Stütze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 362.6, FCD 256)

sṯz.w, "Aufrichtung; Erhebung; Lobpreisung" | "raising up" [substantive] (Wb 4, 361.4-7; FCD 256)

sṯz.w, "Wolken" | "clouds" [substantive] (Wb 4, 361.15-362.2; FCD 256)

sṯz.w-Šw, "Luftraum; Wolken ("Hochhebung des Schu")" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 361.8-14)

sṯzi̯, "erheben; hochheben" | "to raise; to lift up" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 360.15-361.3; vgl. FCD 256; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 592)

sṯt.t, "[eine Eigenschaft des Menschen]" | "[a human trait]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 349.4)

sd, "Schwanz" | "tail" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 363.4-364.2)

sd, "gekleidet sein; geschmückt sein" | "to be clothed" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 365.1-6)

sd, "Abschnitt (eines Briefes)" | "section; column (of a text)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 365.12; Lesko, Dictionary III, 120)

sd, "[Gegenstand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 374.8)

sd, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 4, 365.11; MedWb 824)

sd.yw-Wsjr, "Geschwänzte des Osiris" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 715)

sd-pn.w, "[eine Pflanze ("Mäuseschwanz")]" | "mouse's tail (a med. plant)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 508.10; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 506; Germer, Handbuch, 123 f.)

sd-m-rʾ, "Umzingelung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 364.6)

sdꜣ, "Kuhreiher" | "egret" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 365.14; Meeks, in: Osing, Tebtunis, 130, Anm. i)

sdꜣ, "zittern; zittern lassen" | "to tremble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 365.15-366.12)

sdꜣ.w, "das Zittern" | "trembling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 366.13-20)

sdꜣdꜣ, "zittern; zittern lassen" | "to tremble; to make tremble" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 4, 366-367.9; KoptHWb 202)

sdꜣdꜣ, "das Zittern" | "trembling" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 367.10-15; Lesko, Dictionary III, 122)

sdwꜣ, "den Morgen verbringen" | "to spend the morning (doing something); to make early" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 368.1-3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 587; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 974 f.)

sdwn, "zerfallen (vom ausgetrockneten Schiff); (sich) strecken; (sich) ausstrecken" | "to fall to pieces (of a boat); to spring (of planks)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 368.4-5; Jones, Naut. Titles, 225 (98))

sdwḫ, "balsamieren" | "to embalm" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 368.6-8; FCD 256)

sdb, "[gefranster Saum eines Leinenlakens]" | "fringe" [substantive] (Wb 4, 368.9-10; FCD 257)

sdb, "[ein Kleidungsstück]" | "[a garment (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 368.11; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 137, Anm. 410)

sdb, "essen" | "to eat; to chew" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 368.12-369.2; FCD 257; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 587; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 975; MedWb 825)

sdb, "aufgeweicht sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (MedWb 825 f.)

sdb, "Fresserei" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 167)

sdbḥ, "ausrüsten; versorgen" | "to supply; to equip" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 369.4-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 121 f.)

sdbḥ, "Ausrüstung; Geräte" | "equipment" [substantive] (Wb 4, 369.9-13)

sdf, "[ein Maß für Feigen]" | "[a unit of measure, for figs]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 370.2; LÄ III, 1204)

sdm, "schminken" | "to paint (the eyes)" [verb] (Wb 4, 370.3-8; FCD 257; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 584)

sdm, "Schminke; Schminkmittel, Mittel zum Auftragen (med.)" | "eye-paint" [substantive] (Wb 4, 370.9-10; FCD 257; MedWb 826 f.)

sdm.t, "[Bez. des Messers]" | "knife (lit. what is sharpened)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 370.14)

sdmj, "anfügen" | "to attach (lit. to make touch)" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 370.12-13; FCD 257)

sdni̯, "bestrafen" | "to punish" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 371.1-2; FCD 257)

sdḥ, "senken; sinken lassen; ertränken" | "to bring low" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 371.6-7; FCD 257)

sdḥr, "verbittern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Zaba; Ptahhotep, 40, 85 (D 305))

sdḫ, "verstecken" | "to hide" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 371.9-11)

sdš-Šmꜥ.j, "[ein oberägyptisches Öl]" | "[a red oil of Upper Egypt]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.4023; vgl. Koura, Öle, 184)

sdšr, "rot machen" | "to make red" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 372.1-3; FCD 257)

sdgi̯, "verstecken" | "to hide" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 372.5-13; FCD 257)

sdgi̯, "sehen lassen" | "to make see" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 373.3-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 975)

sḏ, "zerbrechen; aufbrechen; lösen; auflösen" | "to break" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 373.8-375.7; FCD 257; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 976; Graefe, MDAIK 27, 1971, 152)

sḏ, "Bruch (Fraktur)" | "fracture (of a bone); rupture (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 375.8; MedWb 828 f.)

sḏ.w, "Lendenschurz" | "loincloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 365.7-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 123)

sḏ.t, "Feuer; Flamme" | "fire; flame" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 375.12-377.7)

sḏ.tj, "Kind; Zögling" | "child; foster child" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 377.8-12)

sḏ.tj, "Kind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 723 f.)

sḏ.tj-nswt, "Königszögling" | "foster child of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 377.11-12; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3645)

sḏꜣ, "gehen" | "to travel; to depart; to die (metaph.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 377.15-378.11; FCD 258; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 590)

sḏꜣ, "fortbringen" | "to conduct (someone); to bring (something)" [verb] (Wb 4, 378.12-16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 591; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 592)

sḏꜣ, "vergnügen (trans.)" | "to amuse" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 378.18; FCD 258; Vycichl, Dict. étym., 322)

sḏꜣ, "wohlbehalten sein lassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 379; EAG § 442; Allen, Inflection, 592)

sḏꜣ.y-ḥr, "Vergnügen" | "amusement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 379.9-13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 123)

sḏꜣ.wt, "Siegelung" | "seal; sealing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 379.17-21)

sḏꜣ.t, "Schatz; Kostbarkeiten" | "valuables; treasure (lit. what is sealed)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 636.9-638.1)

sḏꜣm, "sich geschlechtlich vereinen (mit einer Frau)" | "to lie with (a woman)" [verb] (Wb 4, 380.1; FCD 258)

sḏꜣm, "rühmend sprechen (von etwas)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 380.4-5; Darnell, SAK 22, 1995, 80)

sḏwi̯, "schlecht machen" | "to slander" [verb] (Wb 4, 380.7-10; FCD 258)

sḏb, "leben" | "to make live; to restore (to life)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 380-381.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 976 f.)

sḏb, "Schaden; Unheil; Böses" | "obstacle; impediment; evil" [substantive] (Wb 4, 381.7-382.15; FCD 258)

sḏfꜣ, "speisen; versorgen" | "to provide with (food, e.g.); to endow" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 383.1-22)

sḏfꜣ, "Einkommen eines Tempels" | "temple endowment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 384.1; FCD 259)

sḏfꜣ-twr, "[eine Eidesleistung]" | "[an oath]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 384.3; 5, 318.10-11; FCD 259; Lesko, Dictionary III, 124)

sḏm, "hören" | "to hear; to listen" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 384.4-387.14)

sḏm, "Verhör" | "questioning" [substantive] (Wb 4, 387.15; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 125)

sḏm, "Diener" | "servant" [substantive] (Wb 4, 389.6-11; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 126)

sḏm.j, "Hörender (Person hohen Ranges, Richter ?)" | "hearer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 390.8; FCD 259)

sḏm.yw, "Richter (jurist.); die Hörenden" | "judges (lit. listeners)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 388.13-389.4; FCD 259; Lesko, Dictionary III, 126)

sḏ, "Gerede" | "gossip" [substantive] (Wb 4, 389.5)

sḏm.w, "der Hörende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 388.11-12)

sḏm.w-jḫ.t, "[Personengruppe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (ANOC 5.1)

sḏm.w-ꜥš-m-s.t-mꜣꜥ.t, "Diener an der Nekropole (?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Bruyère, FIFAO V, 2, 1928, 117, Fig. 79 (Kol. 3-4))

sḏm.t-ꜥš, "Dienerin" | "servant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 390.5; FCD 259)

sḏm.t-nb.t, "die alles hört" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 388.7-8; LGG VI, 740)

sḏm-ꜥš, "Diener" | "servant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 389.13-390.4; FCD 259; Lesko, Dictionary III, 126)

sḏm-ꜥš-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Diener des Pharao, l.h.g." | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 132.14)

sḏm-wḏ.t, "der Befehle hört (Wesir ?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Helck, Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit, 66)

sḏm-mdw-m-sštꜣ-nb, "der alle geheimen Worte hört" | "he who hears the words in every secret" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3643)

sḏm-nḥ.wt, "der die Bitten erhört" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 736)

sḏm-ḥw.wt-wr.wt-6, "der (die Instruktionen) in den sechs großen Häusern anhört" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 15 (D2, 45))

sḏr, "schlafen; liegen; die Nacht zubringen (ohne e. Tun)" | "to lie; to sleep; spend the night" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 390.9-392.6)

sḏr, "Schlafmatte; Laken" | "pallet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 392.11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 127)

sḏr, "[Flüssigkeit (offizinell)]" | "[a med. liquid]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 393.3-5; DrogWb 470 f.)

sḏr, "(eine Stadt) sichern; standhaft sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 393.7)

sḏr, "stark" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 4, 393.9-12)

sḏr, "der Schläfer" | "sleeper" [substantive] (Wb 4, 392.7; FCD 259)

sḏr, "das Schlafen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 875d; CT I 287d)

sḏr, "[Gesteinsart]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Borghouts, Mag. Texts, 102, Anm. 66)

sḏ, "Nachtlager; Bettlägerigkeit; Beischlaf" | "sleeping place; (state of being) bedridden; intercourse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 392.12-15; Lesko, Dictionary III, 127; ONB 586 ff., Anm. 511)

sḏr.t, "[Fest in Abydos]" | "(festival of) laying (Osiris to rest)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 392.16-18; FCD 259)

sḏr.t, "Schlaftrank" | "sleeping draught" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 393.6; Hornung, Himmelskuh, 57, Anm. 59)

sḏr-ḥr-psḏ=f-mj-ḫt-šꜥd, "der auf seinem Rücken liegt wie ein gefällter Baum (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 743)

sḏḥ, "Unterschenkel" | "shin; lower leg" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 394.1-4; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 226)

sḏḥ, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a serpent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 394.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 596)

sḏsr, "herrlich gestalten" | "to consecrate; to sanctify" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 394.7-12; FCD 260)

sḏd, "erzählen; sprechen" | "to recount; to talk" [verb: verb_caus_2-lit] (Wb 4, 394-395.12; FCD 260; KoptHWb 341)

sḏd.w, "Worte; Reden" | "tale; conversation" [substantive] (Wb 4, 395.13-18; FCD 260)

sḏdꜣ, "fett machen" | "to fatten" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 396.8; FCD 260)

sḏdi̯, "dauern lassen" | "to make permanent" [verb: verb_caus_3-inf] (Wb 4, 395-396.7; FCD 260; Lesko, Dictionary III, 128; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 981)

sḏdm, "neidisch machen" | "to make envious" [verb: verb_caus_3-lit] (Wb 4, 396.9; FCD 260)

sḏḏ, "Bild" | "image; form" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 396.10-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 981)

Š, "Der See" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 113)

Š.w-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Die Teiche des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 269)

Š.w-zꜣb.w, "Schakalseen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (CT I, 129b)

Š.w-dwꜣ.tjw, "Duat-Seen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1083a)

Š.t-p.t, "Schetpet (Hauptort im Wadi Natrun)" | "Shetpet (main town of the Wadi Natrun)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 550.15; LÄ VI, 1114-1116; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1025)

Š-(n)-Sbk, "See des Sobek (Bez. d. Fayum)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 127; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 389 ff.)

Š-wr, "Großer See" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1752c)

Š-pr-ꜥꜣ, "See des Palastes" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 117)

Š-n-jr.j-pꜥ.t, "Schi-en-iri-pat (?) (ein Seengebiet oder Ortsname)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Collier/Quirke, Lahun Pap., Letters, 105)

Š-n-Ptḥ, "See des Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 91.15)

Š-ḫb.t, "Feuersee" | "Lake-of-fire" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 56; II, 80; Zeidler, Pfortenbuchstudien, II, 53, Anm. 1)

Š-zꜣb.j, "Schakal-See (am Himmel)" | "jackal lake (in the hereafter)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 420.14)

Š-zꜣb.w, "Schakalsee" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (CT IV, 44c)

Š-zḥzḥ, "Schi-zehzeh" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 930b)

Š-qbḥ.w, "See der Libation" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 128; Montet, Géographie I, 166; AEGD 831)

Š-qbḥ.w-Sꜣḥ.w-Rꜥw, "Der See der Libation des Sahure (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 296)

Š-dwꜣ.tj, "Duat-See" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 416.18)

Šꜣ, "[Tier des Seth]" | "[Seth's animal]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 401.6-7; LGG VII, 3)

Šꜣ, "Sethgau (11 o.ä. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 18 x+1,21; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 248; Montet, Géographie II, 124)

Šꜣ.t, "Schat (ein Neunbogenland)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 402.7; LÄ IV, 472; RITANC I, 30)

Šꜣ-wsfꜣ.t, "Sumpfland der Fischerei (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 142 f.)

Šꜣ-bšṯ, "Weideland des Rebellen (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 256)

Šꜣ, "Sumpfland von Menyt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 242 f.)

Šꜣ-n=f, "Scha-enef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Unis-Cemetery II, 11)

Šꜣ-n-Tp-nj, "Sumpfland von Tep-ni" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 110 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 143 f.)

Šꜣ-nb, "Scha-neb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, 70)

Šꜣj.t, "Die Sau" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 8 f.)

Šꜣꜥ.t, "Schaat (Land in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 98; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 154 f.)

Šꜣw, "Schau" | "Shau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 324.17)

Šꜣw, "Schau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 99)

Šꜣp, "Schap" | "[a divine being]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.4040; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 602)

Šꜣf.t, "Schafet" | "Shafet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 324.26)

Šꜣr.w, "Scharu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 1934a (Faulkner, Suppl.); Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 765)

Šꜣs.w, "Beduinen (in Syrien und Palästina)" | "Shasu-beduin" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 412.10-11; FCD 261; Lesko, Dictionary III, 135; LÄ V, 533 ff.)

Šꜣs-ḥtp, "Schas-hetep (Hauptstadt des 11. o.äg. Gaues)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 107 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 250 ff.; Montet, Géographie II, 125 f.)

Šꜣṯ.w, "Schatju (8.-10. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 414.10; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 351)

Šꜣṯw, "Schatju" | "Shatju" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Šy, "Schy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 318.7)

Šꜥ.wt-nb.wt-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Alle gebackenen Sachen des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Every-kind-of-baked-goods of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (10))

Šꜥy-qꜣ-m-Jwn.w, "Hoher Sand in Heliopolis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 111; AEGD 808 f.)

Šꜥw.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Schat-Brote des Kai-m-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 283)

Šꜥr.t, "Füchsin" | "The Vixen" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 391; Vittmann, WZKM 87, 1997, 285; LGG VII, 30)

Šw, "Schu" | "Shu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 429.1-4; LGG VII, 34 ff.)

Šw.t-Rꜥw, "Schatten des Re (Tempel)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Wb 4, 433.3-4)

Šw-Jn-ḥr.t, "Schu-Onuris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 38)

Šw-m-Mns.t-ḥr.jt, "Schu in der oberen Menset" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 39)

Šws.t, "Schuset" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 423.9; LGG VII, 44)

Šbtn, "Schabtuna" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 101)

Šps.j, "Schepesi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.16)

Šps.t-nḫn.t, "Schepeset-nechenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.5)

Šps.t-nsw, "Schepeset-nesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Möller, Hierat.Papyrus - Königl. Museen, III, pl. IX (pBerlin 10523, Bm))

Šps.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Cheops ist erhaben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

Šps.t-kꜣ.w, "Schepset-kau" | "Shepset-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.7)

Šps-pw-Ptḥ, "Schepes-pu-Ptah" | "Shepes-pu-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.6)

Šps-pw-Mnw, "Schepes-pu-Min" | "Shepes-pu-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.8)

Šps-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Chephren ist erhaben (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 232)

Šps-kꜣ=j, "Schepes-kai" | "Schepes-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.1)

Šps-Ttj, "Teti ist erhaben (Domäne)" | "Teti-is-splendid (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 472)

Špsj, "Schepesi (Gott von Hemopolis);" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 449.8-9; LÄ V, 584; LGG VII 67)

Špsj, "Schepsi" | "Shepsi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.15)

Špsj.t, "Schepsit (?)" | "Shepsit (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 318.24)

Špss, "Schepses" | "Shepses" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.17)

Špss.t-kꜣ.w, "Schepeseset-kau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.9)

Špss-ꜣḫ.tj, "Schepses-Achti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, fig. 84)

Špss-nswt, "Schepses-nisut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.20)

Špss-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Schepses-Hathor" | "Schepses-Hathor" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 326.22)

Špss-H̱nm.w, "Schepses-Chenemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 429.14)

Špss-Zkr, "Schepses-Sokar" | "Schepses-Sokar" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza, VI.3, 23, fig 17)

Špss-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Herrlich sein des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Špss-kꜣ=f, "Schepseskaf" | "Shepseskaf" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV, 7)

Špss-kꜣ=f-ꜥnḫ.w, "Schepses-kaf-anchu" | "Schepses-kaf-anchu" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza, VI.3, fig.40)

Špss-kꜣ.w, "Schepses-kau" | "Schepses-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza, VI.3, fig.41)

Špt-jb, "Der mit unzufriedenem Herzen" | "with angry heart (enemies)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 453.16; LGG VII, 68 f.)

Šptj, "Schepti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.10)

Šf-bd.t, "[Fest]; [Monatsname]; [1. Monat der Peret-Jahreszeit]" | "[a month]; Tybi (1st month of the peret-season in Ptol. texts)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 454.17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1005)

Šfw, "Schefu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.12)

Šm-nb-pr-nb-m-ẖr.t-nṯr, "Jeder der hineingeht in und heraus kommt aus der Nekropole (Götter o. Geister der Verstorbenen)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 75 b)

Šmꜣ, "Schema" | "Shema" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.19)

Šmꜣ, "Schema" | "Shema" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 318.30)

Šmꜣ.yw, "[Krankheitsdämonen]" | "disease-demons" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 471.1-6; Lesko, Dictionary III, 150; LGG VII, 78 f.)

Šmꜣ.t, "Schemat (?)" | "Shemat (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.23)

Šmꜣj, "Schemai" | "Shemai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 327.20)

Šmyk, "Schemyk (Land in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 135; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 155 f.)

Šmꜥ, "Schema" | "Shema" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 327.25)

Šmꜥ.w, "Oberägypten" | "Upper Egypt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 472.8-475.18)

Šmꜥ.w, "Oberägypten" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 80)

Šmꜥ.tt, "Schematet" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT IV, 52e)

Šms.w-n-Ptḥ, "Schemesu-en-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 328.7)

Šms.w-nmj.t-r-gs-wsjr, "Die Begleiter der Bahre zur Seite des Osiris" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 90 a)

Šms.w-Ḥr.w, "Horusgeleit (Götterstandarten); Horusdienerschaft" | "followers of Horus" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 486.16-19; LGG VII, 91 f.; vgl. LÄ III, 51 f.)

Šms-nb=f, "Der seinem Herrn folgt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 84)

Šn-mm.j, "Schen-memi" | "Shen-memi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 21a)

Šn-Qbḥ.w, "Schen-Qebehu (Landgebiet bei Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 493.8; Montet, Géographie I, 167; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 133, n. 210+214)

Šnj, "[Gewässer]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 97)

Šnj.t-p.t-wṯz.t-nṯr, "Gewölk des Himmels, das den Gott erhebt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 503.3; LGG VII, 97)

Šny.t, "Schenyt (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 504.1)

Šnꜥ, "Schena (Heiligtum der Hathor im 13. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, 146.148; vgl. LGG VII, 100)

Šnꜥ.t, "Schenat" | "Shenat" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 136)

Šnꜥ.t-H̱nj, "Speicher des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Storehouse-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Šnꜥ-ẖn, "Schena-Chen (Ort im 21. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie II, 195 ff.; Helck, Gaue, 126 f.)

Šnw, "Schenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 137)

Šnw.t-Jtm.w, "Hofstaat des Atum (Schutzgötter)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 102)

Šnw.t-n.t-Jnb.w-ḥḏ, "[Ort im 20. u.äg. Gau]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 141; Montet, Géographie I, 44; AEGD 822)

Šnwnw, "Schenunu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 626)

Šnš-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Schenesch (?) des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 287)

Šnḏ.t, "Akazienheiligtum" | "Acacia-house (sacred precinct)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 1, 81.10; Edel, Akazienhaus, 14)

Šnḏ.tj, "Die beiden Akazien (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 255)

Šr, "[ein Gott]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 522.9; LGG VII, 108)

Šrj, "Scheri" | "Sheri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 329.9)

Šrj, "Der Kleine" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 108)

Šrm, "Scherem" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Piankoff, Wandering of the Soul, pl. 11.8; LGG VII, 110)

Šrr, "Scherer" | "Sherer" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish III, fig. 27)

Šrr.w, "Die Kleinen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 109)

Šrdn, "Scherde (auch Sarde, von den Seevölkern)" | "Sherde (a member of one of the sea peoples)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 529.8; LÄ V 814 ff.)

Šzp.w, "Ergreifer" | "Seizer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 534.13; LGG VII, 112 f.)

Šzp.w, "Die Empfangenden (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 116)

Šzp.w-jb-Rꜥw, "Die Herzensfreude des Re (Sonnenheiligtum des Niuserre)" | "Heart's-desire-of-Re (sun temple of Neuserre)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ I, 23; IV, 23; V, 1096)

Šzp.t-ḥꜣ.tjt-smn.t-pḥ.wtjt, "Die das Vordertau empfängt und das Ankertau festigt (2. Nachtstunde)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 118)

Šzp-jtr.w, "Empfang des Flusses (ein Fest)" | "[a festival]" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 534.9-10)

Šzm.w, "Schesmu" | "Shesemu" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 537.14-538.7; LGG VII, 121 ff.)

Šzm.w-ḥtp.w, "Schesemu-hetepu" | "Shezemu-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 329.25)

Šzm.t, "[Land im Osten]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 538.12-13)

Šzm.tjt, "Schesemtet (Smithis)" | "Shesmetet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 538.16; LGG VII, 123 ff.)

Š, "Schesti (17. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie II, 168; pJumilhac, 158, Anm. 152)

Šsꜣ, "[ein göttliches Wesen]" | "Shesa (a divine being)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 543.3; LGG VII, 111 f.)

Šsꜣ.t, "[ein göttliches Wesen]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 112)

Šsr.y, "Der mit dem Pfeil" | "Archer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 546.18; LGG VII, 127)

Šsr.w, "Pfeile (Krankheitsdämonen)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 22, D, Z. 4)

Šš, "Schesch" | "Shesh" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 655)

Ššj, "Scheschi" | "Sheshi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 330.3)

Ššj.t, "Scheschit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Lloyd (et al.), Saqqara Tombs III, Taf. 21)

Ššnq, "Schoschenq" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 330.6)

Štꜣ.w-ꜥ, "Die mit verborgenem Arm" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 138)

Štꜣ.w-s.wt, "Die mit geheimen Stätten (Tote)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 552.7-8; LGG VII, 139)

Štꜣ.t-jr.w, "Mit geheimen Gestalten (Name einer Höhle)" | "Hidden-of-forms (a cavern)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 270; II, 189; LGG VII, 142)

Štꜣ.t-nṯr.jt, "Die göttliche Geheimnisvolle" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 143)

Štꜣ-ꜥ, "Mit geheimem Arm" | "Hidden-of-arm" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 4, 552.5; LGG VII, 131)

Štw.j, "Schetui" | "Schetui" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, Abb. 86)

Štm-ḏd-mꜣꜣ=f, "Der den verleumdet, der sagt, was er sah" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 147)

Štnw, "Schetenu" | "Schetenu" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza XI, Abb. 736; RPN I 330.0)

Šṯ.w, "Schildkröte" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 146 f.)

Šd.w-m-dwꜣ.t, "Schedu-em-duat" | "Shedu-em-duat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 330.23)

Šd.t, "Schedet (Krokodilopolis)" | "Shedet (Crocodilopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 567.4; GDG V, 150; LÄ III 1254 f.)

Šd.t-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Schedet des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Shedet of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 141 (29))

Šd-sw-Ḫns.w, "Sched-su-Chons" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 331.11)

Šd-Tꜣ.wj, "[Nebtiname Dedumoses]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 37)

Šdj, "Schedi" | "Shedi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 331.15)

Šdi̯=s-wꜣḏ=s, "Sie zog ihren Sprößling auf" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 148, Anm. 518)

Šdi̯-sw-Jmn, "Schedi-su-Imen" | "Schedi-su-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 331.5)

Šdi̯-sw-Mw.t, "Schedi-su-Mut" | "Schedi-su-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 331.7)

Šdi̯-sw-Ḥr.w-j, "Schedi-su-Hori" | "Schedi-su-Hori" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 331.10)

Šdn.w, "Schednu (Horbeit, im 11. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie I, 134; vgl. LÄ II, 996, 1276)

Šdd-Kꜣkꜣj, "Scheded-Kakai" | "Sheded-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 655)

Šddj, "Schededi" | "Sheded-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 332.3)

Šḏ.t-šꜥ, "[Fest]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 4, 569.6)

Šḏtm, "Schedjtem (Ort in Nubien)" | "Shedjtem" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 111; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 158)

š, "Arbeit (?); Arbeitsplatz (?)" | "work (?); workplace (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 399.1)

š, "See; Revier; Garten (mit Teich); Becken; Opferschale" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 397.1-398.17)

š.t-p.t, "die von Schetpet (Nut)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 551.1,2; LGG VII, 128)

š-jꜣr.w, "See der Binsen" | "Lake-of-rushes" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 32.8)

š-ḥr.t, "Gut der Nekropole (Schi-Anlage)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, Tf. 15)

š-qꜥḥ, "[ein fischreiches Gewässer]" | "[things which are offered]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 20.12)

šꜣ, "Sumpfland; Weideland; Weingarten" | "marsh; meadow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 399.7-400.5; FCD 260)

šꜣ, "Baum (allg. Bez.); Weinstock" | "tree (gen.); vine(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 400.6-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 129)

šꜣ, "Feldpflanzen" | "plants; vine(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 400.10-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 985)

šꜣ, "Weingefäß; Wein" | "wine (jars?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 401.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 985 f.)

šꜣ, "[Seil am Schiff]" | "finials(?) of hull; end-pieces (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 401.5; Jones, Naut. Titles, 189 (159))

šꜣ, "auflaufen (des Schiffes, naut.)" | "to go aground (naut.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 401.8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 226 (100))

šꜣ, "bestimmen; anordnen" | "to command; to ordain" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 402.8-403.5; FCD 260; KoptHWb 334)

šꜣ (rʾ), "geschwätzig sein" | english translation missing [verb] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 32 (D 211))

šꜣ.yt, "das Bestimmte; Abgaben" | "what is ordained; taxes; dues" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 403.6-10; FCD 261; Lesko, Dictionary III, 131)

šꜣ.w, "Koriander (Coriandrum sativum spec.)" | "coriander" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 400.15-19; 405.3-4; DrogWb 474 f.)

šꜣ.w, "Kot (offizinell)" | "excrement (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 401.11-12; 402.1-3; DrogWb 472 f.)

šꜣ.w, "Schicksal; Bestimmung" | "destiny; good fortune" [substantive] (Wb 4, 403.11-404.11; vgl. FCD 260; Lesko, Dictionary III, 131)

šꜣ.w, "Gewicht; Wert" | "weight; worth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 404.12; FCD 261; Lesko, Dictionary III, 133; KoptHWb 334)

šꜣ.w, "wert; geeignet" | "worth; suitable" [adjective] (Wb 4, 404.13-18; Lesko, Dictionary III, 133; KoptHWb 334, Anm. 8)

šꜣ.wt, "Koriander" | "[an edible garden plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 400.18-19; Lesko, Dictionary III, 133; Grandet, Pap. Harris I, II, 95, Anm. 367)

šꜣ.t, "Halsgegend" | "upper chest" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 402.4; MedWb 836; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

šꜣ.t, "Barke (mit flachem Boden)" | "flat-bottomed boat" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19; Jones, Naut. Titles, 146 (70))

šꜣj, "Schwein" | "pig" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 405.7-10; vgl. FCD 260)

šꜣj.w, "Bündel" | "bundle (?) (of flax)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 405.12; Blackman, JEA 22, 1936, 43)

šꜣj.t, "Sau" | "sow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 405.11)

šꜣꜥ, "bis" | "until" [preposition] (Wb 4, 408; Lesko, Dictionary III, 132; Junge, Neuäg. Gr., 367 (Index))

šꜣꜥ, "Urgewässer" | "[canal in the 15th nome of Upper Egypt]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 409.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 988; Ryhiner, Lotus, 196; Budde/Kurth, in: Edfu: Studien zu Vokabular, 21)

šꜣꜥ, "[eine Frucht]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 409.11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 132)

šꜣꜥ, "(etwas) beginnen, (etwas) anfangen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (WB 4, 406.10-407.3,6)

šꜣꜥ=j-zp-ḥnꜥ=f-m-ẖ.t-m.t=f, "Der mit dem ich das erste Mal im Leib seiner Mutter begann (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.3; vgl. LGG VII, 648; vgl. Quack, SAK 32, 2004, 329 f.)

šꜣꜥ-j.jr.t=, "bis dass (Konj.); [Terminativ]" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 4, 408.5; Junge, Neuäg. Gr., 243 f.; Winand, Études de néo-égyptien, 295 f.)

šꜣꜥ-m, "von ... an (lok.); von ... an (temp.)" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 4, 407.8-16; GEG § 179; ENG § 656)

šꜣꜥ-r, "von ... an bis; bis nach" | "from ... until; until after" [preposition] (Wb 4, 408.5-6; GEG § 179; ENG § 656; vgl. CGG 123)

šꜣꜥ-ḏw.wy, "der die beiden Gebirgszüge zuerst entstehen ließ (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 18)

šꜣꜥzḫ, "[etwas Wohlriechendes aus Punt (Pflanze?)]" | "[a spice (?), from Punt]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 409.12)

šꜣw, "ausbrennen" | "to cauterize (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 405.1; MedWb 834 f.)

šꜣwy.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 401.1; DrogWb 475 f.)

šꜣb.w, "Mahlzeit" | "meals; food" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 410.2-3; FCD 261)

šꜣb.t, "[ein Boot]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 410.5; Jones, Naut. Titles, 146 (71))

šꜣb.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 410.7-8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 602; DrogWb 476; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 318)

šꜣ, "Uschebti (Totenfigur)" | "shabti" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 435.15-16; FCD 263; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 602)

šꜣm, "heiß sein; brennend sein" | "to be hot; to burn" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.4041; FCD 261; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 602; MedWb 835)

šꜣm.w, "[ein großer Krug]" | "[a large jar]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 411.2)

šꜣm.w, "schmutzige Wäsche" | "soiled linen" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 411.4; FCD 261)

šꜣm.w, "Wäschelauge" | "[a med. liquid]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 411.6; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 506)

šꜣmy.t, "Schmutzwasser (des Wäschers)" | "water (of the laundryman) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 411.5; DrogWb 476)

šꜣms, "Pyrethrum (?)" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 411.9-10; DrogWb 477 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 506; Germer, Handbuch, 126 f.)

šꜣr.w, "Nachtblindheit (?)" | "[an eye affliction]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 411.12; MedWb 835; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 149)

šꜣr.w, "Ballen; Bündel (Flachs)" | "bundle (of flax)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4088; KoptHWb 309)

šꜣs, "[ein Messer des Arztes]" | "[a doctor's instrument (knife?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 411.13; MedWb 836)

šꜣs, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 412.1-2; DrogWb 479)

šꜣs, "durchziehen; wandeln; niedertrampeln" | "to travel; to go; to tread on" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 412.3-7; FCD 261; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 602 f.)

šꜣs.w, "Schreiten" | "striding" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 412.8)

šꜣs.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 806)

šꜣs.t, "Wanderung" | "journeyings" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 412.9)

šꜣš, "verfehlen; ausweichen" | "to avoid; to go through" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 413.1-3; FCD 261; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 603)

šꜣšꜣ, "[Frucht (offizinell)]" | "[a fruit (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 413.4-5; DrogWb 479 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 506; Germer, Handbuch, 127 ff.)

šꜣšꜣy.t, "Kehle; Vorderhals (des Menschen)" | "upper chest; bosom" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 413.6-9; MedWb 836)

šꜣṯ.t, "[eine Speise]" | "[something to eat (offering)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 414.9)

šꜣd, "graben; aushöhlen" | "to dig; to dig out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 414.11-415.4)

šjk, "[eine Opfergabe]" | "[an offering]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 415.11)

šy, "[euphemist. Bez. für Krokodil]" | "[a euphemism for crocodile]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 415.6-7)

šꜥ, "schneiden; abtrennen" | "to cut; to cut off" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 415.13-416.10; Allen, Inflection, 547; FCD 262)

šꜥ, "Parzelle ("Abgetrenntes")" | "parcel (of land)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4101)

šꜥ.wtj, "Reinigungbecken" | "wash basin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 421.9)

šꜥ.t, "Verwundung; Gemetzel; Unheil" | "slaughtering; terror; evil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 416.11-417.7)

šꜥ.t, "Messer" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 417.8-10; FCD 262; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 604; Lesko, Dictionary III, 136)

šꜥ.t, "Schriftstück; Brief; Buch" | "document; letter; book" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 418.10-419.19)

šꜥ.t, "[Getreidekörner (bereits verarbeitet?)]" | "[a med. substance (barley dough?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 420.13; DrogWb, 482)

šꜥ.tj, "Schlächter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 417.11)

šꜥ.tjt, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of baked goods (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 418.3)

šꜥy, "Sand" | "sand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 419.23-420.9)

šꜥy, "körnig sein" | "to be grainy (sandy)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 420.10; MedWb 837)

šꜥy.t, "Sandbank" | "sandbank" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 420.11; MedWb 837)

šꜥy.t, "[ein Speicher]" | "[a storeroom]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 420.14; AEO II, 212*)

šꜥw.t, "[ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 421.3-8)

šꜥw.t-bj.t, "[ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 433.7; Helck, Materialien IV, 479)

šꜥr, "Verheißung; Versprechung; Protest; Machenschaft" | "calculation; scheme; threat; promise (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 422.1; Lesko, Dictionary III, 138; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 387; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 48)

šꜥr, "verheißen; versprechen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 388)

šꜥṯ, "[eine Kiste]" | "[a box]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19; Meeks, AL 77.4108)

šꜥd, "schneiden; abtrennen" | "to cut (off, down)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 422.3-17; FCD 262; Lesko, Dictionary III, 138)

šꜥd, "Schwert" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 423.2-4)

šꜥḏ, "abschneiden" | "to cut off" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Junker, Giza XI, 190 f.; vgl. EÄG § 428dd)

šw, "Notleidener" | "needy man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 427.20; FCD 263)

šw, "leerer Papyrus" | "blank sheet of papyrus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 428.5-12; FCD 263; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 995)

šw, "Trockenes" | "dry pieces of wood (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 430.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 995)

šw, "Licht; Sonne" | "sunlight; sun" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 430.6-431.12; FCD 263)

šw, "Schutz; Schirm" | "protection; sunshade" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 432.1-5)

šw, "[ein Krug für Bier]" | "[a jug, for beer]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 433.12)

šw, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 434.14; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 1073)

šw, "Not, Mangel" | "need; lack" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 125b)

šw, "Höhe (?); Leere (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 607)

šw, "Trockenheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 494; KoptHWb 335)

šw.w, "trockenes Land" | "dry land" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 430.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 995)

šw.w, "Heu; trockenes Binsengras" | "[an edible vegetable]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 434.9-13; FCD 263; DrogWb 484; AEO 63* f.; Janssen, Prices, 154)

šw.t, "Feder; Federschmuck" | "feather; plumage" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 423.10-425.14)

šw.t, "Seite (des Körpers, der Wunde); Seite (als Teil eines Sternbilds)" | "side (as a part of the body)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 425.16-426.3; MedWb 839)

šw.t, "Anhängerschaft; Nicht-Beschäftigte (?); Helfer (?)" | "neighbors" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 426.5; Meeks, AL 78.4059; FCD 262; Quack, Merikare, 37 (Anm.d))

šw.t, "[leeres Papyrusblatt (offizinell)]" | "blank sheet of papyrus (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 428.13; DrogWb 483)

šw.t, "Schatten" | "shadow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 432.6-433.10)

šw.t, "Leere" | "emptiness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 263; vgl. Wb 4, 428.3)

šw.t, "[Krankheit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 840)

šw.t-Nmt.j, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 425.15; DrogWb 484; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 506 f.)

š, "Doppelfederkrone" | "the double plume; Two Feather Crown" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 425.4-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 995 f.)

šw.tjt, "Schirmträgerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 433.11)

šw.tjt, "die Gefiederte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 20, 14)

šw-n-p.t, "Licht des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 41)

šwꜣ, "arm sein; verarmen" | "to be poor" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 435.1; FCD 263)

šwꜣ.w, "Armer" | "poor man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 435.3-7; FCD 263; Lesko, Dictionary III, 142)

šwꜣ.w, "Armut" | "poverty" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener, L'Enseignement Loyaliste, 37, Anm. 9)

šwꜣ.t, "Verarmung" | "impoverishment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 435.9)

šwj.w, "Aufstieg" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1245e)

šwy.t, "Handel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 140)

š, "Händler; Kaufmann" | "merchant; trader" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 434.5-6; FCD 263; Lesko, Dictionary III, 140; KoptHWb 43; Römer, SAK 19, 1992, 268 ff.)

šꜣ-ḥw.t-pꜣ-Jtn, "Kaufmann des Tempels des Aton" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2194)

šwi̯, "leer sein" | "to be empty; to be devoid of" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 426.6-427.19; Allen, Inflection, 573; ONB 916)

šwi̯, "trocken sein; austrocknen" | "to dry; to be dry" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 429.5-9; ONB 916; MedWb 841; KoptHWb 335)

šwi̯, "trocken" | "dried; dry" [adjective] (Wb 4, 429.10-14; vgl. MedWb 841)

šwi̯, "(sich) erheben; hochheben" | "to soar up; to raise up" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 431.14-16)

šwb, "Perseabaum; Perseasbaumfrüchte" | "persea tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 435.10-14; Germer, Flora, 148 f.)

šws.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 87)

šwšy.t, "Dürre, Trockenheit" | "dryness; drought" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4132; Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 30)

šb, "Mastix" | "[an aromatic plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 438.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 997; Lüchtrath, in: Edfu: Bericht über drei Surveys, 117 ff.)

šb.w, "Nahrung; Hauptmahlzeit" | "food; main meal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 437.6-9; FCD 264; Lesko, Dictionary III, 143; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 997)

šb.w, "Entgelt, Bezahlung; Vergeltung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 168)

šb.t, "Entgelt, Bezahlung; Vergeltung" | "value; price; wage" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 436.15-16; Lesko, Dictionary III, 143; EDG 497)

šb.t, "Fleischstück" | "meat offering" [substantive] (Wb 4, 437.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 997)

šb.t, "Maische" | "[a mash (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 437.10-11; DrogWb 486 ff.)

šb.t, "Melone" | "[an edible vegetable (cucumber?) (melon?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 438.2-4; DrogWb 485 f.; Germer, Handbuch, 130 f.)

š, "Rippenstück (als Speise)" | "rib-joints (as food)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 438.10)

šby.w, "Halsband; Schmuckstück" | "shebyu-necklace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 438.11-13; Janssen, Prices, 306 ff.)

šbi̯, "mischen; sich mischen (unter); ersetzen" | "to mix; to mingle; to replace" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 436.4-14; FCD 263; Lesko, Dictionary III, 143; ONB 169; KoptHWb 303 f.)

šbb, "Röhre" | "reed (for inhaling) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 439.2; MedWb 843)

šbb, "zusammenmischen; maischen" | "to mix; to mash" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 4, 439.5-7; MedWb 842; vgl. FCD 264)

šbb, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 439.13; DrogWb 489)

šbb, "Ein wenig zu essen" | "a bit of food" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 440.3; ONB 299)

šbb.t, "Maische" | "(beer) mash" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 439.10-11; DrogWb 486 ff.)

šbb.t, "" | "Flut (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 440.4; MedWb 843)

šbn, "mischen; sich mischen (unter)" | "to mix; to mingle" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 440.5-441.3; FCD 264; KoptHWb 320)

šbn, "verschieden; gemischt" | "mixed; various" [adjective] (Wb 4, 441.4-11; FCD 264)

šbn.w, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4146; Koura, Öle, 180 f.)

šbšb, "[Verb (hervorbrechen?)(von Seth)]" | "[verb relating to Seth]" [verb] (Wb 4, 442.3; Allen, Inflection, 578)

šbšb, "richtig einteilen; ordnen" | "to divide correctly; to apportion; to set out (a design)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 4, 442.4-7; FCD 264; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 999 f.)

šbd, "Stock (zum Prügeln)" | "stick" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 442.13-14; Lesko, Dictionary III, 144; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 397; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 41)

šbd, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Dawson/Peet, JEA 19, 1933, Tf. 29)

šp, "blind sein; blenden" | "to be blind; to blind" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 443.1-11)

šp, "ausfließen; zu Grunde gehen" | "to flow out; to depart" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 443.14-444.7; FCD 264)

šp, "werfen" | "to leap; to bound" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19; Lesko, Dictionary III, 145)

šp.w, "Blinder" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1268b)

šp.t, "Blindheit" | "blindness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 443.12-13; MedWb 844 f.)

šp.t, "Darmkrankheit" | "[an affliction of the anus (hemorrhoids?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 444.8; MedWb 845; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 663, Anm. 176)

šp.t, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4151)

šp-šꜣꜣ.w, "Schep-schaau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 47)

špj, "aufblasen; sich mit Luft füllen" | english translation missing [verb] (Haikal, Nesmin, 56; Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 115, n. 58)

špi̯, "erheben, aufrichten; tragen" | "to erect" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Meeks, AL 78.4088; 79.2974; Wb 4, 444.14; Jones, Naut. Titles, 226 (103))

špn, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[an illness of the urinary tract]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 444.15; MedWb 845 f.)

špn, "Mohnpflanze (?)" | "[a plant (poppy?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 444.17; DrogWb 489 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 507)

špn, "wohlgenährt sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (EAG § 120; ONB 743, Anm. 899)

špn.t, "üppige Frau" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 444.16; vgl. Junge, Ptahhotep, 202, 257 (Komm.))

špn.t, "[ein Getränk]" | "[a beverage]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 445.4)

špn.t, "[Krug für Bier]" | "[a jug, as a measure for beer]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 445.2-3; FCD 264)

špnn, "Mohnkörner (?)" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 445.5-6; DrogWb 490; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 507)

šps, "Grabstein" | "tomb-chapel" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 451.7; Lapp, MDAIK 50, 1994, 242)

šps, "Statue; Abbild" | "statue; likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 451.8-9)

šps, "[Pflanze oder Frucht (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (cinnamon?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 451.10; DrogWb 490 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 507)

šps.j, "erhaben; herrlich" | "splendid; noble" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 4, 445.8-447.23; EAG § 341; FCD 264; vgl. ONB 150)

šps.w, "Vornehmer" | "noble" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 448-449.7; FCD 265)

šps.w, "Herrlichkeit; Reichtümer; Opfergaben" | "costly offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 450.16-451.6; FCD 264; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 615; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1002)

šps.w-nswt, "Vornehmer des Königs" | "noble of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 449.2-3; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3648)

šps.w-nswt, "Vornehmer des Königs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 449.2-3)

šps.w-nswt-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Vornehmer des Königs des Palastes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3652)

šps.w-nswt-mꜣꜥ, "wirklicher Vornehmer des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no 3653)

šps.ww, "die Vornehmen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 52)

šps.wt, "Edelfrauen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 65 f.)

šps.t, "vornehme Frau" | "noblewoman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 449.10-450.14)

šps.t, "Prächtige" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 450.15; LGG VII, 53 f.)

šps.t, "Favoritin" | "favorite" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 450.3)

šps.t, "Statue; Abbild" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. IX.5)

šps.t, "Vornehme" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gardiner, JEA 37, 1951, 110; Jansen-Winkeln, Biographien, 24, Anm. 66)

šps.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "große Favoritin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 450.4)

šps.t-wr.t, "große Vornehme" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 56)

šps.t-nswt, "die Vornehme des Königs" | "noblewoman of the king" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 450.1; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3664)

šps.t-nṯ, "die Verehrungswürdige der beiden Göttinnen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 63; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 11.4)

šps-Bꜣ.w-Jwn.w, "der Verehrungswürdigste der Bas von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 50)

špsi̯, "erhaben sein; ausstatten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 4, 447.24-448.20; FCD 264; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 145 f.)

špss, "Vornehmer" | "noble (an esteemed person)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 452.16)

špss, "Herrliches; Kostbarkeiten" | "riches; wealth; precious things" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 453.1-8; FCD 265)

špss, "erhaben; herrlich" | "noble; splendid" [adjective] (Wb 4, 451.15-452.3; EAG § 341)

špss, "erhaben sein; prächtig ausstatten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-gem] (Wb, 4, 452.4-15; FCD 265; EAG § 341; FCD 265; Lesko, Dictionary III, 146; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1002)

špt, "Igelfisch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 453.9; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 108 f.)

špt, "ärgerlich sein" | "to be angry" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 453.10-16; FCD 265)

špt, "Ärger" | "anger; discontent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 454.1-12; FCD 265; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 615)

šptj, "aufgeblasen (von Luft)" | "to be blown up (med.)" [verb] (Wb 4, 454.13; MedWb 846 f.)

šptj, "Sprosse" | "[noun]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.4102; Gestermann, Überlieferung, 149, Anm. 854)

špty.t, "Harnblase" | "(urinary) bladder" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 454.14; MedWb 846)

š, "Ansehen" | "majesty; respect" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 457.2-459.7; FCD 265; Lesko, Dictionary III, 146)

šf.w, "[Teil des Bieres (Schaum?, Bodensatz?) (offizinell)]" | "[a substance (slime?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 456.1-3; DrogWb 491 f.)

šf.wt, "Schwellung" | "swelling" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 455.12; MedWb 848 ff.)

šf.t, "Widder (ovis longipes aeg.)" | "ram (of Amun, of Khnum)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 456.4-8; LÄ VI, 1243)

šf-šf.w, "Angesehener der Angesehenen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 70 f.)

šfi̯, "respektieren; achten" | "respect" [verb: verb_3-inf] (FCD 265)

šfꜥ, "kämpfen" | "ro fight" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 460.1; FCD 265; Lesko, Dictionary, III, 147)

šfu̯, "anschwellen; geschwollen sein" | "to swell; to be swollen" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 455.8-11; ONB 334)

šfn.w, "Dickicht, Gestrüpp" | "bushes; undergrowth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 12; Meeks, AL 77.4164; 79.2993; Lesko, Dictionary III, 148)

šfšf.t, "Ansehen" | "respect; awe" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 460.6-461.5; FCD 265; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 616; Lesko, Dictionary III, 148)

šfšf.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (slime?) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 461.7-8; DrogWb 492)

šfš, "Angesehener" | "greatly-respected one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 461.6; FCD 265)

šfd, "fassen, packen; (jmdn.) verhaften" | "to grasp; to sieze" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 461.9-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 616; Lesko, Dictionary III, 148)

šfd, "[Gefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kawa I, 12, Anm. 57)

šfd.w, "Papyrus (als Schreibmaterial); Buchrolle" | "sheet of papyrus; sroll of papyrus" [substantive] (Wb 4, 461.11-17; FCD 266)

šfdy.t, "Bahre" | "bier" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 462.2-3; FCD 266)

šm.w, "Hitze" | "heat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 469.9-10; Lesko, Dictionary III, 152; ONB 72, 535, Anm. 349)

šm.w, "Schemu-Jahreszeit; Sommerzeit" | "shemu-season (summer)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 480.5-14)

šm.w, "Ernte; Ernteertrag" | "harvest; crop" [substantive] (Wb 4, 481.1-11; FCD 267)

šm.w, "Wasserweg" | "waterway" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 466.10-12)

šm.w, "[eine Art Zaubersprüche]; Omen; Orakel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 467.13; Ritner, Mechanics, 36 f., Anm. 167)

šm.wj, "erster Tag der Schemu-Jahreszeit" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 481.13; Willems, Dayr al-Barshā I, 51 f., Anm. aa)

šm.wj, "Beine; Gehwerkzeuge" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 82.7)

šm.t, "Schritt; Gang; Geschäft" | "walking; gait; business" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 466.1-9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 617 f.)

šm.t, "Weg (zu Lande, am Himmel)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 466.13)

šm.t, "Schwiegermutter" | "in-law" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Cerný, CED 243; Franke, Verwandtschaftsbezeichnungen, 148 ff.)

šm.t-m-ḥr.jw-r-gs-Pr-wr, "die mit den Himmlischen neben dem Per-wer-Schrein wandelt (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 78 ff., 68, 93, n. 47; Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 60.7)

šm-ḥr-ẖ.t=f, "der auf seinem Bauch geht (eine Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive] (LGG VII, 75)

šmꜣ, "Landfremder; Wanderer; Vagabund; Nomade" | "foreigner (i.e., a non-Egyptian); wanderer" [substantive] (Wb 4, 470.7-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1008)

šmꜣ, "wandern; umherziehen; umherstreunen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 470.2-5)

šmꜣ.y, "Fremdartigkeit; Anomalie (eine Krankheitserscheinung)" | "oddity; anomaly (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 471.7-8; MedWb 851; FCD 266)

šmꜣ.w, "Elend" | "distress" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 471.13; FCD 266)

šmi̯, "gehen; durchziehen" | "to go; to traverse" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 462.7-465.18; ONB 715, Anm 836)

šmꜥ, "schmal sein" | "to be slender" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 478.4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 151; vgl. ONB 503, Anm. 199)

šmꜥ, "dünn" | "spare; slender" [adjective] (Wb 4, 478.5; Lesko, Dictionary III, 151; KoptHWb 313)

šmꜥ, "singen" | "to make music" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 478.6-11; FCD 266)

šmꜥ, "oberägyptische Gerste ("schmale Gerste")" | "Upper Egyptian grain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 476.8-477.7)

šmꜥ, "dünner Stoff; dünnes Material" | "thin (linen) cloth; [a thin material]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 477.12-478.2; Janssen, Prices, 256; Lesko, Dictionary III, 150)

šmꜥ.j, "oberägyptisch" | "Upper Egyptian" [adjective] (Wb 4, 476.1)

šmꜥ.yt, "Sängerin" | "musician" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 479.8-480.4; FCD 266; Ward, Titles, no. 1516)

šmꜥ.yt-n.t-Bꜣs.tjt, "Sängerin der Bastet" | "musician of Bastet" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2004)

šmꜥ.yt-n.t-Pr-qꜣ, "Sängerin von Per-qa" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 82)

šmꜥ.yt-n.t-nb.t-Tꜣ.wj, "Sängerin der Herrin der Beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, KÄT, 33)

šmꜥ.yt-n-Ꜣs.t, "Sängerin der Isis" | "musician of Isis" [epitheton_title: title] (Janssen, OMRO 41, 1960, 35; LÄ VII, 420)

šmꜥ.yt-n-Jmn, "Sängerin des Amun" | "musician of Amun" [substantive: substantive_fem] (G.W.B. Barns, JEA 34, 1948, 35 ff., pl. IX-X)

šmꜥ.yt-n-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Sängerin des Amun-Re, des Königs der Götter" | "musician of Amun-Re, king of the gods" [epitheton_title: title] (Cerny, LRL, 57.2 (Nr. 37))

šmꜥ.yt-n-pꜣ-Rꜥw, "Sängerin des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 288.9)

šmꜥ.yt-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w-nb.t-nh.t-rs.jt, "Sängerin der Hathor, der Herrin der südlichen Sykomore" | "chantress of Hathor, mistress of the Southern sycamore region" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2011)

šmꜥ.yt-n-H̱nm.w, "Sängerin des Chnum" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Vgl. Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2012)

šmꜥ.yt-n-Ḏḥ, "Sängerin des Thot" | "musician of Thoth" [epitheton_title: title] (LÄ II, 1255)

šmꜥ.w, "Krone von Oberägypten" | "(crown of) Upper Egypt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 476.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1010 f.)

šmꜥ.w, "Musikant; Sänger" | "musician; singer; chantress" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 478.12-479.6; FCD 266; Ward, Titles, no. 1514)

šmꜥ.w, "Öl von Oberägypten" | "oil of Upper Egypt" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.4117; Koura, Öle, 192 f.)

šmꜥ.w-mḥ.wj, "Ägypter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI II, 328.6)

šmꜥ.w-sj, "Sie gehört Oberägypten (Bez. der Krone von O. Äg.)" | "She-belongs-to-Upper-Egypt (White Crown)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 476.3-7; vgl. ONB 872; LÄ III, 811 f.)

šmꜥ.t, "dünnes Leinen" | "thin (linen) cloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 477.12-478.2)

šmw, "der Gang; das Gehen" | "movements" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 465.19-22)

šmm, "heiß werden; fiebern" | "to be hot; to become hot (feverish)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 4, 468.1-17; MedWb 853 f.)

šmm, "Hitziger, Feind" | "hot one" [substantive] (Wb 4, 469.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 152)

šmm, "Hitze" | "heat" [substantive] (Wb 4, 469.4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 152)

šmm.t, "Hitze; Fieber" | "fever; inflammation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 469.5-7; FCD 264; MedWb 854; ONB 83, 548, Anm. 409)

šmm.t, "Straße; Durchgang" | "street" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 481.15)

šmm.t, "Pferdestall; Speicher" | "stable; storehouse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 482.1-4; Lesko, Dictionary III, 152)

šmm-n-Rꜥw, "Hitze des Re (König als Gott Nefertem)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 77)

šmr.t, "Bogen (Waffe)" | "bow (weapon)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 482.5-7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 153)

šms, "folgen; geleiten; herbeibringen" | "to follow; to accompany; to bring" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 482-484.18)

šms.w, "Gefolgsmann" | "retainer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 485.6-486.15)

šms.w, "Gefolge" | "following; suite" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 487.2-12)

šms.w, "der Gefolgsmann" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 86)

šms.w, "Gefolgsmann" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 485.6-486.15)

šms.w-ꜥ, "Gefolgsmann der Arerut-Verwaltung" | "retainer of the (center for) administration" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1520)

šms.w-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Gefolgsmann des Palastes" | "retainer of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1522)

šms.w-n.j-ḥqꜣ, "Gefolgsmann des Herrschers" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1526)

šms.w-n-Pr-Jmn-Rꜥw-nswt-nṯr.w, "Gefolgsmann des Karnaktempels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (pChester Beatty V Recto 8.1)

šms.w-n-pr, "Gefolgsmann des Hauses" | "retainer of the house" [epitheton_title: title] (pBerlin P 10038A; vgl. Wb 4, 485)

šms.w-n-nṯr-nfr, "Gefolgsmann des vollkommenen Gottes" | "follower of the good god" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2203)

šms.w-nswt, "königlicher Gefolgsmann" | "king's attendant" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1523; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3671)

šms.w-Rꜥw, "Gefolge des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 90 f.)

šms.w-Ḥr.w, "Gefolgsmann des Horus" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 267)

šms.w-sms.w, "ältester Gefolgsmann" | "senior retainer" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3666)

šms.w-šms, "Gefolgsmann der (seinem Herrn) folgt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1530)

šms.w-ḏbꜣ.t, "Gefolgschaft des Ankleideraumes" | "retinue of the robing-room" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK; no. 3678)

šms.wt, "Gefolge" | "following; suite" [substantive] (Wb 4, 487.13-15; FCD 267; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 621)

šms.t, "Dienerin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 487.1)

šms-wḏꜣ, "Begräbnisprozession" | "funeral procession" [substantive] (Wb 4, 485.2; FCD 267)

šms-Ḥr.w, "Horusgeleit (Abgabenzug)" | "following of Horus (biennial inspection tour)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 485.5; vgl. LÄ III, 51 f.)

šmšm.t, "[Pflanze]" | "hemp" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 488.3-5; DrogWb 493; Manniche, Herbal, 82 f.; vgl. aber Germer, Flora, 23)

šn, "vermeiden (?); frei machen (?)" | "to block" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 488.6; Allen, Inflection, 547)

šn, "Ring" | "shen-ring" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 488.9-10; FCD 267)

šn, "Erdkreis" | "circuit of the world" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 493.9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1015)

šn, "Ozean" | "ocean" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 493.12-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1016)

šn, "Baum" | "tree (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 498.6-499.4; FCD 267; Lesko, Dictionary III, 154; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1014)

šn, "Baum (mit fem. Artikel)" | "tree (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 499.5)

šn, "Schwacher; Invalide (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hovestreydt, LingAeg 5, 1997, 108, 111 (n. bb))

šn.w, "Umkreis; Umfang" | "circuit; circumference" [substantive] (Wb 4, 491.6-493.7; FCD 268; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 622)

šn.w, "Krankheit; Kummer, Not" | "troubles; need" [substantive] (Wb 4, 495.1-7; FCD 268; MedWb 857; ONB 93)

šn.w, "Beschwörer; Rezitierer" | "conjurer" [substantive] (Wb 4, 496.7; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary III, 156)

šn.w, "Netz" | "net(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 509.8-9; Lesko, Dictionary III, 155; ONB 737 f., Anm. 895)

šn.w, "[ein kartuschenförmiges Amulett]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 268)

šn.w, "Steuerprüfung; (geprüfte) Steuergebühr" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (vgl. Wb 4, 499.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 156; vgl. Quack, Ani, 91, Anm. 17)

šn.w-n-mw.t-nṯr, "Inspektor der Gottesmutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 499.7; Laisney, Aménémopé, 42 f.)

šn.wj, "Baumgarten; Plantage" | "tree garden" [substantive] (Wb 4, 499.6; Lesko; Dictionary, III 154)

šn.wt, "Einkreisung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.4134; Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 58; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 622)

šn.t, "Spruch; Beschwörung" | "spell; conjuration" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 496.8-12; FCD 268; MedWb 856)

šn.t, "hundert" | "hundred" [numeral: cardinal] (Wb 4, 497.9-12)

šn.t, "Einkreisen (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 58)

šn-ꜥꜣ-sk, "großes Umkreisendes, das untergeht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 447)

šn-wr, "das (allumfassende) Meer; Ozean" | "ocean" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 493.15-494.9; FCD 268; LÄ VII, 493)

šn-wr, "großer Umkreis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 96)

šnj, "Haar (allg.); Tierhaar (Wolle); Pflanzenhaar" | "hair" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 499.9-501.3)

šnj, "(Aufruhr) niederschlagen" | "to dispel (strife)" [verb] (Wb 4, 503.5; FCD 268)

šnj, "Gestank" | "(something) rotten (of fish) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 503.7; MedWb 859)

šnj, "[ein Gefäß (als Maß)]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 503.13; Lesko, Dictionary III, 155)

šnj, "Untersuchender; Fragender" | "inquirer (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4209; Lesko, Dictionary III, 156)

šnj, "[Baum (mit Früchten)]" | "[a tree or fruits of this tree]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 502.7-12; vgl. DrogWb 494 f.; vgl. FCD 268; Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 102, 533)

šnj, "[eine Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 9.3; Caminos, LEM, 210)

šnj.t, "Hagelwetter" | "hailstorm; storm" [substantive] (Wb 4, 502.15-503.4; FCD 268)

šnj-wšꜥ, "[Baum]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary, III, 160; DrogWb 495)

šnj-tꜣ, "Pflanzen (allg.) ("Haar der Erde")" | "plants (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 501.6-11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 625)

šnj-tꜣ, "[eine Pflanze aus dem Wadi Natrun]" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 502.1-6; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 507)

šny, "[ein Arbeiter]" | "[a workman]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 503.10; Ward, Titles, no. 1531)

šni̯, "rund sein; umkreisen; umgeben" | "to be round; to surround; to encircle" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 489.1-491.5)

šni̯, "streiten" | "to revile; to quarrel" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 494.11-13; vgl. FCD 268)

šni̯, "leiden" | "to suffer" [verb] (Wb 4, 494.15-18; FCD 268; MedWb 856)

šni̯, "fragen; untersuchen; durchsehen; prüfen; rezitieren; besprechen; beschwören" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 485.8-17; 496.2-6)

šnꜥ, "Brust" | "breast" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 506.14; FCD 269; MedWb 861; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

šnꜥ, "Verstopfung" | "obstruction (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 507.1-2; MedWb 859 ff.)

šnꜥ, "Unwetterwolken" | "storm cloud" [substantive] (Wb 4, 507.3-9; FCD 269)

šnꜥ, "[ein kleiner Fisch]" | "[a small fish]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 507.10-11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 159)

šnꜥ, "[ein Wertmesser (Silber)]" | "[unit of value, equivalent to a weight of silver]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ IV, 1081 ff; Meeks, AL 79.3036)

šnꜥ, "erwerben" | "to value" [verb: verb_3-lit] (James, Hekanakhte, 143)

šnꜥ, "abhalten; zurückhalten; scheu sein (von Fischen)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 504.5-505.13)

šnꜥ.w, "Wirtschaftspersonal" | "personnel (of the storehouse)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 509.1; Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2036)

šnꜥ.w, "Kajüte" | "deckhouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 504.3; Jones, Naut. Titles, 189 (160))

šnꜥ.w, "Polizist" | "policeman (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 506.1; Lesko, Dictionary III, 159)

šnꜥ.w, "Hinderung" | "hindrance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 506.7)

šnꜥ.w, "Polizeiaufgabe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 506.8-9; Borghouts, Egyptisch I, 32)

šnꜥ.w, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 506.13; DrogWb 497 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 508)

šnꜥ.w, "Magazin; Speicher" | "storehouse; [establishment where food was prepared for distribution]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 507.12-508.25)

šnꜥ.t, "Magazin" | "storehouse" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.3035; FCD 269)

šnꜥ.tj, "[ein Wertmesser (Silber)]" | "[unit of value, equivalent to a weight of silver]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ IV, 1081 ff.; Meeks, AL 77.4225)

šnw.t, "Scheune; Kornspeicher" | "granary; storeroom" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 510.1-16; vgl. ONB 266; KopHWb 335)

šnw.t, "Umgebung; Hofstaat; Umkreis" | "court; entourage (of the king, of a god)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 511.1-512.7; FCD 268; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 623 f.)

š, "Höfling" | "courtier" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 624)

šnb, "Trompete" | "trumpet; tube (for kohl)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 514.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 160; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1020; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 403; Vittmann, WZKM 87, 1997, 285; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 41)

šnb.t, "Brust; vorderer Rumpf; Kehle" | "(front of) chest; throat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 512.10-513.17; FCD 269; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

šnb.t-nṯr, "Gottesbrust (Amulett)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.13)

šnp, "[ein Sumpfgras]" | "[a reed]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 514.8)

šnp, "[Geflochtenes aus Schenep-Sumpfgras (Matte, Kleidung)]" | "[woven shenep-reeds (as a mat, a garment)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 514.9-10; FCD 269)

šnf.t, "[eine Frucht (?)]; [ein Kuchen (?)]" | "[a plant]; [a plant product]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 514.13-515.1; DrogWb 498 f.; Edel, QH II, 1.2., 25)

šnf.t, "Schuppe" | "scale (of a fish)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 515.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 626; KoptHWb 320)

šnf.t, "[Krankheit]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 862)

šnn, "Krankheit; Kummer" | "[an illness?]; care" [substantive] (Wb 4, 515.3-9; ONB 301; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1021 f.)

šnn.w, "Takelung (des Mastes)" | "rigging (of the mast)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.4161; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 626)

šnn.t-Jtn, "Das, was die Sonne umkreist (die Welt)" | "what the sun encircles (the world)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 490.7)

šnrf, "in Unordnung geraten; sich sträuben" | "to be dishevelled (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 516.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary III, 160; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 404)

šns, "[ein Gebäck]; [ein Kuchen]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 516.4-517.4; MedWb 862; DrogWb 499)

šns-ꜥ, "[ein Kuchen im Napf]" | "[baked goods in a bowl]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 517.2)

šnš, "faulig sein (vom Wasser)" | "to be smelly; to be brakish" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 517.7; Lesko, Dictionary III, 160)

šntꜣy.t, "die Witwe (meist Isis)" | "Shentayet (a heavenly cow)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 518.3-10; LGG VII, 105a-106c)

šntj, "[ein Reiher]" | "heron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 519.1; FCD 269)

šnṯ, "Polizist; Hundertschaft" | "hundreds" [substantive] (Wb 4, 498.1-2; FCD 268, 269)

šnṯ, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 519.2)

šnṯ, "streiten; kämpfen; schmähen" | "to revile; to oppose; to punish" [verb] (Wb 4, 519.3-10; FCD 269)

šnṯ.y, "Götterfeind; Feind; Streitsüchtiger" | "enemy; foe" [substantive] (Wb 4, 520.3-6; FCD 270; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 627)

šnṯ.y, "Feindschaft" | "enmity" [substantive] (Wb 4, 520.7)

šnṯ.t, "Streit; Zank" | "strife; quarrel" [substantive] (Wb 4, 520.1-2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 627)

šnḏ, "Akazie" | "acacia" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 520.9-13; vgl. Germer, Flora, 81)

šnḏ.wt, "Schurz (allg.); Königsschurz; Maßeinheit (für Stoff)" | "king's kilt; kilt (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 522.2-7; Scheele, Stofflisten, 68 f.)

šnḏ.t, "Dornakazie (Nilakazie)" | "acacia" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 521.1-15; FCD 270; Germer, Flora, 90 ff.; DrogWb 500 ff.; Germer, Handbuch, 135 ff.)

šnḏ.t, "Akaziendorn" | "acacia thorn (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 522.1; MedWb 863)

šnḏd, "[Baum]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller, GM 200, 2004, 27 f.)

šr.t, "Nase; Nasenloch" | "nose; nostril(s)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 523.1-524.1; MedWb 864)

šr.t, "[eine Gerste]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 524.2-7; FCD 270)

šrj, "Kind; Sohn; Knabe" | "child; son; lad" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 526.9-23; vgl. ONB 640, Anm. 664)

šrj, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a flower (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 527.10; Lesko, Dictionary III, 162)

šrj, "versperren" | "to stop; to block up" [verb] (Wb 4, 527.12-17; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 628; Lesko, Dictionary III, 161; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1025; Vycichl, Dict. étym., 269)

šrj, "klein" | "little" [adjective] (Wb 4, 525.11-526.8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 161; vgl. ONB 640, Anm. 664)

šrj, "der Geringe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 526.3-5)

šrj.t, "Mädchen; Tochter" | "girl; daughter" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 527.1-9; FCD 270; Lesko, Dictionary III, 162)

šrm, "[ein Segenswunsch]" | "peace; greeting (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 528.7; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 408; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 49)

šrm, "um Frieden bitten; sich (jmdm.) mit dem Friedensgruß nahen" | "to lay down arms; to seek peace (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 528.8-9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 407; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 49; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 41)

šrm.t, "[Bez. des Proviants der Soldaten ?]" | "delivery; provisions (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 528.11; Lesko, Dictionary III, 163; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 408; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 49)

šrr, "klein sein" | "to be little; to be meagre" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 4, 524-525.10; FCD 270)

šrr, "klein" | "little" [adjective] (Wb 4, 525.11-526.8; FCD 270; ONB 142)

šrr, "rufen, schreien" | "to cry out" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Cerný, CED 240; Meeks, AL 77.4266)

šrš, "schnell sein; eilen" | "to be quick; to rush" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 529.1-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1026)

šrgḥ, "Gefühle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 410)

šhr.t, "[Aromastoff]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Malek/Quirke, JEA 78, 1992, 14)

šḥq, "Staubwolke" | "dust cloud (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 529.10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 411)

šz, "Backe (?)" | "bowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 529.11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 630; Meeks, AL 78.4180; Leitz, Or 65, 1996, 417 f.)

šzp, "empfangen; ergreifen" | "to receive; to take possession of" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 530.1-533.18)

šzp, "vier Finger breite Oberlippe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 535.2)

šzp, "Handbreite (Längenmaß); Handfläche" | "palm (measure of length)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 535.3-9; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

šzp, "Abbild; Statue; Sphinx" | "image; likeness; sphinx" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 536.1-11; FCD 272)

šzp, "Empfang; Eingang; Empfangsbestätigung" | "receipt; commencement" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 167; ONB 228, 786 f., Anm. 981)

šzp.w, "Ader" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 535.1)

šzp.t, "Gemach" | "chamber; summer house" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 535.10-16; FCD 272; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1030)

šzp.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 536-537.6; vgl. DrogWb 506 f.)

šzp.t, "[Seile des Schiffes]" | "lashings (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 537.10-11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 632; Jones, Naut. Titles, 190 (165))

šzp.t, "[unbekannter Teil von Weintrauben und Gummi]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 537.3-4; DrogWb 506)

šzp-n.t-dḫn, "Chor der Taktgeber (in Zeremonien)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 537.12)

šzm.t, "Malachit" | "malachite" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 539.1-3; Harris, Minerals, 132; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 632 f.)

š, "[Bezeichnung des Horus]" | "Shezemti (Horus)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 538.14-15; vgl. LGG V, 292)

šs, "Strick" | "rope" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 539.4-11)

šs, "Alabaster; Alabastergefäß" | "alabaster; alabaster vessels" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 540.10-541.5; Harris, Minerals, 77 f.)

šs, "krank daniederliegen" | "[an affliction of the heart]" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 543.1; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 692, Anm. 236)

š, "[grüne Fritte als Pigment]" | "[green pigment (med.)]" [substantive] (Wb 4, 545.7-8; Harris, Minerals; 152 f.; vgl. DrogWb 504 f.)

šs.t, "Alabaster" | "alabaster (and objects made of alabaster)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 541.6-10; Harris, Minerals, 78)

šs-mꜣꜥ, "etwas wirklich Treffliches" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 4, 542.13)

šsꜣ, "erfahren sein" | "to be wise; to be skilled; to be conversant with" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 543.7-544.7)

šsꜣ, "Kuhantilope" | "bubalis antilope" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 543.5-6; FCD 271; LÄ I, 320)

šsꜣ.w, "Erfahrung; Geschicklichkeit" | "wisdom; skill" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 544.8; FCD 271)

šsꜣ.w, "Diagnostik; Heilkunde" | "diagnosis; prescription" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 544.9-15; MedWb 867 f.; FCD 271)

šsꜣ.w, "[Bez. der Zunge]" | "tongue" [substantive] (Wb 4, 545.1; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

šsꜣ.t, "[Öl (?)]; [Napf für Öl (?)]" | "[an oil (?)]; [a container(?) for oil]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 543.4; Koura, Öle, 234; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 630)

šsꜣ.t, "Anbruch der Nacht (Abend)" | "nightfall" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 545.2-3; FCD 271; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 630; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1028)

šsm, "[etwas, das dem Toten bei seiner Wiedererweckung gelöst wird]" | "sinnews" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 545.9)

šsm, "lederne Peitsche" | "leather scroll (?)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 545.10; FCD 272; Posener, GM 25, 1977, 63 ff.)

šsm, "entzündet sein (der Augen)" | "to be red; to be inflamed" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 546.1; MedWb 869)

šsm, "stark sein" | "strong; effective" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 546.6; MedWb 869)

šsm.wt, "Entzündung (der Augen)" | "inflammation (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 545.12; MedWb 869 f.)

šsr, "Pfeil" | "arrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 546.7-17)

šsr, "töten" | "to slay" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 547.2-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1033)

šsr, "Schlachtrind" | "sacrificial bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 547.8-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1032 f.)

šsr, "[vom Zurichten der Herdsteine zum Kochen (?)]" | "to wipe over" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 547.10)

šsr, "aussprechen; verkünden" | "to utter; to express" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 548.1-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1030 f.)

šsr, "Ausspruch; Gedanke" | "utterances; specifications" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 548.8-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1031)

šsšs, "[ein Getränk]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Faulkner, PT 38, Anm. 7 (Pyr 123c))

šš, "(Stricke) drehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 413.12; Lesko, Dictionary III, 168; KoptHWb 337)

šš, "Nest" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 634 f.)

šš, "Trottel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 168; Tacke, Verspunkte, 63)

šš.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 549.10; MedWb 870)

šq, "Ring (Schmuck)" | "ring" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 414.5-6; Lesko, Dictionary III, 135)

šq, "bedrängt (?)" | english translation missing [undefined] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 135; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 412)

šqrqby, "[unter Früchten aus Nubien genannt]" | "[a product of Nubia]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 550.2; Caminos, LEM, 441)

škr, "[ein Mineral]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 550.6-7; Harris, Minerals, 183)

šgr, "verschließbarer Holzkasten (?)" | "[a wooden box]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 550.10; Lesko, Dictionary III, 168; Janssen, Prices, 200 ff.)

št, "Pille" | "[treatment for an ear affliction (pill? plug?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 550.11; MedWb 870 f.)

št, "Steuerzahler" | "tax payer" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 169; Caminos, LEM, 275)

štꜣ, "geheim sein; verborgen sein" | "to be secret; to be hidden; to be mysterious" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 552.13-553.5)

štꜣ, "Baumpflanzung" | "copse; scrub" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 555.9-11; FCD 273; KoptHWb 328)

štꜣ, "geheim; geheimnisvoll" | "secret; hidden; mysterious" [adjective] (Wb 4, 551.3-552.12)

štꜣ.y, "Geheimer (u.a. Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 553.7; LGG VII, 129)

štꜣ.yt, "Keller; Kammer; geheimer Raum" | "cellar; hidden room" [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary III, 170)

štꜣ.w, "Geheimnis; Verborgenes; Mysterium" | "secrets; (religious) mysteries" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 553.11-554.7)

štꜣ.w-ḫpr.w, "der mit geheimen Gestalten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 139)

štꜣ.t, "Geheimes; geheimes Wissen" | "secrets" [substantive] (Wb 4, 554.8-10; FCD 273)

štꜣ.t, "die Geheime (meist Nechbet)" | "hidden one (Nekhbet and others)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 554.14-16; LGG VII, 140 f.)

štꜣ.t, "Leib" | "womb; belly" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 555.2-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1037)

štꜣ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "die große Krypta im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 4.10)

štꜣ-jb, "der mit geheimem Herz" | "Hidden-of-heart" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 191; II, 142; LGG VII, 129 f.)

štꜣ-jr.w, "der mit geheimer Gestalt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 130)

štꜣ-mdw.w, "der mit geheimen Worten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 133)

štꜣ-ḥr, "der mit geheimem Gesicht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 134)

štꜣy.t, "Geheime (?) (Bez. der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 553.8; Lesko, Dictionary III, 170)

štj.w, "Schlagruder (?); Schaft (?)" | "stroke oar (?)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 556.7; FCD 273; Jones, Naut. Titles, 202 (17))

šty.t, "[ein Gegenstand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 556.2)

šty.t, "Führerin rudernder Frauen" | "leader; stroke (of a bank of oarswomen)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 556.6; FCD 273)

šty.t-n.t-fnḏ, "[Bezeichnung der inneren Nase]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 556.5)

štb, "einschließen; verschließen" | "to shut in; to enclose" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 557.8-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1039; KoptHWb 331)

štb, "Käfig (für Geflügel)" | "crate (?) (for fowl)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 557.7; vgl. FCD 273)

štm, "heftig sein; feindselig sein" | "to be quarrelsome" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 557.12-14)

štm, "Rebellion; Feindseligkeit" | "rebellion; hostility" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 558.1; FCD 273; Lesko, Dictionary III, 170)

štṯ, "Fahrgeld; Trinkgeld" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr., Übers. V, 55)

šṯ, "schmücken, bekleiden" | "to clothe" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 4, 558.3-4; FCD 273; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 637; Lesko, Dictionary III, 170; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1039)

šṯ, "[ein Kleid]" | "vestment; garment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 558.5-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1039)

šṯ, "Kreuzgeflecht (Adern)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 871 f.)

šṯ.w, "Schildkröte" | "turtle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 559; Posener-Kriéger, Gebelein, Tav. 29 (36); Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 637)

šṯy.t, "Krypta (Grab-u. Kultstätte des Sokar/Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, in Memphis); Krypta (in Dendera und Edfu); Grab (allg.); [Raum G in Edfu]" | "[sanctuary of Sokar]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 559.3-21; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1038; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 565)

šṯwn, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (pChester Beatty V Verso 6.9)

šd, "ledernes Kissen" | "cushion (of leather)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 560.6; vgl. ONB 171)

šd, "Mörser" | "mortar" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 566.11-13; MedWb 872 f.)

šd, "[Sack für Korn (?)]" | "[a (leather) sack (?) for grain]" [substantive] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19)

šd.y, "Acker" | "field; meadow; parcel of land" [substantive] (Wb 4, 567.9-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1041)

š, "geflutetes Ackerland (mit Wasserflächen)" | "flooded parcel of land" [substantive] (Wb 4, 567.11-14)

šd.w, "lederner Wasserschlauch" | "skin; water skin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 560.4-5; FCD 274; ONB 171)

šd.w, "[Teile des Schiffes]" | "lacings (?) (naut.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 560.7; Jones, Naut. Titles, 190 (167))

šd.w, "Grundstück; Landstück" | "field; meadow; parcel of land" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 568.4-7; FCD 274; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 642)

šd.w-ḥꜣm.t, "Schedu-hamet (eine Bergwerksmine)" | "Shedu-hamet (a mine)" [substantive] (Engelbach, ASAE 38, 1938, 371, pl. LV.2)

šd.wt, "Ackerland; Ackerstücke" | "field; meadow; parcel of land" [substantive] (Wb 4, 568.8; FCD 274)

šd.t, "Wasserloch; Brunnen; Graben" | "well; water hole" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 567.1-2; vgl. ONB 224)

šd.t-n.t-Rꜥw, "Nährerin des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 156 f.)

šd.t-nṯr-m-mḥy.t, "die den Gott im Papyrusdickicht aufzog" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XV.6)

šd.t-ẖrd.t, "Schedet-cheredet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 205)

š, "der von Schedet (Sobek)" | "one of Shedet (Sobek)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 567.5-6; LGG VII, 159 f.)

š, "Ausgräber (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 262 f.)

šd-ꜣpd, "Vogelmäster" | "fattener of fowl" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 565.16-17)

šd-ꜣpd, "Vogelmäster" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 565.16-17; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3681)

šd-wḥꜥ.t, "Skorpionfänger" | "remover of scorpions" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 350.9; Ward, Titles, no. 1538)

šd-ḫrw, "Unfug" | "disturbance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 566.3-4; FCD 274)

šd-ḫrw, "Unruhestifter (Seth)" | "one who causes disturbances (e.g., Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 566.6-9; LGG VII, 158 f.)

šdi̯, "nehmen; herausnehmen; entfernen; (Gaben) darbringen; graben; aushöhlen; retten; (etwas) lesen; rezitieren; säugen; aufziehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 4, 560.8-563.9; 563-565.15)

šdn, "geschlossen sein (der Augen)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 4, 568.10)

šdr.t, "Abgründe" | "ravine; chasm (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 568.11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 419)

šdḥ, "[ein Getränk]" | "sweet wine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 568.12-17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1042; Tallet, BIFAO 95, 1995, 459 ff.; Guasch-Jané et alii, Journal of Archaeological Science 33, 2006, 98 ff.)

šdšd, "Standartenwulst" | "[bolster-like protuberance on the front of divine standard]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 569.2-3; FCD 274; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1042)

šḏ.t, "[ein Teig (beim Brotbacken)]" | "[bread dough]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 4, 569.5-7; KoptHWb 331)

Qꜣ.yt-qꜣ.t, "Hoher Hügel" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 6.6; GDG V, 154; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1044 f.; Ryhiner, Lotus, 198)

Qꜣ.t-n-dmm=s, "Hohe, die nicht gestochen werden wird (Name eines Tores)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (LGG VII, 173)

Qꜣ-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Taharqas]; [Nebtiname Taharqas]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXV 6)

Qꜣ-š, "Qa-schuti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 332.19)

Qꜣ-š, "[Goldname Mentuhoteps II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XI 5)

Qꜣj, "Qai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 319.26)

Qꜣy, "Qay" | "Qay" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 332.24)

Qꜣi̯-Ptḥ, "Qai-Ptah" | "Qai-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 319.28)

Qꜣi̯-Mnw, "Kai-Min" | "Kai-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish IV, fig. 8)

Qꜣi̯-nfr.w, "Hoch ist die Vollkommenheit (Pyramidentempel Amenemhets I.)" | "Exalted-are-the-beauties (pyramid of Amenemhat I)" [entity_name: org_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 1; Koch, Sinuhe, 3)

Qꜣi̯-nfr.w-Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Hoch ist die Vollkommenheit des Amenemhet (Pyramidentempel Amenemhets I. in Lischt)" | "Exalted-are-the-beauties-of-Amenemhat (pyramid of Amenemhat I)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 6; Stadelmann, Pyramiden, 231)

Qꜣi̯-nfr.w-Sḥtp-jb-Rꜥw, "Hoch ist die Vollkommenheit des Sehetebibre (Pyramide Amenemhets I. in Lischt)" | "Exalted-are-the-beauties-of-Sehetepibre (pyramid of Amenemhat I)" [entity_name: org_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 1; vgl. LÄ V, 6-8)

Qꜣi̯-ḏꜣḏꜣ, "Qai-djadja" | "Qai-djadja" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 429.21)

Qꜣi̯-ḏr.t, "Qai-djeret" | "Qai-djeret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 332.21)

Qꜣb.y, "Gewundener" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 9.16; LGG VII, 175 f.)

Qꜣr, "Qar" | "Qar" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 333.9)

Qꜣḥ.t, "Qach" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.4249; LGG VII, 176)

Qj-nn, "Qi-nen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 333.12)

Qjn, "Qina (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 168; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 159)

Qjs, "Qus (Kusae)" | "Cusae" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 17.7; GDG V, 164 f.; LÄ V, 73 f.)

Qjs.j-wsr, "Qisi-user" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 333.13)

Qjs.j-m-zꜣ=f, "Qisi-em-zaef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 333.15)

Qwj, "Qui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 179)

Qb.t-jr.j-pꜥ.t-Špsj-pw-Ptḥ, "Die Kühlung des Fürsten Schepesipuptah (Domäne)" | "Coolness-of-the-hereditary-prince-Shepses-pu-Ptah (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 473)

Qb.t-mw.t-nswt-Zšzš.t, "Die Kühlung der Königsmutter Zeschezeschet (Domäne)" | "Coolness-of-the-king's-mother-Sesheseshet (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 472)

Qb.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Kühlung des Cheops (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 229)

Qbḥ.w-Ḥr.w, "Qebehu-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 171)

Qbḥ.wt, "Wasserspenderin" | "Heavenly-serpent" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 31.1; LGG VII, 183)

Qbḥ.t, "Qebehet (Osiriskultort im 13. u.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, BIFAO 65, 1967, 132, n. 206)

Qbḥ.t-Ttj, "Libationsgefäß des Teti (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 122)

Qbḥ-sn.w=f, "Qebehsenuef" | "Qebehsenuf" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 31.3-5; LGG VII, 180 ff.)

Qfdn.w, "Der Affe" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 186)

Qfdr, "Qefder" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.2.1, 115)

Qfdrj, "Qefderi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II, 2.1, Taf. 116)

Qmhm, "Qamhamu (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Qamhamu" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 155; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 156)

Qmd, "Qumid (Festungspunkt im Libanon)" | "Qumid" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 155 f.; RITANC I, 34)

Qn, "Qen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 334.17)

Qn.w, "[Goldname Psammetichs I.]" | "[Gold Horus-name of Psammetichus I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXVI 1)

Qn-Jmn, "Qen-Amun" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 334.18)

Qn-ḥr-ḫpš=f, "Qen-hor-chepeschef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 334.23)

Qn-H̱nm.w, "Qen-Chenemu" | "Qen-khenemu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 334.24)

Qn-tꜣ, "Fetter der Erde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 214)

Qnj-H̱nm.w, "Qeni-Chenemu" | "Qeni-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 335.10)

Qnn, "Qenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 335.19)

Qnqn.t, "[eine Insel im Jenseits]" | "[an island in the hereafter]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 56.13-14; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 654)

Qnqn-n-tꜣ, "Qenqen-en-ta" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 189)

Qr, "Qer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 335.21)

Qrj, "Qeri" | "Qeri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 335.30)

Qrj-nfr, "Qeri-nefer" | "Qeri-nefer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 320.16)

Qrmm, "Qarmem (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Qarmem" [entity_name: place_name] (RITA I, 26; RITANC I, 34)

Qrnr, "Qerner" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 60.14; LGG VII, 222), "Gruftbewohner" | "He-of-the-cavern" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 62.8-10; LGG VII, 223)

Qrrj, "Qereri" | "Qereri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 320.21)

Qrḥ.t, "[Göttin der Urzeit in Schlangengestalt]" | "serpent-spirit" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 63.5-9; LGG VII, 224)

Qrqmš, "Karkemisch" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 158)

Qrqr, "Qerqer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 226)

Qrqr.w, "[ein Gott (Schreiber des Osiris)]" | "[a divine being (scribe of Osiris)]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.4319; LGG VII, 226)

Qrqš, "Qarkischa" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 158 f.)

Qrt-ꜥnbw, "Kiriath-Anab (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 159; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 127)

Qrt-ꜥst, "Kiriath-Asit (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Kiriath-Asit" [entity_name: place_name] (RITA I, 26; RITANC I, 34)

Qhwj, "Qehui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 336.20)

Qḥqḥ, "Qehqeh [Ort/Gebiet (Küste des Roten Meeres/Nubien)]" | "Qehqeh (location on the Red Sea)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ IV, 1200 f.)

Qs, "Qes" | "Qes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 336.26)

QQ-n-nbw, "Der in Gold gehüllte" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 226 c)

Qty, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 72.5; LGG VII, 227)

Qd, "Qed" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 337.6)

Qd.j, "Qedi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 320.27)

Qd.y, "Qedy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 337.17)

Qd.y, "Qedy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 320.28)

Qd.w, "Qedu" | "Qedu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 337.12)

Qd.wt, "Qedut" | "Qedut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 320.29)

Qd-j-nḏs, "Qedi, der/die Jüngere" | "Qedi the younger" [entity_name: person_name] (Edel, QH II.1.2, 41)

Qd-Ḥw.t-Ḥr.w, "Qed-Hathor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Demarée, Papyri, 12, pl. 11-12)

Qd-ḥtp.t, "[Name einer Leiter]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Pyr 1769b)

Qdj, "Qadi (Kilikien)" | "Qadi (Cilicia)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 179 f.; LÄ III, 443 f.)

Qdf.y, "Qedefy" | "Qedefy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 337.7)

Qdm, "Qedem (Stadtstaat (?) in Syrien)" | "Qedem (city state in Syria)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 82.1; Koch Sinuhe, 23, 60, 66)

Qdm, "Qedem (unbekannter, mythologischer? Ort)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 82.2; vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 660)

Qdnꜣ, "Qatna" | "Qatna" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 181; RITANC I, 31; LÄ V, 46 f.)

Qdr, "Qeder (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Qeder" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 162)

Qdš.w, "Kadesch" | "Qadesh" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 82.5; LÄ V, 27 ff.; GDG V, 181 f.)

Qdš.w-tꜣ-jz.t, "Kadesch-ta-izet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 108.2 f.)

Qdš.t, "Qadesch" | "Qadesh" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 82.4; LGG VII, 231)

Qḏwdn, "Kizzuwadna" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 163 f.)

Qḏt, "Gaza" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 164; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 97 f.)

qꜣ, "Hoher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 1.1; LGG VII, 160 f.)

qꜣ, "hoch; lang; laut" | "tall; high; loud" [adjective] (Wb 5, 2.15-3.15; FCD 275)

qꜣ.yt, "Hochfeld; hochgelegenes Land; Hohes" | "high field; high-lying land; height" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 6.4-9; FCD 275)

qꜣ.yt, "[Sänfte]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Sperveslage, GM 233, 2012, 79 ff.)

qꜣ.tj, "der zur Höhe gehört" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 1105d)

qꜣ-wrr.t-m-Ꜣbḏ.w, "der mit hoher Wereret-Krone in Abydos (Onuris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 164; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 8.2)

qꜣ-n, "zu; bei; neben" | english translation missing [preposition] (ENG § 657; vgl. CGG 124 f.)

qꜣ-rn.w, "der mit hochangesehenen Namen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 166)

qꜣ-ḥr, "der mit hohem Kopf (Hochmütiger) (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 166)

qꜣ-ḥr-jꜣ.t=f, "der hoch auf seiner Standarte ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 161 f.)

qꜣ-ḫbz.wt, "der Langbärtige (meist Min)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 167a-b)

qꜣ-ḫrw, "der mit lauter Stimme" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 8 (12), pl. 3)

qꜣ-ḫrw-m-wsḫ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "der mit lauter Stimme in der großen Halle (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 168)

qꜣ-zp-2, "der zweifach Erhobene" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, 142, Anm. 488)

qꜣ-skm, "der mit langem, ergrautem Haar" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 144.2; vgl. LGG VII, 168)

qꜣ-š, "der mit hohem Federnpaar" | "high of feathers" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 425.10-11; LGG VII, 169 ff)

qꜣ-š, "dessen Doppelfeder hoch ist (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 171)

qꜣꜣ, "Hügel" | "hill; high ground" [substantive] (Wb 5, 5.3-6; FCD 275)

qꜣꜣ, "[Teil oder Produkt von Bäumen]" | "[a part of a tree (acacia, sycamore) (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 5.9-12; DrogWb 510 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 508)

qꜣꜣ.t, "[Frucht]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 6.1; DrogWb 511 f.)

qꜣi̯, "hoch sein; lang sein; laut sein; erhaben sein" | "to be tall; to be high; to be loud" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 1.2-3.17)

qꜣꜥ, "ausspeien" | "to vomit; to pour out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 7.5-16; MedWb 876)

qꜣꜥ.w, "Erbrochenes; Ausgespienes" | "vomit" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 8.1)

qꜣꜥ.w-ḏb.t, "Erbrochenes des Ziegels (Bezeichnung einer Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LGG VII, 175)

qꜣw, "Höhe; Länge; Lautstärke (der Stimme)" | "height" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 4.1-13; FCD 275; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 1; Hoffmann, in: Under One Sky, 113 ff.)

qꜣw, "Mehl" | "flour" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 8.2-5; DrogWb 512 f.)

qꜣw, "Vorarbeiter (?)" | "foreman (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1539)

qꜣw-tʾ-ḥḏ, "[ein Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 8.5)

qꜣb, "Windung; Krümmung" | "windings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 9.13-15)

qꜣb, "Darm" | "intestines" [substantive] (Wb 5, 9.17-19; FCD 275; MedWb 877; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

qꜣb, "Inneres (eines Landes); Inneres" | "interior; middle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 9.20; FCD 275)

qꜣb, "zusammenfalten; winden; verdoppeln; vermehren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 8.6-9.12)

qꜣb.t, "Brust" | "chest" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 11.2-8; MedWb 877 ff.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

qꜣb-mꜣꜥ, "Mastdarm ("der gerade Darm")" | "rectum" [substantive] (Wb 5, 9.18; FCD 275; MedWb 877; Walker, Anatom. Term., 276)

qꜣb-mn.w-ḥtp.w-m-Rʾ-sṯꜣ, "Verdoppler der Opferstiftungen und Opfergaben in Ro-setau" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 175)

qꜣm, "[Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, Faltblatt, x+14)

qꜣr, "Tasche; Bündel" | "sack" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 12.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 647)

qꜣr, "Vagabund" | "vagabond" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 18; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 429; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 49; ONB 593 f., Anm. 535)

qꜣr.t, "Riegel" | "door bolt" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 12.2-7; FCD 276)

qꜣri̯, "sich aufhalten; deponieren" | "to stay; to deposit" [verb: verb_4-inf] (ONB 484, Anm. 154; 593, Anm. 535; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 18)

qꜣḥ, "Nilschlamm; Lehmmörtel" | "Nile clay; mortar (of clay)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 12.9-12; FCD 276; Harris, Minerals, 205)

qꜣḥ, "binden" | "to bind" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.4360; 78.4247; vgl. ONB 679, Anm. 757)

qꜣḥ, "Joch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 66.11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1068; ONB 679, Anm. 757)

qꜣḥ.yt, "Nilschlamm" | "Nile clay" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.4359; 78.4248; vgl. Harris, Minerals, 205)

qꜣs, "binden; fesseln" | "to bind (a victim); to string (a bow)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 13.1-7; FCD 276)

qꜣs, "Strick, Band, Fessel" | "rope (as fetters, as rigging (naut.))" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 13.8-16; FCD 276)

qꜣqꜣ.w, "[ein Flussschiff]" | "[a river boat (travelling barge?)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 14.5-8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 146 f. (73))

qꜣqꜣ.w-n-ꜥrrj.t, "Dienstschiff" | "[a boat of the temple commissariat]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 14.7; Jones, Naut. Titles 147 (74))

qꜣqꜣ-jb, "[schlechte Eigenschaft des Herzens (?)]" | "vainglorious (?)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 14.2; FCD 276)

qꜣ, "[Insekt]" | "[a small animal (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 15.4; DrogWb 515)

qꜣd.w, "Hitze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 15.1; MedWb 880)

qꜣd.t, "Schlangenkraut" | "[a creeper (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 14.10-12; DrogWb 514; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 508)

qj, "Gestalt; Wesen; Art" | "form; shape; nature" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 15.5-16.17; FCD 276)

qj, "[eine Schlange (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 4 (24), pl. 1)

qjs, "sich erbrechen" | "to vomit; to spew out" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 17.4-5; MedWb 880)

qjs, "Erbrechen" | "vomit" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 17.6)

qꜥḥ, "(Hand, Arm) beugen; (sich) wenden" | "to bend (the hand, the arm)" [verb] (Wb 5, 18.6-19.4; FCD 276 f.; ONB 916 (Index))

qꜥḥ, "Oberarm; Schulter" | "arm; shoulder" [substantive] (Wb 5, 19.6-14; FCD 276; MedWb 880; ONB 228)

qꜥḥ, "Papyrusseite; Papyrusblatt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 21.7; Cerný, Paper, 9)

qꜥḥ.w, "Winkel; Ecke; Seite" | "corner; bend" [substantive] (Wb 5, 19.16-20.8; FCD 276; ONB 237)

qꜥḥ.t, "Schulterstück (des Rindes)" | "shoulder (of beef)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 19.15; FCD 276; Vycichl, Dict. étym., 92)

qꜥḥ.t, "Distrikt" | "district" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 20.9-11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 6)

qwr, "Goldarbeiter; Gold-Bergwerksarbeiter" | "gold worker (?); miner (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 21.9-11; FCD 277; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 6)

qwr, "[ein Lastschiff]" | "barge; cargo boat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 21.12-13; Jones, Naut. Titles, 147, no. 76; Dürring, Schiffbau, 141)

qwr.j, "Stauer (von Schiffen); Entlader (von Schiffen)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 18)

qb, "libieren" | "to pour a libation" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 24.6-12; FCD 277; ONB 94)

qb.w, "[eine Pflanze]; [Frucht der Qebu-Pflanze]" | "[a plant and its fruit]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 25.7-8; DrogWb 515 f.; Germer, Handbuch, 141 f.)

qb-srf, "der mit ruhigem Temperament" | "calm-tempered" [verb] (Wb 5, 23.17; 4, 196.10; FCD 277)

qby, "[ein Krug (für Wasser, Bier)]" | "jar (for water, for beer)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 25.2-6; FCD 277)

qby-n-wt, "Kanopen" | "canopic jars" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 8)

qbꜥ, "scherzen; spotten" | "to jest" [verb] (Wb 5, 25.9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 8; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 424)

qbb, "kühl sein; kühlen" | "to be cool; to be calm" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 22.5-23.20; ONB 916 (Index); KoptHWb 57)

qbb, "Kühle" | "coolness; calmness" [substantive] (Wb 5, 24.1-5; ONB 83)

qbb, "kühler Wind" | "cool wind" [substantive] (Wb 5, 24.13-14; ONB 83)

qbb, "kühl; ruhig" | "cool; calm" [adjective] (Wb 5, 22.5-23.20)

qbb.t, "kühles Wasser" | "cool water" [substantive] (Wb 5, 25.10-11; FCD 277; ONB 548)

qbb.t, "Kehle" | "throat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 25.12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1051)

qbḥ, "[ein Körperteil]" | "lower leg (with foot)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 26.1-2; AEO II, 255; Walker, Anatom. Term., 277; KoptHWb 57)

qbḥ, "Wasserspender" | "water pourer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 27.5-10; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3682)

qbḥ, "sterben" | "to die" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 30.9,11; Meeks, Mythes, 111, Anm. 332)

qbḥ, "kühl sein; kühlen; libieren; Libation darbringen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 26.5-12; 27.2-4)

qbḥ, "Wasserspender" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 27.8-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1051; LGG VII, 179 f.)

qbḥ.w, "Kühlung" | "coolness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 27.1; FCD 278)

qbḥ.w, "Libationsgefäß" | "libation vase" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 27.13)

qbḥ.w, "Wasser; Wasserspende" | "libation water; water" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 27.15-29.4)

qbḥ.w, "Wassergebiet; Wasservogelgebiet" | "watery region (habitat of birds)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 29.5-13)

qbḥ.w, "Wassergebiet (des Himmels)" | "watery region (mythological)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 30.1-6; FCD 178)

qbḥ.w, "Wasservögel" | "water fowl" [substantive] (Wb 5, 30.8; FCD 278)

qbḥ.w, "Qebehu (Gebiet des 1.Kataraktes, Ort der Nilquellen)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 29.5-6; GDG V, 170 f.; Montet, Géographie, II, 18 f.;)

qbḥ.wj, "zum Wassergebiet Gehöriger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1990b)

qbḥ.wj, "zum Wassergebiet gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 1301b)

qbḥ-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nswt, "Schlächter für das Frühstücks des Königs (?)" | "master butcher of the king's repast (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (McFarlane, Unas Cemetery I, 84, pl. 44)

qbḥ-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "Schlächter des großen Gutes" | "master butcher of the large house (palace)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3686)

qbḥ-ḥw.t-nm.t, "Schlächter der Schlachtbank" | "master butcher of the slaughterhouse" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 27.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3687)

qbḥ-ḥw.t-nm.t-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Schlächter der Schlachtbank des Palastes" | "master butcher of the palace" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 27.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3689)

qbḥ-ḥw.t-nm.t-n-jꜥ.w-rʾ-nswt, "Schlächter der Schlachtbank für das Frühstück des Königs" | "master butcher of the king's repast (?)" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3688)

qps, "[Tier]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kitchen, Poetry, 408 f.)

qf, "erstaunt sein" | "to be agape at" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 11.13; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 95, Anm. c)

qfꜣ.t, "Ansehen" | "fame" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 31.6-32.7; FCD 278; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1055)

qfn, "(Arme in Demut) beugen" | "to bend down" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 32.9)

qfn, "(jmds. Hände) fassen" | "to bend over" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 32.10)

qfn, "backen; gerinnen" | "to bake; to clot (blood)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 32.11-15; MedWb 884)

qfn, "[ein Gebäck]" | "[a kind of baked goods]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 32.16-18; FCD 278)

qfn.y, "Bäcker" | "baker" [substantive] (Wb 5, 33.1-2; FCD 278; Ward, Titles, no. 1542)

qfqf.t, "Ruf, Name" | "fame" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4392; Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, 63)

qmꜣ, "Wurfholz" | "throwstick" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 33.7)

qmꜣ, "[Zubereitungsart des Qemechu-Brotes]" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 5, 34)

qmꜣ, "Schöpfer" | "creator" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 36.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 11)

qmꜣ, "Wesen; Gestalt" | "form; appearance; nature" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 36.9-15; FCD 278)

qmꜣ, "[eine Binse]" | "reeds" [substantive] (Wb 5, 37.14-16; Lesko, Dictionary, IV, 11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1057)

qmꜣ, "werfen; schaffen; erzeugen; ersinnen; (Metall) hämmern; treiben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 33.8-16; 34.3-36.5; 36.16-37.6)

qmꜣ.y, "jung (?)" | english translation missing [adjective] (MedWb 885; Vernus/Yoyotte, Bestiaire, 466)

qmꜣ.yw-sw, "die ihn erzeugt haben" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Hornung, Himmelskuh, 4)

qmꜣ.w, "Worfler" | "winnower (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 34.1; Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, 39 ff., Anm. h)

qmꜣ.w, "(ins Wasser) Geworfenes; (dem Fluß) Übergebenes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 33.17)

qmꜣ.w, "Geschöpf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT II, 31b)

qmꜣ.t, "Erzeugnis" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 36.8; Bedier, Geb, 154, Anm. 6)

qmꜣ-ꜣbd.w, "der die Monate erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 187)

qmꜣ-p.t, "der den Himmel erschuf" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 192)

qmꜣ-n.tjt, "der das Seiende schuf" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 196)

qmꜣ-rmṯ.w, "der die Menschen erschuf" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 197)

qmꜣ-ḥmw.t, "der die Künste erschafft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 198)

qmꜣ-swḥ.t-pr-m-nw.w, "der Erzeuger des Eis, das aus dem Nun hervorkommt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 202)

qmj, "kleben" | english translation missing [verb] (FCD 279; MedWb 886)

qmj.t, "[Krankheit der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane]" | "[a uterine disorder (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 39.2; MedWb 885)

qmy, "[ein Salböl aus Baumharz]" | "annointing oil" [substantive] (Wb 5, 40.1; Koura,Öle, 157 ff.; LÄ II, 921)

qmy.t, "Harz; Gummi" | "gum; resin" [substantive] (Wb 5, 39.3-15; DrogWB 516 ff.; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 12; LÄ II, 921), "der zum Harz Gehörige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Luiselli, P. Boulaq 17, 15)

qmḥ, "Zweige; Blätter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 40.2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 12)

qmḥ.w, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 40.3-4)

qmḥ.w-qmꜣ, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 40.4)

qmqm, "[eine Pauke]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 40.5; KoptHWb 60)

qmd, "denken an; sich kümmern" | "to devise; to invent" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 40.6; FCD 279; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 653)

qmd, "Klage, Totenklage" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Adrom, Amenemhet, 31, § 5b; Westendorf, GM 46, 1981, 39)

qn, "Fettes" | "fat (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 41.1-2; FCD 279)

qn, "prügeln; verletzen" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 5, 44.3-4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 653 f.)

qn, "Starker" | "strong warrior" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 44.7-16; FCD 279)

qn, "Matte" | "mat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 48.15-16; FCD 279)

qn, "beenden; aufhören" | "to complete; to finish" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 49.1-14; FCD 279; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 1062)

qn, "stark; tüchtig; tapfer" | "strong; brave; capable" [adjective] (Wb 5, 42.2-43.17)

qn, "Ende; [höchste Qualitätsstufe]" | "end; first quality" [substantive] (Wb 5, 49.15-50.2; FCD 279)

qn, "Kraft; Tapferkeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 14; vgl. Wb 5, 45.1)

qn.yw, "Weber" | "weaver" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 50.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1063), "Leibwache" | "the Braves" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 44.17; FCD 279)

qn.w, "zahlreich; viele (pl.)" | "many; numerous" [adjective] (Wb 5, 46.7-47.10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 14 f.)

qn.w, "die Vielen" | "the many" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 47.11-13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 14 f.)

qn.w, "Gespann" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 47.16)

qn.w-ꜥšꜣ, "sehr viele" | "very many" [adjective] (Wb 5, 46.10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 15)

qn.t, "Fettes" | "fat (symptom of an eye illness)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 41.3-4; vgl. Koura, Öle, 134)

qn.t, "Kraft; Tapferkeit" | "valor; strength" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 45.1-46.6; FCD 279)

qn.t, "Vollendung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 37, 83 (D 269), 137 (comm.))

qn.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 520)

qn-ꜣḫ, "der stark an Macht ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Kheruef, pl. 14-15, 4G-H)

qnj, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 79.3148; DrogWb, 520)

qnj, "umarmen" | "to embrace" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 50.7-12; FCD 280; vgl. ONB 501, 564)

qnj, "Umarmung; Schoß; Brust" | "embrace" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 50.13-51.7; FCD 280; KoptHWb 65; Walker, Anatom. Term., 277)

qnj, "[Brustlatz (als Schmuck)]" | "[a ceremonial garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 51.9; FCD 279; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 654)

qnj, "verletzen (?) (des Horusauges)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 52.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 653 f.)

qnj, "Garbe; Bündel" | "sheaf; bundle" [substantive] (Wb 5, 52.5; FCD 279)

qnj.w, "Böses; Schaden; Leid; Übeltat" | "evil deed; injury; lack" [substantive] (Wb 5, 48.2-13; FCD 279; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1059; ONB 568, Anm. 432)

qnj.w, "Tragsessel; Thron; Stuhl" | "chair; throne; carrying chair" [substantive] (Wb 5, 51.13-15; FCD 280; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 15 f.)

qnj.w, "[Bez. für Sumpfvögel]" | "bird(s) of the marshes" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 52.6; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 16; Caminos, LEM, 210)

qnj.w, "Garbenträger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lehre eines Mannes, 28, 34, Anm. e)

qnj.t, "[eine Augenverletzung]" | "[an injury to the eye (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 52.8; MedWb 887)

qnj.t, "Auripigment; gelber Farbstoff" | "[a yellow pigment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 52.10-16; Harris, Minerals, 153 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 654)

qnj-ḥr, "Gelbgesichtiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 515d; vgl. LGG VII, 216)

qni̯, "fett sein" | "fat; to be fat" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 40.8-14; ONB 52; vgl. KoptHWb 65)

qni̯, "stark sein; tüchtig sein; tapfer sein; stärken; besiegen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 41.5-44.2)

qnb, "bändigen; binden" | "to bind; to bend; to subjugate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 53.1-4; FCD 280; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 16; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1063)

qnb.t, "Gerichtshof; Gerichtskollegium" | "court (of magistrates)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 53.9-54.11; FCD 280; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 16), "Verwaltungsbeamter" | "magistrate" [substantive] (Wb 5, 54.12-15; FCD 280; Ward, Titles, no. 1544), "Verwaltungsbeamter des Distrikts" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1545), "Verwaltungsbeamter des Distrikts" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 1545)

qnn, "Überlegenheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD, 279; vgl. Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 8; Koch, Sinuhe, 45)

qnnj, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 54.21; Koura, Öle, 249)

qnqn, "schlagen; zerschlagen; prügeln" | "to beat; to pound up (med.)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 55.4-56.9; FCD 280)

qnqn, "Züchtigung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 17)

qnd, "wütend sein, wütend werden" | "to rage; to be come angry" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 56.16-57.12; FCD 280; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1064 f.)

qnd, "Wut" | "anger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 57.13-14; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 18)

qr, "Ende des Buches" | "end (of a papyrus); blank margin (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 58.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 427)

qr, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (Lichtheim, Autobiographies, 109, Anm. 3), "die zwei Quelllöcher des Nils" | "the twin caverns (at Elephantine, considered the twin sources of the Nile)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 58.2-4; FCD 280; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 19; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1066)

qrꜥ.w, "Schild" | "shield (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 59.11; Hoch, Sem. Word, no. 432)

qrꜥ.w, "Schildhalter" | "shield bearer (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 59.12-14; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 433)

qrꜥ.w-n-pꜣ-ḫr.w-n-Ḫt, "Schildträger des Feindes von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 137.12)

qrf, "zusammenziehen; krümmen" | "to contract; to draw together" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 60.7-8; FCD 280; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 655; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1065)

qrf, "Beutel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 280)

qrf.w, "Falten des Gesichts; Verkrümmung" | "(facial) wrinkles (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 60.9; MedWb 889)

qrf.t, "Beutel" | "bag" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 60.4-6; FCD 280)

qrf.t, "Verkrümmung (Krankheit)" | "contractions (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 60.10; MedWb 889)

qrr, "Wolke; Gewitterwolke" | "storm; storm cloud" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 61; AEO 5*; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 655)

qrr, "[ein Schiff]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 61.7; Jones, Naut. Titles, 147 f. (77))

qrr, "erhitzen (in einer Stapelform)" | "to fire (pottery); to cook (food)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 61.9-10; Verhoeven, Grillen, 190 ff.)

qrr, "Brandopfer" | "burnt offering" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 61.11-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1066 f.)

qrr, "[eine Schlange]" | "storm-snake (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 62.11)

qrr.t, "Höhlung; Loch; Höhle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 61.14-62.7)

qrḥ.t, "Topf; Töpferware" | "pottery; pot" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 62.12-63.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 21)

qrḥ.t, "Geschöpf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 63.10; Franke, GM 164, 1998, 63 ff.)

qrs, "bestatten" | "to bury" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 63.11-64.4)

qrs, "Begräbnis" | "burial" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 64.5-7)

qrs.w, "Sarg" | "coffin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 65.13-21)

qrs.wt, "die Bestattung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 65.22; LGG VII, 225)

qrs.t, "Begräbnis" | "burial" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 64.8-65.12)

qrs.tjt, "Grabausrüstung" | "burial equipment" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 66.1)

qrqr, "[Zustand eines hohen Laubbaumes]" | "quivering (?)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 66.3)

qrqr.t, "Höhle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 657; vgl. Wb 5, 66.2)

qrqr.t, "Kügelchen; Klumpen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 150, Anm. 527; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1087 f.)

qrt, "[ein kostbarer Stein]" | "[an ornament]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 66.6; Harris, Minerals, 215)

qrt.t, "[ein Schiffsteil (Zapfen am Ruderpfosten)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Dürring, Schiffbau, 81; vgl. Jones, Naut. Titles, 191 (171))

qrḏn, "Beil, Axt" | "ax; pick ax (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 66.7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 21; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 438)

qhq, "[libyscher Stamm]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (GDG V, 160 f.)

qhd, "räuchern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 12.8; MedWb 879; KoptHWb 513; Verhoeven, Grillen, 64; Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, 65)

qḥ, "Licht" | "light" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 66.12-13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 21 f.)

qḥ, "[ein Baumaterial (Gips)]" | "[a material used in construction (gypsum?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 67.1; Harris; Minerals, 90)

qḥ, "Sonnenhof" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Stadelmann, MDAIK 21, 1966, 112 f.)

qḥn, "Kessel (?)" | "cauldron (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 67.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 22)

qs, "Harpunenspitze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 68.1)

qs, "Knochen" | "bone" [substantive] (Wb 5, 68.2-69.4; MedWB 890 f.)

qs, "harpunieren (?)" | english translation missing [verb] (Sethe, Kommentar PT I, 203 f.), "Bildhauer" | "sculptor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3700; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 1561; vgl. Wb 2, 145)ꜥb.t, "Bildhauer der Werkstatt" | "sculptor of the workshop" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3701)

qs-msḥ.w, "Krokodilknochen (?) (Produkte?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 32, pl. 10 A)

qsn, "schwierig; schlimm" | "painful; irksome; difficult" [adjective] (Wb 5, 69.7-70.9; FCD 281)

qsn, "schlimm sein; in Bedrängnis sein" | "to be difficult; to be in difficulty" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 70.10-16; vgl. FCD 281)

qsn, "Schlimmes; Unglück; Ärgernis; Strapaze" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (EDG 550)

qsn, "Schlimmer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 226)

qsn.w, "[ein Vogel (Sperling u.a. Arten)]" | "[a bird (sparrow)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 69.6)

qsn.t, "Schlimmes; Unglück" | "trouble; misfortune" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 70-71.4; FCD 281), "[Mineral (?) (offizinell)]" | "[a mineral (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 71.5; DrogWb 522)

qst.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 522; Germer, Handbuch, 142 f.; vgl. Wb 5, 71.7)

qq, "[Früchte]; Nüsse (der Dumpalme)" | "nuts; dom-palm nuts" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 21.14-15; KoptHWb 59)

qq, "essen" | "to eat" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 71.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1069; Peust, Das Napatanische, 181 f.)

qt.t, "Schaft (?)" | "shaft (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 439)

qtꜣj.t, "[ein Marterinstrument]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 72.3)

qtqt, "[Frucht]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 72.6; DrogWb 523)

qd, "Topf" | "[a jar (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 72.7; DrogWb 523)

qd, "formen; bauen; schaffen" | "to form; to fashion; to build" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 72.8-73.24)

qd, "Wesen; Gestalt; Charakter" | "nature; form; character" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 75.3-77.1; FCD 282)

qd, "Umkreis" | "circumference" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 78.9-10), "Rundgang; Wanderung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 130, n. 2)

qd.w, "Töpfer; Maurer; Bildner" | "potter; builder; sculptor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 74.1-75.2)

qd.t, "Schlaf" | "sleep" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 79.7-8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 26)

qd.t, "Kite (Gewicht)" | "kite (a measure of weight)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 79.15-80.3; FCD 282; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1072; LÄ III, 1202), "Baumeister" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 262 f.)

qd-rmṯ, "der die Menschen formt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 228)

qd-sw-ḏs=f, "der sich selbst geschaffen hat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 229)

qdi̯, "umhergehen; sich umkehren" | "to go around; to surround; to return" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 78.1-8; ONB 56; EAG § 691 f.)

qdw.w, "Wesen; Charakter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 80.16)

qdw.t, "Umrisszeichnung" | "drawings; outlines" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 81.2-9; FCD 282; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 25)

qdb, "(Acker) pachten" | "to lease" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 81.10; Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 154 f.)

qdb, "Pacht" | "rent; lease" [substantive: substantive_masc] (James, Hekanakhte, 114 (9.a/e/g); Allen, Heqanakht Papyri, 154 f.)

qdf, "abpflücken; sammeln" | "to gather" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 81.12; FCD 282; KoptHWb 72)

qdm, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 660)

qdr.t, "[ein Weihrauch]" | "incense (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 82.3; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 440; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 50; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 42)

qdqd, "bummeln; schlendern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 27; Caminos, LEM, 62)

qdd, "schlafen" | "to sleep" [verb] (Wb 5, 78.11-14)

qdd, "Schlaf" | "sleep" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 78-79.4; FCD 282; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 661)

qdd, "eine Revision vornehmen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 82.6; Caminos, LEM, 454)

qdd, "[Bestandteil des Auges]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 79.5; MedWb 893 f.)

qḏ, "Gips; Stuck" | "gypsum; plaster (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 82.7; FCD 276; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 442)

qḏ, "Dorngestrüpp" | "thornbush (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 82.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 445)

qḏwr, "[ein Öl]" | "[an oil, from Hatti]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 82.11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 28; Koura, Öle, 249)

qḏm, "greifen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, Mythes, 77, Anm. 170; KoptHWb 474; CDD g, 81)

Kꜣ, "Ka" | "Ka" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 337.21)

Kꜣ=j-jy, "Kai-iy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 338.18)

Kꜣ=j-jnn, "Kai-inen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Ny-ankh-Pepy, 3)

Kꜣ=j-jr-sw, "Kai-iri-su" | "Kai-iri-sw" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 338.22; RPN II 321.1)

Kꜣ=j-ꜥpr.w, "Kai-aperu" | "Kai-aperu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 338.24)

Kꜣ=j-wꜥb.w, "Kai-wabu" | "Kai-wabu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.2)

Kꜣ=j-wḥm.w, "Kai-uhemu" | "Kai-wehemu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.3)

Kꜣ=j-wsr.w, "Kai-useru" | "Kai-weser" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.5)

Kꜣ=j-wḏ-ꜥnḫ=j, "Kai-udja-anchi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.8)

Kꜣ=j-wḏꜣ.w, "Kai-udjau" | "Kai-wedjau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.7)

Kꜣ=j-pj, "Kai-pi" | "Kai-pi" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 100)

Kꜣ=j-pw-Ptḥ, "Kai-pu-Ptah" | "Kai-pu-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.11)

Kꜣ=j-pw-Rꜥw, "Kai-pu-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.13)

Kꜣ=j-m-ꜥnḫ, "Kai-em-anch" | "Kai-em-ankh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.17)

Kꜣ=j-m-wꜥb, "Kai-em-wab" | "Kai-em-wab" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kꜣ=j-m-mrw.t, "Kai-em-merut" | "Kai-em-merut" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VI, Abb. 62)

Kꜣ=j-m-mdw, "Kai-em-medu (?)" | "Kai-em-medu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 321.4)

Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Kai-em-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.20)

Kꜣ=j-m-rḥ.w, "Kai-em-rechu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.23)

Kꜣ=j-m-rd.wj, "Kai-em-redwi" | "Kai-em-redwi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 321.5)

Kꜣ=j-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Kai-em-hat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 430.2)

Kꜣ=j-m-ḥz.t, "Kai-em-hezet" | "Kai-em-hezet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 339.25)

Kꜣ=j-m-ṯnn.t, "Kai-em-tjenenet" | "Kai-em-tjenenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.1)

Kꜣ=j-mn.w-j, "Kai-menu-i" | "Kai-menu-i" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.2)

Kꜣ=j-n.j-nswt, "Kai-ni-nisut" | "Kai-ni-nesut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.9; vgl. RPN I 180.14)

Kꜣ=j-nb=j, "Kai-nebi" | "Kai-nebi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 321.10)

Kꜣ=j-nbb, "Kai-nebeb" | "Kai-nebeb" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., pl. 64 A)

Kꜣ=j-nfr.w, "Kai-neferu" | "Kai-neferu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.10)

Kꜣ=j-rs.w, "Kai-resu" | "Kai-resu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.13)

Kꜣ=j-Ḥpj, "Kai-Hepi" | "Kai-Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.16)

Kꜣ=j-ḥꜣ=j, "Kai-hai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 342.16)

Kꜣ=j-ḥwi̯=f, "Kai-huief" | "Kai-huwief" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.15)

Kꜣ=j-ḥwi̯=f-n-nṯr-ꜥꜣ, "Kai-huief-en-netjer-aa" | "Kai-huief-en-netjer-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VI, Abb. 40)

Kꜣ=j-ḥr-s.t=f, "Kai-her-setef" | "Kai-her-setef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.17)

Kꜣ=j-ḥr-tn.t, "Kai-her-tenet" | "Kai-her-tenet" [entity_name: person_name] (Green, PSBA 31, 1909, 320, pl. LIII; vgl. Eichler, Expeditionswesen, 46)

Kꜣ=j-ḥtp.w, "Kai-hetepu" | "Kai-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 321.12)

Kꜣ=j-ḫnt.w, "Kai-chentu (?)" | "Kai-khentu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 321.13)

Kꜣ=j-ḫr-Ptḥ, "Kai-her-Ptah" | "Kai-kher-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.21)

Kꜣ=j-ḫr-nswt, "kai-cher-nesut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 430.8)

Kꜣ=j-zb-j, "Kai-zeb-i" | "Kai-zeb-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Moussa-Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 175)

Kꜣ=j-sšm.w, "Kai-seschemu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 340.22)

Kꜣ=j-gm.n=j, "Kai-gemeni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.2)

Kꜣ=j-tp.j, "Kai-tepi" | "Kai-tepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 430.9)

Kꜣ=j-ṯz.w, "Kai-tjezu" | "Kai-tjezu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.4)

Kꜣ=j-dwꜣ.w, "Kai-dewau" | "Kai-dewau" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, 93)

Kꜣ=j-dbḥn, "Kai-debehen" | "Kai-debehen" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza V, 213 ff.)

Kꜣ=j-dmḏ.w, "Kai-demedju" | "Kai-demedju" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 430.10)

Kꜣ=f, "Kaf" | "Kaef" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d' Abousir, 656)

Kꜣ.w-ptḥ, "Kau-Ptah" | "Kau-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.11)

Kꜣ.w-ḥꜣ=s, "Kau-haes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 430.11)

Kꜣ.w-s.wt, "Kau-sut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.10)

Kꜣ.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Arbeit des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 289)

Kꜣ-jꜣḫ.w, "Stier des Lichtes" | "shining bull" [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 249 f.)

Kꜣ-jr.j, "Ka-iri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 338.20)

Kꜣ-pꜣ, "Ka-pa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan. Giza II, 191, fig. 219)

Kꜣ-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Stier der Maat" | "Bull-of-truth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Amduat I, 130; LGG VII, 257 f.)

Kꜣ-m-ḥm.t, "Ka-em-hemet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, fig. 54)

Kꜣ-m-tꜣ-nḥs.y, "Stier vom Land der Nubier (eine Truppe)" | "The Bull of Nubia (a troop)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Allam, ASAE 71, 1987, 14, pls. IV-IVa; Schulman, Military Rank, 50)

Kꜣ, "Ka-merties" | "Ka-merties" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza 4, 33; fig. 43)

Kꜣ-ms.w, "Ka-mesu" | "Ka-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 338.5)

Kꜣ-ms.w, "Kamose" | "Kamose (personal name of the last king of Dynasty XVII)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 15)

Kꜣ-ms.w-nḫt, "Kamose" | "Kamose, the stong (personal name of the last king of Dynasty XVII)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVII 17)

Kꜣ-n-rḏi̯-n=f-nbj=f-ḫnt.j-hwt=f, "Der Stier, dem sein Feuer nicht gegeben ist, der vor seinem Gluthauch ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 261)

Kꜣ-n-Km.t, "Ka-en-Kemet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 188 f.)

Kꜣ-nn-ꜥn-zp=f, "Der Stier, dessen Absicht nicht zu verhindern ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.2)

Kꜣ-nḫt-ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t, "[Horusname Ramses' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XX 3)

Kꜣ-nḫt-wꜣḏ, "[Horusname Ramses' I.]" | "[Horus-name of Ramesses I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 1)

Kꜣ-nḫt-wr-pḥ.tj, "[Horusname Amenophis' II., Ramses' II. u. a.]" | "[Horus-name of several kings]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 7; XIX 3, 6, 7; XX 1)

Kꜣ-nḫt-mr.y-Jtn, "[Horusname Amenophis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Redford, Akhenaten Temple Project, II, 114)

Kꜣ-nḫt-mr.y-Rꜥw, "[Horusname Thutmosis' III., Sethos' I. u. a.]" | "[Horus name of Tuthmosis III, Sethos I, etc.]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 6; XIX 2, 3, 6; XX 10; XXII 2)

Kꜣ-nḫt-mr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "[Horusname Thutmosis' I., Ramses' II. u. a.]" | "[Horus-name of Tuthmosis III, Ramesses II, etc.]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 3; XIX 3)

Kꜣ-nḫt-mr-Mꜣꜥ.t-nb-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-ḥꜣb.w-sd-mj-jtj=f-Ptḥ-Tꜣ-ṯnn, "[Horusname Ramses II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (LEM 132.14 f.; LEM 133.5)

Kꜣ-nḫt-mr-Mꜣꜥ.t-nb-ḥꜣb.w-sd-mj-jtj=f-Ptḥ-Tꜣ-ṯnn, "[Horusname Ramses II.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX.3)

Kꜣ-nḫt-ḫꜥ-m-Wꜣs.t, "[Horusname Thutmosis' III., Ramses' IX. u. a.]" | "[Horus-name of Tuthmosis III, Ramesses IX, etc.]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 6; XX 8; XXI A1 etc.)

Kꜣ-nḫt-ḫꜥ-m-Wꜣs.t-sꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Sethos' I.]" | "[Horus-name of Sethos I]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX 2)

Kꜣ-nḫt-ḫꜥ-m-Npyt, "[Horusname Piyes]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (JWIS II, 351.10)

Kꜣ-nḫt-sꜥnḫ-Tꜣ.wj, "[Horusname Sethos' I.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, 149)

Kꜣ-nḫt-qꜣ-š, "[Horusname Amenophis IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII.10)

Kꜣ-nḫt-twt-msw.t, "[Horusname Tutanchamuns]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 12)

Kꜣ-nḫt-twt-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Thutmosis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 8)

Kꜣ-nswt-Pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Der königliche Ka des Pharao, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 13.23, 15.18; vgl. LGG VII, 237 f.)

Kꜣ-ḥw-Mnṯ.w, "der Stier, der die Mentju schlägt (Sopdu)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthés, Col. 24.11; Haikal, Nesmin, 83; vgl. LGG V, 58)

Kꜣ-ḥr-jꜣ.t=f, "der Stier auf seiner Standarte (Osiris, Horus)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 249)

Kꜣ-ḥr-kꜣ, "Choiak (Fest); Choiak (Monatsname); Choiak (4. Monat der Achet-Jahreszeit)" | "Khoiak (festival); [month name]" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 93.1-3; LÄ I, 958 ff.)

Kꜣ-šn-ḥr-mr.t, "Ka-schen-her-meret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. V)

Kꜣꜣw, "Kaau (Ort in Nubien)" | "Kaau" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 184; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 160 f.)

Kꜣj, "Kai" | "Kai" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.15)

Kꜣj, "Kai" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.16)

Kꜣy, "Kay" | "Kay" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.19)

Kꜣy, "Kay" | "Kay" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.20)

Kꜣyꜣ, "Kaya" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 341.21)

Kꜣn.w-Ṯy, "Der Weingarten des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 365)

Kꜣhnj, "Kaheni" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 192; Montet, Géographie I, 126; AEGD 872)

Kꜣs-sw, "Kas-su" | "Kas-su" [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny, LRL, 42.16)

Kꜣš, "Kusch (Nubien); [Ort im Fayum]" | "Kush" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 109.1; GDG V, 193; LÄ III, 888 ff.; Yoyotte, BIFAO 61, 1962, 105 ff.)

Kꜣkꜣ, "Kaka" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 281)

Kꜣkꜣj, "Neferirkare-Kakai" | "Neferirkare-Kakai" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 3)

Kꜣkꜣj-ꜥnḫ.w, "Kakai-anchu" | "Kakai-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 66.19)

Kꜣkꜣj-wsr.w, "Kakai-useru" | "Kakai-weseru" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kꜣkꜣj-m-sḏr.t, "Kakai-em-sedjeret" | "Kakai-em-sedjeret" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kꜣkꜣj-nḫt.w, "Kakai-nachtu" | "Kakai-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kꜣkꜣj-ḥꜣ-jš.t=f, "Kakai-ha-ischetef" | "Kakai-ha-ishetef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 342.19)

Kꜣkꜣj-ḥry.w, "Kakai-heryu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 16 unten)

Kꜣkꜣj-ḥtp.w, "Kakai-hetepu" | "Kakai-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kꜣkꜣj-snb.w, "Kakai-senebu" | "Kakai-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kꜣkꜣj-kꜣp, "Kakai-kap" | "Kakai-kap" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Kjꜣ, "Kia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 343.1)

Kjꜣ, "Kia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 343.12)

Ky, "Ky" | "Ky" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 343.2)

Ky.t-mḏꜣ.t-n.t-sḫr-Ꜥꜣpp, "Anderes Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Ky-wr.t, "Ky-weret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 343.4)

Ky-sn, "ky-sen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 343.10)

Kyky, "Kyky" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 343.21)

Kwms, "Kumes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Franke, JEA 71, 1985, Taf. 19)

Kwr-Mrrn, "Kur-Marruna (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 190; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 125)

Kwsr, "Kuser" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 322.13; Schneider, Personennamen, 219 f.)

Kbnj, "Byblos" | "Byblos" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 118.2; FCD 285; AEO I, 150*; GDG V, 197)

Kbs, "Kebes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 344.9)

Kpꜣ-ms, "Kepa-mes (?)" | "Kepa-mes (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Roth, Giza Mastabas 6, 102)

Kf.j, "Kefi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 344.18)

Kf.t, "Kefet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 344.21)

Kft.w, "Kreta" | "Crete" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 122.5; GDG V, 198 f.; LÄ I, 70 f.)

Km, "Serapeum in Memphis" | "Black (the Serapeum)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 125.10; GDG V, 199 f.)

Km, "Kem" | "Kem" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 344.28)

Km.n=j, "Kemeni" | "Kemeni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 345.10)

Km.t, "Das Schwarze Land (Ägypten)" | "Black-land (Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 127.4-127.17)

Km-wr, "Großer Schwarzer (Timsah-See am Wadi Tumilat); [Pehu-Gebiet im 5. o.äg. Gau]; Großer Schwarzer (10. u.äg. Gau und dessen Haupstadt, Athribis); [Gewässer im Fayum]" | "Big-black (region of the Bitter Lakes)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 126.3-6; GDG I, 46, V, 202; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 131; Wb 5, 125.12; GDG V, 200 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 148 ff.; GDG V, 203)

Kmj, "Kemi" | "Kemi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 345.1)

Kmyṯ, "Kummayazzi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 345.3; Schneider, Personennamen, 209 f.)

Kmḥ.w, "Kemehu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 345.13)

Kms, "Kemes" | "Kemes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 345.16)

Kmkm, "Kemkem" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Totenbuch, 155; LGG VII, 288)

KN, "[leere Kartusche]" | english translation missing [substantive] (-)

Kn.y-Jmn, "Keny-Imen" | "Keny-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (Bakir, Epistolography, pl. 17)

Knꜥn, "Kanaan" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 83 ff.; GDG V, 187 f.; LÄ III, 309 f.)

Knm.wt, "Kenemut (ein Ort bei Buto (?))" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Pyr 544c.545b; GDG V, 204)

Knm.t, "große Oase Khargeh" | "[the region encompassing both Kharga and Dakhla oases]" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 133.8; GDG V, 204 f.)

Knm.tjw, "Die zur Finsternis Gehörigen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 290)

Knr, "Kener" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 346.11)

Knz.t, "Kenzet (Ort im Jenseits); Kenzet (Gebiet südl. Ägyptens); Nubien (allg.)" | "Kenset (territory far to the south of Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 133.16-134.3; LÄ III, 391 f.)

Knkf, "Kenkef" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 162)

Kr, "Ker" | "Ker" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 346.17)

Kry, "Kery" | "Kery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 346.28)

Kry, "Ker" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 189; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 162 f.)

Krk, "Kerek" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 191)

Krt, "Keret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 347.25; Schneider, Personennamen, 281)

Khbw, "Kehebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 208)

Kḥb, "Keheb" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Massart, OMRO 34 Supplement, 1954, 62 f., Anm. 29)

Kḥss-n-ḥqꜣ.t-Tꜣ.wj, "Keheses-en-heqat-Taui" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Darnell, RdE 59, 2008, 102 ff.)

Kḥkḥ.t, "Greisin" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 138.16)

Kz-sw-nb=f, "Kesu-nebef" | "Kesu-nebef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 323.1)

Ksj, "Kesi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 348.15)

Kszr, "Keszer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 348.23; Schneider, Personennamen, 220)

Kšw, "Kawizza (kawäisches Land)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Vgl. Schneider, Ägypten und Levante 12, 2002, 265 f.)

Kškš, "Keschkesch" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 209)

Kk, "Kek" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 348.32)

Kkw, "Keku" | "Keku" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 349.8)

kꜣ, "so; dann; [nichtenkl. Partikel]; [Partikel (Konjunktion)]" | "so; then" [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 5, 84.5-85.2; GEG § 242; ENG § 675)

kꜣ, "sagen; nennen" | "to say" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 85.6-86.6; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 662; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1079)

kꜣ, "Ka; Lebenskraft" | "ka; spirit; essence" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 86.10-89.11)

kꜣ, "Nahrung; Speise" | "food; provisions" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 91.3-13)

kꜣ, "Name" | "name" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 92.17-23; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1079)

kꜣ, "[ein Gestein]; [ein Steingefäß]" | "[a material (for vessels)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 93.10; vgl. Harris, Minerals, 133 f.)

kꜣ, "Stier" | "bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 94.7-96.8, 97.1-98.2)

kꜣ, "als Stier erscheinen (?)" | "to appear" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 19; Meeks, AL 78.4347; Lichtheim, Autobiographies, 128)

kꜣ, "männliche Schlange" | "bull-snake (i.e. a powerful serpent)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.4344; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 665)

kꜣ, "[Bildungselement von Verbalformen]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 5, 85.3-5; GEG §§ 427, 433-434)

kꜣ, "Stier (von Göttern, auch v. König)" | "bull" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 95.4, 7, 10, 13-14; 96.1-6; LGG VII, 246 ff.)

kꜣ, "[Erscheinung von Wundsekret]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 86.7; MedWb 894; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 677)

kꜣ=j-m-sn.w, "Kai-em-senu" | "Kai-em-senu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 321.7)

kꜣ=k-mn, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 93.9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 36)

kꜣ.j, "zum Ka Gehöriges" | "belonging to the ka" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kanawati/Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery III, 49; EAG § 1091)

kꜣ.w, "(ungeritze unreife) Sykomorenfeigen" | "(unripe) sycamore figs" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 96.14-16; FCD 283; MedWb 894; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 115 f.)

kꜣ.wj, "Arbeiter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1552)

kꜣ.wtj, "Arbeiter; Träger (allg. Bez.)" | "worker; porter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 102.4-10; FCD 283; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 32)

kꜣ.wtj, "[Tiere]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 17 (C1.5))

kꜣ.wtj, "Arbeiter; Träger" | "worker; porter" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3694; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 1552)

kꜣ.wtj-n-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Tempelarbeiter" | "porter of the temple" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1553; AOS I, 59*)

kꜣ.wtj-n-ḥw.t-nṯr, "Tempelarbeiter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Ward, Titles, no. 1553; AOS I, 59*)

kꜣ.t, "Gedanke" | "thought" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 84.2-4; FCD 283)

kꜣ.t, "Scheide; Vulva" | "vagina; vulva" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 93.12-94.2; MedWb 894 f.)

kꜣ.t, "Arbeit" | "work" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 98.2-101.8)

kꜣ.t, "Erzeugnis; Werk" | "work; product" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 100.1-11)

kꜣ.t-pr-ꜥ, "Kriegshandwerk" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 527.13; Meeks, Mythes, 96, Anm. 260)

kꜣ.t-mtrḫ.t, "[Bronzegefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 112.11; MedWb 413; MedWb 895; Janssen, Prices, 145 ff.)

kꜣ.t-šw.t, "[Flechte (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 525)

kꜣ-Jwn.w, "Stier von Heliopolis" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 250)

kꜣ-jmn.tjt, "Stier des Westens" | "bull of the west" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 96.6; LGG VII, 251 f.)

kꜣ-ꜥꜣ-n-Rꜥw-Ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj, "der große Ka des Re-Harachte (Ramses II. als Gott)" | "the great Ka of Re-Harakhty (Ramses II. as a god)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 234)

kꜣ-wr, "der große Stier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 253 f.)

kꜣ-p.t, "Stier des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 255)

kꜣ-psḏ.t, "der Stier der Neunheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 256 f.)

kꜣ-psḏ.tj, "Stier der beiden Neunheiten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 257)

kꜣ-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Stier der Maat" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 257 f.)

kꜣ-mw.t=f, "Stier seiner Mutter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 258 ff.)

kꜣ-n-jdr, "[Rinderart]" | "[a kind of cattle]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 154.14; 5, 98.1)

kꜣ-n-mw.t=f-m-Nꜥr.t, "der Stier seiner Mutter in Naret" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.7)

kꜣ-n-Rꜥw, "Ka des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 238)

kꜣ-n-ḫ, "Opferstier" | "sacrificial bull" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 3, 322.11)

kꜣ, "Stier der beiden Schwestern (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 271)

kꜣ-nfr, "der herrliche Stier (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 262b)

kꜣ-nḫt, "starker Stier" | "strong bull" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 5, 95.7-9)

kꜣ-nḫt-nmt-ḫr-kꜣ.w-m-sꜣ-pḥ.tj=sn, "der siegreich ausschreitende Stier, der die Stiere gemäß ihrer Kraft niederwirft" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.9)

kꜣ-nswt, "Ka des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 237)

kꜣ-nṯr.w, "Stier der Götter" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 265)

kꜣ-rnp, "der sich verjüngende Stier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 266)

kꜣ-hmhm-ḏw.w, "brüllender Stier der Berge (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.2; vgl. LGG VII, 266)

kꜣ-ḥtp, "zufriedener Ka" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 239)

kꜣ-ḥtp.wt, "Stier der Opfer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 268)

kꜣ-ẖ.t-n-Psḏ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "der Stier der Körperschaft der großen Götterneunheit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 270)

kꜣ-sṯ, "der begattende Stier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 272)

kꜣ-sṯ-m-jd.wt, "Stier, der die Kühe begattet (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 272)

kꜣ-kꜣ.w, "Stier der Stiere" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 273)

kꜣ-ṯꜣ.y, "der männliche Stier" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 16,8.12)

kꜣ-dmḏ, "der Stier, der (die Eingeweide) vereinigt hat (Mnevis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. II.10)

kꜣꜣ, "[Eigenschaft des Horusauges]" | "potent (?)" [adjective] (Wb 5, 101.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 666 f.)

kꜣꜣ, "Leopardenfellartiger (?)" | "powers (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.4350)

kꜣꜣ, "[eine Gestein (Quarz)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Harris, Minerals, 133 f.)

kꜣj, "[ein Schiff der Nubier]" | "[a Nubian boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 101.12; FCD 283; Jones, Naut. Titles, 148 (78))

kꜣy.t, "Kot, Mist (?) (offizinell)" | "excrement (of a gazelle, of a lizard) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 102.1-2; DrogWb 525)

kꜣi̯, "denken; beabsichtigen" | "to think about; to plan" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 83.5-84.1; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1079)

kꜣw.t, "Blase" | "blister" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 102.3; Leitz, Magical and Medical Papyri, 60, Anm. 79)

kꜣp, "Räuchergerät (aus Näpfchen bestehend)" | "censer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 103.8)

kꜣp, "räuchern; beräuchern" | "to cense; to fumigate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 103.9-15)

kꜣp, "Räucherwerk" | "incense" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 104.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1082)

kꜣp, "Schutzdach" | "shelter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 104.4-5; FCD 284)

kꜣp, "Verbandsstoff" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 118.13-14; MedWb 897 f.; vgl. KoptHWb 510, Anm. 2)

kꜣp, "bedecken; überdachen; (sich) verbergen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 104.8-12; 104.14-17)

kꜣp.j, "Zögling" | english translation missing [substantive] (Luft, Illahun 1, pBerlin P 10074)

kꜣp.w, "Vogelfänger" | "fowlers" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 105.3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 33)

kꜣp.w, "der Verdeckte (Bez. des Krokodils)" | "hidden one (crocodile)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 105.5-6; FCD 284; vgl. LGG VII, 280)

kꜣp.w, "Hitze (als innere Krankheit von Herz und After)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 897)

kꜣp.t, "Feuerung" | "incense burning" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 103.16)

kꜣp.t, "Räuchermittel" | "incense" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 104.2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1082)

kꜣp.t, "Leinenstück (über Topföffnung)" | "linen cover (for a pot) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 104.13; MedWb 898)

kꜣp.t, "Gewölbe (des Himmels)" | "covers (of the sky)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 104.7; FCD 284; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 667)

kꜣf, "Flint (Feuerstein)" | "flint" [substantive] (Harris, Minerals, 228)

kꜣmn, "blind sein; blenden" | "to be blind; to blind" [verb] (Wb 5, 107.1-4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 34)

kꜣmn, "Blinder" | "blind person" [substantive] (Wb 5, 107.5; Lesko, Dictionary IV 34)

kꜣn.w, "Weingarten" | "vineyard" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 107.6-7; FCD 284; vgl. EÄG § 123)

kꜣn.w, "Gärtner; Winzer" | "gardener; vintner" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 107.8-9; FCD 284; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3697)

kꜣr, "Kapelle; Schrein" | "chapel; shrine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 107.12-108.12)

kꜣr.y, "Gärtner" | "gardener" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 108.13-16; AEO I, 96*)

kꜣhs, "streng sein; grob sein; hochfahrend sein" | "to be harsh; to be overbearing" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 137.19-20; FCD 284; vgl. Gardiner, JEA 32, 1946, 72)

kꜣkꜣ, "[Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 109.2-7; DrogWb 526 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 669; Meeks, Mythes, 83 f., Anm. 203)

kꜣkꜣ, "Kaka (Amun-Re)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Sauneron, Papyrus magique illustré, pl. V.7)

kꜣkꜣ.w-šps.jw-m-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "die herrlichen Kaka-Pflanzen des großen Hauses" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 281)

kꜣkꜣ.t, "Blase" | "blister (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 109.9; MedWb 898 f.)

kj, "aufschreien; (sich) beklagen (über jmdn.)" | "to cry out" [verb] (Wb 5, 109.10-12; FCD 285)

kj.wj, "die Anderen; Volk, Menge" | "others; the masses" [substantive] (Wb 5, 116.1-5)

kj.wj, "Feindschaft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.22)

kj.t, "Achtung" | "shout of acclamation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 110.1; FCD 285)

kjp, "[Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. CXIV.3)

ky, "anderer" | "another" [adjective] (Wb 5, 110.7-112.6)

ky, "[ein Affe]" | "[a monkey]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 110.4; FCD 285)

ky, "der Andere" | "another" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 112.7-114.7)

ky.t, "etwas Anderes" | "another" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 112.12; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 37)

ky.t, "[ein Verarbeitungsprodukt aus Früchten]" | "[something made of fruit]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 28)

ky.t, "die Andere" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 112.7; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 37)

ky.t-jḫ.t, "andere" | english translation missing [adjective] (Wb 5, 114.8-115.12; GEG § 98; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 47; Junge, Näg. Gr., 370)

ky.t-jḫ.t, "andere; Anderes" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 114.8-115.5; FCD 285; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 37)

ky-ḏd, "andere Lesart; weitere Mitteilung" | "another saying" [substantive] (Wb 5, 111.11-12; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 37)

kw, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 116-117.3; EAG § 166)

kw, "[Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle: particle_nonenclitic] (Wb 5, 116.13; EAG § 858d))

kwšn, "Ledersack" | "[part of a chariot harness (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 117.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 453; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 203)

kb.wj, "Sohlen" | "sandals" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 118.1)

kbn.t, "Byblosfahrer (ein großes Seeschiff)" | "Byblos-boat (a seagoing ship)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 118.3-6; Jones, Naut. Titles, 148 (79); vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 38)

kbs, "[ein geflochtener Korb (für Getreide u. Ä.)]" | "basket (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 118.9-10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 456)

kpw.y, "[Personengruppe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Fox, Song of Songs, 58, Anm. h)

kps, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 119.3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 39)

kf.t, "[positive Eigenschaft (Zuverlässigkeit)]; Offenbarung (?)" | "trustworthiness (?)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 120.4; FCD 285; Parkinson, Tale, 73)

kf.t, "Klaff (einer Wunde)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 120.1; MedWb 904 f.)

kfꜣ, "Hinterteil; Boden (eines Topfes); Ende" | "hinter-parts; base; bottom (of a jar)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 120.6-8; FCD 285; MedWb 903 f.)

kfꜣ, "Wurzel" | "[a part of a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 120.9; DrogWb 528 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 508)

kfꜣ, "diskret sein" | "to be discrete" [verb] (Wb 5, 120.10-11; FCD 285)

kfꜣ-jb, "Vertrauensmann" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahotep, 34 (D 233), 134)

kfꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "[eine Salbe]" | "[an unguent]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 120.13; Koura, Öle, 250)

kfi̯, "entblößen; entfernen" | "to uncover; to remove" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 119.4-19)

kfꜥ, "erbeuten" | "to plunder; to capture" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 121.2-9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 39 f.)

kfꜥ, "Beute" | "booty; captives" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 121.10-13; FCD 285; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 40)

kff, "lutschen" | "to suck (med.)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 122.1-2; MedWb 905)

kfkfꜣ, "diskret sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-lit] (Jäger, Berufstypologien, Tf. XC (oWeill))

km, "[semitisches Wort]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 5, 122.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 458)

km, "Schwarzes" | "black" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 124.10-12)

km, "Pupille" | "pupil (lit. black (of the eye))" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 124.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1086)

km, "vollständig machen" | "to complete" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 128.3-130.2; FCD 286)

km, "Dienst; Ziel; Vollendung; Bezahlung" | "completion; duty; profit" [substantive] (Wb 5, 130.4; FCD 286; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 40)

km, "schwarz" | "black" [adjective] (Wb 5, 122-124.5)

km.y, "Schwarzer" | "black one (Osiris, Min)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 130.8-9; LGG VII, 284)

km.t, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[a woman's ailment]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 122.8; MedWb 906)

km.t, "komplett Bezahltes; Ist-Bestand" | "completion; final account (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 128.11; FCD 286)

km.t, "das Schwarze (Fruchtland)" | "black (arable) land" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 126.7-127.3), "Ägypter" | "Egyptians" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 127.18-20; FCD 286)

km-wr, "der große Schwarze (Stier)" | "great black one (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 126.1-2; LGG VII, 284)

km-n-ꜣ.t, "Moment; Augenblick" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 75; vgl. Wb 5, 130.1)

kmy.t, "[ein Weisheitsbuch]" | "conclusion (of a book)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 130.12; FCD 286)

kmw, "[Pflanzenteil oder Mineral (offizinell)]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 130.13; DrogWb 529)

kmm, "schwarz sein; dunkel sein" | "to be black; to be dark" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 124.6-8)

kmm, "schwarz; dunkel" | "black; dark" [adjective] (Wb 5, 122-124.5)

kmrj, "Bein (v. Stoßzahn); Elfenbein" | "tusks; ivory (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 131.5; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 463)

kn.t, "Unbeliebtheit" | "dislike (of someone) (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 131.10; FCD 286)

knj, "verdrossen sein (bei der Arbeit); lamentieren; rufen; klagen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 131.11-12; 132.2)

knj.w, "Verleumdung" | "slander" [substantive] (Wb 5, 132.1; vgl. FCD 286)

knm, "einhüllen (in ein Gewand)" | "to wrap in" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 132.5; FCD 286)

knm.t, "[ein böser Vogel]" | "[a bad bird]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 132.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 674)

knm.t, "[ein Tier im Kampf mit Pavianen]" | "leopard (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 132.8)

knm.t, "Finsternis" | "darkness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 132.9-10; FCD 286; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 674), "[ein Pavian]" | "[name of an ape]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 133.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1087), "zur Finsternis Gehöriger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 133.11; LGG VII, 289), "der Finstere (Stern)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 133.6-7)

knnr, "Leier" | "lyre (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 132.4; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 467; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 51)

knḥ.w, "Finsternis" | "darkness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 133.14; FCD 286; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 674; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1087; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 51)

knz.w, "[ein Produkt aus Ocker]; [Art Ocker (?)]" | "[a mineral of Kenset (ochre?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 20; Meeks, AL 78.4403; Aufrère, L'univers minéral, 653), "zum Land Kenzet gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 134.4)

kns, "Unterleibsregion" | "pubic region (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 134.7-8; MedWb 907 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 202 ff.)

knkn, "schlaff sein (?); pulsieren (?)" | "[a diseased condition of the fem. breast]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 134.10; MedWb 908; Westendorf, Medizin, 433)

kr, "[ein kleines Boot (Lastschiff)]" | "[a small boat (cargo ship)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 134.14-15; Jones, Naut. Titles, 149, no. 81; Dürring, Schiffbau, 141), "Hörner (an der Krone des Amun)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 134.13)

kr-šrj, "Kadett, junger Bursche" | "young fellow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM 378; vgl. Guglielmi, WdO 14, 1983, 158)

krjw-mmtj, "Keriu-memeti (Apophis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 291)

krp, "(Inschrift) tilgen" | "to efface (inscriptions) (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 5, 135.6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 477)

krp, "enthüllen" | english translation missing [verb] (KHWb 453; EDG 565, vgl. 589)

krm.t, "[Schmuck nubischer Sklaven]" | "bracelets" [substantive] (Wb 5, 135.7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 43)

krr, "[Gefäß für Weihrauch und Honig]" | "[a vessel (for unquent, for honey)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 135.8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 43; Peust, Das Napatanische, 162)

krḥt, "Korb; Gebinde; [ein Maß]" | "basket; bushel (Sem. loan word)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 135.10-12; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 481)

krs, "springen (Ziegen)" | "to caper (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 136.1; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 43; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 482)

kršt, "[ein Brot (Kyllestis-Brot)]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 136.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 43; AEO II, 228* f.)

krkr, "Steinhaufen" | "heap of stones (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 136.5; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 44; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1087 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 485)

krkr, "[eine Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 1266; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 509)

krtbj, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 44)

krṯ, "Schnüre (für Peitschen)" | "whip cords (?); cloth strips (?) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 136.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 492; Janssen, Daily Dress, 69)

krṯ, "Jungtier" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 50 f.)

khꜣ, "stark wehen (Sturm); rasen; Schatten werfen; (Geschrei) ausstoßen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 136.10-15)

khb, "stoßen; schädigen; gewalttätig sein; toben" | "to harm (someone); to be violent; to roar" [verb] (Wb 5, 137.2-15; FCD 287)

khb, "Rasender (Seth)" | "raging one (Seth)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 137.16-18; LGG VII, 292)

khb-jḫ.t-pr.t-m-jr.t-Rꜥw, "der der Reliquie, die aus dem Auge des Re herausgekommen ist, Gewalt antut" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 293)

kḥ, "keuchen (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 138.5; MedWb 908)

kḥss, "[ein Heiligtum in Edfu]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 138.9; GDG V, 192 f.; Meeks, BIFAO 77, 1977, 86)

kḥkḥ, "altern, alt werden" | "to become old; to grow old" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 138.10-14; FCD 287; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 45; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1089; pSalt 825 (Derchain) 180 f., Anm. 154)

kḥkḥ, "Greis" | "old man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 45)

kḥkḥ.t-n.t-sry.t, "Husten" | "hacking cough" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 138.15; FCD 287)

kz, "frei laufen (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 139.2)

ks.w, "Verneigung; Kauern" | "bowing(s); obeissance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 140.1-11)

ks.t, "Kassitin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Caminos, LEM, 399; Schneider, Personennamen, 218 f.)

ksi̯, "(sich) bücken; (etwas) beugen" | "to bow down; to bend down; to be prostrate" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 139.7-18)

ksb.t, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 141.1-4; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 46; Germer, Handbuch, 144 f.)

ksm, "Trotz bieten" | "to defy; to browbeat; to profane (a temple)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 141.5-9; FCD 287; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 676; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1090)

ksm, "Widersacher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 141.10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1090 f.)

ksks, "[trans. Verb]" | "[trans. verb]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 141.14)

ksks, "tanzen" | "to play; to perform" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 141-142.3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 46)

kšw, "Zucker (?) (offizinell)" | "[a mineral (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 142.7; DrogWb 530 f.; Aufrère, BIFAO 83, 1983, 24 ff.)

kšr, "[ein Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Helck, Materialien IV, 664)

kk, "Klappern (des Sistrums)" | "tinkling (of sistra)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 77.4583; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1091)

kk.w, "Finsternis" | "darkness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 142-143.15)

kk.w, "[Bez. des Überschwemmungswassers]" | "flood water" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 144.15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1092)

kk.w-zmꜣ.w, "Dämmerung, Dunkel; Finsternis" | "united (i.e. intense) darkness (before creation)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 143.16-144.5; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 678; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1092)

kk.wt, "Finsternis" | "darkness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 144.6)

kk.wtj, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1075)

kk.t, "[ein Tier, das Korn in der Scheune frisst]" | "[a animal pest (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 142.10; MedWb 909; Egberts, Quest, 342; Tacke, Verspunkte, 40, Anm. i)

kki̯, "finster sein; verdunkeln" | "to be dark" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 144.7-12; FCD 287; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 677; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1092)

kt.t, "Laus (wörtl. die Kleine)" | "louse (lit. little thing)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4590; 78.4420; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 678)

kt.t, "kleines Mädchen" | "little girl" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 147.14; FCD 287)

ktw.t, "Feuerstelle (zum Kochen)" | "hearth stones" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 145.1-2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 678; Bidoli, Fangnetze, 71, Anm. 5)

ktp, "[eine Waffe (des Baal)]" | "sword (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 145.5; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 500)

ktm.t, "[ein Gold]" | "gold (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 145.6-13; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 501; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 52 f.)

ktkt, "zittern; beben; stehlen" | "to quiver" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 146.1-9; FCD 287)

ktkt, "Stille, Heimlichkeit" | "quiet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 147.1; FCD 287)

ktt, "klein" | "small; trifling" [adjective] (Wb 5, 147.2-12; vgl. FCD 287)

ktt, "klein sein" | "to be small; to be trifling" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 147.2-12; FCD 287)

ktt, "der Kleine; die Kleine" | "little one" [substantive] (Wb 5, 147.13-17)

ktt, "Kleinheit" | "trifle" [substantive] (Wb 5, 148.1-4)

kṯ, "[eine Pflanze (Färberdistel)]" | "[a plant (safflower)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 148.5-8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 48; Germer, Flora, 174)

kṯ, "[ein Kelch aus Metall]" | "[a metal drinking vessel (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 148.9-10; Hoch, Sem. Words no. 502)

kṯ.t, "Decke" | "[a garment (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 148.19; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 505; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 53)

kṯn, "Wagenlenker; Gespannführer" | "charioteer (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 148.12-17; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 506; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 42)

kṯn-n-pꜣ-ḫr.w-n-Ḫt, "Wagenlenker des Feindes von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (KRI II, 137.7)

kṯn-n-ḥm=f, "Wagenlenker Seiner Majestät" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2077)

kṯn-tp.j-n-ḥm=f, "Erster Wagenlenker Seiner Majestät" | "First chariotter of his majesty" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2079)

Gꜣ.y, "Zugeschnürter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 150.16; LGG VII, 300)

Gꜣ, "Der Notleidende, der in Heliopolis ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 300)

Gꜣ-ḥty.t, "Verengen der Kehle" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 379 (1652))

Gꜣy, "[eine Ortsbezeichnung im Totenreich]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 150.17-18)

Gꜣw, "Gu (Hafen? Siedlung? gegenüber von Altkairo am Westufer des Nils)" | "Gu (harbor? settlement?)" [entity_name: place_name] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 5; Gomàa, Besiedlung, 59 f.)

Gꜣs.wtj, "[ein Gott am Himmel]" | "[a bull deity, of the heavens]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 156.4; LGG VII, 301)

Gjw, "Giu (?)" | "Giu (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 43; vgl. Eichler, Expeditionswesen, 51)

Gꜥh, "Gah (Ort in Nubien)" | "Gah" [entity_name: place_name] (Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 169)

Gꜥgꜥ, "Gaga" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Eichler, MDAIK 54, 261)

Gwꜣ, "Gua" | "Gua" [entity_name: person_name] (Wb 5, 160.4; RPN II 394 (zu I 350.10))

Gwꜣ, "Gua" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 302 f.)

Gb, "[ein göttliches Wesen]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT II, 145a)

Gb.w, "Gebu" | "Gebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 350.16)

Gby, "Geby" | "Geby" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 350.15)

Gbb, "Geb" | "Geb" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 164.6, 10-11; LGG VIII, 303 ff.)

Gbtw, "Koptos" | "Koptos" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 163.1; GDG V, 173; LÄ III, 737 ff.)

Gf=j, "Gefi" | "Gefi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 350.24)

Gm-Jmn, "Gem-Imen" | "Gem-Imen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 351.2)

Gm-Jtn, "Kawa" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Peust, Das Napatanische, 219; GDG V, 214)

Gm-Ḥpj, "Gem-Hepi" | "Gem-Hepi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 351.6, vgl. Anm. 1)

Gn-wr, "Sehr Angesehener" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 315; Pyr 2085c)

Gr=f, "Geref" | "Geref" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery I, 69, pl. 65)

Gr-mn.w, "Ger-menu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 352.7)

Grbts, "Gerbetes" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 352.11; Schneider, Personennamen, 223; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 328)

Grḥ, "[einer der 8 Urgötter]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 183.10; LGG VII, 316)

Grḥ-n-Rꜥw, "Nacht des Re (Fest (?) der Neujahrsnacht)" | "Night-of-Re (festival (?) of new year's night)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Posener, RdE 22, 1970, 131 ff.; vgl. LÄ V, 159)

Grss, "Gereses (Ort in Nubien)" | "Gereses" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 214; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 170)

Grg, "Gereg" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 352.14)

Grg.w, "Die Gründungen (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Grg.w-bꜣ=f, "Die Gründung seines Bas" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 218; LGG VII, 324)

Grg.t, "Gereget (el-Girza i. Nordfayum)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ V, 1017, vgl. GDG V, 219)

Grg.t-Jj-mr.y, "Die Gründung des Ii-mery (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, Giza II, 62; Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 211)

Grg.t-Jwf-rw, "Die Gründung des Iufru (Domäne)" | "Foundation-of-Iufru (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 239 f.)

Grg.t-Js-ḫꜣḫ, "Die Gründung des Is-chach (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Grg.t-jnṯ, "Die Gründung des Inetj (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 233)

Grg.t-Ꜥnḫ-kꜣ, "Die Gründung des Anch-ka (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, Giza II, 62)

Grg.t-ꜥnḫ, "Die Gründung des Anch (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 204)

Grg.t-ꜥnḫ-Špss-kꜣ=f, "Die Gründung des Anch-Schepseskaf (Domäne)" | "Foundation-of-Ankh-Shepseskaf (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 277)

Grg.t-Wꜥb-sw, "Die Gründung des Wab-sw (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248; CAA Wien, 21,38)

Grg.t-Wnj, "Die Gründung des Weni (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 212; CAA Hildesheim, 3, 182)

Grg.t-Ptḥ-ḥtp.w, "Die Gründung des Ptah-hetepu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 384)

Grg.t-pẖr, "Die Gründung des Pecher (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 249; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Grg.t-Mr-jwi̯.n=f, "Die Gründung des Mer-iwi-enef (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien 21,38)

Grg.t-Nfr-ꜥnḫ, "Die Gründung des Nefer-anch (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien, 21.38)

Grg.t-Nfr-šmm, "Die Gründung des Nefer-schemem (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248, CAA Wien, 21,38)

Grg.t-Rꜥy, "Die Gründung des Ray (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248; CAA Wien, 21.38)

Grg.t-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Gründung des Cheops (Domäne)" | "Foundation-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 208, 474)

Grg.t-Zꜣ-jb, "Gründung des Za-ib (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 248; CAA Wien, 21,38)

Grg.t-Snb, "Gründung des Seneb (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 305)

Grg.t-Snfr.w, "Gründung des Snofru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 250; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Grg.t-Sšm.w, "Die Gründung des Seschemu (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 250; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Grg.t-Sšm-nfr, "Die Gründung des Seschemnefer (Domäne)" | "Foundation-of-Seshemnefer (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 239)

Grg.t-Qꜣy, "Die Gründung des Qay (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 247, CAA Wien, 21,38)

Grg.t-Kꜣ=j-n.j-nswt, "Die Gründung des Kai-ni-niswt (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 247; CAA Wien, 21.38)

Grg.t-Ṯy, "Die Gründung des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Grg-Wrr, "Die Gründung des Werer (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Grg-Mrr.w, "Die Gründung des Mereru (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Grg-mn-nfr, "Gereg-men-nefer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 352.16)

Gḥs.t, "Geheset" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 220; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 693)

Gḥ, "Geheseti" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 220)

Gḥs-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Die Gazelle des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Gazelle of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (22))

Gḥsꜣ, "Gehesa" | "Gehesa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 323.20; vgl. Anm. 1)

Gs-jꜣb.j, "Ges-iabi (Ostdelta)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 220)

Gs-ꜥnḫ, "Buch des Lebens" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 382 (1656a))

Gs-mwt, "Buch des Todes" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 382 (1656b))

Gsꜣ, "Qus" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 220; LÄ V, 71 ff.; Montet, Géographie II, 81; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 161)

Gsm, "Gesem (Goschen, bei Saft el Hinnna)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 145; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 127; LÄ II, 401, n. 266; Montet, Géographie I, 207 f.)

Gšy, "Geschi" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 208.4-6; LGG VII, 330)

Gḏ.t, "Ghaza" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ II, 381 ff.)

gꜣ, "[ein Reiher]" | "[a heron]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 149.8)

gꜣ.w, "Mangel; Not" | "lack; want" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 152.8-13; FCD 288)

gꜣ.wt, "Mangel; Not" | "lack; want" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 152.14-17; FCD 288)

gꜣ.wt, "Bündel; Abgaben" | "bundle; dues" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 153.3-7; FCD 288)

gꜣ.t-wꜣ.t, "unwegsame Stelle; Engpass" | "narrow road; defile" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 152.18)

gꜣj.t, "Kapelle; Schrein; Pektoral" | "chapel; shrine" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 150.1-4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1094; Esna V, 115, Anm. s)

gꜣy, "Krug; Schale; Flasche" | "jar; bowl; flask" [substantive] (Wb 5, 150.5-13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 50)

gꜣy.t, "Takelwerk (?); Steuerplattform (?)" | "(ship's) tackle (?); steering platform (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4605; Jones, Naut. Titles, 192 (173))

gꜣi̯, "kentern" | "to overthrow" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 149.12; Allen, Inflection, 574)

gꜣi̯, "(jmdn.) schmähen" | "to caluminate; to lie" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 149.10-11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 50)

gꜣi̯, "(Schreibbinse) befeuchten" | "to moisten" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 150.14-15; MedWb 910)

gꜣu̯, "eng sein; entbehren; (jmdn.) Not leiden lassen" | "to be narrow; to be constricted; to lack; to deprive" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 151.6-152.7)

gꜣb, "[ein Korb]" | "basket (also as a unit of volume)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 154.12; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 52; AEO II, 231*; Janssen, Prices, 357)

gꜣb.t, "Arm (Körperteil)" | "arm" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 154.1-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1098)

gꜣb.t, "Blatt (einer Pflanze); Blütenblatt" | "leaf; (lotus) petal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 154.7-10; DrogWb 531; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1095)

gꜣ, "Wimper" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 154.11; Meeks, BIFAO 77, 1977, 80, Anm. 2)

gꜣbg.w, "[ein Vogel]" | "[a bird (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 155.1; DrogWb 532)

gꜣp, "schneiden (?)" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 5, 155.2; MedWb 912)

gꜣḥ, "(Trauben) auspressen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 155.7)

gꜣḥ, "matt sein" | "to be weary" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 155.8-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 680)

gꜣḥ.w, "Ermüdung; Erstarrung; Erschöpfung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4613)

gꜣš, "Schilfrohr" | "rush; reed" [substantive] (Wb 5, 156.8-12; Lesko, Dictionary, IV 53; Germer, Flora, 205 f.)

gꜣgꜣ, "schnattern; schreien" | "to cackle" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 157.2-3; FCD 288)

gj.w, "Zyperngras (?)" | "[an aromatic plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 157-158.11; DrogWb 534 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 509; Germer, Handbuch, 146 ff.)

gjf, "kleiner Affe (Meerkatze)" | "vervet (long-tailed monkey)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 158.12-16; vgl. FCD 288 f.)

gjf.t, "Äffin (Meerkatze)" | "vervet (long-tailed monkey)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 158.17-20)

gy.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 157.11-13; DrogWb 533 f.)

gi̯, "staunend blicken" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 5, 151.2-5; vgl. Edel, ZÄS 81, 1956, 14 ff.)

gw, "[ein Stier]" | "[a bull]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 159.5-7; FCD 288; DrogWb 537)

gw, "[Art Pferde]" | "steed" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 159.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 507; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 53; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 42)

gw, "jauchzen" | english translation missing [verb] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 128, n. 3)

gw, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 159.3; DrogWb 537)

gw, "[Verband]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 159.4; MedWb 912)

gw.w, "Sänger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 125 ff.)

gwꜣ, "zusammenziehen; [als Zustand von Personen]; anlegen" | "to pull tight" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 159.11-160.4; FCD 288; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 680 f.)

gwꜣ, "[ein Werkzeug]" | "[a tool]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Junker, Giza IV, 72 (6))

gwꜣ.t, "[ein Kasten]" | "chest; box" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 160.7; AEO I, 68; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 52; Ward, JNES 44, 1985, 334)

gwš, "schielen" | "to be crooked (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 160.11; MedWb 913)

gwš, "schief sein" | "to be crooked; to turn away (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 160.12-161.3; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 509; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 53)

gwtn, "anknüpfen; (Scheunen) füllen" | "to bind; to replenish" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 161.5-6; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 55)

gwṯ, "[ein Titel]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 161.7; Vittmann, Priester und Beamte, 129 ff.)

gb.w, "Schaden; Frevel" | "damage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 162.6-7; vgl. FCD 288; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 55)

gb.t, "Fiederbartwels" | "[a fish]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 162.15)

gbꜣ, "Arm, Oberarm" | "arm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 163.4-12; FCD 288; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 684 f.; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 55 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 277)

gbꜣ, "Seite, Wand (eines Raumes)" | "side (of a room)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 163.13; FCD 288)

gbꜣ, "blenden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 164.4; Borghouts, JEA 59, 1973, 119, Anm. 2)

gbꜣ.w, "Vergütung; Entrichtung (einer Bezahlung)" | "payment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 164.1-2)

gbi̯, "schwach sein; bedürftig sein; (jmdn.) schädigen; (jmdn.) betrügen" | "to be weak; to be deficient; to defraud; to cheat" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 161.8-162.5)

gbb, "Ermüdung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Eichler, MDAIK 54, 263)

gbb, "Erdboden; Feld" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 164.7-8,12-13)

gbgb, "(den Feind) niederwerfen" | "to overthrow" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 165.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 685; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1097)

gbgb, "lahm sein" | "to be lame" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 165.9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 56)

gbgb, "Lahmer" | "a lame person" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 165.10)

gbgb, "Treibgut" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KoptHWb 447)

gbgb.t, "Leichenhaufen (o. Ä.)." | "heaps (?) (of enemy dead)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 165.4-8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 56)

gbtw.j, "der von Koptos (Min u. andere Götter)" | "one of Koptos (Min)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 163.2; LGG VII, 309b-310a)

gp, "sich bewölken; bewölkt sein" | "cloudburst" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 165; Allen, Inflection, 547; FCD 289; Ward, JEA 59, 1973, 228 ff.)

gm, "[Produkt]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 169.13)

gm.w, "Schwäche; Benommenheit" | "weakness; daze" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 169.14-16; FCD 289; MedWB 919)

gm.t, "schwarzer Ibis" | "black ibis" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 166.5; Vernus/Yoyotte, Bestiaire, 387 f.)

gm-wš, "zerstört Gefundenes" | "found destroyed (of writings)" [substantive] (Wb 1, 368.9-11; 5, 167.26-27)

gm-bꜣ.w=s, "Gem-baues (Hathor u. a. Göttinnen)" | "Gem-baues (ep. of Hathor and other godesses)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 169.9-10; LGG VII, 310)

gm-ḥr.w, "der die Gesichter findet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 311)

gmꜣ, "Joch-Schläfenbein" | "temple (of the head) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 170.2; MedWb 914)

gmi̯, "finden; entdecken; vorfinden; in der Lage sein" | "to find; to discover" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 166.6-169.8)

gmḥ, "erblicken; sehen" | "to catch sight of; to look" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 170.8-171.11; FCD 289)

gmḥ.t, "Locke, Haarflechte; Schläfe" | "plaited hair" [substantive] (Wb 5, 171.15-17; FCD 289)

gmḥ.t, "Witwe" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 171.18)

gmḥs.w, "[ein Raubvogel]" | "hawk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 172.1-6; FCD 289; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1100)

gmgm, "zerbrechen; zerknicken" | "to smash; to break; to tear" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 172.8-11)

gn, "angesehen, mächtig sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 173.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 688)

gn, "Angesehener" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 173.4)

gn, "Untersatz (Opfertisch)" | "stand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 290; Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 178)

gn.w, "[ein Vogel (Goldamsel?)]" | "[a bird (golden oriel)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 174.2-4; DrogWb 537 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1101)

gn.w, "Ständer (für kleine Schalen)" | "stand" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 174.5-6; FCD 290)

gn.t, "Andenken" | "record" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 173.5)

gnf, "abwehren; abweisen" | "to rebuff; to repel" [verb] (Wb 5, 174.9-11)

gnm.w, "[von Bewegungen]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 174.12)

gnn, "schwach sein; weich sein" | "to be weak; to be soft" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 174-175.17; FCD 290)

gnn, "[ein Teil von Pflanzen]" | "[soft part of a plant product (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 176.1-2; DrogWb 538)

gnn, "[eine Hülsenfrucht (Bohne)]" | "[an edible plant (legume?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 176.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 59; Helck, Materialien V, 801)

gnn, "schwach; weich" | "to be weak; to be soft" [adjective] (Wb 5, 175.15-17)

gnn.w, "Schwäche" | "weakness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 688)

gnn.t, "Schwachheit" | "weakness (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 175.20-21; FCD 290; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 688)

gnẖ, "beschlagen (mit Gold)" | "to mount" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 176.9; FCD 290)

gnẖ.t, "Stern" | "star" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 177.1-3; FCD 290; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 688; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1103)

gns, "Gewalttätigkeit; Unrecht" | "outrage; violence (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 177.5-6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 512; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 53)

gngn.t, "Rauke (?)" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 177.8-10; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 509; Germer, Handbuch, 148)

gr, "auch; ferner (enkl. Part.)" | "also; furthermore" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 5, 177-178.5; EAG § 830; GEG §§ 205, 255; ENG § 682; CGG 134)

gr, "auch, ebenfalls (am Satzende)" | "also" [adverb] (Wb 5, 179.3-8; GEG §§ 205, vgl. § 255; ENG § 682; CGG 134)

gr, "schweigen; ruhig sein; aufhören" | "to be silent" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 179.9-180.7; FCD 290)

gr, "Schweigen" | "silence" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 180.8; FCD 290; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 690)

gr.w, "Schweigsamer" | "silent one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 180.9-11; FCD 290)

gr.t, "auch; ferner; [enkl.Partikel]" | "furthermore (enclitic particle)" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 5, 178.6-179.2; FCD 290; GEG § 255; CGG 134)

gr-n-p.t, "Taube" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 181.2; Vycichl, Dict. étym., 346)

gry, "Vögel, Geflügel" | "[a kind of fowl]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 181.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 61)

gry.t, "[Teil des Ohres]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 181.7; MedWb 921)

grb, "schneiden (Holz)" | "to shave (a piece of wood serving as a chariot part) (Sem. loan word)" [verb] (Wb 5, 181.10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 516)

grm, "fortschleppen" | "to carry off" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.4669)

grḥ, "(etwas) fertig machen; aufhören; zufrieden sein (jur.)" | "to complete; to be satisfied with" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 182.4-183.3; FCD 290)

grḥ, "Ende" | "ending" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 183.5-9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 61)

grḥ, "Nacht" | "night" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 183.12-185.9)

grḥ-sšd, "Nacht des Diadems (Nacht während der Osirismysterien)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, 21-22)

grš, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 185.12; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 391, Anm. 614)

grg, "Fallensteller, Jäger" | "hunter" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 186.2; FCD 290)

grg, "Ausrüstung" | "equipment" [substantive] (Wb 5, 188.9-11; FCD IV, 63)

grg, "Ansiedlung" | "settlement" [substantive] (Wb 5, 188.12-13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 63)

grg, "Lüge; Unwahrheit" | "lie; falsehood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 189.2-190.4; FCD 290)

grg, "Gerede" | "rumors" [substantive] (Wb 5, 190.7; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 64)

grg, "jagen; (Fallen) einstellen; gründen; einrichten; bereit sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 185.13-186.1; 186.4-188.8)

grg.y, "Lügner" | "liar" [substantive] (Wb 5, 190.5; FCD 291)

grg.t, "Fang (mit dem Schleppnetz)" | "catch" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 186.3; FCD 290)

grg.t, "Lügnerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 190.6)

grg.t, "Fallen; Netze" | "trap; net" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.3306)

grg.t, "Ansiedlung; Gründung; Neuland" | "settlement; foundation; newly arable land" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 188.14-189.1)

grg.t, "Abgeschnittenes (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIII.2)

grg-Tꜣ.wj, "Begründer der beiden Länder" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII.22, K 8)

grgr, "[ein Vogel]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing, Tebtunis, 130, Anm. m; Peust, Egyptian Phonology, 112 f.; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 43)

grt, "Hülse (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 190.13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1096; Töpfer, Balsamierungsritual, 163 f., Anm. g)

gḥ.w, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[an illness (asthma?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 190.15; MedWb 922 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 607 f., Anm. 84)

gḥs, "Gazelle" | "gazelle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 191.1-8)

gḥs.t, "Gazellenweibchen" | "gazelle" [substantive] (Wb 5, 191.9; FCD 291)

gḥ, "zu Geheset gehörig" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Pyr 1487c)

gs, "trauern" | "to mourn" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 191; EDG 592)

gs, "salben" | "to annoint" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 201.12-202.13; FCD 291)

gs, "Seite; Hälfte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 191.11-194.10; 196.1-197.7)

gs, "(Leder) bearbeiten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Steindorff, Ti, Taf. 132)

gs, "Hälfte (mathematische Größe)" | english translation missing [numeral: cardinal] (Wb 5, 196.11; Wb 5, 196.14; Wb 5, 197.1-7)

gs.y, "Nachbar" | "neighbor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 195.26-29)

gs.w, "Brothälften (Opfer)" | "half-loaf (offering)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 197.8)

gs.w, "Salbe; Salbmittel" | "ointment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 202.14-16; FCD 291; MedWb 925; Koura, Öle, 134 f.)

gs.w, "[äußerliche Krankheit bei Frauen]" | "glut (as a symptom of a breast problem to be prevented) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 203.7; MedWb 929 f.)

gs.w-pr.w, "Tempel; Heiligtümer" | "temple" [substantive] (Wb 5, 199.1-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1108 f.)

gs.t, "Lauf" | "run; course" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 203.8-204.18)

gs-pr, "Verwaltung der zwei Seiten (Arbeitszentrum)" | "troop-house (of workers); work center" [substantive] (Wb 5, 198.2-16; vgl. Jones, Titles OK no. 969)

gs-pḏ, "Ellenhälfte (Spanne, als Längenmaß)" | "[a measure of length]; half-cubit" [substantive] (vgl. Reineke, Frühgeschichte Mathematik, 142-144)

gs-mꜣꜥ, "Migräne" | "headache" [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ IV, 125; Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 13; Meeks, AL 77.4688; 78.4478; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 65)

gs-mr, "Kanalland" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CDD g, 67; Woodhouse, JAOS 123, 2003, 281)

gs-ḥr.j, "Spitze (Berg, Obelisk)" | "top; upper part" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 200.1-11; FCD 291; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1109 f.)

gs-tp, "Migräne" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 65)

gs-dp.t, "Schutz" | "protection" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 200.14-18; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 695; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1111)

gs-ḏb, "[ein Teil des Wagens]" | "[a chariot appurtenance, made of gold]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 201.8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 65)

gsꜣ, "sich neigen; schief sein" | "to tilt; to favor" [verb] (Wb 5, 205.7-12; FCD 292)

gsꜣ, "[eine Antilope]" | "[an antilope]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 206.2)

gsꜣ, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 205.13)

gsꜣ.t, "schräges Ruhebett" | "inclined bed" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 206.1)

gsꜣ.t, "Lederhülle (als Gewand oder Beutel)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.11 f.)

gsi̯, "laufen" | "to run" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 204.19-205.6; FCD 291)

gsp, "ausstatten (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 206.6)

gsfn, "[ein mineralischer Stoff]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 206.9-11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1112)

gsfn.w, "[ein kleines Wüstentier (ein Dachs?)]" | "[a small desert mammal]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 206.8; LÄ II, 130)

gsr, "[ein Maß (Hohlmaß)]" | "[a unit of measure]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 206.13-14; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 65)

gsgs, "ordnen; regeln" | "to put in order; to regulate" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 207.1-7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 66; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1112 f.)

gsgs, "überlaufen" | "to overflow" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 207.8-9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 65 f.)

gstj, "Palette des Schreibers" | "scribe's palette" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 207.11-17; FCD 292; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 696; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 66; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1113)

gš, "Zugvögel" | "goose" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 208.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 696; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 66)

gš, "[ein Gewässer]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 208.3)

gš, "[Abschaum (des Bieres) oder Bodensatz]" | "[dregs or lees]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (AEO II, 236* f.)

gg.j, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 37)

gg.t, "Niere" | "kidneys" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 208.7; FCD 292; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 66)

ggw.t, "das Staunen; das Starren" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Edel, ZÄS 81, 1956, 16)

ggwi̯, "staunen; starren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-inf] (Edel, ZÄS 81, 1956, 16; GEG 598 (Vocabulary); FCD 292)

gt, "[ein Öl]" | "[a foreign oil]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 208.12; Koura, Öle, 250)

gt, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 208.13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 66)

gṯ, "Krüppel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 209.2; Laisney, Aménémopé, 129 f.)

gḏfḏf, "[Tier]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 67)

Tʾ, "Ta" | "Ta" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 353.1)

Tʾ-wꜣḏ-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das frische Brot des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Tʾ-wꜥb-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Das reine Brot des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (vgl. Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 232)

Tʾ-nb-ꜥꜣ-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Jegliches großes Brot des Chnum-hetepu (Domäne)" | "Every-kind-of-large-bread of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 140 (18))

Tʾ-nb-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Jegliches Brot des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Every-kind-of-bread of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (1))

Tʾ-nb-nfr-n-N.j-ꜥnḫ-H̱nm.w, "Jegliches gutes Brot des Ni-anch-Chnum (Domäne)" | "Every-kind-of-good-bread of Ni-anch-Chnum (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 113 (1))

Tʾ-nbs-Ḫn.wt, "Nebes-Brot der Chenut" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 396)

Tʾ-rtḥ-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Das Reteh-Brot des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 285)

Tʾy, "Tay" | "Ty" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 377.23)

Tꜣ, "Erdgott" | "Earth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Hornung, Pfortenbuch I, 68; II, 87, Anm. 11; LGG VII, 334)

Tꜣ.w-Fnḫ.w, "Länder der Fenchu (Libanon)" | "Phoenicia" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 1, 577.4; LÄ VII 275; IV, 1039 f.)

Tꜣ.w-ḥnw.t, "Tau-henut" | "Tau-henut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 376.8)

Tꜣ.wj, "die Beiden Länder (Ägypten)" | "the Two-lands (Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 217.1-219.3)

Tꜣ.tj-zꜣb-m-spꜣ.t-Jgr.t, "Wesir im Gau von Igeret" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 359 b)

Tꜣ-(n.t)-Bs, "Ta-(net)-Bes" | "Ta(-net)-Bes" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 359.15)

Tꜣ-ꜣw, "Ta-au" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. IV)

Tꜣ-ꜣw.t, "Ta-aut (Bezirk im Fayum?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Luft, Illahun, 2, P. 10045, 2, 4)

Tꜣ-jw.t, "Ta-iut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 353.15)

Tꜣ-jbškj, "Ta-ibscheki" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 171 ff.)

Tꜣ-jpw, "Ta-ipu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 171 ff.)

Tꜣ-jḥ.w, "Oase Farafra" | "Land-of-the-cow (Farafra oasis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 221.17)

Tꜣ-ꜥ.t-pꜣ-mꜣj, "Die Behausung des Löwen (Platz bei Tell Habwe)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI I, 10.1; RITANC I, 14)

Tꜣ-ꜥ.t-n.t-Ssj-sw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Haus des Sesi-su, l.h.g" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 162 f.)

Tꜣ-ꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Die Kammer des Ramses-mery-Amun, l.h.g." | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 163; AEGD 156)

Tꜣ-ꜥꜣ.t-jꜣ, "Ta-aat-ja" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Botti, JEA 41, 1955, 69, fig. 2)

Tꜣ-ꜥn.t, "[Ort im Delta]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 6; Montet, Géographie I, 134; AEGD 908)

Tꜣ-wꜣgš, "Ta-wagesch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (DNB I, 1060; vgl. Thissen, Demot. Graffiti von Med. Habu, 94)

Tꜣ-wr, "Thinitischer Gau (8. o.äg. Gau)" | "Thinis (8th nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 222.2-12; Wb 5, 353.5; vgl. Wb 5, 372.12)

Tꜣ-wr.t, "Thoeris" | "Taweret" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 1, 330.5; LGG VII, 331 f.)

Tꜣ-wḥ.wt-by.t, "Ta-uhut-byt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 204; Montet, Géographie I, 37; AEGD 196; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 127 f., Anm. 391)

Tꜣ-wḥ.wt-pꜣ-nbw, "Golddorf" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 298)

Tꜣ-wḥ.wt-Rꜥw, "Das Dorf des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 177)

Tꜣ-wḥꜣ.t, "Oasengebiet (Dahla und Charga)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG I, 203)

Tꜣ-wsr.t, "Ta-useret (Königin)" | "Ta-useret (queen)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIX.8)

Tꜣ-bꜣk.t, "Ta-baket" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 356.2)

Tꜣ-Pqr, "Ta-Peqer" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 142)

Tꜣ-p.t, "Himmel" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (KRI II, 231.10)

Tꜣ-fꜣy.t-ṯꜣw, "Ta-fayt-tjau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LEM 91.16)

Tꜣ-mrj, "Ägypten" | "Beloved-land (Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 223.1-224.9)

Tꜣ-mḥ.w, "Unterägypten; Delta" | "Lower Egypt; delta" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 224.10-14)

Tꜣ-mḫrp.t, "Ta-mecherpet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG III, 17)

Tꜣ-mḏꜣ.t, "Ta-medjat" | "Ta-medjat" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 357.18)

Tꜣ-n.t-Jmn, "Ta-net-Imen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 358.4)

Tꜣ-n.t-w-n-Ḏd.t, "Ta-net-u-en-Djedet" | "Ta-net-u-en-Djedet" [entity_name: person_name] (Edwards, JEA 68, 1982, 128 (Z.4))

Tꜣ-n.t-Ḫns.w, "Land des Chons" | "Land-of-Khons" [entity_name: place_name] (Cerny/Gardiner, Hier. Ostraca, pl. VIII.3)

Tꜣ-n.t-šꜣ, "Ta-net-scha" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI VI, 332.5)

Tꜣ-n.t-tꜣ-bḫn.t, "Ta-net-ta-bechenet" | "Ta-net-ta-bekhenet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 326.15)

Tꜣ-n.tjt-n=j, "Ta-netit-eni" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 364.9)

Tꜣ-nfr.t, "Ta-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 364.1)

Tꜣ-nṯr.t-n.t-Nnw, "Göttin von Ninive" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 565)

Tꜣ-nṯr.t-n.t-Ḫt, "Göttin von Chatti" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 566)

Tꜣ-nṯr.t-n.t-dmj-n-Krḫn, "Göttin von Karachna" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 566)

Tꜣ-nṯr.t-n.t-Ḏn, "Göttin von Sen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 566)

Tꜣ-nṯr.t-n.t-Ḏr, "Göttin von Tyros" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 566)

Tꜣ-nṯr.t-tꜣ-ḥn.wt-pꜣ-jwtn, "Göttin, Fürstin der Erde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 566)

Tꜣ-nḏm.t, "Ta-nedjemet" | "Ta-nedjemet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 364.11)

Tꜣ-rw, "Ta-ru" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 25)

Tꜣ-rm.w, "Land der Fische (Tell el-Moqdam)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 26; LÄ VI, 351)

Tꜣ-rr, "[Dendera]" | "Tarer (Dendera)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 226.1)

Tꜣ-ḥw.t, "[Bezeichnung für Medinet Habu]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Cerny, JEA 26, 1941, 127 ff.)

Tꜣ-ḥw.t-pꜣ-Jtn, "Atontempel" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG IV, 68)

Tꜣ-ḥw.t-mꜣj, "Löwentempel" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Meeks, in: Gs Sauneron, 253, Anm. 66)

Tꜣ-ḥꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb-m-pr-Jmn, "Ramesseum" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (pChester Beatty V Verso 2.2 f.)

Tꜣ-ḫꜣꜥ.w, "Ta-chaau" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 366.12)

Tꜣ-ḫꜣs.t-Gbtw, "Koptosgebirge" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 159 f.)

Tꜣ-ḫnmm.t, "Ta-chenmemet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 366.27)

Tꜣ-ḫnt.j, "Südland; Nubien" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 29 f.)

Tꜣ-ẖꜣ.t-Wsr-Mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-stp.n-Rꜥw-ḥqꜣ-Tꜣ.wj, "Ta-chat-User-Maat-Re-setepen-Re-heqa-Taui (Steinbruch in Assuan)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 362.11)

Tꜣ-ẖꜣ.t-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-mr.y-mj-Ptḥ, "Ta-chat-Ramses-mery-Amun-mery-mi-Ptah (Steinbruch in Assuan)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 362.11 f.)

Tꜣ-ẖꜣ.t-Rꜥw-ms-sw-mr.y-Jmn-mr.y-mj-Rꜥw, "Ta-chat-Ramses-mery-Amun-mery-mi-Re (Steinbruch in Assuan)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 362.10)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Jbsqb, "Der Brunnen Ibeseqeb" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 200; KRI I, 7.6; RITANC I, 15; vgl. Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 47)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-ꜥ-n-Jm.j-ꜥ, "Der Brunnen des Bezirks von Imi-a" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 200; KRI I, 10.3; RITANC I, 15)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw, "Der Brunnen des Men-maat-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 201; KRI I, 8.4; RITANC I, 16)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Mn-mꜣꜥ.t-Rꜥw-ꜥꜣ-nḫt.w, "Der Brunnen Men-maat-Re-aa-nachtu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 201; KRI I, 8.1; RITANC I, 15)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Nḏm, "Der Brunnen Nedjem" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 201 f.; KRI I, 8.1; RITANC I, 16)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Rꜥw-msi̯-sw-mr.y-Jmn-qn-m-ꜥnḫ, "Der Brunnen des Ramses-mery-Amun-qen-em-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Vgl. Hein, Bautätigkeit, 16)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Ḥpn, "Der Brunnen Hepen" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI I, 10.2; vgl. Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 119; vgl. GDG IV, 202)

Tꜣ-ẖnm.t-Stẖ.y-mr-n-Ptḥ, "Der Brunnen Seti-mer-en-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG IV, 202 f.; KRI I, 7.7; RITANC I, 15)

Tꜣ-Zkr, "Sokarland (in der Unterwelt)" | "Land-of-Sokar" [entity_name: place_name] (Hornung, Amduat II, 389; GDG VI, 31)

Tꜣ-Ztj, "Nubien; Ta-Seti (1. o.äg. Gau)" | "Nubia; Ta-seti (1st nome of Upper Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 3, 488.8-10; 5, 226; vgl. LÄ VII, 299)

Tꜣ-spꜣ.t, "Ta-sepat" | "Ta-sepat" [entity_name: person_name] (Cerny, LRL, 2.6)

Tꜣ-Šmꜥ.w, "Oberägypten" | "Upper Egypt" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 227.4-14)

Tꜣ-Šzm.t, "[Land im Osten]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 4, 538.13)

Tꜣ-š, "Fayum" | "Land-of-the-lake (Fayyum oasis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 226.6-227.3; GDG VI, 33; LÄ II, 87)

Tꜣ-šꜥ, "Ta-scha" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Müller, in: Fs Junge, 465)

Tꜣ-šw.t-Rꜥw-n-mw.t-nswt-ḥm.t-nswt-wr.t-Tjy, "Ta-schut-Re-en-mut-nesut-hemet-nesut-weret-Teje" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Davies, Amarna III, pl. 11)

Tꜣ-šnw.t-Rꜥw, "[Ort im 16. u.äg. Gau]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 141)

Tꜣ-šrj.t-n-tꜣ-jḥ.t, "Tschentohe" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 370.3; DNB I, 1132 f.)

Tꜣ-kꜣmn.t-šrj.t, "Ta-kamenet-scherit" | "Ta-kamenet-scherit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 371.3)

Tꜣ-kꜣr, "Ta-kar" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 371.4)

Tꜣ-Tbw, "Ta-Tebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 39; Meeks, in: Fs Quaegebeur, 1188 f.)

Tꜣ-ṯnn, "Tatenen" | "Tatenen" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 227.16-228.5; 381; LGG VII, 346)

Tꜣ-dj-ꜣs.t, "Ta-di-Aset" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 372.13)

Tꜣ-dnj.t, "Denit-Kanal" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 465.5; GDG VI, 96)

Tꜣ-dhn.t-wr-nḫt.w, "Tehna el-Gebel (18. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie II, 177; Grimal, Stèle triomphale, 48, Anm. 118)

Tꜣ-ḏ.t-Ḥr.w, "Ta-djit-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 374.5)

Tꜣj.t, "Tait (Stadt der Weberei in U.Äg.)" | "Tait (a weavers' town in Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 231.12)

Tꜣj.t, "Tait" | "Tait" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 231-232.11; LÄ VI, 185 f.; LGG VII, 359 ff.)

Tꜣj.tjt, "Taitet (Göttin der Stadt Tait)" | "Taitet (goddess of the town Tait)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 231.13-14)

Tꜣy=f-nḫt.t, "Tefnacht" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 375.21)

Tꜣy.w-ḏꜣy.wt, "Teudjoi ("Ihre Mauern", 18. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 7; Montet, Géographie II, 178; AEGD 909)

Tꜣnwbj, "Tanubi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Tꜣḫb.t, "Tachebet (mythischer Ort)" | "Tachebet" [entity_name: place_name] (Edel, ZÄS 79, 1954, 88 ff.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 707; vgl. GDG VI, 14)

Tj, "Ti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 377.12)

Tj.t, "Tit" | "Tit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 378.0)

Tj.t, "Tit" | "Tit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 383.20)

Tj.t-jb, "Tit-ib" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Kubisch, Lebensbilder, 311 ff.)

Tj-jnr, "Ti-iner" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XVII)

Tjꜣ, "Tia" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 377.18)

Tjy, "Tiy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 378.2)

Tjy, "Teje" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 378.4; LÄ VI, 305 ff.; Troy, Queenship, 166)

Tjw, "Tiu" | "Tiu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 378.21)

Tjmꜣ.t, "Timat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Grdseloff, JEA 35, 1949, 60 f.)

Tjmy-šy, "Timy-schy" | "Timy-schy" [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Tjt, "Tit" | "Tit" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 329.6)

Tjtj, "Titi" | "Titi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 378.25)

Tjdwj, "Tidui" | "Tidui" [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, Giza Mastabas 2, 25)

Ty, "Ty" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 377.22)

Ty, "Ti (?)" | "Ti" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, fig. 23b; 26b)

Twꜣ, "Tua" | "Tua" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 379.4)

Twꜣ-j, "Tewa-i" | "Tewa-i" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 16 (16))

Twꜣw, "Tuau" | "Tuau" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 53, 61)

Twjꜣ, "Tuia" | "Tuia" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 379.6)

Twy, "Tuy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 379.8)

Twnp, "Tunip" | "Tunip" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 49; LÄ VI, 805 f.)

Twr-rꜥ, "Tur-ra" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schneider, Personennamen, 237 f.)

Twt-ꜥnḫ-Jmn-ḥqꜣ-Jwn.w-Šmꜥ.w, "[Eigenname Tutanchamuns]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 12)

Twt-ꜥnḫ-Jtn, "Tut-anch-Aton" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 12)

Twt-n-Rꜥw, "Die, die sich mit Ra vereinigt (Säule)" | "United-with-Re (a column)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 549-552)

Twtw, "Tutu" | "Tutu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 329.11)

Tbj, "Tebi" | "Tebi" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 261.9; LGG VII, 381)

Tbjrj, "Tebiri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Osing, MDAIK 32, 1976, 157)

Tbh, "Tebeh" | "[Seth]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 262.7; LGG VII, 381)

Tbẖ, "Tjebech (?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P.10026, 3, 5)

Tbs-ṯꜣ, "Tebes-tja (?)" | "Tebes-tja (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 379.24)

Tp.j-ꜣbd.w, "Erster des Monats (Fest zum Monatsanfang)" | "New-cresent-festival" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 269.17-270.3; LÄ II, 173)

Tp.j-nw.y, "Anfang der Überschwemmung (ein Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 32 (B3.7))

Tp.j-Rꜥw, "Erster des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 390)

Tp.j-smd.t, "Tepi-Semdet (Halbmonatsfest am 15. Tag des Monats)" | "Tepi-semdet (half-month-festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 269.14-16; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 80; LÄ II, 173)

Tp.j-šꜣ, "Anfang des Sumpflandes" | "top of the water-meadow" [entity_name: place_name] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 20; Caminos, Lit. Frag., 14; Parkinson, Tale, 294)

Tp.w, "Tepu" | "Tepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 380.11)

Tp.w-štꜣ.w-jm.jw-jdb, "Die geheimnisvollen Köpfe, die am Ufer sind" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 386)

Tp-jḥ.w, "Haupt der Rinder (Aphroditopolis)" | "First-among-cows (Aphroditopolis, modern Atfih)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 281.15-16; LÄ I 519; GDG IV, 52 f.; Montet, Géographie II, 203)

Tp-m-nfr.t, "Tep-em-nefret" | "Tep-em-nefret" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 380.3)

Tp-mḏ, "Erster der Dekade" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 269.8-13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 720)

Tp-n-jꜥr.t, "Kopf der Uräusschlange" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 383)

Tp-ndw.t, "Tep-nedut (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 212; CAA Hildesheim, 3, 182)

Tp-rnp.t, "Jahresanfang (ein Fest)" | "Beginning-of-the-year (festival)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 270.7-11; LÄ II, 172)

Tp-ḫmt.w, "Erster von drei Tagen (ein Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Pyr 794a; CT VII 175m)

Tp-ḫt.w, "Libanon" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 54 f.)

Tp-tr, "[Fest]" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 270.12)

Tp-th-mw, "Zur Abwehr des Wassers (?) (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 303)

Tpn, "[Wesen im Totenreich]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 296.8; LGG VII, 405)

Tptj, "Tepti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 380.14)

Tfj, "Tefi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 380.15)

Tfn.t, "Tefnut" | "Tefnut" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 299.5-6; LGG VII, 405 ff.)

Tfn.t-m-Mns.t-ẖr.jt, "Tefnut in der unteren Menset" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 409)

Tfn.t-m-ḥw.t-ḫꜣ.t, "Tefnut im Haus der Krankheit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 409)

Tm.jw, "Die Nichtigen (Feinde des Osiris)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 302.4; LGG VII, 424)

Tm-zp, "Der nichts übrig lässt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 306.4; LGG VII, 424)

Tmnt, "Taminta (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 42; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 187)

Tmrrw, "Temereru" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Klotz, SAK 39, 2010, 219 f., Anm. b)

Tmrhtn.t, "Temerhetenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Klotz, SAK 39, 2010, 224 ff., Anm. c)

Tn, "Diese" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT II, 161a)

Tnm.y, "Umherirrender" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 312.11; LGG VII, 432)

Tnm.w, "[Urgott]" | "[primeval god]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.4590)

Tnr, "Tener" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 381.18)

Tr-bdydy, "Tar-bedydy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (KRI VI, 519.14)

Tr-tzb, "Tili-teschschup" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 382.23; Schneider, Personennamen, 239)

Trrk, "Tererek (Ort in Nubien)" | "Tererek" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 41; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 176 f.)

Trqjr, "Tereq-El (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 44 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 189)

Trk, "Terek (Ort in Nubien)" | "Terek" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 45; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 177 f.)

Trgnnz, "Tarchunnias" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 382.20; Schneider, Personennamen, 238 f.)

Trgtṯz, "Tarchuntazzis" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 382.21; Schneider, Personennamen, 239; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 329)

Thr-qꜣ, "Taharqa" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XXV 6)

Tḫ.t, "Techet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 62)

Tḫj, "Trunkenheit (Fest); Trunkenheit (Monatsname); Techi (1. Monat der Achet-Jahreszeit)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 325.18-20; LÄ II, 173 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1150)

Tḫy.t, "Techit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 383.2)

Tḫsj, "Tachsi (Land bei Kadesch am Orontes)" | "Tachsi (a land near Kadesh)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 46 f.; AEO I, 150* f.; Edel, Ortsnamen 11; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 185 ff.)

Tkꜣ.yt, "[Name einer feuerspeienden Schlange]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 333.4; LGG VII, 444 f.)

Tkm, "Tekem" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 333.8; LGG VII, 445)

Tkrw, "Tekru (Ort in Nubien)" | "Tekru" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 63; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 182 f.)

Tt, "Tet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 383.19)

Ttj, "Teti" | "Teti" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, VI 1)

Ttj, "Teti" | "Teti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 384.4)

Ttj, "Teti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 385.15)

Ttj-ꜥꜣ, "Teti-aa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 384.13)

Ttj-ꜥnḫ.w, "Teti-anchu" | "Teti-ankhu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 384.15)

Ttj-ms.w, "Teti-mesu" | "Teti-mesu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 385.1)

Ttj-ḥꜣ-jš.t=f, "Teti-ha-ischetef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 330.16)

Ttj-snb.w, "Teti-senebu" | "Teti-senebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 385.10)

Tty, "Tety" | "Tety" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 385.17)

Ttw, "Tetu" | "Tetu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 385.27)

Tdr, "Tatili" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 386.20; Schneider, Personennamen, 246; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 328)

tʾ, "Brot (allg.)" | "bread (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 209.4-211.4)

tʾ-ꜣšr, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 1, 21.7)

tʾ-jm.j-tꜣ, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 209.8-10)

tʾ-ꜥꜣ, "[eine Brotart]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Junker, Giza II, 172, Abb. 21)

tʾ-wr, "[eine Brotart]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 209.11-12)

tʾ-wḥm, "[ein Brot (Zwieback?)]" | "[a kind of bread (zwieback, rusk)]" [substantive] (Junker, Giza I, 147 (5), Abb. 23b)

tʾ-wt, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 210.10-11; vgl. Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 238)

tʾ-n-nbs, "Christusdornfrucht-Brot" | "bread of Christ's thorn fruit" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 245.18-19)

tʾ-nfr-ḥꜣ.t, "[ein Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Saad/Manniche, JEA 57, 1971, pl. XXI; Helck, JEA 59, 1973, 97)

tʾ-nḥr.w, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 298.16)

tʾ-rtḥ, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 2, 459.12)

tʾ-ḥḏ, "Weißbrot (meist kegelförmig)" | "white bread" [substantive] (Wb 5, 210.1-5; FCD 292)

tʾ-zjf, "[ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]" [substantive] (Wb 3, 425.7)

tʾ-dwꜣ.wj, "Morgenbrot" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 424.1)

tꜣ, "Töpferofen" | "kiln" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 228.16-17; FCD 293)

tꜣ, "Tor (im Tempel)" | "(main) gateway; (main) door (of a temple)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 230.15)

tꜣ, "[Dem. Pron. sg.f.]; [Artikel sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 211.5-11; GEG § 110; ENG § 118)

tꜣ, "Erde; Land (als Element des Kosmos); Land (geogr.-polit.); Ägypten; Erdreich (stofflich); Ackerboden; bebaubares Land; [ein Flächenmaß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 212.6-216.7)

tꜣ, "heiß sein; verbrennen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 229.1-16)

tꜣ, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 543)

tꜣ.yt, "Glut" | "heat" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 231.8; MedWb 935)

tꜣ.w, "Hitziger" | "hothead" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 229.17; FCD 293)

tꜣ.w, "Hitze" | "heat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 229.18-230.14; FCD 293; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 704; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 69; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1121)

tꜣ.wj-tm, "Menschen ("die beiden Länder insgesamt")" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 304.15)

tꜣ.tj, "[Titel]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3705)

tꜣ.tj-zꜣb, "Wesir" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 358 f.)

tꜣ.tj-zꜣb-jmꜣḫ, "ehrwürdiger Wesir (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XII.4)

tꜣ.tj-zꜣb-ṯꜣ.tj, "Wesir" | "one of the curtain, judiciary official and vizier" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 344.1-2; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3706; vgl. LÄ VI, 599, Anm. 10)

tꜣ.tj-zꜣb-ṯꜣ.tj, "Wesir" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 344.1-2; vgl. LÄ VI, 599, Anm. 10)

tꜣ.tj-ṯꜣ.tj-zꜣb, "Wesir" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT I, 218d)

tꜣ-ꜣḫ.tjw, "Land der Horizontbewohner (ein Land, aus dem Zwerge kommen)" | "land of the horizon-dwellers" [substantive] (Wb 1, 18.6)

tꜣ, "Westen" | "west" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 221.15-16)

tꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Lebensland (Nekropole)" | "land of life (necropolis)" [substantive] (Meeks, AL 78.4499)

tꜣ-wr, "Backbordseite (des Schiffes)" | "larboard (left) side (of a boat)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 230.16-17; Jones, Naut. Titles, 261 f. (15))

tꜣ-wr, "Ta-wer (eine Phyle der Totenpriester, Backbord)" | "Larboard (a phyle of funerary priests)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 231.1; 3, 413.10)

tꜣ-wr, "Ostseite; Osten; linke Seite" | "east side; left side" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 231.2-3; Wb 5, 353.6; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 69)

tꜣ-wr.t-n.t-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Ḫt, "Große von Chatti" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 232.11)

tꜣ-bꜣk.t-n.t-tꜣ-nṯr.t, "Dienerin der Göttin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 232.13)

tꜣ-m-kk, "Land in der Finsternis (Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.11)

tꜣ-mrj.j, "Ägypter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 224.5-6)

tꜣ-n.t, "die des [Possessivpräfix sg.f.]" | "she of" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 212.1; ENG § 127; CGG 45-7; Junge, Näg. Gr., 54)

tꜣ-n.t-ḥtr, "Truppe der Streitwagen ("die der Pferdegespanne")" | "chariot troops" [substantive] (Wb 3, 200.8-9; Schulman, Military Rank, 14-16)

tꜣ-n-ꜥnḫ, "Erde des Lebens (Erde aus dem Benben-Tempel in Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Goyon, Confirmation, 96, n. 14, Col. 3, 19)

tꜣ-n-nḥḥ, "Land der Ewigkeit (Bez. des Totenreiches)" | english translation missing [substantive] (vgl. GDG VI, 22)

tꜣ-n-štꜣ.t, "Land der Krypta (Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 7.6)

tꜣ-nṯr, "Gottesland (Punt, Weihrauchländer, Länder im Osten Ägyptens)" | "god's land (Punt; incense land)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 225.1)

tꜣ-rʾ, "Heißmaul" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Laisney, Aménémopé, 68 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1122)

tꜣ-rd, "Treppe; Rampe" | "stairway; ramp" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 226.2-4; FCD 293; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1120)

tꜣ-ḥꜣ.t, "früher; vordem" | english translation missing [adverb] (CDD H, 6; EDG 287; Spiegelberg, Dem. Gr., § 414)

tꜣ-ḥwꜣ.t, "[Schimpfwort für eine Frau]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 234.12; LÄ V, 635)

tꜣ-ḥm.t-nswt-n.t-tꜣ-p.t, "Königin des Himmels" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 135)

tꜣ-ḥn.wt-n.t-ꜥnḫ, "Herrin des Eides" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG V, 171)

tꜣ-ḥn.wt-n.t-pꜣ-tꜣ, "Herrin des Landes" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 232.13)

tꜣ-ḥḏ, "Raum mit Estrich" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 226.5; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 680, Anm. 207)

tꜣ-ẖ.t, "Hitziger ("Heißleibiger")" | english translation missing [substantive] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 44, 90 (D 352))

tꜣ-zmꜣ, "Landungsstelle; Uferrand" | "landing place" [substantive] (Wb 3, 448.13; vgl. Vogelsang, Bauer, 40)

tꜣ-šrj.t-n.t-pꜣ-tꜣ-n-Qḏwdn, "Tochter des Landes Kizzuwadna" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 232.11)

tꜣ-tm.w, "alle Menschen" | "all humankind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 304.11-14; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 70)

tꜣ-ḏsr, "das heilige Land (Nekropole); Totenreich" | "necropolis (lit. sacred land); land of the dead" [substantive] (Wb 5, 228.6-14; 611.10)

tꜣj, "[Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 212.3-5)

tꜣj.tjt, "[Gewebe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 232.12)

tꜣy=, "[Poss.artikel sg.f.]" | "[poss. adj., fem. sing.]" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 212.2; GEG § 113; ENG §§ 179-82; CGG 43)

tꜣy.t, "Tür (im Tempel)" | "(main) door (of a temple)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 231.10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 71; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1121 f.)

tꜣy.t, "Gewebe; Mumienbinde; Segel; Vorhang" | "fabric; mummy bindings; sail; curtain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 232.13-15; FCD 293)

tꜣf, "Töpferofen" | "kiln" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 233.1-2; DrogWb 545)

tꜣm.w, "[Substantiv (Exkremente(?), Wurm (bildlich?)]" | "[noun (worm?)]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 233.3; FCD 294)

tꜣḥ, "eintauchen; versinken; verwirren; trüben" | "to plunge (into water); to souse" [verb] (Wb 5, 233.9-11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 71)

tꜣḥ, "Aufrührer (Unruhestifter durch Reden)" | "mischief-maker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 234.7; FCD 294)

tꜣḥ.t, "Bodensatz" | "dregs (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 233.12-234.3; DrogWb 545 ff.)

tꜣš, "Grenze; Gebiet" | "boundary; border; region" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 234.15-236.14)

tꜣš, "abgrenzen; teilen" | "to fix the limits of; to divide" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 236.15-237.8)

tj, "[Partikel zur Einl. von Sätzen]" | "[particle introducing a sentence]" [particle] (Wb 5, 237.14-238.3; EAG § 858e; GEG § 243; ENG § 681)

tj, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (CGG 22; ENG § 88; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80)

tj, "[Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 237.13)

tj.t, "Stößel" | "pestle" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4734)

tj.t, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a receptacle]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4735)

tj.t, "[Isisblut-Symbol]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 238.4)

tj.t, "Bruch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 238.6)

tj.t, "Zeichen; Figur; Gestalt; Fleck; Muster" | "image; form; sign" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 239.1-240.11; KoptHWb 220)

tj.t-Jmn, "Gestalt des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 151.23)

tj.t-Rꜥw, "Gestalt des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 5, 240.1)

tj-šps, "[Baum (mit wohlriechender Rinde, Kampfer?), seine Teile und Produkte]" | "[a tree with pleasant-smelling bark]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 243.5-14; Lüchtrath, GM 101, 1988, 43 ff.; vgl. Germer, Flora, 14)

tj-tw, "[eine Holzart]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Goyon, Imouthés, Col. 10.3; vgl. Verhoeven, Iahtesnacht II, 109)

tjꜣ, "akute Schmerzen" | "toothache" [substantive] (Wb 5, 241.4; MedWb 937; FCD 294)

tjꜣ, "stöhnen; schreien; jubeln" | "to cry out" [verb] (Wb 5, 241.6-9; FCD 294; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 73; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1123 f.)

tjꜣ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 241.11; DrogWb 548; Germer, Handbuch, 149)

tjꜣ, "Jubelnder" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 126 f., pl. 8)

tjꜣ.t, "[ein Mineral]; [ein Gefäß aus Mineral]" | "[a mineral]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Harris, Minerals, 91 f.)

tjꜥm, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 241.12-13; DrogWb 548 f.)

tjw, "wahrlich; ja" | "yes; indeed" [particle] (Wb 5, 242.1-7; FCD 294; GEG § 258; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 72)

tjw, "[eine Pflanze (med.)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 242.8; DrogWb 549)

tjs, "fixieren" | "to fix; to mount with" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 243.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 73)

tjs.t-Ḥr.w, "Genossin des Horus (Königinnen)" | "companion of Horus (the queen)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 242.11; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3711)

tjsw, "Schlagstock" | "[a staff]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 243.4; FCD 294)

tjšs, "(Früchte) mahlen; zerquetschen" | "to grind; to crush" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 243.17; vgl. KoptHWb 255, Anm. 7)

tjtj, "niedertreten" | "to trample" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 244.1-7; FCD 294)

tjtj, "[Bez. der Beine]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 357.10)

ty, "[ein Produkt]" | "[a product]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 237.9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 73; Caminos, LEM, 468 f.)

ty, "Steppe (?)" | english translation missing [substantive] (vgl. Wb 5, 241.3; Sethe, Kommentar PT, 318)

tyr.w, "Tiyaru-Leute" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI I, 16.9; RITA I, 13; RITANC I, 20)

ti̯, "zerstampfen (2ae inf.)" | "to trample" [verb] (Wb 5, 237.10-12; Allen, Inflection, 548)

tw, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.]; du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (CGG 22; ENG § 88; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80 f.)

tw, "man; [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 245.3-7; FCD 294; GEG § 47; Schenkel, Einf., 107 (3, 4))

tw, "[Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 244.9-10)

tw=, "[Einl. des Präs.I]" | english translation missing [particle] (Wb 5, 246.1-6; Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

tw=, "[zur Bildung von Objektpronomina]" | english translation missing [particle] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 80 (Anm.); CGG 32)

tw=(t), "du [Präs.I-Pron. sg.2.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

tw=j, "ich [Präs.I-Pron. sg.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

tw=w, "ihnen [dir. Obj. Pron. pl.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; CGG 32)

tw=f, "ihm; ihn [dir. Obj. Pron. sg.3.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; CGG 32)

tw=n, "uns [dir. Obj. Pron. pl.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; CGG 32)

tw=n, "wir [Präs.I-Pron. pl.1.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

tw=k, "dich; dir [dir. Obj. Pron. sg.2.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; CGG 32)

tw=k, "du [Präs.I-Pron. sg.2.m.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

tw=tw, "man [Präs.I-Pron. sg.3.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

tw=tn, "euch [dir. Obj. Pron. pl.2.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; CGG 32)

tw=tn, "ihr [Präs.I-Pron. pl.2.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 118; CGG 33)

twꜣ, "Armer; Bittender; Feind" | "man of low station; inferior" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 248.1-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1128)

twꜣ, "Türsturz (?)" | "lintel (or jamb?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4753; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 74)

twꜣ, "(jmdn.) bitten; (e. Forderung) erheben; stützen; hochheben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 248.5-7; 248.12-250.11)

twꜣ.w, "Böses" | "wrong; evil" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 248.9-11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 74)

twꜣ.w, "Schwellung" | "swellings (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 251.3; MedWb 938)

twꜣ.w, "Anspruch" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Zaba, Ptahhotep, 41 (D 319); vgl. FCD 295)

twꜣ.wt, "[eines der sieben heiligen Öle]" | "[one of the 7 holy oils]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 251.4-7; Koura, Öle, 40 f., 181 ff.)

twjꜣ, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 551)

twy, "diese [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | "[demonstrative pron., fem. sing. and dual]" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 251.8-9; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 111; JWSpG § 232)

twn, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 251.13-252.2; DrogWb 562 ff.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 510; Germer, Handbuch, 158 f.)

twr, "[eine Rohrpflanze]" | "[a reed-like plant]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 252.3-5; FCD 295; DrogWb 551)

twr, "Reinigung; Reinheit" | "purity; purification" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 254.17-22; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1129)

twr, "zurückweisen; (jmdn.) abweisen; achtungsvoll behandeln; respektieren; sich fernhalten (von etwas); sich halten an (etwas); reinigen; rein sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 252.10-254.16)

twr, "Respektierter" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 377m)

twr.wt, "Respekt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT VI, 206f)

twrj.t, "Stab" | "[a staff]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 252.6-8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 75)

twhr, "asiatische Krieger" | "(foreign) warrior" [substantive] (Wb 5, 322.10-14; FCD 301; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 95; Schulman, Military Rank, 22, 180 (Index))

twg, "[ein Kleid]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 255.6)

twt, "Statue; Abbild" | "statue; likeness; image" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 255.8-256.20)

twt, "gleich sein; adäquat sein; vollkommen sein" | "to be like; to be sufficient; to be complete" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 256-257.18; FCD 295 ff.)

twt, "vollkommen" | "complete" [adjective] (Wb 5, 258.1-259.2)

twt, "zusammen; vollständig" | "entire; complete" [adjective] (Wb 5, 259.13-260.10; FCD 295)

twt, "[Selbst. Pron. sg.2.c. (possessiv)]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Junge, Näg. Gr., 176, Anm. 3)

twt.w, "Gleichheit" | "likeness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 257.19-20)

twt.wj, "die beiden Übereinstimmenden" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Pyr 1329d), "die beiden Einmütigen" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 258.25; LGG VII, 379)

twti̯, "versammeln; versammelt sein" | "to collect; to assemble" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 5, 259.5-260.10; ONB 70; vgl. FCD 295; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 1131 f.)

twtn, "ihr; euch [Enkl. Pron. pl.2.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (ENG § 89; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80; CGG 22)

tb, "bezahlen" | "to pay" [verb] (Wb 5, 261.2; FCD 296)

tb.t, "Belohnung; Bezahlung" | "payment; reward" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 261.3; FCD 296)

tb.t, "[ein Maß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 261.4)

tb.t, "Kasten" | "box" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 261.6; Janssen, Furniture, 49 ff.; KoptHWb 225)

tbꜣ, "[ein Kultgegenstand]" | "[a cult object]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 684)

tbn, "Kopf; Oberseite" | "head; top" [substantive] (Wb 5, 261.12-14; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 77)

tbn, "Knochenmark" | "bone marrow" [substantive] (Wb 5, 262.2-3; MedWb 940)

tbn, "(ab)schneiden" | "to cut (off)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 78.4545)

tbs, "Ferse" | "heel" [substantive] (Wb 5, 262.9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 77)

tbs.w, "[ein Erzeugnis des Wadi Natrun]" | "[a product of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 262.8)

tbt.t, "[Pflanze]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.3382; DrogWb 553)

tbtb, "[Getreide- oder Brotart]" | "[a cereal]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 262.12; Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, 168; Faulkner, PT, 38, Anm. 7 (Pyr 123c))

tbtb, "[Verb]" | "[verb]" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Luft, Illahun, pBerlin P 10019)

tp, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 5, 273.1-276.9; EAG § 771; GEG § 173)

tp, "Kopf; Beginn (eines Gebietes); Spitze; Dach; Gipfel; Person; Anfang (eines Zeitabschnittes); Bestes (von); Oberhaupt; Prinzip (etwas zu tun); Rechnungsart (adm.); Kapital; selbst" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 263.3-267.16)

tp, "[eine Kiste]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Cerny, JEA 31, 1945, 39; Caminos, LEM, 432 f.)

tp.j, "befindlich auf; an der Spitze" | "being upon; having authority over" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 276.10-277.9)

tp.j, "erster" | "principal; first" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 277.10-279.3; FCD 296)

tp.j, "bester" | "best" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 279.4-5)

tp.j, "bester Leinenstoff" | "best linen" [substantive] (Wb 5, 292.14-16)

tp.j, "Erster" | "first" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 279.7-281.14)

tp.j-jꜣm=f, "der auf seinem Jam-Baum ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 388)

tp.j-ꜥ, "davor befindlich; vorderer" | "being in front of" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 283.1-6)

tp.j-ꜥ.wj, "Vorfahr; Vorgänger" | "ancestor; predecessor" [substantive] (Wb 1, 157.9; 5, 283.7-284.9)

tp.j-ꜥ.wj, "Bestes (Qualität)" | english translation missing [substantive] (Edel, ZÄS 102, 1975, 20-28; vgl. Wb 5, 283)

tp.j-ꜥ.wj, "davor befindlich; vorderer" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 283.1-6; FCD 297; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 719)

tp.j-n-jꜥꜣ.w, "Chefdolmetscher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap, Taf. 76H)

tp.j-n-mnj.ww, "Erster der Hirten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Gardiner, ZÄS 43, 1906, 28 ff.)

tp.j-nb.w-jmꜣḫ, "Erster der Herren der Ehrwürdigkeit" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Quibell/Spiegelberg, Ramesseum, Taf. XXXIX)

tp.j-nb.w-jmꜣḫ-ḫr-nswt-ḫr-Jnp.w-tp.j-ḏw=f-nb-tꜣ-ḏsr, "Erster der Herren der Ehrwürdigkeit beim König und bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, dem Herrn der Nekropole" | "chief of the possessors of reverence with the king and with Anubis-who-is-upon-his-hill, lord of the" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3713)

tp.j-nh.t=f, "der auf seiner Sykomore ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 390)

tp.j-rʾ, "Bisswunde" | "bite (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 287.3; MedWb 947; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 625)

tp.j-rʾ, "Kapital" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 287.19; FCD 297)

tp.j-rnp.t, "alljährlich" | "annually" [adverb] (Wb 5, 276.6-7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 79)

tp.j-rnp.t, "erster Tag des Jahres" | "first day of the year" [substantive] (Wb 5, 270.4-6)

tp.j-ḥꜣ.t, "erstes Bestes (feinstes Salböl)" | "first best (finest oil)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 290.19; Koura, Öle, 143 f.)

tp.j-sḫ.t=f, "der auf seinem Feld ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VI, 392)

tp.j-š, "auf dem See Befindlicher (Leichnam oder Statue beim Bestattungsritual)" | "what-is-upon-the-lake (statue? mummy?)" [substantive] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 178)

tp.j-tꜣ, "Erdenbewohner; Menschen; Hinterbliebener" | "earthling; living (as opposed to deceased) person; survivor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 292.8-11; FCD 298)

tp.j-tꜣ, "auf Erden befindlich" | english translation missing [adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition] (Wb 5, 292.5-7)

tp.j-ḏw, "der auf dem Berg ist" | "He-who-is-upon-the-mountain (a snake)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Kuhlmann/Schenkel, Ibi, T 457 (7); LGG VII, 393)

tp.j-ḏw=f, "der auf seinem Berge ist (Anubis)" | "one who is upon his hill (Anubis)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 543.5-12)

tp.j-ḏw=f-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt, "der auf seinem Berge an allen seinen Plätzen ist" | "who is upon his hill in all his places" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Kanawati/Abder Raziq, Teti Cemetery VII, pl. 38-39)

tp.jt, "Uräusschlange" | "uraeus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 293.8-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1141)

tp.jt, "das Erste (feines Salböl)" | "first (fine oil)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 293.13-294.5; Koura, Öle, 141 ff.)

tp.jt, "Erste" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 280.10-11)

tp.jt-ꜥ, "früherer Zustand" | "former state" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 285.1-2; FCD 297)

tp.jt-ꜥ, "davor befindliche; vordere (lok)" | "front" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 284.12)

tp.jt-ꜥ-Šnꜥ, "die vor Schena ist (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 404)

tp.jt-mr, "[Stoff von feiner Webart]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 2, 97.1)

tp.jt-nswt, "feinstes Königsöl" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, Tf. 15; vgl. Koura, Öle, 122)

tp.jt-rʾ, "Wort; Ausspruch" | "utterance; word" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 287.13-16; FCD 297)

tp.jt-ḏnḥ, "Gefieder" | "wing-feathers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 293.7)

tp.y, "große Hölzer" | "logs" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 295.3)

tp.w-ꜥ.wt, "Gliedmaßen; Glieder" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 285.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1135)

tp.t, "Kopf (als Körperteil)" | "head (as a part of the body)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 293.3-6; MedWb 945), "erster (nach der Reihenfolge); bester" | "first (in a series); best" [adjective] (Wb 5, 294.8-17), "[ein Schiffsteil]" | "[part of a boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 295.1; Jones, Naut. Titles, 192 (174))

tp-ꜣbd, "Monatsanfang; Neumondstag (2. Tag des Mondmonats)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 65.8; Parker, Calendars, § 36)

tp-jm, "vorher; vordem" | "previously" [adverb] (Wb 5, 272.18; GEG § 205.2)

tp-ꜥ, "früher; vordem" | "earlier; forthwith" [adverb] (Wb 5, 282.11; vgl. EAG § 752; FCD 297)

tp-ꜥ, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG §§ 752, 776)

tp-ꜥ.wj, "vor; [lokal]; [temporal]" | english translation missing [preposition] (EAG § 776; Pyr 1179c)

tp-ꜥnḫ, "Gefangener" | "prisoner of war" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 268.12; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 78)

tp-ꜥnḫ-Ꜣbḏ.w, "das Haupt des Lebens von Abydos (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 21, x+7.28)

tp-m, "nach ... hin; auf (jmdn.) zu; vor (jmdm.)" | "in front of; in the direction of" [preposition] (Wb 5, 272.9-15; vgl. EAG § 813; GEG § 179)

tp-mꜣꜥ, "an der Seite (von); neben" | "accompanying; at the side of" [preposition] (Wb 2, 24.15-16; 5, 285.4; GEG § 178)

tp-n-ꜥw.t, "Vieh ("Das Beste an Tieren"); Tier" | "best of animals (cattle)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 267.4; KoptHWb 223)

tp-nw, "Quai; Anlegestelle" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 14, 14; Traunecker, BIFAO 72, 1972, 206)

tp-nfr, "richtige Ordnung; Gutes; guter Anfang" | "good; good beginning; [synonym for maat]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 285.13-287.2)

tp-Rꜥw, "[8. Tag des Mondmonats]" | "[8th day of the lunar month]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 271.3)

tp-r, "oben bis" | english translation missing [preposition] (CG 20543)

tp-rʾ, "Wort; Ausspruch" | "utterance; word; spell" [substantive] (Wb 5, 287.4-12; FCD 297)

tp-rmn, "vor jemandem" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 2, 418.9; EAG § 786)

tp-rs.j, "Kopf des Südens (südliches Ägypten); Süden" | "Head-of-the-south (the far south)" [substantive] (Wb 4, 473.4; FCD 297)

tp-rd, "Weisung; Ordnung; Anordnung; Ritus; das, was zu dir gehört" | "instructions; regulations" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 288.2-289.23; FCD 297; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 79 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1137)

tp-rd.wj, "vor (jmdm.)" | "before (someone) (lit. at the feet of)" [preposition] (Wb 5, 290.3-4; EAG § 789)

tp-ḥw.t, "Dach; Tempeldach" | "roof (lit. what is upon the mansion)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 290.8-18)

tp-ḥr.j, "Oberhaupt" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 297)

tp-ḥr-mꜣs.t, "Kopf auf dem Knie (Trauergestus)" | "head upon knee (attitude of mourning)" [substantive] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 1; Koch, Sinuhe, 6)

tp-ḥsb, "Berechnung; Richtigkeit" | "reckoning; correct method; norm" [substantive] (Wb 3, 167.13-15; 5, 291.1-11; FCD 297)

tp-ḫn.t, "Rebellion" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 82.2)

tp-smd.t, "15. Tag des Mondmonats" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 269; Parker, Calendars, § 36)

tp-šw, "Armut; Verfall" | "destitution (?); decline (?)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 292.1-4; FCD 298; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 80)

tp-qsn, "schwieriger Fall" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 267.11)

tp-tꜣ, "Erdenleben; Existenz auf Erden; Lebenszeit; Erde" | "lifetime" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 274.29; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1138)

tp-dwꜣ.yt, "Morgengrauen, Morgen" | "dawn" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 424.13-14; FCD 298; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 81; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1139)

tp-ḏr.t, "[eine Abgabe]" | "[a tax]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.3396; Janssen, JEA 77, 1991, 87 f., Anm. y)

tpꜣ.w, "Teil des Schädels" | "[a part of the skull]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 295.5-6; MedWb 948)

tpꜣ.w, "Kopfgrind (?)" | "[an affliction of the head]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 295.7; MedWb 948; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 142)

tpꜣ.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 295.8-9; DrogWb 555; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 509)

tpꜣ.wt, "[Pflanzenteil (offizinell)]" | "[an ingredient (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 295.11-296.2; DrogWb 556; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 509)

tpy.w, "[(kleine) Fische]" | "fish" [substantive] (Wb 5, 296.7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 82)

tpnn, "Kreuzkümmel" | "cummin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 296.9-10; FCD 298; DrogWb 556 f.; Germer, Flora, 144; Germer, Handbuch, 153 f.)

tpr, "einatmen" | "to breathe" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 296.3-4; FCD 298)

tpr, "Atem" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VII, 247g)

tf, "jene, [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | "that (demons. pron., fem. sing.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 297.1-3; EAG § 182; GEG §§ 110, 112; Schenkel, Einf., 111)

tf, "speien" | "to spit out" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 297.6-8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 723; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1141)

tf, "Speichel" | "spittle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 297.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 723; KoptHWb 256)

tf, "jene" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pChester Beatty I, vso., C 1.7)

tf, "[Zustand oder Art einer Dattel]" | english translation missing [undefined] (DrogWb 558; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 550, Anm. 5)

tfꜣ, "jene [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | "that (demonstrative pron., fem. sing.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 298; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 112; ENG § 116)

tfj, "jene [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (GEG § 110; ENG § 116; JWSpG § 231)

tfi̯, "(gewaltsam) entfernen; zurückdrängen; aufspringen" | "to remove forcefully; to repulse" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 297.11-298.10; FCD 298; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 84)

tfn, "Waisenkind" | "orphan" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 299.3; FCD 298)

tfn, "Verbeulung (an Metallgeräten)" | "dent (in metal objects)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4804)

tfn.t, "Waisenmädchen" | "orphan" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 299.4)

tftf, "[eine nützliche Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 300.5)

tftf, "verwirrt sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 300.7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 85)

tm, "All; alles" | "everything" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 305.3-6; FCD 298 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 735)

tm, "Seil; Lasso" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 301.2; Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 52; Anm. 3)

tm, "zu Ende sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 301.4-302.3; 303.12-305.2)

tm.w, "Alles; Menschheit" | "everyone; humankind" [substantive] (Wb 5, 305.7-16; FCD 299; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1143 f.)

tm.w-wnn, "Nichtexistierende" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (WbZ: DZA 31091700)

tm.wt, "Gesamtheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT I, 246l)

tm.t, "Schlitten" | "sled" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 301.3; FCD 298)

tm-jr, "einer, der nichts erreicht hat" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pap. Ram. (Barns), 5 (8), pl. 2)

tmꜣ, "Matte" | "mat (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 307.2-9; FCD 299; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1144)

tmꜣ, "Sack" | "sack" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 307.15-17)

tmꜣ.yt, "Matte" | "mat" [substantive] (Wb 5, 307.10-11; FCD 299)

tmꜣ.wt, "Hautsack" | "pocket (of skin) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 308.4; MedWb 952)

tmꜣ.t, "Kleiderstoff; Fell" | "shroud" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 306.8; Meeks, Mythes, 125 f., Anm. 413)

tmꜣ.t, "Mutter" | "ancestress; mother" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 308.2-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1145)

tmy.t, "[eine Krankheit]" | "[a disease or affliction caused by demons]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 306.9; MedWb 952 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 382 ff.)

tmpsy-prdtḫy, "[Personengruppe]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Zibelius, "Nubisches" Sprachmaterial, 267)

tmm, "verschließen" | "to close (the mouth)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 308.5-9; KoptHWb 232)

tmm, "Blütenhüllblätter (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 558; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 509 f.)

tmrgn, "[ein Krieger]" | "[a kind (or class) of soldier]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.4820; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 87)

tmš.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1903b (Faulkner, Suppl.); Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 663)

tmt, "(etwas) mit Pulver bestreuen" | "to powder (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 309.1-3; MedWb 954 f.)

tmt.w, "Pulver" | "powder (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 309.4-5; MedWb 955 f.)

tmtm, "(Medikamente) zerquetschen" | "to pulverize (med.)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 309.7-8; MedWb 956)

tmtm, "[krankhafter Zustand der Augen]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 309.9; MedWb 956)

tn, "diese [Dem.Pron. sg.f.]" | "this (demons. pron., fem. sing.)" [pronoun: demonstrative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 309.11-14; EAG § 182; GEG § 110; Schenkel, Einf., 111; ENG § 114; CGG 40; JWSpG § 230)

tnj, "[eine Schale]" | "[a basin]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 380.4-5)

tnj, "alt werden; alt sein" | "to grow old; to be old" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 310.4-11; FCD 299)

tnj, "der Alte" | "old man" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 310.12-13; FCD 299)

tnj, "Alterserscheinung" | "(external) signs of age (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 310.14; FCD 299; MedWb 957)

tnj, "groß; überragend" | "towering" [adjective] (Wb 5, 310-311.2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 88)

tnj-n-nꜣ-wr.w-jmn.tjt, "der Älteste der Alten des Westens (Mondgott?)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.11)

tnbẖ, "verwirrt sein; bestürzt sein" | "to turn aside; to swerve" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 311.7-12; FCD 299)

tnm, "abwenden; irregehen" | "to turn aside; to go astray; to be confused" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 311.13-312.6)

tnm, "Furche" | "furrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 312.8; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 564)

tnm, "[eine Pflanze aus dem Wadi Natrun]" | "[a plant of the Wadi Natrun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 312.10; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 1380)

tntj, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 313.3; DrogWb 559)

tntm, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 313.5-6; DrogWb 559)

tr, "Zeit; Zeitpunkt; Jahreszeit" | "time; season" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 313.12-316.11)

tr, "[enkl. Partikel]" | "[enclitic particle]" [particle: particle_enclitic] (Wb 5, 316-317.9; EAG § 842; GEG § 256)

trj, "Tür, Tor" | "door" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 318.14-17; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 528)

try.t, "Schlechtes, Unreines" | "impurity" [substantive] (Wb 5, 317.12; FCD 306; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 765; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1147)

trꜥ, "Wurm (Apophis)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (pBremner-Rhind 32.37; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 529)

trr, "Ofen (des Bäckers)" | "oven (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 318.18; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 531; Greppin, CdE 68, 1993, 9 ff.)

trr, "wettlaufen" | "to race (?); to go for an outing (?)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 319.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 532; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 54)

trḫt, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (LEM 129.15)

trk.j, "Bewohner von Terek" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LEM 119.14)

th, "Frevel" | "sacriledge; transgression" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 321.1; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 94)

th.w, "Frevler" | "transgressor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 320.24-25; FCD 300; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 94)

th-mṯn, "Übertreter" | "one who oversteps the path" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 320.15; FCD 122)

thi̯, "übertreten; freveln; schädigen; irreführen; angreifen" | "to go astray; to transgress; to damage" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 319.3-320.23; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1148)

thb.w, "Eindickung (eines Heilmittels)" | "concentration (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 321.2-5; MedWb 958 f.)

thm, "durchstoßen; eindringen; treiben; mobilisieren" | "to perforate (med.); to penetrate; to drive (cattle)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 321.6-14; FCD 300; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 94 f.; KoptHWb 259)

thm, "Loch; Wunde" | "perforation; puncture (wound)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 322.4; FCD 301; MedWb 659)

tḥ, "Ablaufventil (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 146)

tḥꜣ, "[ein Werkzeug]" | "[a tool (saw?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Simpson, Pap. Reisner II, 37; Andreu/Cauville, RdE 29, 1977, 13; Meeks, AL 77.4845)

tḥwꜣ, "Erbsen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 323.1-4; DrogWb 559 ff.; Germer, Flora, 86; Germer, Handbuch, 155 ff.)

tḫ, "Lot der Waage" | "plummet (of a balance)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 323.7-12; FCD 301)

tḫ, "Rauschtrank" | "intoxicating drink" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 325.7-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1150)

tḫ.w, "Trinker" | "drunkard" [substantive] (Wb 5, 325.5-6; FCD 301)

tḫ.w, "[eine wohlriechende Pflanze]" | "[a pleasant-smelling plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 325.10-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1149; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 510)

tḫ.t, "Trunkenheit" | "drunkenness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 324.18-325.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1150)

tḫi̯, "sich betrinken; trunken sein" | "to be drunk; to become drunk" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 323.13-324.17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1150)

tḫb, "eintauchen; anfeuchten; bewässern" | "to dip; to moisten; to irrigate" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 326.1-11; MedWb 961; FCD 301; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1150)

tḫb, "Aufblähung; Geschwulstblase" | "bloating; blister (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 326.12-13; MedWb 960)

tḫbs, "Sack; Korb" | "[a basket]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 326.14; Ward, GM 109, 1989, 73 ff.)

tḫn, "Obelisk" | "obelisk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 326.15-24; FCD 301; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 97; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1151 f.)

tḫn, "Ibis" | "ibis (as Thoth's sacred animal)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 326.25-27; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 741; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1152 f.)

tḫn, "Verletzung (des Auges)" | "injury (to the eye) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 327.7; MedWb 961)

tḫn, "verbergen; verborgen sein" | "to hide; to be hidden" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 327.8-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1150 f.)

tḫn, "beschützen" | "to protect" [verb] (Wb 5, 327.19)

tḫn, "schädigen; verletzen" | "to injure" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 327.1-6; FCD 301; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 741; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 97)

tḫn-nṯr.j, "göttlicher Ibis (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+4.32; vgl. LGG VII, 437 f.)

tḫr, "[lederner Teil des Wagens]" | "[a chariot part (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 328.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 538)

tḫs, "schlachten; zerlegen" | "to butcher (animals for offerings)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 328.4-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1152)

tḫtḫ, "verwirren; verworren sein" | "to confuse; to confound" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 328.8-13; FCD 301; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 741; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 97 f.)

tḫtḫ, "Unordnung" | "disorder" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 325.21; EAG §§ 41.45)

tzm, "[ein kleines Schiff]" | "[a small boat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 328.15; Jones, Naut. Titles, 149 (83))

tš.w, "Ausgewanderte; Deserteure" | "deserters; wanderers" [substantive] (Wb 5, 329.14; FCD 301)

tšꜣ, "zerquetschen (Korn für Bier); spalten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 329.17-20)

tši̯, "fortgehen; verschwinden" | "to be absent from; to be missing; to flee" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 328.17-329.13)

tštš, "zerdrücken, zerquetschen" | "to pound; to hack to pieces" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 330.5-10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 742; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1153 f.)

tštš, "der Verstümmelte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 330.11; LGG VII, 441)

tkꜣ, "brennen; verbrennen; erleuchten" | "to illumine; to burn" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 332.14-333.2; FCD 302; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 742; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 99)

tkꜣ.w, "Flamme; Fackel; Kerze" | "flame; torch; candle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 331.5-15; FCD 301)

tkꜣ.t, "Beleuchtung" | "illumination" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 78.4610)

tkꜥ, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 5, 333.5)

tkn, "nahe sein; (sich) nähern; zu Nahe treten (feindlich)" | "to be near; to draw near" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 333.10-335.12; FCD 302)

tkn.w, "[ein Kultgegenstand]" | "tekenu (ritual effigy?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 335.14-15)

tkn.w, "Nachbarn" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 302)

tkn.w, "[Personenbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 743)

tkn-m-ḥꜥ.w-nṯr, "der sich dem Gottesleib nähert" | "one who approached the divine limbs" [epitheton_title: title] (Taylor, Titles of the 18th Dyn., no. 2268)

tkr, "Opponent" | "opponent" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 335.16; Franke, in: Feinde und Aufrührer, 110)

tks, "(einen Ort) erreichen; durchbohren" | "to reach, to pierce" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 335.17; FCD 302; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1154)

tkk, "angreifen; verletzen" | "to attack" [verb] (Wb 5, 336.2-10; FCD 302)

tkk, "Angreifer" | "attacker" [substantive] (Wb 5, 336.11; vgl. FCD 302)

tkk, "Angriff" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Hayes, Pap. Late MK, 71, 81, pl. V)

tkk, "der Angreifer (eine Schlange)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LGG VII, 446; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 743)

tkk.t, "Schlupfwespe" | "attacker (stinging insect (wasp?))" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 336.12; LGG VII, 446)

tktk, "angreifen" | "to attack" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 336.13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 100; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1155)

tt, "[Brot]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Janssen, BES 13, 1997, 16)

ttm, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Beck, Samanu, 118)

Ṯꜣ.w-mḥ.yt-(m-)ḥꜣb, "Tjau-mehi-em-hab (?)" | "Tjau-mehi-em-hab" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 368; Cerny, LRL, 9.10)

Ṯꜣ.t-db, "Tjat-deb" | "Tjat-deb" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery I, 71, pl. 65)

Ṯꜣ-wnw.t-n-jwḥ.w, "Der die Stunde der Überschwemmung bestimmt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 14.14)

Ṯꜣ-mw.t, "Djeme (Siedlung in und um Medinet Habu)" | "Djeme" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 65 f.; LÄ I, 1109 f.; VII, 300)

Ṯꜣy, "Tjay" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 388.11)

Ṯꜣw, "Tjau" | "Tjau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 388.15)

Ṯꜣwtj, "Tjauti (?)" | "Tjauti (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 389.5)

Ṯꜣnj, "Tjani" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 389.8)

Ṯꜣr.w, "Tjaru (Sile, ägyptische Grenzfestung gegen Asien)" | "Tjaru (Sile, border town and fort in the eastern Delta)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 355.14; LÄ V, 946 f.; GDG VI, 67)

Ṯꜣr.wt, "Die Getreidespeicher (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 250; CAA Wien, 21,40)

Ṯꜣr.t-Snb, "Der Speicher des Seneb (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 305)

Ṯꜣr.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Speicher des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 284)

Ṯꜣz, "Tjaz" | "Tjaz" [entity_name: person_name] (Green, PSBA 31, 1909, 321, pl. LIV)

Ṯꜣz.w, "Tjazu" | "Tjazu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 394.12)

Ṯꜣz.t, "Tjazet" | "Tjazet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 394.7)

Ṯꜣz.t, "Tjazet" | "Tjazet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.7)

Ṯꜣz-Ꜣs.t-pr.t, "Tchez-Aset-peret" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 393.24)

Ṯꜣz-zꜣ.w-m-s.t-ḥꜣb, "Anknüpfen der Schutzamulette auf dem Festplatz (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.5)

Ṯꜣzj, "Tjazi" | "Tjazi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 394.10)

Ṯjw, "Tjiu" | "Tjiu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 390.1)

Ṯjm.w, "Tjimu" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 15)

Ṯy, "Tjy" | "Tjy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 389.30)

Ṯwṯs, "Zuwanzas" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.9; Schneider, Personennamen, 248 f.; Breyer, Ägypten und Anatolien, 330)

Ṯb-nṯr, "Tjeb-netjer (12. u.äg. Gau, Sebennytos)" | "Tjeb-netjer (12th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 361.1; LÄ II, 398; Montet, Géographie I, 103 ff.; Vycichl, Dict. étym., 327)

Ṯbw, "Tjebu (Hauptstadt des 10. o.äg. Gaues, Qau-e-Kebir)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ VI, 608; VII, 300)

Ṯbw.t-mꜥnḫ.t, "Tjebut-manchet" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.19)

Ṯbw.t-Kꜣ=j-m-nfr.t, "Die Sandale des Kai-em-neferet (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 286)

Ṯbw.t-Ṯy, "Die Sandale des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 359)

Ṯbw.t-[-]-Rꜥw, "Die Sandale des [-]-Re (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 272)

Ṯ, "Tjebuti" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Montet, Géographie II, 133)

Ṯbn.t, "Tjebenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 73; Caminos, LEM, 283)

Ṯfj, "Tjefi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 390.26)

Ṯfjw, "Tjefiu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Hemet-Ra, Tf. IXA)

Ṯfw, "Tjefu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 390.27)

Ṯfrr.t, "Tefreret (Lapislazuli-Land)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 300.1; Harris, Minerals, 126, 134; LÄ III, 937; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1142; Montet, Revue archéologique 48, 1956, 3 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 757)

Ṯm.j, "Tjemi" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 15 (PT 502))

Ṯm.j-Tꜣ.wj, "Tjemi-taui" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 462; vgl. Wb 5, 367.5)

Ṯmꜣ-ꜥ, "Der mit kräftigem Arm" | "Strong-of-arm" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 367.21-23, 368, 2; LGG VII, 462 ff.)

Ṯmꜣm, "Tjemam" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.11)

Ṯmj, "Tjemi" | "Tjemi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 391.1)

Ṯmy, "Tjemi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.12)

Ṯmpꜣw, "Tjempau" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 12)

Ṯmrw, "Tjemeru" | "Tjemeru" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati/Hassan, Teti Cemetery II, 15)

Ṯmḥ, "Tjemeh" | "Tjemeh" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 391.6)

Ṯmzj, "Tjemzi" | "Tjemzi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 391.10)

Ṯmzw, "Tjemezu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Mastabas of Hemet-Ra, Abb. 4)

Ṯms, "Tjemes (Bezirk im Fayum?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Luft, Illahun 2, P. 10045, 2, 5-6)

Ṯmqn, "[ein Krankheitsdämon]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 370.10; LGG VII, 467)

Ṯn, "Tjuna" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Caminos, LEM, 292)

Ṯn.t-jr.w, "Die mit erhabener Gestalt" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Sawi/Gomaà, Panehsi, 41)

Ṯnꜣ, "Tjena" | "Tjena" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 391.16)

Ṯnj, "Thinis" | "Thinis" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 372.11-12; GDG VI, 59; LÄ VI 475 ff.)

Ṯnf.j, "Tjenefi" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 391.24)

Ṯnm, "Bier" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 381.9; LGG VII, 474)

Ṯnm, "Zalma" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schneider, Personennamen, 250)

Ṯ, "Tenemit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 474)

Ṯnn, "Tjenen" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.17)

Ṯnn.t, "Tjenenet" | "Tjenenet" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 381.11-13; LGG VII, 475)

Ṯnn.t, "[memphitisches Heiligtum]; [Bezirk der Unterwelt]" | "Tjenenet (sanctuary at Memphis, region of the nether world)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 382.1-4; Montet, Géographie I, 33; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 18 ff.)

Ṯnnj, "Tjeneni" | "Tjeneni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 392.4)

Ṯnr.y, "Tjenery" | "Tjenery" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 381.24)

Ṯnh.t, "Tjenehet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 78)

Ṯnt.t, "Tjentet" | "Tjenetet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 392.12)

Ṯ, "Tjenteti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 392.13)

Ṯntj, "Tjenti" | "Tjenti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 392.10)

Ṯr, "Tjer" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 392.16)

Ṯr.t, "Weide" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 478)

Ṯrj, "Tjeri" | "Tjeri" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.18)

Ṯry, "Tjary (auch kurz für Djehuti-mesu)" | "Tjaroy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 392.19)

Ṯrḥ, "Tjereh" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 68)

Ṯḥn.w, "Libyen" | "Libya" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 394.5-9; LÄ III, 1086 ff.)

Ṯḥn.t, "Tjehenet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthes, 2.10; vgl. RPN I 393.20)

Ṯḥn-jdb.w, "Der mit glänzenden Ufern" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 480)

Ṯḥn-mj-Jtn, "Glänzend wie Aton (Name einer Truppe)" | "Dazzling-like-Aten" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Allam, Ostr. u. Pap., 288, Tf. 86)

Ṯz.t-j, "Tjezti" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 431.19)

Ṯz-mꜣq.t, "Aufstellen der Leiter (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.5)

Ṯz-n=s-Ptḥ, "Tjesenes-Ptah" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 65)

Ṯz-n-jꜣb.tjt, "Sandbank des Ostens" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 32.4)

Ṯzmy, "Tjezemi" | "Tjezemi" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Ṯst, "Tjeset (?)" | "Tjeset (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 394.18)

Ṯkw, "Tjeku" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 83; LÄ VI, 609)

Ṯknš, "Diqnasch" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 84; AEGD 965 f.)

Ṯt.j-ꜥꜣ, "Tjeti-aa" | "Tjeti-aa" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, fig 12a)

Ṯt-jqr, "Tjet-iqer" | "Tjet-iker" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, 26, fig. 10)

Ṯt-gꜣ-mꜣ, "Tjet-ga-ma" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza IX, fig. 32, 33)

Ṯtj, "Tjeti" | "Tjeti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.4)

Ṯtj, "Tjeti" | "Tjeti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.5)

Ṯty-jqr, "Tjety-iqer" | "Tjeti-iqer" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.27)

Ṯtw, "Tjetu" | "Tjetu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.8)

Ṯtw.t, "Tjetut" | "Tjetut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.9)

Ṯtwj, "Tjetui" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.28)

Ṯtwjt, "Tjetuit (?)" | "Tjetuit (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 331.29)

Ṯtn, "Tjeten (Ort in Nubien)" | "Tjeten" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 84; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts- und Völkernamen, 189)

Ṯtt, "Tjetet" | "Tjetet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.14)

Ṯtt.w, "Tjetetu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.17)

Ṯṯ, "Tjetj" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.22)

Ṯṯj, "Tjetji" | "Tjetji" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.24)

Ṯṯw, "Tjetju" | "Tjetju" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 395.27)

ṯ.t, "Speisentisch" | "table (for food)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 338.9-339.11; FCD 302)

ṯ.t, "Holzwerk (für ein Schiff)" | "timber (for boat building)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 339.13; Jones, Naut. Titles, 194 (183))

ṯ.t, "Leute; Mannschaft; Schreiberschaft" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 338.1-6)

ṯꜣ, "Junges; junger Vogel; Kind" | "fledgling; chick" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 339.14-340.18)

ṯꜣ, "Kügelchen; Tröpfchen" | "pellet; drop" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 341.4-342.3)

ṯꜣ, "anmaßend sein (?)" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 5, 342.8; FCD 302)

ṯꜣ, "[Teil des Wagens]" | "[part of a chariot (handgrip?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 349.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 102)

ṯꜣ, "ausklauben" | "to sort (during the flax harvest)" [verb] (Wb 5, 343.6)

ṯꜣ, "Säule (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 124 f., Anm. 410)

ṯꜣ.y, "Mann" | "man; male" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 344.12-345.13)

ṯꜣ.y, "männlich" | "male" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 345.14-19)

ṯꜣ.y, "der Männliche" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 451; Meeks, Mythes, 71, Anm. 139)

ṯꜣ.y-wr, "großer Männlicher (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 451)

ṯꜣ.y-bšꜣ, "Meißelführer; Steinmetz" | "wielder of the besha (stone-working tool); stonemason" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 1, 478.13; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 138)

ṯꜣ.y-mḥ.yt, "Federbuschtragender (Nubier)" | english translation missing [substantive] (KRI VI, 519.13)

ṯꜣ.y-mḏꜣ.t, "Graveur ("Träger des Meißels")" | "wielder of the chisel; sculptor" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 2, 188.10; 5, 348.1; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 103)

ṯꜣ.y-n-jd.wt, "Männlichster für die Kühe (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 451)

ṯꜣ.y-ḫw, "Wedelträger" | "fan-bearer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 246.10; 5, 348.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 104)

ṯꜣ.y-ḫw-n-pr-ꜥꜣ-ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "Wedelträger des Pharao, l.h.g." | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (KRI II, 130.11)

ṯꜣ.y-ḫw-ḥr-wnm.j-nswt, "Wedelträger zur rechten Seite des Königs" | "fan-bearer on the king's right" [epitheton_title: title] (LÄ VI, 1162; vgl. Wb 5, 348.4 und 1, 322.6-7; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 104)

ṯꜣ.y-ḫw-ḥr-wnm.j-nswt, "Wedelträger zur rechten Seite des Königs" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (LÄ VI, 1162; vgl. Wb 5, 348.4 und 1, 322.6-7; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 104)

ṯꜣ.y-sry.t, "Standartenträger" | "standard-bearer" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 4, 192.13-18; 5, 348.5; Schulman, Military Rank, 69 ff.)

ṯꜣ.y-sry.t, "Standartenträger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 4, 192.13-18; 5, 348.5; Schulman, Military Rank, 69 ff.)

ṯꜣ.y-sry.t-n-pꜣ-zꜣ-n-Nfr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw-wꜥ-n-Rꜥw, "Standartenträger der Phyle des Nefer-cheperu-Re-wa-en-Re" | "standard-bearer of the phyle of Nefer-kheperu-re Wa-en-re" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2129)

ṯꜣ.w, "Träger" | "journeyman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 349.9; FCD 303; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 1568)

ṯꜣ.w, "Buchsammlung" | "collection (of writings) (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 349.16-18; MedWb 963)

ṯꜣ.w, "Ansammlung (im Magen)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 350.1; MedWb 963)

ṯꜣ.w-pḏ.t, "Bogenträger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_king] (KRI II, 6.11 ff.)

ṯꜣ.w-n-zꜣṯ.w, "Träger des Bau(amtes)" | "journeyman of brick(-making)" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 3, 424.10; 5, 349.14; Ward, Titles, no. 1574)

ṯꜣ.w-n-zẖꜣ.w-ꜥn-n-nswt, "Träger des Schreibers der Schreibtafel des Königs" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Posener, RdE 11, 1957, 126 f. pl. 8; vgl. Ward, Titles, no. 1579)

ṯꜣ.wt, "gestohlenes Gut; Diebesgut (als Wiedererstattungswert); Konfiziertes" | "penalty; fine" [substantive] (Wb 5, 350.11; FCD 303; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 104)

ṯꜣ.wt, "Raub" | "theft" [substantive] (Wb 5, 353.9; FCD 303)

ṯꜣ.t, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 343.3)

ṯꜣ.t, "Jüngchen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (CT II, 32f)

ṯꜣ.tj, "Wesir (höchster Beamter)" | "vizier" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 343.8-344.9; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3720)

ṯꜣ.tj, "Wesir (höchster Beamter)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 343.8-344.9)

ṯꜣ-ꜥ, "Richtlinie (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Jasnow/Zauzich, Book of Thoth, 173)

ṯꜣy, "tadeln" | "to criticize; to reproach" [verb] (Wb 5, 348.12-15; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 104)

ṯꜣy, "Vorwurf; Tadel" | "reproach; fault" [substantive] (Wb 5, 349.1-2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 104)

ṯꜣy, "[ein Behälter]" | "[a receptacle (box, basket)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 349.5-8; Janssen, Prices, 204 f.)

ṯꜣi̯, "nehmen; fortnehmen; (Kleidung) tragen; eingravieren, einritzen" | "to take; to sieze; to don (clothing)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 346.1-347.20; FCD 302)

ṯꜣw, "[eine Pflanze]" | "fan-shaped palm leaves" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 353.2-3; Caminos, LEM, 442 ff.)

ṯꜣw, "Luft; Wind; Atem; Segel" | "air; wind; breath" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 350.12-352.29)

ṯꜣw, "Schiffer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 353.7; Andrássy, JESHO 45, 2002, 397 f.)

ṯꜣw.t, "Segel" | "sail (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 353.8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 749 f.)

ṯꜣw.t, "[eine Raumbezeichnung]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 46 f., Anm. d)

ṯꜣu̯, "stehlen" | "to rob; to steal" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 350.2-10; KoptHWb 437; vgl. ONB 52)

ṯꜣb, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 354.1-9; FCD 303; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 107 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1161)

ṯꜣb.t, "Darlehen (an Getreide); Agrarüberschuss" | "loan (of grain); agricultural surplus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 354.10; FCD 303; Meeks, in: Fs Altenmüller, 275 ff.)

ṯꜣpr, "anschwellen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Pyr 532a, 1416c; Allen, Inflection, 577)

ṯꜣm, "(sich) verhüllen; (sich) überziehen (mit Haut) (Wundheilung)" | "to cloak; to close (of a wound)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 354.12-14; FCD 303; MedWb 965)

ṯꜣm, "Umhüllung; Binde; Windel" | "cloak; swaddling clothes; bandages" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 354.15-18; FCD 303)

ṯꜣm, "Vorhaut" | "foreskin" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 354.20-21; FCD 303)

ṯꜣm.t, "Nachsicht" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 354.13)

ṯꜣr, "festmachen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (FCD 303)

ṯꜣr.t, "[Holzkonstruktion auf/in Schiffen]; Vor/Achterschiff" | "[an enclosed structure]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Schulman, BES 1, 1979, 29-40)

ṯꜣz, "knoten; verknüpfen; anfügen; erzeugen" | "to tie; to join to" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 396.12-399.3; EÄG § 29; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1172 f.)

ṯꜣz, "Wirbelknochen; Wirbelsäule" | "vertebra; spine" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 400.2-7; MedWb 968 ff.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 278)

ṯꜣz, "Hals; Gefäßhals" | "neck" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 400.8-9; vgl. FCD 307)

ṯꜣz, "Zahn" | "tooth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 401.1)

ṯꜣz, "Herrscher sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 402.7-8)

ṯꜣz, "Spruch; Ausspruch; Rede" | "saying; utterance; phrase" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 403.10-21)

ṯꜣz, "Knoten" | "knot" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 770; DrogWb 569 (1))

ṯꜣz, "Ausstattung (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT VI, 275g)

ṯꜣz.w, "Befehlshaber" | "commander" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 402.9-19; ONB 167; Ward, Titles, no. 1595)

ṯꜣz.w-wḥ.wt, "Dorfbefehlshaber" | "mayor of the villages" [epitheton_title: title] (AEO I, 31*)

ṯꜣz.w-mnmn.t-n-pr-Jmn, "Befehlshaber der Herde des Amuntempels" | "gatherer of cattle of the house of Amun" [epitheton_title: title] (Ayedi, Titles NK, no. 2156)

ṯꜣz.w-n-Bhn, "Befehlshaber von Buhen" | "Commander of Buhen" [epitheton_title: title] (Ward, Titles, no. 1595a)

ṯꜣz.w-n-Gbtw, "Befehlshaber von Koptos" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Petrie, Koptos, pl. 8; vgl. Sethe, Lesestücke, 98.3)

ṯꜣz.t, "Knoten" | "knot" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 399.4-11; EÄG § 29)

ṯꜣz.t, "Wirbelknochen; Rückgrat" | "vertebra" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 400.10-13; MedWb 968; Walker, Anatom. Term., 278; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1175 f.; KoptHWb 434)

ṯꜣz.t, "[Teil des Wagens]" | "[an ivory chariot appertenance (knob? boss?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 401.2-3; Caminos, LEM, 214)

ṯꜣz.t, "Truppe" | "detachment; troop; gang (of workmen)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 402-403.9; EÄG § 29; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3727)

ṯꜣz.t, "Zahn" | "tooth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 409.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1176)

ṯꜣz.t, "Zusammengefügtes (?); verknotetes Bündel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Hornung, Anbetung I, 141)

ṯꜣ, "Harnverhaltung" | "urinary retention (med.)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 399.13; MedWb 968)

ṯꜣz-wp.t, "der, dessen Gehörn befestigt ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 491; Meeks, Mythes, 117 f., Anm. 373)

ṯꜣz-pẖr, "umgedreht (zu lesen) (Rezitationsvermerk)" | "vice-versa" [undefined] (Wb 5, 404.1-4; FCD 308)

ṯꜣz-pḏ.t, "Truppenbefehlshaber" | "troop commander" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 1, 571.6; FCD 97)

ṯꜣz-ḥwr.w, "üble Rede; Vorwurf" | "slander; reproach" [substantive] (FCD 308)

ṯꜣz-tp, "Kopfanknüpfer" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 495)

ṯj.t, "Thymian" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 357.6; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 1421)

ṯjꜣ, "sich uneinig sein (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 357.1)

ṯjs, "[Teig zerkleinern o.Ä. (für Biermaische)]" | "[preparing (?) dough for beer making]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 357.5)

ṯw, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.]" | "you (depen. pron., 2nd per. masc. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 357.11-358.10; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107)

ṯwꜣ, "Widerstand" | "hindrance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 359.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 752)

ṯwfj, "Papyruspflanze; Papyrusdickicht" | "papyrus flowers; papyrus marsh" [substantive] (Wb 5, 359.6-10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 107)

ṯwn, "stoßen; angreifen, attackieren" | "to gore; to attack" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 359.11-12; FCD 305; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 752; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1161)

ṯwn, "Zuwendung; Geschenk" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 360.1; Gardiner, JEA 42, 1956, 17)

ṯwt, "du, [Selbst. Pron. sg.2.m./c.]" | "you (indepen. pron., 2nd per. masc.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 360.5-9; EAG § 172; Schenkel, Einf., 110)

ṯwṯkn, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 360.11; DrogWb 564)

ṯb, "[ein Kasten (für Vögel)]" | "crate (for fowl)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 360.12)

ṯb, "beschuht sein; (mit Lederzeug) versehen sein" | "to be shod; to provide with sandals" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 363.6-10; vgl. FCD 304)

ṯb, "[ein Brot (sohlenförmig)]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Junker, Giza II, 87, Abb. 33)

ṯb.t, "Keule" | "rod; (cult) utensil" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 360.13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 109)

ṯbw, "Sohle; Sandale" | "sole; sandal(s)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 361.2-8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 108; KoptHWb 251, 253)

ṯbw, "Sandalenmacher" | "sandalmaker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 363.11-15; FCD 304)

ṯbw, "Sandalenmacher" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 363.11-15; FCD 304; Ward, Titles, no. 1593)

ṯbw.t, "Sohle (des Fußes); Sandale; Fuß" | "sole (of the foot); sandal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 361.9-363.3; FCD 304; vgl. ONB 624; Walker, Anatom. Term., 278)

ṯbw-wnš, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 247.15; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 1344)

ṯbb, "zermalmen" | "to shatter (?)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 364.3)

ṯbn, "eilen" | "to be quick" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 364.4; FCD 304; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 756)

ṯbhn, "springen" | "to leap (of animals)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 364.5; FCD 304)

ṯp.t, "[Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, Falttafel, x+12)

ṯpr, "Schreiber" | "scribe (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 364.9; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 540; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 54)

ṯprṯ, "Streitwagen (der Hethiter)" | "(bronze-clad Hittite) chariot" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 364.10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 542)

ṯpḥ.t, "Höhle; Loch; Kapelle (im Tempel)" | "cavern; (snake's) hole; chapel (of a temple)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 364.11-366.5)

ṯpḥ.tj, "Höhlenbewohner" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Pyr 1072d (Faulkner, Suppl.); Leclant, Pepy, P/A/E 29)

ṯpg, "Kaserne" | "barracks (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 366.8; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 543; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 54)

ṯfrr, "Lapislazuli" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 300.2-3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1142; Montet, Revue archéologique 48, 1956, 3 f.)

ṯftn, "überstürzen; vorangehen (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 366.14-15; Cerný, CED, 322; Laisney, Aménémopé, 125)

ṯm, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.f.]" | "you (depen. pronoun, 2nd person fem. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 367.1; EAG § 166)

ṯm, "Augen niederschlagen; sich schämen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 367.2-4; Laisney, Aménémopé, 63, Anm. 346 f.)

ṯmꜣ, "Kataster" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 304; vgl. Wb 5, 300.12)

ṯmꜣ-ꜥ, "der mit kräftigem Arm" | "stong of arm" [epitheton_title: epith_king] (Wb 5, 367.6-368.5)

ṯmḥ, "Libyer" | "Libyan" [substantive] (Wb 5, 368.11-13)

ṯmḥ, "sich abwenden; sich entzweien" | english translation missing [verb] (Wb 5, 369.2; vgl. Quack, Anii, 117, Anm. 118)

ṯmḥ.y, "roter Ocker (aus Nubien)" | "[a kind of red ochre]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 369.4; Harris, Minerals, 154)

ṯmḥ.t, "[eine Landbez.]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 369.3; AEO II, 220*)

ṯms, "(etwas) vergraben" | "to bury; to cover" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 369.6; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 110)

ṯms, "rot sein" | "red; ruddy" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 369.7-12; FCD 304; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 758)

ṯms, "Rotfärbung, Röte (krankhaft)" | "redness (med., as a symptom of illness)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 369.13; MedWb 954)

ṯms.w, "Böses; Unrecht" | "injury; harm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 370.2-6; FCD 305; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 110; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1164 f.)

ṯms.t, "rotgefärbter Stoff" | "red-colored strip of cloth" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 369.14)

ṯms.t, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 369.15; MedWb 954; Charpentier, Recueil, Nr. 1378)

ṯ, "[Bezeichnung des Horus]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 370.1)

ṯmss.t, "[ein Gegenstand (?)]" | "red thing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 370.9)

ṯmt, "du, [Selbst. Pron. sg.2.f.]" | "you (indepen. pron., 2nd person fem. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 370.11; EAG § 172; Schenkel, Einf., 110)

ṯn, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.f]" | "you (depen. pron., 2nd per. fem. sing.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 371.3-5; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, EInf., 107)

ṯn, "ihr; euch [Enkl. Pron. pl.2.c.]" | "you (depen. pron., 2nd per. pl.)" [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (Wb 5, 371.6-13; EAG § 166; GEG § 43; Schenkel, Einf., 107; ENG § 89; Junge, Näg. Gr., 80)

ṯn, "Ehrwürdiger" | "venerable one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Habachi, Heqaib, 42 (no. 13))

ṯn, "Erhabener" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 467)

ṯn.w, "Grenzmark; Ufergebirge" | "cliffs (along the river, forming a boundary)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 372.3-8)

ṯn.w, "Erhabenheit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 375.29; FCD 305)

ṯn.t, "Unterschied" | "difference" [substantive] (Wb 5, 376.1-2; FCD 305)

ṯn.t, "[Frau, mit der Tjeni-Schale ausschenkend]" | "bowl woman (a woman who serves a drink from a bowl)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.4926)

ṯn-jr.w=f, "derjenige, dessen Gestalt erhaben ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 468)

ṯn-r-nṯr.w, "der erhabener als alle Götter ist" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 469)

ṯn-r-nṯr-nb, "der erhabener ist als jeglicher Gott (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 25.9; Haikal, Nesmin, 88; vgl. LGG Vii, 469)

ṯn-ḥꜣb.w-sd, "der mit erhabenen Sedfesten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 469)

ṯn-sw-r-jtj.w=f, "der sich über seine Väter erhebt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 470)

ṯn-tn-ḥqn-n-rs.j-jnb=f, "der Erhabene, der den Lobpreis von dem, der-südlich-seiner-Mauer-ist, erhebt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 6.13)

ṯnj, "wo?; woher?; wohin?" | "where? whence? whither?" [pronoun: interrogative_pronoun] (Wb 5, 373.1-14; EAG § 1012; GEG §§ 205, 503; ENG § 745; CGG 136)

ṯnj, "Ehre; Verehrung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 380.3; McDowell, Hier. Ostraca, 7, Anm. a)

ṯnj, "schwach werden" | "to be feeble (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 380.6; KoptHWb 427)

ṯnj, "ihr; euch [Enkl. Pron. dual.2.c.]" | english translation missing [pronoun: personal_pronoun] (EAG § 166; Schenkel, Einf., 107)

ṯni̯, "erheben; (sich) abheben; ausgezeichnet sein; unterscheiden" | "to lift up; to distinguish; to be distinguished" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 374.1-375.28)

ṯnw, "zählen; kontrollieren" | "to count" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 376.5-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1166)

ṯnw, "Zahl; Anzahl" | "number; quantity" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 376.10-377.10)

ṯnw, "jeder" | "each; every" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 377.11-378.27; GEG § 101; FCD 305)

ṯnw, "jedesmal wenn (mit Verbalform); sooft" | "every time that" [substantive] (Wb 5, 379.1-4; GEG § 181; FCD 305)

ṯnw.t, "Zählung; Zahl (Quantität)" | "count; quantity" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 379.5-15)

ṯnw-n.w-rʾ, "mündliche Mitteilung; Erklärung" | "reminder; explanation" [substantive] (Wb 5, 380.1; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 763)

ṯnw-rnp.t, "alljährlich" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 378.1-5; vgl. GEG § 181; KoptHWb 235)

ṯnf, "trinken (beim Gelage); tanzen" | "to enjoy (?); to dance" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 380.10-11; vgl. FCD 306; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 110)

ṯnf, "[ein Gewicht (in Rezepten, für Getreide)]" | "[substance for making kyphi?]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 381.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1167)

ṯnf, "messen; veranschlagen; zusammenrechnen" | "to measure; to appraise" [verb] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 110; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1167; KoptHWb 427,7; Meeks, AL 77.4937)

ṯ, "Beutel; Sack" | "sack; bag" [substantive] (Wb 5, 380.12-13; Lesko, Dictionary IV 110 f.)

ṯnf.t, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 381.5)

ṯnm, "Kessel; Grube" | "vat (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 381.8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 763)

ṯnm, "Bier" | "[a kind of beer]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 381.7)

ṯnn.wj, "Tjenenui" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 382.5; LGG VII, 472)

ṯnr, "stark sein; tüchtig sein" | "to be strong; to grow strong; to perserve" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 382.6-10; FCD 306; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 90)

ṯnr, "Starker" | "mighty one" [substantive] (Wb 5, 383.16-18)

ṯnr, "Kraft; Stärke" | "might; mighty deeds" [substantive] (Wb 5, 383.19-384.5; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 91; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1167 f.)

ṯnr, "Hügel; Tell" | "mound; hill" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 384.6; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 527)

ṯnr, "stark; tüchtig" | "strong; energetic; effective" [adjective] (Wb 5, 382.11-383.15; FCD 306; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 90)

ṯnḥ, "blicken (auf jmdn.); beobachten; zwinkern" | "to blink; to wink" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 384.10-11; Quack, Ani, 93, Anm. 29; Laisney, Aménémopé, 160, Anm. 941)

ṯnḥr, "[ein Falke]" | "hawk" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 384.12; FCD 306)

ṯntm, "[Pflanze]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 15)

ṯnṯꜣ.t, "Thronestrade; "Erhöhendes"" | "throne dais" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 384.14-385.9; FCD 306; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1168; Kuhlmann, Thron, 75 ff.)

ṯr.w, "[ein mineralischer Stoff (ockerhaltig)]" | "[a mineral, from Elephantine, containing ochre]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 386.11-12; Harris, Minerals, 154 f.; DrogWb 566 f.)

ṯr.w, "Rotes (Blut)" | "blood; gore" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 386.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 765; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1169; Harris, Minerals, 154 f.)

ṯr.t, "Weide (Salix subserrata Wild.); ägyptische Weide (Salix mucronata Thunb.)" | "willow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 385.13-386.3; LÄ VI, 1164; KoptHWb 242; Germer, Handbuch, 159 f.)

ṯr.t, "feines Mehl" | "finely ground wheat flour (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 388.7; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 550)

ṯrj, "[ein Gebäck]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 386.5; AEO II, 232*)

ṯryn, "Panzer" | "body armor (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 386.6-10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 546; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 42)

ṯrwrw, "sich freuen (an etwas)" | "to delight in" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 5, 387.4; Allen, Inflection, 588)

ṯrp, "Bläßgans" | "white-fronted goose" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 387.6-9; LÄ II, 504)

ṯrp, "torkeln (von Betrunkenen)" | "to stumble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 387.10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 112)

ṯrf, "Tanz" | "dance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 387.11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 112)

ṯrf, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 357.4; Allen, Pyramid Texts, 91)

ṯrm, "zwinkern; blinzeln; zucken (der Augen als medizinisches Symptom)" | "to wink; to blink" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 387.12-15; FCD 306; vgl. KoptHWb 433; Sauneron, Ophiologie, 176)

ṯrry, "Wall" | "siege mound (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 388.3; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 548; Breyer, Tanutamani, 159 ff.)

ṯrḥ, "spotten" | "to mock; to deride; to be offensive (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 388.4; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 553; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 82 f., Anm. h)

ṯrt, "[ein kleines Schiff (Flachboot)]" | "skiff; scow" [substantive] (Wb 5, 388.8; Jones, Naut. Titles, 149, no. 84)

ṯhꜣ, "Lahmer" | "lame one" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 388.10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 113; KoptHWb 440)

ṯhw, "[Pflanzenbestandteil]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 567 f.)

ṯhb, "springen" | "to prance" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 388.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1170)

ṯhm, "reizen; kränken" | "to harry" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 389.1; FCD 306)

ṯḥ.w, "Freude" | "joy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 389.6; FCD 306)

ṯḥj, "berühren" | "to touch" [verb] (Wb 5, 389.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 113; KoptHWb 440)

ṯḥb, "[Gebäude]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 389.8; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 552)

ṯḥn, "treffen; begegnen; (feindlich) zusammenstossen" | "to meet; to engage (an enemy, in battle)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 389.12-390.8; FCD 306; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 113)

ṯḥn, "Glanz" | "brightness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 393.23-25; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1171)

ṯḥn, "[Bez. für Blumen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 394.4)

ṯḥn, "glänzend; leuchtend" | "bright; dazzling" [adjective] (Wb 5, 392.17-393.10)

ṯḥn, "glänzen; leuchten; erhellen; erheitern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 391-393.22)

ṯḥn.w, "libysches Öl" | "Libyan oil" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 394.9; Koura, Öle, 193 ff.)

ṯḥn.wj, "Libyer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 394.8)

ṯḥn.t, "Fayence; Glas (aus Silicium)" | "faience; glass" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 390.11-391.15; Harris, Minerals, 135 ff.)

ṯḥn.t, "Baumgarten" | "[a field]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 394.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1171; Laisney, Aménémopé, 77, Anm. 428)

ṯḥn-ḥr, "der mit glänzendem Gesicht" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 481)

ṯḥn-ḫꜥ.w, "der mit glänzender Erscheinung" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 482)

ṯḥn-ḫpr.w, "funkelnd an Gestalten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 483)

ṯḥnw.yw, "die Libyer" | "Libyans" [substantive] (Wb 5, 394.10)

ṯḥr, "Schädigung; Spott" | "mockery" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 395.4; vgl. Hoch, Sem. Words. no. 553)

ṯḥḥ, "jauchzen; sich freuen; (jmdm.) zujubeln" | "to exult" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 395.5-7)

ṯḥḥw.t, "Jauchzen, Jubel" | "exultation" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 395.8-396.6; FCD 307; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1172)

ṯḥs, "(Leder) recken; ausspannen" | "to stretch (e.g., leather)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 396.7)

ṯḥs.t, "[ein Metall]" | "copper; bronze (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 396.8-10; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1172; Laisney, Aménémopé, 168, Anm. 976)

ṯḥsb.t, "[Substantiv oder Name]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 64)

ṯz, "Sandbank ("Erhöhung")" | "sandbank" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 401.12-402.5)

ṯz, "Steuer; Leistung" | "taxes; dues; delivery" [substantive] (Wb 5, 404.11; Lesko, Dictionary, IV, 115)

ṯz, "Stütze" | "support" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 407.16; FCD 308)

ṯz.w, "Tadelnswertes" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 408.8-10; ONB 107)

ṯz.w, "Versteifung (im Nacken); Anhäufung" | "erection (of the neck); accumulation (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 409.3-5; MedWb 970)

ṯz.t, "[Futteral für Sechem-Zepter]" | "[a case for a sekhem-scepter]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 399.12)

ṯz.t, "Gebirge" | "ridge (of hills); (mountain) range" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 401.5-10; FCD 307; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 117)

ṯz.t, "Klageweib" | "mourning woman" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 408.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 117)

ṯz.t, "Vorwürfe; Beschwerden" | "complaint" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 408.11; FCD 308)

ṯz.t, "Opferanteil (der Priester)" | "[a kind of bread (which reverted to priests from the altar)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 409.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1174 f.)

ṯz.t, "Transport" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 118)

ṯ, "der im Kasten (Osiris)" | "one who is in the chest (Osiris)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 404.15; LGG VII, 499)

ṯz.tjw, "Feindabbilder" | "image of an enemy (to be destroyed)" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 409.1-2; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1176 ff.; LGG VII, 502)

ṯz.tjt, "Feindabbild" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (pBremner-Rhind 32.43)

ṯzi̯, "tadeln; (etwas) aussetzen (an jmnd.)" | "to be angry with; to bear a grudge against" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 408.4-7; FCD 308)

ṯzi̯, "aufrichten; hochheben; hinaufsteigen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 405.1-407.15)

ṯzm, "Windhund" | "hound" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 409.13-22; FCD 308)

ṯzm, "Windhund" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 502 f.)

ṯzm, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 82.7)

ṯzm.t, "Hündin" | "hound" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 410.1-2; FCD 308; DrogWb 570)

ṯzm.t, "Mauerzinne; Brustwehr" | "battlements; (defesive) surrounding walls" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 410.3-4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 118; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1175)

ṯs, "sitzen" | "to sit" [verb] (Wb 5, 410.8; FCD 307)

ṯs, "Ruhe (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 43, Anm. b)

ṯss, "[Fisch]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 118; AEO I, 9)

ṯstn, "[Kleidungsstück]" | "[a garment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 410.11; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 775)

ṯkn, "[ein Mineral]" | english translation missing [substantive] (pChester Beatty IV Verso 7.8)

ṯkr, "Tjeker (ein Seevolk)" | "Tjeker (one of the "Sea Peoples")" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 410.15)

ṯktn, "Tjekten (ein Kundschafter?, Wächter?)" | "Tjukten (class of soldiers of Libyan blood)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 411.3; Caminos, LEM 177, 205)

ṯg, "[ein Nutzholz aus Asien]" | "[a tree and its wood (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 356.8-11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 558)

ṯt, "auflösen; aufmachen; beseitigen" | "to untie; to let loose" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 411.6-10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 118 f.)

ṯt, "sich zanken; ausschelten; rebellieren" | "to quarrel" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Beckerath, RdE 20, 1968, 19 f., Anm. c; Winand, Études de néo-égyptien, 349)

ṯtf, "besteigen; übersteigen; steigen (Wasser); ausschütten; sich ergießen; überflutet sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 411.12-413.2)

ṯtr, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Tacke, Verspunkte, 61, Anm. u)

ṯtṯt, "sich zanken; ausschelten" | "to quarrel" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 413.6-8; Lesko, Dictionary)

ṯtṯt, "Zank" | "quarrel" [substantive] (Wb 5, 413.9-10; vgl. Lesko, Dictionary IV, 119 f.)

ṯṯ, "Sperling (Passer domesticus)" | "sparrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 413.14-15; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 120)

ṯṯ.t-ꜥꜣ.t, "große Fesslerin" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 414.1; LGG VII, 504)

ṯṯw, "[Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 743)

D-Mw.t, "Di-Mut" | "Di-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza IX, 37 f.)

Dꜣb-n-H̱nm.w-ḥtp.w, "Feigen des Chnum-hetepu (eine Domäne)" | "Fig(s) of Chnum-hetepu (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Moussa/Altenmüller, Nianchchnum, 139 (6))

Dꜣb-Ṯy, "Die Feige des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 360)

Djdj, "Didi (Ort in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Peust, Das Napatanische, 209)

Dy, "Dy" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. XI)

Dwꜣ, "Dua" | "Dua" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 398.11)

Dwꜣ.w, "[ein göttl. Wesen]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 506)

Dwꜣ.w, "Die Verehrenden" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 521)

Dwꜣ.w-ḫwi̯=f, "Duau-chuief" | "Duau-chuief" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza X, 55)

Dwꜣ.t-ꜥꜣ.t-jmn-m-Rʾ-nfr, "Die große Duat, die in Ra-nefer verborgen ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 511 c)

Dwꜣ.t-nbw, "Duat-nebu" | "Duat-nebu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 332.22)

Dwꜣ.tj, "Unterweltlicher" | "one who belongs to the nether world" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 416.11-13; LGG VII, 512 f.)

Dwꜣ.tjt, "Unterweltliche" | "He-of-the-nether-world" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 417.1; LGG VII, 515)

Dwꜣ.tyw, "Die Unterweltlichen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 513 f.)

Dwꜣ-wr, "Duawer" | "Duawer" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 429.13; LGG VII, 524)

Dwꜣ-Ptḥ, "Dua-Ptah" | "Dua-Ptah" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 398.12)

Dwꜣ-Mnw, "Dua-Min" | "Dua-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 332.19)

Dwꜣ-mw.t=f, "Duamutef" | "Duamutef (one of the four sons of Horus)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 429.15-17; LGG VII, 516 ff.)

Dwꜣ-n=j-H̱nm.w, "Dua-eni-Chnum" | "Dua-eni-Khnum" [entity_name: person_name] (Altenmüller, Mehu, 58 (Nr. 99))

Dwꜣ-n.j-Rꜥw, "Dua-ni-Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 398.17)

Dwꜣ-Rꜥw, "Dua-Re" | "Dua-Re" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 398.19)

Dwꜣ-kꜣ, "Dua-ka" | "Dua-ka" [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, 249, fig. 221)

Dwn-ꜥ.wj, "Der mit ausgebreiteten Armen" | "Extended-of-arms" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 432.15; vgl. LGG VII, 524 ff.)

Dwn-ꜥn.wj, "Dewen-anwi (Flügelspreizer)" | "Dewen-anwi" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 432.16; LGG VII, 525 f.)

Dwn-ḥꜣ.t, "Der seine Schnauze vorstreckt (Torwächter der Unterwelt)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 432.17; vgl. LGG VII, 526 f.)

Dwdy, "Dudi" | "Dudi" [entity_name: person_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VI, Fig.2)

Dwdwj, "Dudui" | "Dudui" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 399.7)

Dbn-pẖr-Ḥꜣ.w-nb.wt, "[Bez. des Ägäischen Meeres]" | "circle around Hau-Nebut" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 436.7; LGG VII, 530)

Dbn-sšm-Tꜣ.wj-ḥmw-nfr-n-p.t-mḥ.tjt, "Umzingler, Leiter der Beiden Länder, Schönes Ruder des Nordhimmels (eines der vier Himmelsruder)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG V, 758)

Dbḥ.n=j, "Debeheni" | "Debeheni" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 399.14)

Dbḫ, "Tubichi" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 88)

Dp, "Dep (später Buto)" | "Dep" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 443.1; GDG VI, 90; Montet, Géographie I, 91; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 107 ff.)

Dpr, "Dapur (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 91)

Dfḏ.j, "Defedji" | "[a divine being]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 78.4785; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 793)

Dmj, "Demi" | "Demi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 399.25)

Dmj-jw, "Demi-iu (Ort nahe der Dachla-Oase)" | "Demiyu (near Dakhla Oasis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Pantalacci, BIFAO 98, 1998, 306 f.)

Dmj-Z-n-wsr.t, "Sesostrisstadt" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 361)

Dmg, "Demeg" | "Demeg" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 400.1)

Dmḏ, "Vereinter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 462.15-463.2; LGG VII, 541 f.)

Dmḏ, "Demedj" | "Demedj" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 400.3)

Dmḏ-kꜣ.w, "Demedj-kau" | "Demedj-kau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 400.5)

Dnw, "Denu (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, Giza II, 62)

Dnp.w, "[Gottheiten]" | "[a category of gods]" [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, AL 79.3572)

Dnhnt.t, "Denehenetet (Ort in Nubien)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Peust, Das Napatanische, 209)

Dndn.w, "Der Wanderer" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 470.14-15; vgl. Sethe, Kommentar PT V, 156; LGG VII, 552)

Dr, "Dor (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Dor" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI 87; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 88)

Dr.t-nšn.j, "[eine feuerspeiende Schlange]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 474.15; LGG VII, 562)

Dr-Ꜥꜣpp, "Apophis vertreiben (Name einer Spruchfolge)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 106 (203))

Dr-ḫsf, "Der-chesef" | "Der-khesef" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 400.18)

Dr-smꜣ.t, "Der-semat" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza III, 10, pl. III.1)

Dr-sḫd.w, "Vertreiben der auf den Kopf Gestellten (Name eines Buches)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Schott, Bücher, 412 (1779))

Dr-ṯwꜣ, "Der-tjua" | "Der-tjua" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 656)

Drdny, "Dardany" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 85 f.)

Ds, "Das Feuersteinmesser (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 98)

Dšḥw.t-jnsj, "Der Rotäugige, der im Haus der roten Kleider ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 571)

Dšr-ḥr=s-r-sbj.w, "Deren Gesicht rot ist gegen die Feinde" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 573)

Dqq, "Deqeq" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 575)

Dgm, "Degem" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Wb 5, 500.5; RPN II 333.6)

Dgr, "Deger (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 101 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 86)

Dgrjl, "Deger-El (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 102; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 86)

Dd, "Ded" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 401.4)

Dd.w-Ḥkn.w, "Dedu-Hekenu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 333.12)

Dd.w-Sbk, "Dedu-Sobek" | "Dedu-Sobek" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 401.19; RPN I 402.24)

Dd.t, "Dedet" | "Dedet" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 403.5)

Dd.t-Ꜥnq.t, "Dedet-Anqet" | "Dedet-Anukis" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 403.9)

Dd.t-Mw.t, "Dedet-Mut" | "Dedet-Mut" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 403.11)

Ddj, "Dedi" | "Dedi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 402.1)

Ddy, "Dedy" | "Dedy" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 402.12)

Ddw, "Dedu" | "Dedu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 402.13)

Ddwn, "Dedwen" | "Dedwen" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 502.4-5; LGG VII, 578 f.)

Ddnw, "Dedenu (Domäne)" | "Dedenu (a domain)" [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 240)

Dḏhḏw, "Dedjhedju" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 333.20)

dꜣ, "zittern" | "to tremble (med)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 415.1; FCD 309; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 778; MedWb 971)

dꜣj.w, "Leinenstoffballen; Stoffballen" | "wad of linen; bale of cloth" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 417.3-4; Dévaud, ZÄS 49, 1911, 106 ff.)

dꜣw.t, "Zittern" | "trembling" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 415.2; MedWb 971)

dꜣb, "Feige; Feigenbaum" | "fig; fig tree" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 417.9-15; Germer, Arzneimittelpflanzen, 109, 373)

dꜣ, "[Getränk aus Feigen]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (AEO II, 233*; Caminos, LEM, 81)

dꜣr, "beherrschen; unterdrücken" | "to control; to suppress" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 418.3-12; FCD 309)

dꜣ, "Bezwungener (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 32 f.)

dꜣz, "(Schlinge) umlegen; fixieren; festbinden" | "sling; tie" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 419.2; Barguet Textes des Sarcophages, 82 (Z. 5); vgl. Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 780)

dꜣgy.t, "Fledermaus" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 572; KoptHWb 461)

dj.j, "50-Quadratellen-Stoff" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Edel, NAWG 1987.6, 104; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 780)

dj.w, "fünf" | "five" [numeral] (Wb 5, 420.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1183)

dj.wt, "die des Fünfertrupps (Worflerin); Fünfertruppe (Arbeiterinnen)" | "fiver (winnower); troop of five workers" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 421.1-2; LÄ VI, 1287; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3728)

dj.wt-n.t-ḏ.t=f, "die des Fünfertrupps seines Stiftungsgutes (Worflerin)" | "fiver of his (funeray) estate (winnower)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish VIII, 61, fig. 33a; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3728)

dj.nw, "fünfter" | english translation missing [numeral: ordinal] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 780)

dy, "hier; hierher; da, dort" | "here; there" [adverb] (Wb 5, 420.4-8; ENG 594; CGG 131 ff.)

dwꜣ, "früh auf sein; preisen; anbeten" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 426.1-428.7)

dwꜣ.yt, "der Morgen; das Morgen (morgiger Tag)" | "(early) morning; tomorrow" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 424.7-425.9)

dwꜣ.w, "der Morgen; früher Morgen" | "(early) morning" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 422.4-15; FCD 310)

dwꜣ.w, "Loblied" | "song of praise; hymn" [substantive] (Wb 5, 428.14-429.6; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 124)

dwꜣ.w, "Verehrer" | "adorer" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 429.8)

dwꜣ.w, "morgens" | "in the morning; tomorrow" [adverb] (Wb 5, 422.1-3; vgl. CGG 137)

dwꜣ.w, "das Morgen (morgiger Tag)" | "tomorrow; the morrow" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 423.1-9)

dwꜣ.wj, "morgendlich" | "of the morning" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 423.10-424.2)

dwꜣ.wj, "Morgendlicher" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (CT I, 245j)

dwꜣ.t, "Lobpreis" | "praise" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 428.8-11; FCD 310; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 784)

dwꜣ.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 430.11; DrogWb 574)

dwꜣ.t, "Duat; Unterwelt; Krypta; Grabkammer; Höhle; Abgrund" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 415.3-416.10)

dwꜣ.t, "Morgenmittel" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (MedWb 973)

dwꜣ.t-nṯr-n-Jmn, "Gottesverehrerin des Amun" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: title] (Spiegelberg, ZÄS 53, 1917, 11, Taf. IV)

dwꜣ.tj, "unterweltlich" | "(one who) is in the nether world" [adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive] (Wb 5, 416.14-18)

dwn, "ausstrecken; sich erstrecken; beschenken" | "to stretch out; to be stretched out (taut)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 431.1-432.13; FCD 311; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 126)

dwn, "gewöhnlich; regelmäßig; weiterhin" | english translation missing [adverb] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 126)

dwn.w, "Speisen" | "food offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 433.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1188)

dwn-ꜥn-m-pꜣ-hrw, "der heute wieder aufersteht (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Imouthes, Col. 7.2; vgl. LGG VII, 525a-b)

dwḏw, "Mehl" | "flour (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 502.8; Edel, QH II, 1.2., 25 ff.; DrogWb 584 f.)

db, "Horn" | "horn; tusk" [substantive] (Wb 5, 434.3-6; FCD 311), "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 435.1-2; DrogWb 576; Germer, Handbuch, 162)

dbꜣ, "umfallen" | "to fall down" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 435.5)

dbj, "Nilpferd" | "hippopotamus" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 433.14-17; FCD 311; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 787; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1188 f.; MedWb 975)

dbj.y, "Nilpferdpeitsche" | "hippopotamus thongs" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 434.2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 128)

dbj.t, "weibliches Nilpferd" | "hippopotamus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 434.1; FCD 311)

dby.wt, "[Teile der Wagendeichsel]" | "yoke arms" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 435.4; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 228, Anm. d)

dbw, "[eine Sorte von Sand]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Sauneron, Ophiologie, 86)

dbb.w, "[Körperteil]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 436.5; MedWb 975)

dbn, "Ring; Kreis" | "ring; circle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 436.6-9)

dbn, "runder Holzkasten" | "round-topped wooden box" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 437.16; Brovarski, in: Fs Wente, 42 f.)

dbn, "Deben (Gewichtstein); Deben (Gewichtsmaß, meist 91 g)" | "deben (weight); deben (measure, ca. 91g)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 438.2-10; LÄ III, 1202)

dbn, "Lehm" | "mortar (also med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 438.11-14; FCD 311; DrogWb 577)

dbn, "rund sein; (um einen Ort) herumgehen; umrunden; (etwas) umgeben" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 436.12-437.11)

dbn.t, "Haarflechte" | "lock of hair" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 438.15-16; FCD 311)

dbn-ḫrp, "der Kopf des Meisters (Thot, auch vom König)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 1, 14; p. 87, n. 31; vgl. LGG VII, 381)

dbnbn, "(einen Ort) durchwandern" | "to go round (in circles)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 5, 439.1-3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 129)

dbnbn, "Wanderungen; Wechselfälle" | "vicissitudes" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.5022)

dbḥ, "bedürfen; erbitten" | "to be in need of; to ask for; to requisition" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 439.6-440.1)

dbḥ, "Maß; Messgefäß" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 441.10-13; Pommerening, Hohlmaße, 62 ff.)

dbḥ.yt, "[ein Grundstück (?)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Caminos, Lit. Fragments, 14-16 (B4.8))

dbḥ.w, "die Bitten" | "requests" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 440.2)

dbḥ.w, "Bedarf (allg.); Notwendigkeiten (von Bestandteilen des Udjatauges); Gerät" | "requirements; needs (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 440.3-14; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1190 f.; EDG 625)

dbḥ.t, "Bedarf; Geräte" | "necessaries" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 440.15; FCD 312)

dbḥ.t-ḥtp, "Speisenbedarf; Opferbedarf" | "recessaries for the offering; funerary meal" [substantive] (Wb 5, 440-441.7)

dbdb, "angreifen; bewegen; stechen; zerstückeln" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 442.5-15)

dp, "Klumpen (?)" | "lump (?) (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 443.6; MedWb 976)

dp, "schmecken; kosten; spüren" | "to taste; to bite into" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 443.7-444.15; vgl. Allen; Inflection, 575)

dp, "[ein großer Block aus Stein]" | "[a block of stone (?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 447.12; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 131)

dp.w, "Schiff (allg.)" | "boat (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 446.17-447.2; Jones, Naut. Titles, 150 (86))

dp.w, "Steuerruder" | "steering oar (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 447.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 793; Jones, Naut. Titles, 202 (19))

dp.t, "Geschmack" | "taste" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 444.16-445.9)

dp.t, "Lende; Lendengegend" | "loins" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 445.13-16; MedWb 978; Walker, Anatom. Term., 278)

dp.t, "Schiff (allg.)" | "boat (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 446.1-16; Jones, Naut. Titles, 150 (87))

dp.t, "[ein Gebäck]; [ein Brot]" | "[a kind of bread]; [baked goods]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 447.6-11)

dp.t-nṯr, "Gottesschiff" | "god's bark" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 446.13-16; FCD 312)

dpy, "Krokodil" | "crocodile (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 447.13-16; FCD 312; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 131; Wilson, in: Temple in Ancient Egypt, 197)

dfꜣ (jb), "träge sein" | "stolid (?)" [verb] (Wb 5, 448.2; Edel, MDAIK 37, 1981, 149)

dm, "stechen; durchstoßen" | "to pierce; penetrate" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 449.1-7; Allen, Inflection, 547)

dm, "aussprechen; nennen" | "to pronounce (a name); to mention (by name)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 449.8-450.6)

dm, "Wurm" | "worm" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 451.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1194; LGG VII, 538)

dm, "schärfen; scharf sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 448.7-15; Allen, Inflection, 547)

dm.wt, "Schnitt; Biß; Verletzung (allg.)" | "injury" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 451.4-5; MedWb 978)

dm.t, "Messer; Schwert" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 450.7-451.3; FCD 312; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 793 f.; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 132; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1196 f.)

dmꜣ, "zusammenbinden; bündeln" | "to bind together" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 451.13-20)

dmꜣ, "ausstrecken" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 452.4; FCD 312)

dmꜣ.t, "Flügel" | "wing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 452.5-9; FCD 312; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 794)

dmꜣ.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 451.11)

dmꜣ.t-pḏ.wt, "die die Bögen spannt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 539 f.)

dmꜣꜥ, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 5, 453.5)

dmj, "berühren; anfügen; haften (an)" | "to touch; to be joined to; to cleave to" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 453.6-455.3; ONB 754; vgl. KoptHWb 232)

dmj, "Ort; Stadt; Landestelle; Hafen" | "town; quarter of a town; landing place; wharf" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 455.5-456.7)

dmj.t, "Stadt; Hafen" | "town; quay" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 456.8-10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 133)

dmḏ, "zusammenfügen; (sich) vereinigen; vereinigt sein; zusammentreffen" | "to (re)assemble; to be (re)assemled" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 457.4-459.25)

dmḏ, "Gesamtheit; Summe" | "total" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 460.5-10)

dmḏ, "Summierung (in Rechnungen)" | "total" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 460.11-461.11; FCD 313)

dmḏ.yt, "Versammlung" | "assembly" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 461.13)

dmḏ.yt, "Frist; Endtermin" | "[recurring fixed or appointed time]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 461.14-462.6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1198)

dmḏ.yt, "Gesamtabrechnung" | "grand total" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Luft, Illahun 1, pBerlin P 10038 C)

dmḏ.wt, "Menge (von Menschen)" | "crowd" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 461.12; FCD 313)

dmḏ.t, "Sammelschrift" | "collection (of recipies); pharmacopoeia" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 462.9; FCD 313; MedWb 980)

dmḏ.t, "[Amulett]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 463.5)

dmḏ-zmꜣ, "Gesamtsumme" | "grand total" [substantive] (Wb 3, 446.18-20; 5, 458.1-2; FCD 226, 313)

dn, "abschneiden" | "to cut off; to kill" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 463.7-11; FCD 313)

dnj.w, "Anteil" | "share; portion" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 466.3-4; FCD 314)

dnj.wt, "Geschrei; Gebrüll" | "cry; shriek" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 466.10-467; vgl. FCD 309)

dnj.t, "Damm; Deich" | "dam; dyke" [substantive] (Wb 5, 465.1-2; FCD 314; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 833)

dnj.t, "Teil; Anteil" | "share; portion" [substantive] (Wb 5, 465.9-466.2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 135)

dnj.t, "[ein Gefäß]; Kubikelle (als Maßeinheit)" | "[a bowl]; cubic cubit (as a measure of volume)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 467.2-8; Edel, QH II, 1.2, 14 f.)

dny.t, "Register (über Grundbesitz); Kataster" | "land register" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 466.6-7; FCD 314; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 135; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1199)

dni̯, "einweichen" | "to soak" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 464.2; Allen, Inflection, 575)

dni̯, "abdämmen; (Ufer) befestigen" | "to dam (water); to revet (earthen banks)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 464.10-12; FCD 314; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 575)

dnrg, "[eine Frucht (Melone, Gurke)]" | "[a fruit (melon?); Sem. loan word]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 470.4; LÄ II, 921 f.; Hoch, Sem. Words, 46 ff. (43))

dnḫnḫ, "schützen" | "to protect" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 5, 468.2)

dns, "schwer sein; lasten" | "to be weighty; to be heavy; to be irksome; to be burdensome" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 468.3-469.8; FCD 314)

dns.w, "Gewichte (am Netz)" | "weights (of a net)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 469.10; FCD 314; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 799)

dng, "[eine schlechte Eigenschaft des Ohres]" | "to be deaf" [verb] (Wb 5, 470.2-3; Tacke, Verspunkte, 55, Anm. e)

dng, "Zwerg; Pygmäe" | "dwarf; pygmy" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 470.5-7; vgl. Jones, Titles OK, no. 3737)

dndn, "durchwandern" | "to traverse" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 470.12-13; FCD 314)

dndn, "Zorn; Wüten" | "wrath" [substantive] (Wb 5, 470-471.20; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 138; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 1202)

dndn, "zornig sein; wüten" | "to be angry; to rage" [verb] (Wb 5, 471.21-472.5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1202; vgl. FCD 314)

dndn, "abschneiden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 472.9-10)

dr, "entfernen; vertreiben; vertilgen" | "to drive away; to repel; to remove" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 473.1-474.12)

dr, "Gewand" | "clothing; garment" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 475.9-13; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1203)

dr, "ausbreiten; glätten; (mit Gold) verkleiden; bekleiden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 475.3-6,8)

dr.t, "Stachelstock (für Vieh)" | "(cattle) prod" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jasnow, Late Hieratic Wisdom Text, 22)

dr.t, "[Vogel]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Caminos, LEM, 130)

dr.t-Jwn.tjw, "die die Bogenvölker abwehrt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 561), "Vertilgter (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 32 f.)

dr-jzf.t, "der die Unordnung vertreibt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 555)

dr-nkn, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 474.16-17; 2, 346.18; DrogWb 578 f.; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 510)

dr-sbj.w, "der die Rebellen vertreibt (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 559)

dr-šnṯ.w, "der die Feinde vetreibt (Onuris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 560; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 8.4)

drp, "beschenken; speisen; opfern" | "to offer; to feed; to present" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 476.1-25; FCD 315; vgl. Allen, Inflection, 566)

drp.w, "Speise" | "offerings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 477.1-5; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1204)

drf, "[vom Ziehen der Augenbraue mit Farbe]" | "black line of the eyebrow (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 477.7)

drf, "Linie; Schrift; Schriftdokument" | "writing; script; document; papyrus roll" [substantive] (Wb 5, 477.8-19; FCD 315; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 139)

dhn, "verbeugen; (den Boden mit der Stirn) berühren; (jmdn.) einsetzen; ernennen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 478-479.21)

dhn.t, "Stirn" | "forehead" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 478.6-10; FCD 315; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 139)

dhn.t, "Felswand; Bergvorsprung; (kultischer) Fels" | "(mountain) ridge" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 478.11-13; FCD 315; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon 1205; Adrom, LingAeg 12, 2004, 1 ff.)

dhn.t, "Vorherbestimmtes; Entwurf" | english translation missing [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 140)

dḥ, "herabhängen; niedrig sein" | "to hang down; to be low" [verb] (Wb 5, 480.2-7; FCD 315)

dḥꜣ, "Stroh; Häcksel" | "straw" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 481.1-7; FCD 315; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 140)

dḥꜥꜥ, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 481.11; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1206; DrogWb 579)

dḥr, "bitter sein" | "bitter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 482.14-483.4; vgl. FCD 315)

dḥr.t, "Bitternis" | "bitterness; sickness" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 483.5-10; FCD 315; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 141)

dḥr.t-zb.t, "[eine Hautkrankheit]" | "[an affliction caused by demons]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 3, 432.15; 5, 482.13; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 388)

dḥr-jb, "Demütigung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Fischer-Elfert, Lit. Ostraka, 39; vgl. Wb 5, 483.2)

dḥdḥ, "herabhängen (der Brüste)" | "to hang down" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 483.12)

dḫ, "sich verbergen" | "to hide" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 483.16; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 803)

dḫ, "niederwerfen; sich niederwerfen" | "to cast down" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 483-484.8; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 141; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1207)

dḫ.wt, "Steinblöcke" | "boulders" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 484.10; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 142)

dḫn, "Taktangeber" | "rhythm maker" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 484.14-18; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1207)

ds, "[ein Krug]; [ein Hohlmaß (für Getränke)]" | "[a jug]; [a measure of volume for liquids]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 485.3-15)

ds, "Feuerstein (für Messer)" | "flint" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 485.16-486.6; Harris, Minerals, 138 ff.)

ds, "Messer" | "knife" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 486.7-487.1)

ds, "schneiden; scharf sein" | "to cut; to be sharp" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 487.2-3)

dšr, "Flamingo" | "flamingo" [substantive] (Wb 5, 487.9; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 804 f.)

dšr, "rot werden; rot sein" | "to be red; to become red" [verb] (Wb 5, 490.7-13)

dšr, "Röte; Rötung" | "reddening (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 490.14; FCD 316)

dšr, "[Ausdruck beim Schiffsbau]" | "[expression associated with ship building]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 490.15-18; Jones, Naut. Titles, 228 (115))

dšr, "[ein Baum]" | "[a tree and its wood]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 491.1-2; Caminos, LEM, 127; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1208)

dšr, "[rote Pflanze]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 491.3; DrogWb 581)

dšr, "[pflanzlicher Teil (v. Körnern)]; [mineralischer Stoff ?]" | "[part of a cereal grain]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 491.5-6; DrogWb 581; Goyon, Confirmation, Col. 2.8, p. 90, n. 60)

dšr, "Blutgier; Zorn" | "wrath" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 492.6-7; FCD 316; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 806)

dšr, "[Rind (für Opfer)]" | "[a red steer, as an offering]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 492.12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 806)

dšr, "rot; wütend" | "red; angry" [adjective] (Wb 5, 488.1-490.6)

dšr.w, "Blut (das" Rote")" | "blood" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 491.9-13)

dšr.w, "roter Buntbarsch" | "redfish" [substantive] (Wb 5, 492.10-11; vgl. LÄ II, 224; Gamer-Wallert, Fische, 26 f.)

dšr.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 2, 93.15; 5, 491.7; DrogWb 581 f.)

dšr.w, "die Roten" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 572)

dšr.t, "Unheil; Zorn" | "wrath (of the Red Crown)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 492.8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 806)

dšr.t, "[ein roter Krug]" | "[a red pot]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 493.3-11)

dšr.t, "die Rote (Krone von U.Äg.)" | "Red (crown of Lower Egypt)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 493.12-494.3)

dšr.t, "Feuer; Flamme" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 494.4)

dšr.t, "Wüste; Ausland" | "desert; foreign country" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 494.5-13)

dšr.t, "Röte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Leclant, Pepy, P/D ant/E 43)

dš, "der rot ist (Sonnengott u.a.)" | "red one (the sun god)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 492.3-5; LGG VII, 574)

dš, "der rot ist (wütender Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Kemi 19, 1969, 30 f.; vgl. LGG VII, 570 f.)

dšr-fꜥy, "der Rothaarige (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 572)

dšrr.t, "die kleine Rote" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1568b)

dq, "zerkleinern; mahlen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (MedWb 990)

dq.w, "Pulver; Mehl" | "powder; flour" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 494.15-495.5; DrogWb 582 f.; AEO I, 20)

dqꜥ, "(ein Ruder) glätten" | "to shape (?) (an oar)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 495.7; Jones, Naut. Titles, 230 (123))

dqr, "Frucht (allg.)" | "fruit (gen.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 495.8-496.1; FCD 316; KoptHWb 262)

dqr, "anheften; verbannen (o. Ä.)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 496.4-6)

dqr.w, "Wesen; Hauptsache (?) (eines Gottes)" | "essence (?) (of a god)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.4843; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 807)

dg, "besuchen; gehen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 497.2; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 808; Osing, JEA 69, 1983, 178)

dg.y, "Schwäche" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 499.4; MedWb 991)

dgꜣ.yt, "Fleischstück; Dörrfleisch" | "cut of meat; jerky" [substantive] (Wb 5, 500.2-4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 144)

dgꜣ.yt, "Blick" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (FCD 316)

dgi̯, "sich verstecken; verborgen sein" | "to hide; to be hidden" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 496.8-14; FCD 316)

dgi̯, "sehen; blicken" | "to behold; to see" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 497.4-498.24)

dgi̯, "weich sein (?)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 499.3; MedWb 991)

dgm, "ohnmächtig sein; benommen sein" | "to be speechless; to be unconscious" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 500.6-7; MedWb 992)

dgm, "Rizinus" | "castor-oil (ricinus) plant" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 500.9-13; DrogWb 583 f.)

dgs, "treten; betreten" | "to tread; to enter" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 501.1-10; FCD 317; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 144)

dgs, "Fußabdruck; Fußspur" | "foot print" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 79.3604; KoptHWb 263)

dgdg, "zertreten; zerzausen" | "to walk over; to trample down" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 501.11-13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 145; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1213)

dd, "Hämatit, (roter) Ocker" | "(red) ochre" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 421.9-11; Harris, Minerals, 155 f.; DrogWb 573; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 808)

dd, "kopulieren" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 419.4-5; FCD 309; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 122; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1182; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 568)

dd.wt, "[eine Schale]" | "dish" [substantive] (Wb 5, 501.14-18; FCD 317)

dd.t, "[ein Garten]" | "grove" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 502.1; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 145)

ddj, "[eine Schlange]" | "Dedi (a sacred snake)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 502.2; LGG VII, 578)

dḏꜣ, "[unklar]" | english translation missing [undefined] (Wb 5, 502.7)

Ḏ.t, "Ewigkeit" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 510.2; LGG VII, 582 f.)

Ḏ-Mw.t, "Dji-Mut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Spiegelberg/Pörtner, Grabsteine, Taf. VII)

Ḏ-n=f-ꜥnḫ, "Dji-enef-anch" | "Dji-enef-anhk" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VIII, 51, Abb. 18)

Ḏꜣ.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Der lebende Kranich" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 590)

Ḏꜣ.t-nṯr, "Überfahrt des Gottes (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Sethe, Lesestücke, 73.18)

Ḏꜣ.tj, "Djati" | "Djati" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 405.17)

Ḏꜣ.ty, "Djaty" | "Djaty" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 405.18)

Ḏꜣ-ꜥ-n-mw, "Dja-a-en-mu" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI VI, 393.8)

Ḏꜣꜣ, "Djaa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Wb, 5, 520.9; RPN I 404.12)

Ḏꜣjs.w-sfḫ, "Die sieben Aussprüche" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 593; vgl. Wb 5, 521.9)

Ḏꜣw, "Djau (?)" | "Djau (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 333.22)

Ḏꜣpr, "Djaper (Ort oder Gegend von Kampfhandlungen)" | "Djaper" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 104)

Ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Djadjat (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 206)

Ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Das Götterkollegium" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 594)

Ḏꜣḏꜣ.t-Rꜥw, "Götterkollegium des Re" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 602)

Ḏy.n=j, "Djyeni (?)" | "Djyeni (?)" [entity_name: person_name] (Goyon, Hammamat, 55)

Ḏi̯=f tꜣ.wj-r-ḫb.t, "Er gibt die beiden Länder zur Richtsstätte" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG IV, 764)

Ḏi̯-Ꜣs.t-ḥꜣb, "Dji-Aset-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Schenkel, MDAIK 31, 1975, 146)

Ḏi̯-sj-mrj, "Dji-si-meri" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 397.21)

Ḏi̯-sj-nbw, "Dji-si-nebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 397.22)

Ḏꜥꜥ, "Djaa" | "Djaa" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 405.24)

Ḏꜥw, "Djau" | "Djau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 405.26; Wb 5, 536.2)

Ḏꜥn.t, "Tanis" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 111; LÄ VI, 194 ff.)

Ḏw, "Der Böse" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 609)

Ḏw.t-Ḥr.w, "Horusberg (16. o.äg. Gau)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 545.4; Gomaà, Besiedlung I, 318 f.)

Ḏw.tjw, "Bösewichter" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 612)

Ḏw-wꜥb, "Reiner Berg (Gebel Barkal)" | "Pure-mountain (Gebel Barkal)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 115; Zibelius, Afrikan. Orts-und Völkernamen, 125, 138)

Ḏw-pw-nbw, "Dju-pu-nebu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Hassan, Giza VI.3, Taf.)

Ḏw-n-wsr, "Berg des Mächtigen (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (GDG I, 205)

Ḏw-n-Skm, "Berg von Sichem" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 10; Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 178 f., Anm. f)

Ḏw-nfr, "Schöner Berg (Steinbruchgegend von Elephantine)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 120)

Ḏw-nṯr.j, "Göttlicher Berg (Gebel Ahmar)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (KRI II, 361.15)

Ḏw-Šw, "Berg Schawe" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG V, 99)

Ḏw-dšr, "Roter Berg (Gebel el-Ahmar)" | "Red-mountain (Gebel el-Ahmar)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 489.14; 542.18; LÄ II, 433)

Ḏbꜣ, "Edfu" | "Edfu (the town)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 562.1; GDG VI, 126; LÄ VI, 323)

Ḏbꜣ.t-Wsr-kꜣ=f, "Djebat des Userkaf" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 384)

Ḏbꜣ.t-Ṯy, "Djebat des Tjy (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 358)

Ḏbꜣ.tj, "Djebati" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Leclant, Pepy, P/V/E 88)

Ḏbꜣ-skꜣ.w, "Die Versorgung des kultivierten Ackers (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, Giza II, 62)

Ḏbꜥ.yt-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Das Siegel der Maat" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 620)

Ḏbꜥ.yt-Nj.t, "Das Siegel der Neith" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 620)

Ḏbꜥ.yt-Gb, "Das Siegel des Geb" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 620)

Ḏbꜥ.wt, "Djebaut (Buto)" | "Djebaut" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 567.9; LÄ I, 1098 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 105, Anm. 7)

Ḏbꜥ.wtj, "Der von Buto" | "one of Djebaut (Horus?)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 567.10; LGG VII, 620)

Ḏfꜣ, "Djefa" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Simpson, JEA 46, 1960, 65 ff., pl. XV)

Ḏfꜣ=j-ḥꜥpj, "Djefai-hapi" | "Djefai-Hapi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 406.16)

Ḏfꜣ.w-wr.w, "Reiche Nahrung (Ort im Jenseits)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Lepsius, Todtenbuch, 110 (Vignette))

Ḏfꜣ.w-H̱nj, "Die Speisen des Cheni (Domäne)" | "Provisions-of-Kheni (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Kanawati, El-Hawawish II, fig. 25)

Ḏfꜣ.wt-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Die Nahrungsmittel des Cheops" | "Provisions-of-Cheops (a domain)" [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 475)

Ḏfꜣ.t, "[Gewässer im Jenseits]" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 571.7)

Ḏfꜣ.t=sn, "Djefatsen" | "Djefatsen" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 406.22)

Ḏfꜣ.t-kꜣ, "Djefat-ka" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 432.5)

Ḏfꜣ-Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t, "Nahrung des Amenemhet" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 9)

Ḏfꜣ-jb-kꜣ=j, "Djefa-ib-kai" | "Djefa-ib-kai" [entity_name: person_name] (Junker, Giza VI, Abb. 62)

Ḏfꜣ-nswt, "Djefa-nisut" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I, 432.3)

Ḏfꜣ-Ḫꜥi̯=f-Rꜥw, "Die Nahrung des Chephren (Domäne)" | english translation missing [entity_name: org_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 233)

Ḏfꜣ-kꜣ-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Nahrung des Ka von Cheops" | "Provisions-of-the-ka-of-Cheops" [entity_name: place_name] (Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines, 475)

Ḏfꜣw, "Djefau" | "Djefau" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 406.19)

Ḏmj.t, "Djemit" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 406.27)

Ḏr, "Djer (Memphis?, Weingut?)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 598.11; vgl. Brovarski, Giza Mastabas 7, 103)

Ḏr, "Tyros (in Syrien-Palästina)" | "Tyros" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 106 ff.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 192; LÄ VI, 818 u. VII, 286)

Ḏr.t-ꜥnḫ.t, "Das lebende Milanweibchen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 630 f.)

Ḏ, "Djerti (el-Tod)" | "Belonging-to-the-falcon (el-Tod)" [entity_name: place_name] (LÄ VI, 615; VII, 300)

Ḏ, "Die beiden Milanweibchen" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 632)

Ḏr.tjw, "Die Djertu (Vorfahren oder Falkengötter)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 636)

Ḏ, "Hafentyros" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Fischer-Elfert, Streitschrift, 172 f., Anm. g)

Ḏrꜥm, "Seraim (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 107; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 180)

Ḏrpt, "Sarepta (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 107; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 204)

Ḏhj, "Djahi (Gegend in Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 108)

Ḏhr, "[ein fremder Gott]" | "Dahar" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 605.4; LGG VII, 639)

Ḏḥ, "Thot" | "Thoth" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 606.1-2; LGG VII, 639 ff.)

Ḏḥ, "Thot (Fest); Thot (Monatsname); Thot (1. Monat der Achet-Jahreszeit)" | "Thoth (1st month of the akhet-season)" [entity_name: artifact_name] (LÄ III, 299)

Ḏḥ, "Djehuti" | "Djehuti" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 407.13)

Ḏḥ, "Ibisgau (15. u.äg. Gau)" | "Ibis (15th nome of Lower Egypt)" [entity_name: place_name] (DGD VI, 131; Montet, Géographie I, 137; Helck, Gaue, 190; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 240; LÄ II, 400)

Ḏḥ, "Thot, der aus dem Scheitel hervorgegangen ist" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Meeks, Mythes, 256 ff.)

Ḏḥḥꜣb, "Djehuti-em-hab" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 408.2)

Ḏḥ, "Thutmosis" | "Tuthmosis (personal name of several kings)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 3, 4, 6, 8)

Ḏḥ, "Djehuti-mesu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 408.5)

Ḏḥḫt.w, "Djehuti-nachtu" | "Djehuti-nakhtu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 408.7)

Ḏḥḥtp.w, "Djehuti-hetepu" | "Djehuti-hetepu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 408.18)

Ḏḥw.tyt, "Thot-Fest" | "Thoth-festival" [entity_name: artifact_name] (Wb 5, 606.3; LÄ II, 173)

Ḏzḏz, "Djezdjez (Oase el-Bahriya)" | "Djezdjez (Bahriya Oasis)" [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 134; LÄ I, 601; VII, 300)

Ḏsr, "Djoser" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, III.2)

Ḏsr.t, "Heiliger Boden (Talkessel von Deir el-Bahri)" | "sacred ground" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 616.1-4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 167; LÄ I, 1007, 1017)

Ḏsr.t-tp, "Die mit erhabenem Haupt" | "She-with-upraised-head (a snake)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 614.19; LGG VII, 674)

Ḏsr-ḫꜥ.w-sḫm-pḥ.tj-ꜥnḫ-ḥr-nb-n-mꜣꜣ=f-mj-Ꜣḫ.tj, "[Goldname Piyes]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (JWIS II, 350.10-11)

Ḏsr-ḫpr.w-Rꜥw-stp-n-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Haremhabs]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII.14)

Ḏsr-štꜣ, "Absondern des Geheimen (Fest)" | english translation missing [entity_name: artifact_name] (Meeks, Mythes, pl. XIV.6)

Ḏsr-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Amenophis' I.]" | "Djeserkare (throne name of Amenhotep I)" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 2)

Ḏsr-tp, "Der mit erhobenem Kopf" | "He-with-upraised-head (a snake)" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 614.18; LGG VII, 665 f.)

Ḏd, "Djed-Pfeiler" | "Enduring-one" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 627.5-10; LGG VII, 677 f.)

Ḏd, "[Goldname Djedkare-Asosis]" | "[Gold Horus-name of Djedkare-Asosi]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 8)

Ḏd, "[ein göttliches Wesen]" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (CT VI, 307a)

Ḏd, "Dauernder" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 681; Meeks, AL 77.5290; 78.4979)

Ḏd=f-Rꜥw, "Djedefre" | "Djedefre" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, IV 3)

Ḏd=f-Ḥr.w, "Djedef-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 413.3; vgl. ebd. II, 258; Brunner, ZÄS 102, 1975, 94 ff.)

Ḏd=f-Ḫwi̯=f-wj, "Djedef-Chufu" | "Djedef-Chufu" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 413.4)

Ḏd.w, "Djedu (Busiris)" | "Djedu (Busiris)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 630.6; GDG VI, 135 f.; LÄ I, 883 f.; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 137 ff.; Montet, Géographie I, 98)

Ḏd.w(t)-ḥr.j(t), "Das obere Djed(et) (mythischer Ort)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 137; Cauville, Dendara, chapelles osiriennes, Index, BdE 119, 662)

Ḏd.wt, "Djedut (Nekropole von Heliopolis); Djedut" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 191 f.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 867)

Ḏd.wt-ꜥꜣ.t-n.t.Jwn.w, "Djedut-aat-net-Iunu (Nekropole von Heliopolis)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 191 f.)

Ḏd.t, "Djedet (Mendes)" | "Djedet (Mendes)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 630.8; FCD 325; GDG VI, 136; Gomaà, Besiedlung II, 246 ff.)

Ḏd.t, "Das Gesagte" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Pyr 1100b)

Ḏd-Jmn-jw=f-ꜥnḫ, "Djed-Imen-iuef-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 409.23)

Ḏd-m-rn-n-Ḏd.w, "Djed im Namen von Busiris (Sokar-Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 62.6; vgl. LGG VII, 682)

Ḏd-nfr.t, "Djed-neferet" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 334.17)

Ḏ, "[Nebtiname Thutmosis' IV.]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XVIII 8)

Ḏd-Ḥr.w, "Djed-Hor" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 411.12)

Ḏd-ḥtp-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Dedumoses]" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 37)

Ḏd-ḫy.w, "Djed-chyu" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 412.2)

Ḏd-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Djedkare-Asosis]; [Nebtiname Djedkare-Asosis]" | "[Horus-name of Djedkare-Asosi]; [Nebty-name of Djedkare-Asosi]" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 8)

Ḏd-Snfr.w, "Es dauert Snofru (Pyramidenkomplex des Snofru)" | "Snefru-endures (pyramid complex of Snefru)" [entity_name: org_name] (LÄ V, 5)

Ḏd-s.wt-Ttj, "Die Plätze des Teti dauern (Pyramidenkomplex des Teti)" | "Enduring-are-the-places-of-Teti (pyamid complex of Teti)" [entity_name: org_name] (GDG VI, 137; Gomaá, Besiedlung II, 24 f.; LÄ V, 5; VII, 300)

Ḏd-šps, "Djed-schepses" | "Djed-shepses" [entity_name: gods_name] (Wb 5, 627.5-10; LGG VII, 678 ff.)

Ḏd-kꜣ-Rꜥw, "Djedkare-Isesi (Thronname)" | "Djedkare-Asosi" [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, V 8)

Ḏd-Ḏḥꜥnḫ, "Djed-Thot-iuef-anch" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 412.8)

Ḏdj, "Djedi" | "Djedi" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 412.20)

Ḏdj.t, "Djedit (Nekropole von Heliopolis)" | "Djedit (necropolis of Heliopolis)" [entity_name: place_name] (Wb 5, 630.10; GDG VI, 135)

Ḏdj-Kꜣkꜣj, "Djedi-Kakai" | "Djedi-Kakai" [entity_name: person_name] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 657)

Ḏdpt, "Sidiputu (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 112 f.; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 181)

Ḏdf.t, "Gewürm" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (LGG VII, 686)

Ḏdn, "Sidon (in Syrien-Palästina)" | english translation missing [entity_name: place_name] (GDG VI, 113, 138; Ahituv, Canaanite Toponyms, 177; LÄ V, 922 f., VII, 280)

Ḏdd-Mnw, "Djeded-Min" | "Djeded-Min" [entity_name: person_name] (RPN II 334.26)

Ḏḏ.w-Jni̯-jtj=f, "Dedu-Intef" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (Macadam, JEA 32, 1946, 60 f.)

Ḏḏ.w-ms, "Dedumose" | english translation missing [entity_name: kings_name] (Beckerath, Königsnamen, XIII 37)

Ḏḏ.tw-snb, "Djedjtu-seneb" | english translation missing [entity_name: person_name] (RPN I 404.4)

ḏ.y, "Gabe; Geschenk; Provision" | "gift" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 419.7-8; FCD 309)

ḏ.t, "Kobra ("sich Aufrichtende"); Schlange" | "viper; cobra" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 503.1-8; LÄ V 646; vgl. ONB 213)

ḏ.t, "Körper, Leib; Gestalt; Wesen" | "body; bodily form; self" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 503.10-506.2)

ḏ.t, "Ewigkeit" | "eternity" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 507.4-508.13; vgl. LÄ II, 47-54)

ḏ.t, "ewig, ewiglich" | "eternal" [adverb] (Wb 5, 508.14-510.1; GEG § 205.6)

ḏ.t, "Gut; Totenstiftung" | "estate" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 510.4-9)

ḏ.t, "die Hörigen" | "serf" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 510.10-13; FCD 318)

ḏ.t, "Diener der Totenstiftung" | "djet-servant" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 511.1; Jones, Titles OK no. 3747)

ḏ.t, "Höriger" | "serf" [substantive] (Wb 5, 511.2-4; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3747)

ḏ.t-nṯr, "Gottesleib" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 581)

ḏ.t-ḏ.t, "ewiglich" | "forever" [adverb] (Wb 5, 506.3-6)

ḏ.tj, "der Ewige" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 618.8; vgl. Allen, Inflection, § 170, n. 125)

ḏ-jḫ.wt-r-s.t-jr.y, "der die Dinge an ihre entsprechende Stelle gibt (Thot)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 753)

ḏ-ꜥnḫ, "Das-Leben-geben (nominalisiert)" | "to give life" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Inscr. Sinai, pl. LX (no. 206))

ḏ-n=f-Rꜥw-s.t=f-m-ẖ.t-mw.t=f, "der dem Re seinen Platz im Leib seiner Mutter gab (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Goyon, Pap. Imouthès, Col. 16.5; vgl. LGG IV, 748)

ḏ-rnp.wt, "der die Jahre gewährt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 748)

ḏ-snḏ=f-m-ẖꜣk.w-jb, "der die Furcht vor sich unter den Verschwörern verbreitet (Osiris)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 758)

ḏ-kꜣ.w, "der die Nahrungsmittel gibt" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 762)

ḏꜣ, "Feuerbohrer" | "fire drill" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 511.10; FCD 318)

ḏꜣ, "[ein Hohlmaß]" | "[a measure of volume]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 516.2-3; LÄ III, 1206; Pommerening, Hohlmaße, 239 ff.)

ḏꜣ, "[krankhafter Zustand der Augen (blutig ?)]" | "[affliction of the eye (med,)]" [verb] (Wb 5, 517.9; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 725)

ḏꜣ.y, "[ein Flussschiff]" | "[a large riverboat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 515.6; Jones, Naut. Titles, 151 (88))

ḏꜣ.y, "Mauer" | "[noun]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 519.3; KoptHWb 571)

ḏꜣ.yw, "Widersacher" | "opponent" [substantive] (Wb 5, 517.10-12; FCD 318)

ḏꜣ.ywt, "Widersetzlichkeit; Übertretung; Übel (allg.)" | "offence; wrongdoing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 518.3-18; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 816 f.)

ḏꜣ.yt, "Widersacherin" | "opponent" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 518.1; vgl. FCD 318)

ḏꜣ.yt, "Zeugstoff; Kleid; Binde" | "linen (clothing)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 519.6-11; FCD 319)

ḏꜣ.w, "[ein Leinenzeug (Kleiderstoff)]" | "[linen, for clothing]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 519.12; FCD 319)

ḏꜣ.wtj, "Widersacher" | "foe" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 519.1; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 148; LGG VII, 591)

ḏꜣ.wtt, "Widersacherin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1931a (Faulkner, Suppl.); Jéquier, Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit, Nt 762)

ḏꜣ.t, "grauer Kranich" | "grey crane" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 516.9-13; LÄ III, 756)

ḏꜣ.t, "Rest; Rückstand" | "remainder; deficiency" [substantive] (Wb 5, 517.4-8; FCD 318)

ḏꜣ.t, "[ein Boot]" | "[a boat]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Jones, Naut. Titles, 151 (89))

ḏꜣ.t, "Überfahrt" | "crossing" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 815)

ḏꜣ.t-jtr.w-Rꜥw-ḥr-wp.t=s-m-nḫn.w, "die den Fluss durchquert (mit) Re auf ihrem Gehörn als Kind" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Osing/Rosati, Papiri, Tav. 20, x+5.16 f.)

ḏꜣ.t-rʾ, "Verpflegung" | "meal" [substantive] (CT VI, 205 n)

ḏꜣꜣ, "Haarflechte" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 520.7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 817)

ḏꜣjs, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 520.12-521.3; Yamazaki, Mutter und Kind, 16 f., Anm. c)

ḏꜣjs, "verhandeln; beraten" | "to parley; to counsel" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 521.4-6; FCD 319)

ḏꜣjs, "Spruch; Argument" | "spell; utterance" [substantive] (Wb 5, 521.10-522.1; FCD 319)

ḏꜣjs.w, "Disputant; Opponent" | "councilor; sage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 521.7-9; FCD 319)

ḏꜣy.t, "[ein Architekturelement]; Mauer" | "[an architectural element]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 79.3617; ONB 599 ff., Anm. 561; EDG 674)

ḏꜣi̯, "überqueren; durchziehen; (jmdn.) übersetzen (über/nach)" | "to cross (a body of water); to ferry" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 511-513.14)

ḏꜣꜥ, "Platterbse" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 522.3; DrogWb 586; Sauneron, Ophiologie, 91; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 511; Germer, Handbuch, 165 f.)

ḏꜣf, "verbrennen" | "to burn up" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 522.8-13; FCD 319)

ḏꜣf, "Verbranntes (Fleisch)" | "burned meat (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 522.14; MedWb 995)

ḏꜣm, "[von der Bewegung der Hände und Füße (beim Tanz)]" | "to wave (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 523.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 817)

ḏꜣm, "Nachwuchs; Rekruten; Generation" | "offspring; youths; generation" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 523.4-524.6; FCD 319)

ḏꜣm-n-nfrw, "junge Rekrutentruppe" | "troops of recruits" [substantive] (Wb 2, 258.3; 5, 523.14; FCD 319)

ḏꜣr, "Bedürfnis" | "need" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 524.10-525.10; FCD 319)

ḏꜣr.w, "[Gegenstand aus Stein]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 14)

ḏꜣr.t, "Johannisbrotfrucht" | "[a fruit]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 526.5-13; FCD 319; DrogWb 586 ff.;Germer, Flora, 127; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1220; Aufrère, BIFAO 83, 1983, 28 ff.; Germer, Handbuch, 166 ff.)

ḏꜣr.t, "Skorpion" | "scorpion" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 526.15-527.4)

ḏꜣsw, "Säge" | "saw" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 527.6)

ḏꜣd, "(Schlachtopfer) abstechen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 527.10; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 818)

ḏꜣd.w, "Djadu-Halle (Audienzhalle)" | "audience hall" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 527.11-15; FCD 319)

ḏꜣḏ.yt, "Nässen (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 533.9; MedWb 997)

ḏꜣḏꜣ, "Behörde" | "assembly; council; magistrates (at the judgement of the dead)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 530.2-3)

ḏꜣḏꜣ, "Kopf; Spitze" | "head; tip" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 530.5-531.20)

ḏꜣḏꜣ, "Barkenstation" | "[building in front of a temple (bark station?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 532.6-7; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1223; Spencer, Egyptian Temple, 130 ff.)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.w, "Topf" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 532.1-5; FCD 320; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 151; MedWb 995 f.; ONB 483 f., Anm. 152)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Behörde; Kollegium; (Toten-)Gericht" | "assembly; council; magistrates (at the judgement of the dead)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 528.1-529.20)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Umgebung (med.)" | "surrounding area (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 530.4; MedWb 997)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Harfe" | "harp" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 533.5-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1222)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Topf" | "pot" [substantive] (Wb 5, 532.1-5; FCD 320; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 151; MedWb 995 f.)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.t, "Opfertisch" | "offering table" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Settgast, Bestattungsdarstellungen, 24)

ḏꜣḏꜣ.t-n-zwr, "Trinkgefäß" | "drinking pot" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 532.4)

ḏꜥ, "Sturm; Wind; Blähung" | "storm; wind" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 533.11-534.6; MedWb 997)

ḏꜥ, "stürmisch sein; Winde lassen" | "to be stormy; to break wind (med.)" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 534.7-8; MedWb 998)

ḏꜥ, "(Fische) fangen" | "to spear fish" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 534.11)

ḏꜥ.wt, "Fische" | "to spear fish" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 535.5; Caminos, LEM, 128)

ḏꜥ.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a substance (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 535.3-4; DrogWb 595 f.)

ḏꜥ.t, "[eine Region (?)]" | "[a region in the 14th nome of Lower Egypt]" [substantive] (Habachi, Kamose, 34 (Z. 7), 53)

ḏꜥꜥ, "Zweig; Ast" | "twig; branch" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 535.8-10; MedWb 998)

ḏꜥꜥ, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 535.11; DrogWb 596 f.)

ḏꜥꜥm.jw, "[Bez. des Geb]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 535.14; LGG VII, 606)

ḏꜥb, "schwärzen (mit Kohle)" | "to blacken" [verb] (Wb 5, 536.4; MedWb 998)

ḏꜥb, "kohlschwarz (vom Haar)" | "coal-black" [adjective] (Wb 5, 536.5; FCD 320)

ḏꜥb.t, "Holzkohle; schwarzes Pigment" | "charcoal" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 536.8-17; FCD 320)

ḏꜥb.t-n-wḥm, "[Kohle als Brennmaterial]" | "charcoal for burning" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 1, 345.4; 5, 536.13)

ḏꜥm, "[ein Zepter (von Göttern)]" | "[a scepter]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 537.4-11; FCD 320; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 823; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1225)

ḏꜥm, "Weißgold; Elektrum; Feingold" | "fine gold; white gold; electrum" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 537.13-539.3; Harris, Minerals, 44 ff.)

ḏꜥm.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 598)

ḏꜥm.t, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Foster, in: Gs Baer, 95)

ḏꜥr, "suchen; untersuchen; (besorgt auf etwas) blicken; sich kümmern um" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 539.8-540.15)

ḏꜥdd, "[Art Stöcke]" | "[a stick]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 541.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 153)

ḏw, "Berg" | "mountain" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 541.7-545.1)

ḏw, "schlecht; böse; unheilvoll" | "evil; bad; sinister" [adjective] (Wb 5, 545.9-546.20; ONB 143)

ḏw, "Schlechtes; Böses" | "evil" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 548.18-549.20; FCD 320)

ḏw, "Messer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 550.1-2; MedWb 1000)

ḏw, "in bösartiger Weise; schlecht" | "bad; evil" [adverb] (Wb 5, 547.8-9)

ḏw, "Mehl; Gries" | "flour; meal" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Edel, QH II, 1.2, 27 f.)

ḏw, "böser Mann" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Parkinson, JEA 90, 2004, 94, 98)

ḏw.wj, "die beiden Uferberge" | "two mountain ridges (flanking the river)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 544.14-16)

ḏw.wt, "Papyrus (die "Aufgerichtete")" | "papyrus plant" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 511.6-9; FCD 318; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 822; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1224)

ḏw.t, "Berg" | "mountain" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 545.2-5)

ḏw.t, "Schlechtes; Böses" | "evil; dirt" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 547.11-548.17)

ḏw.t, "[ein lästiges Insekt]" | "[a stinging insect (Sem. loan word)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 552.7; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 572)

ḏw.t, "[ein Gefäß]; [Maßangabe]" | "[a vessel]; [a measure of volume]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 549.25)

ḏw.t-qd, "die Bösartige" | "evil character" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Piankoff/Clere, JEA 20, 1934, 160 f. (Louvre E6134))

ḏ, "Bösewicht" | "evil one" [substantive] (Wb 5, 549.21; vgl. LGG VII, 612)

ḏw-ꜥ, "Messer (des Arztes); Messerbehandlung" | "knife (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 552.1-5; MedWb 1000; Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin, 487)

ḏw-pf, "jener Böse (Seth)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 610)

ḏw-qd, "Bösartiger" | "evil character" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 546.21-22)

ḏw-qd, "Bösartiger" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 610 f.)

ḏwj.w, "Zuruf; Anruf" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 551.4-5)

ḏwj.w, "[ein Krug (aus Ton)]" | "[a pottery jar]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 551.6-7; FCD 321; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 155)

ḏwj.w, "[offizinell]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (DrogWb 598)

ḏwi̯, "(jmdn.) rufen; anreden; (jmdm.) zurufen" | "to call; to call upon" [verb] (Wb 5, 550.4-551.2; Allen, Inflection, 575)

ḏwi̯, "schlecht sein; böse sein" | "to be bad; to be evil" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 546.21-547.7)

ḏws, "verleumden" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 552.6; Fecht, SAK 1, 1974, 189)

ḏwḏw, "schlecht" | "bad" [adjective] (Wb 5, 552.9-11)

ḏwḏw, "Übler" | "bad one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 552.12-13; LGG VII, 613)

ḏb.w, "Einkünfte" | "income (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 553.4; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 826)

ḏb.w, "[ein Teil des Wagens]" | "[a chariot appertenance, of gold]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 553.5-6; Caminos, LEM, 215)

ḏb.t, "Ziegel; Platte; Barren (als Maß)" | "brick; sheet; ingot (also as a unit of measure)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 553.7-554.18)

ḏbꜣ, "Schwimmer (an der Harpune, am Fischnetz)" | "papyrus reed float (for fishermen, for harpooners)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 555.1-3)

ḏbꜣ, "[ein Schurz mit Tierschwanz]" | "[a multi-colored kilt]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 560.8-9)

ḏbꜣ, "ersetzen; bezahlen; vergelten; ausrüsten; bekleiden; schmücken; vestopft sein; verstopfen; füllen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 555.5-558.15)

ḏbꜣ.w, "Ersatz; Bezahlung" | "compensation; payments" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 558-560.2)

ḏbꜣ.w, "Blätter; Laub" | "leaves; foliage" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 562.2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 156)

ḏbꜣ.w, "[ein Holzkasten]" | "[a wooden box]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger/Cenival, Abu Sir Pap., 686 (Index); Brovarski, in: Fs Wente, 47)

ḏbꜣ.t, "Ankleidezimmer (im Palast)" | "robing room (in the palace)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 561.2-7; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 827)

ḏbꜣ.t, "Schrein; Sarg" | "shrine; sarcophagus" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 561.8-12; FCD 321)

ḏbꜣ.t, "Untersatz (für den Götterschrein)" | "base (of a shrine)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 561.13; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 828)

ḏbꜣ.t, "Ausstattung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Pyr 1597a)

ḏbꜣ.t-n.t-ḫntš, "[Wagenkasten ?]; [Sänfte ?]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, Faltblatt, x+18)

ḏbꜣ.tj, "Ankleidepriester" | "adorner (?); robing priest" [epitheton_title: title] (Wb 5, 562.6; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3745)

ḏbꜣ-nṯr, "[Gerät]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 560.15)

ḏbj, "Heer" | "army (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 562.10; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 573; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 54 f.)

ḏbꜥ, "Finger" | "finger" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 562.11-565.9)

ḏbꜥ, "Zehntausend; zehntausend" | "ten thousand" [numeral: cardinal] (Wb 5, 565.13-566.4)

ḏbꜥ, "siegeln; verschließen" | "to seal" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 566.12-15; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 157)

ḏbꜥ, "mit dem Finger zeigen; Anstoß nehmen" | "to point the finger at (in reproach)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 567.2-3; FCD 321; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 830)

ḏbꜥ, "Siegel; Siegelring" | "seal; signet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.5199; 78.4908)

ḏbꜥ, "ringförmiger Türriegelgriff" | "door-hinge tenon (?); ring for a door bolt (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 441, 686; Graefe, MDAIK 27, 1971, 150 ff.; Guglielmi/Buroh, in: Fs te Velde, 118)

ḏbꜥ, "Siegelnder" | "one who seals" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 157)

ḏbꜥ.w, "Vorwurf" | "blame; reproach" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 567.4-8; FCD 321; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 830; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1232)

ḏbꜥ.wt, "Siegel; Siegelabdruck; Siegelung" | "seal; seal impression" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 566.5-11; FCD 322; vgl. ONB 195, Anm. 865)

ḏbw, "[ein Fleischstück]" | "[a cut of meat]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.5182)

ḏbb, "schließen; verstopfen" | "to block up" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Meeks, AL 78.4910; ONB 618, Anm. 623)

ḏbn.w, "Kuhantilope" | "hartebeest (antelope)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 568.2; LÄ I, 320)

ḏbḥ.w, "[ein Fischer]" | "fisherman" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 568.4; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1233)

ḏbqbq, "kopfüber eintauchen" | "to dunk (head-first) (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_5-lit] (Wb 5, 568.5; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 575)

ḏbḏb, "zertreten" | "to crush (by treading)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Cerný, CED 318; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 158)

ḏprt(j), "[ein Gefäß (Wasserkrug?)]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Andreu/Cauville, RdE 30, 1978, 21; Meeks, AL 78.4913; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 158; vgl. Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1234)

ḏpḥ, "Apfel" | "apple (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 568.10; Cerný, CED 314)

ḏpq.t, "Tänzerin" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Caminos, LEM, 347; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 580)

ḏfꜣ, "Nahrung; Speise" | "provision; sustenance" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 569.9-571.5)

ḏfꜣ, "(jmdn.) ernähren" | "to provision" [verb] (Wb 5, 571.9-10; vgl. FCD 322; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1234)

ḏfꜣ.t, "Nahrung" | "provisions" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 571.6)

ḏfi̯, "einsinken; versinken" | "to sink in" [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 569.4-6; MedWb 1003)

ḏft, "[ein Öl]" | english translation missing [substantive] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 159; Koura, Öle, 250)

ḏfḏ, "Iris (mit Pupille)" | "iris (including the pupil)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 572.10-573.11; MedWb 1004; Hoffmann, GM 132, 1993, 37 f.)

ḏfḏf, "träufeln; tränen" | "to tear (of the eye)" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 573.13-15; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1237)

ḏfḏf, "Tropfen" | "droplet" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 573.16-17; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1237)

ḏfḏf.t, "[eine Krankheit der Augen]" | "tearing (as an affliction of the eye)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 573.18; MedWb 1004)

ḏfḏf.t, "Tropfen" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Vgl. Wb 5, 448.6)

ḏmꜥ, "Papyrusblatt; Papyrus (als Material)" | "papyrus (scroll, sheet)" [substantive] (Wb 5, 574.3-9; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 159)

ḏmꜥ, "dürr sein (vom Land)" | "parched (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 574.10-11; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 581; Müller, OLZ 97, 2002, 42)

ḏmtn, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[an ingredient in incense]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 574.14; DrogWb 599)

ḏn, "dreschen" | "to thresh" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 575.1; MedWb 1004)

ḏn, "heiß sein" | english translation missing [verb: verb_2-lit] (Vgl. MedWb 1018, Anm. 2)

ḏn.w, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 575.5)

ḏn.w, "Tenne" | "threshing floor" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 575.6; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 159)

ḏn-jb, "[ein Gefäß]" | "[a vessel]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 575.3)

ḏnj.t, "[ein Fest]; Tag des 1. und 3. Mondviertels" | "[a festival]; day of the 1st and 3rd quarter of the moon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 465.6-8; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 833; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1199)

ḏnb, "krumm sein" | "to be crooked (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 576.2; MedWb 1004)

ḏnb, "Wendemarke; Laufstation; Grenzmarkierung" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 576.7)

ḏnn, "Haarsträuben (als Zeichen des Schreckens)" | "bristling (of hair) (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 577.1; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 584)

ḏnn, "sich abmühen" | "to be tormented (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_2-gem] (Wb 5, 577.2-3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 160)

ḏnn, "Qual, Folter; mühselige Arbeit" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 160; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 585; Meeks, BiOr 54, 1997, 55)

ḏnn, "Leinen (?)" | "linen (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Caminos, LEM, 385)

ḏnn.wtt, "[eine Schlange]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 576.11)

ḏnn.t, "Schädel; Kopf" | "skull; head" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 576.13-17; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 834; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1238)

ḏnr, "Zweig" | "switch; stick (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 577.4; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 586)

ḏnrm, "sich bemühen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Meeks, AL 77.5228; Quack, ZÄS 128, 2001, 179, Anm. 116)

ḏnḥ, "Flügel" | "wing" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 577.6-578.7; FCD 322; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 834 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1238)

ḏnḥ, "an den Flügeln packen" | "to pinion" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 578.8-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1238)

ḏnḥ, "Bein (oder Teil des Beins)" | "upper part of the (hind-)leg" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 578.11; FCD 322; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 161; Walker, Anatom. Term., 279)

ḏnḥ, "Ruderblatt" | "blade (of an oar)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 578.13; Jones, Naut. Titles 195 (190); Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 835)

ḏnd, "Zorn; Wüten" | "wrath" [substantive] (Wb 5, 579.1-5; FCD 323)

ḏnd, "zornig sein" | "to be angry" [verb] (Wb 5, 579.6-7; Allen, Inflection, 566; FCD 322)

ḏnd, "Zorniger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 323; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 836)

ḏnd-jb, "Zorniger" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Quack, Merikare, 22 f.)

ḏndr.w, "[eine Barke]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 579.9-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1238; Jones, Naut. Titles, 257 f. (114))

ḏndr.w, "Barke" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 627)

ḏr, "fernhalten (von); beseitigen; beenden" | "to hinder; to put an end to" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 595.5-9)

ḏr, "[primitives Grab in der Fremde]" | "[a grave in a foreign land]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 598.12; FCD 323)

ḏr, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]" [preposition] (Wb 5, 592.1-593.14; EAG § 772; GEG § 176; ENG § 631)

ḏr, "bis zum Ende; schließlich" | english translation missing [adverb] (GEG § 205.1; FCD 323)

ḏr, "Mauer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Lesko, Dictionary IV, 162)

ḏr, "[ein Gefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Peust, Das Napatanische, 151)

ḏr.w, "Weihe (Habicht)" | "kite (bird of prey)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 601; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 845)

ḏr.w, "Ende; Grenze; Bereich" | "end; limit; boundary" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 585-589.5; KoptHWb 241 f.)

ḏr.w, "Hindernis" | "obstacle" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.5245; vgl. ONB 600 f.)

ḏr.t, "Hand; Handvoll (als Maß)" | "hand; handful (as a measure of volume)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 580.3-585.10)

ḏr.t, "[Teil des Wagens]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 585.7; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 163)

ḏr.t, "[weibliches Kalb]" | "[small calves]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 585.8-9)

ḏr.t, "Falke; Weihe, Milan" | "kite; falcon" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 596.2-8; LÄ II, 95, VI, 1167)

ḏr.t, "[ein essbarer Vogel (Opfergabe, Weihe?)]" | "[an edible bird, as an offering]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, AL 77.5248)

ḏr.t, "die Hand (Hathor)" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Vgl. LGG VII, 627)

ḏr.t-Jtm.w, "Hand Atums" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 628 f.)

ḏr.t-n.t-jws.w, "Waagschale (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

ḏr.t-n.t-Rꜥw, "Hand des Re" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 628)

ḏr.t-nṯr, "Gotteshand" | "god's hand" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 628)

ḏr.t-nṯr-wr.t, "große Gotteshand" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 628)

ḏr.tjw, "Vorfahren" | "ancestors" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 597-598.9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1245 f.)

ḏr-ꜥ, "vor; seit" | english translation missing [preposition] (Wb 1, 157.10; 5, 594.11-595.3)

ḏr-ꜥ, "früher; vordem; seit Anbeginn" | "long ago" [adverb] (Wb 5, 594.9-10; GEG § 205.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1239)

ḏr-ꜥ, "Ende; Grenze" | english translation missing [substantive] (Wb 5, 594.6-8; 595.1-3; FCD 323; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1239)

ḏr-bꜣḥ, "früher; vordem" | "before; formerly" [adverb] (Wb 1, 422.1-2; EAG § 752)

ḏr-n.tjt, "denn; weil; wann (Konjunktion)" | "since; because; when" [particle] (Wb 2, 355.4-6; EAG § 1043; GEG § 223)

ḏr-rsj, "völlig" | "completely" [adverb] (Wb 5, 593.13-14; JWSpG § 260)

ḏrj, "fest; hart; tüchtig" | "firm; stout" [adjective] (Wb 5, 599.1-8)

ḏrj, "tüchtig; sehr; ganz" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 599.9-16; CGG 135)

ḏrj.t, "[aus Elfenbein und Ebenholz Hergestelltes]" | "wall (?); floor (?)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 600.2-6; FCD 323)

ḏry, "Farbe; Farbpigmente" | "color; pigment" [substantive] (Wb 5, 601; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1243)

ḏry.t, "Gemach; Wohnung; Schrein" | "dwelling; chamber" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 600.7-12; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1241 f.)

ḏri̯, "fest sein; gleichgültig sein" | "to be hard (?); to be stolid (?)" [verb: verb_3-inf] (FCD 323; ONB 609 f., Anm. 604)

ḏrꜥ, "unterwerfen; zerstreuen" | "to lay low; to overthrow (Sem. loan word)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 603.4; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 165; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 590; EDG 684; KoptHWb 432)

ḏrw.y, "Farbe (allg.); [ein hartes Pigment]" | "paint (gen.); [a pigment]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 601.5-10; Harris, Minerals, 157)

ḏrw.w, "Seite; Rippengegend (am Körper)" | "side (of the body); flank" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 602.1-20; MedWb 1009 f.; Walker, Anatom. Term., 279)

ḏrw.t, "Sarg" | "coffin" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 601.3; FCD 324)

ḏrw.t, "Klumpen (von Kot)" | "clump (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 601.4; MedWb 1009)

ḏrwt, "Fassade (?)" | "hall (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 603.2; Enmarch, World Upturned, 79 f.)

ḏrn.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 601)

ḏrt, "eingetragene Ration" | "necessity; ration" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 603.3; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 150)

ḏrṯ, "von nun an" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 603.9; EAG § 753, 2c; vgl. Allen, Inflection, § 640)

ḏrḏ, "Blätter (der Bäume)" | "leaf (med.)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 603.11-604.7; DrogWb 601 ff.; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 847)

ḏrḏr, "fremd" | "strange; foreign" [adjective] (Wb 5, 604.8-10; FCD 324)

ḏrḏr, "Blätter (der Bäume)" | "leaves" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 604.14; CDD D, 79; KoptHWb 422)

ḏrḏr, "fremd sein; feindlich handeln" | "to be foreign; to behave hostilely" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 604.11-12; FCD 324)

ḏrḏr, "Fremder" | "stranger; foreigner" [substantive] (Wb 5, 604.13; FCD 324; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 847)

ḏḥ, "[ein Metall (Zinn, Blei; Eisen)]" | "[a metal]" [substantive] (Wb 5, 605.6; LÄ VI, 1409 ff.; Harris, Minerals 66 f.)

ḏḥꜣ, "[Verb (vom Zustand des Getreides)]" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 605.7)

ḏḥꜣ, "Abgabe (?)" | "delivery (?)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 605.8)

ḏḥꜣ.j, "[Substantiv (eine Person)]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 605.9; vgl. LGG VII, 639)

ḏḥꜣ.w, "[ein Kultgegenstand]" | "[a cult object]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 77.5268; vgl. Posener-Kriéger, Pap. d'Abousir, 83)

ḏḥꜥ, "Leder; Haut" | "leather; (leather) lacings" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 605.10-11; vgl. FCD 324)

ḏḥꜥ, "[Verb]" | "to bind firmly together (?)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 605.12)

ḏḥꜥꜥ.t, "Sechsspeichenrad (?)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Altenmüller/Moussa, SAK 18, 1991, 13)

ḏḥtj, "Blei (Metall)" | "lead" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 606.4-8; LÄ I, 826 f.; Harris, Minerals 67 f.)

ḏḥḏḥ, "vernichten" | "to kill" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 607.3; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1246)

ḏs, "Selbst; Person" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 607.4-608.15)

ḏswi̯, "rufen; rezitieren" | "to call" [verb: verb_4-inf] (Wb 5, 609.3-5; FCD 324; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 856; Allen, Inflection, 585)

ḏsf, "(ein Netz) flicken; fangen" | "to repair (a net)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 609.7)

ḏsf.w, "[ein Gefäß]" | "cauldron" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 609.9; MedWb 1012; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1246)

ḏsf.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 609.10; MedWb 1012)

ḏsr, "Prächtiger" | "Splendid-one" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 617.1-3; LGG VII, 652)

ḏsr, "[eine Schlange]" | "[a snake]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 617.4)

ḏsr, "[ein Stab oder Zepter]" | "[a staff (or scepter?)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 617.9)

ḏsr, "[ein Möbel]" | "[a piece of furniture]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 617.10)

ḏsr, "heilig; prächtig; geweiht" | "splendid; sacred; holy" [adjective] (Wb 5, 610-613.5)

ḏsr, "absondern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 609.11-614.14; Hoffmeier, Sacred)

ḏsr.w, "Pracht; Herrlichkeit; Heiligkeit; Abgesondertheit" | "splendor; sacredness" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 615.1-17)

ḏsr.w, "Konsekration" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 96, Anm. 261)

ḏsr.t, "[ein Bier (aus der Djeseret-Pflanze?)]" | "[a strong ale (made from the djeseret-plant?)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 616.7-13; FCD 325; DrogWb 604; LÄ I, 790)

ḏsr.t, "Abgeschirmte" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 617.5; LGG VII, 669)

ḏsr.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a plant (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 617.7; DrogWb 604 f.)

ḏsr.t, "[ein Anrichtetisch (für Opfer)]" | "[a table (for offerings)]" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 617.11-12; FCD 325)

ḏsr.t, "[Bezeichnung des linken Armes]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (Meeks, Mythes, 297 ff.)

ḏsr-s.t, "der mit erhabenem Sitz" | "holy of place" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 4, 5.6-8; 5, 612.6-7; LGG VII, 659 f.)

ḏsḏs, "[schlechter Zustand des Herzens (üble Stimmung)]" | "to be down-hearted" [verb: verb_4-lit] (Wb 5, 618.2; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 167)

ḏsḏs, "Alter Ego; Selbst (?)" | "alter ego" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, AL 78.4969; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 861)

ḏq-mꜣꜣ, "[Bezeichnung des rasierten Kopfes mit Haarflechte]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Meeks, Mythes, 125, Anm. 412)

ḏt, "Ölbaum; Olive" | "olive tree; olives; olive oil (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 618.4-5; Germer, Flora, 151; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 594)

ḏtt, "[Beischrift zu einer säugenden Hündin]" | "[a dog's name]" [undefined] (Wb 5, 618.7)

ḏd, "sagen; mitteilen" | "to say; to tell" [verb: verb_2-lit] (Wb 5, 618.9-625.2)

ḏd, "Djed-Pfeiler (Symbol der Dauer)" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 626.11-627.4)

ḏd, "Pfeiler (Bauglied an einer Kapelle)" | "column" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 627.11; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 168)

ḏd, "Dauer; Stabilität" | "stability; duration" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 626.12; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 865)

ḏd.w, "[Substantiv]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 626.8)

ḏd.w, "Dauernde" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 683)

ḏd.w, "Verleumder" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Kanawati, Meir I, Taf. 76 (a))

ḏd.wj, "der von Busiris" | "He-of-Djedu" [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Wb 5, 630.7; LGG VII, 685)

ḏd.t, "Dauer; Stabilität" | "stability; duration" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 630.1-5; FCD 325)

ḏd.t-jḫ, "der alle guten Dinge, die sie sagt, getan werden (Königin)" | "one for whom every perfect thing she says is done" [epitheton_title: title] (Jones, Titles OK, no. 3765)

ḏd-mdw, "Worte sprechen; [Rezitationsvermerk]" | "to be pronounced" [verb] (Wb 5, 625.3-626.6)

ḏd-rn-m-Ḏḏ.t-ḥ, "der mit dauerhaftem Namen im oberen Djedet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 682)

ḏd-šps.j, "prächtiger Pfeiler" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG VII, 678 ff.)

ḏdꜣ, "fett" | "fat" [adjective] (Wb 5, 631.3-9; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1252; MedWb 1017)

ḏdꜣ, "reif sein; reifen machen; fett sein" | "to ripen; to swell; to grow fat" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 631.10-632.3; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 867 f.; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1252; KoptHWb 435)

ḏdꜣ, "Fettes" | "fat" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 632.4-6; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1252; MedWb 1017)

ḏdjdi̯, "dauern" | english translation missing [verb: verb_5-inf] (Pyr 853a; Allen, Inflection, 588)

ḏdi̯, "dauernd; ohne Unterbrechung (Rezitationsvermerk)" | english translation missing [adverb] (Wb 5, 629.8-9)

ḏdi̯, "dauern; dauern lassen" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-inf] (Wb 5, 628.6-629.15)

ḏdb, "stechen" | "to sting" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 632.7-10; FCD 326; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 169; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1253)

ḏdb, "Stich (eines Insekts)" | "sting (of an insect)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 632.12)

ḏdb, "sammeln; versammeln" | "to collect; to assemble" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 632.13; vgl. KoptHWb 437)

ḏdb, "[Tätigkeit des Arztes bei Magenleiden]" | "[verb (med.)]" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 632.14-15; MedWb 1017 f.)

ḏdb, "[ein Fisch]" | "[a fish (med.)]" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 633.2; DrogWb 605)

ḏdb.t, "[eine Kapelle]" | "chapel" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 633.4)

ḏdf, "sich sträuben (Haar); schaudern" | "to stand on end (hair); to creep (of the flesh)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 634.4-6; FCD 326)

ḏdf.t, "Gewürm; Schlangen" | "snake; worm (med.)" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 633.6-634.3; FCD 326; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 169; Wilson, Ptol. Lexikon, 1253 f.)

ḏdm, "stechen" | "to sting" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 634.19-20)

ḏdm.t, "Haufen" | "heaps" [substantive: substantive_fem] (Wb 5, 634.7-18; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 169)

ḏdm.t, "[Brei]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_fem] (DrogWb 605 f.)

ḏdḥ, "aufwallen (beim Kochen)" | "to boil up (?) (med.)" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 635.4; MedWb 1019)

ḏdḥ, "verhaften; einsperren" | "to shut up; to imprison" [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 635.6-12; FCD 326; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 169)

ḏdḥ.w, "Gefängnis" | "prison" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 635.13; Lesko, Dictionary IV, 169)

ḏdk, "auch" | english translation missing [particle: particle_enclitic] (Sander-Hansen, Grammatik, § 399; Sethe, Dramatische Texte, 53; EAG § 753c)

ḏdt, "geblendet sein (von den Augen); durchbohren (mit den Augen)" | english translation missing [verb: verb_3-lit] (Wb 5, 636.1; Demarée, Papyri, 11; KoptHWb 436)

ḏdṯ, "auch" | english translation missing [particle: particle_enclitic] (Sander-Hansen, Grammatik, § 399; Sethe, Dramatische Texte, 53; EAG § 753c)

ḏḏ, "Blumen (als Ornament)" | "flower; rosette (Sem. loan word)" [substantive: substantive_masc] (Wb 5, 636.2; Hoch, Sem. Words, no. 595)

ḏḏ-jꜣw, "der das hohe Alter garantiert" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (Davies, Amarna VI, pl. 3)

ḏḏ-n=f-sꜣ, "der ihm den Rücken zuwendet" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (Gardiner, Sinuhe, pl. 3; Koch, Sinuhe, 34)

ḏḏ-rʾ, "Sprecher; Rufer" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (FCD 155)

ḏḏ-ḥtp.w-n-nṯr.w, "der den Göttern Opfer spendet" | english translation missing [epitheton_title: epith_god] (LGG IV, 752)

9-smr.w, "Die 9 Begleiter (der Sokarbarke) (Träger der Barke)" | english translation missing [entity_name: gods_name] (Goyon, RdE 20, 1968, 80 f., 69, 94, n. 56; vgl. LGG VI, 345)

_, "[eine Garnqualität]" | "[a quality of thread]" [substantive] (Junker, Giza IV, Taf. IX; Kanawati, Giza I, pl. 36)

_, "[Name]" | english translation missing [entity_name] (-)

_, "[Wort]" | english translation missing [undefined] (-)

_, "[Titel oder Epitheton]" | english translation missing [epitheton_title] (-)

_, "[Substantiv oder ein substantivischer Ausdruck]" | english translation missing [substantive] (-)

_, "[Adjektiv oder adjektivischer Ausdruck]" | english translation missing [adjective] (-)

_, "[Verb]" | english translation missing [verb] (-)

_, "[Präposition]" | english translation missing [preposition] (-)

_, "[Pronomen]" | english translation missing [pronoun] (-)

_, "[Partikel]" | english translation missing [particle] (-)

_, "[Zahl]" | english translation missing [numeral] (-)

_.w, "[Gefäß]" | english translation missing [substantive: substantive_masc] (MedWb 1022; FCD 326)