rmn (854523)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma rmn, "Oberarm; Schulter; Seite; Hälfte" (for more info check AED link: 854523 & VÉgA entry & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec579-15
(PT 255 / 〈Westwand〉), [438]
- oraec1549-5
(PT 246 / 〈Südwand〉), [372]
- oraec1834-6
(PT 261 / 〈Südwand〉), [462]
- oraec1991-6
(PT 302 / 〈Nordwand〉), [568]
- oraec2223-10
(PT 268 / 〈Südwand〉), [481]
- oraec2994-12
(PT 214 / 〈Südwand〉), [211]
- oraec5445-5
(PT 245 / 〈Südwand〉), [365]
- oraec12685-4
(PT 213 / 〈Südwand〉), [207]
- oraec211-23
(PT 412 / 〈Nordwand〉), [T/A-S/N 17 = 362]
- oraec1881-15
(PT 255 / 〈Westwand〉), [T/A/W 14 = 250]
- oraec502-26
(PT 539 / 〈Südwand〉), [P/V/S 4 = 568]
- oraec529-15
(PT 674 + PT 462 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/F-A/N 11]
- oraec616-12
(PT 698A/PT 1066 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 57]
- oraec616-23
(PT 698A/PT 1066 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 59]
- oraec616-4
(PT 698A/PT 1066 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 56]
- oraec616-8
(PT 698A/PT 1066 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 57]
- oraec734-26
(PT 524 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/C ant/ W 69 = 458]
- oraec765-22
(PT 665A / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 56]
- oraec945-12
(PT 1069 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 75]
- oraec1026-6
(PT 684 / 〈Ostwand - nördl. des Verschlußsteins〉), [P/D ant/E 30]
- oraec1033-12
(PT 484 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 52 = 204+7]
- oraec1094-10
(PT 571 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/V/W 37 = 666]
- oraec1096-4
(PT 582 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/V/W 81 = 710]
- oraec1412-10
(PT 1025 + PT 1026 / 〈Südwand〉), [P/A/S 10]
- oraec1462-6
(PT 424 / 〈Giebel〉), [P/F/W sup 42 = 42]
- oraec1638-5
(PT 302 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/A/N 8]
- oraec1649-4
(PT 578 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/V/W 71 = 700]
- oraec1903-19
(PT 1032 / 〈Südwand〉), [P/A/S 62]
- oraec2147-5
(PT 574 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/V/W 54 = 683]
- oraec2210-4
(PT 439 / 〈Fläche über und links neben dem Sarkophag〉), [P/F/W inf A 26 = 91]
- oraec2346-20
(PT 710C / 〈Südwand〉), [P/A/S 43]
- oraec2792-5
(PT 1031 / 〈Südwand〉), [P/A/S 52]
- oraec6175-4
(PT 439 / 〈Ostwand - nördl. des Verschlußsteins〉), [P/D ant/E 21]
- oraec6177-3
(PT 1061 / 〈Ostwand〉), [P/V/E 36]
- oraec279-37
(PT 665D / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 31 = 753]
- oraec637-4
(PT 659 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 13 = 659]
- oraec719-16
(PT 674 + PT 462 / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/F-A/N 5 = 798]
- oraec823-17
(PT 412 / 〈Südwand, westl. Partie〉), [Nt/F/Sw 27 = 476]
- oraec886-29
(PT 665A / 〈Ostwand, oberes Register〉), [Nt/F/E sup 12 = 669]
- oraec898-22
(PT 412 / 〈Südwand, östl. Partie, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/Se II 68 = 649]
- oraec948-16
(PT 674 + PT 462 / 〈Südwand, östl. Partie, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/Se II 25 = 606]
- oraec1022-5
(PT 424 / 〈Südwand, westl. Partie〉), [Nt/F/Sw 2 = 451]
- oraec1125-17
(PT 697 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/C med/W 83 = 1162]
- oraec1374-10
(PT 268 / 〈Nordwand, westl. Partie, A〉), [Nt/F/Nw A 34 = 34]
- oraec1861-5
(PT 574 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 17 = 1308+43]
- oraec2294-6
(PT 246 / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 4 = 726]
- oraec2348-4
(PT 582 / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/V/N 3 = 1353]
- oraec2428-12
(PT 698A/PT 1066 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 32 = 1308+58]
- oraec2450-7
(PT 691A / 〈Ostwand〉), [Nt/C/E 4 = 822]
- oraec2450-7
(PT 691A / 〈Ostwand〉), [Nt/C/E 4 = 822]
- oraec2450-7
(PT 691A / 〈Ostwand〉), [Nt/C/E 4 = 822]
- oraec3024-6
(PT 691A / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 55 = 1004]
- oraec3024-6
(PT 691A / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 56 = 1005]
- oraec3024-6
(PT 691A / 〈Nordwand〉), [N/A/N 56 = 1005]
- oraec3721-6
(PT 245 / 〈Südwand, östl. Partie, oberes Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 1 = 723]
- oraec145-12
(〈Stele des Tjetji (BM EA 614)〉 / Stele des Tjetji (BM EA 614)), [7]
- oraec145-37
(〈Stele des Tjetji (BM EA 614)〉 / Stele des Tjetji (BM EA 614)), [17]
- oraec406-12
(〈Stele des Nachtiiqer (Chatsworth 720/12)〉 / Stele des Nachtiiqer (Chatsworth 720/12)), [B.2]
- oraec518-5
(〈Stele des Heny (Moskau I.1.a.1137 a,b)〉 / Stele des Heny (Moskau I.1.a.1137 a,b)), [3]
- oraec316-23
(〈Stele des Rudjahau (BM EA 159)〉 / Stele des Rudjahau (BM EA 159)), [D.10]
- oraec259-8
(〈Stele des Henenu (Moskau I.1.a.5603 (4071))〉 / Stele des Henenu (Moskau I.1.a.5603 (4071))), [A.5]
- oraec660-21
(〈Inschrift Mentuhoteps Nebhepetre aus Deir Ballas〉 / Inschrift Mentuhoteps Nebhepetre aus Deir Ballas), [x+10]
- oraec19-228
(Der beredte Bauer (Version B1) / pBerlin P 3023 + pAmherst I〈 (Bauer, B1)〉), [197/alt 166]
- oraec77-215
(Die Rede des Sasobek / pRamesseum I = pBM EA 10754), [F2, 1]
- oraec128-60
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep (Version L1) / pBM EA 10371+10435〈 (Ptahhotep, Version L1)〉), [m,1]
- oraec567-21
(〈Stele des Antef, Sohn der Senet (BM EA 572)〉 / Stele des Antef, Sohn der Senet (BM EA 572)), [A.12]
- oraec1128-4
(〈Stele des Hornacht (Kairo CG 20499)〉 / Stele des Hornacht (Kairo CG 20499)), [7]
- oraec103-79
(〈Stele Neferhoteps I. aus Abydos (Kairo JE 6307)〉 / Stele Neferhoteps I. aus Abydos (Kairo JE 6307)), [Z. 28]
- oraec751-4
(〈Stele des Mehibhor/Horemmehib (Kairo CG 20530)〉 / Stele des Mehibhor/Horemmehib (Kairo CG 20530)), [A.7]
- oraec30-113
(Die Erzählungen des pWestcar / 〈pWestcar = 〉pBerlin P 3033), [5, 18]
- oraec30-135
(Die Erzählungen des pWestcar / 〈pWestcar = 〉pBerlin P 3033), [6, 4]
- oraec30-146
(Die Erzählungen des pWestcar / 〈pWestcar = 〉pBerlin P 3033), [6, 9]
- oraec30-169
(Die Erzählungen des pWestcar / 〈pWestcar = 〉pBerlin P 3033), [7, 2]
- oraec7-189
(〈London Medical Papyrus (BM EA 10059)〉 / London Medical Papyrus (BM EA 10059)), [8.4 (= alt 12.4)]
- oraec50-116
(The Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Pleasures of Fishing)〉), [B4, 6]
- oraec50-117
(The Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Pleasures of Fishing)〉), [B4, 6]
- oraec50-30
(The Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Pleasures of Fishing)〉), [A3, 8]
- oraec64-37
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep (Version L2+L2G) / pBM EA 10509〈 (Ptahhotep, Version L2+L2G)〉), [1,16]
- oraec777-7
(Die Lehre eines Mannes für seinen Sohn / 〈01. 〉Lederrolle BM EA 10258), [1,3]
- oraec67-145
(Tb 017 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [68]
- oraec67-244
(Tb 017 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [111]
- oraec67-247
(Tb 017 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [112]
- oraec1117-21
(Tb 124 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [9]
- oraec1845-13
(Tb 105 / pKairo CG 24095 (pMaiherperi)), [128]
- oraec2992-12
(Tb 105 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [6]
- oraec129-125
(Tb 172 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [38]
- oraec129-125
(Tb 172 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [38]
- oraec129-144
(Tb 172 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [42]
- oraec129-80
(Tb 172 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [23]
- oraec867-37
(Tb 069+070 / pParis Louvre 3092 + Frgm. Montpellier (pNeferubenef)), [80]
- oraec1141-23
(Tb 177 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [8]
- oraec1780-2
(Tb 114 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (2)), [2]
- oraec1780-9
(Tb 114 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (2)), [5]
- oraec114-159
(Tb 017 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [99]
- oraec114-262
(Tb 017 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [147]
- oraec114-265
(Tb 017 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [148]
- oraec26-29
(〈Recto: 〉 Magisch-Medizinischer Text / Papyrus Leiden I 343 + I 345), [rt. 3,8]
- oraec26-90
(〈Recto: 〉 Magisch-Medizinischer Text / Papyrus Leiden I 343 + I 345), [rt. 7,13]
- oraec292-2
(Die Lehre eines Mannes für seinen Sohn / 〈02. 〉oDeM 1665 + oGardiner 1), [x+2]
- oraec449-5
(oStrasbourg H. 115 / oStrasbourg H. 115), [rt. 7]
- oraec586-12
(Die Lehre eines Mannes für seinen Sohn / 〈12. 〉oGardiner 343 + 602 + oIFAO Inv. 2530 (= oDeM 1817)), [x+3]
- oraec791-10
(Die Lehre eines Mannes für seinen Sohn / 〈13. 〉oDeM 1818 = oIFAO Inv. 2719), [rto, x+3]
- oraec1089-9
(Die Lehre eines Mannes für seinen Sohn / 〈14. 〉oIFAO Inv. 2010), [x+3]
- oraec147-28
(Recto 1-4: Liebeslieder, 1. Gruppe: Lied Nr. 1-8 / 〈Liebeslied Nr. 1-19: 〉pHarris 500 = pBM EA 10060), [2,6]
- oraec231-24
(〈Verso: 〉 Medizinischer Text / Papyrus Berlin P. 3038), [22.9 = vso. 1.9]
- oraec231-32
(〈Verso: 〉 Medizinischer Text / Papyrus Berlin P. 3038), [22,12 = vso. 1,12]
- oraec769-12
(Rto 5.5-6.2: Die Schwierigkeiten des Soldatenlebens / pAnastasi III = pBM EA 10246 (Miscellanies)), [5.10]
- oraec1172-12
(Rto. 6,12-7,9: Soldatencharakteristik / pChester Beatty V = pBM EA 10685), [Rto. 7,6]
- oraec51-291
(Recto: Das Zweibrüdermärchen / pD'Orbiney = pBM EA 10183), [16,8]
- oraec51-34
(Recto: Das Zweibrüdermärchen / pD'Orbiney = pBM EA 10183), [3,4]
- oraec51-36
(Recto: Das Zweibrüdermärchen / pD'Orbiney = pBM EA 10183), [3,5]
- oraec9-363
(Satirischer Brief des Hori / pAnastasi I = pBM EA 10247), [19.8]
- oraec414-9
(Rto 9.4-10.1: Die Schwierigkeiten des Soldatenlebens / pAnastasi IV = pBM EA 10249 (Miscellanies)), [9.9]
- oraec353-4
(Text 1: Mythologische Erzählung / pChassinat III〈 = pLouvre E 25353〉), [Rto., x+1,1]
- oraec2590-3
(Brief von Nefer(?) an eine Frau / pBM 10429), [6]
- oraec256-82
(Tb 017〈4〉 / pLondon BM 10793), [9,15]
- oraec2659-19
(Tb 124 / pLondon BM 10793), [27,4]
- oraec44-52
(2. Ritual der Verklärung des Osiris (Buch IV) / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), [20,3]
- oraec161-152
(Tb 017 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [52]
- oraec161-259
(Tb 017 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [88]
- oraec1019-19
(Tb 124 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [5]
- oraec1233-37
(Tb 154 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [10]
- oraec1554-38
(Tb 165 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [14]
- oraec1989-3
(Tb 114 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [1]
- oraec2020-15
(Tb 105 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [5]
- oraec3-781
(4. Buch zur Niederwerfung des Apophis / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [29,10]
- oraec11-4
(1. Gesänge von Isis und Nephthys / Papyrus "Bremner Rhind" (pBM 10188)), [1,4]
- oraec31-52
(Ritual der Verklärung des Osiris (Buch IV) / pBM 10208), [1,30]
- oraec80-12
(Biographie〈 auf Türsturz und Türrahmen〉 / Grabfassade), [12]
- oraec538-10
(Biographischer Text〈 in der Vierpfeilerhalle〉 / Vierpfeilerhalle), [12]
- oraec2997-2
(Textfeld / 1. Hof), [x+3]