ḏdi̯ (854593)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma ḏdi̯, "dauern; dauern lassen" (for more info check AED link: 854593 & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec1897-8
(PT 311 / 〈Nordwand〉), [606]
- oraec1417-8
(Opferformel / unterer Architrav), [2]
- oraec450-26
(PT 357 / 〈Ostwand〉), [T/F/E inf 46 = 182]
- oraec1167-35
(PT 364 / 〈Westwand〉), [T/A/W 33 = 269]
- oraec483-21
(PT 470 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 15 = 174]
- oraec543-30
(PT 553 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 7 = 612]
- oraec580-15
(PT 532 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/C ant/W 92 = 481]
- oraec626-28
(PT 690 / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 86]
- oraec837-2
(PT 485 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 53 = 204+8]
- oraec837-3
(PT 485 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 53 = 204+8]
- oraec837-4
(PT 485 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 54 = 204+9]
- oraec837-9
(PT 485 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 55 = 204+10]
- oraec853-24
(PT 666 / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 71]
- oraec975-9
(PT 603 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/F/E 31]
- oraec1247-3
(PT 509 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/C med/E 72 = 305]
- oraec1317-11
(PT 264 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/F/E 29]
- oraec1911-3
(PT 503 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/C med/E 5 = 238]
- oraec2210-6
(PT 439 / 〈Fläche über und links neben dem Sarkophag〉), [P/F/W inf A 27 = 92]
- oraec2210-6
(PT 439 / 〈Fläche über und links neben dem Sarkophag〉), [P/F/W inf A 27 = 92]
- oraec2818-25
(PT 357 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/F/E 7 = 135]
- oraec3513-25
(PT 357 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/C ant/E 37 = 528]
- oraec3808-11
(PT 537 / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 82]
- oraec5532-3
(PT 487 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 60 = 204+15]
- oraec8035-11
(PT 537 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/C ant/E 72 = 563]
- oraec12530-16
(PT 474 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 24 = 183]
- oraec12603-1
(PT 464 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/F-A/N 19 = 158]
- oraec1030-17
(PT 474 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [M/A/W sup 36 = 290]
- oraec2819-26
(PT 357 / 〈Ostgiebel〉), [M/F/E sup 34 = 164]
- oraec5530-3
(PT 487 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [M/A/W sup 56 = 310]
- oraec257-28
(PT 690 / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 44 = 993]
- oraec302-16
(PT 666 / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 44 = 766]
- oraec302-27
(PT 666 / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 49 = 771]
- oraec723-28
(PT 690 / 〈Südwand, östl. Partie, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/Se II 12 = 593]
- oraec831-30
(PT 553 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 11 = 1308+37]
- oraec847-4
(PT 456 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 11 = 657]
- oraec966-15
(PT 532 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/C ant/E 8 = 1269]
- oraec1362-26
(PT 357 / 〈Westwand〉), [Nt/F/W 57 = 440]
- oraec1723-6
(PT 439 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 53 = 699]
- oraec2444-3
(PT 503 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/C post/E 20 = 1079+20]
- oraec3585-2
(PT 503 / 〈Westwand〉), [Nt/C/W 15 = 802]
- oraec5476-15
(PT 474 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/A/W inf 11 = 896]
- oraec5531-3
(PT 487 / 〈Westgiebel〉), [N/A/W sup 26 = 846]
- oraec8051-26
(PT 357 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 7 = 653]
- oraec72-56
(Biographie Chnumhoteps II. / Grab des Chnumhotep II (Beni Hasan 3)), (178)
- oraec103-73
(〈Stele Neferhoteps I. aus Abydos (Kairo JE 6307)〉 / Stele Neferhoteps I. aus Abydos (Kairo JE 6307)), [Z. 25]
- oraec704-1
(Tb 182 / pVatikan 38600/1+2 (pVatikan 63)), [199]
- oraec704-34
(Tb 182 / pVatikan 38600/1+2 (pVatikan 63)), [217]
- oraec979-10
(Tb 154 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [4]
- oraec1235-16
(Tb 101 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [9]
- oraec737-15
(Tb 101 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [416]
- oraec857-4
(Stelentext / 〈Stele B〉), [K.IV]
- oraec2883-11
(Rahmentext / 〈hintere Innenwand〉), [18]
- oraec361-8
(Harfnerlieder Text J / 〈Harfnerlieder Text J: 〉Neferhotep (TT 50), Lied 3), [3]
- oraec180-1
(3. Vorderseite / Würfelstatue des Bekenchons), [Kol. 2]
- oraec642-36
(Tb 183 / pLondon BM 9901 (pHunefer)), [27]
- oraec1329-20
(Harfnerlied / Nefersecheru (Saujet el-Meitin)), [14]
- oraec1808-18
(Harfnerlieder Text H / Tjanefer (TT 158), Lied 2), [9]
- oraec2155-4
(Harfnerlieder Text L / 〈Harfnerlieder Text L: 〉Amenemhet (TT 163)), [2]
- oraec2393-5
(Satirischer Brief pAnastasi I, 3.2-4 / 〈06. 〉oDeM 1619), [4]
- oraec2485-1
(Satirischer Brief pAnastasi I, 2.7-3.1 / 〈04. 〉oTurin CGT 57313 = Suppl. 6618), [1]
- oraec143-105
(Stelentext / Millionenjahrhaus Ramses I.), [x+24]
- oraec245-33
(Text B: Datierter Baubericht / Halle/Nordwand/Eingang), [14]
- oraec453-28
(Harfnerlied / Djehutimes (TT 32)), [17]
- oraec2197-17
(Harfnerlieder Text H / Amenmose (TT 373)), [13]
- oraec9-35
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [2.7]
- oraec9-45
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [3.4]
- oraec2787-13
(Tb 015 / pLondon BM 10793), [24,13]
- oraec5652-12
(Tb 015 III 2 A / pLondon BM 10793), [24,2]
- oraec109-3
(T 4: Spruch an den Toten (Verklärung) [7 Tore des Jenseits] / 〈Südhälfte〉), [1]
- oraec38-211
(5. Einführung der Menge am letzten Tage des Monats Tech (=Thot) / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), [56,3]
- oraec38-41
(5. Einführung der Menge am letzten Tage des Monats Tech (=Thot) / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), [42,15]
- oraec97-76
(6. Ritual des Herausbringens von Sokar aus dem Schetait-Sanktuar / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), [61,13]
- oraec260-24
(Tb 168 Pleyte / pLeiden T 31), [15]
- oraec1233-10
(Tb 154 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [2]
- oraec11-380
(1. Gesänge von Isis und Nephthys / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [15,12]
- oraec11-415
(1. Gesänge von Isis und Nephthys / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [16,19]
- oraec60-78
(3. Ritual des Herausbringens von Sokar aus dem Schetait-Sanktuar / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [20,22]
- oraec132-63
(5. Die Namen des Apophis / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [33,10]
- oraec78-76
(Ritual des Herausbringens von Sokar aus dem Schetait-Sanktuar / Papyrus "Schmitt" (pBerlin P 3057)), ]30,34]
- oraec153-46
(1. Ritual des Herausbringens von Sokar aus dem Schetait-Sanktuar / Papyrus des Nes-ba-neb-djed II (pKairo JdE 97249,15)), [x+3,6]
- oraec79-76
(2. Ritual des Herausbringens von Sokar aus dem Schetait-Sanktuar / Papyrus des Djed-Hor aus Armant (pLouvre N. 3079)), [114,15]
- oraec325-12
(Haupttext / A. SIM. 3745), [12]
- oraec325-12
(Haupttext / A. SIM. 3745), [12]
- oraec454-12
(Haupttext / H. SIM 4017), [9]