ḏr.w (184990)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
Coptic successor: ⲁⲣⲏϫ⸗, ⲧⲣⲉ-, ⲧⲣⲉ-, ⲧⲁⲣ
The lemma ḏr.w, "Ende; Grenze; Bereich" (for more info check AED link: 184990 & SITH Karnak entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec1166-1
(Beischriften (Grabherr, Begleitpersonen) / nördliche Hälfte), [1]
- oraec139-55
(PT 273 + PT 274 / 〈Ostgiebel〉), [520]
- oraec139-55
(PT 273 + PT 274 / 〈Ostgiebel〉), [521]
- oraec1714-12
(PT 224 / 〈Ostwand〉), [299]
- oraec1834-3
(PT 261 / 〈Südwand〉), [461]
- oraec1834-3
(PT 261 / 〈Südwand〉), [461]
- oraec2287-3
(PT 275 / 〈Ostgiebel〉), [528]
- oraec12740-1
(PT 137 / 〈3. Register〉), [131]
- oraec669-21
(Inschrift A / nördlicher Teil), [28]
- oraec226-60
(PT 273 + PT 274 / 〈Ostwand〉), [T/A/E 31 = 329]
- oraec226-60
(PT 273 + PT 274 / 〈Ostwand〉), [T/A/E 32 = 330]
- oraec1612-24
(PT 224 / 〈Ostwand〉), [T/F/E inf 12 = 148]
- oraec1612-8
(PT 224 / 〈Ostwand〉), [T/F/E inf 2 = 138]
- oraec12277-13
(PT 365 / 〈Westwand〉), [T/A/W 37 = 273]
- oraec12277-4
(PT 365 / 〈Westwand〉), [T/A/W 35 = 271]
- oraec164-27
(PT 519 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/C ant/W 43 = 432]
- oraec561-44
(PT 665D / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 67]
- oraec720-17
(PT 667B / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 78]
- oraec720-18
(PT 667B / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 78]
- oraec720-19
(PT 667B / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 79]
- oraec2147-2
(PT 574 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/V/W 53 = 682]
- oraec2156-13
(PT 478 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 35 = 194]
- oraec2156-13
(PT 478 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 35 = 194]
- oraec2230-3
(PT 261 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/A/N 32]
- oraec2230-3
(PT 261 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/A/N 32]
- oraec2776-4
(CT 66 / 〈östl. Fläche〉), [P/F/Se 99]
- oraec3308-8
(PT 224 / 〈3. Register〉), [P/F/Ne III 55]
- oraec3309-2
(PT 1051 / 〈Nordwand〉), [P/A/N 65]
- oraec4398-13
(PT 365 / 〈Giebel〉), [P/F/W sup 25 = 25]
- oraec4398-4
(PT 365 / 〈Giebel〉), [P/F/W sup 23 = 23]
- oraec7828-2
(PT 465 / 〈Westwand〉), [P/A/W 2 = 161]
- oraec12547-2
(PT 137 / 〈2. Register〉), [P/F/Ne II 86]
- oraec584-11
(PT 610 / 〈Südwand〉), [M/V/S 4 = 701]
- oraec584-11
(PT 610 / 〈Südwand〉), [M/V/S 4 = 701]
- oraec279-46
(PT 665D / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 39 = 761]
- oraec637-9
(PT 659 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/F/E inf 14 = 660]
- oraec779-11
(PT 610 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 58 = 1322]
- oraec779-11
(PT 610 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 58 = 1322]
- oraec1274-16
(PT 667B / 〈Ostwand, unteres Register〉), [Nt/F/E inf 65 = 787]
- oraec1418-14
(PT 224 / 〈1. Register〉), [Nt/F/Ne BII 2 = 345]
- oraec1611-14
(PT 224 / 〈5. Register〉), [N/F/Ne V 45 = 545]
- oraec1861-2
(PT 574 / 〈Ostwand〉), [N/V/E 16 = 1308+42]
- oraec2496-16
(PT 478 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/A/W inf 38 = 923]
- oraec2496-16
(PT 478 / 〈Westwand〉), [N/A/W inf 38 = 923]
- oraec6517-2
(PT 137 / 〈3. Register〉), [Nt/F/Ne AIII 30 = 222]
- oraec12578-2
(PT 465 / 〈Südwand〉), [N/A/S fgt 18, 4]
- oraec1029-6
(〈MFA Boston E 38.2121〉 / Naga ed Deir 3737), K4
- oraec17-11
(Sinuhe / pBerlin P 3022 und Fragmente pAmherst m-q (B)), [An.5]
- oraec17-217
(Sinuhe / pBerlin P 3022 und Fragmente pAmherst m-q (B)), [212]
- oraec17-86
(Sinuhe / pBerlin P 3022 und Fragmente pAmherst m-q (B)), [84]
- oraec19-188
(Der beredte Bauer (Version B1) / pBerlin P 3023 + pAmherst I〈 (Bauer, B1)〉), [170/alt 139]
- oraec36-35
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep / pPrisse = pBN 186-194〈 (Ptahhotep, Version P)〉), [5,9]
- oraec39-156
(Recto: Der beredte Bauer (Version R) / pRamesseum A = pBerlin P 10499〈 (Bauer, R)〉), [26,8/alt 189]
- oraec82-34
(〈Stele des Montuhotep (Kairo CG 20539)〉 / Stele des Montuhotep (Kairo CG 20539)), [II.b.8]
- oraec95-111
(〈Inschrift Sesostris' I. im Month-Tempel von Et-Tod〉 / Inschrift Sesostris' I. im Month-Tempel von Et-Tod), [col. 61]
- oraec352-4
(〈Stele des Hor (Kairo JE 71901)〉 / Stele des Hor (Kairo JE 71901)), [2]
- oraec695-6
(Biographie des Amenemhat / Grab des Amenemhat (Beni Hasan 2)), [9]
- oraec2853-8
(〈Stele des Antef, Sohn der Senet (BM EA 562)〉 / Stele des Antef, Sohn der Senet (BM EA 562)), [x+5]
- oraec91-19
(〈Verso: 〉Sinuhe / pBerlin P 10499 aus Theben-West (R)), [16]
- oraec91-93
(〈Verso: 〉Sinuhe / pBerlin P 10499 aus Theben-West (R)), [113]
- oraec69-24
(99,1-102,16 = Eb 854-855: „Geheimwissen des Arztes“ (das Gefäßbuch) / Papyrus Ebers), [99,22]
- oraec89-39
(91,2-93,5 = Eb 764-782: Heilmittel gegen Ohrenprobleme, $nssq$-Haarausfall und anderes / Papyrus Ebers), [91,21]
- oraec50-80
(The Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling / pMoskau o.Nr.〈 (Pleasures of Fishing)〉), [B2, 16]
- oraec64-34
(Die Lehre des Ptahhotep (Version L2+L2G) / pBM EA 10509〈 (Ptahhotep, Version L2+L2G)〉), [1,15]
- oraec235-36
(Die Lehre des Amenemhet / pMillingen), [2, 10]
- oraec235-37
(Die Lehre des Amenemhet / pMillingen), [2, 11]
- oraec130-32
(Tb 064 Lf / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [15]
- oraec249-54
(Tb 078 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [21]
- oraec249-57
(Tb 078 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [22]
- oraec249-62
(Tb 078 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [24]
- oraec390-67
(Tb 180 / pParis Louvre 3073), [29]
- oraec541-33
(Tb 130 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [14]
- oraec1367-16
(Tb 131 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [5]
- oraec2412-13
(Tb 062 / pHannover KM 1970.37 (pBrocklehurst)), [129]
- oraec2468-28
(Tb 085 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [11]
- oraec2906-7
(Tb 089 / pKairo CG 24095 (pMaiherperi)), [201]
- oraec7645-4
(Tb 055 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2]
- oraec7645-4
(Tb 055 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2]
- oraec7645-4
(Tb 055 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [3]
- oraec3659-10
(Tb 062 / pLondon BM 9900 (pNebseni) (1)), [7]
- oraec220-126
(Tb 149 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [913]
- oraec224-31
(Tb 064 LF / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [490]
- oraec1997-24
(Tb 085 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [222]
- oraec12983-4
(Tb 087 / pKairo CG 51189 (pJuja)), [258]
- oraec70-36
(Stelentext / Stele Kairo CG 34183), [18]
- oraec523-3
(〈Fragmente aus dem Month-Tempel〉 / Fragmente aus dem Month-Tempel), [x+4]
- oraec523-4
(〈Fragmente aus dem Month-Tempel〉 / Fragmente aus dem Month-Tempel), [x+6]
- oraec21-238
(Admonitions = Ipuwer / pLeiden I 344 Recto), [7, 4]
- oraec21-489
(Admonitions = Ipuwer / pLeiden I 344 Recto), [15, 3]
- oraec34-18
(Sinuhe / oAshmolean Museum 1945.40 aus Deir el Medineh (AOS)), [7]
- oraec34-92
(Sinuhe / oAshmolean Museum 1945.40 aus Deir el Medineh (AOS)), [38]
- oraec37-114
(Recto: Hymnen auf Amun-Re ("Monotheistic Hymns") / pChester Beatty IV = pBM EA 10684), [7,8]
- oraec84-19
(Vso 7.3-10.15: Brief mit Abgabenliste (?) / pChester Beatty IV = pBM EA 10684), [Vso 8,7]
- oraec111-15
(Sinuhe / pMoskau 4657 (Golenischeff) (G)), [1.9]
- oraec238-27
(〈vso. 13,2-15,10: 〉 Magischer Text / Papyrus Chester Beatty 8 (BM EA 10688)), [vs. 15,2]
- oraec58-163
(〈Das Buch von der 〉Himmelskuh〈 (oder: Die Vernichtung des Menschengeschlechts)〉 / KV 17: Grab Sethos' I.〈, vordere rechte Seitenkammer der Sargkammer〉), [51]
- oraec113-94
(Textfeld / Fassade), [33]
- oraec564-26
(Textfeld / 1. Pylon, Alabaster-Stele Ramses II.), [15]
- oraec1553-19
(Die Lehre des Cheti / 〈17. 〉oTurin CGT 57082), [rto, 10]
- oraec3698-5
(Bildfeld der Stele / Beth-Shan Stele Ramses II. (Jahr 18)), [5]
- oraec73-102
(〈Kol. 1-7: 〉Die Lehre des Cheti / 〈11. 〉pAnastasi VII = pBM EA 10222), [x+6, 6]
- oraec98-150
(〈Kol. 3-11: 〉Die Lehre des Cheti / 〈01. 〉pSallier II = pBM EA 10182), [10, 6]
- oraec198-41
(〈Kol. 1-3: 〉Die Lehre des Amenemhet / pSallier II = pBM EA 10182), [2, 7]
- oraec198-42
(〈Kol. 1-3: 〉Die Lehre des Amenemhet / pSallier II = pBM EA 10182), [2, 7]
- oraec355-37
(〈Kol. 7-12: 〉Der große Nilhymnus / pAnastasi VII = pBM EA 10222), [10, 2]
- oraec431-37
(〈Kol. 11-14: 〉Der große Nilhymnus / pSallier II = pBM EA 10182), [13, 5]
- oraec322-18
(〈Recto 〉Sinuhe / oKairo CG 25216 aus dem Grab des Sennedjem TT 1 (C)), [3]
- oraec3318-5
(Brief an Nechu-em-Mut / oBerlin 10627), [8]
- oraec3004-15
(Tb 131 / pLondon BM 10793), [21,11]
- oraec7644-3
(Tb 055 / pLondon BM 10793), [19,11]
- oraec7644-3
(Tb 055 / pLondon BM 10793), [19,11]
- oraec7644-3
(Tb 055 / pLondon BM 10793), [19,11]
- oraec1-283
(Textfeld / Siegesstele des Piye), [Rs 91]
- oraec94-9
(Unteres Textfeld / 〈Stele Kairo JE 36861 des Taharqa〉), [9]
- oraec356-11
(T 15: Tb 62 / 〈unteres Register〉), [6]
- oraec2-53
(Mythologisches Handbuch für Unterägyptische Gaue / pBrooklyn 47.218.84 ("Mythes et Légendes du Delta")), [x+4,3]
- oraec5-465
(1. Großes Dekret, das betreffs des Gaues von Igeret erlassen wird / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), 16,14
- oraec5-469
(1. Großes Dekret, das betreffs des Gaues von Igeret erlassen wird / Papyrus des Imhotep Sohn des Pschentohe (pNew York MMA 35.9.21)), 16,16
- oraec186-32
(Tb 064 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [10]
- oraec265-12
(Tb 163 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [7]
- oraec409-52
(Tb 078 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [15]
- oraec409-55
(Tb 078 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [16]
- oraec409-60
(Tb 078 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [17]
- oraec435-28
(Tb 145〈2〉 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [38]
- oraec456-46
(Tb 146〈1〉 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [15. Tor]
- oraec633-4
(Tb 162 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [2]
- oraec1169-29
(Tb 085 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [7]
- oraec1835-12
(Tb 131 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 114-165), [4]
- oraec5115-13
(Tb 062 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [3]
- oraec8-43
(1. Ritual(handlungen) des 'Großen Sitzes', die während der Feste der Erde vollzogen werden / pBrooklyn 47.218.50 ("Confirmation du pouvoir royal au nouvel an")), [1,18]
- oraec42-6
(Unteres Textfeld / Unteres Textfeld), [12]
- oraec156-100
(Textfeld / 9.Pylon), [39]
- oraec156-62
(Textfeld / 9.Pylon), [26]
- oraec530-39
(Textfeld / Äußerer Hof), [x+12]